Author Topic: (c79) motto!? fushigi no gensokyo: under the moonlight discussion thread  (Read 23267 times)

i'm trying to get a 大輪の向日葵 item which is dropped by yuuka. on what level yuuka dropped this item (-sama or giant yuuka) ?


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Even normal Yuuka is able to drop it.
The possibility goes up by level.
If your equipments are strong enough, Moonlight Castle 19F~22F is a good choice.

what kind of enemy is senjunamako?


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センジュナマコ(Senjunamako) is an AQUASTYLE original character.
It is based on a sea cucumber.

In this game, it only appears in special Monster Houses, which only appears on 80F and up on the 不思議の古井戸 and 不思議な亜空間  99F dungeons.
They have 3HP and receives only 1 damage per hit, like Reimu-heads, but they give 705 exp.

is there a difference between upgrading my equipment with spellcard or ichirin?


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I think strengthening with spellcards have a higher chance of giving +2 or +3.
Expect that it's all the same.

aside as storage and syntesis, what is the use of other sukima? 


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Every sukima has a number in the [ ], which tells you how many space it has left or how many usage is left.

When a thing is put into this sukima, it will heal HP and status.
With the last use, Reimu will get sleep status.
A real lifesaver.

When broken, money will come out based on how many items Reimu put in. Normally useless crap.

When used, Reimu will be teleported to another 抜穴のスキマ on the floor. If there isn't any, you waste a turn.

This is a sukima for storage.(Kanji means 'protection'). Reimu can freely put in or take out items from the sukima.
It protects rice balls from traps and Yuyuko, and protects tags from burning.
It gives you more slots for items, so it is important.

Hides Reimu in the sukima for a few turns. The sukima disappears after usage. Binds enemies when thrown at.

Identifies items that are put in. For the 99F dungeons.

Changes items that are put in. Normally useless crap.

Can take out items from other sukima. Very useful.

Summons 1~4 enemies beside you. Same effects as Summon Trap(Komachi)

Sucks a item that is in the direction you are facing. Normally useless crap.

Strengthens weapons, shields, and tags that are put in when Reimu goes down a floor.
Only available in 99F dungeons.

Weakens  weapons, shields, and tags that are put in when Reimu goes down a floor.
Only available in 99F dungeons.

For mixing flask items and potion items. Reimu can freely take out items in this sukima

When broken by thrown into a wall, the orbs that was in the item will come out.

You can take out flask items that were left in the shrine. Infinite usage, I think.

what enemy give the most exp in this game?


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The bosses would give more exp., but I would assume it would be a normal enemy.
In the もっと!?不思議の幻想郷 1.10 version
Big Kisume : 7777
Big Byakuren : 7630
Big Yuuka : 7500
Big Iku : 6000
Big Sakuya : 5200
Big Youmu : 4560

Kisume has no special abilities, so Reimu can kill it with no damage when using anything that induces slow status.
鈍速薬(Slow Potion) and 低速の札(Slow Tag) can be used, but it is quite useful to keep in mind that 毒薬(Poison) can be also be used.
She has a lot of HP, though.

Byakuren has the annoying ability to cancel slow status with Superhuman "Hijiri Byakuren", so using the 無能の札 is highly recommended.

Yuuka has a dangerous ability to counter any attack if Reimu is in a adjacent tile, so I wouldn't recommended it.

Iku has the dangerous ability to cause thunder if Reimu is in the same room.
The thunder causes 50 damage and inflicts Bind status, which forbids Reimu from moving before someone attacks Reimu.
Iku also dodges every normal attack, so it is highly unrecommended, if there is such a word.

Sakuya has the ability to teleport behind Reimu when Reimu is beside an enemy.
She can also use Sakuya's World to deal a delayed 60 damage attack. She is highly accessible(Gensokyo Route 3F~4F)

Youmu has the ability to deal defense-ignoring damage, and it would be about 100 damage, so try not to be attacked. Only slow is needed.


Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
What triggers the Myouren Crew encounter and the Yukkuri encounter? Are they completely random?

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


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These are special types of Monster Houses.
They are random, and very rare.
You usually wouldn't want to meet them, because more often than not they have too strong enemies.
Finding a type clears a "accomplishment".

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
ikr, Myouren Crew was especially annoying, took me a good 10 minutes to beat them, and I had to use CE if I wanted to have any chance of survival.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

which orb is good for defense?


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Good for defense? You can check out the "Best equipment for survival" thing I wrote.

Other than that, there is the 小食【小】orb, which reduces the reduction rate of belly.
Lv. 5 will make belly reduce 1 per 33 steps, opposed to 1 per 10 steps.

There is the 軽減【減】orb that can be found in さとりの目(Satori's eye) shield , level 5 of こいしの目(Koishi's eye).
The orb reduces fixed damage attacks up to 50%.
Only thing is, it cannot be synthesized into other shields, and the こいしの目 shield has crappy stats.

防御力増加【防】can be found in the 硬化「幸御魂」spell card.
It can be synthesized into any equipment, and gives +3 to the base defense of the shield.
Although I would synthesize 攻撃力増加【攻】(gives +3 to base attack)

And something unrelated, Reimu's attack power.

Reimu's attack power is primarily determined by equipment and level and ちから(Power), but there are other things that determine attack power.

Reimu's attack will increase when she has more than 5000 yen, and even more at 10000 yen.
The jump is on a scale that cannot be ignored, so try to keep more than 10000 yen if possible.

Belly(満腹度) is also important.
50 and less will reduce Reimu's attack, and even more at 40 and 20.
Reimu will get a damage boost if over 120.
Reimu will get a damage boost when in starvation status.(blinking screen, HP loss per turn, 0 belly)

Reimu's damage will increase if multiple enemies are surrounding Reimu..

Reimu's damage will decrease a bit when in corridors, and will halve when standing on the stairs.

Reimu gets a damage boost when the HP bar is blinking(less than 33% MAX?)

These are not too important, but it's useful to know.

Feel free to ask multiple questions at once, and you don't have to wait for my reply, because I am busy during the week.

- does 麦わら帽子 item can level up orb that synthesized into it?
- how to dig a treasure with nazrin shovel aside in the nitori quest?
- which tag that useful to defeat enemy and to survive dungeon ?


  • Hourai Doll
  • Nyo~
Yeah, I ended up having to use google translate on the Japanese wiki and stopped playing when I died, but I'm highly interested! I really love Aquastyle's works (aside from their Sanae abuse)!

I hear the game is hard to hack to English though?
Never forget these eternal words of wisdom: "Take it easy!"


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麦わら帽子 can level any orb that has been synthesized first.
The first orb that was synthesized becomes the base orb.
The other orbs won't  level up, though.

Narzin's ability makes a digging spot right beneath her.
Rarer items come out when the orb level is higher.

低速の札(Slow) is the most useful for 1-on-1 fights with a strong(very strong) enemy.
囮の札 (Bait) can turn a enemy into a fake Reimu. Other enemies will go for the bait. Of course, the enemy who killed the bait will level up.
遠離の札 (Blow) blows away an enemy 10 tiles. It's useful for synthesizing with Nitori.
無能の札 is always useful when a enemy annoys you with abilities.
呪詛返しの札 passes on status ailments onto an enemy, so it's useful for healing status aliments.
Always remember that Nitori can synthesize tags, too.

I wouldn't know, but I think someone said that it is easier than 東方蒼神縁起 (The Genius of Sappheiros)

does increasing utsuho shield orb increase the power of master spark too?
what is the effect of murasa and nitori shield/weapon?
which amulet give positive effect when equipped?


