Author Topic: Crossing the Border  (Read 21985 times)


  • Boisterous Imagist
Crossing the Border
« on: October 31, 2010, 03:44:59 AM »

I am Ken Sington, an Asian teenager, at the age of sixteen.

I am in a family of three, including myself, and my parents. My parents believe in cleanliness, since I am usually stuck with the job of cleaning the house I live in with a single vacuum cleaner, while my parents improve the aesthetics in the front yard and back yard. My mom and dad are equal in ability as cooks, which is very skillful. I know no other fathers who know how to cook a delicious "Buddha Jumping Wall." My dad used to actually be a cook in a nearby Chinese restaurant called "Oriental Express," but later he joined my mom in doing manicures in a Nail Salon, which is actually very profitable, considering how expensive getting your nails done are. My mom is somewhat religious, since there is a altar in my basement honoring my dead grandparents on my mom's side, adorned with golden Buddha statues and burnt out incense sticks. I am amicable with my parents, although my only crutch with them is that I don't know my native language. And my parents know very little English.

I go to Bryan Clay High School as a junior now, my parents have nudged me in the past to go to an academy, but they gave up when I entered sophomore year at Bryan Clay.

Usually, most of the teenagers at Bryan Clay are crackheads, I believe they are influenced by the crappy mainstream pop they listen to, especially since they think dick jokes are funny. Basically, most of the music they listen to are about sex, money, and drugs. That music just turns me off, like hell I would care to hear about a Gucci man who does his dishes. I listen to anything as long as it sounds good musically, including some of the mainstream pop. There are some good songs out there, the only reason people stop listening to them is because they listen to it too much. There's a lot of drama at the school, this makes me wonder why they couldn't just "take it easy."

I don't study as I seldom do things that don't interest me like homework. It's usually too easy, even if I hardly ever pay attention in class at all. It's all down to common sense, except for math, where I have to learn troublesome formulas to pass. It's very common to see a lot of very stupid people in advanced classes, for example, there's this brunette in Advanced Chemistry when she doesn't even know what the periodic table is.

In school, I used to be only known as a typical stereotypical Asian nerd, since I don't even have to try in school to pass with at least a high average and people ask me to help them with their homework. It's like I'm the middleman, people love me but don't even want to associate with me. But all that changed when I met a group of people in my freshman year. They were at first only using me to help them with homework. But after getting to know one of them, Jonathan, slowly things started to change for the better. I became more than the the middleman to them, more like a smart friend who's always there in need, drama and academics alike. I even changed their demeanor as a whole from being generally mean and bratty, to a more relaxed and nice attitude.

I have messy, thick black hair, with the bangs just above my green, narrow eyes. I have somewhat of a skinny frame but not skeletal like a certain person who revels in a drunken paradise.

I have little muscle, but due to playing guitar, I have incredible finger strength. I could hang on to a rough tree branch for hours with only my hardened fingers.

My skin is tanned, but not like a sun tan at all.

Recently, I have been getting into the phenomenon that is Touhou. With their lunatic yet addicting difficulty on the shooter series and catchy music, who wouldn't like it? There are all sorts of arranges for the original video game music, ranging from metal to classical, even making a popular internet meme involving two misshapen heads. All this was caused by a single one-man team called "Shanghai Alice," which amazed me, since it's very popular in Japan, even to the point where it has its own festival. Even some people I know started listening to the music, they all love a certain tomboyish song in common, even dancing to it once at the park with a really loud stereo. Eventually I found a Touhou fanbase forum called "ToujinStyle", who seems to be at odds with another forum called "Maids of the Kaleidoscope." I like ToujinStyle more, since people on there have a more friendly and relaxed demeanor than MoTK, where they are more serious.

I can't go throughout a day without doing something Touhou-related, especially since I visit the forum every day.

All in all, life was as mundane as you can get, continuing to bore me, until this happened, changing my life.

It all started while I recently got back from school, practicing guitar and skipping homework in my messy room. I just ate a cup of chicken Ramen noodles, explaining the empty Styrofoam cup with a plastic white fork in front of me.

I was intent on trying to master a song called "Bad Apple", a very old fan-made Touhou song.

I was sweating, mindlessly practicing a section of a song, while my fingers started to hurt, my callouses red.

(I haven't practiced this much in a long time. I think the jet lag is getting to me.)

Recently muting a messed-up attempt at the section of the song, I suddenly heard my phone, a Samsung Eternity touchscreen, vibrate on the table.

Picking it up, it appeared to be a phone call from my friend Jonathan.

(That's weird, you usually never call unless there's a situation going on, and even then you would just text it.)

Sighing, I gently put my guitar on the phone and pressed the green button on my phone, putting it to my left ear.

"Hey Jonathan, what's up?" I asked, curious.

"Dude, come to the basketball court at the park near the lake" replied Jonathan, ignoring my greeting. He sounded hurried, while panting.

"Ok, Why?" I asked.

"There's this cocky ass kid named Jesse with his friend Brenta. They have the fucking nerve to think I sucked at basketball and they called me out. Damn dumbasses, don't they know who I am?" muttered Jonathan.

(Wow, you usually never get angry at people for that, nor would you care if somebody thinks you're bad at basketball. Even if that's completely wrong.)

"Wow seriously? Weren't you the star point guard back in high school?"

"Yeah exactly. I heard they transferred to our school at the beginning of the school year. I can't play two people on my own, But two is better against two other people."

(Are you asking me to play basketball with you? Oh ho, no. I become winded easily, I never worked on the cardiac part of my body, especially since I got hooked into Touhou.)

"But i suck at basketball."

"Dude, come on. I just need you to block since you're tall and I'm short."

(That singled me out from the rest of the Asians, I swear I am as tall as freaking Yao Ming, and I am a good blocker. That's the only useful purpose for me in basketball, overshadowed by my shameful shots.)

"...alright. I will come over there very soon if I can" I said, hesitating at the beginning.

"Ok man. Just watch me, I'm going to go John Wall on them" said Jonathan, before hanging up.

I put my phone down on the table before putting up my guitar in a soft yet firm guitar case, closing it.

(Well, there goes me practicing bad apple, I'll just have to work on that section later.)

I walk out of my room into a hallway with a mirror at the end of the corridor, after grabbing a pair of socks from my Armoire.

(No matter what, that mirror still gives me the chills even it's been there since I was like seven.)

While I was hopping and putting on my socks at the same time, out of the corner in my eye I saw a strange ripple in the mirror. I quickly turned around to look at it and it just kept rippling, while taking off my socks.

(Uh, what the hell is going on? Is Bloody Mary going to kill me? No that can't be right, it's not dark and I'm not spinning in front of a mirror chanting her name.)

I noticed a red ribbons on each end of a long line. Then it opened up with so many red eyes just looking at me.

I was shocked, as thoughts began to race in my mind while my body was rendered motionless.

(Isn't.....Isn't this Yukari's Gap? Isn't that fictional? Am I dreaming or having a hallucination from practicing so much guitar?)
I blinked my eyes to make sure I wasn't having a hallucination and it was still there. I pinched myself while thinking it was a dream,
but it hurt as I quickly stopped.

(It shouldn't hurt if I was in a dream. Has the drunken paradise come true? Is it actually real?)

I continued to look with utter bewilderment. Then out of great curiosity, I walked over to the gap, tripping myself in the process and
fell into the gap. I merely drifted as I watched the eyes staring at me like they are observing. The gap I tripped into closed behind me.

(Okay calm down Ken, Somehow you managed to be in Yukari', while the eyes in the background are uncomfortably staring you down.)

I drifted throughout the space, with the uncomfortable stare from those eyes.

I drifted for two hours, while I was thinking up a conclusion.

(So by all the touhou fanfiction and theories I read, I might be going to Gensokyo. But I know I can't make it through it without modern technology, I will have to rely on Rinnosuke, that one guy who actually sells it in a seemingly backwards world. At least I know I can get my fix of Touhou depending on how long I'm here. But i bet none of those Yuri couples are happening, I could be wrong though... How am i going to adjust without a computer or a guitar to entertain myself? How do i fly? What if Yuyuko, that glutton, wants to eat me?
Is there toliet paper in Gensokyo?)

As i pondered these questions, a gap opened beneath me and I looked down to see a shrine with a black haired girl sweeping the leaves
with a bamboo broom.


Then Gravity decided to be active at this time, as I fell into the ground headfirst next to the donation box, my vision blurred in and out as I heard my glasses skid across the ground, before slowly blacking out. I heard a broom hit the ground and hurried footsteps coming towards me.

The last thing I remember is a voice in a background before I passed out.

"I spilled my tea, ze......who's tha..?"

Please note that this fanfiction also represents my progress in writing.  So this may have a weird plot at first.

If you wish to read all of it because I'm too lazy to upload all the chapters I made in this fanfiction, please go to or Doujin.Style.  I'll try to upload a chapter daily if I remember.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 03:47:34 AM by Nosebleed »


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2010, 03:54:44 AM »
Chapter 1

Ken's POV

I fell unconscious from the resulting fall, while I dream of things that are touhou related.

(I wasn't obsessed with Touhou, but I certainly was obsessed with their games and music.)

Unfortunately, i was known for the tendency to talk in my sleep.

Touhou-related images popped up in front of me while I had a really painful headache.

(This really hurts....but where the hell am I? I think I'm going to enjoy this.)

I saw a faint figure running from another person.

(Eh? Who's that?)

Third POV
Reimu and Marisa were sitting by Ken's side as he is sleeping and somehow talking in his sleep. He was in a futon with a bandage on his forehead, with a noticeable blood stain on it.

All three people were in the Hakurei Shrine, an old-fashioned building made of wood with a patio in the front of the building with no fences. Two stairs descend to the ground from the patio even if its only two steps. In between the stairs is a large donation box with a pattern of wood blocks in a striped formation at the top of the box, in between the wood blocks are space leading to its contents. A courtyard is in front of the shrine with a paved path leading from it to a hair with stairs descending down. Behind the shrine is a hot spring and a grove of Cherry trees. Inside the shrine, the floor was covered in tatami mats with a small table with cushions on each edge. There was also a water barrel, and another room.

Marisa was looking at Ken as he slept while saying, "hehe cute, ze!"

Marisa had golden eyes, blond hair, and a braid on only one side of her face. She is wearing a black witch's hat with a large white ribbon, and a black and light pink outfit with a white petticoat.

Reimu on the other hand, had an inquisitive look on her face when she questioned, "Where did he come from? people don't just pop out like that."

Reimu has dark red eyes, black hair, and is wearing a large red ribbon in hair. She is also wearing a red and white dress remotely similar to a shrine maiden's outfit with detached sleeves leaving her shoulders uncovered, and a red neckerchief. Next to her on her right is a rod [also known as a Gohei] with many paper seals attached in streamers.

Marisa looked at Reimu, and giggled. She said, "I don't know, it was nice for you to put a futon out for him, we probably never heard of those dreams, ze! Don't wake him up and ask just yet. I think it's about to get interesting."

Ken, in his dream, sees an IOSYS video that used to be popular. It is in his dream, depicting Marisa stealing a book.

Ken, while watching Marisa run away with the book in his dreams, uttered unconsciously, "Hehe, Marisa stole the Precious Thing!" He says it three times in succession.

Marisa blushes in embarrassment, and begins to sweat. "But i stole......err..borrowed nothing important from anyone" Marisa denied. "I have no idea what he is talking about"

Reimu giggled at Marisa's expense when Ken suddenly dreams about an armpit revealing video of Reimu, that happens to have mayonnaise sliding off Reimu's armpits. Reimu in Ken's dream was also moaning as if she was faking an orgasm while blushing red.

[A/N: Reimu's armpits are known to be "erotic" by Touhou-crazy fans. They dubbed it as a better substitute than porn, also having the same mental capacity as a Twilight-retarded fan.]

Ken uttered, "Yes, Reimu, Show me those sexy-ass armpits of yours and moan in pleasure."

Reimu stares at him wide-eyed, and looked at her armpits by raising them. Marisa giggled and had a smirk on her face.

"Maybe he's right, They do look attractive with what your sarashi and all, ze." Marisa joked. "Those sleeves only cover so much!"

Reimu, irritated, immediately dropped her arms, reached for her gohei at her side, and bonks Marisa on the head directly.

Marisa exclaimed, "Ow, ze!" Then Marisa began to rub her head in pain.

Right after that, Ken now dreams about SikiEiki punishing Komachi and begans to laugh like a maniac. The scene depicts Komachi being hit several times in the head with a short golden blade and lectured to by Siki. A scythe sat next to Komachi while Ken looked onward as a onlooker, and began to laugh uncontrollably.

Ken evilly uttered, "HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! REPENT!!!"

Marisa stared at Ken with an angry face while Reimu smiles at her triumphantly. Both were taking Ken's dream seriously, although Marisa took it too seriously.

Inside Marisa's hat on top of her head, there rests a palm-sized octagonal block made of wood eight with eight trigrams printed in a circle on its front, a small circular hole is in the middle of the Hakkero. A hand reached out over the block as Marisa was really angry while blushing a lot, slightly raising her hat and as a result, alarming Reimu.

With a tint of anger, Reimu remarked, "Don't break my shrine with that thing!"

Marisa ignored her as she got the Hakkero out of her hat and began to point it at Ken.

Ken's POV
I awoke, while saying, "AUUGGGGHHHHH!!!! Those were beautiful dreams!"

I began to stretch my arms out of the thin bed I laid on.

"Reimu showing her armpits was arousing" I commented. "but not as good as when Si......"

I paused when a person positioned the Hakkero right in my face. I recognized her as Marisa due to the blonde hair and witch's hat. She looked very angry while blushing at the same time. Right next to her was a shrine maiden, recognizable as Reimu when I saw the detached sleeves on her arms. In my current position, I was surprised but not so much to open my eyes fully.

(Eh? What did I do? Wasn't I sleeping?)

Confused, I asked "This is a stupid question, but why is Marisa threatening to spark me?"

This chapter has been Re-Edited.

Ported straight from DS


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2010, 03:55:10 AM »
Chapter 2

Ken's POV
My heart somehow skipped a beat when the Hakkero is in front of my face.

I was shocked as I tried to figure out why Marisa is really angry at me..

(What did I do? I was sleeping....oh wait....I was talking in my sleep again wasn't I......still...just because I said Marisa stole the Precious Thing three times doesn't mean I have to get sparked for it. Why would she take offense for it?)

Reimu is smiling for some reason, with ofuda in her hand and gohei in the other when I quickly glanced at her.

(Is she happy that Marisa might kill me or is something else going on? Because when her shrine is in danger of being destroyed, I know that she does not take that lightly...)

I looked back at Marisa just to see her mouth open.

"THE PRECIOUS THING? It was a gift!!!!" Marisa yelled. "How do you know our names, ze?!! TELL ME! Or i will...."

Marisa was getting exasperated, and as a result, her Hakkero started glowing white in the middle.

(Oh shit! I better respond fast....)

"What? Master Spark me? You need to put that down and tell me what did i do to anger you!" I replied. "If you kill me now, you aren't going to get any answers at all."

(Great, I yelled at a loli.)

Reimu giggles a little bit at my tirade as the Hakkero stopped glowing. Marisa lowered it to her lap, still gripping it tightly, while glaring at me angrily.

Marisa: Ok! You better start then!

There was silence in my room as I breathed in to speak.

