Author Topic: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana  (Read 87233 times)

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #60 on: April 13, 2011, 09:15:39 PM »
Why are you so awesome?
I would claim to just be what I define as a "normal" person that enjoys life. If that counts as awesome, then everyone here can be awesome with little work :3

How many of his novels have your read, and what are your thoughts on them?  :moogy:
Ensel und Krete, City of Dreaming Books, Schrecksenmeister, those three so far. I have already bought 13 1/2 Leben des K?ptn Blaub?r and Rumo, gonna read those in within the next months.
Just like with Tolkien and Pratchett, I love the world Moers has created and his writing style. It feels to me like he always keeps his endings short though, which makes them seem kinda rushed, or unfinished. It wasn't that bad in Dreaming Books, but both Schrecksenmeister and E&K seemed to suddenly speed up a lot towards the end and before you knew it it was over. He didn't really leave things open, but it somehow felt like there was potential for a bit more, is my opinion.

How is the outlook on you visiting either Aachen or M?nster in the future?  :3
If I recall correctly both of those cities have some touristic spots eh? As long as there is something nice to see chances are I wouldn't mind visiting there :3
(Okay, I wouldn't mind visiting a place just to meet people either, but if there's stuff to see that's even better :V )
As for the "when" though, that is still up in the stars  seeing as my next big goal is another trip to Japan next year, which requires me to save up as much as I can for now.

How do you feel about Germany being the hub of the EU?
Oh god, the hard questions are starting. I will make a disclaimer here that I may be missing crucial information about some of that stuff, but I'll answer to the best of my knowledge, which consists of what I caught in the news and what a friend who is more interested in those things told me about it.

Hmm, I'm kinda torn in that regard. With the current situation the EU, and especially the Euro, rely a lot on Germany's economic strength. (Though over here it certainly doesn't feel like we are the economically strongest EU country >_>). We'd get an extremely strong currency if we were to quit the Euro now, but on the other hand it kinda feels like Germany would be fleeing a responsibility it willingly took on. Being the backbone of the EU is something our politicians apparently decided upon, so I guess seeing it through is only proper. With the current load of debt on the country it's not like it matters. It can't be paid off anymore anyway >_>
So far, I haven't noticed this issue affecting the general populace of Germany in any way, so I don't see it as an issue. Whether and how that can change, I don't know. I rather don't want to imagine what would happen if the EU crashed while Germany is trying to take a majority of the burden.
Nontheless the last I heard was that the Euro is still very strong, so I guess despite all the troubles it's working out somehow...

For that matter, how do you feel about the EU?
I like the general idea of the EU. Stuff like the free travel, theoretical possibility to take up work anywhere you find it without much trouble etc. is a good step in our modern world. Same for the common currency. The execution so far seems kinda flawed though. EU regulations are only reluctantly accepted into the laws of the individual countries, there doesn't seem to be much cooperation between the countries and the EU, which is a problem when those countries are what make up the EU in the first place.
There's also stuff being regulated that, frankly, shouldn't need regulations. The EU-cucumber is a common joke here, apparently there was some regulation about the shapes of cucumbers so they could be stored the best way for transport.
My biggest problem with the EU in its current form though: The common people have no idea what the hell is going on. There doesn't seem to be much transparency or any good information policy. Most people have no idea what the EU is responsible for, what exactly it can do and how it works. That of course hurts its acceptance by people, which makes it harder for it to succeed.

What advice would you give any new countries hoping to join?
"Wait until the situation has stabilized, and use the time to build up your own country in the meantime. If you join right now things will get worse for all of us in the long run."
The EU has made the mistake of taking on too many new members too quickly and allowing them to join the Euro as well. (And not even talking about how Greece managed to fake its records and noone noticed >_> ). They should have taken them in over a longer time to ensure that the whole union stays stable. Let one join, make sure the economy is stable, once that's ensured choose the next one to join. It's understandable that other countries want to join in asap, but they will benefit from it more if their joining doesn't upset the whole construct.
The question should always be "Is that country in a shape that will benefit the EU as a whole, or will it need support? If it needs support, then can  the EU grant that support without cutting back for other stuff right now?" If the answer to that last one is no, then they will have to wait.

Why is the wordsmith title brown? Why not red or orange or blue or indigo?
Red, orange, blue and indigo are slready given out. (Not completely sure about indigo, but the rest is.) Other than that, Ruro chose the color, so ask her :V

Unless it's all some sort of undercover plan to take over the world. Is it Sakana?
Yes, and by the time you read this it's already too late.

