Author Topic: World Of Warcraft  (Read 7261 times)


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2011, 10:54:16 AM »
Frankly, I will always have a spot in my heart for Shadowfang Keep, the level 16-21 5-man instance. That was the first dungeon I'd ever run, and I was completely blown away with how awesome the concept was to me - raiding this massive castle, loaded with ghosts and werewolves, to end up ultimately fighting a twisted mage who teleports around the room and flings orbs of shadowy doom at you and randomly mind-controls one of your party, turning you against each... it was my first taste of WoW's potential.

And while yes the endgame really is like a whole other game, some of it has just so much fucking artificial difficulty, it's like... really? You're trying to pass this off as 'challenging gameplay' when it's really just impossibly high standards for teamwork - and this is directly AFTER launching and lauding your wonderful new 'random party finder' program? In short, throwing a bunch of people together who've never worked with each other, ever, and saying 'okay, you need to reliably do this, this, this, this, this, and this, all at the same time, and if even one person fucks up in the slightest, you'll be at this for SIX FUCKING HOURS.'
Speaking from experience. They revamped some of the older instances and made them level 85 content Heroic dungeons. During the final boss of one of them, endless swarms of ghost thingies spawn on you, and will randomly chase people down - ghosts that deal 40k damage a hit and have about a ten-yard attack radius, meaning you have to stay the fuck away from them. During a fight that requires precise positioning to force a different mob, that ALSO hits like a truck, to land an AoE attack in a specific spot - and said AoE attack pops open another portal for those spirits to spawn out of, thus increasing the shitstorm going on around you.
And unless you're the tank, you will on average only have about 115k maximum HP. That means, if just two of those ghosts get into attack range without you noticing, and both of them land two hits each, you're boned. Hell, just one for three seconds and you're dead.


  • Humble Blacksmith
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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2011, 11:05:51 AM »
I got the deadmines as my first. not AS amazing as shadow fang, but it felt like a movie, with my hands tightly gripped on my sword and my gun, exploring this giant pirate cave. (Dwarven warrior.). Sadly, it was with a group of "Experienced" players, so we just blew right though it (I didnt even get to draw blood on the captain damn it.), but it was still pretty cool. Wish i ran my first dungeon with a bunch of beginners like me. I like struggle and challenge... and it would of been more immersive rather then *GO IN KILL EVERYTHING KEEP UP YOU DWARF.*
I got that with Gnomeregan. THAT was amazing, and i got Thermaplugg's Left Arm. I love that thing to death.

...Never doubted it wasn't fun, but DAMN, THAT'S RIDICULOUS AND BAD GAME DESIGN. Difficulty shouldn't be around about how well players can exploit the system, it should be around how you can best fought off a CERTAIN number of threats, and the given skills said threat(s) could have! (Im fine with summoners, not endless swarms of cheap ass ghosts.) i'd have an easier time playing Serious Sam TSE on SERIOUS DIFFICULTY.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 11:08:53 AM by Yugian »


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2011, 12:59:54 PM »
The justification for the Jin'do fight is 'You should have one DPS capable of pushing 15k dps on a single target focus on killing the ghosts as they come up while the other two DPS focus on breaking the chains.'

The problem is, until very recently, you couldn't GET the gear needed to pull 15k dps on a single target (class and spec permitting) without actually beating that fucking instance - without killing Jin'do, you didn't get the completion credit, which awarded a specific type of currency points, called Valor. Now, you can buy the original Valor gear with Justice points, which are easier to obtain - mostly because it doesn't involve stepping foot into his goddamn instance.

'You have to raid to get raiding gear! :derp:'


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2011, 01:01:00 PM »
Well so far it doesn't seem that terrible considering early game and I haven't done much other then follow the chain of quests. Anyways am I able to learn all the spells for my class from the trainer even if I don't have talents in them or no?


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2011, 06:16:34 PM »
Well so far it doesn't seem that terrible considering early game and I haven't done much other then follow the chain of quests. Anyways am I able to learn all the spells for my class from the trainer even if I don't have talents in them or no?

