Author Topic: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye  (Read 177306 times)


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #510 on: September 01, 2011, 02:42:02 AM »
>So how far off the rails are we?

>Rodentius: Of course Mary is still active. That's why we need to watch for when/if there IS a timejump to watch for temporal desync and take advantage of it. Assuming that voice thing doesn't get solved overnight, at least...
>"I didn't mean having Mary do anything. I meant stalling the game so that we can look into that overlay stuff on this end. The library might have something, and it's at least worth getting the word out about those white gaps at the very least being viewable by Purvis, if not a Gensokyo he's actively channeling now."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #511 on: September 01, 2011, 02:47:57 AM »
Let's just:

>Continue quest.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #512 on: September 01, 2011, 04:04:02 AM »
>So how far off the rails are we?
>It's hard to tell. During the day I keep thinking of new ideas for this quest and what comes after it. That happens so often that I don't even know what the original rails looked like anymore.

>Rodentius: Of course Mary is still active. That's why we need to watch for when/if there IS a timejump to watch for temporal desync and take advantage of it. Assuming that voice thing doesn't get solved overnight, at least...
>"I didn't mean having Mary do anything. I meant stalling the game so that we can look into that overlay stuff on this end. The library might have something, and it's at least worth getting the word out about those white gaps at the very least being viewable by Purvis, if not a Gensokyo he's actively channeling now."
>Kilga replies "Somebody around here's probably going to announce it or put it in a newspaper."

>Continue quest.
>Continuing quest...
>During a dream, you stand in the void and hear "Well, I think I've hit all of your flaws and mistakes already, so there's not much for me to talk about anymore. You'd better consider those..."
>You wake up.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #513 on: September 01, 2011, 04:53:42 AM »
>Fatmus: "Before or after we can actually take advantage of this opportunity? I mean - look. You know how Purvis' been able to gloss over long stretches of time in Quests? If that's still the case, we have infinite time to investigate this stuff here if we don't progress time in Maribel Quest. And if Yuyuko's rambling was real, then it could mean two things - that someone's making a solid shot at fucking with Gensokyo as a whole by messing with all of the most powerful players... and that there may be a real chance to set up at least communication with Gensokyo. If not travel, assuming that doesn't lead to some high-stakes power struggle or something. But to know whether that overlay can help and figure out the implications, we need to find out more. And we need time for that. Time that stalling Mary Quest while raiding the library could give us. Am I the only one impulsive and gullible enough to think this might be worthwhile?"

>Dechampisa Demander: Quiet dreams? That's some relief.
>What's our room like, anyway?
>so what were komachi's fetishes of choice tonight
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #514 on: September 01, 2011, 05:05:22 AM »
>Go find Komachi.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #515 on: September 01, 2011, 05:42:26 AM »
>Fatmus: "Before or after we can actually take advantage of this opportunity? I mean - look. You know how Purvis' been able to gloss over long stretches of time in Quests? If that's still the case, we have infinite time to investigate this stuff here if we don't progress time in Maribel Quest. And if Yuyuko's rambling was real, then it could mean two things - that someone's making a solid shot at fucking with Gensokyo as a whole by messing with all of the most powerful players... and that there may be a real chance to set up at least communication with Gensokyo. If not travel, assuming that doesn't lead to some high-stakes power struggle or something. But to know whether that overlay can help and figure out the implications, we need to find out more. And we need time for that. Time that stalling Mary Quest while raiding the library could give us. Am I the only one impulsive and gullible enough to think this might be worthwhile?"
>Draco says "Well..."
>She is interrupted by unusually loud rushing wind and a ground shake.

>Dechampisa Demander: Quiet dreams? That's some relief.
>What's our room like, anyway?
>so what were komachi's fetishes of choice tonight
>Thigh-high boots, but it's morning, not "tonight".

>Go find Komachi.
>You decide to get Komachi, so you cross Higan and the Sanzu. You see Komachi at the edge of the river.
>"Hey, boss. So we're heading over to the mansion now?"


