Author Topic: Oasis  (Read 5324 times)


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« on: June 03, 2011, 07:19:28 PM »
because I felt like it

Reimu let out a squeak of pain as she tried putting weight on her left leg.  Her knees buckled, and she went stumbling into the dirt.  This was the final straw for her.  She sat unmoving, staring at the ground and watching the tiny little spores that poked out of the earth.  In the sky above her, she could hear deafening thunder raging above her, the whistle of the wind as an imagined gargantuan beast tore through it.  Reimu looked back to the sky one last time.

A shadowy, formless thing, almost like something drawn with charcoal, extended its claws?if they were they even claws?towards the inverted funnel where she levitated.  An expression of calm was written on her face, even as thousands of eyes fixated upon her and the claws ripped into her, feathers spraying into the air like confetti.

Everything beyond that was hard to remember.  Her vision was consumed by a blinding white light that felt like it was tearing through every fiber of her being.  She felt the earth beneath her tear away, and then everything went black.


?Looks like you?re no longer the Shrine Maiden of Paradise, huh??

Reimu stared out the train?s window and studied her reflection.  She was healthy-looking; there were no bags under her eyes, and she had a glowing complexion.  Her eyes were bright and alert, not dull and exhausted.  Her hair was neat and tied in its usual bow, with two long locks tied in those hair tubes she liked.  Even her clothes were neat and tidy.  In short, she didn?t look like a zombie (笑).

?I?m more like the Shrine Maiden of Hell, now.?  Reimu reached up and felt a piece of her own hair.  It was soft.

Yakumo Yukari sat with her hands folded on her lap and her ankles crossed.  Her lips curved up in a smile as her gaze shifted over to Reimu.  ?And I was aiming to keep Gensokyo quite the opposite, too.?

?Your methods are certainly questionable.?  Reimu stared down at her feet.  ??Hey, Yukari??


?What?s going to happen to Gensokyo now??

Yukari didn?t answer.  The only sound was the hum of the train that only had two passengers as it continued to move on.

?I mean?now that you?re??

?I?m not dead.?  Reimu?s heart skipped a beat.  Everything she had seen happen back there?the final battle she had witnessed?was it all a lie?


The train lurched to a halt, finally reaching its unknown destination.  The doors slide open with a hiss, and Yukari stood up.

?I?m boundaries,? Yukari said, and she started for the exit.

?Hold it!?  Reimu leapt to her feet, not taking note that her leg didn?t hurt anymore.  ?That doesn?t make any sense!?

?I don?t really expect you to understand it,? Yukari said as she neared the doors.  She paused and turned back towards Reimu.  ?But make sure you protect the Great Boundary, okay??


?It was fun.  I?ll be going on ahead,?


Yukari stepped through the door and disappeared.

The sound of her voice was still fresh in Reimu?s mind.

Somehow, this didn?t feel real.

~The Final Battle~

The goddesses had thrown everything they had against the Angel of Death, but that still wasn?t enough.  In one final attempt to save Gensokyo, the Gap Youkai unleashed her true power, casting away her shell.  Soon after, she disappeared into ether.

And then, the goddesses themselves fell into a long, deep sleep.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 08:27:35 PM by 日巫子 »

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Oasis
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 08:36:17 PM »
For a split second, and the first couple of lines, I thought this was going to Reimu's viewpoint involving the fight with Kikuri, but that quickly faded when I caught the rest of it.

Still good though. I'm beginning to wonder if you'll do a 'what happened to set this off' sort of thing or if you will continue on from here. Love the train part though; so fitting even when you ignore the fact it IS Yukari being Yukari. ^^


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Oasis
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 09:28:21 PM »
Reimu's viewpoint involving the fight with Kikuri

Oh, thanks for the idea.

How long had it been, days?  Weeks?  Months?

Satori had completely lost track of time during the time she was escaping from the collapsing Underground.  Earthquakes down there were basically ?falling rocks, everyone duck?, but it felt as if the entire ceiling had come down upon them.  The thoughts of absolute horror that had assaulted her mind in those last minutes still reverberated in her mind, torturing her.  The only thing that was keeping her mind off the screams of torment was the fact that there were indeed survivors, and also the question of whether or not the Shrine Maiden of Paradise was still alive.