You playing on retail or a private server? If it's a pserver, I can't tell you. If it's retail, then yes, every skill from the trainer you will eventually learn. If you get a skill by a talent point, all you need is the one talent point in it to have it - you don't need to buy it, or any levels of it, from the trainers after that single point investment.


  • Humble Blacksmith
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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2011, 06:19:07 PM »
Oh of course! in game bribery to victory...  still,thats utter crap... watch in like, a patch or two when his gear becomes abosolete for the new big heroic thats X times amount harder to fight. XD

Hmmm... that sounds like a irritated person/pet peeve in the making.  :V

From what i last remember, Yes you can. talents just make your character more distinct and give them certain abilities.

(Damn. you ninja'd me by a second Esifex.)


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2011, 07:29:41 PM »
Or three minutes  :V

The talent spreads will make for some very distinct play styles within the character class itself. While a Hunter will only ever be a damage-dealing class, how he does it between each spec will vary wildly. Survival specializes in extremely potent traps and redirect abilities. Marksmen specialize in powerful skill-shots, and Beast Mastery should be very self-explanatory and not need any explanation at all or I'm afraid I just can't help you.

Same goes for Priests; two of their specs are dedicated to healing, and the differences between the two are pretty massive, even though they're both on a Priest. Discipline Priests specialize in damage mitigation - preventing it from actually hitting your target, via empowered barriers that heal their target and reflect damage, in addition to being able to heal allies by dealing holy damage to enemies. Holy Priests specialize in powerful heals that can hit multiple partymates at once,  that may be much slower to cast than the heals the Discipline Priest would use, but many many times more effective.
Shadow Priests just melt peoples' faces.


  • Humble Blacksmith
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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2011, 07:32:19 PM »
Ah, damn. gave it too much wide berdith eh?

Well, you explained talent tree's very nicely there. much better then i'd of explained.  :derp:
I took up arms myself, due to recommendation of a friend. worked out pretty decently.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2011, 05:14:45 AM »
Arms used to be a perfectly valid PvE spec way back in the day, but then it started becoming more and more of a PvP spec. Just recently, it was tweaked and made into a valid PvE spec again as well as the go-to spec for PvP, but then Blizzard was like WHOOPS NOPE NOPE CAN'T BE DOIN THAT NOW YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE FUN IN PVE and borked it over. Just like Frost Mages. The only place where it's worth a damn to be a Frost Mage is in PvP. Anywhere else, Fire for AoE encounters and Arcane for single-target encounters.


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2011, 10:50:37 AM »
So I will be able to get anything thats taught by the trainer even if I don't specialize in it thats nice.

Anyways all the quests I am getting seem a little to dangerous now guess I should just move elsewhere for now.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2011, 03:45:46 PM »
Im having a mage dilemma right now. I chose Frost as my spec. Then i chose arcane as my secondary spec. Then, i deleted the arcane spec and chose fire. The problem is, i dont know what specs to choose. Any tips?


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2011, 05:14:40 PM »
Frost Mage - the PvP spec. Specializes in locking everything down for their allies to kill. Uses Frost Armor to slow attackers, Water Elemental to Freeze from afar, and Frost Nova to freeze nearby enemies. As a PvE spec, very good for soloing quests. Either you or the Water Elemental mob everything up, freeze it in place, then drop Blizzard on it. In groups, it's not as good, because using Blizzard on everything in an instance is the fastest way to pull aggro off the tank and piss your healer off when everything comes to chew on you. That only leaves you with Frostbolt and Ice Lance to use for your primary damage sources, and you could do much better with Arcane or Fire.

