Author Topic: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]  (Read 72748 times)

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2011, 12:01:18 AM »
Whatever things Louise is suggesting for Yuuka to do at the fair are being shot down. Too bad. They were so darned funny!
Yuuka? A violin master? Do want.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2011, 11:03:19 AM »

I stood in front of a crowd of nobles and commoners alike. I glanced to the side where my master was looking on expectantly along with her friends. I nodded toward the teaching staff and the princess who were acting as a panel of judges. I looked up to the clear blue sky at took a breath.

?My name is Yuka Kazami. I am the summoned familiar of Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere. Allow me to play to you a song of my people.? I said while tipping my straw hat toward the crowd at large before putting my violin in position and readying the bow. After pausing for a few moments, making sure that everyone?s attention is firmly situated with me, I began playing. This was a song that I came up with during a certain midsummer?s day, a year after Reimu passed away. It was a song that made me recall the past and revel in the present. It was a song reminded me of a constant throughout everything that has happened so far.

Gensokyo Past and Present ~ Flower Land

It was a song that I played in the middle of the Garden of the Sun. It was a somewhat slow melody that evokes a sense of nostalgia in me, reminding me of where I came from and how I came to be who I am today. I chose this song for that very purpose. I wished to see if it will draw out the same feelings from Louise that it did to me, to reflect on your past and appreciate what you have in the present.

Yes, I can be surprisingly philosophical if I was bored enough.

I opened my eyes as I wound down the song, lifting the bow from the violin and removing the instrument from its position. I gazed at the crowd, at Louise and the other, at the judging panel. The entire place was absolutely in silence for several moments before they all erupted in cheers and applause at the same time. I smile and tipped my hat to the crowd one more time before exiting the stage.

?Th-Th-That was amazing!? Louise gushed before she ran to me and embraced me where I stood, very nearly throwing her hat off her head. I will admit that it was a very odd experience for me. After all, this was the first time someone ever hugged me in joy.

?That was a superb piece, Mister Yuka! I was in tears at the beauty of the melody.? Guiche said as he flamboyantly expressed his feelings about my performance. The expressions of Kirche and Monmon were those of admiration and joy as well. Even Tabitha put her book away during the performance, though she left immediately afterward to prepare for her own performance. I turned my gaze to Siesta and saw that she had a bit of a complicated expression under her straw hat. I was wondering why when I saw Kirche leering at me with a very amused expression.

?Aren?t you being a bit too close with your familiar, Louise~?? The redhead teased, making my master blush as red as Kirche?s hair. That girl and Yukari would probably get along well enough?not that I would ever let that happen.

?Wh-wh-wh-what are you talking about?!? Louise let out as she quickly pushed herself away from me and grabbing the rim of her hat. It was a new thing for Louise ever since she got her hat. Whenever she gets embarrassed, she would grab the rim of her hat and pull it slightly downward. Very cute but I was glad that it was made of leather, I doubt that a cotton or wool hat could take that kind of abuse for too long.

?Louise, your resistance only makes my teasing harder~? Kirche quickly followed up and suddenly found herself being chased around by my master.

?Ignoring what just happened, I?m honestly impressed by your skill with that instrument.? Monmon complimented me on my performance.

?Thank you. I don?t really care for winning but if it helps Louise then I don?t really mind it.? I said with a shrug, earning a genuine smile from the blonde girl.

?I really hope that you win though, that was beautiful.? Siesta suddenly muttered, making Guiche, Monmon, and I turn to her.

?Ah! Did I just say that out loud?!? The maid suddenly said in surprise before clutching my parasol tighter. I had Siesta hold onto my parasol before I went on stage instead of giving it to Louise. It was to prevent Louise from thinking that I was using her as someone to carry my things for me and to show her that having Siesta around is very convenient.

?Yes, and I am very happy that you feel that way. Can you put this in Louise?s room for me?? I asked as I gave the maid my violin, now back in its case, and traded it for my parasol.

?Of course!? Siesta happily said before trotting of toward the dormitory tower.

?I have to say though, you have that maid wrapped around your finger.? Monmon commented with a bit of a smirk.

?Good help is hard to find, especially one like Siesta.? I honestly said and the blonde simply nodded in agreement.

?Umm?maybe we should stop those two?? We heard Guiche say as he pointed to the skirmish between Kirche and Louise. It was starting to devolve into a shouting match between two children as Kirche started poking the tip of my master?s hat and I was sure that it would regress into physical violence if nothing was done about it.

?I?ll take care of it?? I said with a bored tone as I opened up my parasol and let it lean on my right shoulder before I walked toward the two young magicians.


?Honestly though?you are too easy to provoke.? I said while shaking my head. Louise and I were walking back to the dormitory tower at my insistence. My master had wanted to stay until the very end of the fair, saying something about watching the princess awarding the winner, but I managed to convince her to return when I pointed out that half the class were still due to perform and she would be stuck with Kirche in the meantime. We agreed to come back after a while, hopefully before or soon after the awarding. It was a very sound plan?if it wasn?t for the sudden spike in magic I sensed in the distance. I raised a brow at the sensation. It was not something that was unusual to feel in a school such as this, Professor Colbert and the headmaster easily had enough magical power to make that spike, but the situation was too unusual for them to do so. Also, it was coming from a completely different direction from where they were judging the participants of the fair.

?Louise?I believe that something just came up.? I muttered as we rounded a corner, just in time to hear the sound of the castle wall being hit by the fist of a hundred foot tall earth golem. Why so specific a description? Because we were currently watching a hundred foot tall earth golem do just that.

?Wh-Wh-What the heck is that?!? Louise stuttered in panic as she pointed at the golem before it hit the wall with another punch.

?I believe that is what you would call an earth golem, very well made too.? I commented. It was much larger than Guiche?s golems and looked much tougher even though it was made out of packed dirt. Although?

?The castle wall is holding up surprisingly well, I wonder what is on the other side...? I muttered as I watched the golem hit it one more time. It was strange, if the wall was made out of stone, it should have been broken to bits by now considering the repeated pummelling it was being subjected to. The only explanation would be that it was magically reinforced. Usually that would mean that someone or something important or valuable would be on the other side of that wall. It would also mean that whoever that cloaked figure was, who was standing on the golem?s right shoulder, is trying to get to it.

?Why are you wondering about something like that?! Someone is destroying part of the school! Do something!? Louise yelled at me. The golem stopped and it turned to us, along with its rider. I narrowed my eyes as the cloaked figure smiled and pointed at us and the golem quickly aimed a punch to crush us. I closed my parasol and picked up Louise before jumping clear of the fist.

?Eeeek!? Louise shrieked in surprise as we narrowly missed getting hit by the golem, though construct did not retract its appendage even after it was obvious that we managed to evade it. I got the reason why when the ground surrounding the fist suddenly erupted into a wave of stalagmites. The wave managed to reach us but the patterns were too predictable and I was easily able to weave through them before jumping up and clearing them altogether.

?Stay here?? I said to my master as I put her down a safe distance away from the golem. I gripped my parasol with my right hand and ran to the side of the golem, flanking it and keeping it away from Louise. The golem retracted its fist from the ground and wound up its other fist to try to punch me even though I was far beyond its reach at the moment. I found out why when the golem?s fist separated from the arm after it threw its punch.

A projectile attack, very creative.

I was easily able to jump away from the fist just as it impacted the ground like wet mud. I was suddenly taken slightly by surprise when the dirt that made up the first reshaped itself into a stalagmite that burst out at me. I was able to twist out of the way from the tip of the earthen spike and was able to land safely on the ground. So, this is the power of the more experienced magicians of this world? I like what I?m seeing so far. I smiled at the prospect of actually having a fun fight dropped onto my lap and charged right at the behemoth. The golem took a step forward before throwing another punch straight at me. However, I was already close enough so it didn?t have to toss its fist at me anymore. I met the golem?s fist with the tip of my parasol and the earth parted in the face of my trusted weapon. The golem?s fist, along with a good portion of its arm blew away as I made my parasol dig deeper into the construct. I saw the rider grimace after seeing its creation take that much damage. I was also close enough to notice something?perfume. The rider was female? I did not manage to confirm this because the golem sent its other fist at me. I was able to lean my shoulder toward the blow to absorb the impact. The fist that hit me shattered but it had enough force to send me to the ground. I skid a few feet away from the construct and saw that the golem?s legs were shifting in place. I realized why when the arms that I had just destroyed started growing back. The golem was using the earth beneath its feet to restore itself.

?Most impressive?? I said with a smile. I admit, this was the very first time I had fought against someone specifically tuned to weaponize earth. Sure, I had fought against creatures that can throw around entire mountainsides, but I have never been able to have the pleasure of facing an actual manipulator of earth. I must say, this human magician was proving to be worth the fight. I charged at the golem once more and it once again threw another punch at me. I was ready for it and met the fist with my own left fist. I raised a brow when my fist felt like it was seeping into mud. The magician changed the density of the earth that made up the fist, seemingly trying to trap me into part of the construct. It was very clever and I saw that the other fist was already headed straight for me. I noticed that the rider was smiling at me, seemingly certain of her victory. Good, I gave a smile of my own. Long before the fist reached me, I let my flowers bloom. From the arm that caught my fist, six plants suddenly burst forth. They were flowers that I had encountered before, flowers that I had grown fond of using as time went by. The blossoms were not your ordinary kind. Instead of petals, each one had a single red spherical bulb with white dots of varying sizes. The most interesting about them is that each bulb was actually a head, each head had a gaping maw with teeth made of thorns. The flowers had neither eyes nor ears but they can sense another?s presence. These were predatory plants, affectionately known as piranha plants.

I saw the rider?s stunned expression at what had just happened but it was not over yet. The six piranha plants all turned to where the rider was standing and opened their jaws. The rider?s expression went from surprise to fear when balls of fire came from within each plant. The magician quickly redirected the golem?s other arm to block the oncoming blasts. Once again, the magician demonstrated that she can change the consistency of the earth that made up her golem by making the blocking arm as hard as granite. The magician countered my sending a wave of spikes across the surface of the arm that had my plants, impaling four of them in the head. The remaining two kept belching out fire until the other arm of the golem smashed into them destroying the arm that was holding onto me. I dropped down to the ground and considered making more piranha plants when I caught the telltale pink of my master?s hair. She was behind the golem?and she was pointing her wand at the rider.

?Fireball!? I heard her yell out. The rider quickly made her golem turn around and use its arms to block the magician. Several moments passed and nothing happened. A failed spell? No if that was a failed spell then...

On cue, an explosion rocked the field where we were fighting on. Louise?s concussive blast went wide to the right, taking out the wall that the golem had been trying to destroy with one shot. It was also strong enough to blow a good chunk of the golem?s left shoulder and arm. My master had a look of fright when she realized what she had just done. The momentary pause was enough for the rider as she quickly leaped into the hole made by Louise, the golem covering the newly made entrance like a sentry. The construct did not stay still though. As soon as the damage it took regenerated, it quickly aimed a punch at my master. I dashed toward my master who was still frozen in place, mesmerized by the promise of certain death from being crushed under the golem?s fist. I managed to make it in time and pick up my frozen master, who did not even react when I suddenly carried her over my shoulder. The golem?s fist hit the ground and it once again sent a wave of stalagmites our way. I easily avoided them like last time but the golem also threw stone spikes at us from the surface of its shoulder. I did not have enough room to try to graze them without endangering Louise. I opted to drop my master onto the ground, making her grunt at the sudden action, before opening up my parasol and using it as a shield. The spikes were either shattered or deflected by my parasol but the golem just kept throwing them at us. It was buying time for the magician.

I suddenly noticed a familiar presence coming from the sky. I smiled when I saw several large icicles rain down onto the golem. I glanced up toward the direction where the ice came from and sure enough saw Tabitha riding Sylphid. The quiet magician girl gestured with her staff and sent another wave of icicles at the golem. The construct blocked the projectiles with both arms before retaliating with stone spikes from its shoulders. The blue drake easily managed to maneuver away from them as it let its master continue with the barrage. Tabitha?s distraction was enough to get the golem?s attention away from us so I took the time to check on Louise.

?Are you hurt?? I asked Louise who was still wide eyed and on the verge of tears.

?I?failed?again?? She muttered over and over again as she sat on the ground, staring into oblivion. I?ll need to take care of that later. I turned back to the golem who was shrugging off the rain of icicles made by Tabitha. I briefly entertained the thought of finishing the battle with a Master Spark when I remembered that such an attack would probably destroy much of the school. My master probably wouldn?t approve of that. Instead I opted to use other means?

I gestured my left hand upward and the ground beneath the golem?s feet erupted into masses of vines and flowers that entangled themselves around the legs of the construct before working their way up the body. I saw the rider come back out the hole in the wall and glanced at my handiwork. She turned to me and smirked before climbing onto the golem?s shoulder. The entire upper torso of the golem suddenly reformed itself and enveloped the rider in a sphere made of earth. A barrier? No, a magician that can fight that well can?t be so stupid to trap themselves using their own power. I got my answer when the sphere suddenly shot our and slammed into the ground. I thought that it was going to roll away but I was mistaken. Instead of using the sphere as a bowling ball to knock down the walls, the clever made it meld into the earth on the ground. It almost looked like the sphere was dissolving into the ground, when in fact, it was shifting the earth to make way for the magician to make her escape right under everyone?s feet. I felt the presence of the magician fade away into the distance until it could not longer be sensed.

Not bad, human?

Once I was certain that the threat was gone, I turned back to where Louise was still sitting on the ground. The girl was holding onto the brim of her hat as she trembled where she sat. I knelt down and placed my hand on her head.

?We really need to work on your evasion?? I softly said to my master, ignoring the shouts of the late arriving human guards. I felt the presence of Tabitha and turned toward the blue-haired girl, her drake opting to fly circles above us.

?Unnecessary?? She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. It was then that I noticed that she had a small bronze crown on her head. I ignored it for now and shook my head.

?Perhaps?? I replied before looking back to my trembling master.

?Scared?? Tabitha commented when she noticed Louise?s current state.

?Her first battle and her first brush with death.? I supplied the quiet girl who walked to the other side of my master and started gently rubbing her back. It was nice to see that people were starting to care for Louise.


?Have you calmed down?? I asked my master who was sitting across from me. All the students were sent back to their rooms following the skirmish with the earth magician. Princess Henrietta was quickly extracted from the academy grounds by a large group of griffin knights, probably a bit twitchy after something like that happening so close to where their sovereign was located. Louise had not said a word since the incident, even after being visited by her friends. Monmon and Siesta had wanted to stay with her longer but the teaching staff was strict in enforcing a lockdown of the academy for now.

?First near-death?? Derf asked me from his seat beside me. I found it a bit odd that Louise still propped up the sword on a chair next to us as Siesta served us some tea at my request.

?Yes, a particularly close one.? I said while nodding, the blade humming in understanding.

?That happens a lot times to those who haven?t fought for their lives before.? Derf commented, earning another nod from me. A six-thousand year old sword would know a thing or two about that wouldn?t he?

?Is it always?that?? My master quietly started, her eyes covered by the brim of her hat.

?Fast? Fierce? Frightening?? I asked, prodding my master to continue. Louise was quiet for several moments after that. Derf was about to say something but I gestured him not to. The first step needs to be taken by Louise herself.

?Close?? She finally answered, lifting her gaze up to the point where I could see her still scared expression.

?Yes, particularly if both sides were serious about killing each other. That is how fights usually are.? I said with a shrug.

?Sure, you can say that so easily. You?re a powerful youkai that managed to go barehanded against the most well constructed earth golem I had ever seen. I?m just a squishy wizard who almost got myself killed.? Ah, so it wasn?t fear that was the ruling emotion. It was frustration due her apparent powerlessness during the battle.

?Even Tabitha was able to hold her own. All I could do was fail miserably again and be a burden to everyone. I?m completely usele--? I cut the girl off right there by slamming my left palm on the table, making the tableware, the girl, and the sword suddenly shake.

?And that is as far as your little episode of self loathing will get.? I firmly stated before picking up cup and taking another sip of my tea.


?Why did you do what you did?? I asked Louise before she could start anything.

?What?? Louise asked in seemingly genuine puzzlement. I heard Derf sigh before slipping back into its scabbard. It seemed that the blade knew where I was going to take this and decided not to be involved.

?At the time of the battle, you were witness to me fighting toe to toe with ?the most well constructed earth golem you have ever seen?, yet you still stepped forward and tried to fight it anyway. Why?? I clarified for my master, putting down my cup before crossing my arms across my chest.

?I didn?t want you to fight it alone?? She admitted.

?Even though you knew that something like that couldn?t possibly kill me?? I asked, Louise did not answer.

?Even though you knew that I had the fight under control?? I added, still no response.

?Even though you knew that I would have won?? I continued, leaning back.

?Even though--?

?I didn?t want you to fight it alone!? Louise screamed her earlier answer at me.

?Even though I knew that the golem wasn?t strong enough to kill you. Even though I knew that you had the fight under control. Even though I knew that you would have won. Even though what I did would have been unnecessary. I still wanted to help you?? Louise said as she bit back tears, I merely remained quiet and allowed her to get it all out.

?You?ve been around for a very long time?you have fought against beings I can?t even begin to imagine. But you almost always fought alone, even though you?re in a completely different world now. Even though you are already my familiar?you still fought that golem alone. I didn?t want that because?? Was as far as Louise got before she started crying. Was that how she saw me? Was it merely something she was latching onto in the hopes that she and I would have something in common? I smiled at the thought, a tiny human magician crying in front of me because she was worried about me being lonely. Sixteen hundred years and this was the first time someone has cried for my sake. I stood up and walked over to Louise, my body moving before I even registered what I was really doing.

?Yuka, what are you--?!? Louise yelped out after I knelt before her and gave her a gentle hug. It was not something romantic or familial. It was merely a hug to comfort my master?my?friend. Louise was quiet for a few moments before returning the hug.

?I couldn?t even hit it?my spell missed and broke the wall?? She muttered, recalling her missed attack. Her words made me blink a couple of times before I made the realization. Of course! I pulled away from her and stared at her intently, making her blush furiously before turning away from me.

?You missed?? I muttered, making my master turn back to me with a glare. Her previous embarrassment turned to anger as she pushed me away.

?Yes I did! Louise the Zero missed the broad side of a hundred foot tall golem! Rub it in my face more!? She yelled as she raised her arms up, exasperated.

?No?you don?t understand Louise?? I muttered before standing back up and returning to my seat.

?I don?t understand what? How much I have failed?? Louise sarcastically asked me in self contempt.

?Think?? I stated, holding my right hand up to prevent further protests from my master.

?Your spell went wide to the right and destroyed the castle wall and a good portion of the golem?s left side?? I started, hoping the gears in her head start turning soon.

?A castle wall that was hit three times by that golem without as much as a dent on it and a golem that shrugged of Tabitha?s icicle attacks.? I pointed out, making Louise?s eyes go wide.

?You missed but you managed to produce enough power to damage two things that I?m pretty sure were meant to be resistant to magic in the first place...? I said with a smile.

?I did?? Louise affirmed, recalling what she had done earlier.

?And that proves it, my master has immense power within her. The only issue would be control, awareness, and a bit of evasion.? I muttered to myself.

?Evasion?? Louise asked, tilting her head to the side.

?Had you not frozen up and got out of the way of the golem?s counter, you could have had another shot at the thing.? I simply stated, making my master do another ?urk?.

?Well, what was I supposed to do? That was my first battle!? Louise said as if her words justified her actions.

?Usually, the ones who act like that in the battlefield ended up with that as their final battle.? I said with a more serious tone. Louise gulped at what I was implying before clearing her throat.

?So?what are we going to do about it?? She asked me.

?I already have something in mind?although?? I trailed off as I saw my master yawn.

?You need your sleep. Today has been exciting for you to say that least.? I said with a smile before standing up and walking to Louise?s wardrobe to fetch her nightgown. My master grumbled a few times but eventually complied. She quickly got to sleep and I picked up my parasol before walking to the door.

?Watch over her?? I asked Derf.

?Not like I?m going anywhere?? The sword replied with another of its sword-shrugs. I smiled at the sight of my sleeping master before walking out. Time to get to work?


Louise opened her eyes and saw that she was in the middle of the sunflower field again. Great, another one of these?

?Hello Louise.? A familiar voice startled the pink-haired girl, making her turn to the voice. She saw her familiar standing in front of her, with his parasol open even though the sun wasn?t out anymore. This was just a dream so it didn?t strictly have to make sense.

?Continuing where we left off?? Yuka trailed off as he produced a tall glass of red wine in his hands. He walked up to Louise before giving the glass to her. He stepped back a few steps and three of those piranha plants burst from the ground.

?As I stated earlier, you need to work on your evasion to prevent you from freezing up whenever something threatening suddenly approaches you. Thus, this exercise...? Her familiar trailed off and Louise glanced at the menacing looking plants as they swayed from side to side.

?You are to try to evade the fireballs generated by my plants as best you can?without spilling a drop of wine from the glass.? Yuka said with a wicked smile. Dodge fireballs while keeping the wine in the glass?! What kind of crazy training is that supposed to be?!

?Don?t worry about dying if you get hit?this is just a dream after all.? Her familiar said in a sickeningly sweet voice before the piranha plants opened their maws and fired.

It was at that moment that Louise decided that she didn?t like this dream?


If you didn't get the Jojo have no hope.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2011, 01:06:01 PM »
Never seen jojo, But that was an amazing chapter. I can only assume the plants that shoot fire are the reference.

Also, Sadist/trainer Yuuka at the end of the post is amazing. Keep writing this!


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2011, 07:03:22 PM »
I can only assume the plants that shoot fire are the reference.

I am ver surprised that you didn't notice that the piranha plants are from SUPER MARIO BROTHERS,

The Jojo reference was at the very end, making Louise fight without making the wine's a long story.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2011, 07:07:40 PM »
I am ver surprised that you didn't notice that the piranha plants are from SUPER MARIO BROTHERS,

The Jojo reference was at the very end, making Louise fight without making the wine's a long story.
You know, thats one of the two main references I should get, with the other being za warudo.
Really, I cant believe I forgot that :V


  • #totes
  • #legit
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2011, 12:00:11 AM »
Wow I was just thinking about this actually :V and omfg piranha plants ilu for this. This was extremely exciting as well. The fight was incredibly entertaining. My fav part was when yuka was like,'I could use a master spark but I might destroy everything in a 20 mi radius...' I do like the extrapolation of her flower power rather than sparks everywhere.  All in all gj and never give this up I enjoy this very much. =D


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2011, 12:59:45 AM »
The Jojo reference was at the very end, making Louise fight without making the wine's a long story.

And here I thought that was just a reference to Yuugi's 'NOT EVEN DROP' thing. Although I guess that could be a JoJo reference, too (I have no idea).

Also, FUCK YES @ Piranah Plants


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2011, 10:31:27 PM »


?Munya~ Munya~ Munya~ Munya~ Munya~ Munya~? Louise kept repeating like a mantra as I looked down upon her sleeping form. She was currently sleeping on her back while both of her hands were reaching upward and seemingly trying to claw at something. Strange...her training for the night had already ended and I went off to wake her. I blinked a few times when I realized something...

I may have forgotten to stop the piranha plants from firing at her before I left.

?Louise...? I called out to her as I shook her shoulder. I heard the telltale sound of rattling metal that indicated that Derf was once again emerging from his scabbard.

?I wouldn't do that if I were you.? The ancient blade said with a concerned tone.

?I have to wake her up.? I replied before I shook Louise's shoulder again, making my master scowl harder at my action. Derf simply did another one of his sword-shrugs before slipping back into its scabbard.

?Master, wake up. You're going to be late for school.? I urged Louise from her slumber, she was not usually this hard to wake. Did the training in Mugenkan have something to do with it? True, Cirno did have trouble adjusting to the training regiment I gave her after I agreed to mentor her in regards to Danmaku Battles. However, Louise simply had to avoid getting hit by fireballs from three piranha plants and not have to survive for eight hours of me firing dual sparks at her. She did surprisingly well for a first timer too, only getting burned to a crisp around twelve times before she finally figured out the patterns. Judging from her screams of unbridled agony, Louise seemed very surprised at how flammable red wine was.


?WRYYYYYYYYY!? Louise screeched as she suddenly grabbed her pillow and smashed it into my face with all her strength...while still apparently asleep. I was certain that I saw her eyes light up with the fury of countless white stars for a split-second there.

?Haha! Oh wow!? Derf exclaimed from within his scabbard. My master's 'attack' did not hurt in any sense of the word, her explosive spells had more force, but it was still a rather...unique experience to be a direct object of her hostility. I would imagine that Louise would be quite the little demon if she ever consciously becomes extremely infuriated.

?Umm...Louise?? I called out to her, my voice still muffled by the pillow on my face.

?Agaa~? Louise muttered, I'd imagine she was still in a dazed state since my current circumstance prevents me from actually seeing her.

?Wha...what happened?? Louise asked to the room at large. I was about to calmly ask her to put down the pillow but Derf promptly cut me off.

?Something that highlights humanity's dominance over nature.? The blade sagely said before giving a low chuckle.

?Yuka?? Louise called out, finally realizing that I was in the room.

?Yes?? I said through my master's pillow.

?Why am I holding my pillow against your face?? My master asked in a deadpan voice, probably being affected by how surreal the situation she woke up to was.

?You struck me with your pillow as I was trying to rouse you from sleep. Apparently you were having a nightmare and lashed out at whatever was trying to disturb you.? I explained the event that transpired mere moments ago.

?Nightmare...yes...I remember...? Louise muttered in response. I couldn't see her expression but I could feel her hostile intent and her magical power gradually build up. She might be upset...

?Oooh boy...? The six-thousand year old blade muttered in a nervous tone as I observed the continued rise in Louise's magic power. It would seem that my master's emotion is a predominant factor on how much power she can focus at any given moment.

?I had a dream last night...a very strange dream...? Louise slowly said, the pillow against my face was starting to tremble a bit as she went on.

?I was in a gigantic sunflower field in the middle of the night...there were countless stars in the sky but the two moons were nowhere to be found...? Louise ground out, I opted to stay quiet since I was curious on her reaction to last night's training session.

?I turn around and found you, gave me a glass of red wine and told me to avoid getting hit by fireballs coming from your chomping flowers...? Louise continued and...

?They are called piranha plants.? I quickly corrected, my master responded to my interruption by pushing her pillow harder against my face.

?Chomping Flowers...? My master emphasized, enforcing her own naming scheme for my plants.

?I was supposed to keep avoiding those great balls of fire without making the wine spill...I didn't understand...what did spilling wine have to do with catching on fire?? Louise asked as she finally pulled the pillow away from my face. I was unable to resist the urge to gulp when I saw my master's expression. She was giving me a flat stare but her eyes burned with the anger of a thousand suns. Without the pillow acting as a dampener, I was completely exposed to her rather massive aura of hostile intent. It wasn't anything I hadn't already been accustomed to during my many centuries of fighting but the fact that it was coming from Louise, the same girl who could give such expressive embarrassment and joy, was what truly unnerved me.

?I finally found out why after I spilled about half the contents of the glass all over my clothes...I got hit by one of the fireballs...then...then...? My master said before she dropped her pillow and grabbed the sides of my head. She leaned in closer and closer to me until our noses touched and I could feel her increasingly ragged breath on my face.

?It. Burns.? She declared, emphasizing each word as she stared right into my eyes.

?It burned my clothes and my flesh...I screamed and I screamed...I begged for it to stop...after so long it finally did... and I was back to normal at the snap of your fingers...then you told me to try again...the glass of wine was mysteriously refilled and the chomping flowers fired upon me again...over and over and over and over again...? Louise continued before she narrowed her eyes on me.

?After countless repeats of that torture...I suddenly started hallucinating about you doing stupid effeminate poses before you started saying weird things in some weird language...things like...Toki wo tomare...and...Soshite toki wa ugokidasu...? I was amazed that Louise registered that while she was on fire. Yes...I really did do those poses and Louise was not hallucinating. I got bored and decided to emulate one of those characters from those books that came from the outside world.

?So many times...I can't even remember how many times I had to go through that...hell...?

?Twelve.? I quickly answered.

?What was that?!? Louise snapped at me, her wand was in her right hand in an instant and was pressed against my cheek. She has already unconsciously improved that much with nothing more than the beginner fairy course? Impressive.

?Depending on your answer I may have to make you explode!? Louise yelled at me, her wand punctuating her threat by crackling with magical energy once. If she decided to unleash a broken spell anywhere near the magnitude that she used against that mystery golem then this entire room would likely be destroyed along with several others. I doubt that Louise would like to hear about that after she has come back to a more stable state of mind.

?Louise, calm down and let me explain.? I said in the most soothing voice I could manage under the current circumstance.

?No.? My master replied immediately and her wand once again crackled with energy. I sighed and activated plan-b, a plan which involved removing Louise's wand from her grasp by virtue of a vine whip that I flicked from my left hand. The vine did not hurt Louise at all, it simply plucked the wand from her hand and thus made the readied spell fizzle out of existence.

?Yes. You. Will.? It was my turn to remind Louise just who exactly she was speaking to. Oddly enough, the girl did not back down. Her amber eyes met my red ones and neither showed signs of backing off.

?Traitor...? Louise said simply, her gaze not leaving mine.

?On what grounds?? I asked her with a raised brow.

?You said that you were my familiar, my partner. You even told the Princess that you would never allow me to come to harm even at the face of Armageddon itself. But what did you do to me last night?! You made me burn! Over and over again, I screamed in agony and you just watched!? She yelled out at me.

?And?? I asked with a thinly veiled smirk.

?What?!? Louise asked back, her brow twitching at my response.

?And, are you currently harmed? Do you have incurable burns all over your body? Do you still feel the unbearable flames of death that came from my flowers?? I clarified. I saw Louise's eyes widen before they narrowed at me. My master refused to answer my questions so I answered them for her.

?What you went through was a special kind of lucid dream. You did not actually experience any of that, but at the same time, you did experience all of it.? I sagely said, rendering the entire room stone dead silent.

?You planning on making sense any time soon, buddy?? Derf asked after once again emerging from his scabbard. Louise made no comment about what I said and merely nodded at me to continue, her action reminding me of our proximity because her forehead bumped against mine when she nodded.

?The dreamscape that you were in last night...and several nights before...was my dream world, Mugenkan.? I started. Louise was finally beginning to calm down when I pointed out that she had been in my dream world before.

?Mugenkan was something I came up with back home many centuries before, it was something I created partially on accident while I was trying to get a lot of sleep.? I explained, earning another bout of silence across the room.

?Again...start making sense...? The six-thousand year old sword repeated. Louise settled on blinking at me several times, probably surprised at my sudden admission of having my own realm.

?Let me explain, there are several ways for a youkai to gain power. The means differ for each kind of youkai but the most common way to do so is to sleep and gather magical power. Since you are not doing anything, you don't expend any magical energy and it just ends up building up as you sleep...? I explained. I then noticed a dangerous gleam in Louise's eyes so I decided to cut off any delusions she might have.

?...and before you get any ideas, no, it will not work with humans. Trying to do what I did will just end with you dying in your sleep.? I quickly added before Louise did something she will not live to regret.

?Back on topic...I created Mugenkan to ensure that I remained safe as I slept. As time passed, I even hired some help to make sure that no one comes in uninvited.? That was Elly, my lazy scythe-wielding gatekeeper.

?So, the place where I kept waking up to sometimes when I sleep was this...Mugenkan?? Louise asked me.

?Yes, normally humans shouldn't be able to enter the border of dreams in such frequency as you have. I suspect that it has something to do with my summoning contract with you.? I replied with a shrug.

?And you immolated me twelve times in your realm because...? My master went back to the heart of the matter, regaining some of her previous fire...pardon the pun.

?Tell me...what started happening after the twelfth cycle?? I asked with a smile. It seemed that Louise was becoming exponentially irritated at my complete refusal to give her a straight answer, too bad for her. This was something I wanted her to learn and figure out by herself.

?I finally started dodging everything those chomping flowers threw at me. The wine didn't even spill that much anymore either...then I woke up.? Louise recalled her final cycle of the beginner fairy course. I decided to drive my point home by quickly by quickly grabbing the pillow on the ground, hopping back, and throwing the object at my master. Louise reacted immediately by twisting her body clear of the pillow's trajectory, the whole thing lasted about less than a couple of seconds.

?Wow...? Derf commented after witnessing what Louise had just done.

?Wha...? Louise herself seemed to be in disbelief at what she had just done. She turned to me and I gave her a warm smile.

?And therein lies the 'why'.? I simply said. Louise moved her body back to the more comfortable position of sitting on the edge of her bed while I put her wand on her desk alongside my violin case and pulled up a chair.

?The whole...process...that you went through last night was to address your concerns from yesterday. You were greatly concerned about your inability to move while in the face of certain death and I decided to do something about it. You just experienced your first lesson under Yuka Kazami's School of Danmaku Battles.? I pointed out before folding my arms and leaning back into the chair.

?That was...Danmaku?? Louise asked hesitantly.

?Yes, the very basic of basics. The higher-end battles usually consist of hundreds upon hundreds of projectiles being shot between the participants until a winner is decided or until we simply run out of spells.? I pointed out before checking my pocket watch.

?We shall continue our discussion later. I suggest that you start preparing for classes lest you wish to be late.? I stated before I stood up and walked over to Louise' wardrobe to fetch her clothes.

?What are you talking about, there aren't any classes today.? I froze at Louise's words. I slowly turned around and saw her looking at me with a raised brow.

?Excuse me?? I asked my master while raising my own brow.

?Because of what happened yesterday, Headmaster Osmond canceled all classes until further notice. I was half scared to death yesterday and I still managed to get that and you didn't?? My master asked me with an incredulous expression, I could faintly hear Derf snickering.

?Well...? I muttered before Louise's face turned a certain shade of red all of a sudden.

?And put down my panties when you talk to me!? She suddenly yelled out. I blinked a couple of times and looked down at my hands. It would appear that I was currently holding one of Louise's lace panties in my hands absentmindedly after my surprise at her previous declaration, Derf's snickering suddenly became louder. I sighed before putting the underwear back into its original place in the wardrobe.

?As I was saying...? I said before clearing my throat and sitting back on the chair I was previously using.

?I...may...have overlooked that minor detail due to my concern over your emotional state after the incident.? I calmly stated while nodding to myself. Clearly, that was the reason. I looked at my master and she really didn't seem convinced.

?Fine...I wasn't listening to whatever the silly humans were talking about after the fight.? I flatly stated, thus earning a sly smirk from Louise.

?Oh founder~! Yuka has overlooked such an obvious announcement by the teaching staff~! For lorn~! All hope for salvation is gone~!? Louise poetically wailed in mock panic, even so far as pretending to almost faint.

?Save the children! Someone save the children!? Derf joined in the mockery. I simply shook my head as I rubbed my eyes with my left hand. I have to admit though, Louise recovers quickly for someone who just went through something like that.


?Are you sure you are well enough to be up Louise?? Guiche asked in concern as he took his seat next to Louise at the communal table in the academy?s grand dining hall. I had accompanied Louise here because I was also concerned about my master?s condition so soon after that incident. I had left my parasol in her room since I doubt that I will need to fight anything during breakfast which would warrant its use. She offered to have the servants serve me breakfast as well but I politely declined and simply stood watch behind her.

?I?m fine Guiche.? Louise replied simply as Monmon sat at Guiche?s side. Tabitha and Kirche were also already at the table but they were seated across us.

?But still?? The blonde muttered in a concerned tone. I was willing to give the boy the benefit of the doubt that his current actions was just part of his more chivalrous side, the need to protect the women that he knew. He and Monmon have become something that Louise could consider as friends after all.

?Hey Guiche, aren?t you being a bit too nice to Louise? Don?t tell me that there?s something going on between you two~?? Kirche suddenly pointed out. She just had to, didn?t she?

?What?!? The three friends yelled at the same time. Guiche and Louise were as red as apples from embarrassment. Monmon was getting red as well, but because of a completely different reason.

?Guiche?Louise?don?t tell me that?you two?? Monmon stated as she narrowed her eyes at her lover and her friend.

?We?re not!? The two people in question emphatically denied the allegations set by the redhead. Obviously, their synchronized defensiveness in the matter only made them more suspicious in the eyes of Monmon.

?Oh this is way too good.? Kirche said to the ever silent Tabitha who was smartly ignoring the proceedings and was simply eating her breakfast while reading another book.

?I can?t believe it?Louise and Guiche?why?? Monmon asked the two as she switched gears from anger to sadness. I shook my head and sighed, this was getting out of hand and it was just the start of the day.

?Monmon?? I called out to the blonde as I placed my hand on her shoulder. The girl turned to me with tears in her eyes, being emotionally vulnerable as she was, before she placed her own hand on mine.

?Mister Yuka?you won?t betray me right?? Monmon asked me, looking for any sort of assurance. Wait?this situation?

?Louise and Guiche! Montmorency and Yuka! This is too good! Hahahahaha~? Kirche started laughing as soon as it happened. Monmon blinked at the redhead before tilting her head to the side in confusion.

?Romantic situation.? Tabitha supplied. Monmon raised a brow and looked at where her hand was again?she promptly went crimson and pulled her hand away. I decided to prevent any further misunderstandings from happening.

?Monmon, I can assure you that Guiche is not cheating on you?? I stated before looking at my master and Guiche who were looking very relieved at my words.

??with Louise.? I quickly added, making Kirche laugh a bit harder. Guiche?s previous smile turned into a look of horror, I simply shrugged at his reaction.

?I cannot guarantee Monmon that you haven?t.? I told the boy and honestly, with his track record with other girls, it was entirely justified.

?Guiche?? Monmon narrowed her eyes at her lover for the umpteenth time in who knows how long. I was no expert in matters of the heart but, practically speaking, if Guiche couldn?t stick to one girl then Monmon should either find a way to get him to become loyal to her or simply leave him. A bit tough on Guiche if it was the latter, but still.

?Monmon, please! You know that I--? Guiche promptly cut off from defending his honor by Monmon.

?Could never lie to your eyes? That you are the only girl that I will ever truly love? That all others pale in the presence of your beauty and charm?? Monmon listed out Guiche?s most frequently used lines, making the boy gulp. I noticed that Louise, being acquitted from Kirche?s earlier allegations, was ignoring the lovers? spat and was starting on her breakfast. I looked at the redhead that started all of this and shook my head.

?I hope that you are proud of yourself.? I said to her in a disapproving tone.

?I sure am, darling~? She replied with a wink before starting on her own meal. Tabitha had already finished her breakfast and was already completely absorbed into reading her latest literary interest.


?And?why is everyone here?? Louise asked in barely concealed irritation. By everyone, she meant Monmon, Guiche, Tabitha, and Kirche. The six of us were currently inside the office of the Academy Headmaster, an old human magician named Osmond, along with several of the academy?s teaching staff. The man exuded the appearance of ?old? by having long gray hair, beard, and matching robes too. However, the old man cannot hide the fact that he still had the aura of a powerful spell wielder, possibly the strongest in the academy until Louise master?s her own element?whatever it may be.

