Author Topic: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]  (Read 72575 times)


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:46:28 AM »

The new chapter of Touhou Rider Reimu was giving me more trouble than I thought. So I decided to spend time on a change of pace. Enjoy.


Danmaku battles.
How I adore and loath them at the same time~
On one hand, I never get to kill my foes anymore.
On the other, that means that I can keep beating on them as long as they don?t die.
I find it a personal challenge to completely defeat my foe without having to kill them.
I wonder when I started enjoying these rules that the girl imposed on Gensokyo?
No matter. I will simply savour what pleasures I can have this way.
I am Yuka Kazami.
I am known as many things by many beings.
The Sleeping Terror?
The Oriental Demon?
The Flower Master of the Four Seasons?
The Beauty of Everlasting Darkness?
Those titles don?t matter. I am simply Yuka, and I am the strongest in Gensokyo!


?Wouldn?t you agree?? I asked my current foe. Yukari Yakumo, the youkai of borders and one of the few who can fight me on equal terms without turning into goo. I do so love the battles we waged back in the day. Back when we didn?t have those rules. Alas, we take what little pleasure we have left.

?Honestly, picking fights as soon as spring arrives. You?re just as pointed as that fairy.? Yukari casually said as she nimbly dodged wave after wave of danmaku. The old woman narrowed her golden eyes as her long wavy blond hair fluttered in the air. She was casually sitting on one of her gaps while holding an open pink parasol with her right hand. She was wearing a pink and purple dress and had a pink mob cap with a thin red ribbon tied in the front. Red ribbons could also be found liberally, but stylishly, displaced on her dress.

?I?ve been asleep for three months but I?m still awake for more days that you.? I teased before opening up my own parasol and unleashing a white ray of light, dubbed Master Spark by the witch who copied it.

?Touch?.? Yukari replied as she moved away from the blast, the beam of light barely grazing her. This was the problem I have always had with Danmaku battles. As fun as they are, most of the high-end battles end up as stalemates because both combatants are so equally matched. Yukari and I have battled endlessly for centuries that we knew each other?s styles intimately. Sadly, this meant that we can go at it for hours without anyone hitting anything except air or the wayward fairy that wandered too close.

When has this started to lose its novelty? I quietly thought before lowering my parasol and looking at the ground.

?Giving up?? Yukari asked, she knew better. We ran out of time and our spell cards have been exhausted and broken. The danmaku battle had once again ended in a draw between us. The same result we have shared for hundreds of times.

?I?m bored?? I muttered before looking up at the border youkai.

?Bored?? Yukari repeated with a raised brow.

?It has been the same. Over and over again, we fight to a standstill. We can?t even try to kill each other anymore. I find this?stagnant. I?ve started to want some change in my life, something more than binding rules and meaningless play-battles.? I confessed as I looked up at the clear blue spring sky, basking in the glorious rays of the sun. I looked back at Yukari after she started to giggle softly.

?Be careful what you wish for Yuka.? The border youkai said with a wide smile. I raised a brow too late to wonder what she had meant. I felt a tug on my right arm. I looked at it and saw that my entire arm, including parasol, was being wrapped?consumed by some strange blue substance.

?Very cute, but you know these kinds of attacks are not allowed.? I pointedly chided Yukari, who kept her smile at me. She slowly, deliberately, lifted her left hand and pointed behind me.

?Be careful what you wish for.? I heard her repeat her words as I saw what she was pointing at. I blue portal of some sort was behind me and was sending out tendrils which started wrapping themselves around me. I paid them no mind, I had dealt with far worse. That had been the mistake which started everything. I casually tried to break my arms free of the magical grasp, I had done so countless times before. Magical binding have a consistent record of breaking under my strength. My eyes started to widen when the satisfying sensation of freedom did not come. In fact, the binding was becoming stronger.

?That?s not me dear.? Yukari said simply as more and more tendrils wrapped around my body until my vision darkened when it had finally claimed my head.

This, however, is me. Enjoy the change Yuka. I heard Yukari say before the darkness completely took me.


Be careful what you wish for, a simple yet profound lesson. Yukari?s final words echoed in my mind as I drift in this abyss. I had not the means to neither discern where I was much less to try to make my way out. All I saw was black. I smiled despite myself. Was this what Yukari had meant? Was this the change given to me, a punishment to those who have violated the almighty rules of the Hakurei? A prison then? No, this is too empty and expanse to be a prison. It reminded me of the portal that we took to get to Makai. Those were fun times, though I wonder why Mima had stopped contacting me after that. Strange that I find myself reminiscing about old times when it had been my very wish to be rid of them. Regardless, I recall them. I recall the past as I drift in this plane of existence with no certain future to be seen.

Curious, I could not comprehend any sensation in this abyss, this void. Not sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, nor my sensitivity to magic. I did not know how long I have been here. I didn?t know how long I have left here still. Was this what death feels like? Was that portal simply something that disintegrates anything it takes in? I personally find it insulting to think that the strongest in Gensokyo could be done in by such a paltry thing. Pity, I would have liked to see how it reacts to a Master Spark.

I drift. I have long since run out of memories to recall, all of them were fond times. This was not my intention when I wished for a change. I had wished for something more?substantial. I had wished a break from the boredom I had endured in Gensokyo. I had wished for something new to happen in my life. I had certainly wished for something more than this void. I had very nearly resigned to my fate to be forever drifting in this nothingness. I had very nearly shut down my own mind to put myself out of my misery. Driven to suicide because of such a thing, how the mighty have fallen. I had liked to believe that I chuckled at that, I wouldn?t really know. It was then that I finally saw a change, a change profound yet familiar. Something I had forgotten I had sorely missed since my time here adrift.


I reach out with my left hand. I felt myself reach out. My senses returning the closer I come to the light. I had the strange feeling that something was off, that was reach was different, but I paid it no mind at the time. The only thing in my mind at the time was that I was going to finally have the change I was looking for at last.

It was that or a lot of things will die very soon.


An explosion, that was the very first thing I comprehended after I got my senses back. It was very reassuring. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but smoke. I inhaled and savoured the smell of burnt magic. Magic, yes. Wherever I ended up in, there was magic in the air. Not as much as in Gensokyo but I could taste it. That made it obvious that I was no longer in that place. No matter where I went in Gensokyo, the amount of magic in the air was still the same?substantial. Here, not so much. I waved my hand to rid the smoke from my sight as I stood, making sure to pick up my white parasol. I heard voices from beyond the smoke. Young voices, around the age of the witch and the girl if I am not mistaken, and a large number of them at that.

Curious. Most Curious. I pondered on the implications of such a thing as I started to walk toward the closest voice. It sounded like a young girl, younger than the other voices from her tone and inflection. I cleared the smoke and finally saw the girl in front of me. She was a diminutive pink wavy-haired girl. She was also much shorter that I was, I had to lower my gaze to simply have a better look at her. Amber eyes, novel. She was wearing a white shirt with a black mantle on top of it which was secured by a brooch that had a pentagram engraved on it. She also had a short skirt black stockings and brown boots. I raised a brow at the combination of clothing she wore before scanning the field. We were in a large empty grass field in what I could honestly say was a castle. The other young voices I had heard came from human children who all wore similar clothing, the difference is the exchange of skirts and stockings for pants and socks for the opposite gender.

?Most curious?? I uttered my first words since coming to this strange place?and I was absolutely shocked. The words I had intended to speak came out but the voice that spoke it was not my own. Instead of a silky and mature feminine voice, I had heard a silky deep manly voice. I blinked a few times and looked at my body for a moment. I was sure I had gone mad.

For the most part, my attire remained intact. The white long-sleeved shirt and black on red plaid vest were still there. However, my plaid skirt had been replaced by black slacks and a brown leather belt and my boots also changed from red to brown. I touched my head and pulled a strand of hair in front of my eyes. Still green, that?s good. The most notable thing I had noticed was that I was taller, still slender but toned. Gone were my ample chest and I was certain I had felt something very curious in my pants.

Enjoy the change Yuka.

Yukari?s last words finally made sense. The absurdity of the situation was so much that I could not help but start laughing. I held the side of my head with my left hand and used the parasol on my right hand as support. The unfamiliar voice carried my intention through the field filled with humans, magicians if I guessed. I had wished for change, and changed I was! I looked down on the strawberry-blonde girl, who was talking with a man of much more advanced age. He was balding who wore a simple pair of glasses and was sporting a blue robe. They spoke in a language which was familiar yet not so, regardless I could not understand a word they exchanged.

?Tell me?? My words got the attention of both humans, who turned to me. The girl was scowling at me while the man was looking at me with a neutral expression.

??do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?? I asked the futile question with a smile. I was proven correct when I girl gave me a puzzled look which was followed my bouts of laughter I looked around and saw the other human children laughing and pointing at myself and the girl in turn. Humans laughing at me, amusing. The girl lowered her gaze to the ground, her hands balling up into fists as she trembled. I noticed that there was a small black wand in her right hand, a magician indeed. I had my assumptions of what happened to me. Why I had come here, who this girl was, and why the other humans seem to associate her with myself. I lowered myself to one knee, using my parasol like a walking stick and I met the girl?s gaze.

Ah, I noted to myself when I saw the fire in her eyes. This girl has much willpower, the desire to prove herself. The desire for power and the determination to achieve it. She looked up to me and I could not help but smile. Such a short and meaningless life humans have. Yet, in those few decades, they desire and accomplish many things. I had never actually found myself to become interested in their species, such a being I was back then.

?A change in my demeanor towards your inferior species then.? I said to the girl who suddenly pointed her wand at me before starting to mutter an incantation in the language I still could not comprehend. A spell? I was not worried. I had weathered the force of a newborn star. I had withstood the might of gods. I had defeated the creator of the world of demons. I do not find the need to be alarmed by the spell of a girl who could not even stand up for herself. So, I let her continue. I let her finish her incantation in pure curiosity of what she would use against a stranger who she had just met. Her words ended and she lowered her wand. Nothing. I raised a brow at the failed spell when she suddenly put her hands on the sides of my head and pressed her soft lips on mine.

Not and offensive spell. A contract. My assumption was correct when I felt a burning sensation on my left hand. I casually stared at my smoking flesh as glowing runes engraved themselves in me, a strange kind of magic flowing through me as the symbols branded me. The process ended as the last of the symbols was engraved, the glow dying down and my flesh no longer sizzled. I smiled and stood up, looking at the girl who was brightly blushing and looking away from me in embarrassment. I looked at the girl who just made the strongest youkai in Gensokyo her shikigami?no?her familiar.

?With this?? I started, hefting my parasol on my right shoulder and getting the attention of everyone once again.

??my power is now yours. I will grant you a means to annihilate all who oppose you, all who you see fit to die. Cities, countries, this entire world is now at your mercy now that you have me. Simply give the word and I shall kill everyone here in a heartbeat. The fat portly boy, the red-haired whore, the quiet blue-haired mute, the disgusting effeminate blonde boy, the blonde girl with the shining forehead. All who have insulted you and shamed you will know the fear that has been engrained into even the most powerful of monsters. I am Yuka Kazami. I am now yours.? I ended my declaration with the same warm smile I had worn throughout the ordeal. The pink-haired girl simply stared at me in utter confusion before the older man and the rest of the children started leaving. The girl mumbled something before walking away. She turned back and glared at me before she started yelling something. Ah, mayhap she wanted me to follow her? I acted upon my thought by following a step behind my diminutive master.

Master. Yes?a substantial change indeed.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 11:17:20 AM »
Where those characters from some anime or something?

Anyways, As much as I hate seeing Yuuka "below" anyone, I'd love to see how this turns out. Then again, I always for more in oneshots. Ah well.

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 09:13:49 PM »
took me a while to figure out what ZnT meant, it stands for Zero no Tsukaima, a manga/anime about a boy who ends up as the familiar of the worlds worst mage ever, Louise "the zero", because of her grades (note: every time she tries to cast a spell, EXPLOSION TIEM)

about the story: interesting idea, hope to see more of this, hope the problems with touhou rider Reimu are not permanent.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2011, 07:50:59 AM »

?I must say?? I muttered as I waved away the smoke that was blocking my vision at the moment. My master had led me to her bedchambers after everyone left the field. The castle I found myself in seems to be an institution of learning. A school for human magicians it would seem, much larger than the school in the human village back home. She had stomped through the halls, climbed up the stairs and eventually stopped in front of a door. The poor souls who got in her way were quickly glared at into submission by the girl after she noticed the looks they were giving the two of us. For my part, I simply walked on behind her with my parasol over my right shoulder. I was still trying to get used to my new body. A male form has distinct as well as subtle differences compared to a female one. The simple act of walking felt like a finely tuned balancing act as I quietly struggled to maintain a comfortable pace behind my master. I did all my adjustments and preliminary assessments of my new body in silence, covered with my warm smile. Such is Yuka Kazami.

Eventually, my master finally opened the door and let herself inside. I glanced within and looked at her room. It was quaint and fit the castle motif quite well. A single four-post bed, a wardrobe, a body mirror, and a desk and chair with a simple bookshelf. Again, quaint and fitting for a student if my reading into human culture in the past can be trusted. The small girl turned around and looked straight at me before starting another series of strained words and tirades while pointing at me. After a while, she settled into a rhythm of muttering to herself before glaring at me and shouting a few more words at me. Again, I understood nothing and simply kept my smile. Good thing for her, I would not have been held responsible for my actions had I understood her rather passionate words towards me. I did try to communicate with her through speech and gesture. The results were minimal at best and she eventually got angry enough to point her wand at me again before unleashing an explosion spell right at my face. Hence, the current situation.

??I give you points for having the courage to detonate a concussive blast of magic at point-blank range in the middle of your room.? I said, wholly certain that she still could not understand me. I shrugged off the explosion, though I noted that I will need a new set of clothes later on. The force of the blast was nothing I hadn?t already outgrown but I was impressed at the girl?s lack of hesitation at unleashing that kind of spell in such close quarters. She gets to live because of that.

?Wait! I understood that!? My master suddenly said in surprise. I propped up my closed parasol against her desk before I started to try to get the soot off my white shirt.

?And I understood that.? I calmly said as I futilely tried to dust myself off. I sighed as I gave up trying to clean myself up with just my hands and gave the girl a bored look. I was not happy with what she did, I have killed for less a reason. However, I had already decided to let her live. I was still curious what this change in my life has brought me and where it will lead me. I will play my role while I find amusement in it.

?Honestly though, a translation spell laced in an explosion spell? You are either quite creative or very destructive. Regardless, I am impressed with your ability for dual-casting and melding of two unrelated spells.? I commented. Indeed, she had only said close to five words but she managed to perform both a translation spell, an explosion spell, plus she combined them into one. So technically, she triple-casted. The thought brought the smile back to my face, not bad for a human child.

?What? That was supposed to just be a silencing spell!? She quickly responded with and incredulous expression. My previous smile suddenly dropped at her words.

?Excuse me?? I asked for clarification.

?You kept talking in some weird language and I had enough of it, so I tried to cast a silencing spell to shut you up!? The girl clarified. It was an accident? The seemingly brilliant triple-cast was a fluke and was not the intended result at all? I was not sure how to feel about that. On one hand, she had completely failed at her intended spell. On the other hand, the ending result of the failure was a very advanced ?if unintended- method of casting. This girl suddenly became much more interesting for me.

?Regardless, we can now understand each other. Once again, I am Yuka Kazami. And now that yo--? My attempted repeat of my earlier declaration in the field was interrupted when the girl stomped her foot on the ground and glared at me.

?You have some nerve in trying to speak out of turn, commoner!? The small girl suddenly declared. Her overall demeanor and apparent superiority complex reminded me of the ice fairy before she started to mature after her second century. I was caught off balance by her rudeness that all I could reply with was ?Excuse me??

?Listen! I am Louise Fran?oise le Blanc de la Valli?re! I summoned you, which means that I am your master and you are my familiar! That means that you are obligated to do whatever it is I command, You-kha Ka-zha-mee!? I twitched a brow at her words as she put her left hand on her hip while pointing at me with her other hand. My, she?s as haughty as the vampire. Much less charisma, though.

?Yuka is fine, Louise. Try not to overdo the vowels next time.? I politely said. The butchering of my name aside, she either had quite a lot of courage or was simply blinded by her own ego. After all, youkai or not, she was still effectively talking down to a grown man who was two full heads taller than her inside a closed room. She huffed before walking back to her bed and sitting down on it, her gaze firmly set to the floor.

?I can?t believe I summoned a commoner. Why couldn?t it have been something amazing and powerful like a dragon or griffin?? She muttered to herself while keeping her eyes glued to the floor. My smile returned as I entertained the thought that a dragon or a griffin would be better than having me. She must not have been able to sense my power. I also noted that none of the people in the field seemed to regard me with anything other than what Louise had dubbed ?commoner?. No matter. I have nothing to prove to them, though the girl in front of me is not as lucky. I sighed at the sight before me and walked up to the closed door. Should I simply leave and explore this world? It would be so easy to simply walk away from all this drama and go out to see what this new realm had to offer.

?Everything I have ever done has ended in failure. I can?t even cast the simplest spell. All I can make are explosions. Everyone is right. A stupid ability like that will never be useful or ever amount to anything?? I heard the girl mutter to herself. The hand I was about to use to grab my parasol froze. I slowly turned to her and saw that she had plopped down on her bed and curled up into a pink ball of self misery.

A stupid ability like that will never be useful or ever amount to anything.

Those were words that I have not heard in a very long time, words that were uttered by a newly born youkai who didn?t know any better. A foolish girl who once believed that the gift that the world bestowed on her was completely useless. A naive girl who once thought, over a millennia ago, that the power to manipulate flowers will never amount to anything. I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes. Did that Yama have a hand in all of this? Was this all really just some ironic fate that was bestowed upon the two of us?

?I just wished I could have summoned a powerful familiar. Something I could be proud of?? I heard the girl mutter. I smiled and opened my eyes and looked at the door. Yes, it will stay closed for now. I turned around, folded my arms, and leaned back on the door.

?Be careful what you wish for.? I stated, unable to resist poking at the subtle irony I have discovered. I saw her turn to me, still hugging her knees.

?Shut up...stupid commoner.? She quietly stated, her previous fire no longer present. There was it again. Sure, I was not dressed in regal attire, but neither was she.

?Commoner? What do you mean by that?? I asked her before tilting my head to the side. She knitted her eyebrows before she sat back up, finally letting go of her knees.

?A commoner is a commoner, someone who can?t use magic. You should know this already. And no, just because you know the jargon doesn?t mean that you can be considered a noble. So all that talk before about dual-casting or whatever doesn?t count.? She stated matter of factly. Ah, so being a commoner means that you are unable to cast spells. Then that means?

?Anyone who can cast magic are?nobility?? I asked with a small hint of uncertainty. Logically it made sense. Those who could wield the power of magic had a natural advantage over those who could not. Thus, it would make it easier for them to become more influential and have a better standing in their community. Power equalling authority seems to be the rule here. I smiled at the concept. If simply being able to wield magic means that one is a noble, what does that make me? What would that make anyone from Gensokyo who can use spell cards?

?Indeed! As such, you would do well to give proper respect to your betters!? Louise declared, regaining her previous fire. Betters? There was one, and only one, human I have ever considered my better, the exception to the rule. She is gone now. Sad that Reimu?s descendants never had the same kind of power and skill she used to wield. My smile did not falter at the hollow threat. I believed that I had a good grasp of her personality now. Her bolster and pride were the only things she could hang on to. Her nobility was both her boon and her bane. She believed that she was a living paradox to the rule, a noble that could not cast proper magic. Yes, a delicate rose that has nothing but her own thorns with which to protect her.

?So then tell me?Master?? I slowly stated, making sure to draw out the title that I defer to her with.

??what does a familiar do?? I asked. Of course, I knew what a familiar is and what they do. The most basic things are to provide an extension for the senses of the magician. The more intermediate things are to provide simple assistance and protection. The advanced familiars could even provide council and fight for their masters to the death. I had known but I wanted to see if there were any differences from what I knew about the intricacies between master-familiar relationships from what Louise knew. I was satisfied when she roughly explained the dynamics in the same way, though she seemed to think that having a human familiar was less than advantageous.

