Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240229 times)

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #960 on: April 02, 2016, 12:28:51 AM »
You made me get a desire to try Disgaea 3 again, if i remember correctly it's should be like Final Fantasy Tactics or something like that.
It's FFT with crazy high number inflation, and an equally silly storyline. You can get the games for PS3/4, PSP or Vita, and Disgaea 1 is available on Steam.

>What do we think of Nue and the buddhists ? And how about Koishi ?
> Nue's fine, you're pretty sure she's just a friend of the Buddhists and not an actual member herself, but you're wary of the Buddhist group, especially Miss Hijiri. You feel you can't trust someone who prefers to use magic to solve their problems over pure prayer.

>Type:"Well that's an unorthodox name to say the least, but i will try it later ? Any other people playing i might know ?"
Code: [Select]
Starbroker495 said: I'll ask Mari and Ali if they wanna join in.
Starbroker495 said: Want me to go up to your room and start the client download? Le t?l?chargement est vraiment grand!

>We're a maid, we use knifes, therefore we shall be a Ninja Maid obviously !
> Let's hold off on class creation until we actually see what we're getting into.

>Get surprised by how a explosion didn't wake Zakuro, but a dice did.
> Perhaps he was just in a deep sleep when it happened, and he snapped out of it after the explosion? Either way, Zak's taken notice of you. "Everything ok, miss?"

>Maybe we should offer those four something, any desserts available for them ?
> You say to Zakuro that eveything is fine, but you're worried about the well-being of the magi. Didn't Patchy have some snacks in her personal chill chest for such occasions?
> "Oh right, the ice cream sammies! I shall retrieve them posthaste!" Zakuro says as he dashes off.

>Experiment : Check chest for usual growths.
> While Zakuro's off in his fetch quest, you decide to head back to the kitchen. While you do so, you take stock of your "assets." You're as averagely endowed as any normal girl in her late teens.

>Go back to the kitchen to check again on the fairies, if they're ok, pet them and congratulate them on the good work.
> You return to the kitchen and find that the cake is...DONE! The curry's also intact, but the fairies look like they're bored. Maybe you should ask them to help you make the side dishes and other foodstuffs for the feast. After all, curry alone won't satisfy a fellow vampire!

> Pet parser and give him some Smoke Bombs from FF, those guarantee a successful escape !
> The parser happily accepts your praise and gifts and gives you a boon on your next post!

> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #961 on: April 02, 2016, 01:21:57 AM »
>Type:"Yes, i`d appreciate if you did so, just be careful not to do anything troublesome there."
>What about our opinion on Alice MargadroidMargatroid ?
>Did we get the dice, if not go back and pick it up again.
>Give everyone a pat in the back. "Nice work everyone, now, would you like to assist me in creating other meals for the feast ?"
>Maybe we should make a side dish on the taste of everyone who will take part of the feast, what does Flandre, Patchouli, Remilia and we like respectively ?


  • Nefer007, Shinto God of Insects, Doctorate in Referralology
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #962 on: April 02, 2016, 05:55:02 PM »
> Make sure to Get That Damn Fairy out of the Kitchen! out of the kitchen.
> Check furniture for marshmallow fires. Put out the ones you find.
> Realize that the Mansion's running low on blood.
> After the meal, head for Eientei to pick up more blood.

Bonus points if you know what two fairies I'm referring to. The second one's from Being Meling, by the way.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 08:14:16 PM by Nefer007 »
Looking for Desunoya music! Help me obtain these ill-gotten goods!

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #963 on: April 11, 2016, 02:29:56 AM »
> Make sure to Get That Damn Fairy out of the Kitchen! out of the kitchen.

Bonus points if you know what two fairies I'm referring to. The second one's from Being Meling, by the way.
> Meep. The parser's OBSCURE CYOA KNOWLEDGE stat is not a high enough level to get the reference! Oh well, at least he'll have something to read in the meantime. As for you, there are no extraneous fairies around--HEY! I saw that, Cletus! Put those cookies back! You just earned yourself an extra day's worth of cleaning on your shift! Seriously, bloody fairies thinking they can hide from you with their simplistic illusion magic...

> Check furniture for marshmallow fires. Put out the ones you find.
> No one dares to start a fire after you and Remilia installed those smoke detectors after the Scarlet Mist incident, so there's no need to worry. You didn't even notice any smoke or flames while you were running around.