Do you see how unbearably German you are?
I like semantics. Words are like a wet towel you can use to slap someone around when needed. :3
If that is a German trait, then yes, I am apparently unbearably German.

How awesome am I for having come up with "Wordsmith" for that tag? :cool:
   - Can I get Wordsmith and/or IP and/or Spechul Membah for having done so? :V
This is the first I have heard of you coming up with it, but I wasn't around for the discussion, so I will take your word. Go ask Ruro about IP, maybe she's feeling generous :P

Will Wordsmith be joinable like Resident Artist++, or will it only be given to the ELITE?
That implies RA+ is freely joinable, which it is not, last time I checked. It was open for a short time, but then got closed again. Wordsmith will be given out like RA+ based on mod-decision (of course users that see someone who deserves the tag should go ahead and point it out to us, via Reports for example ^^)

I've asked you before if you have seen any examples of effective illustration of danmaku in the library before, however you said you hadn't.
Now that it's your turn for Ask a Staffer, I demand you attempt it yourself!
It's "Ask", not "Make demands", so no :V
If I could describe danmaku, I would have already written it. I mentioned before that I'm not one for details, and that goes for details in action scenes as well. The most detailed scene I have written yet was a swordfight in Magical Librarians, and that was only possible due to possessing some books on the topic and having martial arts experience to work from.

So basically, if you find me the means to fly and shoot danmaku, and possibly get me a copy of the Grimoire of Marisa, I could gather experience to use for a written description of a danmaku battle. Deal?


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #61 on: April 13, 2011, 09:39:30 PM »
What's the craziest idea you've had for one of your written works?

Is the sword mightier than the tuna?

Why is tuna the "Chicken of the Sea," anyway?

What's the best job you've ever had?

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2011, 09:44:30 PM »
Do you think in German or English?

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #63 on: April 13, 2011, 09:46:17 PM »
Why is the wordsmith title brown? Why not red or orange or blue or indigo?
It's brown because that's the colour of the hat. It's not red because that's Bunbunmaru. It's not orange because that's Mascot and Atelier Idol. It's not one of the 38926589 shades of blue because Matsy and I found it basically impossible to distinguish it from the IH and SM badges (actually, this is why Atelier Idol is orange and not blue). And it's not indigo because that's too close to the Admin colour. And because we didn't think of it. You try being that creative late at night.

Back to Sakana~n:
Why did you choose sociology as your field of study?

Do you like gardening?

Will you come over here and stand here while I aim this thing... no, it's not dangerous, not at all. Just testing out the library defenses. Mind staying still for a moment?


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2011, 09:48:22 PM »
What kinda games do you play?

(see the question mark there? SEE IT? :<)
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #65 on: April 13, 2011, 09:59:08 PM »
Oniichan! Being the badass lady-tuna-killer you are, as well as the God of Chivalry (and tuna, and tuna chivalry), what advice can you give to today's young men on modern chivalry, particularly with regards to courtesy and respect for their superiors ladies?

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #66 on: April 13, 2011, 10:24:54 PM »
You try being that creative late at night.
Oh boy, only time I'm ever "creative".
Do you prefer fans or AC's?
What is your favorite musical group?
How attached do you think you are to this site?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #67 on: April 13, 2011, 10:36:30 PM »
Given the whole tuna/fish thing, how much swimming do you actually do?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #68 on: April 13, 2011, 10:46:35 PM »
What's the craziest idea you've had for one of your written works?
I would say four-armed patched-together loli-abomination, but that one wasn't thought up, it was a Maid RPG character that I rolled randomly. So.... there was that idea for a Ruro - Gappy wedding fic that would have ended in a giant swordfight with people dying left and right and the church burning down as Tengukami the organist dutifully plays the wedding march and Kilga the priest tries to still get down the rites. (Though that idea was a bit of a collaboration of the library-channel. I got the beginning written out. Maybe the rest will see the light of the day someday, but it's unlikely :V )
Or would you rather like the spinoff series "Magical Ferret Matsurin"?

Is the sword mightier than the tuna?
I have a tunasword, so I win either way  8)

Why is tuna the "Chicken of the Sea," anyway?
It is? Well damn, learned something new.