Pushing the worst case scenario to the back of her mind, she focused on the little fire that she was sheltering from the wind.  Curled up near it was Koishi, who was curled up around a kasha, a hell raven, and a rabbit.  That was all she had left, unless she was able to find the others.

Satori, for the first time in her life, was grateful that Koishi wasn?t able to read minds anymore.  She would have fared much worse if she could, and her eyes were already glazed over as a result of closing her third eye.  Satori reached over and brushed a stray lock of white hair from Koishi?s face, and tried to remember if that was natural, or if it was from the shock of, as usual, closing her third eye.  She was too shaken up right now to remember.


She remembered that mind, but she didn?t feel like teasing her.

Satori stood up slowly, and gathered her bearings as she gaped at the one walking across the barren field.  She looked very tired, if her thoughts provided any evidence, but all Satori could focus on was the unconscious girl in her arms, her leg wrapped in bandages, looking like she had gone to hell and back.  That wasn?t an understatement, given Satori?s current condition.

But, it was her.

Satori almost stepped in the fire as she sprinted across the field.  This would make her forget what happened underground, even if it was for a little bit.

~Sanctuary on the surface~

The entirety of the Former Hell was half buried during the incident, and a few were able to leave.  Those survivors were later identified by the Shrine Maiden of Paradise and the Ordinary Magician as people they encountered during the Geyser Incident many years prior.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Oasis
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 10:02:32 PM »
It has been in my head for ages; as was the... erm...
death of Marisa =(
Damn it, you made me cry when I read that!


On topic, wow. Just wow! I know that sort of thing is very likely to happen to the underground, but it's still one of those that make you stop and go 'yeah, how would they deal with that?'

A rabbit? I was going to ask when someone from Eientei came down, but I forgot; Satori likes animals. Still, a curled up Koishi is a cute Koishi; despite the scene.

Poor Satori.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Oasis
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 10:12:32 PM »
Setting up the prolouge for the big thing, eh? Well, So far this is very good. Short, But at the same time very descriptive.


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Re: Oasis
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2011, 01:13:07 AM »

your writing style has gotten better and better, and I'm eagerly anticipating the next part~


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  • XephyrEnigma
Re: Oasis
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2011, 01:33:14 AM »
Where this story is going right now, its just making me think :ohdear: for the characters.
Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

My YouTube channel where I often screw about - Latest Upload: IN Border Team Easy Clear


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Oasis
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2011, 12:44:58 PM »
I have no sense of continuity but it would at least make a little sense to post this one first...

Also, the spoiler tags contain actual spoilers, so...toggle over at your own discretion, I guess?

?We almost got screwed over.?


?I?m being serious, you know,? Sanae teased.  ?Or are you underestimating me??

The little girl sitting at the table across from her stared, confused, and then continued to pick at the fish on her plate with a fork.  Sanae exhaled loudly and rested her head on her arms.  After a hot day of wallowing around near a small electric fan, the evening downpour was very welcome.  It gave her something to listen to, at least.

?Um, the fight?where was it??

Sanae felt her stomach sink like a rock.  The little girl wasn?t lucid at all, and she had just explained something so crucial...What was she supposed to do at a time like this?  Try making her aware?

?In Gensokyo,? she replied, trying to keep things as simple as possible.  Under her breath, she added to herself, ?You?re not aware at all, are you??

The little girl quivered and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.  Her confused expression lead Sanae to believe that she somehow heard that last sentence, and didn't understand what she meant by that.  That just proved Sanae's point.  Sanae glanced over at her and grinned.  ?It?s okay; you don?t need to worry your little head off over this.?  She let herself fall sideways and flop onto the floor with a satisfying thud.  She lazed around there as she listened to her company stand up and take her dishes into the kitchen and come back.

The next few minutes passed by in relative silence, conversation-wise.  The rain continued to pound outside without pause, and every now and then Sanae heard a faint rumble of thunder.

?Hey, where?s
?? Sanae asked during the long pause.


?Wanna make teru teru bozu??  Sanae sat up with a grin on her face.  The little girl blinked.


Sanae got up from the floor and ran off into another room.  The girl watched as she returned with sheets of tissue paper, string, and a marker.  She promptly sat down next to the smaller girl and started to hand her tissue paper.

The girl stared blankly.  ?I don?t know how to make these.?

