On a scale of one to ten, how dangerous is your hip-hop?
Theoretical mathematicians have yet to conceive a number great enough to rank just how dangerous my hip-hop is.
What should I LP next?
Hm ... I'm gonna say Fallout New Vegas, because I really want that game bad. Your LP would be the next best thing.
Should I give Linux a try again. Also, Should I buy a new mic?
Almost all Linux distros are free, and many of them come with LiveCDs (or even better, LiveUSBs) for you to try them out without having to install them, so you really have nothing to lose. I recommend either Linux Mint, Ubuntu or Mandriva - all fairly straight-forward, easy and out-of-the-box distros. As for a new mic, I dunno, you sounded fine on Skype the other night.
At what age do the male hormones release control of the brain's speech function so that I can talk to them again without worry of a perverted retort :derp:
Oh, and do you have any major regrets in life/things you would go back and change?
I have good news and bad news. The good news is, most guys stop doing this sometime during or after college, or whenever they realize this behavior won't get them laid. The bad news is, they're still thinking it.
No, seriously, every guy's different. There are a few guys who won't perv out on you, who will listen actively, and aren't gay. They're hard to find, but they do exist.
As far as regrets go ... yeah, I have one or two. I wish I'd been more responsible in my 20s; would've made my life both more stable and more enjoyable. Any other regrets I have are all related to relationships.
Have you ever once regretted having a child, or went through some other circumstance where you were just wrecked with grief regarding said child?
I've never regretted being a father. Not once. I think the most heartbreaking thing I had to endure about her was when she was diagnosed with a cognitive disability. Fortunately it's mild, and we caught it early. She's learning now by leaps and bounds and is a lot more social.
How do you react when your child is acting up in public?
I turn away, pretend to be busy with something else, and when I hear the screams subside a little, I turn to her and ask, "Are you done?". If she is, we move on. If she isn't, I go back to pretending to do something else. Maybe it annoys other people in the short run - and there are times I've had to take her the hell out of a building - but in the long run it'll put an end to the behavior. No reinforcement means no incentive.
How do you manage your shapeshifting? Is it cosmetic surgery, superpowers from an accident with a radioactive amoeba, blood magic, prayers to Shiva, or something else entirely?
After visiting Kaguya in her mansion and regaling her with my rapier wit and delightful anecdotes, she gave me a diluted version of a Hourai Elixir. It doesn't make you immortal, but you can change how old you look at will. Tasted sorta like ginger ale.
What are your sentiments regarding a routine?
I love routines! That one routine that George Lopez does about how every time he mows his lawn, people walk up and ask him how much he charges? Hilarious!
Did you expect to ever be a father? Also, how many children did you expect to have? Would you want more?
Also, why'd you move to Iceland?
I've wanted to be a father since I was 16 years old, and I imagined I would have exactly one girl. Which is what I have. Don't think I want anymore right now. I moved to Iceland because I came here on vacation, on a whim, made some friends, was bored with Baltimore, and decided to give it a shot. That was in 1999. It's been working out alright.
How is it being a parent? Do you ever worry that you're messing up your child somehow? Have you ever had issues of disrespect, and if so, how do you handle them?
Being a parent is the most wonderful, terrifying, joyful and stressful experience I've ever had. And yeah, I worry all the time that I'm not a good father. On the up side, she's a good kid, and hasn't been "disrespectful" all that much, except when she wants something and I tell her no. But she gets over it.
How many grey hairs have you had?
Does death gradually become more of a pressing fear the older you get?
I got gray a-creepin' up the sides of my head. It looks pretty damn sexy, if I do say so myself. And actually, I've come to fear death less now than I did when I was an angsty, brooding teenager. I don't think about The End; I'm too busy enjoying living.
What has been the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
What a question. Probably leaving home for the first time. If you don't have a plan, like I didn't, it's an incredible challenge. I'd recommend having a pretty clear idea about where you're going and how you're going to support yourself if you ever move out.
How did you meet your daughter's mother, and how did you decide to get married and have a child together?
What was the most important experience of your life so far?
What's the secret to happiness (or rather, the secret to avoiding depression, cynicism, etc.)?
Where did you see your friends and yourself 20 years ago, and how does it line up with what you are now?
Have you ever been at a crossroads where you didn't know what to do, and where did you go?
I met her hitch-hiking around Iceland. She was working at a hotel I stayed in, and we started dating. A few months later, we got married. A couple years after that, we had our child. Yeah, we got married fast. Don't recommend it.
The most important experience of my life so far, apart from becoming a father, has been deciding what I really want to do with my life. It's a big decision, and pretty much defines who you are and what choices you'll make.
I have no idea what the secret to happiness is. If you find out before I do, please tell me.
Man, 20 years ago I thought I'd be a famous writer by now with my adopted daughter, living in some American city, probably single. Today, I do write for a living, I am single, and I do have a daughter, but that's about all that's matched up.
Every turn in my life has been a crossroads. My choices are made with a mixture of logic and intuition. But mostly intuition. This is because you can rationalize anything to make sense logically - you're going to follow your gut in the end anyway, you might as well do it from the start.
How does it feel like being Tony Hawk, and having your own skateboarding game that was awesome back in the day.
Feels good man.
What were the highlights and lowlights of the classic rock phase for you?
Highlights: Discovering
early Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, the Doors and Black Sabbath.
Lowlights: When surviving members of these bands made cynical and pathetic attempts to cash in with reunion tours.
Now that you have a daughter, do you think you'll have a girlfriend/wife in the future?
Do you think this could damage the relationship between father and daughter?
I think I'll probably have a girlfriend in the future, but I don't know if I'll ever marry again. I don't think this would damage my relationship with my daughter. I'm going to continue to be good to her, and always be there for her. I'm still the same dad, and always will be.
What the fuck are you doing on a forum full of young people you pedo
How did you gnaw through your duct tape? I have to remember to use nylon cord next time.
What do you think is wiser for a young person: trying to put as much effort as possible in activities that are considered to be beneficial in future (university, etc), even if it means having pretty much no social life and no time for oneself, or trying to enjoy one's life, even if it somewhat hampers the aforementioned studies? Especially considering how fragile human life is.
I'd say the wisest move is a balance of these two. Of course it's important to work to secure your future and make a stable life for yourself, but life was also meant to be lived. Don't let studying get in the way of getting out and exploring, making mistakes, breaking hearts, getting your heart broken, have fun, and making friends.
Does your wife like touhou like you?
Will you show touhou to your kids?
She only likes the H-doujins. My daughter has seen Touhou The Game and doesn't care for it, but she loves the IOSYS Flash videos.
What were the seventies like? :V
The 70s were weird. The whole country had come down off of this tremendous high of the 60s - all their high hopes and dreams of starting a cultural revolution were crushed by Nixon and Watergate, and the death of some 60s idols. But the music was great, the clothes were hilarious, and the hair was amazing.
More to come!