"Ok, let me introduce myself first. I am Ken, you, the one who almost killed me must be Marisa Kirisame, and the other girl with the ofuda and the gohei, also caretaker of this shrine and the Hakurei Border must be Reimu Hakurei. I know who you people are from the outside world." I revealed, while looking directly at Reimu.

Reimu didn't have any tint of surprise nor emotion on her face. I looked at Marisa, who looked bewildered, not expecting an outsider like me to know this. "Then, how does an outsider know who we are? There is a border for a reason, and it's to keep people out like you." Reimu calmly said.

"You people are in a series of games made up by a very drunk underweight person." I responded.

(That's the cold hard truth)

"Do you expect us to believe that..."

"Ok then Reimu, How else am I going to know that this land of Gensokyo is surrounded by the Hakurei Border that separates this land
from the rest of the world. I have never even been in here before." I argued, interrupting Reimu.

Reimu's eyebrows went up, she opened her mouth again to speak but no words came out.

Reimu's POV
(How does this outsider know this?)

(He can't possibly know all this with games especially with the border intact.)

(In fact, how does this person knows about us and supposedly makes games about us?)

(Then again, a string of incidents has been happening, with the most recent one being my hair turned black when I sealed her...)

(What could his power be? He can't possibly........)

(Wait, how does he know we are in a border, unless......)

(Impossible, i have been monitoring it...there has been no fluctuations going on in the border. Never hurts to check though.)

Quickly, I stood up and ran out of the shrine leaving my gohei. Then I flew up to check on the border.

(He owes me for the bandages, i know that, and i don't intend to let him go without pay..)

Ken's POV
Reimu runs off as i sit up with Marisa looking at Reimu flying up outside the shrine for no reason.

"If she thinks the border is gone, she's wrong." I remarked.

(At least that's what I think...)

Marisa looks at me and blushes, she stutters as she looks like she can't come up with anything to say.

(Well what are you waiting for? Where's that childish confidence you have?)

"I...I...I...I..I am sorry, ze." Marisa apologized.

(That's right, you better....wait what?)

(Why are you apologizing? That's not something you would do...)

I was immediately confused at her statement, not knowing the reason behind her apology.

(I need to find out...this sudden characteristic change of Marisa isn't helping me out.)

"So~. What did i exactly do to anger you?" I asked.

"You said I stole the precious thing....but...I..this Hakkero wasn't stolen." Marisa responded.

(Then why would you apologize? Oh wait, it was about their identity..never mind.)

(So you went ahead and assumed it was the Hakkero that I thought you stole? Do you even think of yourself as a thief?)

(Wait, how does she know I said that?)

"Ohhh, wait were you watching me sleep?" I asked. "Because I do tend to say everything in my sleep."

"Well, ze. You just fell from out of nowhere and Reimu didn't want to play." Marisa answered.

(I don't like how you use the word play..)

Marisa glances at a green stain on her blouse, before looking at me again.

"It took a while before Reimu decided to put you in a spare futon and fix you up especially with your head bleeding and all, ze. She was actually about to just sweep you into the grass before I noticed a pool of blood below your head. You made me spill tea, but its Reimu's so I don't care."

(That explains the green stain on your blouse. Hmph. Lazy-ass shrine maidens these days.)

(Wait? My head bleeding? Since....)

I immediately touched my forehead and i noticed there was a bandage on my forehead. I felt all over the bandage with my right hand as I noticed it was wet everywhere on the bandage.

"You were bleeding a lot, ze!" Marisa exclaimed.

(Yeah that does explain why my bandage is somehow wet.)

(However, that does not explain why my head was bleeding instead of getting a concussion from hitting the damn ground!)

(Damn unrealistic fantasy land.)

It seems Marisa is brightening up a little bit before she fell sullen again.

"The Hakkero was a gift from......." Marisa began.

(Wait, I know this was from that one Curiosities of Lotus Asia book I read...)

"Rinnosuke, right?" I interrupted.

Marisa was initially taken surprise at first, then calms down a bit.

"Yeah, ze! Wait how do you know?" she interrogated with a very scary face.

"The book made by the same drunk guy" I answered.

"Uuuu~ Drunk outsiders must be really smart then!" Marisa exclaimed while grinning at me.

I was struck in disbelief at her statement as I shook my head constantly, confusing Marisa.

(It's not like that at all! You never know what fantasies ZUN is thinking of, especially if he is drunk!)

"Oh yeah. Kourin let me have the Hakkero even if he worked for my family some time ago, ze~. It lets me use a spell without giving away my life-force" Marisa added.

(Kourin must be Rinnosuke. Of course, that one signature spell.)

"Master Spark, is it? That signature spell that you stole from Yuuka Kazami?" I asked.

Marisa went from sad to angry as she glared at me.

(Note to self: Don't associate the word steal with Marisa)

"What?! How do you know I it from....never mind I didn't steal it from her!!! All I did was walk into her home, and asked to borrow her spell." Marisa vehemently argued.

(Good thing you didn't finish the first part, I didn't want to explain again.)

(Walking into her home and asking just like that? Bullshit!)

"Jeez, Sorry!" I said. "So you just go into people's homes and ask for it?"

(No matter how bull that is.)

"Yeah, ze! I thought it was a really cool spell, daze~. Even though I don't get why that youkai wanted it to be life-force draining in the first place" Marisa said.

After i heard that statement, i chuckled a bit as Marisa blushes and averted her eyes somewhere else..

(No duh it's life-force changing, it is the Master Spark.)

Marisa's POV:
(This.....outsider knows who I am and what I did in the past..even if it wasn't that long ago.)

(Why is my heart beating so fast? Nothing exciting is happening. All I am doing is talking to this outsider.)

(Am for this outsider...)

I looked at him as he looks up at the ceiling taking delight in what he is seeing for some reason.

I immediately felt warmth in my cheeks as i somehow became too scared to look at him, averting my eyes to my left.

(Why can't i stare at him without blushing.)

(I am not like this, Why is he the only one, an outsider, i can't.........)

(....Could it be that...he is like...master? He wasn't afraid to speak up for himself and didn't worry about me borrowing...)

(But first, i want to know how he knows me.)

(I want to know more about those games he played that somehow told him who I am.)

(And if he can....replace..)

Ken's POV
(So this is the Hakurei shrine, a-lot less dreary than i imagined it to be. I didn't really expect the floor to be tatami mats though.)

I looked around in amazement, then an epiphany struck me as I suddenly realized

(Oh shit!! I forgot there may be no toliet paper in this world.)

I fell sullen as i thought about how to wipe my ass after business.

(Touhou fans never did drew Touhou characters using the toilet..)

"Hey Ken! How am i exactly involved in these so-called games, da ze~?" Marisa asked suddenly..

The question took me off guard, as I started to remember the games I played with Marisa being the main character.

"Well, you were one of the main characters to pick for playing in the game." I answered. "I picked you, because you were a-lot faster than Reimu and I loved that Master Spark i kept using. You gotta do everything you can to get through the games."

(Even if it means using bombs a-lot, which is looked down a lot in the Touhou community for some reason.)

Marisa's face apparently turned tomato-red while taking off her hat and putting it on her lap, covering her Hakkero. She began twirling her braid around with her right hand.

"Y-Y-You liked being me in the game? But people say I'm clumsy and I liked borrowing a-lot of things...which a-lot of people didn't like for some reason..they could have it back when I'm dead." Marisa hesitantly disclosed.

(There's something weird about how you're saying that sentence.)

(Yeah, You definitely don't give up those Power items until you died.)

"That's exactly the reason i liked being you in the game. You were fast, and can collect stuff faster." I explained.

Marisa said something inaudible under her breath, then she made a toothy grin. Then she suddenly held her arms out and squeezed my sides.

The moeness was just overwhelming as it was very tight. I couldn't kept grinning like an idiot while feeling warmth to my cheeks.


(Maybe Gensokyo won't be so bad.....I just need to figure out the toilet paper problem.)

I felt a warm liquid going through my nose...

(wait, how can i see without my glasses??)

Chapter 3 will come soon, thanks for reading!!! REVIEWS AND SOME TIPS WILL HELP
P.S. I think you can see where i am going from here
This chapter has been Re-edited.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2010, 03:55:29 AM »
Chapter 3
Reimu's POV
(Strange, the border was normal.)

(There's no other possible way the outsider could have gotten in.)

(At least this is something I don't have to worry about at least. Other than Ken ending up here, nothing else is strange at all. Maybe this is something I don't have to go out and fix.)

(Yeah, I don't have to worry about anything.)

I flew towards my home and landed at the shrine courtyard. I began to walk towards my home as i admired the scenery around me, seeing the stars in the sky.

(Huh? I forgot to clean that up...I should remember to scold Marisa later.)

A plate with tea cups is still remaining. One cup was on its side leaving a puddle of green liquid on the steps with a broom next to it.

(That idiot, just wait till i get my hands on him.)

I lifted the plate off the floor, then I checked the donation box for any money, seeing nothing but the box itself.

(...This has been going on for at least a month now, why can't those youkai that hang around at my shrine go away?!)

I sighed at the thought and shook my head, knowing that probably won't be able to change for a long time.

I began sliding back the shrine's door, then what I saw inside surprised me.

After seeing the lights in the room slowly about to fade away, leaving the shrine in ever-growing darkness.

I saw Marisa, with a smile and a deep blush on her face, tightly embracing Ken.

Ken's arms suddenly went limp and his head became cocked to the side.

(What the? Marisa hugging that idiot? And why isn't he hugging her back?)

(I remember just a few minutes ago, she was mad at him. At least there doesn't have to be any repairs made.)

(I would kill BOTH of them if I had to fix even a little bit of my shrine)


Third POV
"Huh?" Marisa said.

As soon as Marisa let go, Ken immediately fell to the floor. His eyes were narrow, with his bangs covering them.

A somewhat drunken smile was on his face with a redness, with a nosebleed going down across his chin and dripping to the sides of his cheeks. It was making a small pool of blood by his head.

Marisa turned tomato-red, then giggled at the sight.

Reimu had her hand covering over her open mouth with eyes wide open, being confused and surprised at the same time.

"Why were you hugging him?" Reimu bluntly asked. "I'm pretty sure you were about to kill him when I left."

Reimu no longer covered her hand while her face turned emotionless.

"He said he liked using me in the games, and that's how he found out about me, ze."

Marisa, still looking at Ken, grinned while blushing, twisting her hair with her right hand.

Reimu opened her mouth, however her eyes were wandering around the room as if she was trying to come up with something to say.

"Hey, Marisa. You know you can't just....whatever." Reimu discontinued. "He still owes me for the tea he spilled though."

Marisa looks on the stain on her blouse and realizes that Ken made her spill her tea before thanks to his fall. Her eyes grew wide and her blush is gone.

"Oh that's right I think I'll go home for the rest of the day. I don't want to play anymore, ze."

Reimu rolled her eyes like she doesn't care while Marisa ignored her.

Marisa grabs her Hakkero and puts it on her head, followed by her witch's hat, covering the Hakkero. She stood up and walked towards the door.

She looks at Ken who looked like he really did die happily and giggled while heading outside.

"I'll be back tomorrow to play again, ze!!!" Marisa declared. "Will he be here tomorrow?"

"I don't.....never mind he'll be here, I did say he owes me just a little while ago." Reimu responded.

Marisa nodded, then said, "ok, bye Reimu. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Marisa bent her back to grab her broom by the steps in the Hakurei Shrine and flew off to the air while quickly mounting it.

Reimu's POV
(What's with her sudden interest in Ken?)

I looked at Ken and became disgusted at the sight, seeing a large pool of blood beside him.

(He may not look pretty right now but he sure knows how to calm people down, especially Marisa of all people.)

(Either way, it doesn't matter. What matters right now is that Ken is going to work for me in the time being when he wakes up tomorrow.)

(Wait a second, its dark already?)

I looked outside and confirmed the stars, as they shone brightly against the bleak darkness of the sky.

(Well, i guess it's time for sleep, I'll clean the blood in the morning.)

(I need to change out of these clothes, I hope he doesn't mind sleeping outside.)

(On second thought, I'm too tired to move it shouldn't matter since he is sleeping.)

I then slided the door closed behind me and turned out the already fading lights in the shrine. I put out another futon then undressed myself except for my sarashi and (japanese underwear).

[A/N: Sarashi is a long winding cloth over a woman's breasts, wrapped around until it completely covers the breasts, like a makeshift bra and to make the breasts seem more humble.]

I got in my futon, then I looked at my armpits, raising my arms.

(What is exactly so appealing about my armpits? Outsiders......strange addictions...)

I lowered back down my arms towards the blanket with my head on the pillow and slept away.

Unknown POV:
(Fufufu, this must be surprising for Ken.)

(hmmm, sure Ken is in his dream world, but that doesn't mean he can probably survive without some items from the human world.)

I planned out what to bring him first as i sit up from my long sleep, contemplating for the rest of the night.

Third POV:
It is now morning as the people in Gensokyo began to wake up and embrace the sun. Humans are seen in the village stretching their arms and basking in the glow of the rising sun.

The trees are clearly seen beautifully with green covering almost all of Gensokyo as the sun's rays began to hit each tree with clashing yellow.

A slight wind shook the trees as the leaves rustle.

Ken, now awakened from fainting, groggily covered his eyes with his hands as the sunlight pierced through the thin sunlight.

Ken's POV:
I became awake, but my eyes are still closed, since I was contemplating what to do.

(Since when did i faint? Oh right the overwhelming moeness of Marisa knocked me out. Did i bleed?)

I checked my face and felt three dried streams of blood all from my nose, making me feel ridiculous. I saw a large pool of blood next to my head as my cheek was also smeared with dark-red blood.

(Wow, that was actually less than when i was just knocked out after seeing a Nitori love confession. I actually had to go to the hospital for that.)

Then i pictured an image of Nitori looked like she was about to fall with the disturbing lack of a Backpack, she was blushing softly with
her iconic blue hair and Luigi hat. She was saying something in text boxes with a flowery red background.

Again, I almost fell into the state of moe when I realized...

(Ok bleeding isn't going to get me anywhere, I need to look around for a source of water. I look really bloody on my face right now.)

As i looked around, I saw Reimu sleeping on her back on the futon, barely covered by her blanket, leaving her upper body visible.

Her left arm was on her forehead while she had a slight redness on her cheeks, and her right hand was on her stomach. Reimu then began moaning softly, arousing me as a result.

I crawled towards her and stared at her without breathing, my eyes narrowing, my nose almost about to bleed, and my drunken smile.

I was about to degenerate into a statue on her right side when i saw it.

Her right arm was in the way, so i moved it and saw........her armpit.

"HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG~" was the last sound I made before I went Moe.

As a result, I fainted on her sarashi, feeling cotton fabric on my left cheek before blacking out.

Reimu's POV
(That was a really bad dream I had.)

(I shouldn't be so helpless against that flower tank again as it somehow attacked me with one of Marisa's spells.)

(I felt hot, then i felt like i was going to disappear, my clothes seemed to disintegrate before me.)

(Then i felt this pressure on my breasts, with blood on them.)

(Wait, why do i still have a pressure on my breasts. I don't think I'm dreaming anymore.)

I opened my eyes, and immediately saw Ken as i looked up, his face buried on my sarashi and bleeding on it too.

(What the....How dare you!)

My emotions quickly turned into consuming anger. My nostrils flared up as my eyes closed into slits.

"Mhh...Mhh...K-K-K-K" I slurred unintelligibly.