?Are you kidding?!?  Sanae pats the little girl on the head.  ?Even though there's lightening and everything?  I?ll show you how to make these.  They?re really fun when you don?t want it to rain.?

I wish the ?rain? in Gensokyo would clear up, too? Sanae added in her head.


The goddess of miracles and dreams, unable to awaken herself, tried her best to help Gensokyo from her current position.  She was able to reach out to the real world, even if it was just a little.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Oasis
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2011, 03:34:42 PM »
This is where things start to start to heat up, I guess?

Byakuren coughed.  It wasn?t the kind of cough one experiences when one gets a bit of food stuck in the throat; it was more of a raspy croak.  The monk trudged on nevertheless, trekking up the barren wastelands littered with rocks.  Every step she took sent a small cloud of dust and spores into the air, further irritating her airways.

As she walked, she recalled everything she could remember.  Something in the sky.  Lots of fighting; even she was forced to be involved in spite of her pacifist tendencies.  Plants and trees withering up and dying, the river becoming murkier until it was some horrible acid.

It was an environmentalist?s nightmare, now that she thought about it.  She chuckled to herself, if only to keep her spirits up.

And so she walked, listening to the wind that blew uninterrupted across the plains.  It was just dirt and spores as far as the eye could see, complete with mountains on the horizon.  If she came across a tree, it was leafless and dead.  Even the sky was a tempestuous sea of dark grey clouds.   The fungi in the ground were really the only living things out here, something that Byakuren had concluded a while ago.

Up ahead in the distance, she could have sworn she saw something?.green?  There couldn?t be any plant life growing out here.


Kaguya, for hundreds of years, had grown used to living a comfortable and easy life.  Her rabbit attendants would cater to her at her whim.  Living in the lap of luxury, she could eat whatever she wanted and fight with Mokou whenever she wanted.  She thought those days would go on until the end of the universe came, and she would be stuck with Mokou for eternity.  Alone.  The thought of losing everyone she had come to know secretly frightened her, so she coped by living in the moment, never thinking about the future.

Therefore, when the Bamboo Forest started crashing around her, she really did think it was the beginning of the end.  It was happening right in the middle of a fight with Mokou, too.  Upon looking into the sky she saw an angel, and her first thought was the Rapture from the Christian faith.  They apparently believed that Jesus Christ would come down and save all the believers, leaving the sinners, and going back to Heaven, something that Kaguya could see as understandable.  Living on the moon for a while might have had something to do with this, but she never really delved much into that religion to get too interested in it.  Also, western religions weren?t even that popular when everyone was already a Buddhist, Shinto, or both.

But Kaguya was digressing; she really did think that everyone in Gensokyo was going to die.  She barely had time to react; she was so stricken by fear.  Not that she was afraid of facing a gruesome end, she was afraid of people getting strangled to death by all the hands coming out of the earth.  It all happened too fast, anyway.

?Hey, stop sitting on your ass and help me move this!?

Kaguya?s train of thought was rudely interrupted by none other than Mokou, who was blasting bamboo left and right, trying to clear a trail before everything grew back.  Kaguya?s lungs ached from the combination of smoke and whatever ghastly purple fumes the bamboo was emitting.  If she were able to die, she would have been rotting by now.  Mokou didn?t look very good, either: her clothes were tattered, her hair was singed and her body bloodied and caked with dirt.  Kaguya tried to keep herself from ending up in the same state, but travelling through this kind of labyrinth without flight only made it worse.

In short, she was in a terrible mood, had a migraine, and was extremely tired from spending however many hours trying to get her way out of this godforsaken forest with the person she hated.  She gave up on trying to find everyone from Eientei a while ago.  Maybe looking into one of those western religions wasn?t a bad idea, after all, if praying would get her out of this situation.

Kaguya groaned and stood up from the ground.  It was going to be a long day.

~The Bamboo Forest~

In spite of the destruction, the Bamboo Forest regrew faster than any other plant life in Gensokyo.  It regrew within two days, to be precise.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Oasis
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2011, 05:53:39 PM »
All right, so this is starting to look kind of like the prelude to your most recent WWC entry. It's interesting, and the little effects that you're putting into the narrative are kind of weird and jarring, which I guess is the point.

