Author Topic: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba  (Read 29102 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 48, May 28th, 2011.

It?s Chie-bothering time!

The two spend time on physical exercised by the riverbank, and, afterwards, head to Aiya for dinner. That is when the two hear the sounds of a conflict in a nearby alley.

A group of three punks had a kid up against a wall.

The boy in question was Chie?s former classmate, Takeshi. He runs to cower behind Chie, who strikes up a menacing pose against the bullies.

Those poor fools. Did you know that the human body can survive approximately ninety seconds in the vacuum of space? One loses consciousness very quickly due to the disrupted flow of blood, which is, I suppose, a mercy, considering what follows is paralysis and convulsions, often accompanied by fibrillation. In addition, small blood vessels would most likely burst in your exposed soft tissues ? your eyes and nose would bleed quite profusely, the blood immediately boiling off as it comes into contact with the hard vacuum. Furthermore, your body could well swell to up to double its volume due to the massive expansion of the water that most of your body is made out of. Oh, and that?s if you survive the acceleration of achieving escape velocity?

What I?m trying to say is: Don?t Fight Chie. So I save three lives that day and rush at the punks myself, before Chie gets going.

Fearing possible confrontation with the police, the bullies run away. Chie is unhappy that she did not get an opportunity to fight, then realizes that she must have could easily have escalated the situation further than it should have gone.

I like seeing a punk get stomped as much as the next guy. It?s no trouble, Chie.

Chie expresses her regret at her inability to rely on others, to let go of her vision of a lone vigilante when she has such a reliable group of allies at her side.

She?ll be fine, it?s never easy to change so abruptly. It just needs some time.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
It?s Chie-bothering time!

I'm oddly a fan of Ai's SL.  She starts off as a complete and utter bitch, but something about getting to the person under it all spoke to me.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 49, May 29th, 2011.

Kou calls ? him and Daisuke were planning on hanging out somewhere, and I?m invited along. I?ve nothing better to do, so I?m game.

We meet the three young men gathered at Inaba?s bookstore, discussing their latest purchases.

Daisuke thought he managed to snag an early issue of a comic he liked. It turns out he didn?t actually read the cover and got Witch Detective something instead. To be fair, the cover on that one looks very much like what he thought he was buying.

Daisuke gives Souji the unwanted comic book.

Why not just return it? Or is this some ploy to get me to read something Daisuke secretly likes? Is this like that pony thing going around the Internet these past few months?

At that moment, Chie notices the three young men and walks over.

Kou seems to harbor an irrational sense of terror of Chie.

The group spends an enjoyable afternoon.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 50, May 30th, 2011.

Souji learns of the teaching of Descartes in Mr. Morooka?s class, which tell of considering things with a grain of salt that one would normally take for granted.

Haven?t seen Yukiko in a while, so I go grab her. As it were.

Yukiko and Souji head to Junes on a shopping trip. Yukiko amasses a large amount of stationery, as well as catalogue numbers for desks and lamps.

Apparently it?s for studying for her job license, which brings up the question: where has she been studying before now?

Yukiko is still not clear on what job she wishes to pursue, but is determined to try every one she is able to, and thanks Souji for his aid in pointing out a part-time job, which has enabled Yukiko to earn some money of her own.

And then some people I?ve never seen walk up. I get a bad vibe off them immediately. Yukiko seems to know them, but there?s certainly no love lost between her and them.

Once the trio has left, Yukiko tells that they are from a television station that wants to cover the Amagi Inn.

She rejected them, as it turns out, because they seem more of a tabloid report-type. Very tabloid, actually. Good call on her part.

Yukiko wonders about the inn?s reputation, hoping that the recent incident would not drive away customers. With a hesitant sigh, she wonders if such a thing happening would make her feel better about leaving.

I stop her right there. That?s a really dangerous justification to be making.

Yukiko quickly catches herself, reassuring herself that she is in control of her life as it is. Yukiko thanks Souji for his patience in listening to her.

That evening, Souji starts reading the comic that Daisuke had given him ? Witch Detective.

Hm, this is actually pretty good. Maybe I?ll give that pony thing a go as well.

Kou seems to harbor an irrational sense of terror of Chie.