Third POV:
Reimu screamed at the top of her lungs, shaking Gensokyo like an earthquake, so far that even Aya could hear it at the Youkai Mountain.

Aya immediately sat up in her futon, looking around. She had red eyes, and semi-long messy black hair. She is wearing a white blouse, and a black short skirt. She had black bird wings on her back.

"Ayayaya, what is that noise?" Aya slurred. "Aw well, time to sleep more, I'll try to remember to put this in the newspaper."

Then at the Hakurei Shrine, a door immediately slid open, hitting the wall with a bang. Out came Reimu holding Ken by his shirt collar.

Reimu's face was contorted in fury, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkled with ferocity.

"You disgusting Pervert!!!!! How dare you do that to a shrine maiden! Don't ruin my pure blood!" Reimu angrily expressed.

Ken was surprised with is eyes open with his nose bleeding like crazy. A purplish bruise is on his nose.

"What did i do?" Ken replied lazily.

Reimu, angry as a bull, kicked him on his ass towards the ground.

Ken slid on the ground on his forehead while his legs were in the air.

Reimu ran inside quickly into the shrine while Ken recovered, trying to stand up while holding his ass and head at the same time.

"WHAT DID I DO!!!!" Ken yelled.

Reimu then came out again with a broom and threw it at Ken, landing in front of his feet while scraping the courtyard.

"Sweep now!!! or else I will personally SEAL YOU for sexually harassing me!!!" Reimu demanded, stomping her feet for extra emphasis.

Reimu went into the shrine and closed the door quickly, and trying to calm down alone in the shrine.

"What the FUCK!! I don't remember ever wanting to do something like that to you!! You damn miko!" Ken cursed while pumping his fist into the air.

Reimu twitched inside the shrine, and grabbed her gohei.

Ken sat exasperated on the ground next to the broom, he sighed and looked at the sky.

"Oh right, I think I fainted on her boobs because of those sexy armpits." Ken reflected.

With that said, Ken just grabbed the broom, stood up and began sweeping off the dust of the courtyard. He is possibly fantasizing since he was sporting a drunken grin, ignoring the sharp pain coming from his forehead and ass.

Reimu slid open the door to a crack and looked out. She became disgusted at his sight but slightly brightened up.

Reimu shook her head and giggled, while trying to find some clothes in the shrine.

"This idiot pervert is at least doing his job when he obeyed."

She smiles as she unwraps her sarashi, and then rewraps it with a new winding strip of cloth, discarding the old one.

Ken felt a surge of dissappointment going through his body but decided to shrug it away and continue fantasizing, unconsciously sweeping.

Reimu, now with a new sarashi, is now looking at a reflection of herself in a water barrel checking for blood on her skin.

"Maybe i will forgive him for being so....disgusting." Reimu settled. "Maybe if I do the same thing in the human village while carrying my Donation box, would the villagers donate to me in shocking stupidity? Nah, that won't happen. I think only outsiders like Ken do that."

Reimu grinned again, washing away the splat of blood found above her navel. "That would be nice though...I'm so poor..but at least I don't have to do anything for the afternoon."

Reimu washed her face with her wet hands, splashing around the cold water in the barrel.

"I still don't get what Marisa sees in Ken though." Reimu remarked. "Mysterious indeed..."

Chapter 4 will come tomorrow or the day after. Reviews PLEASE
This Chapter has been edited


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2010, 03:41:33 PM »
Chapter 4
Ken's POV
It was really bright out and hot as i swept the dust off of the paved courtyard.

I don't know any other season that is as hot as this.

I heard happy chin-chins and screeches while I swept, since I became tired of blocking out my senses with fantasies.

(Chin-Chins......I wonder if a certain bird knows what she is saying?)

[A/N: Chin means Penis is slang]

I swept my face that was full of sweat, hearing many drops that hit the courtyard.

Doing so in the process, A sweatdrop got in my right eye.

I cringed in pain as I felt a really bad burn in my eye

I covered my eye with my hand, trying to scratch out the sweat.

(Ow. That was worse than when Shampoo accidentally got in my eye, at least its almost gone now..wait a second)

(How am i able to see without my glasses? Oh duh, Its Gensokyo. Shit happens.)

I shrugged my shoulders while I continued thinking about myself being in Gensokyo.

(How will i take a shower? Reimu should have a hot spring? But that doesn't close my pores like a good cold shower does.)

I put the broom upright against the donation box. Then i sat on the steps, done with sweeping.

(What if Yuyuko tries to eat me, I'm pretty sure Youmu can keep her under control...somehow)

(How would i take a shit? I really hope I don't have to wipe my ass with grass...)

(What if a youkai attacks me?)

I had an epiphany, given a sudden realization of one of the most important aspects of surviving in Gensokyo

(Strange. I never have given a thought to flying in the air and using Danmaku. I can't remember how Fanfiction Original Characters learn how to do that.)

[A/N: Danmaku means literally bullet hell, which is an overwhelming number of bullets and fast reaction times.]

(I should of read the Sukima Series more often...but then that washtub joke got really the point where even the people in it were breaking the fourth wall about it)

I sighed, regretting not taking notes in the fighting parts

(This calls for desperate measures. It's time to ask a lazy miko for help)

(I know she must be angry at me, but if i want to survive, i have to ask her...I wouldn't like a Shrine Maiden holding my hand throughout this adventure.)

Just when i thought of that, the door behind me slid open, and then I saw a cup of tea laid out in front of me.

"Tea?" Reimu offered.

(Well this is a surprise. She offered me tea when i got her angry in the first place. I thought she doesn't forgive people easily. I do hope this tea isn't laced with anything..)

"Thanks." I said.

Then i took the tea with my hands and held it very carefully, since it doesn't have a grip like most cups do, being just a cylinder.

(Well, I never did like tea. But this one is probably different, time to give it a shot!)

Slowly, I tipped the cup and put it to my lips as I sipped the tea.

My face grew really red and my eyes went wide open. I sweatdropped as i felt like my tongue was burnt with an iron.

(Shit!!!! TOO HOT!!!!)

I immediately spat it out into the tea again, careful not to spit it out in the open, or else Reimu will find an excuse to make me pay for it.

I quickly inhaled air like it was a jet intake, trying to soothe the burn my tongue suffered.

While Reimu is just sitting there nonchalantly drinking her tea sitting right next to me, then she let out a sigh. She was looking down on the courtyard.

(Good, she didn't notice that i spat out the tea.)

"It looks like you have some brains, you idiot." Reimu jeered. "At least you cleaned the courtyard."

I stunned at the fact that she caught me, then I calmed down.

(Good! It was a lot of hard work sweeping invisible dust under a very hot sun!)

I looked at my tea, which was still steaming hot, and decided that I should wait until it's cool.

2 minutes later.......

I decided that my tea was tolerable enough for me to enjoy. I again took a sip but more cautiously.

(Hmmm....not bad.)

It tasted like no other tea before. The taste was really amazing as it wasn't very strong at all and was fresh.

i sighed and relaxed as my posture slouched, reveling in the taste that is tea.

(Jeez, I never knew it was this good.)

"Like it?" Reimu asked.

"Yes." I said.

(I would say it's the best tea I ever tasted but its not worth it saying it to you)

"Looks like the grass around the shrine is a good replacement then." Reimu remarked.

"That's coo....wait what?!"

"I used the water from the spring to mix with the grass to make tea."

I looked inside the tea and indeed i saw little tiny bits of grass spinning around inside the water.

(I wonder if she put some spell on it or something to make it taste better. Because grass being a good substitute for tea is as bull as a Chinese emperor taking random leaves out of a tree and drinking it as tea.)

(Oh yeah, I do hope she says yes.)

Right now, the setting was extremely uncomfortable as it was silent again.

"Hey Reimu, can you teach me how to fly?" I asked.

"No." Reimu flatly rejected immediately after I asked.


"Too much work."

(Well, her laziness just gone up to a whole new level.)

"You really are a lazy miko" I stated.

Reimu twitched and then glared at me.

"Excuse me? So what? I'm not a good teacher, go ask Marisa" Reimu retaliated angrily.

(She really didn't think that sentence through. Is your laziness so burdening it kills your brain cells out of pure laziness?)

"That would be a great idea, but then i have no idea where she lives" I retorted.

"Just go down this path until you see two houses in the distance, Marisa's house is the one with many mushrooms nearby" Reimu revealed. "Its an hour away by flight."

(Marisa sure likes taking shrooms. I wonder if people already drew her being high....wait WHAT?!)

I was finishing my tea when I heard Reimu say the last part, then i sprayed the rest into the open. As a result, I angered Reimu who quickly glared at me and slapped me.

(OW! Bitch!)

"You're paying for that!" Reimu declared.

"Paying for what? Grass?" I responded, being irritated at Reimu's stinginess.

Reimu opened her mouth to talk, then she just sat looking at her tea, closing her mouth.

(Mhmmmmmmm that's right bitch.)

"Anyway, you forgot i can't fly, do you realize how long it would take by walking?" I continued.

"Just go! At least you now know where Marisa lives" Reimu yelled, while looking away.

"GOD!" I yelled.

Exasperated, i walked out into the stairs leading to the shrine, and descended down as the shadows of the trees cover me. I took the cup with me when Reimu noticed.

"Hey! Give that back!" she complained.

Annoyed, I turned around and threw the cup at her quickly, hitting her in the stomach.

"And no wonder people don't donate to you!!! You are a stingy and bitchy host!!! I announced into the air.

"What did you say you Outsider!?" Reimu responded.

(I think I shouldn't have said that.)

I heard impending footsteps coming that got louder with each step. As a result, I quickened my pace and ran down the stairs. I almost tripped on my way down, barely managing to catch my footing. I saw the ofuda whiz past me as they stuck to the ground.


I felt something hit my back as it made several clinks on the ground as I finally reached the end of the stairs.

I felt it was appropriate now to look back while running on flat ground, and I did so.

Reimu had anger written all over her face as the thing that hit me on the back was her gohei, that sat by the stairs down the hill.

(Seriously, I thought she was too lazy to respond to insults like that.)

(Note to self, don't mix greedy with Reimu)

I proceeded into the forest still running with my adrenaline supporting me now, becoming more and more winded.

Reimu:Spirit Sign! Fantasy Seal!

(Ah shit!)

I looked back and saw 7 colorful orbs following me like homing missiles.

I almost hit a tree while I was looking back as I ran as fast as I could while dodging trees, becoming exhausted.

(I should have joined track and field. My aerobic endurance is not so good.)

6 minutes later, My stamina can not keep up at the speed i am going.

There were no trees in my way so far, so I looked back, and it looks like the orbs are still homing in on me.

(Are you serious? Reimu doesn't take insults lightly, she needs to take it I have to right now.)

I stopped and fell on the floor, severely weakened by my sprint. I hyperventilated while my vision got really blurry. I felt like I was going to throw up.

The orbs were just about to hit me from above when all of a sudden, they each imploded into a big explosion. They let out a small shockwave for each ball, literally whipping me in the face from the sudden air-burst.


(I guess.....I escaped Reimu's revenge....for now)

The thought sent shivers down my spine, giving me an ominous feeling.

Reimu's POV:
After my spell card timed out, I sat down where i was at the top of the hill stairs and sighed. The shadows of the trees covered half of my body.

(God. That idiot, he doesn't understand how much i am struggling.)

(I hope i never see him again, seeing as he escaped my Fantasy Seal.)

(If he does come back, he will have hell to pay!!!)

I walked back into the spring in frustration behind the shrine in order to relax, as I contemplated Ken's punishment.

(Will the whip and candy approach work on Outsiders like Ken?)

Ken's POV
I lied down on the ground exhausted, as thoughts concerning my recent experience clouded my brain.

(Shit, I am so damn tired. Reimu is one crazy bitch!!!)

(I never had to run that much before, and I hope I never do again, my throat feels really dry.)

(Although, I never thought I could escape homing colorful balls. I don't think I would be comfortable around Reimu if she starts using phallic attacks.)

(Wait where am I?)

I looked around and saw that i was actually laying on grass, straying away from the path because of Reimu's failed revenge.

The sunlight glistened on the leaves of trees everywhere as i sweated many drops into the grass.

I must be in the forest of magic as i can see Youkai in the distance...ignoring me.

My footsteps bear a mark as my feet began to look green.

(Huh, must be the grass)

I began to stand up and try to walk, my feet hurting every step as i breathed heavily.

I tried to hum the Bridge People No Longer Cross but it was too much for me right now.

(I think I don't need this bandage on my head anymore. It's only making me sweat more)

I felt around my head as I stopped walking until I felt a little bowtie.

I quickly untied it as the bandages came off, making a small ripping sound as I brought it around the head until they fully came off.

I put my hand on my forehead to wipe off the sweat and immediately felt a small scar on my forehead.

(Great. I got a beauty mark.)

I felt a gurgling sensation in my stomach and then my ass gets a weird feeling like something is trying to push out.

(Oh no.)

Third POV:
Meanwhile, at Ken's house:

It was raining very hard outside in daylight as a rip in space appeared.

A woman and a nine tailed woman appear out of a gap with pink bowties with many eyes in the gap into Ken's room. It was neat and organized in Ken's room as the bed had folded blankets and neatly arranged pillows. The bed had end tables on each side, and both have lamps with a bunch of books sitting in stacks with drawers open.
"Fufufu, my boy seems to know how to clean up really well." Said the unknown woman.

The unknown women has dark golden eyes, long blond hair, carrying a pink parasol, wearing a pink and purple dress, and a pink mop hat with a thin red ribbon tied in the front.

"It would seem that Chen could follow his example now as the perfect moment, but you decided to not reveal that yet now until that phase....mistress" Said the nine-tailed woman.

The other one has yellow eyes, golden brown hair, wearing a pink two-tailed hat with many amulets with fox ears hidden under her hat, and nine poofy fox tails wearing a blue and white outfit

"I agree. This would be a good example for Chen, Ran. But for now, we must search this house periodically for subtle gifts. but be careful, his family must be in this home looking for him." Warned the unknown mistress.

Ran sighed as her mistress slyly avoided explaining the last part.

"TRINH!!!! WHERE YOU NOW!!!!" Echoed a large voice.

Footsteps ominously come closer to Ran and the unknown mistress as they became alarmed.

"Quickly Ran!!!! Into the breach!" urgently whispered the unknown mistress.

They both step into a gap that the mistress mysteriously opens as it closes. Then another one opens below the bed with a yellow eye covering the darkness.

The door was slammed open into ken's room and comes his mom, wearing a green towel wrapped around her head, and a purple sweater with sweatpants.

"Where that boy now!!! He no want Phu?! He gone for one day now!" asserted the loud and shrill voice.

The door slammed closed as the person soon storms out of the house with an umbrella to ask her neighbors in cookie cutter housing style where her son is.

The gap closed and then another gap opened, with Ran and her unknown mistress coming out.

"Thank you mistress for warning us" Thanked Ran.

"Fufufu, You're welcome. The voice we heard didn't really take Ken's disappearance so well does she?" Joked the Unknown Mistress.

The mistress then steps out, opened the previously slammed door, and goes into the bathroom right across Ken's room. She comes back with a roll of toilet paper.

"I heard humans use this to help with certain matters. So tushy and humble this thing is." said the Unknown Mistress

The mistress squeezed the roll a couple of times with her hands before opening a gap and sending the toilet paper in.

"Now hurry and gather up his things and put them in our house. I will make him live in Gensokyo no matter what." declared the UM.