> Realize that the Mansion's running low on blood.
> After the meal, head for Eientei to pick up more blood.
> ...Oh bloody hell, you knew you forgot something: blood for four vampires. Ugh. You'll have to get some from Dr. Yagokoro ASAP.

>Type:"Yes, i`d appreciate if you did so, just be careful not to do anything troublesome there."
Code: [Select]
Starbroker495 said: Viva la nippon! Consider it done! :D
* Starbroker495 flies off

>What about our opinion on Alice MargadroidMargatroid ?
> Alice wants nothing to do with Marisa's little "visits," so you don't consider her a threat. There was that one time Patchy lost her mind and took over the library for a few days, but her presence was justified. That being said, you and Alice sometimes get on each other's nerves for the dumbest of things, but after a while you two decided to turn this sudden rivalry into a test of wits, seeing which of you can outsmart the other with some playful, non-lethal "assassination attempts." Whosoever can mark their opponent first with a special Danmaku bullet (it behaves like a paintball humans use in the outside world), will win the contest and can request a favor from the loser (within reason, of course). Otherwise, Alice is one of those friends you're not necessarily close to but secretly grateful you have in your circle.

>Did we get the dice, if not go back and pick it up again.
> You picked it up after you rolled it, no way you were going to let it get away again.

>Give everyone a pat in the back. "Nice work everyone, now, would you like to assist me in creating other meals for the feast ?"
> "Might as well," Luna begrudgingly replies. "What did you have in mind?"
> You try to answer, but...

>Maybe we should make a side dish on the taste of everyone who will take part of the feast, what does Flandre, Patchouli, Remilia and we like respectively ?
> ...Your brain freezes up in realization of this fact. You never considered making side dishes in case everyone gets tired of the curry and other fixings you have planned. You know Flan likes the sweet stuff, Remi and Patchy like something more savory...But you have no handle on what Monarda or the familiars like...You know what, bugger it all, you might as well just ask them directly what they're in the mood for tonight (and no this is not because the parser is rushing to get this post done no sir). You should probably take care of that before you head out to Eientei.

> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #964 on: April 12, 2016, 12:29:26 AM »
Everytime a update comes out, i smile. (^w^)

>Are we able to make a mousse or a pudding ? If not how about a strawberry pie ?
>Do we have any Maracujas (almost forgot, it's Passion Fruit in Portuguese !) in stock ?
>What kinds of savory dishes are we good at making ?
>"Hmm, i'm actually not sure.... i'll have to ask our guests."
>"Say, since you three have been working so well now, maybe i could make a dish just for you."
>Go off to the Library's Rotund Tableau and find those four.
>Accidentaly break the border between reality and fantasy (aka Fourth Wall) and suck up all the parsers and players to Gensokyo.
>Put that Black Knife Holder Strap back on our leg, better stay prepared (and more faithful to EoSD canon).
>Pet those Yukkuri Sakuyas and train them to act as Knife Throwing Cute Turrets.

Wow, this has over 30k views ? Nice !
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 12:31:26 AM by Starlighthawk »

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #965 on: May 10, 2016, 10:39:56 PM »
Everytime a update comes out, i smile. (^w^)
Or in this case, make a kitty face. Meow!

Wow, this has over 30k views ? Nice !
That's 30k more than I expected. :V Thanks for reading, everyone (if you still are or just peeked in)

>Accidentaly break the border between reality and fantasy (aka Fourth Wall) and suck up all the parsers and players to Gensokyo.
> Gensokyo suffers a critical overload of entities and explodes, destroying all myth and folklore forever. GREAT JOB! BAD END NO. 37812

>Pet those Yukkuri Sakuyas and train them to act as Knife Throwing Cute Turrets.
> You have no experience training animals, and you sure as heck have no desire to train these (admittedly cute) creatures. Besides, do you really want them throwing knives while the guests are here?

>Are we able to make a mousse or a pudding ? If not how about a strawberry pie ?
> But of course! Given Flan's sweet tooth, you've been training non-stop to make the ideal quick yet satisfying dessert. It's almost like a sport to you now...However, that alone won't be particularly filling, but the pie might be...Why not make a strawberry-rhubarb pie with a mousse topping? That might sit well with everyone!

