Author Topic: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru  (Read 50741 times)


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #330 on: April 06, 2011, 04:53:50 AM »
:V +1 Ammy post

Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #331 on: April 06, 2011, 05:21:07 AM »
##ReadAloud: KIPS' STORY.

As ya requested... jokingly or not. Sorry for da visuals, put em in last minute. Had I had the time to put in better visuals I would have had enough time to tell you on Skype that I was actually gonna do this after all. Buuuut... well hehe... I DID NOT!

Now back to da studyin' I go!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 05:23:47 AM by axman36 »


  • Reimu is all of it
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #332 on: April 06, 2011, 05:23:46 AM »
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #333 on: April 06, 2011, 05:26:48 AM »
##ReadAloud: KIPS' STORY.

As ya requested... jokingly or not. Sorry for da visuals, put em in last minute. Had I had the time to put in better visuals I would have had enough time to tell you on Skype that I was actually gonna do this after all. Buuuut... well hehe... I DID NOT!

Now back to da studyin' I go!

I was about to read Kips' fic, but I guess that works too.

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • School Idol?
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #334 on: April 06, 2011, 05:46:55 AM »
:V :V :V :V

Wow, that was more awesome hearing it than reading. However, I'm sure that doesn't count towards your points, so you're still losing horribly.


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #335 on: April 06, 2011, 07:12:33 AM »
The reading was way better that reading it myself, probably because hearing someone shouting is more amusing than READING ALL CAPS.

The first serious part that was a complete nameswap was a bit of a snoozefest though. :X

##SatoriMaiden:3rd eye
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 07:29:25 AM by Okuugasammy »
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #336 on: April 06, 2011, 04:39:40 PM »

Right, so after reading both entries, here's the final verdict. I'm making this short: The first round goes to Shadoweh.
Clever use of characters and places of the Touhou-setting to make a fully new story while still keeping the plot of LotR recognizable, instead of just swapping some names. That is how a proper parody is done~
Kips' entry was unfortunately more simply replacing names of characters, and rarely adjustments of the story to fit the character choices. As such, the choice is clear.

With that, let us continue on to the next round.

Note that I ignored the Ammy-count here. It may be implemented later, but so far it has done one thing: It has changed what the second task will be. Seeing all the Ammys made me think of Aya, so....

Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru

Ever wanted to be a reporter? No? Well, you don't have a choice anymore.
You have ended up in Gensokyo under mysterious circumstances (read: Yukari fooling around again), and now you are stranded in the tengu-village, working as an assistant for the infamous Aya Shameimaru herself.
Days have been slow and boring, nothing much happens except "Shrine maiden beats down assorted youkai", but you don't mind. Better than being worked to the bone all day, like that poor mut Momiji.

Suddenly, the door flies open, and a whirlwind enters the office. You throw yourself forward to keep all the papers on the desk from taking flight, and watch as your boss Aya crashes into the next shelf.
Something has gotten her awfully excited, and you fear it will result in more work for you.
You get up and lean over the table to see where Aya fell to the ground, but just at that moment she raises her hand towards you and pushes her camera towards you.

"Develop... those...... need....special... issue....", she says before passing out.

You decide that she's probably okay sleeping on the floor and head over to the kappa-lab to develop the pics.
Nitori tells you to wait outside for a while, as usual, but when she finally comes out of the lab again something about her is weird. She seems awfully flustered as she tells you in a small voice that the pictures are done.
You aren't sure why she didn't bring them out herself, but you dismiss the thought at once and go inside.

As soon as you lay eyes on the pictures, you understand Aya's excitement and Nitori's reaction.
Your mind is working overtime to try and figure out just what exactly you are looking at there.
You recognize the people, or well, beings, pictured in the photos, but just what are they doing there?
If this is what you think then....

You rush back to the Bunbunmaru office in a hurry, hoping to get some answers from your superior.
Unfortunately, Aya is still passed out. Fortunately, you can easily find her notepad. Her scribbles are hard to read, but you have exercise by now and notice that she apparently wrote out the whole story she witnessed.
How she managed to write that much and take pictures at the same time is beyond your understanding, but this is Gensokyo, so nothing really surprises you anymore.
You start reading...