?Because we all followed you?? Kirche answered sarcastically. It was then that I noticed a small mouse run out from under the old man?s robes. I raised a brow when said mouse stealthily made its way behind the old man?s assistant and?started looking up her skirt. He?s actually using his familiar to look up women?s skirts?

?After extensive investigation by Miss Longueville, we have acquired some information about the thief, Fouquet.? The old man announced to the room at large and making the instructors in the room suddenly tense up. I made sure to keep one eye on the mouse that was currently running a circuit around the room, narrowly avoiding detection every time. Knowing the room like the back of your hand helps.

?Miss Tabitha, Miss Valliere?? Osmond called out to my master and Tabitha while he unfurled a scroll and showed the parchment to the two girls.

?Was this the thief that you encountered yesterday?? The old man asked seriously, leaving me out of the questioning even though I was the one who fought the intruder directly. Typical, dismissing me simply because I was a familiar. No matter, I simply waited for Louise and Tabitha to confirm what they saw.

?Yes, this was definitely Fouquet.? Louise replied, her voice carrying the tension she felt the moment she recalled what had happened the day before. Tabitha merely nodded to the old man but it seemed that it was enough of an answer for him. I glanced to my side and saw that both Guiche and Monmon had worried expressions when they noticed Louise tone of voice. Kirche, on the other hand, was simply looking on in keen interest. A sudden movement on the ground alerted me that the mouse was on the move once again, headed to the direction of the woman, Longueville I suppose. The woman in question was glancing at me from time to time, probably in curiosity on what I was supposed to be. I found it strange that I felt something nagging at the back of my head. There was something familiar about that woman but I couldn?t place it. Her magical power seemed above average on the surface but not as powerful as the old man, strange indeed. I had never met her before but maybe I caught a glance of her somewhere and simply dismissed her presence as I what I was doing with most of the teaching staff here.

My pondering was stalled when the old man started condemning the actions of the thief and declaring that the stolen artifact, designated as the ?Staff of Destruction?, must be recovered at all costs. I narrowed my eyes when the mouse finally made its way toward Louise after it snuck a peek under Kirche?s skirt. I wasn?t about to let a dirty rat think that it could look up the skirt of the girl that summoned me so I decided to teach it, and its master, a little lesson in proper respect.

The old man abruptly stopped his tirade by suddenly coughing. One of the instructors, Colbert, went to his side and asked the old man to calm down. Of course, that wasn?t the reason why he started coughing in the first place. As soon as the mouse started to get closer to my master?s skirt, I silently sent it a pressure of hostile intent. The familiar froze in its tracks, like every other familiar I have encountered thus far did, and the old man?s eyes narrowed at me. I simply gave him a polite smile before releasing my terror hold on his familiar. The only other person that noticed the silent battle was the assistant, Longueville. The mouse?s eyes locked onto mine and it got my message: ?Louise is out of bounds?. The rodent quickly ran back to its master and promptly hid under his robes again. The assistant saw the whole thing and gave the old man a dry look. It seemed that she had to deal with that mouse before.

?Well? Will no one step forward to claim the glory of catching the thief that broke through our triple-square protection spell and made off with the Staff of Destruction?? Osmond declared but the entire room was completely silent. I did notice Louise fidget a bit when she heard that the wall she blew up had triple-square protection, apparently a very powerful kind of spell. Kirche softly coughed, making Louise narrow her eyes at the redhead. Said redhead simply smirked at my master, she knew about what Louise did to the castle wall from Tabitha, much to my master?s chagrin.

Louise sighed and turned to me, I could see the fire in her eyes. She probably felt partly responsible for letting the thief get what she wanted and letting her escape, so she wanted payback. Good, I was looking forward to a rematch with the magician when she isn?t distracted by a different objective. I smiled at my master, giving her all the answer she needed. She turned back toward Osmond and stepped forward.

?My familiar and I will go!? Louise declared, earning varying degrees of shock from the room.

?Louise!? Monmon called out, surprise and worry in her voice. I glanced to the side and saw Kirche step forward with a smile.

?You have my wand!? Kirche declared, making Louise turn to the girl with her own surprised expression. That was not the end of it as Tabitha stepped forward as well.

?And my staff?? The petite girl declared. Kirche smiled at her friend while Louise wasn?t sure what to think about Tabitha?s involvement.

?And my rose!? Guiche declared in the way only he knows how. I turned to Monmon who was looking at me with eyes that said ?help me, everyone has gone insane.? I simply gave her an awkward smile and shrugged. The blonde sighed and stepped forward as well.

?And my potions and healing?? Monmon said with less enthusiasm as the rest of the group. Osmond nodded at each of their declarations with a proud smile.

?Then let us count on you five!? The old man declared. The instructors in the room quickly declared protests against sending out students to face a magician as powerful as Fouquet but Osmond silenced them all with a stern gaze.

?Miss Tabitha has the title of Chevalier despite her age. Miss Zerbst is well versed in flame magic befitting her Germanian heritage. Mister Gramont is quite eloquent at earth magic and has a particular skill at creating bronze golems. Miss Montmorency is very skilled at creating magical potions and adept at the use of water magic. And finally, Miss Valliere?? Osmond paused for a moment when he got to my master, probably trying to find something positive to say about her.

??a daughter of the Valliere family, who are well known for having produced several outstanding mages and?? Osmond went on before glancing at me and smiling.

?And has an outstanding familiar! A familiar that earned second place in yesterday?s evaluation fair no less!? Osmond declared. I got second place? I didn?t really care for the pageantry and the competition of the fair. All I knew was that Tabitha?s drake won in the end because of its high-flying acrobatics. Of course, once again, the old man left out the part where I fought toe to toe with the very thief they were trying to catch.

?That?s right! He is the legendary hea--? Colbert suddenly cut himself off by coughing awkwardly. I narrowed my eyes at him. It seemed that yet another lead on Louise?s magic has presented itself.

?Please allow me to accompany the children to the location where the thief was last seen.? Longueville proclaimed, earning an approving nod from the headmaster. I pushed aside the nagging at the back of my head as I raised my hand to get everyone?s attention.

?Allow me to speak.? I said, more on declaring it than asking for permission, which got me a few glares from the teachers.

?Yes?? Osmond asked for me continue.

?In what state would you like the thief to be recovered?? I asked.

?What do you mean?? The old man asked in mild confusion.

?Do you want the thief dead or alive?? I clarified with a cold smile.

?Alive if possible. However, if there is no other choice then?you may do what you must.? Osmond answered with a bit of hesitation at the very end. And with that, the meeting finally ended. The instructors filed out of the room followed by my master and her friends. I opted to leave last when I noticed a very familiar scent. I stopped at the door and inhaled. Yes?this perfume. I never noticed it with all the other women in the room before because of their own perfumes. I consciously repressed the urge to start cackling like a madman.

?Louise, we need to talk.? I told my master after I closed the door. She was eyeing me suspiciously when she saw my barely concealed smile.

Fouquet, you clever little thief.



  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2011, 06:28:07 AM »
In order to celebrate my finally getting the platinum trophy for Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2, UPDATE!


?Yuka...? A voice I chose to ignore called out my name. I merely sighed and closed my eyes, trying to tune out the noise.

?Yuka...? The same voice called out again. This time, the person whom the voice belonged to decided to start nudging me as well.

?Yuka!? The person yelled out before slapping me at the back of the head.

?Yes Louise?? I flatly said while looking at her with a bored expression.

?Look, I know that riding in a wagon pulled by horses isn't your ideal method of getting around...? Louise admonished me in a soft tone.

?...but you can't just ignore everyone else and huddle in a corner like that.? My master's voice changed from kindness to deadpan in the span of a sentence. Here we were, on the way to where Fouquet was last seen according to the investigations of 'Miss Longueville'. I have to say, her method of getting away and avoiding detection was both daring and cunning. Of course, Louise and I have a bit of a surprise in store for the thief as well. Normally, I would me more enthused about being able to smoke out a rat. However, as Louise stated, our current means of transportation prevented me from enjoying the little things. I mean, really? Sitting in a cramp box on wheels pulled by horses? How backwards can you be? I ignored my master's words and glanced at my companions. I was seated at the right end corner of Louise sitting to my right side. Across us were Guiche and Monmon. The former was currently taking a nap on the latter's lap. Judging from how Monmon was gently stroking the boy's hair, she didn't seem to mind it at all. Kriche and Tabitha rounded up our group and they were seated next to each other at the other end of the box. Predictably, Miss Longueville was the cart driver since she was the one who knew where Fouquet was...ironic as it sounded.

?Louise, please...? I muttered to my master as I glanced up and saw Sylphid circling overhead. Aside from myself, the only other familiars that came along were Tabitha's drake and Monmon's frog. Guiche's mole was too big to bring along and Kirche's salamander would have likely burned down the cart with its tail...which was why I tried to insist that we bring along the lizard. Sadly, the creature seemed to still be deathly afraid of me so I was forced to scrap that idea. I also left behind Derf since I felt that the rusted old sword would be useless in a battle against the earth magician. That, and Louise and I discussed our plan in her room which meant that Derf heard everything. I wasn't about to risk having the blade ruin the whole plan because of a slip of the tongue...or steel or whatever.  How I wish I could just break out my wings and fly for the rest of the way. Unfortunately, that would ruin part of the plan if I allowed our target to know that I had such an ability.

?Please nothing! I'm not going to have you sit there like a pathetic whelp when we have an important mission to do!? Louise yelled back while making the brim of her hat poke the brim of my straw hat.

?You two have a pretty nice relationship, huh?? Miss Longueville commented from the front of the cart with a giggle. This was the first part of our plan, make sure that she does not suspect anything from us. The woman already knows that I can take on her golem one on one. On top of that, she will need to deal with six other magicians as well, one of whom was a Chevalier...the initial designation for an aspiring magic knight I suppose...and was in command of a flying lizard. She had a plan, a woman that smart had to have a plan. Too bad for her, I've had experience dealing with the shady plans of Yukari, Eirin, Lunarians and the Moriya shrine, so I'm not too worried about it.

?Blasphemy! To think that I would have any kind of 'relationship' with this gardener!? Louise shot back to Osmond's assistant before continuing to use her hat to poke mine.

?Ora?Ora?Ora?Ora?Ora?? She repeated every time she struck my hat with hers. The girl is enjoying this part of the plan far too much, possibly her own form of payback for burning her so much in Mugenkan. The older woman giggled a bit more before glancing at us and up at Sylphid, probably reassessing everyone's threat level to her. Good, what we are looking for is that she believes that Louise and her companions were nothing more than a bunch of meddling kids who were biting off more than they could chew.

?So, how do you all plan to deal with Fouquet once we find him?? The woman asked our group. Louise was the only person I made the plan with so the others didn't know that the thief was a woman. This was a precaution against things like this. Longueville was fishing, both for our plan to apprehend the thief and to find out how much we know about Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt in the first place. Longueville turned to us when no one answered and started blinking when she noticed that we were all looking at each other awkwardly. I saw her lips quirk a bit when she realized that we didn't have a plan of engagement for the thief. Surprisingly, this was the moment when Guiche roused from his slumber. The young man rubbed his eyes to clear his vision before he yawned and turned to Miss Longueville.

?The thief is cunning and skilled, he got around everyone's backs during the evaluation fair even with all the people there not to mention Princess Henrietta's personal guards.? Guiche started saying while stifling down another yawn. I nodded at the assessment that the boy made. It seemed like a given in face value, but a lot of people overlooked that fact in the face of the result of the thief's raid.

?And?? The secretary asked, prompting Guiche to continue.

?And, since we are facing an enemy that can outwit royal guards, coming up with our own intricate plan to capture him would be waste of time.? The general's son replied, earning surprised looks for everyone except Tabitha and myself. I made a thoughtful sound as I continued to observe Guiche's deduction.

?What do you mean?!? Guiche's lover asked the unvoiced question.

?Just as I said, my love. It would be pointless to try to outwit Fouquet so we need to be with our approach.? The blonde explained. Not bad, sir Gramont. Since we had next to no information about Fouquet aside from our previous experience in fighting her and the unhelpful reports from her other hits, there is no possible way to effectively come up with a countermeasure against her...normally. I saw Louise made a sideways glance to me before she raised a brow, I merely shrugged in reply. Whether he realized it or not, Guiche just helped our plan along.

?Direct?? The masquerading thief poked further into Guiche's non-plan. The boy merely shrugged and gave an awkward smile.

?Avoid any traps that Fouquet might have in store and hit him with everything we have once he shows himself. Mister Yuka has shown that he can keep Fouquet's impressive earth golem in check so the rest of us can focus on taking down the thief himself.? Guiche explained.

?I like that plan. It'll give us a chance to show off our combinations~? Kirche chimed in with a smile while nudging Tabitha, who was focusing on her book. I could appreciate the

?I see...I worry about such a plan though.? Miss Longueville said in concern like any good member of the teaching staff would. Louise shot her a dry look before quickly looking away. It seemed that my master interpreted the woman's worry a different way since she already knew who the secretary really was.

?I mean, Fouquet is a very experienced thief and supposedly a square-class earth mage as well. Even with Miss Valliere's familiar and the numeric advantage over the thief, it is not wise for a group of students to battle an experienced mage like him.? The secretary made her case. If she hadn't been the very thief that we were after, Louise and I would have appreciated the gesture. Sadly, it seemed that the warning came off as more of a threat to my master.

?Regardless...? Louise ground out and getting everyone's attention while trying very hard to keep her cool.

?Fouquet stole something important from the academy, something particularly dangerous if it was called the 'Staff of Destruction'. We all volunteered to go after her and recover the stolen artifact and capture her in front of the headmaster himself. And I really, really, reaaally want to pay her back for almost squishing me with her golem before.? Louise said with a nasty edge to her voice. Her wand was already in her hand as she was talking and it was already starting to crackle with magical energy. She'd likely try to blow up Longueville right here if she was pushed a bit further. We can't have that since we are technically playing by the rules. We needed to catch her in the act and recover the stolen object. If Louise killed the woman now, we would not only lose our lead to where the Staff of Destruction could be located, Louise would also be charged with killing part of the teaching staff for no reason. No one would possibly believe that the long-time secretary of Osmond would be the infamous thief with only my nose as the basis for incrimination. That being said, time to change the subject.

?Wouldn't we also have you to help us out, Miss Longueville?? I suddenly said, making my master glare at me while getting the attention of everyone else...particularly the woman in question. I decided that it was my turn to do some fishing. Fouquet already had the item that she wanted and managed to get scott free from any possible pursuers, there was no reason to come back later and resume her cover unless she had something else to steal or she had some unfinished business. The former seemed unlikely since it seemed that the Staff of Destruction was the only real artifact of value that was being kept at the academy. As to why such a thing was being kept in an institution of learning, I'm not too sure. Regardless, there had to be a reason why. What motivated her to stay there even though she should be long gone by now. I had my suspicions about her during our battle but I wanted to be certain about what kind of person she was outside the killing field. Besides, outwitting opponents is fun...especially if they are caught unaware that anything was going on in the first place.

?What ever do you mean?? The secretary asked, taking the feigning ignorance route to start.

?I meant that will you not fight alongside the students and protect them from the infamous Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt while I face his massive golem?? I asked with a smile. The rest of our party , sans Louise and Tabitha, seemed to realize this and looked at the woman expectantly. Honestly, I really was looking forward to fighting her again. Her resourcefulness and creativity in using her golem and earth manipulation was the most skilled means of use of this world's magic thus far and I want to see more of it. Whether our rematch will end in her death or not will be up to her own skill and luck.

?Sad to say that I might not be of much use in actual combat.? Longueville sheepishly admitted, prompting several sighs of disappointment from the group.

?That's too bad, we could use all the help we can get.? Monmon said with worry in her voice. The girl was the designated healer of the group since she was the only one who actually excelled at the craft. Of course that meant that she will need to save her energy in case someone got hurt and will not be directly involved in the battle itself. It was easy to read what the girl meant by what she said. She would rather have as much help against the thief as possible rather than have to experience healing her friends from possibly life-threatening injuries.

?I would disagree...? I interjected. Everyone looked at me curiously, sans Tabitha and Louise again, after I made that declaration. Longueville in particular was looking at me with a bit of surprise and worry.

?W-what do you mean?? The woman stuttered but quickly recovered. The second part of the plan is to give her something to mull over, a red herring if you will. Make her worry about something that isn't really there.

?Exactly what I said. I can sense that you are quite the talented magician yourself, Miss Longueville.? I said with a smile. The compliment was also a snare, one that the woman in question didn't have to trigger herself in order to work. Tabitha must have gotten wind of what I was doing, or at least wondering why I was being keen on Osmond's secretary, as she put down her book and paid attention to the conversation in earnest.

?You can tell how powerful a mage is?? Kirche asked in keen interest before leaning forward and, possibly on purpose, gave me as good a view of her cleavage as possible without taking off her blouse. Regardless, she managed to trip the snare for me. I suddenly heard a yelp from Guiche and found that Monmon had pinched the boy's hand after he was seemingly mesmerized by the redhead's display.

?In a way. My nature allows me to be able to tell, to a degree, how much raw power a magic wielder has. Unfortunately, it is not as accurate as to be able to tell me their specialization or discipline. I can only tell if someone has talent for magic or if he or she has been using magic.? I answered with a shrug, ignoring the minor lovers' spat in front of me. I turned back to Osmond's secretary and smiled, one that she didn't quite return.

?That brings up an interesting question...? I continued, my little trap nearing its completion.

?...what is your element, Miss Longueville?? I asked the woman with an innocent, if curious, smile. The woman tensed a bit at my question as the attention of the entire group was focused on her. Now then, shall we see how she handles this? I glanced at my master, who was looking at me curiously, if a bit tense. She was probably worried that I might exposed the plan prematurely. I just shrugged and patted her hat, she got the message and turned back to our cart driver.

?I guess I can't hide it anymore, huh?? The woman said with a wistful smile. I felt Louise's magical power spike and her body tense up. I quickly grabbed her wrist and gave her a sidewards glance. The girl gave me an incredulous look but I merely narrowed my eyes at her. There was something strange about the way she said those words...something unexpected.

I couldn't feel any hostility from her at all.

?Yes, I am a earth mage.? The woman who became an infamous thief admitted so easily to the very people who were trying to catch her. Was this some sort of counter-ploy? Did she see through my words? Was she expecting this all along and just waiting for the proper opportunity?

?An earth mage?? Guiche suddenly perked up when he heard that the beautiful secretary of the headmaster had the same element as he did. He quickly realized that being so happy about that sort of thing tended to go sourly if you have your jealous girlfriend sitting right next to you.

?Does that mean you can help us against Fouquet? You are a noble after all.? Monmon pointed out as she unleashed the slimy fury of her familiar all over Guiche's face and hair. To Monmon's words, the secretary gave a bitter laugh before focusing her attention to the road.

?I am no noble...? She said sadly, with a hint of an edge. This was certainly unexpected...

?Let me tell you a story...? Longueville continued due to the lack of words from anyone else.

?There was once a duke who had two daughters from two different women. His wife had his mistress exiled from their lands and was forced to live in the forest. This did not stop the duke from seeing her mistress and her illegitimate daughter along with her other daughter. In fact, her two daughters got along extremely well, clearly not caring about their status and were only interested in being sisters.? The woman said in a melancholic voice. It was painfully obvious that the story was about her and not something that was picked up from a bookshelf. Although, which daughter she was, I did not know. I felt Louise's magical power taper down as she started to calm herself after Longueville started her story.

?As the years went by, the legitimate daughter of the duke grew up into a young woman. The king of their land fancied her and decided to have her marry his son, the prince. The young woman, daughter of the duke, declined on the grounds that she did not love the prince and thus nothing would ever come from such a union. The prince understood her words and accepted her rejection with the grace befitting of a future ruler. The fact that the prince already had someone in mind as her future queen might have had something to do with that. The king on the other hand...? Longueville continued, her eyes glued to the road ahead. The rest of the party was silent as they listened to the story. I already surmised that the ending will not be nice considering how the woman telling it turned out.

?The king retaliated for the young woman's rejection. The monarch declared the entire family of the girl as traitors to the crown simply because his son was rejected...because he was rejected.? The woman said with more force than I have ever heard her speak before.

?The king ordered the entire family of the duke to be slaughtered like the treacherous dogs that they were. The young woman never knew if the prince that was so kind to her ever tried to stop his father because she was too busy watching her family be cut down before her.? Longueville paused for several moments after that, probably trying to calm down and gather her thoughts. It also gave the rest of us time to allow the story to truly sink in. I glanced around and saw that everyone had adopted pitying expressions. Even Tabitha lowered her head to the point where I was no longer able to see her eyes because of her hair. I glanced at my master and saw that she had a very conflicted expression, understandable considering the story was being told was and the fact that we already knew the other half of it. The older woman took a deep breath, getting everyone's attention again, before continuing.

?Salvation came in the form of a half-sister that the young woman had not seen in years. She helped her beloved sister escape from the hell that was once her home and allowed her to stay with her. It was then that the young woman found out that her half-sister's mother passed away years ago, leaving her sister alone. The whole thing finally caught up to the young woman and she finally broke down in the arms of the only family she had left in the world. Years passed and the two women eventually started an orphanage to shelter children that were orphaned during conflicts or because of the whims of the king. The young woman grew up but never forgot what happened to her family. She swore that if that was what the greatest of the nobility was like, that she would never consider herself as one of them ever again.? The infamous thief said before taking a few more breaths.

?So no...I am not a noble, Miss Montmorency.? Longueville said as she turned back to us with a sad smile. I took another glance around and saw that Kirche and Guiche had solemn expressions while Monmon had an expression of shock and realization. The quickly turned to me and looked at me with pleading eyes. I curtly shook my head, it was not yet time. I looked at Tabitha and found that she was back to reading her book. The only difference was her eyes were colder than little Cirno's Perfect Freeze. I glanced at my master and saw that she had her head down, her hat preventing me from seeing her expression. It seemed that I will need to rethink my means of apprehending the thief depending on how my master took her story. I started revising our plan in my mind as the rest of the trip continued in silence.


?Well?? I asked Tabitha as we stood before a nondescript shack at the edge of a clearing. According to 'Miss Longueville', this was where Fouquet was last seen. The secretary excused herself from our group to be able to lead the horses to a stream so they could drink and rest. Obviously she was preparing whatever she had originally planned for us once we got here. Although, I wondered if her little story was part of her plan or simply a lucky break thanks to Monmon. Speaking of, as soon as Longueville was out of sight, Monmon pulled my master a good distance away from us. She told Guiche and Kirche that she was going to consult Louise about an idea to apprehend the thief. It was easy to figure out that the blonde has already realized who Fouquet really was and was probably going to tell Louise about it. I had asked the remaining two members of our group to remain on lookout while Tabitha and I investigated the shack, Sylphid providing overwatch from the skies just in case.

?Empty.? The blue-haired girl replied after she waved her staff in front of the shack, probably scanning it for life forms. I nodded to her before making sure that my straw hat was securely in place. I casually walked up to the front door, hefted my closed parasol on my right shoulder, before kicking the door down. Well, I actually kicked the door all the way to the other end of the house, but still. I waited for the dust that got kicked up from my sudden intrusion to settle down before scanning the residence. Aside from several dusty old furnitures, there was nothing particularly interesting inside. I was about to enter when I noticed that Tabitha did not move from her spot. I turned back to her and saw that she was looking at me intently. I smiled at the sharp girl before gesturing for her to follow me inside. The girl nodded and followed me in the premises to begin our investigation.

?Farce.? Tabitha quickly stated as soon as she got to the middle of the shack. I couldn't help but chuckle at how direct the girl was sometimes. I turned to her after poking at a crate with my parasol for extra gold and saw that she was simply staring at me with the same cold intensity that I saw on the wagon after Longueville's story.

?I was wondering when you'd catch on.? I simply stated as I walked over to the empty fireplace. I heard footsteps as Tabitha walked up behind me.

?Capture or kill?? Straight to the point as always. I was impressed at the fact that she asked such a thing without any hesitation, definitely more to this girl than meets the eye.

?It will be Louise's call. She already knows the truth and I will follow my master's wish, whatever it will be.? I clearly stated as I stared at a box that seemed newer than the rest.

?Irresponsible.? The girl accused in a icy tone.

?I never said that I was...? I replied with a sly grin, making my companion narrow her eyes at me. I opened the suspicious box and found something wrapped in thick cloth. I lifted the object and found that it seemed to be a large metal tube. I raised a brow at the strange foci. I knew that the magic system in this world allowed for more...creative means of focusing spells but...

?Problem.? Tabitha quickly stated as she turned back to the entrance. As soon as she did, a large boulder landed outside the door frame, seemingly trapping us inside.

?Yuka!? I heard my master call out to me from outside. It seemed that Fouquet has given her answer. I quickly grabbed Tabitha by the waist before walking up to the empty fireplace. I raised my right foot and kicked the stone fixture free from the rest of the house...along with the chimney. I walked out the the shack, parasol and Staff of Destruction in one hand and the little magician girl in the other. A moment later, a massive granite fist smashed into the shack from above. Too slow...something is wrong.

?Different.? Tabitha said while pointing her staff at the golem that attacked us. I looked to where she was pointing and saw why. The size of the construct was still the same hundred feet. The difference came that it looked...armored. The shoulders, the joints, the hands, and the feet were all covered in tough spiked granite while the rest of it was made up of the same heavy earth that I fought against in the academy.

?Fireball!? The declaration of the spell alerted me to Kirche and Guiche who were running to where Louise and Monmon were. The ball of fire struck the back of the golem but was completely ineffective. This had become complicated, we'll need to improvise. Louise is required for us to execute the plan but having Tabitha's ice magic with us should be advantageous. Kirche's fire magic is next to useless against the reinforced construct. Guiche's golems would normally be a good distraction but Fouqet is no fool to fall for such ploys. Monmon is our healer so no need for her to be on the front lines either.

?Take this...? I gave the Staff of Destruction to Tabitha, which the girl nearly stumbled after receiving.

?I'll take care of the golem. Have Kirche, Guiche, and Monmon take to the skies on Sylphid, give the Staff of Destruction to one of them before they take flight. I'll need you and Louise down here in case Fouquet shows herself.? I stated the current plan to deal with the golem to the quiet girl.

?Kill or capture?? Tabitha asked me.

?It will be my master's call...? Was all I said before I charged at the golem with my parasol in hand. The woman of the hour has yet to show herself, probably manipulating the construct from a safe distance. Again, I was impressed at the amount of control she has over her magic if she could manage something like that. I had a feeling that this will be a fun fight. The construct took the first move by trying to crush me with a granite fist. I could finish the whole fight right here with a single master spark nagging at the back of my mind again. Very strange. I would normally not hesitate to finish off an opponent once the opportunity arose. We were at an open field with no chance for me to hit any of the children with a spark. So why? Why is it that I felt like I shouldn't do that?

I contemplated the odd feeling as I met the granite fist with the tip of my parasol. I felt my feet sink into the ground as the fist did not shatter after I struck it, the new golem seemed to be much more robust than its predecessor. Possibly because this one was specifically made for combat and the previous one was not. I pushed my parasol deeper into the rock and was surprised when the entire fist exploded into razor sharp shards of granite. I squinted and used my arms to cover my eyes to protect them from shrapnel. That was a mistake as I quickly felt the golem's left fist hit me on the side. The force sent me flying several yards until I landed on the ground and rolled a few more feet before stopping. I stood back up and casually dusted myself off as I saw Sylphid take to the skies with Kirche, Guiche, and Monmon. Guiche was clutching the still-wrapped Staff of Destruction like it was made of gold. Good, that's four less things to worry about.

The all too familiar sound of ice striking snapped me from my thoughts.  Tabitha was firing icicles at the golem's feet. However, instead of trying to destroy the construct, the Chevalier decided to use her magic to immobilize it instead. She must have known that direct attacks with ice against an improved version of the golem that shrugged off her icicles before would not work. Smart girl. Louise was standing behind Tabitha, wand in hand, while muttering something with her eyes closed. Good, my master is getting our surprise ready. I used my left hand to crack some bones in my neck before I started to advance toward the trapped golem. Unfortunately, the word trapped was only good for another three seconds. Massive earth stalagmites erupted from within the sheets of ice that covered the golem's feet, freeing the construct. The golem then turned to where Tabitha and Louise were and started advancing, its massive granite hands reforming into sharp stone claws. I was about to rush toward the golem when it did something I never expected.

It stopped.

The construct stopped and flexed its new appendages in full view of the two girls. Was it trying to...intimidate them? Both girls got the message and started running in opposite directions, probably Tabitha's idea. I made sure to take a mental note about the golem's behavior before rushing toward it. Almost as if it had eyes at the back of its head, the construct turned around and swung its right clawed hand at me. The wall of blades closed in and I met them with a backhanded swing of my parasol. The sharpened stones probably would have been very effective at slashing regular enemies to ribbons...but my parasol was not exactly a regular object. My trusted partner smashed through the stone like they were made of thin glass. My foe followed up by swinging its other clawed hand at me. I jumped clear of it and prepared to smash it as well when the golem's head suddenly tilted upward. The boulder that served as the golem's head suddenly opened up something that was probably its jaw before it started firing stone spikes into the sky...right toward the patch of sky where Slyphid was flying in.

?Hmmm...? I grumbled as I finished off the other clawed hand before I threw my parasol at the golem's head like a javelin. The force was enough to completely destroy the head but it was already too late. The spikes that were fired were not meant to hit the blue drake, only to spook it and its riders...and it worked. Guiche, being the strange kind of gentleman that he was, quickly wrapped his arms around his lover in a gesture to protect her from the oncoming attack. Unfortunately, those were the same hands that he was using to hold onto the Staff of Destruction. The cloth-wrapped artifact fell to the ground some distance in front of Louise.

Good, my master can secure it.

That was my line of thought when I saw the pink-haired girl run toward the object. I had already turned back to the golem for another round when I finally realized that we were seemingly outmaneuvered. I looked up at the giant made of stone and earth as it slowly reformed its head and hands, much slower than before. That was the indication that this little encounter is about to end...

? as this goes...? The ragged and tired feminine voice said from behind me. I turned and saw that the hooded and cloaked 'Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt' was currently holding my master from behind while pointing her wand to the right side of her head, my master's hat proving little protection from what might happen if the thief decided to kill her. If she decided to kill her...

I took the sudden pause in the excitement to assess the current situation. Fouquet's newly reformed golem was towering behind me. My parasol was thrown a good distance away so I did not have my main weapon. Tabitha was too far away from us to be able to cast a spell that would help Louise in time. Everyone else was still on the blue drake's back in the air. Kirche's fire spells are nowhere near accurate enough to pick off Fouquet without hitting Louise as well. Guiche's golems were also useless in a hostage situation. I did notice that Monmon was already readying her healing agents in case the endgame did not end as we had hoped. Lastly, the woman had my master hostage and the Staff of Destruction was right at her feet. Well played magician. Well played...

? going to happen...? 'Fouquet' started to say in a tired voice, probably running very low on magical energy after maintaining that combat golem for so long. I glanced at my master for a moment and smiled. She had her head tilted down, her hat covering her eyes again, but her lips were still moving. Good.

?Why...are you...smiling?? Fouquet asked with a rather upset voice. I found out how upset when the golem behind me took a step forward and smashed its fist down on me. I found myself lying on my face on the ground. What struck me as odd was that the strike did not hurt as much as it did before. Was it because the thief was starting to run out of power? The fist lifted itself from me and I waited a few moments before stood back up and once again dusted myself off.

?I was simply admiring your prowess at magic and at the art of manipulation.? I honestly stated to the thief. Everyone else was at a standstill aside from Sylphid and Monmon, who was having Guiche hang on to a few jars filled with liquid of various colors. Tabitha was probably waiting for an opening to free Louise. I could even see Kirche biting her nail and angrily glaring at Fouquet.

?Although...? I continued as I looked back to the cloaked figure that was currently 'holding my master hostage' as said master was still quietly muttering something.

?I have noticed a few things that simply didn't seem to add up...? I stated as I folded my arms and leaned back. This had something to do with the nagging feeling I was having. Something was not as it seemed and I wanted to know what and why before I acted.

?Sure, an infamous thief would normally try to steal high-profile targets despite the risks involved.? I stated with a bit more edge than I intended since I inadvertently recalled how Marisa stole my precious thing so very long ago.

?However, stealing something as dangerous as the Staff of Destruction, an artifact that could potentially cause countless deaths of soldiers and innocents alike, just didn't seem to fit the style of thievery from a former daughter of a duke who had to watch her entire family die in front of her because of something as trivial as an arranged engagement gone wrong. Especially if she was stealing in order to maintain an orphanage that was being managed by her half-sister, which obviously was not a profitable endeavor.? I continued my reasoning. I saw the cloaked woman bite her bottom lip and hold my master closer. Louise did not react to the sudden force and simply continued her part.

?That is definitely not the kind of thievery I would expect from the secretary of the Headmaster of Tristain's Magic Academy.? I simply stated. At this point, the only ones in our group that didn't know Fouquet's real identity was Guiche and Kirche. Predictably, I heard the faint sound of them gasping in the air before Monmon yelled at the blonde boy to be quiet. I saw a faint smile from Fouquet before she finally removed her wand from my master's head and used it to remove her hood.

?Strong, practically indestructible, and smart. Just what kind of familiar are you?? Longueville asked me. Her glasses her gone and she had her hair down. Minor changes when you think about it but they were enough to give the impression that this was a different woman. To her question though, I decided to take a page from one Fujiwara no Mokou.

?I'm just a gardening nut who was summoned by that young woman that you are currently holding hostage.? I stated and Fouquet simply chuckled before pointing the tip of her wand back to the side of Louise's head. Her smile faltered for a moment when she noticed the lack of reaction from me and Louise.

?Back on topic...what I don't understand is that why are you doing something like stealing an ancient destructive artifact when there are far easier marks. It was either that you were commissioned by someone to steal it for a price...or...? I narrowed my eyes at the woman before me.

?...someone is forcing you to steal it. Something along the lines of threatening you half-sister and your orphanage if you did not comply?? I postulated to Fouquet who shook her head slowly and gave me a sad smile.

?And what if it was the latter? What would you do if I was told to steal the Staff of Destruction or die trying? Would you try to go after the one who threatened me that my sister and the children in the orphanage would meet the same fate as my family did long ago? Would you try to be the hero for the tragic heroine who was forced to the life of crime simply to be able to feed several orphans?? She asked me, seemingly recovering from her fatigue somewhat. It seemed that the latter was the case. Someone was blackmailing Fouquet to steal the artifact and she needs to be either successful or dead for her sister and orphans to be safe. That seemed easy enough.

?No, I couldn't care less about you or your circumstances.? I flatly stated with a smile, making Fouquet scowl at me.

?You also misunderstand something...? I continued with a more sinister smile.

?You assume that we are at a disadvantageous situation. You have to understand, you're not the only one who can spring a trap.? I grinned as two giant piranha plants erupted from the ground on either side of Fouquet's golem before they used their jaws to hold the construct's legs in place. Louise stopped her silent mumbling and raised her head, along with her wand which Fouquet conveniently forgot to take off her because of all the excitement.

?Explosion!? My master yelled as she pointed her wand right at me. Louise was able to declare the spell as soon as she raised her wand because she was chanting the incantation silently ever since we got to this clearing. She was our trump card in defeating the golem, not me...not than I couldn't defeat the golem on my own mind you. Normally, being right in the path of an offensive spell would mean that you would be the one to get hit by it. However, Louise's explosions do not travel at a straight line. Louise simply picks a target and points and the concussive blast will hit it, bypassing anything else in its way. Of course, that is if it hits the target. I had to repress a sigh as my master's spell went wide to the right and high, detonating just above the golem's left shoulder. Thankfully, her extended incantations gave the spell enough of a power boost to obliterate a good third of the golem.

?Tch!? Fouquet pushed Louise aside and picked up the Staff of Destruction as soon as she saw Tabitha start her own incantation. She tried to buy time for herself by using what's left of her golem to fire volleys of stone spikes at my master and at Sylphid. I circumvented this my growing my wings and flying in between the spikes and Tabitha's drake. I swatted the spikes away with little effort and turned to the three passengers of the drake.

?What are you doing?! What about Louise?!? Monmon yelled at me almost hysterically. I pointed down to where Louise was and they all saw that she was doing fine. My master easily managed to dodge the spikes that were fired at her and was looking up at me with her mouth agape, probably surprised at what she had just been able to do. I called forth two more giant piranha plants and they went to work in tearing Fouquet's golem apart. As for the woman herself...

?So...? I said after I landed in front of my master who had recovered from her earlier surprise.

?So...? Louise repeated, putting up a front of dignity and courage. I smiled at her before patting her head.

?Well done, master.? I stated as Sylphid landed some distance away.

?Louise! Are you alright?!? Monmon yelled out as she and the rest of the group ran toward us. I turned back to Louise with my expression serious.

?How do you want to deal with Fouquet?? I asked her just as everyone else arrived. My master considered the question for a few moments before shrugging and giving me a smirk.

?Assist Miss Longueville in killing Fouquet.? She said, earning a collective 'what' from the others except Tabitha.

?Would that be an acceptable course of action?? I asked the blue haired girl. She nodded before walking in the direction where I threw my parasol to.

?Wait, what are you all talking about? Fouquet and Miss Longueville are the same person!? Guiche said in complete confusion.

?I don't know what you are talking about. Fouquet sprung a trap and we were barely able to hold him and his golem back. It was due to the effort of Miss Longueville that we were able to win and take down the infamous Crumbling Dirt.? I stated to the group before returning Louise's smirk.

? planned all of this?? Monmon finally asked when she realized what we meant by that.

?Yes, I had known her true identity ever since the meeting at the headmaster's office. I talked to Louise about it and we decided that there was more to Fouquet than meets the eye.? I explained.

?...explain.? Kirche followed up.

?First of all, she never really tried to harm anyone.? Louise answered the Germanian's question.

?All the attacks she made on us back during the fair and here were all calculated to make sure that no one really got hurt.? My master added with a smile.

?What do you mean by that? She has explicitly targeted us with her attacks and even struck Mister Yuka several times.? Guiche reasoned.

?She only had her golem strike and hit me because she knew that I could take it. She targeted Louise and the rest of you because she knew that you could either avoid it or that I would be there to protect you. Note that she even went so far as to intimidate Louise and Tabitha into running before.? I pointed out.

?So...she's not that bad. But she's still a thief!? Monmon firmly stated.

?But not by choice.? Kirche muttered from behind the blonde. Monmon looked conflicted for a moment before Guiche took her hand and gave her a soft smile.

?I may not understand what Louise and Mister Yuka are really planning...but if it is something that would help Miss Longueville and those orphans then...? Guiche didn't get to finish before Monmon finally nodded.

?Now that we are all in agreement...? I stated, flexing my wings and ignoring Kirche's squeeing at the action.

?...I have a thief to kill.? I said before taking to the skies and flying to where Fouquet ran off too.


?I continue to be impressed by you, human.? I stated from within the shadows before emerging from the trees, making Fouquet turn around and point the staff of destruction at me.