?I think you underestimate the utility of having a human familiar.? I responded to her explanation, making a conscious effort not to break down laughing after referring to myself as ?human?.

?What do you mean?? Louise asked, crossing her own arms over her chest.

?I mean, an animal cannot communicate through speech. An animal cannot make conscious, rational decisions. An animal cannot use tools. An animal cannot learn past a certain point. An animal simply cannot do several things that a human can.? I stated, surprising myself. When I think about it, humans can do a lot of things that animals could not. They were certainly inferior to me, but they were not helpless either.

?That doesn?t matter. You can just hire a servant for that. In fact, what can you even do aside from being a commoner?!? The girl asked the question she should have asked as soon as she summoned me instead of dismissing me simply because I looked human. I carefully thought about what I should say in response.

Should I simply state the truth and say that I am an ancient and powerful youkai that has gone through countless of battles against beings of a similar degree of power? No, she wouldn?t believe me unless I vaporized this castle before her own eyes.

Should I lie and say that I am simply a commoner with absolutely no skill? No, I am past simply lying to get by. If there was something I had learned in my later centuries as a youkai, it was that the truth is much more fun to use than lies.

Lies take effort, planning, and execution. If you get found out, it was over. The truth can have the same or even greater effect than a lie if you use it wisely. The truth can kill. As a bonus, it is also undeniable. My smile grew wider as I decided to take a third option instead.

?I am quite adept at making flowers bloom.? I politely stated. Half-truths, something Yukari is a grandmaster at wielding. I was still a novice compared to her as far as utilizing it goes, but I was not up against a master manipulator. The effect was pretty much what I had expected. Louise put her face in her hands and shook her head in disbelief.

?By the founder?I summoned a gardener.? She said to herself. Stone dead silence settled between us after that. I waited to see how she would react to my confession of my talents. I was curious at how she would handle having someone who ?can make flowers bloom? as her familiar, even though she doesn?t comprehend the extent or possibilities of that statement yet. I heard her sigh before she finally looked up at me, her expression was like a human who had resigned themselves to their death.

?Fine?I?m too tired to care anymore.? She said before she stood up and began undressing. I raised a brow at the action. Did she feel no shame at doing such and act in front of a male? I had always thought that humans held modesty in high regard. I then wondered if she had realized another ?utility? of having a human familiar of the opposite gender. I was pondering such possibilities when I noticed something land on my head. I grabbed the object and held it in front of my eyes. The girl just threw her socks at me. I looked at her and saw that she had already changed into a pink nightgown. Louise climbed on her bed and pulled the covers over her.

?Wash those. Make sure to wake me up tomorrow before dawn.? She commanded in a tired tone. I stared at the floor, her discarded clothes littered everywhere, and back to her.

?And where do I sleep, master?? I asked as I knelt down and picked up her tiny skirt. I looked back to her for a response and only saw her right hand point tiredly at a pile of hay beside the bed. I chuckled softly at to what she was implying. The changes in my life seemed to become stranger and stranger. I picked up the rest of her clothes and put them in a basket that was already half-filled with laundry. I held the basket under my left arm as I picked up my parasol and exited the room. I would never live this down if anyone from Gensokyo found out about this.


I walked along the torch-lit halls of the castle. The sun had already set and Louise fell asleep early. My master seemed to be very tired after summoning me. I was wondering what I should do about this laundry when I heard voices in the distance. I noted the direction where they were coming from but I paid them no more mind than that. I glanced at corner where the voices came from and saw that effeminate blonde boy flamboyantly performing courting rituals to a girl. The girl was offering gifts to the boy and he accepted them with much gusto. The perfectly grown red rose on the boy?s shirt made me raise a brow. Did he buy that at a flower shop? He didn?t seem the type to be able to grow them by himself. It seemed that I had been staring for too long when I noticed the girl looking at me. The boy turned to meet my gaze and smirked.

?You there!? He declared while pointing at me, speaking in the same way that Louise had earlier.

?Me?? I asked with a tilt of my head.

?You are the commoner that Louise the Zero summoned, yes?? The boy inquired. Louise the Zero?

?So it would seem?? I responded. The girl was staring at me with longing eyes, the boy noticed this and narrowed his eyes at me before turning to the girl.

?Pay him no mind Katie! He is nothing more than a commoner who is out to do his mistress? laundry. He doesn?t even have a proper sword so he settles for an umbrella-?

?Parasol.? I interrupted the boy?s tirade, to which he gave me a questioning look.

?This is a parasol. I do not require a sword as long as I have this.? I repeated, tapping the tip of my white parasol on the floor. Some require large bladed weapons to assert their power upon others, all I need is my trusty white parasol.

?Indeed?? Was all the boy replied with. The girl, Katie, seemed to sense the growing tension between us and decided to step in.

?Guiche?? Katie quietly said. The boy, Guiche, turned to her and smiled.

?As I said, pay him no mind my dead Katie.? He said reassuringly to the girl before turning to me.

?You may go, commoner.? He dismissively said but I barely heard it as I was already walking away. It seemed that snobbishness was a part of the culture here. No matter. A wolf does not care how much pride a rabbit has. It knows what the food chain looks like.

I continued my walk through the castle, trying very hard to find an exit without the need to making a new one through the wall. I then noticed a black haired girl who was wearing a maid outfit walking by. I seized the opportunity to be rid of my current burden and get some directions at the same time.

?Excuse me.? I said from behind the girl. She flinched in surprise at my words before quickly turning to me. She regarded me for a moment before calming down.

?You are?the familiar that Miss De Lavaliere summoned?? She asked in a much more polite way that Guiche did, a testament to the submissiveness of the commoner class or simply good manners?

?Quite so. I am Yuka Kazami.? I replied, repaying the politeness the girl showed to me. I would like to think that I am a very polite person when not in battle. After all, the politeness of a youkai is directly proportional to their power.

?I am Siesta, a maid in the service of the Tristain Magic Academy. It is nice to meet you Mister You-kha Kha-zaa-mee.? The maid said with a bow. She provided me her name and the name of the castle I was currently in with the poise of a professional. She needs to work on the pronunciation of my name though.

?Yuka is fine. It is nice to meet you as well Siesta.? I replied, returning the bow with a curt one. Politeness or not, I was not about to give a respectful bow to a human. The maid glanced away for a moment, her face slightly reddening, before glancing at what I was carrying under my arm. Perfect.

?My master requested me to have her laundry taken care of.? I supplied. My statement was true, she did tell me to have these washed. She just never stated that I should do it myself.

?Oh! I can take care of that for you Mister Yuka!? Siesta offered. Just as planned.

?Thank you. I was starting to get worried about how I was going to take care of this. I?m still learning where everything is so I was not sure where to go.? I explained as Siesta took the load of laundry from my arm.

?Oh! I can give you a short tour of the castle before I take care of these.? The maid offered. I accepted and I spent the proceeding hour touring the major locales of the institution. After I was satisfied with the preliminary survey of the new territory, I bid the maid adieu and stepped outside into the cool night air. I took a long breath and gazed upward. Two moons, novel. I walked around, following Siesta?s directions, and found what I was looking for.

The first thing I asked the maid when we started our tour was if there was a garden in this place. I was glad to find that there was. I walked to the somewhat simple garden. Six plots of land bordered by simple iron fences. Spring flowers bloomed beautifully in the in the light of the two moons. I took in the fragrance of the flowers and sighed in satisfaction. There was nothing better than appreciating the beauty of flowers. This place will do nicely. I was not about to spend the night on a stack of hay so I decided to do something a bit different. I closed my eyes and focused. I reached out through the ether, through my subconscious, through the border of dreams and found what I was looking for. I raised my closed parasol and pointed the tip directly in front of me. A red flower motif door materialized at the point where my parasol had previously met air. I opened my eyes and smiled at my work. It took a bit more effort but I was still able to call out to it all the same. I noticed that I was no longer alone in the immediate area. I looked up and saw a blue drake land on the ground a short distance from the garden. On the back of the drake was the quiet blue haired girl from this afternoon. The girl was staring at me wide eyed, obviously surprised at what I had just done. I simply smiled at her and reached for the door knob.

?I bid you good night.? I said to the girl before opening the door and stepping through it, closing the door behind me. The other side held my dream world, my true home, Mugenkan. Sadly, the mansion here was only a copy of the one I have back in Gensokyo. The dream realm was common no matter where I was, but my mansion was still tied to Gensokyo itself. Oh well, I?ll take what I can get. I walked along the yellow brick road on the way to my new mansion while surrounded by sunflowers. I will sleep well tonight.


Louise opened her eyes and found herself in the middle of a field of sunflowers. It was still night time and she was sure that she fell asleep on her bed. Additionally, there was no sunflower field anywhere near the academy. The pink-haired girl blinked a few times and grimaced. This was clearly a dream, one that was influenced by her familiar after he explained his ?skill?.

Stupid gardener?


On a side note: Touhou Rider Reimu is chugging along. Just working on the final battle.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2011, 08:14:15 AM »
Whats this?
Louise in Gensokyo?
Yuuka as Saito?

Yes. Just yes. Also, side note, I watched the anime after I saw this post. It's pretty good.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2011, 08:18:53 AM »
Yuka was summoned by Louise and replaces Saito. That's the set up.

And to clear things up a bit further:

The Yuka in this story is from a Gensokyo several centuries in the future. Yuka is nearing the end of the line for even the most long lived youkai and has become piss bored of her life.

The reason why I genderbent her is because she wanted a massive change in her life, something she hasn't experienced in her more-than-millennia life. Also a great chance for Yukari to troll.

That was the whole point of this fic's start: Be careful what you wish for. Yuka wanted change in her life. Louise wanted to summon a powerful familiar. Things turn out differently from what both expected.

Additionally, Yuka will not be Master Sparking the hell out of everything. I want to explore her ability to manipulate flowers and build the fic primarily on that. Yuka is also powerful...very much so. She knows it. She has proven it time and time again. Which means that she does not see the need to show others the true extent of her power until she sees it fit. She's gonna play by her rules.

Also, in case anyone wondered why I haven't had Yuka change her name. Two reasons, one: Yuka does not care what they think of her name. Two: No one in Halkeginia knows that Yuka is a female name. They'll just think that it will be some dude with a weird name.

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2011, 06:11:26 PM »
nice story still, but there is just one (not so) minor detail.

take a second look at the line after Guiche's name is revealed.

epic typo, or unintentional foreshadowing?


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2011, 07:06:12 PM »
It was a typo, I swear!


I closed the door to Mugenkan and let it fade away into nothingness. I took out my pocket watch, one I had taken from my new mansion, and checked the time. Half an hour before dawn, perfect. I checked my new set of clothes before hefting my closed parasol over my shoulder and walking away from the garden. The peace before dawn was something I have always enjoyed no matter the time or the place, the pre-morning cool was very soothing. The flowers in this garden are very well cared for, whoever is responsible for them is on my ?gets to live? list. I was thinking of what I should do before returning to Louise?s room when I remembered one thing I needed to check first. I walked to the area of the castle designated for servants and saw Siesta walking with Louise?s laundry.

?Siesta.? I called out to the maid, who turned to me with a smile.

?Good morning Mister Yuka!? The maid exuberantly greeted. It was rather strange that I wasn?t as bothered with being known as a man as I thought I would be.

?Good morning to you as well, and just Yuka is fine. Are those Louise?s?? I asked the obvious question. The maid nodded and showed me the newly washed and dried garments.

?Excellent, I thank you for this favour. Now if you?ll excuse me, I need to wake my master.? I said before taking the basket from Siesta and walking off, faintly hearing her say ?you?re welcome? as I left. The girl has her uses and she is polite and respectful. It will be advantageous to keep her close. Perhaps I should have her meet Louise?


I stepped in front of Louise?s room and opened the door. The other servants have already roused and started moving around, attending to their respective responsibilities. The nobles? Still sleeping, as was my little master. I set the basket down on the floor and propped my parasol against the wall before walking up to her bed. The girl who was powerful enough to summon me was currently curled up and clinging to her pillow as she slept. She reminded me of a cat as she continued her journey across the border of dreams.

?Munya~? Louise muttered before shifting in her sleep. I checked my watch again and saw that there was one minute before dawn. As per my master?s orders, I began to wake her up before dawn by holding her nose shut with my hand. Louise made some very unpleasant faces before her eyes shot open and I released my grip on her nose as she suddenly sat up in surprise.

?What is this?! I don?t even?you! You?re that gardener that I summoned!? She pointed at me in borderline panic. I folded my arms and leaned back.

?Indeed I am. I did not think that you would be one with a bad memory.? I replied. Instead of the angry and passionate words that I expected from her, Louise simply slumped her shoulders and stared at the floor.

?So it wasn?t a dream. I really summoned a commoner?? Louise said in a defeated tone. I opened my mouth to say something when she suddenly glared at me. My goodness, is this girl bi-polar?

?Fine! So be it!? She declared before standing up and staring at me.

?Yes?? I asked after a long minute of Louise glaring at me.

?Well? What are you waiting for?! Dress me!? She suddenly demanded of me. Dress her? Like a child? Like a doll?

?Are you serious, master? Isn?t this something someone does for themselves?? I pointed out.

?A servant should just follow orders! Now, dress me!? She repeated her demand. I see what she?s doing. She?s trying her assert her authority over me so she can at least feel at ease that I follow her orders without question, like a regular familiar would. Alas, I am not a regular familiar

?Please.? I stated simply. Louise shifted her expression that clearly stated ?What??

?Say: Please dress me like you would a helpless child or a catatonic doll, Mister Yuka.? I clarified with a warm smile to match the day?s first rays of the sun.

?And why should I ask something so insulting from you?!? Louise yelled out at me, obviously upset about what I had just said. She really couldn?t tell?

?Because that is exactly what you were asking me to do, I simply put it into words.? I elaborated. My master had a look of utter confusion on her face for a few moments before she finally realized what I had meant when I said that.

?Geh!? She suddenly blurted out when she understood my meaning. I decided to drive the point home before she had a chance to mount any sort of rebuttal, logical or otherwise.

?You are a young woman of a higher standing than most. One would expect that someone as mature and sophisticated as you would have no trouble in dealing with something as trivial as putting your clothes on, yes? Very good! I shall wait outside for you then.? I stated as I picked up my parasol and walked out the door.


I waited outside the dormitory tower for Louise. The sun has already shown in all its glory and I could not help but open my parasol out of habit. It leaned on my right shoulder, the comfortable posture I have with it for so many centuries, as I gazed up at the blue sky and smiled. Yes, a nice day.

?Oh look, it?s that commoner that Louise summoned.? My gaze lowered to the condescending voice. I found that it came from the redhead that was mocking my master when I when I first arrived, one of the people I had originally offered to kill at a heartbeat. Perhaps she would still take it up if I offered it?

?Come on, you can tell us what really happened. How much is she paying you per day to keep this up? Or is she paying you back with other services instead?? The busty human child said, she was enjoying this far too much. Although, it would be logical to think that this would be the explanation to my summoning after my master?s self-admission for being a failure at the art. My gaze turned to the person beside the redhead. It was the blue-haired girl from yesterday, the one who saw me form the door to Mugenkan. I noted that she did not even try to correct her companion?s earlier remark about me being a commoner after what she saw me do last night and simply kept her gaze on the pocketbook she was reading. Someone who keeps to herself and does not bother with the troubles of those she does not see importance in. She seems to share that trait along with the love of reading with little Patchouli.

?Good morning to you young rider, I hope the evening chill last night did not diminish the enjoyment of a flight among the stars.? I greeted the girl with a polite smile, if only to see if I can get a reaction from her through words instead of actions. All I got in return was a quick nod before she turned the page of her book. The bookish types always had hidden depths in them, this one seemed no different. What those depths are, I have no interest in at the moment.

?Hey, Tabitha, you know this commoner?? The redhead butted in and asked her companion. Really, can?t she take a hint? At least I found out the other child?s name. Tabitha glanced at her friend and then back to me. I made sure to give her a mild ?don?t say anything you?ll regret? smile before walking a few paces away from them, my back covered by my tilted parasol.

?Tabitha, what?s wrong? You look a bit paler than normal. Hey, wait up!? I heard the redhead say as they left me alone. Good, at least that one can take a hint. I was suddenly alerted by the sounds of stomping from within the dormitory. It seemed that my master has finished.

?Familiar!? She called out while glancing around for me. I turned around and saw her wearing the same kind of clothes that she did yesterday. Did she not have any variety in her wardrobe? Really, wearing the same thing over and over again seems silly. I then had a thought when I remembered what was in my own wardrobe in my new mansion so you can go ahead and call me a hypocrite if you?d like.

Go on. I dare you.

?I am here. Your socks did not give you too much trouble I hope? Or did you require me to fend them off as you tackled the challenge of putting your skirt on while preventing further battles with your shirt?? I said in mock concern. She scowled at me before she glanced at my open parasol.

?I will not be tolerating any further insubordination from you. It is a principle that a noble will not dress themselves while there is a servant on hand and?what are you doing with your umbrella?? She asked as she watched me twirl my parasol in my hands.

?This is called a parasol, I would appreciate it if you give it the proper designation. As for what I am doing?? I corrected my master before thinking of what to say, twirling my parasol a couple of more times before responding.

?It is a principle to twirl an open parasol while it is tilted on your shoulder in a relaxed manner.? I said with a smile. Louise made a surprised expression for a moment before she mumbled a few word to herself.

?You do not seem to understand the situation you are in, familiar.? She said to me through gritted teeth. I could say the same to you, master.

?Then we can discuss this in further detail after breakfast.? I offered. The child pinched the bridge of her nose. It seemed that her apparent threat to me falling on deaf ears did not sit well with her. Louise?s grumbling stomach prevented further protests from her.

?Fine. I was going to have you join me in the dining hall for breakfast, but now you will have no food. Wait for me in the courtyard with the rest of the familiars!? She angrily declared before stomping off to the dining hall.

?Whatever makes you fell better, Louise.? I said before walking off to the garden while twirling my parasol.


One thing you need to know about youkai, after a certain point, we simply stop relying on food to acquire nourishment. We can become so powerful that we can sustain ourselves with simply our own power. Because of this, eating and drinking become nothing more than activities to do simply for the sake of doing so. I still eat food and drink tea on occasion, but that is simply because I felt like it and not because I needed to. Sad that Louise?s threats came up short again, she was working so hard to make me subservient to her?just not in the way one would normally go about doing when trying to subjugate a powerful youkai such as I. But as I said, I am not normal.

I walked into the garden and was met with the sounds of song, coming from a familiar voice. I approached the source with a raised brow and was pleasantly surprised at what I saw, Siesta. The maid was happily watering the flowers while signing a soft and pleasant melody that matched the morning sun. I stood quietly out of her line of sight as she continued to water the rest of the plants. I noted the oddity of seeing Bloodroot and Ghost Flowers growing alongside Randor Lilies and Crocus, the two pairs of flowers usually cannot exist in the same kind of climate regardless if they are all spring flowers. Despite their seemingly incompatible traits, they all seem to be living healthily in this place, is it the magic in the air? My contemplation was cut short when I heard the maid end her song. I looked at her and saw that she had finished her work and was carefully inspecting each plot to make sure that each flower was properly watered. Yes, she has her uses indeed.

?That was splendid.? I admitted as I walked to her. Siesta was surprised at my presence and whirled around toward me, her flushed faced meeting my own.

?Mister Yuka?I?umm?I thought you would be with Miss La Valliere.? The maid did her best to keep from stammering.

?My master had instructed me to wait until she had finished breakfast. I had decided to walk around in the meantime and wandered into the garden where I found you and your lovely song.? I said while walking to one of the plots and kneeling in front of a Bloodroot which was shimmering with dewdrops and water.

?You?you heard that?! I?that was?I mean?.uuu?? Siesta said in pointed surprise and embarrassment. I nodded in response while twirling my parasol. The girl has skill in approximating the required amount of water to quench the flower?s thirst for the day. It was good, but not perfect.

?You should not water Bloodroot with more than two and a half glasses worth of water.? I stated matter of factly. Siesta blinked at me a few times before realizing that I was talking about the flowers.

?Oh really?? She asked, her curiosity overcoming her previous embarrassment. She walked up to me and gazed down at the white flower.

