Author Topic: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan  (Read 97049 times)


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Huh. So looks like it's my turn to do this whole Q&A thing.

For those who aren't aware, I'm a Librarian, which makes me Ruro's lowly underling one of the members in charge of PSL. For all of you who've never ventured into the Library's dark depths scenic corridors before, it's a pleasure to meet you.

: G'morning! Or evening. I dunno...Rou-kun, this timezone thing you told me about is confusing...

Huh? Sango, what're you doing out here? Head back to the library right now. Uncle Rou's in the middle of some important Library work.

: Oh! You mean like that time when Ruro-tan had everyone dress up as Rurouni Kenshin characters to celebrate the new anime-


: P-Phwee! Sorry! Not good with secrets!

...Well. Since she's come all the way out here, I may as well introduce those of you who aren't aware. This is Sango, one of my original characters. I've grown pretty fond of her over the years, and I like to think of her as my signature character or something along those lines.

: Yup, that's me! I'm also on mallet duty whenever Rou-kun's writing. If he so much as thinks about going to sleep, whammo! Ruro-tan gave me that job, for the record.

...Sango. Too much info.

: Sorry! ...Again.

Aaaaanyway. Get firin' with those questions. Be warned that any information that if revealed would break my contract as a Librarian is immediately off the table. No measurements, no dirty secrets, nothing. Ruro would destroy me ;_;


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2011, 08:31:15 AM »
What compels you to slave away at your stories?
Why do you write, and how do you choose which ideas to follow through with?
How do you deal with writer's block?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 08:33:38 AM by Conqueror »

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 09:16:45 AM »
What compels you to slave away at your stories?
The threat of sweet oblivion if I should fail to deliver.

Why do you write, and how do you choose which ideas to follow through with?
Seriously? I write simply because writing is fun. I like telling stories, building worlds and such. I like making characters, defining them, letting them grow.
Which stories to go through with? The ones that involve the most swimsuits To an extent it's just which stories I start on. After I get started I feel obliged to keep going, unless I'm juggling around several stories at once in which case some will inevitably fall to the wayside (sorry FoFF ;_;)

How do you deal with writer's block?

: My job! If Rou-kun's writing speed goes under thirty words a minute - mallet time!

Sango, why have you betrayed me like this?! I thought we were friends!

: Ruro-tan pays really well for me to watch over you, y'know?

In all seriousness though, I don't really have a way around writer's block. I sort of push at it for a while, and if nothing's coming I'll try again tomorrow. Some days inspiration flows freely; others nothing comes to mind. That to an extent is how writing goes, and you learn to live with it.

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 10:17:21 AM »
Wait, where's the dolphin?

Does Sango have a last name?

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 10:31:36 AM »
What do I do if that dolphin starts singing?

How many things can you cut?

What compels you to write?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2011, 10:57:26 AM »
Can your dolphin kick ass, take names, defeat aliens through time and and alternate dimensions and complete Hanging Waters without falling out of the water tubes even once?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2011, 11:02:53 AM »
Wait, where's the dolphin?
: Hey there!

Ah, should've mentioned this. Sango's a dolphin youkai.

Does Sango have a last name?
Tororetsu, which may or may not have been the end result of me picking various kanji in order to get a name involving purity. (Her power is basically manipulation of water purity, and I'm always one for theme naming. :V)

What do I do if that dolphin starts singing?
Depends what the song is about. If she's saying farewell and thanking you for the fish, you may want to start panicking.

How many things can you cut?

What compels you to write?
Ideas, more than anything. If something interesting comes to mind I have a desire to put it to paper.
To an extent, I like seeing that people have enjoyed my writing too. Seeing people say they enjoy it generally gives me an extra bit of motivation.

Can your dolphin kick ass, take names, defeat aliens through time and and alternate dimensions and complete Hanging Waters without falling out of the water tubes even once?
: Sure! I can totally kick ass, take names, and-
: Eh? Time travel? Aliens? Hanging waters? Alternate dimensions?!
: What kinda crazy challenge is thaaaat?!


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2011, 11:05:16 AM »
Quote from: Trainspotting
It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking earth, the most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even find a decent culture to be colonized by.


"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2011, 11:10:53 AM »
'It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking earth, the most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even find a decent culture to be colonized by.'
We USED to be kinda awesome, when we were fighting off the English with sheer manliness and holding out to protect the nation. Then the Union of the Crowns happened, and the only notable battle you're taught about after that is Culloden. Since then we've pretty much been stuck doing whatever Westminster tells us to do, and it's not economically viable for us to stand as our own country, either.
So...yeah. We kinda suck. :<


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2011, 11:26:10 AM »
On a related note, what's the best part of being Scottish, in your opinion?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2011, 11:54:44 AM »
On a related note, what's the best part of being Scottish, in your opinion?
Confusing people with my accent. This will sound strange, but despite being a full-blooded Scot I for some reason sound thoroughly American. I had some speech and language impediments at a young age, and apparently it's a common result.
This comes up in discussion with the first 5 minutes of me meeting someone, almost inevitably. I have practiced my response for 'so where are you from?' more or less to a tee.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2011, 12:21:06 PM »
Where do you get your commissions from for your DRK splash-pictures? (See what I did there?)

Why is or isn't Purvis your favorite?

Why are you my favorite?

What's it like living with a dolphin while working with/for a tuna?

You vs. the Tuna Saber - who wins?

You, armed with the Tuna Saber - who loses?

You have a bowl of strawberries! Next to it, you also have a bowl of...
A) Powdered Sugar
B) Chocolate
C) Honey
D) Granulated Sugar
E) More Strawberries
F) All of the Above
G) No you don't, Ruro took 'em while you were trying to answer this


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2011, 12:35:37 PM »
Where do you get your commissions from for your DRK splash-pictures? (See what I did there?)
I linked this in the topic, but I'll say again that I got those pictures from Shoxxe on Deviantart. Been a pretty faithful customer to the guy, and I figured that now and again I'd ask him for something DRK related.

Why is or isn't Purvis your favorite?
Ever since our entire Paranoia group was crushed to a bloody mess in the Tomb of Horrors, I knew he was the one.

Why are you my favorite?
Baby, I could be here all night answering this question.  8)

What's it like living with a dolphin while working with/for a tuna?
Every so often the tuna rubs in that she can breathe underwater while I can't. It hurts. :[

You vs. the Tuna Saber - who wins?

You, armed with the Tuna Saber - who loses?
Wait, what? This thing is so flimsy, and moist, and not-good-at-stabbing! There must be an improvement made! Sango!

: Y-Yes, Rou-kun?

Quickly, to the lab! We must beat the tuna at her own game! We must invent...the DOLFOIL!

: Wait, whaaaaaaaaaa-?!

You have a bowl of strawberries! Next to it, you also have a bowl of...
A) Powdered Sugar
B) Chocolate
C) Honey
D) Granulated Sugar
E) More Strawberries
F) All of the Above
G) No you don't, Ruro took 'em while you were trying to answer this
E) and G). This is my payoff to Ruro to ensure she does not reveal...sensitive information. >_>


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2011, 01:24:51 PM »
##Eat Sango

You owe me a visit to SA after a particular game of taking it easy.

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2011, 01:28:39 PM »
I did not understand. Water Purity? Elaborate.

When did you create Sango and why're you so fond of her?

Oh, and she really did not look like a dolphin.

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2011, 02:33:05 PM »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2011, 03:27:52 PM »
What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?

What is your favourite pastime?

Are you the one who keeps trying to get into my strawberry harvest?


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2011, 03:30:34 PM »
What's up with you and Pesco? He seems to have this inexplicable power over you.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2011, 07:07:34 PM »
Do you believe in the me that believes in you?


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2011, 08:16:43 PM »
You are young, you're free. Why don't you sleep with me?

What kind of games do you play?
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2011, 08:26:53 PM »
You are extremely good at parodies (see the Shakespeare WWC, the rewrite of the Soviet Union History Tetris song, and other stuff), but you do them rather rarely. Any specific reasons for that?

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

School swimsuits: White or Blue?

Have you been closer to Sango than I have? 
1600% zoom baby~

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2011, 08:44:26 PM »

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2011, 09:37:40 PM »
What happens when fish collide?

Is Youmu your home-girl?

If you got into an eating contest with Yuyuko and Yoshika, who would win?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2011, 10:58:59 PM »
##Eat Sango

You owe me a visit to SA after a particular game of taking it easy.
: Phweeeeeee~! R-Rou-kun! The scary rabbit is gonna eat meeeeee!

You don't wanna do that, pal. Tastes terrible. She'll give you horrible indigestion.

: Right! I taste really really ba-

: Wait, what are you trying to say?!

And for the record, I've left the country once in my life for an afternoon. A trip halfway across the world is not likely to do my psyche any favours. -_-

I did not understand. Water Purity? Elaborate.
There's really not much to the concept. If water gets dirty, Sango can make it clean again. She's also got a vial that lets her shift a given pool between saltwater and freshwater, but she never really has a use for it.

When did you create Sango and why're you so fond of her?
To be honest? Sango was invented more or less by accident.
It started off here, when I basically decided it'd be a cute concept to write about Satori swimming with dolphins. As is typical with my writing I went about a dozen steps too far in, and realised I was going to have to give the dolphin a personality too. After some thought, some helpful suggestions and some rummaging-around-for-kanji-to-use, I had made Sango. Thus I got to finish my little story.
Except I then went about a dozen steps too far AGAIN, and found myself wanting to continue it further. The result in full was my first 'big' story, Third Eye in Pure Waters.

Why does Sango hold special meaning to me? Well, she's the first character that I created myself, which is a big thing. It also helps that a lot of her issues in TEiPW were to an extent reflections of my own at the time - the question of 'why do something if no-one will notice it?' Having her get through that helped me with it as well, I think.

Oh, and she really did not look like a dolphin.
Easier to tell in a full picture. She's kinda got a full fin coming out of her back. :P

: Uwahh...just hearing that name makes me think of that suplex. I saw the world curving...

Unfortunately I think I've already got enough obligations to take care of right now to think of getting back to Cyborg Quest. Maybe when uni is over with and summer starts I'll be able to find the time, but until then Rou-tan's in storage.

What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
Unless this is a trick question where if I don't say strawberry you fire me, in which case strawberry.

What is your favourite pastime?
Quote from: Haku
What kind of games do you play?
Hm. Actually a bit of a tough question. I've only got a few hobbies I'm really into at the moment, but they're all kinda close.
In particular, with games I've got two real genres I'm into - fighting games and...I'm not sure how to define games like Phoenix Wright - Action-VN? - but those too. Strange combo, but such is the way. The fighting games are more for the community and MAD HYPE we sometimes get.
I play chess a bit. It's not something I state blatantly, but I enjoy the game, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it.
Recently, on top of this, I'm getting into tabletop roleplaying. The reason I took so long to get this batch of answers out was that I was away being a crazy fighter-who-thinks-he's-a-wizard-and-a-cleric in 3.5. [The best part about the character is that when he rolls for skills he shouldn't be good at, he succeeds.]
Writing, though, is probably edging out. The other games typically involve fitting in roles, living out positions. In writing, you don't just choose the role you play, you choose the world you play it in. My main issue with writing, frankly, is that I can't keep having original ideas and thoughts constantly, and there'll be plenty of times where I sit for fifteen minutes straight trying to work out how to word a scene and getting nothing.

: Which means mallet~!

Yes, Sango. The throbbing at the back of my head was enough to remind me of that.

Are you the one who keeps trying to get into my strawberry harvest?
If I answered "Yes, so I could keep giving your own strawberries back to you and not have to scrounge up more to pay my blackmail reputation protection fees", would you reward me for ingenuity?

What's up with you and Pesco? He seems to have this inexplicable power over you.
I'm not sure what the thing with Pesco is, frankly. Hell, when I started off around here, I hated the guy with a passion. His general cockiness and attitude in Mafia just made my blood boil, and he deliberately toyed with me in games to get tells out of me. I took it personally, but in a way we sort of ended up having a bond based on that. an extent I guess I was a little tsundere. The way he could sometimes make crazy reads for crazy reasons and be right impressed me. On top of that, I ended up talking to him a lot outside of Mafia, which admittedly is more than I can say about most of the other players. :<
I'm not gonna go into it for his sake, but I've seen there's a little more to Pesco than he lets on in public. At times he's still a jerk, but he's still my bro before any of that.

Do you believe in the me that believes in you?
Not until you die tragically and give me a reason to undergo a GLORIOUS REBIRTH

You are young, you're free. Why don't you sleep with me?
Because I don't want rabies. :<

You are extremely good at parodies (see the Shakespeare WWC, the rewrite of the Soviet Union History Tetris song, and other stuff), but you do them rather rarely. Any specific reasons for that?
Generally I don't like parody, for the basic reason that it gives me less room to work. I have to comply to certain points on top of the fact it's Touhou, and to an extent it doesn't feel like I'm writing something new so much as it feels like I'm rewriting something that's already been done.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Frankly, I have no freaking clue where I'll be in 2021. I have a few ideas of where I'd WANT to be - either a full fledged novelist (which frankly I don't feel I have the skill for at the moment) or a proper game developer (which will be a challenge thanks to *~*THE ECONOMY*~*). I've never really had a solid path I've wanted to take in life, a job I felt I REALLY wanted, or anything like that.

