Author Topic: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO  (Read 100425 times)

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #120 on: April 09, 2011, 01:25:25 AM »
Have you read any of the fics in PSL? Be honest.


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #121 on: April 10, 2011, 03:46:20 AM »
Your reactions to this?
My ears, they burnnnnnnnnnnnnnn D:

Wanna go to Otakon together?
=P I go every year.  We have a set of rooms blocked off at the Hyatt across the skywalk.  I'll have to dig up and see how many people we got in the room right now.

What's the biggest risk you've ever taken?
First time I went to Otakon.  Was the first time I actually went on a trip without my family, let alone several hundred miles away with people I've never met D:

Fan of any sci-fi series? If so, which ones?
I <3 scifi.  Growing up I used to watch TNG every single Thursday.  I am a huge Trekkie, and I rewatch TNG and Deep Space 9 all the time.  I love Battlestar Galactica as well.  If it's scifi/space related I've probably watched it.  Right now I'm watching through Babylon 5 and I recently finished Firefly.

What is one positive, personal quality of your personality that others often comment on?
My patience.  I just don't see the point of getting angry or aggravated.  It just makes the situation worse.

Do you have a favorite musical key signature and/or favorite musical mode?
Hmmm... I don't think I have a particular favorite other than I like minor key signatures as they tend to be used with a bit more creativity.  Being a french horn player I don't exactly like signatures with excessive sharps .___.

Do you think Zachary Taylor is a pretty cool guy?
He president for only a year and not afraid of anything (except a bad bowl of cherries).

Otakon :) I'll may be one of the staff there ;)
=P I don't envy you, being staff for that big of a con has to be a pain in the ass.

did you watched Nanoha movie #1 was it good ?
No I haven't seen it :(

cosplay ?
Eventually, but I haven't had the courage to do it yet.

Banelings or roaches?
Disregarding zlings as they are the best.
Roaches are so cute and cuddly and squishy <3  I love roach builds.

Best south american animal?

Have you read any of the fics in PSL? Be honest.
When haven't I been honest? :(

No I haven't read any fics, I don't tend to read fanfiction that often.  Nothing against the concept of it, I just don't tend to get that deeply into the universe outside of the author's canon works.  Only exception I've ever made is for Star Wars books, as a lot of the EU books are really really good, and to be frank Lucas only showed a very narrow section of it.  I guess the same argument could be made for Touhou =P

I wouldn't be against reading it if you pointed out some must read stories.  In the case of Star Wars I only got into it because my friends were into it.

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #122 on: April 10, 2011, 03:54:29 AM »
Have you read Stackpole's Star Wars stuff?  He's awesome.  I'd recommend anything by Stackpole, for that matter, especially Talion:Revenant.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #123 on: April 10, 2011, 06:36:35 AM »
Being a terran, I hate banelings, still trying to find a build that will counter it. And I agree, roaches are awesome.

In a game of DoW2, what is your mindset before, during, and after the game?

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #124 on: April 10, 2011, 07:25:07 AM »
When haven't I been honest? :(
I never said you weren't, I just thought it might be a bit embarrassing to admit to :ohdear:

What is your most prized possession?

What is your best memory of marching band?

Nat Tea

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #125 on: April 10, 2011, 08:09:51 AM »
dumb questions!

What do you think of me?

Is that graphics card I asked for six months ago sitting inside the Christmas present PC?

Would you go out on a date with me!?

serious questions:

How are you? How is your general mood?

Do you have any strong feelings toward other touhou sites? (yes this is an implication to roast pooshlmer, sue me)

Can you explain the Lunatic Red problem that comes up sometimes? I assume it happened when I was not here the year Everything Else became CPMC.
Horie dorie~
Pixiv: / PSO2: Choja (Ship5) / 3DS: 3496-9942-9472 / PSVITA: choja206 (English) / chojahiragawajpn (Japanese) / Cosplays: Koishi Komeiji, Kogasa Tatara
Tumblr contains cooking and cosplay. Twitter contains me retweeting everything.
I draw but I do not use artist title. I also write, but I have been inactive lately. I want to get better at those things and more!

Hello Purvis

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #126 on: April 10, 2011, 09:37:32 AM »
In no less than 200 words, justify why your favorite touhou is the best. Should you be a cool cat who has no favorites, rhapsodize on your however-many way tie for first under the same constraint.


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #127 on: April 10, 2011, 09:47:07 AM »
Which did you like more, TNG, or DS9?

Who is your favorite Trek character?

What's a bad habit you have, and would like to drop?

What's the farthest you've traveled on your own?

