Author Topic: Touhou Grand Theft Auto  (Read 319411 times)

Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #540 on: November 30, 2011, 06:21:34 AM »
*smiles brightly* Well, as long as there will be Sanae?s version eventually, I will be happy!

I mainly suggested Sakuya and Youmu versions because they both got spotlight as playable characters and seem to be pretty popular, as far as I can see (though I am not particular fan of either of them, if truth be told XD ).

I actually haven?t played further then San Andreas itself (and I am currently waiting for your module, ?version Sanae? before I play GTA:SA again), so I don?t know enough of storyline and characters to make meaningful suggestions. But if you would like me to, I can still make some basic suggestions (in particular, regarding Sakuya?s version; I understand you already have idea about what roles characters would take in Sanae?s version, and I really wouldn?t want to ruin your vision).
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 06:24:05 AM by Kasumi Tani »


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Touhou GTA - More 1.6 screenshots!
« Reply #541 on: November 30, 2011, 10:58:03 AM »
Cock-a-doodle-doo, it's time for chicken ~



More screenshots showcasing more modifications and gameplay here.
Fox's pedestrian pack was added and then modified over; also demonstrated a new timecyc.cfg that claims more realism and distinctive weather and hue for each area. Still looks a bit too saturated and dark on my monitor, but I blame my laptop's bad GPU and the fact that my monitor is more designed for image professionals (and is thus better than what 95% of people have).

Also, the modular IMG idea is a success, meaning that we can once again consider the option of alternate character versions. Benefits of this?
 - Significantly smaller download for character modules (default one is ~195MB; no need for a 1.2-1.5GB file replacement to change a few characters!)
 - Easier modding of general content
The new IMG contains cutscene, special character, and gang models, as those are the ones that would probably be replaced.

But as I am still not fully sure of who would go in the Sanae version, I'll release a beta in an incremental update instead. And once again, feel free to suggest a cast here and I'll see to it!

And it seems the mod is just about ready for upload and distribution!
EDIT: GAH hit a snag when trying to mod another stock install for the final test. Keeps crashing for unknown reasons.
EDIT2: Fixed it. Note of warning: If you use 64-bit Vista, 7, or 8 you MUST set compatibility to WinXP SP2! Untested on 32-bit versions though I advise you do so anyway on those.

Also attached an early version of the readme for those interested.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 03:36:27 PM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Touhou GTA - v1.6 out, separate thread
« Reply #542 on: November 30, 2011, 07:32:49 PM »
I've released my version of this mod (TGTA VMod); all discussion of that version goes to here. This thread will continue for Squidtentacle's mod.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 11:57:48 PM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #543 on: November 30, 2011, 11:19:38 PM »
I'm not going to do any of the things which have been suggested, including linking to the other thread in my own or asking a mod to lock my thread. There was no "change in leadership," because this isn't that kind of project and the end result is a drastically different product. Changes have been made that I do not approve of, including the complete removal of the character set packs and some of the models being changed to things which make no sense from my viewpoint or which I personally dislike. I can't in good conscience toss my thread away in favor of the other version.

There has been plenty of advertisement for the other version already. My thread has been spammed up to 19 pages of discussion, much of which is, from what I can tell, irrelevant to the topic at hand. EP has placed a clear advertisement in his signature. A new thread has been created over mine. That is more than enough, and my version is just as legitimate as your own due to the choice of changes made, so both have a right to remain as an option for people to download.

Currently I am beginning work on finals for college, but once that is done I will be checking my downloads to make sure that they're still working. If they are not, then I will reupload to Mediafire during my break to ensure that they are.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #544 on: November 30, 2011, 11:45:25 PM »
Rather than have a fight over words I think this'll get things a bit more straightforward.

I'm not going to do any of the things which have been suggested....I can't in good conscience toss my thread away in favor of the other version.
Understood, and I'll respect that decision.

There has been plenty of advertisement for the other version version is just as legitimate as your own due to the choice of changes made, so both have a right to remain as an option for people to download.
Also will be taking that into account. I'll adjust the title (and soon the rest of the stuff including little advert) of my version to indicate that it is clearly a different modification, and that both are on equal footing.
EDIT: Done! Title and readme changed (my version will have the VMod suffix), and the banner replaced for now with a simple text. As for the existing stuff in your thread, well, I'd have considered it background planning.

Currently I am beginning work on finals for college, but once that is done I will be checking my downloads to make sure that they're still working. If they are not, then I will reupload to Mediafire during my break to ensure that they are.
I would definitely recommend this, and remove the torrent link as it's been dead for who knows how long now.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 12:38:09 AM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #545 on: December 25, 2011, 01:52:38 AM »
Sorry for reviving an old thread,but reading trough it,i couldn't find a sollution for my problem.

I'm having the same issue that has been addressed on the beggining,past the load screen,the game hangs (at the part where it says something like Francis INTL,1992).It won't go any further than that.

I'm running it on Windows XP SP3 (that's probably why the win7 fixes did nothing..)

I also am not using the steam version,have admin rights and did everything the readme told me to do.

..That's what i was going to say as i was posting this,but i have found a way to fix it (for myself,at least),and decided to post it since more people may be having the same problem.