>Do we have any Maracujas (almost forgot, it's Passion Fruit in Portuguese !) in stock ?
> You do have a few of them in stock, you don't buy them very often because they're so expensive...But they are getting close to the "point of no freshness" so if you are gonna use them, tonight would be the night. What did you have in mind?

>What kinds of savory dishes are we good at making ?
> Just about anything, really. You're no world-class chef, but Remi will eat just about anything as long as it's seemingly upper class. However, you refuse to touch anything you don't know about without doing proper research on it first.
> ...A thought crawls into the parser's your mind...Pasta with a curry sauce? Sounds weird, but...You might have to try that next time the Bloodwoods are over.

>"Hmm, i'm actually not sure.... i'll have to ask our guests."
> Luna pouts a bit. "Maybe you should have thought of this beforehand, Sakuya-sama..."
> "Luna, don't be rude," Sapphire chides her companion. "Go ahead and ask them, we can take care of things here!" Sunny nods eagerly to that.

>"Say, since you three have been working so well now, maybe i could make a dish just for you."
> You congratulate the fairies on a job well done, and decide to reward them with a dish of their choice. Sunny's eyes light up at this. "Anything we want?! Really?"
> "Let's not overwork our boss now..." Luna warns her companion as the three of them huddle for a bit to discuss what they want. Eventually, they settle on "mac and cheese with hot dog bits in them!" Sounds simple enough, you say, so you ask them to get the ingredients ready while you...

>Go off to the Library's Rotund Tableau and find those four.
> ...Seek the Elite Four, so to speak. Not much has changed, except Zakuro is fully awake now and watching the magicians discuss plans for Patchy's new magi-computer.

>Put that Black Knife Holder Strap back on our leg, better stay prepared (and more faithful to EoSD canon).
> Done and done. Your Attack Speed has been boosted a bit. You do this while time is stopped, you don't want someone catching you and getting the wrong idea. XP

> Which skills? Passive, Active, spell cards? Or all of them? That'll probably take a while to compile. :V

> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #966 on: May 10, 2016, 11:47:23 PM »
Now my face is like this. (Also this is one of my PAD goals, the one true daughterfu !)

>Approach the four.
>"Miss Patchouli, Mister Monarda." Bow. " seems you are on a rather.... curious situation... anyway, i have come to ask you two, Koakuma and Zakuro about your dish choices for dessert, or preferences if you can't decide specifically on it."

I am rather surprised that Kilga has yet to appear and put this, so i think i should honor him and the others like him.....

>Stop time briefly and check chest for usual growths.
>Resume time.
>Since we won't need much in spellcard terms, just check for our Passives and Actives. (Mercy for the parser ! Best kind of mercy.)

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #967 on: June 16, 2016, 07:12:29 PM »
Now my face is like this. (Also this is one of my PAD goals, the one true daughterfu !)
Daughterfu? That's a new one.

I am rather surprised that Kilga has yet to appear and put this, so i think i should honor him and the others like him.....

>Stop time briefly and check chest for usual growths.
>Resume time.
> He has appeared, actually. Just not with that line. Anyways, your chest has not changed at all since you last checked. seriously stop that it's unbecoming of your position

>Since we won't need much in spellcard terms, just check for our Passives and Actives. (Mercy for the parser ! Best kind of mercy.)
> If we needed spellcards for cooking, this would be called "Great Foodie Wars" instead of MarisaStory. Anyways...Your skill sheet is QUITE long! Most of it is variations on "clean object" or "throw knife," but a few skills stand out:

* Fast Feet -- You're more agile in terms of dodging and movement compared to other characters.
* Flash Step -- Your dash has a few extra frames of invincibility.
* Last Second -- If you are struck by an attack that would kill or otherwise KO you, you have an extra second to use a spell card and cancel the attack. This only works if you have bombs, obviously.
* Stealthy -- You gain a bonus to any Stealth Checks, making it more difficult for others to spot you while you sneak around.
* Markswoman -- You have absurdly high accuracy when throwing knives, and a slightly higher chance to crit when attacking.
* CQC -- You may not be that strong, but you can handle yourself in close combat when unarmed.
* Bouncing Blades -- Your knives can rebound off certain obstacles or the boundaries of the playfield.
* CLASS BONUS: Maid -- Your extra poise and appeal as a French Maid raises your CHARISMA stat by a good margin.
* CLASS FEAT: Cooking -- You have access to a variety of recipes with which to cook and prepare food, up to and including Human Meat.
* SOCIAL LINK BONUS: She's Mine -- As long as you are in servitude to Remilia and her family, no other vampire can drink your blood or claim you as a servant to them.
* TRIGGER WARNING: They're Not Fake -- This is straightfoward, your RAGE GAUGE increases a bit when someone proclaims your breasts aren't authentic. The higher your RAGE GAUGE climbs, the more likely you are to make an unprovoked attack of opportunity against the offender. Thankfully, due to your Maid class, this guage rises quite slowly...That's not to say you can't increase it at all, though.