What's the best job you've ever had?
I haven't really had a job at all yet. Been doing some part-time stuff, but I won't count that. the closest I have had for a job would be my civil service (because I refused the military service). I worked at the social office, accompanying people who had to deal with the unemployment offices bureaucracy stuff, and even worked as a translator at times. Those nine months were pretty awesome.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
I have no idea. I will probably start out as an official for the city once I finish uni, because chances are very good for a job there. But after that, I don't know. I don't necessarily plan to stay in an office all my life, but I have yet to properly look into potential paths for the future.

Do you think in German or English?
Both, depending on the situation. Right now, I am skipping the step of thinking in German and just think English. If I were to talk to a German friend I'd of course think in German. Sometimes I mix it up though, and end up throwing English words into a talk in German. Or I try to think of a German word and all that comes to mind is the English equivalent.

Why did you choose sociology as your field of study?
I chose it after my time at the social office, and it sounded like it would go in a similar direction. Only later did I find out that it was actually quite a bit different, but not in a bad way. Getting a closer look on how people gather to form societies, how those develop and how people interact in them is a very interesting topic and sociology can be applied to many facets of our everyday life to yield some interesting results. For me, sociology is mostly a certain mindset and a certain way of looking at things that allows to analyze them in a way that is different from everyday logic. I am not a fan of all the classic sociological theories. Sure, they are interesting to have heard about, but most of them barely apply anymore, or appear extremely forced when applied to modern circumstances. I rather like the approach of generating the theories from the data about the topic of research and then building from there.
Will I be doing sociological work later in my life? Maybe, but it's not my primary goal. Could happen I end up doing research though, if I get into a field that really interests me personally. (German research on gaming and stuff is only starting to pick up...  :derp: )

Do you like gardening?
From all I know plants die the moment I look at them funny :V
I'm really not a good gardener, though I enjoy harvesting stuff (especially strawberries :3)
There's a good reason the only plant in my room is an artificial one.

Will you come over here and stand here while I aim this thing... no, it's not dangerous, not at all. Just testing out the library defenses. Mind staying still for a moment?


What kinda games do you play?
The only genre I don't play are RTS games. Other than that, I've played games from every genre. Action Adventures are my favourites. Pure action games can be fun (occassionally FPS as well), but mostly I prefer a good story and some stuff to do on the side. Currently I'm playing Yakuza 4, and I have spent more time on the substories than the main story already :V
I also really like RPGs, though I don't have enough long-term motivation and patience for many of them. A genre I would like to see revived more are point and click Adventures. The good old days of Monkey Island (which I got as the special edition for PS3 for nostalgia).
Another genre I really like are rhythm games. I like music, I like games, as such liking the combination of both is a given~

Oniichan! Being the badass lady-tuna-killer you are, as well as the God of Chivalry (and tuna, and tuna chivalry), what advice can you give to today's young men on modern chivalry, particularly with regards to courtesy and respect for their superiors ladies?
First of all, ladies are humans like everyone else. In my eyes best way to treat a girl good is to treat her like I would treat everyone else. Yes, that means to aim for a friendly relation instead of jumping right into dating, since that just isn't my style (and I have no idea how to do it,I simply never bothered to learn :V). I aim for stable long-term relations with the potential to turn into more once a good base has been built. I want to be the kind of person that can be friends with guys and girls alike, where a girl doesn't always have to wonder if I'm just aiming to get her laid at some point :V
I have the feeling too many people are stuck on the idea that there are some significant differences between men and women that necessitate acting completely different around the one or the other, and that leads to insecurity. While there surely are some differences, the individual differences are much more important. If I adjust my behavior around a person it shouldn't be because of that person's gender, but because of their personality and individual character.
That of course means to get to know people enough to do so, which requires effort a lot of people are not willing to give, so they retreat to stereotypes and wonder why the results aren't even remotely what they expected.

So tl;dr my advice is: Get to know the actual person, don't get stuck on the thought of "Oh my god, it's a girl, I gotta act differently!"
Of course, this is just from my personal experience, so I am very sure that other people would tell the exact opposite and it would work for them :V

Do you prefer fans or AC's?
I prefer the traditional open window :V
I've never lived anywhere with an AC, and the only thing I have is a rather old fan that I sometimes use in summer, but it doesn't do much.

What is your favorite musical group?
As with many other things, I don't have a clear favourite. So let me list off some good ones: Two Steps from Hell, Vitamin String Quartet, Kalafina, Die ?rzte, Bodo Wartke (he's not a group, but deserves mention here :V )

How attached do you think you are to this site?
Moderately. I wouldn't get withdrawal symptoms if I had to leave for some weeks, but I've certainly grown attached to the community and I like being here.