Do you believe it's possible for one to be able to see the future?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • resident walker
Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #128 on: April 10, 2011, 01:08:45 PM »
Being a terran, I hate banelings, still trying to find a build that will counter it. And I agree, roaches are awesome.
Block your ramp off. Cover your base so that you don't get nydus'd. Kiting with anything usually works, or setting up seige tanks (works wonders gainst roach as well).

Continuing along;
Hydra,Ultra or Corrupters (& Brood)? With your roach build that is.


Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #129 on: April 10, 2011, 01:55:02 PM »
Did you see the Remilia cosplay last year at otakon ? It was sooooo well done O and I want to check out the shop again :D and taste the curry again I can't wait :(

which activities at otakon you want to do ? ( I might go there xD )
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 02:07:00 PM by Gramity »


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #130 on: April 10, 2011, 04:32:23 PM »
Which did you like more, TNG, or DS9?
Or Firefly? Have you seen Serenity?

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #131 on: April 10, 2011, 06:04:35 PM »
Rogue Squadron or Wraith Squadron?


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #132 on: April 10, 2011, 07:43:22 PM »
Have you read Stackpole's Star Wars stuff?  He's awesome.  I'd recommend anything by Stackpole, for that matter, especially Talion:Revenant.
I think I may have read one or two of his Battletech books but not Star Wars.  Timothy Zahn is the real big Star Wars author I've read.

Being a terran, I hate banelings, still trying to find a build that will counter it. And I agree, roaches are awesome.

In a game of DoW2, what is your mindset before, during, and after the game?
I don't really have much of a mindset, mostly because I play DoW2 to wind down after a long day.  I get into it while I'm in the game, but most of the time I'm just tabbed out automatching.  In game I'm all focus though, and of course depending on the outcome I'm either happy or mad :V

I'm setting up a livestream so you guys can watch if you're interested :3c

I never said you weren't, I just thought it might be a bit embarrassing to admit to :ohdear:

What is your most prized possession?
I don't have much love for material possessions but if I were to say I had one it would be something with a lot of memories attached to it.  I have a picture from a local artist of one of the fourth grade classrooms in my elementary school.  Artistically it's not exactly "high art" but looking at it reminds me of so much of my childhood.

What is your best memory of marching band?
Going to midstate competition my senior year.  It was cold and nasty and otherwise a dreary day but I loved it.  Marching for thousands of people and hundreds of other bands was an amazing feeling.

dumb questions!

What do you think of me?
Eh I think you're a fine person with good intentions, you just tend to get a little overzealous with them =P

Is that graphics card I asked for six months ago sitting inside the Christmas present PC?
Yes it's currently inhabiting my sister's PC right now.

Would you go out on a date with me!?
I.... don't think I'm ready for dating .________.;;

serious questions:

How are you? How is your general mood?
Anxious, bored, tired of my current situation, as well as scared out of my mind what will end up happening.  I'm on the edge of a big change and part of me is freaked out of my mind, and the other half is super anxious wants to just get it over with already.

Do you have any strong feelings toward other touhou sites? (yes this is an implication to roast pooshlmer, sue me)
Eh I really don't care about them other than I find it hilarious that some of them hate us so much.

Can you explain the Lunatic Red problem that comes up sometimes? I assume it happened when I was not here the year Everything Else became CPMC.
Basically it's just some tiny fan forum that CPMC decided would be fun to invade and spam.  It's not something I'm proud of at all.

In no less than 200 words, justify why your favorite touhou is the best. Should you be a cool cat who has no favorites, rhapsodize on your however-many way tie for first under the same constraint.
The shrine of Moriya stands leagues above the rest of those... unclean.  And her defender, Sanae, the purest and cutest of holy woman.  Pure and untouched by the evils of the outside worlds, she stands before the barrier of good and evil.  The rest of the Touhous are a wash of debauchery and immorality.  Lies, trickery, thievery, murder, cannibalism, sloth, lust, gluttony, the rest of the touhous symbolize all that is wrong with the world.  Yet Sanae, on top of her mountainous shrine, represents all that is good.  Look at her counterpart, Reimu.  She is a lying, thieving and lazy slut, unable to give of anything except to herself.  What god does she worship, other than herself?

As for the other houses and characters, what do they represent?  What does Marisa represent other than thievery and shortcuts?  What does Alice represent other than slavery?  And Yukari, Yuyuko and Remilia?  The Yagokoro house?  The sloth and pride and gluttony of nobility.  And their servants are just as guilty as their masters, willingly following such debauchery and waste.  And look what levels they stoop to, to try to discredit Sanae.  Calling her slutty and lazy and dumb.  Is it pride that makes them strike out as such?  Jealously?