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #516 on: September 01, 2011, 05:50:19 AM »
>Rodentius: "Oh, for--"
>Who is this, and are we on good terms with them?

>Dechampisa Dolomite: "Unless you have any other suggestions, Komachi, it would probably be the best way to start."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #517 on: September 01, 2011, 06:03:58 AM »
>Rodentius: "Oh, for--"
>Who is this, and are we on good terms with them?
>You don't know!
>A black hole opens up in the sky.

>Dechampisa Dolomite: "Unless you have any other suggestions, Komachi, it would probably be the best way to start."
>"We can't guarantee that everybody is up and at the SDM. Maybe we should check on them first."


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #518 on: September 01, 2011, 07:23:46 AM »
>Ijimus: What, you mean it isn't our local tengualike here arriving for news reporting right on cue?
>This isn't normal, is it? And it doesn't look like a Yukari gap, does it?
>"The hell?!"
>Back off! Prepare for violencing in case this is hostile.

>Definitively Dechampisa: "That is true, but I believe they are aware that we will be trying to meet there. It would be the best place to start, if only to know who has not arrived yet."
>Pause. What do we know of Komachi's abilities, exactly?
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #519 on: September 01, 2011, 02:23:27 PM »
>Ijimus: What, you mean it isn't our local tengualike here arriving for news reporting right on cue?
>Since when did quakes accompany reporters?

>This isn't normal, is it? And it doesn't look like a Yukari gap, does it?
>Heck no, it's not normal. It's not Yukari, either.

>"The hell?!"
>Back off! Prepare for violencing in case this is hostile.
>You back off and prepare for combat.
>Nothing comes out of the gap, though. Yet. White, wispy energy forms appear out of nowhere and are absorbed into the gap. The gap continues to expand, nearly covering the whole sky.

>Definitively Dechampisa: "That is true, but I believe they are aware that we will be trying to meet there. It would be the best place to start, if only to know who has not arrived yet."
>Pause. What do we know of Komachi's abilities, exactly?
>You know that she can manipulate distance.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #520 on: September 01, 2011, 02:57:44 PM »
>Shiki: "Let's go, then."
>Head for the mansion.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #521 on: September 02, 2011, 02:59:13 AM »
>Blatant Self Insert: When dramatic irony/contrivance is provoked by someone mentioning someone that would be nice to have around, of course.
>We've had no experience with things similar to this regularly, right?
>Have we heard about events preceding those earth elemental attacks? Does this look like one of those?
>Assuming that we can't rule out that this is an indication of an earth elemental attack, "Purvis, you may want to start moving if you don't wanna get rockmonstered."
>Spellcards, or local equivalent?
>What was Mary's last action?

>Doomingly Dechampisa: Enjoy the sights. Especially Komachi's.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #522 on: September 02, 2011, 03:33:18 AM »
>Shiki: "Let's go, then."
>"Okey-dokey, boss."
>Doomingly Dechampisa: Enjoy the sights. Especially Komachi's.
>Head for the mansion.
>You fly over to the mansion. While flying over, you look around. The Road of Liminality is as active as ever, although you worry about the spirits in it. You don't see anything else interesting.
>When you get there, you see Reimu and Meiling standing around and Suika sleeping on the ground.
>"Oh, hi, Shikieiki. No one else is here yet, and I believe you owe me an explanation..."
>Reimu joins the party.

>Blatant Self Insert: When dramatic irony/contrivance is provoked by someone mentioning someone that would be nice to have around, of course.
>Unfortunately, invoking somebody's name doesn't always make them appear.
>We've had no experience with things similar to this regularly, right?
>Have we heard about events preceding those earth elemental attacks? Does this look like one of those?
>The earth shaking? Yeah. A giant hole in the sky? Heck no.
>Assuming that we can't rule out that this is an indication of an earth elemental attack, "Purvis, you may want to start moving if you don't wanna get rockmonstered."
>He gets out of the can and runs like hell northwards.
>Spellcards, or local equivalent?
>You have none. You're pretty average for an Ijiyatsu citizen, which is flying ability, danmaku, and no spellcards.
>What was Mary's last action?
>Say goodbye to Yuyuko and continue heading to the fairies. The rest after that was discussion.