So here is the problem: The readme tells you to rename the model set to gta3 and put it on the models folder.The problem is,there is already a gta3 file there,BUT,it's a .IMG file. To make it work,simply backup the original gta3.img file there,and swap for the gta3 file you want (gta3 reimu,marisa,etc),AND add ".img" at the end of the file name.Not sure of what it fixes,but it worked fine after i did that.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 06:10:16 AM by baraket »

Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #546 on: December 25, 2011, 12:39:02 PM »
Erm... it seems to me, that, logically:
models are loaded from models.img game archive.
If you want to use oter models, you use another one, different from the original, but with the same name and extension and in the same place.
Usually, you _overwrite_ it. (del or rename original, then put new file instead.)
Thus saying, there is one already, but you need to replace it, naturally!
Not a bug, you know) Comes naturally.
A wandering Russian newbie.


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #547 on: December 25, 2011, 12:57:42 PM »
The game loads the majority of its models from models/gta3.img. Thus, simply renaming it gta3 with no file extension will not work, as 'gta3' is not mentioned at all in data/gta.dat which has the paths to the files the game loads on startup.
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #548 on: December 26, 2011, 12:21:05 AM »
Hmm..i'm having another problem now.. The game won't start.It crashes right as i try to open it.I overwrote all the folders mentioned,picked a model pack,and can't get it to work.I also tried cleaning all my save files at my documents,but still,no joy.

Any tips?

Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #549 on: February 17, 2012, 02:12:51 AM »
Sorry for bumping, but many mod owners started to take their creations down. Well specifically, download links began to die.

It seems like no.12 had ALL his downloads for his Touhou mods removed!

Still got the files for his Parsee, Yuka, Rumia, and Yuugi?

Also, it looks like ds removed some of his downloads too?

I cannot find his previous mods for the"butler"-Remilia, Utsuho, or Yamame. Or even Suwako! Does anyone have a download to Suwako?! :S

Mind passing me them? And possibly a Mystia mod?

Also, where can I get some good CLEO mods besides from And does anyone have texture or object files which redecorate GTA SA to contain Touhou objects,like Nitori vending machines, Cirno Planes, and Sanae figurines? Or CJ wearing Suwako's hat?

And for just general mods, how could I change all the peds to use female voices? (Or does anyone have it already set up and can pass me that file too?)

Thank you VERY much if you can get this all for me!


This post also had its download link deleted for the mod packed :S
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 02:22:39 AM by Lishy1 »


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #550 on: February 17, 2012, 03:26:16 AM »
Well, this thread has really arisen from the dead!

I maintain an alternate version of the mod (see signature, first link), and even as I was assembling that (mostly spring-summer last year) many links were already starting to disappear or not show up at all. Made getting some models and modifications difficult.

Pedestrian voices are managed through audio editing of the files in audio/sfx and some tools. However the modifications have to be precise or strange audio glitches occur.

Oh, and Squid, I advise re-uploading your version due to Megaupload not working anymore. Alternatively, if requested I can repackage your versions using my version's character module format, then upload that to shrink the overall download from ~17GB (that was too much to get) to a much smaller 2-3GB.

As for Fox's link, someone will have to contact him.

(which really reminds me, I better get back to updating :V)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 03:28:00 AM by LOLSQUID 짬뽕 스페셜 »
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #551 on: February 17, 2012, 04:28:52 AM »
Currently I have over 150+ different Touhou peds, including Tf2 players. Someday I'll upload em all and show my sources, but setting up all my GTA SA mods is too hectic for me atm! :V

I do not wish to install your entire mod however, LOLSQUID. I assume I'm able to just download the two model files? But what about CLEO Special Powers? And what about the Audio files? What exactly do they do? Will they change all ped voices to girls?

(Also, I Idle on irc if you ever wanna query me.)


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #552 on: February 17, 2012, 05:02:19 AM »
I put my reply to your post on my mod's thread, as it pertains more to that iteration. This thread is mainly for Squidtentacle's take on this idea.
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #553 on: February 17, 2012, 05:51:07 AM »
OK then, one more question (Sorry for the annoyances):

Any better img compiler than IMG Tool 2.0.?


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #554 on: February 17, 2012, 12:00:23 PM »
IMG Tool gets the job done and is rather stable, but some IMGs do not compile correctly. I also use Ultimate Editor, which is rather buggy (Visual Basic at work) but handles IMG editing + compiling well enough for my needs.
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #555 on: February 17, 2012, 08:27:03 PM »
Anything RELIABLE which can copy (and replace)everything at once? I'm doing a massive PED edit.

Also, is there an irc channel for Touhou GTA, or something?

Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #556 on: June 30, 2012, 12:18:34 AM »
Hello! I am having this problem with the mod where I get a black screen when I try to play it!
In the beginning the cinematic where Reimu gets her luggage, then arrested is fine.
But then when I get thrown out of the car (or skip the cinetmatic where she gets arrested), the game 'freezes' or gets a black screen, and I can only see the minimap!

And the words you see in that image start glowing really hard and it takes over the screen (literally glows and makes the screen slowly) entirely white!

How do I fix this?