Fire Mage - the PvE/PvP spec. In PvP, you should be using Scorch almost exclusively, since it costs you no mana and you can move while casting it. You want to try for as much crit as you can so you can get Hot Streak procs left and right. Never stop moving as a Fire Mage. It'll be up to you if you want to use Mage Armor for the debuff reduction and mana regen bonus or Molten Armor for the crit boost. In PvE, you'll open with Pyroblast on boss fights and follow up immediately with Living Bomb once you talent for it. Otherwise, all you need to do is make sure the Critical Mass debuff stays on the boss and you shoot as many Fireballs as you can at it, throwing Hot Streak procs when you get them - but holding them for a moment or two if you literally just shot one off. It's better to let the Damage over Time tick than it is to shoot off two Pyroblasts in a row. Yes, two Pyroblasts is lots of lovely damage, but the Hot Streak proc will stay on you for a good 15 seconds. That's plenty of time to keep shooting Fireballs and wait for a few more ticks on the boss from your original Pyroblast. Once you get Living Bomb, you should open the boss fight with Pyroblast, Living Bomb, then Combustion. If you run out of mana during a boss fight, which is likely as a Fire Mage, just spam Scorch until you get more Hot Streak procs. It's free DPS, even if its reduced.
During non-boss encounters, you want to open with Scorch so you apply the Critical Mass debuff, then follow up with Living Bomb. Pyroblast is too slow to cast during mob-pulls, so you should only use it when you have Hot Streak. If you GET Hot Streak early in the fight, target a high-health enemy, cast it on him, hit him with Living Bomb and then Combustion. Throw a Flamestrike or a Blast Wave under the entire mob and hope for an Impact proc - then hit the Combusted target with Fireblast, and spread all the DoTs through the entire mob. Your DPS will jump once everything has DoT ticks going off, and the mob will typically fall apart almost instantly. This is really the only time you should be using Combustion against anything that isn't a boss, during a dungeon.

Arcane Mage - the single-target PvE spec. The only way you'll ever want to play Arcane Spec in PvP is if you're a top-tier genius Mage player who has some amazing partners to work with. Otherwise, this is THE spec for boss fights, as it has the highest single target damage output in pretty much the entire game - usually. As balance between classes is tweaked, Mages will go up and down on the list, but they usually stay in the top three.
The Arcane Mage is usually mocked for the incredibly simple rotation is has, oftentimes jokingly called the One-Button Rotation class. It's very straightforward - open a fight with Arcane Blast until you get 4 stacks of the Arcane Blast 'debuff', then throw Arcane Missiles. If you go five or six Arcane Blasts without generating an Arcane Missiles proc, throw your Arcane Barrage to clear the debuff - if you keep casting Arcane Blast with 4 stacks up, you're going to run out of mana in about ten seconds. Open boss fights with Arcane Power on the third Arcane Blast cast. You don't want to waste time building stacks of Arcane Blast with that amazing damage buff.
Don't forget to take the Focus Magic talent - even though you can't cast it on yourself, putting it on the healer or another cast-spamming class (especially Elemental Shaman) is a good way to get yourself an occasional 3% crit rate buff. Sounds low but it really does add up, especially if you glyph for Arcane Missile crit rating. Presence of Mind is another good talent to grab. You'll want to make a macro with it and use it in emergencies, both in groups and out.
This is the macro, letter for letter - very straightforward.
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Polymorph
Since Presence of Mind, or PoM, isn't on the Global Cooldown, using it means it won't trigger GCD and you can immediately follow up with another spell. In this case, you want Polymorph in case you pull something you didn't mean to, or someone breaks the CC in an instance run. This macro is typically called PoM-Poly, and tanks love it when you know how to use it properly. There are other places to use PoM, but as an Arcane Mage, that's pretty much gonna be it. If you need an emergency slow, you COULD use Frostbolt instead of Polymorph, but Arcane Mages have an insta-cast Slow spell anyways.

Until you get to Cataclysm instances, there will never be a reason for you to spam AoEs in a dungeon. If you're Frost spec, Blizzard should only be used when you're alone. In a dungeon, you should be swapping to your alternate spec. As Fire, only use Blast Wave to cast Flamestrike - there's a talent that makes it auto-cast Flame Strike on the same location if Blast Wave hits two or more targets. Even though a Fire Mage gets insta-cast Flamestrikes, it's still not a good idea to spam that for AoE damage as it'll murder your mana. Use Pyroblast+Living Bomb+Combustion+Impact to deal your AoE damage. As Arcane, even though there's a talent to reduce the cost and global cooldown of Arcane Explosion, letting you shoot off nearly two per second, you don't want to do that in a group. It's the FASTEST way to pull aggro off your tank, get yourself killed, and likely cause the mob to go after the healer, who started panic-healing on you as fast as they could, thus shoving their aggro through the roof, and now the healer is being mauled.