Quote from: Aya's notepad
It was a slow, hot afternoon when Rinnosuke was working in his shop. The heat was getting unbearable for the half-youkai, even though the windows were open to let a calm breeze into the store. The shopkeeper fanned himself, trying to keep cool as sweat trickled down his pale skin, each droplet glistening as they caught light from the open windows before catching on his black velvet choker. Desperate for a respite from the suffocating heat, Rinnosuke loosened his sash and pulled on his robe, revealing his dark shirt, clinging to his narrow chest and contouring along his slim stomach. The shifting of clothing also revealed his delicate collarbone, prominent and slick with sweat, just waiting for the attentions of a lover. The golden eyed man sighed, wishing for relief: if only he would come, and deliver him from this maddening heat, or perhaps deliver him to a different sort of heat?

The flutter of wings and the click clacking of wooden geta alerted him to new arrivals, and he looked up in time to see the door of his shop open. A small flock of tengu entered, geta clattering on his wooden floor and blades narrowly missing racks of traded goods, and stood at attention, flanking the entryway of his store. The reason for this became apparent, as a magnificent specimen of a tengu strode inside, as though he owned everything and everyone inside the building. In a matter of speaking, this was true: the tengu practically exuded predatory dominance, a sort of charismatic musk that demanded respect. The tall tengu continued forward towards the captivated shopkeeper like a hunting tiger, stalking his prey with coiled muscles, his billowing robes brushing against various trinkets.

He reached the shopkeeper, who, despite his own considerable height, had to tilt his head upward to meet the tengu?s eyes, and gently, yet firmly, placed muscular hands on the shopkeeper?s shoulders. Rinnosuke?s eyes did not meet the tengu?s own straight away, instead traversing the tengu?s sculpted chest, bared to the world, muscular and hard as the cliffs the tengu reigned over, glistening with salty perspiration. The shopkeeper detected a strong, manly odor from him, a sort of exotic and refreshing scent that aroused excitement inside of the half-youkai. Distractedly, he finally met the eyes of the tengu, having to tilt his head upwards despite his own significant height, losing himself in his steely yet gentle gaze. ?L-Lord Tenma??

?Hello, Rinnosuke Morichika at the Kourindou,? the ruler of tengu greeted, his low, melodious voice sending shivers down to the cockles of Rinnosuke?s heart, or perhaps below somewhere, in the sub-cockles, maybe in the liver or kidneys, he wasn?t sure, ?I have returned, and I come with gifts.? He released Rinnosuke?s shoulders, much to the shopkeeper?s dismay, and reached behind himself. ?I caught this fresh water fish this morning, with my bear hands. I thought you would like it.?

?Th-that?s fine, Lord Tenma,? the shopkeeper said in reply, captivated by the tengu lord?s manliness. The leader of the mightiest group of youkai set the offering on the counter that Rinnosuke was sitting behind, then embraced the flushed shopkeeper, his strong, muscular arms enveloping the thin white-haired man. ?My lord!? Rinnosuke said in a startled tone, the palms of his delicate hands pressed against the tengu?s smooth, sweat slicked skin.

The tengu?s mouth was near the shopkeeper?s ear, and Rinnosuke couldn?t suppress the shivers that raced down his spine as the tengu lord murmured in his ear, his hot breath tingling the hairs on Rinnosuke?s neck. ?You know that you may call me ?Tenma?, Rinnosuke,? the tengu purred, a hand tracing its way up Rinnosuke?s back. The half-youkai tried to arch away from the touch, but that only forced him to press himself against the tengu, allowing him to feel his hot aura of musky, manly lust. ?As we are in a commited relationship, we may call each other by our given names, so that we may nurture this love-filled trust explosion to the next level.? As he said this, his hand continued tracing up the muscles of Rinnosuke?s back, between his shoulder blades and to his neck, reaching for the dark collar on his neck. His fingers, strong and calloused, gently dug into sensitive nerves in the shopkeeper?s neck as he reached for the catches of the collar. ?Can I lead you to distant islands of pleasures? No,? he answered his own quetstion as he released the catch, allowing the collar to flutter to the ground, leaving bare the half-youkai?s long, sensuous neck, vulnerable to the tengu?s nerve exciting touch. ?Only you can,? Tenma?s fingers stroked upwards until it reached the delicate curve of Rinnosuke?s jawline, tilting his mouth upwards, ?and I can too.? The tengu?s mouth drifted closer to Rinnosuke?s, his breath tickling the half-youkai?s dry lips?