?Stay back!? The woman shrieked at me as she waved the artifact at me. I raised at brow at the now unwrapped object. It was a bland green colored metal tube that looked very familiar. I made a thoughtful noise when I finally realized what it was.

?Ooohh...? I said while nodding to myself. Honestly, it was a very long time since I've seen one of those 'Rawket Lawnchairs' that the kappa made to shoot down the Lunarian ships during that incident. Considering their effects, I can imagine why someone would consider such a thing as a Staff of Destruction. I was wondering how such an object could have made it to this world when I noticed that the panicked woman who was in possession of the artifact was slowly backing away from me.

?Either steal the Staff of Destruction or die trying. Those were the conditions that your employers made to spare your precious sister and orphanage, correct?? I asked her, making the woman flinch.

?I thought you didn't care about me or my circumstance?? Fouquet asked with fear in her voice.

?I don't. My master on the other hand seems sympathetic to your situation, as are her companions.? I clarified before folding my arms and leaning back.

?W-w-what do you mean?? The woman asked me, biting back tears.

?I have an offer than you can't refuse.? I stated with a warm smile.


When Louise slept, she once again found herself inside Mugenkan. She sighed and looked around, it seemed that Yuka still isn't here yet. They had camped at the very clearing where the final battle against Fouquet took place. Her familiar had managed to recover both the Staff of Destruction and Miss Longueville. The arrangement was that Miss Longueville will take credit for slaying Fouquet, along with the reward that came with it. Of course, such an event would be behind closed doors to prevent the people that put the woman in that position in the first place to find out what really happened and retaliate against her. In addition, she will stop all thievery from now on and instead will focus on becoming Louise's private tutor and help her uncover just what kind of magic she really had. The woman started laughing when she noticed that her teaching self killing her thieving self was more than symbolic.

After she had finally calmed down and accepted our terms, she revealed her true name. It was Mathilda of Albion. Everyone, including herself gasped at the revelation after they all connected the dots. It was decided that she would use that name from now on to prevent anyone from noticing who she really was. Along with that, she will get a haircut and makeover care of Monmon and Kirche to complete the disguise.

It had been a crazy day with way too much happening, but Louise was happy on how it turned out. They managed to recover the stolen artifact, the Rawket Lawnchair as Yuka put it, defeated the legendary Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt, and Louise gained a square class earth mage as a private teacher. Best of all? No one died. Louise was still basking in their accomplishments when she suddenly heard the sound of something tearing.

?Hmmm? Who are you?? She heard a mature feminine voice ask from behind her. Louise turned around and saw a woman who was probably the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Long blonde hair lined with ribbons and wearing a stylish purple dress. Louise would have sworn that she was looking at a goddess if it wasn't for the fact that this woman was leaning out of a gap in the mid-air that had countless purple eyes on the other side.

?Wh-wh-wh-wh-? Louise stuttered out as the woman in question gave her a sly smile.

?Why hello there~?


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2011, 07:10:12 AM »
Yukari meets Louise. Louise may have powers in relation to Yukari.

I like where this is going.

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2011, 12:03:00 AM »
Yukari met Louise? That can only mean one thing.

Crap's about to get real.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2011, 08:52:40 PM »


?So...? I flatly stated as I saw the sight before me, briefly cursing myself for forgetting to bring my parasol again.


?So~? Yukari repeated in a teasing tone.


?Can you please explain why you have--?


?--my master in your nefarious clutches and actively molesting her?? I asked while rubbing my forehead with my right hand. I entered Mugenkan and expected Louise to already be there since she was sound asleep before I left and it took me a while to conjure up a new door to the border of dreams. It was then that I noticed that I could sense Yukari nearby. I immediately flew to where I sensed Yukari in hopes to save my master the headache of having to deal with the border youkai by herself. Sadly...

?Yu-kaaa! Hey! Don't touch there! Auuugh! Yukaaa!? I was too late. My master continued to call out to me as she valiantly kept trying to release herself from Yukari's grasp. The border youkai blinked at me a couple of times, while still running her hands all over Louise, before giving a radiant smile and rubbing her cheek against Louise's.

?Because she's so adorable~! I want to take her home~! Can I? I'll give her back in a few days! I promise!? Yukari asked me like a child as she embraced Louise from behind before she started nibbling on her left ear. I did my best to tune out the noise of Louise's struggling and her embarrassed mewling while in the mercy of the border youkai.

?Denied. I cannot be sure if Louise's sanity or chastity will remain intact if I left her with you.? I retorted while folding my arms and leaning back. Louise ceased her struggling and blinked a few times at me.

?Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chastity?? She sputtered out before slowly turning back to Yukari, who simply gave her a seductive smile and a wink. Louise went pale and resumed her efforts to free herself from the border youkai's embrace.

?Save me Yuka! Save your master! I don't want my chastity to be taken by another woman! Yukaaa!? My master yelled out in pure hysteria at the prospect of being 'taken' by another woman. I sighed before looking at Yukari with a serious expression.

?God dammit Yukari. Let my master go. Right. Now.? I ground out. Both my master and Yukari froze when the saw the sky went bloody red and all the sunflowers in the field turned to them before they all gave out a faint red glow. Even the Border of Phantasm herself knew very well that she cannot possibly defeat me inside Mugenkan, no one can defeat me inside my realm. At the Garden of the Sun, I have infinite magical power because of my sunflowers. Inside Mugenkan? I. Control. Everything. Yukari gave a wistful sigh before unceremoniously dropping Louise on the ground.

?Augh! Hey!? Louise grunted and yelled at the border youkai, Yukari simply blew her a kiss in response. That was enough to get my master on her feet and scamper off to seek refuge behind me. Crisis averted, I commanded Mugenkan to return back to its regular state.

?So, this is Yuka's little master~?? The blonde woman asked as she craned her head to try to get a better view of Louise again. I dutifully made sure to block her view of my master and Louise made sure to hide as much of herself behind me as she could, even going so far as grabbing the back of my shirt.

?Yuka? Who is this woman? And why is there only half of her there?!? Louise asked from behind me. I suppressed a very powerful urge to cringe when I saw the glint in Yukari's eye.

?Yuka dear, you haven't told your master about me~? Or about our relationship~?? The border youkai asked me in mock surprise and concern.

?Re-re-re-re-relationship?!? Louise sputtered out before she started pulling at my shirt, trying to make me turn around to face her. Failing that, she walked up in front of me instead. Predictably, her face was once again very red because of what Yukari implied.

?D-d-d-do-d-don't tell me that you and that strange half-woman are lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-? Louise continued her sputtering, being unable to even finish the word 'lovers'. I was concerned about the effects that embarrassment had on her cognitive thinking considering that I already told her during our little shopping trip that I have never fallen in love before. I chalked that up to being a side effect of her self-esteem issues that we were still working on. I was a bit amused at her calling Yukari 'half-woman' because of the way she looked though.

?Half-woman...? I repeated with a smirk. Yukari quickly got the meaning and huffed but remained only half-there. She wouldn't dare leave Gensokyo completely without the protection of the Border of Phantasm, even if it was to prove a point. Yes, as much as I hate to admit it, Yukari Yakumo is much more responsible now...relatively speaking.

?How rude~! Is that any way to speak to me, Yuka? After all, didn't we get to know each other ve~ry intimately over the centuries~?? The border youkai followed up, picking up her second wind.

?Yuka!? Louise yelled at me, her face becoming even redder than before. I shook my head and sighed at how easily my master can be led on just because of a few words. She can be such a maiden sometimes.

?No, Louise. That woman and I have no such relationship. What she really meant was that we are merely long-time acquaintances. The 'intimacy' implied was about our Danmaku Battle patterns and habits. She just makes it sound that way because she enjoys annoying people and loves the attention it gets her.? I calmly explained. Louise eyed me suspiciously before she started rubbing her chin with her hand.

? she' Kirche?? Louise concluded with a grimace. Ah! So my master came to the asme conclusion I did before, if only the other way around.

?If Kirche had the power to be able to shape nearly any aspect of existence as she wished.? I said with a shrug. Louise gawked at me before turning to Yukari, who had her arms folded and was giving a smug smile.

?And also if she was old...really old...? I added with a vicious grin. The border youkai started coughing before she leveled a glare at me. She can be very sensitive about her age, I always made sure to make use of that whenever I picked fights with her back then.

?How kisses for you!? Yukari bitterly spat at me before turning her head away from me as a gesture of defiance.

?Will you stop implying things already? I want to properly introduce you to my master.? I said in a bored tone. The banter was kind of fun, more for nostalgic value than anything.

?Fine, fine, fine...? Yukari said with a dismissive wave before adopting a more professional stance and expression. Louise noticed the sudden change in demeanor and unconsciously took a half-step back, nearly bumping into me. I took the chance to put my hands on her shoulders, both to keep her in place and as a reassuring gesture for my tense master. I felt her shoulders tighten up for a moment before finally relaxing. I ignored Yukari as she made a thoughtful sound while looking at the two of us intently and decided to get the introductions over with.

?Louise...this is Yukari Yakumo. One of the oldest and strongest youkai in Gensokyo. She is known as the Border of Phantasm and she has the ability to manipulate borders as easily as you find it to breathe.? I said as I formally introduced Yukari to my master. I saw her tilt her head before turning back to me.

?Manipulate borders?? She asked quizzically. Right, I never explicitly stated what the fourth possibility of what Louise's true power was when we talked about it.

?Day and night. Life and death. Truth and lies. Love and hate. All of these have borders between them...and I can control them all.? Yukari supplied, if a bit cryptically. I felt Louise tense a bit again as she seemed to have been able to interpret what Yukari said.

?Does that mean that you...are a goddess?? Louise asked hesitantly. Yukari blinked at the girl a few times before she started to laugh.

?I like your little master, Yuka.? Yukari commented after she stopped laughing.

?Yukari is no goddess, Louise. Think of her as more of a force of nature or a force of reality. You know what, don't think about it too hard, you'll just get a headache.? I said with a shrug. When it comes to Yukari Yakumo, it was always better to simply deal with what was in front of you instead of trying to comprehend whatever she was doing. I wanted Louise to have that sense of mind when dealing with Yukari in case she will need to do so again in the future.

?And this...? I started before patting Louise's shoulders.

? Louise Fran?oise le Blanc de la Valli?re. Third, and youngest, daughter of Duke Valli?re of the country of Tristain. She is an aspiring magician who is enrolled at Tristain Magic Academy as a second year student. She has immense natural magic power but she is still trying to find out the nature of her true power. She is the one who summoned me and made me her familiar. She is my partner and master.? I introduced Louise to Yukari properly with a hint of pride, though I will never admit it. Louise slowly turned back to me with her mouth agape and her cheeks slightly red before she quickly turned away. It seemed that this was probably the first time that she was given such an introduction and was rather embarrassed by it. The border youkai maneuvered her the gap she was leaning on closer to Louise, making my master tense up again, before offering her gloved hand.

?A pleasure to meet you Louise Fran?oise le Blanc de la Valli?re.? Yukari greeted my master with the grace befitting her status as one of the most powerful beings in Gensokyo. Louise turned to me with a look of uncertainty. Considering her first impression of Yukari, I couldn't blame her.

?Go on, I'll keep you safe.? I reassured my master. Louise blushed deeply at the directness of my words but meekly nodded before turning back to Yukari's outstretched hand. I made sure to give Yukari a particularly vicious grin, one that said 'I will kill you if you yank her into your gap when she shakes your hand'. I was sure that the border youkai got the message when she gulped unconsciously.

?A-a-a pleasure to meet you...Yukari Yakumo.? Louise returned Yukari's greeting before taking the border youkai's hand hand shaking it. They continued on like that for a few moments before they let go of each others' hand.

?With that out of the way, time to begin tonight's lesson.? I quickly said before snapping my fingers. Louise let out a surprised yelp when she teleported a distance away from Yukari and myself before five piranha plants emerged from the ground, surrounding her.

?Wh-wh-wh-wh-what is this?!? Louise asked me as she started to go pale while at each of the plants that surrounded her.

?Your next lesson. You already have experience in dodging so I decided to make things more interesting.? I explained before snapping my fingers again. A full glass of red wine was once again in Louise's hands and she looked at me with absolute fear.

?Remember, observe the path where the projectiles are traveling instead of simply focusing on what is in front of you. Focus and move accordingly. Most importantly, don't be afraid.? I reminded Louise of one of the most important aspects of dodging Danmaku before snapping my fingers one more time, beginning Louise's second lesson in the beginner fairy course.

?Well?? I asked Yukari as soon as Louise was too busy dodging for her life to eavesdrop. The border youkai hummed for a moment while staring intently at Louise's attempts at dodging the fireballs.

?She needs work on her awareness and decisiveness at dodging. Freezing up like that mid-dodge is a very big no-no.? Yukari commented as she waved at my master who was clumsily dodging the fireballs while getting wine all over her dress. Clearly, my master still has much to learn at the art but that was not what I was asking about.

?Yukari...? I called out to her, making sure that she knows that I was serious.

?As you mentioned before during your heartwarming introduction for your master.? I glared at the border youkai for her words and she merely shrugged at me.

?Please, you can hide it from anyone else but not me. We've known each other too long, Yuka. I could immediately tell that this little human girl has become important to you.? Yukari explained in a sincere tone, before smiling at me.

?Although I already know that you will never admit that the girl over there has already become precious to you.? The border youkai added with a mischievous smile.

?It's not like I'm teaching her Danmaku dodging techniques for her sake or anything, idiot.? I deadpanned at Yukari.

?I refuse to further comment on that matter. Your assessment on my master's compatibility with border manipulation?? I pointedly asked the border youkai, changing the subject and making it clear that we will not speak of that matter again.

?Tsundere-Yuka...? Yukari muttered under her breath, loud enough for me to hear her. I glared at her one more time before she pointed to where Louise was. I turned to where she was pointing and saw that Louise was already on the ground and completely on fire while screaming for the horror to stop. I sighed before snapping my fingers, restoring Louise and the glass on wine in her hands.

?Again.? I clearly stated to my master, who quickly turned to me with an incredulous expression.

?What?! Don't I even get a break?!? Louise yelled at me while clutching the glass of wine with both of her hands.

?This is a dream for you so you're not actually getting hurt, you should know this already. Begin!? I declared before Louise could further protest. I turned back to Yukari as soon as Louise started dodging the fireballs and saw that her left hand was covering her mouth and she had one of those annoying glints in her eyes again.

?Tough love?? She asked me teasingly.

?Your. Assessment.? I repeated through gritted teeth. Yukari finally got the message and shrugged before looking back to where Louise was dodging the fireballs while keeping her head on a swivel. Good girl, she's learning. I repressed a smile while waiting for the border youkai's response.

?Honestly, I'm...uncertain.? Yukari finally answered. I raised a brow at her words and her tone of voice.

?I wasn't just teasing you for fun, Yuka. I was scanning your master while I was doing that. Although, your responses were pretty amusing as well.? The border youkai explained her previous actions.

?And?? I asked, prodding her to continue.

?As you have previously stated, your master has significant raw magical power. This is a given considering that she's someone that managed to bind you to a summoning contract.? Yukari reviewed and I nodded in response, confirming that we were on the same page.

?Now, I checked the border of magic in regards to what primary elemental affinity your master has. This was your main concern after all.? She continued. Now that got my attention.

?What did you find?? I asked her immediately after she told me that. The woman made a thoughtful sound as she placed her right hand on her cheek and closed her eyes, possibly gathering her thoughts.

?It was rather strange, yet refreshing.? Yukari started, eyes still closed.

?The girl's magic is powerful in the most basic of forms but it is technically incompatible with the elemental manipulation that this world bases its magic system from.? The blonde stated. That explains why Louise cannot seem to use any of the four common elements that magicians use in this world, her magical power simply cannot be used with those elements if you try to use their established casting methods. To put it in perspective, it is like a raw material that cannot be processed into a final product you wanted by any of the currently available manufacturing methods.

?Do you know what kind of magical element it would be compatible with though?? I asked. If Yukari could figure out that Louise's magical power is incompatible with fire, earth, water, and wind, then maybe she could figure which element it would be compatible with instead.

?Well...that's where things get weird.? The border youkai said while scratching the back of her head.

?You see, the kind of magical power your master has is rather unique. It was made for only one element and one purpose. What exactly that element is, I don't know since I'm not too keen on this world's system of magic.? Yukari explained. The mystery element must have been void then. It seemed to be the only explanation since the Border of Phantasm has encountered every conceivable magic type on Earth, both elemental and non-elemental. Hmmm...

?Does that mean that Louise's magic is non-elemental?? I postulated considering that my master's magic does not fit with any elemental affinities. Further discussion was interrupted by Louise's death wails. I turned to my burning master as she lied motionless on the ground before snapping my fingers again.

?Again.? I stated, not even allowing Louise time to complain about her latest 'death'. I turned back to Yukari who was slowly shaking her head.

?If you give her infinite lives she'll never learn to dodge like her life depended on it because she knows at the back of her mind that you'll just restore her.? Yukari scolded me, criticizing my teaching methods.

?And if I give her limited lives, she'll never learn to dodge for her life either since she would run out of lives before she figures out the patterns.? I shot back. The border youkai sighed folded her arms and leveled a glare at me.

?Listen, I know that you haven't been the most socially sensitive being ever, but you can't just treat the poor girl like that. You can't just throw her into the jaws of the beast and expect her to simply use her instincts to be able to survive a Danmaku Battle, she's not Cirno you know. If you claim that you are teaching her, then teach her! Give her a limited number of lives. If she uses them all up, tell her what went wrong and how to overcome it. Use your dream world's properties to show her the mistakes she made by projecting them in front of her if you have to. If she's worth so much to you then you could at least teach her properly instead of doing...that...? Yukari trailed off when she turned back to Louise. I glanced back to my master as well since I haven't heard her scream in pain again. Louise was started to figure out the pattern I posed for this exercise and was only getting away with grazing burns, though she was still spilling the wine all over the place.

?Well...she might have talent after all...? Yukari muttered as she watched my master slowly adapt to the new challenge I posed to her.

?That she does, but I will consider your words for our future lessons. Now, where were we?? I asked, steering the discussion back on topic. Yukari glanced upward while rubbing her chin with her hand before looking back to me.

?You were declaring your undying love for me and was about to kiss me with unbridled carnal passion~?? Yukari replied with a wink.

?Ah yes, I was asking you if Louise's magic was non-elemental.? I reminded her, completely ignoring her previous response. Yukari puffed her cheeks at me before facing away and huffing like a child that was just told off. Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo. She cleared her throat before looking back at me with mild annoyance, probably didn't expect my reaction to her teasing...or lack thereof.

?The answer to your question is both yes and no, Yuka.? The border youkai answered, if a bit coldly.

?Please explain.? I ignored it and decided to continue with the discussion instead.

?You see, your little master's magic is-? Yukari's explanation was cut off when we both heard Louise's death wails again. I turned and saw Louise, or what's left of her, writhing on the ground while being completely engulfed in flames. I sighed and snapped my fingers, restoring Louise.

?What happened?? I asked the girl since she was doing pretty well earlier.

?I-I-I got tired from all the dodging!? Louise yelled at me.

?Too bad. Again.? I declared and Louise simply screamed in frustration before starting to dodge the fireballs all over again.

?I thought you said that you were going to consider my words for her training?? Yukari asked me flatly.

?I said that I would consider your words for our future lessons.? I corrected her. There was a moment of awkward silence between us before Yukari simply shook her head.

?Like I was saying...your little master's magic is completely incompatible with any other kind of natural element. In the strictest sense, yes, it can be considered as non-elemental because of that. However, this particular kind of magic was tailored for a very specialized kind of system, so specialized that it can be considered as its own element.? That would be Void, I suspect.

?Because of this, the applications of such magic are very limited but it has the advantage of being able to ignore most of the rules that other elements are restricted to. In a sense, you can consider it as an extremely specialized manipulation of the border of magic. Comparing it to non-elemental magic, elemental magic, or border manipulation, is not right or is simply...different.? Yukari finished her explanation. I silently considered her words for a few moments, the only permeating sounds coming from the piranha plants' fireballs and Louise frantic screaming and swearing. This is something I can have Louise and Matilda check on once we return to the academy. I also needed to speak with Professor Colbert about a slip of the tongue he made before we left. It might yield additional clues as to how to manage and control Louise magic.

?So?about that kiss?? Yukari asked while leaning toward me. I simply flatly stared at her before walking toward Louise. The border youkai was right about one thing, Louise could probably benefit from a few tips from me.


?And thus, I would like to congratulate you three once again for finally putting an end to Fouquet?s reign of terror.? Henrietta said to me, Louise, and Matilda. Officially, Matilda was the one who would go on record as the one who took down Fouquet, ironic but not untrue. Her accomplishment also had the added benefit of her and Louise being inducted as Chevaliers by the Princess. Louise tried to argue that I had to get a commendation as well, since I did kind of come up with the plan to get the thief, but I decided against it. I told my master that I needed no accolades for my accomplishments in this world. The Princess seemed to have taken a shine at my demeanor and offered the title of Chevalier to me anyway but I politely declined.

?I?m still not sure about this?becoming a Chevalier, I mean.? Matlida muttered to me while the Princess was too busy embracing my master. It was understandable for her considering her past experience with nobles. Being inducted into nobility again was likely giving her some rather complicated feelings. I would also like to note that Matilda?s makeover was quite the success. Amusing that all it took was a change in hairstyle and clothing and she looked like a different person. When they were all deciding what she should start wearing from now on, I made the suggestion of a white long-sleeved blouse with a blue vest and a black skirt. Everyone looked at me skeptically and I told them to just try it. They did and were impressed at how much it fit her. I smiled when they asked what kind of hairstyle would do. I suggested straight shoulder length hair that was parted in the middle and with the bangs of one side being longer than the other. They complied and were surprised at how much the hairstyle fit Matilda?s new clothes.

Of course it did, I made her look like Shikieiki.

?Think about it this way, you get a perfect cover from now on and get extra income for the orphanage thanks to the stipend for being a Chevalier on top of what Louise?s family is paying you for tutoring her.? I pointed out. Louise said that it wouldn?t be easy to convince her family to pay for a private teacher for her to help with her magic development. That was until I told her to point out to her family that this teacher was the one to defeated Fouquet of the crumbling dirt, which silenced any further protest from her house.

?I guess?? The woman finally said before looking back at Louise and sighing.

?A few days ago, I never though that I?d end up like this. It just went so fast and seemed?? She trailed off.

?Too good to be true?? I finished for her. She silently nodded in acknowledgement.

?I would think that, after everything that you have gone through, it was time for you to get a break. Of course, those would simply be empty words since I can?t really understand your situation or feelings.? I said with a shrug. We stood in silence as Henrietta continued to tell Louise how much she missed her dear friend and was worried sick when my master decided to go after Fouquet.

?Even if they were empty words?thank you.? Matilda finally said. I glanced at her and saw that she had her head turned away from me.

?Oh! How I wish I could simply allow you to go back to your peaceful life at the academy. But sadly, I am in need of a favor from you Louise Fran?oise.? The Princess said wistfully as she finally let go of my master. I briefly wondered why she seemed to be the target of affection by various women lately when I felt my master tense up.

?Anything Princess!? Louise answered immediately, I figured as much.

?Thank you, my dear friend.? The Princess said before going to her desk and retrieving a parchment. She walked back to us and gave it to Louise.

?I want you to live in town for a while to check on some?unsavory rumors.? Henrietta said hesitantly. I instantly felt hostile intent coming from Matilda after she heard that. I saw where this is going?

?Rumors?? My master asked, none the wiser.

?There have been rumors around town about nobles that have been using their position to oppress the local commoners. I want you to confirm if this is true or not.? Henrietta explained.

?How terrible?? Louise muttered in a pained voice. I felt Matilda?s hostile intent dissipate and turned to her. I noted that her previous look of anger was replaced with concern for Louise.

?And?? I spoke up, breaking my master from her thoughts.

??what do you wish for us to do if we found these rumors true?? I asked the Princess. My master shot me an irritated look for speaking with her Princess so casually but I ignored it for now.

?I wish for you all to report it to me personally. I cannot tolerate such actions from the nobility simply because of their status over the commoners.? Henrietta stated with a hard voice, making me raise a brow.

?So you are concerned about the daily lives of commoners and not just nobles?? I asked her. From past experience, I always saw most of the nobility as those who hold themselves on a pedestal compared to the commoners and would never care about those below them. The Princess slowly shook her head and looked at me sadly.

?The people must do what they can for their country, and their country must do everything it can for its people.? She stated. It seemed that the Princess was one of the exceptions to that stereotype.

?We will do as you command, princess!? Louise once again immediately stated and was course was set. We left Henrietta to her work and walked through the halls of the palace.

?I?m sorry, Matilda. It seems that we have something to take care of first. You can go ahead and return to the academy first.? Louise said with an apologetic tone. Louise was walking in the middle of the hall with me and Matilda at her sides.

?Don?t worry, I?m coming with you.? The former thief stated with a smile.

?You are?? Louise asked her in surprise.

?The Princess said that you need to spend time in town to be able to confirm the rumors, right?? Matilda asked, earning a nod from my master.

?Have either of you lived in a city like this before? Among the locals I mean.? She asked us. Louise tried to protest but couldn?t find an argument for it. Oh, that?s what she?s getting at.

?No, and I assume that you have?? I asked her and the woman simply gave me a smirk.

?Who do you think I am?? She replied smugly. It seemed that recruiting this woman had more advantages than what we originally foresaw.

?Very well?you can come along. Where do we go first?? Louise asked.

?Hat shop.? I immediately stated, making both Matilda and Louise look at me quizzically.

?Matilda needs a hat.? I replied simply before walking ahead of the two women.



  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2011, 05:49:27 AM »

?You really don?t have to?? Matilda said uneasily as she eyed the various hats inside the very shop where Louise and I got ours. The same young woman from before was tending the shop when we arrived and asked if we were looking for anything in particular. Because of the wide array of available hats in stock, I had asked her if they had a Yama's cap. Sadly, she had never heard of the thing so we opted to browse around the shop instead. Louise had already gone into the thick of things and was walking around trying to find a suitable hat for our companion.

?Yes we do. If you will be part of our little group, then hats will be mandatory.? I stated with a friendly but resolute voice. Matilda seemed to have resigned to her fate she rubbed her forehead with her left hand and sighed.

?I can't believe I agreed to this.? She muttered to herself.

?About getting a hat or about the situation at large?? I asked the woman as I tracked Louise's pink hair around the shop.

?Both...? Matilda replied dryly. I simply shrugged at her response, is she really that conflicted about becoming a noble again?

?It's not a bad deal. A life of relative comfort while still being able to provide for your sister and the orphans. Besides, we'll make sure that you get a hat that suits you perfectly, I assure you.? I stated with a warm smile, and for the first time, a smile that she returned.

?I got one!? I heard Louise yell out from within the shop. Matilda and I blinked at each other for a moment before walking to where Louise?s voice came from, her pink hair acting as a beacon in the midst of all the hats in the shop. I raised a brow at what she was holding up. It was a larger version of her own hat, one that would fit Matilda.

?Matching hats?? I asked Louise with a raised brow. My master huffed at me before waving the hat in front of me.

?What? You and Siesta have matching hats, why can?t we?? Louise argued, she had a point though. Siesta and I had sort of a teacher-pupil relationship in terms of gardening and both of us had matching straw hats. Mayhap Louise had the same thing in mind when it came to her and her new tutor. Very well, let us see. I took the hat from her hands and placed it on Matilda?s head. The woman let out a small ?eep? when I did out of surprise but recovered quickly.

?Perfect!? Louise exclaimed proudly as her tutor touched the new headgear. I hummed to myself while appraising the overall look that Matilda had with that particular hat. The woman noticed my scrutiny and blushed a bit before looking away from me.

?I would disagree, master.? I said, earning a glare from Louise and a questioning look from Matilda.

?Make no mistake, the hat does look lovely on her and your gesture of getting matching hats with your new tutor is very sweet.? I continued with glancing around the shops for viable replacement options.

?However it clashes with her clothes too much. If she had darker clothes or a cape, like you do, then it would be perfect. Unfortunately, the style of the hat does not fit with the style of her clothes. Something a bit simpler would work?? I muttered before turning back to them. I noted that Louise was giving me a flat stare while Matilda had her back to us.

?So what? Another straw hat? You already have that maid wear one, are you trying to mark the women you fancy by making them all wear straw hats?? Louise asked me in an irritated voice. We both glanced at Matilda for a moment when we saw her flinch a bit at Louise?s words. I chose to ignore it and answer my master?s question.

?No, I have no plans on marking anyone via hats. No, I have yet to see a woman that meets my ?fancy?. And no, a straw hat wouldn?t fit either.? I shot down Louise accusations, while ignoring the wistful sigh from Matilda, before walking to a different part of the store. Hats are important, they are extremely distinct and provide an easy way to identify someone. I can name every single notable denizen of Gensokyo because of the hat that they wore, while I can name the rest because of their lack of hats or use of other head accessories. I raised a brow when a particular hat caught my eye. I left Louise and Matilda and walked up to the particular hat stand that was holding it. Yes, this could work.

?I believe we have your destined hat, Matilda.? I said smugly as I took the hat from the stand and showed it to the two women.

?What is that?? Louise asked me as she eyed my chosen hat skeptically. Matilda was eying me and the hat I chose and pursed her lips, I guess she didn?t know what kind of hat this was either.

?This is called a fedora. Normally it is a hat for men but it can also be worn by women, particularly women who have a certain kind of class, confidence and style, attributes that Matilda clearly possesses.? I stated as I adjusted the crease and the pinch at the top of the vanilla white fedora while making sure that the black grosgrain ribbon is secure and clean. I approached our hatless companion and offered it to her.

?Try it out.? I said with a smile. The woman looked between my chosen hat, my master, and myself, before taking off the hat she currently had on and taking the fedora from my hands. She looked at the hat one more time before putting it on. I smiled at her new look. Yes, the fedora works. Too bad we couldn't add a tie and replace her skirt with slacks, she would have looked perfect with the Rawket Lawnchair hefted on her shoulder.

?Oooohhh?? Louise said as her previous protest was replaced with awe.

?Not bad, eh?? I asked my master while giving her a sidewards glance.

?How is that possible? It?s just a hat! How can it make Matilda look so?so?? Louise trailed off as she slowly shook her head.

?I believe the words you are looking for are suave and classy.? I provided, I glanced back to Matilda who currently had her head tilted down and pulling the front of the brim of her hat to cover her eyes. I noted the blush that still showed on her face. I guess she wasn?t used to this kind of attention.

?Does it?does it really look good on me?? Matilda asked while hesitantly looking up at us.

?Why don?t you see for yourself?? I asked back while nodding toward a nearby mirror. Matilda looked at the mirror and was considering it when Louise decided for her.

?Come on! You have to see! It looks wonderful on you!? My master happily said before pulling her tutor by the hand toward the mirror. Matilda gave me a look of worry but I simply shrugged in response.

?Is I heard Matilda ask as she stared at herself in the mirror.

?It is! It is! Isn't it great?? Louise confirmed for her while nodding vigorously. I blinked a few times at my master's apparent enthusiasm, I swore the girl's eyes were glittering as she stared at the former thief.

?Is it really that surprising?? I asked her from behind. Both of them turned to me but Matilda turned back to the mirror to give herself another appraisal.

?It's just...I look so different...Is this really even me anymore?? She asked, her expression becoming a but sadder than before. Louise looked at me with worry and I gestured toward her tutor. My master knitted her eyebrows for a few moments before giving me a look of determination, her eyes alight with the same intensity she shows when she was resolute about something.

?Of course it is!? Louise declared, making Matilda turn to her.

?This is you! The new you! This is not Mathilda of Southern Saxe Gotha! This is not Miss Longueville of Tristain Magic Academy! This is not Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt! This is Matilda Chevalier de Tristain! Sister to a woman in Albion. Caretaker and provider to orphans. A Square Class Earth mage. teacher...? Louise said with as much conviction as she could have mustered, though it did taper off and fizzle out into slight embarrassment near the end. I made sure that no one was around when Louise said 'Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt'. It wouldn't do for our new companion to blow her cover after less than a week. Even if someone did, they would probably have thought that it was the ramblings of an eccentric noble girl. After all, as far as the country is concerned, Fouquet was a man and was already dead. Matilda stared at my master for a few moments, her uncertainty faced by Louise's sincerity. The woman clenched her jaw before closing her eyes and smiling, her expression changing to one of relief. Louise let out her own 'eep' as Matilda wordlessly embraced her. Louise, on her part, waved her hands in the air for a few moments before simply returning the gesture. My master really was becoming the object of affection for a lot of women lately, hasn't she? Who's next, Kirche? Monmon? Siesta? Tabitha? No, not Tabitha...definitely not Tabitha.  My thoughts on the matter were interrupted when I noticed the young woman who tended the shop approach us with a concerned expression when she saw the scene between my master and her tutor. She turned to me with eyes that asked if everything was okay.

?We'll take the fedora.? I replied with a shrug.


?So...? I stated as the three of us stood outside the hat shop.

?So...? Louise repeated as she adjusted her cowboy hat.

?So...? Matilda repeated one more time as she glanced around the part of town we were currently in.

?Where to now?? I asked the expert. Matilda looked at me before turning her gaze to the ground and contemplating the question.

?I intended to go to an old acquaintance and ask for help in the matter. He owns a pretty popular bar that doubles as an inn. It would be the best place to gather information from the locals. People tend to be very open to questions after a few rounds of ale.? She explained.

?Then let's go!? Louise stated with enthusiasm.

?We can't...? Matilda said with a sigh, making me raise a brow.

?Why not?!? My master voiced the question in my head.

?Because of you, Louise.? The former thief stated with a sad smile.

?Me?!? Louise yelled in surprise that she was the hindrance to our plan.

?Please explain.? I stated. Matilda looked between me and Louise before gesturing for us to start walking with her.

?Louise is a noble, a student at the most prestigious magic academy in the whole country, and she is currently wearing one of their uniforms.? Matilda explained as we walked the streets. I see. Indeed, going into that place with nobility in tow would hamper out efforts in getting honest statements from the patrons.

?Would a change of clothing fix the problem?? I asked her.

?I would help, definitely. Getting Louise into simpler clothes would remove most suspicion toward her...on the surface.? She replied with an awkward smile.

?On the surface?? Louise piped up with the question.

?Louise, dear. Even if we find you a suitable disguise, it will not change the fact that you are a noble. You will still have the presence of a noble and you will still act like a noble.? Matilda explained as clearly and as kindly as she could. I saw Louise's expression sour at her tutor's words and opened her mouth to object. I answered for her...

?Then teach her how to act like a commoner.? I simply stated, making both women turn to me. Once again, Louise had a scowl because I cut her off while Matilda had a surprised expression.

?I can't just teach a girl who has lived her entire life as a noble to perfectly act like a commoner! That's impossible!? Matilda yelled at me.

?Then improvise, you are her tutor after all. Besides, we have experienced first hand how good you are at planning with next to no prep time and your resourcefulness under stacked odds. I would have expected that this was well within your capabilities. Or are you saying that such a thing is impossible for Fou--for Matilda Chevalier de Tristain?? I stated with a smug smile, though I really needed to remember never to call her Fouquet again. The woman narrowed her eyes at me before giving me an irritated look.

?Fine! Come Louise!? Matilda stated as she took Louise's hand with her own, her razor sharp glare never leaving my eyes.

?What...what's going on?? Louise asked in confusion at her tutor's sudden outburst. Matilda turned to her student and gave her one of her Fouquet smiles.

?Your very first lesson under my tutelage, infiltration!? Matilda replied with a smirk before she started to tug Louise to walk with her.

?What?! I signed up for a magic course and not espionage!? Louise protested as she tried to pull away from Matilda.

?Too bad. You asked me to teach you, and teach you I shall.? Matilda responded with the same determined smirk as she and her student started a tug of war in the middle of the street. I noticed that we were attracting a lot of attention and decided to end the little incident they were making.

?This was a personal request from your beloved Princess, was it not?? I asked Louise as I folded my arms and leaned back. The effect was immediate as my master let out an 'urk' before turning to me with a conflicted expression.

?Your Princess gave you a very specific mission and it just so happened that Matilda is perfect in assisting you with it. Now think, would it be wise to turn away the one person who can really help you with this?? I asked, my stance not changing. Matilda might be Louise's tutor, the one helping my master uncover more things about her magic, but I'm the one that would teach her to think for herself and make the best decisions she can based on that. Louise stared at the ground and fidgeted a a few times, going over what I said even though she should already know what the answer is. I sighed and turned to Matilda.

?Should I come with you while you prepare?? I asked the woman. She considered it a moment before shaking her head.

?I'll be fine. We'll just get new clothes for her and I'll give her some basics on acting like a commoner. There is a an open area that way with a large water fountain, wait for us there and we'll go ahead to the inn that my acquaintance owns.? Matilda responded while nodding to the direction down the street.

?I leave Louise in your care then.? I said with a nod before making my way to our rendezvous point. I trust Matilda with Louise because I could find no reason why she would harm her. Betraying the trust that Louise and I put on her would not only cut her off from a stable income for her sister, it would also make her a wanted criminal again. And there was the little thing about me unleashing my full wrath upon her should she betray us. I hummed an old tune as I walked the streets, using my parasol as a walking stick as I did. Matilda would be the one who will do most of the work for this little royal request since she would have a lot of experience in gathering information due to her tenure as an infamous thief. Honestly, I was starting to doubt the need to accompany them. The woman was a square-class earth magician that gave me the most fun fights I have had in this world thus far and an expert at deception and thievery. The girl was a budding void magician that can cast point-directed concussive blasts at will and was being trained by me in dodging Danmaku, she could probably dodge throwing knives by now if she tried.

Honestly, I felt like an unneeded accessory for solving this incident.


Fear. Someone once said that fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent. Fear was what others felt when they fought me. Fear was what others felt as I pointed my parasol at them before unleashing a Master Spark. Fear was what others felt as they saw themselves be consumed alive by my flowers. Fear was my ally. And now I felt betrayed by it. I have never felt fear. Never. Not when I first fought Reimu and Marisa. Not when I faced the hordes of Makai. Not when I traded blows with the goddess of the demon realm. Not when I faced the armies of the moon. In all my life, I have never felt fear.

Which was why the feeling I was having right now was rather novel.

I was sitting on the edge of the stone fountain, the designated area for our rendezvous, and was waiting for Matilda and Louise to come back. I spent my time lazily observing the goings on of the commoners as they passed by. It reminded me of the times when I basked under the sun in the middle of Garden of the Sun with my sunflowers and observed the comings and goings of the other residents of Gensokyo. It was then that I noticed an odd presence in the area. It was odd enough to make me raise a brow and put my head on a swivel. The presence I felt was not hostile nor was it oppressive, but for some strange reason, it made me feel...tense. I focused my senses and tried to narrow down the source of the strange feeling when 'it' decided to show itself instead.