A good Mage can carry a group through an instance. A bad Mage can wipe it, repeatedly.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2011, 05:19:08 PM »
Also, if you have an Arcane Mage friend dive into a dungeon with you, if you both cast Focus Magic on each other, you'll be going nuts with crits - oftentimes enough to keep a constant 6% crit-rate bonus going (the buff grants the target 3% more crit, and when the target crits, the caster gets a similar, low-duration buff. Casting it on someone who's cast it themselves means when they crit, you get another 3%)


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2011, 08:26:49 PM »
Thanks for explaining it so clearly. So, whaddya think , should i abandon frost and go fire/arcane or should i keep my frost and have fire or arcane?


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2011, 10:05:58 PM »
Well I never knew Stone Giants could run at me extremely fast.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2011, 12:16:13 AM »
Lol at fake difficulty done by unreasonable teamwork requests.I agree. Though I don't think this is really a problem with WoW so much as your typical traditional MMORPG, though I haven't really played a whole lot to say. It is definitely frustrating when you're doing more than twice the amount of work you're SUPPOSED to in a raid, and still get nowhere after hours except for a 200 gold repair bill. I don't think it's really possible though for Blizzard to make it so excellent players can progress thru raid content without competent raids, not without making overall difficulty so low that...Well honestly it's already pretty low imo. It's just surprisingly easy to find a dead beat out of every 3rd person for raids. That's why I automatically say no to any MMORPG that I see nowdays where combat consists of trading blows with enemies like in a regular RPG. I only want ones where you can avoid all damage completely purely from skillful dodging or tactics or something.

I stopped played just when Icecrown Citidel was released. I still had fun and enjoyed it but I just didn't have the time to play so I quit cold turkey. But my brother still plays and I see some of the new features, they're interesting but dear GOD wtf did they do to the talent trees?! I mean above all things, WoW's absolute WORST feature was the bullshit character customization. There was no customization. Skill trees will ALWAYS cookie-cutter specs. Most people have to go online to figure them out, but I like doing that myself, and there really is no challenge to it i fyou enjoy gearheading over game mechanics and whatnot like I do. But now, they made the talent trees even MORE dumbed down. 1 point per TWO levels?! A complete inability to spend points in more than one tree without maxing one first? REALLY?!

Then they have situations where fury warriors have a rather iconic ability, titans grip, where they can hold a 2 handed weapon in each hand. Everyone crapped their pants when they saw that, even if it became balanced, it would still be really damn cool. So what does blizzard do now? Oh let's make the fury warrior's mastery talent buff their SINGLE handed weapon damage derp derp, and let's add a second, more useful (due to the mastery bonus) 31 point talent unlike any other class to make it even more obvious that we want to delete titans grip altogether but are too scared to.

I'm also kinda bitter how blood is now a tank-only spec, it was my dps spec of choice. Why would they do that? blah. Less options are better because players are too dumb to decide things for themselves.

Well I never knew Stone Giants could run at me extremely fast.

Lol, WoW lore is, and always was kinda strange. My favorite gag is how Warcraft is the only fictional universe I know, where ghouls can outrun Elves.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 12:19:12 AM by Ghaleon »


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2011, 05:11:47 AM »
Lol, WoW lore is, and always was kinda strange. My favorite gag is how Warcraft is the only fictional universe I know, where ghouls can outrun Elves.

I love the part where the Darkspear were exiled from the Echo Isles by a level 12 troll, and it took about 4 years to finally take the Echo Islses back from him.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2011, 09:46:08 AM »
Well he was actually a level 80+ Troll is reality. :V


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2011, 11:35:55 AM »
I'm also kinda bitter how blood is now a tank-only spec, it was my dps spec of choice. Why would they do that? blah. Less options are better because players are too dumb to decide things for themselves.