The group spends an enjoyable afternoon.
This made me giggle. :3c


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 51, May 31st, 2011.

Souji heads to the shrine in the shopping district.

I wonder what the fox thinks of my doing that little assignment.

The fox, an ever-vigilant guardian, shows up quickly once Souji arrives. It is exuberant when Souji tells it that the wish had been fulfilled, and the offering made. Souji spends some time at the shrine, then heads home once evening approaches.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 52, June 1st, 2011.

After school, Souji heads to the central shopping district to purchase a book -  Forever Macho ? that had been advertised for the past week.

Then I pegged it back to school ? Ai came by during lunchtime and asked me out. Can?t keep a lady waiting.

Ai insists on coming to Okina City, however, she is not in the mood for shopping. Souji suggests she accompany him on some shopping. Despite her initial incredulous reaction, she decides that it could be interesting. Getting up, she wonders aloud, saying that she would not have met Souji had she not signed up to manage the football team.

That came out of nowhere, really. And, no matter how interesting she may be, it?s not the luckiest of experiences no matter how she spins it.

Ai is untroubled at Souji?s rebuttal, amused by her mischief of having Souji skip class. She quotes the advisor?s speech when he assigned her as team manager, making fun of his team-play attitude and saying that she would never understand the appeal of team sports.

And, despite all this, she decides to cheer me on every so often. Who is she fooling here, anyway?

A boy suddenly runs up to Ai and asks her on a date. Ai quickly and harshly rebukes him by means of a disparaging comment about his appearance.

She could have at least talked to him. Then again, she wasn?t interested at all, so her thinking is that shutting him down right off doesn?t build false pretenses. Good thinking, but might require a bit more finesse.

Tired, Ai insists on heading home.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 53, June 2nd, 2011.

Eager to pass the rainy day, Souji heads to the drama club. After their exercised, Yumi starts to talk about the school concours this year, where she is expecting to play the lead role.

And then a girl runs in. You know how this is the drama club? Yeah.

The girl tells Yumi that her mother has collapsed. Souji urges the confused Yumi to head immediately to the hospital.

The club chair called off the rest of today?s rehearsal. I couldn?t just leave Yumi like that, so I head over to the hospital as well.

Souji finds Yumi shouting questions at a woman in the hallway about an unknown man. The woman is her mother, who, it is revealed, had not collapsed at all. Instead, she lied about the situation to trick Yumi into coming to the hospital.

Yumi?s always him, him, him, in this utterly derisive tone. A father figure of sorts, maybe? There?s certainly no happy feelings going on there, that?s certain.

Yumi?s mother explains that Yumi?s father is terminally-ill, and, in his last moments, wanted to see her. Yumi exclaims that the man is a stranger to her, and she does not care about his condition either way.

It turns out he left the family way back when. Yumi won?t accept him coming into their lives like this. I can see how Yumi?s nerves are wracked, and I?m just eavesdropping.

Yumi?s mother declares that she will stay by her husband?s side until he passes away regardless of Yumi?s choices, and walks away. Yumi spots Souji at the end of the hallway.

I ?fess up. She calls me names. I reckon I deserve it.

Yumi elaborates on the story afterwards. Her father left ten years ago with another woman, and, in his last moments, has requested the presence of his wife and daughter. Yumi feels enraged that her mother still holds feelings for the man whom Yumi clearly loathes.

I try my best to say something comforting, but I can?t even convince myself. My most genuine contribution is standing there looking very awkward. Go me. You?re a real Cyrano de Bergerac, Souji.

Having resolved nothing, Souji and Yumi head home in silence.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 54, June 3rd, 2011.

The rain continues, and, in the gloomy atmosphere, Souji is unable to find anyone to spend the afternoon with.

So I go for the next best thing, the friend in a rainy day one can always depend on. The Aiya Mega Beef Bowl.

That evening, Souji, having finished Witch Detective, starts on the next installment of Forever Macho.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 55, June 4th, 2011.

You?re killing me here, people. Literally ? if I keep eating Mega Beef Bowls at this rate, I?m going to have a heart attack.

