Author Topic: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.  (Read 50337 times)


Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #840 on: December 31, 2010, 09:08:25 AM »
I fail to see how Joan and Maria need more training, Chaser. I don't mind the idea of sending Ruby to "acquire" research material, but we need to figure out who will handle the New Year's Party.

Also, I'm surprised no one's commented on the build project.

It was for lack of a better idea

However, Maria prevents wounds, and fighting crime increases the risk of getting wounded
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #841 on: December 31, 2010, 10:36:07 PM »
So, with more suggestions...

Build: A Really Sweet Treehouse

Research: 1/2 Patchouli's Research 1/2 Win Game

Magic: Empower one gem, Transmute Gems to Iron x 5, Transmute Gems to Wood x 10

Specific Instructions

1 & 2. Fight Crime (Makai's been too long without her saviors!)

3. Elespeth supports the Dynamic Duo

4, 5, 6. Elle, Cassia, and Hibachi go over the estates financial records and investment portfolios, just to make sure that everything is in order and we don't have any surprises come back to bite us in the ass.

7. Ruby searches for research material.

8 & 9. Two devils (suggestions?) organize a New Year's Party.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #842 on: January 01, 2011, 04:01:47 PM »
8 & 9. Two devils (suggestions?) organize a New Year's Party.
How about...  We let Alouette and Maya do this?

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #843 on: January 17, 2011, 10:38:22 PM »
Okay, I've been a bad bad game runner.  For a variety of reasons, such as school, other projects, and because I'm quite frankly burnt out.  I kinda expected you to win by now.

And to a great degree you have.  There's not much that can mess with you no buildings to build other then the game winning one, and despite your insistence that you go about it the worst way possible you're going to eventually get the game winning spell as well.

So for the sake of my sanity and the game itself, I'm going to fast forward a bit.  I'll finish up this week, and have one more round of suggestions (One per person please, don't worry, there's no limit on how many, though there will be a limit on focus), before sending up a proper finale.

Week 44 Results

Build Phase

Yuki: "Hm...  Looks pretty plain from here.  Though I am impressed you got an apple tree to be that size Heather."

Heather: "Thanks!"

Apophis: "The outside is plain, but lemee show you the inside."

Mai: "!!!"

Eskarina: "Yep, the inside has a full set of telescopes, games, a fully stocked mini bar, and it's hooked into the tower defense system so you can zap people from the comfort of your own tree fort!"

Sakaki: "Getting the wiring in was a pain, but Ruby found a magic source small enough to power the place without eating up too much of the tree space."

Yuki: "....  Good work everyone.  Now add the tire swing and call it done!"



Quote from: Fluff
Yuki looked over the three devils.  "Are you certain?"

Cassia nodded.  "Dead certain.  Someone's been siphoning money out of Hibachi's buisness work.  I mean above and beyond Hibachi's own stashing."

The merchant devil winced at that.  "I just like having a buffer for a rainy day.  Anyway it's definitely not one of us.  Alouette's the only one that obsessed with saving, and she wouldn't do it on principle."

"I checked over the records of our suppliers and customers," Elle continued, putting down a stack of papers.  "None of them seem to be showing an increase in funds.  It must be someone stealing from us."

Yuki tapped a letter opener against her desk.  "I see.  Well keep looking into it.  If you find anything let me know."

"Yes Mistress!"

Yuki sat there for a little while after the three left.  Then she sighed and walked over to the grandfather clock.  "Alright, let's handle this personally."


Yuki and Mai looked over Elspeth's shoulder as she rapidly typed everything into the supercomputer.  "Will this actually work?  I thought we needed more data." Mai said.

"We'd need more data to find the culprits directly, but we have enough to get an estimate as to where the money is being stolen from," Elspeth tapped in some more data.  "With that we should be able to get a good place for you to stake out."

"Then the Black Cat and White Fox can strike," Yuki said.

"Righto old chum!" Mai said with cheer.  Yuki realized what she'd just said and shook her head.

Further recriminations were cut short by a *ding* from the machine.  Elspeth looked up.  "Huh, that's odd... You're losing money from everywhere?  That must mean...."

"It's a spell," Yuki said.  "Alright, it's time to find Ruby.  She's got a new mission."


Ruby waved at the two magicians.  *Ah, please don't speak out loud.  We don't want to set off the adventurer's alarms.  I've put a telepathy spell up for you.*

Yuki nodded in reply.  It constantly surprised her how powerful Ruby had become.

