##Eat Sango
You owe me a visit to SA after a particular game of taking it easy.

Phweeeeeee~! R-Rou-kun! The scary rabbit is gonna eat meeeeee!You don't wanna do that, pal. Tastes terrible. She'll give you horrible indigestion.

Right! I taste really really ba-
Wait, what are you trying to say?!And for the record, I've left the country once in my life for an afternoon. A trip halfway across the world is not likely to do my psyche any favours. -_-
I did not understand. Water Purity? Elaborate.
There's really not much to the concept. If water gets dirty, Sango can make it clean again. She's also got a vial that lets her shift a given pool between saltwater and freshwater, but she never really has a use for it.
When did you create Sango and why're you so fond of her?
To be honest? Sango was invented more or less by accident.
It started off
here, when I basically decided it'd be a cute concept to write about Satori swimming with dolphins. As is typical with my writing I went about a dozen steps too far in, and realised I was going to have to give the dolphin a personality too. After some thought, some
helpful suggestions and some rummaging-around-for-kanji-to-use, I had made Sango. Thus I got to finish my little story.
Except I then went about a dozen steps too far AGAIN, and found myself wanting to continue it further. The result in full was my first 'big' story,
Third Eye in Pure Waters.Why does Sango hold special meaning to me? Well, she's the first character that I created myself, which is a big thing. It also helps that a lot of her issues in TEiPW were to an extent reflections of my own at the time - the question of 'why do something if no-one will notice it?' Having her get through that helped me with it as well, I think.
Oh, and she really did not look like a dolphin.
Easier to tell in a full picture. She's kinda got a full fin coming out of her back.


Uwahh...just hearing that name makes me think of that suplex. I saw the world curving...Unfortunately I think I've already got enough obligations to take care of right now to think of getting back to Cyborg Quest. Maybe when uni is over with and summer starts I'll be able to find the time, but until then Rou-tan's in storage.
What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
Unless this is a trick question where if I don't say strawberry you fire me, in which case strawberry.What is your favourite pastime?
What kind of games do you play?
Hm. Actually a bit of a tough question. I've only got a few hobbies I'm really into at the moment, but they're all kinda close.
In particular, with games I've got two real genres I'm into - fighting games and...I'm not sure how to define games like Phoenix Wright - Action-VN? - but those too. Strange combo, but such is the way. The fighting games are more for the community and MAD HYPE we sometimes get.
I play chess a bit. It's not something I state blatantly, but I enjoy the game, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it.
Recently, on top of this, I'm getting into tabletop roleplaying. The reason I took so long to get this batch of answers out was that I was away being a crazy fighter-who-thinks-he's-a-wizard-and-a-cleric in 3.5. [The best part about the character is that when he rolls for skills he shouldn't be good at, he
Writing, though, is probably edging out. The other games typically involve fitting in roles, living out positions. In writing, you don't just choose the role you play, you choose the world you play it in. My main issue with writing, frankly, is that I can't keep having original ideas and thoughts constantly, and there'll be plenty of times where I sit for fifteen minutes straight trying to work out how to word a scene and getting nothing.

Which means mallet~!Yes, Sango. The throbbing at the back of my head was enough to remind me of that.
Are you the one who keeps trying to get into my strawberry harvest?
If I answered "Yes, so I could keep giving your own strawberries back to you and not have to scrounge up more to pay my
blackmail reputation protection fees", would you reward me for ingenuity?
What's up with you and Pesco? He seems to have this inexplicable power over you.
I'm not sure what the thing with Pesco is, frankly. Hell, when I started off around here, I hated the guy with a passion. His general cockiness and attitude in Mafia just made my blood boil, and he deliberately toyed with me in games to get tells out of me. I took it personally, but in a way we sort of ended up having a bond based on that.
And...to an extent I guess I was a little tsundere. The way he could sometimes make crazy reads for crazy reasons
and be right impressed me. On top of that, I ended up talking to him a lot outside of Mafia, which admittedly is more than I can say about most of the other players. :<
I'm not gonna go into it for his sake, but I've seen there's a little more to Pesco than he lets on in public. At times he's still a jerk, but he's still my bro before any of that.
Do you believe in the me that believes in you?
You are young, you're free. Why don't you sleep with me?
Because I don't want rabies. :<
You are extremely good at parodies (see the Shakespeare WWC, the rewrite of the Soviet Union History Tetris song, and other stuff), but you do them rather rarely. Any specific reasons for that?
Generally I don't like parody, for the basic reason that it gives me less room to work. I have to comply to certain points on top of the fact it's Touhou, and to an extent it doesn't feel like I'm writing something new so much as it feels like I'm rewriting something that's already been done.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Frankly, I have no freaking clue where I'll be in 2021. I have a few ideas of where I'd WANT to be - either a full fledged novelist (which frankly I don't feel I have the skill for at the moment) or a proper game developer (which will be a challenge thanks to *~*THE ECONOMY*~*). I've never really had a solid path I've wanted to take in life, a job I felt I REALLY wanted, or anything like that.
School swimsuits: White or Blue?
Blue. Not that white's bad, obviously - just a little less interesting to me.
Have you been closer to Sango than I have? :3
I've been inside Sango's head. I've worked out her responses to discussion as if I was her. I have done more than become close with Sango. I have become ONE with her.

T-That's not a euphemism, for the record. I know some of you folks out there would like to take it as such, but he's done nothing to me yet!
Besides, I could do waaaay better.Wait, WHAT? Sangoooooo!

Phweeheehee~What happens when fish collide?
Headaches. Occasionally, finaches or scaleaches. It depends on where the collision happens, basically.
Is Youmu your home-girl?
Bitch, you be tryin' to bounce wit' mah half ghost? I'ma cutchu up like Yuyuko-sama's dinner for giving me that shit.
Cuz y'know what? I can slice your shit no problem. Dere's nuthin' I can't chop. Well, next to nothin'.
If you got into an eating contest with Yuyuko and Yoshika, who would win?
Yoshika would win by thinking outside the box and eating the other contestants. :<