?Yes. You care for them well, but you need to make sure that the leaves and the flower do not droop after you are done watering them. That would mean that you are putting undue stress of the plant without reason. Other than that though, you are somewhat skilled at taking care of them.? I said before standing up and looking at the maid in the eyes.

?Th-thank you. Do you also like flowers, Mister Yuka?? Siesta sheepishly asked me. I could not help but give a soft chuckle before glancing back at the flowers. Do I like flowers? That is like asking if Suika likes Sake, or if Shikieiki likes justice, or if Eirin likes her shady drugs.

?I suppose you could say that. I have a small garden back home, mostly sunflowers.? I replied and the maid beamed.

?That?s wonderful! But wait?what will happen to them while you are here?? She asked an understandable question. Normally, potted plants can last a few weeks without care. Flowers in full gardens can last for up to a month at most. My flowers? The sunflowers I have in the Garden of the Sun? They were nourished by the magic of the realm itself. My sunflowers will not wilt whilst Gensokyo exists, some are almost as old as I am.

?I have someone looking after them, they will be fine.? I assured the maid with a smile.


I bid Siesta farewell and walked to the courtyard and found the other familiars lounging about. I eyed the assortment of creatures on display and was quite curious. There were creatures ranging from ordinary animals such as snakes, owls, mice, and others. There were also more unusual creatures such as a giant mole, a salamander, the blue drake from last night, and floating eyeball.

?An evil eye? No, they are almost always hostile and would never survive in a place like this without others of their kind.? I muttered as I approached them. For a set of seemingly unrelated creatures, they are very relaxed amongst each other. Even natural enemies seem to be fine with being so close and completely ignoring the food chain. Was this the effect of becoming a familiar? Then why was I not affected? Is it because I was so powerful or is it because I have a more advanced intelligence than them? Most curious. I was about twenty paces away from the gathering of familiars when they all suddenly tensed up and looked at me. At that moment I smelled it. Something that was severely lacking in the humans I have met as of late. Something these creatures instinctively gave off as soon as they knew that they have become noticed by something far more dangerous than themselves. I could smell their fear, and it was sweet.

I took a step forward and all the assembled creatures immediately stood in attention and took a step away from me. Tabitha?s blue drake took it a step further and simply flew away. I casually walked to the middle of the courtyard and gazed at each and every one of the creatures, making sure that they did not believe that what they were feeling right now was some sort of mistake. No, I am power incarnate. I am a being that possesses the ultimate magic. I am Yuka Kazami, and you will not forget this. Afterward I simply stood there in silence with my eyes closed, waiting for the tell tale sign of Louise?s return from her meal.

?Familiar!? Ah, there it is. I turned to the direction of the voice and saw Louise walking toward me, much less fire in her eyes now but it was still there. The other students started walking out as well, most were worried as to why their familiars seemed to be in distress. The girl, Tabitha, was trying to wave her drake down from the sky. The winged lizard refusing and deciding to stay atop one of the nearby castle towers instead.

?Gardener, I am talking to you.? Louise called out. I glanced down and saw her right in front of me. She poked a finger at my chest before continuing.

?You better not be causing any trouble around here.? She said. I blinked a few times and mocked innocence by tilting my head to the side.

?I know not what you mean, Louise. I was simply here waiting for you along with the rest of the familiars as you ordered. Does that not please you?? I asked her. It was true, I was waiting for her in the courtyard with the rest of the familiars. I was just waiting for her for a few minutes instead of all early morning.

?Fine. Look, there are no classes today. The whole day will be set aside for the students who just went through the springtime summoning ritual to commune and bond with their familiars.? Louise informed. Ah, so that is why they gathered all the familiars in one place. A controlled environment where they can forge their bonds with their masters, supervised by a few of the staff in secret I assumed.

?Excellent. We have much to discuss about the present and future circumstances of our partnership. I hope that it would be prudent to assume that fine tea will be involved in the conversation, yes?? I proposed with a smile as I glanced around for a suitable table for discussion and tea.

?Familiar?do not assume to speak with a noble so casually. You are no more special than a dog!? Louise bit out. My perpetual smile finally dropped and I gave my master a steely gaze for the first time since she summoned me.

?W-w-w-what?!? Louise suddenly stammered in surprise at my emotional shift. I sighed and closed my parasol before using it like a walking stick on my right hand.

?Are you really going to keep doing this master? I have already decided to be yours, I have declared such. There is no need to assert your authority any further as there is no reason to. My loyalty will not be questioned as it would question my honor and respect. I am quite particular about respect, Louise. I am offering you an equal chance for a partnership. If you knew me before, you would know that I would not do this easily nor would I take it lightly. Now decide before this goes any further. Do you want a familiar? A partner, as what a familiar truly is. Or do you want a slave that you can use to vent out your frustrations over?? I said in a serious voice. If she will not respect me then I have no reason to try to respect her either. If she insists on being stubborn about this then I will kill her right here and move on to more interesting things. Louise?s expression was torn between fear, anger, and frustration. She seemed to be struggling with the situation, good. That means that she was at least considering my words and possibly reflecting on her actions from before.

?Hey now~? Not now?I should just burn that whore where she stood. The redhead from this morning walked over to us and was met with an annoyed look by Louise. I was not pleased with this myself and gave her a genuine glare.

?Hu!? The redhead let out before glancing nervously away from me. She coughed a few times before focusing on my master, making sure not to have eye contact with me.

?Now, now, can?t keep a leash on your familiar, Valliere? Is he demanding more compensation for his services or what?? The redhead teased with a vicious grin at my master. Ah, yes?that?

?What are you talking about?!? Louise lashed out, still on fire from our previous conversation. I decided to hit the nail quickly and be rid of this distraction before I do something that would complicate things for my master.

?It would seem that your peer believes that I am simply a commoner that you hired for the ritual in order to masquerade as a human familiar.? I flatly supplied the details while levelling my gaze at the other girl. She shifted slightly but did not lose her focus on my master.

?That?s ridiculous! Kirche, you know very well that I would desecrate the ritual like that! I performed the summons and this is what came out!? My master stated sternly while poking my chest with her finger. I wondered if this will become a regular thing between us. My gaze drifted to the shape a few paces behind the redhead known as Kirche and I saw a nervous looking salamander. I smiled at it and it moved itself so its master was standing between us. Kirche saw my gaze and my smile and looked back at her familiar.

?What?s wrong commoner? Have you never seen a salamander before?? Kirche declared arrogantly while stepping aside so Louise and I would have a better view of her familiar. The red lizard croaked in surprise and its gaze found mine and it simply froze in place. It would appear that its master cannot sense the distress her partner is currently experiencing or she was deliberately shutting it out in order to save face. Either way, my eyes met hers and my previous glare was replaced with a smile.

?Sadly not. There were no salamanders of that kind in my homeland. I have not seen a creature generate flames that way.? Indeed, the only flames I know of either came from fireballs from those immortals or from the hell raven?s newborn suns. I have not yet seen a creature that could sustain a flame at the tip of its tail like this one does, it was rather cute as it cowered in fear like that. Kirche took this as a cue and knelt beside her familiar before stroking its motionless head, the creature?s gaze not leaving my form.

?I see. As you can see, my contract summoned familiar is quite loyal and obedient, a rare salamander from the mountains of fire.? Kirche gushed as she showed off her salamander to Louise and take a shot at her at the same time. I felt my master tense up at that, so I decided to diffuse the situation for now. This girl was not worth the trouble my master will get into if I killed her out of spite. I remembered back when I could just kill everything that didn?t agree with me. Sadly, that was the old Yuka. This Yuka wanted to try something new, an alternate way of dealing with things like this is one of them.

?Excuse me, Miss Kirche.? I called out to the girl. I put out my best smile and the girl flinched in surprise at my demeanor.

?My master and I have things we need to discuss, I assume that a fine student such as yourself would understand the importance of this due to your knowledge of the rules about the summoning.? I stated. The girl regarded me for another moment before smirking.

?Not bad for a commoner. So be it, come Flame.? Kirche said before she gave one last smirk at us and strutting away. Her familiar croaked one more time before moving as fast as it could away from me.

?Now, where were we. Ah, yes! You were deciding on the future of our partnership or the lack thereof.? I calmly reminded Louise. Who gave an annoyed ?urk? before giving me a narrowed glance.

?Tea for the discussion?? I offered before walking off to one of the tables.


?So?? Louise started as we sat in silence together, my parasol was leaning on the side of the table. We were in one of the farther circular tables, away from the general bustle of the other students.

?So?? I repeated her statement in question form.

?So, when are we going to start discussing our?partnership?? Louise clarified her question with a hint of hesitation.

?We will do so as soon as we are served out tea.? I declared while nodding sagely. Louise stared at me for a moment before sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose.

?And! Did you ask any of the servants for tea?? Louise added another question.

?Why would I do that? Isn?t that already a given?? I asked with a raised brow.

?By the founder?No, it is not! You need to tell them what you want before they can bring it to you. Otherwise, how would they know what to serve?!? Louise pointed out. I considered her point for a moment, cupping my chin with my hand and closing my eyes.

?Yes, that would be logical. So, call a servant over to serve us tea.? I suggested. That seemed to be the straw that broke the camel?s back as I suddenly noticed a spike in Louise?s magical power. I could hear her gnashing her teeth and trying very, very hard not to explode. I sighed as I realized why she was upset. Her familiar was giving her an order, even after he declared that he would be a loyal partner to her.

?I?ll go get a servant and get us some tea. Please look after my parasol.? I stated before standing up and walking toward the more crowded part of the courtyard. It took me a few more steps before I realized that I had just left my dear parasol in the care of a human girl without any hesitation. I smiled. This partnership will be a good one if Louise would look past minor details such as social status.

I quickly saw Siesta serving tea and cake to the students. She will do nicely. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder.

?Siesta?? I called out to her. The maid quickly turned around and smiled at me. It seemed that she was getting used to my presence.

?Yes? How may I help you, Mister Yuka?? Siesta asks in practiced professionalism. I explained my request for some tea for my master and myself. The maid was more than happy to serve but pointed out that she still needed to serve tea to a few more students. I offered to help her with the task, if only to help move it along faster. We were at the last table to be served when I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

?Hello again, Familiar of Zero.? The blonde boy, Guiche said behind my back. I recognized the voice and the seemingly derogatory title of my master. I slowly turned around before regarding the boy. He had the giant mole I saw before lying down beside him. It was asleep so it did not panic at my presence in the way that the salamander did.

?Eeek!? I heard and turned to the source of the panicked voice. I looked at the source and saw that the boy was not alone. The forehead girl was sitting across from him and was tapping her shirt in panic.

?What?s wrong, dear Montmorency?? Guiche asked in concern for the girl. He got his answer when a small frog peaked out from the girl?s shirt. Her familiar was not as lucky as Guiche?s and it sensed my presence and cowered like the lower life form that it was.

?My, that was a bit of a surprise.? I stated, regaining the pair?s attention. The girl narrowed her eyes at me slightly while patting her familiar?s head with her finger.

?It would for a commoner who is in the service of the Zero, wouldn?t it?? Guiche jumped at the chance to insult me and my master at the same time. I smiled and accepted his challenge.

?Not at all. I was simply surprised that you would shift your attention from the girl last night in the brown mantle to this other one so quickly. Were her offerings not up to your standards?? I commented nonchalantly with a smirk and a raised brow.

?You will show me respect if you know what is good for?you?common?er?? Guiche?s counter was cut short when I noticed hostile intent coming from the girl sitting across him. This will be lovely.

?What is this man talking about, Guiche?? The girl stated in a flat tone, her finger still stroking the head of her familiar. The frog seemed to find its master?s fury much less threatening than being exposed outside her protection while I?m around.

?Don?t mind him Montmorency! There is no girl I love other than you! There is no way that I would lie to your eyes!? Guiche vehemently declared before giving me a seething glare. I wasn?t looking at him at the moment, but to something beyond him.

?Hello there Miss Katie! Are you looking for Sir Guiche?? I called out to the young girl who was looking around and carrying a basket of baked goods, handmade if I hazard a guess. She heard my call and beamed after she saw Guiche. The object of her affection did not share the sentiments at the moment. I smiled at my handywork and turned away to find Siesta, the two girls should keep him busy for a while. I found Siesta and saw that she was carrying a tray filled with cakes, a pot of fresh tea, and pair of cups.

?Is there something wrong Mister Yuka?? Siesta asked worriedly. I smiled at her and casually poured a cup of tea for myself.

?Not at all. Simply helping to get the truth out into the open as any good citizen would.? I stated before taking a sip of my tea. Not bad.

?A bit too sweet for my tastes but it is acceptable.? I commented as I savored the tea, the sounds of Montmorency yelling at Guiche echoing in the background before I heard the telltale sound of a slap in the face. I turned around and saw Guiche on his backside with a fresh welt on his cheek. Both girls have already left but for obviously different reasons. The boy glared at me and I raised my teacup.

?Better luck next time then?? I said in response before taking another sip. The boy stood up and walked right in front of me.

?It appears that I will need to teach you the discipline required for commoners when in the presence of nobility.? The boy bit out. I heard the tea set clinking against the silver platter that Siesta was carrying. It seemed that such a declaration does not bode well for regular commoners.

?Is that so?? I couldn?t help but say those words, it was the perfect response really. The boy pulled out the rose on his shirt, which still had part of its stem attached to it, and pointed the blossom at me.

?A very nice rose, did you purchase it some place nice?? I asked, not fazed by his actions.

?This is a rose grown by my own two hands, commoner. A man of the Gramont clan cannot lead an imperial army if he cannot even make a rose bloom!? He declared proudly. Really now? My opinion of this boy improved just a bit if he could cultivate a rose that pristine.

?As such, I hereby challenge you to a duel! I will carve the respect for nobility that you sorely lack in your very body!? Guiche dramatically declared with a swing of his rose. My opinion of him suddenly dropped back down to rock bottom. I maintained my smile before finishing my cup of tea and setting the empty cup on the tray carried by the stone shocked Siesta. I cleared my throat and levelled my gaze at the boy.

?Could you repeat that, I wasn?t listening.? I stated. The other students gasped in unison at my words and the boy narrowed his eyes at me.

?I challenge you to a duel, Familiar of Zero! Do you accept?? He repeated, his voice full of misguided confidence.

?Are you sure?? I asked him with a smile. The boy raised a brow but his gaze did not falter.

?Yes, a duel between you and me. One hour from now at the grounds near the vestry!? He declared and even added a time and a place. Strike one.

?Are you really sure?? I asked him again with the same smile. I saw his eye twitch a few times before he gave his response.

?Yes! Are you daft?!? The boy yelled in irritation. Strike two.

?Are. You. Absolutely. Sure?? I repeated one more time, making sure to emphasize each word.

?YES! You! Me! One hour! Be there!? The boy snapped at me before stomping off, presumably to where the duel will take place. Strike three.

?And I shall?? I quietly muttered, my smile gone. I could faintly hear my master?s yelling come closer and closer. I do hope she at least brought my parasol with her.


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2011, 07:38:41 PM »
I've been waiting for this
yuuka tearing up guiches shit


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2011, 02:43:46 AM »
Because this chapter wouldn't shut up in my head and kept distracting me from playing Dead Space 2...UPDATE!

Also included is a shout out to the best Familiar of Zero fic I have ever read. Cheers!



"Familiar!" I heard my master yell out as soon as I was within her screaming range. Siesta was still beside me and was as white as a sheet after she heard my acceptance at Guiche's challenge.

"Here master. I got our tea and even some cake ready." I pointed out to the still shell shocked maid. Louise walked up to me with a very displeased expression. I was glad when I saw that she was cradling my parasol in her hands though.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Louise asked me in a tone of a human mother would after finding out that their child did something unsavoury.

"Getting us tea for our discussion." I responded. I heard rattling of porcelain against metal again and turned to Siesta who moved on from shock to mild panic. I do hope she doesn't drop the tray.

"Mister Yuka was challenged to a duel by Sir Gramont and he accepted! They will meet in front of the church in an hour!" Siesta blurted out in panic, I swear she looked like she was going to faint. I turned back to my master and saw her expression to be the complete opposite.

"This is Siesta, by the way, very adept at caring for flowers and has a decent singing voice." I introduced Siesta to my master, sad that she probably wasn't listening at the moment because of what the maid just told her.

"You did what?" See? Louise yelled the question at me with an incredulous expression.

"The boy challenged my honor and I saw it fit to defend it. To be fair, I asked him thrice if he was serious about if before accepting." I explained. My master started trembling a bit, clutching my parasol a little harder than she was before. She then held it to her left side and grabbed my hand with her free hand before she started walking away.

"Where are we going?" I asked innocently. My master stopped and glared at me for a moment before turning back.

"To Guiche. If you say that you are sorry then he might just call the whole thing off!" She declared before dragging me off?or should I say, before I let her drag me off. I turned back to the motionless maid who was getting farther and farther away from us.

"Outer table to the northeast! Keep the tea warm!" I yelled out to her before my master yanked me further away from the poor maid.


"Master, really now. There is no need to get so worked up about this." I stated as Louise led me through the castle. I heard no more than a few grumbles as a response, she was clearly not going to hear any of this. I decided to stop her right there before anything else could be said or done. I planted my feet firmly on the ground, surprising my master as she recoiled from the sudden resistance. She turned back to me with an expression of anger, frustration?and worry. Ah, I see now?

"Louise, listen to me. I will not lose. I certainly will not be injured by this." I calmly stated with a raised brow.

"You-you-you don't get it do you?" My master suddenly snapped at me before continuing.

"This isn't some commoner rabble you are about to duel with, he is a mage! You can't just expect to defeat him just because you are older than him and better built than him! Physical strength alone can never overcome magic!" I couldn't help but smile at her concern for me. I had to suppress a chuckle building up when I heard her say that physical force couldn't overcome magic. How many have said that to me over the years?

"Are you?worried?" I asked in mock confusion. I got my answer when her hand went across my face with a sharp sound. The action seemed to have hurt her hand more than my cheek as I saw her clench her hand into a fist a few times.

"What kind of mage wouldn't be worried for the safety of her familiar?" Louise solemnly stated, passion and honor. My master seemed to have more to her than I gave her credit for, perhaps a better upbringing than most of the other students here? If she isn't bi-polar then she must be a very conflicted person for some specific reason.

"Quite. Tell me, Louise?is that boy of some worth to you?" I asked her. It was not impossible that my master might be harboring feelings for that boy which is why he is adamant at making me apologize to him.

"What? No! Guiche is a disgusting playboy!" Or not?

"Then you wouldn't terribly mind if he were to die?" I asked another question. My usual warm smile being replaced with my other usual smile, the one I use before the onset of battle. Louise flinched and backed away a half-step.

"What are you saying?" The girl asked back nervously.

"That boy was one of those who were laughing at you when you first called me to this place. I would assume that he is also one of those who have done so before in other occasions as well." I postulated. I got my confirmation when Louise turned away from me.

"I have no talent in magic?" My master supplied with. So she believes that their taunts were justified because of her lack of apparent skill at magic? Children, the whole lot of them.

"Ah yes. One of the things I intend to disprove by the end of the day." I stated before walking off in the direction where my master was originally heading to.

"What are you talking about?" She asked as she fell in step with me.

"Let me ask you again. Does Guiche deserve to die?" I calmly asked my master one more time. She gave me a puzzled and worried look before she shook her head.

"No, he doesn't." She stated simply. Rejoice, Sir Gramont! Your life is spared and you now owe it to my master. I grinned evilly as I planned my move. I thought of ways to utterly defeat the child without outright killing him.

Assert my power.

Give my master more confidence in herself.

Educate a pompous brat.

Tea and cake afterwards.

A fine day indeed.


"Am surprised that you actually showed up." Guiche said with a smirk as I stood twenty paces in front of him. I merely shrugged before glancing back at Louise. My master was looking on with a grim expression while clutching my parasol close to her chest. I looked around and saw that several students had arrived to see the disciplining of an upstart commoner at the hands of their peer. Among them were Kirche and Tabitha. The redhead was snickering while looking between me and Louise before saying a few words to her companion. The smaller girl did not share her sentiments and was looking right at me with focus. Was she gauging me? No matter.