Given the whole tuna/fish thing, how much swimming do you actually do?
Less than I would like to. The last time I went swimming is probably over two years ago. I went to the pool more often with friends in the past, but we just don't get many chances anymore. My swimming skills are basic, but I really love the feeling of being in water~


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #69 on: April 13, 2011, 10:50:54 PM »
Ever been outside Germany, minus Japan?
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • resident walker
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #70 on: April 14, 2011, 01:10:13 AM »
How much do you actually know about tunas? Or fishies in general?


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #71 on: April 14, 2011, 01:27:13 AM »
What are your thoughts on this?


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #72 on: April 14, 2011, 03:50:37 AM »
Can you list one good quality of each of the staff?

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #73 on: April 14, 2011, 04:00:28 AM »
How awesome am I for having come up with "Wordsmith" for that tag? :cool:
   - Can I get Wordsmith and/or IP and/or Spechul Membah for having done so? :V
This is the first I have heard of you coming up with it, but I wasn't around for the discussion, so I will take your word. Go ask Ruro about IP, maybe she's feeling generous :P :3

Will Wordsmith be joinable like Resident Artist++, or will it only be given to the ELITE?
That implies RA+ is freely joinable, which it is not, last time I checked. It was open for a short time, but then got closed again. Wordsmith will be given out like RA+ based on mod-decision (of course users that see someone who deserves the tag should go ahead and point it out to us, via Reports for example ^^)
I meant joinable as in via request. Or does my User CP lie!?

I've asked you before if you have seen any examples of effective illustration of danmaku in the library before, however you said you hadn't.
Now that it's your turn for Ask a Staffer, I demand you attempt it yourself!
It's "Ask", not "Make demands", so no :V
If I could describe danmaku, I would have already written it. I mentioned before that I'm not one for details, and that goes for details in action scenes as well. The most detailed scene I have written yet was a swordfight in Magical Librarians, and that was only possible due to possessing some books on the topic and having martial arts experience to work from.

So basically, if you find me the means to fly and shoot danmaku, and possibly get me a copy of the Grimoire of Marisa, I could gather experience to use for a written description of a danmaku battle. Deal?
Tch, no initiative!

I generally tend to take on a minimalist approach to detailwork as well. I find I have difficulty if I try to go beyond a certain level of detail.
Danmaku being a fool's dream, I'd at least like to be able to describe surroundings and people better.

Mystery/Detective Fiction appeals to me as well, but I have barely read any, mostly some short stories.
Does that mean you can't help me solidify Gensokyo Detective Squad? :(

If I give a man a fish, ___?
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.


Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2011, 04:13:16 AM »
What's the most important thing you've done?

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #75 on: April 14, 2011, 04:41:24 AM »
Inspire me to finish up that goddamn Keine story.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #76 on: April 14, 2011, 07:38:31 AM »
Ever been outside Germany, minus Japan?
I'm sure I answered that before :V
Wales (with a stop in London on the way), Czech (Prague) and Poland (Krakow). All three on school trips.

How much do you actually know about tunas? Or fishies in general?
Nothing more than everyone else. I have no specific knowledge about anything fish-related  :V

What are your thoughts on this?
I was young and needed the mon-
Oh heh, an excuse for cannibalis-

Can you list one good quality of each of the staff?
I'll list all for whom I can think of something right now. If someone is not listed it doesn't mean they don't have good qualities, it means I don't know them well enough, or my memory fails me right now :V

TSO: Hard-working
Edible: Hitting nails on the head when necessary
Kilga: Diligent
Matsy: Caring
Ruro: Fair
Nobu: Taking unpopular perspectives in debates
Gappy: Enthusiastic
Purvis: Creative
Vic: Cool-headed
Pesco: freaking mindhax Capability to look at things with a business-attitude
Hele: Calm and collected

You know, it's surprisingly hard to nail down one specific quality even when you have a good impression of the person O__O

I meant joinable as in via request. Or does my User CP lie!?
"Requesting" isn't the same as "joining". A request can be turned down. But if we are talking about requesting, yes, it's apparently requestable.

Tch, no initiative!
Go and take care of my university stuff and my writing and I can take care of describing danmaku :V

Does that mean you can't help me solidify Gensokyo Detective Squad? :(
Probably not. Have you tried asking Purvis? I think the danmaku battles in his Text Adventures were rather detailed?

If I give a man a fish, ___?
, he will slap you around with it and then take your wallet.