That evening, the weather forecast reports heavy fog moving into the area. In a bout of exhilaration at having beaten their unknown adversary once again, Souji drinks a bottle of milk far past its expiration date.

Yes, yes, hindsight etcetera.

Elsewhere, at the fog-shrouded shopping district, a figure mutters darkly to themselves.

Wait! Didn?t that happen before? Back when? Oh, I am not feeling well tonight. Be right back, Narrator.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 56, June 5th, 2011.

I?m scouring the shopping district for the person who put up that latest ema ? something about not wanting snacks any more, and I run into the woman in question. She thinks that having a weird snack might allow her to stop snacking. I?ve no idea, but I?ll keep an eye out. In unrelated news?

Souji notices Chie down the street, near the armoury. In a flash of inspiration, he asks Chie if she knows anything about unusual snack foods. Unfortunately, Chie is unable to think of something.

?And gives me a stick of Meat Gum. Never change, Chie. That?ll do nicely!

The strange chewing gum turns the woman off snacks, and she rushes off to the shrine to present her offering.

Well, might as well hang around with Chie and bond over weird tastes.

Later, by the riverbank, the two are discussing martial arts movies. Takeshi comes by to apologize to Chie for giving her trouble. In response, Takeshi calls Chie out on her attitude, saying that she would have nothing left without her direct approach to matters. In addition, he disparages Yukiko?s sporadic laughing tic.

Chie snaps. The guy leaves post-haste.

Chie recalls how she met Yukiko long ago, when Yukiko was sitting by the side of the road, utterly despondent, having decided to run away from home. Chie had tried her best to cheer Yukiko up, and, since then, was determined to protect Yukiko no matter what.

Somewhere along the road, she says, that must have gotten all twisted up to form that Shadow.

After that incident, Chie focused on herself, striving to become as reliable as possible, doing different tasks, but, in hindsight, missing the point of her own resolution.

She?s made the first step of coming to terms with who she really is, and it?s an easier road from there.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 57, June 6th, 2011.

The young group of investigators has gathered on the rooftop of the school, with their recent rescuee, Kanji. Despite his attitude when they first met him, Kanji finds it hard to find the right way to address everyone, as they are a class older than him.

Kanji?s just as in the dark as Yukiko was. He can?t even tell us much about that boy he talked to. He couldn?t even figure out if he?s in the proverbial closet or not, or whether he even needs to bother thinking about it, apparently. He?s fine now, though, so it?s probably much of a moot point.

Kanji tells how, since he was a child, he was interested in sewing and clothing due to his parents. He, however, resents the reactions he usually gets for expressing his interests in public and, as a result, lost control of his emotions and became the violent and angry individual for a long time.

It?s pretty cool how he can be so honest about himself. I tell him that much.

After some deliberation, Kanji wonders if the group has made any discoveries about the incident he was in, and offers any help he can provide. Souji invites him into the team, and Kanji eagerly accepts.

So we take him to our ?special headquarters.? It takes several passes to explain to Kanji what?s going on. It?s interesting how everything happened just about the same way as with Yukiko, but nobody noticed anything out of the ordinary. Also all our initial theories are just about gone, and we don?t have anything new to replace them.

Eager to help, Kanji produces a sheet of paper that he had taken off a classmate earlier that day.

Interesting. This particular list of TV programs rings a few bells?

The list provides a list of names and dates, and the group quickly matches the dates to when said people were seen on television.

It went through Yamano, Konishi, then Yukiko ? how can I not remember the toffee ? and Kanji.

The group deduces that every victim had been seen on a television interview prior to their disappearance. Considering that Yukiko had not been targeted twice, it is considered that perhaps the killer is following an unknown set of rules. Despite this, the killer?s motive still remains unknown.

We?re looking at a serial killer. Motives are going to be difficult to pinpoint, but this is a good lead nevertheless.

Kanji praises the group for their work regardless, and Yukiko chimes in that their deduction about Kanji being the victim was correct.

We?ve got nothing better to do than keep watching the Midnight Channel. Then, Chie changes topic quite abruptly ? turns out there?s some sort of camp-out next week. Sounds fun, but we?ve still got things to do today before we can relax.

Inside the world behind the television screen, Kanji is introduced to Teddie. Teddie warns Kanji off touching his fur, much to Kanji?s chagrin.

