Author Topic: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba  (Read 29146 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Opening - Pursuing My True Self

It is April 11th, 2011. As such, Persona 4 starts, canonically, today. Thus a few of us P4-loving folk have decided to play the game out day-by-day.

My particular entry won't be an LP, as I am able to neither take screenshots nor video. I hope that someone else manages to work either of the two in, as pictures are great.

My personal contribution is a solo run, but on Normal, as I don't want to have to really strain myself on the grind. How am I going to do it without images? I'll figure it out.


We follow a luxurious blue limousine as it makes its tracks through a thick, white fog. Its origin and destination unknown, we may only briefly wonder about this strange sight before we are whisked inside.

A bizarre-looking, hook-nosed man greets us from across a small, deep-blue table. To our left, a row of tumblers and champagne flutes, all masterfully crafted from deep-blue glass, emits the occasional quiet tinkle. The floor beneath our feet is bedecked in deep-blue velvet, and the woman to the man's left - even now calmly observing us with striking golden eyes - is wearing a strict deep-blue dress.

The man greets us, and gives us his name - Igor. It seems we are expected. He tells us that this peculiar place that we are in - the so-called Velvet Room - does not exist in the real world, but is, rather, a gathering-point for certain individuals that hold a contract.

Still wearing his wry, implacable smile, he offers us a look into the future, as if such a task is a simple stage trick for him. With a gentle flash of blue light, he spreads seven cards on the table in front of him. Wondering at the simplicity of the process that yet carries a myriad of results, the odd man remarks with a giggle that a deck of cards is much like life itself.

Our first card is the Tower in upright position - a portent of terrible things to come, of ruin and fall, of the collapse of everything that had been strong and impregnable.

It is then no wonder that the future is represented by the Moon in upright position - a future shrouded in illusion and mystery, a symbol of signs that lead astray, and of the truth, obfuscated.

Unperturbed at this perhaps disquieting turn of events, the strange man tells us that we would meet him again, when we would enter into a contract. His tone not changing one bit, he warns us that should we fail at unraveling the mystery that will no doubt soon surround us, our very future may be forever lost.

No doubt the odd man understands the weight of his prophecy. He reassures us that we may rely on him, and his assistant, for aid. Perhaps the man is forgetful, for he realises with a chuckle that he has not yet introduced his assistant by name - Margaret.

For the first time since we entered this strange realm, Margaret speaks, echoing her master's reassurance that she would help us to her best abilities.

And, as quickly we entered the enfogged limousine, we leave.

Day 1

It is now that we meet a certain young man, waking up after a long train journey. It will still be a few minutes before he arrives, so why don't we let him introduce himself?

Thanks, Narrator. I'm Souji Seta, and I'm moving to Inaba to stay with my uncle whilst my parents are away for a year. I like puzzles and videogames, but I'm not really good at working with others - I tend to formulate and optimise things too much. Narrator here is pretty much the only exception.

Thank you, Souji. Look, we're arriving.

We arrive at a small, rural train station and, once the train has left, we have no choice but to remark at the silence that is only broken by the chirping of birds. Indeed, this will be a different life for Souji, who was brought up in the inner city.

A sharp-jawed gentleman with a bit of a five-'o-clock shadow and a messy haircut greets us as we exit the station, a little girl hiding nervously behind his legs. Souji recognises him right away as his uncle, Ryotaro Dojima. Despite the man being obviously stressed and tired, he goes out of his way to put on a friendly face.

He seems to be more nervous than I am, actually. There are a few ways to approach him, but I'll stay casual - it should diffuse the situation, break the ice... There I go again, calculating instead of relating. I hope this doesn't become a problem for me.

BGM - New Days

Dojima takes the casual tone in stride, easing up. With a genuine smile on his face, he gently pushes forward the little girl who had been hiding behind his leg all this time. He introduces her as Nanako, his daughter.

She doesn't seem to be very good with strangers.

Indeed, the girl manages only a "'lo" before running into the refuge of her father's shadow. Dojima only chuckles, earning a solid smack from Nanako.

Introductions come to an end, and the group heads over to Dojima's car, to begin their short trip home.

We see a brief view of Inaba's main shopping district. Small, no doubt family-run shops dot the area, and not a single building is over two stories high. Dojima pulls over at a small gas station, and an attendant immediately runs over to greet them. Nanako runs off to the restrooms, and the attendant, tasked by Dojima to refill the car, takes the opportunity to engage in conversation with Souji.

That attendant comes on a bit too strong. "Friends" this and "part-time jobs" that. And what is up with that handshake? It... stung.

No doubt we will understand more as time passes, Souji. Both you and I know that there is more to this town than meets the eye. And consider the silver lining - Nanako's finally managed to pull together the courage to talk to you herself.

Only to worry about me. She looks like a nice kid, though. Still, I do feel dizzy. I hope it wears off.

The journey home is uneventful, and we finally arrive at the Dojima residence. It is a spacious house, considering that Dojima and Nanako are its only inhabitants. It starts getting dark outside that we find Souji, Dojima and Nanako at a table. Dojima proposes a toast, and tries to strike up conversation with Souji.

He knows what my situation is, and seems actually happy to have another person around the house. I heard his wife passed away some time ago. I guess the guy still still can't get used to the empty third space. It was getting a bit heavy, so I tried to diffuse things with a bit of comedy. He didn't get it.

Dojima barely has time to pick up his chopsticks before his mobile phone rings. With only the briefest of conversations with the other end, Dojima hangs up and excuses himself.

The awkward silence was deafening. Dojima's call sounded important, I'd guess he's a doctor or a detective. Not many other jobs have a guy on-call the whole day. Maybe I can get a few more words out of Nanako, see if I can't get her to talk about her dad.

Nanako tells us that her father's work is, indeed, that of a detective.

And then the news comes on - something about a civil servant having an affair. Narrator, please keep track, this sounds important.

The news tells us of a council secretary, Taro Namatame, indeed having an affair with newscaster Mayumi Yamano. The man's wife, Misuzu Hiiragi, stated that she would be pursuing damages.

Looks like Yamano will be keeping low while everything is being resolved. Nanako agrees with me that this isn't the most exciting stuff in the world. Junes, on the other hand, seems great.

Souji tries to get some more words out of Nanako, but no no avail. Still feeling hungry, he roots around in the fridge for something to eat.

That fried rice ... had no taste. Literally. Weird.

With nothing better to do, Souji decides to turn in for the night.

You're very insistent today, Narrator. It's just a sofa, let me have a look at it.

With nothing better to do, Souji decides to turn in for the night.


And so ends Souji's first day in-

Hold on! There was that dream, with the fog and the red path!

My apologies, Souji. Indeed, our hero finds himself in a strange realm, surrounded by an impenetrable fog extending as far as the eye could see. The only sounds around are the quiet blowing of a still wind and Souji's footsteps as he tries to find a way out.