* Time Stop -- You can stop time, plain and simple, for a few seconds at a time. The most you can stop time for any one use is currently 66 seconds. The longer you stop time, however, the longer you must wait for your ability to recover after using it, and spamming it too much diminishes its effectiveness (see Protect/Detect from the Pokemon series).
* Teledash -- A new ability you perfected during the IaMP incident. You can use your space-time powers to dash a short distance, allowing you to pass through certain objects or obstacles, or just get around faster. While it is a bit more powerful than a standard dash, using it too much will drain you, as well as lower the amount of time you can use Time Stop.
* Backstab -- Deal massive damage to an unaware enemy from behind by stabbing them. Twisting is optional.
* Assassinate -- Can only be used while you're still hidden from an enemy. Gets stronger the longer you remain hidden, up to a certain amount of time.
* Protect Ojou-sama! -- You're contractually obligated to protect Remi and Flandre from danger. If they're in the vicinity when they're attacked by a lethal strike, you can choose to take the attack with increased defesne and evasion/parry chance.
* Shape Mansion -- You can remodel the SDM to a degree using your powers, but doing so puts a lot of strain on your body.

> Your other actives are mostly attacks you already used from other incidents.

>Approach the four.
>"Miss Patchouli, Mister Monarda." Bow. " seems you are on a rather.... curious situation... anyway, i have come to ask you two, Koakuma and Zakuro about your dish choices for dessert, or preferences if you can't decide specifically on it."
> While the magi and demon ponder your question, Zakuro confidently smiles and simply says, "Beans."
> "Oh gods, not this again..." Monarda says with a groan.
> "Come now, you know a skilled samurai such as myself needs a steady diet of protein!" Zakuro says with a smile. Before Monarda can protest, however, you "ahem" and get everyone back on topic. "But yes, a simple can of beans will do."
> "...I'll just make do with a BLT, thanks," Monarda says in defeat.
> You begin to ask why the mages would want to risk clogging their arteries with fatty pig meat, but Patchy interjects, saying "That's the thing. We're craving something decadent like that. Besides...It's a special occasion, why not live a little?"
> Koakuma then whispers in your ear. "She's still grieving over her magi-computer...You know how she gets when she's upset." Patchy shoots her a stern glare as Koa steps away and smiles. "A fruit yogurt parfait will do for me," Koa requests.

> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #968 on: June 17, 2016, 11:34:33 PM »
Daughterfu? That's a new one.

Of course ! How can you not adopt this cute little innocent face and take care of her ? I`m a sucker for cuteness as i said before, and i really like kids.
Speaking off that...

I got her ! ~(^3^)~ ....ehhhh *ahem*

>Relax a bit.
>"Hmmm, you shouldn`t be like that just for a computer, it can always be fixed or remade."
>Return to our professional, elegant and fashionabuhhh posture.
>"Nevertheless, what about your choice Miss Patchouli ? Or will you have the same as your brother (I thought they were cousins :V) ?"
>What is our opinion on Koakuma ?
>What is our relationship with her ?


  • Nefer007, Shinto God of Insects, Doctorate in Referralology
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #969 on: June 18, 2016, 10:09:58 PM »
>Plan to bring EXTRA knives to Eientei tonight. Strap them to your leg, store them in your pads (it's where you keep them, after all,) bring an overcoat to store more?
>No, seriously. As an official Incident Resolver, your Incident-sense is going bonkers and it's still climbing!
>Make that two overcoats.
>And your Touhouvania getup, too.
>Oh, and empty your pads of anything first.

We don't need purses, we've got flat pads connected to a large safe in The Gap! (although they seem to pick up a lot of objects recently...)
Looking for Desunoya music! Help me obtain these ill-gotten goods!

