Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: theshirn on February 07, 2013, 09:02:34 PM

Title: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on February 07, 2013, 09:02:34 PM
(yes that QR code gets you something ingame)

The Etrian Odyssey series is famed for two features: incredibly punishing difficulty, and drawing your own damn map as you make your way through the treacherous Labyrinths of each game.  The fourth entry, titled Legends of the Titan, is slated to be released for the Nintendo 3DS on February 26th!

Etrian Odyssey 4's demo is now available on the eShop (might have to search for it, I did) and has built upon the already existing features in the series to create what looks like a spectacular game.  The new (and returning) classes available at start:
Landsknecht: A hardy and hard-hitting warrior who deals heavy damage with swords.
Nightseeker: Tricky and agile, they can either employ two blades in the front or can hurl status-effect-laced blades from the back.
Fortress: The tank of the game, with all that implies.  Of special note is their mastery skill, which restores TP every time they are struck!
Sniper: Archers with a variety of damaging attacks from long range.  The binding specialists of this game!
Medic: Your standard healer, a necessity for keeping your party healthy and active.
Runemaster: The elemental casters, ideal for dealing with physically resilient enemies.
Dancer: A supportive jack-of-all-trades, the Dancer can buff allies and deal respectable damage all the while.

The demo includes the tutorial area and the first floor of one dungeon, and has a maximum level of 10 for your characters.  And yes, that was "one dungeon" - there's a world map of sorts that you fly around in a balloon to get from place to place, and dungeons are now self-contained areas, varying considerably in size and difficulty.

Come get TPKed with us, you know you waaaaant tooooo~
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: DarkslimeZ on February 07, 2013, 09:28:36 PM
I'm probably going to buy the Fire Emblem 3DS tonight, partly because this game is coming out. Definitely on my wish list.

I have played each of the other three but never actually beat any, so we'll see if this time is different... x_x
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on February 07, 2013, 11:11:07 PM
I've been listening to the OST and the Super Arrange for months. Never get tired of it (Except for Scatter About that has a derp looping point).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Ghaleon on February 07, 2013, 11:33:38 PM
This game and kidnicarus are currently two reasons why i hate no having a 3ds yet.
If thy ever make an advance wars for 3ds imma choke... Must... Resisst.

Multiple dungeons!?!? Fuuuuu.

I just hope that they do a better job at making the later (not just post-game) statums as hard as the first tends to be as in other eo's. I just find that once the price of healing consumeables becomes less agonizing, the difficulty ends up becoming less of a iconic feature
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 07, 2013, 11:38:59 PM
I already cleared out the demo.  Only thing I couldn't do was fighting the kangaroo FOEs (And thus no sneaking past them to get to the western half of the first area D:).  Did successfully defeat the other two kinds of FOEs present however.

There's a lot of differences to note

-As stated, there's more than just the standard labyrinth this time.  First, you have to find each 'stratum' - which are now separate dungeons you have to complete.  You find them by flying to them.  Unlike EO3's sea charting, which was more like a puzzle, flying to different stratums is like crossing its own area (with their own gigantic FOEs!) and things to find and collect.  Making a trip to a dungeon manually lets you hunt some food on the way which you can cook to give a stat boost until you return to town/sell for cash.  You can also find adventures that aren't just the major dungeons - there's smaller single-floor "Caves" to be found!
-Skills got a major overhauling.  In addition to actually being shown as a skill tree now (letting you see at a glance what you need), access is also semi-restricted by your level - new sets of skills open up at level 20 and 40.  Skill point maximums have been adjusted again heavily (Noticably, the class-specific 'innate' skills have been rebalanced to be awesome and ALSO only take up to 3 points, with one point each tier).  Also, progression has been changed - for instance, levelling up skills may not necessarily increase the TP cost anymore if it's just a small effectiveness boost; generally, it's more friendly.
(It might sound bad that it 'locks off' later parts of the skill tree, but this makes it so much more manageable early on and lets you focus on the short term.  Using the Rest command to reset skill points also is only a two level penalty now, not the usual five!  For once, you actually can focus on short-term skill development!)
-Speaking of which, there's no more Mine/Chop/Take skill eating up your skill points (FINALLY).  Material points can now be visited x times per day, on individual counters instead of shared ones, and the only related skills are one-point-only skills which raise the chance of getting rare/extra drops from them.
-Everything's like 100x more pretty, especially the music. (

Things NOT covered in the demo:
-Subclassing from EO3 does return later.  Unlike EO3's subclassing, however, you can only raise subclass skills to half the normal max value - meaning which class is your lead class and which is your subclass affects a lot more this time around.
-If the first three classes seem kind of plain and familiar (excluding Dancer's weird troubadour-prince-swordsman mix), the unlockable classes are anything but.
Mystic: An odd hybrid of Hexer, Troubadour, and Prince, and a few other things?  Mystics focus on deploying Zone effects, which repeatedly try to cause status effects on all enemies - and can bolster them with passive healing for the party, cancel them early to trigger burst effects, and can reset an enemy's ailment resistance (Since EO3, enemies/bosses become more resilient to ailments every time they're applied), making them an amazing subclass for a Nightstalker/Sniper or even a Medic.
Samurai: Not quite your Ronin/Shogun from earlier games though.  Samurai focuses on putting themselves into a Rage, a state where their power is amplified at the cost of constantly draining HP and/or TP - and then regaining it by recomposing themselves and having normal attacks recharge TP. 
Imperial: JRPG Hero the class.  Their gunblade (not kidding) skills deal absolutely massive amounts of damage - but then put their blades into an overheat state for several turns... then they have a combo of skills to develop and use to help recharge the blade and abilities only usable during that time!

even on 3DS FOE (
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Serela on February 07, 2013, 11:48:56 PM
Subclass skills capping at half the max level is also factored in with the actual skill progression. They tend to get most of their power up in the first half leveling, and then not so much in the latter, which is far unlike earlier EO games where you get a big bonus for maxing skills and midway leveling generally completely sucks (Apart from on heals).

For that matter, from what I've heard about the game, you really don't need a main class medic. And the dancer skill tree looks like they could even take over a lot of medic duties. But I don't know a whole lot about how actual gameplay works out.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 07, 2013, 11:58:19 PM
For that matter, from what I've heard about the game, you really don't need a main class medic. And the dancer skill tree looks like they could even take over a lot of medic duties. But I don't know a whole lot about how actual gameplay works out.
It definitely helps to have a main-class medic early.  Dancer can heal, but only their own row, and the other class that gets heals is one of the unlockable classes (Although apparently it can indeed function as a perfectly capable medic in the same kinds of ways that the Prince was in EO3).  Or you could just buy a lot of healing items - the back row gets targetted very rarely in this one and it seems like the defense bonus from being in the back row is significantly higher than it used to be (Or is it just my imagination?) so you could probably just dancer heal the front row and save items for the back.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Ghaleon on February 08, 2013, 12:27:03 AM
Needed? Prob not, but im thinking when i play ill have a healer main and will cherish its main-specific abilities anyway =p

You know what they should do... You see rpgs with squishy healers, and rpgs with tanky ones (like ones with heavy armor, a mace, and maybe even a shield)... They should make one where they tart squishy, and get to wear tanky stuff as late game passives. Whereas a dancer main/healer alt may be able to heal good enough, but may also be squishier, but have dancer advantages.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 08, 2013, 01:02:02 AM
I just downloaded the demo, and this is the first EO game I played. Any suggestions on how I should create my first party?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: theshirn on February 08, 2013, 01:27:02 AM
A balanced party can handle most things.  I went in with a Fortress/Landsknecht/Nightseeker/Sniper/Medic team - a little light on elemental damage but capable of dealing and taking hits fairly well.  You might want to switch the Nightseeker or Sniper for a Runemaster if you want an elemental caster.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 08, 2013, 01:30:19 AM
Thanks, I was considering that. Of course, I fully expect EO to toss enemies at me that have immunity to weapon damage later on. :P
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 08, 2013, 02:13:31 AM
A balanced party can handle most things.  I went in with a Fortress/Landsknecht/Nightseeker/Sniper/Medic team - a little light on elemental damage but capable of dealing and taking hits fairly well.  You might want to switch the Nightseeker or Sniper for a Runemaster if you want an elemental caster.
Actually, Landshark can make a pretty good elemental damage dealer in this one - the Chase skills are completely different beasts this time and essentially are "Landshark does elemental attack + next party member attacking also gets a bonus elemental attack"
Thanks, I was considering that. Of course, I fully expect EO to toss enemies at me that have immunity to weapon damage later on. :P
That's actually really rare; even if two physical elements are heavily resisted, then at least the third will usually work to some degree.
I've actually made it through the main game of all of the first three EO without a dedicated elemental dealer, and I don't expect this one to be that different.  With that said, there's often drops from enemies triggered by finishing them with specific elements - so obviously, not having those elements means you can't get those drops means you won't have full equipment access.

Anyway in terms of functionality:

Landshark: High damage physical moves, some enemy offense debuffs, moderate elemental options, some defensive buffs.  All around frontliner.
Runemaster: High magic elemental damager.  Backliner; great power but entirely TP reliant to do damage.
Nightseeker: Status specialist.  Follows up ailments with high damage attacks exploiting that.  Very little defensive utility.
Fortress: Premier defender.  Buffs defenses, draws fire, has huge defense, covers allies, and is generally a tank.  Recovers TP when hit.
Sniper: Backrow attacker.  Focuses on either offensive buffs (crit/accuracy), bindings (ailments that disable various commands), or sheer offense.
Medic: Dedicated healer.  Or you can put them in the frontrow and use physical attacks with bonus effects, up to you.
Dancer: Buffer with variable use.  Has three dance types - one type causes extra conditional attacks, one statbuffs, and one treats injuries/ailments.

My personal party in the long run is going to be
Front: Landshark/Nightseeker;
/???; Dancer/Fortress
Back: Medic/
; Sniper/

Right now I'm using a Fortress in my middle front slot until I get towards the end and can retire him into the class once it's unlocked.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 08, 2013, 06:41:54 AM
I just finished the demo, and aside from some heart-stopping moments where I almost got eaten by a bear, the game wasn't really that hard. Then again, this is just an appetizer, and I look forward to the main course that is the full game when it is released. :D
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 08, 2013, 12:10:00 PM
I just finished the demo, and aside from some heart-stopping moments where I almost got eaten by a bear, the game wasn't really that hard. Then again, this is just an appetizer, and I look forward to the main course that is the full game when it is released. :D
I was surprised, the demo actually is fairly reasonable, yes.
Though, if you want a better idea of what it's like - it is completely possible to defeat two of the FOE types (the monkeys back in the first cave and the bears on 1F) within the level constraints of the demo.  Apparently it's possible to defeat the Kangaroo FOE as well but it's really, really hard.
Although... this is slightly due to the fact that they're actually relatively weak FOEs for being the first in the game.  The Ragealope from the first game had an attack that would confuse your entire party; these ones just have a whole lot of single-target damage.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Molten on February 08, 2013, 12:50:19 PM
Forever a European, no demo up over here. At least when i checked this morning :/

Which is a shame since I have been wanting to try out the series since I found out about it.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on February 08, 2013, 03:01:56 PM
Forever a European, no demo up over here. At least when i checked this morning :/

Which is a shame since I have been wanting to try out the series since I found out about it.
It's not announced for Europe yet, and we didn't get 2 or 3. God how I hate the 3DS having a region lock.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 08, 2013, 03:05:19 PM
It's not announced for Europe yet, and we didn't get 2 or 3. God how I hate the 3DS having a region lock.
Well, fortunately, the DS itself does not - and they actually just did reprints of EO1-3 over here, so you can probably order them if you really want.

But yes generally speaking I feel sorry for you guys D:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on February 08, 2013, 03:13:51 PM
Well, fortunately, the DS itself does not - and they actually just did reprints of EO1-3 over here, so you can probably order them if you really want.

But yes generally speaking I feel sorry for you guys D:
yeah I imported 3, alongside Radiant Historia. Both were well worth it. Importing is barely more expensive than buying locally, ?=$ shenanigans (and we have 20% sales tax)
Still holding out on the 3DS until I can make a decision on if it's worth importing a US one. No European publisher would touch the DS due to no lock and being far too easy to pirate.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: DarkslimeZ on February 11, 2013, 03:41:18 PM
So I downloaded the demo over the weekend and played through it, and I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed. Especially with the music. It seems their move to the 3DS also gave way for a move away from the FM synthesis-style music that the series has used until now. At first I didn't know if that was a good idea, but the music thus far has been simply spectacular.

But god dammit, by Nightseeker can't survive shit. Maybe I should think about going with a 3-2 formation instead of a 2-3 formation, or maybe he shouldn't be on my front line, or something.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: DX7.EP on February 12, 2013, 11:44:07 PM
Especially with the music. It seems their move to the 3DS also gave way for a move away from the FM synthesis-style music that the series has used until now. At first I didn't know if that was a good idea, but the music thus far has been simply spectacular.
The series OSTs are done by Yuzo Koshiro, hence all the FM-esque synths that are reminiscent of Streets of Rage (which he's also renowned for). :P

Gameplay doesn't interest me (and I lack a 3DS), but being a fan of his works I'm hoping the soundtrack's worth it.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 13, 2013, 12:14:22 AM
The series OSTs are done by Yuzo Koshiro, hence all the FM-esque synths that are reminiscent of Streets of Rage (which he's also renowned for). :P

Gameplay doesn't interest me (and I lack a 3DS), but being a fan of his works I'm hoping the soundtrack's worth it.
The soundtracks to the EO games are amazing, whether the original versions or the "Super Arrange" versions (which this game basically has as the standard).  If you haven't had the chance to play the demo, have a listen (
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: DarkslimeZ on February 13, 2013, 12:47:55 AM
The soundtracks to the EO games are amazing, whether the original versions or the "Super Arrange" versions (which this game basically has as the standard).  If you haven't had the chance to play the demo, have a listen (

Uhh, there were super arrange versions of past games? Shit, man, all I've been going off is Ayahuasca (which is amazing). The OSTs I have have both FM and DS versions, but I guess it's something else. Time to do some digging around I guess
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: theshirn on February 13, 2013, 01:55:06 AM
Ayahuasca was glorious, true, but there are a lot of fan arrangements out there in addition to the Super Arranges.

Go through this guy's channel, he's got a ton. (
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Makedounia on February 18, 2013, 01:48:47 AM
European release confirmed! If you couldn't already tell, I'm really hyped!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Meido Weapon on February 20, 2013, 07:55:06 PM
I could listen to the town music for hours. 

After exhausting all that the demo has to offer, I'm thinking my party is going to be  Fortress, Dancer, Nightseeker in the front. Medic and Runemaster in the back.

All in all though, for a demo, I was really impressed with this.  They gave us so much to mess around with as well as the ability to keep our saves?  Atlus is good people.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Third Man on February 25, 2013, 10:48:31 PM
Anyone else going 'holy s*** this comes out tomorrow can't wait TIME GO FASTER' right now?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 25, 2013, 10:59:06 PM
Anyone else going 'holy s*** this comes out tomorrow can't wait TIME GO FASTER' right now?
Not really, but after spending so much time with FE Awakening, It'll be nice to play something a little slower-paced for a change.

You'd also be surprised at how fast time goes when you're playing a MapTools campaign or watching LPs, sometimes...I have an urge to fire up Skies of Arcadia Legends again.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 25, 2013, 11:09:19 PM
Anyone else going 'holy s*** this comes out tomorrow can't wait TIME GO FASTER' right now?
I get shivers every time I remember, then calm myself down because getting excited now won't make it show up any faster
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: DarkslimeZ on February 25, 2013, 11:22:06 PM
I get shivers every time I remember, then calm myself down because getting excited now won't make it show up any faster

For a working man like me, who just recently got FE: Awakening, everything is going so damn fast aaaaaa

I only just got around to preordering it today
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Third Man on February 25, 2013, 11:24:17 PM
I've had it preordered for a while now, and GET TO ACTUALLY HAVE THE GAME TOMORROW HELL YES!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on February 26, 2013, 02:40:18 PM
Been playing the demo and enjoying it thoroughly, death by baboon included. The only question at this point isn't whether I buy it or not, but whether I buy it over eShop or order a physical copy via Amazon.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 26, 2013, 04:13:42 PM
Been playing the demo and enjoying it thoroughly, death by baboon included. The only question at this point isn't whether I buy it or not, but whether I buy it over eShop or order a physical copy via Amazon.
Well, if you're buying it on the eShop, it's estimated to appear there in about an hour.

downloading the heck out of it when I get home yup
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! DEMO OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 26, 2013, 04:15:17 PM
Zengar and I discussed this game yesterday. I don't have a 3DS, but I'm considering investing in one after I finish EO1-3. Because holy shit this game looks good *_*

Just give me a party of Dancers and I'll be quite happy.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 26, 2013, 11:26:38 PM
Downloaded this the moment I got home.

I'll be sure to upload my guild card in a little while for anyone else who gets this because EXCITEMENT and also I can send my teammates to help you apparently??

EDIT: My current guild card (  Already cleared the first stratum with this team.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on February 27, 2013, 11:52:50 AM
While I don't actually have the game because I don't have a 3DS (fuck me...) I do know a considerable amount about it from my Japanese com-padres spoiling me to ever-loving hell about it. EO4's undoubtedly got the most obnoxious optional boss yet, so good luck taking it on once any of you get to that point!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: NegaZero on February 27, 2013, 03:08:09 PM
While I don't actually have the game because I don't have a 3DS (fuck me...) I do know a considerable amount about it from my Japanese com-padres spoiling me to ever-loving hell about it. EO4's undoubtedly got the most obnoxious optional boss yet, so good luck taking it on once any of you get to that point!

Surely it can't be as bad as the Wicked Queen was in EO3! (assuming you fought her as soon as you got the quest)

Anyway, I too have completed the first stratum. Just got finished exploring the new airship area, and it has me really excited to play more.

I might upload my guild card later. I tried using a character from another guild (because I wanted to replace my Nightseeker with a Landshark), but you can't change their equipment, and I'm not even sure if they can get experience.

I'm also having to resist the temptation to go to Nicovideo and find out what the 6th stratum boss is like.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on February 27, 2013, 03:58:19 PM
Surely it can't be as bad as the Wicked Queen was in EO3! (assuming you fought her as soon as you got the quest)

Well the Wicked Queen doesn't have 80000 HP in total.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 27, 2013, 05:51:55 PM
I might upload my guild card later. I tried using a character from another guild (because I wanted to replace my Nightseeker with a Landshark), but you can't change their equipment, and I'm not even sure if they can get experience.
Yeah, it seems borrowing characters from other peoples' guilds is more for "I really need a levelled (whatever) with (this skill) in order to handle this task someone plz help" to save you from situations like levelling a Protector in EO1 specifically for the dragons because that was stupid.

Kind of a shame though, I'd have liked to have been able to make characters in the new classes and put them on my guildcard to pass to new players.  nobody would ever raise a Medic instead of an Arcanist though
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 27, 2013, 08:29:35 PM
Atlus just released three QR codes in their latest email newsletter, you get three items that you can sell for 500en each...Is that what you're supposed to do, or can you save them for something else in the game?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 27, 2013, 10:14:41 PM
Trade items are intended to be sold.
There's also some more here (, including a couple QR Quests, not all of which are actually available immediately.

In other news I finally got the ability to go higher in the skies in my ship!  And up on the second 'layer' of the Windy Plains I found
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 27, 2013, 10:47:18 PM
Trade items are intended to be sold.
There's also some more here (, including a couple QR Quests, not all of which are actually available immediately.

In other news I finally got the ability to go higher in the skies in my ship!  And up on the second 'layer' of the Windy Plains I found
Thanks for the info! :D

And yeah, I heard about that from an NPC, now I know what to expect when running for dear life. Speaking of which...Why can't I run from those giant frogs? Why do they kill me so easily? And why do they seem to not give up more EXP than the weaker enemies? Is EO really this grind-heavy or am I doing things wrong? ???
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 27, 2013, 10:54:09 PM
Thanks for the info! :D

And yeah, I heard about that from an NPC, now I know what to expect when running for dear life. Speaking of which...Why can't I run from those giant frogs? Why do they kill me so easily? And why do they seem to not give up more EXP than the weaker enemies? Is EO really this grind-heavy or am I doing things wrong? ???
Escape rates in EO3 actually seem really low.  The Retreat burst ability is about the only way to really guarantee yourself an escape.  And the frogs, assuming we're talking about the ones that start appearing on 2F of the Lush Woodlands, are actually kind of a pain at first.  Make sure your armor's upgraded, and if you have a Protector, use Taunt to get their attention and keep them from attacking weaker characters.