But Sanae, Sanae is indeed, a good girl.

Which did you like more, TNG, or DS9?
Both scratch different itches.  TNG is a nice childhood show, a different wonder and a different challenge every episode.  But DS9 appeals more to the adult in me, that feeds on story and depth and characters.  I watch TNG to escape, and I watch DS9 to immerse.

Who is your favorite Trek character?
Hmm... I'd have to say a tie between Picard and Sisko.  Picard is a diplomat and a scholar, and I think Patrick Stewart is one of the best actors of the modern age.  Sisko is just complete badass though.  He takes the Prime Directive and gives it a roundhouse kick while shooting several Jem'hadar at once.

What's a bad habit you have, and would like to drop?
Procrastination.  I put off some of the stupidest things too, like cleaning up my room or exercising, simply because I think I can "do it later".

What's the farthest you've traveled on your own?
I've only traveled to Maryland on my own, I just haven't had the time or the means to be able to travel solo.

Do you believe it's possible for one to be able to see the future?
I think it's possible to get some very good insights and scenarios of what the future may hold, but noone can actually predict it with any sort of accuracy.  If you look at all the great "prophets" and oracles, their insights are usually extremely vague and nonspecific.  People tend to latch onto them simply because people look for meaning in the world, and sometimes the comfort of having no control over one's destiny is desirable.  To me though I couldn't stand the thought of having everything laid out for me and there'd be nothing I could do about it.  It means that free will and self determination is a joke, and there's no point to any of this.

Block your ramp off. Cover your base so that you don't get nydus'd. Kiting with anything usually works, or setting up seige tanks (works wonders gainst roach as well).

Continuing along;
Hydra,Ultra or Corrupters (& Brood)? With your roach build that is.
Hydraroach owns.  Ultraroach is a waste though because both are tanky so there's need for both of them.  Corruptor-roach is an unusual but effective build in PvZ mostly because the good counters to roaches, immortals and stalkers, kind of get chewed apart when corrupted.  Plus you could easily start fielding hydras and zerglings to counter those but they can't safely transition to colossi, the natural counter to hydraling.

Did you see the Remilia cosplay last year at otakon ? It was sooooo well done O and I want to check out the shop again :D and taste the curry again I can't wait :(
There were so many Touhou cosplayers, I didn't really notice that stood out.

which activities at otakon you want to do ? ( I might go there xD )
I don't really go to the con for itself, I go for hanging out with other people.  So what I end up doing is completely dependent on what everyone else is doing.

Or Firefly? Have you seen Serenity?
I've watched Serenity several times, and I finished watching Firefly a few weeks ago.  Love it.

Rogue Squadron or Wraith Squadron?

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #133 on: April 10, 2011, 07:47:14 PM »


[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #134 on: April 10, 2011, 07:49:07 PM »

I had more but I lost them during one of the moves :(

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #135 on: April 10, 2011, 08:44:39 PM »
Buy me sushi?


Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #136 on: April 10, 2011, 09:11:57 PM »
My last question :( sadly ^^

Anxious, bored, tired of my current situation, as well as scared out of my mind what will end up happening.  I'm on the edge of a big change and part of me is freaked out of my mind, and the other half is super anxious wants to just get it over with already.

it happens alot but you have to keep calm and act intellectually :)
everything will go right stress is bad for health

are you putting effort in order to get over some of your weaknesses ? or are you lazying around :D?

The shrine of Moriya stands leagues above the rest of those... unclean.  And her defender, Sanae, the purest and cutest of holy woman.  Pure and untouched by the evils of the outside worlds, she stands before the barrier of good and evil.  The rest of the Touhous are a wash of debauchery and immorality.  Lies, trickery, thievery, murder, cannibalism, sloth, lust, gluttony, the rest of the touhous symbolize all that is wrong with the world.  Yet Sanae, on top of her mountainous shrine, represents all that is good.  Look at her counterpart, Reimu.  She is a lying, thieving and lazy slut, unable to give of anything except to herself.  What god does she worship, other than herself?
As for the other houses and characters, what do they represent?  What does Marisa represent other than thievery and shortcuts?  What does Alice represent other than slavery?  And Yukari, Yuyuko and Remilia?  The Yagokoro house?  The sloth and pride and gluttony of nobility.  And their servants are just as guilty as their masters, willingly following such debauchery and waste.  And look what levels they stoop to, to try to discredit Sanae.  Calling her slutty and lazy and dumb.  Is it pride that makes them strike out as such?  Jealously?
But Sanae, Sanae is indeed, a good girl.