It dawns on Kanji right then that Yukiko went through the same thing as him. His entirely innocent question is answered with that same slap that Yosuke got way back when. I?m pretty certain we?ll be hearing that one soon enough again once it makes its way around the Earth.

Teddie presents Kanji with a pair of glasses, in celebration of the new addition to the investigation team.

It?s those things again! The ones with the moustache and the googley eyes! I thought we destroyed those! Are you making more of these, Teddie? The world can only handle so much stupid before it starts to crack.

Yukiko responds mirthfully to Kanji?s bizarre appearance. Kanji, enraged, snatches the other pair of glasses in Teddie?s hands, apparently the ones he was supposed to get.

Aah, the double-gag-glasses switcharoo. Masterfully-played, Teddie. Dix points.

Eventually, Kanji gets his proper pair of glasses.

"Dix" points?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Fighter than anyone else
"Dix" points?
I think he means Six. :wat:

It's French for ten. You philistines. :V

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Well excuuuuuse me for not being too good with french. :V
Only foreign language I'm even remotely good with is Japanese.
Though you'd be surprised what you pick up watching Raocow.

Besides, the D's right next to the S. Anyone with half a brain and little knowledge of french would think it's a typo. :V
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 58, June 7th, 2011.

Souji reports to the Fox about having completed yet another ema assignment. The fox is elated at the news.

No journeys of self-discovery, no personal drama that brings one to a new level of understanding. Just me and a fox, bro?ing out. It?s nice to do every so often.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 59, June 8th, 2011.

Mr. Kondo tells of ham actors, and Yukiko asks Souji where the term originated.

It?s derogatory short-hand for Hamlet. What can I say? Wellspring of useless trivia, that?s me.

After school, Mr. Morooka seeks out Souji to inform him that this week is a so-called health week. He volunteers Souji for a position in place of a sick member of the Student Health Association.

Hm, it sounds easy, and will probably get me some extra credit here or there. Sure, I?m game.

Souji heads to the infirmary, where he is tasked to invigilate the room, use the first aid kit should someone use it and watch for salesmen and representatives.

Speaking of! Some guy ? Kitao - from Santo Pharmaceuticals showed up to tell that the gauze would arrive the month after next. I tell the health council as much when they come back.

Afterwards, the council discusses matters around the school. Apparently, they are short-staffed due to the absence of a certain Konishi.

Either they are being bizarrely insensitive, or there is something I don?t know.

A pale-looking boy walks in at that moment. He and Souji are tasked to clear the infirmary. When the council leaves, he introduces himself as Saki Konishi?s brother.

I try not to wince.

The boy immediately expresses his dislike of Souji and Yosuke, and excuses himself to leave.

The kid?s been through a lot, he?s obviously just lashing out. I let him go.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 60, June 9th, 2011.

Souji invites Yukiko to have lunch, and shares the spicy curry he had made the evening before. Yukiko greatly appreciates the food, and, blushing, suggests he consider working as a chef at the Amagi inn.

After school, I ran across the Konishi kid. He snapped at me, but he didn?t seem really into it.

The boy complains about how everyone acts uncomfortably around him. Despite resenting this situation, he also finds it oddly comforting. Saying he had nothing to talk to Souji about, he turns away.

Maybe he?ll open up a bit more eventually. I head into town, one thing leads to another, and now I?m on the hunt for a hungry cat on the riverbank. I find it and give it some fish I had bought on the shopping channel. Don?t ask.

Afterwards, Souji heads back to school.

I?ve obviously not had enough misery for one day, so I head on over straight to Drama. Fortunately, nothing noteworthy happened this time around.

That evening, Souji spends time talking with Dojima. It seems that Dojima is aware of the investigation group?s gatherings at Junes, and even has noticed their large amount of trips to the electronics department.

And once again he?s shut down by Nanako. Nanako, where would I be without you?


In jail. That?s where.

Nanako complains that Dojima does not spend enough time with her. Dojima attempts to make excuses, but Nanako is insistent.

She?s falling asleep on her feet, though, so we put her to bed and sit back down. I wonder aloud if Dojima doesn?t really know how to deal with children.