*Good work citizen,* Mai replied mentally.  *We need your help to help track down some people magically stealing from a variety of businesses.*

Ruby's eyes widened at that.  *Stealing from several different places at once?  Well well, now.  You should see this.*

The three moved to look around the rocks.  Yuki had to pull up a far vision spell, but what she saw made her bite down on a curse.

There, surrounded by a pentagram with money bags at the corners, were those two damn adventurers.

Yuki swore.  They couldn't beat those two, even with surprise.  Too many cheating contingencies.

But with the new defenses, just maybe....

*White Fox, I think we can get rid of these criminals for good.  But the startup will be dangerous.*

*Danger is our middle name!*

*Alright.  On three.  One, Two, Three!*

Yuki popped up and tossed her most powerful flame spell at the two.  It didn't reach them, but it took their sheilds down.  Which menat Mai's spell left them in a broken bloody mess.

Before the two could ressurect, Ruby had scratched up the pentagram and grabbed the bags and a few books.  Then they fled.

"Won't they come after the books?" Mai yelled over the air currents as they fled.

"I'm counting on that," Yuki replied.


Yuki and Mai were back in civilian clothes and out into the hallways just seconds before the first shot hit the barrier.  Alouette was there to meet them within seconds.  "Mistress Yuki, Mistress Mai, those two have returned.  Joan's manning the towers but...."

"I've got it under control," Yuki said, with more confidence then she actually felt.  "Are the New Year's preperations set up?"

Alouette blinked.  "Of course, Mistress."

"Good.  And did you buy Kirisame brand fireworks?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Excellent.  Continue the plans as normal.  I'll be working from the tree house."


Yuki sipped a weak cocktail that "Shotglass" had put together as she watched the clock.

At first the house had actually been in danger.  Joan was doing a fairly good job of blasting the two adventurers and their summons, but with the power drain on the shields, the barrier was close to failing.

Yuki had been more laid back.  She shot the two when they relaxed, or when they were getting close to finding a weak point, but she didn't try for a victory.

The adventurers had 'taken advantage' of the weakening defenses, pressing harder and burning through more and more spells.  And all the while losing track of the time.

The devils had started out worried about Yuki's strange plan, but now they were mostly going about their business.  Though they were still wary.

That was going to change though, Yuki thought as she looked at the clock.  "Alouette!  I want everyone at the treehouse in five minutes!"

Five minutes later Yuki pointed at the clock while the devils looked on.  "Alright everyone, it's a minute 'til!  Everyone grab a champagne glass!"

Joan looked at her in confusion.  "But we're under attack!"

Yuki smiled.  "Joan, non permanent spells above a certain level expire with the new year in Makai."

Everyone looked at her in shock as she and Mai began counting down.  "10, 9, 8..."

Then the devils joined in with gusto.  "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

"Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted as the barrier flickered off, just long enough for a pair of surprised (and defenseless) adventurers to get hit by a wave of fireworks that doubled as artillery shells.

Yuki smiled as that particular problem vanished for good.

The rest of the evening was spent toasting, avoiding new years kisses and burning through incredibly expensive champagne so she could enjoy a headache in the morning when they went to the shrine to get fortunes.

In short, it was all perfect.
Event:A new year has come, two adventurers have gone, and the time for victory will soon be at hand.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #844 on: January 17, 2011, 10:48:10 PM »
>Shove Chronus in a bottle, make him sign a terrible contract to gain his freedoms >=|
>Did we finish up Patchy's work?
Yep.  In the most inefficient time consuming manner possible, but it got done.
>Shinki needs a present.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 10:55:17 PM by IcedFairy »


Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #845 on: January 17, 2011, 11:11:17 PM »
>Prepare a party the likes of which would never be forgotten. All who were there will be holding up their heads with the sheer pride of having been there, while those who did not attend are left in shame.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #846 on: January 17, 2011, 11:21:39 PM »
Kirisame-Brand Fireworks.  That is genius.

> Do something nice for all of the devils as thanks for all of their help with the mansion.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #847 on: January 18, 2011, 01:27:37 PM »
> If the Win Game spell's complete, let's go ahead and cast that and build the clocktower, then.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #848 on: January 21, 2011, 03:21:27 AM »
> Along with the building of the Clock Tower and casting of the Win Game spell, we should give Shinki a present/offering. A show of kindness, a New Years present, whatever the reason, Shinki deserves a gift from the manor. Even if it's a simple card with some kind things written :) She may be a Goddess, but I say we give her a presie ^-^

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #849 on: January 21, 2011, 04:22:34 AM »
Also it probably counts as a protection payment.