?Tres Bien!? A clearly masculine voice that, for some ungodly reason was trying to sound feminine, yelled out. I turned to the source of the voice and I froze. Standing before me, doing poses and flexing fully developed muscles, was a man...or I thought it was a man. This...creature...was a tall and well built human male that seemed well into the middle of his life, if his receding hairline suggested, and was even sporting a mustache and a beard. All in all, one would think that he would be a soldier or working class man but...he was wearing a magenta tank top that was around five sizes too small for him and dark blue shorts that was also around five sizes too small for him. The creature turned to me and winked before it started another round of posing and flexing.

?Monster, you do not belong in this world...? I muttered under my breath while purposely looking away from it.

?Aaaahhn~! But it was not by my hand that I was given this flesh~! I was called here by a friend who wished to ask for my aid~!? The creature replied before doing more poses. I looked back at it in shock. It heard me? Impossible. I snarled at it and stood up, trying very hard to suppress the fear building up within me.

?Aid? Who would want the aid of one who parades around acting like something that it is not?? I said directly to the creature, making sure to show my killing intent. I was once again shocked when the creature did not even flinch and merely did another pose. Why? Why do I feel such fear when this creature is near me when it isn't even hostile? Why did it not seem to be affected by my aura of terror? What. The. Hell.

?Ooohh~! Perhaps the same could be said of all mankind~? The creature retorted. It was comparing itself to nobles now?

?Your words are as empty as your clothing! Tristain ill needs a citizen such as you!? I yelled, making a few heads turn. I didn't care. This man. This thing was not natural. It goes against everything that nature had intended and I don't like that. I can't even imagine what would happen if my master was to meet such a thing.

?Auuuhh~! What is a man? A delectable little pile of repressed emotions! But enough talk, have at-?

?Oh, I see that you've met.? Matilda's relaxed voice cut the tension between me and the creature as cleanly as a slash from one of Youmu's swords. I turned to the woman and found her standing next to my master. Louise had traded in her school uniform for a simple brown one piece dress that was secured by a pair of shoulder straps. It appeared that Matilda took my statement about hats seriously since Louise had a matching beret on her head instead of her cowboy usual hat. Louise didn't look to happy about her new look, probably too 'simple' for her tastes, but it really did suit her.

?And who might you be dear~?? The creature asked Matilda while doing another pose and flexing its pectoral muscles. I shifted my weight and made sure that my feet were firmly planted on the ground. If that thing made any hostile move against Matilda or my master then I will rip it apart with my bare hands, consequences be damned!

?Scarron! I just change my look and you can't even recognize the girl that helped you out during you little treasure hunt folly?? The former thief was also a treasure hunter? It seemed that Matilda has quite the skill sets. The creature, identified as Scarron, blinked a few times before it started stroking its beard in a contemplative gesture.

?Mathilda~?? Scarron exclaimed as it stared wide eyed at Matilda.

?It's just Matilda now, Scarron.? The woman said with a smile. Louise immediately hid behind her tutor as soon as she saw the beast. Good, it seemed that my master and I were of liked minds when it came to the creature. My wonderment on how Matilda could stand to look at such a thing without flinching was interrupted by Scarron, who was walking...well...posing and flexing...towards Matilda and Louise to get a closer look.

?Matilda, you know this...this...? I gestured toward Scarron but couldn't seem to finish my sentence.

?Why yes, Yuka. This was the acquaintance I was talking about.? The former Crumbling Dirt stated matter of factly. Her words were met with varying degrees of 'What' between me and Louise.

?Yuka, Louise, I would like you two to meet Scarron, proprietor of the Charming Fairy Inn.? Louise and I turned to Scarron who just flexed a few muscles at us and blew us both kisses, both me and my master instinctively 'dodged' the trajectory of the kisses like they were lethal Danmaku.

?Scarron, these are Yuka and Louise. They are...well, they are two people who have changed my life.? Matilda introduced us to her...acquaintance...with a soft smile. Louise and I glanced at each other for a moment before looking back at Scarron and giving him curt nods. The creature turned to me, Louise, and Matilda in turn. Then, he just stood there in complete silence...he wasn't even posing anymore. I glanced at Matilda and nodded toward Scarron, the woman just gave me a somewhat confused shrug. I was arguing with myself mentally to try to check on the creature myself when...

?Tres Bien~!? The creature suddenly exclaimed as it went through various poses and flexes in rapid succession.

?This is wonderful news Matilda~! I am so glad that you finally settled down and started a family~!? Scarron exclaimed as it wiped a tear from its eye while flexing its triceps at the same time. A family? Oh, he thinks that we--we can work with this.

?Fa-fa-fa-fa-family?!? Interestingly enough, the embarrassed stuttering came from Matilda this time, complete with her face becoming completely crimson, and not Louise. No, my master simply stood there as if her soul had just left her body.

?Why yes~! They changed your life did they not~? That could only mean that this strapping man is your husband and this adorable little girl is your daughter~!? The creature reasoned. I wasn't even sure how the man had come to the conclusion that the three of us were a family. Sure, I was willing to admit that Matilda and I could wrongly be assumed as lovers, but Louise as our daughter? The girl had pink hair compared to our green, that isn't even logical in any sense of the word. Still, a cover story is a cover story.

?Was it that obvious?? I asked the creature smugly while hefting my parasol on my shoulder and walking up to Matilda and Louise, who were both gawking at me. Matilda and Louise were about to yell their protests at me when I raised my left hand to stop them before leaning closer.

?If this, Scarron, believes us a family then I say we run with it. It saves us the trouble of having to come up with another cover story to be able to get into the inn.? I whispered to them out of earshot. Louise glared daggers at me while Matilda was blushing furiously but looking down on the ground, possibly considering my words.

?Of course it was~! I have only seen Matilda give a smile of such pure joy when we uncovered extremely valuable treasure~!? Scarron started to explain. Normally one would expect that the joy shown by Matilda was derived from greed. However, after Louise and I found out her true reasons for seeking our riches, it was far more likely that she was happy because such a valuable prize would mean more funding for their orphanage.

?However~!? The creature suddenly yelled out as it went about doing a series of flexes. I had stood right beside Matilda, my parasol still on my shoulder, in order to allow Louise to find cover behind us. I didn't want my master traumatized by such a scene. She got the message and was currently standing behind me while clutching my shirt as she pressed her face onto my back. It reminded me of when Louise had met Yukari in Mugenkan.

?Matilda had freely shown a smile that eclipsed any I have seen before when she introduced you two~! Thus~! I can only come to the conclusion that she loves you both very dearly~! Ergo~! The three of you must be family~!? Scarron ended its deduction with a final pose. I actively glanced away from the sight of the creature's sweat on its body and the labored breaths that it was taking. Coincidentally, I glanced in Matilda's direction and saw that she held her fedora with he left hand and used it to cover her most of her face, though her intense blush was still obvious. I sighed at the unnecessary embarrassment that our companion was currently experiencing because of some misconceptions.

?I apologize if you have to deal with this for the rest of this little mission. You don't have to like it, but it is the most effective way on going about things.? I whispered to Matilda, who just bit down on her lower lip for a moment before shaking her head.

?Your analysis is accurate. I apologize for saying those words to you earlier. I did not realize that you were the one that Matilda spoke of.? I stated before walking up to the creature, ignoring my body's urge to purge the world of this abomination.

?Are you alright?? I heard Louise asked in concern from behind me, probably checking up on Matilda.

?I never said...I dislike it...? I faintly heard Matilda whisper from behind me as well. I then heard Louise ask what she meant by that, I was about to do the same but decided against it, I wanted this whole this over with as soon as possible.

?I apologize as well~! Had I known that you were Matilda's husband, I would not have attempted to seduce you~!? My expression visibly soured at its words. Seduce me? I have seen carrion more seductive than this creature.

?I...see...? I ground out.

?So~! How can I help Matilda's family~?? The creature asked as it started flexing its muscles again. And here we are. What to say?

?I brought my husband and daughter here to sightsee. You see, we live out in the country and we saved up money for a family trip.? I turned at Matilda's voice and saw that she had finally recomposed herself. Gone was the embarrassment and the uncertainty, all that was left was the woman that stood against Yuka Kazami and held her own. Louise was correct when she said that the woman accompanying us was not Mathilda of Southern Saxe Gotha nor was she Miss Longueville of Tristain Magic Academy nor was she Fouquet of the Crumbling Dirt. This was Matilda Chevalier de Tristain, the most formidable one of all.

?Alas, we were attacked by bandits just as we were about to arrive. Yuka, my husband, protected us but could not save our belongings nor our money.? Matilda stated with a sad voice as she held onto Louise by the hand. My master gave me an alarmed, if confused, look and I merely shrugged after giving her a 'just go with it' look.

?Is this true~? Why did you not defend yourself instead Matilda~? You were more than capable of defeating a few bandits back when we were still treasure hunters~? Scarron asked, though worry was very evident in its voice. Did he know of her magic or her natural skill or both?

?Becoming a mother changed me, my friend.? Matilda said simply, earning a nod of understanding from Scarron. Oh, she's good.

?We need a place to stay until we can get our heads together. We'll be more than happy to earn our keep while we're there.? I followed up, earning an honestly surprised look from my master. She was probably thinking 'Yuka Kazami, doing menial labor? Impossible!' Oh Louise, you should know this by now. There is nothing I cannot accomplish.

?I can't possibly ask you to work after what you have gone through~!? Scarron protested, going as far as imitating a maiden that was about to faint. I really wished that Yukari was here to see this and scar her mind for the rest of her life. What has been seen cannot be unseen. I saw no reason why I should suffer through this alone.

?And I couldn't possibly ask you to take us in for free. Please Scarron, you know I hate owing anyone.? Matilda responded with an wry smile. Scarron seemed to understand and began to consider it.

?Indeed you do not~ But what of your sister~?? Scarron suddenly asked. The creature knew about Matilda's sister as well? What else, that she was a former noble too? I was wondering why the formerly secretive woman would have revealed so much to this creature when I heard Matilda let out a wistful sigh.

?I wrote a letter to her. I told her that Mathilda has found herself a man, and is living happily and peacefully.? Matilda replied with a sad smile. It seemed that being reminded of her sister tended to bring out certain...emotions from her.

?Alright, you win~! But remember that when I ask someone to work, as expect them to work properly~!? Scarron said with more enthusiasm, even going so far as to start posing again.

?Thank you, Scarron.? Matilda said with a smile before the creature led us to the Charming Fairy Inn...while posing nearly every step of the way.



  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2011, 06:10:49 AM »
"Monster, you do not belong in this world..." I muttered under my breath while purposely looking away from it.

"Aaaahhn~! But it was not by my hand that I was given this flesh~! I was called here by a friend who wished to ask for my aid~!" The creature replied before doing more poses. I looked back at it in shock. It heard me? Impossible. I snarled at it and stood up, trying very hard to suppress the fear building up within me.

?Aid? Who would want the aid of one who parades around acting like something that it is not?? I said directly to the creature, making sure to show my killing intent. I was once again shocked when the creature did not even flinch and merely did another pose. Why? Why do I feel such fear when this creature is near me when it isn't even hostile? Why did it not seem to be affected by my aura of terror? What. The. Hell.

?Ooohh~! Perhaps the same could be said of all mankind~? The creature retorted. It was comparing itself to nobles now?

?Your words are as empty as your clothing! Tristain ill needs a citizen such as you!? I yelled, making a few heads turn. I didn't care. This man. This thing was not natural. It goes against everything that nature had intended and I don't like that. I can't even imagine what would happen if my master was to meet such a thing.

?Auuuhh~! What is a man? A delectable little pile of repressed emotions! But enough talk, have at-?

You are officially awesome.


  • Your #1 Idiot Child.
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2011, 09:04:59 AM »

“Tres Bien!” A clearly masculine voice that, for some ungodly reason was trying to sound feminine, yelled out. I turned to the source of the voice and I froze. Standing before me, doing poses and flexing fully developed muscles, was a man...or I thought it was a man. This...creature...was a tall and well built human male that seemed well into the middle of his life, if his receding hairline suggested, and was even sporting a mustache and a beard. All in all, one would think that he would be a soldier or working class man but...he was wearing a magenta tank top that was around five sizes too small for him and dark blue shorts that was also around five sizes too small for him. The creature turned to me and winked before it started another round of posing and flexing.
I'm sorry but, I was really thinking of a Mr. Armstrong from Phoenix Wright and how he also owned a "Tres Bien" restaurant.
Oh the harmful memories... :(

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2011, 11:56:34 AM »
So. We got here Matilda one of my favorite ZnT characters getting a badass mofoing fedora, Louise being taught to be a commoner in 5 easy stepsminutes, YUUKA is afraid of god damned Scarron, They have a verbal Castlevania battle, And YuukaxMatilda.

I am in lesbians with you author. This story is amazing beyond belief.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2011, 10:01:19 PM »


?So...? I muttered as the three members of the 'Kazami Family' stood next to each other inside the 'tavern' part of the Charming Fairy Inn near the entrance. I glanced around the area and found that there were several wooden round tables spread around the main floor, wooden chairs included. There was a bar to the side with shelves lined with bottles of liquor. The whole thing was lit up by several lamps and a chandelier that gave it a warm feel.

?S-so...? Matilda repeated as she stood to my right side.

?Hurm...? Louise grumbled as she stood to Matilda's right side. My master had looks that varied from embarrassment to displeasure to a simple flat stare that she had right now throughout our walk to the inn. Being thought of as a child didn't seem to sit well with Louise but I noted with some amusement that she never let go of Matilda's hand. In fact, she was still holding onto Matilda's hand as we stood there.

?And thus~! They turn to us for help~! And the Charming Fairy Inn was created in part to help those in need~! Isn't that right, girls~?? The creature, Scarron, addressed his employees. They were all dressed in what Marisa used to call 'Skimpy Maid Outfits' but with varying colors instead of the traditional blue or black, but they still all had the standard white aprons. I had heard in passing what happened to the thieving witch after she asked Alice to wear one of those. I think the crater was still there...

?Yes boss!? The girls all said in unison. I noticed that all the girls were young, probably older than Louise but not by much. I was wondering why such young women were working for something like Scarron when I noticed the aforementioned creature start to squirm where it stood.

?No~n!? The creature exclaimed while still squirming.

?I am starting to question the wisdom of coming to this place.? I muttered as I stared at the scene unfolding before us.

?You girls already know that you should refer to me as mi mademoiselle when at work~!? Scarron stated while doing a few poses. I felt my brow twitch when I heard the young women start calling it as 'mi mademoiselle'. Did it brainwash them?

?I am really starting to question the wisdom of coming to this place.? I muttered as I tightened the grip on my parasol.

?Now, now, Yuka. 'You don't have to like it, but it is the most effective way on going about things'. Those were your exact words, weren't they?? Matilda asked me with a sidewards glance and a bit of a smirk and a wink.

?Touch?.? I replied with a raised brow.

?Flurgen...? Louise grumbled again beside us. I found out why when I saw Scarron start to pose toward us. I was about to step forward to address it when I felt Matilda's hand on my arm.

?Just let me do the talking.? Matilda reminded us, returning to her 'pro' self. I nodded in response while Louise simply gave another 'flurgen'. I was more than happy to let the former thief deal with the creature, less work for me. After all, I was just here to make sure that anyone stupid enough to try to harm Louise and Matilda during the course of this little mission would regret it...badly.

?Now then~!? The creature started. Matilda stepped forward to speak to the beast, finally letting go of Louise's hand. My master scooted over to me and gave me a grave expression.

?Are we really going to do this?? She asked me.

?It's for the Princess, Louise. You got us into this mess in the first place.? I reminded her, earning an 'urk' from my master.

?Now, just be a good 'daughter' for the rest of this little charade.? I stated as I patted her beret wearing head while giving her a sly smile. Louise let out a low growl before smacking my hand away.

?You just wanted to play house with Matilda, didn't you? Hmph! Some ancient and powerful being you are. In the end, you just want to get my tutor into bed!? Louise stated as scathingly as she could while looking at me with a disgusted expression.

?Louise, we've been through this...? I started to explain but any further argument was interrupted when Scarron and Matilda walked up to us.

?Is anything wrong, dear?? Matilda asked me, her mask of 'my wife' in full effect. Scarron looked worried as it seemed to have interrupted an argument between a father and daughter.

?Not at all, Matilda. I was merely telling Louise that there are a great many kinds of people living in the city.? I stated while placing my hand on Louise's shoulder. Another half-truth. If I have to keep doing this, I'll need to start asking Yukari for advice on manipulating people.

?I see. Well, Scarron has agreed to provide us lodging and food as long as we pull our weight around here.? Matilda explained. It seemed that our course was set and this little play will continue for the rest of this little mission. I briefly wondered if I could have traded places with Guiche for this mission, I still thought that I was completely unnecessary for this.

?What do we need to do?? Louise piped up, making all three of us turn to her. Was this her desire to accomplish a mission given to her personally by her beloved Princess? Or was this just her wanting to get this over with so she can go home?

?Well, dear, the two of us will be helping out in serving food and drinks while your father helps in the kitchen by washing dishes, taking out the trash, and cleaning up after the day's work.? Matilda said simply.

??What?!?? Both Louise and I exclaimed at the same time. Having my master wait tables whilst wearing those skimpy maid outfits aside, she was actually expecting me a servant's job?

?I know that it is a far cry from your usual work as a botanist, but you did say that you'd do anything. Right?? Matilda stated with a sickly sweet smile. It would seem that this woman was starting to forget who it was that ripped apart her precious earth golem just days before.

?We'll do it!? Louise declared with pure determination. I truly question the wisdom of coming here.


?You seem to find yourself in a number of new outfits today, ma-Louise.? I stated while looking at Louise's and Matilda's new outfits, making sure to cover my minor slip up by folding my arms and leaning back. Louise and Matilda found themselves wearing light-pink and red versions of the 'Skimpy Maid Outfits' respectively and were actively looking away from me while blushing. Obviously they were both embarrassed by their attire but, well, they did agree to do this after all.

?What do you think~? Don't they look wonderful~?? Scarron asked from behind the girls. I scrutinized their clothing and noted that, even though they were designed to be revealing, they still made sure that all the important parts were carefully and securely covered.

?I can't complain about the design but...? I muttered while looking up and down Matilda's frame. The former thief glared at me when she noticed while pulling down on her skirt with her left hand, in effort to cover her legs, and putting her right hand over her chest, in an effort to cover her breasts. Honestly, it?s like she assumes that she has anything that I haven't seen before. Matilda was still glaring at me while her face was still as crimson as her clothes when I turned to Scarron.

?The color doesn't suit her. Make it green instead, dark green.? I said with no small sense of certainty. My choice of colors for Matilda's current outfit stemmed from the fact that it would have simply matched her hair, like Louise's outfit did. The darker shade of the 'Skimpy Maid Outfit' would have accented her hair color and would increase the chances of customers looking at her face instead of anywhere else. Louise did not need to deal with the same problem since she didn't have anything else to show off to customers aside from her vibrant hair and her cute face, not that those aspects were not enough to garner attention. Everyone blinked at me in wonder except for Louise, who just gave me an annoyed look.

?Isn't dark green your color?? She accused me with irritation. My color? Ah, she must have meant my wings. Matilda's embarrassed expression turned to wide eyed realization when she understood the meaning behind my master's words. I had used my wings to intercept the stone spikes that her golem launched at Sylphid during our last battle. She might have been on the very verge of panic and was likely already starting to run away, but she should have been able to see that little display of mine as she went.

?Only on certain occasions.? I replied with a shrug. Scarron had taken the time we used for our short exchange to bring out a dark green version of Matilda's outfit. I purposely refused to think about how the creature knew my master's and Matilda's measurements to be able to provide those outfits that fit both of them perfectly. Nevertheless, Matilda went off to change into her new outfit with Louise in tow while Scarron started giving out reminders to the regular staff about something-or-other in their work. There was something about a magical black 'Skimpy Maid Outfit' that was supposed to allow the wearer to get a wish or some such nonsense but I didn't really listen to that part.

?Hey, new guy!? A female voice stated from behind me. I spared her a look and raised a brow. The young woman who was flatly staring at me was taller than Louise and was nearly as tall as Matilda. She had fair features, long black hair that was wrapped with a bandanna, and was wearing a low cut single piece dark green dress. The odd thing was...this young woman reminded me of Siesta. How strange.

?Yes?? I regarded the girl. She had her hands on her hips and was carefully looking up and down my frame. Imagine that, a mortal human girl sizing me up like I was some common rabble.

?I can't believe that this is the guy that snagged Big-Sis Mathilda.? The young woman sneered at me before giving me another once over. It would appear that this girl had taken offense to our little cover story.

?It's Matilda now actually.? I corrected her. The young woman narrowed her eyes at me and grit her teeth before she stepped forward and attempted to grab my shirt with her right hand. I cleanly intercepted the oncoming hand with my own left and I was currently holding her fast by the wrist. It seemed that she had taken a bit more than an offense to our little cover story.

?I don't know who you are and what you did...but I know that Big-Sis Mathilda would never marry someone like you!? The young woman yelled at me as she tried to pull her wrist free from my grasp. I had noticed that the rest of the people there had already gone silent, but it did not seem that this girl cared. She suddenly closed the gap between us, close enough for her face to be mere inches from mine.

?And I know that the pink-haired girl you came in with is not your daughter.? She hissed at me. I didn't really feel worried by her statement. Logically speaking, Louise really didn't look like a daughter that would have come from a union between me and Matilda.

?Jessica~! Cease that at once~!? Scarron exclaimed. Me and the girl, apparently named Jessica, turned to the crowd and saw that they were all looking at us with concerned expressions.

?I hate to admit it, but you really do look better happened?? Louise trailed off and asked as she and Matilda walked into a rather peculiar scene.

?Jessica, what do you think you're doing?? Matilda asked the girl in my grasp in a somewhat cold tone. I took that as a cue to let the young woman go. Jessica reeled back from the sudden release but quickly recovered her balance. Interesting, she either had that sense of balance naturally or someone...taught her. I see. It seemed that we've encountered an unforeseen complication, or did Matilda already take this into account?

?What I'm doing? What do you think you're doing Big-Sis? How can you even think of marrying a guy that looks like that? He doesn't even look like he can fight!? Jessica yelled at Matilda, who had a scowl on and was biting her bottom lip. It seemed that even our expert did not expect this. I certainly expected the sudden spike in magical energy coming from Louise though. I was contemplating on stopping her before she suddenly pulled out her wand when I found that such an action was unnecessary. Reason being that Louise chose to simply stomp toward Jessica and try to slap the taller girl. Jessica was sufficiently aware and fast enough to catch my master's hand mere inches from her left cheek, leaving everyone with an ironically similar situation that we had moments ago.

?Don't you dare talk about them like that...? Louise stated with about as much vehemence she could muster even though she was currently in a disadvantageous position. I really need to speak to my master about how her emotions affect her judgment so much.

?And what would you know about Big-Sis, huh? Little. Noble. Girl?? Jessica challenged Louise, revealing the biggest secret we had. A challenge that Louise answered by virtue of her other hand that she tried to use to slap the other girl with. Jessica managed to catch that hand too and both girls settled to simply glaring at each other to death. I watched the scene before me and forced down a sigh. Louise should have given Jessica a head butt to the jaw. The height difference should have given her the angle for the strike to force the taller girl to let go of her wrists. After she was free, Louise could have closed the distance between them and-

?Enough~!? Scarron declared as it subjected both girls to headlocks. I felt my brow twitch when I realized that I didn't even see it move. It twitched a bit more when I thought about what it would have been like to be in a headlock done by that creature. I proceeded to Dual Spark that thought into oblivion.

?No! Why are you even supporting this Daddy? You know that this whole thing is a sham! That man and that noble girl are probably blackmailing Big-Sis!? Jessica yelled to Scarron. Wait, what? Daddy? This young woman just called that abomination a father? I felt my face contort into a confused and disgusted scowl when I tried to comprehend the logic of how a creature like Scarron could ever sire a daughter.

?I am sure that Matilda has her reasons, don't you~?? Scarron turned to Matilda, its voice betraying uncertainty and desperation.

?I do. So Jessica, please understand. I'm doing this because-? Matilda's explanation was cut off by the young woman, Jessica.

?Understand, nothing! I don't know what they did to make you agree to this, but the Big-Sis that I know would never allow herself to be subjugated by a noble! The Big-Sis that I know woul-? Jessica's tirade was interrupted by me after I struck the wooden floor with the tip of my parasol.

? quite enough.? I stated flatly, getting the attention of the entire room. I opened my eyes, which I had closed beforehand, and regarded the room at large. Everyone present froze and gulped. Good.

?Scarron, I request that you release both girls at once.? I told the creature and it complied, releasing both my master and its...daughter.

?As both Scarron and Matilda have tried to explain to you, we are here for a reason.? I started and, predictably enough, Jessica scowled at me again.

?I don't care what your reaso-? The young woman's interruption was cut off when I once again struck the wooden floor with my parasol.

?Do not interrupt me, child.? I stated in an icy voice, silencing any further interruption from anyone else.

?But you are correct. You don't have to care what our reasons are, you don't have to like them, you don't even have to understand them, but you will respect them. You will respect the fact that Matilda has willingly come back here and asked for help with something, something that cannot be stated out loud because of certain reasons. Now, will you respect her wishes and help us? Or will you continue to act like a spoiled child and trample all over the wishes of the very woman that you admire so?? I finished my words as I once again folded my arms and leaned back with my parasol in my right hand. Everyone was silent for several moments, even my master. Maybe I overdid it a bit? I was never one to approach delicate situations between relationships with tact as I never really had one myself. So I approached it like pre-battle banter. Matilda was the one who moved first, approaching Jessica before she placed her right hand gently on the young woman's cheek. Jessica flinched away for a bit but she calmed down and looked up at Matilda's eyes.

?Jessica, dear.? Matilda started with a tone that I had never heard her use before.

?Yuka and Louise are not bad people. Whether you believe it or not, they saved me and gave me a new life. Honestly, I really thought that it was too good to be true at first...but...? Matilda trailed off as she glanced at Louise and me.

?...but it wasn't. I'm happy where I am right now, Jessica. I know that you don't like nobles least give Louise a chance.? Matilda finished by kissing the younger woman on the forehead. Really, after all this, I am very much convinced that I was not needed for this little mission.


?I'm sorry!? Jessica exclaimed as she bowed in front of me, once again reminding me of how much she resembled Siesta. Well, this was unexpected...

Thanks to the little drama that ensued between Jessica, Matilda, and Louise, there was a delay in the opening of the Charming Fairy Inn for the evening. This apparently meant that there were more people waiting to be served food and drinks once the establishment was opened. This also meant that, right now, Matilda and my master were currently serving the customer...much to Louise's chagrin. When she realized that she was supposed to pour drinks for commoners, she nearly blew her top. It was only because I reminded her that this was a personal request from the Princess herself that she calmed down and reluctantly accepted the job. This left me relegated to the kitchen since I couldn't be expected to serve the customers. Although, Scarron did hint that it had a 'Skimpy Maid Outfit' that would have fit me, eliciting snorts of amusement from Louise and Matilda. Ignoring all of that, I proceeded to the kitchen to see if there were any tasks that I could productively accomplish. It turned out that the kitchen was Jessica's station and we subsequently encountered each other there. Hence, the current situation.

?For what?? I asked the daughter of Scarron. Honestly, I still find it extremely hard to believe that a creature like Scarron could possibly sire a daughter Jessica, and I'm someone who has encountered large amounts of impossibilities in my many years of life.

?Huh?? Jessica asked in confusion as she looked up at me.

?Firstly, stand up straight. Unless you are intentionally trying to show me your cleavage, in which case, I ask that you would stand up straight.? I replied while folding my arms and leaning back. The young woman blinked at me a few times before looking down at her chest. She subsequently blushed hard and stood up straight after she understood what I had meant.

?That aside, there is no real reason why I should forgive you when there is nothing to forgive.? I simply stated. Ah, I could almost see the question marks appearing on the young woman's face as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

?You did what you did out of love and concern for a woman that you admire, possibly the kind of woman you aspire to be.? I started, earning an embarrassed blush from Jessica. When she said nothing in response, I decided to continue.

?You acted upon an assumption based on the most recent information you had about both Matilda and Nobles in general. Seeing her suddenly walk in with a noble and an unknown man, well, I understand why it would have raised a few eyebrows.? I admitted at how absurd we must have looked when the three of us came in claiming to be a family. If Scarron hadn't insisted on that claim, we probably would have come up with a better cover story.

?Rest assured that Louise and Matilda have a very productive relationship as student and teacher respectively.? I continued, earning a raised brow from Jessica.

?Teacher and Student? What could Big-Sis possibly be teaching a noble girl?? Jessica asked me while folding her arms under head breasts and leaning back.

?A few odd things. Right now though, she is teaching my master how to live as a commoner. A way for her to sympathize and understand people from other walks of life if you will.? I expounded while gesturing with my hands, I had left my parasol in the room that Scarron had arranged for us to sleep in as I didn't want it to get dirty. The young woman nodded, seemingly accepting my answer.

?But...why the makeover and the name change?? Jessica asked me with obvious apprehension.

?That was to be able to protect Matilda and some people she cares about greatly from certain...unsavory individuals.? I answered. 'Who forced you to steal the Staff of Destruction?' It was the very first thing that Louise asked Matilda when we got back to the academy after recovering the Rawket Lawnchair. Judging from the expression that she had when Louise brought it up, it was not a subject that she relished. It seemed that certain individuals managed to find out who she really was, track down where she was, they even manage to find where the orphanage that her sister was managing was and even how many children were there. Matilda said that only people who had significant resources would have been able to find that much information about her considering how hard she had worked to prevent anyone from finding out about her.

Needless to say, my master and her friends were furious when they found out about it, even the ever-stoic Tabitha had put away her book during Matilda's explanation and her eyes once again burned with an icy cold flame. Louise demanded to know who the individuals that threatened Matilda and her sister were, even going so far as openly declaring that she'd 'Unleash the uncontrollable horror that was Yuka Kazami upon their heretical souls.' Unfortunately, when Matilda tried to recall the names and faces of the people that threatened her to steal the Rawket Lawnchair, she was assaulted with a very powerful headache. I said powerful headache because it was strong enough to knock her unconscious. We got her in Louise's room in short order, Monmon assured us that she wasn't really hurt by the headache. I took the time made by all the commotion to look for Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond and ask them about what they knew about me. Strangely, they were both called off to an important meeting somewhere in the country of Romalia for the next several days.

I returned to Louise's room and found my master holding onto Matilda's hand as the older woman seemed to be having a nightmare. My master demanded that I go into her dream and stop whatever nightmare was assaulting her. I explained that I had no such ability, my power to go to the border of dreams-to Mugenkan-is only restricted to my own dream realm. I only knew of two beings that can dive into another's dream but I did not know of their whereabouts at the time, much less have a means to contact and get them here in such a short a time.

Apparently, my use of logic had angered my master and she threatened to expose me to as many of her broken spells as she could possibly cast if I did not do something to help Matilda. I did not understand at the time why she was so adamant to stop the nightmare that Matilda was having until I heard just what the woman was having a nightmare about. She was asking, pleading, begging, anyone to save someone...someone named Tiffania. She was heaving and sweating heavily as she endured her nightmare. Was this also a part of the spell that kept the woman from identifying someone that had to do with her attempted theft or was it just her own fears after she had failed in her mission? The only thing that we knew for sure was the reason why she seemed to desperate to ask someone to save this 'Tiffania'. That was the name of her half-sister. I had no means to take away the nightmare she was being subjected to so I decided to make her stop dreaming altogether.

Dream Eater. It was a large purple five-petaled flower that uses its roots to latch onto someone's head like a hat and tap into the subconscious of its victim in order to make it dream eternally while providing sustenance for the flower. Obviously this ends with the victim dying after a while, though normally it would be enough time for the flower to send out seeds to continue the species even after it dies away with its host. Louise freaked out when I described what the flower did but I assured her that I could control it enough for it to only take away the nightmare and nothing more. Matilda had a dreamless night but it was better than the alternative. I think that was when Louise started to really care for her new tutor. As Matilda slept, Louise, still holding her hand, asked me if I could somehow get the information on the people that did that to Matilda from her mind or break the spell that was preventing the woman from doing so herself. I told her that I did not have the power to do either task. If Satori were here, she could have done the former rather easily. If I used Ultimate Magic, I could have done the latter...but I did not tell Louise about it. Using Ultimate Magic would allow me to break the spell that was locking down Matilda's mind but it would have been a brute force method of doing so. I could not guarantee Matilda's mental or physical health if used it on her. So in the end, Louise simply slept next to Matilda until they both woke up the next day...still holding each other's hand.

?Those bastards!? Jessica exclaimed after she caught my pause before I said 'unsavory individuals', it seemed that she and Louise shared sentiments in that regard.

?Don't worry, Louise did not like it any better than you do. Matilda will be safe while she is with us, of that you can be certain.? I assured the young woman. She regarded me carefully before narrowing her eyes at me.

?I know that Louise isn't Big-Sis' daughter and it looks like you're the noble girl's servant or something...? Jessica started, probably judging me from the clothes I wore but wasn't sure about it because of how casual I had been with Louise.

? I'm trying to say is...ugh...? Jessica struggled to reach her point, a point that I had already guessed, so I decided to make it for her.

?You are wondering if Matilda and I are lovers for real.? I said with a raised brow. Jessica grimaced before looking away and nodding, a faint blush went across her cheeks.

?Then the answer would be no.? I clearly stated, making the young woman look back to me in confusion.

?So you and Big-Sis aren't...? She muttered and I shook my head in response.

?Why not?!? She exclaimed. I raised a brow at her reaction. I felt that will never understand women...and that is saying something considering I was a woman before I came to this world.

?Why do you seem surprised? Weren't you the one who was so adamant at claiming that she and I could never be together?? I voiced my confusion. Jessica gave an 'urk' before she started to awkwardly laugh.

?Oh yeah! That...that was...that...was...? The young woman trailed off as she failed to come up with a suitable explanation in the time that passed between the end of her awkward laugh and the moment she exclaimed 'oh yeah'.

?You were lying...? I ventured, earning another 'urk' from Jessica. Perhaps I should start taking that sound as 'yes' whenever someone says it.

?I'm sorry!? She once again said with a bow before standing up straight again.

?For what reason though?? I asked her, honestly curious about it because of how strange it seemed to me.

?It was and Big-Sis look...great...together...? Jessica admitted in a quiet voice while twiddling her thumbs. She made the assumption that Matilda and I were lovers because of how we looked when we were together? Odd. I rubbed my chin with my right hand as I thought about it. Did anyone else see us as such? If so, it might start other inconvenient misunderstandings like it did with Jessica.

?It's not just that!? Jessica exclaimed again, she must have become uncomfortable with my lack of a response to her words.

?Yes?? I asked, expecting her to continue. I was curious as to what else this young woman saw between me and Matilda that would have prompted the assumption that we were lovers. Knowing more about it might help in preventing any future misunderstandings with other people.

?I mean...Big-Sis just seemed...happy...when she was with you two...? Jessica replied while gazing at the floor and once more twiddling her thumbs in the process.

?Please explain.? I stated immediately, making Jessica look to me in surprise.

?I am merely curious as to why you would think that. After all, it is entirely possible that she is simply taking her responsibility as Louise's tutor in a positive light. Just being seemingly happy while she was with me and my master does not seem to be enough for one to assume us as lovers.? I explained my reason for asking.

?Wow, that's a really roundabout way of saying 'I don't know what you are talking about'.? She flatly stated while slowly shaking her head.

?I suppose it is. Your answer?? I admitted before shifting the conversation back to the main topic.

?I can't really put it to words well myself. I mean, the last time I saw Big-Sis was years ago, when she stopped by after a big treasure hunt. She was absolutely ecstatic with the amount of money she got when she cashed in her loot.? Jessica explained, it was likely the same story that Scarron mentioned when he made the assumption that me, Matilda, and Louise were a family.

?But when she came in today and introduced you two to everyone...? Jessica trailed off, possibly unable to find the words to continue with.

?She showed a smile that eclipsed all others that she had previously shown.? I stated, finishing the line of thought for her. Jessica blinked at me a few times before nodding.

? did you...? The young woman started.

?They were the same words that your...father...said when he assumed roughly the same thing.? I explained. It seemed that those two really were unbelievable as it seemed.

?Oh, okay. The point is, even if the two of you aren't lovers, Big-Sis seems to have taken a liking to you. The problem is, she'll probably never admit it because of her sense of responsibility." Jessica continued. The part about responsibility was likely because of her half-sister and their orphanage.

? don't see Big-Sis like that? Someone who you'd be interested in?? Jessica asked me with a raised brow.

?No. As I have already stated to my master when she brought up a similar subject, I have never fallen in love before.? I repeated the words I said to Louise back when she thought that I was interested in Siesta.

?Never?? Jessica asked in disbelief.

?Never.? I repeated with a firm nod.

?Make no mistake, I respect Matilda a great deal. She has proven herself quite capable in situations where in she would normally be at a disadvantage. However, I simply do not see her in that light.? I clearly stated, recalling the two times I had previously faced her in battle. Jessica seemed to understand as she nodded to herself as I explained.

?Well then, I want to ask a favor from you.? I blinked at her words. A human, asking me for a favor? That is not a first I admit, but it was certainly unexpected.

?What kind of favor?? I asked with a raised brow.

?If you ever find yourself falling in love with Big-Sis, please tell her once you confirm your feelings!? Jessica stated with a polite bow and a certain sense of...conviction in her words.

?What do you mean?? I asked, honestly confused as to what the young woman was saying.

?Well, you seem this kind of thing. You probably won't even realize your own feelings for her for a while. That's why I want you to tell her as soon as you do confirm it.? The young woman explained. Me? Dense...?

?And...Big-Sis has been through a lot...she deserves to be happy and...I really think that she'd be happy if she was with you.? Jessica concluded. An air of silence settled between us for a few moments as I considered her words.

There is a first time for everything.

My master's words echoed in my mind as I thought about what the young woman had said. Would it be possible? I looked back to Jessica, who was eagerly awaiting my response, and made up my mind.

?I cannot promise such a thing.? I stated and Jessica looked distraught by it. I held up a hand to stop her from voicing her disapproval of my actions and continued.

?Nothing is impossible. Nothing is certain. Things change so I cannot guarantee anything. All I can say is...we will see.? I said. Jessica pursed her lips and looked at me intently.

?Fine, I understand. But know this, Yuka Kaah-Zhaa-Mii. I will support Big-Sis when it comes to this and I'll do everything I can so you'll fall head over heels in love with her!? The young woman declared while pumping her right fist, butchering my last name in the process. That was quite possibly the strangest declaration of support in love I have ever heard, almost like I was speaking to Marisa or something.

?Suit yourself.? I replied nonchalantly. I heard the young woman take a deep breath before putting her hands on her hips, her breasts bouncing slightly at the action. Yep, definitely reminds me of Siesta.

?Now that all the mushy stuff is out of the way, it's time to get you to work!? The young woman declared while looking around the kitchen.