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #970 on: July 13, 2016, 07:37:21 PM »
Of course ! How can you not adopt this cute little innocent face and take care of her ? I`m a sucker for cuteness as i said before, and i really like kids.
orz I kinda want to be a dad myself these days...But alas, that'll have to wait for another time.

>Relax a bit.
>"Hmmm, you shouldn`t be like that just for a computer, it can always be fixed or remade."
>Return to our professional, elegant and fashionabuhhh posture.
> Patchy sneers are you in her typical T^T fashion. "Mukyuuu...You have no idea how difficult it is, do you? It's not a regular PC. I need to align and calibrate the magical components and energies and--" Patchy takes a moment to catch her breath. "...It takes a lot longer to assemble than you realize."

>"Nevertheless, what about your choice Miss Patchouli ? Or will you have the same as your brother (I thought they were cousins :V ) ?"
Patchy and Monarda are siblings, yes.

> "mmm..." Patchy thinks for a moment. "You may be right....Bacon's not gonna be enough. Can we make those sandwiches into a turkey BLT instead?"
> Monarda nods. "That sounds much better, actually. We could use the extra protein."

>What is our opinion on Koakuma ?
>What is our relationship with her ?
> Koa's a hard worker, which you admire, but you're not that close with her. The most you do is have small talk with Koa when there's some downtime.

>Plan to bring EXTRA knives to Eientei tonight. Strap them to your leg, store them in your pads (it's where you keep them, after all,) bring an overcoat to store more?
>No, seriously. As an official Incident Resolver, your Incident-sense is going bonkers and it's still climbing!
>Make that two overcoats.
>And your Touhouvania getup, too.
>Oh, and empty your pads of anything first.

We don't need purses, we've got flat pads connected to a large safe in The Gap! (although they seem to pick up a lot of objects recently...)
> Pfffft, speculation and poppycock! Like anything bad would happen at this banquet. Everything will be fine.

> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #971 on: July 13, 2016, 07:55:36 PM »
>"It doesn`t matter if it`s a special PC or not, it`s still better than having the whole library on fire."
>Put on a focused face.
>"Is that all then ?"
>Stop time and take a quick look at the kitchen, then come back to hear the answer.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #972 on: August 11, 2016, 09:43:45 PM »
Oh hey, the servers are back up!

>"It doesn`t matter if it`s a special PC or not, it`s still better than having the whole library on fire."
> Patchy looks at you funny and says, "You do realize I fireproofed the place, yes?"

>Put on a focused face.
> You've had enough of Patchy's whining. You have better things to do than coddle her, and you make this perfectly clear with a well-placed Intimidation Check. It passes, though Patchy just gives you a pouty look in response. You at least got her to shut up for now.

>"Is that all then ?"
>Stop time and take a quick look at the kitchen, then come back to hear the answer.
> Patchy sighs and nods, knowing she's been defeated. You double-check to make sure you got everyone's orders right, then blur back to the kitchen to make sure the three fairies are behaving themselves. It looks like they got the ingredients ready for the mac and cheese at least.

> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #973 on: September 21, 2016, 01:20:25 PM »
/sys reset.
........rebooting system.
/res last program used.
....opening MarisaStory.exe

Yes i be back.

>Wow those three are actually behaving well.
>Help those three and start preparing their well deserved dessert.
>"If you work well like this every day, you can have a reward like this every once in a while too, not just today."
>How well does the young mistress fare with the fairy maids ?
>Did we ever consider getting that fairy Daiyousei to join the mansion cleaning crew ?
>Why is there a ton of yukkuri in here ?!? So many, there is even one Ran-type Yukkuri !
>Shoo them away with care cause they are too cute to be hurt, and keep the Ran one because those are rather smart and make great companions, and because fluffy tail.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #974 on: October 29, 2016, 09:13:49 PM »
>Wow those three are actually behaving well.
>Help those three and start preparing their well deserved dessert.
> You rejoin the fairies in making...Whatever it was they were gonna make--oh right, the Mac and Cheese.

>"If you work well like this every day, you can have a reward like this every once in a while too, not just today."
> "Really?!" Sunny squeals. "Then we'll work extra hard, right girls?"
> "Eh..." Luna just shrugs, but Star eagerly nods.
> "As long as we're not overworked to death," Star says with a chuckle. It seems like your encouragement has gotten through to them!