>The hole in the sky now covers the whole sky as you see it. It is completely dark during these few moments.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #523 on: September 02, 2011, 04:07:21 AM »
>Shiki: "You're right, Reimu, and while we wait for the others to arrive, I'll give it to you."
>"You already know that the voice wanted Koishi to forgive Utsuho. I also wanted this, although I have no doubt that out reasons differed. When it became clear that we couldn't convince Koishi to do so, I decided that the best course of action was to... well, provoke an emotional response from her, then leave her alone with her feelings. Left by herself, she would eventually have no choice but to confront herself, ideally leading to a realization of her wrongs and a decision to right them. I... didn't do this very well. I think recent events have been getting to me more than I realized, and that came out at Koishi. I even physically struck her. What I said and did was wrong."
>"Anyways, I intended to leave Koishi to figure things out for herself, but as you know, the voice had a different idea. Apparently it was not willing to wait, so it decided to open Koishi's third eye. I don't know what it was planning in that regard, but I decided that rather than leave Koishi to the voice, I would intervene. That's why we brought in Satori and the others; I wanted to proove to her that she had people who cared about her. The problem, of course, was finding Koishi. Her invisibility trick made doing so difficult, and... I want to stress that I exhausted every other option first, but when it was clear that nothing else would work, I convinced the voice to cooperate. It is what made Koishi visible to us, and instead of opening her eye on its own time, it did so when I told it to."
>"Rest assured, Reimu, that I have no intention of giving in to the voice. I cooperated with it in regards to Koishi, yes, but only because I had no other choice and I most certainly did not want to just leave her to the voice's machinations on her own. I don't know what it really wants, but I intend to stop it."
>"All that being said, I will understand completely if you decide to part ways with me now. I welcome you aid should you be willing to give it, but as always, it is your choice."


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #524 on: September 02, 2011, 09:10:11 PM »
>Reimu Hakurei: Stare in disbelief for several seconds. Work jaw in futility.
>Bring face and palm to harmony. Chuckle sadly. She really just said that she gave in right after saying she wouldn't...
>"You've got no idea how far you've gone, do you?"
>No holding back. Time to beat this damn thing out of the Yama!
>Infinite violence. Don't be shy about the overstock of spellcards prepared for the day.


>The Signee: Given that there's no sign of anything to actually fight... flee! In the direction of the Library, preferably.
>Where'd the others go?
>Briefly wonder what's going to happen with Mary in the meantime...
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #525 on: September 02, 2011, 10:59:20 PM »
>Shiki: "You're right, Reimu, and while we wait for the others to arrive, I'll give it to you."
>"You already know that the voice wanted Koishi to forgive Utsuho. I also wanted this, although I have no doubt that out reasons differed. When it became clear that we couldn't convince Koishi to do so, I decided that the best course of action was to... well, provoke an emotional response from her, then leave her alone with her feelings. Left by herself, she would eventually have no choice but to confront herself, ideally leading to a realization of her wrongs and a decision to right them. I... didn't do this very well. I think recent events have been getting to me more than I realized, and that came out at Koishi. I even physically struck her. What I said and did was wrong."
>"Anyways, I intended to leave Koishi to figure things out for herself, but as you know, the voice had a different idea. Apparently it was not willing to wait, so it decided to open Koishi's third eye. I don't know what it was planning in that regard, but I decided that rather than leave Koishi to the voice, I would intervene. That's why we brought in Satori and the others; I wanted to proove to her that she had people who cared about her. The problem, of course, was finding Koishi. Her invisibility trick made doing so difficult, and... I want to stress that I exhausted every other option first, but when it was clear that nothing else would work, I convinced the voice to cooperate. It is what made Koishi visible to us, and instead of opening her eye on its own time, it did so when I told it to."
>"Rest assured, Reimu, that I have no intention of giving in to the voice. I cooperated with it in regards to Koishi, yes, but only because I had no other choice and I most certainly did not want to just leave her to the voice's machinations on her own. I don't know what it really wants, but I intend to stop it."
>"All that being said, I will understand completely if you decide to part ways with me now. I welcome you aid should you be willing to give it, but as always, it is your choice."
>Reimu Hakurei: Stare in disbelief for several seconds. Work jaw in futility.
>Bring face and palm to harmony. Chuckle sadly. She really just said that she gave in right after saying she wouldn't...
>"You've got no idea how far you've gone, do you?"
>No holding back. Time to beat this damn thing out of the Yama!
>Infinite violence. Don't be shy about the overstock of spellcards prepared for the day.
>Shit. You start to unleash hell upon the Yama. Which spellcard will you use?
>As Eiki, how will you react?