Send Ruby through the gate to steal a deathglider.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #850 on: January 30, 2011, 03:01:35 AM »
Yuki let out a whoop and pumped her fist in the air as the now useless scaffolding fell away from the clock tower.  "Alright!  We have the most awesome mansion in Makai!"

Mai shook her head, "Second most."

Yuki shrugged.  "Pandemonium isn't a mansion, it's a castle.  And besides showing up Shinki would be stupid.  In fact we should probably send them an invite to the party along with a gift, just to show we're still proper vassals."

Mai nodded, then the two turned their full attention to the three devils that ran up to them from the construction area.

Apophis, Sakaki and Kirala stood in front of the two magicians, beaming.  "So you like it?"

"I love it!"  Yuki said.  She lifted her voice to call out to the rest of the devils.  "Everyone gets the week off!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, except for Alouette who simply nodded.  Yuki made a mental note to get one of the other devils to help the maid loosen up a bit.  She was getting too wrapped up in her work.

Still that had kept the amount of paperwork down.  Yuki was able to spend almost all her time researching at this point.

"Speaking of research..." Yuki turned towards their Stargate.  "We've got something else to do."


Hello.  This is Mai.  I've commandeered this keyboard so Yuki doesn't break it over the writers face.  I'll have to thank Eskarina for teaching me how to use this strange device.

While I'm here I should like to correct several slanderous portrayals of myself and Yuki that have seeped into this 'game.'

Firstly Yuki has frequently been represented as the only sane woman surrounded by madmen.  A square that needs to relax.  This is pure nonsense.  Just last week she developed a way to drop pies from orbit on those that annoyed her enough to warrent revenge, but not enough to be set on fire.  In addition she's far more hot-headed then the writings would have you belive.  I speak from experience here.  She didn't learn about alcohol via moderation and restraint!

One moment please.  I need to get in my own complaints.  Some electrical wires will do....

Where was I?  Ah yes.

As for myself, I can assure you that my disagreements with poor maligned Eskarina have been blown out of proportion as well.  She's a very nice girl, and we've spent some time together discussing how the scientific method can assist in my research.

I believe Yuki's gotten to the folding chair, so I'll be relinquishing the keyboard again.  After all there's supposed to be a party.  Which is why the writer may live.


Yuki had halfheartedly tried to keep the devils from helping to set up the party, but, well, they loved their work.  So she simply made sure that if they wanted to goof off there would be workers there to fill the gaps.

And thus the grand day arrived.

It had started with a massive pancake breakfast.  One that turned into a food fight at the end, when Heather and Chou started arguing over who was the most overlooked devil.  In the end Elminia stood victorious, as her device allowed her to access far more whipped cream then had originally been present.

After that baths were in order (along with wardrobe changes).  Then Ruby unveiled a strange game she'd stolen from some alternate dimension.  Or perhaps a series of games would be a better explanation.  Yuki didn't really understand the 'controller' but it was amusing watching everyone fail in various ways.  And more amusing watching Alouette and Elspeth beat Ruby and Eskarina at their own games.

And now that it was approaching noon they'd split up into groups, though most of them were by the pool.  Ferra'd set up a massive water slide from the treehouse that several devils were enjoying.  Right this moment, Yuki was enjoying a drink on a lawn chair while she took a break from swimming.  She figured the pool was going to end up as chocolate sauce at some point during the night, and she wanted to have gotten all the swimming out of her system first.

Yuki took a sip from her drink and watched as Glenda and Maya battled Marie and Helepolis at beach volleyball.  Maya was trying to power through Helepolis' defense, but Marie made the save setting up another long voley.

"Oh, that looks like fun."

Yuki leaped to her feet, barely keeping hold on her drink.  Standing behind her was the goddess of Makai and her maid Yumeko.

In swimsuits.

There was a long silence as all the devils stared at their creator in awe.  Finally a splash broke the stillness as Elle finished heading down the slide.

"Ah, don't mind us," Shiki said, "We're just here for the party.  Keep having fun."

There was a little more hesitation, but Yumeko's sigh at her mistresses lack of concern for protocol sealed the deal.  The devils went back to their games, though a lot of eyes were still on the ruler of Makai.

Yuki however decided it was a good time to play hostess.  "Do you need anything Lady Shinki?"