You don't give me much choice, Narrator. What if I were to jump off this path? ...On second thoughts, you know best.

A mysterious voice echoes around the realm, as if the wind itself were speaking. Almost mocking, the voice invites Souji to search for truth, and, in doing so, search for the speaker themselves. Soon enough, Souji finds a door, beyond which he knows the speaker resides. Steeling himself, he walks through...

...Only to find his adversary enshrouded in the same fog that penetrates this entire realm. Their tone confident in their superiority, Souji's adversary states that Souji is unable to find his opponent.

And so, unable to find the truth. That's a challenge if I've ever heard one. Still, these are terms I understand - Attack, Guard, Skill. I'll face the truth head-on.

Souji Attacks.

Some damage got through!

The adversary seems surprised at this turn of events, wondering at how Souji is able to see through the fog.

Fog of lies, I've heard that metaphor before. Good thing this fog is thick enough to cut!

Souji Attacks again, once again eliciting surprise from his adversary. Despite Souji's onslaught, however, the adversary does not seem perturbed.

"Bewildering Fog?" He's gone, there's nothing to attack. Devious.

Confident in their superiority, the adversary tells Souji of a cycle. A cycle where one sees the truth that they want to see, so deepening the fog of deception that only shortens one's vision even further. Their voice echoing through the fog, the adversary wonders if, perhaps, they and Souji would meet again.

That's where the dream ended.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 01:59:18 AM by theshim »


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
I have a tab open with an extremely similar format.  Time to close it, I guess. :V

If possible, I'd like to contribute, like we talked about.  Perhaps I could edit in screenshots to your posts?

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
You two could switch off, given the inevitable end of most LPs on forums. <_<


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
You two could switch off, given the inevitable end of most LPs on forums. <_<


[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
I have a tab open with an extremely similar format.  Time to close it, I guess. :V

If possible, I'd like to contribute, like we talked about.  Perhaps I could edit in screenshots to your posts?

Can you get screenshots? Screenshots would be great. Not really many needed now, but I'll like them when we get to actual meaningful fights. Also of specific Personas.

You two could switch off, given the inevitable end of most LPs on forums. <_<

Isn't there a rule about threadcrapping? Pretty sure there's a rule about threadcrapping.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby


Isn't there a rule about threadcrapping? Pretty sure there's a rule about threadcrapping.

My apologies for the tongue-in-cheek remark.  I had noticed theshim mention his desire to LP this as well in another thread, and figured switching off would keep both of you interested in the updates enough to have a better chance of finishing an otherwise extremely ambitious project, as opposed to two seperate threads about the same game.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Can you get screenshots? Screenshots would be great. Not really many needed now, but I'll like them when we get to actual meaningful fights. Also of specific Personas.
I'll pull up some screenshots later tonight, then.

EDIT: Technical issues have been solved.  Amassing screencaps now.  Please wait warmly.

E2: There we go!  I'm not sure how much I'm going to be adding to this, but I'll update with a few images and whatnot when I can.  Let me know if there's anything you want me to change or do differently!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 02:00:43 AM by theshim »

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
I'll pull up some screenshots later tonight, then.

EDIT: Technical issues have been solved.  Amassing screencaps now.  Please wait warmly.

E2: There we go!  I'm not sure how much I'm going to be adding to this, but I'll update with a few images and whatnot when I can.  Let me know if there's anything you want me to change or do differently!


[edit] Still, well-taken and well-placed. Aspect ratio issues aside, they look great!

My apologies for the tongue-in-cheek remark.  I had noticed theshim mention his desire to LP this as well in another thread, and figured switching off would keep both of you interested in the updates enough to have a better chance of finishing an otherwise extremely ambitious project, as opposed to two seperate threads about the same game.

I must have misunderstood your intent in your post, and I'll apologize in turn for the curtness. It is my belief that, whilst requiring a rigorous schedule, this isn't the most challenging of things to do, as, aside from the beginning, December and the endgame, not many things happen at once in one day in P4. Heck, I can play weeks ahead during the game's exam periods.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 07:06:03 AM by Fightest »

Thanks, Narrator. I'm Souji Seta Yu Narukami,

I've personally never been a fan of the "One day per day" thing, mainly because social links are the most fun thing ever for me for some reason, and I don't think I could put the game down after just one (and consequentially, I don't think I could devote an entire day to just grinding, or worse, run out of time while Grinding). Still, this is an interesting project, and I'd like to see how this goes, so you have my full support.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
To be honest, I'm not certain I can.  My monitor's not being nice about it, and the only way I think I could get it in 4:3 without way too much effort is with black bars on the side and stuff.

I'll see what I can do.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
To be honest, I'm not certain I can.  My monitor's not being nice about it, and the only way I think I could get it in 4:3 without way too much effort is with black bars on the side and stuff.

I'll see what I can do.

Can't you do a black-bars 4:3 and then do a batch crop? Alternatively, just leave the black bars in, they'd bother me less than ( ' ______' X). As it were.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Initial results are promising.  I'm not going to touch the ones in the first post (at least not right away) but I'll do what I can for future updates.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 2, April 12, 2011

The following day, Souji is awakened by Nanako calling him to breakfast. He shakes off the strange sensation the nightmare had left behind and heads downstairs.

Bacon, eggs and toast? It works. Looks pretty good, too.

Nanako tells Souji of her culinary abilities, including her mastery of the preparation of toast and sunny-side up eggs. No doubt she has taken over the rest of the household duties as well.

And so begins Souji?s first walk to school, accompanying Nanako, whose school is on the way.

And she took the time to show me the way to school. The kid?s something special.

Soon enough, Souji has his first of the day?s many strange encounters. A young man, wearing the same uniform as Souji?s, wobbles past him on his bicycle, coming to an abrupt, and no doubt unintended stop against a nearby lamppost.

That looks like it hurt. Hm, Narrator? That guy has a portrait.

Certainly, Souji, but we are not to introduce him quite yet. For the moment, we have arrived at the front gates of Yasogami High School, a large, three-story building, with students walking to and fro.

With little more ado, we find ourselves inside Souji?s homeroom class, where gossip and chatter fill the air. Talk of a ?King Moron,? the unflattering nickname of a Mr. Morooka is abound, who seems an unpopular individual. More interesting to us, however, is the talk of a transfer student.

I don?t mind a little bit of popularity every so often.

We focus on the talk of three particular students ? a girl in a green tracksuit coat, another girl in a striking red jacket, and a miserable-looking boy with headphones around his neck. It seems that the miserable-looking boy is the same one we saw this morning on the way to school, and is still suffering the effects of his accident.

Conversation is quickly silenced by the entry of Souji and the homeroom teacher.

I like this guy already.

The homeroom teacher introduces himself as Kinshiro Morooka, and immediately enters a heated monologue on the virtues of self-restraint and chastity amongst students. He then proceeds to introduce Souji, taking his time to make his dislike for those like Souji abundantly clear.

