Author Topic: [One-shot]Bedtime Story when Ran's out  (Read 3240 times)

Forte Blackadder

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[One-shot]Bedtime Story when Ran's out
« on: February 20, 2011, 03:41:16 PM »
Yay ~ I'm too lazy to write big fic, which often got dropped in the middle. So I'll just write something that will end in 1 post :)
This time, er, yeah. Ran is out for some errand and it's late. Yukari wanna be closer to her cute shiki's cute little shiki so she decided to tell Chen some story. She wanna be seen as a good lady, you know? Anyway, let's go start to the bed, where Chen is already curling in Yukari's arms.

"So, Chen, this is a story when I was in Vietnam, right. It's a nice country, the sun shines beautifully in spring and summer, the food is great and most people are kind. This story took place somewhere in May, when the rain season starts. You know, the kids in Vietnam are forced to study even in summer. Poor things, but at least they can meet up with their friends. The summer term isn't hard, so they have time playing around in the school, and some of them, try to discover "secret areas". You know, places that nobody cares about. Every school has them, maybe a store, or a toilet, or a backyard. The reason is usually because they're too old. Of course, the kids always made up strange rumors about those places, and after time they become urban legends, like Japanese schools' "7 mysteries".

At that time, I visited Sai Gon, and lived in an apartment near this high school. It was an all girls school, and a dream of many boys in the city. Cos you know, the girls were all beautiful and talented, they also had music club and played all day. Every day, when the sun sets, I could hear beautiful melodies from the school. It felt very classic. There was a certain song that was played exactly when the sun disappeared, a very sad, slow and lovely song. It was a violin solo, so I guessed the girl must be the best student.

I found out I could see the school's building from my apartment, so one day, I took a look when the sun set. The light was off, and in one of the classrooms, the girl started to play that sad song. Surprisingly, she was alone. In the dark room, this student was playing violin all by herself. Except from her arms, she didn't move an inch, and because it was dark, I couldn't see her face. However, judging from the figure and her long, black hair, this one should be a beauty too.

Kind of bugged, I went to the school and asked the gatekeeper. The guy was working here for a long time, and was very polite. He said:

"No madam, everyone must go after five, I myself check all the place and lock the door. The music club does the orchestra everyday but they also have to finish at 5:30. When it gets dark, nobody is in the school, even I have to go home."

Strange, isn't it? I asked the neighbors, and they said they also heard the melody at six or so, when the sun completely set. Then, who is that girl? And how did she go in there? I, as a youkai, didn't feel anything, so she can't be a ghost, or an evil. It excited me, so I investigated.

Guess what, Chen? An old lady lived near the school told me the story: Years ago, there was a girl studying in the school. She was smart, refined and talented at violin. Her future was considered very bright. But then, in the final year, the girl fall in love. It was absolutely normal, yeah? She was like eight-teen, she's bound to know about love. But the thing is, she was studying in an all girls school, so she hardly had time to see the guy. Also, her parents and teachers had great expectation on her, and forced her to study even more. The girl broke. She couldn't stop thinking about her lover, and failed badly in her tests. You know, disappointment, her parents, in that very moment, abandoned her. They blamed her for betraying their hopes, and they hated her for not treating their parental love properly.

The girl hanged herself in the classroom.

It was big news, people cried a lot you know, but the parents and the teachers just screamed things like "Why?" or "Foolish girl.". There was nobody understood the reason of her death. The guy was there, too. But he soon was chased and beaten by the others, they put everything on him. Because they believed, he was the reason why the girl failed her study, and thus killed herself. Nobody saw him after, of course. Vietnam is an amazing country, no? Even I, Yakumo Yukari, couldn't sense her soul. I assume the girl was really dead, and what's left is just her habit of playing violin in the classroom. After all, this school was where she truly enjoyed her life.

Most of people there knew about the ghost, but they weren't that scared. All they did was telling their kids not going near the school when she appears. Maybe because she didn't hurt anyone.

That's what I thought.

That year, there was a big final test. And that very class had two girls had to stay late to complete their study. The teacher was with them to help, but it got very late and the gatekeeper asked them to leave.

"Sure, just a little more." The teacher said.

One girl finished the work and left, but she wanted to wait for her friend, so she stood outside. Ten minutes passed, the she saw the teacher walked out.

"Linh is packing her bag, I have to go back quickly. Be careful on the way home, okay?"

"Yes, teacher."

The girl looked at the teacher's back as he walked away. Outside, the sky got darker. The light will be off soon and the gatekeeper was already waving her. The girl suddenly remember the rumor about the ghost. She felt chilly but wasn't scared. After all, the ghost was said to only appear when the light is off and all she does is playing violin. However... five minutes passed and her friend wasn't out yet. The girl wasn't patient anymore and walked into the room.

"Linh, hurry up!"

The girl named Linh was still sitting at the table, looking down at her bag.

"Linh, what're you doing? Packing slowly like a snail..."

The girl walked to her friend, grabbed the bag forcefully. But Linh didn't respond.


The girl touched Linh, no respond either. She got scared, and pushed her friend lightly. Linh fall back, her face now can be seen clearly. She looked like she saw a ghost, her mouth was open and her eyes are wide.

Linh was dead.

After the examination, the doctors concluded she died from a heart attack. Linh was a very healthy girl and a swimmer, of course she didn't have any heart problem before. So the only explanation is she saw something truly fearsome, enough to shock her to death.

And it was just one of the stories I witnessed in Vietnam... Chen? You're hugging me too tight... You're supposed to be sleeping now... Ah Ran, wait, I was just telling her a story... Ran? Why are you raising your fist? RAAAAAAN!!!"

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: [One-shot]Bedtime Story when Ran's out
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2011, 04:02:49 PM »
That was actually pretty funny for a scare story. I also love how ran dared to punch yukari in the face.