?Can you cook?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?Can you cut vegetables and meat?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?Can you prepare soups?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?Can you wash dishes?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?What the hell kind of servant are you?!? Jessica yelled at me while waving her arms around.

?Admittedly, I'm more of a bodyguard and a trainer for Louise than a regular servant.? I stated with a curt nod.

?Well, that would explain why the noble girl brought you along for something like this...? The young woman muttered while giving me a sidewards glance.

?...but that doesn't change the fact that you're practically useless in the kitchen.? She continued as she rubbed her chin with her right hand.

?Can you serve drinks?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?Can you tell the difference between several kinds of liquor?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?Can you tell the difference between several kinds of food orders?? She asked.

?No.? I replied.

?For Brimir's sakes man! Work with me here!? She yelled at me.

?I cannot do what I cannot do.? I replied with a shrug. Jessica grumbled for a few moments before glaring at me.

?I'm starting to question Big-Sis Matilda's tastes in men...? She muttered to herself.

?Look! You know what, just go out there, look intimidating, and keep an eye on the girls!? Jessica declared while pointing to the swinging double-doors that led to main hall of the tavern.

?I can do 'intimidating'.? I said with a vicious smile. Jessica looked alarmed at my expression for a moment before sighing.

?I'm really starting to question Big-Sis Matilda's tastes in men...? She muttered to herself as I left her in the kitchen. I surveyed the area and found that the tables were populated entirely by men...working men from how they looked. They were all commoners as well, no nobles to be found anywhere. I felt my brow twitch when I saw Louise being harassed by a balding middle-aged man.

?Hey! What do you think you're doing?!? The man yelled out as Louise dumped a cup of ale on his head. I was about to step forward, when he looked like he was about to confront my master, but a hand on my arm stopped me. I turned and saw Matilda carrying an empty tray under her arm and was sporting a sly smile.

?Don't worry about Louise.? She confidently said. Did she expect my master to fight back? I never trained her in close combat since I had previously worked out that her magic should render that moot once she unlocks her true potential. Hence, why was only training her in evasion while in Mugenkan. Did she expect Louise to use her magic on the man even though it would blow her cover? No, Matilda's smarter than that and she couldn't have known about Louise's Danmaku dodging training since I made my master promise never to say anything about it to anyone else after our second training session. I finally got my answer when Scarron appeared out of nowhere and...embraced...the man that was threatening Louise. I cringed in disgust as the creature proceeded to move the man back to his seat while making it as uncomfortable for him as humanly possible.

?That...was that really necessary?? I asked Matilda while watching Louise serve a different table, much more successfully I might add.

?It's extremely effective as a deterrent.? Matilda replied with a satisfied smile.

?Of that, I have no doubt. I am surprised at how disciplined Louise is being though. She would normally think of serving commoners food and drinks to be very unappealing after her initial reaction to the idea.? I commented as I continued to watch Louise take orders from a different table.

?This caliber of teaching is possible for Matilda Chevalier de Tristain. What do you think?? The former thief replied with a smile. Ah, so this goes back to when I challenged her to teach Louise how to act like a commoner. Well played...

?Well done. I won't ask how you did it, the results speak for themselves, but well done.? I complimented the woman.

?Good.? She replied. A comfortable silence settled between us as we observed the hustle and bustle of the tavern.

?And? Have you found anything?? I asked the former thief, someone of her caliber should have gotten some useful information by now. She nodded in response before she started speaking.

?A nobleman, Chillan by name, tax collector by trade, has been harassing the local businesses in the area. Word is that if you didn't give the nobleman what he wanted, he would impose impossibly heavy taxes on you.? She stated her finding. A greedy tax collector imposing his will upon the people? How clich?...

?Is that all? No other nobles doing unscrupulous deeds?? I asked her, getting another nod in response.

?No. Chillan is the only problem noble here, surprisingly enough.? Matilda admitted with a hint of disdain.

?Have you told Louise?? I asked her.

?And watch her go on a warpath all the way to his office without any evidence?? Matilda shot back with an 'are you stupid?' look before blinking a few times in realization of something.

?Why aren't you working?? She asked me.

?Thanks to Jessica, I have found that me and 'working in a kitchen' do not mix.? I stated, eliciting a giggle from the green haired woman.

?I figured as much...? She said after she stopped giggling.

?Our cover is blown, Jessica knows that Louise is a noble.? I simply stated, earning a dismissive snort from Matilda.

?Please, a blind man could tell that Louise is a noble.? Matilda replied with a smirk. I raised brow at her words and her lack of alarm at that piece of news.

?No one cares, Yuka. Scarron, the rest of the girls, even the customers. None of them care that Louise is a noble.? She explained.

?They don't care that a noble is working here?? I asked her in mild confusion. After what she told me about how the people were being treated by the tax collector, I would have assumed that they would hate all nobles in general.

?Nope. All they know, all they care about, is that a noble girl came off the streets wearing a commoner?s clothes and asked for a job.? She stated with a resigned sigh. I thought about what she said and felt my eyes widen in realization.

?This was your original plan...? I muttered while narrowing my eyes at Matilda, who just smirked at me.

?I was wondering when you'd catch on. Yes, this was my original intention when I walked off with Louise earlier.? Matilda admitted.

?It was physically impossible for her to be able to act like a commoner. I understood that the moment I tried to get her to act like one. She would not let go of her morals and standards as a noble no matter what I tried, probably because of her upbringing by her family.? She explained.

?Her family?? I asked her with a raised brow. I admit, I knew next to nothing about Louise's family aside that she had a mother, a father, and two sisters. That, and their family was supposed to be incredibly rich and powerful.

?The Valliere family is one of the most powerful noble families in Tristain. The main difference is that they actually take the word 'noble' seriously. Their family has been churning out amazing mages over the years, as you already know from the meeting before we went off the catch me. They are also extremely strict when it comes to tradition and honor. They take care of their land and people and their people repay them in kind. They're one of the few noble houses that I actually respect.? Matilda explained. If someone like her, who hates most nobles in general, speaks so highly of Louise's family, then they must be something else.

?So the plan I came up with was that Louise was the daughter of a fallen noble family, you were her personal bodyguard, and I was just me. Of course, thanks to Scarron, that plan went down the river but was saved thanks to Jessica. Talk about irony...? Matilda said with a sardonic smile.

?I don't understand. If Louise still acts like a noble, then how is she willingly serving food and drink to commoners so freely?? I wondered aloud while folding my arms and leaning back.

?Because of the very same nobility I was talking about before. Everyone still accepted her without question even after she was found out as a noble. She wanted to repay that kindness, simple as that.? Matilda stated rather simply.

?I still don't many factors could have brought all of this down...? I muttered as I thought of the improbability of such a thing.

?Sometimes, the simplest answers are the right ones. Not everything is played by mind games, Yuka.? She said while shaking her head slowly.

?When you've lived a life like mine, you tend to consider things like this as mind games if they go your way too well.? I personally place the blame firmly on Yukari, the Lunarians, the Moriya Shrine, and Cirno for that way of thinking.

?And? What was your life like? Before you became Louise's familiar, I mean.? Matilda asked softly. I turned to her and saw that she was looking at me intently. Her eyes betrayed longing and uncertainty. It seemed that she wanted to know more about me but was conflicted by something. I guess this what was Jessica was talking about earlier.

?It looks like business is good!? A loud male voice echoed through the tavern, silencing everyone there. Matilda and I turned to the source of the voice and I felt the woman's hostile intent rise like boiling water. The man was everything that Matilda hated in a noble: Fat, bald, overly-dressed, and held a sneer of contempt on his face like a permanent mask. The noble also had six guards with him who each wielded wooden staffs, magicians obviously. I saw Scarron try to dissuade the noble from using the bar by stating that it was already full. The noble simply sneered at Scarron before declaring himself the royal tax collector, Chillan, the very man we were after. The rest of the patrons made a hasty retreat after the noble declared who he was and had his guards start posturing as a display of power.

?Find Louise and keep her safe.? I said to Matilda who eyed me curiously.

?And what will you do?? She asked as she scanned the area for my master.

?We shall see...? I replied with a smile. If things continued to go our way, then I probably won't even have to lift a finger and the whole thing will resolve itself. If things stopped going our way, well...

?Ugh! Not him...? The disgusted voice of Jessica said from behind me. I turned to her and saw her looking at noble like it was a walking piece of rotting flesh.

?I assume that he is not well liked?? I asked as we both watched the noble take a seat in the middle of the room with his guards posted behind him.

?Are you kidding? That bastard has been strong-arming everyone here! If he doesn't like you or if he doesn't get what he wants from you, then he imposes impossible tax rates on your business until you go under.? Jessica bitterly confirmed Matilda's earlier report on the man.

?What's worse is that the pig feels you up all over and doesn't even give any tips. I can't imagine anyone willing to serve him after all that.? Jessica stated with as much hate as she could while keeping the conversation relatively civil. That was the moment when we noticed Louise walking up to the noble with a tray of drinks. I immediately scanned around for Matilda and found her on the far side of the room with a look of irritation and worry. It seemed that she didn't make it to Louise in time. This certainly complicates matters. My master greeted the noble like she did any other customer and offered to serve him a drink. That?s when things went downhill for the man.

?Hey, Scarron! Don?t tell me that you hire boys now too!? The noble yelled out while sneering at Louise. I could feel her magical power start to boil but she seemed to be working very hard to keep it under control.

?I can assure you that I am a girl?? Louise stated with a faltering smile. That statement made the noble and his guards pause and stare at Louise for a few moments before they all started laughing.

?You? A girl? That?s?that?s?ahahahaha!? The noble ground out before starting another wave of laughter. I glanced at both Louise and Matilda and saw that they both had indignant expressions. I then watched as Louise dealt with the noble in the way she had been doing to the customers who were rude to her, she dumped a pitcher of ale on his head. The noble immediately fumed and stood up from his seat, his guards maneuvering to his sides.

?Why you little brat!? The fat noble yelled at Louise who looked like she had enough of his insults. Matilda looked like she was about to burst as well. I was studying the situation when I felt Jessica tug on my sleeve.

?Shouldn?t you stop this?? She asked me in a worried voice, understandable since if you didn?t know any better, the scene looked like seven mages against one girl. I was thinking about stopping this but wondering who I should stop. The noble and his guards from making fools of themselves? My master from unleashing a broken spell, obliterating the noble and his guards, and wrecking the tavern? Or Matilda from unleashing her golem and grinding the noble and his guards into a fine paste?

?Y-y-you! You come in here and drive away all the customers?you strut in like you own the place?and y-y-you had the gall to call me a b-b-boy?you fat pig!? Louise countered. I took a step forward to try to stop anything else from happening when Matilda placed herself between Louise and the noble.

?I apologize for the transgression done by my student and I humbly ask for your forgiveness in this matter.? Matilda said with a bow. Both Louise and I stared at Matilda as she?asked the noble for forgiveness? What was she playing at? Judging from her expression, she?s probably finding the action very unappealing but was doing it in the first place. Was she doing this for Louise?

The Valliere family is one of the most powerful noble families in Tristain. The main difference is that they actually take the word 'noble' seriously. They are also extremely strict when it comes to tradition and honor.

Matilda?s words echoed in my mind. I see. Louise would normally declare who she was before she did anything she deemed worthy of stating her name to. With a corrupt noble right in front of her, she wouldn?t hesitate to declare who she was before she proceeded to dispense justice upon the royal tax collector. The bad thing about that is the corrupt noble would have the news that a daughter of the Valliere family was working in a commoner?s tavern as a waitress. I doubt that such news would be looked upon in a positive light once Louise?s family finds out about it.

?Oooh?? The noble said while looking over Matilda?s body with a lecherous smile. The action made Louise?s magical power spike again and she was visibly starting to tremble.

?Well then, maybe you can repay the debt with your body!? The noble declared before reaching out and grabbing Matilda?s left breast roughly, she grunted and winced in pain at the sudden action. That was enough to send Louise over the edge as, a second later, an explosion rocked the tavern. When the dust settled, the noble and his guards were sprawled on the ground while Louise was standing on a table wit her wand pointed at them.

?Louise?? Matilda called out to my master as she turned to her. My master was furious and her expression showed it.

?Y-y-you! Who the hell are you?!? The noble yelled out as he stood back up with the help of his guards. No. This was what Matilda was trying to prevent in the first place. I flexed my hands, preparing to permanently silence the noble and his guards when Louise made the action unnecessary.

?I have no name to give to the likes of you!? Louise declared proudly as she stomped on the table while maintaining her furious expression.

?I see?you?re nothing more than a fallen noble girl. Well don?t think that you will be able to get away with assaulting the royal tax collector! This place will crumble by my hands!? The noble declared with a sadistic smile, one that my master met with one of her own.

?Oh? Is that so?? Louise asked as she pulled out the parchment that the Princess gave her and unfurled it in front of the noble.

?A-a-a-a royal certificate!? The noble exclaimed in shock. Not a second later, he and his guards were prostrating themselves in front of my master while begging for their forgiveness.

?By the name of Princess Henrietta de Tristain, you will return all assets that you gained from overtaxing the local businesses. Is that understood?!? Louise roared and the noble agreed wholeheartedly. I took this time to step in front of the noble. He and his guards looked up at me and met my crimson glowing eyes, my aura of terror in full effect.

?You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanted.? I slowly stated with a vicious smile, letting my aura seep into their very being.

?Leave.? I stated with a frown and the noble and his men complied, leaving the tavern with shrieks of terror. I turned around and found the entire tavern dead silent and staring at me, even Louise and Matilda. I glanced at Jessica, who had gone pale from my little display.

?I told you I can do ?intimidating?.? I stated with a smug smile. That was enough to snap Louise from her shock. She hopped off the table and went to Matilda?s side.

?Are you alright?? She asked in honest concern. The woman blinked at her for a few moments before giving a soft smile.

?Where did you hide your wand anyway?? I asked, making both women turn to me.

?Matilda told me to tie it to my leg in case of emergencies.? Louise simply stated while lifting her skirt slightly and showing me a pink garter that she used to holster her wand.

?Smart.? I stated, earning a smile of satisfaction from my master.

?That was amazing~! Tres Bien~!? Scarron exclaimed, snapping the rest of the people remaining in the tavern out of their shock.

?I?m sorry about the tavern?? Louise said as she fidgeted in place. I looked around and found that a good third of the place was a mess because of the shockwave made by my master?s explosion.

?I wouldn?t worry about that. Lord Chillan left a pretty nice tip for Louise.? Jessica said in an amused tone as she pointed at the sacks of gold coins that the man left behind.

?Where was he hiding all of that?? I asked, did Yukari have anything to do with this?

?He?s fat, that?s why.? Louise simply stated with a smile.

?But?? My counter argument was stopped when Matilda pulled on my sleeve.

?Let it go, Yuka. Remember, sometimes the simplest answers are the right ones.? Matilda repeated her earlier words. I simply shook my head as I watched Jessica and Scarron award Louise with the magical black ?Skimpy Maid Outfit? since she got the largest tip in the whole tavern.

We reported the incident to the Princess and she assured us that she had taken steps on preventing any future incidents from happening again. Louise and Matilda volunteered to stay at the Charming Fairy Inn to make sure that no other nobles were abusing their power there. Thankfully, the rest of our stay there went without incident. Louise?s newfound sense of balance and spatial awareness, thanks to my training, helped her go about her work with surprising efficiency. She wore the black ?Skimpy Maid Outfit? until we left the tavern to return to the academy.


?Louise, I thought you went home.? Kirche exclaimed as she saw us return from the city. I still refused to ride a horse back to the academy and Louise stated that I should just run back instead, so I did. Matilda and Louise dismounted their horse, they shared one obviously, and my master regarded Kriche and Tabitha for a moment.

?No, I just had an errand to run. Are you two going somewhere?? She asked as she eyed the luggage that was being loaded onto a carriage.

?Yep. I?m going to spend some time with Tabitha since she?s going to visit her home.? Kirche stated, nudging her stoic friend.

?You?re going to visit your family?? I asked the blue-haired girl, who simply nodded in response.

?You can come with us you know~? Kirche said in a teasing voice as she walked up to me and put a finger on my chest.

?I decline your offer, too tired.? Louise answered with a dismissive wave.

?I was talking to Yuka!? Kirche clarified before latching onto my right arm.

?Leaving.? Tabitha stated as she peered from within the carriage. The driver was already in his seat and awaiting the order to depart.

?Awww~! Wait for me Tabitha!? Kirche yelled out as she got into the carriage before they went on their way. Kirche blew me a goodbye kiss, one that I ?dodged? to the side.

?Well, that was weird.? I stated before I looked back to Louise and Matilda who were both leveling flat stares at me.

?What?? I asked them. The two women looked at each other before sighing.

??Nothing.?? They flatly answered at the same time before heading toward the dormitory tower. I will never understand women?


I went my separate way after Louise and Matilda got inside Louise?s room to change. I wanted to check if Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond returned from their trip. I was walking through the halls and found Siesta walking toward me with a basket of laundry.

?Mister Yuka!? The maid exclaimed happily, she probably would have waved to me but her current state prevented her from doing so.

?Greetings, Siesta.? I returned the maid?s greeting with a smile and a curt nod.

?I thought Miss Valliere went to her home after I noticed that you were gone for the past few days.? She stated in a somewhat confused voice.

?Yes, that seems to be going around a lot lately. My master had some things to take care of so Matilda and I went with her to make sure that she was safe.? I explained. I noticed Siesta?s expression falter for a moment before returning to her usual smile.

?Miss Matilda, huh?? She muttered worriedly.

?Is something wrong?? I asked the girl. She tensed up before shaking her head.

?Nothing at all! Is there something else you need?? She quickly stated, changing the subject.

?Yes, I?m looking for Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond, have they returned?? I asked the maid.

?Not yet, but they sent out a letter that stated that they should return in a few days.? Siesta answered with a smile. A few more days to wait, huh? I guess I can have Louise practice with a few more patterns while I wait.

?Thank you for telling me.? I thanked Siesta before saying goodbye. I walked back to Louise room and was about to open the door when I heard the sounds of struggling inside. Strange, I did not notice any hostile intent coming from within the room. I opened the door and doubted the sight before me.

?So?? I stated as I shook my head in disbelief.


?So!? Derf repeated.


?Can you explain why-? I started as I turned to the sword, which was making whistling sounds.


?-my master is currently trying to undress Matilda while looking like she?s drunk?? I finished while closing the door. On the bed, Louise was currently on top of Matilda. Both were already changed into eveningwear and Louise was currently trying to take off Matilda?s.

?Who cares! Pull up a chair and enjoy the show!? Derf dismissed my question before laughing.

?Ma~til~da~? Louise called out to her tutor as seductively as she could before giving her a kiss. I scratched my head at the weird irony of the situation as Matilda struggled to get free.

This was either caused by magic, a shady drug made my Eirin, a Moriya Shrine Conspiracy, or Yukari is fooling around again.



  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2011, 01:04:47 AM »

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #48 on: May 07, 2011, 11:19:56 AM »
Templates like that are forbidden, although, if I had to wager a guess, it would probably be Yukari fooling around again.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #49 on: May 10, 2011, 05:38:31 AM »


?I am assuming that there is a logical explanation for all of this, yes?? I asked the only two coherent occupants of the room, Derf and Matilda.

?Yuka! Gesticulate later! Hel-Eeek! Louise! Stop it!? Matilda yelled out as Louise started rubbing her face between her tutor's breasts. I turned to the sentient sword as it started to chuckle at the sight of Louise assaulting Matilda on her bed.

?And you just watched as all this transpired?? I flatly asked Derf. The six-thousand year old magical sword just gave me a sword-shrug before replying.

?Believe me, if I could, I'd join in! Hehehehe...? Derf replied before chuckling like an old man...which it technically is. I sighed before deciding to end Louise's conquest for Matilda's body before she ended up doing something she'd likely regret for the rest of her life.

?Oh-ho! Gonna take them both at the same time, eh? Make sure to satisfy them both thoroughly! Hahahahaha!? Derf said as I started to approach Louise bed. Really, the sword is as bad as Kirche but much more direct with the lecherous teasing.

?L-L-Louise! Come back to your senses at once!? Matilda said to her student as she continued to try to push Louise off of her. I was perplexed at how the older woman was unable to do so herself considering how light my master is.

?Matilda~n!? Louise cooed as she continued to grope her tutors chest while burying her face in her cleavage. Matilda noticed me approach and her blush intensified. Louise's rustling and groping had all but pulled off her nightgown, effectively making her two-thirds naked. Her eyes widened and her blush brightened even more as I leaned over them both and reached out.

? can't...I'm not...I'm not...rea-? Matilda's stammering was cut off as I promptly put my hands under my master's arms and lifted Louise off of her, my master immediately struggled to break free.

?H-h-h-hey! Let go of me Familiar! How dare you get in the way of true love! Matilda was going to be my first!? Louise yelled out as she flailed around in my grasp, reminding me of the time when I had to lift a tiny Hakurei Reimi from one of my sunflowers when she wandered into the Garden of the Sun and started climbing one of my sunflowers. Thankfully, I was a great deal stronger than Matilda, so I had no problems in keeping my master under control. I found her words deeply ironic considering how adverse to the idea of her chastity being taken by another woman she was when she was in Yukari's grasp in Mugenkan.

?Louise, why are you trying to undress Matilda and trying to make her 'your first'?? I calmly asked Louise, checking if there was still any sense of logic in the girl.

?Love is a pulse of the stars!? She immediately replied. I guess not.

?What happened?? I asked Matilda, who was trying her best to recover some semblance of dignity by fixing up her nightgown. She glanced at me before quickly looking away, her blush still very prominent on her face. She had her right hand over her chest, clutching her nightgown, while her left hand was grasping the bedding. The moonlight that had just shone through Louise's window highlighted the sweat the glistened on her body, likely caused by her tousling with my master. She turned to me with a completely vulnerable expression, her blush still in effect and-why am I noticing all of that in such detail? I shook my head to clear my thoughts of such trivial matters and awaited her response.

?I don't know...? Matilda replied in a shaking voice.

?I don't understand. You were with her in this very room, someone as perceptive as you should have noticed something amiss before this happened. Obviously, Louise is not of right mind after a point, so something must have happened. Derf couldn't possibly have managed to cast a spell that would make Louise amorously minded toward you, I know that you couldn't -wouldn't- do it either, so what happened?? I asked her again, ignoring my master's anguished declarations of love for Matilda. Surprisingly, it was the sword that replied to my question.

?Louise wasn't in this room the whole time you were gone. She suddenly left after saying that she had something important to take care of.? Derf supplied. Strange, I was sure that she and Matilda were already changing into their eveningwear when I left to look for Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond. Wait...

?Louise left the room? In her nightgown?? I asked in honest surprise. It was one thing for Louise to walk out of her room in her uniform. It was another thing for her to walk out of her room wearing one of the 'Skimpy Maid Oufits'. But Louise walked out of her room wearing nothing more than her pink lace panties and translucent pink negligee? Why would she ever do something like that?

?Why would she ever do something like that?? I repeated the question in my head.

?I don't know either. She just suddenly stiffened up after going through her wardrobe and said that she had something to take care off before darting out. I think she was carrying something when she left.? Matilda answered, finally regaining her composure. I suddenly noticed my master swoon in my grasp, which was fairly impressive since she was still off the ground.

?Ohhh~! Matilda~n! You look so sexy when you're all serious like tha~t!? Louise stated in my grasp as she once again tried to break free and resume her conquest on Matilda's body.

?Odd, I don't remember Louise having anything that would elicit such a reaction from her. Certainly not anything that would prompt her to walk in the open with next to no clothing on.? I mused, ignoring my master's words and Matilda's shuddering on the bed.

?Me neither. Why don't you ask the little miss herself?? Derf said, which was actually a good idea of Louise wasn't spouting Matilda's name every other sentence. I sighed and decided to ask her anyway, it wasn't like we were risking anything by doing so.

?Well, Louise? Where did you go and what happened to you before you came back?? I asked my master. She stopped struggling after I asked her, making me hope that she would answer coherently instead of-

?You will see the tears of time!? That...Louise once again started struggling after her declaration and we were back to square one. I went back to my initial suspicions when I first laid eyes on this situation and promptly crossed out the possibility of a Moriya Shrine Conspiracy and Yukari fooling around again. That left Magic and a Shady Drug, likely not made by Eirin.

?Do you know of any magic or drug that could do this to Louise?? I asked Matilda, who looked down thoughtfully while cupping her chin with her right hand. I truly hoped that the cause was not a love potion. The last time I had to deal with such a thing was when Marisa unleashed a pitcher of the stuff and gave her enough love to power her Final Master Spark to match my own Master Spark...and rendered nearly half of Gensokyo completely in love with her for a week. To this day, I still don't understand why she would weaponize something like 'love', an emotion as fleeting and unstable as that was a horribly inefficient way to power high-end spells.

?The only thing I could think of would be a Love Potion.? I cursed inwardly after Matilda gave the result of her deliberation. It just had to be a love potion...I shook off the uncomfortable feeling I had on the subject and decided to focus on the matter at hand.

?And? Do you have any idea how Louise would have come in contact with such a thing?? I asked as I sat on a chair and put Louise on my lap while putting my arms around her waist, preventing any hope of escape.

?No. Love Potions in general are notoriously hard to obtain, especially one that is what Louise seemed to have been exposed to.? Matilda explained with a bit of dread at the end.

?You wouldn't happen to know how long these things last before they wear off, do you?? I asked her, in hope that the former thief would have had experience dealing with such a thing in the past. Matilda blinked at me a few times before shaking her head, her expression grim.

?No, this is the first time I have ever encountered the effects of a love potion up close because of how rare they are. If the effect on Louise wasn't so...pronounced...then I wouldn't have ever expected the cause to be a love potion in the first place.? Matilda admitted sheepishly as she fidgeted in place. If it wasn't for the apparent conspiracy going on, I would have noted the sight to be rather cute at the time...not that I'd ever admit such a thing.

?So, let us review.? I stated as I adjusted Louise, who had already fallen asleep in my arms because of all the exertion she did while struggling, on my lap to make it more comfortable for her. I heard her mumble something about a  'Chii-nee-san' as she adjusted herself and rested her head back near my left shoulder. I did not believe that Matilda was the one she was talking about, so it must mean that this love potion only affects her if she is conscious. I turned back to Matilda, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed, and continued our review of the known facts of this...incident.

?Sometime after I left this room to look for Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond, Louise managed to find 'something' in her wardrobe that alarm her and provoke her to leave the room immediately even though she only had her lace panties and negligee on.? I started, going over the the period of time when Louise and I left the room.

?How long was Louise gone?? I asked Matilda.

?I'm not too sure. She certainly came back before you did.? Matilda muttered as she tried to recall how long it took for my master to return.

?Fifteen minutes!? Derf suddenly piped up. I turned to the sword that was leaning against the wall and saw that it had come out of its scabbard again, I really need to know how it could do that without any assistance.

?Are you sure?? I asked the blade.

?Yep! Fifteen minutes and forty-seven seconds to be precise! By, comparison, it took you twenty-two minutes and seven seconds to return!? Derf stated precise times of how long Louise and I were gone from the room. Both Matilda and I were silenced at the accuracy of the sword's readings.

?If you had waited seven minutes and fifty-three seconds before you came back, you would have been able to walk in on the little miss ravaging Miss Matilda there in earnest! Ahahahaha!? Derf added, making Matilda shiver in her seat and wrap her arms around herself. I guess she doesn't like the idea of being 'taken' by another woman either, especially one as young and as diminutive as Louise.

?Ignoring the last part, we can assume that Louise had encountered someone who exposed her to the love potion within that fifteen minute time span. The question becomes, how far can Louise go for a fifteen minute round trip with the kind of clothes she was wearing?? I asked. Once again, Matilda had a contemplative expression as she tried to figure out a suitable answer for the query.

?If she was trying to avoid detection as she went through the halls and stairs, I'd guess that she can get to the main entrance of the dormitory tower in about five minutes if she was really in a hurry. The trip back would take around the same time so that would leave approximately five minutes for her to meet the one to exposed her to the love potion.? Matilda postulated, likely basing her figures from a handicapped simulation of the situation in her mind to make up for the difference in skill between her and Louise when it came to sneaking around.

?Hmm...that also means that she could likely go to any room in the dormitory tower within the same time frame. Additionally, if the room she was going to was particularly close, it would extend the time she would have been with the person that exposed her to the love potion even more.? Matilda added before biting the nail of her right thumb in frustration.

?We also need to take into account the possibility that Louise wouldn't care if she was seen or not and simply headed straight for her destination no matter what.? I added, making Matilda grumble in frustration.

?Too many variables. Not enough information.? Matilda ground out. I agreed with her, too many things could have happened within that fifteen minute time span that could have caused Louise to be exposed to that love potion.

?You people are too focused and thinking about the wrong thing.? Derf suddenly chimed in. Matilda and I looked at each other before turning to the blade.

?And don't worry! Brimir had the same problem back then too!? The sword added. Wait...did he just say-

?Did you just say Brimir?!? Matilda finished and asked the question for me in complete surprise. I narrowed my eyes as I recalled an earlier conversation my master and I had with the sword.

?So you were related to The Founder Brimir after all.? I stated accusingly at the blade. Not only was it a sword that knew about Brimir, it seemed the Derf actually knew the man personally. Such a big source of information for the biggest lead to Louise's true power was right under our noses and was withholding information. Obviously, I was not amused.

?Hey now! Take it easy! I just remembered it just now after watching you two!? Derf stated defensively. If it had arms, I'd imagine it would have been waving them in front of its face to emphasize its point.

?Explain. Now.? I said in a commanding tone, making both Matilda and Derf gulp at the same time. I was very thankful that Louise was asleep and was not thinking straight right now because she would have freaked out if she found out that the sword she occasionally had tea with knew Brimir.

?You two jogged my memory because it reminded me of how Brimir and Sasha used to brainstorm ideas back in the day.? Derf started to explain.

?Who is Sasha?? Matilda asked, obviously curious after unraveling such important information about the founder of their civilization out of nowhere.

?Sasha was the one who forged me. She was the original Gandalfr, the Left Hand of God, and Brimir's first familiar!? Derf answered. Impressive. A woman that managed to forge a blade like Derf and was also the very familiar that wielded it.

?She was also Brimir's wife!? Derf added before giving out a low chuckle. I blinked at that piece of information. Brimir married one of his familiars?

?Sasha once told me how pissed she was at Brimir when he made her his familiar! You should have seen the way she imagined strangling the guy with her bare hands! Of course, in the end, they still fell in love with each other and got married.? The sword finished. This makes this a bit easier if Derf knew Brimir. If we could jog enough of its memory, then we might be able to uncover significant amounts of information regarding Void magic. I was contemplating the long-term ramifications of getting the information that Derf has in its memory when I noticed Matilda start to fidget again.

?A-a-and...Yuka and I...remind you of them?? Matilda timidly asked Derf. That's what she's thinking about? I heard Derf give out a thoughtful sound before answering.

?Sort of. Brimir and Sasha were like complete opposites of each other. Sasha was calculating and careful while Brimir was reckless and had a devil may care attitude. In that sense, they complimented each other since filled up what the other lacked.? The blade repiled. So Brimir and the first Gandalfr had that kind of dynamic. It reminded me of how Rumia and Cirno acted after they matured and realized their true potential. Rumia, the reckless but effective berserker. Cirno, the opportunistic and analytical combatant. I forced down a smile at the memory of my former student, Cirno. Hard to imagine that, before she discovered her talent at split-second analysis, I had trained her as 'Cirno Smash' Cirno. I wonder how she is doing these days?

?In your case, you two seem to be on the same wavelength. You two think alike, which would probably be why you two would get along. The problem with that is that if one of you gets stuck in a problem, the other would likely get stuck at the same point.? Derf reasoned. So that is how it sees Matilda and I? It seemed that the ancient blade had been analyzing us during the time when it was simply sitting in the room. Additionally, since it seemed to be an artifact that was forged and wielded by Brimir's familiar and beloved, it would likely be advantageous to bring it along for any future endeavors. That would mean that I will need to find a blacksmith that could clean up all the rust that it had accumulated over the millennia. Well, I'll ask Siesta about that later. For now...

?You mentioned before that we were focusing on the wrong thing. Elaborate.? I got back on the main topic at hand: Finding out what happened to Louise and who was responsible for it.

?You two were focusing on 'the how' and 'the why', but there'd be too many things to worry about if you consider them.? Derf reasoned, I nodded in agreement. That was the conclusion Matilda and I got to after trying to analyze the routes Louise might take when she left and why she would do so.

?Instead, you guys should try to figure out 'the who' instead!? Derf pointed out. I silently considered the sword's council. The who...the who...Matilda and I looked at each other with expressions of realization after understanding what the blade meant by that.

?Who would Louise have reason to visit...? I started.

?...and who would have access to a Love Potion.? Matilda concluded. We turned to Derf after we heard it start laughing again.

?I told you guys that you were on the same wavelength!? The sword let out before it started laughing again. I ignored its words and stood up before setting my master on the bed again. Louise grumbled something about 'Cosmo Babylonia' before grabbing a pillow and continuing her sleep.

?Stay with Louise in case she wakes up.? I told the blushing Matilda who refused to meet my gaze.

?And what if she wakes up? She'll be all over me again!? The former thief complained indignantly.

?And we can't leave her alone here either. She'll likely look for you if you come with me and we both know that outcome would not end well for anyone.? I chastised Matilda while folding my arms and leaning back. The woman fixed her gaze on the ground before turning to her sleeping charge.

?Besides, she's your student. A teacher will always do what is best for their pupil.? I said in a soft tone while looking at my master.

?You speak like you know what its like to teach.? Matilda pointed out with a raised brow and a bit of a smirk.

?I did have a student once. She begged and begged for me to teach her how to properly...fight. Eventually, I took her in simply to shut her up and...she managed to find and unleash her true potential.? I stated with a shrug.

?What was her name?? Matilda asked me, curious about my having a student.

?Cirno. Though recently, she's being called Big-Sis Cirno by the younger generation.? I answered with a chuckle. Matilda hummed thoughtfully before she climbed back onto the bed and placed herself beside Louise.

?Alright, just make sure you come back as soon as you can. I shudder to think what would happen if I would fall asleep and Louise would wake up.? I chuckled at the woman's words, earning me a glare from Matilda.

?What's wrong? Scared of being 'taken' by a younger girl?? I teased, maintaining my folded arms. Matilda had a very cross expression before she answered back.

?Of course I am! If I'll be taken, I'd rather have my first time be with...someone I actually love...? Matilda yelled at me, though the last part was more of a whisper after a beat. I then recalled what had happened to her in the past...or what nearly happened to her.

?It seemed that I...struck a nerve. I apologize.? I stated with a polite bow. I saw her rub her forehead with her left hand.

?It's...fine. Just find out what caused this and find a way to fix it...then come back.? Matilda stated in a tired tone.

?I will. I doubt that Louise will rouse again after everything that has happened, so I believe that it will be safe for your to sleep. Now if you'll excuse me...? I stated before exiting the room. I stood in the hallway and considered my options.

There were a number of people that Louise might go to if she was going to give or return something that was embarrassing for her if others found out about it. The obvious suspects would be Kirche and Siesta. Kirche is pretty much a given but I also added Siesta after I discovered the girl's fondness for certain types of...reading material. I had heard Siesta ask Louise to try reading one of those books before so it was plausible that my master had that item hidden away in her wardrobe. The problem with that is that Kirche left with Tabitha some time ago and is no longer here. Siesta was a possibility but I met her while trying to find Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond. We were in a completely different part of the academy at the time and Siesta was about to do some laundry as well, so it would have been impossible for Louise to get in contact with her.

On the possibility of those who would have access to a Love Potion, I had no ideas as to anyone who would since even Matilda had never gotten her hands on one. The obvious suspect would be Guiche but the boy seemed to be the type to rather use his own charm to capture the hearts of women instead of relying on a shady magical drug. Drawing a blank on that subject, I decided to go to the only person I know who is an expert when it came to potions.



?Mister Yuka! What a pleasant surprise!? Oddly enough, it was Guiche that greeted me after I knocked at the door instead of Monmon. We both turned to the sound of clattering porcelain after Guiche greeted me and found Monmon seated at a table. It seemed that she and Guiche were having a late night tea party.

?Am I interrupting anything?? I inquired while tilting my head to the side.

?Not at all! We were merely having tea while discussing love and life. Please, you are welcome to join us.? Guiche gracefully offered while gesturing to within Monmon's room. I took in the scent of the tea they were having. Nilgiri tea? How on earth did they have access to that kind of tea? I shook my head to clear my thoughts of such trivial matters.

?As much as I would like to have such fragrant tea on such a nice night, I'm afraid I am here on business.? I stated as I entered the room. I sensed Monmon tense up when I did and she suddenly stood up and walked up to Guiche. Strange...

?Business?? Guiche inquired quizzically, obviously confused as to what kind of business I might have with his lover.

?Yes. You see, for reasons still unconfirmed, Louise had apparently been exposed to a Love Potion. I am looking for the one who could possibly have such a potion.? I stated my reasons. Guiche looked surprised at the mention of someone possessing a Love Potion in the academy while Monmon looked aghast by my statement.

?And Louise was exposed to it? Who did she target, you?? Guiche inquired after recovering from his initial surprise.

?No, I was not in the room when the effects took hold of her. Matilda was the one Louise had her sights on when the effect activated.? I stated simply. We both noticed Monmon start coughing and Guiche quickly guided her to a chair and gave her a cup of tea.

?Miss...Matilda...was the one...who Louise...targeted?? Monmon slowly stated between breaths.

?That is correct. When I returned to Louise's room I found her on top of Matilda and trying very hard to disrobe her tutor.? I described the events that I witnessed when I opened the door to Louise's room.

?Oh really?? Guiche inquired, not even bothering to mask his interest in the event. His apparent enthusiasm prompted Monmon to step on his foot, eliciting a yelp of pain from the young man. Guiche looked apologetically at Monmon, who just looked away from her lover. The young man cleared his throat before looking back at me.

? suspect my Monmon to be the one responsible? Is that why you are here?? Guiche asked wearily. I opened my mouth to tell them that I was only here to inquire with Monmon on who she might know that could obtain such a thing when I sensed something. It was fear, intense fear...and it was coming from Monmon. I admit that the girl was still intimidated by me at times but this kind of reaction was just...

?I'm sorry! It was an accident!? Monmon suddenly yelled out while standing up straight. Both Guiche and I looked at the girl who was at the verge of tears and were...confused.

?You...were responsible?? Guiche asked her and she silently nodded. I sighed. From the way she was acting, it seemed that she did not intend for Louise to be the one that her Love Potion affected.

?Monmon, sit down and tell me what happened.? I stated, no anger or malice in my voice. This was not intentional and it was clear that Monmon regretted doing that to her friend, so I simply wanted to know what happened and how we can fix it. Monmon quietly complied and Guiche took a seat beside her while holding her hand. I stood before the two lovers and folded my arms and leaning back before waiting for Monmon's explanation.