>How well does the young mistress fare with the fairy maids ?
> Pretty well for the most part. A long time ago, Flan used them for target practice when she was in a bad mood, but over the years she got used to seeing them as actual people, and sometimes socializes and plays with them on occasion.

>Did we ever consider getting that fairy Daiyousei to join the mansion cleaning crew ?
> No. She hates the indoors, refuses to follow anyone but Cirno, and despite being considered a midboss she's not very strong in either physical strength or danmaku. Daiyousei, Cirno and the rest of the lake fairies are a rowdy bunch and they would much sooner wreck the SDM than clean it up.

> On that tangent, the reason why the fairy maids worked out so well is because you recruited them from the woods, not the lake. Land-based fairies tend to be easier to buy off with trinkets, while air and water-based fairies prefer to be bought off with food. Since sweets and meats aren't always cheap, Remi decided to work with the forest fairies instead.

> Your phone buzzes. Looks like you got a text from...

Code: [Select]
Starbroker495 said: GUILDIES! just finished downloading, I'm installing it now. Wanna give it a test run before the feast starts?
> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #975 on: October 29, 2016, 09:59:25 PM »
>Text her back: "Just a second, i need to finish up some last things."
>What does it seem like they need help with ?

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #976 on: October 30, 2016, 07:25:09 PM »
>Text her back: "Just a second, i need to finish up some last things."
Code: [Select]
Starbroker495 said: Oui! ;)
>What does it seem like they need help with ?
> It seems they're having some difficulty remembering the recipe, and Sunny and Luna are arguing over if the recipe calls for cups (the measurement) or cups (as in teacups).

OOC Tip: At this point, you can suggest recipe for them to follow, be from the internet, a cookbook, a home-made one or a completely fictional one.
> _


  • Nefer007, Shinto God of Insects, Doctorate in Referralology
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #977 on: July 02, 2017, 03:54:18 PM »
> It was... two teacups of cheese, not one cup.
Looking for Desunoya music! Help me obtain these ill-gotten goods!


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #978 on: July 02, 2017, 04:04:17 PM »
I-I'm not done with the planning !!


  • *
  • Programmer
    • LunarCast Network
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #979 on: September 25, 2017, 11:07:56 AM »
> Use an Extend! or a Continue on this thread


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #980 on: September 25, 2017, 04:06:21 PM »
>Make the good ol' variant of Mac and Cheese, but add in other sauces as options too ! Cream Cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayo, give them an whole arsenal to experiment on, but don't forget the regular.


  • *
  • Programmer
    • LunarCast Network
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #981 on: October 29, 2017, 10:13:47 PM »
> Tell Sunny and Luna to go with cups (the measurement) and not teacups

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #982 on: November 09, 2017, 07:19:28 PM »
> Use an Extend! or a Continue on this thread
> Hmm? There's no need to expend such a precious resource, we have SAVE FILES!
> you just need to find the damn thing...Egad, you have like 900 save files here, why did you enable autosave...
> Aha, here it is!

> Tell Sunny and Luna to go with cups (the measurement) and not teacups
> For some reason, you got the two mixed up for a moment. You're usually not this scatterbrained...Then again, working on this upcoming banquet probably frazzled you a little bit. You teach the fairies how to use the measuring cups, and they seem to understand them pretty quickly.

>Make the good ol' variant of Mac and Cheese, but add in other sauces as options too ! Cream Cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayo, give them an whole arsenal to experiment on, but don't forget the regular.
> Hmm, come to think of it, you did make more than you usually did...So you decide to let the fairies experiment with different kinds of sauces, provided they don't make a mess of things. The last time they made a mess...You had to uh, punish them for it, and you'd rather not do that again. It's bad for morale after all. You get out an assortment of sauces for them to experiment with; Luna in particular seems pretty enthusiastic about experimenting...This concerns you a little.


> However, that concern will have to wait. Your CELLULAR PHONE is vibrating, so you step aside to address it...It seems your mistress has sent you a text.

Code: [Select]
Remilia Scarlet: Crap in a handbasket...I forgot to do today's taxes. Can I bother you to help fill in the appropriate paperwork,

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #983 on: November 10, 2017, 11:31:10 AM »
> What is our experience with doing taxes?  What are the consequences of not paying (Not that we are considering not paying...)?