The game finally starts taking the gloves off on 2F and you're gonna be expected to not just rush straight through the dungeons - be sure to explore the bonus areas and go fight old FOEs (you should be able to beat at least the baboons in the tutorial area now for instance); you get reasonable EXP as well as materials for good equipment from FOEs.

Either way it's tough(er) to 'do stuff wrong' in EO4 compared to earlier EO games simply due to having less places to spend skill points early and them being a lot better balanced. Still, if you haven't gotten some kind of defensive ability, get one soon; the frogs are one of the least threatening things even on 2F (Baboon + Big Roller combo is going to hurt the first time you encounter it)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 27, 2013, 11:00:54 PM
Escape rates in EO3 actually seem really low.  The Retreat burst ability is about the only way to really guarantee yourself an escape.  And the frogs, assuming we're talking about the ones that start appearing on 2F of the Lush Woodlands, are actually kind of a pain at first.  Make sure your armor's upgraded, and if you have a Protector, use Taunt to get their attention and keep them from attacking weaker characters.

The game finally starts taking the gloves off on 2F and you're gonna be expected to not just rush straight through the dungeons - be sure to explore the bonus areas and go fight old FOEs (you should be able to beat at least the baboons in the tutorial area now for instance); you get reasonable EXP as well as materials for good equipment from FOEs.

Either way it's tough(er) to 'do stuff wrong' in EO4 compared to earlier EO games simply due to having less places to spend skill points early and them being a lot better balanced. Still, if you haven't gotten some kind of defensive ability, get one soon; the frogs are one of the least threatening things even on 2F (Baboon + Big Roller combo is going to hurt the first time you encounter it)
1- You mean the Fortress? Yeah, I should do that...If he wasn't losing like 40-50% of their health every time they use a damn jump attack >_> I focused a bit more on offensive skills with him, which...Might not have been the best idea?

2- Tried the baboons in the Old Forest Mine, they took forever to kill XD I was like level 8 or so.

3- As I stated earlier, my Fortress is surprisingly squishy... Is there a way to refund skill points somehow?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 27, 2013, 11:25:11 PM
1- You mean the Fortress? Yeah, I should do that...If he wasn't losing like 40-50% of their health every time they use a damn jump attack >_> I focused a bit more on offensive skills with him, which...Might not have been the best idea?

2- Tried the baboons in the Old Forest Mine, they took forever to kill XD I was like level 8 or so.

3- As I stated earlier, my Fortress is surprisingly squishy... Is there a way to refund skill points somehow?
Yeah, uh, offensive skills on the Fortress are more a side-investment (Getting a couple points in Bolt Blow or whatever isn't too bad, especially on the first floors because most things are weak to elec during stratum one) but most of your points should be going into stuff like Taunt, Iron Wall, and the party physical defense buff for stratum one.

If you want to reset, go to the explorer's guild, select the character, then choose "Rest" - you'll lose two levels, but your skill point allocations will be reset.  (The "Retire" option probably isn't unlocked for you yet, but it is essentially a bigger version of that for later - you actually dismiss the character entirely and instead get a new replacement, allowing you to pick brand new classes; the replacement will also come in at half the original's level and with additional skill and/or stat points, and retaining stat book uses)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on February 28, 2013, 01:31:24 AM
Bought and installed the game this morning. My party since the demo has been Landsnekht/Dancer/Fortress on the front line and Sniper and Runemaster in the back. Have one of each of the other classes in reserve and ready to train if needed.

Here's my guild card code. (
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 28, 2013, 09:35:00 AM
Holy nonsense the second stratum boss is hard.  Mostly because the fight's likely to extend past your TP duration. 
Sleep Zone is amazing and make sure your guest party member uses it.  Also if she lets the circle run out naturally she gets like 75% of the TP cost of it back, as opposed to detonating it, so worth consideration
.  Also unspoilered hint for everyone for stratum 2: Sniper's Spotter or whatever it's called is super useful even at just like level 1 for an enemy type that shows up there because they're complete arse to hit otherwise.

So looking forward to getting reclassing though ):
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on February 28, 2013, 01:50:21 PM
And yeah, I heard about that from an NPC, now I know what to expect when running for dear life. Speaking of which...Why can't I run from those giant frogs? Why do they kill me so easily? And why do they seem to not give up more EXP than the weaker enemies? Is EO really this grind-heavy or am I doing things wrong? ???

I'm doing a low-level run of Etrian Odyssey 3. My current level is LV7 at Narmer. I plan to kill him right about now.

Low-level runs are definitely possible if you know what you're doing.

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on February 28, 2013, 02:43:43 PM
I'm doing a low-level run of Etrian Odyssey 3. My current level is LV7 at Narmer. I plan to kill him right about now.

Low-level runs are definitely possible if you know what you're doing.
Elaborate.  This level 7 Narmer fight intrigues me and I wish to know more.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on February 28, 2013, 04:00:40 PM
Just played the demo lately, and I fell in love. My first experience with EO so far, and I'm definitely buying it soon...ish.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 28, 2013, 04:19:25 PM
Caved in and ordered it even though I don't have a 3DS yet. I don't wanna risk putting it off too long like I did EO3 and miss out on the artbook and stuff-- and then see the price skyrocket like EO3 did :(
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: orinrin on February 28, 2013, 06:05:54 PM
Taking a break from Fire Emblem so I can play some EO4.  I decided to do a lulzy party setup using FL/RRR.  I really should have subbed one of my guys as a Sniper for the accuracy boost though.

Here is my current guild card (
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on February 28, 2013, 10:23:45 PM
Good news for anyone that wanted to use the three unlockable classes (Arcanist, Bushi, ???) - after you beat the second stratum, you get a couple key items and an NPC appears in the tavern that'll "train" a character in return for them.  It basically instantly levels any low-level character up to 25, so if you want to use any of the new classes you can make a new character (or retire a current one) and instantly catch them up in level, at least somewhat.

Still waiting on subclassing though ahhh
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: DarkslimeZ on February 28, 2013, 10:59:31 PM
Hooray! My copy of the game arrived today. Got a tiny little artbook and the outtake CD with it; can't wait to listen to it.

Instantly went to one of the other caves in the first land. Ah, it's been too long. I could probably kill these poor little deer, but even though they're FOEs I can't help feeling bad for them so I just avoid them T_T
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 01, 2013, 01:01:49 AM
Hooray! My copy of the game arrived today. Got a tiny little artbook and the outtake CD with it; can't wait to listen to it.

Instantly went to one of the other caves in the first land. Ah, it's been too long. I could probably kill these poor little deer, but even though they're FOEs I can't help feeling bad for them so I just avoid them T_T
Kill them.  Kiiiill theeeeem. 
then get slaughtered mercilessly by momma in a nostalgia rush (of death)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 01, 2013, 02:17:07 AM
Elaborate.  This level 7 Narmer fight intrigues me and I wish to know more.

Okay, I just defeated Narmer.

Here's the setup I'm using.

Shortsword / Spiked Leather / Buckler / Straw Hat
Bandage 2, HP Up 2, Attack Order 3, Shock Arms 1, Regal Radiance 1

HOPLITE (Pastrina)
Shortsword / Spiked Leather / Buckler / Straw Hat
HP Up 1, Guardian 1, Shield Mastery 1, Line Guard 1, Vigilance 5

Shortsword / Spiked Leather / Straw Hat / Shuro's Sandals
Royal Veil 9

ARBALISTS (Yuriho and Kurobara)
Repeater Bow/Power Ring/Stamina Bracelet x2
Giant Kill 1, Bolt Mastery 5, Proper Form 1, Volt Barrage 1

The fight requires the 2 Amritas you find along the way, otherwise you'll run out of juice to feed Shock Arms to your Arbalists. The key to defeating Narmer at a low level is to ensure that Narmer never, ever, ever pulls off Earthquake. If he does, you're dead, simple as that. As soon as Narmer uses Dive, spread out your single target attacks on each puddle while having the Arbalists use Volt Barrage to hit the entire group of puddles. If you run out of juice on your Arbalists (which you might), have the Princess with Regal Radiance dispel an Arbalist's Shock Arms buff to hit Narmer under the mud. Mud Toss and Fin Smack are trivial to deal with. If you get hit by Mud Toss, Royal Veil should heal most of the damage it deals. Fin Smack will most likely OHKO or very close to OHKO most of your team, so use Medica on them if you're afraid that they'll die on the next turn. Most of your damage will come from your Arbalists, assuming they both have Shock Arms up, they'll be doing anywhere between 35~55 damage. If they score a critical hit, it will be somewhere between 70 to 85. 100+ damage on average is not shabby for 2 people on a LV7 team, and it does allow for a reasonably quick kill of Narmer, around 10 minutes, not factoring in the amount of time you spend catching the fucker when he runs away (do not engage with the Bog Rippers, if you do, RUN AWAY).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 04, 2013, 12:31:17 PM
Oh my god EO4 Landsharks are silly as hell.

Now that I have the second skillset unlocked by reaching level 20, I've got Improved Link.  Vanguard -> Improved Link -> Elemental Link from my Landshark, and Attack Tango -> Chase Samba -> Rush Step from my Dancer causes my team to land I literally lose count number of hits.  It goes something like...
Landshark Link -> Chase hit -> Link element damage -> Rush hit -> Link element damage -> Sniper hit -> Link element damage -> Rush hit -> Link element damage -> Medic hit -> Link -> Rush -> Link -> Tank hits -> Link -> Chase -> Link -> Rush -> (I have literally capped Link hits now)

which is like 19 hits or something like that I don't have time to count right now but the point is it's REALLY SILLY and while it's not a single huge number, it adds up to an arseload of damage, and by the time I'm on the last link possible with this setup on turn 5 (before I have to restart the process), most FOEs are dead and even the third stratum boss didn't stand up to two cycles of this.

EDIT: Also... EO4 Medic ( = This kid? (

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 04, 2013, 06:52:53 PM
I finally got this game two days ago, and I looooooove it. *_* Blazed through the first stratum, and am thoroughly being road-blocked by the beginning of the second. My party is Landscknecht/Fortress/Dancer Sniper/Medic (so unoriginal ;o;). The game is deliciously hard, but what will be even harder is putting my efforts towards that major essay assignment due Friday. :( Atlus why.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: IcySkree on March 05, 2013, 05:47:56 AM
Oh man.. I'm loving this game right now. I just got to the third stratum and a new party member (that got instalevelled to 25). I rested everyone else to lose six levels because I hate myself I always want my party members to be at the same level (and be close in EXP) for some reason. If I were to kill an FOE while a party member is dead, I'd reset the game. :V

Also, I need to stop naming all my Etrian Odyssey guilds "Gensokyo" and naming my party members after Touhous.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 05, 2013, 06:50:37 AM
My party is Landscknecht/Fortress/Dancer Sniper/Medic (so unoriginal ;o;)
Hey don't say that, now I feel unoriginal because that's my party too.

I've arrived at the fourth Land now.  And what I will say is this: after spending four games being desensitized to the terror of FOEs, there's a type of FOE there that has started that fear all over, if my last post wasn't any indication.  Either way, that team can be amazing for damage output once you hit level 20 if you focus on elemental links for the Landshark.

Still trying to figure out what to do with my Sniper though.  When I retired my Fortress for
an Imperial
after this stratum though, I'll be resting everyone and that'll include my Sniper, so I may drop the binding focus and opt for 15-hit nonsense ability as a focus.
Also at that time I'm going to do something that I have no idea how well it will or will not work: making my Dancer into a Dancer/Fortress.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: orinrin on March 05, 2013, 06:58:17 AM
Darkness Howl is dumb.  It's totally cool that you can have a party-wide attack that binds every single body part, but it's not cool that you can use something like that while having all of your own body parts already bound.  Anyways, this was my entire night in a nutshell. (

I have no idea why I'm still using my joke party for the post-game.  Here's my current guild card ( (with story spoilers galore).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 05, 2013, 11:21:02 AM
I swear I'm having an easier time getting through the fourth labyrinth by just fighting the FOEs instead of trying to avoid them.

To be fair though it's really fun 8D
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: DarkslimeZ on March 06, 2013, 02:24:37 AM
Hey don't say that, now I feel unoriginal because that's my party too.

Same, except swap Sniper out with Alchemist or whatever the magician class is called. Fire Rune + Blazing Link madness
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: orinrin on March 06, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
I decided to switch out one of the Imperials in my joke party (three is probably too many anyways) for a Fortress since I kept wiping on the 6th stratum boss.  Ended up beating it by using my new Fortress as bait.  Somehow the only surviving members of the battle were my two Imperials ( (despite being on the front line and having less defense than my back-row casters).  I can't really complain too much though!

Updated guild card ( (with spoilers).  Time to take a break and maybe head back to FE13 Lunatic+.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 07, 2013, 11:47:13 AM

everything about this mylist is both terribly wrong and... incredibly... engrossing

(It's a run of EO4 with... guro elements in it. Uh yeah)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: NegaZero on March 07, 2013, 01:48:53 PM
When I was initially thinking about what my party would be, I wanted to avoid using a Linksknecht since I ran a Warrior's Might party in EO3. After dying to the 3rd labyrinth boss 3 or so times, I decided to go re-spec my landsknect (who was going to be replaced by a Bushi) to make full use of Freeze Link.

I'm in love.

E: I'm still going to try out a B/NS instead of my Landsknecht for a little while, just to see if it'll work as well as I think it'll work. Plus, I'll be replacing my Sniper with an I/R later on, and no Dancer = no Linksknecht.

E2: Oh God. And here I thought the invisible FOEs from EO2 were bad.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 07, 2013, 04:30:25 PM
Got the game last night.  Cleared the first labyrinth this morning. :V

I didn't realize it at first but I actually have the box party on this run! (F/L/N S/M)  The lack of elemental damage made a couple early FOEs harder than they needed to be, but I am making pretty solid progress.  Also managed to land a Blind and an Arm Bind on the boss at separate points, which made him a lot easier.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 07, 2013, 08:18:32 PM
Got the game last night.  Cleared the first labyrinth this morning. :V

I didn't realize it at first but I actually have the box party on this run! (F/L/N S/M)  The lack of elemental damage made a couple early FOEs harder than they needed to be, but I am making pretty solid progress.  Also managed to land a Blind and an Arm Bind on the boss at separate points, which made him a lot easier.
Get Links even just at level one on the Landsknecht and Bolt Strike on the Fortress and bam, there's all the elemental damage you'll need for a while - even without levelling them past 1.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 07, 2013, 08:38:08 PM
Get Links even just at level one on the Landsknecht and Bolt Strike on the Fortress and bam, there's all the elemental damage you'll need for a while - even without levelling them past 1.
I have them (as well as the Nightseeker's Ice slash skill).  Problem is that the only person slower than my Landshark (I love that name) is my Fortress and I didn't have Vanguard.  My early point placement was...questionable.  But now I am getting places (literally, just upgraded my airship).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 08, 2013, 12:27:20 AM
Cleared the second stratum last night. That boss was intense. x_x

Although I've steadfastly stood by my starting lineup in all previous games, the arcanist is just too good to pass up, so my sniper is out. Man I just love this game to pieces.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on March 08, 2013, 03:03:20 PM
I am finally reaching the end of EO1-- sans postgame because fuck that shit <_<;

So I am trying to decide which game to start next.
EO2 would be going consecutively which I like-- and I already have a party in mind that would also be a nice challenge for me. I realized that I rely way too much on my Medic in EO1, so I wanna put myself to the test and not use one at all in EO2. So I think I'd be using a Protector, Dark Hunter, War Magus, Gunner, and Hexer-- that way they can all work and cooperate with one another (Gunner, Hexer, and War Magus can help with Binds for Dark Hunter, War Magus can heal/buff/bind/cursecut for TP, Gunner can bind/elemental damage, hexer can do a bunch of neat stuff to assist the Dark Hunter and War Magus, and Protector can keep the squishies from dying too fast). I think it'd be fun. :3

EO3 sounds the most appealing because I've been eager to play it for quite some time now, but didn't want to dive in until I finished EO1-- and playing a game with all new classes would make EO2 feel more fresh later, I suppose?

and EO4 is what y'all are playing and I'd like to join in, but at the same time I wanna play the earlier ones, first...

Well, I'll beat the EO1 final boss and see what I think from there.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 08, 2013, 03:12:53 PM
Well, relying on a medic is actually sort of normal in Etrian Odyssey 1 - since no other classes had ways to recover HP and Medic had Immunize which also could cut all damage by 45%.  By comparison, there are always alternatives to a dedicated medic you can use in EO2/3/4 - EO2 has War Magus, EO3 has Princes, and EO4 has both Dancers and Arcanists.

I do suggest going to EO2 next; if not solely because there's system improvements in each game that make going backwards a little tougher.  Also EO2 is, unlike others in the series, more directly linked to the previous game (Use the password from EO1's options menu once you complete the game).  What I will tell you right now is that Hexer is capable of breaking the game in EO2 if used offensively, because Revenge just destroys everything.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 08, 2013, 03:18:31 PM
I'd stick with playing them in order - going back to EO2 after finishing up EO3 was mildly painful.  It's not terrible, but the gradual constant improvements with each iteration just make them better to play in order.

The party you laid out is actually the cookie-cutter party for EO2, and past the first couple levels you shouldn't have much trouble!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on March 08, 2013, 03:19:21 PM
I think I'll do just that, then. :3

And yeah, that sounds good. I really wanted to use a Hexer in EO1 because they looked like a ton of fun, but I just don't have a place for one in my party :(

(That, and I wanted to use as many new classes as possible in EO2 to keep things fresh-- my party in EO1 is Protector, Ronin, Landsknecht, Medic, and Survivalist, so I don't wanna use any of those in EO2-- Protector aside.) :3c

The party you laid out is actually the cookie-cutter party for EO2, and past the first couple levels you shouldn't have much trouble!

Aw,  really? I thought I was being creative with it, too. :<
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 08, 2013, 03:19:36 PM
As I'm going through my low-level run, I'm starting to really see why Princes(ses) are basically the god-tier class of the game. They have excellent synergy with just about all the classes, and Prevent Order is one of the strongest supportive skills in the game. Without it, I would not be able to manage the feats I'm doing now (
making Shin a laughable joke at low levels

If anyone actually cares, I'm about one step away from finishing my low level EO3 game.

The only thing preventing me from beating the game is actually making it to the room of the final boss. I hate everything about B18F.

Levels are at 22/25/25/24/24.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on March 08, 2013, 03:22:22 PM
If anyone actually cares, I'm about one step away from finishing my low level EO3 game.

The only thing preventing me from beating the game is actually making it to the room of the final boss. I hate everything about B18F.

Levels are at 22/25/25/24/24.

Wait, is EO3 only like 20 floors or something? :O

Also wow, that's pretty low. Would there be any way of recording the fight with the final boss? That'd be pretty neat to see. :o
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 08, 2013, 03:25:03 PM
Wait, is EO3 only like 20 floors or something? :O

Yes, the main game stops at B20F.

Also wow, that's pretty low. Would there be any way of recording the fight with the final boss? That'd be pretty neat to see. :o

I'll think about it. Might be possible.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 08, 2013, 03:26:40 PM
Wait, is EO3 only like 20 floors or something? :O

Also wow, that's pretty low. Would there be any way of recording the fight with the final boss? That'd be pretty neat to see. :o
EO3 only has four floors per stratum instead of the usual 5.  However, EO3's floors on average felt a little larger than previous games, and there's the entirity of the Sea available as well (Basically a huge puzzle navigation challenge where the rewards are about 15-ish bonus boss fights)

It still has 5 absolutely massive postgame floors but yeah.

I second recording a low-level EO3 final boss fight that sounds fantastic.  Best I've seen was fighting the postgame final boss with a single level 57 character but that was stupid
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 08, 2013, 03:32:16 PM
Are you going for the Deep City or True ending?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 08, 2013, 04:40:33 PM
Are you going for the Deep City or True ending?

Deep City ending.


We shall see what happens in the interim.

EDIT: Just to test myself, I ended up actually defeating
Kujura and the Deep Princess
with this setup. Video recordings are a highly likely.

EDIT 2:  Highlight reel of the final boss fight. ( This was captured on stream, and then exported.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Prody on March 09, 2013, 08:38:57 AM
I'll probably won't be able to touch EO4 until I get a 3DS which I plan to get one along with Animal Crossing.

I am finally reaching the end of EO1-- sans postgame because fuck that shit <_<;
Medic's immunize pretty much solves all your problems, especially when its boosted.