"On no.  I'm fine," Shinki replied.  "I'll just put on some sunscreen then jump in the pool, if that's okay."

"That's fine!  Just fine," Yuki replied.  The magician felt a tap on her shoulder and looked back to find Mai with a small package.  "Ah, right!  Since you're here allow us to present you with this gift!"

Shinki took the package curiously.  "Can I open it?"

"Of course!" Yuki said, as Mai nodded behind her.

The goddess carefully opened the package without tearing any of the paper, to reveal the small mechanical device inside.  "What is it?"

"A sonic screwdriver," Yuki answered proudly.  "Ruby got it off some doctor."

"What does it do?" Shinki asked.

Mai shrugged.  "Anything."

The woman's smile grew wider.  "Impressive.  Yumeko?"  The maid collected the item with a small bow, then phased it to her alternate reality.  "Well then, thank you again for inviting me.  I think I'll visit the pool."

Yuki smiled as well, though she was still a little worried.  It was hard not to be when the undisputed ruler of the dimension was here.

She stiffened again as Yumeko moved closer while frowning.  The maid gave the two magicians a look, then sighed and bowed.  "Our apologies for bringing excess formality.  Lady Shiki will leave after the dinner so you can properly cut loose."  As Yumeko turned away she added, "While I dislike how much status you've gained, you seem loyal.  So don't worry."

Yuki sighed in relief as Yumeko turned her full attention back the Shinki.  "Well that went well."

"Indeed," Mai replied.  The ice magician started heading towards the pool.

Yuki looked over to find Shinki starting to orginize a waterpolo game.  She wondered how long it would take before on of the succubi stopped being starstruck and tried to 'accidentally' remove a swimsuit.

She began heading that way herself.  It wouldn't be too bad, as long as they didn't target Yumeko.


The dinner was an great feast, even if Chou wasn't cooking it.  Yuki took her time and sampled each course while sipping an appropriate wine.  She was laying off the heavy drinking until later, when she and "Shotglass" could hit the bar and go all out.

There'd been a few hiccups here and there.  She'd had to get Joan to physically restrain Alouette from trying to serve Shinki at dinner for example.  But all in all things were going smoothly.

Unfortunately she was supposed to give a speech soon.

That was going to be a disaster.

Fortunately Mai was going to speak first.  Yuki had time to figure out what to say.

There was a chiming of silverware as Mai took the stage.  The winged magician smiled.  "You all did good."  She then gave a thumbs up and whistled.  The crowd exploded into applause.

Yuki sighed.  She really should have known better then to hope Mai'd written a speech.

Yuki took a deep breath and headed up to the stage.  She paused looking over the devils, trying to think exactly what to say.

"Take it off!" Cassia yelled, leading to severral wolf whistles.  Yuki sighed and smiled.

"When Mai suggested this plan, I thought she was crazy.  Now, after having spent so much time with you all, I know she is."

Yuki felt a little more confident as the devils laughed.

"There were some issues when we first got together.  That ghost for example.  But we persevered.  And you always did everything you could to help all of us.  Even before we got you all the names you've earned a dozen times over."

"Admittedly sometimes you tried to help me a little too much," Yuki sighed at the laughs and cheers at that statement.  "But you always considered my feelings and left well enough alone.  Even if you pretended not to."

"We've accomplished a lot together, and I'm proud to consider you part all part of my life."  She looked around the faces of her strange family.  "And I love you all.  Platonically."

There was a disappointed sigh from certain members of the audience at that.

"I'm sure you've all by now heard how I met up with Mai.  And how we became inseparable.  And while my first meeting with you all wasn't quite as... exciting, I find that I feel similarly about you all."  Yuki cleared her throat.  "I guess what I'm saying is that I'm looking forward to many, many years together.  And, I hope you all feel the same."

Yuki still felt a little self conscious, but the applause of the devils as she finished her speech made her smile.

"Ah, if I could speak?"

Yuki jumped in surprise as Shinki stood up.  After a few more moments of confusion she simply nodded her approval.  "Thank you," the goddess of Makai replied.  The woman then motioned for Mai to get up on the stage as well.

Yuki looked at Mai who shook her head.  Apparently neither of them had a clue what was going on.

Mai hurried up to Yuki's side, as Shinki slowly made her way to the front.  She first adressed the crowd.  "I'm so very glad to see some of my children make something of themselves in the world.  I want you to all know I'm very proud of you."