"Yes, yes, the mandatory taunts before the duel, I know this already. Are you going to begin the duel or should we simply throw unpleasantries at each other?" Step one, make sure to belittle their taunts and posturing. That will make them work harder to try to humiliate you through force of power.

"So be it! Remember this day, commoner! The day that you grovel on the ground and beg Guiche the Bronze for forgiveness!" The boy declared before swinging his rose, making three petals fall to the ground. The petals glowed and three slender metal golems sprouted forth from the ground. Well crafted and instantaneous spell execution. Was the spell already laced within the rose beforehand? An interesting concept if it was so.

"These are my bronze Valkyries! They will make sure that you will never speak out of turn against a noble ever again!" He declared before doing a flamboyant pose for the crowd. The students assembled there 'ohhed' and 'aaahed' at Guiche's display. The golems are well made but they seemed to be hollow, a compromise to maintain mobility despite the weight of bronze. They didn't even look armed. I smiled at the situation, this will be like schooling little Cirno back in the day.

"Three strikes." I suddenly said, bringing Guiche out of his self absorbed posing. Step two, provide a stipulation to the battle that would normally mean complete victory for your foe.

"What?" The boy asked in confusion.

"I will allow you three strikes at me. If you do not fell me by the third, I shall begin my counterattack." I clarified. The boy stared at me for a moment before laughing.

"And what makes you think that you can even last for more than one strike? Very well! I accept!" Guiche got caught hook, line and sinker as he sent one of his golems at me. The bronze construct ran at me before delivering a right straight aimed at my sternum. The blow connected and the result was pretty much what I had expected. The metal gauntlet of the golem was completely crushed, as if it punched a solid steel door instead of a man. I stared at my foe who was in shock at what just transpired. I could hear various gasps and murmurs from the crowd.

"Strike one." I stated, making the boy flinch. It seemed that he has finally realized that this will not go as easily as he had expected. Step three, completely crush all expectations and dominate your foe to the point of despair. Those three steps were the lessons I learned when I faced the Lunarian woman, Eirin. It was a lesson I took to heart.

"How dare you!" The boy yelled out as he sent out his other two golems at me. The one I was currently facing used its remaining hand to grab into my arm and keep me detained. I smiled at the futile gesture but let it do as it pleased for now. The other two arrived and delivered a punch to either side of my head, intending to knock me out in one strike. Both hands that met my skull were crushed in the same way that the first one's hand was.

"Strike two." I reminded the boy, who was slowly backing away. He threw out five more petals and they sprouted into five golems that were armed with bronze swords.

"Guiche! You know that duels aren't supposed to be lethal! There is no need to use weapons like that!" My master screamed at the panicking boy.

"Quiet! I shall not lose!" Guiche yelled back before sending all five armed golems at me. The three who were currently with me held onto me like vices, preventing any movement from me?or so they thought. The five golems converged and swung their swords at various parts of my body.

"Yukaaaaaaaa!" I heard Louise say my name for the very first time. I smiled at her worried voice as the sword strikes connected. The result was all the same, the blades warped and snapped after hitting me. I takes a very special kind of steel to harm me now. A long time ago, bronze would have been enough to damage me, but not anymore. The entire yard was in complete silence at what just happened. They just witnessed eight bronze golems strike at me and fail miserably.

"Strike three." I calmly stated before I reached out at the golem that was hanging onto the left side of my body and grabbed its head. I proceeded to crush its bronze skull and pushed down upon the frame, making it buckle and collapse into a heap of scrap metal. I looked back to the boy, who was looking at me in terror. I closed my eyes and gave him my trademark smile before I was about to attack and he screamed in response.

"My turn." I stated through my maddened smile before I reached for the golem holding me from behind. I grabbed its neck and swung it at the golem holding to my right side, the arms of the golem behind me snapping to pieces at the joints from the action. Both golems crumpled into useless heaps of bronze before I turned my attention to the other five.

"No! No! No! Get away from me!" Guiche suddenly yelled out before dispensing more and more petals to create a wall of fifteen golems between him and me. It seemed that he finally understood the situation he had gotten himself into. Too bad, it was too late. I started to slowly walk toward him, closing the distance between us. The boy panicked and sent all of his valkyries at me. The five in front of me used what was left of their swords to try to attack me in desperation. The first one tried to thrust a broken blade at me and I used an open palm to block it. I caught the broken weapon and pushed against the golem, snapping its arm off at the shoulder. I punched through the golem's chest and lifted it up, doing the same thing to another golem with my other hand. I smashed both golems together, catching another in the middle. The three crumpled and I stepped over their metal corpses, just in time to see that the remaining two joined up with the other ten that Guche just summoned. I smiled and clenched my hands, making my bones crack, before walking toward the group.

Three charged to start. Was he trying to conserve his forces and decided to attack in waves? A suitable strategy to tire out an opponent, he knows basic military tactics. Too bad those tactics do not apply to me. I drove the point home my repeating the same move I did before, with slight differences. I grabbed the heads of the two golems who were trying to flank me and head butting the one who charged right at me, crushing its head. The two in my hands struggled to break free but I silenced them by lifting them up and smashing them down onto the third over and over again, using them like flails. I discarded the broken constructs and started forward again.

"More!" I yelled out at the boy. My word was enough to rouse the remaining seven into action and they all charged at me. I raised my arm and smashed it down onto the first, crushing its shoulder and torso like paper. I casually tossed it into another golem with a bit more force than I intended since it was enough to crush that one as well. The remaining five surrounded me and decided to bull rush me at the same time. Was that boy so stupid or was it because of panic? Regardless I simply leapt up and allowed the five to crash into each other. I dropped myself down and crushed all of them at the same time while they were still tangled together. The impact from my aerial stomp caused a small crater and kicked up some dust into the air. I swatted at the air and cleared the dust away from me in one move. I glared at my opponent who was still holding onto his petal-less rose since he spent all of them in making his golems. I took a step forward and he discarded the bare stem onto the ground on his side before he crafted a bronze sword in his hands.

"H-h-how? You're just a commoner! How can you defeat my Bronze Valkyries so easily?" The boy screamed at me in octaves usually reserved for women. I grinned evilly at him before I took another step forward.

"Now, now. When did I ever state that I was a commoner in the first place?" I asked before glancing at my wide eyed master then back at Guiche.

"It seems that your rose has wilted, sad. Perhaps I could help with it, yes?" I said with a smile. I closed my eyes and reached out in the direction of the discarded flower before opening my eyes again. I could feel my eyes glow red with power and I smiled. I turned my hand over and gestured upward.

"Rise." I declared and the stem that Guiche discarded erupted into a mass of thorny vines that wrapped themselves around the poor boy. The thorns dug into his arms, his legs, and his torso. I shaped my hand as if it was holding something, and I squeezed. Guiche's agonized scream was the only indication that the vines were constricting him. As if fueled by his pain and agony, several blood red roses started blooming amongst the vines.

"I will only ask this once. Do you yield, Sir Gramont?" I asked the boy before squeezing a bit harder.

"Y-y-y-e-" Guiche's answer was cut short as I made the vines squeeze a bit harder for a moment. I could keep this up all day. The boy will have several cuts and bruises but he will not die from this. It was the perfect way to make him suffer while keeping my promise to not kill him.

"Enough!" I heard Louise yell out from within the crowd. I turned around and saw my master in the verge of tears and she clutched my parasol so hard that her knuckles were going white. I glanced around to the other children and saw that they were all in anguish after witnessing what was happening to their peer, some were even outright crying. Tabitha and Kirche simply stood in silence with mouths agape, though Kirche's was wider than Tabitha's. I sighed before turning back to Guiche.

"As you wish." I stated flatly before releasing the hold the vines had on the boy. I let the magic go and the mass of thorns and roses retracted back to their origin before forming into a single beautiful red rose. The boy collapsed and Montmorency quickly ran to his side before casting what seemed to be several healing spells. I walked up to my master, making the other students back away very quickly.

"Now then, master. Tea?" I offered with my usual warm smile.


"What?are you?" My master asked with a meek voice. Her previous fire extinguished after the events of the duel.

"I am what is known as a youkai. In my homeland, that is the general term for fantastic creatures that usually have humanoid forms." I stated before sipping more tea.

It was half an hour after my duel with Guiche and Louise and I were currently back to our previous table, my parasol leaning on it between me and Louise. Siesta was standing behind us with a cart that had tea and snacks on it. I was sitting beside my master instead of across from her because we were no longer alone in the table.

"What is wrong, Sir Guiche? You have yet to touch your tea?" I gestured to one of the new occupants of the table. I invited Guiche and Montmorency to our table for tea with a smile after he stopped writhing in pain. The two were very wary of me at first but I assured them that I bore no more ill will towards the boy anymore. They didn't seem convinced so I elaborated that if I wanted them dead, I would have already done so. That got them on their feet rather quickly.

"I'm sorry?I am still in pain and cannot enjoy the tea as I am at the moment." He quietly said, avoiding my gaze. The discarded rose was back on his shirt on my insistence due to the fact that it was his rose and it would be a shame to leave such a nice specimen on the ground.

"Nonsense! That is no more than a scratch, I assure you!" I declared with a friendly smile before pushing the neglected cup of tea closer to the boy.

"He said that he didn't want tea!" Montmorency snapped at me with a glare, making the other occupants of the table wince. I sighed and leaned back into my chair.

"So be it. It seems to be a waste of good tea though." I commented with a smile before taking another sip.

"Why did you invite them along anyway?" Louise questioned. I looked to the sky and chuckled.

"You could say that it is tradition to have tea after a battle where I came from." I admitted. My master tilted her head to the side and gave me questioning look.

"Don't think about it too hard, you'll get a headache." I admonished her. She shook it off and drank all her tea in one swig before asking for a refill from Siesta.

"You lied to me?" Louise said in slight irritation. I raised a brow at her and gestured her to continue.

"You said that you were a common gardener. You never said that you were a powerful magical creature." She bit out with a pout. I simply shook my head and sighed.

"I never said I was a commoner, that was something you and your peers assumed. I also said that I was skilled at making flowers bloom, I just never embellished my methods or the magnitude of my skill at it. I did not lie to you." I said with a wry smile. Louise just gave me an unsatisfied grimace before sighing.

"So, a youkai is a fantastical creature right?" Louise asked in clarification, changing the subject. I nodded in response.

"Usually they are animals or items who have gained magical awareness, being reborn as a youkai. Others are simply born into the world as youkai. There are several kinds of youkai that exist and each of them are considered as monsters by humans." I explained further. Louise nodded, trying her best to understand what I was saying.

"So, what kind of youkai are you?" Siesta was the one who asked that question. I turned to her and smiled.

"I am unique. I am simply Yuka Kazami. I am the only one of my kind." I declared. I glanced at my master and saw that she had yet another expression of surprise.

"Yes, master. That means that you have summoned a powerful, one of a kind familiar." I said to her and she beamed. I continued before she could even start gushing.

"As such, it is unfair to say that my master is untalented at magic. Afterall, she summoned a powerful magical creature and not a commoner, yes?" I said to the two blondes, who nodded in agreement.

"So where did you come from then, Mister Yuka?" Siesta supplied another critical question. The girl was either very curious or she was planning something.

"I come from a realm very different and very similar from this one." I responded cryptically.

"Similar but different?" Guiche was the one who asked this time. His previous fear of me was replaced with wonder and curiosity.

"Indeed. My realm only had one moon to start with. Additionally, there was the realm I came from and the outside world-"

"Wait! Stop right there!" Louise interrupted. I looked at her and saw that she was rubbing her eyes in frustration before looking at me.

"There are two worlds on your homeland?" She finally said, completely lost in my explanation.

"Yes and no. My realm, Gensokyo, is a hidden place on the world known as Earth. Gensokyo is surrounded by a powerful barrier that isolates itself from the rest of the world, that is why it is called the outside world." I elaborated.

"Why the secrecy? If you are as powerful as you say, then why do you need a barrier to hide yourselves from the rest of the world." Montmorency finally joined the conversation with a valid question.

"Good question. The reason why is the difference of magic between Gensokyo and the outside world. Earth developed in a very different way from your own world. After a certain point in its history, the magic in the air suddenly vanished. All magic eventually died out centuries later. Thanks to the barrier, Gensokyo was spared the same fate as the rest of the world." I explained, all four children with me gasped at the prospect of a world without magic.

"Why? Magic doesn't just?disappear! What happened?" Montmorency once again asked.

"I have asked the same question before, I have yet to find a good answer. Regardless, Gensokyo became the last sanctuary for all magical species that can access it. It eventually became known locally as the eastern wonderland because it was located eastward and a virtual cornucopia of magical beings." I supplied.

"Amazing?" Siesta muttered.

"So you are the strongest one there?" Louise asked with an uncertain tone of voice.

"Louise, if you knew what I have been through for the last sixteen hundred years, you would not be asking that question." I said with a smile. The little pink-haired girl gulped at the prospect of having to find out.

"Now the question becomes, why would someone as powerful as you be summoned by someone like Louise?" Montmorency asked once again. My, she's quite curious for someone who just snapped at me moments ago.

"Hey!" Louise yelled out at the blonde girl who put up her hands in defence.

"It's a legitimate question! You've never been any good at any kind of magic you have ever tried, then out of nowhere you summon a powerhouse like him as your familiar! I mean?how in founder's name does that even work?" Montmorency yelled back. Louise flinched for a moment before glancing at me, understanding her train of thought.

"Tell me something, what are the usual criteria for summoning in this realm?" I asked. Guiche raised his hand and spoke up.

"Usually, the summoned creature fits the element of the summoner. It is the easiest way we know of to determine the element of a particular mage." Guiche supplied. It made sense. Guiche is an earth mage so he summoned a mole. Kirche has a salamander so she's fire. Tabitha summoned a drake so she must be wind. I turned to Montmorency and saw her tiny frog, water.

"Yes?that does make sense." I muttered to myself before gesturing to Siesta for a refill.

"Does that mean that I'm an earth mage? I mean, plant manipulation is earth magic right?" Louis asked Guiche, who shrugged helplessly.

"Normally, yes it would. However, Mister Yuka here should be more than the sum of his parts. After all, I cannot remember having the power to make flowers bloom to be something a powerful magical being would use." Guiche pointed out. I couldn't hold it in any further and I simply started laughing.

"I'm sorry. However, any talent?no matter how mundane, can become formidable with polish and creativity. You are correct in saying that there is more to me than that. However, I want to put things in a better perspective for you. Look around you. What do you see?" I said and the four of them looked around and responded with 'castle' at the same time.

"To be young again. No, look beyond the obvious. When you walk in a field, when you traverse a mountainside, when you go through a forest, what do you see?" I asked again with more emphasis.

"Plants." A new voice spoke up. We all turned to the source and saw that it was Tabitha and Kirche. The blue-haired girl was holding a large crooked staff, her foci of choice it would seem.

"Very good, Miss Tabitha. Tea?" I offered and she held up her hand and politely refused. I turned to Kirche and offered the same. She obliged and Siesta served her a cup. The two newcomers pulled up their own chairs and it quickly became much more crowded than it normally would be. I sat with Louise to my right and Guiche to my left while Tabitha sat next to Louise and Kirche beside Montmorency.

"Now, to elaborate on Miss Tabitha's point, you need to understand that this world is covered with plant life. It is what sustains every other life form here. Imagine the kind of power you would posses if you could manipulate them to a degree wherein you can make flowers bloom without any restrictions to size, number, or species?" I proposed and Guiche gulped at the realization.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed Louise. Your familiar is very impressive." Kirche chimed in and Louise stared at her with her mouth agape.

"What's your angle?" She quickly bit out at the redhead.

"No angle. Just giving credit where credit is due. Now if you could only apply that to regular magic." The redhead said with a smirk, beginning another bout of taunts and counter-taunts. Tabitha ignored the girls on her side and simply stared at me intently the whole time. I raised a brow at the girl but I thought nothing of the gesture, she was probably trying to figure out what I really was.

"Compatibility." Tabitha stated, making the two arguing girls quiet down.

"Excuse me?" I asked the girl.

"It's another one of the criteria for summoning a magical creature." Kirche supplied. I nodded toward her to continue.

"Aside from elemental affinity, you can also summon a creature that would be most suited for your needs as a mage. The concept is old and is superseded by the elemental affinity factor because there has been little proof of the theory in the history books. I mean, the last time a humanoid familiar was summoned was back during Brimir's time" Kirche clarified, earning looks from everyone at the table.

"You don't suggest that Louise is a mage on par with the founder do you?" Montmorency asked the redhead with an incredulous expression. I looked at Louise and saw her opening and closing her mouth while her body was as stiff as a board. Oh dear, I think her brain broke.

"Just calling it like I see it." Kirche said with a shrug.


When Louise went to sleep that night, she was equal parts exhausted, exalted, and embarrassed. She had offered Yuka to share her bed for the night, but the man politely refused and assured her that he had adequate means of sleeping comfortably. She truly had called out a familiar that was noble and powerful!

And when Louise slept, she dreamed of sunflowers and battle.

There was her Familiar, but it was strange. Instead of the confident and well-built man she had summoned, she saw an elegant and slender woman instead. No matter, Louise felt like giggling all the same. This was amazing! It was wonderful!

So it was when she saw her Familiar face off against countless winged beasts, demons as her mind supplied her with. Spectacular! Her noble Yuka will bring forth divine punishment to those beasts!

It was not as she had expected.

The woman, her familiar in her dream, went into a mad cackling rage and started firing countless bolts of magic at the oncoming horde. Those unlucky enough to come too close were ripped apart by her bare hands. When she saw the spray of blood rain upon the field of sunflowers, when she saw the sky become dyed black and red, when she saw the six purple wings of a being so powerful that even her familiar could not defeat it on her own, when she saw the maddened lustful anger of the one whom she had summoned, she knew for a fact that it really was a nightmare.

And so Louise dreamed of sunflowers and battle.


Yuka smiled at the tiny form of her master who was currently curled up into a ball in the middle of the sunflower field of Mugenkan. The Flower Master of the Four Seasons noticed strange sounds coming from the sunflower field when he entered the dream realm for the night. He approached the source and found his master sleeping amongst her flowers. Yuka's smile grew bigger when he realized what this meant.

It means that he can train Louise in the use of magic here without inflicting any harm on her actual body. Perhaps he could teach her basic Danmaku dodging techniques first.


Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 11:24:19 AM »
Before I discovered Touhou, I've been a big fan of Zero. And to say for this fanfic, I really never expected a cross-over for the two series.

Also, is Yuka in this fanfic a male, or is there something else going on I don't know about?


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 07:47:11 PM »
Read the first chapter again. Yukari genderbent Yuka before she got eaten by the summoning portal. As for the crossover itself, the issue was for Yuka to be summoned and not commit genocide as soon as she arrives, otherwise it would have been a very short fic. So, I aged Yuka up to 1600+ years old and made her bored of her current lifestyle. She wished for a change, Louise wished for a powerful familar. They got what they wanted, just not in the way either of them expected. Hence, Be careful what you wish for.


  • Your #1 Idiot Child.
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2011, 07:49:51 AM »
Blackraptor~ You are back with another good story! But, what is the series that you are crossing over?

Edit: Reading the first few post would be good some time...
Time for me to research this ZnT~
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 07:54:07 AM by Surprised Minch »


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2011, 07:25:16 PM »
ZnT is short for Zero no Tsukaima or Familiar of Zero. Pretty nice show and an even better light novel series. I recommend reading the books over watching the anime.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 08:32:46 AM »

?So?? Louise muttered as the two of us walked across the halls of the castle. I walked a step behind her and was once again using my parasol as a walking stick, my preferred use for it in small spaces when not in battle.

?So?? I repeated, the students who were in the way suddenly parted like lambs when confronted by a wolf. In the span of one day, my master went from the joke of the school to the harbinger of death. Granted, I was the one who was doing the harbinging but it was the thought that counted. Yes, harbinging is a word because I said so.

??why are you following me, Yuka?? Louise said in a slightly nervous tone.

?Because I?m your familiar and partner, Louise.? I simply said with a smile. Louise quickly spun around and held my arms while looking down on the ground.

?Look?I?m going to class. The stuff they teach there is probably very boring for a being as ancient and powerful as you so you don?t really have to accompany me anymore if?you?don?t?want?to. Umm?yeah.? I raised a brow at her reasoning. True, the magic that they teach second years, of which my master is one of, might not bring anything new to the table for me but I wanted to observe all the same. You never know what you might pick up along the way.