EDIT 2:  Highlight reel of the final boss fight. ( This was captured on stream, and then exported.
Great fight! Really like your commentary and would watch more of your gameplay if possible.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 09, 2013, 12:53:48 PM
Medic's immunize pretty much solves all your problems, especially when its boosted.
I never finished EO1's postgame despite reaching literally the sealed doors at the end of B30F; my team didn't have a Protector.  Anti-elements are so important for the postgame bosses that it's kind of stupid actually and I really didn't want to farm up a Protector so... yeah.

Also I REALLY need to finish this damn game because apparently... things.  Huge spoiler ahead if it's true:
I'm hearing theories that the final dungeon is actually supposed to be Lagaard

That would have been a shocker but it doesn't seem like it's the case.  Although the whole "Heavenbringer" thing seems to suggest a connection back to EO2 and the city is reminiscient of Lagaard's design (not to mention being at the base of a Yggdrasil), the fact is that Yggdrasil in EO4 is a completely different thing from the EO2 Yggdrasil, so...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 10, 2013, 07:15:07 AM
Well, Hollow Queen handed me my ass.  Then I went back after killing a rare sheep FOE for 50k exp and thrashed her right back.  The real problem was that nothing stuck my first time; every bind or ailment lasted a single turn, two at the outside.  The second attempt, they'd stick for 3-4 turns easy, making it a much easier battle.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on March 12, 2013, 05:16:56 AM
So I'm stuck in EO4, trying to beat the huge half-bear half-monster thing, that is surrounded by two bears. How do I even beat it...?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 12, 2013, 05:24:57 AM
So I'm stuck in EO4, trying to beat the huge half-bear half-monster thing, that is surrounded by two bears. How do I even beat it...?
There's a hidden passage in the room that will let you sneak around behind it.  This will not only give you a preemptive attack but the other two bears won't join the battle.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on March 12, 2013, 06:12:27 AM
There's a hidden passage in the room that will let you sneak around behind it.  This will not only give you a preemptive attack but the other two bears won't join the battle.

Oh dear god THANK YOU. I'll be trying this out real soon.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 12, 2013, 04:23:23 PM
Managed to hack and slash my way into the fourth labyrinth last night. God this game is sooooo good. *_* I see they also found the perfect balance of plot at last. EO3 kinda made me roll my eyes in its attempt to have a substantial plot, but EO4 gives it just enough weight to keep you interested, while not bogging down the gameplay with exposition. Of course, trying to figure out what the labyrinth will throw at you next is still the most exciting part. My team's a bit underleveled due to resting them after the third stratum, but at level 39/40, here's hoping I can
stop the empire's dastardly plans.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 12, 2013, 05:51:28 PM
Managed to hack and slash my way into the fourth labyrinth last night. God this game is sooooo good. *_* I see they also found the perfect balance of plot at last. EO3 kinda made me roll my eyes in its attempt to have a substantial plot, but EO4 gives it just enough weight to keep you interested, while not bogging down the gameplay with exposition. Of course, trying to figure out what the labyrinth will throw at you next is still the most exciting part. My team's a bit underleveled due to resting them after the third stratum, but at level 39/40, here's hoping I can
stop the empire's dastardly plans.
Nah, actually, you're at a fine level.  Generally the level you are first likely to be able to clear a stratum is about 5+10*stratum (so 15 for 1st, 25 for 2nd, 35 for 3rd, etc); which is actually plenty even if you're resting between stratums.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Minch on March 12, 2013, 06:52:29 PM
Does anyone know how long it takes to get that part of the flying ship to fly higher? I've been doing these side quests for about 2-3 days and all I've gotten so far in terms of parts was the Food flinger mark two.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 12, 2013, 07:07:56 PM
You get that from the first cave in the second land (which is the only place you can reach when you first get there).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Minch on March 12, 2013, 07:11:16 PM
Miasma cave? Damn, I guess it's time to get a move on and fight some lizards then.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 12, 2013, 08:00:29 PM
Miasma cave? Damn, I guess it's time to get a move on and fight some lizards then.
You don't have to fight the lizards to get through.

There's two tricks to the place - the first is that it's only the center room that has the poison; if you move through it fast enough (as in in fewer than 10 steps) you'll be fine.  The second is
there's a hidden path directly east of the first door - you need to open this path from the east side in order to have a way to get to the northeast door
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Minch on March 13, 2013, 03:12:20 AM
I think I may hit some kind of road block, once you get the night shard, what happens if you sold it accidentally? Could it come back or is that lost forever?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 13, 2013, 03:46:53 AM
I think I may hit some kind of road block, once you get the night shard, what happens if you sold it accidentally? Could it come back or is that lost forever?
Come back and harvest the spot the next day.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 14, 2013, 06:37:17 PM
Man, so yesterday I completely blew through the fourth stratum. Lots of fun was had.

I have the feeling Logre was supposed to be harder than he was. I was a bit scared when he showed he can and will one-shot anyone he uses a drive skill on, but I got a lucky arm bind that lasted most the battle, and my landsknecht just wasted him. She dealt a total of 1900 damage in one turn and didn't even let him use whatever he was going to do with that speed buff at critical health.

After a close tizzy with the stratum boss, lots of story, some quests, and a cursory look at the (gorgeous as always) fifth stratum, I realized I had been playing non-stop for six hours and decided I should take a break. x_x
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on March 14, 2013, 07:17:02 PM
I finally killed a Cutter. :V Maybe I stand a chance against the first boss now!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Minch on March 15, 2013, 05:02:30 AM
I've never did like bugs all that much, but after seeing those FOEs in the Misty Forest, I'm just outright terrified of them.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on March 16, 2013, 07:04:51 AM
I've never did like bugs all that much, but after seeing those FOEs in the Misty Forest, I'm just outright terrified of them.
Forget those, the Deathstalkers are annoying as hell to deal with. Damn paralysis...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 16, 2013, 11:58:51 PM
My Sniper subclass buchi is absolutely hilarious. Lock On for (seemingly) 100% crit chance, Charge to give me a 2x damage multiplier on my next move, and finally max level Squall Volley. It's even better when my medic/arcanist's leg binding circle procs for guaranteed hits.  3-4k damage in a single move is very satisfying.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 17, 2013, 12:22:15 AM
Whoo-hoo! After an intense 37 turn battle, the final boss has been defeated! Guild Maribel is now da best in da west! 8D

...But I can only sit on that magnanimous title for so long. The postgame awaits...! I wonder what my revised team should be like...well, I won't be doing that until my team hits level 60 so I can get the best retirement bonuses (level 57 right now).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 17, 2013, 04:27:18 AM
See, now I feel bad. I've been abusing the hell out of +exp food and the +exp burst. I'm 62 and still haven't beaten the game.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 17, 2013, 05:35:01 AM
See, now I feel bad. I've been abusing the hell out of +exp food and the +exp burst. I'm 62 and still haven't beaten the game.
Depending on your party you may need to be simply due to the way the final boss works.

I probably could've taken it at about 50-55 but honestly by the time I was done cleaning up everything else (literally) in the main game I was in the late 50s anyway.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 17, 2013, 06:20:49 AM
Well..  Nothing threatens me. I'm just a completionist. My fortress has 840 HP....  The healing burst does over 500 on her.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 17, 2013, 11:25:45 AM
Well..  Nothing threatens me. I'm just a completionist. My fortress has 840 HP....  The healing burst does over 500 on her.
You'd like to think you're immortal, wouldn't you?

The dragons are going to teach you otherwise.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 17, 2013, 03:30:35 PM
Bah.  Even with maxed Rampart and Party Guard, my Fortress has yet to survive a single party-guarded attack.  Three, maybe four hits and dead.

Also got horribly unlucky with an attack on an FOE's path leading to another party wipe last night; lost about an hour's progress. >:(
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: orinrin on March 17, 2013, 04:17:47 PM
You'd like to think you're immortal, wouldn't you?

The dragons are going to teach you otherwise.
Too bad the elemental dragons deal 1 damage to you if you have a Runemaster in your party.  :u

The last one is a different story though.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 17, 2013, 05:05:32 PM
You'd like to think you're immortal, wouldn't you?

The dragons are going to teach you otherwise.

Oh, I know i'm not immortal. I still remember EO3. And in that game I had the hoplite princess combo.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 17, 2013, 05:34:59 PM
Too bad the elemental dragons deal 1 damage to you if you have a Runemaster in your party.  :u
Until the Thunder Dragon uses roar and randomly kills party members as a side effect of it, nevermind the frequency of physical attacks and stuff like Absolute Zero.

Also it takes a lot more than just a Rune Master to get elemental damage that low due to the fact that a maxed Rune is only 50% damage reduction (though hey, fortress, Elemental Guard stacking with it, makes a difference etc); though I have known it to be done.  Thunder Dragon's still a jerk though.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: orinrin on March 17, 2013, 05:51:11 PM
Until the Thunder Dragon uses roar and randomly kills party members as a side effect of it, nevermind the frequency of physical attacks and stuff like Absolute Zero.

Also it takes a lot more than just a Rune Master to get elemental damage that low due to the fact that a maxed Rune is only 50% damage reduction (though hey, fortress, Elemental Guard stacking with it, makes a difference etc); though I have known it to be done.  Thunder Dragon's still a jerk though.

I ended up doing the dragons using the elemental accessories (50% for each ring), subclass Runemaster (30% or so?) and the food that you find next to each dragon (another good chunk of resistance).  The roars aren't too much of an issue if you stack enough damage or binds.  In hindsight, I probably wouldn't even need a Runemaster if I had a Fortress or Medic in my party.

Edit:  I highly don't recommend doing the DivDrag using an all Imperial party.  >_>
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on March 17, 2013, 06:31:50 PM
Whew, I reached the third stratum, currently just wandering about the cave and labyrinth. I really like this game, it's definitely addicting. I mean, I'm absolutely terrible at it, but I still love it.

So, random question; What are your favorite/best party set-ups? So far, mine looks like this;

         Fortress          Nightsomething
Arcanist          Runemaster           Medic
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: orinrin on March 17, 2013, 06:55:43 PM
Whew, I reached the third stratum, currently just wandering about the cave and labyrinth. I really like this game, it's definitely addicting. I mean, I'm absolutely terrible at it, but I still love it.

So, random question; What are your favorite/best party set-ups? So far, mine looks like this;

         Fortress          Nightsomething
Arcanist          Runemaster           Medic
That party setup looks pretty similar to one of my friend's post-game layouts (minus the Medic).  I personally prefer to front-load all of my damage in the first few turns though.

Normal Party:
Landsknecht | Fortress
Runemaster | Runemaster | Runemaster

Post-Game Party:
Imperial | Imperial | Imperial
Arcanist | Sniper

Trade Imperial/Sniper for Fortress/Medic during the Divine Dragon and Insect fights.

These layouts are far from optimal, but it's still hilarious to see the 6th Stratum boss get bursted down so fast.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on March 17, 2013, 07:01:56 PM
Normal Party:
Landsknecht | Fortress
Runemaster | Runemaster | Runemaster

That's a party I seriously considered for a long time, even calling it my "New Game + Party" (As in restarting a game with those) but as I played, I realized how much Runemasters are unpractical. Their only damage source costs a considerable amount of TP, and that shortens the time I can explore. That's why I stuck a Medic and 2-3 "I don't need TP" classes, (Arcanist is often switched for a First Row Landsknecht) so I could just do almost all of my fights with the attack command, and heal completely at the end.

I've been playing with an arcanist for a long time so far, and I can't decide whether it's the worst class in the game, or the very best. (So far! I know I'm lacking two other classes.) It has insanely good heals and damage output (Poison, woo-hoo!), as well as an insane range of debilitating effects, but it's hard to just deal damage with it.

Speaking of which, just checking, I get the second unlockable classes once I finish the third stratum, riiiiight?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 17, 2013, 07:09:53 PM
Yes, each unlockable class comes up as you clear the second, third, and fourth labyrinths.

That was just silly.  Finally got around to going back to the Baboon King...landed paralysis on the first turn, and he couldn't move for the rest of the fight, except to summon the rollers.  Totally silly.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 18, 2013, 05:06:36 PM
With much tears, I have retired my beloved team for a brand new postgame team:

Wrathie the Nightseeker/Dancer
Barnaby the Imperial/Landsknecht
Wufan the Arcanist/Fortress (I figured retiring her wouldn't really change that much since the arcanist's usefulness isn't really based on stats)
Bart the Sniper/Runemaster
Fuuka the Runemaster/Medic

Given how underleveled 4/5 of my team is, they're doing fairly well in the sixth stratum. :o Speaking of, the sixth stratum is unusually not painful compared to past games. I hope that changes as I go on.

By the way, I have no idea why we have to be so secretive about the imperial class. I mean their appearance is more of a spoiler than their name, and that's freely shown everywhere.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 18, 2013, 11:31:04 PM
Just beat the game at level 66/67. Had a 7200 damage attack come out of my sniper on the midboss. Post-game content will have to wait for my battery to recharge though :\

Here, have a guild card.

EDIT: Fire Dragon down. Beat him in 1 try :). Turns out I *am* invincible. Fortress tanked 5 hits of the same move before falling...  Then got auto-revived. Calm Breath burst and a party heal got me back to max (which is 960) I forgot to friggin' take a formaldehyde into the battle though...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 19, 2013, 07:04:52 AM
Given how underleveled 4/5 of my team is, they're doing fairly well in the sixth stratum. :o Speaking of, the sixth stratum is unusually not painful compared to past games. I hope that changes as I go on.
It does get more painful.  A lot more painful. 
random encounters with party petrification painful
.  Also the boss is... a thing.  Though it's definitely less powerful than other EO bonus bosses
unless you don't use any chemicals in which case he apparently makes Abyssal God look like a pansy...

EDIT: Fire Dragon down. Beat him in 1 try :). Turns out I *am* invincible. Fortress tanked 5 hits of the same move before falling...  Then got auto-revived. Calm Breath burst and a party heal got me back to max (which is 960) I forgot to friggin' take a formaldehyde into the battle though...
To be fair, Fire Dragon is the easiest if not solely because he's the only one without instant death or other ailment-based bullcrap, just raw damage numbers.  The Ice Dragon
uses Absolute Zero to try to insta-kill your entire party on a certain turn (8?  10?)
and the Thunder Dragon
uses a debuff which also inflicts Curse or Death every few turns
.  Good luck with those, though the difficulty gap isn't too huge they're really just more of a pain in the ass because they can do more.

EDIT: Apparently there's a way to avoid the Thunder Dragon's nonsense and it's the same stupid crap as the Colossus in EO2. 
which is to say you don't want to use more than 6 total buff slots across your party because that's what triggers his death/curse attack
.  Wish I had known about this sooner.


BONUS EDIT ROUND: fuck the bonus dungeon fuck the second floor of it fuck this fucking shit but I refuse to look at a map
and then I lost an hour of it because when I went back to town I screwed up my forges and attempted to reload only to realise I didn't immediately save upon return.

┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. \)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 20, 2013, 12:52:23 AM
On B2F of the sixth stratum. I feel rather smug because within five minutes I figured out the gimmick of the entire floor.

That mildly makes up for the constant pain and death my guild is suffering.

The pain.

So much.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 21, 2013, 03:51:19 PM
Steadily exploring the final floor of the sixth stratum. I was worried about this team setup at first, but once he got enough skill points and equipment, my Sniper is really wasting some of these enemies. Funnily enough, the most use I've gotten out of my Runemaster is the staff she has equipped giving me a second quick step - which helps dealing with
far less heart attack-inducing. Once I reach the bonus boss, gonna mop up the rest of the game and conditional drops. Gonna 100% this man we're doing this man.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 22, 2013, 02:42:51 PM
Man this uh... this superboss is... yeah. 
at first I was like "well hey I've got two chemicals seems like it got a bit easier YEAH I CAN DO THIS YEAH" then it turned out no I didn't have any and OH GOD THE SECOND FORM OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK

God what the fuck how do I even fight this fucker even once the stuff is applied
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 22, 2013, 08:18:14 PM
So I think I gained like 5 levels in 6B2 before I figured out the gimmick for the floor. When it finally hit me there was a long pause...  then 'oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.'

Honestly that's what i get for mapping so diligently.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ghaleon on March 22, 2013, 09:56:28 PM
Nob question. I wantthis game but no 3ds. I researched that it has a digital download option (yay), but im worried about what that means for redownload, speed,etc issues. Ive heard all kinds of stories regarding nintendo's digital download policy's and i quite frankly dont believe it all. Basically all i really care about is can i delete it and redl it to my same 3ds' HD unlimited times in case i need to make space for other digital downloads? And is the speed or whatever for EO4 acceptable? I know digital should theoretically mean its faster but i just wanna be safe =p.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on March 24, 2013, 12:01:48 AM
I can't really answer all your questions, but i do remember when i played the demo for this, save times were substantially shorter than on the cart. Loading times are nonexistant otherwise... And it ran at full speed. (I'm not too sure what kind of speed you were referring to.)

Also I finally have had my invincible feeling shaken. I was only able to knock off 50% of
the 4th dragon's
health before he finally took me out. Now that i somewhat know what to expect, I think I can take him. Maybe...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 24, 2013, 12:13:52 AM
Been steadily grinding the past couple days, and my team's now in its mid-60s to 70s. Taken out one dragon, and seriously took on the bonus boss for the first time.

Better invest in those elemental blocking rune skills...

In other news, I have collected to my knowledge every chest, and do not have the medal yet.

Cue mass panic as I realize I will probably have to comb over every labyrinth again.


Helllllll yeah bro nothin' can stop the Maribel guild now! It's only a matter of finding the last few drops and I will have 100%'d this game. (After a massive 4 hour campaign, I found the missing chests).

...Though, at this point, I'm wondering if I shouldn't bite the bullet and find every treasure, too. It'll be a real chore, but the idea of having every medal in its highest form is oddly appealing at this point.


Behold the guild that conquered Yggdrasil!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 26, 2013, 07:28:25 AM
I did much the same.  Beat
The Twisted Savior
in the morning and
The Fallen One
on my way to work.
here's my card (

I'm not gonna bother getting 100% monster/item collection (I could try for monster collection but eh) but I did get every treasure map completed, I'm happy to say.  So I'm going to start my NG+

...with a team of three dancers.

This could be bad.  Or good!  Not sure yet.

EDIT: Famitsu leak/scan of the moment names "Shin Sekaiju No Meikyuu: Millenium no Shoujo". (  That... that's not the EO5 I was expecting!?!?
EDIT 2: Initial info claims it's an Etrian Odyssey 1 remake/rebuild!?
EDIT 3: Scans (  It'll actually have predetermined characters and a lot more story apparently???  Though it looks to be keeping the classic system and there's signs of character customization still playing a pretty major role so...?
(Also your party's medic looks freaking awesome)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 26, 2013, 03:29:37 PM
Wait...what? I need more information.

And pictures.

Pictures would be good.

Seriously that sounds great. I never played EO1, and this would be a spectacular opportunity to do so.

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 26, 2013, 03:46:26 PM
Our intrepid hero enters Etria with only one request: "I wish to investigate the strangeness within Etria."
A sign is soon to follow, with fierce earthquakes and a strange loud sound trailing after it. He goes forth to explore the unknown ruins.
He encounters a girl, Frederica, waiting there. She has lost her memories.
Three others, also aiming to investigate the ruins, join him.
They delve within the ruins, where the World Tree is said to exist.
With each step, they push on with their exploration.
What exactly is this 'strangeness'? The key to the answers lie dormant in the girl's memories.

Main Character (CV: Toriumi Kousuke)
Supposed to represent the player. He comes from the Highland, and goes to Etria on a request to explore the mysterious ruins there.
Fights with a lance.

Frederica Irving (CV: Mariya Ise)
A young girl who lost her memories. She's encountered in the mysterious ruins in Etria.
She's nice, but due to her loss of memory, there could be other things about her person.
Throughout the adventure, you'll see what kind of person she really is.

Simon York (CV: Ono Daisuke)
The leader of an exploration team from the Midgard Library.
He seems to be incredibly knowledgeable, being able to explain much about the monsters in the labyrinth as well as the ancient texts.
He's a Medic and assists his companions with a calm and cool demeanor.

Arthur Charles (CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki)
A member of the exploration team capable of attacking with the elements. A young Alchemist.
He tends not to think much before doing things, as well as have a bit of a bossy mouth.
Sometimes, he's at odds with Simon.