? But the half-youkai, panting with excitement, turned his head away, gently pushing the tengu lord away with long, thing fingers. ?I?m sorry, Tenma, but I don?t believe now is the time.? Rinnosuke?s golden eyes, more suitable to a predator that the lanky shopkeeper, glanced towards the stoic tengu guard, but stayed averted from Tenma, trying to hide from the tengu?s disappointed gaze.

?? I see. Now isn?t the time, indeed, for I need to discuss something with the Yakumo,? the lord of tengu agreed, stepping away from the shopkeeper and towards the door. However, he paused, next to a man-sized statue of a white stallion, rearing to the ceiling. ?Just know, when I return, I shall take you on a pleasure journey far beyond your wildest expectations, unless, of course, you?d rather stay in.? With that, his fist whipped out, shattering the horse?s head, which unleashed a cascade of precious stones and puppies, scattering across the floor in a cacophony of rattles and confused yelps. The lord of the tengu ignored this, and instead turned around theatrically, and strode out of the door, his escort soon following.

When the door swung to a close, Rinnosuke slumped weakly to the ground, sitting on top of a mess of moss agates, rubies, and star sapphires. He then shifted to the left some, so that the fairy could get free with a few hurled insults, and leaned heavily against his counter. He closed his eyes, and fretted quietly, trying to shake off the heat that the tengu had stirred within him, before a cold nose touched his hand. The shopkeeper opened his eyes to see a young beagle looking at him with doleful eyes. Kourin took the puppy in his hands and held him up, looking at the puppy in the eyes. ?Oh, just what am I going to do? Especially since he will be coming tonight??

The puppy, being the grand counselor that it was, licked him in the face.


The night was somewhat of a relief from the daytime heat, though still warm itself. Instead, it decided to manifest its war on the comfort of men by being unbearably humid, making the sweat accumulated during the day sticky to the touch. This led to Rinnosuke being mildly uncomfortable as he peered through his loop at the last of the remaining precious stones, idly nudging a corgi pup away from the workbench with his foot.

After several muggy moments of examining the flaws of an emerald, the half-youkai leaned back with a sigh. ?It is just too stifling?? he murmured as he fanned himself: he left the collar off, and had since removed his sash and robe, leaving him clad only in a sweat soaked black shirt and pants, but he still felt the oppressive murk of the night heat. Reluctantly, he grasped the bottom of his shirt and lifted up, dragging the clingy garment up his pale, almost frail chest, and over his head, before tossing it to the side, much to the amusement of the random assorted puppies. Unfortunately, his shirt caught hold of his glasses, and he sent them clattering across the ground.

The shopkeeper cursed to himself as he chased after his spectacles, shooing away the canines as they tussled with the discarded garment. He found the glasses near the door, and kneeled to the ground to pick them up when the door opened with a cheerful jingle. He glanced up with his golden eyes, but could only see a cloud of pink, which made him gasp and shuffle for his glasses. When those lenses covered his eyes, he still saw a cloud of pink: however, now he could tell that said cloud had strong, muscular arms crossed over a buff chest, and strong, stoic eyes over a rugged beard of cloud wisps. ?Unzan! You?re here early,? Rinnosuke exclaimed, standing up and feeling self conscious without his shirt. Shyly, he covered his chest with his hands, only for the storm front of manliness to float forward and take his hands.

Unzan seemed to rumble as he gazed at the shopkeeper, who had his head turned from him. No discernable words were heard, but Rinnosuke seemed to understand him. ?I-it?s not that I?m upset, but?? Rinnosuke trailed off as the pink cloud moved closer, bringing with him the scent of rain and wind, and a cooling sensation, welcome in the muggy heat. When Unzan reached up to cup the half-youkai?s jaw, Rinnosuke began to retreat from the cloud. ?N-not now, Unzan?? he stammered as he backed away, Unzan pursuing slowly with a soft look in his stormy eyes.