So they guy calls me a loser. Normally I wouldn?t care, but I can?t afford to pass up this opportunity. Standing up for myself will, well, make me look better to the rest of the class.

Souji stands his ground against the tyrannical teacher, shocking the rest of the class.

Courage increased? Excellent. Being on Morooka?s bad side is an easy price to pay.

Morooka resumes his lecture. It is clear that society had advanced faster than he had, and the man clearly harbors a deep resentment for the life that seems to have left him behind.

Before Souji is sentenced to standing next to the rambling teacher for the rest of the lecture, the girl in green raises her hand, suggesting that Souji sit at the free table next to hers.

She has a portrait as well! Don?t have to tell me twice!

The girl in green quietly expresses her sympathies to Souji for getting chosen for this class. Souji?s keen ear picks up the gossip quietly reverberating around the classroom. It appears that he is indeed the centre of attention today.

The rest of the school day promises to pass by uneventfully. The calm, however, is subtly perturbed by an announcement over the school?s intercom for a staff meeting, warning the students not to leave the school.

Odd, they would have normally scheduled a meeting beforehand, so this is an unforeseen event, never mind the second bit. You and I should keep our eyes open, Narrator.

Indeed, no sooner than Morooka leaves, sirens are heard close by the school. Wasting not a second, the gossip starts again, including mention of paparazzi and an announcer. Indeed, it appears that Mayumi Yamano was spotted in Inaba and, furthermore, stays at a nearby family inn.

Good place as any to lay low. The girl in red also has a portrait, and it looks like her name?s Yukiko. The other student addressed her with honorifics, I guess she?s a figure of some respect?

The students get more and more restless as time goes on, and the girl in green strikes up conversation with Yukiko, with talk of rainy nights and soul mates.

She mentioned Yamano as well.

Before any more information is shared, the intercom announces that an incident had occurred nearby, and that police were present. The students are urged to remain calm and leave quickly.

Instead, everyone got excited and ran off to take a look. If I play my cards right, I should be able to find out what?s going on from Dojima himself.

As Souji gets up to leave, the two girls that had been talking earlier offer to accompany him on the way home.

When you put it that way, Narrator, it sounds pretty suspicious. They?re just being friendly. I also have a name to the portrait of the one in green ? Chie Satonaka.

Souji assures Chie that he remembers her valiant effort to get him a seat during Morooka?s lecture. Chie formally introduces Yukiko Amagi as her friend, whose polite, formal tone is in strong contrast to that of Chie?s open and casual one.

As the three start to leave, they come across the boy with the headphones, stumbling over his words and, if it is somehow possible, looking even more miserable than he had this morning. It appears that he had broken a DVD that Chie appears to have lent him.

Chie does not take it well. I note that she kicked the guy before she even found out what had happened. I wonder who of the two is to blame for that. That said, ?Trial of the Dragon.? Good taste.

Paying the wounded warrior no further mind, Chie and Yukiko leave. Souji follows.

Still no introduction? Poor guy.

Outside the school, a strange young man in a uniform not of Souji?s school asks Yukiko if he could accompany her on a date. Despite the young man?s familiar tone, it appears that Yukiko does not know him. Nearby gossip suggests that most, if not all courting events focused on Yukiko end up very poorly indeed. The strange boy presses his invitation, and, as predicted by the bystanders, he is rejected.

It actually seems she didn?t have a clue what he wanted from her. Self-esteem issues? But Chie?s right, the guy stepped over quite a few lines there.

The boy with the headphones shows remarkable resilience to punishment, and greets Souji, Chie and Yukiko as the three discuss the strange boy. He mentions that Yukiko turned him down a year before, who claims not to remember, and immediately turns down another invitation.

He took it pretty well, though.

The three finally manage to leave school grounds. On the way, they learn of Souji?s situation, and reassure him that Inaba is a pleasant enough place to live, if perhaps unexciting, with the Amagi Inn as the only point of interest.

Fine with me, it?s hard to get any peace and quiet in the city, which is what I was about to say, when Chie goes and straight up asks me if I think that Yukiko?s cute. As far as I?m concerned, there?s only one correct way to answer that, but they wouldn?t believe me if I said I was running late for cram school and pegged it. So I went for the second-best option and said yes.

Chie talks about Yukiko?s popularity with glee, much to Yukiko?s chagrin ? Yukiko denies all accountability and, soon enough, gets tangled up in her own words. Chie takes the whole deal with good humour.

Yeah, that?s when we saw the police cordon.

A gaggle of onlookers stood around barricades, hastily constructed by a group of policemen. Talk was abound about something hanging off an antenna that had only recently been taken down.

One of them was seriously saying how she would have wanted to see the body that, presumably was suspended off an antenna. Chie was saying something, but then Dojima showed up.

Indeed, Souji?s uncle was no doubt part of the police cordon managing the area. He strictly inquired about what Souji was doing there.

It wasn?t the right time to ask, so I said that we were just passing by.

Chie wonders about Souji?s connection to Dojima, who introduces himself, encourages the two girls to get along with Souji, and warns the three to head home immediately. Before he can say anything else, he is pushed aside by a young-looking officer rushing past and proceeding to make retching noises in a nearby ditch.

Watch for him, Narrator, he?s got a portrait. Name?s Adachi, and he?s a detective who apparently came here from the central office. Did he transfer here by choice? Not the most exciting life for a detective, out here. Well, not taking into account dead bodies strung up on antennas.

Dojima scolds Adachi for unprofessional behaviour, and the two leave to gather information. Chie wonders breathlessly if this what the earlier school announcement was and, deciding that this day was not the best for trips to Junes, the three part ways.

Later that evening, Souji and Nanako sit at the table, watching the news.

Looks like Dojima not coming home for a night is pretty common. Means that Nanako spends a lot of her time alone. I wonder if she has many friends at school.

The news comes on to confirm the rumours of what Souji learned earlier in the day ? a dead person had been found. The deceased was Mayumi Yamano, the announcer embroiled in the scandalous affair that was all over the news recently.

Yamano, Yamano, Yamano. She?s been heard about everywhere, but there is no way she?d be hated enough by any one person that they would kill her. An accident? One doesn?t get accidentally strung up on an antenna.

Nanako exclaims in recognition when the Inaba police department is mentioned. Souji reassures the girl that everything will be all right, wondering himself about this nonsensical event.

And she?s all ?I know, it?s his job, stuff happens.? The girl is solid as a rock. A rock that sings the Junes song pretty well, I?ll add. Better than I can, certainly, not for lack of trying on my part.

Leaving a worried Nanako alone in the living room to wait for her father, Souji retires for the night.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 10:14:25 PM by theshim »

Can't you do a black-bars 4:3 and then do a batch crop? Alternatively, just leave the black bars in, they'd bother me less than ( ' ______' X). As it were.