>The Signee: Given that there's no sign of anything to actually fight... flee! In the direction of the Library, preferably.
>You run like hell northwards in the direction of the library.
>Where'd the others go?
>They have scattered.
>Briefly wonder what's going to happen with Mary in the meantime...
>You hope Maribel will be okay in the meantime...
>There is a bright flash.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #526 on: September 02, 2011, 11:16:18 PM »
>Shiki: "Komachi, give us some breathing room!"
>Komachi: "Got it, boss."
>Manipulate distance such that it takes Reimu's shots a very long time to reach us.
>Shiki: "I do not want to fight you, Reimu. If you no longer want to assist me, then you may go on your own way, but please to not force me to fight."
>Whisper to Komachi: "When I charge, drop this effect and give me some extra distance between her shots so I can pass through. And if you can do it without running me into any shots, shorten the distance between me and Reimu. I'm going to hit her at point-blank range."
>Komachi: Spellcards
>Shiki/Komachi: If Reimu shows no signs of even being willing to talk a little, enact the plan.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #527 on: September 02, 2011, 11:55:19 PM »
>Armpits: Declare Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-", fling a bunch of amulets for cover fire and approach.
>"Even if helpin' you means beating that damn thing out of your head until you stop acting like you've completely lost it?"
>If Komachi is interfering, teleport-kick her in the back. "You stay outta this! She was acting like some stupid kid half of yesterday and everything she's been doing is just making it worse!"
>Wait, is her getting in the way here a spellcard rules violation? We challenged Eiki, not both of them!


>Rodentius: Did that flash come from any direction in particular?
>If we can do so without slowing down significantly, glance over at its origin, or at least up at the gaping hole in the sky.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #528 on: September 03, 2011, 12:07:47 AM »
>Wait, is her getting in the way here a spellcard rules violation? We challenged Eiki, not both of them!

>Not an official match. Reimu attacked without warning; there was no challenge made or accepted.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #529 on: September 03, 2011, 04:31:36 PM »
>Shiki: "Komachi, give us some breathing room!"
>Komachi: "Got it, boss."
>Forgot to add this:
>Komachi has joined the party.
>Manipulate distance such that it takes Reimu's shots a very long time to reach us.
>You distance danmaku distance between Eiki and Reimu.
>Shiki: "I do not want to fight you, Reimu. If you no longer want to assist me, then you may go on your own way, but please to not force me to fight."
>Whisper to Komachi: "When I charge, drop this effect and give me some extra distance between her shots so I can pass through. And if you can do it without running me into any shots, shorten the distance between me and Reimu. I'm going to hit her at point-blank range."
>"Okay, boss."

>Lie 「Tongue of Wolf」
>Judgement「Bar of the Ten Kings」
>Judgement「Guilty or Not Guilty」
>Judgement「Cleansed Crystal Mirror -opponent's name-」

>Komachi: Spellcards
>Death Song「Ferriage in the Deep Fog」
>Old Rain「Rain in the Afterworld Journey」
>Death Price 「Price of Life」
>Funeral Sign 「Canyon Bay Cruise」
>「Hell World Touring」

>Shiki/Komachi: If Reimu shows no signs of even being willing to talk a little, enact the plan.
>Reimu doesn't seem to want to discuss this without danmaku, so you enact the plan.
>As Eiki, you charge. Komachi reduces the distance between you and Reimu, and you don't get hit by Reimu's danmaku.