?Nonsense, I am always open to learning new things. I?m sure that your classes can offer a different perspective on how magic works at the very least.? I reasoned.

?Uuuu?? Louise let out before releasing her grip on me. She turned around and continued walking with me in tow. I must say that Louise has gotten much more comfortable in calling me by name instead of ?Familiar?. It took her a few days to be able to say my name with a straight face, or without butchering the pronunciation. Also, I have been seeing her appear in Mugenkan whenever she goes to sleep. Granted, she appears at random locations in the dream realm and she doesn?t appear there every night. I?m still trying to figure out how to control her entry to my dream world but I can never detect her entrance into it, very strange.

After a while, we settled into a routine. I would wake her just before dawn, nose pinching is no longer allowed for some reason. Afterward, I would prepare her uniform as she stretches and blinks away any remaining drops of sleep in her eyes. I would wait for her outside while she prepares and trade small talk with Guiche and Monmon. Yes, I know her name is not Monmon but it is infinitely easier to say. They butcher my name, I butcher theirs. I must say, Guiche is much more skilled at growing flowers, roses in particular, than I had imagined. It seemed that it is an ingrained tradition in his family to be able to cultivate top-class roses as a rite of maturity. I traded notes with the boy and he seemed intrigued at the idea of using magic to help plants grow in places they normally wouldn?t be able to. On my part, I came away with the system that his family had used to lace flower petals with spells. Those will be very useful later on. Monmon did her best to keep her patience as we discussed about flowers and the like but she usually gives up and heads back into the dormitory tower to fetch Louise. Dare I say that those two have become closer as of late? At the very least, Monmon has shown more respect and kindness toward my master though Louise was hesitant about Monmon?s insistence of a tea party during the afternoons at first. My insistence on the idea was what convinced Louise to give into it. She enjoyed her time speaking with Monmon and it gave me and Guiche time to talk more about flowers, with Siesta chiming in every now and then.

I sometimes run into Tabitha and Kirche as well, though I try to avoid the latter if I could. After my duel with Guiche, the redhead seemed to start looking at me with lustful eyes. Understandable for a young woman her age but I was simply not interested, I was not Marisa. Sadly, Kirche once again shows that she cannot take a hint and continues her attempts to seduce me. The quiet girl, Tabitha, has become much more relaxed around my master and I, though her drake?Sylphid if I recall, was still dead scared of me. Then again, every other familiar still is. There isn?t much to say about Tabitha aside from the fact that she clearly listens in on conversations even when deeply concentrating on her books. Again, like Patchouli but much more outgoing. As for the rest of the school?well, none of the students have tried to insult or belittle my master anymore. It has become more peaceful now because of it but don?t really mind it that much. I have experienced this sort of thing before, the calm before the storm.

?Why is it that you?ve been following me to class so often now? A few days ago, you?d just be in the garden with Siesta during classes.? Louise pointed out as we entered the classroom. The first time I did this was a sight to behold. It was always nice to hear the dead silence that came as soon as I entered a room. It warmed my heart to see that the children were as afraid of me as the ?killer golem? that Louise told me about one night, the stuff of nightmares for small magelings in this world I supposed. I had a hearty chuckle when Louise told me of the story. The killer golem was nowhere near as imposing as Alice?s Goliath Dolls or the Moriya Shrine?s Hisoutensoku. Louise still couldn?t believe all the destruction that the battle against Hisoutensoku, when a wayward spirit possessed the giant construct, caused. Good times?

?I am currently trying to figure out an answer to a certain question and I require more information about this world?s magic system before I can make any further postulations.? I cryptically said, the question being ?what is Louise?s element?? After the discussion we had post-duel, I became curious as to what my master?s element was. She had said that she could not use any of the four base elements commonly found here, the only other possibility was Void and that has not been used in millennia. Add to that the theory that a mage?s familiar should point to the mage?s primary element and things get very complicated. I do not have an element per say but I can use manipulation of flowers or wield raw magical power to fuel my battles. This does not help to answer the question. If my abilities are to be the basis for Louise?s element, then she would be either ?an element of growth and life? or ?a non-elemental magic type?. I would note that having an element of growth would be very ironic for my master considering her physical lack thereof.

?A question? What kind of question?? Louise asked as we both took our seats at an available area in the room, the rest of the class giving us some breathing space, though Guiche, Monmon, Kirche, and Tabitha were sitting behind us.

?Something that you will find out when the time comes.? Was all I said before the teacher entered the room. She was a middle-aged woman wearing brown robe and had a witch?s hat similar to Marisa?s back in the day. As the lecture went on, I went over what I already knew as my master took down notes.

Instead of using spell cards to store, focus, and shape magical energy into completed spells, the mages in this world use some kind of foci instead. It can range from simple wands to staves, anything they can use to focus their magical energy into really. Guiche has already demonstrated that even rose petals can become foci for spells, very creative compared to most I?ve seen so far. In addition, a mage?s power is directly proportional to how many single elements he or she can wield, the limit seems to be four. That is the reasoning for their mage rank system of dot, line, triangle, and square.

?Louise.? I muttered as I nudged my master. She simply gave me a grunt, telling me to ask my question. This has been the thing between us during class, I would nudge her with a question in mind and she would do her best to answer it.

?Just to clarify, the application of magical elements by mages can be stacked for stronger spells, right? Does that include element redundancy?? I asked, Louise glanced at me for a moment before nodding.

?Yes, that is the basis for the stronger single-element specialists. Instead of adding a new element to their next level spells, they just add the same element over and over again to make it stronger instead of making a new effect.? I had to suppress a grimace when I heard Kirche?s voice answer the question and not Louise. I shook my head and simply ignored the redhead, opting to process the information instead. The stacking of elements would be similar to stacking spell cards to make stronger versions of the original spells. Examples include combining two Master Sparks to make a Dual-Spark or Final Spark depending on your use for it, that would be the equivalent of a line-class spell. A Final Master Spark would be a triangle class spell and a Twilight Spark would be a square class spell. Of course, the scale of magic power between this world and Gensokyo is completely different but the concept seems sound. I wonder what class of magic my ?Reflowering of Gensokyo? would rank as? Regardless, their concept of magic is very intriguing at least. I wonder what the top-tier mages are capable of? I wonder how long until they break by my hands?

?Now then, would you like to try transfiguring these stones into something else Miss Valliere?? The elder woman?s words broke my train of thought as I felt my master tense up, along with the rest of the class.

?Umm?are you sure you want to do this Louise?? Monmon whispered to my master, her voice tinged with worry. I looked around and the rest of the students started hiding behind their desks, Tabitha opting to leave the room altogether.

?I?ll do it!? Louise declared as she stood up and walked toward the front of the class where several pebbles were piled up on the teacher?s desk. I glanced back when Guiche tapped me on the shoulder.

?You should take cover as well Mister Yuka.? The blonde boy warned me right before he was pulled behind his desk by Monmon, Kirche hiding behind hers as well. I ignored them and decided to focus on my master instead. She has never tried magic in front of me since her ?silencing spell? when we first met. I was not paying attention at the time, so I didn?t know the actual nuances of her casting. This time though, I planned to sit and observe my master through all of her casting process to determine what could be going wrong whenever she casts her spells. I leaned in closer when I saw my master begin the incantation. If her stories and the reactions of the class is to be believed, then the result should be a rather impressiv?


?Most intriguing?? I muttered, lost in my own thoughts, as I fell a step behind the silent Louise as we walked. We left the smoking remains of her classroom and the severely disoriented occupants in order for Louise to change her clothes.

?What is? My complete and utter failure at casting magic?? Louise sarcastically let out, I shook my head at her words. This girl?

?Haven?t we already been through this? You are not a failure as a mage. If you were, I wouldn?t be here.? I reminded her. My words made the girl stop and spin around to look at me right in the eye.

?Then why can?t I ever cast a spell properly?? She bitterly asked me. That is indeed the question.

?Tell me, what were you trying to turn those pebbles into?? I asked my master as I walked past her, prompting her to start following me instead. Always better to make her think of something else than let her wallow in self pity, no girl that summoned Yuka Kazami is permitted to feel sorry for herself.

?Brass?just like the professor did.? She said, confirming my observations. Right up until the point where Louise let her spell out, everything was working fine. The gathering of magical energy, the focus of the magic to the tip of her wand, and the manipulation of it to the spell she wanted to cast, all were done correctly as far as this world?s system goes. However, at the point of release, the spell simply?collapsed. As soon as the spell was cast, everything that held it together suddenly broke down and caused a violent magical reaction resulting in the explosion. The strange thing was, the explosion wasn?t even harmful. All it did was dispense the energy it gathered into magical debris, soot in this case. Was Louise subconsciously sabotaging her own spells? That?s not right. If that was the case, then someone in the teaching staff should have already noticed it by now.

?And what did you feel as you cast the spell?? I asked her while I opened the door to her room, letting her in first. The girl hummed for a few moments while I put my parasol on her desk and fetched a change of clothes for her.

?It was like any other spell. It felt fine until I actually cast it, then it felt?wrong.? Louise explained as she removed her clothes to change into her new ones. I sat on the chair and mulled over the information, ignoring Louise momentary state of nudity. Spell Destruction? Was Louise simply overloading the spell at the last millisecond without anyone noticing? No, if it was that then the spell would have either fizzled out before it was fully cast or all the humans in the room would have died. Not Spell Destruction?but Spell Breaking, like in Danmaku battles. Strange, the only way for someone to break a spell is to either attack the caster until they can no longer maintain the spell or overwhelm it with their own. However, both methods take time and Louise?s spell break was instantaneous. The only way you can do it that fast without killing anyone is by taking away something critical from the spell that would otherwise make it work. Going by that logic, the only way you can do that is by making small and subtle augmentations to the spell via Border Manipula--

It can?t be?can it? My little master is a developing border manipulator?

?No?I?m over thinking this?? I muttered before Louise?s yelp caught my attention. I noticed that she was half-dressed and was looking at me with a very embarrassed expression while covering her chest with her hands.

?Yes? Is something wrong?? I asked with a raised brow, making Louise flinch and take another step back.

?W-w-w-what d-d-o you thing you?re doing?! Watching me undress while glaring at me with such predatory eyes?! Y-y-you?re not going to do anything to me are you?!? Louise babbled. Predatory eyes? Oh?

?A misunderstanding?? I said while holding up my right hand, that didn?t seem to convince her.

?I was trying to figure out what has been causing your spells to end up as explosions. I did not realize that I was looking at you with such?intensity while I was trying to unravel the mystery.? I explained. The mention of me trying to figure out why she keeps failing at magic seemed to perk up her curiosity.

?And?? She suddenly leaned in closer, eager to hear my findings about her spell casting issue.

?And?I suggest that you get fully dressed first. You wouldn?t want to catch a cold or have me watch you with ?predatory eyes? again hmmm?? I teased, making quotation gestures with my hands at the words ?predatory eyes?. The effect was instantaneous and my master quickly got herself dressed while I picked up my parasol and opened the door.

?The usual spot. I?ll call Siesta for some tea while we discuss this.? I told her before leaving the room. I checked my pocket watch and walked to the garden where Siesta was tending to the flowers during this time. When I arrived I found her speaking with another human, a male human noble who was at least twice her age. Judging by how the man was looking at her, it would seem that he lusts for her and that just won?t do. I casually opened my parasol and walked toward the two humans.

?Greetings Siesta!? I gave her a hearty greeting, making both humans turn to me.

?Mister Yuka!? The maid exclaimed before looking between the noble and myself.

?And this is?? The man asked with a sneer.

?Oh! This is Mister Yuka, he?s Miss Valliere?s familiar.? Siesta explained to the man, making his brow rise.

?Familiar? A commoner? And to a Valliere of all people? Surely you jest dear Siesta? The man said before laughing at me. Oh my?

?Um-um-um?well?t-this is Count Mott?and um?? Siesta nervously tried to introduce the man who was inching closer and closer to becoming paste on the castle wall.

?Palace Messenger and Count of Tarbes. Consider it an honor for you to even be able to speak to one such as I.? The man known as Mott said with another sneer.

?Yuka Kazami. A pleasure, Count.? I politely said while standing up straight and leaning my open parasol on my right shoulder. The man snorted at me before turning his attention back to Siesta.

?We will continue this later then. Till next time dear Siesta.? Mott said before taking Siesta?s hand and kissing the back of it, making the girl blush. He sneered at me one more time before going to the direction of the castle.

?Umm?Mister Yuka?that was?I mean?? Siesta babbled while making gestures with her hands as if they were visual aids or something.

?Pay no mind. My master and I have things to discuss, can you serve us some tea at the usual place?? I went back to the reason why I sought out the girl in the first place.

?Oh! Of course! At once Mister Yuka!? The maid happily said before trotting off to prepare our tea. I turned back to the direction where Mott disappeared to. You might be wondering why I didn?t kill him in the onset of his insults. The reason is simply because, if I killed him, it would mean that he was worth killing in the first place. No, I will not waste my time with such garbage while I still have matters to iron out with Louise.

If he ever becomes a liability to my current lifestyle though?


?Well, what did you find out?? Louise anxiously asked me, completely ignoring the cup of tea in front of her. Siesta had to leave after serving us the tea and some pastries because of her other duties. The other members of Louise?s little circle of acquaintances also had other business to take care of, so it was just me and Louise at the table.

?A few things but nothing final yet. I am not made for fine analysis so all I can provide are observations and conclusions based on my own experiences.? I set the expectations to our talk before savoring the aroma of the tea.

?Fine, fine?out with it then!? Louise quickly responded, eager to find out what conclusions I have drawn on. I took a sip of tea and gathered my thoughts. Where should I begin?

?Hmmm?first, I would like to point out what I noticed whenever you try to cast a standard spell.? I stated, making Louise lean in closer.

?Yes?? Louise said, urging me to continue.

?Your spells immediately self-destruct at the moment of release.? I clearly stated before raising my left hand in front of her before she could respond.

?Normally, that result is because the caster simply cast the spell wrong or put in inappropriate amounts of power. You however, do not violate either condition. I have observed you in class and you are very studious in your lessons so I highly doubt that you would make any mistakes in the theoretical aspects of your world?s magic.? I assured her. The unexpected praise made Louise lean back into her seat and stare at her cup of tea, her cheeks coloring slightly. This was the first thing I had to deal with. I had to make sure that Louise does not immediately assume that the failures were all her fault. She has been doing that all her life and it always made her stop thinking and exploring other possibilities. Louise?s methods in casting were not wrong, it is just that something else keeps happening whenever she tries to use magic.

?At the point of release of the spell, something breaks down the spell structure and causes violent magical reactions between the components. Normally, there should be a conscious effort in order to do that. Additionally, you had to have an intimate understanding of the underlying theories about each spell.? I expounded. Louise was listening intently at my explanations while nursing her cup of tea.

?Wait?what do you mean about conscious effort and intimate understanding of underlying theories?? Louise asked. Good, she has started thinking.

?Conscious effort is simply what it says: It is the conscious desire to make the spell fail and acting upon it.? This made Louise place her cup down on the table a little harder than one would normally would.

?I would never want any of my spells to fail!? Louise yelled out at me and I nodded in agreement while pouring myself a new cup of tea.

?Indeed. Even if it was unconsciously, I would have noticed that you were trying to sabotage your own spell. I found no evidence of the sort during your demonstration in the classroom. Besides, it takes something special for you to be able to destroy each and every spell the exact same way.? I continued, making her raise a brow.

?What do you mean by that?? Louise voiced her wonder.

?That ties in to the second thing, having an intimate understanding of the underlying theories about magic. What that means is that you have an absolute understanding about how each and every one of your spells work to the point that you can dictate what element is needed to be added to another element and provide the exact amount needed of each to be able to create a certain spell. It is like memorizing all the recipes in a cookbook.? I explained. Louise considered this for a moment before shaking her head.

?I have no idea how I could know all of that, half the spells I have tried to cast were first time spells for me. I simply did what I was instructed by our textbooks or teachers and they all ended up the same way.? Louise said with a resigned shrug, I gave her a few moments to realize what she had just said. Her eyes suddenly widened when she made the critical realization.

?They all ended up the same way?? She muttered before looking at my smiling face. That?s right Louise, don?t stop thinking.

?Indeed. It is very difficult to make completely different spells fail in the exact same way. You can make fire spells go out of control and burn uncontrollably. You can make water spells spray liquid right in your face. You can make earth spells cause an earthquake instead of forming a pillar of stone. You can make wind spells produce tornadoes instead of a gale. However, it is extremely difficult to make them all result in an explosion, not just any explosion either.? I said, making my master blink a few times.

?What do you mean? An explosion is an explosion right?? She asked and I shook my head in response.

?Regular explosions have the result of heat and fire as well as a shockwave from the sudden energy released. Your explosions are mostly non-lethal and produce non-elemental concussive blasts, the smoke that it produces is left over magical energy that was not converted to the correct kind of energy for the spell. Haven?t you ever wondered why you haven?t died or killed anyone with your explosions yet?? I asked an obvious question. Louise opened her mouth to respond but she quickly closed it started rubbing her chin with her hand

?You know, I never really thought about that?.? She admitted with a grimace. She was probably too caught up with her failure to notice it outright and I am sure that her classmates did not help the situation either.

?And now you are. The reason why your spells keep breaking is not because you are casting them wrong. It is not because you are deliberately destroying them either. It is because a phenomenon known as spell breaking keeps happening.? I continued with the next point.

?Spell Breaking?? She repeated questioningly, unfamiliar with the terminology.

?It is the act of deliberately destroying someone else?s spell. In Gensokyo, this was the primary method to settle fights. Two combatants would duel and they would cast spells against each other and try to break the other?s spell in the process. A contest of magical might, creativity, and nimbleness.? I said, making Louise give me a ?what? look.

?Nimbleness?? My master asked with a tilted head.

?Would you be willing to simply stand there while your opponent casts magic intended to break your own?? I rhetorically asked Louise. I waited until she stopped grumbling to herself before continuing.

?I will explain the intricacies of Danmaku battles at a later time, you can be sure of that.? I assured her with a warm smile. She smiled at me and nodded, such sweet ignorance.

?But what about when I cast Explosion for real? That gets cast correctly right?? She asked me with the same smile.

?Unfortunately not. It looks the same but it is still subject to the same effect as the others. Your real explosion spell is not lethal either, right?? I pointed out. Louise smile faded at my words and she once again started staring at her tea with eyes of self pity.

?Louise, this is no time to feel sorry for yourself. Haven?t I said before? We are here to discuss why your spells keep failing. Once we find the heart of the matter and rectify it, you should be able to cast magic just like any one else amongst your peers.? I reminded her with a smile, somewhat lifting her spirits again. Although the kind of magic my master will eventually wield could very well be like nothing her peers have ever seen before.

?Going back on topic?? I started while pouring my master a new cup of tea.

?The reason why your spells keep failing at the absolute last moment is because spell breaks keep occurring whenever you cast them. The question now becomes?why?? I continued, making sure to pause for a few moments to let the words sink in and let Louise think about this herself.

?Because I?m using the wrong element? But that?s impossible! I?ve tried all the elements and all of them ended up as broken spells!? Louise reasoned. Well, it was a start.

?You left out one more element.? I casually said before taking a sip of my own cup of tea.

?I am not a Void mage.? My master stated in all seriousness. I chuckled while shaking my head, Louise seemed to take offence to this and she stood up before she slammed her hands on the table.

?You don?t have any proof that I am a Void mage!? She yelled at me, trying her best to intimidate me even though she knew better. She is brave, no doubt about that.

?And you have no proof that you are not. Besides, you didn?t let me finish. Being a Void mage is not the only possibility here.? I explained. Louise sat back down and narrowed her eyes at me.

?What are you talking about?? She voiced her concern.

?You believe that you are not a Void mage even though you cannot control any other element, fine. Let us explore other possibilities instead. There are only three other possibilities I can think of as to why your spells will not work the way they are designed.? I stated, holding up three fingers.

?You have discovered an entirely new element altogether.? I stated before ticking down a finger.

?You need a completely different way of casting your spells.? I continued before ticking down another finger.