It's hard to give a good review or critique when the story is both non-standard in presentation, and incomplete (especially with these small snippets).


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Oasis
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2011, 05:28:15 PM »
oh my beeeaaans

Kisume was dreaming.

She fit snuggly in her bucket, curled up at the bottom as she sighed in her sleep.  Her knees were drawn to her chest, and her arms were folded, as if to keep all of her body head in a compact ball.  No doubt would she be stiff when she woke up, and when that happened, she wouldn?t even leave her bucket to stretch, even though she had outgrown it.  It was high time for her to get a bigger bucket.

As Yamame walked, she felt bad that Kisume was being jostled around in the bucket, bumping her head and back against the sides.  The only thing keeping Yamame from taking Kisume out of the bucket and carrying the tsurube-otoshi herself was the fact that the bucket provided excellent protection against the wind.  Yamame was somewhat thankful for this, and continued walking against the wind.  She didn?t know where she was going, but there had to be somewhere where the two of them could take shelter.  She didn?t know much about the surface, but she heard that night could get frigid, especially in the winter months.
And so she continued towards the hill.  The torii at the top was a good enough landmark to stop at.


Youmu looked back up at the crumbling stairway that lead to Hakugyokurou, and couldn?t help but get a sinking feeling in her stomach.  It wasn?t like she didn?t know the stairs were so delicate they?d crumble under the slightest footsteps.  To make matters worse, she wouldn?t have any semblance of guidance when she went to fly back up.

She was stuck alone in a potentially dangerous wasteland, close to night, with no safe way of returning home and no clear destination.  She had been through worse though, right?

?Maybe not.  Youmu sniffed as she stood up and started gliding along.


The Hakurei Shrine.

Even though it was in ruins, life flourished around it.  The cobblestone pathway had succumbed to moss and grass growing from inbetween the stones.  The leaves on the trees surrounding the shrine seemed to rattle in the wind.  In the pond behind the shrine, the water was as clear as glass, and small lily pads and lotuses bobbled on the surface.  Even from inside the shrine, plants and flowers thrived.

The first one to notice all of this was the one who habitually came to the shrine nearly every day herself, the black-white.

Marisa had spotted the shrine from orbit and landed on her broom as she always did, walked up the pathway as she always did?not minding how mossy it was now?and frowned a little at the destroyed shrine.

?Reimu, where are you, ze?? she muttered under her breath.

?Oh, my, it looks like someone beat me here??

Marisa wheeled around, mini hakkero in hand, only to see none other than Hijiri Byakuren ascending the steps and stepping onto the pathway.  She wore her usual serene smile, but it seemed somehow?strained.  Stressed.  Tired, maybe?

Marisa pocketed the mini hakkero and sighed.  ?No fair sneaking up on me like that, ze,? she said.  Byakuren?s smile wavered, and there was an awkward silence.  After a few minutes, Marisa decided to break the ice.

?Any oth??  She almost asked if there were any other survivors, but instantly took it back.  Who knows who Byakuren might?ve lost?  ?Did you see anyone else on the way here??

Byakuren shook her head.  ?Not a soul.?

?Well that?s just great, ze.?  Marisa took a seat on the shrine?s porch and let herself flop on her back.  ?Maybe we should??  Her eyes widened as she stared at the shrine?s innards, and she instantly sat up and turned around.  ?Ze??

?What?s the matter??

Marisa ignored Byakuren and scuttled on all fours through a hole in the shrine wall and into the wreckage.  Struggling through the debris, she finally reached the center of the shrine, from which a small tree was growing.  It was a tiny little thing, probably not even higher than Marisa?s waist if she stood up.

Marisa blew a leave out of her hair and started to crawl forward, only to her hand touch something small and soft.  Upon looking down, she saw a tiny little thing with horns and bound in shackles.  She moved her fingers away, and they brushed against soft ginger-colored hair.

Marisa?s eyes widened.  ?Suika!?

The debris around her stirred, and hundreds of tiny little oni peeked out at her, skirts rustling and chains clanking as they chattered excitedly and scurried around.  A plank of wood rose to reveal even more of them, and they all swarmed towards the little tree.  Marisa scrambled back and watched as they dug under the debris around the tree and unearthed a girl who was larger than the little oni but still smaller than Marisa, curled up with one of her branch-like horns piercing a plank of wood.

