Why are you so awesome?
I would claim to just be what I define as a "normal" person that enjoys life. If that counts as awesome, then everyone here can be awesome with little work :3
How many of his novels have your read, and what are your thoughts on them? :moogy:
Ensel und Krete, City of Dreaming Books, Schrecksenmeister, those three so far. I have already bought 13 1/2 Leben des K?ptn Blaub?r and Rumo, gonna read those in within the next months.
Just like with Tolkien and Pratchett, I love the world Moers has created and his writing style. It feels to me like he always keeps his endings short though, which makes them seem kinda rushed, or unfinished. It wasn't that bad in Dreaming Books, but both Schrecksenmeister and E&K seemed to suddenly speed up a lot towards the end and before you knew it it was over. He didn't really leave things open, but it somehow felt like there was potential for a bit more, is my opinion.
How is the outlook on you visiting either Aachen or M?nster in the future? :3
If I recall correctly both of those cities have some touristic spots eh? As long as there is something nice to see chances are I wouldn't mind visiting there :3
(Okay, I wouldn't mind visiting a place just to meet people either, but if there's stuff to see that's even better :V )
As for the "when" though, that is still up in the stars seeing as my next big goal is another trip to Japan next year, which requires me to save up as much as I can for now.
How do you feel about Germany being the hub of the EU?
Oh god, the hard questions are starting. I will make a disclaimer here that I may be missing crucial information about some of that stuff, but I'll answer to the best of my knowledge, which consists of what I caught in the news and what a friend who is more interested in those things told me about it.
Hmm, I'm kinda torn in that regard. With the current situation the EU, and especially the Euro, rely a lot on Germany's economic strength. (Though over here it certainly doesn't feel like we are the economically strongest EU country >_>). We'd get an extremely strong currency if we were to quit the Euro now, but on the other hand it kinda feels like Germany would be fleeing a responsibility it willingly took on. Being the backbone of the EU is something our politicians apparently decided upon, so I guess seeing it through is only proper. With the current load of debt on the country it's not like it matters. It can't be paid off anymore anyway >_>
So far, I haven't noticed this issue affecting the general populace of Germany in any way, so I don't see it as an issue. Whether and how that can change, I don't know. I rather don't want to imagine what would happen if the EU crashed while Germany is trying to take a majority of the burden.
Nontheless the last I heard was that the Euro is still very strong, so I guess despite all the troubles it's working out somehow...
For that matter, how do you feel about the EU?
I like the general idea of the EU. Stuff like the free travel, theoretical possibility to take up work anywhere you find it without much trouble etc. is a good step in our modern world. Same for the common currency. The execution so far seems kinda flawed though. EU regulations are only reluctantly accepted into the laws of the individual countries, there doesn't seem to be much cooperation between the countries and the EU, which is a problem when those countries are what make up the EU in the first place.
There's also stuff being regulated that, frankly, shouldn't need regulations. The EU-cucumber is a common joke here, apparently there was some regulation about the shapes of cucumbers so they could be stored the best way for transport.
My biggest problem with the EU in its current form though: The common people have no idea what the hell is going on. There doesn't seem to be much transparency or any good information policy. Most people have no idea what the EU is responsible for, what exactly it can do and how it works. That of course hurts its acceptance by people, which makes it harder for it to succeed.
What advice would you give any new countries hoping to join?
"Wait until the situation has stabilized, and use the time to build up your own country in the meantime. If you join right now things will get worse for all of us in the long run."
The EU has made the mistake of taking on too many new members too quickly and allowing them to join the Euro as well. (And not even talking about how Greece managed to fake its records and noone noticed >_> ). They should have taken them in over a longer time to ensure that the whole union stays stable. Let one join, make sure the economy is stable, once that's ensured choose the next one to join. It's understandable that other countries want to join in asap, but they will benefit from it more if their joining doesn't upset the whole construct.
The question should always be "Is that country in a shape that will benefit the EU as a whole, or will it need support? If it needs support, then can the EU grant that support without cutting back for other stuff right now?" If the answer to that last one is no, then they will have to wait.
Why is the wordsmith title brown? Why not red or orange or blue or indigo?
Red, orange, blue and indigo are slready given out. (Not completely sure about indigo, but the rest is.) Other than that, Ruro chose the color, so ask her :V
Unless it's all some sort of undercover plan to take over the world. Is it Sakana?
Yes, and by the time you read this it's already too late.
Do you see how unbearably German you are?
I like semantics. Words are like a wet towel you can use to slap someone around when needed. :3
If that is a German trait, then yes, I am apparently unbearably German.
How awesome am I for having come up with "Wordsmith" for that tag? :cool:
- Can I get Wordsmith and/or IP and/or Spechul Membah for having done so? :V
This is the first I have heard of you coming up with it, but I wasn't around for the discussion, so I will take your word. Go ask Ruro about IP, maybe she's feeling generous
Will Wordsmith be joinable like Resident Artist++, or will it only be given to the ELITE?
That implies RA+ is freely joinable, which it is not, last time I checked. It was open for a short time, but then got closed again. Wordsmith will be given out like RA+ based on mod-decision (of course users that see someone who deserves the tag should go ahead and point it out to us, via Reports for example ^^)
I've asked you before if you have seen any examples of effective illustration of danmaku in the library before, however you said you hadn't.
Now that it's your turn for Ask a Staffer, I demand you attempt it yourself!
It's "Ask", not "Make demands", so no :V
If I could describe danmaku, I would have already written it. I mentioned before that I'm not one for details, and that goes for details in action scenes as well. The most detailed scene I have written yet was a swordfight in Magical Librarians, and that was only possible due to possessing some books on the topic and having martial arts experience to work from.
So basically, if you find me the means to fly and shoot danmaku, and possibly get me a copy of the Grimoire of Marisa, I could gather experience to use for a written description of a danmaku battle. Deal?