?Or?you have an ability that will allow you to become the most powerful being in this world.? I concluded before ticking down the final finger. The revelation seemed to have been too much for the girl and she held the sides of her head with her hands.

?By the founder?? She muttered to herself.

?We will have time to discover the true secret of your power. I suggest that you look into the Void angle of this and I will take care of the others.? I stated while Louise was slowly shaking her head.

?So?it?s between Void, a completely unknown element, developing a brand new casting style, or?what was the last one?? She asked me. Of all the times for her to start thinking?

?Something far to powerful for you to wield in your current state. It is a power that would allow you to shape the world as you wished. Don?t think about it too hard at the moment, the other possibilities are far more likely than that last one.? I stated in all seriousness, making Louise gulp. I know what power is when I see it and Border Manipulation is one of the highest there is. If Louise is a manipulator then she and this entire world are in a very precarious situation. I shook my head as I started to think the way she was moments ago, there are still other possibilities. Do not stop thinking.

?Regardless, I would like you to check the books in your library for anything about humanoid summonings. That should be your first clue to finding out more about the Void.? I advised as I finished the last cup of tea for the afternoon.

?Why humanoid summonings?? My master curiously asked.

?Kirche stated that there hasn?t been a human summoning since the days of your Founder Brimir so it is logical to think that it is the best place to start.? I reasoned, my master nodding in agreement.

?Is that all?? Louise asked to make sure.

?For now, yes. Those are the possibilities I can see from what I?ve seen so far. Again, only the first three are the realistic ones so we will focus on those. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?? I asked Louise and she nodded.

?Yes, tomorrow is the day of the void and everyone gets a day off. I want to visit the city and do some shopping and I want you to get yourself a sword.? She stated and I very nearly gawked at her.

?You want me?to acquire a sword?? I asked to make sure that I heard it correctly.

?Yes, at the very least it will offer some protection.? She said while nodding to herself.

?Louise?you should already know that I don?t need a sword to fight.? I clearly said. I may have been a little too soft lately if she had already forgotten about Guiche.

?I know that! This isn?t for your protection, it is for everyone else?s.? Louise clarified, making me raise a brow.

?A deterrent then?? I postulated and got my confirmation with a nod from the pink-haired girl.

?You are the familiar of a Valliere. I don?t care if you are powerful, you should at least look ready to defend yourself and your master.? She reasoned, making me smile and shake my head.

?Louise, I have never cared for what humans think of me. You should also know that I am more than capable of defending you and myself.? I reminded the girl.

?I know that?I know what you are capable of, but other people don?t. If they see a noble girl walking with someone who looks like a gardener all, they would think less of her. It might even tempt robbers or kidnappers to try their luck with me. Do you want to have to face bandit after bandit every time we leave the academy?? She stated her true reason. Human prejudice, something the Yama has had countless headaches over. Although?

?Is that even a question?? I asked her with a bit of an evil grin. A few bandits should serve as a minor change of pace from what has been going on as of late. Louise sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose at my response, she really should have known better.

?Look, we are going to the city tomorrow. You will help me with some shopping and you will get a sword while we?re there, okay?? Louise asked with a hint of finality. It was not an order, but a request to her partner.

?Very well. I shall grant you that favour if you grant one of mine.? I said with a warmer smile.

?Name it.? She immediately responded.

?I am thinking of getting a straw hat. Think of me as being nostalgic, but the lack of hats here has unnerved me as of late. I seek to rectify that.? I said with a smile. Louise looked at me with a curious expression before agreeing. Maybe I should get one for Siesta as well, it would be useful while tending the flowers.


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2011, 01:38:53 PM »
A straw hat?
So basically Yuuka's dressed up in all her attire ASIDE from the hat? Jesus christ that is wrong for a touhou.

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2011, 09:41:37 PM »
A straw hat?
So basically Yuuka's dressed up in all her attire ASIDE from the hat? Jesus christ that is wrong for a touhou.



  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2011, 11:03:51 PM »

I knew it...I knew a Guitar Yuka joke was forthcoming by the time I posted this...


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2011, 08:40:19 AM »
Guys! I need some input! I'm having Yuka get Louise a hat or hair decs since this IS a Touhou crossover fic. I want to know what you guys think would look good on her.

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2011, 01:27:16 PM »
one sec!
*looks up ZnT for the first time in years*
get her Keine's hat!
I guess some kind of ribbon would look good on her.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2011, 02:23:43 PM »
Maybe a kinda of hairclip? Not something that stands out like a giant effing flower, But something that's large enough. Like Sanae's frog-clip, only not a frog. >.> Maybe a pink rose clip or something? I really dont know. All I know is that I cant see Louise with a hat on >.>

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2011, 03:43:20 PM »
How about Louise's hat?  ;)


  • Your #1 Idiot Child.
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2011, 04:41:34 PM »
How about Louise's hat?  ;)
A pink hat on top of pink hair. Wouldn't that just camouflage it? Give it the next hat, Elly's hat.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2011, 09:13:51 AM »

?Surely you are not serious about this Louise.? I stated with an obvious amount of apprehension as my master showed me our means to get to the city, a pair of horses.

?What do you mean? Riding horses is the best way to the capital short of taking a carriage or a flying beast. Sadly, we can ill afford to hire either one so we get to use the next best thing, unless you plan on making your master walk all the way there?? Louise noted with a hint of sarcasm. While I was glad that the girl has been opening up to me, thus becoming more candid in our conversations, the very idea of riding animals as a means of transport did not sit well with me. It just seemed so?backwards.

?Please don?t tell me that the mighty Yuka Kazami is afraid of riding a horse.? My master deadpanned as she looked flatly at me. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

?No, I fear nothing. I am simply a bit put off to think that you would resort to such?primitive ways of travel.? I admitted with no small sense of distaste.

?Well excuse me, princess.? My master once again took a jab at me as she rolled her eyes at my words, cheeky little thing.

?If you are so adamant about travelling to the city in the quickest way available then I should be able to help with that, come with me.? I said while gesturing to a more open space inside the castle grounds.

?Now then, please hold this.? I said as I handed my parasol to Louise, who held it in her arms like she did during my duel with Guiche. She raised a brow when I walked away from her and stopped some distance away. I closed my eyes and focused. I admit that I have not needed to use this in a while as I have never needed to fly faster than I leisurely do. I grunted as I felt them form before quickly opening my eyes when I released them from their bindings. Louise shrieked as she suddenly saw a pair of large dark green, nearly black, feathered wings spring out of my back. I noted with slight disapproval that I should have taken into account the damage the sprouting wings would do to my clothes. Oh well?

?Wh-wh-wh-wh-what in the founder?s name are those!? Louise panic stricken voice yelled out as she pointed at my new appendages.

?Why, they are wings. Have you not seen them on flying creatures before?? I rhetorically asked.

?I know that! I?ve just never seen them on a human bei--? Louise started but?

?I am not human?? I interrupted before?

?You know what I mean! Why do you even have wings anyway?!? Louise quickly countered with a question.

?Funny story to that. I got these when I ran into a maid who was out shopping for her master, there were many explosions that happened during this span of time.? I provided and Louise simply gave me another ?what? look.

?I?ll tell you about it some other time.? I assured her as I folded my large wings and walked up to Louise before picking her up in my arms.

?H-h-h-hey! Wh-wh-what do you think you?re doing?! Stupid familiar!? Louise suddenly started to protest as she struggled to get free, thankfully keeping my parasol in her hands..

?Tell me Louise,? I started, making my master stop struggling for a moment before looking into my eyes.

?Have you ever wondered what its like to fly?? I asked before flapping my wings and ascending. Louise suddenly yelped in surprise at the sensation and curled up as best she could in my grasp. I smiled at the sight of my tiny master. Such a vulnerable child who managed to summon me. A child who had nothing of herself to believe in. A child who suddenly realized that she had the potential to shake the very foundations of her world in time. I shook my head at the strange similarities my past had with her present. Of course, Louise is no monster.

?Open your eyes, child of Valliere. Open them and witness the beauty of the skies.? I said as I slowly flew higher, taking note not to go too high or too fast. My master heeded my words and opened her eyes.

?Huwaaaa?? Louise muttered with ever widening eyes as she finally realized that we were indeed flying in the sky. She turned her gaze down and shrieked before curling up closer me.

?I knew I forgot something?don?t look down Louise.? I belatedly warned the girl, who shot me a dry look.

?Don?t look down, only look up and forwards.? I suggested. My master turned her head to the horizon and I could notice the smile forming on her face as the wind flowed on her face.

?We?re flying?? She said to herself in awe. I gently ascended when I saw some low clouds and flew close to them.

?Go on, touch them.? I said. Louise turned to me for a moment with a confused look before seeing what I meant. She quickly adopted a wide smile before gently reaching out and touching the clouds.

?This is?amazing!? She exclaimed as she turned back to me with the biggest smile I have ever seen her have, a very rare smile that she must not have shown in a long time. It was at that moment that I decided that I much preferred a smiling Louise. Not that I would ever admit it to anyone?


The capital of Tristain was a rather large city in my honest opinion. Granted, it is the only city I have yet to see in this world but I believe my point would still stand. Louise began our shopping spree by purchasing various reagents for her spell work, something about doing some homework I believe. I tried to remind her of our earlier discussion, stating that she may not even need those in the practical sense if my theory is correct. My master would not hear any of it and insisted that it is still important for her to learn how the magic of her world works regardless if she really is capable of using a kind of magic that has not been used for millennia or magic that has never been used ever. I could not argue with the point she raised and simply decided to let her do what she wanted, you never know when all those volatile ingredients would come in handy someday.

After Louise?s primary objective was completed, she had her reagents arranged to be delivered to the academy in the following days, she saw it fit to see to my request. Thus, we found ourselves inside a rather well stocked hat shop.

?I must say?? I muttered as I looked around the various headgears available in the shop. They had all manner of hats and even ribbons and other head accessories.

?They have a very nice selection.? I finished as I took a top hat and tried it on, earning a snort from Louise. The attendant of the shop was a young woman who seemed to be in her late teens or early twenties. She was wearing a plain green dress and it seemed that she was not a noble from the way she carried herself.

?Thank you very much, we try to make sure that our shop has everything one could need. Are you looking for something in particular, sir?? She asked me as if I was a noble. I guess that being accompanied by a young woman from the magic academy made me seem like I was her guardian or something, an eccentric guardian from the awkward look the attendant gave me for a moment.

?Yes, do you have straw hats? Particularly ones with a wide brim and?? I detailed the kind of hats I wanted for Siesta and myself. I was trying to get a hat that was as close to the straw hat I had back in Gensokyo as possible. I admit, I would have been able to conjure up hats by the thousands if I wanted to, but I didn?t want to go through the hassle of explaining to Louise that I made them in Mugenkan. I was not ready to tell her about that yet, nor was I ready to wake her when she drops in again. At worse, she might accuse me of stealing the hats, which would be utterly preposterous! Stealing would imply that I did not want the owner to know I had acquired the item in fear of being found out. I do not steal, I take.

?We have those kinds of hats in stock. Please wait here while I fetch them for you.? The attendant said before going to a back room. I glanced around and saw Louise trying out various hats in front of a mirror. At the moment, she was trying on a black bowler hat which didn?t really suit her. I looked around and picked up a particular hat and walked up to Louise.

?That really does not suit you, Louise.? I said as I stepped into view. My master glanced at me before shrugging and removing the hat.

?I was just curious?? She said before taking off the bowler hat and returning it. I took the chance to put the hat I found on her head and grinned. The pink-haired girl touched the thing on her head before looking at the mirror and giving an ?urk?.

?Your faith is strong, Louise. Burn the heretics.? I teasingly said as I grinned at the sight of my master wearing a red Commissar Hat that was two sizes too big.

?Very funny, making me wear a Germanian Military Hat. How?d they get this anyway?? Louise asked as she took off the hat and looked around at the various others. I gave a thoughtful hum as I wondered the same thing at the moment. I could see assortments of berets, witch hats, turbans, baseball caps, really?even things that aren?t even supposed to be here like the head dress of a shaman. I glanced back at Louise who was eyeing a particular item. I walked over to the hat in question and raised a brow.

?Now this is interesting?? I said as I studied the hat. At a glance, it seemed like a western hat, a black leather hide cowboy hat to be precise. It had a black leather belt with a circular metal buckle that kept the top secure if needed. The brim was pointed at the front, which drooped slightly down at the end, but somewhat rounder to the sides and back, which was folded up by a couple of inches. I turned it over and saw that the underside was lined with frilled cotton like a witch?s hat. It basically looked like a cowboy hat that was mixed with Marisa?s old witch hat. I turned back to Louise and handed her the item.

?Try it on.? I offered. She hesitated for a moment before taking the hat and putting it on, a perfect fit. The brim of the hat was enough to block out the rays of the sun without compromising vision. Louise looked at herself in the mirror and checked out how she looked from different angles. I stepped forward and shifted the tip a bit to the right side, making the buckle on top more visible if viewed from the front.

?I approve. It looks good on you.? I stated with a satisfied smile.

?You really think so?? Louise glanced at me from the mirror as she tilted the hat a bit to the right.

?It really does, ma?am.? We both turned to the voice and saw that the attendant had returned with my orders. I was satisfied to see that the straw hats she brought were up to my standard as I put mine on and looked at the mirror.

?So, what do you think? Do I still look like a gardener?? I said with a satisfied smirk. Louise huffed and gave me her own smirk.

?No, you look like a farmer now.? Louise responded. Such spunk, my master has.

?Will you take the three hats?? The attendant asked us expectantly. Louise and I looked at each other before she touched the sides of her cowboy hat.

?Take it. It really does suit you.? I said with a warm smile.

?Okay, we?ll take all three then.? Louise said, much to the delight of the attendant. Louise paid for the hats, her own hat was much more expensive for obvious reasons, before we left the store. We were both wearing our newly acquired headgear so I only had Siesta?s hat wrapped up.

?Why do you need two hats?? Louise asked as she adjusted her new hat with her hands, trying to find the sweet spot that would make it the most comfortable to wear.

?The other one is for Siesta. Think of it as a gift from a fellow flower enthusiast.? I said simply, making my master raise a brow.

?Don?t tell me that you are starting to fall for the maid.? She asked. I blinked a few times before chuckling at what she was implying.

?Nothing like that, Louise. I am simply showing my appreciation to her dedication at caring for the flower garden at the academy. You know how I am when it comes to flowers, yes?? I explained and Louise nodded at my question.

?I harbor no such feelings for the girl, I assure you. I have never even felt that particular emotion yet.? I admitted as we walked through the streets.

?Really? You?ve never been in love?ever?? She asked in surprise.

?Not since my birth as a youkai, no. I have never felt the need to feel that kind of thing, so I never really thought about it.? I said while shaking my head.

?Well, there?s a first time for everything.? Louise muttered as she walked on a step ahead of me. A first time for everything, eh? I admit, coming from my experiences, such words are true. But love? I highly doubt it, especially considering I was female several days ago. Then again, nothing is impossible. I know that much from living in Gensokyo for so long. I shook my head of such trivial thoughts and simply continued to follow my master through the crowded streets.


?Are you sure this is a weapon shop?? I asked as we stood in front of a non-descript building. Louise finally got around to dragging me all over the place to get me a sword for ?protection purposes?. We had already tried other weapon shops but all their wares were far beyond my master?s budget limit. We eventually made it all the way to the poorer part of the city and found this place.

?It has a sword and a shield on the sign, what else could it be?? Louise asked as she pointed at the wooden sign above the door.

?Point taken. Shall we then?? I asked as I opened the door for her. Louise walked inside, making sure not to get her hat caught on the door frame.

?Welcome custome--? The owner of the shop stopped mid-greeting when he saw us, probably not what he expected for those looking for implements of death.

?We?re looking for a sword, one for him.? Louise stated simply with her hands on her hips. The middle-aged man looked at my master then back to me. I tipped my hat to him as a greeting and he nodded back in acknowledgement.

?Anything in particular you are looking for?? He asked. I merely shrugged and Louise suddenly interrupted by asking for the best sword the shop had. I noticed the glint in the shopkeeper?s eyes when he heard that and he quickly walked to the back room.

?The best in the shop!? He stated as he set the blade on the table. I heard my master give an ?ooohhh? of approval as she looked at the blade. I gave the piece of metal a cursory glance before silently determining that it would probably break if I swung it with any amount of force that I usually use with my parasol when in combat. I quietly smiled while squeezing the handle of my trusty parasol, which I was once again using as a walking stick. It probably contributed to my appearance of ?someone who probably has never been in a fight before?. Good, I always love the look on their faces when I finally let loose.

?Hand crafted by Germanian master alchemists! This beauty will cut through iron like a scythe through wheat.? The shopkeeper proudly stated, my master nodding in approval and her eyes adopting a glint of its own. I sighed and shook my head at the sight.

?Amazing?how much is it?? Louise said the magic words and the man grinned.

?Three thousand new gold.? The man replied, Louise?s smile dropped at the price. It was once again far beyond the amount of money she had on hand.

?You could buy a mansion with that much gold!? My master shot back. The man took it in stride and shook his head before giving Louise a knowing smile.

?A fine blade is more than its weight in gold if you intend to use it to defend your life.? The man stated as he nodded to himself sagely. Louise looked at the blade again, her hat blocking her face from my view, before looking back to me with an uncertain look.

?Well?? She asked me expectantly. She was probably going to try to buy the blade anyway if I had said yes. This was the last weapon shop we could find and it was late in the afternoon. If we tried to look for any more shops, we would be stuck here all night. Not good since Louise has classes tomorrow. I sighed and glanced at the blade once before looking at the man straight in the eye, my expression was completely serious.

?Too tacky, do you have something more practical? Something that would actually be useful in taking another being?s life, human or otherwise?? I stated coldly, making the man flinch under my gaze. He cleared his throat before glancing away and eyeing the other weapons in stock. He glanced back to me s few times but he found that my gaze had not left him for a moment. He was starting to shift uncomfortably under my constant glare when I heard the sound of metal clanking together. I ignored it and kept my gazed firmly locked at the increasingly frightened man.

?Hahaha! Starting to sweat just by the man?s stare? You?re losing your touch!? Said a voice from the same direction where I heard the disturbance moments ago. I turned my head and saw that some of the swords were moving around inside a barrel. I raised a brow before approaching the blades.

?H-hey, don?t just walk up to it.? Louise cautiously said from behind me. I looked down at the barrel and blinked a few times.

?Something wrong, friend?? One of the sheathed blades said. Yes, said.

?This is a talking sword.? I said as a statement and not a question since it was fairly obvious as to what it is.

?Seems like it?? Louise replied with a somewhat subdued voice, I am assuming that talking objects were not common here. I reached for the handle of the sword before pulling it out of the barrel.

?Easy there, partne--? The sword?s words were cut off when I suddenly pulled part of the blade out in one smooth motion.

?Oowww! Watch it!? The sword said, its quillion acting as a makeshift mouth as it moved up and down as it spoke.

?Interesting?? I said as I inspected the sentient weapon. It was rusted over most of its edge, requiring much cleaning that I wasn?t willing to perform. Still, a talking implement of death?

?I?ll take it.? I said with a particularly wicked grin that made the man, the girl, and the sword gulp at the same time.


?So?? The blade, Derflinger as it introduced itself as, spoke up as it was held by my master along with my parasol and Siesta?s hat. We were flying back to the academy and the trip was mostly quiet due to Louise getting tired from the day?s activities.

?So?? I repeated as I flapped my wings once to maintain our speed, Louise stifling a yawn.

?Why are we flying?? Derf asked, again, easier to pronounce than its full name like Monmon.

?Because it?s faster than riding horses?? Louise managed to say before yawning. It?s also safer for my master if she was already this tired.

?Right?but why is it that partner here can fly?? The sword followed up.

?My name is Yuka, not partner.? I stated, the sword making what seemed to be a grumble from within its scabbard.

?To answer your question, I can do many things. This is simply one of those things.? I answered. Derf didn?t seem satisfied with the answer and slightly popped out of its confinement. How it managed to perform such a feat without any outside force is a question I intend to answer at a future time.

?I figured as much. You?re?not human, are you?? The sword asked, even though it should already know the answer.