Lacuna Sheldon (CV: Shizuka Itou)
A frontline woman in the exploration team who took the role of the Paladin (Protector).
She's an aristocrat, so she doesn't seem to have a very personable demeanor.
While she has a strong sense of justice, she also has common sense, and isn't particularly picky about things in general.

source: x (

Tentative Japanese release date: 6/27
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on March 26, 2013, 04:49:07 PM
Apparenly we're going back to the old boost system, too. I can only wonder how will this game build on the base of the original.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on March 26, 2013, 05:17:40 PM
Sounds interesting, but not being able to name your characters kinda loses its charm... :( Oh well, If this comes out in the US you can be sure I'll buy it, I'm curious about the rest of the series! :D
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 27, 2013, 01:02:32 AM
On a more technical level, the game will be on 3DS and will use Etrian Odyssey IV's engine.  Almost all of the visual assets look brand new or redrawn as well, and some of the environments look redone as well, so basically it'll be a big visual update.

On a mechanical level, they've also confirmed that there's still classes and skill trees and standard EO combat and everything - essentially, it's still going to play like an Etrian Odyssey game.  And yes when I say classes I mean customization there - characters can be switched between available classes rather freely (though their appearance won't change and - interestingly - neither will their actual stats, so certain characters are better in certain classes than others).  So really it's EO gameplay just with a heavier focus on story.

I'm actually looking forward to it though a lot of people are understandably skeptical.
Seriously that sounds great. I never played EO1, and this would be a spectacular opportunity to do so.
We've no clue just how close to the original EO it will play, but I will say that the original is very, very difficult to play in terms of a "the series has improved so much over the sequels that it's really hard to go back to" sort of way.  It could be a while before we get it but I suspect we will.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on March 27, 2013, 01:45:05 AM
On a mechanical level, they've also confirmed that there's still classes and skill trees and standard EO combat and everything - essentially, it's still going to play like an Etrian Odyssey game.  And yes when I say classes I mean customization there - characters can be switched between available classes rather freely (though their appearance won't change and - interestingly - neither will their actual stats, so certain characters are better in certain classes than others).  So really it's EO gameplay just with a heavier focus on story.

Yeah, one of the images had Simon with Landsknecht and DH skills so that's a thing. Alongside Immunize 8)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on March 28, 2013, 08:06:29 PM
Beat the final boss today.  EO4 gets a thumbs out of up.

I am somewhat disappointed with how hard Sniper's damage output falls off - not that it was ever spectacular in the first place, barring a good roll on Squall Shot - but Nightseeker and Imperial did plenty enough on their own to clean house.

Time to see how far I get in the postgame...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 29, 2013, 01:24:39 PM
Beat the final boss today.  EO4 gets a thumbs out of up.

I am somewhat disappointed with how hard Sniper's damage output falls off - not that it was ever spectacular in the first place, barring a good roll on Squall Shot - but Nightseeker and Imperial did plenty enough on their own to clean house.

Time to see how far I get in the postgame...
Sniper is arguably the worst class in the game in the long run.  There's several options that deal more actual damage than it, and Arcanists seem to beat it out in binding.  Honestly by the postgame my Sniper was mostly being used for Squall Volley+Follow Trace activating my Linksknecht's damage (Which my dancer could also do but I needed him using other dances more often so Rush Dance was trickier to justify) and Silver Arrow on certain troublesome mobs in the bonus dungeon.  ...Though to be fair, given how much damage a Linker is capable of outputting, a character that's capable of activating all eight links by themselves if lucky is kinda cool.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on March 31, 2013, 06:59:09 AM
And thus, I have unlocked the gracious, wonderful gift that are Subclasses. Seriously, it turns almost all of my party into *useful* people now. Fusing a Nightseeker and a Dancer together is a glorious thing, and is worth every thing I've done so far.

Aside from that, I'm slowly growing more and more pissed off at the third stratum's labyrinth. This thing is just confusing as hell, with all the freezing-unfreezing, the limited ice stakes, multiple entrances, and dead-ends. I'm going to go insane, yet I can't stop playing.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on March 31, 2013, 09:54:07 AM
Cleared the first stratum with my three-dancer lineup at level 15.  I honestly expected way worse but it really wasn't that bad.  Then again, having high-level Regen Waltz, Attack Waltz, and Guard Waltz already is absurd nevermind the part where I've also got stuff like counter samba/chase samba giving me free attacks.

I just have to make really short trips into the dungeon because oh my god where the hell is my TP I just kinda blink and it's gone if I'm not careful
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 08, 2013, 12:13:13 AM
Finally reached the Boiling Lizard. This thing. It SCARES ME.

I need two kind of tips. 1) Any strategies to go stab that "Lol I make the entire room hot" thing with an ice stake, like with the first boss, or is it really just a "Run like hell bitchezzz" contest between you and the lizard...?

2) Anything I need to know about the boss itself? The Hollow Queen's bondage fetish taught me that Etrian Odyssey likes to mess with my hatred for inflicting statuses instead of attacking.

Seriously, Arcanist's full level poison circle... It's beautiful.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 08, 2013, 02:12:19 AM
1. You can't do the boss room puzzle in one go.  Bring an arseload of ice stakes with you, then get in there and destroy a couple each time then gtfo of the room.  Each time you destroy a stake it does cause him to move a little closer so it can be sorta tricky but do what you can and try not to get yourself backed into a corner by accident (the more accurate the map you draw the better etc etc).  You can absolutely shatter the heat out from behind him - and when you do you can actually go back and rest and save.  Just make sure that when you engage him anew you don't let him stand next to any smaller scales.

2. Strategy: Easiest damage reduction you can get is to have a subbed Runemaster ensuring that level 3 Fire Rune is always up (Level 6 is better but only by like 10% believeitornot).  Obviously Ice damage screws with him.  The "gimmick" of the fight is the scales he summons - you can hit them with any ice attack to temporarily disable them, or use an ice stake on them in-battle to completely destroy.  The power of his fire-based attacks increases substantially for each active one there.  Other than that you shouldn't need much more help I think?  also obviously nom something before the battle it's amazing how easily people forget you can do that.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 08, 2013, 02:18:31 AM
Aah, thanks a LOT. I'll be trying to stab a few scales first-hand, and hope I don't get destroyed.

Just make sure that when you engage him anew you don't let him stand next to any smaller scales.

I'll assume it makes the fight much much harder...doesn't it?

2. Strategy: Easiest damage reduction you can get is to have a subbed Runemaster ensuring that level 3 Fire Rune is always up.

I completely forgot about the existence of this spell. Seriously. I'll probably use my Fortress' "Elemental Damage Reduction for the Team" spell too; I assume it'll help. I think. I HOPE.

also obviously nom something before the battle it's amazing how easily people forget you can do that.

I do forget. All the time. ALLLLLL THE TIME. It's so amazing too; I mean, +6 in a stat? Helllll yeah.

Small question I also forgot to ask; Is there some sort of gimmick with the giant Dino FOE in the third stratum? My game tells me "Pffff, he's easy" and yet he DEVOURS my party (Literally) with Binge Eating. It just seems to grow stronger every time, starting with a mere 50 damage, and doing over 300 toward the end of the battle.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 08, 2013, 03:24:36 AM
Head bind or paralyze the Tusked Crusher.  Binge Eating keeps getting stronger but if he can't do it he's completely harmless.

Also if you think Poison Circle is fantastic, just wait.  Soon you will see that Auto-Spread/Venom Throw is the one true way.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 08, 2013, 05:43:05 AM
It doesn't make it seriously harder, no, but it does mean he starts with scales already deployed on the field, and he usually starts with the fire breath attack that is powered up by that, so...

Anyway, the "base" runes are amazing - even if just subclassed into Runemaster (and thus maxed at 3) the damage reduction is 50%.  ____ Mists are the same effect at rank 6 (so ~60% reduction) but obviously require farming.  In addition they can be used to induce weaknesses, letting Landsknechts, Imperials, or other Runemasters deal significantly increased damage (especially if any of the first two sub Imperial and get Runic Guidance to amp damage on hitting weaknesses further - any enemy with a >100% modifier on an element is counted as weak!).  They're extremely useful to have somewhere on your team especially when you step into postgame - the elemental dragons can be dealt with via smart Aegis Wards, but the postgame super boss uses them in a fixed, successive pattern that will require you to have absurd levels unless you have these.

And yes, they stack with the Fortress' Elemental Guard.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on April 08, 2013, 02:09:41 PM
Finally moved on to EO3! (I'll be going back to EO1 and EO2 post-game later.)

And I have spent the majority of my time floundering around trying to figure out what classes to use. Fun stuff. :v

(currently running Princess/Monk/Hoplite/Ninja/(gun)Buccaneer)

(still not sure if this is what I will stick with)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 08, 2013, 04:46:40 PM
Yeah EO3's classes are so... out there that it's really hard to know which ones to use.  Your party seems alright, but might benefit for dropping the Hoplite for an Arbalist or something - you've got huge amounts of support as is.  (Then again the only real "wrong" ways are "Don't use a Ninja/Wildling/
in a party with one another because they want the extra space" and "Why are you using a Farmer what are you doing")
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 08, 2013, 04:53:32 PM
Yeah EO3's classes are so... out there that it's really hard to know which ones to use.  Your party seems alright, but might benefit for dropping the Hoplite for an Arbalist or something - you've got huge amounts of support as is.  (Then again the only real "wrong" ways are "Don't use a Ninja/Wildling/
in a party with one another because they want the extra space" and "Why are you using a Farmer what are you doing")

on that note I suppose I should link this here:

I'm doing a Let's Play of EO3! (

and my starting party includes a Ninja, a Wildling and a Farmer, HA!

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on April 08, 2013, 05:46:34 PM
Yeah EO3's classes are so... out there that it's really hard to know which ones to use.  Your party seems alright, but might benefit for dropping the Hoplite for an Arbalist or something - you've got huge amounts of support as is.  (Then again the only real "wrong" ways are "Don't use a Ninja/Wildling/
in a party with one another because they want the extra space" and "Why are you using a Farmer what are you doing")

Should I really drop the Hoplite? I'm making it for the sake of subclassing it as Ninja later on, so I can make her guard both rows when necessary. (That, and Otori+Overwatch should be useful...)

Also, if I do use an Arbalist, what moves should I use? They seem to be useful against enemies with binds and status ailments (which my ninja should be able to dish out at some point)... hmm.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on April 08, 2013, 05:58:26 PM
In my personal opinion I'd drop the Buccaneer for a Zodiac bit that was because I had bad experience with chasers, and a terribly good one with elemental advantages.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 08, 2013, 06:49:31 PM
Should I really drop the Hoplite? I'm making it for the sake of subclassing it as Ninja later on, so I can make her guard both rows when necessary. (That, and Otori+Overwatch should be useful...)

Also, if I do use an Arbalist, what moves should I use? They seem to be useful against enemies with binds and status ailments (which my ninja should be able to dish out at some point)... hmm.
I wouldn't drop the Hoplite - having a lot of survivability is usually the way to go in EO, and damage-centric parties only overtake it if they do a lot of damage *cough warrior might cough*  And while double Line Guard is good, I ended up using the clone slot for a N/Z with two prophecies and having maxed Anti on the third on the Hoplite.  Elemental damage, what's that? :V  (This is not always a good idea but it's extremely powerful in some situations and was part of how I beat the true ending boss at level 46.)

As far as the Arbalist goes, either spec for the barrages for some coverage and elemental weaknesses (subbing Zodiac works well for Singularity - which also applies to physical weaknesses, by the way!) or go for the Front Mortar/Double Action build, sit in the front row, and deal absurd amounts of damage per shot (sub Gladiator for Charge/Berserker Vow) until you run out of TP in three shots.

If you were to drop one member, I'd drop either the Ninja or the Buccaneer for a Zodiac - elemental damage, especially Etheric Charge+Hellfire, is really powerful early on.  Might be better to drop the Buccaneer if you're planning on having a N/Z TP battery (which would also work well if you're planning on using Front Mortar).  If you do keep him, don't spec for the chases, they're really bad!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on April 08, 2013, 07:25:03 PM
Huh, okay. Well, I'll drop the Buccaneer then, because I was already planning on subbing my Ninja with Zodiac for Dark Ether and such. In that case I'll probably go for Arbalist/Zodiac because I think you had me sold on exploiting weaknesses. Or yeah, with Gladiator, because TP won't really be an issue with Dark Ether. Hmm hmm hmm.

Out of curiosity, can you change subclasses at any time?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 08, 2013, 07:28:55 PM
Huh, okay. Well, I'll drop the Buccaneer then, because I was already planning on subbing my Ninja with Zodiac for Dark Ether and such. In that case I'll probably go for Arbalist/Zodiac because I think you had me sold on exploiting weaknesses. Or yeah, with Gladiator, because TP won't really be an issue with Dark Ether. Hmm hmm hmm.

Out of curiosity, can you change subclasses at any time?
You can change them by resting, which still costs 5 levels.  EO4 changing that to 2 was one of the best things for the series and I hope they keep it.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on April 08, 2013, 07:39:42 PM
You can change them by resting, which still costs 5 levels.  EO4 changing that to 2 was one of the best things for the series and I hope they keep it.
... Resting resets subclasses? God damn, and I had retired half of my party to deal with postgame :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Cyclone on April 08, 2013, 10:53:11 PM
My party setup was a bit weird in EO3. Front line was Hoplite, Monk, and Princess with my backline being Arbalist and Ninja. My monk subclassed ninja, and my ninja subclassed monk. Gave the monk almost 0 healing abilities, maxed breakfire fist, and got a lot of evasion from the ninja tree. The ninja got the insta-kill passive, clone, and then a bunch of the healing abilities from the monk tree, because 2 healers are better than 1. The hoplite never attacked and was responsible for keeping the princess at 100% hp, and the princess's job for most of the game was to stand there and look pretty (passive HP regen in all 3 forms)(stopping status effects later in the 6th stratum was nice i suppose).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on April 08, 2013, 10:56:02 PM
I'm still trying to decide what I wanna do with my Princess once I can start subclassing. I originally planned to have her toting a gun as a Buccaneer so she can fight from the back row, and follow up attacks with chasers. But if those are that bad... hm. Maybe I'll go Arbalist with her, and take my current Arbalist and put her on the front line with Front Mortar+Double Action or something...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 08, 2013, 11:13:28 PM
Okay, I pussied out and didn't go at the Boiling Lizard.

I just kinda defeated every FOES that I didn't kill at least once yet, did the 20 sidequests I didn't do (Kiiiinda forgot they existed, y'know?) and made a whole bunch of stuff.

Conclusion: I'm 5 levels higher for everyone, got some nice stuff, and think I'm ready to punch that lizard back into the suuun!

Re-Conclusion: Fire Rune + Whatever-The-Final-Fire-Rune-Is-Called = Massive ownage.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 09, 2013, 03:00:56 AM

on that note I suppose I should link this here:

I'm doing a Let's Play of EO3! (

and my starting party includes a Ninja, a Wildling and a Farmer, HA!

To be fair my original party had a Farmer too, which worked until the final boss at which point I got frustrated and Scylla-spammed an Arbalist up to level in his place and suddenly roflstomped all over the final boss.  It is nice to not have to run multiple parties but... yeah.
Also I suppose you can technically run Ninja and Wildling together but one of them is going to be subpar in the "what they can do" category - either the Ninja loses the entire duplication function (though they can still be solid with that but duplication shenanigans are kind of a big thing for them) or Wildling loses their summon (Which leaves them with like two skills that are irrelevant to Wildling stats - the debuff ones - so you might as well just sub Wildling for that)

Also since I don't think anyone mentioned it yet: get Monarch March on your Prince(ss) when you can.  If you raise it to like level 3-4 (and about one level higher each additional stratum) you'll pretty much never need to heal outside of battle, it's amazing.  Either way I still specced my backline Prince into a Buccaneer sub just to be able to equip guns and was fine - I was still mostly using orders on my lines most turns.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 10, 2013, 02:00:32 AM

So! After forgetting to save for hours, managing to break off all the scales, and realizing that 'I CANNOT FAIL' for my very first try against the lizard, I decided to attack.

His attacks were more or less modest, to be fair; Fire Mist was pretty much all I ever needed to ward off his fiery attack. Of course, the fire wall countering thing plus the Poison Tail attack were... Not expected. Once I had him down to literally a hundreth of his bar, he started to heal. My Nightseeker died a while ago. My Medic had no TP. I forgot to bring Honey. And only Kibagami and my Runemaster could use Ice attacks. I started to hit him more or less as hard as he healed, a bit less actually, which I'd then catch up using Ice Coffin. Doing this about three times allowed me to reach a point where he spewed two scales, and had little to no HP.

I have no ice stakes left. My Medic has no TP, Kibagami has 12. I use Incinerate Rune because, hey special drop. 4 HP DAMAGE. WTF!? Others hit for ridiculous melee damage. Doesn't die. I more or less thought this was the end until I remembered I had Kibagami use Ice Slash... AND THE DAMN THING GOES DOOOOOOWN!

Whew. Blind encounter with this horrible thing and I did it. Man, this game is stressful sometime.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 10, 2013, 02:25:39 AM
Kibagami has Roar, which dispels buffs.

...probably would've helped. :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 10, 2013, 02:44:09 AM

Well, I would have felt more stupid, if Kibagami wasn't my main damage source (Every time was literally dedicated about him using Ice Slash or attacking to regain TP). My runemaster was kind of entirely fire specialized. With a level one Ice spear.

MY PRIDE REFUSES TO MAKE RIN LOSE 2 LEVELS. (Although I'm wellllll aware this is a ridiculously small drop compared to past EO games)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: ZetaBladeX13 on April 11, 2013, 05:42:47 PM
Fear not, leveling becomes hilariously easy after unlocking the Bushi subclass (after beating the Boiling Lizard) =D
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 11, 2013, 07:00:58 PM
I've actually decided to make two Bushis (Katana and Mace), and level them by hand.

I... I never, ever thought I'd CHEER whenever I'd get killed. HELL YEAH, FULL HEAL.

All in all, easiest 32 x2 levels of my life.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 11, 2013, 10:18:47 PM
I've actually decided to make two Bushis (Katana and Mace), and level them by hand.

I... I never, ever thought I'd CHEER whenever I'd get killed. HELL YEAH, FULL HEAL.

All in all, easiest 32 x2 levels of my life.
What, you didn't just use the Trainer to insta-level them to 35?  o.o'

Dancer Trio has made it to Hollow Queen and I want to throw things.  Suffice to say I've already decided to just give in and use Wufan because as it is, it's extremely easy for any of my dancers to suddenly die in combat - Guard Tango reduces physical damage, not magical damage, and this battle is full of the latter.  The problem now is going to be actually killing her, even though I have the significant advantage of ailments, binding, and healing via Wufan.  It's just so easy for this fight to go horrifically wrong.

Looking so forward to getting subclassing...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 12, 2013, 12:49:32 AM
What, you didn't just use the Trainer to insta-level them to 35?  o.o'

I wanted to have two bushis have an adventure :'D That, and that implies giving me 40 skill points to use on skills I have no knowledge about. Plus it was fun and what not. They're both level 43 now, so it's alll good. (Killing FOES in two turns helps a lot.)

Okay, those are minor reasons. I'LL ADMIT IT, I'M A HOARDER. What if I needed the trainer for later, for some mysterious reasons? Then my life would lose its very meaning.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: ZetaBladeX13 on April 12, 2013, 03:29:30 PM
1) Get Bushi subclass

2) Max out skill that heals HP when doing regular attacks

3) Use autopilot on the map to make you run in a circle

Easiest grinding session ever
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on April 12, 2013, 08:06:46 PM
Pretty much. Except I use primary classes bushis for the hell of it.

No seriously, I'm just there, finishing the game with two bushis. I heal harder than anyone hits, and hit harder than anyone heals. Success?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 29, 2013, 01:07:35 PM
Oh hey I beat the Dragon on my first try

but the problem is that whenever I get to EO postgames I always want to start over with silly things

like a five-medic run
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 29, 2013, 01:18:57 PM
Oh hey I beat the Dragon on my first try

but the problem is that whenever I get to EO postgames I always want to start over with silly things

like a five-medic run
I suggest actually doing EO4's postgame at least once.  Its bossfights and dungeon are a lot of fun (barring
the trial-and-error rooms
) and doable with pretty much any team unlike the nonsense that was previous games' postgames.

Five medics sounds like simultaneously the worst and best thing.  I still need to continue my own three-dancer party, I made it past the Hollow Queen but just haven't picked the game back up since.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 29, 2013, 01:44:25 PM
The biggest problem with any single-class run, as far as I can see, is going to be the second stratum.  Hollows are a horrible pain without a sniper, honestly.