Dojima explains that, while true, that is not the main issue. He had left raising Nanako to his wife, and, now, does not know how to approach her. He wonders if he is at all fit to be the girl?s father.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 61, June 10th, 2011.

Souji runs into Chie on the way to school. She is enthusiastic about solving the serial murder-kidnapping case, but admits that she is not very capable at deduction and logic.

At lunch, we talk about how we?ve got to keep an eye on the Midnight Channel just about every day now ? the rainy season?s just about starting.

Yosuke agrees, and wonders if the rain will affect the school campout. Chie says that it is nothing to get excited about, and mocks the campout?s intended purpose.

It turns out that the real reason for the campout is to pick up trash off the mountain. To be fair, compared to what we do in the TV, that?s approximately zero effort.

Yukiko says that the camp only lasts one night and disbands shortly before noon the next day. Chie recalls that the year before they had fun at the river, and Yosuke appears to pick up on some sort of idea.

That was about it for school. After school, well, rainy day means Aiya, and a lighter wallet. I stop by the shrine to pick up another assignment first: it looks like a family wants Koro to come back. A dog, perhaps?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 62, June 11th, 2011.

Souji hears rumours about Kanji bullying students in school. Curious, he finds Kanji near the sewing room in the Practice building.

I tell him we need to talk, and he suggests we talk somewhere else.

Some time later, we find the two young men on the Samegawa riverbank.

I ask him if he?s connected to the bullies. I mean, I believe he?s not part of it, but I want to hear it from him.

Kanji confirms that he is not part of the gang. Worried, he says that he might be responsible for such rumours being spread.

I tell him not to worry about it. Still, I?m surprised that he cares so much.

Kanji asks Souji if he could, in the future, listen to Kanji and help him through his issues.

I owe him that much. Kanji?s link is the Emperor, and I?m certain he?ll be great on our team.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 63, June 12th, 2011.

Souji receives an invitation by phone from Yukiko to spend the day together.

Why not? I wonder how she?s doing with her plans.

We find Souji and Yukiko in the Junes grocery department, Yukiko carefully following her shopping list.

She hopes she?s gotten better at her cooking, and, for my sake, so do I. I suggest she keep practicing no matter how her cooking might turn out.

Yukiko agrees that there is little point to her efforts unless she works alone, and mentions how her inn?s cooks often prevent her from making mistakes, despite her continued requests to the contrary.

They just care about her, but I do see her point ? you?ve got to make mistakes to learn. Provided you recognize them as mistakes, that is.

Yukiko says that her efforts have spread rumours around the inn that she is learning to cook for a boy she likes. Blushing, she mutters how there?s a grain of truth in that, and asks Souji to taste her cooking again.

I, uh, hm. Well? You know. Uh. Narrator, take over, please.

Souji helps Yukiko finish her shopping, and heads home soon thereafter.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 64, June 13th, 2011.

During lunch period, Souji shares the potato salad he had made the night before with Yumi. She praises the meal, and encourages Souji to share his next one as well.

We have gym afterwards. The teacher springs a pop quiz ? sprinting is anaerobical exercise, what with the body never being able to take in enough oxygen during the run for it to be, well, aerobical.

Souji seeks out Yukiko after school to make good on his promise to be her primary taste-tester.

We head over to the shrine ? Yukiko wants to pay her respects, apparently.

Yukiko tells Souji that the shrine is a popular destination for the Amagi Inn staff, who all pray at the shrine for small blessings. Sighing, she wonders about being able to come to the shrine again after she leaves Inaba.

She thinks she couldn?t be able to face her parents again. On the one hand, that?s really admirable dedication. On the other hand, if this decision is tearing her up so badly, is it really the right thing to decide without talking to her family?

A woman in a kimono walks up to the shrine, and greets Yukiko. After some small talk, she wonders if Souji is the boyfriend from the Inn?s rumours.

Yukiko denies everything and, after the woman walks away with a satisfied grin on her face, has trouble looking at me. This is the same girl who?s determined and ambitious enough to potentially sever ties with her own family. It strikes me that she, perhaps, might be trying to run before she can walk, as it were. I don?t think Chie can help her with this particular problem, and, well, I like her anyway. So I bust out the smoothest line I?ve said since I ever arrived in Inaba. Which isn?t saying much.