?It happened earlier this evening. Guiche and I were walking back to my room when Louise suddenly popped out from a corner and bumped into him.? Monmon started while affixing her gaze at the floor.

?She bumped into you?? I asked Guiche and he nodded in response.

?Yes, I was so surprised that I very nearly spilled the cup of wine I was holding.? Guiche stated while shaking his head.

?It was amazing, Mister Yuka. I lost my grip on the cup of wine and was certain that it would spill but...Louise caught it in mid-air without spilling a drop of wine.? The young man stated while grabbing the side of his head, probably still not believing what he saw. I guess Louise's training had another unexpected side effect. If her hand-eye coordination has become that good then we could use this on future lessons.

?What happened next?? I asked, bringing Guiche out of his thoughts. The young man cleared his throat before continuing.

?Well, she looked tired. Monmon and I were actually confused as to why she looked like she just ran all over the dormitory tower and why she was only wearing her nightgown. I tried to point out the latter but my dear Monmon.? Guiche explained with a hint of pain at the end.

?You were ogling her Guiche. You were ogling Louise of all people.? Monmon said while seething at what her lover had done. Guiche gulped before taking a deep breath.

?Louise had my cup of wine and asked if she could drink it. She looked like she really needed a drink so I said that it was okay. She drank the whole thing in one go the sauntered off, likely back to her room.? The young man finished with a sigh. I mulled over what Guiche just said. All things considered, the mystery item that prompted Louise to bolt out of the room could be considered as a red herring and thus be ignored. The bottom line was Louise bumped into Monmon and Guiche and caught the cup of wine that Guiche was carrying before consuming the contents. Assuming that Louise never encountered anyone else on the way back to her room...

?The wine was laced with the Love Potion.? I concluded, my gaze firmly fixed on Monmon. The girl flinched at my words and glanced up, when she noticed my unamused expression, she quickly looked away.

?I didn't mean for that to happen...Guiche should have been the one to drink that and not Louise...? The blonde girl muttered.

?My beautiful Monmon, if your love for me is so deep that you would attempt such a thing, then worry not! I am already a slave to your beauty, my Montmorency the Fragrance.? Guiche flamboyantly declared before placing his hand on Monmon's cheek and giving her one of his best smiles.

?Guiche, you have cheated on me seven times over the past month. Don't try to deny it because I have spoken to each girl personally and kindly asked them to reject any further advances from you. I didn't want anything like that to happen again so that is why I came up with the idea to use a Love Potion on you. If Louise hadn't bumped into us, then you really would be 'a slave to my beauty'.? Monmon flatly stated, each word made Guiche's smile falter until he was reduced to a stammering pile of embarrassment. So it appeared that Monmon decided to reign in her lover instead of leaving him. Unfortunately, my master ended up as collateral damage in her attempt at doing just that.

?And now we know 'the who', 'the where', 'the how', and 'the why'.? I muttered as I looked at the brewing lover's spat in front of me. Monmon looked at me once again before standing up and bowing her head. Guiche gasped and I raised a brow at her action.

?I'm really sorry for what happened to Louise.? She clearly stated before raising her head, she was at the brink of tears. I knew for a fact that Monmon was a proud young woman, possibly on par with Louise, so I understood how how hard it must have been for her to do that just then. It was also a testament to how dear a friend she thought Louise as, she really was sorry for what she did to her.

?I'm not the one you should apologize to.? I stated while shaking my head. Monmon grimaced because she knew that I was right, that she should apologize to Louise instead.

?And you can do so later. Right now, I need to know how to fix what you did.? I continued, getting to the matter at hand.

?You can wait for it to wear off...? Monmon answered sheepishly.

?How long will it take?? I quickly asked, making her wince. She looked away from me before answering.

?Six to twelve months, give or take.? She answered in a subdued voice but enough for me and Guiche to hear. The young man paled when he heard the duration of the effects of the potion.

?My dear were going to have me drink a Love Potion that lasts that long?? Guiche asked with no small sense of dread. After all, it was a potion that would essentially turn him into what Louise currently was for quite possibly a full year.

?I assume that you already realize that waiting that long is unacceptable.? I stated, my stern gaze seemed like it was burning holes through her. She was lucky that it was an accident and she truly was sorry for what she did, otherwise this room would have been completely saturated with my aura or terror by now.

?I know. There is a way to counteract the effects of the potion but I'll need to look for the list of the exact ingredients needed and how to mix them. I'll probably be able to get the full list by tomorrow afternoon.? Monmon stated firmly. I continued to look at her intently, trying to ascertain if her will is for real.

?I'm sorry for what I did to Louise. Even though it was an accident, it's still my fault. I'll bring her back to normal, I promise.? I couldn't help but give a small smile at her words and her expression as she delivered them. It reminded me of Louise whenever she was serious about something. It seemed that this girl had conviction as well.

?That was wonderful my Monmon! Such dedication and elegance! There is no one else like you, my Montmorency!? Certainly more conviction than her lover. I decided to trust Monmon's words and left the two before they started another lovers' spat. All that was left was to wait for Monmon and keep Louise from ravaging Matilda in the meantime.

That shouldn't be too hard.


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #50 on: May 10, 2011, 01:58:18 PM »
Hmmm. Question; Will you be doing a side-story or a short or something for "Big-Sis Cirno"? I kinda wanna know what Yuuka did to Cirno that kinda made her realize her true potential. That or you're saving all this info for a later date, or maybe never at all?

Still though, Great story as always. I'm also kinda wondering how far away from the actual plot of ZnT you will get, not that its a bad thing. I kinda wanna see how unique you can make this story compared to the actual series.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #51 on: May 11, 2011, 03:37:14 AM »
I plan on going well past season 1. And Cirno-nee will appear in a few chapters and she and Louise will have a nice talk on how Yuka helped her become awesome. She will then start teaching Louise the virtues of Full Contact Magic. Wardes will have no idea what he's in for.

As for future plans...well I do plan on replacing the Zero Fighter they find in the hangar with
Ruukoto. Her dialogue will consist of nothing but 'Fuga' that will only be understood be poeple from Gensokyo and Siesta.

If you don't know what 'Fuga' means, look up Princess Resurrection.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2011, 09:08:16 PM »

?This shouldn't be this hard...? I stated while rubbing my forehead with my right hand while serving as a human shield for Matilda against Louise. My master's eyes darted around, trying to look for a way past me. As nice as it was to see her applying her training on something other than dodging fireballs, I wished that she wouldn't use it so she can simply start groping her tutor. My eyes narrowed as I saw a glint in her eye. Louise tensed up before making her move.

?Universe!? Louise yelled out before she darted to the right. I moved my body to block her advance but she quickly changed direction to the left and even spun around to try to get past me. Thankfully, the dimensions of the room conspired against her and she ended up crashing into her desk.

?Augh!? Louise grunted as her left knee hit the wooden desk. My master cringed at the pain and sat down on the floor while clutching her knee. Matilda and I shared a look, she of worry and mine of mild irritation, we knew that Louise will end up doing something very stupid if this keeps up.

?I don't understand...I should be three times faster...? Louise grumbled as she blew on her sore knee. I noticed Matilda starting to move to check on her but I blocked her path with my arm.

?I think that going near Louise would be a very bad idea right now.? I warned the woman. Matilda put her hand on my arm and gently lowered it.

?I've been thinking. Louise is acting like this because of that Love Potion, right?? She asked. I raised a brow and simply nodded in response.

?And you said that Miss Montmorency intended that the one exposed to that potion would be lovingly devoted to the first person that they saw, right?? She asked another question. Once again, I nodded in response but still kept my eye on Louise in case she decided to pull a fast one on me, I know Cirno would have by now.

?Then that means that Louise should follow whatever I say without question, right? All in the name of her love for me.? I turned to Matilda after she said those words and saw that she had a familiar smirk on her face.

?Are you willing to risk it after what happened last night?? I asked right back. She was completely under Louise's mercy last night before I came in and was terrified of the prospect of getting 'taken' by her student.

?Louise is my student. She believed in me when no one else did and gave me a new way to be able to support my sister. The two of you practically saved our lives. I owe that young woman  more than she will ever realize. So yes, I am willing to risk it.? Matilda answered immediately. I looked into her eyes and saw the determination within. I sighed and allowed her to pass, moving myself to the side to make sure that I could quickly yank them apart if Louise really did try to assault Matilda again. The former thief took a breath before walking up to Louise and crouching down beside her. Louise turned to Matilda and gave her a 'sad puppy dog eyes' expression that would have rendered most mortal men to incoherence.

? knee hurts...? Louise sniffled while clutching her right knee. I guess she hit that desk a lot harder than I thought but I didn't think that it would have been enough to break anything. Matilda breathed a sigh of relief before she started rubbing the sniffling Louise's back.

?I'll take care of things here, just wait for us outside.? The former thief said. I hummed thoughtfully before picking up my parasol and walking up to the door.

?Just scream if she decides to pick up where she left off before.? I slyly stated before exiting the room, not waiting for Matilda to give her response. I decided to walk up to Monmon's room to check on her progress with the hunting down the required ingredients for the antidote to the Love Potion. I saw Guiche standing in front of her door looking worried. The young man turned to me when he noticed the distinct sound of my footsteps and parasol. I greeted him with a curt nod, which he returned in kind. I looked at the door and saw that there was a wooden sign on it. I placed a mental note to have Matilda teach me the local written language since I could not read what was written on the sign.

?Guiche, what does it say?? I asked the young man while nodding to the sign. Guiche blinked at me for a few moments before turning back to Monmon's door.

?'Do not disturb on the grounds of total annihilation'.? Guiche stated before sighing. I guess the young woman took her own words very seriously, I like that.

?How is Louise?? Guiche asked me, his eyes not leaving the door.

?Matilda seems to have her under control so she sent me out. I'm headed outside, are you coming?? I offered the young man. He looked at me for a  moment before turning back to the door.

?Yes...I think I will join you.? He muttered before walking in step with me. We walked through the nearly empty halls of the dormitory tower in silence. I had nearly forgotten that it is summer break for the students because of all the incidents that kept popping up one after the other. Most of the students opted to go home for the rest of their vacation but some have decided to stay in the academy, such as Louise, Monmon, and Guiche.

?You understand that you are partly responsible for what happened to my master, yes?? I casually pointed out, making the young man wince. I stopped walking and Guiche turned back to me before gulping. I had folded my arms and leaned back, my parasol hanging from my right hand.

?You were unfaithful to a woman you have repeatedly declared your love to, a woman who is clearly in love with you which led her to try to use a Love Potion on you...the very potion that my master accidentally ingested. I don't understand, Guiche de Gramont. Why must you persist on courting other girls when you already have Monmon? It does not logically make any sense.? I stated while tilting my head to the side. Guiche scratched the back of his head while finding part of the tower wall to be quite interesting.

?You cannot be understood by something like logic...? Guiche started while gesturing with his hands, slowly building up steam for more of his flowery bravado. Sadly, I had not the patience for it.

?Then make me understand, Guiche de Gramont. Put it in words that would make sense for me. Make me understand why you are unable to remain faithful to your lover. Make me understand why you continue to lust after other women despite already having Monmon. Make me understand why it was justifiable for my master to have been caught up in your problem.? I said in a stern tone, the tone I used to use when I caught Cirno and her friends doing something stupid when they should have known better.

?But I did not make Louise drink the potion! Monmon was the one who got that potion and tried to-? I cut off his retort after I struck the wooden floor with the tip of my parasol.

?Which is precisely why she is taking responsibility for her actions and trying to find a way to restore Louise. You are very fortunate to have one such as Monmon, Guiche de Gramont. If you cannot realize why, then you do not deserve her. Either become completely faithful to her or end your relationship once and for all, it is your choice. Regardless, this shall not happen again.? I stated with a tone of finality. This was not a negotiation. This was not a lecture. This was not a slap on the wrist. This was an ultimatum for the young man. Even I, who had no experience in the realm of love, can tell that Guiche was a fool for doing what he did and Monmon deserved better than a fool. I narrowed my eyes at the boy when he did not answer.

?Are.We.Clear?? I asked him, emphasizing each word to make sure that he knew how serious I was about it. The young man silently nodded while keeping his gaze on the ground.

?Excellent! I will go on ahead, I see that you have much to think about.? I stated, regaining my casual tone of voice before walking past Guiche.

?Remember, Sir Gramont. This will not happen again.? I whispered to the boy as I passed him.


?Good morning Mister Yuka!? Siesta exuberantly greeted me after I had stepped outside and opened my parasol.

?Good morning Siesta. Radiant as always, I see.? I greeted the ever hard working maid as I rested my open parasol on my right shoulder as was routine for me. Siesta's face flushed at the complement and she started twiddling her thumbs while looking down at the ground.

?N-n-not at all...I...umm...isn't Miss Valliere and Miss Matilda with you today?? The maid inquired while looking around for my master and her tutor.

?Matilda and Louise are taking longer than usual to get ready. There was a minor...incident...involving a Love Potion last night and'll see.? I answered with a shrug. I was surprised when Siesta suddenly gasped at my words before leaning closer.

?A-are you sure that it was a real Love Potion?? Siesta asked, her voice were naught but a whisper and sounded worried for some reason.

?Yes, we are certain. Is something wrong?? I inquired. There must have been a reason why the normally vibrant and level-headed young woman would be so concerned about this.

?Well, I don't know how it works in your realm but...Love Potions, along with any magic that can take over a person's will, are banned by international law. You could be sent to the city dungeons for simply possessing them!? Siesta whispered to me frantically. So what Monmon tried to do was a criminal offense...but she tried to do it anyway?

?So...did someone try to use a Love Potion on you? Was it...was it Miss Matilda?? Siesta brought me out of my thoughts with her questions. I tilted my head in curiosity as to why she looked so worried at the possibility of Matilda using a Love Potion on me. Even if she did, it would not have worked. If I could resist Marisa's Love Potion, I could resist any Love Potion.

?No. We were not directly involved with anything involving the possession or use of any Love Potions. However, Louise accidentally ingested a dose of the substance that was meant for someone else...and was not meant for me.? I explained, preventing Siesta form insinuating that anyone had any intentions of using a Love Potion on me.

?Then...Miss Valliere is currently under the effects of the Love Potion and has fallen completely in love with you?? Siesta asked in wide-eyed surprise.

?Well, no...not me...? I answered half-heartedly. Siesta gave me a confused look when the answer decided to walk out into the open.

?I love you Matilda~n!? We both turned to Louise's absolutely elated voice and found her happily latched onto Matilda's left arm. Matilda had the expression of resigned acceptance but it did not seem that she was 'taken' by Louise while I was away. I blinked when I noticed that Matilda was without her hat. I was about to ask her why she did not have it when I noticed that Louise was wearing it instead.

?Why is Louise wearing your fedora?? I asked Matilda. She blinked at me before glancing at Louise and smiling.

?She wanted to wear it.? She stated simply with a smile and a shrug.

?Matilda~n's ha~t!? Louise exclaimed as she savored the feeling of her tutor's hat on her head. By her actions, she was starting to remind me of Chen when she was young. I immediately dismissed the thought of Louise with cat-ears and a tail and turned back to Siesta instead. I saw that she had her mouth agape at Louise and Matilda and she seemed frozen in that state. I snapped my fingers in front of her face to get a reaction but she remained still.

?Siesta, breathe.? I said as I continued to snap my fingers in front of Siesta. She finally flinched and started breathing, she looked like she was starting to hyperventilate.

?Wha-wha-wha-Miss Valliere...Miss Matilda...two...women...a younger woman...and an older bed...together...I...I..I...I need to sit down...G-g-good day...? Siesta stammered out in panic and confusion before walking off. The three of us that remained merely stood there in silence for a few moments before Louise ended it.

?Puru~puru~puru~puru~puru~? Louise cooed while rubbing her face on Matilda's sleeve.

?And on that note, I suggest that the two of you get some breakfast.? I stated before starting to walk toward the flower garden.

?You won't be eating with us? You haven't eaten anything since last night.? Matilda pointed out with a hint of concern. I turned back to her and shook my head slowly.

?No need, I'll be fine.? I assured her with a dismissive wave. Unfortunately, the woman didn't look convinced.

?Look, if you're worried that you're not a noble then...? Matilda trailed off before clearing her throat and looking away, likely realizing the irony in her statement. I smiled, even I could appreciate the sentiment...misplaced as it was.

?I have lived for over sixteen-hundred years, Matilda Chevalier de Tristain. I have come to the point in my life where my very power sustains me. I don't even need to eat or drink anymore, I only do so to suit my fancy. However, there have been very few instances in my life where one would care enough for me to ask if I was eating enough. Though unnecessary, I...appreciate the thought.? I stated before walking away while twirling my parasol. I was pretty sure that Matilda was gawking at me after I casually admitted that I was not human and had been living for over a millennia-and-a-half.

I walked through the open areas of the academy and noted how quiet it was without the students and the teaching staff around. I walked to the open field where I was first summoned. Louise had unwittingly yanked me away from my first Danmaku Battle of the year and gave me a new outlook in life, Yukari's involvement notwithstanding. I had originally thought a male body to be cumbersome and inelegant, the height and weight difference were rather inconvenient for the first few moments. Of course I had overcome that like all the other challenges I have faced in my life. I was originally uncertain about staying here as the familiar of a pompous, no-talent, human magician. However, a certain ironic similarity in our lives compelled me to stay on and see where this partnership would lead. I'm actually rather glad that I did.

I walked to the Vestry Court, the place where Guiche de Gramont challenged me to a duel. It was not the first time that someone was stupid enough to challenge me without looking into who I was first, and it wouldn't be the last. It was only by virtue of my master that the young man survived the duel. I will admit that I was rather...excited to be in a realm where the binding rules of the Hakurei clan did not apply. After the duel, I decided to continue the proud Hakurei tradition of having tea with the defeated as a sign that there was no further ill will between the combatants. This was the time when my master and the people she would come to know as friends knew what I truly was.

I walked to the flower garden of the academy, the place where I re-established my link to Mugenkan. This was also the place where I discovered that Siesta was more than just another maid. The young woman was a studious and thorough caretaker of the flowers and I appreciated that greatly. This was also the place where I first encountered the late Lord Mott. I did have to thank him though, it was through his actions that I was able to once again kill without worrying about the consequences as long as I knew to clean up after myself. I did hear in passing from Siesta that Tarbes seemed to be thriving under the rule of a much more competent noble, though she did express sadness when she heard of Lord Mott's passing, such a kindhearted girl.

I walked to open area where the Evaluation Fair was held and to the clearing where 'Fouquet the Cumbling Dirt' made her daring heist. The earth magician gave me the best fight I have had in this realm thus far. Because of that, I had taken interest in her, even more so after I discovered how well she had been hiding under everyone's noses for so long without detection. My master had originally been adamant at capturing Fouquet for her crimes but Matilda's story was enough for her to revise her previous assessment of the woman. We devised had originally devised a plan to catch Fouquet in the act and apprehend the thief after exposing her true identity, an entrapment similar to what Cirno devised to help catch the perpetrator of a certain incident one-hundred years ago. Once again, Fouquet did not disappoint and came in with an improved version of her golem and gave me a very interesting battle before we launched our trap. The revisions done in the plan was enough to defeat Fouquet, save Matilda, and protect her sister and orphanage. Not bad for a day's work.

Indeed, a lot has happened since I had come to this world. Incidents happening one after the other, meeting and befriending new people, discovering things I never even knew existed because of how I used to look upon the world. In fact, we were in the middle of another incident right now. My recollection of that little fact brought me out of my recollections. I looked at the sky and noticed that some time had already passed since I left Louise and Matilda. I turned to direction of the dining hall and wondered if the Love Potion on Louise had worn off yet.

?My right hand burns with awesome passion~! It roars for me to share my desires with you~!? I would guess not...

?Louise! Stop it right now!? Matilda's frantic yelling was enough to get me walking to where they were. I finally saw them and found that Monmon was already with them and was failing at prying my master off of the older woman.

?Yuka! Louise has gone nuts again!? Monmon yelled at me, pointing out the obvious in the process. I walked up to them and handed my parasol to Monmon.

?Hold this.? I stated. The blonde girl took my parasol and took a few steps back as I assessed the current configuration of my master and her tutor. I nodded to myself as I decided to take a page from Reimi Hakurei's book on discipline. I jammed my right thumb in the crook of Louise's neck at a very specific point and angle. The effect was immediate as she suddenly released Matilda and started laughing uncontrollably. My master looked at me, Monmon, and Matilda in turn with an expression of panic and fear while she continued to laugh away.

?What...did you do to her?? Monmon asked in obvious confusion. Matilda seemed to share the sentiment on wanting to find out what just happened.

?It is a technique once used by a certain protector of the peace back in my realm.? I replied. Reimi never had the raw power that her mother wielded with unmatched grace, but what she did have was creativity. The brilliant use of the Reimi Pressure Point Strike, along with several other unorthodox skills, made Reimi the fastest incident solver in the entire history of the Hakurei Clan.

?It will wear off, right?? Matilda asked out of worry for her charge as Louise continued to laugh out loud without end. I held out my right hand to Monmon, prompting her to return my parasol. I settled it on my right shoulder as always before turning back to Matilda and responding.

?Don't worry, she should stop laughing after another half-hour.? I said with a smile. Louise did not share my sentiment as she looked at me in horror while continuing her laughing marathon.

?I'm sorry, Louise! I'm so sorry! I'll fix this, I promise!? Monmon declared in concern as she held the hands of her still-laughing friend.

?On the subject, I assume that you have found the means to get my master back to normal?? I asked. Monmon turned to me before giving a complicated expression and letting go of Louise's hands.

?I have most of the ingredients needed in stock. The problem is the most important ingredient, it's nearly impossible to get.? Monmon explained the reason behind her previous reaction. The blonde lowered her head in shame and was seemingly at the verge of tears, we can't have that now can we?

?Nothing is impossible. Which ingredient do you speak of?? I asked the young woman, who looked up at me in surprise after noticing the certainty of my tone of voice.

?It's called the 'Tears of the Water Spirit' and is exactly what it says. The problem comes from the fact that even communing with the water spirit is nearly impossible in itself. The only reason I was able to was...? Monmon trailed off as she stated her point.

?...because of your lineage.? Incidentally, it was Matilda that finished the sentence for her. I turned to the former thief, who had her gaze rooted on the ground with her right elbow propped up by her left arm so she could rub her chin with her right hand contemplatively.

?Monmon's lineage?? I repeated in question form. Matilda looked at Monmon, then back at me, and nodded.

?I once heard a rumor back when I was still a treasure hunter, before I became 'Fouquet'. A few veteran hunters were talking about finding and selling rare potion reagents, they eventually got to the topic of the 'Tears of the Water Spirit'. They were arguing about the feasibility of obtaining a sample of the reagent, even citing that it would be as difficult as obtaining a Rhyme Dragon Scale. One of them said that only those of the Montmorency bloodline can make the Water Spirit appear and obtain the tears because one of their ancestors gained the favor of the ancient spirit.? Matilda finished her explanation. I turned to Monmon and hummed in keen interest.

?And that was the reason why you were able to obtain such a rare reagent in the first place. Is that correct?? I asked her, even though I already knew the answer. I simply wanted to hear it from her directly. I got my answer when she solemnly nodded.

?And? Where is this Water Spirit located?? I asked while straightening my posture.

?Ragdorian Lake in Gallia. But you don't understand, the Water Spirit won't agree to give another piece of itself to someone who has already asked for its favor.? Monmon stated with a hint of panic in her voice. I was about to respond when I noticed that I don't hear Louise's laughter anymore.

?Louise Francoise, launching~!? Louise happily declared before she started after Matilda again, who started dodging her advances. I decided to ignore them since Matilda should hold her own at least until I finish with Monmon.

?You promised that you would bring Louise back to normal. You declared such in front of me, Guiche, Matilda, and Louise herself. I am here to ensure that you make good on that promise. One way or another, we will obtain that reagent.? I stated firmly, leaving no room for second guessing or argument.

?Alright...I'll show you the way.? Monmon answered, her own fire of conviction regaining its light.


The country of Gallia, as it turned out, was right next to Tristain which made it relatively easy to get to on horseback or via carriage. Our objective, located in Ragdorian Lake, was a few days ride from the academy using the carriage we were in right now. Admittedly, I would have been able to get to our objective by flying but that would mean that I would need to wait for everyone else for days. So it had been me, Louise, Matilda, and Monmon who were headed to that particular lake to retrieve the last ingredient needed for the potion that will bring my master back to normal and thankfully, we were only a few hours away from our goal. I had originally asked Guiche to join us for the trip but the young man declined, he stated that he had much to think about after I confronted him about how he was treating Monmon. I also made a point to ask Siesta for a blacksmith competent enough to clean up Derf and get him back to fighting form. The maid happily declared that she knew such a smith and I handed over the ancient blade to her. Siesta stated that a full de-rusting, sharpening, and polishing will likely take a couple of days to finish, hopefully by the time we come back from this little outing. That said...

?Are you sure it is wise for you not to sit with Louise?? Monmon asked from my side. We were currently in a rather roomy four-person carriage, it probably could hold eight-people if you tried hard enough. Monmon and I were sitting next to each other, while Louise and Matilda were sitting across us. Well, I put the term sitting loosely since Louise was practically sprawled on her tutor's lap like an overgrown cat. I swear that she even purred a few times. Matilda was more than happy to treat her student thusly as she absentmindedly stroked Louise's strawberry-blonde hair while looking out the window.

?Nonsense. As you can see, Matilda has Louise under control.? I pointed out. Indeed, it was rather impressive the way Matilda managed to deduct why Louise was acting the way she did while under the influence of the Love Potion. It was no secret that Louise has had trouble in expressing her true feelings because of how she had been treated due to her previous failings in life. Because of this, she had no idea how to act when she suddenly found herself overwhelmingly infatuated with Matilda. Her mind was not able to keep up with her heart and the end result was her trying to express her love for her tutor in the most...basic ways possible. We believed that the strange things that she was spouting were also a product of the emotional overload she was getting from the Love Potion. Once we knew the reason for Louise's extreme behavior, it was easy to come up with a way to keep her under control. A compromise was made between Louise and Matilda. Louise will be allowed to hug, cuddle, and remain close to Matilda as long as she wants provided that it does not go beyond that. Obviously, Louise was initially infuriated with the prospect of only getting the minimum skinship privilege with Matilda and even challenged me to a Danmaku Battle for the right to be with Matilda for the rest of our lives. Thankfully, the woman who was to be the prize prevented that from happening by actively chastising Louise for even thinking of treating her like an object. She followed this up with an ultimatum that Louise can either settle with the conditions that Matilda laid out for her or she will never return Louise's affections no matter what and make sure that my master will never see her again. Louise immediately caved and accepted the compromise and thus their current condition.

?And that actually brings up a rather interesting point I wanted to discuss with you.? I stated, my tone becoming more professional. I looked at Monmon in the eye before continuing.

?I can understand why you did what you tried to do to Guiche...well, no not really...since I have never felt that particular emotion before.? I stated while gazing at the ceiling of the carriage. I turned back to Monmon and saw that she was looking at me with a raised brow.

?What? You've never been jealous before?? Monmon asked. I simply shrugged after mentally noting that Parsee would have been the expert in that particular emotion.

?Not in the romantic sense because I have never actually fallen in love before.? I clarified. Monmon's other brow shot up and she gave me a surprised expression. I heard a gasp and turned to Matilda and saw that she had her left hand covering her mouth while her eyes betrayed a certain sense of surprise as well. I had to suppress a sigh after seeing their reactions, must I really explain this every time?

?Seriously? You've never been in love before?? Monmon asked me, still in a state of mild shock.

?No, never.? I immediately answered.

?And you are how old?? She followed up while holding the side of her head with her right hand.

?Sixteen-hundred years old, give or take. And before you ask again, no. I really have never fallen in love before, that is fact. It is one of the very few things that I have never experienced before in my long life...and I have experienced a lot of things.? Being turned into a man for example. Monmon still did not looked convinced while Matilda went back to gazing out the window and stroking Louise's hair.

?Regardless of my lack of experience with that particular aspect in life, I can provide an objective opinion on what you did. And I must say, it is not good.? I said in a more serious tone, making Monmon gulp.

?Is this really the time for that?? I turned at Matilda's voice and saw her sternly glaring at me.

?It is. Monmon needs to realize the ramifications of what she has done and reflect on them, the sooner the better.? I stated in a firm voice. Matilda narrowed her eyes at me before sighing and gazing back outside. I turned back to Monmon and saw that she was starting to pale after losing Matilda's support. I slowly shook my head as I recalled giving out similar lectures to Cirno and her friends whenever they did anything particularly stupid. I recall Mystia being the most receptive to my words while Rumia being the least receptive.

?What you did was try to forcibly control someone's emotions without their consent. What you did was to try to sway someone's emotions to your favor without a way to regulate it or dispell it if it ever went out of hand. What you did, Montmorency Margarita la Fere de Montmorency, was incredibly foolish and blew up in my master's face.? I stated, making sure that Monmon was looking right in my eyes as she listened.

?W-w-w-what do you di-di-dispell...if it went...out of...h-aand...? Monmon stuttered out, likely both surprised and intimidated that I managed to fluently use her full name instead of just her nickname. I took a deep breath and recalled a particular incident.

?I know someone who had the power to be able to control people's emotions, their hearts. Now normally, she was rather harmless and if she did use her was only to make others feel the emotion 'love'.? I started my story, this was of course about Satori's younger sister Koishi. I made sure that Monmon was listening intently before continuing.

?One day in early spring, she had the bright idea to making everyone fall in love with her. When I say everyone, I mean...everyone. She let loose a wave of her power that rendered nearly the entire population of Gensokyo devotedly in love with her. There were exceptions, but they were few and far in between.? I continued.

?But why did she do that?? Matilda asked, shifting in her seat. Louise murmured something about 'Solar Furnaces' before purring and continuing her nap on Matilda's lap.

?The reason, as I understand it, was tied to her powers. Originally, that girl's power was to be able to see what others are thinking. Mind reading in a literal sense. However, she was afraid of her power and the persecution that might follow because of it. So she forcibly shut it down. From what her sister told me, she ended up developing a completely different power, which is the power to control hearts. As an ironic side effect, shutting down her original power also completely locked her own emotions. She became completely unable to feel any emotions at all. A girl who can't feel any emotions having the power to control the emotions of others, I expect that you can see where this is going.? I answered. Matilda and Monmon both had somber expressions but said nothing, I too that as a cue to continue.

?That said, even she did not realize how much it actually takes to make sure that someone's emotion is firmly controlled by her, much less the emotions of thousands of hearts. It eventually became too much for her and she mind started breaking down because of it. Her sister, who was immune to her power, realized this and approached others who were also unaffected by her power and asked for their help.? I continued.

?And you were one of them.? Matilda said as a statement, not a question. I nodded in to affirm her statement. Satori approached Hikaru Hakurei, me, and...surprisingly...Lily White to help her save Koishi.

?Yes, after the annoyance of having to fight several beings that I have already defeated before, we eventually managed to stop her and return everyone to normal. Monmon, the moral of this story?? I asked her after I finished.

? careful whenever doing something dangerous?? Monmon sheepishly tested. I narrowed my eyes at her and she got the message that she answered wrong.

?Power without control is dangerous.? Matilda answered with a sense of guilt and regret. I raised a brow at her tone of voice before shaking my head.

?Close. What I was going for is that power without responsibility is what's dangerous. The girl who did that had supreme control over her power but she overestimated it and thought that she could do what she wanted with it. Just because you can do something, does not mean that you should.? I stated with a heavy tone. It was a personal experience that I had that made me say those words with certainty. There was a point in my life where I did something so incredibly stupid with Ultimate Magic that I continue to regret it to this day. I have done many things that will never be forgotten, but that was one thing I did that should never be forgiven.

?It is the same thing with your Love Potion. Think, Montmorency Margarita la Fere de Montmorency. What if you were successful in making Guiche drink that Love Potion that you made? What if it made him act the same way as Louise did right now? What would you do? What would you really do?? My use of her full name made her realize how serious I was about this subject. Monmon looked off to the side to consider what I just told her. Monmon's eyes went wide before she shut them tight, as if trying to deny what she realize she would have ended up doing to Guiche.

?Louise will likely forgive you for what you did, water under the bridge between friends. Matilda will also likely forgive you for what you did because she knows that it was an accident. I will not hold this against you so long as you get Louise back to normal. Guiche...I have talked with him and made him think about responsibility as well. As for you, Monmon...will you be willing for forgive yourself after all this is over?? I asked Monmon, who looked at me in despair before looking away and biting back tears. I also noticed Matilda gazing back out the window with a bitter expression on her face.

?You don't need to answer that right now. Take all the time you need...just make sure that you are satisfied with the answer once you find it.? I said somberly.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence.


?Wh-wh-what happened here!?? Monmon asked out in utter disbelief at what she was seeing. She had originally suggested that we spend time in a town at the side of the lake to rest and recompose ourselves before heading out to meet the Water Spirit. Unfortunately, the town she spoke of was now below the waterline of the lake.

?I would assume that this is somehow related to the Water Spirit we area after?? I asked the rhetorical question.

?Are you certain that we can even call it?? Matida asked in concern. Louise was once again wearing Matilda?s fedora and was currently latched onto her waist. Once again, the woman didn?t seem to mind and was once again absentmindedly stroking Louise?s hair even though her expression showed worry, possibly a testament of her time taking care of orphans.

?We can. As long as one of the Montmorency bloodline is present, the Water Spirit will answer our call.? Monmon answered with a firm nod. The issue is whether or not we can convince the Water Spirit to give up a sample of the tears we need or if I have to ?befriend? it first, as Sanae Kotiya used to put it. Monmon stepped forward and produced a needle from her clothes and pricked her finger with it, allowing drops of blood to taint the pure blue of the lake. She stepped back and we all stared at the lake in silence until the spirit in question showed itself.

I smiled when I saw it. A spike of water slowly raised skywards before collecting and forming into an amorphous blob of water. It slowly started to ripple, possibly addressing us. So it was an embodiment of water? An elemental? Interesting?

?I am Montmorency Margarita La Fere de Montmorency. I am a user of water, and a member of the lineage of the old oath. If you understand my words, please answer in a way that we can understand.? Monmon implored the Water Spirit, the being responded by rippling a few more times before slowly and deliberately reforming itself into a fifteen-foot tall Monmon made of water. I hummed thoughtfully as I studied how the water reformed itself. It was not something that was manipulated by an outside force, but instead the water itself formed into this construct. Very interesting. I turned to my companions and saw that Matilda looked absolutely shocked at what she had just witnessed while Louise didn?t seem to care enough about it and just continued to embrace Matilda. Monmon gulped and took a deep breath while waiting for the response of the Water Spirit. I hefted my closed parasol on my right shoulder and waited for the being?s answer as well.

?I recognize you, insignificant child of that woman. In accordance with the pact, I have appeared. State your purpose.? The Water Spirit?s voice resonated through the air as its expression shifted over and over again. I cracked the bones in my left hand and resisted the growing urge to test the power of a being of this world that was considered as a divine entity. Monmon clenched her right hand into a fist and put it over her chest before responding.

?We seek a piece of your body, o great spirit. We need your tears.? Monmon said with a slightly worried voice.

?Denied.? The spirit immediately replied without a second thought. Monmon looked devastated but recomposed herself before looking back up at the Water Spirit and taking a step forward.

?Please! I beg of you! Please reconsider your judgment! I implore you, great one!? Monmon all but screamed in desperation, her eyes frantic and her body was shaking.

?Miss Montmorency?? Matilda muttered from behind the blonde. Louise got her head out of the clouds and just started to comprehend what was going on.

?It?s a spirit?? She whispered with her eyes wide.

?Denied. You have already asked for that favor once, insignificant one. No more.? The water spirit repeated its answer and elaborating somewhat as to why. Monmon collapsed to her knees and her own tears started to stain the ground.

?N-no?no?please?? Monmon muttered as she continued to look at the Water Spirit in shock with tears flowing from her eyes. I noticed a flash of pink from the corner of my vision and saw Louise run up to Monmon and embrace her from behind.

?Lo-Louise??? The blonde said as she turned to her friend.

?It?s fine! Don?t cry anymore! I?ll be fine! I?m happy being in love with Matilda~n! So please don?t cry anymore Monmon!? Louise yelled as she held onto her friend tighter. Monmon broke down and returned Louise?s embrace and started crying in earnest. I sighed at the sight and decided to take things into my own hands. I stepped forward and struck the ground with the tip of my parasol.

?You will reconsider your decision, Embodiment of Water.? I said in a tone of voice that nearly declared it as a command. All three of my companions gasped and looked at me in shock.

?I understand that you made those rules for very good reason and you would not be the one to break them. However, our need is great and I will have to insist on it. So again, may we have the ?Tears of the Water Spirit??? I asked the spirit personally while folding my arms and leaning back. The entire area was dead silent as we waited for the response of the spirit. It rippled several times before settling down and was seemingly looking right at me. Well, will you attack or will you ask for a compromise?

?A compromise, Sanctuary,? The spirit finally said. Sanctuary? This is the first time that anyone has called me such. I raised a brow at the way it addressed me but nonetheless it offered the tears for a favor.

?What are your terms?? I asked it, relaxing my posture and hefting my parasol on my right shoulder again.

?I require your assistance, Sanctuary. I am being attacked nightly, by ones of their kind. Defeat the assailants and your request shall be granted.? The water spirit answered immediately. Human magicians were attacking it? Who would be stupid enough to actually try to attack an Embodiment of Water? No matter, I smiled at the thought of being able to accomplish our goal and breaking a few skulls in the process.

?So be it.? I said with a warm smile.


?And why are we hiding amongst the trees when we can simply wait for the attackers?? Monmon asked as the four of us waited in the shadows of the trees next to the lake.

?Obviously, if the attackers notice the four of us waiting for them, they will know that something is wrong and they might plan an ambush.? I pointed out, Monmon made an ?ah? of understanding before nodding at my words.

?Or worse, they might just leave and prevent us from accomplishing the Water Spirit?s request.? Matilda added. By her side, Louise nodded studiously at her words while sporting a look of determination to help her tutor, her familiar, and her friend. I smiled at the irony of her being so willing to help us when we were doing this to help her in the first place.

?So, what?s the plan?? Monmon inquired as she scanned the edge of the lake. Matilda and I looked at each other before responding.

?When they show up, we throw Yuka at them.? Matilda stated with a shrug. Monmon blinked at us a few times before pursing her lips and nodding.

?It?s a good plan.? She commented as she probably remembered what I was capable of. We heard Louise suddenly gasp and noticed that two figures came into view, one taller and one shorter, likely the assailants that were annoying the Water Spirit.