That bugged me, too. Frost DKs were the cookie-cutter, 'learn-how-to-tank-as-a-DK' spec, what had the potential to be played as a DPS spec with a specific talent spread and staying in Blood Presence. Blood DKs were, believe it or not, the supreme tanking spec, because they had enough talents to boost their threat generation, as well as Frost Presence, loads of self-healing, and other goodies. It was originally the primary cookie-cutter DPS spec, until savvy DK players were like 'hmmmm, self-healing, fight in Frost presence, loads of armor and heavy hitting skills... I could tank like this no problem!' and thusly did. Unholy was also a good tree for unorthodox tanking - your ghoul, with the right glyphs and talents, could work as your own personal offtank, Bone Armor gave you enhanced defense AND damage, you had the best magic resist as a tank in the game thanks to Anti-Magic Shield and its incredibly low cooldown, and could pop Anti-Magic Zone for those times of massive AoE damage coming in. Not a good main-tank for a raid but still a good potential tank character.

Now it's like, everyone and their brother laughs if you join an instance with a perma-ghoul because Frost is the omgwtfbbq best dps spec evar and all the bean counters on ElitistJerks say so and all the top-tier DKs are playing Frost and yadda yadda yadda... meanwhile, Blizzard has come right out and said, 'No, you know... if you play Unholy right, it's literally just as good as Frost. Seriously. We designed it that way. We wouldn't put together a spec that's entirely useless and just wastes space just because we want you to only play Frost or only play Blood.'
Which makes me giggle all the more when I out-dps the Frost DKs in my dungeon dives, and they're like WTF HOW ARE YOU DOING SO MUCH DAMAGE?
Simple, buddy. I use my ghoul like it's a skill, not a source of auto-attacks. I make sure my diseases are fully spread before blowing my runes on Strike skills. I don't just sit around and wait for one skill to come off cooldown (Howling Blast, anyone?) and I actually play my fucking spec, not my class. l2play Frost *properly* and you'll do about as good or better than me.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2011, 03:12:08 PM »
Yeah blood had by far the best self healing, as well as the best single target dps (and hence threat).
But in a full blown raid with effective healers, a dks self healing should be peanuts compared to overall, and frosts passive talents to armor and avoidance would actually be significant. But self healing was better for soloing and 5mans.

Truly though, I think the healing was just an exuse, what REALLY made them change was the easier 1-3 target threat generation. As wow aged, tanking slowly but surely became less about damage mitigation and positioning, and more about pure threat generation. This is done by blizz's decision to make tanking more available to players and other classes. It didn't take long for tanks to go from something only the hardcore players did, to somethin your truly average wow player did or has done at one point. And your average wow player was unfortunately an idiot. These people were as incapable of generating decent threat with a gear level expected of them just like your average dpser was incapable of doing basic expected dps. It eventually became a mentality thing too. I mean look at  that boss in BC named murmur. Almost all the "old" tanks could run out of his sonic boom and run back without trouble. But it didn't take long for the majority of them (the noobs) to make standing in it making NO effort to run out thenorm, like taking a 75% damage to your healthbar was something acceptable.

Nowdays people think tanking is taking damage and holding aggro, and they don't think past this for the REASON for doing such: group damage minimization. Prince in kharazan is another good example. The first tanks kited him around avoiding the infernals, new tanks stood in that spot by the door regardless of standing near an infernal.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2011, 03:55:05 PM »
Heh. Thank god for a lot of the new Cataclysm 5mans, then. If a tank stands in Ulthok's Void Smash or whatever while he's charging it, I just stop healing the tank and pick the tankiest DPS character and start applying my healing buffs to them (Beacon of Light, Earth Shield, Lifebloom, whatever) and let the tank get gibbed. I'm not gonna try to fight your idiocy of standing in a void zone AND tanking a VERY large hit at the same time and hope to still have mana afterwards. No, screw that. If I went out of my way to say 'don't stand in the Void Smash' before the fight, and you stand in it, you can fucking die and eat the repair bill.

I made a macro that's *kiiiiiiiiind* of like that. I usually throw it right when the 5man comes together.

'Okay, pop-quiz time, guys! There are two trains on the same track, and both are going eastbound. The one in the front is only going 30 m/ph, and the one in the back is going 70 m/ph. In a 5-man heroic, who gets the heals first?'