"What is your purpose for forcing him that way, My Mistress?" asked Ran.

"Fufufufu. You don't need to know yet Ran" UM responded.

"As you wish."

Ran sighed as her Mistress avoided her question.

The mistress begins to raid Ken's Ar-moire for his clothes, opening the drawers and takes out whatever she could find, and then opens a gap to dump them in.

"My, My, what strange clothing these humans wear" joked UM.

Ran giggled a little bit, laughing at her Mistress's childish remark.

The mistress stretches a pair of briefs with her hands back and forth before sending them directly to her house.

This chapter has been re-edited.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2010, 03:42:42 PM »
Chapter 5

Ken's POV
(Fuck, What do i do?)

I leaned against a tree crossing my legs hoping to stop that pushy feeling in my ass while my stomach grumbles, giving me a dull but annoying pain.

I looked down and remembered i was wearing blue athletic shorts down to my knees with briefs with a yellow Aeropostale shirt.

My shirt had dirt stains on the back when I fell down on the ground and it was also wet from the sweat I made while running.

(I can't leave shit stains on my pants.)

(I don't want to dirty my clothes any more. They are the only clothes I got.)

(I would not enjoy wearing a fundoshi.)

[A/N:Fundoshi is what sumo wrestlers wear at a match, also serves as underwear.]

(I need to at least find some privacy in this forest if i am going to do business.)

I lazily glanced around in the forest, then seeing some bushes in a circle with a tree to the north.


(But how will I wipe it off...)

Just when I thought of that, something soft and plushy immediately bounced off my head as it landed in the grass next to the tree roots of the tree I was leaning against.

It was white and left a streak of white paper on the ground.

(T-T-Toilet Paper??!!!)

I was shocked by the sudden appearance of the familiar tissue.

(Eh?  This has got to be an illusion!)

I blinked once, skeptical of the possible hallucination, and it was still there as I grew elated.

(Oh my god....I think it's calling for ass is calling for it.)

I quickly scooped up the toilet paper and hugged it, ripping off the dirtied streak and discarding it.

(And it came at the right time too!!!)

I walked into the bushes and went ahead to do my business while making sure i used very little toilet paper.

I came out of the bushes triumphant, holding up the toilet paper Lion-King style.

(Oh god that felt really good.  I didn't have to use...leaves from trees.)

(Now what the hell was i doing other than being chased by Reimu's Balls....)

I almost chuckled at that thought while holding the toilet paper at my side.

(Oh yeah, Marisa's house.  Reimu made me go astray so maybe I should find my tracks and go back to the path I was on.

I backtracked, following my faint footsteps, until I ended up on a paved path, meeting the cold hard surface of stone.

(Weird, I did not notice any droppings on the grass yet, does people or youkai in Gensokyo ever feel the need to go?)

[A/N:Youkai is a term mostly associated with Japanese folk creatures and ghosts.]

I proceeded onward down the path, almost seeing no end to it.

5 hours later....

I was still walking, my feet ached in pain from overwalking.

The sky turned to sunset as i saw the rays go through the leaves and hitting me, as the path slowly became more dilapidated, turning into dirt and bricks.

(Of all the.....I really wish I had shoes now.)

I saw black burn marks all over part of the path whereas it was only brown dirt, no bricks, as the marks turned more and more numerous.  Above it was a huge clearing of air, surrounded by leaves.

(Doesn't danmaku bullets make marks if they hit the ground?)

Deeply in thought, bird looking ravenous youkai appeared in front of me from the trees and surrounded me, breaking me in my train of thought and surprised me.

One of the youkai was standing out, she had grey eyes, short pink hair, pointed ears like an owl, and light pink bird-like wings with purple highlights. She was in white and brown clothing with an apron and a small hat.  The hat and dress contained numerous bird-shaped ornaments.

(She looks awfully familiar..)

"Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Human Chin Chin Chin Too Tired Chin Chin Chin Feeding Time!!!" said the youkai.

She suddenly flew up into the air, soon leaving me with five hungry youkai.

(What the? They look hungry, and it seems they have a leader, who seemed to order them to eat me....i wonder if Rumia is as stupid as them...they did have the element of surprise, so that's good for them.)

Each youkai unleashed a five-way blue circle bullets, before leaping up in the air.

I went prone on the ground, dodging all and barely grazing one bullet while they collided with each other.

(Crap i was never good at super-grazing!!!)

Then I looked up and rolled to my left, noticing 4 waves of danmaku hitting the ground where i was at.

I stood up and saw the youkai and their disappointed faces, before they all sneered.

(Wait..what's with that ominous-looking face...if there were 4 waves, where's the last one?  Aren't they all hungry?)

Unaware, 5 bullets struck me in the back, one on my arm and the rest on my back.

(Crap....This really hurts..)

The pain was unbearable as it felt like a very hot drill going into your skin for each bullet.

My mind went wild for 10 seconds before I finally calmed down, looking at the youkai licking their lips, while I still suffered from the burning sensation on my skin.

(I need to figure out how to!!!!)

I took a leap back again to dodge the five waves of danmaku.  Then i jumped to my right as the bullets came to the ground and left a black burn mark.

5 minutes later, they were still doing the same pattern as i kept leaping around briskly, they seemed to decrease the cool down for each repetition of the pattern.

I was sweating, winded from jumping around, but successfully dodging the bullets.

(Shit.....I can't keep this up, I'm going to tire out.)

I dodged the five waves, while breathing heavily, before I was struck immediately by 5 bullets on my back.

"ARGH~!" I screamed in agony.

I dropped to the ground, no longer spurred to dodge as my body was just too tired, as I try to withstand the pain from the oncoming bullets.

Throughout the pain, each bullet seemed to sap my energy as they hit my skin, overloading my senses with pain.

(Crap..One day in Gensokyo and I'm done for.....I rather deal with a bitchy shrine maiden than die at what Reimu would call easy.)

I tried to crawl away on the path, but then I felt feet hitting my back, forcing me into the ground.

(This can't be the end of me already...)

I saw the four youkai land in front of me and started to menacingly walk toward me with their bared teeth and eyes open wide.

Soon my vision became blurry when they were only about five feet away, the feet now perched and piercing into my back with the claws.

Before i lost consciousness, I remembered a shaking of the ground and hearing a "whir" sound.

(What the? Where am i?)

I found myself in a simple grassy plain full of flowers while I saw a big blue butterfly flapping in the air.

With a strong unknown urge, I chased the butterfly with my hands outreached, not really caring for what else is going to happen.

Then the butterfly ended up in my hands, finally catching it, while it was flapping its wings as though it was happy.

Then I started to fall as the butterfly ended up floating in the same spot.

I looked where i was falling to and I saw water below me, violently crashing into huge jagged rocks extending from the water towards me.

"AH~!" I screamed.

(Oh god, why is this happening?!  I don't want to get punctured!)

As soon as my skin made contact with the rocks, I woke up in a rush.

I leapped up from the bed provided for me into the ground, while hitting my head on the cold floor.

(Now where the hell am i?)

Then i saw a light flashed before me and it stayed on. A red afro guy with white makeup with red lipstick came out of nowhere to face me.

"Hehehe I'm lovin' it" He said in a pitched but menacing tone.

I noticed i was I was bounded to the floor, unaware of how that happened so suddenly.

I struggled against whatever binded me to the floor, but my body wouldn't listen to me.

(Is this Sleep Paralysis?  I do not like the situation right now.)

The afro guy got closer and closer to my face as his Mcdonald shirt came in contact with mine.

(NO homo!! No homo! no Homo!!)

Marisa's POV

I happily rode on my broomstick on my way to the Hakurei Shrine, which was getting closer.

(I can't wait to play with Reimu, ze!)

I giggled, suddenly thinking of the outsider Ken.

(and Ken!!!!)

I felt warmth rushing to my cheeks at that thought as I landed on the courtyard of the Shrine.

Reimu was just sitting there on the donation box not doing anything, she was just looking at the ground.

(I didn't think Reimu could do anything more boring...but she looked sad..Time to cheer her up!)

I ran up to Reimu, who was playing with her fingers.

"Hey, Reimu~! I came to play, ze~!" I happily cheered.

Reimu groaned, not even bothering to look at me.

(Come on Reimu~!)

"What's wrong, ze? Where's Ken?" I asked.

"What did you say!" She yelled.

Reimu glared at me angrily while I backed off by the tone and loudness of her voice.

"Come on Reimu! Where is he?" I said, impatient, not scared of Reimu.

Reimu angrily kicked the box very hard with the back of her left foot, still threateningly glaring at me.

"He's looking for only came here to see him did you?" Reimu said bitterly.

I gulped at those cold words.

(That was my only reason...)

(Oh no.....Reimu's not happy...)

"He tried to come to my house for me, ze?" I asked.

Reimu sat still, before slowly nodding.

"Yes, he wanted me to teach him how to fly but then it was too much work so i told him to go to you for help" she said. "T-Then.........He called me a stingy and bitchy host."

"Well, i don't blame him, you jump at every possible sound of money." I said.  "You also complain a-lot about stuff."


(I shouldn't have said that...)

Reimu glared up at me angrily, making me flinch, but then tried to calm down with a few deep breathes.

"I am not.......but i am so.." Reimu trying to explain.

Reimu became silent for a while before continuing.

"I realize I was foolish for kicking him out of my shrine into the Forest of Magic without anything to protect him" Reimu admitted.


[A/N:In order to not disrupt reading, open the music link in a new window or tab by right clicking on it.]

"You did what?" I responded, shocked.

(But you know the Forest of Magic is also full of dangerous youkai!)

"I then tried to kill him with my orbs when he got me really irritated. I got angry when they didn't hit anything and I just sat here after relaxing in the spring." Reimu continued.

"....Reimu....." I said.


"You need to save him now.....I don't know how much longer he has to live right now.  It's been like five hours i suspect, and I don't feel like getting up after what I just done" revealed Reimu.

My eyes grew wide, gripping my broom very tightly as i mounted it and headed in the other direction.

"Thanks Reimu!! Now to save him, ze!!" I yelled.

I left a despondent Reimu behind as I flew up into the air.

A teardrop came from my eyes as it went down my cheek.

The sunset streaked across the sky as the color of the ground turned somewhat yellow and green..

(No, I don't like...that idiot. I just want to save him for Reimu....but.....)

I tried to block out my thoughts as I focused on looking at the forest.

I saw a clearing of trees, as I flew above it and looked in.

Then i saw Ken on the ground with bird youkai in front of him looking like they was about to eat him, one was perched on his back, creating a pool of blood below Ken.


I was taken aback by that statement, but I pushed it aside, concentrating on the situation below.

I immediately took out my Hakkero from under my hat.

"Stop, ze! Love Sign! MASTER SPARK!!!" I yelled.

A wide white beam with ring insignias emanated from it, propelling forward to the youkai and also pushing me back.

(I didn't need to....but they were about to....)

(Please...don't die Ken....)

I didn't care about rejecting him from myself any longer, i wanted to save him.

The youkai vanished into black dust as i immediately rushed to him.

(I hope I'm not too late....)

He was on the ground, his arm and back bleeding, while the claws was embedded in his back.

(why....why...he was only.....NO!)

I took the claws out one by one, only increasing the bleeding as I put him on my back before getting on my broom, immediately going towards my house.

(He's not going to die......I will save him!)

3 minutes later.....

I arrived at my house and threw the broom aside as I quickly went upstairs, maneuvering through junk before laying him on my bed.



His chest wasn't rising nor descending.

i grasped the bedsheets and gripped them in a tight fist.....wrinkling them, as it became stained with blood.

Teardrops came from my eyes as I grabbed his felt cold....sending shivers down my back.

(No no't going to die.)

I gripped his hand hat fell off onto his chest when I leaned over.

My teardrops reached his shirt, while his hand felt even colder.

(If you......I will...)

I leaned closer to him.....his eyes closed....his hair messy...and his mouth slightly open...

I felt warmth rush to my cheeks as my eyes was almost closed as well, with teardrops landing on his face, and my forehead touching his...

(Marisa no, what are am i thinking)

(There's medicine to revive him.....but what if he...)

My nose began to brush against hers...

(I want to.....before..)

His lips felt cold.....i breathed into him for him to live, even if it wasn't the real reason...

I held on longer...hoping to save him....

I cried onto his face...

A magical euphoric feeling went through me as i longer breathing in air..

Then i felt it.....

I opened my eyes wide as i shy away from his head and put my head on his chest.

(His...His...heart is beating..)

I lifted my head off of him and looked at Ken.

(Is he.....)

I put my head closer to his..

A cool breeze brushed my lips as I smiled.

I nudged in my head closer as my cheeks touched his, and my mouth was next to his ears...

"Please...don't go away so master.......Mima." I whispered tenderly to his ear.

I shy away from his head again, while blushing heavily.

(Sacrifice....could it be love that sparks from it?)

(Errrr.....I should probably bandage him up now.)

I looked at him and heart was racing..and it was nodding in his direction.


I got off his bed no longer worried as I sat up and walked to the door.  I then opened it, walked out, and closed it.


I opened a crack in the door and peeked in....

(He looks so peaceful....)

I then blushed heavily as I was relieved...finally done....saving him....

(...I wish Master was still here....)

The last teardrop came from my face as i walked downstairs...thinking of him.

Ken's POV


I immediately sat up frightened, breathing deeply.

(Never again do I want Ronald Mcdonald in my dreams about to......ugh..)

I believe I am back in reality now, even if the room I am in seemed to be cluttered with books and long lost treasures of the world.

(Where am I? Is that Holy Grail on the ground?  and a crystal skull on a desk?)

Out of the corner while looking around the room in awe, I saw....Marisa's hat....a typical witch's hat...on my thighs.

I picked it up and stared at it, feeling warmth coming to my cheeks, then I stroked it lightly.

(I don't like I?  What is her hat doing here?)

I thought methodically as i held the hat to my chest.

I tried to remember what happened before I blacked out..

(I remember a shaking of the ground and a loud whir.  While something was piercing against my back...what does a shaking of the ground and a loud whir mean?)

While I was thinking, A door swung open, kicking the Holy Grail out the window, with no glass shattering.

(What the fuck?  Has that been kicked out before?  Everybody must love Christian treasures.)


I quickly twisted my head, almost wincing at the pain caused by my sudden neck twist, as I saw a girl in a black and white blouse.

(Woah, Marisa?)

"Marisa?" I asked.

She smiled while she closed the door behind her.

I immediately recognized her from the braid she had on the left side of her face with a red tie.

(Yep that's her.)

She quickly ran over to me, careful not to step and trip over the clutter she apparently collected and leaped towards the bed, exclaiming a little bit of pain with an "Ow".

The bed was actually one that you would find in a Barracks but without the bunk at the top.

(Hmmm..Marisa is a little bit more spartan.....I did not expect that.)

Then she squeezed me in a hug so tight that it would have a toad squished in a matter of seconds.

She got really close to my face, my cheek was touching hers as warmth rushed to my cheeks once again.

"Ken, You're alive, ze" she whispered into my ear. "I...."
I almost went moe from her words were it not for the fact that i was hurting all over.

It appears that something else soft that pushed against my skin, but I couldn't look what it was because of Marisa squeezing me.

"Mar.......Can't.......Breathe!" I interrupted.

She immediately let go before sitting up on the edge of the bed, relieving me of the snake-like hug, which I appreciated.

"Sorry, daze!" Marisa apologized.