Get irfanview, batch resize to proper aspect ratio, problem solved. (640x480 or, if you don't want to scale a dimension up (which is reasonable), then with the height you've got... *maths*... 480x360. At least I'm guessing that those are right, you may wanna check and tweak after.)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 07:49:47 PM by Arashi Kurobara »


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
quiet, logic woman

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

quiet, logic woman


(Seriously though, great job guys. <3)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 3, April 13, 2011

We begin the day accompanying Souji on his way to school. As if resigned to a fate not of his choosing, the boy with the headphones wobbles past, once again, stopping abruptly against a trash dump. Souji, eager to help the tortured soul, extracts the unfortunate youth from his garbage bin prison.

Finally! Let?s have a name to that portrait!

The young man introduces himself as Yosuke Hanamura, quickly recalling Souji?s face with an easy smile and friendly tone.

He looks fine, and probably would want me to forget this whole accident ever happened. So I just say ?hi.?

Yosuke takes easily to the returned greeting, and inquires about yesterday?s incident. He seems to follow Souji?s own thoughts that the manner of the death almost certainly precludes that of an accident. The obvious, and chilling, conclusion that the two come to is that this is without doubt a grisly murder. Before the conversation becomes too grim, however, Yosuke realizes that the two are running late, and offers Souji a ride to school.

Mountain bike. Not the easiest thing to ride with two people.

Later that day, we see that lessons have well and truly started, with Morooka informing the students, in his inimitable manner, that his function is that of a philosophy teacher. He disparages of talk about the murder, and urges the students to focus on their studies.

Narrator, you?re too kind. I?ll note that words like ?assholes? and ?morons? were thrown about.

Indeed, Morooka throws about such language with wild abandon. Despite this, however, his teaching skills are up to par, and Souji leaves the lesson having learned new things.

I wouldn?t have believed it if not for the Knowledge Increased message.

After school, Yosuke engages in conversation with Souji. Learning that Souji has quickly gotten used to this change of pace, he talks of his own experience in adapting to life in the country. With a wink, he invites Souji for grilled steak, apparently the region?s delicacy.

Chie tags along, too, playing on the breaking-her-dvd deal. Normally I?d cry foul play, but steak. I?d do the same thing.

Chie asks Yukiko along as well, but the latter refuses on account of chores to perform back at her family inn.

She is almost literally denying anything that might cast her in a positive light ? looking pretty, her figure being fine as it is, her obviously eventually inheriting the inn. I?d worry, but Chie?s probably got her back, the two look pretty close.

Later that day, we find the three at Junes, a major supermarket that?s recently opened in the town. It looks like Yosuke?s changed his plans once Chie decided to muscle in on the young man?s offer. As the conversation carries on, we learn that Yosuke?s father is the manager of the store, transferred here from another city. After Yosuke toasts to welcome Souji to Inaba, the three engage in small talk.

It turns out Junes has been gobbling up all the business of the minor stores in the area. I was about to go all economic theory on the matter, but Yosuke got distracted by a girl on the other end of the food court.

As Yosuke excuses himself to talk to the girl, Souji inquires about the girl?s identity. Chie identifies her as Saki Konishi, whose family runs a liquor store in the shopping district. It seems that the girl herself works at Junes part-time.

I wonder what her family thinks of this. It would depend on how they?re doing business-wise, of course.

It is obvious to us that Yosuke is infatuated by the girl, who, in turn, responds with sarcasm. Yosuke attempts to make light of the matter, but Saki does not much improve her attitude. She briefly wonders to herself with a sigh why she had to leave school early yesterday.

Where would I be without you, Narrator? I didn?t hear that last bit.

Abruptly changing topic, Saki asks about Souji, and comes over to his table. She expresses a degree of concern about Yosuke?s not spending time with his peers, and hopes that Souji and Yosuke get along well.

She obviously wants Yosuke out of her hair and, yet, she?s stringing him along, not telling him directly. I got a bad vibe off her. And that?s before she started talking about telling Yosuke in the face if he gets annoying. I?ll take Yosuke?s side here and put her in her place. He does seem like a pretty great guy, anyway.

Yosuke once again tries to alleviate the tension in the air, to little success. Saki excuses herself to leave back to work. Chie takes the moment to mercilessly rib Yosuke on the topic of his infatuation with Saki, which is obviously an awkward topic for him. In good spirits, Chie uses the situation to talk of an urban legend.

I?ve got this one, Narrator. So, this thing is called the Midnight Channel. You look into a TV, alone, at midnight on a rainy night. As you stare at yourself, you see another person on the screen, who is apparently your soul mate. I use those words very carefully ? ?soul mate.? You don?t hear that turn of phrase very often, and I?m pretty sure I?ve heard Yamano and ?soul mate? together in the same sentence before, and I?m pretty certain rainy nights figured in somehow. I?ve got a bad feeling about this.

Yosuke brushes off Chie?s story as childish urban legend, to which Chie takes great offense. In a huff, she challenges the three to try it out for themselves. Yosuke remains unimpressed, and turns the topic to the incident of the day before. He makes light of the situation, joking about whether the perpetrator was still in the area. Chie calls him on his bad taste, and brings up the Midnight Channel again, as it seems that she had not seen it for herself, either.

I don?t know about Yosuke, but I?m certainly going to try.

Later that evening, Souji and Nanako are having dinner without Dojima. Souji casually wonders whether Nanako had talked to Dojima during the day, to which Nanako answers in the negative. The mood starts to turn sour when the front door opens. Nanako jumps up in glee at the prospect of her father?s company, but the man is evidently too tired from the hectic investigation of yesterday?s incident to do anything but listen to the news.

Nanako wasn?t happy, but it looks like this isn?t an uncommon thing.

The news confirms our knowledge of the death of Mayumi Yamano, and, after presenting the facts, shows an interview with an unnamed student who, as it turns out, had found the body on the way from school

That had to have been the most unprofessional interview I?d ever seen. They blurred out her face and distorted her voice, but I think I?d seen her somewhere before. The students were confined to classrooms just as school ended, so it had to have been someone who left early. I think I?ve got an idea.

The interview continues, but the girl being questioned does not manage to provide many answers to the bizarre incident.

No doubt. That?s Saki Konishi. That explains her stress earlier today.

The news provides scant explanation to the nature and purpose of the incident, but it seems that most agree that it was murder, despite there being no evidence for or against the claim.

Nanako repeats the Junes song almost like a mantra. An adorable mantra.

Nanako wonders out loud whether her father would accompany her to Junes one day, but no doubt Dojima?s stress has gotten to him and he has fallen asleep on the couch he was sitting on.

Not wanting to interfere with the situation, Souji heads upstairs to see for himself the so-called Midnight Channel.