Unfortunately, Rinnosuke was soon out of room, and found himself backed against a wall. ?Please, Unzan,? he whispered, as the pink cloud pressed him against the wall, trapping him. The litter of puppies had stopped their rough housing to gather and watch in interest, much to the shopkeeper?s embarrassment. Unzan would not take no for an answer, and creeped in closer. The amount of erotic tension was intense in the room, far greater than any love between men and elephants could generate, and there was a thundering noise growing louder in Rinnosuke?s mind as Unzan?s pink lips closed in on his own?

The bell jingled, and the two looked up at the manly, suave voice that had just entered. ?Hello. I have returned, and find myself holding a cake, constructed specifically for you and made with love and perhaps a slight? hint? of choc?? Tenma trailed off, seeing the compromising scene. ?Ah, I see that you have a guest, Rinnosuke.?

Rinnosuke shivered at the sensual, yet accusing tone in the tengu?s voice. ?Tenma, this isn?t what it looks like!? he exclaimed as Unzan turned to face the tengu with as best of a stony look as a man made entirely of weather patterns could possibly have.

?Oh, so you?re saying that I did not find you in a compromising position,? Tenma began, tossing the cake to the side, ?with a rain cloud, ready to do some rather interesting actions despite my belief of our long standing relationship that has included, in the past, hand holding, feet rubbing, paragliding, and quite possibly romantic encounters involving scented bodywash.? As he spoke, Tenma began stalking towards Unzan, meeting him with as best of a stony look as a tengu made entirely of flesh and blood could possibly have. Unzan looked unimpressed, as seen by his crossed arms and stormy complexion.

The pink cloud thundered accusatorily, at Tenma and at Rinnosuke. Rinnosuke only grew pale, as he struggled to explain. ?Unzan, I should have told you, about my previous relationship?? The tengu lord arched an eyebrow.

?Previous? Perhaps you should have informed me when you had arrived from the future, for I was under the impression that our relationship, built on love-filled trust explosions, was, in fact, current.? Unzan rumbled again, and Tenma raised a perfectly proportioned and handsome eyebrow. ?Oh, excuse me, Rinnosuke, while disperse some inclement weather,? he remarked as he pulled out a pair of gloves, made of brown bear fur and still possessing its claws, and put them on his hands. Unzan, in response, uncrossed his arms and held them out forward, in a wrestling pose. This only made him smirk. ?Why don?t look at yourself? Now back to me. Now back at yourself. What are you? A mere puff of a cloud. What am I? The tengu lord with power over the winds. Winds from the fan now in my hand that can disperse you. Now look behind you, there are puppies. Anything is possible when you?re Lord Tenma and not a mere weather anomaly.?

Enraged by the tengu?s boasting, Unzan charged forward to strike, and Tenma pounced with a roar. Battle waged, and Rinnosuke and the puppies watched in horror as claw met fist, wind met more fist, and fist met even more fist.

The battle waged for days, not halting through the night. Youkai huddled in their caves, humans hid in their villages, and girls watched warmly. The battle was immortalized in painting, in song, and in sleazy newsrags developed by certain unscrupulous reporters (and then reported on a week afterwards by other certain unscrupulous reporters), and lived on in the minds of everyone forevermore, no matter how much alcohol they drank to forget it.
(Many thanks to our Mysterious Helper X who wrote this just for the occassion :3 )

As you finish reading, you stand still in shock for a while. You aren't quite sure what you just read about, but the pictures prove that the whole story happened like that just a while ago. You look at Aya again, but she's not gonna wake up anytime soon.

You remember her words. A Special Issue is needed for that story. And it needs to be made right now, before Hatate's rival newspaper gets to it. But with Aya out of the picture, there is only one who can make this special issue.... YOU

Your task is to design a cover page for the Special Issue of the Bunbunmaru Tabloid.
The cover page needs to include a small preview on the article about the story you just read, this will be the cover-story.
It also needs to have information about other articles that will be in the issue, you want to get people interested so they will buy the issue after all.
Lastly, there needs to be at least one picture to accompany the preview on the main article. If you need a program to edit pictures, I suggest using the free Paint.Net.