>Armpits: Declare Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-", fling a bunch of amulets for cover fire and approach.
>You declare Spirit Sign 「Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-」, summoning eight ying-yang orbs to shoot amulets.

>"Even if helpin' you means beating that damn thing out of your head until you stop acting like you've completely lost it?"
>You manage to get out "Even if helpin' you means beating that-" before you get headbutted by Shikieiki.

>If Komachi is interfering, teleport-kick her in the back. "You stay outta this! She was acting like some stupid kid half of yesterday and everything she's been doing is just making it worse!"
>Komachi doesn't look like she's interfering, just watching.

>Wait, is her getting in the way here a spellcard rules violation? We challenged Eiki, not both of them!
>Not an official match. Reimu attacked without warning; there was no challenge made or accepted.
>You presume this isn't a spellcard rule violation.

>Rodentius: Did that flash come from any direction in particular?
>Not that you know of.

>If we can do so without slowing down significantly, glance over at its origin, or at least up at the gaping hole in the sky.
>You don't know where the flash came from. The hole in the sky is gone. And more importantly...buildings, terrain, and people that you haven't seen around here before have suddenly appeared.
>What is your gender, your physical characteristics, and your clothing?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 04:36:35 PM by Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer »


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #530 on: September 04, 2011, 01:41:44 AM »
>Shiki: Use 'Guilty or Not Guilty'.
>Komachi: Use distance hax to get to Reimu quickly as she hits the ground.
>Hold our scythe to Reimu's throat.
>"The boss said she doesn't want to fight."
>Shiki: "Komachi, do not injure her."
>Komachi: Keep the scythe held in place.
>"Okay, but if she tries something, I'm fighting back."
>Shiki: "Reimu, Komachi is correct. I do not want to fight you. Please do not force me to do so."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 01:44:03 AM by GuyYouMetOnline »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #531 on: September 04, 2011, 03:23:26 AM »
Please hold: Post delayed due to visitors.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #532 on: September 04, 2011, 05:24:12 AM »
>Border Shrine Maiden: Roll eyes. Barrier the scythe to keep it from being able to reach us, just to be safe.
>Teleport clear. Repeat at varying distances as necessary to keep out of their grip while voicing a pointed reminder.
>"You know why I set up those rules, right? Because stupid shit like this starts happening when people don't play by the rules, and I only have so much patience for people ignoring them. Since when is a Yama supposed to be asking people to break the rules on a whim, Eiki?"
>Give Komachi a fierce look. "Back off, ferrygirl. Rules are on by default and if she's gonna keep acting like nothin' but her matters, then you don't need to be part of the fallout."

>Titanics: Frown a bit. That's a harsh look...
>... HAS the Yama been acting a little weird since last night?


>Rodentius: Oh. That's different.
>Teleportation isn't normal or a part of standard experiences, is it.
>Oh god are-nonononono it's not Gensokyo it's not Gensokyo
>Head in for a quick and quiet landing, especially if no one nearby is flying. Need to lay low and figure out what's going on.
>Evaluate how well a modest female figure (call 'em Bs) with a simple grey skirt and a small yellow arrow ribbon for the ahoge would blend in.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #533 on: September 04, 2011, 03:17:21 PM »
>Shiki: "You attacked without warning, Reimu. You did not challenge me or even state an intent to attack; you simply attacked, and Komachi and I struck back only in defense. I would like her to put her weapon away, though." Stare at Komachi.
>Komachi: "...Fine."
>Do so.
>Shiki: "Thank you."
>"Reimu, you are not my enemy. That voice is, and the fact that I worked with it once does not change that."
>"I said and did things that I should not have, Reimu. That much is true. And one of the reasons I would like you to continue to assist me is so that you can point it out if I start doing it again."