?No. I am a being that ill needs a sword. However, I will keep you as I promised my master that I would acquire a sword by the end of the day.? I explained, Derf making a thoughtful noise before I grinned at the blade.

?Besides, this is the first time I have encountered a rusted over magical blade that could talk. A very interesting find at the very least.? I added with the same grin I used before, making Derf quickly hide back into its scabbard.

I made my touchdown on the field in front of the dormitory tower. The sun had long since set and Louise had already fallen asleep during the trip. Derf and I had an agreement not to wake her as I carried her in silence to her room. I gently set my master down on her bed and she instinctively reached for her pillow and hugged it, uttering a ?munya? before she settled down. I didn?t change her clothes since that might wake her, but I did put her new hat on the table and removed her cloak. I set both my parasol and Derf against the wall as I picked up Siesta?s hat and reached for the door.

?Stay here and watch over my master, I just have something to drop off.? I said before stepping out, not waiting for a response from Derf. I seriously doubted that a rusted sword could defend my master, magically sentient or otherwise, but it gave the blade something to do while I was away. I started walking through the halls with Siesta?s present under my arm when I noticed Kirche?s salamander peaking from the corner. I raised a brow as the creature repeatedly tried to emerge from its hiding place before cowering back as I continued walking in its direction.

?Yes?? I asked the familiar and it gave a panicked croak before scurrying away. I sighed at the sight and decided that it was probably another one of the redhead?s childish schemes to try to seduce me. It wouldn?t surprise me if she was in her room, clad in nothing more than silk laces, waiting for her familiar to bring me to her.

I managed to get to the area where the servants lived and asked for Siesta. The servants there either avoided the question or gave me vague answers at best and I was getting a bit irritated at the whole thing. I walked out to the garden in hopes that the maid was there. She wasn?t.

?Siesta is?gone.? A voice said from behind me. I turned and saw the head cook of the academy looking at me with a somber expression. He was a large man who loved to cook as much as Siesta loved to tend the flowers, though I didn?t bother to learn anything more than that about him.

?Explain.? I simply stated as I walked up to the man. He gulped before finally speaking.

?Siesta was taken away to Count Mott?s estate this morning. They said that she was transferred there to become one of his personal servants.? The cook explained, my eyes narrowing at the revelation. Count Mott?that man who was eyeing Siesta yesterday, he took her away? He actually dared to take something of mine? I smiled at the thought.

?Where is his estate?? I said with an ever growing sinister smile. The cook backed away a couple of steps from my reaction.

?It?s in the village of Tarbes, he governs that region.? The cook quickly stated.

?Tell me how to get there??


I flew through the night sky, on a straight line towards Tarbes. I flew high and I flew fast, the way that Aya does. The old adage that Yuka Kazami is the slowest youkai in Gensokyo is nothing more than a farce that I instigated on a whim. It was not that I could not move fast, it was just that I chose to move slowly. It was to lull the enemy into a sense that I was an easy target and it made it more satisfying to destroy them as they found that they couldn?t even defeat the slowest youkai in the realm. Now, however, I have no reason to keep that image. I was not out to rescue Siesta per say, I was merely out for an evening flight and I just happened to head in the direction of Tarbes. While there, I would say hello to the good Count Mott and ask very nicely for him to allow Siesta to return to the academy. If he accepts, then there won?t be any problems. I would give the maid her present and we should be back by dawn.

If he refuses?


I managed to reach Tarbes and easily found the estate of the Count in short order. It was hard to miss since it was the only building that didn?t look like a hovel. I dove in hard and fast before flapping my wings once in a powerful motion that killed my speed immediately and allowed me to drop to the ground inside the premises relatively easily. Normally, that would have alerted the guards in the area because of the wind my wings kicked up. Sadly, I dove hard and fast right on top of a guard and subsequently crushed him from the force of the wind carried by my dive. I shrugged it off before retracting my wings and tossed the lifeless body of the guard down a nearby well before walking up to the front door of the manor. I made sure to check that Siesta?s hat was undamaged during transit before I knocked on the large wooden doors. I waited a few moments and was considering on kicking the door open when I heard a clicking sound and one of the doors opened slightly.

?Yes?? A familiar voice asked from within the manor.

?Siesta?? I asked to confirm, the subsequent gasp from the girl proved my assumption.

?M-m-mister Yuka?! W-w-what are you doing here?!? The maid asked, peeking her head outside with an embarrassed expression.

?I heard that the good Count Mott has acquired your services as of today, is that true?? I asked, wanting to hear it from her directly.

??yes. As the Palace Messenger, the Count has a certain amount of influence in the kingdom. Getting a new maid out of a whim is nothing special for one of his stature.? Siesta explained while avoiding my gaze. I made a thoughtful hum when I noticed something.

?Siesta, what are you wearing?? I asked and the maid gave a short yelp. She was about to close the door when I forced it open, nearly making the girl fall over. It was then that I saw that she was wearing a black, sleeveless French maid outfit. The whole thing was cut very short, leaving little to the imagination. I raised a brow at her attire and Siesta looked away in obvious embarrassment.

?I-i-it?s not like he?s doing anything wrong?? Siesta half-heartedly said. I sighed and removed the wrappings of her straw hat, trading it for the maid bonnet she was currently wearing.

?What?? She muttered as she touched the hat while I tossed away the piece of cloth in my hand.

?A gift, for a fellow enthusiast. It should shield you from the sun while tending the flowers at the academy.? I simply stated. Siesta looked at me with a surprised expression before turning away and seemingly biting back tears.

?I?cannot go back.? She responded.

?Yes, you will. Where is the count?? I asked while glancing around.

?No! You must not provoke the Count! You may have been victorious against Sir Gramont, but Count Mott is a triangle water mage!? The maid said in panic, sensing what I was intending to do.

?What is this racket about at such an hour?!? Ah, there he is. The man himself said as he walked down the steps leading to the upper floors of his manor. He caught sight of me and Siesta and scowled.

?Siesta, what is that man doing in my home?? The man said in a threatening tone of voice, enough to make Siesta cower.

?H-he, Mister Yuka was just?I mean?? Siesta panicked as she tried to think of an explanation for my presence in the home of her new master in the middle of the night.

?I was simply here to make sure that my friend has acclimatized to her new surroundings, as well as dropping off a present.? I politely explained to the man who was walking down the steps.

?I see. Siesta, go back to the servant?s room.? Mott commanded, making the maid give a very fearful expression.

?B-b-b-b-but?? Siesta started, I placed my hand on her shoulder and she turned to me.

?I?ll be fine. I?ll just need to have a gentlemanly discussion with the good Count.? I said with a smile. Siesta hesitated for a few moments before bowing to the Count and I and leaving. The only ones left there were me and Mott.

?So, tell me. Are you Siesta?s lover?? The man asked. Why does everyone think that?

?No. I am simply a fellow gardening enthusiast who would very much appreciate it if she would be returned to the academy post haste.? I stated to the man with a smile, who simply scoffed at me.

?Do you have ANY idea who are you speaking to, mongrel?! I am the Count of Tarbes! I am the Palace Messenger! I am a Triangle Class Mage!? Mott declared as menacingly as he could while whipping out a wand.

?I am well aware of who you are, my request will not change. Siesta will return with me to the academy, whether you want it or not.? I responded.

?Guards!? The man said and a dozen armored men armed with halberds stormed in and surrounded me.

?I need not spend any effort with a commoner who is too stupid to realize who he is dealing with. Dispose of him!? Mott said before turning around and walking up the steps. I smiled as the dozen guards charged at me, twelve halberds ready to skewer me in the next few seconds. Too slow?

I moved between the gap the halberds in front of me made as they closed in before reaching for the heads of the two guards closest to me. I gave a murderous grin as I heard the sound of crunching metal when I squeezed my hands around the men?s helmets. I glanced up and saw that Mott had turned around, no doubt wanting to see me run through. The result was not what he expected. I used the two guards as flails, smashing their bodies? right into their comrades?. One of the guards tried to finish me with an overhand swing of his halberd. The blow connected to my head?and the blade snapped off and flew right into a wall where it stayed. I turned to the utterly horrified guard and gave him a smile before hitting him on the head with the body of the guard in my left hand. I dropped the lifeless bodies of the two guards on the floor and eyed the three remaining guards who were standing in a defensive position in front of Mott.

?Brave but foolish. Tell me?have you ever heard of a plant known as a body snatcher?? I asked the men who gave me confused but frightened looks.

?It was a common misconception that the plants were giant pods that trapped hapless victims underground while the plants made organic doubles of the victims. The doubles would track down and capture more victims of the plant to feed off of.? I said as I folded my arms and leaned back.

?However, that is not true. That system would be too inefficient since it would take a substantial amount of organic mass and time to be able to make a perfect copy of the victim that the body snatcher just took. Instead, the real body snatcher is a tiny plant that is no larger than a dandelion seed. It would creep into the host?s ear and make its way into the brain where it would take over all body functions aside from higher thought processes. This means that the host would still be fully conscious of his surroundings even though it cannot control its own body anymore, essentially becoming a prisoner in his own body. A very unfortunate fate?? I finished before smiling warmly at the men, who were still pointing their spears at me.

?Wouldn?t you say so, Count?? I added before three icicles impaled the three guards in front of me. The men made gurgling sounds as they all gazed at the thick piece of ice running through them before expiring and crumbling to the ground. I smiled at my work as calmly walked up to the count and patted him on the shoulder.

?The plant will remain in you for a week. In that time, you will witness it ruin your reputation to your people and your peers. You will watch helplessly as it denies you all necessities for living. You will watch as your body continues to move even though it should have expired long before. You will watch as the plant slowly dies in your brain, giving you one moment of control over your body before your brain shuts down as well. Have fun.? I stated as I walked in the direction where Siesta ran off to.

?Come.? I commanded the body snatcher and it followed dutifully. I should remember to command it to dispose of the bodies after Siesta and I have left.


?Siesta, pack your things. We?re going back to the academy.? I stated to the surprised maid. I managed to find Siesta?s room by asking the other servants there. The presence of their Count made them much more amicable than the servants at the academy when I asked them the maid?s location.

?B-b-but what about the Count?? Siesta asked nervously as she clutched her straw hat in her hands.

?The Count and I have come to an agreement and he has decided to free you from your duties here.? I stated as I stepped into the room with the body snatcher walking right behind me.

?Count Mott!? Siesta suddenly said before she bowed to her master.

?It is true, what you have heard. You are free to go back to the academy. Mister Yuka and I had a discussion about this and I felt that you would be more suited to serve at the academy.? The body snatcher stated to the shocked maid.

?I will also provide a carriage for your return. Please accept it with my good graces.? The body snatcher said before leaving the room. Not bad for a plant the size of a seed.

?The Count?he seemed?subdued.? Siesta pointed out as she looked at me with a worried expression.

?I assure you, I did not strike against the Count. He and I simply came to an understanding about things.? I assured her but she didn?t seem convinced.

?I don?t know?it doesn?t sound like him to back down just like that?? Siesta was proving to be more perceptive than I thought. Then again, she tends to the flowers well, being perceptive is a given for someone like that.

?One can only look away when faced with one?s mistakes.? I stated with a smile.

?What?? The maid responded with confusion.

?Something I read about once.? I stated before helping Siesta pack. Hopefully, we would be back by dawn and Louise won?t have to know that her familiar was gone all night. I?d better make sure that Derf and I are in agreement about that once I return.


Louise opened her eyes and found herself in the same sunflower field that she had dreamt about for the past few days. The grumbled a few times before standing up. This was the first time she actually bothered to stand in a dream so it was somewhat of a unique experience for her. She looked up and saw the endless night sky lit up by countless stars. Louise wondered for a moment why she couldn?t find the two moons in the sky but simply shrugged it off. After all, this was just a dream.

She walked around for a while and noted that she was still wearing her school uniform minus her cloak and new hat. Such a dream she was having if she could notice those details! Louise eventually found a yellow brick road that seemed to lead to somewhere. She eyed it curiously before following it to where it goes. Along the way, she encountered a lifeless Scarecrow, a motionless golem made of tin, and a stuffed lion. Louise rubbed her eyes and shook her head, this was a very strange dream she was having.

She eventually made it to a large mansion that she had never seen before. She walked up to the front door and turned the knob, it was locked. The girl walked around the mansion and found that the back door and all the windows where locked as well, such a strange dream. Was this her mansion in the dream or someone else?s? If it was someone else?s, where did the owner go?


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2011, 11:42:38 AM »
I d'awwd at the flying scene. And the body controller thingyamabob was actually pretty cool.
also is yuuka not yuka jeebus

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2011, 11:48:18 AM »
also is yuuka not yuka jeebus

Actually Yuka is an alternate spelling of her name BV

Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2011, 04:33:08 AM »
I could see assortments of berets, witch hats, turbans, baseball caps, really?even things that aren?t even supposed to be here like the head dress of a shaman.

Baseball caps?

A fun read so far. Not expecting Yuka to deal with Count Mott like that, though the part about 'Louise not tsundere' kind of bugs a little bit. Or maybe I didn't look at it hard enough.  :ohdear:
"... but what is certain is that the average consumer will continue to rest easy on his Record of Agarest War pillow case knowing that his games will continue to be packaged with things that he will never look at or use" - Jeremy Petter - ENN


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2011, 07:02:05 PM »
Louise being a Tsundere in canon was a direct result of Saito openly going after other girls while declaring love to Louise. That stuff will send all sorts of mixed messages anywhere. Here, Yuka doesn't do that and thus avoiding Louise's Tsun-Tsun trigger. It's there, just not active because of what has been happening. I wanted to explore the possibility of what kind of girl Louise might be if she really has been a failure at magic for all her life until she met Yuka.

Of course...that's not to say that Yuka won't ever trigger the Tsun-Tsun, even if it was unintentional...we'll have to see.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2011, 04:13:30 PM »

?Wait! No?okay! What about you?show your wings and do some acrobatic flying above the crowds?? Louise enthusiastically said as she spread her arms out to emphasize the kind of excitement that display would make.

?I refuse.? I immediately responded before taking another sip of tea. My master pouted in her seat beside me but I chose to pretend that I did not notice.

?Why not?? Louise complained. It was another day and another afternoon, meaning it was time for our routine tea party with Guiche, Monmon, Kirche, Tabitha, and Siesta. My master and I were our new hats but Siesta refrained from doing the same, saying that she will use it on special occasions such as when she visits her family back home. I am proud to say that Louise has been getting compliments with her new hat, that should help her with her little issues with self-esteem and whatnot.

?Because you are asking me to fly around like a pet for the entertainment of strangers I have never even met, Yuka Kazami is no item for entertainment.? I pointedly said to my master, who made a disapproving sound.

?Wait a second, you can fly?? Monmon voiced the unasked question for the rest of the occupants of the table.

?Yes, I can do a lot of things. Flying is simply one of them.? I provided.

?That doesn?t even bother me that much anymore, I can?t believe that I?m getting used to this.? Monmon said while rubbing her ever shining forehead.

?Seriously though, the Evaluation Fair is pretty important for second years. That means that it?s important to your master too.? Monmon continued, standing up for Louise.

?Monmon?? Louise muttered her name with teary eyes. It took a while for Monmon to get used to her nickname. At first she was irate that we would shorten her name to that extent and said that it was insulting to her actual name. Her defiance was cut short after Guiche said that he liked the nickname and that it sounded very cute. As of right now, only Guiche and Louise were allowed to call her Monmon. I call her Monmon too but she knew that she couldn?t stop me from calling her that, so she just didn?t bother to try.

?It?s true though, Mister Yuka. We are all working hard with our familiars to make sure that we perform our best during the fair.? Guiche spoke up next with a bit of an awkward smile to me. He was still rather apprehensive towards talking with me on subjects other than flowers, but he says that he?s working on it.

?Why is this so important to all of you anyway?? I asked, intrigued as to why they were all putting so much effort into this whole thing. I have seen several of Louise?s classmates, including her friends here at the table, practicing a sort of routine during their free time, but I never understood why they all seem to be so?enthused about it.

?Princess.? Tabitha spoke up without removing her gaze from her current book, turning all eyes toward her.

?Princess?? I asked the blue-haired girl.

?Yep, the Princess of Tristain will be personally coming here to witness the evaluation and grant a prize to the winner.? Kirche elaborated with a warm smile toward me. I was still very much ignoring her advances to seduce me, but she was a good influence toward my master in a way. By that I mean, my master has been doubling her efforts in trying to figure out her element if only to finally silence Kirche?s incessant teasing.

?A Princess and a prize?? I muttered thoughtfully while sipping my tea. I saw my master?s hat bob up and down, indicating a nod even though I could not see her face.

?Yes. This is my first real chance to show everyone, including the Princess, that I am not a Zero?that I have an amazing familiar.? She muttered. I glanced around the table and saw that everyone else, including Siesta, were looking at me with pleading eyes?except for Tabitha who was just blankly staring at me. I sighed and put down my empty cup before clearing my throat.

?Give me until the end of the day. I will?arrange something.? I finally conceded, eliciting smiles from everyone?except Tabitha who went back to reading her book. Louise looked up at me with an expression of disbelief.

?Now that I think about it, I guess it is time for your world to find out just how amazing of a familiar I am.? I added with a cocky grin, making Louise light up with a smile that could make sunflowers turn her way.


After the tea party was over, I quickly ducked out and made my way to the garden before entering Mugenkan through the door there. I made sure that there were no witnesses when I did so, Tabitha was quiet enough but I didn?t want anyone else from finding out about my dream world just yet. Think of me as being paranoid but I?ve had it with children suddenly breaking into my realm unannounced and suddenly making a mess of things. Granted, that happened several centuries ago, but still?

?Now where did the mansion materialize it?? I asked as I rummaged in my room in my new mansion. I left my parasol with Louise before I came here, no reason to bring it here and I could simply conjure up disposable spares if the need arose. I was currently looking for the item I would use for my?performance in Louise?s little evaluation fair. I sighed as I realized the kind of effort I was putting into this simply for the sake of my master. Was it because I was being affected by the familiar contract or because I genuinely wanted to do this for Louise? Regardless, I was not going to be able to do anything about it until I found that missing item.

?Looking for this?? A very familiar voice said from behind me. I suddenly regretted not bringing along my parasol. Severely damaging my new mansion would be worth it if it meant that I could get a Master Spark off right in her face.

?Quite long ways from home aren?t you?? I raised a brow as I turned toward Yukari who was leaning through one of her borders. In her hands was the item I was looking for, a violin case. I felt a very powerful urge to cringe when the border youkai looked up and down my frame before giving me one of the smiles that Kirche had been giving me.

?I could say the same to you, Yuka. I must say, you turned out to be quite the specimen.? Yukari said slyly with a glint in her eye.

?Don?t even think of going there. So, how did you even get here?? I asked her while folding my arms and leaning back, changing the subject.

?I?m currently inside your mansion in Mugenkan, the one in Gensokyo anyway. Since your dream world is constant no matter where you are, all I had to do is look for a mansion like this one. Chances were that you would be there, and here we are.? Yukari explained, I nodded at her words. So Mugenkan was still connected to Gensokyo thanks to my other mansion. Convenient but?

?I?m assuming that the actual distance between the two mansions is rather significant.? I postulated since I have never been able to sense the presence of the other mansion while I was in this mansion.

?That?s right. I can?t even begin to imagine how long it would take to travel between your mansions if you used normal flight. I only managed to get there myself because of my power.? Yukari affirmed. I unconsciously scowled when she mentioned her power, she must have noticed this and tensed up.

?Hey now. I?m sorry for turning you into a man, well not really considering how nice you turned out, but you know what I mean.? Yukari said while waving her hands in front of her, my violin still in her right hand, as she misinterpreted my reaction.

?Not that, I was just thinking of something. Tell me?? I started while I reached out and took the violin case from her. I laid it down on my bed before turning back to the border youkai.

?Aside from you, is there any possibility of another border manipulator to surface? A human border manipulator in particular?? I asked, once again Yukari tensed up. Did I hit a nerve or did I get lucky?

?A?human border manipulator you say?hehehe?? She said uncomfortably as she suddenly took a keen interest at staring at my plaid wallpaper.

?So it is possible then?? I answered for her. Yukari sighed before shaking her head.