Marisa carefully picked her way through the crowd and crouched down next to the oni.  She heard Byakuren hesitantly stepping over the porch, and heard her call out again, but Marisa only had eyes for the fast-asleep Suika.

?Hey, wake up, ze.?  Marisa poked Suika?s soft cheek, and she stirred and grumbled.  Her eyes flickered open, and she squinted up at Marisa blearily.

?Phew.?  Marisa heaved a sigh of relief.  ?That?s the Suika I know ze.?

~The Hakurei Shrine~

Even in the face of catastrophe, the Hakurei Shrine remained a beacon of light for the displaced youkai.  As if on instinct, they all gathered there, like sea turtles returning to the ocean.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Oasis
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2011, 10:26:10 PM »
Spicy noodles.

Never again, except for the fish cakes.

?So, Suika, have you seen anyone else ?sides Byakuren and I, ze?? Marisa asked as Suika lifted a plank off the floor.  She had resumed a size larger than normal as she picked away at the debris littering the Hakurei Shrine, and her teeny tiny clone minions were more than happy to assist her.  Marisa drifted among them, picking out Reimu?s personal possessions.  That was what she was good at, after all.  All the while, a ring of mini oni stood guard around the little tree, taking care that it was perfectly safe.

?Neither hair nor hide.?  Suika grunted as she shoved the plank off to the side.  ?I only just woke up, actually.  After we finish excavating the place, I?m gonna scout out the place.  Gotta find Tenshi, Reimu, the other Devas, Pebbles??

Pebbles?  Marisa would ask about that later.  ?About that, you might not recognize Gensokyo when you get out there.?

?How so??

?It?s an unrecognizable wasteland ze.  There?re poisonous spores growing out of the ground.  And the river running from Youkai Mountain down?  Don?t even think about going near it ze.?

Suika shrunk back down to her normal size, headbutted the remains of a wall?which was now useless?and it came crashing down.  ?That doesn?t scare me!  I?m an oni!?  She snapped her fingers, and all the mini Suikas gathered around her.  ?That should be good for now.?

?Thanks, ze.?

Suika started out of the shrine, with her army of mini oni following close behind.  Once they were out on the walkway, she started giving them instructions.  Marisa watched for a moment, and then glanced back at the small space they had cleared out.  It was then that she noticed a photograph lying on the tatami mat.
Marisa crouched down and picked it up.  On the back was Shameimaru?s signature, and the year.  When she turned the photo over, she saw a nostalgic scene.  Her, Reimu, Sakuya, and Sanae, right after the UFO incident.

Marisa looked back outside, and saw a few mini Suikas running back into the shrine and towards the little tree, presumably to protect it.  Outside, Byakuren was sitting on a slab of rock with another mini Suika on her lap.  The monk giggled everytime she poked the tiny oni in the stomach, and it squealed and flailed its tiny limbs in euphoria.

?I?m gonna go see who I can gather!? Suika shouted from the torii, and Byakuren looked up from where she was playing with the mini Suika.

?Have a safe trip!? Byakuren called, waving.  Marisa said nothing and waved her hat at Suika jokingly.  The oni chuckled and dissolved into a cloud of mist.  As she flew away, the Suika army dispersed into the foliage and out of sight.

Marisa looked back at the photo.  So far, the only one in the photo who was guaranteed to be safe was her.  Gritting her teeth, she folded up the photo and stuffed it into the pocket of her apron.  It wasn?t just those three, there were others.


Youmu lay on the ground, each breath taking more energy than the last.  It felt as if her lungs were stuffed full of cotton, making it hard to breath.  She couldn?t see Myon floating above her anymore.

Exhausted, she let her eyelids droop.  She just wanted to sleep now.  When she woke up, she?d keep going?


Who was that?  So noisy.


Yamame screamed.  She couldn?t help it.  There was a giant in the distance, kicking up a dust storm as she walked.  Kisume rubbed her eyes and poked her head out of the bucket.

?What?s wrong, Yamame???


?Did you see that?!?


?That was definitely Suika!?

Without thinking, she grabbed the girl?s hand and started running.


Other things like the Deva Ibuki Suika's ability to gather remained unchanged, as people gathered not only to the Hakurei Shrine but to her...

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character