I'm thinking creating five level 1 medics, giving them subclasses, and starting a NG+.  It should be fun!

...but after I at least get to the last couple postgame bosses.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on April 29, 2013, 02:38:07 PM
The biggest problem with any single-class run, as far as I can see, is going to be the second stratum.  Hollows are a horrible pain without a sniper, honestly.

I'm thinking creating five level 1 medics, giving them subclasses, and starting a NG+.  It should be fun!

...but after I at least get to the last couple postgame bosses.
The Binoculars are somewhere in the second Land (I think in one of the caves?) and they are an accessory that gives Spotter level 1, which tends to be enough.  And you can always have
Wufan's Leg bind circle
to help.  That was enough to get me through.

Giving them subclasses in advance would be a pretty huge advantage but makes it a lot more interesting.  You could probably get some interesting results with Medic subclasses.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on April 29, 2013, 02:51:19 PM
One of the things I want is a L/M for Vanguard into Star Drop.  Everyone else gets a huge damage increase from that!  But I'd have to make do with a M/L :V

Also I love the sheer versatility and bizarre combos that you can get away with in this game.  EO just keeps getting better and better.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 02, 2013, 06:48:44 PM
So I'm just kinda stopping at the 5th maze because it's a huuuuge pain in the ass. I'll get back to exploring it some other time. For now, I'm making random party set-ups and "re-playing" the game using them.

The 3 Imperials party one is under process, and I decided to try a 5 Dancer party because it seemed fun. However... What subclasses should I pick and what formation is preferable? (For the Dancers; My Imperials party is already done on that point)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 02, 2013, 07:10:22 PM
Well, I won't deny that I got hellishly lucky, but that's the Fallen One down as well!  All the dragons have fallen at my hands now!

Awesome luck factors include but are not limited to paralysis turn loss something like four out of six turns, as well as a super lucky Follow Trace activating on the last hit after I used a Formaldehyde.  Crazy fight, but victory was finally mine!

Now I just have to clear out the third floor of the Hall of Darkness...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 02, 2013, 09:14:03 PM
So I'm just kinda stopping at the 5th maze because it's a huuuuge pain in the ass. I'll get back to exploring it some other time. For now, I'm making random party set-ups and "re-playing" the game using them.

The 3 Imperials party one is under process, and I decided to try a 5 Dancer party because it seemed fun. However... What subclasses should I pick and what formation is preferable? (For the Dancers; My Imperials party is already done on that point)
Imperials are kind of silly because drive blades only exist at 5th dungeon power levels.  I'm not actually sure about 5 dancers.  I can tell you 3 actually works hilariously well on a serious NG+ - the trick with 5 is that you have two rows to take care of all of a sudden.  If you're doing it more casually and bringing subclasses from elsewhere though it's up to you because most things will kick ass:

Landsknecht gives power boosts or you can minor in Links (which'll max out hilariously easily)
Nightseeker gives up to 8 hits on Sword Dance
Fortress is... probably not recommendable because of low natural survival but there's still Rampart and and shit if you really want.
Sniper is rarely ever a good subclass idea really it's just so heavily reliant on actives but hey if you really want binds
Medic is bitchin'.  Mostly for Revive/Stretch but also Line Heal 5 is a far cheaper alternative to Healing Step 10 (no really there's like a 1% effectiveness difference but a huge TP cost difference).
Runemaster is the best tool you've got for dealing with elemental damage (the buff+debuff spells, not the damage ones, also Runic Shield) but oops taking up a slot on every party member.
Arcanist is probably what you'd go to if you want ailments at all (but note lower max skill level and Dancer's average LUC = far less effective than dedicated Arcanists)
Bushi's Blood Surge is the best damage amplifier you'll get also it loves adding stuff to normal attacks so it syncs amazingly with Dancers.
Imperial = hey why not drive blade shit.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 02, 2013, 09:30:58 PM
Yeah, I just realized a 5 members dancer party won't work too well, what's with the two rows. I'll probably stick to three. Thanks for the tips, too!

And just because I find it hilarious, a 2 Bushi with Nightseeker as subclasses team is ridiculously OP.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 04, 2013, 11:27:50 AM
Queen Grinder of the EO games has finally set foot on EO4! (That's yours truly if you didn't figure it out)

I have literally just started EO4; it was the game I got with my 3DS XL :3

I'll provide my guild card when I get back from my vacation and such, but for now I'm running L/N/D|S/R at the moment
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 06, 2013, 08:29:23 PM
aaaaaaa holy crap I beat
the Warped Savior
(final postgame boss) on my first try aaaaaaaaaaaa

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 08, 2013, 10:17:56 AM
Guild card! (

I'm not so far into the game yet. ^^
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on May 09, 2013, 06:33:01 AM
aaaaaaa holy crap I beat
the Warped Savior
(final postgame boss) on my first try aaaaaaaaaaaa

congratulations aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I've just reached the second maze's boss area, now I just have to grind a bit and upgrade my armor...On that note, does anyone know where I can find Strong Vines? I can't seem to find any info on them anywhere. :ohdear:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 09, 2013, 06:47:30 AM
aaaaaaa holy crap I beat
the Warped Savior
(final postgame boss) on my first try aaaaaaaaaaaa

bullcrap that fucker took me forever though I probably just had a really bad party configuration for it

congratulations aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I've just reached the second maze's boss area, now I just have to grind a bit and upgrade my armor...On that note, does anyone know where I can find Strong Vines? I can't seem to find any info on them anywhere. :ohdear:
I wouldn't ever suggest grinding for armor.  If you can't beat the second boss, she has a glaring weakness:
no ailment defenses whatsoever
.  I was able to do it with just three dancers and the NPC at about level 25.  As for her whole battle strategy, I suggest
leaving one of the back-row shadow mages alive so she takes front-row damage and isn't randomly guarded; also, Ice Blast is way less damaging and dangerous than Blitzritter and the heal is easy to outdamage if you leg bind her or use Spotter (you should have Binoculars from one of the small caves)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on May 09, 2013, 07:24:36 AM
I wouldn't ever suggest grinding for armor.
I kind of have to, those Hollow Roamers are annoying to deal with. :( I also found out where the Strong Vine was, it's not a monster drop but a harvesting drop in Miasma Forest. No wonder I couldn't find it!  :derp: stupid greedy lizards scaring me away

I should be fine for the boss anyways, I'm around level 28, but a little extra protection never hurt anyone. :D (Update: Ran into TWO  gold Greedy Lizards in the forest (and then a third afterwards), killed them and my party's up to 30 now :3c talk about lucky!)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 09, 2013, 12:37:44 PM
Wow, the boss was really easy :derp:

My setup I find is pretty flexible now, my F has maxed out Rampart so it really beefs up her passive tankiness, it's even better when Auto-Taunt kicks in. Having smites on the side is also good I find for offside damage, since a bulk of the DP/T is coming from the Linker, all the links are only at lv1 but the Improved Link is maxed, and Initiative is almost maxed running off a maxed Vanguard, so the damage boost is ridiculous. Runemaster is also doing a ridiculous amount of damage which is only going to go higher once I get the passives that boost damage versus weakness. :derp: Gosh this game.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 09, 2013, 01:32:20 PM
bullcrap that fucker took me forever though I probably just had a really bad party configuration for it
I was running D/F N/B N/A S/A M/R, what do you mean bad party configuration :derp:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 09, 2013, 01:43:41 PM
>Two Nightseekers
yeah that explains why you were able to pull it off actually considering you could one-shot
the limbs
with those guys.

My team was I/R L/R D/N M/R S/N. The big problem I had was that
None of my party were good at multi-target attacks, meaning I had no effective way to clear the various limbs; also being underlevelled meant I had to have exactly the right rune up or or Aegis Ward in order to survive elemental attacks, and then Guard Tactic again on top of that in order to deal with the Celestial Body attack or whatever because it was 800+ damage because I could only ever kill the front two limbs
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: NegaZero on May 09, 2013, 01:54:11 PM
Well, I finally quit procrastinating and finished grinding up a couple new members and beat the last main story boss.

Current party is F/D L/R N/S // R/I A/M.

Thinking about reclassing the N/S as an N/I for crazy powerful status-driven Drives, and while I'm at it giving my A/M some status attack to use.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 09, 2013, 02:00:34 PM
>Two Nightseekers
yeah that explains why you were able to pull it off actually considering you could one-shot
the limbs
with those guys.

My team was I/R L/R D/N M/R S/N. The big problem I had was that
None of my party were good at multi-target attacks, meaning I had no effective way to clear the various limbs; also being underlevelled meant I had to have exactly the right rune up or or Aegis Ward in order to survive elemental attacks, and then Guard Tactic again on top of that in order to deal with the Celestial Body attack or whatever because it was 800+ damage because I could only ever kill the front two limbs
Actually, I often couldn't oneshot them!  Notably because I was a dumb and didn't put points into Shockwave :V  Charged Moon Slash, especially if Follow Trace proced was enough for two but not for all of them.  I'd definitely respec a few points if I gave him another shot.

It also took me a while to get his pattern down, and I almost got wiped a couple times with badly timed Runes/Spread Throw.  I'm honestly impressed that I beat it on my first try; I expected to get wiped but to learn the patterns and take it from there, but I just barely managed to grind him down.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 09, 2013, 03:30:53 PM
Alright, in the Golden Lair!

Can't wait for subclassing!  :)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 09, 2013, 03:37:02 PM
Well, I finally quit procrastinating and finished grinding up a couple new members and beat the last main story boss.

Current party is F/D L/R N/S // R/I A/M.

Thinking about reclassing the N/S as an N/I for crazy powerful status-driven Drives, and while I'm at it giving my A/M some status attack to use.
N/S is actually one of the most underwhelming subclasses for a class that otherwise has amazing subclass options...

N/L can take advantage of Initiative and Power Boost and the dual-wield-for-reduced-damage thing
N/B gets blood surge damage amplification and Defiance and is likely the best physical damage in the game
N/A almost never misses ailments and recovers TP when inflicting them (but you have a main A so)
N/I gets stupid crazy drives (including absurd elemental damage) but only once every four turns, and wants you to be a stupid high level to really be great because it wants points in a billion different skills

Alright, in the Golden Lair!

Can't wait for subclassing!  :)
Subclassing is boss
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: NegaZero on May 09, 2013, 11:13:38 PM
N/S is actually one of the most underwhelming subclasses for a class that otherwise has amazing subclass options...

N/L can take advantage of Initiative and Power Boost and the dual-wield-for-reduced-damage thing
N/B gets blood surge damage amplification and Defiance and is likely the best physical damage in the game
N/A almost never misses ailments and recovers TP when inflicting them (but you have a main A so)
N/I gets stupid crazy drives (including absurd elemental damage) but only once every four turns, and wants you to be a stupid high level to really be great because it wants points in a billion different skills

Haha, I mean N/A. I've been doing some team planning for EO3 lately so I've had Shoguns on the mind. I mostly have her around because poison is great for random battles, and she can proc links easily with Swift Edge.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 10, 2013, 12:46:14 PM
I've subclassed my R as R/A, because I couldn't think of anything else. This is temporary of course until I get I, which I'll probably switch her to R/I.

The others are L/R, F/D, D/M and S/N.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 10, 2013, 12:54:53 PM

I went on a Etrian Odyssey frenzy yesterday. Cleared the fifth dungeon and all of its quests, cleared all other quests on the overworld, killed the final boss, and reached the extra dungeon, right before defeating the fire dragon.

To be honest, my two bushi strategy worked perfectly fine until the final boss. (Oh hai lightning random attack.) I just slapped my Fortress in front with them, and my runecaster and medic in the back row, and it went super smoothly. So my party configuration in general is now;

 R/A  M/R
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 10, 2013, 01:55:24 PM

I went on a Etrian Odyssey frenzy yesterday. Cleared the fifth dungeon and all of its quests, cleared all other quests on the overworld, killed the final boss, and reached the extra dungeon, right before defeating the fire dragon.

To be honest, my two bushi strategy worked perfectly fine until the final boss. (Oh hai lightning random attack.) I just slapped my Fortress in front with them, and my runecaster and medic in the back row, and it went super smoothly. So my party configuration in general is now;

 R/A  M/R
Why the L sub on the F?  Why the A sub on the R instead of the M?  Why the R sub on the M at all? ???

The L sub I guess makes sense for more Iron Wall/Swordbreaker/etc, though I find sticking a Dancer there is pretty nice for Fan Dance and Burst Saver and Quick Step.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 10, 2013, 02:20:20 PM
The L sub I guess makes sense for more Iron Wall/Swordbreaker/etc, though I find sticking a Dancer there is pretty nice for Fan Dance and Burst Saver and Quick Step.

I subbed my R as an A for the meantime in my case because why not; I used the initial 5 points for some bind circles and Lv1 Circle Boon; I find when the circles kick in my Sniper does some good damage with Chase Bind sooooo. :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 10, 2013, 08:37:39 PM
Why the L sub on the F?  Why the A sub on the R instead of the M?  Why the R sub on the M at all? ???

The L sub I guess makes sense for more Iron Wall/Swordbreaker/etc, though I find sticking a Dancer there is pretty nice for Fan Dance and Burst Saver and Quick Step.
F/L: This is actually one of the best F subs, along with F/D and F/R.  More levels of Iron Wall, Swordbreaker procs, and since you're probably using a shield anyway, Taunt fortresses can use Power/Mind breaks to help reduce the damage they take even further.

R/A: Not what I would have picked but outside of Imp/Medic it's not like Runemaster's got a lot of competition for synergistic subclasses.  And to be fair, Runemaster has the highest LUC of any class not natively using LUC.  Since the party doesn't have anyone causing ANY ailments I can see the value in it, sort of; but I'd still personally spend my turns just dealing more damage with Runemaster instead of hoping for ailment procs.

M/R: R is an amazing medic subclass.  Level 3 runes are still fantastic and you can have your Medic set them up while Runemaster goes straight into attacking.  Free Energy + Boost TP makes Runemaster a decent sub on anyone, and finally, Medic has the third highest TEC in the game (Only like 7 points short of Runemasters themselves at level 99) so they can still use R spells well for offense.

I know waaaay too much about subclassing combos and could write an entire guide to this.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 10, 2013, 08:50:59 PM
I ran a M/R myself and I know it's useful, but with an R main even setting up a rune isn't a big deal and the A would work a lot better on the M (or even switch them and run A/M, which is fantastic).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 14, 2013, 01:44:09 PM
Yeah, the F/L subbing was for Swordbreaking and Iron Wall. Really helpful to block some physical attacks against my frailer Bushis, AKA the main part of my team.

The R/A was for special drops that require bindings. It started as that, and pretty much never changed. I don't want to use a Sniper. Ever.

And yup! M/R was so I could focus on elements, especially in Golden Lair; My medic would be the ice user (Able to damage heavily the initially fire-elemental enemies, and block the ice-using enemies later on) and once I stabbed the main scale, my Runemaster could damage the ice monsters, and block fire attacks for the initially fire-type monsters.

The reason my R/A and M/R uses sound so... useless post-game is because I just brought them out from a 3 labyrinth stasis. I cleared the third stratum's boss, and entire 4th stratum and the 5th labyrinth using nothing but 2 B/N.

I also just found out what Retire does. Why didn't anyone tell me about this.

(or even switch them and run A/M, which is fantastic).

That's what my first Arcanist was subbed as, yeah.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on May 17, 2013, 08:50:06 AM
So I just defeated the second maze's boss, and I have to say...Even WITH the extra levels it was still hard!
Sadly, Hollow Queen didn't play nice and take as many status effects as I thought it did, but on the plus side, she did not heal. Wufan's circles were helpful throughout the battle. My Medic's low TP was a bit of an issue, I kept spamming Line Heal just so no one would be wiped out by the queen's AOE spells (Is Dimensional Cut physical or nontyped?), and while they did use a couple status effect spells, they didn't make a huge difference (status curing items, and the fact that the Hollow Seers love to bind the least crippling body part, my legs).
In the end, it was a tense battle, and I'm glad I went out of my way to at least get a new sword for my Landsknecht, that really helped.

Now to change my Nightseeker into a Sniper, unlock subclasses, and have some real fun. :D
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 17, 2013, 09:31:35 AM
Sadly, Hollow Queen didn't play nice and take as many status effects as I thought it did, but on the plus side, she did not heal. Wufan's circles were helpful throughout the battle. My Medic's low TP was a bit of an issue, I kept spamming Line Heal just so no one would be wiped out by the queen's AOE spells (Is Dimensional Cut physical or nontyped?), and while they did use a couple status effect spells, they didn't make a huge difference (status curing items, and the fact that the Hollow Seers love to bind the least crippling body part, my legs).

Dimension Cut is physical, Cut type in particular (obviously). You can nullify it completely by binding her arms.

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 17, 2013, 02:18:45 PM
The whole major strategy for that boss is exploiting binds, as - like all the Hollows - she's very susceptible to being bound.  Leg binds are useful for hitting her, but Arm and Head can shut down large chunks of her offense at a time.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Third Eye Lem on May 17, 2013, 05:25:17 PM
The whole major strategy for that boss is exploiting binds, as - like all the Hollows - she's very susceptible to being bound.  Leg binds are useful for hitting her, but Arm and Head can shut down large chunks of her offense at a time.
Yeah, I probably should have just shut down her spellcasting, that might have saved me a bit of healing spamming, but I wanted this battle over and done with. I've spent enough time in Scarlet Pillars already (level 35 what).

Wasn't there a quest mentioned earlier that's suitable for new/retired characters?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 17, 2013, 05:30:21 PM
The queen's not just vulneurable to binds; the standard ailment set works on her really well as well.  Sleep and Paralysis completely cancel out her attacks at random (Sleep in particular, since it'll be caused at the end of the turn, will cause her to lose an action that turn before being snapped awake and you'll KNOW she'll lose the action), and you can even get extra damage out of Poison if you want.  The only thing to really keep in mind is that ailments being applied multiple times to the same enemy in a battle have progressively lower chances of activation - so you just sort of cycle through them as appropriate.

And no particular quest comes to mind; but then again I just sorta did all the quests as I went as soon as possible (Excluding several ones that ended in optional bosses).  Just try to get to Subclassing as soon as you can I guess and of course you now have the Lores that auto-level you to 25 so
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 19, 2013, 02:34:14 PM
Wrecked the poo poo out of the
Cradle Guardian
. Arm binds saved me real good there.

Reclassed my R to R/I now for more efficient killing!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 22, 2013, 02:57:54 PM
Finally reached final floor of extra maze after understanding the acid/darkness mechanic. I'm stupid. <3

Two things. That freeze/unfreeze puzzle is amazingly frustrating and hard to understand, and that boss is ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING WHY PULL OUT MY NIGHTMARES AND USE THEM IN A GAME DEAR GOD.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on May 22, 2013, 03:22:05 PM
The biggest thing that pissed me off about that boss is
no postgame final boss music what >:<
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 22, 2013, 05:19:12 PM
...I never noticed it before you mentionned it.

Then again, the new maze's bgm and the new battle music for it is... Shiver-inducing. I don't know if I'm happy or sad that there's no horrifying boss music.

Seeing the context, it would be probably be a symphone made of the cries of a thousand babies, accompanied by the gentle melody of howling martyrs, with the screams of tormented souls acting as the bass.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 23, 2013, 09:06:42 PM
The biggest thing that pissed me off about that boss is
no postgame final boss music what >:<
Fortunately I really fucking love The Legend's Successor like holy shit and thus don't mind.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 26, 2013, 06:14:16 AM
EO4's main game is now officially beaten on my end of things.

The main issue was tackling how to deal with its Holy Chest... Until I remembered I had Geo Impact. Then things just kinda went slow because I don't have burst, only sustained DPS.

Now I am at the 6th Maze and enjoying the battle music to frick.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 26, 2013, 04:12:54 PM
The main issue was tackling how to deal with its Holy Chest... Until I remembered I had Geo Impact. Then things just kinda went slow because I don't have burst, only sustained DPS.

I never really managed to deal with both hands at the same time, but it's fairly easy to kill one, which reduces the damage to "Hurts, but I'll be fine".
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 27, 2013, 06:00:27 AM
I never really managed to deal with both hands at the same time, but it's fairly easy to kill one, which reduces the damage to "Hurts, but I'll be fine".

Geo Impact off my Landsknecht's colossal STR makes the damage burst quite significant, and helped me a lot in increasing DPS in the long run.