She turned to Mai and Yuki then.  "And I'm very grateful to you two for helping them to find that purpose."

Her face grew more serious.  "In the process you've carved out a small realm for yourself.  One that is as prosperous as many of my cities, and more powerful then almost all of them.  Your actions have changed the face of Makai, and you've all become one of the biggest players in my realm."  Yuki gulped at that pronouncement.

"Which is why, in honor of your efforts, I'm declaring you two magicians to be the baronesses of this compound.  To hold these lands in my name until such time as you wish to retire from the position in favor of a suitable heir," Shinki finished.

Yuki's jaw dropped.

"Do you accept this charge?" Shinki asked.

Yuki looked at Mai who stared back at her wide eyed.  The two turned back to Shinki as one.  "Yes!"

Shinki raised her hand and tapped them both on the forehead.  "Then I grant you title in service to the realm of Makai.  May you govern wisely."


The rest of the dinner was a little fuzzy to Yuki.  She remembered being lifted up onto the shoulders of the devils, and Shinki once again congratulating her before leaving, but the rest was all a blur.

Though that might be because of the alcohol.

"You want another Mistress?" 'Shotglass' asked holding up one of her new concoctions.

"Maybe later," Yuki said, showing that her glass was still half full.  The bartending devil nodded.

Yuki sighed happily as she leaned back in the couch that had meandered out into the yard.  Yuki'd guessed wrong.  The pool had become strawberry syrup instead of chocolate sauce, and about half the devils were playing in it while the other half were either fiddling with games connected to their specialties or elsewhere. 

She heard Mai stir on the opposite couch and she turned towards her lifelong friend.  "Hey Mai, I'm curious.  Why don't the devils try to seduce you?" Yuki asked.

Mai blinked, then smiled.  "Because I seduced them first."

Yuki glanced at the glass to make sure nothing strange was in it, then turned back to her friend.  "You're joking right?"


Yuki sighed.  "You're insane Mai."

"We're nobility.  That means we're eccentric," Mai corrected.

Yuki paused, then nodded.  "I guess you're right, baroness."

"Indeed baroness."

The two touched their glasses together and went back to the serious job of relaxing with their new family.


And thus this mission comes to a close.  I apologize for the time delays here at the end, but I hope everyone had a grand time bringing this motley crew to the heights of glory.  I bid you adieu, and with great regret, go to set my ribs.  Yuki's got a mean folding chair.

Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #851 on: January 30, 2011, 03:12:28 AM »
::slow clap::

Great game. Fun as hell to play, and I'm stealing the idea for my D&D game.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #852 on: January 30, 2011, 03:29:45 AM »
Excellent ending!

You know~

If you want to do another one of these I'm sure we'd be just fine with that. :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #853 on: January 30, 2011, 03:40:53 AM »
Yeah, I may or may not steal this for Z-Machine stuffs if someone ever ends up in Pandemonium.

So when are we getting to Succubus Manor 2: Knocking Chronus Down A Few Pegs?


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #854 on: January 30, 2011, 03:52:12 AM »
I truly enjoyed this, to the end. Fantastic Ending :D Not much to say beyond that.

Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #855 on: January 30, 2011, 05:00:04 AM »
So when are we getting to Succubus Manor 2: Knocking Chronus Down A Few Pegs?

I'd be up for this.


Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #856 on: January 30, 2011, 07:29:43 AM »
This was a most entertaining game
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #857 on: January 30, 2011, 02:28:36 PM »

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #858 on: January 31, 2011, 12:31:22 AM »
Heh.  I'm really glad to see everyone had fun with this.  It was a spur of the moment thing when it started, but in general I like how it turned out as well.  As you may have guessed some of Mai's comments were a self critique.  I'd like to thank you all for (most) of your crazy ideas and setups that helped spur things along.

As for a sequal?  Well I'd have even less of a clue there then did at the start of this mess.  And as I said before, the constant updates burned me out after a while.  I think that for qualities sake if nothing else I should take a long break and wait for insanity to strike again before wandering down this path.

I'm happy to hear that people will be stealing ideas.  It's always nice to hear ones work will be propagated down.  And I wish you all luck.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Succubus Manor - A sim magician game.
« Reply #859 on: January 31, 2011, 12:42:05 AM »
You have the seed for the next one:

Succubus Manor 2: Knocking Chronus Down A Few Pegs?

So, what system stuffs are you willing to expose to us now that it's all over?