What's the most important thing you've done?
So far probably the decision to study sociology, because that will be decisive for the further course of my life.
Apart from that, I think everything I did that led to me meeting new people and gathering experiences of all sorts is important, because it's how I became who I am today :3

Inspire me to finish up that goddamn Keine story.
Keine needs more love. I don't recall that there's many stories with her as a main character. She often appears in stories, but usually on the side. "Oh hey, look, it's Miss Keine teaching the kids, give us some info to further the plot and then scram." or "Yo Keine, where's Mokou, she's more important!". Poor Keine herself doesn't get much spotlight. And when she does, it's the light of the full moon and she is displayed as a raging (caving) Ex-beast.
I'd love to read a story that sets Keine as the main character and employs her abilities in creative ways, and I am fairly sure you are capable of writing it, Purvis. You have the chance to present people a Keine they don't know yet.


  • Charisma!
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #77 on: April 14, 2011, 07:50:37 AM »

Name 5 things you as German are jealous of us Dutchies and also name 5 things us Dutchies should be jealous of Germans.

I'll give you 1 headstart for the 2nd one -> The size of your beer glasses.

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #78 on: April 14, 2011, 08:34:19 AM »
"Chicken of the Sea" is actually a brand name of tuna in the States.
But my question is: Why would you settle for chicken when there's "steak of the sea" like dolphins and whales?


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #79 on: April 14, 2011, 08:37:42 AM »

Would you like to form a contract with me?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #80 on: April 14, 2011, 09:03:33 AM »
You knew I was gonna ask this eventually. Dolphins: Friends or Foes? Our continued friendship may depend on your answer.

What, by your own standards, is the greatest thing you've ever done?

Is Germany really as bad about game censorship as they're said to be?

What's the one thing that can make you smile every time without fail?


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #81 on: April 14, 2011, 09:57:51 AM »
What's the best joke you've ever heard?

If you entered into a drinking contest with ZUN, who would win?

What's your best personal achievement to date?

What kind of personality would a Tuna youkai have?

Why can't I think of any good serious questions that have yet to been asked?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #82 on: April 14, 2011, 11:52:55 AM »
Name 5 things you as German are jealous of us Dutchies and also name 5 things us Dutchies should be jealous of Germans.

I'll give you 1 headstart for the 2nd one -> The size of your beer glasses.
(Don't take the following answers too serious, because I'm not really jealous of anything :V)

Things to be jealous of the Dutchies:
-Giant cheese wheels (especially Gouda)
-wooden shoes
-coffeeshops :V

Things you Dutchies should be jealous of:
-Beer glass sizes
-German cars
-Germany's economic strength
-No Geert Wilders
-Better soccer players
-Bratwurst and Lederhosen :V

"Chicken of the Sea" is actually a brand name of tuna in the States.
But my question is: Why would you settle for chicken when there's "steak of the sea" like dolphins and whales?
As far as I know the number of tunas in existance isn't anywhere close to the number of chicken, so it's kinda weird to compare them like that.
But if we take whales and dolphins into account... well, while some kinds of tunas are endangered species as well, it's not as bad as with whales and dolphins. You'd rather have some chicken than to kill the last cow on the planet, wouldn't you? And chicken is more healthy anyway, if I recall correctly.


Would you like to form a contract with me?


No. But would you like to be my lunch instead? You look edible   :]

You knew I was gonna ask this eventually. Dolphins: Friends or Foes?
You know how pedestrians think of car drivers? And car drivers of bicyclists, etc.? It's like that.
Tunas regard dolphins the same way the driver of an old car regards a modern sports car driver. Meaning they will normally share the road peacefully, but damn will they laugh once they see the other rushing into a tree (or a fishing-net, to keep up the analogy).  :]

What, by your own standards, is the greatest thing you've ever done?
Reconstructing my whole mindset to become the person I am today. I didn't always have that positive attitude I have today. I still like sarcasm, but back then I tended to be outright cynic often. I was still friendly and all, but I wouldn't say I was enjoying life. During a several month long break between finishing school and starting civil service I had way more time to think than I ever wanted. It was during that time, and also during the following months at the social office, that I reconstructed my whole mindset to what it is today, the base of my ability to look at life from a realistic point of view and still enjoy it and have fun while moving forward at the same time.

