Another of those partial fail partial accomplishment posts. Wanted to make a better SA hard run, but it turned out to be a total flop (rammed sideways into Orin's bullets on her first nonspell twice for a gameover, among other things). But I perfected stage 3's stage portion (including midboss) so that was cool :V
EDIT: Gave MoF Hard another runthrough because I haven't tried it since I first 1cc'd. We'll just say my first 1cc was so bad that this run here almost doubled the score (325M-->610M). I'm really pleased with this one though. No death until a clipdeath on Aya spell 2, I think there was 1-2 deaths on Sanae and one on Kanako (second last spell, was at 0 power). Also capped VoWG again, making it my second cap, my second consecutive cap, and my first cap outside of stage practice :3.