I looked at her and saw that she was wearing a black and white blouse without her iconic witches hat, part of her hair somewhat unkempt as some strands of her hair were curved upwards.

She was blushing a little bit as she averted her eyes while her fingers are touching each other, smiling.

(Could it be...)

"Marisa, did you save me from those youkai?" I asked.

"Yep, ze!!! You were on the ground bleeding and they were about to eat you, so i sparked them." Marisa answered

"But how did you know i was about to die?"

"I don't know, i was going back to my house after Reimu said you went to my house for easy lessons."

(Easy Lessons???? BULL)

I noticed there were teardrops coming from her as she began to tell me what happened through her Point of View.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2010, 02:03:19 AM »
Chapter 6

Ken's POV

BGM: (sorry about the city feel, can't find any other song that fits)

(Oh my god...)

I looked straight at Marisa, as she was about to wrap up her flashback, engrossing me.  She is still averting her eyes towards the ceiling.

Marisa continued, "I then went outside to Kourin's for some bandages, I actually paid them myself...umm...because...."

Marisa blushes red on her cheeks, before looking into my eyes with hers.

"I didn't want your bandages to be like the rest...." admitted Marisa.

Marisa hugged me again but not as tight as before, even if it is painful.

"I wanted them to be special..." whispered Marisa into my ear.

Marisa then pulled back with a weak toothy grin while she scratched the back of her head with her left hand.

"I didn't have enough time to think about how to swipe those bandages anyway, ze!" I said.

I smiled and chuckled a bit, wincing at the pain in my chest.

(Is she......i thought she was inconsiderate to others....she did act that way towards Reimu and me when i dropped in but.....)

(Why was she talking to me like this now?  She isn't as straightforward as what ZUN designed her to be before.)

(Did i really worry her that much?)

"Ken? Are you ok?" asked Marisa.

My train of thought was interrupted, I didn't notice I was still staring at her while I was thinking.

"Huh? oh..umm..yeah?" I hurriedly replied.

Marisa giggled a little bit at my response along with a slight blush with a smile. I laid back on the bed, noticing dry bloodstains on it.  I put my hands behind my head with my elbows sticking out, while I look at Marisa.

( this my blood?  That's a lot, even more than when I nosebleed.)

"I then bandaged you up and decided to leave you in my bed.....I slept on the couch downstairs....

She stopped for a bit as she began twirling her braid, blushing pink, and then she looked at me.

(Wouldn't it be a lot more convenient for her if she just laid me on the couch instead?)

She poked my bandages with her middle finger of her right hand, careful not to put too much pressure, then went ahead and stroked them lightly.

"I was hoping for your recovery...especially since this was the first time I had to heal someone." said Marisa.

( you really care for me that much?)

(I'm surprised I didn't go moe yet.  Very surprising indeed...)

Then I remembered the bird youkai shooting me, ordered by one that stood out.

(Who was that mysterious person..)

(Why did i follow that stupid Reimu's advice..)

I then looked outside, light streaked in through the windows as one of them shone on Marisa....

She was.....radiantly beautiful even though her hair was messy, and her skin shone.

(It's like we are supposed to be together or something..)

I opened my eyes wide at that thought, Marisa began to look confused.

(Me.......that could never was a desperate situation...but...)

(she was willing to kiss me so i could live..but then anyone could do that.  Like people who do CPR..)


" you.....I mean..uhhhh.." I tried to ask.

Marisa looked initially confused, then she became flustered.  "What are you saying, ze?! Of course not, it wasn't......we don't....I were about to die so.."

"Oh.....sorry!!!" I quickly apologized.

(Wow, smooth move there Ken.)

Marisa giggled, as she stood up from the bed and looked away towards the door, then she looked back at me with a grin.

"If you want, Then tonight, I think I can teach you how to fly.  I'll try.." said Marisa. "Danmaku lessons will have to wait though......I don't think you can handle that right now."

She pointed to my bandages...I nodded, knowing the cause for these bandages was danmaku itself.

"I see, thank you Marisa for....doing this." I said.

"No problem, ze! Just.....don't do anything stupid for me that could get you killed like my...friend." said Marisa.

Marisa stopped and looked down on the floor, then she proceeded to walk towards the door, avoiding the junk that lay on the floor.

But then she stopped suddenly while the door was halfway open, her hand on the doorknob.

"Oh yes, if you want food, get it yourself." said Marisa.

(What?! Aren't I injured?)

"EH~!?" I exclaimed.

"Just because you're injured doesn't mean i am going to do everything for you, daze!"

"But my arm.."

"Use the other one!!!"

She walked out...forgetting to close the door behind her..

I continued to look at Marisa....soon out of sight as she walked downstairs.

(hehe....back to her non-caring side.  Even if she did leave me to get my own food when I feel pain at a slight movement.)

I looked at my bandaged arm while shaking my head.

(Damn!!!  I really can't learn danmaku like this!!!)

(How am I supposed to make up for this?)
(Wait a second, I think I'm missing something....something...that was...essential.)

I looked around and saw nothing that seemed relevant to what I am trying to figure out what it was.

(What was I........Oh no)

I immediately fell sullen as it struck me so suddenly...

(What will i do without it? I need it!!!!)

(I'm not sure if most laws from the outside world applies here in Gensokyo.)

(But i am pretty sure Murphy's Law applies here.)


I became depressed as I mourned the sudden loss of......toilet paper.

Two hours later.....

"KEN~! GET YOUR FOOD~! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT~!" yelled Marisa.

(God, I know there's at least one similarity between my Mom and Marisa.)

I got off the bed after taking off the bedsheets and jumped out of the bed onto the floor.

I was immediately attacked by nerve-wracking pain as my legs almost gave out over me.

I immediately picked up the Tsurugi Marisa apparently had in her room as support when it was leaning against the bed.

(Where the hell does Marisa get all these things?  Do random things just pop out of nowhere like that in Gensokyo?)

The Tsurugi eased my pain, although it still hurts like hell though, as I carried myself through the whole room, painstakingly avoiding the piles of junk collected in the room.

(This hurts worse than when I first picked up guitar.  Oh developing callouses were nothing to this.)

I opened the door with my hand of the broken arm while wincing from the pain.

I slowly go downstairs that immediately appeared from the door.

It was very hard for me to descend especially since my whole body shook intensely.  This made me go one step at a time on the staircase.

(I think i would have died without this sword.)

I finally made it downstairs and began to walk through a room with...more junk.  My posture was like that of an old man with a stick.

(It's a good thing only Marisa is here...)

A couch with a wrinkly blanket was seen in the middle of it.  I noticed a darkened side on the edge of the blanket with the pillow.

(So this is where Marisa her bed for me while she slept here......)

I felt warmth reach my cheeks as I made my way through the piles of junk

(Apparently this junk has stuff from my world.)

I chuckled as I saw a bunch of milk cartons and a tape that says "WATERGATE"

(...I didn't think President Nixon's tapes were found here...)

I finally made it to the kitchen...the sink was surprisingly devoid of plates and bowls, especially since the witch keeps the piles of junk in the house but cleans her dishes apparently.

Counters were seen everywhere with cabinets above them. One counter had kitchen ingredients with several shakers and containers.

Another counter had a bowl of mushrooms submerged in water that had a pungent smell to it when I walked by.

(I never did like that smell in my house when my Mom decided to be funny and make the family stuffed mushrooms.)

Then i saw one steaming bowl of rice and.....mushrooms.

The mushrooms looked unsightly to say the least as the crimson and white clashed with the white rice.

Marisa was digging into her bowl, taking delight in the otherwise disgusting looking food.

(Well it can't be worse than Casu Marzu.)

(Ugh... I remember my dad tried to be "original" and introduced unfortunately Casu Marzu to us...and never again did we eat that in the house, my dad becoming less liberal in what we eat.)

(It gave me diarrhea and a really painful stomach for a whole month....the cheese was moving and I could have sworn to saw something leap out of it...Mushrooms...can't be worse than maggot-infested cheese.)

I took my bowl and carried it with my free hand while I used the Tsurugi as a walking stick to the table where Marisa was at.

Judging by her almost empty bowl, i say she likes it....a lot.

I grabbed the chopsticks and a spoon that were in the middle of the room and proceeded to eat the mushroom while I closed my eyes and squeeze my nose to not taste it.

(Luckily, that trick always came in handy, especially since if my Mom would make us crab-cakes.)

The mushroom has an uncomfortable flour feeling in my mouth as i quickly popped in the rice.

I then prepared for the worse as I let go of my nose....


Judging by the taste, the mushrooms were like pig blood you would find in congee, and the rice was nice and moist.

"Like it?" asked Marisa.

"It's good...thank you for the food." I replied.

"You're welcome, ze!"

Then she proceeded to finish her bowl while she carried it to her mouth and tipping it towards her mouth.  It was more like Marisa attacking the bowl for every little piece of rice with her chopsticks moving about, making unnecessary noises.

I proceeded to eat the food that Marisa was kind enough to make for me.

(These mushrooms seem to have some kind of sweet taste)

After I have finished my meal, I put it on the counter where Marisa left hers by the sink, she said before she had to leave for shopping.

I slowly made my way back up to the bed in Marisa's room, apparently an attic, and lied down, not without pain.

I put the Tsurugi back to where it was, among other junk whilst leaning against the bed.

(One's loli's trash is another man's treasure.)

(Who knew such a famous sword is such a useful walking stick?)

I smiled and looked up to the ceiling, chuckling at a joke I just made.

(Might as well rest up for the flying lesson)

Then I closed my eyes and counted Mexican sheep crossing the border one by one.

Chapter 7 coming tomorrow, REVIEWS PLEASE
This chapter has been re-edited


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2010, 02:03:52 AM »
Chapter 7

Ken's POV
I woke up in Marisa's bed, feeling thoroughly groggy and disgusted.
(That was a weird-ass dream.....I keep seeing people doing that Cirno dance, and they are all saying baka baka.  And in the middle of all those people was a huge Cirno.)

[A/N:Read on further and you will find out what the mentioned characters look like soon]

(Is it already dark outside? The junk is making it hard for me to see.)

I looked out the window and saw that it was indeed dark as the moon shone outside, barely illuminating Marisa's room.

A clutter of abandoned junk like the Tsurugi, collected the moonlight to keep the rest of the room more darker.  Unfortunately there was nothing else that could light up this room.

(Wait a second, I don't feel as much pain as I did before in my injuries.)

The pain on my arm and chest have, thankfully, dulled to a more unnoticeable and faint annoyance.

I squeezed my bandaged arm with my free hand, feeling no pain.  I squeezed even harder, getting as painful as a bee sting, and it never went above that.

(Hmm? No pain? Did the mushrooms I eat do the trick?)

With my intense curiosity, I slowly unwrapped the bandages on my arm until my entire arm was exposed.

(Oh my god, it's healed already?!  Mushrooms in Gensokyo have really good regenerative qualities.)

I saw that my arm only has a short scar now only in my bicep area with dried blood on it.

I squeezed the wound again with my hand while using even more pressure to make sure I'm not dreaming.

(Don't youkai heal fast when they are sleeping?)

(Wait a second, I'm not a youkai, I haven't died yet.)

(What exactly did those mushrooms?  They are supposed to kill you, not do the opposite.)

I imagined myself eating red and white shrooms growing thrice my height and jumping on Mystia Lorelei's head while wearing red and blue overalls.

(hehe what a nice thing to do, considering she hates chicken, but what about my chest?)

I squeezed my stomach with my hand, as soon as I tried to apply pressure, It felt like a chigger itch, so I left the bandages wrapped around my stomach.

[A/N:Chiggers are known for swelling of the infected area and severe itching.  When in fact they just burrow in your skin and lay eggs.]

(Ok, at least my limb is healed up now.  That really hurts though in my stomach.  Like something is being drilled in my stomach.)

I sat up, feeling candid, concluding that eating a mushroom resulting in my speedy recovery.

(Oh yeah, it's time for flying lessons.  If I fall in the Forest of Magic, will I make a sound?)

(....If I can fly..)

I got up from Marisa's bed and landed on the floor, to my surprise, I could stand up on my own now without the Tsurugi.

(Well, it's junk now that i don't need it.  Or not.  I think it's pretty cool I have at least a possible weapon to protect myself with.)

I felt narcissistic for a moment, then I walked around in the room, amazed that I don't need support for this.


(I gotta feeling......that tonight's gonna be a good night.  Especially since I am going to learn how to fly.)

(This hopefully does not turn out like E.T.)

While humming along the Black Eyed Peas song, I proudly walked downstairs and went outside, almost tripping on some junk on the way.

I looked at my surroundings, I was just amazed to see the front yard just glistening with moonlight as it looked like someone just sprayed water in the morning.

The trees were making faint shadows as the moonlight pierces through. There was a shadow on its own that was moving, with a black figure to accompany it.
The person was walking towards me, distinctly carrying a bag that had a mushroom picture on it.

I deduced that it was there is no one else who likes to collect mushrooms.

(But who would collect them at night?)

(Well, on second thought, maybe Alice does too...)

Then the black figure confirmed that it was Marisa, she was wearing a black and white blouse with her witches hat and a braid on the side of her face.  Her hat happened to have an extra accessory which was a large pinkish ribbon around the hat.

"Hi Ken, ze!!" Greeted Marisa.

"Hahaha, good to see you!" I replied.

Marisa got to about three feet away from me and pointed to my arm with her free hand.

"Hehe it looks like those mushrooms from another world did help." she said.

(What? What other world could possibly have mushrooms with healing properties?!)

"Another world?" I said, beginning to feel uneasy.

"While i was walking back from Kourin's for shopping while you were still in my house, I was met with a bright light in front of me.  It was so bright I couldn't see then all of a sudden I found myself in this strange land.  It didn't look like the Gensokyo I know." Marisa reflected.

"You weren't in Gensokyo?"

"Yep, ze!! I was stuck in a land full of strangely grinning scenery.  I'm pretty sure Gensokyo doesn't have hills that smile back at you.  Some guy with green and blue overalls came out of nowhere and pushed me down. He jumped down on my head a lot while I think he keeps saying that he wants to be more brave than Mario or whoever.  He also had a green hat with an L."

(Luigi?  Isn't Luigi supposed to timid?)

"I think he was trying to kill me because my head really hurts from him jumping on me....So I grabbed his legs, slammed him towards the ground, got out my Hakkero and sparked him.  He was really getting on my nerves." Marisa continued.

(Poor Luigi.....He only wanted to be better than Mario.)

"All that was usually left was dust whenever i spark someone, but instead he was still there, badly scarred though.  These people in this land are pretty strong I know that."

Marisa then gave a huge toothy grin, looking like she was about to rape someone.

(I really do not like that smile you are giving me.)

"I took his hat after I checked his overalls for anything valuable and borrowed the red and white mushrooms from his hat.  He was groaning in pain but I stomped his head to knock him out, ze!"

(I think i did taste a little hair in the mushrooms.  You said that quite cheerfully Marisa. QUITE cheerfully.)

"I think I'm going to call them Reimu mushrooms." Marisa said.

(Huh? Why would you want to name them after that greedy Miko?)

"Why?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Because they are red and white and they make you more powerful and makes spells easier to cast." Marisa replied.

(Huh....I only remember them making you grow in size.  Plus, the only similarity I see between the mushroom and Reimu is the colors.  Maybe the mushrooms can be compared to Reimu in power due to Reimu actually being overpowered.  But that's all fan stuff)

"Don't they make you grow bigger?"