Meanwhile, I caved in and made an N/A, he's pretty damned amazing because WTF re: Venom Throw
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: ZetaBladeX13 on May 27, 2013, 04:44:10 PM
Imperial/Runemaster is broken as hell.

That is all.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: notverycreative on May 27, 2013, 08:30:50 PM
I can't get into these games. Despite being party-based, I've never been able to warm up to the whole "make a party and explore a hugeass dungeon" thing. Maybe I'm not *quite* old enough to have started playing those kinds of PC games, or I started PC gaming from the wrong angle and...? I dunno. Would this game change my mind if EO1-3 never grabbed me enough? I'm sure they're good games. I feel like I SHOULD like them but I don't.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: ZetaBladeX13 on May 27, 2013, 09:45:06 PM
IV is a tad easier and just all around more forgiving than I-III. But the main draw of the series is still the simple thrill of exploration (and those awesome Yuzo Koshiro tunes!). The series is more heavily focused on the fantastic battle system and music over story and moeblob characters/fanservice.

Well, they are remaking EO1 with an actual set of characters for the revamped story and an auto-map to attract more (imagination-impaired) casuals to the fanbase. You may just like that as well.

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 28, 2013, 08:27:04 AM

Soraya - L/R
Elena - F/D
Liese - D/M
B-Ritter - S/A
Edelweiss - R/I
Kagerou - N/A
Suiren - B/D
Trystia - A/N
Vanir - M/R

Who to suggest usage against bosses especially 3 Dragons? Actually, I literally got myself into a rematch with the final boss with my reserve party + Elena, everyone except Elena is below LV60, Elena is LV70. Oops! edit: Got owned after the 35th turn, I was totally caught off guard lol. Two of my members were LV35 fer chrissakes! I still got the heavenbringer below 50%
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 28, 2013, 04:27:29 PM
For the dragons:
For all fights, there is a food you can now access near their nesting points that gives you +3 levels of matching element resist and additional appropriate buffs.  Use it.  Also have either a Runemaster Main or a Runemaster Sub who has maxed out all elemental runes (the +defense/-resistance ones).  You can only have one of these active at a time, but you will pretty much NEED these.  Between the food and rune, you should have enough defenses to survive the breaths; if your whole party can do it, then you can move onto the rest of the fight.  Keep the rune up at all times - they will use the breaths again later in the battle and can also dispel your party's rune (or turn it into a WEAKNESS if your rune wasn't up, which is basically a death sentence because they'll follow it up with a breath almost guaranteed).  Bring a couple Mists if you have them to spare, or Aegis Barrier if you suspect they're going to Breath and you haven't had the chance to heal to full.

Fire -
Vulneurable to ice damage.  Baldur joins the party; have a 2 front/3 back and use his Ice drive as often as possible.  Fire dragon's gimmick is a raw numbers advantage - he can debuff your party's defense and buff his own attack power.  Use the Bushi's roar to counter it and anything you might have that can remove debuffs; otherwise sort of hope and pray, or use Strike Guard and Element Guard to counteract the effects.

Lightning -
Vulneurable to fire damage.  The dancer chick is your ally here, can't remember what skills she offers to help.  Two gimmicks here - the first is a light chance to cause certain status ailments (Most dangerously panic).  The real threat here though is that, at certain intervals, if your party has... I believe it's more than 6 total active buff slots used, you'll be hit with a move that causes instant death at a high rate - and even if you don't get that, it still does huge damage and causes other ailments!  Either have a party composition that won't need buff slots so you can Lightning Rune, or bring the elemental-negating burst skill (Aegis Barrier or somesuch) and a full burst gauge, and use it on turn 1 and about every fourth turn thereafter and hope you can kill him fast enough.

Ice -
Vulneurable to Lightning.  Not too bad other than low chance to cause sleep.  Kirjonen joins; he'll bring Ice Rune (I think) and an electric attack move (both front-row and a Runemaster spell for back-row should you opt) and Element Guard and your party will love him.   The real threat here, however, is that on about turn 10-15 (Somewhere in those numbers), he uses Absolute Zero - which does absurd ice damage IF you survive the instant death.  This is a strictly timer-based thing - you can get around it by Geo Impact-ing him on whatever turn it is, or otherwise just rushing to kill him before Absolute Zero is used.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 29, 2013, 01:28:31 AM
Imperial/Runemaster is broken as hell.

That is all.


And by the way, am I the only one interested by a class match-up guide...?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 29, 2013, 01:47:07 AM

And by the way, am I the only one interested by a class match-up guide...?
Imperial's highest damage potential is not actually with its physical or non-elemental drives, but rather with the elemental ones, as they can deal increased rates of damage on enemies with weaknesses.  Runemaster sub provides several passive abilities that enhance the power of elemental drives, and in a worst case scenario also enables the Imperial to create weaknesses on enemies (better to have someone else doing it so you can spend more turns on your drive rotation but y'know).

Also, if you want a list of Who Works With What: here's a subclassing guide I wrote ( It's a little out of date and less specific than I'd like, but it should still give you a vague idea about things.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on May 29, 2013, 01:50:46 AM
Also, if you want a list of Who Works With What: here's a subclassing guide I wrote ( It's a little out of date and less specific than I'd like, but it should still give you a vague idea about things.

I think you must be a Genie or something :I

Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 29, 2013, 07:49:07 AM
Fire Dragon was completely destroyed with my main-game setup, though I think I will revise how I'll approach Storm Emperor (since a lot of my strategies rely on Linksknecht which is not at all feasible thanks to
Corrupt reaming you when you have 7+ buffs
and on that note
I don't think Wiglaf joins you if you enter the fight with a 5 man team?

Also, if you want a list of Who Works With What: here's a subclassing guide I wrote ( It's a little out of date and less specific than I'd like, but it should still give you a vague idea about things.

The Japanese consider B/D on the same tier as B/L and B/N in terms of damage output, simply because of Sword Dance/Mist Dance, as well as being able to do more damage with Trick Samba/Rush Dance/etc. Why the concern with setup when you just run Auto-Surge and then gg wp? Charge is pretty useless for B/D on that note since they're more focused on sustained damage per turn from the Rush Dance/Sambas versus the huge burst potential of B/N. Also worth noting is R/B can be backed up by Endure.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 30, 2013, 02:54:17 AM
When I said a little out of date I mean I wrote it like less than a month after the game came out or something and barely updated it since.  I could do a lot of touching up.

As a note for storm emperor:
You can do it with a Linksknecht; hell, I was using one + a dancer and other self-buffs to fight Storm Emperor.  The trick is that then you have to learn to predict when to use the nullify elemental damage burst skill - it's turn one and about every four turns thereafter.  If you can get that right you're fine.

Also the guest characters will always join you even if you have a full five person party.  It's what they do.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 30, 2013, 06:33:16 AM
You can do it with a Linksknecht; hell, I was using one + a dancer and other self-buffs to fight Storm Emperor.  The trick is that then you have to learn to predict when to use the nullify elemental damage burst skill - it's turn one and about every four turns thereafter.  If you can get that right you're fine.

Also the guest characters will always join you even if you have a full five person party.  It's what they do.

Shim told me that
didn't join him so I don't know.

Also I have a chronic tendency to forget I have Burst skills, I don't think I've ever used Aegis Guard like, more than once. I used crap like Hygieia's Bowl, Geo Strike, etc, the 5 bar ones and stuff much more than the defensive ones like Aegis.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Krimmydoodle on May 30, 2013, 07:21:42 AM
More on the postgame conversation:
my belief is that, with Wiglaf and Kirjonen, they may or may not join during their respective dragon battles depending on your trade level with them.  The first time I played, I slacked on my trading and neither Wiglaf nor Kirjonen joined.  On my New Game +, I traded a lot with them before fighting the dragons, and they joined me then.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 30, 2013, 09:13:44 AM
More on the postgame conversation:
my belief is that, with Wiglaf and Kirjonen, they may or may not join during their respective dragon battles depending on your trade level with them.  The first time I played, I slacked on my trading and neither Wiglaf nor Kirjonen joined.  On my New Game +, I traded a lot with them before fighting the dragons, and they joined me then.

So basically, be bros with them.

That makes surprising amounts of sense
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on May 30, 2013, 12:58:17 PM
More on the postgame conversation:
my belief is that, with Wiglaf and Kirjonen, they may or may not join during their respective dragon battles depending on your trade level with them.  The first time I played, I slacked on my trading and neither Wiglaf nor Kirjonen joined.  On my New Game +, I traded a lot with them before fighting the dragons, and they joined me then.
This may be the case. 
I had no issues getting them to join but I definitely remember helping them out and getting quite a few goodies from them.  Oh, speaking of which: They can be found anew in the final Land once you beat the dragons they're fighting.  You can get some really fucking amazing accessories from them (+100 HP/TP and +10 to all stats anyone?), and if you rescue them again after getting all the food-enhancing parts for your ship you get one that lets you move two spaces in one turn which'll FINALLY let you catch up to the puff things with ease.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on May 30, 2013, 01:06:51 PM
This may be the case. 
I had no issues getting them to join but I definitely remember helping them out and getting quite a few goodies from them.  Oh, speaking of which: They can be found anew in the final Land once you beat the dragons they're fighting.  You can get some really fucking amazing accessories from them (+100 HP/TP and +10 to all stats anyone?), and if you rescue them again after getting all the food-enhancing parts for your ship you get one that lets you move two spaces in one turn which'll FINALLY let you catch up to the puff things with ease.

Yeah, I already got the Twin Propellers, which make Pooka hunting really a trivial affair. Especially when you already know their flight path
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on June 02, 2013, 09:56:47 PM
Just droppin' in here to say that EO4 is on sale for $29.99 until the 10th in the 3DS shop, so those who were waiting on a sale or something can grab it now.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: notverycreative on June 05, 2013, 02:46:05 AM
I bought this today. Didn't play it much yet, but it feels better than the others. I dunno. My party right now is Landsknecht, Medic, Sniper, Nightseeker, and Rune Master. Yeah, this is going to take me a while to not suck. It's such a slow climb, but then don't things apparently move a little faster later on, especially with subclasses?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on June 10, 2013, 09:41:09 AM
Warped Savior defeated on the first try

PT was:

B/L | F/L
S/A | A/N | M/R

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: notverycreative on June 10, 2013, 11:58:31 AM
I'm in the second area but getting my ass kicked because I'm SO CLOSE IN A WORLD SO FAR AWAY from the next tier of armor. I dropped my Runemaster for a Fortress but my new party's otherwise the same. I'm still not at the point where I can subclass, nor have I unlocked any new classes so I'm still stuck doing everything as basically as possible. I went with a throw build on my Nightstalker and Bind build on my Sniper, although I'm not lucky-enough with either working when it counts. At least I have a lot of money due to a couple of the ship equips. That chick in the airship also gave me a Foodapault Mk2 last night after I helped her out with a fight. Also it got me interested in Dancers. I don't know if it'd be a good sub for any of my classes (Landsknecht, maybe, right?), though.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on June 10, 2013, 12:46:32 PM
Also it got me interested in Dancers. I don't know if it'd be a good sub for any of my classes (Landsknecht, maybe, right?), though.

Fortress/Dancer is pretty potent.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on June 11, 2013, 04:28:56 PM

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on June 11, 2013, 04:30:10 PM


come to meeeee

and see there's a classic mode after all people can chill now ok
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on June 11, 2013, 04:48:48 PM
I got a $35 card just in time to see the price raise back to $40. orz
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on June 11, 2013, 05:52:13 PM

note that the release date is "this fall"

holy shit that's close

why is fucking EVERYTHING coming out in the next three months???
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Ikari on June 12, 2013, 02:13:04 AM
This fall will be the best fall of my entire. goddamn. life.

No seriously I am buying that game so hard, my local gamestop will spontaneously combust.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on June 12, 2013, 02:40:03 AM
why is fucking EVERYTHING coming out in the next three months???

I don't have enough money to hold all this awesome.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: ZetaBladeX13 on June 12, 2013, 03:51:52 AM
and see there's a classic mode after all people can chill now ok

Doesn't change the hilariously generic amnesiac loli.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on June 12, 2013, 04:32:12 AM
To their credit that's still more interesting than the complete lack of storyline in the original EO1.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on June 12, 2013, 05:42:30 AM
To their credit that's still more interesting than the complete lack of storyline in the original EO1.
I'd argue that's not the case.

I think though that there's a difference between "having a story", "telling a story", and "telling a story well" - which are all actually mutually exclusive - in terms of game stories.  Etrian Odyssey 1 has a really neat story (
You do, afterall, genocide an entire race in pursuit of your objectives - assigned to you by someone who actually intended you to fail so the city's mysteries would never be solved, and if your eyes didn't go super wide at the fifth stratum it was because you were spoiled
), but it was only barely told and not really done so with the kind of engagement that it actually deserved.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on June 12, 2013, 06:13:27 AM
Ohhh, you know what I mean >:<

Yes I'm aware there's a story, but it really bothered me that it was pretty much entirely absent until the fifth stratum. Going through the whole game with only very few vague hints of what was going on and that's pretty much it didn't really do it justice so I just say that there really wasn't one.

also my eyes didn't go super wide in the fifth stratum until I started collecting notes and that's when it all clicked
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on June 12, 2013, 06:32:23 AM
Yeah, I know what you mean.  I still see it as separate from not having a story though, just that it wasn't capitalized on at all which hopefully this version will do.

I'm actually more desperately hoping a lot of the EO1 skills and mechanics are rebalanced; we know they're back but easily a huge amount of EO1's difficulty was that the difference between distributing your skill points effectively vs. not doing so was HUGE.  A lot of skills had terrible returns or were borderline useless, or fell off into uselessness (the entire Venom tree for the mage class absolutely devestated stratum 1 & 2 but was hopeless by about stratum 5).  It's what was responsible for EO1 being so famously hard - because actually EO1 was pretty easy if you knew good skill distributions... which there was just no way to know ingame.

Of course, we already know there's some form of Subclassing and the Grimoire system so HOPEFULLY it'll be much more playable than the original, even on Classic.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on June 12, 2013, 06:35:46 AM
I'm actually more desperately hoping a lot of the EO1 skills and mechanics are rebalanced; we know they're back but easily a huge amount of EO1's difficulty was that the difference between distributing your skill points effectively vs. not doing so was HUGE.  A lot of skills had terrible returns or were borderline useless, or fell off into uselessness (the entire Venom tree for the mage class absolutely devestated stratum 1 & 2 but was hopeless by about stratum 5).  It's what was responsible for EO1 being so famously hard - because actually EO1 was pretty easy if you knew good skill distributions... which there was just no way to know ingame.

how to win at EO1:
1. focus on one or two good moves
2. have immunize


But seriously yeah I hope they really balance it out more. And introduce new stuff while they're at it! I don't wanna feel like I'm playing the exact same game over again with prettier graphics. :p
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Garlyle on June 12, 2013, 06:47:58 AM
how to win at EO1:
1. focus on one or two good moves
2. have immunize


But seriously yeah I hope they really balance it out more. And introduce new stuff while they're at it! I don't wanna feel like I'm playing the exact same game over again with prettier graphics. :p
yeah that was basically it.  Bonus points if you had a Troubadour, who was almost useless except for Relaxing which was hilariously effective please let me do it again I miss my party having infinite TP

I know there's subclassing added, and on top of the story-focused mode there seems to be at least one new stratum design that has been seen, though the question is "Is it just a redesign of a stratum we already know or what".  There's also the Grimoire thingy, which lets you learn skills from enemies and use them.  The game comes out in about two weeks in Japan so hopefully we'll have some more solid information then.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: trancehime on June 12, 2013, 11:16:56 PM
if you want i can do translation =s
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: Serela on June 16, 2013, 10:42:48 PM
welp I just bought this game

going to be in a 10 hour car trip tomorrow and plan to play it the ~*~entire time~*~

And then will have sketchy internet and nothing to do for a few days before another 10 hour car trip...

Yeah, I'm totally going to be marathoning this. Now to just try and figure out a decent party setup before I have no internet for 10 hours.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan: horrible party wipes now in 3D! GAME OUT
Post by: theshirn on October 01, 2013, 05:12:03 PM
Bumping this thread back up because Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl is out today!  An enhanced remake of the first Etrian Odyssey, the game looks rad.  Get it!

And for content, here are some :wikipedia: on single-class runs of EO4!  (I posted this because I am currently doing a 5-medic run of EO4 DON'T JUDGE ME >:()
I've actually been thinking about single-class runs a lot lately.  Here's some thoughts.


- Incredible sustained damage, further amped with every hit
- Links give coverage of every damage type but crushing
- Heavy armor/shields and Iron Wall/Swordbreaker/Power or Mind Break gives impressive durability
- Bandage for some sustain when exploring

- TP runs out hard
- No in-battle healing or recovery
- No binds or status effects

Overall difficulty: Easy


- Absurd elemental damage output
- TP Boost and Free Energy mean massive TP pools
- Elemental coverage
- Great AoE coverage
- Class skill, Runic Shield, and runes mean elemental damage is a non-issue

- Physical damage will completely wreck this party
- No physical damage output
- No healing or recovery
- No binds or status effects

Overall difficulty: Do Not Do This


- Insanely high sustained damage once any ailment lands
- Status effects everywhere
- Full ranks of Blade Flurry and Follow Trace for even more disgustingly high damage
- Decent early durability with Auto-Cloak, Speed Boost helps later
- Ice Knife for some elemental damage

- TP is an issue
- No binds
- No healing or recovery

Overall difficulty: Medium


- Obscenely tanky - Heavy armor and shields, HP Boost, Iron Wall.  Drop an Element Guard on top of it and never die.
- Built-in TP recovery
- Amazing healing through Holy Smite and Healing Wall.
- Knight's Boon and Holy Blessing mean status effects are practically a non-issue and binds aren't much worse
- Solid damage output with Maces and Bolt Strike/Holy Smite
- Bolt Strike gives some elemental coverage

- No binds or status effects
- Class is only really effective in the front line (no Guard Mastery or TP recovery in back)

Overall difficulty: Filthy Casual


- Very fast and dodgy
- Solid healing and recovery options from the Waltzes
- Can combo a lot of skills together for high physical damage output
- Sword Dance/Mist Dance combo
- Burst Saver and Dance Mastery means lots more Burst uses
- Energy Tango can save TP uses

- No elemental damage
- No binds or status effects
- TP is an issue, even with Energy Tango
- Dances only affect a line, requiring a lot of shuffling - annoyingly high-maintenance
- Evasive, but squishy, and Guard Tango does not reduce elemental damage

Overall difficulty: Hard


- Binds for days
- Great damage output later on with Eagle Eye/Chase Bind and Power Boost
- Silver Arrow for high-defense targets
- Divine Shot could actually be useful??
- Hollows are a joke

- No healing or recovery
- No status effects
- No elemental damage (Silver Arrow helps here though)
- TP runs out hard
- Very fragile

Overall difficulty: Hard


- Healing, recovery, revival, you name it
- Stacking passives mean huge heals with very few ranks in healing skills
- Early Patch Up means every battle with full HP
- Auto-Heal and Auto-Revive result in completely insane durability
- Decent damage output with Maces and Heavy Strike, can be amped later by Star Drop
- Stretch helps against binds
- TP Boost later on is nice

- No elemental damage
- No status effects or binds
- Comparatively low damage output
- TP is an issue

Overall difficulty: Medium


The unlockable classes aren't really balanced for being playable from the beginning, but...


This summary is made with the assumption that a Circle being dispelled early restores TP to all arcanists in the party - if anyone can test this, please let me know if this is not the case!

- Great healing options with Circles and Bracing Walk
- Poison hurts like hell early on
- Binds and status effects galore, with Ailment Boost and Releasal Spell
- Decent damage output with Dismissing Circles early
- Absolutely hilarious TP recovery with constantly switching and dismissing Circles procing the class skill and TP Return
- Warding Mist helps with binds and status effects

- No elemental or physical damage!  All damage is untyped or poison!
- Only one Circle can be active at a time
- No recovery
- Incredibly squishy

Overall difficulty: Easy if TP returns stack, Medium if they don't


- Absolutely monstrous physical damage output
- Elemental coverage with Fire Strike/Ice Slash
- Great AoE coverage
- Ridiculous sustain with multiple ways of recovering huge amounts of HP and TP, Endure is always great
- Paralyze and Head Bind access
- Roar is useful for a few fights

- No way to recover health until Deep Breath at 20 (Ferocity at 40 is far better, but, well, 40)
- No recovery
- No katanas until well into the game

Overall difficulty: Easy

And now we have a problem.


- Crap.