Yukiko breaks out in a flush at Souji?s comment how the rumours are not mistaken, and tries to laugh it off. Suddenly introspective, she remembers how much the Inn?s staff have aided her throughout her life. She says that she is happy for their support and care. Thankful for her friends and family, she declares her dedication to doing her best for their sake as well as hers.

I?m beginning to hear a grain of doubt when she again talks about leaving.


  • Fighter than anyone else

Day 65, June 14th, 2011.

Nothing interesting today. Ate at Aiya?s, and that?s about it. There was most certainly nothing about a trick with a rubber band that Nanako saw through effortlessly.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 66, June 15th, 2011.

In morning class, Mr. Morooka reminds about the serious nature of the school?s camp-out the coming weekend. Souji assists Yosuke in answering a question the answer to which Yosuke does not know.

I think I may have invented a whole new system of nonverbal communication from all this.

After school, Souji follows up on his promise to meet up with Ai that he had made that lunchtime. While waiting at the designated spot, he sees Daisuke, who greets Souji. Daisuke?s classmates wonder about the football team, and about the team?s manager. Daisuke remarks dryly that she does not perform her duties. Daisuke?s classmates start to wonder, and then proceed to make increasingly questionable and vulgar remarks about Ai?s personal life.

Seriously. Stop it.

Daisuke is equally offended by the conversation, and chastises the students for their poor taste and rumourmongering. The group leaves soon afterwards.

And, right on cue, Ai walks out from behind the lockers. It turns out she heard everything.

Ai comments that she is unperturbed by the students? remarks, and, with a tense expression, continues to reassure herself that she need not concern herself with the opinions of people she does not know.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 67, June 16th, 2011.

Souji is greeted by Yukiko on the way to school, who wonders about the campout group and the dinner that they would have to cook. She suggests that they gather and purchase ingredients after school.

And that?s exactly what we do. Yukiko and Chie decide to make curry, which is fine ? it?s hard to mess up a curry.

The two girls continue discussing the ingredients they should purchase for the curry.

Have you ever seen a trainwreck in slow motion? The grinding of wheels, the sparks as metal scrapes against metal, the flying shards of glass as carriage upon carriage piles up into an unidentifiable mess.

Hoping for the best, the girls decide to take every ingredient that sounds appropriate to put into a curry.

The wailing of women and children, the shouts of panic and despair as people scramble from the devastation, and the profound survivor?s horror that sets in as those alive realize how many did not make it out.

Deciding to add more character to the curry, Chie and Yukiko decide to add unusual ingredients ? Chie recommends mint chocolate and mocha coffee, while Yukiko considers seafood.

Those people?s lives will never be the same, not really. A brush with death ? and such a violent one, at that ? always changes a person. The lucky ones will merely be shaken for weeks, their nerves stretched to breaking, terrified of leaving their lives in the hands of strangers. But there will be those worse off ? post-traumatic stress disorders will set in, manifesting in a vast variety of ways ? somatoform disorders, schizophrenia, intense phobias, leaving them broken wrecks of people. Only years of therapy will give them a chance to stand on their own two feet again.

That evening, Souji talks to Dojima again.

Huh? Where was I? Oh, right, Dojima. Nothing interesting this time around.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 68, June 17th, 2011.

Today is the first day of the school camp. Souji hurries to the meeting place.

It was as Chie and Yukiko said it would be: back-breaking slave labour. We got through it somehow, though, so Yosuke and I sit around, waiting for Chie and Yukiko to finish cooking. Well, Yosuke?s waiting. I?m hardening my body for the ordeals to come.

Yosuke is enthusiastic at the prospect of trying the food the girls are cooking, reasoning that Yukiko must have great experience from her Amagi Inn heritage.

I tell him straight not to eat it. Bro to bro. This is serious business, not to joke about.

Yosuke is unconvinced, and laughs at what he thinks are Souji?s transparent attempts to keep the food to himself.

And that?s when the girls come over with the curry.

Yosuke eagerly takes the first bite.

