Author Topic: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll  (Read 29174 times)


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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2009, 06:20:58 PM »
even if its pointless its still fun. Now that i know it ends at 99 I'ma try to do it haha feels good to win 99 battles in a row. Personal satisfaction haha.
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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2009, 10:28:59 PM »
My main is Len, I like her simple combos, speed and air attacks...
I think Aoko is a great character too if used correctly. I am not good with her though...

I've never heard of it making the game extremely glitchy, and it works fine with caster!
Same here, I used to play a lot against a friend of mine with mbcaster (we both had MBAC with the english patch) and we didn't have any problems.


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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2009, 01:38:54 AM »
I kind of want to learn how to play W.Len.

Sucks she is TOTAL GARBAGE against Ren, W.Len, and Warc.  And total garbage against most people lol.

She seems to have good setups though, so I wonder...


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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2009, 02:42:26 AM »
only play nigger len

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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2009, 05:40:57 AM »
My main is Len, I like her simple combos, speed and air attacks...
I think Aoko is a great character too if used correctly. I am not good with her though...
Same here, I used to play a lot against a friend of mine with mbcaster (we both had MBAC with the english patch) and we didn't have any problems.

I like old Aoko better lol, beamspam madness.
There is a way to actually hax her out for usage I wonder how tho.

I personally don't like arcade version Aoko as her moves a bit hard to connect imo.
I kind of want to learn how to play W.Len.

Sucks she is TOTAL GARBAGE against Ren, W.Len, and Warc.  And total garbage against most people lol.

She seems to have good setups though, so I wonder...

I disagree, W.Len is definitely better than normal Len to use, I dunno why but I consider her moves a rather a cool set, almost the whole battlescene is your playground if you master them set ups. Ok, so I do use her less, but it is fact she is cool to use. On the other hand however, I find normal Len amusingly weak to use.

Hooray for 12-15 hits combo chains from Hisui lol. I actually did that once, now that is a miracle as my hands cannot react as quickly than my head.
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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2009, 05:43:18 AM »
Oh, I can 1-up you Tanin.

I wept tears of blood.  Last time I played survival.


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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2009, 01:31:13 PM »
W.Len has a few issues.

A. She has no air range.  j.A is her only decently ranged air normal.  j.B and j.C and j.2C have jokes for range.
B. Her ground pokes kind of suck.  5B and 2B are good, 2C has horrible range, 5C doesn't have the nice range of Len's, and such.
C. 2C 623A whiffs on Len, W.Len, and Warc.  She is horribly gimped from this.

Ren, on the other hand is arguably top tier.  j.C is godlike, j.A is godlike, j.B is great, j.2C = free fuzzy guard.  Black cat is DANGEROUS.  Her EX Ice combos hit hard too, and EX Ice is a every way tech punish (okay W.Len has this too but she doesn't have as much techable stuff.)

At least W.Len has 214A.  I like how I say Ren for Ren but W.Len for W.Len.

Oh, also, if for whatever reason you have MBR around, check out this combo for W.Len.

214D (yes, her shield bunker) [5A (one hit) 236B] x2 5A 236C dashin [5A (one hit) 236B)] x2 5A 5B j.BC dj.BC airthrow.

I love it.  Works at least on Nero.  Well, the 5A 5B j.BC dj.BC flat out might miss randomly.  Have fun with that.

Other variations are something like this.

2B 5A (two hits) tk j.236B (this is extremely hard and must be done on the first airborne frame) 2B 5A 236C j.BC dj.BC Airthrow.
This one just shows off how awesome j.236B into 2B is.  It's also very, very hard.  And you have to do your aircombo off of 236C because you use your jump cancel.

A few other interesting notes with MBR W.Len

She has no superjump
She can infinitely dash
She cannot cancel her j.A on whiff
She doesn't have j.2C
She doesn't have 3C
She doesn't have 4B
Only hits 2 and 3 of 5B are cancellable.
5B combos into 236C
She doesn't have teleports.
Her shield bunker is horribly broken and can be combo'd off of and doesn't knock her back.
She has a very, very, very bizzare arc drive.
Her Last Arc is mostly broken.  If you cancel the shield, she doesn't do it.  if you let her do it, an image of her appears and she just kinda hits.  It's weird.
Her 623A/B/C frame data is different than Ren's.
She has a different falling animation than Ren, and W.Len in MBAC.
She has a unique airthrow.
Her ground throw is untechable.
5C is entirely uncancellable and is also untechable.  I've seen it linked to 5A, but I haven't managed to do it myself.
j.236C is HUGE DAMAGE.
I swear I have seen the ai do 236[A] like in MBAC, but I must've imagined it.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 02:09:35 PM by Benny1 »


Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2009, 05:01:19 PM »
W.Len has a few issues.

A. She has no air range.  j.A is her only decently ranged air normal.  j.B and j.C and j.2C have jokes for range.
For the most part, W Len stays on the ground apart from IADs or j[C].

B. Her ground pokes kind of suck.  5B and 2B are good, 2C has horrible range, 5C doesn't have the nice range of Len's, and such.
What she lacks in poke ability, she gains in dash cancelling from ANY normal.  With proper timing, you can catch most mashing with a dash 5A.

C. 2C 623A whiffs on Len, W.Len, and Warc.  She is horribly gimped from this.
First of all, 2C 623A.  Unless you're way too close, you really won't be using this.  Better to use 2AB 623A.  On the cats and Warc, the best alternative combo you have is 5AC 623A.  Still a terribly hard matchup.

Len, on the other hand is arguably top tier.
Because she is.

At least W.Len has 214A.
Best dp in the game, cancellable on both hit and whiff, easily bunkered.  Yeah.

MBR WLen stuff
Oh you people and your MBR.

But WLen relies on zoning and oki, for the most part.  Keep away with j[C] and 236 series.  Once you have the upper hand, dash cancelling can keep you on the aggressive for small while, where hopefully you'll score a knockdown.  After that, 236[A] gimmicks, dash gimmicks, j[C] oki gimmicks, IAD jBC/j2C5C fuzzyish oki, etc.

She's actually just a really gimmicky character.


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Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2009, 12:54:54 PM »
My favourites are Len and White Len.

White Len has great air combos compared to other characters and her last arc is awesome.

Len has great anti air attack and her move cancellation also works perfectly.

Both Len and White Len sucks when facing Nero.


Re: Melty Blood talk and Favorite Char Poll
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2009, 03:12:44 PM » when facing Nero.