The clock ticks loudly when it?s the only thing making a noise in your room. There I am, staring at an empty television set. I know something is going to happen, but there?s always the hope that you?re in the wrong play, you know what I mean? And the images start flickering by, one by one, this girl in front of some vending machines, getting assaulted by someone. The whole ?soul mate? thing heads straight out of the window ? this is a warning, or a message or something like that, and then, as if that weren?t enough, a voice ? clear as day ? rings out in my head, like my very own personal PA, about a path opening, so, me being me, touching the proverbial wall with a ?wet paint? sign, I reach out for the TV screen, and the thing sucks me in... Narrator, take over for a bit.

Souji recoils from the strange force, toppling over and hitting his head on his desk. He hears Nanako?s voice outside his room, asking him if he is all right, to which he answers in the positive. Nanako asks no further questions and wishes Souji a good night.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 05:03:30 AM by theshim »


  • Fighter than anyone else
We find ourselves in the class of Ms. Sofue, the history teacher, introducing herself and the subject being taught. She has the air of a romantic about her, and clearly loves her subject very much. She chooses to start the lesson with a warm-up question, which Souji easily answers.

A.D. ? Anno Domini ? the Year of Our Lord. Birthday of the Christ. Knowledge Increased, apparently, although it feels a bit retroactive.

The teacher mentions the influence of religion on the development of human culture over the centuries, and encourages students to investigate for themselves how many public holidays are related to religious events.

After school, the three Midnight Channel conspirators gather to compare and contrast opinions. Yosuke seems too flustered to express his thoughts, and Chie takes the opportunity to confirm Souji?s suspicions of the day before ? it was almost certainly Saki Konishi that discovered the body of Mayumi Yamano. Once again, Yukiko excuses herself to help out at the inn. Commenting on Yukiko?s apparent stress, Chie moves on to the main topic of the conversation ? what each saw the night before. She herself mentions seeing a girl, expressing confusion at the implied connotations of the person seen being a ?soul mate.? Hearing Chie?s description of the person, Yosuke exclaims that the one he saw looked much the same.

That confirms it. No mention of her being assaulted, though. Chie?s barking up the wrong tree, though, and, funny as it may be to play on the soul mate angle, this is more serious than that. So I tell them my side of the story.

Yosuke expresses the same suspicion as Souji?s about seeing the same person, but evidently does not believe Souji?s account of getting drawn in by the television set. He and Chie joke about the matter.

The whole world is a Greek tragedy and I?m Cassandra. Just as well, really, I don?t want them mixed up in what seems to be my business.

Chie abruptly changes subject onto the topic of purchasing a new television, and Yosuke offers the three take a look at what Junes is offering. Chie expresses excitement at the prospect of being able to see her movies on a big screen.

We reconvene at the Junes electronics department. An impressive array of flatscreen television sets is available for purchase. Chie and Yosuke demonstrate their inability to enter the television set in Souji?s manner, and continue joking on the manner.

So I was all ?I?ll show them!? That wasn?t my high point of the day.

Souji?s clear demonstration of placing his hand inside the screen shocks Yosuke and Chie, who still have trouble believing in the veracity of this act.

One with common sense would have stopped then, sat down and tried things carefully. I guess we all have our off-days.

In a panic over Souji?s sticking his whole head inside the television set?s screen as customers approach, Yosuke and Chie bump into each other and Souji, sending all three plummeting into the strange realm on the other end of the television screen.

So we?re falling through a tunnel of blacks and whites, smashing into some platform in the middle of some foggy, yellow place, and all I can think of is ?Huh, Chie wears lipstick. Didn?t notice that before.? I shake the stupid out of my head and make sure everyone?s okay. Turns out asking questions people can actually answer improves my Understanding.

Yosuke is the first to notice ? and Chie to point out ? that the place that the three have landed in appears to be a vast television studio of sorts. It is obvious that no such place exists in Inaba.

I take lead and suggest we look around. I?m not seeing an exit, anyway.

Chie and Yosuke reach the same observation as Souji, and a brief panic ensues, which Souji attempts to quell by making light of the matter.

What can I say? Off-day. Still, my Shaggy impression was spot-on, I?d say.

The humour does not come across well, but gives Yosuke a chance to calm down and suggest a rational approach. The three agree to search for a way out and, eventually, find a peculiar chamber, festooned with posters of a person with the face cut out, and ominous red splatters on the walls.

I?ve seen that poster before as well, in better condition, though. Can?t forget that bright-red kimono.

Chie notes that the only exit to this room is that through which the three entered. Soon enough, the three also notice the room?s final contents: a noose made of a red scarf, suspended from the ceiling, with a chair beneath it. Not wishing to stay in the room for much longer, the three move to leave.

We are all starting to feel sick, and no exit in sight, so we decide to head back to where we started and put on our thinking caps. And then?

The three return to their starting point, but, before they can come to any more decisions, they spot a strange silhouette.

I still don?t know how to describe it. I guess you could call it a comically-proportioned bear in a red suit.

The strange creature?s bright colours and cheerful tone seem completely in contrast to the realm?s oppressive atmosphere. It asks the three who they are, and, when Chie responds in a hostile manner, cowers. It evidently is not of plan to harm the three young people.

I asked him who he was.

The creature calls itself a bear, claiming that it lives in the realm by itself, and has done so since as long as it can remember. It recommends the three leave as soon as possible, and then remarks that someone had been throwing people into this realm.

A man better than I phrased it well: ?Whoa.?

Obviously stressed, Yosuke and Chie yell at the bear for clarification, only intimidating him into cowering again. The bear takes refuge behind Souji?s back, once again urging the three to leave. Yosuke mentions the obvious problem: the three do not know how to do so, to which the bear replies that he would let them out. The bear taps its foot, and a stack of television sets appears out of nowhere. With no further ado, the bear unceremoniously shoves Yosuke, Chie and Souji through the television sets.

And, all of a sudden, we?re out! I?d never have thought I?d welcome the sound of that supermarket jingle.

It appears that the time spent inside the television realm passes like that outside, and Yosuke realizes that it is getting late. With a start, he recognizes the poster that the three saw inside the realm ? it is that of Misuzu Hiiragi, the bescandaled council secretary?s wife. Yosuke considers that the room they were in was related to the death of Mayumi Yamano. The three decide not to talk about the matter today, for they are already stressed to the limit.

Later that evening, Souji sluggishly sits down at the table with Dojima and Nanako. Dojima queries Souji about Saki Konishi, to which Souji replies that she is the one that discovered Yamano?s body. Dojima confirms this, and mentions that she?s been declared a missing person.

I couldn?t stop myself from thinking ?she?s next.?

The television news mentions that Yamano had been staying at the Amagi inn that Yukiko?s family runs. Souji is still under the weather from the effects of the strange realm beyond the television screen, and retires to bed.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 5, April 15th, 2011.

Morning. The pitter-patter of rain. A body in a school uniform hangs lifelessly off a tall telephone post, as if a grisly component of the equipment adorning the cosmopolitan obelisk.