"They did, daze!! Only in the another world though.....I was actually pretty small when I was in that world.  I couldn't fly either."

(Hmmm this sounds familiar.  Why do I feel like an idiot for not knowing this?)

"But i could jump higher and float down like a feather, even if my blouse would fly up and I would have to force it down. I keep seeing blocks in midair with a question mark.

(A floating block....Now i feel like a bigger idiot.)

"My gut told me to hit it with my head so I jumped up and prepared my head and then there was another one of those mushrooms.  Surprisingly it did not hurt even if it did shatter into bricks."

(This all sounds too familiar.  Come on Ken, what do you remember about floating blocks and mushrooms?!)

"I tried eating it since no mushroom could have a fatal effect on me, thanks to my magic, suddenly I grew taller by the second, ze!!!"

"They were the same as the ones in that guy's hat so i went ahead and ate more."

(This has to be related to Mario somehow...I do know the fact that Marisa is a glutton when it comes to mushrooms.)

"I  grew to like 3/4's of my height but then they stopped having any more effect so i left the rest in the bag I carried when I was about to get something from Kourin's and explored the land.

"But then I found a mushroom on a beanstalk after attacking blocks with my block breaking head."

I chuckled, making Marisa grow a little red.

"I eat the mushroom-stalk and then i grew up to my original height, ze!" she continued.


"Then there was the same bright light that took me there in the first place after eating another mushroom on a hill and soon, i ended up in Gensokyo.  It was night though, and Kourin is probably asleep so I walked back, meeting you here."

(Marisa isn't very cautious now is she?  Even if her iron stomach and withstand possibly any mushroom.)

"That was a nice story, but i believe we have other matters to attend to."

Marisa dropped her bag of mushrooms and nodded smiling.

"Oh yeah, ze!!! The easy flying lesson!" Marisa exclaimed.

I twitched at that realization, while shaking my head.

(Easy my ass....)


"Ready to learn, ze?!" asked Marisa in a cheerful tone.

"Yup!  Let's see how EASY this truly is?" I said.

(What a farce....)

I gave a thumbs up.

Marisa giggled at my sudden gesture.

"Okay, now its easy because it is natural in Gensokyo. All you have to do is to just fly." said Marisa.

(Huh? That doesn't make sense.)

(That wasn't quite the lesson i expected)

"Umm..are you saying that i should just will myself to fly because its natural? Then why don't the humans in the human village fly?"

Marisa nodded at the first part of my sentence.  "Because you're special, now go ahead and fly, ze~!"

"Ok if you say so" I said, again feeling uneasy.

I decided to get a running start, going to attempt to fly over Marisa's home from the side.

(Ok Ken.  All you gotta do is will yourself to fly.  That's all.  Nothing else should distract you.)

Then i sprinted as fast as I could and jumped.

"UP UP AND AWAY!" I yelled, flying in the air.

I was given a rude awakening..

I slammed into Marisa's house like something that would only happen in a cartoon. I then slid off like a pancake and landed on my back.

My face was flattened, and my stomach was giving off the chigger itch.

"OW~!" I screamed.

I looked to my side and saw Marisa who was just laughing like crazy, she was holding her stomach.

I slowly got up and walked over to her, cringing at the pain, and looked at her sternly while shaking my head.

"Not funny" I said in a flat tone.

She struggled to stop laughing and then looked at me.

"Ze?" she squeaked.

Marisa put her hand in her bag of mushrooms and took out one that was blue and yellow.

" eat this should help...." said Marisa.

(This better not be poisonous, I got nothing to lose though.)

I grabbed it from her when she held it out, quickly popped it in my mouth, and chewed it slowly while still glaring at her.

(Hmm..It's sour.)

Then I got a massive vibration going across my body from top to bottom, giving me major goosebumps.

(It's like some ghost is possessing my body or something.)

"WHOA!" I yelled.

(This had better work.)

I then ran backwards to help me get a running start, this time facing in the direction of the Hakurei Shrine.

(Here goes nothing...)

I ran and then I leaped in the air, believing with all my heart[cheesy] that i can fly.

Not only did i did manage to fly, but i zoomed through the air, catching me off guard.

(Hell, i wasn't even concentrating, i just willed and it did!)

I think I am zooming too fast because i must be at mach 2 by now, my cheeks are constantly flapping, and the fact i am almost at the shrine.

I zipped through a mist that apparently had me coughing and dizzy for a second.

(Suika? nah)

I got dangerously close to the shrine.

Reimu's POV
I sat on the porch of my shrine, drinking tea as it was another night.

(Another night....)

(I hope that Ken and Marisa are ok.)

(Marisa nor Ken didn't come to the shrine for a few days)

(Why did i say that statement in the first place!!!)

(I am the protector.....not the one whose causing the incidents)

(It's going to be really boring if they disappear.)

I became sad, then I immediately noticed something really fast approaching towards me.....

(What is that!!!!)

I tried to make out what it was from the blur that was approaching.

I got up and braced myself on the ground with ofuda in my hand, dropping the cup of tea onto the ground.

Then it stopped and landed on the courtyard, revealing a very familiar person.

(He can't be.... )

"Ken?" I asked.

"Hello!" he said cheerfully.

(It should of taken at least a few weeks before he could fly.  What the heck is he doing flying fast like that?)

"....You fly fast....." I said.

"I know."
Then Ken walked toward my donation box, and took out a coin...

(There was money??)

I was surprised with my eyes open as Ken walked in front of me and flicked it at my forehead.

It hurt as i closed my eyes for a sec....then i heard and saw that the 1 yen coin ended up in my puddle of tea I just made.

I angrily looked at Ken, my face scrunching up, as he began to leave.

"Ciao" he said.

He had a dangerous grin on his face before he sped away in the sky.

I twitched as i bubbled with more and more anger.

Ken's POV
(Hehehe, that was good.  No longer am I angry at her.  Getting hit by the one thing she loves.)

I was laughing while I was flying back to Marisa's home.

"KEN~! HOLY RELIC! YIN-YANG SANCTIFIER ORB!" Reimu yelled, piercing the short silence.

I stopped and looked behind me.....

(I got some fine motor control in the air.)

And saw an incoming Yin-Yang ball closing in!


(Oh wait a second)

I flew up and it missed me as the spellcard broke and the ball disappeared.

"ARGH~!" grunted Reimu, which was strangely loud.


"That's what you get for hitting people with your balls with your ballsy attitude." I said.

Then i continued towards Marisa's house....her house becoming more and more distinct, as I got closer.

"Wow! I must be faster than Aya!"

Third POV:
Meanwhile at the youkai mountain....

Aya twitched as she was on the futon sitting up when Ken said that very statement.

"I don't know what happened...But i think i feel like i have just been insulted.....ah well." She said.

Aya lied back to sleep with Momiji, trying to think about the next topic on her newspaper.

Ken's POV:
(I am almost there!)

Then i began to lose this magical feeling in my body while I start to rapidly descend to the ground as i was in the front yard of Marisa's home.


I landed, but fortunately something broke my fall.

(Right when I fell down, I think I landed on someone...uh oh)

I just found out that person was Marisa, who grunted.

She looked irritated when I looked at her, I was on her stomach.

She was getting her Hakkero out of her hat....

I was panicking like hell, adrenaline coursed my body.

Her hand was now facing towards me with the Hakkero as she began to mutter something.


I immediately grabbed her arm and pushed it away from me as I looked into her eyes.

(Time to use the best puppy face I got.  Not sure if it works on teenagers though.)

Both of us were blushing heavily as she was still resisting my arm. She suddenly relaxed while she closed her eyes. her lips slightly parting while her face becoming more flustered, she let go of the Hakkero as it landed softly in the grass.

(Is this...)

My moe resistance was starting to crumble as I was about to be in a daze and the blood rushed to my nose..

(Shit i better not do this while im on her belly.  Better make it QUICK!)

I leaned forward...

My eyes closed as well..

Her lips felt cold.

My moe resistance started to build back longer threatening as the blood came back down.

A magical euphoric feeling swept through my body.

We held on for a few more seconds before we parted.

...she had tears coming her eyes as we both opened our eyes...

I wiped her tears off with my hand as she began to smile....while blushing pink.

"Ken.I...I...I..I" Marisa stuttered.


(I need to work on resistance...)

Before I fainted from sudden Moe overload..

I heard a faint giggle distinctly from Marisa.

Then Fergie's voice rang in my head.



Unknown POV

I looked through a gap seeing Ken in a pool of blood as Marisa began to drag him back to her house, now leaving a blood streak.

(Fufufu, You're welcome for your powers Ken~)

(Although, I did not expect this to happen between Marisa and Ken.)

(Hahaha, he gets around..)

(Was it the fact that Marisa fell in love with him so easily, due to the sudden disappearance of her mentor, I'll never know.)

That was a pretty long chapter...will this consolidate the MariKen thing going on....tune in tomorrow to find out
Reviews please!!!!
This chapter has been Re-edited


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2010, 02:05:09 AM »
Chapter 8

Ken's POV
I woke up.

I stretched my arms and rubbed my eyes groggily, finding myself on Marisa's bed again.

I saw that it is morning again with the sunlight streaking in through windows, one broken by the Holy Grail and the other one not broken.

(What happened yesterday?)

I suddenly had an epiphany, remembering the incidents.

(The flying, almost getting hit by Reimu's balls, landing on Marisa, ...kissing her, fainting, Fergie's voice.)

(Oh yes.., that happened.  Why was I thinking of I Gotta Feeling while flying?)

I felt warmth rushing to my cheeks for a little bit while replaying that one kiss under the stars that night again and again.

(God, Just thinking about it just makes my heart beat faster and faster.)

(But why was she crying?  I thought she didn't love me back....I wasn't even in any critical situation.)

(Hmmm...Time to confront her about all this..)

I sat up then touched the floor with my feet, then out of the corner of my eye I saw...

There was another pillow with some messed up sheets from the other side of the bed, with more dried blood on the sheets.

(Who....what....Marisa was sleeping with me?)

(Oh man....)

Immediately i went moe, nosebleeding away as blood drips off my chin to the covers, making it even more bloody.

I stood there for like five minutes before i snapped out, making the sheets now also dripping blood.

(I wonder why I don't donate to the hospital...I don't feel light-headed at all..but)

(So she was sleeping with me....does this mean that we a relationship?)

(Do we really want that?  Even if we like each other?)

(I should go ask her, she'll know what to do, her signature Master Spark doesn't have the love part for nothing.)

Going through the junk in her room, I walked up to the door and immediately grinned, an idea going across my head.

(Maybe I should test if I can still fly, just in case.)

After I opened the door, I braced myself in case a fall should happen.

(If I fall, just roll down, that will net me the least damage.)

Then, I willed myself to fly off the floor first.

It was successful as I managed to levitate off the floor with sheer willpower.

(Now's not the time to get happy yet.)

I sighed, while looking down the stairs, seeing a wall that met me.

(Now for the real test..)

I managed to slowly glide down the stairs with my awesome levitating skills, experiencing no trouble at all surprisingly.

(Hahahaha..It's like that the person from the movie "The Exorcist."  Only I'm not possessed.)

I managed to land back down safely on the bottom floor.

(Well i least i know i regained a lot of control on my flying.)


I began to feel really cocky, while sporting an evil grin.

I hovered over the junk as I made my way to the door leading to outside and landed.

Then I quickly twisted the doorknob as I went outside, closing the door behind me.

(I am having too much fun doing this.)

(Marisa can wait..)

(Let's see how fast i can go...)

I walked into the middle of the grass in front of Marisa's house, a slight breeze brushed me as I launched myself upwards as fast I willed.

I unleashed a sonic boom as it echoed across the land while going up into the air.

Before I knew it, I was up really high in the air, seeing the whole span of land.

"Whoa, I can see the Hakurei Shrine and the Scarlet Devil Mansion[SDM] from here." I said, amazed.

Suddenly, I hyperventilated as I struggled to breath, whilst coughing.

(Wow the air is thin up here....I should go down before I suffocate.)

I flew down to the grass slowly, somewhat sad that I could be having some fun for now.

"Wow!!! I am the fastest being in Gensokyo" I said.

Third POV:
At the youkai mountain,

Aya was eating her meal after hearing a strange noise that was like a boom, an inquisitive look on her face.

Then she twitched again when Ken said his statement, becoming uncomfortable.

"These twitches are becoming a problem.  I should investigate it, but my boss rarely ever gives me breaks." said Aya.

"MOMOJI! Where's the Maple Syrup!?" yelled Aya, looking at her dish of rice and a live fish on top.

"Coming!! eh!" yelled a voice.

Aya shook her head.  "I don't know whether the twitches or the eh Momoji says at every end of the sentence is a problem or not."

Ken's POV:

(This isn't enough......I wanna have more fun.)

(After all, not everyone can't fly, especially in the human world.)

A dangerous grin appeared on my face, as an idea struck me.

(Let's zoom across Gensokyo!)


With that, I prepared to fly through the sky as I kneeled down, then i launched myself to the air, pushing back the grass really hard.

A sonic boom came from my feet as i zoomed above and across the Forest of Magic...

(Heh, lets go to the human village!!!)

I looked around while i was flying and saw a bunch of stands and old japanesque houses to my west, each with curved roofs as people walked around in feudal japanese clothing, stopping momentarily to glance at me.


I grinned as I curled my feet back, then quickly extending them, letting out another sonic boom as I propelled myself towards the village.

( fast am I going because I swear I can see the looks on their faces now.)

The villagers were just shocked to see me, an outsider, to fly at astonishing speeds.

As soon as i reached a yakisoba stand,...seeing the surprised look on the owner's face, I did a 90 degree turn..and zoomed.

[A/N: Yakisoba means fried noodles.]

"Hahahahahaha the looks on their faces are just priceless" I said.

One villager just stood there with his eyes and mouth wide open, making weird hand motions then pointing at me.

Every child jumped up and awed at the sight of me as they exclaimed.

"I wanna be like him"

"I wanna fly fast!!"

"Is he stronger than Miss Keine?"

"He's so fast"

"go! go! go!"

I felt warmth rush to my cheeks, being praised by the kids that were quickly passing by me.

(Being stronger than Miss Keine?  I doubt it, Being able to move fast doesn't mean I can escape getting caved.)

Then at a distance, I saw a school due to the number of kids going to...or rather running into it.

Then I saw someone as I got closer...

She had Brown eyes and long silver hair with blue highlights.

She's wearing a strange hat that looks like some kind of building with a red ribbon on top and glyphs inscribed along its side.

Her dress is dark blue with white short sleeves, and a red ribbon is tied to the bottom of the collar.

She looked strangely familiar, a wave of nostalgia passing through me.

(Wait a second...Keine?)

As I got closer, she was tilting her head back as she stood her ground.

(What the hell is she doing?)

Then i recognized it from remembering Cirno's Perfect Math Class video.

(Does she really think I'm going to endanger the students....fine...I'm going to scare her a little bit then.)

I thought about the idea as Keine prepares to headbutt me, dropping her books onto the ground.

I began to grow closer and closer as she readied herself, taking a step back to support herself.

(Now's the time to do it!)

I dove to the ground then I sonic boomed up into the air when I was about a foot away from Keine, knocking Keine off her feet, landing on her ass.

"Sorry Keine~!" I yelled.

Keine's POV
(What the?)

He doved upwards as I missed him by an inch with my headbutt.

I was pushed back by the sudden shockwave he made, making me land on my ass along side my books.

(What does that human think he is?)