When they both turned to the waterline, I launched my attack. I burst from the trees and leaped at the two figures, my left hand reaching out like a claw while my right hand kept my parasol at the ready for a follow up in case my initial attack did not kill them. Both magicians spun around and pointed their foci at me, a wand and a crooked wooden staff, before casting their spells. The tall one sent out a jet of flame while the short one sent out a freezing tornado. My eyes widened a bit when I saw their spells meld together into one, it was a Fire Blizzard. I couldn?t dodge it because it will make the spell go right into my companions? hiding place. I clicked my tongue when I realized I had to block it. I stopped to open up my parasol when a wall of hard granite erupted from the ground, blocking the Fire Blizzard that was about to hit me?unnecessary, but appreciated. The wall crumbled as soon as the attack ended and the two magicians suddenly split up. I blinked when I noticed their auras and their scents. There was no mistaking it?well, this is interesting. What could those two hope to achieve by attacking the Water Sprit? No mater, I always wanted to see how strong they were and this was my chance.

The small one, guess who, stopped and pointed her staff at me before unleashing several icicles at me. I easily managed to dodge them all and smirked, you have to do better than that. I raised a brow when I heard the ice shatter from behind me before I felt a growing heat from the same direction. I turned around and saw the icicles turn into small shards of ice that were floating like a veil. The taller one, guess who, pointed her wand at me and unleashed a wall of flame that fused with the veil of ice for form a massive cloud of scalding steam. I smiled at their teamwork and creativity, well done you two. I was about to block the oncoming wall of steam when the sound of splashing water caught my attention. A second passed before a wave of water from the lake intercepted and smothered the wall of steam. The Water Spirit? No, this was magic?Monmon?s. Come now, what am I, bait?

The tall one, guess who, cast another spell, a fireball, but I was ready for it. I dashed forward and opened my parasol to block it. I swept my parasol to my side as soon as the spell was gone and the tall one suddenly started running to the side. I found out why when I glanced up and saw several icicles floating in the air waiting for me. The ice fell like a ceiling of death but I quickly closed my parasol and swung it at the ice, shattering them. The tall one, guess who, cast another fireball at me but I saw it coming and stomped my right foot on the ground. Instantly, a thick wall of vines erupted from the ground and blocked the fireball. The vines burned but they did not die. I would like you to meet the Steel-Vine, plants that grew massive masses of vines that were as hard as steel but as dexterous as any vine. The vines shot out from within the flames and right at the taller one, what will you two do now? I got my answer when a beam of ice shot out and encased the vines in ice. It did not stop the vine?s advance but it slowed it down long enough for the taller one to get out of the way. They both met up and prepared to unleash another combination spell when?

?Louise Francoise, sniping the targets!? Louise yelled out before an explosion detonated on the ground a few feet from the two attackers. Well, her aim is improving.

?Louise!? Matilda yelled out as she tried to shield my master from any further retaliation.

?Louise?? The tall one spoke out in confusion.

?That voice?Miss Zerbst?? Matilda asked in surprise.

?Matilda.? The short one pointed out as she removed her hood, as did Kirche.

?Tabitha?!? Monmon said in shock while walking out of the clearing.

?Montmorency?? Kirche once again spoke out. She and Tabitha shared a glance before looking back to me.

?Yuka.? They both said at the same time, Kirche blushed while Tabitha merely nodded at me.

?Kirche. Tabitha.? I greeted them with a smile and a curt nod. I was impressed at their skill despite being young.

?Metal Gear?!? Louise suddenly screamed out. An awkward silence settled upon us as no one really had a response to what my master just said. Louise realized this and shrugged before embracing Matilda from behind again.

?Wait?what are you all doing here and what is wrong with Louise?? Kirche spoke up again, putting her left hand on her waist while looking genuinely confused.

?It?s a very long story?? Monmon said with a tired shrug.

?And what are you two doing here?? Matilda asked as she walked up to the rest of us with Louise in tow.

?Long story.? Tabitha responded while pulling out a book from her clothes before she started reading.


As it happened, neither story was really that long. We managed to explain what happened to Louise, the Love Potion, and why we ended up all the way here in Gallia. Monmon managed to convince Kirche that she will not make a Love Potion for her long enough for Tabitha to give an extremely abridged explanation of why they were here. Apparently, the reason why she was called back home was because her family wanted her to get rid of the Water Spirit because it just drowned the town and the surrounding land that was owned by her family.

?Why can?t these things be simple? Just once, I want to do a quest where you just have to do what?s written on the request without having to deal with extra work along the way.? Matilda said with a sigh while rubbing her eyes with her right hand. Complaints aside we managed to hold up our end of the bargain so I asked Monmon to call on the Water Spirit again.

?We have accomplished you task, Embodiment of Water. We ask that you uphold you end of the bargain.? I stated to the giant Water-Monmon who detached part of itself and made it hover right in front of us. Monmon produced a vial and sealed the sample and nodded to me with a smile before placing it in her clothes for safe keeping. I turned back to the Water Spirit, who looked like it was about ready to leave, and addressed the other part of this issue.

?Allow me to speak, Embodiment of Water. I have another request of you that pertains to the ones who were attacking you before.? I stated, the Water-Monmon rippled again before settling down.

?State your case, Sanctuary.? The Water Spirit answered, waiting for my request.

?There will be more assailants who will attack you because it seemed that the rising waters alarmed the humans. They had no choice but to try to attack you in desperation to see if that will lower the water level. Obviously, if the water recedes, then the attacks will stop. Of course, you had a reason for doing this in the first place, yes? A compromise?? I offered while folding my arms and leaning back.

?In what you comprehend as time, Sanctuary, it has been two years since a treasure of mine was taken from me. I raise the waters to search the land for it.? It responded and I chuckled at the reason for this. Someone actually had the audacity to steal from an Embodiment of Nature? I would like to have a word with that human.

?And? What is this treasure, who took it, and where can we find them?? I asked with a smile.

?The Ring Andvari.? It stated and another sphere of water emerged from the lake and formed the shape of the ring. I made sure to memorize the shape of the ring before turning back to the spirit.

?It has the power to bring one back from the dead for a limited time, though that borrowed time is not truly life.? It continued. A ring that can bring the dead to life? No, it was Necromancy. Why would the Water Spirit even have such a thing?

?The one who took it was one called?Cromwell. I know no other details.? The spirit admitted and another round of silence fell among us.

?Crom?well??? Matilda said in a dazed and confused voice before she clutched her head and screamed in pain.

?Matilda~n!? Louise cried out in panic and held her tutor?s shoulders. Monmon was also by her side and was trying to use some spells to try to ease the pain Matilda was experiencing. The name Cromwell triggered the spell that was locking down Matilda?s mind. I narrowed my eyes as I realized that this Cromwell also had something to do with what happened to her. Oh, how I will enjoy hunting this human down.

?Cromwell?I know I?ve heard that name somewhere before.? Kirche muttered contemplatively.

?Emperor of Albion.? Tabitha provided and Kirche snapped her fingers in realization.

?Of course! He?s the new Emperor of Albion! Wait, that?s the guy who stole the Ring of Andvari?!? Kirche yelled out as she realized that we will have to go through an empire to be able to return the Water Spirit?s ring.

?Even so, I will ensure its return.? I stated with certainty and the spirit accepted. It seemed that things were becoming more serious around here. Conspiracies, conspiracies, I wondered if they were anywhere near as devastatingly clever as the Moriya Shrine?s or Eirin?s conspiracies. I will need to make arrangements for a surprise.


As soon as we got back to the academy, Monmon ran to her room and said that she will start on the antidote immediately. I nodded to her and went to the flower garden and then to Mugenkan, ignoring the inquiries of the others as to where I was going. I walked up to my manor and looked around, no changes or anything was made recently. I looked up to the stars of the border of dreams and called out.

?Yukari! Yukari!? I called out to the border youkai. I did not really want to call for her help but I needed her assistance to get the one I really wanted over here. I tearing sound came from behind me and I turned to see someone else.

A blond haired woman wearing a two-pointed hat, which covered her fox ears. She was wearing a blue and white dress, blue was covering the front with intricate symbols on it. She had long puffy sleeves that hid her sharp clawed hands. The most eye-catching things about her were her nine, large, white-tipped yellow tails. The power of a Kitsune is defined by how many tails it has, with nine as the limit. That means that this Kitsune is one who has achieved the highest form and power her kind can attain.

I was of course talking about Yukari?s shikigami, Ran.

?Yes? May I help you?? Ran asked with a tilted head.

?Where is Yukari?? I asked back to the fox. She merely shrugged before responding.

?She is currently assisting Touya Hakurei with an incident along with Captain Murasa Minamitsu and Fujiwara no Mokou. Is there something you need from my master?? She answered. Well, that explains it.

?Not right now. However, certain incidents here have prompted me to a course of action. I will return here soon with my master and I need Yukari to bring Cirno here when I do. Can you ask that of her?? I stated my request. The fox considered my words for a moment before nodding.

?I believe that I can arrange that for you.? She stated with a smile. Good, Louise will need to learn a few things from my former student if she ever ends up in a real fight with nothing but explosions in her arsenal.


?Mister Yuka! Welcome back!? Siesta greeted me as I made my way back to Louise?s room. I turned to her and smiled.

?Hello Siesta. Are Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond back?? I asked her and she shook her head.

?Not yet but they should be back by tomorrow morning. Also, that talking sword of yours is already in Miss Valliere?s room and is as good a new!? She answered while pointing out that Derf had come back from its overhaul.

?Excellent news, thank you again Siesta. Now if you?ll excuse me?? We said our goodbyes and I headed back to Louise?s room where I heard a familiar voice along with Matilda?s, Louise?s, and Derf?s. I opened the door and sure enough, standing there with her cloak and hood was the Princess of Tristain who was once again embracing Louise.

I have an annoyed feeling about this?


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2011, 09:59:05 PM »
The hand of Louise's is burning red, eh? And she's gotta smoke to see them mines?

Good chapter. Why does Yuuka need Cirno? I can only assume its for helping with training Louise. Honestly, I'm really starting to like this story. I also wonder how Yuuka will feel about a certain "elf"...


  • Banzai!
  • Beep~
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2011, 12:29:45 AM »
go Louise~ Nerai utsu!
This story has really become one of the fanfictions I'm most focused on currently
I like the references without really ruining the plot :D.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2011, 05:51:07 AM »

?Why is it that I always walk in while something is going on?? I absentmindedly asked as I folded my arms and leaned back on the door. Princess Henrietta was still embracing Louise like she was a small animal that she found in the forest and wanted to keep. My master, on her part, kept saying that 'such conduct is not appropriate for a princess' but her old friend wouldn't hear any of it and continued to smother Louise with affection.

?Well maybe you should consider not suddenly disappearing for periods of time when we're all not looking.? Matilda jibed with a sly smile as she walked up and leaned on the wall next to me.

?What happened?? I asked.

?Well, after we got changed and started to relax, Miss Montmorency came in with the potion to cure Louise. The poor girl looked absolutely haggard and was still wearing the clothes she had during the trip.? Matilda started with a sigh. It seemed that Monmon immediately mixed up the concoction as soon as we returned and didn't stop until it was complete. I'd imagine that she was already in her room and passed out on her bed from exhaustion. I will admit that my opinion of the girl had gone up because of how she took responsibility for what happened to Louise, my master had a good friend in Monmon.

?Was the effect of the potion immediate?? In inquired with a raised brow. The original Love Potion that Louise was exposed to activated as soon as she saw someone, I was hoping that the reverse was true.

?Thankfully, it was.? Matilda answered before she put her right hand over her mouth, closed her eyes, and started giggling. I was silently wondering with a raised brow at what seemed to be so amusing when Matilda finally recovered enough to tell me.

?I'm's just that...? She said between breaths while wiping a tear from her eye. I waited for her to catch her breath and continue instead of prompting her to do so. After all, this was probably the first time I've seen her genuinely giggle. The woman took one more breath before continuing.

?After Louise went back to normal, she looked at me like I turned into you and was very very angry. Then, after face went red. And I mean, red. I swore the girl had a third of her blood in her face at that point, I was almost worried that she'd pass out because of it. After that, she suddenly knelt down and begged me for my forgiveness for what she did while under the influence.? Matilda recalled while slowly shaking her head.

?She remembers?? I asked, curious. When Marisa used her Love Potion, the ones affected did not have any recollection of what happened to them or what they did while under the effects of the potion. It seemed that Monmon's Love Potion was different.

?Every detail. I honestly felt sorry for her with the way she was acting, she was so embarrassed.? Matilda answered while placing her right hand on her cheek.

?That was when Princess Henrietta jumped in from the open window.? The woman added, a bit flatly.

?She...jumped into the room...through the window?? I asked with a raised brow and a tilted head.

?Yes, that is exactly what happened.? Matilda answered with a studious nod.

?Matilda, this is the sixth floor of the tower.? I flatly pointed out while giving her a bored look.

?A wizard did it. Alternatively, ask her yourself.? The former thief said with a shrug. We both looked back to where Louise's bed where my master seemed to be making smalltalk with her old friend, though they were still holding each others' hand while they were talking.

?I'll do it!? My eyebrows surprise at Louise apparent acceptance of something I had no knowledge of. I turned to Matilda and she looked just as surprised as I was.

Louise...what did you get yourself into this time?

?You will?? I heard Henrietta ask out in equal surprise, probably at how quickly agreed to it. Since the Princess was probably expecting Louise to turn her down or think about it more for a while, her newest request for Louise will probably be particularly difficult or dangerous. I narrowed my eyes at the pair as I was noticing a pattern there.

?I will!? My master affirmed her previous acceptance with an enthused nod. I heard the familiar rattling of steel from Derf's scabbard before...

?Will what? Is this another Love Potion thing?? The sentient magical sword asked, its metallic voice betraying excitement in the prospect of a repeat of what happened between Louise and Matilda a few days ago.

?NO! It's a mission for the Princess! An important one!? Louise answered with a determined expression.

?Yes, we could ascertain that from the tertiary information we gathered from your touching reunion with Princess Henrietta. However, a bit more detail would be appreciated.? I stated while looking right at Louise. The strawberry-blonde haired girl gulped when she noticed the completely unamused tone of my voice from being left out of the loop.

?I will answer any questions you might have, Sir Kazami.? Unsurprisingly, it was Princess Henrietta that answered instead of Louise. She probably noticed the tone of my voice and thought that Louise wouldn't be the best one to explain everything to me.

?Yuka is fine. Now, what is this mission you speak of?? I asked, the edge of my voice not diminishing even when I addressed the princess.

?Yuka! Don't speak to the prin-? Louise's chastisement was cut off when I narrowed my eyes at her and sent a silent message to her 'don't interrupt', I think she got the message. My master gulped again before setting her gaze firmly on the hardwood floor.

? is for the retrieval of a certain item from a certain location in a certain country.? The princess answered neutrally like I wasn't privy to such information. I was slowly starting to dislike this young woman.

?Can you be more specific on all details.? I stated and not asked because I just did not have the patience for such things since we just came back from solving an incident. The princess winced and looked away from me. It seemed that the information I was requesting was particularly sensitive if she was hesitating this much. Too bad, I didn't care. She glanced back to me and noticed my unflinching gaze and sighed.

?Let me...explain from the beginning.? She finally said, if a bit uncomfortably.

?Please do.? I said, prompting her to continue.

?You see, it has been arranged for me to wed the King of Germania as a way to establish long-term alliance between our nations.? An arranged marriage between a princess and a king of two different nations to cement relations between them, how clich?. I wouldn't be surprised if Henrietta's groom-to-be turned out to be twice her age.

?However, there is something that threatens this union...something that was my fault.? The princess' voice suddenly went melancholic.

?And I assume that this has something to do with that certain item you wanted my master to retrieve for you.? I postulated and the princess nodded. I then sensed Matilda tense up beside me. I spared her a glance and I noted that she was looking at the princess with a none too pleased expression. She seemed to have caught on to just how serious this is and how potentially dangerous it could be for her student.

?You assume correctly. Currently, there is political upheaval in the floating country of Albion. There was a sudden coup instigated by one known as Cromwell and was able to overthrow the current regime.? The princess stated ruefully. Cromwell...I glanced at Matilda who looked like she was trying very hard not to think about the man lest she wanted to break down once again because of that spell they put on her.

?The man was able to usurp the throne and is currently hunting down the remaining members of the Albion Royal Family. The item I am asking you to retrieve is a letter which is addressed and currently in possession of the Prince of Albion, Prince Wales. Due to the nature of the content of this letter, if the usurper managed to find it and give it to the King of Germania then the marriage will definitely be canceled.? Henrietta explained. So the target is in Albion and is in the hands of a prince that was displaced by the very man that both stole a ring from an Embodiment of Nature and blackmailed Matilda into stealing a very dangerous weapon made by the Kappa on top of altering her mind so she wouldn't be able to name who put her up to the job. I hummed thoughtfully as I tried to wonder what that letter might contain that would be enough for the King of Germania to call of his wedding with the princess.

?It's a love letter isn't it?? Derf asked out of nowhere. The princess turned to the sword and paled before blushing brightly and looking away.

?Another problem caused by love...just what we needed.? I whispered to myself, though I noticed that Matilda snorted softly after I said it, she must have agreed.

?To put it simply...? I started, getting everyone's attention.

?You were having a love affair with this Prince Wales, a secret one I would assume. During the course of this, the two of you regularly exchanged correspondents with each other to stay in contact due to the distance between your two countries. At some point, you found yourself engaged with the King of Germania 'for the good of Tristain' and any evidence of your affair with the crown prince of another country would jeopardize that. You could have easily asked for the letter back or have him destroy it but with his country ripping itself apart and his family kicked off the throne...I'd imagine that it would be harder than you initially expected.? I broke down what I believed happened to her and why this whole thing got started. She started to look very uncomfortable after I finished so I assumed that my deduction was accurate.

?And now, you run to your ever faithful childhood friend. Someone you know that can keep this a secret. Someone you know will willingly do this for your sake. Someone who you know that can clean up your mess.? I stated in a cold voice, making Henrietta wince. Louise noticed the way I was talking down her friend and sovereign and immediately stood up, putting herself between me and her beloved princess. It did not stop me from saying what I have to say.

?You would send your childhood friend, Louise, to a country that you know is currently plagued with civil unrest. A country that is currently reeling from a civil war and probably has mercenaries and outlaws everywhere. A country that is currently run by one of the worst waste of biological matter I have encountered in a very long time. You would send my master into the abyss knowing that she will be happy to do so if she could render service for you. You would send my master into the jaws of the beast itself so she could fix your mistake. I have not known you long Princess Henrietta de Tristain, but if this is how you treat your closest friend then it would be very interesting to see what you would be willing to do to your enemies.? I finished what I had to say and the whole room remained silent for several moments, the chill from the open window highlighting the cold in my voice. That seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back as Louise stomped her way in front of me and, with a roar of an angry beast, slapped me with all her might.

"Don't you dare talk that way about the Princess!" Louise yelled at me as she held the hand she used to slap me with her other hand. It did not hurt me at all but Louise already knew that. She did it because she didn't want anyone disrespecting her precious princess, even me.

"So you are willing to go through with this even though you know that there are others who can possibly accomplish this in your stead? Is this how far you are willing to go for her?" I asked my master while looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Yuka..." Matilda tried to prevent this from going any further but I raised my hand and gestured for her to stop.

"This is between me and Louise." I declared to the woman, my voice neutral and void of emotion. Louise did not flinch nor back away from my gaze, she simply returned it and I could clearly see the intense willpower she has within her tiny frame. If I wasn't so upset, I would have felt a bit proud of her.

"Well? Is this the extent of what you are willing to go through for Princess Henrietta?" I once again asked Louise and I raised a brow when I saw my master give me a sardonic smile.

"You have no idea what I'm willing to do for her." She seriously stated while looking at me right in the eye.

"So you are willing to kill for your princess? You will end up going to a place where there is a very large chance that you will need to defend yourself and end up having to take another human's life. The prince might be guarded but the ones who are after him should be armed as well, both with steel and with magic, and would be very willing to eliminate all in their way to finish the job. Are you willing to risk your life for her? To fight for her? To kill for her? To get hurt for her? To die for her?" I asked her about the very real possibilities of what might happen if she really did go to that country and try to get to a prince that is being hunted down like an animal. Again, Louise's gaze did not falter. Her smile was gone but the intensity in her eyes remained.

"Yes. If I have to, then yes." She said without her usual fear and uncertainty, it was like I was speaking to a very different person. I sighed and turned to Henrietta.

"I hope you realize how lucky you are to have Louise as your friend." I said to her with a hint of annoyance in my voice. I glanced back down to my master and saw that she was still glaring at me. I shook my head and gave her a dismissive wave.

"You can stop glaring at me, Louise. I had anticipated that something like this would eventually happen, albeit not so soon after our previous little adventure." I admitted before picking up Derf in the corner of the room and walking to the nearby table and taking a seat. I gestured Matilda to take the other chair and she reluctantly did. Louise looked undertain for a moment but she went back and sat on the bed next to Henrietta who immediately embraced her again and started apologizing for what she was asking her to do. I gave them a few minutes to calm down before we continued our discussion. In the meantime, I pulled Derf out of its scabbard and inspected the blacksmith's work.

"How do you like it? Pretty sexy, eh?" The blade said, very proud of its own form. The sword was single edged and didn't seem like it was six-thousand years old, it looked like a newly forged blade, a testament to the skill of Sasha as a blacksmith I suppose. I even noticed a permanent enchantment on it but I couldn't say what it specifically was at the moment, strange. I blinked as suddenly felt the runes branded on my left hand start to react. It felt if the runes on my left hand were telling me everything I needed to know on how to wield the blade in my hands as effectively as any professional swordsman. Nothing that would allow me to go on par with Tenshi Hinanai or Motoko Konpaku as swordsmanship is concerned, but it would probably be enough to easily outmatch a regular swordsman or go one-on-one with Rumia. At the same time, I felt a surge of power suddenly build up in my body, like I was being given an enchantment to enhance my physical capabilities. It was nothing significant though, just another drop in the bucket I suppose. But it was enough to make me curious. I partially returned the blade into its scabbard and let go of the handle. I soon as I did, the sensations from the runes disappeared. There was only one kind of familiar that I knew that had that kind of reaction when wielding weapons...and that would confirm that Louise is a magician of the Void. I wondered why the runes never reacted to Derf before or my parasol for that matter, something to talk about with Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond tomorrow. If I was right and I am a Gandalfr, then irony has a very funny way of toying with me.

"What's wrong? Speechless at the sheer sexiness of Derflinger, the sword of 'The Left Hand of God'?" The sword asked me haughtily. I let it slide since it was probably many decades or even centuries since the last time it looked this nice.

"The Left Hand of God? What does your sword mean?" Henrietta said in curiosity and surprise, overhearing Derf's words.

"Exactly what it said. Derflinger was apparently the very sword that was forged and wielded by the first Gandalfr, Sasha." I relayed the words stated by Derf when he pointed it out a few days ago.

"I...see..." The princess seemed to be torn between dismissing such a claim or believing what the talking magical sword was saying.

"Derf's origin and former wielder aside, I assume that you have some kind of plan on getting Louise into Albion without getting her caught, yes?" Asked the princess while placing Derf on the table. I felt my body jerk for a bit when Matilda roughly pulled on my vest.

"Yuka! You're not going to let Louise go through with this are you?" The woman asked me in shock.

"You saw Louise's eyes when she declared her intention of accomplishing this little favor for her princess, didn't you? You could threaten to gouge her eyes out and she would still wouldn't back down. As such, the best I can do is to make sure that she gets through this safely and eliminate all who would threaten her safetly." I declared before leaning in closer to Matilda and whispering...

"And besides, this Cromwell was the man who stole the Water Spirit's ring and somehow involved in what happened to you. As it stands, a lot can be accomplished by going to Albion." I reasoned with her. She looked conflicted for a few moments before finally nodding.

"I'm sorry for making Louise do this but-" The princess started but I held up my right hand to intentionally interrupt her.

"Save your excuses, it will just remind me of how annoyed I am of you. Now, your plan on getting Louise into Albion safely." I stated in a neutral tone, making Louise scowl at me while making Henrietta look at me sadly.

"Yes...since this will be a secret mission, the fewer people involved, the better. That is why I was intending on asking Louise to go along with an escort from the Griffin Knights. However, your presence at Louise's side would also be reassuring for me." Henrietta started to explain. I forced back a scowl at her choice of words, if she was so worried about this then she should be coming with us.

"You will meet up with the griffin knight in front of the academy and proceed to the port city of La Rochelle. Once there, you will take a ship to Albion and work your way to the meeting point with Prince Wales. The knight that will accompany you will provide further details on how to get to the rendevous point once you are all ready to leave." The princess stated. It was a clear cut plan, so much so that I could see so many things going wrong with it. Matilda and I shared a glance and she seemed to be thinking the same thing. Maybe Derf was right, we really might be on the same wavelength.

"So far so good, but how will Louise be able to prove that she was sent by you to meet Prince Wales and not a spy sent out my the enemy?" Matilda pointed out while folding her arms under her chest. The princess nodded and removed a ring from one of her fingers before showing it to Louise.

"This is called the 'Water Ruby'. It is a ring that is part of a pair and is the only one of its kind. Prince Wales has the other ring and it should be enough to vouch for your identity. Additionally, I have a letter here that will explain what happened and why you are there in the first place." She explained while placing the ring in my master's hands and pulling out an envelope from her dress. I blinked a few times when I saw the ring. I leaned closer to Matilda, our resident expert when it came to treasures and asked...

"If it is called a ruby...then why is the gem blue?" I whispered. Matilda looked like she was recalling something before she finally answered.

"I'm not sure myself. I heard that it was something about the original owners of the set of rings but I can't really recall what it was though. Suffice to say that the naming scheme has a reason behind it and it was not just a mistake." Matilda stated with a shrug. I nodded and let the subject go, it didn't have any real bearing on our current issue anyway.

"I will accomplish this mission you have entrusted upon me, your highness." Louise said with such certainty and determination that the princess started to tear up and embraced my master again.

"Thank you my friend...thank you..." She said between breaths. After a while, the princess left through the window and dropped on a waiting griffin. I guess that was how she was able to jump into the room in the first place. I closed the window after she left and took stock of my surroundings. Derf was still on the table but was silent. Matilda was sitting on the bed with Louise as she inspected the Water Ruby, probably making sure that it was real. Louise was looking at the envelope that Henrietta gave her and was likely reflecting on what just happened. I walked up to the both of them and looked at Louise straight in the eye as I folded my arms and leaned back.

"I hope you realize what you just got yourself into." I stated and Louise nodded confidently.

"Nothing you say or do will change my mind, Yuka." Louise answered.

"I understand. Matilda will stay here while the two of us go to Albion along with that knight that the princess mentioned." I stated as I walked to the chair I was previously sitting on and sat down again.

"What? I'm coming with you too!" Matilda declared, angry that I was leaving her out of the mission.

"I know how much you want to stay with Louise and make sure that she gets through this safely. However, as it stands, the man that we are after for a number of reasons is in charge of the country that the princess just asked Louise to infiltrate. The last thing we need is one of his subordinates identifying who you really are and reporting it back. If that happens then you will endanger yourself, Louise, your sister, and the orphanage." I outlined the reason why it would be a bad idea for Matilda to accompany us. The woman bit her bottom lip and reluctantly nodded. She knew, objectively, that what I was saying was right but her emotions still wanted to her to help us anyway.

"Rest assured that I will keep Louise safe...even if I have to kill every last soldier in Albion to do it." I declared coldly. I noticed Louise shift in her place and turned to her.

"The man who currently rules Albion is the same Cromwell that stole the Ring of Advari and the one who threatened Matilda, right?" Louise spoke up, her determined expression hardened at her own words.

"I am not one-hundred percent certain but. unless there is another man out there named Cromwell, he is the only lead we have at the moment." I replied. Louise and I turned to Matilda after she gave a contemplative hum.

"None of the things Cromwell has done makes any sense-" Matilda's words we cut off as she was once again assaulted with a headache caused by the spell on her mind. She grunted and grit her teeth in an effort to endure the pain and was able to recover from it surprisingly quickly.
"Are you alright?" Louise asked worriedly as she held onto Matilda's shoulders while she struggled with the spell.

"I'm...fine..." The woman replied between breaths.

"You recovered a lot faster than before. What was different?" I inquired. The first time she went through that, she blacked out from the pain. When the Water Spirit said the name 'Cromwell', she was still in great pain but was able to stay conscious. Now...she managed to endure the pain and recover from it in a matter of a few minutes.

"That spell they put on me only activates whenever I think of something relating to the people that did this to me right? So all I have to do to stop it is to think of something else entirely, something strong enough to counteract the spell on my mind." She explained with a wry smile. Something strong enough to override a mental spell that well constructed? I narrowed my eyes when I started to realize what she was talking about.

"What did you think about then?" Louise asked her tutor. Matilda blinked at her for a few moments before looking straight at the wall in front of her.

"My family being home being future...all my hopes and dreams being destroyed right in front of me." Matilda stated, her face hardened and void of emotion.

"I'm...I'm...sorry." Louise whispered, horrified that she asked such a thing. Matilda noticed this and snapped out of her thoughts before wrapping her arms around my master.

"Don't worry Louise, it's not your fault." Matilda cooed as she comforted my master.

"Regardless, I don't want to risk it. There are too many things that can go wrong as it stands. I can easily defend Louise by myself but when things get out of hand, it would be best if she was the only one I have to worry about." I stated. Matilda frowned at me for a few moments before nodding.

"I understand..." She muttered in response. I nodded to her and turned to my master.

"Now then. Since the situation has come to a point of no return, I want you to know that I have made certain arrangements on getting you more help with your training." I went to the next point I wanted to raise before I realized that the princess was here.

"What? More fireballs?" Louise muttered bitterly while giving me a disgusted look. Matilda looked at me and Louise in turn and looked confused.

"What are you two talking about?" She finally asked. I sighed and gave a dismissive wave.

"It's a long-" My catch-all response was cut off by Louise.

"Yuka has a pocket realm in the border of dreams called Mugenkan. He uses it as a second home and as a training field for me, and by training, I mean burn me to a crisp over and over and over and over again." My master gave the very abridged explanation of what the two of us were talking about in a complete monotone voice. It seemed that she was still nursing a grudge from before.

"I...see?" Matilda responded, not completely comprehending what my master just blurted out. I sighed and explained everything about Mugenkan and what I was making Louise go through whenever she trains in there. I even explained that the place was linked to my home realm but was too distant in a practical sense to be able to travel between them unless one uses gaps to do so. Matilda was silent for a few moments before laughing once and shaking her head.

" actually make Louise go through all of that just to make her better at evading projectiles?" She asked me with an 'are you freaking mental' look.

"Yes. Louise isn't actually harmed by it because it is just a dream for her, but her body still retains everything she learns from within Mugenkan. Her ability to dodge the spikes that your golem threw at her and her improved sense of balance and spatial awareness during the time we spent in the Charming Fairy Inn speaks volumes on how much she has improved." I pointed out. Matilda gave an understanding nod to that. My training was getting results and guaranteed that Louise was not actually harmed as she went through it. She then glanced at me and narrowed her eyes.

"And this...Yukari woman...are you sure that she's not your..." She trailed off and I sighed loudly in irritation.

"No, Matilda. Yukari is just someone I knew for a long time. We don't have any sort of relationship that would involve romantic or sexual situations. For the last time, I have never fallen in love before, so stop asking if I have been with someone." I ground out, making Louise and Matilda gulp and nod.

"So, about this help for Louise's training?" Matilda inquired, changing the subject.

"Yes, I requested Yukari to bring along my former student, Cirno, the next time Louise and I head there. I want her to teach Louise some basics on the practical use of full contact magic as well as teach her how to put Louise's newfound spatial awareness to good use." I explained. Louise looked at me in surprise at my admittance of having taught someone before.

"You had a student before?" She voiced her surprise. I remembered that she was unconscious when I told Matilda about Cirno and decided to tell her about her senior.

"Yes. Cirno is a ice fairy that has lived for a few centuries. She used to be a brash and childish whelp but she matured well and is now a very formidable foe. I want her to teach you the things I pointed out because of her situation as an ice fairy." I explained as I leaned back into my chair and checked my pocket watch, noting that it was already getting late.

"What do you mean by that?" Louise asked her follow up question.

"You see, Cirno is considered as the most powerful fairy in Gensokyo, easily the strongest. However, she is still just a fairy. The limitation of her species guarantees that she will never be as powerful as some of the other denizens of my home realm, certainly nowhere near my level. However, she managed to overcome that limitation by using something that she seldomly used before." I answered. I had already anticipated the question that my master was about to ask, but waited for her anyway.

"Which is?" Louise asked me, leaning forward in keen interest as to how her senior managed to become a formidable opponent despite the limitations she had. I smiled at my master and tapped the side of my head with my right index finger.

"She used her brain, Louise. Cirno's key to her success came from the fact that she shifted her fighting style to become an analytical fighter. Because of a certain incident a few hundred years ago, she discovered her gift in split-second analysis and deduction and literally saved all of Gensokyo by herself after everyone else, including me and Yukari, were disabled." I stated, outlining what happened during the incident known in legend as 'The Golden Nocturne' incident.

"Ever since then, I taught her how to maximize the use of her newfound ability and she made it her own. And that is what I want her to teach you." I continued. Louise was just a human, Void magician or no. That means that I will never be able to teach her anything aside from dodging danmaku because she will never be able to learn my fighting style. To be able to get around that, I want Cirno to teach Louise how to maximize the skill that she does have, explosions, so my master can defend herself should she find herself without the protection of me or Matilda.

"I see..." Louise muttered as she finally understood what I was trying to do to improve her.

"Because of what happened here tonight, we may not have enough time for Cirno to give you enough lessons to make you awesome overnight. What she can do is give you the basics and at least allow you to grow from there. Now, that is enough for tonight. The princess will probably contact us in some way once she is ready to set her plan in motion. In the meantime, the two of you better get some sleep." I stated before picking up my parasol and leaving the room. I scowled as soon as I closed the door behind me.

I hated tight schedules...



  • The Wandering Mind
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #56 on: May 18, 2011, 03:52:45 PM »
Thus begins the fun part. 

Telling what a rookie will do in a battle is often quite problematic.

Just hope Louise got a decent bravery score.
This Space For Rent


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #57 on: May 20, 2011, 06:31:51 AM »

I exited Mugenkan the next morning and took in the smell of the flowers. It was already in the middle of summer and the flowers have been replaced appropriately. They were still flowers that would normally be impossible to grow together on Earth geographically, but that didn't stop these flowers from blooming. I liked that. I brought along my parasol to my trip to Mugenkan in case Yukari came in with Cirno and if my former student suddenly accused me for being an impostor since I was a man even though she should know that it would be impossible for anyone else, save for Yukari, to be able to create a fragment of Mugenkan. For all her smarts when it came to situational analysis in combat, Cirno was still an idiot when it came to simple deduction while she was relaxed. However, my precaution didn't seem to be needed as no one showed up, not even Louise. It seemed that the incident that Yukari was helping Touya Hakurei with was taking longer than normal while Louise might have just been too tired to pop up in the field. I sighed and shook my head. There was nothing I could do about that at the moment. However, there was something I've been meaning to do for days now...and it just so happened that a carriage just pulled up at the far end of the academy. I walked up to it and sure enough, out came Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond. I noted that they didn't seem tired at all, they must be used to long trips. Professor Colbert noticed my approach and turned to me with a smile.

"Good morning Mister Yuka." Colbert greeted me with a smile. His greeting prompted the headmaster to turn to me as well.

"Ah, Miss Valliere's familiar. Good morning to you." The old man greeted me, I nodded to both of them and smiled.

"Professor. Headmaster. Good morning. Did you have a nice trip?" I returned their greeting and asked about their trip to the country of Romalia. The old man suddenly started laughing at my words, prompting a raised brow from me.

"You could say that it was rather eventful." The old man vaguely stated.

"Indeed...however, I would like to inquire about a few things. Particularly something that Professor Colbert said, or almost said, during the meeting on how to deal with Fouquet." I steered the subject to the heart of the matter. Both men went silent at my words and looked at each other before looking back at me.

"What ever do you mean?" Colbert asked with an awkward laugh, I sighed and shook my head in response. Was answering a few questions really that difficult? I looked at him straight in the eye and gave my answer.

"Due to various events, both coincidental and intentional, I have reason to believe that I am a familiar of a Void magician, a Gandalfr to be specific. The slip of the tongue that you made before seemed to indicate that you know more about me than you let on. I want to know what you know, both for the sake of my master and for a better understanding on what becoming a familiar of this type entails." I stated seriously and the good professor looked at me like I just grew a second head, which was impossible since I'm sure I haven't used that ability yet.

"It would seem that we should take this conversation to my office." Osmond offered before walking off, to his office I assumed. I used my parasol as a walking stick as I walked after him with a somewhat bewildered Professor Colbert following afterward. The walk to the Headmaster's office was spent in silence. I smiled as I sensed that the good professor was being wary of me as we walked, it seemed that the man still did not trust me completely. He's a smart man. We all entered the the Headmaster's office one by one. I waited in the middle of the room for Osmond to take his seat while Colbert chose to stand at his side.

"Now, I assume that you have a few things that you wish to clear up." Osmond started as he lit his rather long pipe and taking a few puffs.

"Indeed, I wish to start with what the good professor hinted during the meeting on how to capture Fouquet." I said while looking straight at Colbert before folding my arms and leaning back. The balding man winced when I said those words and sighed.

"When you were first summoned by Miss Valliere, you showed us the runes on your hand, yes?" Colbert started and I nodded at his words as I recalled what I did when I first came to this world.

"I only saw them for a moment but I am rather good at recalling certain details of things that catch my eye. Your runes are one such thing that caught my eye." He continued while eyeing my left hand.

"And you determined that the runes represented the familiar runes of a Gandalfr?" I asked as I relaxed my stance and set my hands to my sides.

"No, I did not even know that you were a Gandalfr until you said so a while ago." The balding man said sheepishly. I raised a brow at his words and waited for him to continue.

"You see, each of the set of runes on a familiar are as unique as the mages that make them. The runes could mean a word or a phrase or something about the mage or familiar, they could mean a many number of things. However, the common thing about this is that you can clearly understand what they mean. Your runes are different in the sense that I had no idea what they meant." The man continued his explanation. I heard Osmond hum thoughtfully at the words of his staff member before releasing another puff of smoke.

"If that was the case, then why did you refer to me as a legendary something-or-other before?" I asked Colbert while rubbing my chin with my right hand.

"That was actually partly based of what I managed to catch from the runes on your hand and some guesswork based on some legends from the time of The Founder. You see, there was a part of the runes in your hand that translates to the words 'of God'. After I noticed that, I immediately started researching about it to see what that could possibly means. Obviously a familiar that is partly branded as something used by God would raise a few eyebrows. What I eventually found was that there were four familiars that had that particular designation, Brimir's familiars." Colbert explained, his eyes starting to take on a glint similar to what Keine sometimes had whenever she lectured something about the grand history of Gensokyo.

"I went through the list and tried to determine which of them you could possibly be. By the time when I blurted that out, I thought that you were 'The Heart of God'." He stated while shaking his head.

"What caused you to end up with that conclusion?" In inquired, interested to see the reasoning behind his findings when he had so little information to go on. The man's expression lit up because of my interest of learning more and nodded to himself before answering.