Souji comes downstairs to see Dojima leave in a hurry. Nanako tells Souji that her father had an urgent call.

On the way to school, Souji comes across a pair of girls, gossiping about something they had seen this morning. Despite a seemingly-exciting subject matter, the two do not have much information to share with us.

I?ve already read what you said earlier, Narrator. I?m just hoping that I?m wrong about what I thought yesterday.

We cut to the auditorium of Souji?s school, where he, Chie and Yosuke stand, waiting for some sort of announcement. Ms. Sofue, the history teacher, calls the students to settle down, and the school principal steps up to the podium.

With a heavy voice, he announces the death of third-year student Saki Konishi.

I don?t know her at all, and Chie sees to be confused more than anything else, but Yosuke is hit hard, I can see it. I don?t know what to say.

The principal further announces that Saki was found deceased early that morning, but divulges no further details.

Details are soon learned, however, as Souji and Chie come across another pair of gossiping girls, who discuss the oddness of the nature of Saki Konishi?s death being very similar to that of Mayumi Yamano?s. To further compound matters, it is mentioned that others had seen Saki on the Midnight Channel as well. Talk of a serial murderer begins.

Soon, Yosuke catches up to Souji and Chie, wondering if either of the two had watched the Midnight Channel the night before. Despite Chie?s admonishment, he claims that he saw Saki Konishi on the Channel, and that she was in a lot of pain. Continuing his theorization, he connects the mention of Mayumi Yamano being called somebody?s soul mate to the case, suggesting that Yamano might have been seen on the Midnight Channel before she died.

Chie put it together in simpler terms than I was going to ? people, who appear there, die.

Yosuke wonders at the claims of the strange bear that the three had seen earlier, about the strange realm that they found themselves in being dangerous, and that somebody had been throwing people inside.

Yosuke was on a roll, putting the room with the posters into the theory as well. It was a conclusion that I was coming to myself ? the world behind the TV screen was absolutely connected to the deaths.

Yosuke suggests that the three investigate the place further ? perhaps they would be able to find evidence of Saki Konishi?s presence inside the realm.

All this is going on, I?m thinking ?all right, good thinking, Yosuke,? and suddenly I start wondering. Isn?t Yosuke being a bit too upbeat about this?

Chie weakly protests against the suggestion, but Yosuke passionately states that the police would be unable to help in the case, even if the claims of Yosuke, Chie and Souji were believed. Yosuke runs off to prepare for the venture, and Chie expresses her concern with the idea.

She is right, of course ? we have no idea we?d be lucky enough to leave again. Despite his good intentions, Yosuke is being too excited about this. I decide that Chie and I would stop him.

The two follow Yosuke to Junes, finding the young man already prepared with rope and golf club. Chie exclaims that Yosuke should not proceed with his foolhardy venture, to which Yosuke responds that they might have the fortune of meeting the bear again. Chie is convinced by Yosuke?s mention of him feeling responsible for the investigation.

He asks me the million-dollar question, whether I could just walk away. I couldn?t, but I am also not going to involve more people than necessary. Yosuke might have a personal vendetta, but there is no need to drag Chie into it. I say as much. Which makes me an Understanding person, who knew?

Yosuke agrees that the venture would involve just him and Souji, and reassures Chie that he had a plan ? a safety rope attached to him that he would let dangle on the other side of the television set. The golf club he hands to Souji.

Along with some unmarked bottles that he claims are ?Medicine.?

With no further ado, and ignore Chie?s protests, the two climb inside the television set.

They do not see Chie giving the rope a tug a few moments later, and the rope coming off as if sliced cleanly through by an unseen blade.

The two land back in the same area they found themselves in previously ? the vast, fog-covered television studio. Yosuke concludes that locations between the two worlds are connected directly. No more than a few moments pass when the strange bear walks out in front of the two again.

It claims that we were responsible for the events in that realm. I think it must have skipped a few steps on the way to that conclusion, despite our admittedly quite suspicious presence. I point out that his conclusion is highly biased.

Yosuke backs Souji up, claiming that an act of throwing a person inside this realm would certainly endanger that person?s life. With a start, he realizes that the people thrown in that the bear refers to were no doubt Saki Konishi and Mayumi Yamano, and that the individual throwing them inside the television realm could well be doing so with the intent to kill.

I agree on all fronts.

The strange bear exclaims that, despite Yosuke?s deductions, he has no way of leaving the realm. Yosuke?s assurance that he had thought of a lifeline fall flat as he realizes that he holds a severed length of rope in his hand. After a tense back-and-forth with the bear, during which Souji takes time to explain the concept of the burden of proof to the bear, Yosuke explains that the matter is serious indeed, mentioning the deaths that had occurred during foggy days. The bear tells that the fog lifts inside the strange realm when the real world is foggy, and that during this time the world gets dangerous, and the Shadows get violent.

Angry at the bear?s roundabout or outright nonexistent explanations about the nature of the strange realm, Yosuke attempts to pull the head off what he assumes is clearly a costume.

Not a costume. The bear seems to run on cartoon physics, however, fortunately for everyone involved ? the suit had nothing inside. I don?t think Yosuke would want ?murder by decapitation? on his list of things done today.

The bear soon appears to change its mind, agreeing that he would let Souji and Yosuke investigate provided that the two find the culprit, threatening not to let the two out otherwise.

An agreement. A decision by two equally-minded parties. A contract. That dream I had on the train almost perfectly flashed before my eyes again. I have no choice in the matter, so it?s not a legally binding contract, but the bear needs some cheering up, he looks pretty miserable. I agree to go along.

Yosuke and Souji introduce themselves to the bear, who says his name is Teddie. Teddie offers to show the two the location of the last person who had come inside the realm, who Yosuke realizes must be Saki Konishi. He proceeds to give Yosuke and Souji a pair of glasses each, who, upon putting them on, are shocked to find that their vision had been significantly cleared up, as if the fog had been wiped clean away. Mentioning that his best combat capability is limited to moral support from a distance, Teddie offers his knowledge of the realm to lead the two around.

I tested this lack of combat capability for myself. The guy?s knocked over by a stiff breeze.

We find the unlikely trio in a strange and twisted version of the Inaba shopping district. Teddie claims that this had appeared only recently.

According to Teddie, what we see is ?reality? for the person here. I?m beginning to see what?s up.

The trio quickly find the liquor store that is run by Saki Konishi?s parents. Before Yosuke is able to walk inside, he is warned off by Teddie, who exclaims that Shadows are nearby, ready to attack.

I?ve got this one, Narrator. So these things seep out of the entrance to the shop. We look at each other, wondering what the heck we?re supposed to do, and the PA voice starts up inside my head, all ?I am thou? this and ?inner self? that. A card appears in my hand and I just know what I have to do ? I crush the sucker with my bare hand, and all this character rushes into my head, a knowledge not my own, a manifestation of a self controlled by the ego, used as a shield to guard against the influence of the world outside the mind.