In seriousness:

Imperial, Post-4th Maze

- There is no fight in the game besides the final and postgame bosses that should last more than one round.
- Reasonably tanky!
- Full elemental coverage, slash and untyped available as well.
- Finisher/Absorber means little in the way of TP problems.
- Power Boost.  Element Boost.  Hawkeye.  Charge Edge.  You do SO.  MUCH.  DAMAGE.

- No healing or recovery
- No status effects or binds

Overall difficulty: Stupid on both counts.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 01, 2013, 05:26:56 PM
I will need to look at that more later but it seems sound.  I've been doing a Dancer run of EO4 with only three Dancers.  It gets rid of the whole line management nonsense.  There's some spots that are suffering but some things are easier than expected (
, by some miracle, was easier than fighting him with a full party.  But the Elementals in the third stratum in random encounters instead are a constant potential party wipe danger).

That aside, Etrian Odyssey Untold.

If you play Classic, Ronin and Hexer are available this time starting immediately.  Of course, you may want to finish Story anyway, because doing so will unlock the ability to retire characters into Highlander or Gunner in Classic mode as well.

also Troubadours.  Troubadours look even better than they did in EO1.  On top of the traditional Bravery/Shelter, they also have the equivalents of the EO4 "Runes" (All ally resists +/enemy resists -).  The redone Mastery system and its whole automatically granting songs thing means you will actually get elemental damage enablers.  They also have Stamina (+Max HP) from EO2.  Also also, they have party-wide HP healing abilities to them at turn end, ala Regen Waltz or Protect Order.  Oh, and they still have Relaxing to regenerate the party's TP.  Of course, Troubadours also now have a base 3 turn duration on their songs, so they will need to cast them more often, and a lot more classes in EOU use buff slots than they originally did... But my favourite class is back and I'm so happy Someone will become one in Story Mode this isn't even an option
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 01, 2013, 08:38:50 PM
5 medics? You wimp.
Finished the main EO4 story last weekend, just in time. If the arms had any AoE wickedness I didn't feel it as they spent so much time being dead.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on October 01, 2013, 11:01:38 PM
I'm still working on finishing EO4 (working on 5th stratum shit now), so I won't be getting this right away. If I land the job I just had an interview for, I'll probably grab it when I go to pick up Pokemon X on release day and play it later.

Please tell me if you're able to mute just the in-battle voices or at least change them to Japanese though. That annoyed the fuck out of me in the demo :[
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 02, 2013, 02:27:36 AM
Please tell me if you're able to mute just the in-battle voices or at least change them to Japanese though. That annoyed the fuck out of me in the demo :[
You can turn off voices if you want, yes.

Also, quick jump & Auto Map together make clearing floors super freaking fast @_@
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 02, 2013, 01:11:49 PM
every grimoire stone sucks :(
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 02, 2013, 01:50:40 PM
every grimoire stone sucks :(
that starts changing pretty fast

Grimoire Stones can be of the skills that your characters posess (with a rare chance to also just be completely random skills from other classes), so as you develop awesome passives you'll start seeing grimoires with them that you will then pass onto your allies.

Also Fenrir. 
holy shit this fight is hard
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 02, 2013, 09:29:55 PM
Still not fully downloaded, so still on EO4. Just beat the Great Dragon... I expected something much harder. All the fire reduction made the old Searing instakills into a mere nuisance. Also got super lucky with binds!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 03, 2013, 12:31:30 AM
grimoire stone with rank 9 venom breath? :getin:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Auenb on October 03, 2013, 05:08:08 AM
Got to start playing EO: Untold today, and it's definitely an big improvement on the first EO when compared. It's looking amazing.
Trying out the story mode right now, and I'm enjoying it.

It's fantastic that I just finished absolutely everything there is to do in EO4 today as well. Grinding your characters to Lv 99 for that last last boss in the last stratum takes a while, but it's almost necessary. Finding the combo of chemicals to cut its stats in half was already pretty hard.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 03, 2013, 05:15:01 AM
It's fantastic that I just finished absolutely everything there is to do in EO4 today as well. Grinding your characters to Lv 99 for that last last boss in the last stratum takes a while, but it's almost necessary. Finding the combo of chemicals to cut its stats in half was already pretty hard.
It's not even remotely necessary though ???

I took him out with a party around level 80 on my first try.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Auenb on October 03, 2013, 05:27:40 AM
It's not even remotely necessary though ???

I took him out with a party around level 80 on my first try.

I went the extra mile of grinding my characters after defeating the dragons, where they were Lv. 70 beforehand. I fought him only once at Lv. 70 and figured I might as well get near to the Lv. cap before trying again.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 03, 2013, 11:16:48 AM
Tried going blind against Fallen One and hoo boy did that opener attack wreck me something good. Gotta get readier next time!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 03, 2013, 01:28:09 PM
Tried going blind against Fallen One and hoo boy did that opener attack wreck me something good. Gotta get readier next time!
Yeah, you basically have to open with Geo Impact and then have his head bound for subsequent Supernova rounds.

Tried Couerl, got wrecked, went back and cleared out the 6th floor.  Gonna try him again.  Also took out the two FOEs in the room this time before tackling him again.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 03, 2013, 01:40:24 PM
Tried going blind against Fallen One and hoo boy did that opener attack wreck me something good. Gotta get readier next time!
Fallen One pretty much requires you to figure his shit out because if you don't he can wipe your party in an instant.  (He can be easier than the other super bonus boss if you know what you're doing though).  I can fill you in with the "rules" of battle if you want but it's up to you.

Most of the way into the second stratum in Untold now.  There's been some surprises. 
WYVERN MOTHERFUCKER but where the hell did Salamox go?  Also Gladsheim is awesome I really hope there's a boss in every Area because hell yeah new bosses
.  Also Simon is the most powerful member of my party by a year.  Maxed Toxic Injection is 200+ damage per turn if it sticks (which it does frequently); 400+ with boost.  The closest I've seen anyone come was Frederica's boosted Charge Shot on a pierce-weak thing and that was still only 300-ish and cost twice the TP for a single hit.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 04, 2013, 12:09:25 AM
Yeah, you basically have to open with Geo Impact and then have his head bound for subsequent Supernova rounds.
I think I used Hygeia's Bowl on the second turn so it was significantly bound right away, that bind (at least sometimes?) lasts long enough to prevent the first Supernova. I'm not sure it lived that long on my successful attempt though because my party was unintentionally lol-tier

I might have figured out something more efficient then that, though... I just know I didn't use Geo Impact. It's possible to keep a few things intact through it's opener so I might've managed to keep a freedom waltz in... i'unno. I might've just used 5 therica Bs to save my meter >_> THIS WAS A WHILE BACK.

I preordered Untold and it'll arrive any day but I'm not sure if I'm gonna end up playing it for a good while- I already have a few games I'm interested in and there's extremely few times when I actually could use a portable game system apart from while sitting in my computer chair! I'm hype for whenever I get around to it though XD
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 04, 2013, 01:09:31 AM
Most of the way into the second stratum in Untold now.  There's been some surprises. 
WYVERN MOTHERFUCKER but where the hell did Salamox go?  Also Gladsheim is awesome I really hope there's a boss in every Area because hell yeah new bosses
.  Also Simon is the most powerful member of my party by a year.  Maxed Toxic Injection is 200+ damage per turn if it sticks (which it does frequently); 400+ with boost.  The closest I've seen anyone come was Frederica's boosted Charge Shot on a pierce-weak thing and that was still only 300-ish and cost twice the TP for a single hit.

There is.

Also Toxic Injection is 480% at LV10 and 920% at LV15 :getin:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 04, 2013, 01:22:06 AM
There is.

Also Toxic Injection is 480% at LV10 and 920% at LV15 :getin:
what is this level 15 you speak of or is that just boosted
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 04, 2013, 04:07:33 AM
what is this level 15 you speak of or is that just boosted

Nah. It is just BOOSTed. Still pretty :getin:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: nintendonut888 on October 04, 2013, 05:20:28 AM
every grimoire stone sucks :(

I can't hear you over getting sleep powder from
Giant woodfly
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on October 04, 2013, 05:30:42 AM
I'm still working on finishing EO4 (working on 5th stratum shit now), so I won't be getting this right away.

Yeah this is about the boat that I'm in though I'm much earlier in 4 and also trying to juggle it with a few other games.

Did love what I played of the EOU demo, though I didn't play it to anywhere near its stopping point, definitely plan on picking it up eventually the question is really just when.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 04, 2013, 05:39:49 AM
every grimoire stone sucks :(

I am going to echo Donut here

I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome
Dragon Beat from Wyrm
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 04, 2013, 01:37:30 PM
what is this level 15 you speak of or is that just boosted
Both.  Boost functionally adds +5 levels to whatever skill you use it with, up to a max of (of course) level 15.

I can't hear you over getting sleep powder from
Giant woodfly
I got a drop of Level 7 Charge from something.

Just hit for just short of 800 damage with a L7 Charge -> Boosted L1 Delayed Charge.

Also if you feel like it you can invest in Vulcan Stance and transfer it to other characters.  Yes, it works on them.  Bonus round:
It works on Bloodlust counters too
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 04, 2013, 01:49:55 PM
Yeah, a lot of people seem to like the Vulcan Stance + Bloodlust combo.  Seems to be a pretty heavy point investment to me, though.  Also Bloodlust's activation rate kinda sucks :(
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 04, 2013, 01:59:19 PM
Yeah, a lot of people seem to like the Vulcan Stance + Bloodlust combo.  Seems to be a pretty heavy point investment to me, though.  Also Bloodlust's activation rate kinda sucks :(

It's not very good. Did a test at LV10 to confirm, got around 31/101 activations. Not that high at all.
If you're not going to max Bloodlust, don't bother getting it.

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 04, 2013, 02:05:50 PM
Ugh, I've got it around rank 8 but if the activation rate is that low I'm dropping it.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 04, 2013, 03:28:51 PM
TIL Atlus manages to introduce even more broken stuff with each succeeding EO, and manage to justify itself somewhat.

A lot of the classes got improvements in general, and I'd like to award the most improved class award to either the Dark Hunter or the Hexer. Can't decide. :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 04, 2013, 06:39:05 PM
also every time Simon goes "oh dear" I hear Winnie the Pooh

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 08, 2013, 07:20:04 PM
Cleaned out Fenrir before taking Cernunnos on and why hello there Wolf Grimoire :getin:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 09, 2013, 08:26:26 AM
Did anyone notice something interesting with the names of the party? I sure did.

Arthur Charles --> Arthur Charles Clarke (Co-wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey)
Simon York --> Robert A. Heinlein, pseudonym (Wrote The Door Into Summer, important because...)
Frederica "Ricky" Erving --> Frederica "Ricky" Virginia Gentry (A character from The Door Into Summer,
who undergoes cold sleep twice throughout the novel
Raquna Sheldon --> Alice B. Sheldon/James Tiptree, Jr., pseudonym spelt Raccoona (Wrote Warm Worlds and Otherwise)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 09, 2013, 08:57:31 AM
Oh... huhn.  That's nifty.

Meanwhile, 12F. 
I hated this boss in EO1 and I hate her ass here too.  I have literally gotten her to a sliver of HP remaining, only for her to use Duster and then fail to land any attacks during the next three turns - ANY of which would have killed her - and lost the fight as a result
.  So mad at this right now :/

EDIT: Beat her. 
still hate her
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: blabla1994 on October 11, 2013, 11:59:01 PM
So yeah, this (Millennium Girl) is my first Etrian Odyssey game, overall, I think I like it.

Just cleared the first Stratum and, while it might be because I'm just playing on standard (and not very far in), it isn't as hard as I was expecting. I mean, it's challenging without a doubt, but it isn't the absurd masochism I was lead to believe it to be.

Overall, It's one of the best RPG's (so far) I've played in a long time. You certainly can't just sleep your way through even random encounters, but on the other hand, it appears to reward well thought out play.

I think this is a game I'm going to be playing a long while.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 12, 2013, 02:10:10 AM
Picnic/Standard/Expert is more like Picnic/Casual/Normal, to be honest. From Standard to Expert, you take 66% more damage, and deal 33% less. Also, the battle retry you get on Standard should pretty much prevent game overs from occurring unless you're forgetting to bring threads and get into a really bad situation.

Picnic goes the other way around and has you take 66% less damage and deal 33% more, and your heals are 33% or 66% stronger (don't remember), so enemies do piddly squat. Your thread doesn't go away on use, and you get infinite battle retries, so there's virtually no risk of something unpleasant happening in this mode. I suppose for little kids, this could be a good difficulty...?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: blabla1994 on October 12, 2013, 02:32:25 AM
Hmm... TBQH, if I had known that, I probably would have started on Expert then. I don't think I've been in a battle yet where that amount of damage either way would have changed the outcome.

Except the First Stratum boss. Taking longer in that battle would have been... bad.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 12, 2013, 02:35:16 AM
You can change the difficulty at any time, and the first stratum of course isn't too hard, so it's not a big deal.

Even 1 damage can make a pretty big difference if it means one of your characters dying or not, though. And to a lesser degree, whether you manage to kill an enemy or not- those Giraffa Beetles do a lot of damage if they aren't taken out immediately. :T
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 12, 2013, 03:37:55 AM
Picnic/Standard/Expert is more like Picnic/Casual/Normal, to be honest. From Standard to Expert, you take 66% more damage, and deal 33% less. Also, the battle retry you get on Standard should pretty much prevent game overs from occurring unless you're forgetting to bring threads and get into a really bad situation.

the funniest part is that i'm pretty sure the game was balanced for standard difficulty because having beaten the game for a friend (JPN ver.) on Expert i can tell you some of these bosses should not be as difficult as they are
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 12, 2013, 03:50:43 AM
honestly that's a good relief after EO4 where I beat every boss blind in 4~5 turns (final boss might have been 6, superboss was 7 or 8 ) with absolutely zero trouble

Well, the Sand Emperor blinding me made it take awhile longer, and the 3 gourd FOEs in the extra stratum beat me the first time I tried, but that was about it. :T

Admittedly, I do wish I was playing Classic in EOU... but there's no way I can go through -without- seeing all the party dialogue and extra story tidbits because I'm that kind of person, so I'll have to save my classic-mode play for whenever I go through the game a second time in the future.

The NG+ features are super duper nifty in this game as I've heard from Krimmy, so that'll be nice. There's a multi-page checklist of what you can choose to take and you really couldn't ask for more.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 12, 2013, 02:17:15 PM
the funniest part is that i'm pretty sure the game was balanced for standard difficulty because having beaten the game for a friend (JPN ver.) on Expert i can tell you some of these bosses should not be as difficult as they are
Expert is straight up absurd at a few points.  The 15F boss will deal about 200+ damage with its
attack to your entire party which for reference is probably more than most of your characters' max HP.  There's still ways to deal with it (
Anti-Ice, Chill Mists, Troubadours being awesome, Immunize, etc - but those only REDUCE damage except Anti-Ice, not stop the attack, which also SLEEPS THE PARTY
) but christ
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 17, 2013, 03:52:51 AM
Is it just me or do rare breeds have a vastly inflated chance of producing higher-level grimoires, because I went into the dungeon with the rare breed up effect and got a solid few Flawless Grimoires and some Slightly Damaged ones as well.

e: one of them turned out to be max rank Charge :getin:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 17, 2013, 02:04:05 PM
Is it just me or do rare breeds have a vastly inflated chance of producing higher-level grimoires, because I went into the dungeon with the rare breed up effect and got a solid few Flawless Grimoires and some Slightly Damaged ones as well.

e: one of them turned out to be max rank Charge :getin:
this seems quite likely to be the case actually

also I'm jealous I only have a rank 9 Charge >:

also I need to stop playing Pokemon and get back to this
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 22, 2013, 01:25:16 PM
Right, so the fourth stratum boss?  Gonna be a problem.

Thunderwing is bad news because even with its low hit it still lands on 3 out of 5 people, deals more than half their life, and almost always paralyzes.  I mean, I could have Raquna just Volt Wall every turn for the whole fight, but that doesn't deal with its Pinions attack, which shreds my entire party - if he uses that two turns in a row, it's a wipe, no questions asked.  And that's not even accounting for the FOEs, although the Forest Ogres are fine because all they do is some piddly backrow damage and buff his attack which I immediately lower again - having a rank 8 Forest Barrier is nice.  Don't even want to think what the fight would be like with any of the other ones in it.

Of course, all those numbers I'm throwing out are with his attack debuffed, and Immunize/Defender maxed and up.  And I'm pretty sure I'm fairly overleveled, sitting around 52-54.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 22, 2013, 01:56:14 PM
That's pretty scary sounding- I'm still going through the earlier parts of the 4th stratum myself though. You could
spam Volt Wall and have everyone in the party equip an accessory to resist whatever element the Pinions attack is? If you really have to, you could "farm" the grimoire skill level +2 bonus from a Prepare and give not-raquna the Elemental Wall Lv3 grimoire the game gives you from a chest, so Raquna can keep protecting your party when needed using your "Backup Protector" for walls.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 23, 2013, 01:22:02 PM
I ended up beating him on the second try, mostly because he used Pinion Spear a grand total of once :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 23, 2013, 03:39:28 PM
I beat him on the first try because head binds make Arthur do twice as much damage and it's the best thing ever, foes didn't even -reach- me in time (Granted they were going to step in next turn >> But yes Expert mode)

Headbinds are kind of awesome. I'd recommend max Head Snipe on Frederica no matter what build she's going for. (Max Ricochet doesn't even seem terribly strong >_> (It's okay 'tho) It's more damage to bind even if it takes a few turns) And my first FL Grimoire was Head Snipe too THERE YOU GO SIMON <3 (I had him using guns the whole game in the first place, he was mostly using only using debuffs on bosses anyway)

Too bad you can't head bind a
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 23, 2013, 03:43:28 PM
Too bad you can't head bind a
Oh yes you can!  Oh yes, you can!

e: now up to either Alraune (ahahaha yeah not happening, Frost Smile oneshots people with maxed Immunize up) or
Ren and Tlachtga
for the main story, this ought to be fun
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 24, 2013, 02:38:01 AM
Finished off the Fallen One at last! Almost wiped twice, but managed to land head binds just in time not to get nuked. Now, to... Beat it 5 more times to forge that Drive Blade. :<
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 27, 2013, 11:53:02 PM
The music for the last few fights is spectacular.  Beat Story Mode on Expert, awesome time, awesome game.

I'll return for the postgame after AA5, most likely.

Also Charge is stronger and cheaper than Limitless for some reason.  ???
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Garlyle on October 28, 2013, 12:13:23 AM
The music for the last few fights is spectacular.  Beat Story Mode on Expert, awesome time, awesome game.

I'll return for the postgame after AA5, most likely.

Also Charge is stronger and cheaper than Limitless for some reason.  ???
Yes it is.  The main reason is that Limitless also enables you to ignore weapon restrictions on your next attack, so you can use whatever the hell move you want, even moves borrowed from other classes.  That said, Limitless also requires a significant skill point investment so... eh.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 28, 2013, 12:34:37 AM
Yes it is.  The main reason is that Limitless also enables you to ignore weapon restrictions on your next attack, so you can use whatever the hell move you want, even moves borrowed from other classes.  That said, Limitless also requires a significant skill point investment so... eh.
1 point in HP Up is significant?

e: oh right plus the 10 for the skill itself hurr
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 28, 2013, 04:34:40 AM
Yeah, having Charge for the highlander's attacks to actually do something in boss fights given their high TP cost (for his tp pool at least), it's pretty great.

I hear Limitless affects all actions for the turn though, so it might be nice for Cross Charge+Delay Charge turns.

Just finished Story Mode Expert myself! I'm planning on tackling the 6th stratum, though, so I'm not through the woods yet~ ...kind of wondering which bosses I should formaldehyde though >_> I... don't really know how to get their conditionals since gamefaqs doesn't have a good list for this game... so... :T and I'm debating if I should do any order or just farm up some formaldehydes and go crazy with it. (I have Fenrir's and know to formaldehyde the 2nd stratum boss though because lol curse, and accidentally got Ant Queen's on my first time beating her)

tl;dr if you know which stratum bosses unlock which ultimate equipments (or any of their conditional drop requirements) that'd be cool
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 28, 2013, 01:20:05 PM
I hear Limitless affects all actions for the turn though, so it might be nice for Cross Charge+Delay Charge turns.
I've heard this too but I don't think it's the case.  I'll test it out later today.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: Serela on October 28, 2013, 04:37:52 PM
I forgot to ever mention it, I think, but Tail Whip debuffs enemy physical attack. Since you can get it really early that's super good to know. (It says defense but this game has a -lot- of terribly worded things.)