This is supposed to be a TABLOID, so pay attention to that. If you want to include some advertisements make sure they don't take up more than about 15% of the page.

You may submit the entry in whatever format you see fit. You may continue working with your assistant from the first round for this, but they are not allowed to take the main work off your hands (doubt they'd be willing anyway :V), and you can't choose a new assistant.

The deadline is until the end of the weekend, so time shouldn't be an issue.

Have fun~

And lastly a personal note: Since university started off way more busy than I expected and I will be quite busy, I am gonna pass on the position of host for the rest of this challenge to Purvis. Judging of the second round and a possible third round will all be in his hands.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 04:51:58 PM by Moe Moe Chibikana »

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #337 on: April 06, 2011, 04:46:03 PM »
Looking forward to THE NEXT ONE


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #338 on: April 06, 2011, 05:24:19 PM »
Mommy, what are Unzan and Rinnosuke doing? Are they good friends?

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #339 on: April 06, 2011, 05:28:47 PM »
Is that a pink cloud in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #340 on: April 06, 2011, 05:59:34 PM »
Mommy, what are Unzan and Rinnosuke doing? Are they good friends?

Yes, very...very good friends.

...Promise me you won't have friends like that, okay, dear?


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #341 on: April 06, 2011, 06:10:57 PM »
As a professional journalist, I feel especially qualified to ... to ...

OK, pleasepleasepleasepleeeeease let me help judge this one. I promise to be fair and balanced.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #342 on: April 06, 2011, 06:12:15 PM »
Oh, quick question: Is end of the weekend monday or sunday?


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round I: The Lord of the Hakkero
« Reply #343 on: April 06, 2011, 06:40:39 PM »
##ReadAloud: KIPS' STORY.

As ya requested... jokingly or not. Sorry for da visuals, put em in last minute. Had I had the time to put in better visuals I would have had enough time to tell you on Skype that I was actually gonna do this after all. Buuuut... well hehe... I DID NOT!

Now back to da studyin' I go!
Finally woke up, so now I finally watched this (couldn't watch it last night since my parents were sleeping in the next room).

That was glorious. The random bird noise in the background at around 2:30 was perfect :V

Also, after clicking play, try pressing 5 or 9 over and over :V (Pressing 5 requires a certain rhythm, but pressing 9 doesn't.)

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #344 on: April 06, 2011, 07:18:40 PM »
As a professional journalist, I feel especially qualified to ... to ...

OK, pleasepleasepleasepleeeeease let me help judge this one. I promise to be fair and balanced.
Ask Purvis, I'm sure he will take your help :3

Oh, quick question: Is end of the weekend monday or sunday?
Sunday midnight, just before it becomes Monday.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 07:20:43 PM by Moe Moe Chibikana »


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #345 on: April 06, 2011, 07:33:18 PM »
I had to go through and read all of Lord Tenma's lines in Isaiah Mustafa's voice. It was glorious.

<Sakana> Well, that's how you are supposed to read it anyway  :3
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 07:40:28 PM by Moe Moe Chibikana »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #346 on: April 06, 2011, 08:05:00 PM »
Let's clarify: Midnight EST. Because we deal in actual time around these parts.

Ammy: I would be delighted to have you assistance! I shall be most interested in your fair and balanced inputs. =]

Also: I shall be accepting ideas for the third contest. Make them grood ones!


  • Red shroom
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #347 on: April 06, 2011, 08:30:54 PM »
Well, this ought to be fun. I'm looking forward to both takes on this.

The Ammy brigade should act as the press critics ready to flame anything that is not in their taste. Caw-caw!

As for the post tally, we had 139 total in R1 (corrected an over-count in the beginning). Shall we now make a new one for R2 (and hopefully they'll be considered in as well with decisions)?
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #348 on: April 06, 2011, 08:43:07 PM »
This sounds interesting to watch. If the Ammy-count wasn't included for Round I, will all the counts go into Round II?