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #534 on: September 04, 2011, 09:36:02 PM »
>Reimu: Barking laugh: "Ha! Feels like friggin' half the time I don't get any warning, either! Hell, NEVER with fairies! And I don't see any reason to stop when you haven't been doing anything against that voice ever since!"
>Serious again. "So I'm just gonna cut this off before it becomes a problem again."
>Eye Komachi for a moment, then start press the offense.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #535 on: September 05, 2011, 01:41:40 AM »
>Shiki: "Only because we all went home for the night. As soon as everyone's here, we'll be taking our next step."
>Stop any evasive action. If we're flying, land.
>"I let myself get drawn into a battle with you, Reimu, but I'm putting an end to that right now. I am not going to fight you, and neither is Komachi."
>Komachi: "Wait, what?"
>Shiki: "That's an order, Komachi."
>"Reimu, if you're intent on harming me, then do so. But know that you will be attacking someone who doesn't simply desire not to fight, but who will refuse to fight back or even evade. A battle between us would only do harm, so I will not participate in one. What action you take is up to you."
>If Reimu does indeed attack, just stand there and take it.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #536 on: September 05, 2011, 03:32:08 AM »
>Shiki: Use 'Guilty or Not Guilty'.
>You use Judgement 「Guilty or Not Guilty」, firing lasers at Reimu.
>Komachi: Use distance hax to get to Reimu quickly as she hits the ground.
>You use your abilities to approach Reimu quickly, and get to her right when she hits the ground.
>Hold our scythe to Reimu's throat.
>You attempt to hold your scythe to Reimu's throat. That's a rather morally ambiguous thing for you to do. However...
>Border Shrine Maiden: Roll eyes. Barrier the scythe to keep it from being able to reach us, just to be safe.
> stop the scythe from reaching you.
>Teleport clear. Repeat at varying distances as necessary to keep out of their grip while voicing a pointed reminder.
>Wait, can you teleport?
>"The boss said she doesn't want to fight."
>Shiki: "Komachi, do not injure her."
>Komachi: Keep the scythe held in place.
>"Okay, but if she tries something, I'm fighting back."
>Shiki: "Reimu, Komachi is correct. I do not want to fight you. Please do not force me to do so."
>"You know why I set up those rules, right? Because stupid shit like this starts happening when people don't play by the rules, and I only have so much patience for people ignoring them. Since when is a Yama supposed to be asking people to break the rules on a whim, Eiki?"
>Give Komachi a fierce look. "Back off, ferrygirl. Rules are on by default and if she's gonna keep acting like nothin' but her matters, then you don't need to be part of the fallout."
>Titanics: Frown a bit. That's a harsh look...
>... HAS the Yama been acting a little weird since last night?
>You can't tell from the short dialogue you shared before she went to sleep.
>Shiki: "You attacked without warning, Reimu. You did not challenge me or even state an intent to attack; you simply attacked, and Komachi and I struck back only in defense. I would like her to put her weapon away, though." Stare at Komachi.
>Komachi: "...Fine."
>Do so.
>You put away the scythe. Somewhere. I can't tell where you put it.
>Shiki: "Thank you."
>"Reimu, you are not my enemy. That voice is, and the fact that I worked with it once does not change that."
>"I said and did things that I should not have, Reimu. That much is true. And one of the reasons I would like you to continue to assist me is so that you can point it out if I start doing it again."
>Reimu: Barking laugh: "Ha! Feels like friggin' half the time I don't get any warning, either! Hell, NEVER with fairies! And I don't see any reason to stop when you haven't been doing anything against that voice ever since!"
>Serious again. "So I'm just gonna cut this off before it becomes a problem again."
>Eye Komachi for a moment, then start press the offense.
>You look at Komachi for a moment, then assault the Yama with danmaku.
>Shiki: "Only because we all went home for the night. As soon as everyone's here, we'll be taking our next step."
>Stop any evasive action. If we're flying, land.
>You stop Judgement 「Guilty or Not Guilty」 and resolve not to dodge.
>"I let myself get drawn into a battle with you, Reimu, but I'm putting an end to that right now. I am not going to fight you, and neither is Komachi."
>Komachi: "Wait, what?"
>Shiki: "That's an order, Komachi."
>"Reimu, if you're intent on harming me, then do so. But know that you will be attacking someone who doesn't simply desire not to fight, but who will refuse to fight back or even evade. A battle between us would only do harm, so I will not participate in one. What action you take is up to you."
>If Reimu does indeed attack, just stand there and take it.
>Reimu does attack, but you take the danmaku like a woman.