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No, the 熱線【熱】 increases chance of countering. The power of 'Master Spark' only relies on Reimu's attack.
Murasa and Nitori's shield and weapon doesn't have any abilities on it's own, and need the weapon counterpart to create a resonance effect.

Murasa's equipment has a resonance effect that lets you go down 2 floors instead of 1 floor by using 水没「オッツダルヴァ」beside a water tile.
You still lose a item, though

Nitori's equipment has a resonance effect that randomly Optical Camouflages Reimu for a  few turns.
Unreliable, but sometimes helps.

Because of laziness, I will only list the ones that gives only positive effects.(Won't list disappearing amulets)

お守り「家内安全」 沈静【沈】: Immune to Confusion(doesn't block Hypnotize)
お守り「合格祈願」 不眠【眠】: Immune to Sleep
お守り「無病息災」 抗体【抗】: Immune to loss of ちから(Power) due to poison
薬師のフラスコ         調合【調】: Will always succeed at Mixing
メイド長の懐中時計 小食【小】: Reduces Reduction rate of Belly to 17step/belly
額烏帽子                     増量【増】: Gives 10% more belly to anything Reimu eats.(Beware of amulets with 大食【大】)
天狗の古地図             地図【地】: Tells location of enemies and items on the map
天狗の念写機             念写【念】: Identifies items randomly
しあわせのにんじん 幸福【幸】: +1 exp per step. Won't level up equipment and orbs.
エア巻物                     節約【節】: Reduces usage of Ps (1 | 3 | 5 | 5 )->(1 | 2 | 3 | 3)
ミニ八卦炉                 八卦【八】: Doubles damage of  tags, and spell cards

EDIT : Oops, ミニ八卦炉 doesn't double damage of danmaku. Sorry.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 02:42:49 AM by Sungho »

what is the effect of equipment resonance ?


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A resonance effect happens when Reimu equips the right equipments.
Most of them need 2 matching equipments, but some resonance effects need 3 matching equipments.
The equipments usually have something in common.
Not all resonance effects benefit Reimu, though.
The effects differ from set to set.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
So what's the effect for Onbashira + Keystone and Yuyuko's Hat + Fan?

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


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Onbashira + Keystone = +10% damage to normal attacks.
Yuyuko's hat + Yuyuko's fan = higher chance of instant death.

can you list the equipment resonance that give benefit when equipped?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 10:54:40 PM by omegastar »


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Weapon + Shield
哨戒天狗の刀 + 哨戒天狗の盾 = Sometimes the location of the enemies can be seen for a turn or two. Good for locating stores and monster houses.
竹箒 + ミニ八卦炉 = Adds power to danmaku
忘れ傘 + 忘れ傘 = Won't drop items when stepping on Trap of Surprise(Kogasa)
融合の足 + お空のリボン = Doesn't receive damage from explosion ands heals 10HP
丸太 + 漬物石 = +10% to normal attacks
ゆゆ様うちわ + 額烏帽子の帽子 = Higher chance of instant death
さらさらヘアー + 早苗の枕 = Adds more types of miracles
フラフープ + 麦わら帽子 = Double exp. to base orbs
フランクフルト +  にとりの帽子 = A chance of Optical Camouflage for a few turns
底抜けひしゃく + キャプテンキャップ = goes down 2 floors instead of 1 floor by using 水没「オッツダルヴァ」beside a water tile
緋の衣 + 触角リボン = Higher chance of evasion
チルノ人形 + てゐ人形 = Amulet has chance of acting like the 謹製・みがわり人形(Substitute Doll)

Weapon + Amulet
銀のナイフ +  メイド長の懐中時計(縮) = A chance of giving bind status to the whole floor. Beware Rinnosuke
(木の棒 or 陰陽ボール) + 博麗アミュレット= HP +20, Increased HP regen
(木の棒 or 陰陽ボール) + 退魔針 = +3 to Power(the 8/8 thing)
てゐの耳 + しあわせのにんじん = +1 exp. per step
文ちゃんうちわ + 天狗の古地図 = Sometimes warps to a random room, sometimes haste status for a few turns.
ウリ科の植物 + 鬼縛りの鎖 = Sometimes increases P +1~4
ウリ科の植物 + 鬼の○△□ = Sometimes become giant for a few turns, double HP
はたきのようなもの + 蛇と蛙の髪飾り = Increases effect of Heal orb.

