Author Topic: Neetpia releases Age of Ethanols - Trial version and will release full at C80!  (Read 14756 times)


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Age of Ethanols C80

Source: Neetpia

Remember the old article about Age of Ethanols in 2009? Later on it was revised in 2010. Well, Age of Ethanols is becoming a reality and a even more beautiful one. Just compare for yourself the difference. Everything is different, music, sfx, sprites, teams. Especially the music is pretty enjoyable in my opinion. HUGE difference compared to the 2009 version.

It even has a network function, to play vs other human players. Can it get better than this? Yes it can!

You can download the free trial from their own website at ! The full version will be released at C80. The trial only contains 3 civilizations: Hakurei Shrine, Scarlet Mansion and Netherworld Palace. But the full version will add many many more teams.

Final word

One of the authors, who I am in touch with mostly, has asked me to play test the trial version. If people wish to help out with testing, feel free to report bugs or errors you find in this thread so they can read back for themselves.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 01:04:44 PM by Helepolis »


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
hmm as far I remember.. the campaign had like 4 missions and there was vs. CPU modo..

Above that I liked how the game translated the "Era/stages" which your civilization evolves into... :P

But on the other hand.. the state it was before.. really makes you think that it isn't a very well developed game (Or at least was) Due how little units there actually is (And that each race are not that different....)


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
Haha oh man Yukari can build gaps that work just like GLA tunnels

I am gonna have fun with this

communist unity (comm-unity)

  • Boss of the Gym
  • 100% salt
Haha oh man Yukari can build gaps that work just like GLA tunnels

I am gonna have fun with this


the GLA POSTAL SERVICE will ride again


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
Haha so harassing with your starting girl doesn't work at all, they're incredibly weak until you get them to Normal. Even workers can beat them up on Easy!

It seems each faction is identical, except that leveling up your heroes sometimes also provides unique technologies to your army. For instance, leveling up Reimu increases the strength of your walls, and leveling up Suika allows you to produce Mini-Suikas from your breweries. At the moment, I would describe Hakurei as the defensive faction, SDM as offensive (holy shit flandre), and Netherworld has neat mobility features (Youmu is the fastest starting girl, Yukari can make gaps)

Lots of things are streamlined compared to AoE2, most importantly that you don't need to have dropoff points for resources. Your workers can gather stuff anywhere on the map, which I think is really cool. Walls are also way more useful because since they're just magical barriers, your own units can just walk right over them! However, turtling doesn't work, because you need to kill units to get points, which you need to start researching things past Normal.

I also really like a lot of the UI features in this game, like the little counters that tell you how many of each worker are doing each thing, it's much less demanding in terms of macro.

Here's something that isn't really a bug but seems like it would be a convenient change. It seems if a building is obstructed on all sides, it cannot finish building a unit, as pictured.

However, since units can walk over spell circles no problem, it would be nice if they would simply spawn inside it if there's no room on the inside.

Also, it would be nice if they used the resource icons in the tooltips for units that show how much they cost, rather than text, it would help non-japanese speakers pick up the game faster.

One more thing, workers in breweries should probably count towards the number of workers gathering booze in the bottom left tab.

As it stands, once we know what the abilities do, I don't think the game needs to be translated, it's very easy to pick up.

Also the pathfinding is pretty questionable, but actually it seems to affect your workers more than your combat units (who can move through each other, so it's not a big deal) since they'll shuffle back and forth futilely trying to find a spot on the booze pile or shrine to start working. Units also tend to get trapped in crescent-shaped forests easily.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 10:33:06 PM by Stuffman »


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Ye the path finding is indeed something that is still dodgy.

About the building not being able to finish a unit if surrounded -> good find! I could swear in regular Age of Empires the unit would still spawn and able to walk along the building side.

Have you been able to beat the AI stuffman? Because man, even on easy mode I have hard time killing them. They rebuild so fast that it is kind of hopeless to fight.


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
I'm messing around in practice mode to find out what everything does first.

Basic overview:
Red fairies are melee, I think the passive upgrade from the library gives them evasion.
Blue fairies have the longest range. They are the slowest though.
Green fairies are shorter range, but they get spread attacks. They cost faith though which is the hardest resource to mass IMO.

I think the fairies have a weapon triangle, I think it goes red>blue>green>red.

At Hard mode you can also build spellbook units from spell circles.
Red books are like battering rams, they are melee and they kill buildings hella fast. Useless against units though.
Green books are like ballista, they shoot a piercing projectile that does tons of splash damage to units.
Blue books are all-purpose siege units, they do AOE damage to both buildings and units. Their projectile is rather slow though.

There's also some sort of ultimate black book you can build from the town hall, but you have to spend a few minutes just researching it in Lunatic...I can't tell what it does, though! It looks like it has some kind of huge aura.

Also of note is that armor in this game seems to be a ratio rather than a flat number. So if something has 0.5 piercing armor, that means it takes half damage from piercing attacks.

SDM Hero abilities:
Sakuya has Private Square, which gives her infinite move speed for a while. Note that this combined with the pathfinding causes her to spaz out when you try to move her somewhere she can't easily find a way in, such as through enemy walls. This looks very glitchy and should be looked at.
Remilia has Gungnir, it does damage in a line.
Flandre has Laevatein, which causes her to do huge damage in an arc in front of her.

Still messing around with other factions.

Each of these is on a cooldown, but you can expend resources to use the ability even if it's on cooldown!


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
we're going to play this in lieu of aoe2 hele

this is what we are going to play

Seconding this. We are doing this Helepolis.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

I keep misreading this as "Nepeta." On that note:

Seconding this. We are doing this Helepolis.
You are making this hapen? :3


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
How about a game tomorrow then, a 2v2 or something. Hime , Acidus, Stuffman Helepolis ??

I'll be on IRC for it tomorrow (after my morning RLstuff)


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Man, I can't wait for this one. I feel like playing a round of AoE2, just to prepare for it!

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • resident walker
I hope there are bombard tower equivalents. Those were the best.
And Onagers.

I'm quite sure that was the bulk of my 'fun' strategy.

Youkai of Tea

  • Faith and Tea.
  • And TeaFairies.
Very happy that this is pretty much complete. I've been following this for quite a while now. Time to try the new trial.


  • I get it
    • anifanatikku
When you say add more teams how many do you mean? Is it as though the full version will add the Moriyas or should I be expecting everything short of a Rika/Orange/Sara team?
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
...and just as I was getting ready to make an AoE2 mod to replace the civs with Touhou stuff!
But modding AoM makes much more sense (spellcards as god powers, anyone?).

Definitely looking into this as an AoE2 fan.

I hope there are bombard tower equivalents. Those were the best.
And Onagers.
Don't forget the War Elephant rushes the Persian-using bastard uses - oh wait, giant Suikas could fit those!
And the worst one...the MONKS. An entire army of Monks and Teutonic Knights coming in to ravage your town...terrible memories.

We should arrange a larger MP match. I'm also brushing up on AoE2 for this.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Hmm I got a problem here. I want to play with friends (3 of them) we got all Hamachi and yay somehow I can only play with 2 out of my 3 friends through hamachi to play. The port is right and the Hamachi ID too. But still he can not connect even with the firewall is down. Can someone give me some advise to this problem? On the side note one of my friend got win 7.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
There is a thread for this in Help Me Eirin, and a question like this would probably go in Tech Support anyway.  Please don't bump old threads.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson