Round 7: Winner is the Orb Guardians. Tiamat used electrical breath to take off half the HP of three of the guardians and then poison breath to kill off one. She then proceeded to rip through two more before finally being put down.
Round 8: Epic match of the decade. Winner was the Curse Toe by a mere hair. The Curse Toe got summon happy managed to pull out a few demons, wandering mushrooms, and a vampire, and the vampire loves spammals. The Killer Klown ripped through loads of the enemies and kept blinking to avoid massive hurt. Notable that the Killer Klown was smart enough to pick the shortest route to the Curse Toe and kill open a quick route to it. Now, the best part? The Killer Klown killed the Curse Toe, but he was at severely wounded by then and a few medium demons were able to finish him, resulting in the Toe's Team winning the round. I'm definitely going to be having a rematch in the future, but with a video recording included.
Round 9: Winner is the Rat. Slap match again, they both went on to miss each other for 5 turns before the rat started connecting with blows. Overall, pretty boring.
Pesco: 1 (Crawl has a new level of hate for you in the arena)
Xan: 100
Jan-san: 115
Totaku: 160 (Totaku is awesome at this)
Edible?: 130
Stuffman: 45
Sylon: 40
wrathie: 125
Affinity: 50
I.P.D.: 155 (I.P.D. also takes a quick lead)
Round 10:
Imp VS Phantom
Note: Both of these monsters are blink happy. In the middle of an intense battle, they'll just suddenly blink for no other reason than because they can. The imp has less HP and attack but has absurd regenerative abilities so that every time it blinks, by the time the two meet up again, it has restored a good amount of HP. The Phantom can't heal, or if it does, it does it very slowly. Up side is that it has a lot more HP and attack than the Imp and as of such, it's the brute.
Round 11:
Pulsating Lump VS Hog
Note: What is there not to get? It's a pig and a lump of flesh. The pig is a brute and the lump is not but can cause a random status ailment when attacking.
Round 12:
20-headed Hydra VS The Royal Jelly
Note: You know what the Hydra is capable of. The (fun fact, this is the only monster in the game with The before its name) Royal Jelly has regenerative abilities, moves fast, and when hit, has a chance to summon other jellies. So it's the (slimy) hive VS 20 big guns.
I'm come to collect in 12 hours time, because, let's face it, when I get busy this summer, I won't be able to do this too often, so it'll eventually just become three matches every 24 hours.
Also, Xan, it's the last day to take your turn in Crawl.