> Can we use our Time-Stop ability to fill in the taxes and come back and continue where we left off with Luna?  If yes then proceed to Time-Stop.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #984 on: November 13, 2017, 03:37:53 AM »
> What is our experience with doing taxes?  What are the consequences of not paying (Not that we are considering not paying...)?
> Thanks to Patchy's homeschooling and Remi's business knowledge, you can do them on your own with a bit of effort. Remi usually handles the more difficult paperwork.

> But why do we pay taxes at all? Well, you have Reimu and Remilia to thank for that. Remi saw the success of Yukari's ISP and thought she'd try her own hand at it. Before you knew it, Remi founded Scarlet Communications and amassed a handful of customers. However, word of this soon reached Reimu...And after a long, wordy debate on proper business practices, Reimu decided to start charging larger businesses a tax so they could be protected from fraud and monopoly. Missing a payment would cause you to lose that protection, so it's best you stay on her good side as much as possible.

> Honestly, you suspect it's just another attempt for Reimu to fill that stupid donation box of hers...And it annoys you that it's working out somehow.

> Can we use our Time-Stop ability to fill in the taxes and come back and continue where we left off with Luna?  If yes then proceed to Time-Stop.
> Sadly, no. Your Time-Stop ability is best used in short bursts, as the amount of energy needed to maintain Time-Stop exponentially rises the longer you freeze time.


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #985 on: November 15, 2017, 04:26:08 PM »
> Where would the taxes/paperwork be located?
> Proceed to help Remilia finish taxes.
> Wonder how rich Reimu is now?

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #986 on: November 20, 2017, 07:21:46 PM »
> Wonder how rich Reimu is now?
> You contemplate just how much money Reimu made off of her little scheme...But the more you think about it, the more it frustrates you. It could easily be in the hundreds of thousands at the very least.
> This is aggravating you to the point where you're starting to get visibly upset, so you try not to think about it anymore. Don't want to make the fairies worry, after all.

> Where would the taxes/paperwork be located?
> Everything of that nature would be in Remilia's office, which is next to the Master Bedroom for easy access.

> Proceed to help Remilia finish taxes.
> You're about to leave when Sunny flutters up to you. "Boss lady needs you again, huh?" Sunny asks with a slightly pouty look on her face.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #987 on: November 22, 2017, 07:39:29 AM »
>Tell Sunny that it won't take too long and that you will be back to check on their progress and what they are making with the sauces you gave them. (and if they have made a mess...)
>Go to Remilia' s office and start filing taxes

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #988 on: November 27, 2017, 08:49:48 PM »
>Tell Sunny that it won't take too long and that you will be back to check on their progress and what they are making with the sauces you gave them. (and if they have made a mess...)
> Sunny's pouting intensifies, but she sighs and nods. "Just don't be late for the banquet," Sunny says as she turns back to the kitchen.

>Go to Remilia' s office and start filing taxes
> You head to Remilia's office as quickly as you can. The room itself is relatively neat, with most stacks of papers either filed away or in Remi's "IN/OUT" boxes. You can see diagrams placed about the room's walls, detailing plans for upgrading her service, fixing errors and such...You've always told Remilia that she shouldn't be doing this operation herself, but she says not to worry. That just makes you worry more.

> You put that worry aside, though, as you turn to Remi's computer. Oddly enough, the computer is not in sleep mode, most likely due to a notification that just popped up...It seems Remilia has emails she has not yet read!

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #989 on: December 14, 2017, 09:09:05 AM »
> Sunny's pouting intensifies, but she sighs and nods. "Just don't be late for the banquet," Sunny says as she turns back to the kitchen.
> You head to Remilia's office as quickly as you can. The room itself is relatively neat, with most stacks of papers either filed away or in Remi's "IN/OUT" boxes. You can see diagrams placed about the room's walls, detailing plans for upgrading her service, fixing errors and such...You've always told Remilia that she shouldn't be doing this operation herself, but she says not to worry. That just makes you worry more.

> You put that worry aside, though, as you turn to Remi's computer. Oddly enough, the computer is not in sleep mode, most likely due to a notification that just popped up...It seems Remilia has emails she has not yet read!

> _

> Considering the importance of this day think about Net Neutrality, does it exist in Gensokyo ?

> (Considering Remi's computer nearby the thought comes to mind about reading emails.... but we wouldn't do that would we?)

> Search around for tax papers, would they be in IN/OUT folders or on the computer?