(I'm not sure how he exactly gained that astonishing speed.)

(and him, possibly an outsider judging by the strange clothes he wore.)

(Could it be that he is a youkai that died in the outside world?  But then he wouldn't have those strange clothes he's wearing.)

I grabbed my books and stood up, sighing in relief.

(Oh right, time to teach...At least the children are safe)

I walked toward the school with my books under my arm.

(Hehe, i certainly do know he's faster than that Tengu.)

I giggled as i went into my assigned classroom, hearing several remarks about the little situation I was in.

"Did you see her land on her butt?"

"Woot! Woot!"

"He showed you who's boss Miss Keine!"

"Hahaha You landed on your arse!"

One person just kept pointing at me and laughing the whole time.

(How rude...)

"Children.." I said, trying to calm down the children.

They kept on making a ruckus in the room as I sat my books on the desk.

(Here we go again...)

I pulled out a sphere on a stick, the sphere resembled a moon as I held it up in front of me and focused on it.

(Just like when the full moon is out...)

Ken's POV:

(Is it me or do I hear people screaming? Nah...must be my imagination.)

(Hahaha..Oh yes, i scared her big time...she landed on her ass!)

I flew in the blue sky as the summer sun made every surrounding bright.

(And the best part is that I don't have to worry about sweating because the speed i pick up already cools me through it!!!)

(Oh god this is the best ability to have!!!)

Then I flew in random directions, taking in the exhilarating excitement, as i rushed through the air.

I flew around in a loop many times, and almost getting nauseous from the result.

(Ugh....I don't like that Butterflies in your Stomach feeling..)

Then i felt cocky again, as I curled up my legs again.

(I should get back!!! let's see how fast i can go!!!)

I readied myself as i begun to head for Marisa's House in the Forest of Magic.

Then I extended my legs and blasted through the air, almost already reaching Marisa's House surprisingly.

(God, The sonic boom I created was so loud that I bet even people underground could hear it.)

Unknown POV:
It was dark in the palace as we barely see each other as i faced my master.

"Satori, did you hear that?" I said.

"Actually yes i did, i heard a boom above ground. I think something's going on." said Satori.

"You may be right...woops time to check the mantle" I said, flying in the opposite direction I faced my master.

As i flew to the mantle, I thought long and hard about the boom.

(Whoever can make that boom cannot beat the power of the RAVEN!!!)

Then i flew in pride as i got back to work.

Ken's POV
A wave of disgust and jealously went across my body, as I felt extremely disappointed.

(Why the hell am i thinking about whether someone can beat my speed?)

I became shocked at the fact I easily became egotistic of my speed.

(Nah, nevermind, nobody can beat my speed!  Not even Aya could make a sonic boom in the air.)

While i was thinking about that, i didn't realize that i began to get dangerously close to the front yard of Marisa's house.

I focused in front of me, and saw that the ground was only like 30 feet away.

(Oh shit!! slow down slow down!!!)

But it was too late, my head got stuck in the dirt with my body in a 45 degree angle.

I made an explosion as dirt kicked up in the air.

A very painful migraine went across my head.

(Gahh!!! this hurts so damn much!!!)

I tried pulling myself out of the dirt but it was no use, the rest of the body was in the air but my head was buried in the dirt.

(I hope somebody hurries and gets me out, I don't like the taste of dirt.)

After waiting for 1 hour, I could barely breath as there was very tiny air space in the hole my head was in.

(It feels really weird that my body is in the air while my head is on the ground for a while.  The blood rushing to my head was uncomfortable enough.)

I felt the ground shake as I was still in the same position as before.

It felt like it was a footstep but its vibrations are amplified, there were a lot of footsteps being made.

I heard mumbling above ground, but I couldn't figure out who was it.

Then four hands grabbed my legs and arms by the wrist.

they finally pulled my head out after about five minutes as the headache in my head slowly dulled.

I opened my eyes to find out who it was that helped me.

One of them was Marisa, who smiled and blushed.

"Hi, ze!" greeted Marisa.

Then there was another individual who was with Marisa, another man(FINALLY) with glasses.

He had golden eyes, short silver hair, and his clothes are black and blue, and he is carrying a small bag with him.

He looked familiar, then i realized who it was.


"Ah! i see you know my name. Nice to meet you" said Rinnosuke.

He held out his hand...

I took it, got up, and shook his hand.

(Looks like he knows some customs from the outside world...but then again he deals in with things from the outside world.  Of course he does.)

I raised my eyebrows at the thought, becoming thoroughly shocked.

(I am beginning to talk as if my world was this normal?)

I looked up in the sky to think pensively.

(I wonder, If I stay in Gensokyo for a while, will I find the world I grew up in unwelcome?  Will anyone in the outside world remember me?  How will I even get back?  If I even intend to...Would I still be able to fly in the outside world?)

I looked around in my surroundings, seeing dirt and grass all over the place with a hole in the ground, where my head resided before.

(Wow, what a mess.)

"I brought Kourin over here since he showed great interest in the outside world, ze!  I said that you were an outsider so he wanted to come with me to meet you, ze!  Look at the mess you made, you dirty dirty man!" said Marisa, now flustered, realizing the mess I made.

(Oh yeah, dirty dirty me..)

"Ah did you Rinnosuke? Well whatever you need to know, i will entertain you." I said.

(Oh god that sounded wrong.  I better set it straight.)

"Err...ummm...I mean I will tell you what you want to know in the outside world, yeah that's it" I corrected.

"Excellent!" exclaimed Rinnosuke, who smiled.

Then we went back inside to Marisa's house, ignoring the ditch in the ground i made an hour ago.

(Marisa sure doesn't mind the ditch in the ground in front of her house, I bet Reimu would do the same on her courtyard, looking for lost treasures.)

(Then again...It's Gensokyo...things happen.  If I try to apply common sense, my brain would only hurt.  The world of a drunken man is strange indeed, but I LIKE IT!)

Another long chapter?  What will happen next as Kourin prepares his questions....tune in tomorrow to find out.
I starve like Yuyuko for Reviews!!!!
This chapter has been re-edited.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2010, 07:46:32 PM »
Chapter 9

Ken's POV

We walked into Marisa's home as I dusted off the dust that gathered on my clothes.

(Ugh....I need a shower...)

We all plopped down on the red coach with the thin blue blanket on it.

I sat on the damp side while Marisa sat in the middle and Rinnosuke sat on the other side.

(I'm getting too curious about the wet blanket.)

"Why is the blanket wet?" I whispered in Marisa's ear.

Marisa's cheeks turned into a tinge of red when I asked.

"..ummmm....I'll tell you later." she replied, whispering.

(I'm getting impatient here.....I really want to know why whatever my ass is sitting on is wet.)

Marisa was still blushing heavily while Rinnosuke reached in his little bag with his hand and pulled out something.

(Why are you wearing it like a fanny pack, more importantly right in front of you like some kind of kangeroo?)

He took out a a thin black object with a screen that covered a side, followed by a small button at the button resembling a circle with a square in it, with earbuds wrapped around the thin object.

(He's holding a freaking I-pod touch!  How in the hell did you get your hands on that?)

I started making incomprehensible noises while continuously pointing at the Ipod with my eyes open.  I heard Marisa giggling in the background while Rinnosuke looked confused at me.

"Ken?" He said.

I snapped out of my daze while I cleared my throat, now feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

(Well that was a bad impression..)

"Yes?" I replied.

"Can you clarify to me what this thing does?  Judging from your reaction, this must be a pretty rare item" analyzed Rinnosuke, while smiling.

Marisa raised her eyebrows when Rinnosuke said "rare," taking interest in the object.  "Eh~? Are you saying what you have in your hand is a rare item?"

I rolled my eyes, and silently laughed to myself.

(Don't get any ideas Marisa.  Not as rare as you think.)

"It's actually pretty common in the outside world.  But it's known to be expensive, here, give me the I-pod" I said.

Rinnosuke nodded and handed me the I-pod and the earbuds wrapped around it.  I blew on it since the I-pod was dusty.

"So It's called the I-pod?  Don't break it" He said, paranoid.

(Why would I break something like this?)

(You didn't even bother to clean this?  Then again, if he tried to clean it with water....I prefer dusty.)

I coughed when the dust got up to my face, putting my hand below my neck for composure.

(God, so much dust, will this I-pod even work?)

I switched it on, remembering how to use one from a friend.

(Lucky bastard.  What I could only afford is an I-pod Nano.....)

(But he got this, especially when people in Gensokyo aren't really associated with technology while I only have an I-pod Nano....and it was the first generation.)

I felt saddened until the I-pod turned on, signaling it with a vibration and the screen lighting up.

It soon came to a bunch of icons while I inspected it. Marisa and Rinnosuke, interested, leaning closer to see it.

(Well, I do know it's on full battery, and the person isn't really a fan of apps.)

I pressed on the screen with my index finger on the orange square with a darker image of two eighth notes connected by a bar, in other words, the music icon.

The icon shook momentarily before leading me to a list of songs, surprisingly unorganized.

(Heck it's not even alphabetized, can't this guy at least make a few folders to dump them in?  This is going to be a long list...)

(Hmm, I guess Rinnosuke never did figured out how to turn it on.  Especially since it was on full battery.)

When I looked at them, Marisa and Rinnosuke looked captivated and amazed, gazing at the I-pod.

"Oooo, it's shiny, ze!! What does this button do?" Marisa asked, pointing at the square button.

(Well, aren't you like Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory?)

"That's a button that takes you back where you were.  So if accidentally went somewhere in this I-pod you didn't want to go, just press on this button and it takes you back" I answered.

She nodded, grinning back at me, while Rinnosuke looked at her suspiciously, leering his eyes at her.

"Hey, don't get any ideas!" Rinnosuke said, being cautious.

(Like hell I'm letting her take this away from ME!)

Marisa simply shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, making a chuckle a little bit while I refocused on the I-pod.

(Oh my god)

(This ipod is full of arranges of Touhou music!)

Shocked, I scrolled through the music list with my thumb. Each song had the word "TOUHOU" in the title, classifying it as Touhou music.

(I may be wrong about this guy's sense of organization...or whoever's ipod was this.)

"Hey what does Touhou~ mean, ze?" Marisa asked.

(That could possibly be the most ironic question you could ever ask.)

" is a name a person came up with for a bunch of things" I replied.

(Too much explaining, and I doubt you will believe it.)

(Wow i think I'm becoming Reimu now....)

Disgusted at the realization, I put the earphones in my ears while Marisa became puzzled at my action.

"What are you doing, ze?!" Marisa asked, alarmed.

Rinnosuke remained calm, he seemed to trust what I was doing.

(Perfect!!! Just the song i want to listen to!  And it's not even Touhou related either.)

I scrolled to the one that said "30 Seconds to Mars---Kings and Queens."

Then i pressed on it...

I waited for a few seconds, becoming impatient.

(Hmmm..maybe the guy who had this I-pod used the Firefox dwhelper and converter to get the song.  That's what I do.)

Then the music blared out into my ears as i flinched, grabbing my ears and taking out the earphones.

(How do Goth people listen to really loud music!  Aren't their eardrums just ruptured?)

The I-pod was still on my hand as Marisa quickly tried to grab it with her hand. I grabbed her wrist to prevent her from getting it.

The music was still blaring out while I looked at her.

She looked worried while she relaxed and pulled away her arm, blushing red.

"Ken......I think that thing is dangerous, daze." said Marisa, a scared tone ringing out in her words.

"I agree.  This device seems to be dangerous" agreed Rinnosuke.

(An I-pod? Dangerous? When you have it up that loud Its dangerous!)

I simply shook my head while laughing.

"Don't worry! I used these things before, i just gotta turn it down the volume" I spoke reassuringly.
Marisa only began to look more confused.

(It's hard not to use modern terms with people living in a backwards society.)

I pressed the stop button, a white square.

I turned it down to a more reasonable level by bringing my finger down on a green bar.

Then i put the earphones in my ear and restarted the song by pressing a sideways triangle.

(OMG this is heaven...I haven't heard music in a while!  Even if it's only been a few days.)

I relaxed and enjoyed the music that goes to my ears as they sang "We are the Kings and Queens of our promise".

I was nodding my head up and down as Marisa and Rinnosuke looked at me like I was an idiot.

"What are you doing, ze?" asked Marisa.

(I'm enjoying my music what do you think i am doing?)

"So this thing makes your head go up and down."

I looked at Rinnosuke like he was a dumbass, shaking my head.

(That was the most retarded thing i have ever heard.)

"Ummm...wait give me a second" I stalled.

I backed out as I went back to scrolling fast with my thumb.

Then songs began popping up with the words included saying "Cabal Online."

(Woah, this guy listens to everything.)

I scrolled down until I saw a familiar song.

(Oh Green Despair..Perfect!)

(I wonder if they have listened to music before...ignoring the fact that the Prismriver sisters could be it.)

"Have you guys ever listened to music before?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

"What's Music, ze?" Marisa asked.

"I seemed to have heard of it....but only sometimes" Rinnosuke replied.

I was utterly shocked by their statements.

(I am a man who listens to music everyday....and plays it too!)

(And here i am, sitting next to people who never heard of music before.)

(Gensokyo must be really isolated.  You can't go a day in the outside world without hearing music.  Even the mainstream crap.)

" Take this and put it in your ear" I said.

I handed the right earphone to Marisa, who tried to push it away with her hand.

I clasped my other hand on hers...the I-pod on my legs now.

I looked into her eyes, Marisa looked scared as she began to blush.

"Marisa, Please trust me on this.  There is no one else who's more experienced with things like these than I am" I reassured.

Marisa, smiling, relaxed her arms as I put the earbud in her ear, she was blushing constantly throughout the whole thing.

"..Ok" she squeaked.

Secured the earbud in her ear, i began to play "Green Despair" by pressing the button.


Initially surprised, Marisa held on to me as the acoustic guitar began playing, a slow pace.

(Her eyes were closed...i think she was scared)

My moe Barrier was under fire as I tried to comfort her by rubbing her back up and down with my left hand.

(I swear i am getting close to a nosebleed.)

Then she relaxed again after some time, no longer clutching my arms while laying her head on my shoulder.

I continued to comfort her as the guitar began to have muted strumming in the background.

Rinnosuke got up from the couch and walked to the door, I paused the song, looking up at Rinnosuke.

Marisa looked at me in surprise then looked at Rinnosuke who looked back, smiling.

"So it plays music then....I will let you keep this for a while....don't forget to give it back" He said.

Then he went out and closed the door behind him.

I still sat there looking at the closed door when Marisa nudged me.

I looked at her, she doesn't seem to like the silence when she pointed at the I-pod.

(There isn't anyone who doesn't like music in general.)

"...I didn't say stop it, ze~" said Marisa.

She giggled as she scooted closer to me and laid her head on my lap, blushing pink with a relaxed smile as she put up her legs on the armrest on the other side of the couch.

I replaced the earphone she was wearing into her other ear, and unpaused the song.

I was on the couch laying back relaxed, while Marisa was laying on my lap with her head, thoroughly comforted

I began playing with her hair as she giggled and blushed as i twirled her braid around.

We both looked into each other and smiled as the tempo began to pick up with the introduction of the drums.

(This is getting a bit repetitive..)

I stopped the song because it was starting to get bore me.

Disappointment went across Marisa's face as her mouth turned in the wrong direction. "I didn't say.."

I hushed her with my finger lightly pressing on her lips, interrupting her.