"I did it through a method of elimination based on what each of the familiars are supposedly capable of. I started with 'The Left Hand of God', who was famed for being able to wield any weapon with the prowess of of an expert instantly. However, after your duel with Sir Gramont and the reports on how you handled Fouquet's golem during the evaluation fair, I originally determined that you were not that familiar because you never used any weapons." Colbert reasoned. It was true, I never really held a weapon during my stay here in this realm aside from Derf, and I had finally reacted to the sword after it was cleaned up. I decided to bring up that strange point after Colbert was done with his explanations.

"After that, I thought that you were 'The Right Hand of God' but I quickly dismissed that claim." He said with a sigh.

"Why is that, professor?" I inquired and the man just gave me a wry smile.

"Because the special ability of 'The Right Hand of God' is the power to communicate and control magical beasts. I dismissed that claim because the other familiars are terrified of you and you have never shown the ability to commune nor command magical beasts." He explained. That made sense I suppose. I have never had the instance where I could understand what the other familiars were saying. I suppose could command them...but that would only because of their fear of me and not because I had the ability to command them.

"The next one would be 'The Mind of God' which should allow you to be able to use any magical artifact that you got your hands on. However, this theory ended as inconclusive because I couldn't just give you a magical artifact and ask if you could somehow use it would have been too dangerous to ask of you." He stated. I nodded in understanding at his reluctance since it would have likely ended up putting the lives of his students at risk if he gave me an artifact and I somehow used it wrong. Though he didn't point out the possibility that I could have figured out how the artifact worked by myself...I seem to be underestimated here.

"And that only leaves the last familiar, 'The Heart of God'. The reason why I thought you were that familiar was because...there wasn't anyone else." Colbert admitted with an awkward laugh while rubbing the back of his head. He stopped when Osmond cleared his throat and gave him a sideward glance. The balding man laughed one more time before continuing.

"'The Heart of God' is potentially the most powerful familiar that The Founder ever had. The reason why is because it was made to be a container of magical energy...a lot of magical energy, so much so that the legends state that Brimir used it to destroy an entire civilization." Colbert explained, making me raise a brow.

"So Brimir used it to fuel his spells? A well-spring of magical energy?" I asked, the utility of a magical battery would be immense and it would make sense if Brimir could tap into it and send out enough spells to eventually flatten an entire civilization.

"No. According to the legends, The Founder used 'The Heart of God' to release all of its magical energy at one and completely destroy everything that was caught in the explosion." Colbert said somberly, I raised my other brow at his words. Brimir used one of his a mana bomb? I was surprised by this because of how this realm shows the importance in the bonds between magicians and their familiars. For Brimir to actually use one of his precious familiars as a weapon of mass destruction...I didn't know what to think of the man now.

"I...see..." I said absentmindedly, still uncertain about what to think about The Founder and how he utilized his familiar. I shook the thought aside and focused on the matter at hand.

"Thank you for your explanations, professor. It was very educational for one who is not from here." I stated politely, Colbert beamed when I said that. Something I learned from dealing with teaching types, thanking them for the knowledge they dispense does wonders for their egos and their impression of you.

?However, I would like to know more about certain aspects of a Gandalfr now that I have determined that I am one.? I added, moving on to the other topic I wanted to confer with them.

?And you are certain that you are 'The Left Hand of God'?? Colbert asked me expectantly, I nodded in response.

?I held a sword that was fresh off of some major maintenance and I felt a surge of power coming from the runes. I suddenly knew how to wield the blade with the skill of an expert and it even added a passive enhancement on my physical capabilities. The effect disappeared as soon as I let go of the blade but it proves what I am and sheds light as to why the Gandalfr was famed to be a master of all weapons.? I explained. The two men shared a glance before turning back to me.

?Then Miss Valliere is a void mage. This is most unexpected...? Headmaster Osmond stated as fact before stroking his beard and humming thoughtfully. Professor Colbert eyed me warily for a moment before relaxing.

?This sword that you spoke of...was it the talking one that you brought in from the capital?? He asked, shifting the topic back.

?So you've heard of it. Yes, the sword is known as Derflinger and was forged and wielded by the very first Gandalfr, Brimir's wife, Sasha. And yes, I realize the irony of me, a Gandalfr, possessing the very sword that was once used by my predecessor. I sometimes think that my stay here was caused and maintained by some sort of higher planar being that can control all aspects of this world to its whim and making a story out of this...or I may simply be over thinking this.? I mused. I noticed that both men were looking at me like I was made of solid gold. When they did not respond, I decided to continue.

?More to the point, before Derf was restored to fighting form, I have never had that reaction when I held it. Moreover, I have never felt that surge whenever I wielded my trusty parasol, my weapon of choice for so very long.? I pointed out, snapping the professor from his previous thoughts and contemplating what I had just said.

?Hmm...from what I understand from the legend, 'The Left Hand of God' is able to wield any kind of weapon that it can hold. The probable reason why your runes did not react to your umbrella-?

?Parasol.? I interrupted the man with my correction. He nodded once before continuing, seemingly not bothered by my sudden interruption.

?It was because it was not made as a weapon, certainly not one that the runes would comprehend as a weapon, even as effective as it is in your hands.? Colbert postulated. That makes sense, my parasol was not a weapon per say, it was simply durable enough to outclass actual weapons.

?I see. But what of Derf? It is clearly a sword forged as a weapon but I did not react to it before.? I pointed out. This was what was bothering me and it seemed that Colbert didn't have the answer either.

?If I may...? The Headmaster said before opening up a drawer in his desk and taking out two knives, one was a well maintained blade while the other was rusted over and looked like it was starting to break down. I briefly wondered why the old man had those two items but shook off the thought as I understood what he was trying to make me do, an experiment. I picked up the rusted knife and raised a brow when I didn't feel a thing. I put the knife down and picked up the other one and...

?Interesting...? I muttered as I felt the same sensation as before. The knowledge to use the knife in ways I never really thought of flooded into me while the enhancement spell did its work on my body. I smiled as I glanced at my left hand and showed the glowing runes to the two men. Colbert gasped in surprise while Osmond simply gave a sagely nod.

?It would appear that we have found the reason.? The old man said before letting out another puff of smoke.

?What do you mean Headmaster?? Colbert asked, rather confused at the whole thing. I was also interested on how the old man figured it out so I remained silent and waited for him to speak.

?The reason why you did not react to your sword before was not because it was not made to be a weapon. It was because it could not function as a weapon in the state that it was in.? The old man said and my eyes went wide. Of course! Derf was so rusted over before that even I didn't think that it could function as a weapon. I was starting to get impressed at how well these runes were made. They can provide information on how a weapon should be wielded in the most efficient way possible and can even discriminate between objects that are meant to be weapons and those that aren't or those not fit to be weapons. The physical enhancements might have been an afterthought but they can also be useful if the Gandalfr in question had little to no battle skill or experience prior to becoming a familiar of the void.

"And therein lies the 'why'..." I muttered while setting the knife back on the table.

"I thank you both for clarifying these things for me even after you just came back from a trip to another country." I stated while giving them both a curt bow.

"Not at all! Finding out that one of my students is a void mage and her familiar is the legendary 'Left hand of God' more than makes up for it!" Colbert stated enthusiastically, reminding me of one last thing I wanted them to do in case I confirmed the things I did. I looked at them both seriously and noticed that Osmond was giving me a wily smile.

"You don't want this information to leave this room, yes?" The old man asked even though he already knew the answer, a wise man befitting the power he hides underneath his age.

"What? Why not? This could very well be the most important discovery for Tristain in the last century!" Colbert, ever the scholar despite the aura of power he desperately tries to suppress, did not seem to realize why I wanted this information under wraps.

"Professor, do you realize how much danger my master would be in once it becomes public knowledge that she is a void magician?" I asked the balding man, hoping that he would come out of his brain long enough to realize the meaning behind my words. Thankfully, his wide eyes and serious expression indicated that he did.

"I...understand. Such a shame that we can't share this discovery with the world. The legacy of The Founder right in our midsts and she must be kept secret for her own safety." Colbert stated ruefully.

"In any case, I thank you both again for all this information. Now if you'll excuse me, my master might be wondering where I am." I said goodbye and left the two men in the Headmaster's office.


I started to walk back to Louise's room and ran through the information I had so far.

My master is a void magician, the wielder of an element of magic that was thought to be lost to the ages, while I am a master of weapons, 'The Left Hand of God'. I already know how to activate and utilize the effects of the runes though I couldn't think of a situation where I would need a weapon in the first place, making my newfound 'power' seem moot unless I have the sudden curiosity on how to wield a certain weapon with expert skill. But what if I could use the knowledge I attain from the runes on how to expertly wield conventional weapons and apply it whenever I use my parasol? I smiled viciously at the thought.

A possibility worth exploring later.

If anything, the confirmation of my being a Gandalfr only served to prove my original theory that Louise was a void magician. Helpful as a starting point on refining her magic to something other than explosions but we still had no idea what void spells actually were and how to properly cast them. Something to have Matilda look into while Louise and I were away on our little mission for the princess. I suppressed a grimace when I recalled what happened last night. I know that I was one who would point out a mistake or wrongdoing that another has made if only so they could correct it so they can stop bothering me about it.

Last night was different.

I antagonized the princess and pointed out everything I could think of as to why it was stupid to ask Louise to go on this mission. I knew that the most likely cause as to why Henrietta asked Louise was because my master was the only person she probably trusted enough to do this. I knew that logically but I lashed out at her all the same simply because her actions could put Louise in the face of danger. That was not like me. If I was what I had been when I was first called here, I would have just shrugged and went with Louise on the mission, killing everything that got in our way. I certainly wouldn't have given reasons as to why she shouldn't go. Something has changed...and I wasn't sure what it was. I took deep breath and continued on my way to my master's room, I'll figure this out eventually. In the meantime, I have to explain a few things to my master.


"Louise? Louise, are you listening?" I called out to my master after I noticed that she adopted a vacant expression. I had just finished relaying the information that I had uncovered after speaking with Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond. Somehow, around the time when I demonstrated the effects of the runes, Louise stopped speaking and her gaze seemed cold and distant. I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes in an effort to call her back to us like I did with Siesta, it wasn't working so far. We were sitting at our usual spot in the academy courtyard after I asked a servant to prepare tea and snacks for us there. It seemed that Siesta was busy with her other duties so I had to ask someone else to do it for us. I must say, I quickly started to miss Siesta's tea since the brew prepared by the other servant, whose name I never bothered to learn, was subpar at best.

"I think you broke her..." Matilda commented from my master's side. It was only me, Matilda, and Louise at the table since everyone else had something better to do. Kirche and Tabitha were still in Gallia while Monmon went back home for the rest of the summer break. Guiche seemed to still be in the academy but was actively avoiding us, possibly due to what happened before.

"I hope not. Breaking her mentally with that little revelation would be rather disappointing after she had endured so much during our training. Speaking of, I am expecting a extra guest tonight to help Louise with some things before this mission got started." I pointed out. Matilda eyed me for a moment before looking back at Louise.

"This guest, it is your former student? Will she help Louise with her spellwork as a void mage?" She asked as she waved her right hand in front of Louise's face to try to get a reaction from the seemingly catatonic girl.

"Yes, I had arranged for Cirno to show up the next time that Louise and I appear in Mugenkan. No, she will not be teaching Louise spellwork. I want her to teach Louise something more...fundamental. Besides, even though we have confirmed that my master is a void magician, we still don't know what void magic actually does nor do we know any spells that use that particular element." I explained and Matilda turned back to me with a rather displeased expression.

"And I assume that you want me to look into void element spells while you and Louise are away, right?" She flatly said while folding her arms and leaning back. I narrowed my eyes at her and took a small sip of my tea before responding.

"I can't believe that you even picked that up...Derf is surprisingly good at reading others." I commented as I put down my cup.

"What are you talking about?" Matilda asked with a raised brow while maintaining her stance. I hummed thoughtfully and imitated Headmaster Osmond by stroking an imaginary beard before responding.

"This..." I stated before folding my arms and leaning back, making the woman blink before looking down at her own stance.

"...and the fact that you managed to piece together what I wanted you to do while Louise and I were away even though I never actually stated it and only gave small circumstantial clues. We may very well be on the same wavelength...which would be a bit frightening if you think about it hard enough." I stated before picking up my teacup again and taking another small sip of the tea, making the most of what I have. I glanced back at Matilda and saw that she was once again beet red and was looking away from me while having a sour look.

"So, will you do it?" I asked since I really wanted to know if that would be taken care of with confidence. Other than Colbert, Matilda was the only person I know that would be able to dig up that kind of information and I really didn't want to rely on the professor because of his...enthusiasm in the subject. I needed this done quietly, and who better to do it than the infamous thief that managed to hide under everyone's nose for who knows how long. I heard Matilda grumble something I couldn't quite hear before she suddenly turned to me with a glare. Thanks to her clothes and haircut, she really does look like Shikieiki on a preaching rampage.

"Fine, I'll do it. Just make sure you keep Louise safe while you're in Albion." She stated in an ordering tone while poking at my chest with her finger.

"Matilda, you underestimate me. No force on this world can harm Louise as long as she is with me." I stated confidently with a warm smile, confidence that was backed with over a millennia of combat experience and power.

"THE VOID IS A LIE!" Louise suddenly screamed out of the top of her lungs before drawing ragged breaths. I was wondering if there were still any lingering traces of the Love Potion still in her system when I noticed that she had her eyes narrowed at me.

?You're a Gandalfr, right?? She asked me warily, I silently nodded in response.

?And since you're my familiar, that means that I'm a...a...a...void mage? Louise said in a distant and disbelieving voice, clearly doubting if this was even happening at all. The distant look in her eyes suddenly refocused and polished out until it was starting to gleam.

?I have to tell the princess!? Louise declared with a bright smile as she stood from her seat. I didn't want to be the one to wipe that smile off her face but...

?You will do no such thing.? I coldly stated while reaching over to her and yanking her back down to her seat.

?Yuka!? Matilda yelled at me after seeing what I just did while Louise was staring at me in surprise.

?W-w-why?? My master muttered as I noticed tears starting to form in her eyes, that was before I saw a fire being lit within them.

?WHY?!? She screamed at me as she stood back up roughly, rattling the table and the porcelain on it.

?I'm a void mage! A VOID MAGE! I finally have proof that I'm not a failure and you don't want me to tell anyone?! You don't want me to even tell the oldest friend I have ever had?!? Louise was indignant in her words as she yelled at me and splashed the tea in her cup at my face. I took the hit and calmly wiped the liquid with my handkerchief as Matilda tried her best to calm Louise down. I could understand that, I guess. She had nothing but failures all her life in the craft that she had dedicated her whole being in order to learn and finally, she was able to discover what she was really capable of. After all those years of failure, it was only natural for her to want to share her joy with others. Unfortunately, this was something that cannot be revealed just yet.

?Louise...? I started as I discarded the moist handkerchief on the table. My master's magical power once again started to spike but it seemed unstable, increasing and decreasing at random intervals. It seemed that her emotional state really does dictate the amount of power she had access to at any given time.

?I have already spoken about this with both Professor Colbert and Headmaster Osmond and they both agree that keeping this a secret is the best course of action. This is for your own safety, Louise.? I clearly stated, my voice neutral as to not betray the disgusting feeling that was starting to well up inside me as being directly responsible for my master's sadness.

There it was again...

This was something I normally do not feel after making someone feel bad. Something is causing me to become much more critical about my master's physical and emotional well being. Was it the runes again? Or was is something else that I haven't taken into account yet?

?You fear that someone might come after her if her status as a void mage is revealed?? Matilda ventured a guess that snapped me from my thoughts and once again hit the proverbial bullseye.

?No, I am certain that someone will come after Louise if her status as a void mage is revealed.? I stated seriously while looking at Louise straight in the eye. She flinched back as if struck by my words and I noticed that her magical energy started to calm down and subside.

?Explain.? Louise said, still visibly upset at me but curious as to why I was being so cautious about this.

?During all of your research about the power of the void element before, have you ever encountered any instance or mention, even in passing, about other void mages aside from The Founder?? I asked while folding my arms and leaning back, ignoring the trace scent of Darjeeling Tea on my clothes.

?No, I haven't.? Louise replied as she sat back on her chair and started to calm down.

?Every mention of a void magician or the four legendary familiars have always revolved around the time of Brimir. No mention of any void mages or their familiars are made after The Founder died and his name ascended into legend.? Louise added while looking down at the table, recalling what she had read in the academy library.

?Exactly. There is a reason for that. Either every void magician and the familiar were very good at hiding or someone got to them and...well, use your imagination.? I explained with a shrug of my shoulders.

?There is also the possibility that I could be the only void mage since The Founder.? Louise pointed out and I nodded.

?Unlikely, but possible. However, if that is the case, then you are in greater danger than before. If you are the only void magician since Brimir, then a lot of people will want your power, your own country included. It might even prompt other countries, such as Albion, to initiate hostilities with Tristain simply because they would want to get their hands on you or kill you because of the kind of threat you could be to them.? I reasoned and saw Louise's face turn to anguish more and more with each valid point I made. The a heavy silence settled on the table afterward, the sudden revelation and the subsequent problem because of said revelation was a bit hard to swallow for my two companions.

?Even so...I really cannot tell anyone?? Louise asked me in an almost pleading voice.

?Not yet. As it stands, it is simply too dangerous for you to do so. Too many things can go wrong and too many bad things can happen because of it. To top it all off, you don't even know how to cast void element don't even know any void element spells.? I pointed out and Louise predictably let out a familiar 'urk' at the realization that, even though she is a void magician, she doesn't even know how to utilize her power.

?And that is precisely the reason why I want Cirno to take over your lessons for now.? I added, making Louise blink at the mention of her senior.

?Cirno-nee will be teaching me? What? I don't know how to perform ice magic!? Louise calling my former student Cirno-nee was both nostalgic and strange since he has yet to meet the ice fairy, though logically it made sense to a degree.

?She will not be teaching you magic directly. Instead, she will teach you how to utilize what skill you have to their maximum potential...well, that will be the intent.? I explained with a shrug. Both women looked at me with furrowed brows in confusion as to what I was talking about.

?Skills? What skills could Louise possibly have to refine which would require another personal tutor?? Matilda asked with an edge in her voice, probably offended that someone else will be teaching her student even though we set her up specifically to be Louise's tutor.

?I meant no disrespect, Matilda. However, this is something that must be taught by Cirno. What she will be teaching Louise are the refinement and mastery her newfound skills in balance, spatial awareness, reflexes, and speed. She will also be teaching Louise on how to best use her oldest known power...? I pointed out, giving them a smile and pausing for a beat before finishing.

?...explosions.? I finished.

?...what?? Louise flatly stated and seemingly insulted that the very product of her past failures would be something that her senior will be helping her develop.

?Admit it Louise, your explosions have been the most consistent spell in your arsenal thus far. We already know that your explosions have the raw power to destroy magically reinforced objects while inexplicably remaining non-lethal to biological targets. Something that useful can't simply be discarded because you don't like it. The issue you have with it is accuracy and control. Your accuracy is improving now that you are actively trying to make explosions but your control still hasn't been addressed yet.? I explained. Matilda nodded in begrudging understanding of my intentions and seemed to finally agree with it. Louise on the other hand was still being as stubborn as she sometimes was.

?They're explosions, what is there to control aside from how big they should be?? Louise asked me defiantly while folding her arms and leaning back. I chose to ignore the fact that both Matilda and Louise seemed to have picked up that little habit of mine. Instead, I chose to address my master's question with something that Yukari once told me about my own power.

?A many number of things, Louise, you just don't realize it yet. Even the most mundane of abilities can become formidable if polished.? I answered and my master eyed me with much apprehension and skepticism.

?Just give it a chance, Louise.? I added and I was met with Louise humming thoughtfully and rubbing her chin with her right hand.

?She won't be freezing me and shattering me into tiny pieces during our 'lessons', will she?? Louise asked me with narrowed eyes while still rubbing her chin.

?No, I only threaten you with the fear of death as a motivator for you to have a foundation on your spatial awareness and reflexes. Once Cirno manages to get you up to the point where you are a competent combatant, then I will move my lessons up to the next level.? I answered with a very warm smile. The effect on Louise on the other hand was less than happy.

?You'll make my training worse?!? She yelped out in fear as the thought of something worse than five piranha plants belching fireballs at her will be waiting for her once our lessons resume.

?Don't worry, Yukari has pointed out a minor flaw in my teaching methods and I intend to fix them by the time I will resume teaching you. Besides, you make it sound like you actually have a choice in the matter.? I stated with a smile before pouring myself another cup of tea as I saw Louise smack her head on the table before uttering 'Merde'.


Louise received a letter from the princess later that day stating that her little mission will commence tomorrow. Upon learning about this, I excused myself from Louise's room with Derflinger and went to one of the academy clearings. I wanted to talk with the sword alone and get a few more answers before we began this little outing.

?So...? I stated as I pulled Derf out completely from its scabbard, the effect of the runes once again flowing through my body.

?So...? The sword replied before I took a couple of practice swings with it, applying the knowledge imparted to me by the runes in my hand.

?Whoa! You got some power behind those swings!? The sword commented as I inspected the blade. The edge was gleaming under the afternoon sun and it really looked like it was brand new. I had asked Siesta when I ran into her earlier if the blacksmith had any problems in cleaning up Derf. The maid thought about it for a moment before stating that the man commented that all the rust that accumulated on the sword was only surface dirt and nothing more. There was no breakdown that occurred on Derf's body at all. That little fact made me more interested in the sword. A magical blade that never rusted over nor breaking down even when exposed to nature. There was also that permanent enchantment that I sense from it. I still couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be though.

?Hey, Derf...? I called out to the sword as I continued to inspect its blade.

?What's up?? The sword replied.

?You have a permanent enchantment on you that I can't seem to recognize. It's not the preservation spell applied to you that prevents you from breaking down due to rusting over. Do you know what it's supposed to be?? I asked Derf as I flicked the blade to my left hand and tested if the runes allow me to wield the blade proficiently with either hand.

?I don't rightly remember right now, sorry. Only thing I could think of is that it has something to do with my name.? I raised a brow at its answer, the clue behind the mystery enchantment is the sword's name?

?Derflinger...well, it is a rather unusual name I admit. Do you remember what your name means?? I asked while thinking of ways to apply my newfound knowledge in swordsmanship once I wield my parasol again.

?I think that it's elven for something...hang on a sec and let me think...? The sword said while giving a thoughtful hum. I decided to plant the sword on the ground and let it think in peace. I glanced around the area and noticed that Guiche was approaching me. He was approaching me and he looked like he has something to say. I walked up to him and met the young man half-way before folding my arms and leaning back, waiting for what he has to say. The young man looked at me in the eye, set his jaw, clenched his hands into fists, and...

?I want to come with you!? The young man declared. It was void of his usual flamboyance and fanfare and was a legitimately serious declaration. I raised a brow as I wondered what he was talking about. I narrowed my eyes at him when I realized what he was talking about.

?How much did you hear?? I asked the young man in a grave voice. The seriousness I displayed made him gulp and take a step back but I recovered quickly from the initial shock.

?Only the part about you and Louise going to infiltrate Albion as a mission for the princess. I overheard it from the other side of the door.? He admitted while trying very hard to suppress his fear of me.

?Why were you there?? I asked him, more in curiosity than anything. Henrietta's entrance was via the sixth-floor window in the middle of the night so no one should have been able to notice her unless they were specifically watching out for her or were lucky enough to look up at the right moment. So, what was Guiche doing in front of Louise's room in the middle of the night?

?I was meaning to speak with you about what you said about me and my Monmon.? He answered. Ah, that will do it.

?And you overheard the three of us speaking about the mission to Albion.? I concluded, earning a nod from the young man.

?What is it you wanted to talk to me about?? I asked him, my stance relaxing. He looked at me for a moment as if he wasn't really sure how to respond.

?Umm...what do you mean by that?? He asked, still unsure on how he should have reacted to that.

?The reason why you stumbled into that little conversation was because you wanted to talk to me about you and Monmon, yes? I want to get that out of the way first, we'll talk about the other thing later.? I explained and the young man dumbly nodded before clearing his throat.

?I have...reflected upon what you told I treated my I really treated my Monmon. Frankly, Mister Yuka, I found that I quickly became disgusted with myself.? The young man said bitterly with a grimace while looking down on the ground. I remained silent and allowed him to finish.

?What I did to should be unforgivable but she...she...she...? He trailed off while clenching his eyes shut and gritting his teeth, unable to finish his own words.

?She continued to love and cherish you regardless and did all that she could to have your sole attention.? I finished for him and he nodded vigorously in agreement.

?I...I...don't deserve her...? Guiche let out as he started to cry for what he did to his lover.

?That may be so, but she still loves you. Thankfully, you now seem to realize why you are lucky to have such a woman.? I said with a bit of a smile.

?I don't know what to can I possibly make up for what I have done to her?? Guiche asked me as if I was the perfect person to ask advice from when it came to issues of the heart. The irony of that thought was palpable.

?That will be up to you. Telling her that you love her and meaning it would likely be a good start. She would probably play it off as another one of your shallow declarations and ignore it so you will have to endure. It will not be easy Sir Gramont, but then again, that is why it is known as redemption.? I suggested, quoting a line stated by Shikieiki after a certain incident involving Kanako, myself, and Yuyuko.

?I understand...but I still wish to accompany you and Louise!? The young man declared, doing a one-eighty emotionally from despair to determination.

?Why?? I simply asked. This was to be a rather dangerous mission, Guiche should know that. So why did he still want to accompany us to that country?

?Because a man of the Gramont family always pays back our debts!? He proudly declared. The fact that he didn't sound anything that the Guiche I knew aside, what debt was he talking about?

?Debt?? I asked with a raised brow.

?For what you did to make me realize the idiocy I was doing in regards to my Monmon. You made me realize how much of a fool I was and may very well have saved our relationship. I wish to pay you back for it!? He answered immediately without any hint of hesitation or doubt.

?And? What use would we have for you if we did bring you along?? I asked the young man seriously. If I was bringing anyone else along for this trip, then Matilda would be far more useful than Guiche. Unless he had something utterly compelling to provide, then I saw no reason to bring him along. The question struck him like a punch from one of his bronze golems and he was left speechless. When he did not respond, I sighed and turned my back on him.

?Your sentiment is admirable, Guiche de Gramont. However, I cannot allow anything to go wrong in this trip. My master's life could very well come at risk during the course of this mission. I cannot afford to have to look after someone else.? I stated and left the shocked young man and walked back to Derf.

?You sure you don't wanna bring him along?? Derf asked me from its place in the ground. I raised a brow at the apparent sharp hearing of the sword.

?I don't want to bring anyone who doesn't have anything good to contribute. Anyone else would be dead weight. I don't carry dead weight, I make them.? I commented with one of my more sinister smiles, making Derf gulp.

?No matter how many times I see that, I never get used to it.? The sword admitted with what could have been considered as a shudder.

?I should hope not. So, have you remembered anything about your name?? I asked the sword.

?Yep! It was something Sasha once said after I was newly forged. She called me Derflinger: Devourer of Magi.? It answered with enthusiasm, probably from the fact that it remembered something else about itself.

?That's a rather ominous name, don't you think?? I honestly commented. The enchantment I felt from the sword was passive but it did not feel hostile, certainly nothing that would prompt the name 'Devourer of Magi'. Perhaps the enchantment only activates once I let the blood of a magician flow across the sword? A fair chance to test out that possibility would likely present itself on our trip to Albion. I guess that means that Derflinger will be coming along as well.


Louise opened her eyes and found herself once again in the border of dreams. She grumbled about not being able to have a nice dream because of it but she shook that feeling off as she realized that she was supposed to meet her senior tonight. The ice fairy, Cirno. Louise stood up and began walking through the endless field of sunflowers, trying to find that yellow brick road that lead to her familiar's mansion. She reflexively reached for her wand as soon as she heard a very familiar tearing sound from behind her, subsequently cursing the fact that this was a dream for her which meant that she did not have her wand with her. She turned around and saw Yukari appear from the gap in the air like a slithering snake that appeared from a hole in a tree. Louise tried very hard not to remember the way the ancient being of power tried to molest her the last time the two of them crossed paths.

?Why hello there, little Louise!? Yukari greeted her with a wink and blew her a kiss. The young void mage cringed and avoided the trajectory of the kiss like it was one of the kisses blown by Scarron. Before she could complain about the inappropriateness of the border youkai's actions, she suddenly heard another tearing sound from her side. The gap that appeared was much higher in the air, well over the height of a person. Louise realized why when someone dropped down from the gap.

Louise saw a girl who was around as tall as Jessica, though less shapely...especially around the chest area...though this girl still had a better figure than her. Louise suppressed her increasingly hostile thoughts and noticed a few more things about the new girl. She looked around nineteen years of age who had shoulder length blue hair that was tied into a ponytail by a sky blue ribbon. She had an orange scarf that wrapped around her neck and settled on her shoulders. She was wearing a black and blue one piece dress that had a short skirt. The sleeves and the part that covered her shoulders and chest were all black while the part that covered the rest of her torso as well as the skirt was blue. Louise also noticed that the girl was wearing something that looked like black stockings over her legs. No, what she was wearing looked elastic, regardless, it prevented anyone from looking up her skirt and seeing anything significant. The...elastic stockings looked like they reached all the way to her feet but Louise couldn't confirm it due to the fact that the girl was also wearing brown boots that reached to just below her knees. All in all, her clothes accentuated her femininity while giving out a mysterious air about her. What was most striking about her though were the six crystals made of solid ice that were floating just behind her, their tips were almost touching her back and have the semblance of wings.

This was Cirno. The strongest fairy in Gensokyo and former student of her familiar...and she was currently staring right at Louise, studying the young magician as much as she was studying the ice fairy. Louise glanced away in embarrassment from being scrutinized to intently by someone other than her mother or sisters.

?You know...I didn't really believe Yukari when she suddenly told me about what happened to teach after she dropped off the map back home. But seeing you here, I still don't believe it but I'm willing to listen to what you have to say.? Louise wondered what she could possibly say to satisfy Cirno. She couldn't just say that it was an accident and she didn't mean to summon Yuka. She also couldn't just say that she summoned Yuka on purpose either. Louise opened her mouth to say something when Cirno turned around, folded her arms, and leaned back.

?Well? Out with it. What happened to teach?? Cirno asked to the field of sunflowers. Wasn't she talking to her? Or did she just decide that her back was enough for Louise to speak to. The young pinkette didn't like that thought and she felt her anger starting to boil. That was when she noticed that someone was walking toward them from the direction that Cirno is facing. It seemed that the ice fairy really wasn't talking to her and was actually speaking to someone else.


?Is that any way for you to talk to your old mentor?? Yuka asked as he walked into view with his closed parasol hefted on his shoulder.

?Last time I checked, my master was a woman.? Cirno pointed out with a tilted head. Wait...woman?!

?You can blame Yukari fooling around again.? She heard her familiar say with shaking his head. Louise turned to where the border youkai was and saw that she was looking away while whistling.

?Templates like that are forbidden.? Cirno cooly said before stomping her right foot on the ground. Yuka narrowed his eyes and quickly jumped to the side just as a massive icicle burst out of the ground where her familiar was just standing on.

?If you really are teach, then you should be able to handle this.? Cirno said with a smile before flying up in the air and creating several icicles around her. Louise turned to her familiar in panic and saw that he was smiling...he was actually smiling.

~Icicle Fall~Itano Carnival~

The ice fairy's voice echoed with the weight of power before the icicles she made shot out in all directions before heading straight at Yuka. The projectiles were moving so fast that vapor trails were trailing them as they careened toward her familiar. Louise called out her familiar's name in panic but saw that he was still smiling, as if he was enjoying this. She then saw him point his parasol right at the oncoming wave of death. The parasol opened up by itself and Louise felt something coming from it.

It was power.

It wasn't like any magical spell that she had ever experienced. It was raw power being focused on her familiar's parasol. Louise's eyes went wide as the power she sensed just kept gathering and gathering with no end.

?Undefeated in the Eastern Wonderland.? She heard Yuka say as his parasol glowed with awesome power. She heard Cirno laughing in the sky and turned to the ice fairy.

?By the winds of the king.? Cirno replied before Yuka unleashed the gathered power in his parasol.

And so Louise continued to dream of Danmaku and Battle.



  • The Wandering Mind
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2011, 01:09:52 PM »
I never figured Cirno as going to the Carnival
This Space For Rent


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #59 on: May 23, 2011, 02:03:18 AM »
Author's Notes: This isn't an update per say. It is more of an omake I came up with while struggling with the choreography of the Danmaku battle between Yuka and Cirno. It pretty much explains the origin of Master Spark and Yuka's beloved parasol. No, this is not canon in any sense of the word, it is just something I wanted to share but really didn't fit with the next chapter if I added it in the actual update.

So, here it is! Please enjoy.

Master Spark

It was the very first magic spell I had ever created, though it would not be named for a few more centuries. Well, no. Calling it a spell would have been a bit of a stretch back then. I was simply dabbling with power I had no knowledge off when I first came up with it. I did not have the finesse nor the wisdom I have now so, when I discovered the power of magic, I simply gathered as much of it as I could before releasing it and watched what happened. The result was a ray of light that cut through everything like a sword from heaven. It was then that I decided that I liked that spell. I used to simply use my hands to focus the power and release it, gathering as much of it within my grasp and directing the resulting beam of light at my intended target. That did not pan out as well as I had hoped since I was roasting my hands every time I did it that way, rendering me unable to go to hand to hand combat as effectively as I wanted and limiting me to only one shot.

Since then, I tried out various other objects to use as a foci for the Master Spark. Unfortunately, they all ended up as being inadequate in one way or another and bringing me back to square one. That was until I met her. She was a strange one, I'll admit that. A beautiful woman with hair of gold, a human, who wasn't afraid of youkai. A woman that radiated a kind of power that I have never felt before in golden light. She simply walked up to me and asked what was wrong? I had been so frustrated at all my failures that I simply vented everything on her. The woman stood there in silence while twirling her white parasol as she listened, her brown dress laced with gold making her look like a giant doll. After I finished, she started giggling before breaking out into a full cackle. I felt insulted at the woman's reaction and called out rose vines to restrain her, the woman stopped cackling when she found herself caught with my vines. I gave her a vicious smile before setting up a Master Spark. I cackled back at her as I released the energy gathered within my hands, one shot or not, only one should have been enough to vaporize that arrogant woman. My eyes went wide when the woman gave me an equally vicious smile before her entire body suddenly broke down into countless butterflies made of golden light. The golden butterflies dispersed and flew all around me. I tried to aim the Master Spark at them but they were too fast and they simply kept evading the death ray until it ran out of power. I gazed at my hands and confirmed that they were once again burned to a crisp and would take hours to fully heal.

The butterflies converged together and combined, once again turning into the woman. I asked her who she was and how she was able to do that. She smiled at me and only said that it was because of magic. I asked her what her name was and she responded my asking me if my hands were okay. I snarled at her and asked her who she was one more time before I charged at her, trying to deliver a shoulder tackle. I should have known better really. The woman merely turned into butterflies once again and I ended up eating dirt when I lost my balance and tripping on a rock. I stood back up, ignoring the pain coming from my hands, before asking for the woman's name one more time. She smiled at me, opened her mouth, and told me her name. It wasn't anything special or spectacular, a rather ordinary name when I think about it now. I then asked her what she was, reasoning that no human should be able to do what she did. The woman blinked at me a few times before she started cackling once again, I waited for her to finish and got my answer.

The Golden Witch

I asked her what she was doing in Gensokyo and she told me that she was looking for someone, a man most dear to her. They were separated because of a certain event that occurred in their home realm and she said that she was trying to find him through the sea of countless possibilities, a kaleidoscope of different realms and fragments of worlds. Back then I didn't believe her, only commenting that it would be impossible to be able to find one person in all of that. I told her straight to her face that there was a zero percent chance for her to be able to find that man, that it would take a miracle for that to happen. She simply smiled at me and told me that she would try anyway, and that it wouldn't be the first time she had to go against certainty to find her miracle. She sounded so certain that she would be reunited with that person that I was starting to root for her so I asked her why she was so confident about it. She simply shrugged and looked up at the endless sky and said:

After all...without love, the truth cannot be seen.

The woman switched the topic back to my problem. I can gather energy and direct it just fine, it was just that I kept destroying whatever I focus the power into whenever I try. She thought about it for a moment before snapping her fingers, her expression had the word 'Eureka' written all over it. The woman closed her white parasol before giving the object to me. I looked it over and said that it was a very pretty parasol, which it was. The Golden Witch smiled at my words and told me to try to use to cast a Master Spark using her parasol. I looked at her like she just turned into a giant two-headed snail before asking her is she was insane. She giggled softly and answered 'once upon a time' before asking me to do a Master Spark with her parasol again. I asked her if she was sure about this and she confidently nodded. I muttered an apology to her parasol before pointing the tip at a boulder in the distance. I started gathering energy just like normal and I noticed that it was easier this time, I was able to gather energy faster and more smoothly. I was about to stop when I felt that I was reaching the amount that I normally considered as the limit for gathered energy but I noticed that the parasol seemed like it could still hold more. I bit my bottom lip and decided to risk it. I poured as much power into the parasol as I could until I felt it fill up, opening like a blooming flower as it reached its limit. I felt my heart race in anticipation as I carefully aimed the parasol before releasing all the energy built up at once.

I wished that I had picked a larger target.

The boulder, which was around the size of a small shack, was erased from existence along with a nice chunk of the forest behind it. I looked at the resulting damage from the Master Spark, then back at the woman's parasol, then back at the damage caused by my spell, then I smiled like I was the happiest girl in the world. I turned back to the woman and pointed at the effect of my spell and held up her parasol to show her that it was fine. The woman nodded sagely and explained the reason why I had all that trouble in casting that particular spell. It turned out that I wasn't actually casting a magic spell whenever I used Master Spark. Instead, I was simply clumping energy together and pointing it at someone I didn't like before releasing the gathered energy. The problem with that was there wasn't anything regulating the energy while being gathered or released. The reason why everything I have used to focus that energy gets destroyed was because they keep getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of power I was forcing into them. The Golden Witch's parasol was different. She said that it was created using powerful magic to be used specifically as a foci for magical energy, regardless of type of magical energy used. As an added bonus, it also meant that it can take the stress of being filled up with a lot of energy, meaning that it was physically more durable than any parasol ever made. I simply stared at the object in sheer awe. Who would have ever thought that such a simple object could be used in such a way?

The Golden Witch laughed at my reaction to how I was creating my Master Sparks and what her parasol does. She may have done it on a whim. She may have done it because she no longer had use for it. She may have done it because she had taken a shine to me. She may have done it because, somehow, someway, she knew that I will need it someday. Regardless, when I tried to give her parasol back, the simply shook her head and told me to keep it. I was stunned and confused as to why she would try to part with such a useful artifact. She simply said that it suited me and made me promise to take good care of it. I promised her and she said goodbye before vanishing in a whirlwind of golden butterflies.

That was the last time I ever saw her.