>Rodentius: Oh. That's different.
>Teleportation isn't normal or a part of standard experiences, is it.
>It is not.
>Oh god are-nonononono it's not Gensokyo it's not Gensokyo
>You seriously hope this isn't Gensokyo...
>Head in for a quick and quiet landing, especially if no one nearby is flying. Need to lay low and figure out what's going on.
>You land quickly and quietly, and resolve to find what's going on.
>Evaluate how well a modest female figure (call 'em Bs) with a simple grey skirt and a small yellow arrow ribbon for the ahoge would blend in.
>Considering Gensokyo, rather well.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 04:14:06 AM by Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #537 on: September 05, 2011, 03:51:31 AM »
>Gecko Gangster: "I'm not falling for any guilt trips while you're being manipulated!"
>Engage in any and all necessary yin-yang clobbering to render the Yama unconscious. If successful, use the opportunity to barrier-seal her for the time being so she doesn't try to escape until we get a better idea of how well that worked in fucking up that voice in her head.

>Fatmus: Actually it's more an issue of trying not to get too enthusiastic about assuming things that have every opportunity to turn out wrong.
>Blend in or find an inconspicuous corner/alley to lurk by and get a better look at the area from. What major landmarks are there, and what do the other people here look like?
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #538 on: September 05, 2011, 04:08:50 AM »
>Komachi: As soon as Shiki goes down, get in Reimu's way with scythe drawn.
>"I know she told me not to fight you, but you're going too far. You've made your point. Try anything more, and you'll have to deal with me first. But I have a better idea: stop being such a self-rightous, stuck-up little bitch and get it through your head that this isn't about you! She's trying to do the right thing, and no, she's not perfect! Nobody is! So stop expecting her to be, stop being a bitch, and start helping to solve the problem instead of attacking the person it's hurting the most!"


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #539 on: September 05, 2011, 08:20:44 PM »
>Gecko Gangster: "I'm not falling for any guilt trips while you're being manipulated!"
>Engage in any and all necessary yin-yang clobbering to render the Yama unconscious. If successful, use the opportunity to barrier-seal her for the time being so she doesn't try to escape until we get a better idea of how well that worked in fucking up that voice in her head.
>You engage in making the Yama unconscious so you can stop that fucking voice from messing with her, and stop her from moving with a barrier. You haven't succeeded in knocking her down yet.
>Komachi: As soon as Shiki goes down, get in Reimu's way with scythe drawn.
>"I know she told me not to fight you, but you're going too far. You've made your point. Try anything more, and you'll have to deal with me first. But I have a better idea: stop being such a self-rightous, stuck-up little bitch and get it through your head that this isn't about you! She's trying to do the right thing, and no, she's not perfect! Nobody is! So stop expecting her to be, stop being a bitch, and start helping to solve the problem instead of attacking the person it's hurting the most!"
>Shikieiki hasn't been knocked unconscious yet. Will you go through with this?

>Fatmus: Actually it's more an issue of trying not to get too enthusiastic about assuming things that have every opportunity to turn out wrong.
>Blend in or find an inconspicuous corner/alley to lurk by and get a better look at the area from. What major landmarks are there, and what do the other people here look like?
>You haven't been able to run very far, so you slink back into Purvis's alley and look around. There aren't any major landmarks you recognize around here, either recently appeared or already here, except Purvis's alley. Most of the people around here look like teenage girls wearing men's clothes too large for them, and you see a purple-haired girl with a yellow ribbon and a labcoat and a girl with weird-looking gray hair (Continue Miko Quest for more information). There don't seem to be actual Ijiyatsu inhabitants around here.