 :ohdear: Lady Remilia she's not like that  :(   :ohdear:


  • Master of the Swimsuit
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #137 on: April 10, 2011, 09:42:38 PM »
Did you ever watch the original Star Trek series? The movies? What did you think of the last Trek movie?

The epic fan question: Sisko with hair, or Sisko with goatee?

If you were guaranteed the ability to see the future with absolute accuracy, would you accept it for what it is, or try to change it for the better?

If there was one thing you could go back in time and change, what would it be?

Do you ever sit out and night and just look up into the night sky, allowing yourself to get lost  in its infinite expanse?

Do you enjoy taking a moonlit stroll?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

Nat Tea

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #138 on: April 10, 2011, 10:00:27 PM »
Eh I think you're a fine person with good intentions, you just tend to get a little overzealous with them =P
I'm sorry, I got "da rulez" pounded into me as a kid. :<

Anyways, silly questions!

What kind of clothes do you think looks nice for guys?

How about nice clothes for girls?

Can you endow to me your magnificent fashion sense!?
Horie dorie~
Pixiv: / PSO2: Choja (Ship5) / 3DS: 3496-9942-9472 / PSVITA: choja206 (English) / chojahiragawajpn (Japanese) / Cosplays: Koishi Komeiji, Kogasa Tatara
Tumblr contains cooking and cosplay. Twitter contains me retweeting everything.
I draw but I do not use artist title. I also write, but I have been inactive lately. I want to get better at those things and more!


  • Reimu is all of it
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #139 on: April 10, 2011, 10:13:38 PM »
Worst physical pain you had to suffer?
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #140 on: April 11, 2011, 12:25:14 AM »
Buy me sushi?
No buy me first D:<

are you putting effort in order to get over some of your weaknesses ? or are you lazying around :D?
Eh, depends on your definition of lazy.  For the exercise/eating right thing I'm just busy busy busy and when I get home I'm exhausted.  I'd imagine I'd eat better if I didn't work 9-10hr days most of the week.  Other stuff I've been putting off because I'm afraid of the outcomes :(

Did you ever watch the original Star Trek series? The movies? What did you think of the last Trek movie?
I only watched bits and parts of TOS.  The movies I love, Wrath of Khan is amazing and I don't care First Contact was fun (although Nemesis really sucked).  I haven't watched the newest Trek movie yet.

The epic fan question: Sisko with hair, or Sisko with goatee?
Goatee.  Space captains gain +20 to CHA when they're bald.

If you were guaranteed the ability to see the future with absolute accuracy, would you accept it for what it is, or try to change it for the better?
If I could see the future with absolute accuracy, wouldn't that imply that I had no effect on it?  It wouldn't be 100% accuracy if I could change it now would it :V  That being said I'd have to say no, simply because if all of this is predestined I would prefer to be in denial and think we still had some power in our destiny.

If there was one thing you could go back in time and change, what would it be?
I would go back to my 8 year old self and tell her that what she's feeling is ok and nothing to be ashamed of.  I would have told her to fight more to do ballet and gymnastics and marching band and stuff instead of just doing what my parents expected of me.

Do you ever sit out and night and just look up into the night sky, allowing yourself to get lost  in its infinite expanse?
Practically every night.  I live out in the country so we don't have any light pollution.  During the summer I will spend hours outside laying on the grass looking at the stars.  I'm waiting for it to get warm again so I can start doing that.

Do you enjoy taking a moonlit stroll?
I would love to, but that's also the downside of living in the country.  It's not exactly safe to just go walking as I'm likely to get ran over >_>

I'm sorry, I got "da rulez" pounded into me as a kid. :<

Anyways, silly questions!

What kind of clothes do you think looks nice for guys?
Slacks, buttoned shirts, etc.  T-shirts are ok as long as they're not like wifebeaters or just plain white.  I don't like super slob.  A guy in a suit is awesome.  Guys need to learn to wear more colorful things too.  There's nothing gay about wearing colors that aren't a shade of black or dark blue or khaki.

How about nice clothes for girls?
Ehehehehe.  Anything involving tights or thighhighs wins in my book.  Skirts are wonderful, but nothing I guess too short or too revealing.  I'm not into super slut stuff that shows like massive amount of cleavage.  At the same time it needs to be flattering and form fitting, not puffy like a marshmallow.  The more subtle the better.