A Persona.

I had a weapon. And I was sure as heck going to use it. Teddie knew how to best ? seems the things that seeped out of the store, the Shadows, have weaknesses.

It is shocking how much knowledge having a Persona gives me in a fight. The guy at my back is Izanagi, strong to Lightning, weak to Wind. Nullifies Darkness, which sounds like it could be useful. I get magic as well ? Zio, a cheap lightning attack, Cleave, a physical move, and Rakukaja, a defensive boost.

Next thing Izanagi learns is Rakunda, which reduces enemies? defense.

I use Zio against the Slipping Hableries, pinpointing their weakness to the lightning attack. The move knocked them over, allowing me to follow up with another attack, and Teddie shouted that he?ll keep track of enemies? weaknesses.

For a fight against creeping monstrosities, it was a piece of cake, and I leveled up. It appears my personal level limits the level of the Persona I can? create? I can create these things?

Yosuke is shocked at Souji?s newfound power, and showers Souji with questions. Teddie berates Yosuke at troubling Souji, whom the bear now calls Sensei, out of respect for Souji?s power. Not wishing to waste any more time, however, the three decide to continue on inside the twisted version of the liquor store. As the three go inside, they hear voices surrounding them of people wishing ill on Junes due to its bad influence on the small stores in the area.

It started getting more personal then ? talk of Konishi?s working at the store, and the outright disgust at her doing so despite her parents. It seems that the store was in poor shape because of Junes. I was about to start on a whole thing about economic theory, and then I realized they were disembodied voices. Who?d argue with people they can?t see?

Yosuke catches on to Teddie?s earlier comment about the twisted realm being reality for those inside, and wonders if the disembodied voices being Saki Konishi?s reality when she appeared inside.

The voices do not go away despite Yosuke, Teddie and Souji taking refuge inside the liquor store. In fact, it appears to get worse as the three hear Saki Konishi?s father berating her for her choice of work locale. Yosuke is dismayed at the realization that the girl had been hiding her true feelings from him.

Then we hear Saki herself. It hits Yosuke harder than it does me, but it was still unnerving.

Saki Konishi exclaims that she greatly dislikes Yosuke, only appearing to be nice to him due to his father?s position. She disparages his enthusiasm, and blames Junes for all her personal and family troubles.

Aaaaand it gets weirder. Another Yosuke shows up. This one?s a bit of a? well, you know.

The Yosuke-doppelganger mocks Yosuke?s emotional distress, claiming that he has little care for most things around him. He proceeds to claim that Yosuke is deluding himself, that he is obviously frustrated at living a life far away from the excitement of the city. Ignoring Yosuke?s protests, the doppelganger states that Yosuke?s friendly and sociable nature is a fa?ade put on to ward off the fear of isolation. The final nail in the coffin is the doppelganger proclamation that Yosuke?s only desire to investigate the strange realm behind the television screen is for the sheer thrill of excitement, for the opportunity to become a hero and achieve a fame of his own, and that Saki Konishi?s death was a prime excuse for such a venture.

Yosuke is shouting ?you?re not me!? at the thing? but I was afraid of something quite like that. Not that I think Yosuke is a psychopath, he?s not all like that, I imagine, but there is certainly truth to the doppel-Yosuke?s words.

Proclaiming itself a Shadow, the true self of Yosuke, the doppelganger laughs at Yosuke?s protestations, and revels in the feeling of freedom as Yosuke rejects the Shadow?s words. With a rush of light, the Shadow transforms into a terrible monstrosity.

First fight went well. Time for a two-for-two!

Despite Souji?s strong stance, the Shadow begins its turn with a mighty attack that knocks Souji down. Using this opportunity, it gathers itself for a potent attack.

The thing exploited my own weakness. I?ll have to see about covering that up as soon as I can. It then went all Power Charge, and a look at its status bar gave me something to worry about ? those two up arrows are nothing good. I guarded against the inevitable beatdown.

The attack stung, but wasn?t as bad as I was afraid. Crossing my fingers, I went for the good old Zio again. Turns out luck?s on my side ? the thing and I were basically elemental antipodes ? it had my weakness covered, but I had its. I hit it in the face for good measure whilst it flailed around on the ground.

I had to see what else it could pull, so I kept guarding whilst it was doing the same. Good thing, too ? that?s when it used the wind attack. Guarding protects my weakness, which is helpful.

It turns out that that was the limit of the thing?s bag of tricks. It kept on repeating the same pattern, like a mindless automaton, and I beat it down handily, using its weakness to get myself all the extra actions I needed.

The fight gave me the experience needed to level up, likewise Izanagi, who learned Rakunda.

The fight gives Yosuke time to come to terms with his feelings, and to understand the truth behind the Shadow?s words. With gentle encouragement from Teddie, Yosuke accepts this darker side of himself.

He?s still himself, all the good and the bad. It?s what makes us human beings.

With this acceptance, Yosuke finds a new power blooming within himself, similar to that of Souji, the protective fa?ade of a Persona with which he could stand against the horrors of the twisted world on the other side of the television screen.

Yosuke thanks Souji for his help in accepting this Shadow, and wonders if perhaps Saki Konishi was attacked by hers, but did not have the courage to accept it or allies to keep it in check. Teddie explains that Shadows, born from humans, go berserk when the fog clears, and, no doubt, it is then that the host is killed.

These revelations weighing heavily on their hearts, the three head back ? Souji and Yosuke required rest from their ordeal. Yosuke muses that the room with the noose and the liquor store must have formed due to the entry of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi into the world behind the television screen.

Teddie reassures Yosuke and Souji that it is only when the fog lifts that the people inside this world are truly in danger, perhaps additionally reacting violently to investigators in their midst. Thus he believes that any additional people entering this world might be rescued before they meet the grisly fate of Saki Konishi and Mayumi Yamano.

Much like what we did with Yosuke. I still don?t want to bring in anyone else into this business, but it?s good to have a plan.

Out of nowhere, Teddie wonders if Souji and Yosuke know where Teddie himself came from, receiving incredulous looks. It seems that Teddie has very selective knowledge of the realm that they are in. Promising that they would visit him in the future, Souji and Yosuke leave the world behind the television screen.

We? forgot one very important thing in the excitement.

With a shaking voice, Chie exclaims her frustration at the pair?s extended absence.

I?m feeling bad as it is, Narrator, she looked this close to a panic attack.

Chie runs off, and Yosuke and Souji decide to apologize to her tomorrow. Wishing each other farewell, the two head to their respective homes.

I went back via the floodplain and saw Yukiko on the way. I am not ashamed to say that she looked like a giant piece of toffee in her pink kimono. I? do like toffee.