Yesterday I saw Refresh Lv9 -> 10 Next: Targets All Enemies TP 35 (works as intended though)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: theshirn on October 28, 2013, 04:55:27 PM
Tested it and I can confirm that both Charge and Limitless only affect the next action, and Charge is stronger (albeit barely).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - Millennium Girl OUT GO PLAY IT
Post by: trancehime on October 29, 2013, 12:40:58 AM
Tested it and I can confirm that both Charge and Limitless only affect the next action, and Charge is stronger (albeit barely).

Limitless' caveat is being able to use Ronin attacks without needing a Katana, which is something.

(It says defense but this game has a -lot- of terribly worded things.)

It also has a lot of descs which are just wrong from my experience. :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on June 25, 2014, 12:31:42 AM
This is not broccoli #ATLUS (

EO2 remake incoming
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on June 25, 2014, 12:36:00 AM
oh god damn I totally forgot to post this


this is not broccoli
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on June 25, 2014, 01:07:52 AM
Was waiting for someone to post not broccoli.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on June 25, 2014, 06:23:29 AM
but what if it is broccoli

Also maybe I'll better be able to appreciate EO2 this time.  Like it was actually fantastic mechanically, but EO2 fell short a bit due to one or two awkward balance choices and also the fact that so much paralleled EO1's design that it was hard to properly appreciate it for itself at the time (compared to EO3 which was drastically different)

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Third Eye Lem on June 25, 2014, 07:01:54 AM
Let's not also forget how brutal the first quest was...If you didn't gear your party members just right, you were in for a bad time. I'm glad the more recent games eased players in before unleashing the hounds, EO2 DX needs to do that as well if they want it to succeed.

That also being said, I know I'm looking a bit into the future, but I would not be opposed to playing an EO3 remake. We could use more high-seas adventures. :3c
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Validon98 on June 25, 2014, 07:37:03 AM
Well this is a thing. But yeah, out of the first three I never really got into the second game as much (and I STILL need to go back and finish the first game) mainly because of how brutal the map making quest is right at the beginning. You NEED to be utterly prepared for it otherwise you are fucked and more or less have to restart. I kind of went "ahahahaha, no screw this" because of how ludicrous it was. Regardless of that, here's hoping EO2 DX is an improvement on the original?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on August 05, 2014, 03:59:55 PM
Trailer for EO2DX (

Looks like the story party is
a Princess (much like the Gunner from Millennium Girl, looks like they might be borrowing from later titles), a Survivalist, a Protector, a War Magus, and whatever class the new MC gets.

still not broccoli
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on August 05, 2014, 04:03:45 PM
Interestingly, the site has three pages.

The pages for "D" and "X" are still basically the teaser site, with the headers "Nobody knows the D" (enjoy your snigger) and "Nobody knows the X".  So possibly more EO stuff announced?  or at least they're hiding noticable features for EOU2 from us.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on August 05, 2014, 10:32:24 PM
Looks like our MC isn't just a gruntbot. I like that! (I know highlander-tan was supposed to be player surrogate, but)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: trancehime on August 06, 2014, 08:28:02 AM
Looks like our MC isn't just a gruntbot. I like that! (I know highlander-tan was supposed to be player surrogate, but)

he's also voiced by midorikawa :v
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on August 06, 2014, 09:54:50 AM
Sadly it looks like Grimoires are back; but it remains to be seen if the system is tuned up at all to be better (It could be a great system, but there's far too much of an RNG quotient for it to be practical)

also fuck yeah Prince/Princess coming back they're my second favourite EO3 class (after Wildling - call them useless and I will cut you show you a wildling soloing Abyssal God)

also you realise this means Cherry Tree Bridge getting remade oh my god also a not-shitty arrange of Shiver finally
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: nintendonut888 on August 06, 2014, 11:51:16 PM
Personally I'm excited to see an expanded story for EO2. I thought the game had quite a nice little story, for what it was, and was intrigued by all the parts it left to the imagination. Can't wait to see what Atlus does with this remake, and what answers they give us. :3
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on August 07, 2014, 12:10:18 AM
It just hit me that a revised game likely means an even harder Ur-Child.

I never even made it that far in the original (even if I did beat maingame) :ohdear:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Serela on August 07, 2014, 03:20:11 AM
I never actually played past stratum 1 completion in EO2, and even when I watched Krimmydoodle stream it, he pretty much skipped the game via how insanely broken Hexer Revenge was. So, playing EO2DX will be pretty cool.

The story party is... probably going to be static again, it seems. Buh. But, at least this one looks like it's more interesting. Although it's probably not going to let you class change to Beast so uh, crap ;_; I have a feeling the party recruiting a pet isn't going to be likely due to CUTSCENES where everyone would need to be there.

But yeah, like, I'm pretty interested in how they're going to rebalance Beast. EO2 overall could really use a rebalance since it's classes were a mix of really shitty and broken as fuck. I'm -very- unexcited about grimoires returning though... I hope they get a big overhaul in how they work.

Also mildly curious if Highlander is going to be added to the class roster (for classic mode/class change), since they're supposed to come from the area where EO2 takes place. But, since I don't particularly care either way, W/E. Slightly more curious if Princess/?????? will be locked until finishing story mode still but I bet they will be.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on August 07, 2014, 07:59:49 AM
It just hit me that a revised game likely means an even harder Ur-Child.

I never even made it that far in the original (even if I did beat maingame) :ohdear:
EO2 postgame was kind of a bitch because everything was quest-locked to progress anywhere... so I didn't complete it either.

That said, Ur-Child's reputation is as either "reasonable" or "the hardest boss in the series" depending on when you fought him.  In one of day/night, he followed an almost entirely predictable pattern of actions that made it possible to deal with him... in the other, it caused him to throw AI out the window and just random-select every action, including his "you needed to Protector Force skill on this turn or you die".
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: trancehime on August 07, 2014, 08:46:54 AM
EO2 postgame was kind of a bitch because everything was quest-locked to progress anywhere... so I didn't complete it either.

That said, Ur-Child's reputation is as either "reasonable" or "the hardest boss in the series" depending on when you fought him.  In one of day/night, he followed an almost entirely predictable pattern of actions that made it possible to deal with him... in the other, it caused him to throw AI out the window and just random-select every action, including his "you needed to Protector Force skill on this turn or you die".

I will maintain that Night Ur-Child is still one of the most blood-pumping boss fights I will ever have had the misfortune pleasure of playing out. Repeatedly, because of the many, MANY wipes.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: nintendonut888 on August 08, 2014, 11:59:19 PM
While I enjoyed the EO2 post-game, I admit that Ur-Child came dangerously close to stymieing my 100% run permanently. Thankfully, there's a rather colorful way to cheese the fight involving
3 low level landsknechts with just enough levels on them to max out counter, allowing them to counter Ur-child's attacks for 8000 damage a piece courtesy of the protector force skill
. I'm rather sad it came to it in hindsight, but I'm sorry Atlus I am NOT grinding for weeks just to stand on even toes with a single boss. >:< Here's hoping the remake makes the fight more reasonable, or at least the grinding process faster.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on August 13, 2014, 08:23:03 PM

5 Medic Trip Report:  Victory.

Final subs and levels were M/B 63, M/L 63, M/B 60, M/R 63, M/A 63.  I forgot to check how long the battle took but I was able to take down the Bared Essence in a single go thanks to a hilariously lucky stun right before it tried to reform, immediately followed by my Hood Circle actually binding its head for the last two rounds.

God damn but this was stupid.  I have conquered.  Get rekt nerds!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on August 14, 2014, 03:45:44 AM

(I should resume my 3 Dancer run by trying to beat the dragons)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: notverycreative on August 15, 2014, 04:48:23 PM
I suppose for little kids, this could be a good difficulty...?
Or people like me who suck at games like this and keep deluding themselves into thinking they'll be any good at them.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on September 08, 2014, 10:15:31 PM
oh god someone help me I beat eo4 with 5 runemasters

the final battle took fifteen turns

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 09, 2014, 03:30:44 AM
oh god someone help me I beat eo4 with 5 runemasters

the final battle took fifteen turns

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :colonveeplusalpha:
your damage output is insane though but I guess so's the damage intake
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on September 09, 2014, 10:47:58 PM
your damage output is insane though but I guess so's the damage intake
yeah well I also beat all three dragons first try

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Quad City QBs on September 12, 2014, 05:38:18 PM
i just got EO4 in the nintendo eshop sale and my goodness the character models are cute

also i'm still giggling at my fortress named tessie, shortened from "testudo"
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Suwako Moriya on September 12, 2014, 08:14:20 PM
Speaking of people just getting EOIV, someone please take my toys away before I hurt myself with them ( :ohdear:
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 12, 2014, 08:19:54 PM
that team is almost my team you'll be fine it's perfect for linksknechts so you're better than fine

but yes WELCOME TO EO4
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on September 12, 2014, 08:26:54 PM
eo4 is awesome and you can do all kinds of crazy stuff with that

-resident crazy eo4 person
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Jana on September 12, 2014, 08:30:44 PM
I just got Untold as a gift

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 12, 2014, 09:02:01 PM
I just got Untold as a gift

play standard unless you're familiar with EO games already seriously Expert is kind of teeth-pulling at a few points even as a series veteran
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: The Greatest Dog on September 12, 2014, 09:14:48 PM
play standard unless you're familiar with EO games already seriously Expert is kind of teeth-pulling at a few points even as a series veteran

I jumped right into Expert because I thought it'd be fun
Um. It's hard.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 12, 2014, 09:25:24 PM
I jumped right into Expert because I thought it'd be fun
Um. It's hard.
You might be able to pull it off, but Expert really expects you to know how to build characters and stuff.  You should be able to rotate back to Standard on the options screen though.

Also Classic or Story?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: The Greatest Dog on September 12, 2014, 09:40:16 PM
Ricky is chilling with max Vulcan Stance and Double, highlander is handling Bloody Offensive and head binding so Arthur can get even more alchemy damage going.

I've gotten to the third stratum on Expert, so it's not like I don't dislike expert. Standard might be underwhelming as this point, I guess.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 12, 2014, 10:44:48 PM
I've gotten to the third stratum on Expert, so it's not like I don't dislike expert. Standard might be underwhelming as this point, I guess.
Ah, I thought you'd just picked it up.  You're probably fine then, although the third and especially fourth bosses are the hardest of the main story, I thought.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: theshirn on September 12, 2014, 11:09:12 PM
Ah, I thought you'd just picked it up.  You're probably fine then, although the third and especially fourth bosses are the hardest of the main story, I thought.
They are, but hardly insurmountable.  I'd honestly recommend people stay on Expert for the Real Etrian Odyssey Fuck You Experience, standard is lame :V
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Jana on September 19, 2014, 07:26:10 AM
Does doing the "Story" mode in Untold mean I won't be able to choose my own party? And does skipping it mean I won't get any connecting story in the game?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 19, 2014, 08:19:45 AM
Does doing the "Story" mode in Untold mean I won't be able to choose my own party? And does skipping it mean I won't get any connecting story in the game?
1. Yes, although once they hit level 30 you can Class Change (ala retire) them into classes of your choosing if you want.

2. No.  Classic Mode still has the story as told in the original EO1 (which some vastly prefer compared to Untold's), but you won't get all the extended story details (/rewrites in some cases) that Story mode got.  The major loss playing Classic is that you can't access Gladsheim, and if you don't play Story first you can't class change into Highlander/Gunner ; but to make up for it you have your own party selection and unlike EO1 Ronin/Hexer are immediately available as options so go nuts.

Oh, and speaking of things missing from Classic Mode, Famitsu has confirmed that EOU2:
A. has a classic mode
B. that will still contain all the new features being added to Untold 2's Story Mode (the new dungeon, city growth, etc.)
C. will also come with sixteen portraits per class (the same four designs, but there's variants for each design in different poses, etc.), and
D. will enable you to pick Beast and Princess right off the bat.

In other words EOU2 Classic will be a fully enhanced experience without any catches.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 19, 2014, 04:44:26 PM
Will it come with multiple save slots? I don't remember if that was ever confirmed either way.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on September 19, 2014, 05:36:31 PM
Will it come with multiple save slots? I don't remember if that was ever confirmed either way.
I believe it was stated that there'd be extra save slots on the SD card.  The game card itself (physical copy) can only hold one but they're going to allow you to have extra saves on your SD, so yeah, that too.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Jq1790 on September 19, 2014, 07:18:02 PM
That right there is pretty huge, since now you can have a Classic and Story mode run going simultaneously, which is pretty much my biggest issue with EOU the First.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 28, 2014, 10:43:36 PM
Taoist Odyssey "update" ( (which Garlyle already saw)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on October 14, 2014, 03:01:35 PM

EO2 to have Highlander available as a generic class.

As DLC (Free for the first two weeks tho)

Etrian Odyssey games with DLC I'm not sure how to feel about this
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Serela on October 14, 2014, 03:21:07 PM
Well hey as long as it's free sure

You can download dlc without owning the game it's for, right?
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on October 14, 2014, 03:45:43 PM
Well hey as long as it's free sure

You can download dlc without owning the game it's for, right?
Not on the 3DS, no - all the DLC shops are accessed in-game, instead of through the eShop (even though they still use your normal wallet etc).
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Serela on October 14, 2014, 03:48:57 PM

Well. As long as the game doesn't have a 60 dollar pricetag on release like anything with the word Persona on it. (Since it's a remake though and EOU didn't either, I doubt it)
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 14, 2014, 04:31:01 PM
Atlus has been using DLC a lot lately, it was a matter of time until EO got hit with the paystick.
As long as there aren't easy en/exp packs...
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on October 14, 2014, 04:49:54 PM
En/exp packs are easily avoided (and for wimps). DLC character classes, however.... Well, as long as it's free.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Sana on November 05, 2014, 11:12:17 PM

Will be posting impressions and junk later!
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Sana on November 06, 2014, 01:07:00 AM
Okay so there's a bunch of new stuff, put in spoiler tags just in case I guess.

Command/autobattle check is GDLK. No more accidentally hitting L in combat and dying!
Classic mode is LOCKED IN THE DEMO WHY
Level 10 cap
9 saves including SD card
Guildmaster is female and has a name. Who knew?
Free SP when investing in your main weapon mastery is still in
There are voice clips in the skill menu now
There are food items but unsure of what they do atm

New Force Boost/Break system:
Activate boost for a 3 turn buff
While in boost you can use a "break attack" that consumes all of your boost, and your boost gauge disappears. Does not return until you go back to town.

New skill trees, only doing MC and Princess for now, some of my translations are super flaky!

Sword/Katana mastery 10/10
1 Sonic Raid 10/10, close range attack to 1 enemy, always goes first
 ->5 Gale Rush 10/10, 2-3 attacks to one line
3 Flame/Freeze/Shock Saber 10/10, Close range attack + element
5 Delay Chase 10/10, Follow up elemental attack with another
7 Over Killer 10/10, Close range to 1 enemy, if it kills deal damage to all other enemies
 ->3 Full Slash 10/10, Close range attack to 1 enemy. I think it goes last, and does more damage depending on your life?
10 Resonance Sword 10/10, Close range attack to 1 enemy. I think its damage increases depending on when you used it last, and caps at 3 turns?

Force Mastery 10/10
1 Vital Shut(???)10/10, Reduces 1 enemy's physical defense and chance of binding arms.
  Mind Shut(???)10/10, Reduces 1 enemy's elemental defense, chance of binding head.
3 Absorb 5/5, Remove one bind and add to force gauge.
->5 Force Charge 10/10, Until the end of the turn, dealt damage adds more force gauge
5 Force Shield 5/5, after activating force boost, use to reduce all damage next turn??
->5 Force Energy 10/10, While in force boost, regenerate TP every turn.
10 Force Reset 10/10, I think it allows you to use force boost without 100% but not too sure
->5 Limit breaker(?), allows force boost gauge to go past 100%?

Physical attack boost 10/10->3
Elemental attack boost 10/10->3
   ->Weapon-free 10/10, Mostly going off the name on this one. I THINK it allows you to use grimoire skills without equipping the appropriate weapon, but realllllly not sure about it

HP boost
TP boost

Force Boost Skill: Lowers cost of order skills by half for 3 turns?
Order Mastery 10/10
1 Attack/Def order 10/10 each, boost atk/def for one line.
 ->3 each: Order with chance of preventing death and restoring HP?
3 Holy Crown 10/10 for 3 turns, HP restoration effect increased on party member.
->3 3 turn order that restores HP to a line per turn
5 Reset Weapon 10/10, eliminates buffs/debuffs on enemy target and does damage.
  Exchange 10/10, remove buffs/debuffs on party member, restore HP, add force gauge
 ->3 in Exchange: White Noble 10/10, Exchange on full party
 ->2 in White Noble and Reset Weapon: Clear Lance 10/10, remove buffs/debuffs from everything, restore own TP
7 Order that prevents ailments for 3 turns 5/5
10 Raise Morale 10/10, While the princess is alive, all buffed party members have increased force gauge gain?

TP boost 10/10
1 Link Order 10/10, When a selected enemy takes elemental damage, another enemy takes damage from the same element
->5 Link Order II 10/10, same as I, except all enemies take damage
5 Fire/Freeze/Shock Circle 10/10 each, reduce element damage taken, increase element damage dealt
10 Cheering 10/10, Restore TP to all members in the same line as the princess. Only usable with no buffs/debuffs active?

HP boost 10/10
5 Royal Veil 10/10, MAX HP Princess = healing for the party every turn while the princess is at max
10 Passive that restores HP after every battle
 ->3 in both: King's March, restore HP while walking

Bind defense boost 10/10

Take 10/10
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on November 06, 2014, 07:28:50 AM
Classic mode is LOCKED IN THE DEMO WHY
It was for the EOU demo too

But hell yeh class trees.

Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on November 06, 2014, 11:49:27 AM
That is all.
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Garlyle on November 06, 2014, 04:08:45 PM
That is all.

There's been talk about it for a while but it's really good to have confirmation on it oh my gooood
Title: Re: Etrian Odyssey Thread - This is not broccoli #ATLUS
Post by: Sana on November 06, 2014, 07:25:57 PM
Just to clarify, the demo only has 1 slot as usual, but the full game is supposed to have 9. :V
Also: they added a "use" section on the skill description screen that tells you which stats/body parts are used for the skill. BASED ATLUS
New skill tree developments btw,
after MC gets MAGICAL TRANSFORMATION POWERS for his force ability, he gains a couple new skills on the tree that are linked to other skills, and the new skill's level depends on the original skill.
Flame/Freeze/Shock saber -> Fire/ice/thunder wave, 10(!) random attacks to enemy with x element, only usable in boost.
Delay Chase -> Friend Recall, close range attack to one enemy, takes on the element of the last attack, only usable in boost.

Also I was looking at some of the new trees. Standout changes:

EO4 flank shot that hits a line is back
10 in bow mastery -> passive that makes all bow damage have chance to bind legs

5 in shield master -> Heal guard, heal a target while defending them(?)
10 in shield mastery -> Sentinel Guard, for the turn all party members defense becomes the same as the Paladin's, and all damage down
10 in elemental defense boost -> 3 turn buff that prevents all debuffs/ailments/binds on self

Doctor Magus(War Magus)
Basic healing spell heals at start of turn and again at end of turn, has 3 types(normal line full party)
7 in sorcery and 3 in ailment/bind recovery skills, some sort of skill that negates ailments/binds for the turn?
10 in sorcery -> res spell, res at start of turn, and chance to res again at end of turn.
10 in spellsword/sword sorcery/whatever it's called in english mastery -> Restore HP when dealing damage to an enemy with an ailment
Ailment attacks are simplified. 2 attacks that decrease def/elemental defense when enemy has any ailment, 3 that bind, one that does big damage.

Edit: New grimoire system, also unlocked the new food system!
Every character has grimoire slots(start with 1, unlock more with levels, seems to cap at 3 by level 20?) Each grimoire appears to only teach ONE skill, and that skill's level can be increased, probably by fusing other grimoires into it.

Food seems to be similar to EOU where the foods give you buffs as long as you're in the dungeon. In this game though, they all consume materials, and you can sell the food to other people in the city on a "town map" according to the tutorial. You have to discover the recipes by trying different combinations of foods(meat+herbs, etc.), and it's looking like there will be more food than what's available in EOU. Whenever you try a combination, the game will tell you which materials are correct, so you won't be guessing forever. The food classes go up to 6 stars so I'm guessing the usefulness and sell rate increases with rank?