I'm thinking of following up with 'Trick question! It's whoever is smart enough to know where to stand during fights.' and explain that that could potentially mean 'not the tank'.


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2011, 06:36:08 PM »
Learning all the tactics for group play will be a massive pain if I get that far. Then again seeing as how I haven't actually talked with anyone so far while playing it seems a bit unlikely that I'll get around to that.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2011, 07:35:12 PM »
In a group, it's actually very straightforward. The only difference is, instead of pushing your DPS as hard as you can, you hold back for a moment or two while someone else gets the attention of the monsters, then you start wailing on them. Since they re-worked all the threat balances for group instances, AoEs in a dungeon are a fast way to get yourself killed, rather than a good source of damage (especially so on that latter part. They're even less useful against the elites that are in instances because they don't do enough damage versus how much health everything in the mob will have. You'd be better off picking on target at a time and hitting it hard, than everything for a little), so it'll be a lot like solo'ing, except you'll have two other people smashing the same target.

And now with all the changes they've made to Guilds, it's highly recommended you get into one - there are amazing perks, like a permanent 10% increase in Exp gains, less durability loss when you die, faster movespeed while a spirit, increased reputation gains, extra money generated and sent directly to the guild bank when you loot monsters, more likely to get Trade skill rank-ups when using low-yield trade recipes (greens and yellows much more likely to skill-up), faster mounted speed outside of PvP Battlegrounds and Arenas, and at especially high-level guilds, the ability to mass-res everyone in your party no matter how far away from you they are, and the ability to summon your entire party/raid group to your location.

Personally the biggest perk for me is the bonus exp, though. That, combined with all the heirloom gear, makes leveling an absolute breeze.


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2011, 08:49:28 PM »
I'm not sure how I would go about joining a guild. It's something i've found kind of hard to do in MMO's.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2011, 08:56:59 PM »
Just mention in trade chat that you're looking to join a guild, really. Find one that isn't a social guild - those ones tend to be either new or painfully underleveled. If you're in a good guild, endgame raiding content becomes very much enjoyable, so even if raiding isn't a goal for you now, it could easily become one if you can find a way to segue into your guild seamlessly.

A good idea is to find one that raids but doesn't require applying on a forum or anything silly like that - and if you make it clear that you're initially trying to get into a guild mostly for the perks but hope to stick around, they'll usually be more open and chatty with you when you join.

Alternatively, you could do a paid realm transfer to Feathermoon and swap to Alliance if you aren't already, track down Armed to the Teeth, and tell them Erik sent you. But I wouldn't recommend it; Alliance on Feathermoon are absolutely terrible at holding Tol Barad (and Wintergrasp, for that matter). But that'll be a guaranteed 'in' with a level 17 (possibly 18 now) guild that has the max Rep/Exp/Honor/Justice gains-perks. They raid, but it's not a requirement.
If you bring a Warlock, though... be careful, the Boss might try to bribe you into raiding when you hit 85.


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2011, 09:17:46 PM »
Eh i only have a Tauren Shaman on Arathor paying for a realm transfer doesn't really seem like a reasonable thing to do.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2011, 09:19:44 PM »
Shaman? Depending on the spec you prefer to play you may be able to easily get into a raiding guild. If you dual-spec for Elemental and Enhancement and keep your gear up to snuff on both specs you can be the omni-player. If they need extra melee, Enh Shammy brings excellent melee dps and amazing buffs for the entire raid, and Elemental for ranged caster dps that also kicks major ass.


Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2011, 10:21:46 PM »
Well i'm only like level 23 right now so that would be quite further down the road.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #58 on: July 21, 2011, 09:53:08 PM »
At last, my gear is somewhat up to speed when comparing to the rest of my guild. I will hopefully be trying to progress (and failing horribly) in Firelands.

On another note, i hate the Alliance on my server.


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Re: World Of Warcraft
« Reply #59 on: July 22, 2011, 01:58:09 AM »
At last, my gear is somewhat up to speed when comparing to the rest of my guild. I will hopefully be trying to progress (and failing horribly) in Firelands.

On another note, i hate the Alliance on my server.

I hate the Alliance on my server, too, and I play Alliance :>