Alas, poor Yosuke. I knew him, Nanako, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

Yosuke recovers from his faint, and lashes out at the girls, citing their curry as something inedible. Chie tries to offer a positive aspect of the curry, but Yosuke is highly unconvinced, and emphatically implores Souji not to eat his portion.

Dolce et decorum est pro Chie et Yukiko mori, right, Narrator? A man ought eat what be placed before him, especially if it is through the efforts of a fair maiden. Is this a spoon which I see before me, Narrator, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee?

Despite his best efforts, Souji is unable to swallow a bite of Chie and Yukiko?s curry. Once Souji has recovered, the girls apologise for their poor performance, and Yosuke bemoans the group?s foodless fate.

We spot a girl eating what amounts to a bucket of curry on the table next to ours. She wasn?t willing to share, though. Where do they get these people, Narrator?

Mr. Morooka calls the curfew and, with sheepish grins, the girls bid Souji and Yosuke good-bye and the groups head to their respective tents.

Turns out Kanji?s with us as well! He got bored of the first-year tent and snuck over to ours. The other two who were supposed to be with us called in sick, so it?s just us. Quite hilariously, this makes Yosuke profoundly uncomfortable, for some reason.

Kanji talks about a run-in he had had with Morooka, who had threatened Kanji with expulsion, and how, apparently, Morooka had been heard commenting in poor taste about the deaths of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. The group agrees that it is very easy to imagine the man talking in such a manner.

And it is approximately then that the true tale of these two days begins. The Sordid Tale of Yosuke?s Poor Decisions and How Souji Takes the Bad Karma For Them.

Yosuke warily asks Kanji about the true purpose of his visit to their tent. At Kanji?s confusion, Yosuke elaborates on his fear of whether he would be safe alone with Kanji. Kanji reacts violently, and Yosuke demands proof that Kanji is comfortable being around girls.

I tried to stop him, but, well, look at that guy. He?s scary.

Meanwhile, in Chie and Yukiko?s tent, the two girls are kept up by the snoring of their tentmate. The two even have trouble focusing on their conversation, and, while they deliberate on darker and darker solutions to their predicament, they hear a rustling outside their tent?

Some time after Kanji charged out of our tent, we hear Chie and Yukiko outside. We let them in before Morooka spots them. It turns out they?re here because Kanji was, and I quote, ?out cold.? Chie elaborates how he barged into their tent and, I continue to quote, ?fainted all of a sudden.? It sounds to be like a case of unstoppable force meeting immovable object.

The group eventually figures out sleeping arrangements and, in the cramped space of the tent made even smaller by the haphazard assembly of a dividing wall between the girls? and boys? sides, the investigation team goes to sleep.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 69, June 18th, 2011.

The next morning, the investigation team gathers by the local river, Kanji unable to piece together the events that had occurred to him the night before. Eager to put the events of the night before behind him, Yosuke encourages the group to go swimming.

The girls pass, which, according to Yosuke, seems to not be good enough.

Chie and Yukiko claim that they do not have swimsuits with them as the reason for their reluctance.

I have to say, Yosuke?s response just about proves that he must be some sort of genius mastermind. Now if he only stopped making really poor decisions.

Yosuke produces two sets of Junes-brand swimwear that had, according to him, just come in for the summer. Noticing the girls? reluctance, he mentions how much he had been looking forward to dinner the night before, and how, without his and Souji?s help, they would be out of a tent.

Genius. Awful, but a genius nonetheless.

Soon enough, the girls come back from changing.

Yosuke deserves a monument to him. Oh, and the girls look pretty great too, I guess. That is not to say that the good times would last, given Yosuke?s presence.

Yosuke comments that Chie and Yukiko would grow up into good-looking women, and asks Souji for his opinion on the matter.

Et tu, Yosuke? Just for reference, the correct answer to a question like that would be to run like hell. Unfortunately, the river was behind me, and Chie ? and, by extension, the cold vastness of outer space ? was blocking off my escape route. So, once again resigned to my fate, I smile and nod.

Souji and Yosuke are promptly shoved into the freezing river waters.