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #349 on: April 06, 2011, 10:14:09 PM »
Ammy: I would be delighted to have you assistance! I shall be most interested in your fair and balanced inputs. =]

Excellent, then that's what you'll get!

To the contestants: I've been working as a journalist for about 7 years now, from proofing to wire service to investigation. I realize that the two of you are pretty young, and likely have no experience whatsoever in the field. That being the case, you're probably expecting that you won't be held up to the same standards my colleagues are.

Well, congratulations! I wouldn't dream of pandering to you in that way. You'll be treated like any other intern to walk through Bunbunmaru's well-oiled doors. Remember, the tengu's standards of journalistic excellence are very high. Did you know Aya once made Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley burst into tears with her scathing critiques? She was tough, but they didn't get where they were without her help. You can expect the same treatment. Aren't you glad?

The Ammy brigade should act as the press critics ready to flame anything that is not in their taste. Caw-caw!

Why does this make me feel a little squirmy?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #350 on: April 06, 2011, 10:40:08 PM »
The only problem I may have with this is drawing, since well, I cant do that for my life. Is it okay if I find some sorta dan/safebooru pic?

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #351 on: April 06, 2011, 11:19:54 PM »
The only problem I may have with this is drawing, since well, I cant do that for my life. Is it okay if I find some sorta dan/safebooru pic?

I would prefer you make your own. Just ganking someone else's art annoys me. I suppose use of stock photos might be alright. So in short, you can, but expect me to be much harsher in my scoring.


  • serial time-waster
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #352 on: April 06, 2011, 11:28:49 PM »
I nearly choked from laughing so hard.
I especially was not expecting the Denis Leary reference.

Press onward without fear or restraint, wayward journalists. I expect the type of high-quality entertainment that only tabloids can deliver.


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #353 on: April 06, 2011, 11:47:54 PM »
Why does this make me feel a little squirmy?
I can see where this is coming from, seeing as the Ammy brigade is trying to copy your model. However, I bet it will apply it in a much more scathing and "8.0 to 10"-style criticism system.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • I will ahn~ vote count for you
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  • The STRONGEST Day Effect
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #354 on: April 07, 2011, 12:01:11 AM »
I wouldn't dream of pandering to you in that way. You'll be treated like any other intern to walk through Bunbunmaru's well-oiled doors. Remember, the tengu's standards of journalistic excellence are very high. Did you know Aya once made Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley burst into tears with her scathing critiques? She was tough, but they didn't get where they were without her help. You can expect the same treatment. Aren't you glad?
:ohdear: Please don't crush my idealistic reporting dreams.

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #355 on: April 07, 2011, 12:35:00 AM »
I would prefer you make your own. Just ganking someone else's art annoys me. I suppose use of stock photos might be alright. So in short, you can, but expect me to be much harsher in my scoring.
What if I get someone else to make the art for me?

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #356 on: April 07, 2011, 02:20:23 AM »
I had to go through and read all of Lord Tenma's lines in Isaiah Mustafa's voice. It was glorious.

<Sakana> Well, that's how you are supposed to read it anyway  :3
Aaaaaaaand here's the audible version~! >w<

Esi reading half of Aya's notepad, recorded thru Skype:

And some selected Lord Tenma dialogue from the latter half (ctrl+f at "Hello. I have returned..."):

I'm sooo glad I got to wake up early for this! :*
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #357 on: April 07, 2011, 02:26:42 AM »
The only thing is, I wasn't putting my all into this :C

Because mom and dad were still up when I recorded it, and I reeeeeeeeeeaaally don't want them to think I'm reading hot steamy man on man action :>

Even though I am
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 02:31:25 AM by Ammyfex »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #358 on: April 07, 2011, 05:21:00 AM »
What if I get someone else to make the art for me?

Same thing. Oh, be sure to accredit your images. Purvis dislikes plagiarism.

:ohdear: Please don't crush my idealistic reporting dreams.

Your dreams shall be crushed, mixed into a slurry, and fed to Erebus just like everyone else's.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #359 on: April 07, 2011, 05:46:50 AM »
Is that a hint of Erebus being a guest judge? :V