Yukiko explains that she is dressed in such a manner due to an errand that her parents had sent her out on. She questions, in a slightly awkward manner, whether Souji had gotten used to his life at school and in Inaba in general.

I was still thinking about various sorts of confectionery when she asked, so I said yes. That said, I do like it here.

Yukiko mentions that she?s never left Inaba, and so is not in a position to truly understand Souji?s situation. She then asks if Souji gets along with Chie, to which Souji answers in the affirmative.

Certain stupid things aside, that is.

Yukiko tells about how supportive Chie is, and that she is frequently there to give Yukiko the push she needs. She reminisces about the good times the two have had the preceding year. Remember her chores, she excuses herself and leaves. Souji continues on home.

Later that evening, the television news confirms what Souji already knows, and the likely connection between the cases of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi.

Nanako says that means that Dojima wouldn?t be home that night. I tell her I?ll be there with her, although I?m not too sure about the quality of my company. She says she?ll be okay.

The television program starts on a segment about the Amagi inn, revealing that the inn?s manager had stepped aside due to the Yamano incident, leaving Yukiko to stand in for her. The program?s interview with Yukiko tells us that she is expecting to only fill in temporarily before the reporter rambles further and further off-subject.

The program finishes, and Souji and Nanako wash the dishes together, after which Souji returns to his room, wondering if the Midnight Channel would have anything new in store that night.

Right on-schedule, an image appeared, a kimono-clad woman. I wasn?t about to jump to conclusions, despite a myriad of them already presenting themselves. It was just too vague to judge anything. I tried prodding the TV then, but no dice, the image was just an image, I couldn?t touch the person or anything.

Deciding to talk about the matter with Yosuke and Chie the next day, Souji goes to bed.

The day doesn?t end there, though. For the first time since my trip here, I found myself in the blue room.

The hook-nosed man, Igor, who seemed to be a permanent fixture in this room, along with his assistant, Margaret, assured Souji that he was perfectly safe, fast asleep in the real world, and confirmed Souji?s awakening to an immense power by answering a subconscious call. Igor eagerly presents Souji with a large blue key, the Velvet Key, that would enable him to enter the Velvet Room as he wishes. Igor continues to offer the young man his help, asking in exchange that Souji accept all responsibility for any decisions Souji might make.

I?m under the impression that Igor does not particularly care about the legal validity of a contract made under duress. I?m not about to argue the point, the power I have is going to be a highly useful tool.

Igor tells Souji that, whilst similar to certain other individuals?, his Persona power is special indeed by not being bound to any restrictions, barring the strength of Souji?s Social Links with others around him. Margaret notes that, sometimes, these Social Links would be the ones to lead him to the truth that he searches for. With an enigmatic farewell from Igor, Souji?s vision of the Velvet Room ends.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
This is awesome, but I ran out of time.  And now I'm going to be away from my computer for two weeks or so.  I'll try to catch up, I guess.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 6, April 16, 2011

We find Souji talking to Yosuke on the way to school. Without beating about the bush, Yosuke mentions the content of the Midnight Channel, and the two decide to investigate after school, concluding that, should someone else had been thrown in again, there might certainly be a culprit involved in the matter. Yosuke does not believe that the police might help them in this matter, Souji deciding that, indeed, the matter had to be stopped quickly without anyone else?s involvement. Off-hand Yosuke mentions that he is now able to enter a television set much like Souji can, no doubt due to his newfound power.

Yosuke thinks that it?s like we?re tasked to do this. Well, I am, anyway. He reaches out to shake hands, and this flash nearly blinds me. My vision?s swimming, and I suddenly know that my connection with Yosuke?s grown, and, with it, my power, just like Igor?s said. In other words: make friends, receive cosmic power. And then I realize that Yosuke?s dedicated to this deal more than I thought ? he would willingly put himself in the line of fire for me. That just reinforced my decision ? I?m running this alone.

In school, Chie runs up to Souji and Yosuke, worried about Yukiko ? it seems that she had not seen Yukiko all morning, and had not responded to her emails. Chie explains her worries coming from her thinking that the person shown on the Midnight Channel the night before being Yukiko.

It was a false alarm, though ? it turns out Yukiko was just too busy helping at the inn ? we got through to her after Chie dialed the inn directly.

Yosuke wonders about the hypothesis about the Midnight Channel showing people that had been thrown inside the world behind the television screen. Wondering about the discrepancy involving Yukiko, Yosuke suggests they investigate.

After school, the three meet up in Junes and explain to Chie what had happened the day before. In a flash of ingenuity, Yosuke suggests calling over Teddie whilst remaining in the real world and asking for his input.

The guy bit me! I played up the injury for comedy value, but nobody got the joke. Nobody ever gets my jokes.

The three converse with Teddie through the television, and the bear confirms that there is nobody inside the other world other than him. Souji and Yosuke exchange cell phone numbers and agree to pay close attention to the Midnight Channel that night.

Somewhere else, Adachi and Dojima stand near a police car in the rain on a crossroads. Adachi complains that they have nothing to find that points to a suspect, although it seems certain to him that they are not investigating an accident, but a homicide. Dojima agrees, musing that they are most likely dealing with a single perpetrator. Adachi wonders if the matter relates to the scandal involving the love affair, but Dojima reveals that Misuzi Hiiragi has a solid alibi performing overseas. Furthermore, there is no link between the murders and Taro Namatame himself. Dojima and Adachi discuss the similarities between the two death cases, but neither is able to determine the strange circumstances around the incidents, and agree to continue investigating.

So I come home, Nanako greeting me as I come in, head straight upstairs, and wait for the Midnight Channel. So, about that false alarm?

The Midnight Channel shows its clearest image yet, Yukiko, in a manner clearly out of character for her, and wearing an extravagant pink dress, informs viewers about her upcoming quest to find a suitable bachelor for her tastes.

I?m snapped out of my reverie on caramelized sugar by a call from Yosuke. We agree that this time is completely different from the others.

Souji suggests that the two calm down and start coming up with a solution. Yosuke promises to get in touch with Chie, and suggests that he and Souji meet up at Junes tomorrow.


  • Fighter than anyone else
It strikes me that I must ask you readers some very key questions. First:


And second:


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Um... Soccer and Self-Esteem issues!


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Soccer and Drama Queens...

I take it you need to make some in-game choices?

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Soccer and... really either's fine for the other choice but I lean slightly towards the self-esteem issues option.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Basketball and Self-Esteem!

I take it you need to make some in-game choices?
Yeah, these decide the path for two of the Social Links. Thankfully Souji doesn't have to burn a week doing nothing for the physical club Social Link.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Yeah, these decide the path for two of the Social Links. Thankfully Souji doesn't have to burn a week doing nothing for the physical club Social Link.
I see.

Times like this I wish I had a PSP.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
I know of these choices, Basketball and Drama-Queen, just because these are easier to max and I'm trying to be nice to you.

But, I should hug you just because you're doing this, can I? :*