If I were to choose a less philosophical answer: Organizing and executing the whole trip to Japan in 2009. Best three weeks of my life so far. We got to talk with way more people than I had expected beforehand, which is good because it made the trip more than just "Look at tourist attractions", it made it a valuable and treasured experience :3

Is Germany really as bad about game censorship as they're said to be?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. First of all, it's all about violence. Nudity is way less a problem for Germany than it is for the US apparently. But beware of the violence, especially against humanoid enemies. It's kinda stupid because the games are still only for ages 18+, the highest rating we have, so why they need to censor it to protect an audience that is not allowed to play it anyway is beyond me. Even worse though, sometimes you have games censored, others uncensored, and a third won't even be released for no obvious reasons.
Left4Dead? Published. Dead Rising 2? Not published. No More Heroes? Censored. No More Heroes 2? Uncensored. RE: Umbrella Chronicles? Not published at all. RE: Darkside Chronicles? Published without censoring.
So yeah, the apparently missing standards and guidelines are a way bigger issue than the censoring in itself.

What's the one thing that can make you smile every time without fail?
Cheerful and peppy music. Or even better, that music with a cute video. This one works all the time. And this would be one example for a song without a video

What's the best joke you've ever heard?
I'm horrible at remembering and telling jokes. As such, I know there have been jokes in the past that made me laugh, but I can't remember any of them right  now. If I happen to recall again I will answer this later  :ohdear:

If you entered into a drinking contest with ZUN, who would win?
ZUN. I don't drink alcohol at all. A small glass on new year's for reasons of tradition, but that's about it. Having an alcoholic father is a damn good way to turn one off alcohol for good :P
I also don't like the taste of alcohol, if you want a more objective reason :V

What's your best personal achievement to date?
That would again be the Japan trip. Though if I am going to go with diversity in my answers, another achievement would be the way I pass uni as one of the best in my year despite me being horribly lazy and doing only minimum work. Either the standards are low, or I am indeed better than I want to admit. (And from all I can say the latter is more likely ;^^)

What kind of personality would a Tuna youkai have?
Hm, going by the normal traits of a fish: A very calm and quiet personality, maybe even often just standing around staring into empty space and minding her own business. A bit clumsy (how else do they get caught in nets?). Also trying to be friendly to everyone (swarm mentality) and a desire to avoid conflict wherever possible (tunas are no predators after all).
The latter traits kinda apply to fictional Sakana in the Librarian-stories, though the former do not. But she's only half-tuna, after all :3

Why can't I think of any good serious questions that have yet to been asked?
Don't ask me, I'm equally uncreative when it comes to asking questions. Which is the reason I have barely asked anything in the other Ask A Staffer threads so far ~_~

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2011, 01:10:55 PM »
Wait, Sakana is a half tuna?
... do I even WANT to know how that works?

Has there ever been a forum you've been to once or twice, but never were there again?
Likewise, Do you have any other forums that you are active on aside from this one?
Why does Germantube have to censor everything and their mother?
And finally, What came first, The tuna or the Sakana?


  • *Gnaws Donut*
  • Bow down before the true administrator!
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #84 on: April 14, 2011, 01:23:35 PM »
Questions, yaaaaaay!

Why is it that, even with such an imposing name (real name, :V), you aren't making your way to the top of the boards!? It may be in your blood!
(Yes, he's one of my favorite players)

Would you use the Sakana-maru to slash things at hyperspeed?

Favorite sea-food?

Can I gnaw your shoulder?

Powerup punchin'!


  • resident walker
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #85 on: April 14, 2011, 01:27:23 PM »
What is 2 + 2 ?

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #86 on: April 14, 2011, 01:59:58 PM »
Have you ever heard of an old history book called the Nuremberg Chronicle? It's really quite fascinating.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #87 on: April 14, 2011, 03:09:03 PM »
Reconstructing my whole mindset to become the person I am today. I didn't always have that positive attitude I have today. I still like sarcasm, but back then I tended to be outright cynic often. I was still friendly and all, but I wouldn't say I was enjoying life. During a several month long break between finishing school and starting civil service I had way more time to think than I ever wanted. It was during that time, and also during the following months at the social office, that I reconstructed my whole mindset to what it is today, the base of my ability to look at life from a realistic point of view and still enjoy it and have fun while moving forward at the same time.
how the hell did you do this

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #88 on: April 14, 2011, 03:13:19 PM »
Have you bought an ugly hat for fishing?


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 9 - No fishing allowed - Sakana
« Reply #89 on: April 14, 2011, 04:08:08 PM »
Bodo Wartke

Things you Dutchies should be jealous of:
You forgot Wacken.  :dragonforce:

how the hell did you do this
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."