?It happened way back when Reimu and Marisa were still alive and young. It was a very?unique circumstance, but yes, that one girl from the outside world could manipulate borders to a degree.? Yukari confirmed my suspicions. Then was it really possible for Louise? I rubbed my chin with my right hand as I contemplated the news that it was possible for a human to be a border manipulator.

?As nice as it is to stare at you while you look all serious like that?? Yukari?s words snapped me out of my thoughts and made me turn to her.

??anything you?d like to explain?? The border youkai asked with a sense of interest in her voice. I weighed my options in regards to answering here. On one hand, this is Yukari Yakumo we are talking about here. Getting her involved with Louise could result in anything, especially if she finds out that I suspect my little master to be a manipulator like her. On the other hand, Yukari is the expert in the matter I was thinking about and her advice on how to deal with Louise would be invaluable. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was doing it again, focusing on only one possibility even though it was not the only one available.

?For now?I will say that I managed to find change in my life. Not what I was expecting, but it has been quite the novel experience thus far.? I stated with a hint of a smile.

?Ooooh? Tell me more~? Yukari said as she leaned in closer, more interested with my current state of living than me becoming a member of the opposite sex. I cleared my throat before delivering the news.

?I have become the familiar of a young female mage in the world I am currently on.? I said while showing Yukari the familiar runes on my left hand.


?Are you finished?? I asked Yukari who was still laughing while clutching her sides. Somewhere close to twenty minutes had passed since I told Yukari about me being a familiar and she had been laughing at me since. If I hadn?t expected that reaction from her, I would have punched her in the face on the spot.

?I-I-I?m so-rry?but that was ju-ju-ju?? Yukari stuttered out before looking at me and laughing again.

?You can stop now, I have things I need to ask you about my master.? I stated seriously, it didn?t seem to deter her. In fact, my seriousness seemed to make her laugh harder.

?M-m-master! Y-Y-Yuka Kazami! Said Ma-ma-mast-! Oh! Oh! My sides! They hurt so!? Yukari said as she continued to laugh at me. I growled at her, losing my patience. I walked right up to her, grabbed the back of her head, and mashing my lips on hers. I drew back and looked at her absolutely shocked face. Yeah, that shut her up.

?Enough. I need to ask you a few things and they are quite important.? I stated before walking up to my bed and sitting on it. Yukari cleared her throat, her face still very red from what I just did, before looking at me with a more serious expression.

?You suspect you master to be a manipulator of borders.? She stated, piecing together the hints that I have laid out earlier in our conversation, I nodded in affirmation.

?Her name is Louise, she is the third daughter of a prestigious family of mages from this world. However, she cannot perform any magic native to this world properly?none that we know of anyway.? I explained Louise?s circumstances. Yukari simply shrugged at my words before waving her gloved left hand at me dismissively.

?So she?s the black sheep of the family of mages, nothing particularly special there aside from the fact that you master seems to be a failu-? Yukari cut herself off when she realized what she was going to say. She made a thoughtful sound as she contemplated about Louise?s circumstance. Yukari is wise, no matter how much she plays the fool. She knows that if Louise was a failure as a mage, then she shouldn?t have been able to perform a summoning ritual?especially one that could pull me, of all things, into a summoning portal.

?I need more information?? Yukari stated with a professional tone. Yes, this was the Yukari I was looking for. She was showing interest in Louise now so I would be a gamble on how interested she will be with my master. Too little and she won?t be able to give me any help. Too much and she might decide to interfere with my master?s life.

?Whenever she casts any conventional spell from her world, they break at the moment of release. I have confirmed the phenomenon with my own eyes. Eyewitness reports from her peers and even herself support the theory that all her spells completely break at the final millisecond. As to why, I am not sure.? I gave Yukari the abridged version of my earlier discussion with Louise. She nodded at my words before humming.

?And the same thing happens for all spells? Regardless of casting method or spell element used?? Yukari asked for clarification.

?Yes, ever single time. There is one more element she hasn?t tried yet, but that element is ancient and hasn?t been used for millennia, hence we lack the information to actually try it. As for casting method, they only have one casting system here, using foci such as wands to focus magical energy and shape it into the spell they want.? I supplied, eliciting another few nods from the border youkai.

?An ancient element, a new casting method, a completely new element, and border manipulation. I suspect you reached the same conclusions?? She said with a smirk, I sighed and shook my head. I cannot believe that we thought of the same thing in the end.

?Yes, I couldn?t think of any other possibility. So, what do you think? Could my master be a border manipulator?? I asked Yukari, who gave me a lazy shrug.

?I can?t really say until I see one of her spells in person. I?m thinking that the ancient element angle is the most likely possibility. No matter how ancient it was, it still existed. That means that it can happen again and is far more likely than having to come up with a new casting method, which could take decades mind you, or trying to figure out a new element, which could take centuries.? Yukari pretty much affirmed my earlier suspicions about Louise?s power.

?Your little master has a lot of magical power to be able to bind you into a summoning contract but it doesn?t prove that she is a manipulator. Even if she can make spells break instantaneously, it does not mean that she?s manipulating the border of magic to do so. If she is as inexperienced as you say she is, then manipulating the border of magic and creating an accidental spell break should have resulted in something much more?messy.? Yukari added, confirming that border manipulation, no matter the degree, requires significant control to pull off?control that Louise simply does not have as of this moment.

?I understand, I?ll look into it further then. Thank you for your input.? I stated before standing up and picking up my violin.

?Leaving already~?? Yukari said with a teasing voice, back to her old self again I see.

?I still have to prepare for something for the sake of my master.? I simply said before opening the door to the hallway of my mansion.

?My, my. Such effort the mighty Yuka Kazami makes for a mortal human girl!? Yukari said in mock disbelief, I simply shrugged before replying.

?What can I say, I wanted change after all.? I admitted before leaving Yukari in my room alone.

?Indeed?? I heard her say before I completely closed the door.

I walked out of the mansion and walked across the yellow brick road leading to the door back to the academy. I was not worried about Yukari following me outside or even fully crossing over to this side of the dream realm at all. Ever since the Lunarian invasion on Gensokyo several centuries ago, the border youkai has been more protective of her realm. I smiled at the memory, the battle that ensued because of some stupid power struggle on the moon. That was the very first incident that Reimu?s daughter, Reimi, was involved in. Quite the trial by fire the young shrine maiden was put through. Luckily, she and her mother had a lot of help. That was also the incident that took Reimi?s father?s life. It took Reimu months to recover from that, leaving Reimi to keep the peace in the meantime. Though again, she was not alone.

Would Louise ever experience a large scale battle as what had transpired during that incident? Will she ever have to experience the pain of losing a loved one in the middle of a battlefield? Will she be able to overcome the challenges she will face in her life once we confirm what power she truly possesses?

?Of course she will?? I muttered to myself as I opened the door to the garden.

After all, she has me.

?So?? I stated as I looked at the odd sight of my master and Derf sitting across from each other with a round table between them, Derf wasn?t as much as sitting as being propped up on a chair. Louise was drinking tea and was likely waiting for my return with what I was going to do for the fair.

?So?? Both sword and magician said to me. I sighed and closed the door to the room.

?I am rather surprised that you would get along so well with a sword.? I said with a slight smirk, eliciting a grumble from said sword.

?An ancient, talking, magical rusted sword.? I corrected, making sure to emphasize the word ?rusted?.

?I?m only rusted because you won?t clean me!? Derf shot back in defiance, shaking in its scabbard as it did.

?What is that?? Louise asked as she pointed to the item I was carrying, changing the subject at the same time.

?This is a violin case, it is typically used to store a violin and its bow when it needs to be carried.? I explained as I held up the case for both of them to see. The two of them looked at each other?well, Louise looked at Derf?then back to me.

?And what are you planning to do with an instrument?? Louise asked me. I raised a brow at the strange question. Louise was not stupid, she should already know my intention if I had-

?Probably going to bash someone?s skull in with it.? Derf followed up, I then saw something very strange. Louise looked back to Derf and smirked, if the sword had lips it probably would have smirked back. I shook my head at the sight. It was surreal seeing my master and my ?sword? work together to take a jab at me. It was far from being the strangest thing I have ever seen, but a surreal sight is a surreal sight.

?Well played, however?? I stated as I placed the violin case on Louise?s desk next to my parasol before turning back to the two other occupants of the room.

?Have you gotten anywhere with researching about the Void?? I asked Louise, who immediately gave an ?urk? which meant that she still had nothing on the matter.

?I?ve been looking everywhere in the library, from history to folklore to magical theory. I still can?t get any leads on what exactly Void is and what it can do, much less how the founder managed to cast them.? Louise admitted with a defeated sight, I expected as much. The legend of the founder Brimir was over six thousand years old, far longer than the existence of Gensokyo as I know it. The actual facts of the mechanics of Void magic would either be too diluted in legend over the millennia to be useful or would be locked in some ancient grimoire or artifact, and those tend to be highly coveted, guarded, or lost to the sands of time.

?Hmmm?Void, eh?? Derf suddenly spoke up, making both Louise and I look at the ancient blade in curiosity. Has in heard something about Void before? It was conceivable as it was an ancient artifact and?wait?

?Please don?t tell me that you were an enchanted blade that was once wielded by one of Brimir?s familiars, the Left Hand of God: Gandalfr, and simply forgot about it because of how distant in the past it was.? I postulated, my master was giving me an incredulous look after I said that. Louise had given me a run through of the current version of the legend. The mighty Brimir wielded Void magic and was aided by four special familiars with unique abilities depending on the required situation. Gandalfr was the combat specialist, a humanoid familiar said to be capable of wielding any weapon like a grandmaster. I could have asked why she was looking at me like that, but she had a tendency to speak her mind about things when in the presence of people close to her.

?That?s awfully specific of you to say, Yuka.? My master voiced her opinion, see?

?Still, are you really the sword that was wielded by the Gandalfr?? Louise asked the blade, a tiny glimmer of hope and awe in her eyes.

?Who knows, I can?t remember if I was nor not, six thousand years is a very long time you know.? Derf said casually while giving the best impression of a shrug a sword could possibly do. I heard Louise give out a heavy sigh of disappointment. It was a long shot, a veritable miracle if Derf really was a blade that was somehow associated with the very man Louise was researching about. Sadly, the only miracles I know of are the ones that demand great effort and sacrifice to achieve.

?I am assuming that you have mostly exhausted the resources available in the academy on the subject?? I asked Louise as I pulled up a chair and sat on the table with them.

?Everything available to the students. There?s an old rumor that there is a hidden library somewhere in the school that houses an unbelievable amount of books. What we are looking for might be there but?? Louise trailed of, frustrated that she was reduced to relying on a baseless rumor for her research.

?Don?t give up, we?ve just started delving into this.? I pointedly said, making Louise glare at me for a few moments. The fire in her eyes tells me that she knows that but?

?Do you have any idea how frustrating it is? Knowing that you have power but you can?t control it properly? That you don?t even know what it is?? Yes, actually I once did. And since I did, I simply gave Louise a warm smile.

?That simply means that you are determined to find out. Do not forget that you are not alone in this, I will help with that as well.? I stated softly to my master. Sadly, it seemed to have the opposite effect as I saw her eye twitch.

?And what kind of help have you done so far? You said that you?d look into the other possibilities about my magic but you come here as empty handed as I am.? Louise bitterly said.

?Not really. I managed to at least confirm that the Void element angle is still our best possibility.? I stated before pouring tea for myself. It had cooled somewhat, but still consumable.

?Elaborate?? Louise flatly stated, very nearly commanded.

?I have it on good authority that figuring out a new casting style that would be compatible for both yourself and the elements of this world could take decades.? I started. Really, I thought about teaching Louise how to use spell cards when I remembered that their system of magic is drastically different from ours and could result in some very unique accidents, far worse that what Louise had been able to do so far.

?Discovering a new element would either take centuries or would not be possible at all. Otherwise, someone else would have already discovered it by now.? I continued. I had asked Guiche and the others about what they thought of Louise?s magical failures and the possibility that she had a completely new element that she needed to perform spells. The students had replied with varying degrees of ?no?, stating that the system in use today was what was used by Brimir in the first place and it would be impossible for a human to be able to discover a new element out of nowhere. Tabitha had even opted to simply state that it was impossible. What about the so called ?elves? then? They are supposedly capable of wielding magic far beyond what humans are capable of. That would not make sense either since that would mean that Louise was not human and I know for a fact that she was very much human.

?The last possibility would be flat out impossible since you should have destroyed magic in the world altogether if one of your accidents got out of hand when you tried to use a spell with that particular ability with no control whatsoever.? I was met with stone dead silence in the room and a shocked Louise and Derf. It was true though. Manipulation of the border of magic was more dangerous than I expected, especially after Yukari?s uneasiness at the thought of what could happen if an inexperienced human child had an accident with it.

?I told you that ability was dangerous?? I simply said with a shrug. It took a few moments for Louise to compose herself before sighing again.

?So Void is the best possibility? The magic that hasn?t been heard of since the time of the founder is the best bet that I have to actually be able to use magic. Haahahah?? Louise bitterly said before going into a bout of mocking laughter.

?No matter how ancient it is, it still existed. If it existed once, it might exist again. It is better than trying to do something that does not even exist as far as anyone knows.? I stated objectively. I assumed that Louise understood this but was still too broken up about it to affirm.

?Changing the subject for a moment?? I said before slightly grimacing at the sensation of drinking cold tea that was not meant to be served cold.

?You mentioned before that the princess of your country is arriving for the fair, yes?? I asked, making Louise perk up immediately and start nodding vigorously.

?She actually arrived this afternoon! Sometime after you disappeared! It was wonderful!? Louise gushed as she told me about the entrance of her beloved princess. I had surmised from the girl?s flowery description of the arrival of the princess that Louise was a fan of hers, or at the very least, someone who admired her greatly. It seemed that the beloved princess of Tristain had arrived in grandeur befitting her title, a parade of colors and carriages that were pulled by Unicorns. I have never seen a Unicorn before?

?And then! And then! She even waved to the students! To us!? Louise explained in giddy delight, showing the same smile she gave me when she flew with me.

?I wonder if there?s something in the tea that caused this reaction?? I heard Derf say offhandedly considering how quickly Louise shifted from despair to exaltation at the mere mention of the princess.

?You are quite fond of her aren?t you?? I asked, fully amused at my master acting like a child many years younger than she is.

?Of course! She?s the princess!? Louise stated matter of factly, as if all princesses deserve the same praise. Sadly, my only dealings with princesses were with Lunarians. None of them elicited the kind of reverence from me that Louise was currently showing for hers. Especially Kaguya?

I was about to ask Louise to calm down when I sensed something outside. The aura was not hostile but it belonged to a very strong spell caster by this world?s standards?and it wasn?t Tabitha or one of the teaching staff. I inhaled and found the sweet odor of fine perfume, female then?or a man as flamboyant as Guiche. I slowly stood up and gestured both Louise and Derf to remain quiet. I walked to the desk and picked up my parasol, hefting it over my right shoulder as I stood in front of the door. If the person on the other side of the door was an assassin, and alone, it would be over in a second. Although, I wondered who would want to kill Louise and for what ends. I also briefly though of what kind of idiot assassin would try to kill someone by going through the front door. I swiftly opened said door, shocking the intruder into letting out an ?eek?, before I pointed the tip of my parasol right between her eyes. Yes, it was female, wearing a simple dark brown cloak and hood.

?You have five seconds to give me a very good reason why you were standing outside this door in the middle of the night like a thief or assassin.? I coldly stated to the figure that trembled for a moment before instantly calming down. Interesting, I made sure to let my killing intent flow out freely when I said those words. Whoever this was, she was used to dealing with great pressure.

?Umm?Louise Francoise?? The woman stated softly before lowering her hood to show us who she really was.

?Princess Henrietta!? Louise exclaimed in sheer surprise. The princess, here? Sneaking around like a thief in the middle of the night? Just to visit Louise?

?How can I be sure that you are really who you say you are?? I continued to point my parasol between her eyes, ready to impale her head with it if she twitched the wrong way. She was still a powerful magician and Louise has her guard completely down. It would be easy for a shape shifter or a master impostor to take advantage of such a situation and strike. Not that I?d allow any sort of hostile action toward Louise past me of course.

?Yuka! Don?t deny the validity of the claims of the Princess!? Louise immediately yelled at me, missing how absurd her words sounded. I sighed and lowered my parasol, making way for Princess Henrietta to come in. I closed the door and placed my parasol back on the desk. The princess quickly made her way toward Louise and embraced her. She was only able to make it that far alive because I did not sense any ill intent at all coming from the woman.

?I can?t say I expected this.? Derf piped up, making the princess stare at the sword for a few moments while still having Louise in her arms.

?Did that sword just talk?? Henrietta asked the room at large, possibly doubting her own sanity for a moment.

?Yes?a lot has happened, Your Highness.? Louise sheepishly said as Henrietta finally let her go. My master saw my raised brow as I chose to lean on the door with my arms folded, my expression asking the unvoiced question: ?Why does the princess of your country know you??

?I had the honor and the privilege of becoming a royal playmate in my youth.? Louise stated shyly while glancing at me, making the princess look between the two of us. My master talks as if she was no longer in her youth?

It was then that I noticed the glint of understanding in the princess? eyes. I sighed and shook my head at what she was probably going to say.

?I would rather think of us as childhood friends, Louise Francois?? Henrietta said before glancing back to me for a moment.

?Although, I do apologize for ruining your rendezvous with your lover.? There it was?and predictably, Louise reacted to the notion that she and I were romantically involved in the most appropriate way she could.

?Lo-lo-lo-lover?! He?s not my lover! Look at him! He looks like a gardener! Do you honestly think that I would fall in love with someone like that?! I can?t even imagine how anyone would think that I would be romantically involved with that man! He and I are not lovers! He is my familiar that I summoned during the springtime summoning ritual weeks ago! Did I mention that we?re not lovers?!? By blabbering incoherently and blushing as bright as a red sun, making her look even guiltier of what the princess was implying.

?Wait?familiar?? Henrietta thankfully chose a safer subject to talk about with my master.

?I am Yuka Kazami, Your Highness. I was summoned by Louise and am currently her familiar and partner.? I stated with a polite bow, enough to save face for my master but not enough to imply that I regarded the princess with the same amount of subservience that her regular subjects did.

?It is a pleasure, Yuka Kazami. I experienced first hand how much you take Louise Francois? safety seriously. I am impressed with your concern and loyalty toward her.? Henrietta complimented my earlier display instead of taking offence to it. She is also officially the very first person to get the pronunciation of my name correctly on her first try. I like her already.

?Not at all. I will protect Louise from all who would do her harm. Even in the face of Armageddon itself, I shall not compromise.? I boldly stated, eliciting another blush from Louise and a whistling sound from Derf.

?If only those in my court were as dedicated as you?? Henrietta said with a tinge of sadness before quickly adopting a warm smile and offering her hand. I pondered for a moment on what she might want me to do before I blinked at the realization. She was either offering me a handshake or asking me to kiss the back of her hand. Considering she was royalty and a lady, I was going to assume that it was the latter. I took her hand and kissed her knuckles lightly, using the grace I have honed through countless years of life. I took it a bit further as I glanced up at the princess while my lips were still on her hand, giving her a serious and noble gaze. The light pink that appeared on her cheeks showed that it had worked. I learned that one from the man who had captured Reimu?s heart so long ago. I let go of her hand and the princess immediately turned back to Louise and gave her another hug.

?It has been wonderful to see you again my old friend, even better now that I know that you are in good hands.? She said as she let my master go before glancing at me and Derf with a smile.

?I wish you luck in the fair tomorrow.? She said before pulling up her hood again and headed for the door. I opened the door and made way for her exit. I made sure that she had cleared the hall before closing the door and turning back to Louise who looked absolutely exhausted.

?The princess was here. She came here just to see me. Hehehe?? Louise muttered to herself as she made a silly smile while staring blanking into oblivion.

?Has to be something in the tea?? Derf concluded to itself as I sighed one more time before helping my master prepare for sleep. She and I have quite the day ahead of us. That reminded me?

?I wonder what I should play?? I muttered I helped the still dazed Louise into her nightgown.


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Be careful what you wish for [ZnT/Touhou]
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2011, 04:37:25 PM »
Yuuka? A violin master? Do want.