I?m not too sure what happened up there, but Kanji followed us in shortly thereafter. So there I am, considering my fate, when we all hear a man vomiting into the river upstream. Turns out it was Morooka from last night?s binge. Narrator? We will never speak of this again.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 70, June 19th, 2011.

Yosuke no doubt pines without my company, so off I go to Junes!

Souji meets up with Yosuke, and Yosuke insists that Souji shows him the house he lives in and his room.

Yosuke leads with the best and most tactful question one can ask one?s male friend. Where do I keep the proverbial ?goods,? eh, Yosuke? Not under the futon, I?ll definitely tell you that. Indeed, there are men who would prefer to have their goods in plain sight, for all to see! As it were.[/i]

Yosuke continues his line of questioning, and finds out that no girls have so far ventured into Souji?s room. Before his interrogation continues, Nanako knocks on the door, wondering if Souji had seen something she was looking for.

I am not entirely sure how this happens with Yosuke, but one neck-breaking change of direction later, the conversation turns to him being resigned that a love life is not something he needs right now. Nanako is about as lost as I am.

Despite the young man clearly having trouble grasping his place in life, his determination to solve the case and help Souji shines through.

Yosuke leaves soon afterwards, and I help Nanako prepare dinner.

During dinner, Souji hears a press conference on television discussing a certain Rise Kujikawa?s leave of absense from the entertainment industry.

An idol, right? She says that it?s not for health ? physical or mental - reasons, but, Narrator, I?ve never seen a more tired girl in my life. She?s two yards off a hundred-yard stare, if you catch my drift.

A slew of questions follow, some wondering if the idol would be staying in Inaba with her family. An agency spokesman closes the press conference before it goes on any further, and the report ends.

Dojima seems to know more, judging from his comment about her being the centre of attention if she comes to Inaba. He usually doesn?t just wonder about that. Which leads me to think that my narrative-driven life will clash with Rise Kujikawa?s soon enough.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 71, June 20th, 2011.

On the way to school, Kanji tells Souji that the shopping district was more lively than usual that morning.

That about confirms what Dojima was saying.

At school, the investigation team discusses Rise Kujikawa?s break from the showbusiness. Yosuke tells that she is highly popular, often seen on the media. Indeed, Yosuke admits that he is a fan of her as well.

Chie confirms for us that Rise used to live in Inaba, and no doubt has many local fans. Apparently her family runs a tofu shop that ? according to Yukiko ? have been working with the Amagi Inn for a long time.

The group remembers the little-mentioned Marukyu tofu shop in the shopping district.

Chie ? of all people ? reminds us about our case, that Rise, having been shown on television, could well be the next target. Yukiko says that there is no connection between Rise and Yamano, but she?s definitely the talk of the town, and easily fits the pattern so far. We agree to keep an eye on her.

Later that morning, Souji gets quizzed on History.

Who said ?Law is the correct judgement of the state?? These are getting hard. Good thing we?re going multiple-choice ? Pascal was more of a mathematician and religious philosopher, so probably nothing on law from him; Plato wrote a lot on everything, but was Socrates? student, and followed his teacher?s words quite closely when he talked on the state of government. Socrates it is.

After school, Souji spots Saki Konishi?s brother standing alone in a hallway. Hoping to get through to the boy, Souji asks if they can talk.

Just then the intercom goes off. They?re looking for the Health Association members. I tell the kid to go on. I get dragged in at the last moment ? it seems I?ve been volunteered by Morooka again.

Souji makes his way to the infirmary, where the rest of the Association have already gathered. Conversation quickly turns to Saki Konishi?s brother, and how his situation gives him seemingly-unfair priviliges.

I was this close to giving them the biggest rant of this week, Narrator, but I held my tongue. The kid needs to defend himself.

Saki Konishi?s brother comes in at that moment to deliver a scathing remark to the gossiping students, reminding them of what his situation exactly is. With a curt apology for the outburst, he leaves again.

I find him near the lockers after we finish. We have the most awkward of greetings, and part ways. He decided to stay a bit to complete his task for the Health Association.

That evening, on his irregular raid of the refrigerator, Souji chances upon a bag of wasabi.

Okay, I have no idea what I was thinking then. Sometimes you just go for the lick, you know?

Souji decides to go to bed early that day.