I absolutely love elbow gloves but I know those aren't practical =P

Can you endow to me your magnificent fashion sense!?
I really don't have that good of a fashion sense :ohdear:.  You can ask PC, I am absolutely terrible at picking outfits out :(.

Worst physical pain you had to suffer?
Football gave me all sorts of bumps and bruises.  I almost broke my arm and I wrecked my left ankle to the point I hobble from time to time.  But that's nothing compared to having whooping cough your senior year, during marching band season.  I literally could not breathe and it was awful, just gasping for air.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 12:27:02 AM by ♪ TheStupidOne ♫ »

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #141 on: April 11, 2011, 12:47:47 AM »
But that's nothing compared to having whooping cough your senior year, during marching band season.  I literally could not breathe and it was awful, just gasping for air.

I had something similar during my junior year; the choir went on a trip to Florida for a contest, and shortly after we came back, I had contracted bronchitis. Not quite the same scenario, but I definitely feel you on not being able to breathe. :ohdear:

What gave you the idea for the random Prinny generator on IRC (assuming that's what it is)?

Kyo Tanaka

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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #142 on: April 11, 2011, 01:22:24 AM »
I dunno if this was already asked, but how do you feel about moderating the forums for rule breakers, and what motivates you to keep working?


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #143 on: April 11, 2011, 02:04:07 AM »
I had something similar during my junior year; the choir went on a trip to Florida for a contest, and shortly after we came back, I had contracted bronchitis. Not quite the same scenario, but I definitely feel you on not being able to breathe. :ohdear:
Yeah I had it for months.  It's awful.  You can't really do anything about it anyways because by the time the coughing fits start the bacteria is already dead and done with.  It's just leftover damage from the toxins it released.

What gave you the idea for the random Prinny generator on IRC (assuming that's what it is)?
It's not really "random".  I wrote the services for PPIrC by hand based off another services package (SurrealServices).  Most services have support to "guest" people who are using someone else's nick and don't login after 30 seconds.  But instead of just plain boring Guest12345, I figured I'd give it a little "flavor" and make it Prinny12345 :V.  The ghost kill messages are Pangya memes (fitting with the original Pangya purpose of the network).

I dunno if this was already asked, but how do you feel about moderating the forums for rule breakers, and what motivates you to keep working?
I don't tend to do much in terms of rule breaking anymore except in clear cut cases like piracy.  I definitely have an opinion but I tend to bow towards the insight of the other guys on staff.  Not because I don't have an opinion, I just don't enjoy getting my blood pressure skyrocketing anymore.

I think there's a lot of stuff that just makes me outright frustrated at times.  I understand the relationship is give and take between the users and the staff, but at times I feel like there's too much give from the staff and too much take from the users.  Especially when I try to have a little fun there's always some sort of crisis involved.  I mean, the communist thing was just awful.  It was just a bit of fun and I got nothing but crap about it :\  Then there's times when I have to put the hammer down and people give me grief because I didn't do it exactly like they wanted.

But above that, what keeps me moving is a desire to keep this community together.  The rules aren't in place to find excuses to beat on people.  They're there to hold order together and keep things accessible not just for the people already here, but for new people who may not have met this place yet.  And I want this place to continue to grow, not just stagnate.  It's a fine line though balancing between making the place friendly for new people and comfortable for the old guard.  I don't like it when people think I'm just being hostile to them just because I won't bend to their every whim.  You have to realize I'm coming from a much different angle than the typical user.

I dunno, it's definitely the most frustrating and least enjoyable part of this job.

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #144 on: April 11, 2011, 03:39:13 AM »
Non-math question time: What's your favorite Pokemon (if any)?

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • Arcade Maid
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #145 on: April 11, 2011, 04:08:33 AM »
Non-math question time: What's your favorite Pokemon (if any)?
Hmmm... Dragonite!  So big and fluffy and smart <3

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #146 on: April 11, 2011, 04:16:53 AM »
How is Dragonite fluffy? :P


  • Reimu is all of it
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #147 on: April 11, 2011, 04:22:59 AM »
Dragonite sounds like a very bad disease.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • Arcade Maid
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Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #148 on: April 11, 2011, 04:25:56 AM »
How is Dragonite fluffy? :P
.... my Dragonite plushie? :< (no seriously I have a huge Dragonite plushie)

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Re: Ask a Staffer Ep. 8 - :ohdear: Edition - TSO
« Reply #149 on: April 11, 2011, 04:36:16 AM »
.... my Dragonite plushie? :< (no seriously I have a huge Dragonite plushie)

Wouldn't MotK's resident fuwafuwa expert know about fluffy?

Do you have any other plushies? Figures?