School swimsuits: White or Blue?
Blue. Not that white's bad, obviously - just a little less interesting to me.

Have you been closer to Sango than I have? 
1600% zoom baby~
I've been inside Sango's head. I've worked out her responses to discussion as if I was her. I have done more than become close with Sango. I have become ONE with her.

: T-That's not a euphemism, for the record. I know some of you folks out there would like to take it as such, but he's done nothing to me yet!
Besides, I could do waaaay better.

Wait, WHAT? Sangoooooo!

: Phweeheehee~

What happens when fish collide?
Headaches. Occasionally, finaches or scaleaches. It depends on where the collision happens, basically.

Is Youmu your home-girl?
Bitch, you be tryin' to bounce wit' mah half ghost? I'ma cutchu up like Yuyuko-sama's dinner for giving me that shit.
Cuz y'know what? I can slice your shit no problem. Dere's nuthin' I can't chop. Well, next to nothin'.

If you got into an eating contest with Yuyuko and Yoshika, who would win?
Yoshika would win by thinking outside the box and eating the other contestants. :<

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2011, 11:07:55 PM »
You're AgelessObsesson on Youtube, right? What video editor do you use for your YTP stuff?

What's your obsession with swimsuits?

As someone with AS myself, do you think having it has had a significant effect on your life?

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2011, 11:20:20 PM »
Have you ever considered a future in marine studies, or something similar?

What are the books that you think influenced you the most?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2011, 11:59:11 PM »
You're AgelessObsesson on Youtube, right? What video editor do you use for your YTP stuff?
Used to have Vegas, but then the computer I was using got fritzed. I'm now on a crappy laptop that can't so much as run Fraps correctly, so there's no real hope for me anymore. :<

What's your obsession with swimsuits?
I've always found swimsuits and water in general fascinating, basically. I'm not sure how it started, but I've liked the idea since I was a kid. Really, there's no deep meaning to it - just a quirk I've always had.

As someone with AS myself, do you think having it has had a significant effect on your life?
Well, I can definitely say it screwed up the first 10 or so years of my education at the very least. Not 'getting' all these social ticks made me sort of an outcast at primary school, and by the time I got the hang of it in secondary school it was too late to really join one of the little circles.
I'm not exactly good with independent living either. Let's put it this way - I've only started seriously trying to cook my own dinner this week, and I'm 19. -_-
Uni, though, has been a great improvement for me. It's a fresh start, and I've been getting involved in clubs, and there's a group of guys who I'm really friendly with right now. Generally it feels like I'm starting to catch up for real now, and I'm enjoying it.

Have you ever considered a future in marine studies, or something similar?
Honestly, as much as marine study and such interests me, I don't think I'd be able to hold down a job there. For one I'm bad with biology, and I'm also terrible with animals. As in I am actually slightly frightened by my own cat. :<
Also, I can't actually swim. -_-

What are the books that you think influenced you the most?
Not sure if it counts, but in English class in secondary I read Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, and even after the usual bash-your-head-in-with-all-this-symbolism that English class consists of it's still probably my favourite play of all time. It'sthe one play I'd recommend to anyone and everyone.
What else? Well, shamefully for a librarian, I'm far too picky with my literature. My last big rush of books was detective fiction, but there wasn't anything there that really rung with me.
The one book I remember actually gripping me and never letting go was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I was 11 or something when the second book came out, and I basically snatched it off my sister the moment she finished and stayed up well past midnight reading it. I fell in love with that world of magic, of fantasy, but when things got darker I don't think I kept up. It grew faster than I wanted it to, or something along those lines.

I think Harry Potter was the first story that got me interested in actual writing. It was a fantastical world hidden right beneath our eyes, at the same time innocent yet stunning. I think at some level I wanted to make my own world like that, and things just went from there.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2011, 12:18:27 AM »
So, which Harry Potter character would Sango hook up with? What about Touhou?
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2011, 12:35:40 AM »
How does it feel to come from the inferior side of the country, Weegie?

What's your favourite type of swimsuit other than the school swimsuit thing?

How would you feel if any of your work actually got published?  And no cop-outs like "but it's not good enough to get published" or anything! (That's thoroughly untrue, for one thing. >.>)

Jings, Rou-laddie... I hear yer no speakin' wi' the accent!  Am I gonnae have tae go over tae that shithole called Glasgae an' chib ye or summit? >.<
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 10 - Ignore the dolphin in the corner - Roukan
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2011, 01:34:02 AM »
In the end, does it really matter?
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?