Shield + Amulet
厄いリボン + 悲劇の流し雛 = Doubles power of 禍 orb.

Weapon + Shield + Amulet
竹箒 + 絵本 + 謹製・みがわり人形 = Chance of not using the 謹製・みがわり人形 amulet when reviving.
文ちゃんうちわ + 哨戒天狗の盾 + 天狗の念写機 = Doubles attack hits.

which potion that give benefit to reimu?


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That is a rather vague question.
Potions can be either drunk, thrown at an enemy, mixed with other materials, or be synthesized.
Even potions with useless effects can be mixed with some other material to make あぶない薬(Dangerous Potion), which can be mixed with the majority of other potions.

For the sake of simplicity, I will only list the ones with positive effects when drunk.

Purple Potions
緑茶(Green tea) :  HP +20
玉露(Refined green tea) :  HP +100
どくだみ茶(Houstonia tea) : maxHP+5
解毒薬(Antidote) : Restores power to max
ちからの薬(Power potion): +1 power, +1 maxpower
しあわせになれるくすり(Potion of happiness) : +1 Lv.
怪力薬 : Gives 怪力 status for a few turns.
無敵薬(Potion of invincibility) : Gives 無敵 status for 30 turns.
目薬(Eyedrop) : Able to see traps and Nitori
加速薬(Haste Potion) : Gives 加速 status for 20 turns
P缶(P can) : +25 P

Yellow Potions
秘蔵酒「酒呑童子」: High chance of critical hit for 20 turns
紅魔茶「スカーレットデビル」 : +HPregen for a few turns, +3 Power on this floor
乱神薬「三歩必殺」: After three turns, if Reimu hits an enemy, unleashes a 1HKO move on the whole room
透過薬「ステルスドリンク」: Turns invisible for a few turns.
弩級薬「超マッシュルーム」: Turns giant, double HP for a few turns,
緑茶オン・ザ・ロック : Heal all status and HP
緑汁 : +10 HP, heal status
良薬 : +100 HP, restores Power
活性丹 : +50HP, +1 Power, +1 maxPower
天眼薬 : Able to see traps, Nitori, and enemies, items, and the staircase, also able to see darker parts
漢方「冬虫夏草」: +10 maxHP, +1 Power, +1 maxPower, +5 maxBelly
日輪酒「花鳥風月」: Buffs attack for a few turns
良缶 : +100 HP, +25 P


how to obtain character portrait?


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Reimu Hakurei : Chance when using any of the three attack spellcards
Remilia Scarlet : Chance when she uses her ability successfully(Without 吸血耐性 orb)
Flandre Scarlet : Chance when she gets blown away by the Turbulence Tile.
Yuyuko Saigyouji : Chance when she eats your food.
Fujiwara no Mokou : Chance when she is standing on a fire tile
Kaguya Houraisan : Chance when she summons enemies.
Shikieiki Yamaxanadu : Chance when she uses her special ability
Suwako Moriya : Chance when she dies.
Satori Komeiji : Chance when she uses her special ability
Koishi Komeiji : Chance when she is adjacent with a sleeping Rin.
Byakuren Hijiri : Chance when she uses her annoying special ability
Nue Houjuu : Chance when she transforms back from an item.

BOSS 1 : Chance when she counters Reimu's long distance attacks with a *****
BOSS 2 : Chance when she uses the 3-hit combo
BOSS 3 : Chance when she uses the 40 damage attack
BOSS 4 : Chance when she uses any special ability