"Take it easy....There is a better music in here" I said, unnerved by the word "music."

Marisa smiled while I lifted my finger off her lips, Marisa blushing lightly.

(Using the word music sounded weird, but she doesn't know what song meant.  I am pretty sure she knows what "Take it easy" means.)

I scrolled through the list past the Cabal Online section until I came across the song called "Hanging by a Moment -Lifehouse EDITED."

(No matter, i found the right song.  Even though It's a really old song, it's a classic, fell in love with it when I was a kid.)

(Wow, Rinnosuke made this really convenient for us.)

I secretly thanked him, smiling, while adjusting the volume to a quiet level.


I played the song and put the I-pod into my pocket, having locked it with a switch at the top.

I went back to playing her hair, twirling around the braid on the left side of her face as the guitar began playing.

I didn't notice I had my other hand on her chest until now.

She put her hand on it as i glanced over to see her hand slowly go under my hand and trying to grasp it.

I slowly grasped her hand and held it lightly, Marisa shook off her hat onto the floor to join the trunk.

(How come I didn't die of Moe yet?)

(Marisa on my Moe Barrier must be really good today.)

(Maybe it was just too much for Moe it

(They say that Nosebleeding is your heart sweating, what do they call this?)

(This seems to be a bit rushed though..a motive..but that doesn't matter.)

Marisa began to sit up as she got her head close to mine, sitting on my lap, as both of us blushed as we held hands together.

Our foreheads touched, Marisa's smile got bigger, her fingers began to interlace with mine.

Her blonde hair and my black hair mixed as her braid lay hanging unattended.

(Still, that annoying question keeps popping up in my head.)

"So, why was your blanket wet?" I asked, whispering.

Marisa's face was flustered, averting her eyes.

"Because.....when you were injured, I cried all night for you, hoping you would get well, ze." She whispered.

(Still, wasn't that like a few days ago?)

(But....I can't say that to her right now..)

"I kept it wet, so I could remember when you were injured and I had to...kiss you, ze~" Marisa continued.

"hehe, you say Ze~ in a cute way." I said.

Marisa giggled and looked back into my eyes.

I felt warmth come to my cheeks while Marisa's cheeks toned down to pink.

"What do you mean? should i stop?" she asked with a worried tone.

(That's a big fat NO!!!)

"I didn't say I didn't like it" I said, smiling. "I wouldn't have called it cute if i didn't like it now would I, Marisa Kirisame?"

Marisa smiled at me while giggling a little bit.

"Well thank, Ken" she said.

I looked back down to see something extending out of my pants, then it went back down slowly, worrying me for a bit.

(I'm not sure if she knows what wood is, but I do know she probably wouldn't like it growing at this time.)


I looked back into her golden eyes, as her words broke the silence.

"Ken..I...I...I...I a lot.." stuttered Marisa. "I...Never...f-felt..this..way"

(She's stuttering...does this mean.....and who?!)

I looked up to see her face, curious.

There were streams of tears from her eyes to her chin....her cheeks puffy and red.

(She's looking me as though she had been alone for many years..)

"Ken....N..No one has ever been sorry if I hadn't been nice to you the past days."

(If you hadn't been nice? You were, other than you almost killing me and making me get my own food...)

"I...I..wanted someone who could understand me....I.I wanted you...I hope understand...right Ken?"

Her sweet tone drove me crazy, i can barely control myself...

"But what about Reimu? I..Isn't she your best friend?" I asked, confused.

"But she scolds me all the time!! She never understands why I...borrow.." she said, a tone of regret found in her voice.

"And that lady who lives next to me......she's so....cold...she likes her dolls more than me..."

"...N..N.Nobody likes...M...M.M.."

( you were able to stay so cheerful before..)

She began breaking up.....her tears began to pour out at a more faster rate.


Marisa looked down and began to lay her head weeping on my chest, making little gasps of breaths in between crying.

I put my arm just below her shoulders, hugging her.

"Marisa.." I said.

Forgetting all I'm lacking

Marisa began to look up to me, saddened.

I wiped off her tears with my thumb, she began to smile as she lightly clasped my wrist.

I put my other hand through her long hair, letting go of her hand.

"Marisa......I do...I like you too."

Completely incomplete

Marisa began to trace her hands up my back, sensually arousing me as one of her arms now reached around my neck.

We both looked in our eyes deeply, a beautiful gold iris meeting my dark brown eyes.

I began to hold her even closer.

"Ken.." squeaked Marisa.

I'll take your invitation

She slowly closed her eyes, and her lips parted, as she leaned closer.

You take all of me now

I smiled then leaned closer as well...and kissed her deeply, as the chorus kicked in.

Marisa's hands now crawled down to my shoulders as I did the same with her hair.  One of my hands ventured down to her shoulder, brushing my rough skin against her clothes.

We hugged closer and tighter, as our lips were pressing together, while my tongue probed inside, lashing against hers.

I could feel her heart beating really fast too.

When we finally pulled ourselves out of the torrid yet entangling kiss, one of Marisa's hands went into my hair as I smiled.

"" breathed Marisa. ""

I nodded, when she quickly leaned and pressed my lips to mine.  It was more gentle, passionate, yet more tantalizing.  The stroke of her lips on mine was really light, excruciatingly robbing me of the cocktail of sensations earlier, making me yearn for more. 

I grabbed her tightly and pulled her in for a deep kiss, while she touched my face with her hand.

I felt her tears on my cheeks.

But I can't help feeling an uncomfortable feeling.

I'm desperate for changing
I'm starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started
I'm chasing after you

Unknown POV

"Fufufu, that Ken really gets around" I said.
I watched as i saw Ken continue to kiss Marisa deeply from top down ...through a little gap enough for two eyes to see through.

(He seemed to be the only one who could touch her clumsy heart...especially after that incident...even if she heard the wrong side of the story.)

"Ken, we shall meet soon...and when we do...i hope you thank me for opening the boundaries of your speed and soon....danmaku prowess." I said.  "If you don't mind the enervation soon."

I smiled and cackled as i began to think up a series test his skills.

(I may start with a red fog, then enervation will result.)

"Mistress, your hot pocket is ready!!" yelled Ran's voice.

"EXCELLENT!" I yelled.

I open a gap below me while closing the other gaps, landing directly in front of Ran on my feet and a plate of four cheese hot pockets.

"Me no want to watch Marisa and Ken, Me want Hot Pockets!"


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2010, 07:47:01 PM »
Chapter 10

Ken's POV
I laid on the couch, lightly tapping the armrest with my foot, with one earbud in my ear even though the song has ended already.

Marisa left after we made out for probably 3 hours, losing track of time as it was night already.  The moon was not up though.

I began to sit up, going to go sleep on Marisa's bed.

While we made out, I decided it would be nice to go to bed.  Marisa said that she wanted to change first before she called it a night.

I stood up on the floor, and stretched my arms and legs, feeling the bones crack.

I made my way up the stairs while contemplating Marisa's words.

(....Hadn't been nice to me...)

I opened the door to Marisa's room where i hovered over the junk to get to the bed easily.

(This would be really useful for really obese people.)

The room was almost in complete darkness, I could easily be mistaken for a possessed person hovering over stuff.

Then I went ahead and laid myself on the bed without putting any covers on, laying my head on the pillow and laying on the bloody sheets.

(Making out can really make you sweat, jeez.)

(Now that I covered flying, what can I do about danmaku now?)

(I can escape any youkai with my speed, but most of them are probably too persistent to just piss off, they might try to kill me in my sleep, if they catch me.)

(So i will have to learn Danmaku and probably make up some spell cards.)

(I remember making up a certain danmaku bullet in a topic in a website called ToujinStyle)

(Maybe if i work hard enough, i can use those bullets to crush anyone in my way.)

My eyebrows lifted at that statement.

(Wow, maybe this flying thing is making me a little more than just confident.)


I was deep in thought when suddenly the door banged open, interrupting me suddenly.
I turned my head to see Marisa, in a simple white dress with light blue trimming at the bottom just about two inches above the knees, showing her curvy body outline, and also another fact.

(She's kinda flat.)

I chuckled as Marisa made her way through the junk, smiling.

I scooted to the other side of the bed, facing the wall that the bed is next to...

She lied down and began to adjust to sleep.

I did the same, laying on my left side facing the wall.

"Good night Ken."

"Good night Marisa."

1 hour later...

(Why is it i can't sleep right now!!)

It was night now as the moon shone outside, leaving four squares seeable in a blue-ish color on the junk and a jagged edged square on the other side.

I laid there all night, attempted every technique that could help me fall asleep.

I tried Wiggling your toes, didn't work and also gave me a Charley Horse.

Counting sheep made me even more awake.

Imagining a peaceful setting like a lake or a forest didn't help either.

Doing a ChenXOrin imagination in my head did not make me go faint to sleep, as it did before.

(That's weird....usually it works if I imagine a yuri couple have sex, making me go Moe and fall asleep, at the cost of cleaning the bedsheets in the morning.)

(Hmmmmmm.....What do I do?)

Then two arms began to wrap around me, making me twitch in surprise.

I became alarmed, then I realized Marisa was sleeping next to me.

(Oh yeah, That's right....)

Then Marisa's arms interlocked as she put her head next to my head very closely.

"Mmmmm...........mush~room, ze~" uttered Marisa.

(What? mushrooms?  Is that all you think about?)

Then i felt something wet on my back, as it dripped down my skin, giving me goosebumps.

(...What are you doing?)

I turned over as slowly and carefully as possible, trying not to awaken Marisa.

(What the.......she's drooling..Mushrooms don't make people drool at all, in fact, they are supposed to make you vomit.)

Saliva drooled out of her mouth as she began to make a wet spot on the sheets.

(Could that explain the wet blanket.....wait Marisa said they were his tears.)

(Marisa, you're sick.)

She was blushing a little bit pink when I immediately thought that.

"Oh look! I got your Precious thing! What will you do now that I took your mushroom?" uttered Marisa.

(And they say I look ridiculous when I talk in my sleep.)

After taking one good look at her face, a very odd drunken face, I began trying to count backwards to help me sleep.

(Either way, hopefully none of this...saliva won't reach me....I did not expect Marisa to be this disgusting!)

After reaching number 54, I fell asleep.

(Where am I?)

I was suddenly in a forest, seeing nothing but trees and a clearing in front of me.

(Gahhh..nothing to be seen but trees!  What if I walk through this clearing.)
I merely walked through the clearing until...


I think someone is biting on my shoulder, as I felt a little sharp pain on my right.

I glanced over my back to see who bit me.

And it happened to be none other than Remilla Scarlet, who was wearing a pink mop hat and a pink blouse.  She was very short as she was off the ground clinging onto my shoulder with her teeth.

She held on with her teeth, while giving a very big red eyed with tears dropping out face.

"TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!" she demanded.

I barely understood her as she mumbled incoherently, even if it was very loud.

(If there's something I want right now, I want this loli off of me before I get vampire Rabies.)

"Get off my back" I said, emotionless.

(That sounded really harsh.)

"NUUUU~" she yelled.

Then she glared at me with another baby-ish look, able to make even a jaded person say "Aw~," while kicking my back with her feet, making her look like a baby with LITTLE charisma.

(Surprisingly I didn't fall due to Moe because i am usually one of the weakest...)

(I barely survived 2 Girls 1 Cup after all....disgusting)

I sighed, exasperated, and shook my head.

(Guess I gotta deal with this, I don't want to know what happens If I tried to pick her up off my shoulder.)

I continued to walk through the forest awkwardly with Remilla just hanging on my shoulder with her teeth.

Then she began to lick me with her tongue, making me shiver, even though I didn't feel any blood dripping out.


I stopped walking and looked over my shoulder again as Remilia turned her eyes to me.

"You're TASTY!" Remilia remarked.

(I'm not even B type!!!! Did Remilia turn into someone else?!  Because there is an extreme lack of charisma!)

(She's the not the Remilia with loads of Charisma!  She's the one Touhou fans would love to rape, like that Kawaii Bunny girl on Toujinstyle.)

I sighed and continued to walk through the forest, beginning to see a developed path below me.

(If this must be the way out, then thank god for not seeing countless numbers of trees, and maybe even this girl will get off my shoulder...NOT)

(What am I wearing?)

I looked at myself as I wasn't wearing a shirt at all but I was wearing basketball shorts with flower patterns, like I just came back from a swimming pool all dried up.  I was barefoot again.

(So far, this is a weird....lucid dream....I'm even lucky to have Touhou characters in it!!)

(Heck, lucid dreams seem to only happen in Gensokyo.)

I finally got out of the forest as the mowed grass slowly turned into a developed path complete with cobblestone.

I looked down and passed the time by observing the patterns the cobblestone path made.

Then after a few minutes, I looked up and saw the Scarlet Devil Mansion, when a certain someone stopped kicking me.

I was awed at its western architecture, seemingly very small for a Mansion.

(Then again, someone in this Mansion loves to play with time and space.)

Then i saw a person with gray hair wearing a maids outfit, with an uncomfortable smile.

(What do you know? It's Sakuya....who looks like she's out to rape Remilia.)

"Ojou-Sama!" she yelled in surprise as she looked straight past me.

(Wait a second, that was the first time I actually heard Japanese in this land.)

(Isn't Gensokyo supposed to be in Japan?)

(.......Or so I thought.)

I shook my head, as I felt the pressure on my shoulder loosen.

(Oh thank goodness..)

Sakuya seems to have two bat wings on her head and wings behind her chest.

(That resembles someone very familiar...unless Sakuya happens to be drinking a lot of Red Bull.)

Remilia let go of my shoulder, shoved and pushed me aside, and began to run towards Sakuya with her arms outstretched in the air.

(That's something you would only see in a movie....or a SLAPSTICK COMEDY)

I noticed a banana peel on the path as Remilia fell on her back with a loud thud. Someone came out from behind Sakuya with the four bat wings.

(Cliche, very Cliche.  Who's that?)


I recognized her by the long orange hair she had with the bat wings on her head and back along with a black dress that had white sleeves.

Remilla just sat up and stayed in that position, I walked over to her side to see her welling up.


I noticed tears from Remilia eyes as they fell on the path.


"WAH~" Remilia bawled while banging the path with her fists.

Sakuya just continued to stand there nosebleeding while staring at her master, seemingly taking delight.

(CHARISMA BREAK!  I always wanted to see that happen.  Sakuya is taking too far though.)

Then Koakuma got in front of Sakuya and licked her lips while she moved her hands down Sakuya, as though...

(What the fuck? Is she doing what i think she's doing?)

Koakuma seemed to have put her hands inside Sakuya's clothes as she begins to feel her up.

(Hmmm...I never imagined a KoaXSakuya yet.  Even if Koakuma was doing this right in front of me and the fact she's enjoying it.)

Sakuya seemed to take pleasure to this as well by moaning.  She licked her lips as well while she leaned her head closer to Koakuma.

(Oh here we go...oh hey look, there's wood.)

"Pads?" Koakuma said, in surprise.

(That did it....even If I did not predict that....and it went down.)

Sakuya immediately backed off from Koakuma as she degenerated into a very ANGRY state of madness.

"ZA WARUDO~!" She screamed.

(i don't think I need to mention the link in between this.)

She put a time suspension field that looks like a faded clock around her hands out of her dress, and threw knives around her, that stayed in the air.

From what i counted after about 5 minutes, they seem to be exactly 300 knives, each glistening in the sunlight.

(Note to self: Don't say pads in front of her.)

(Another note: Internet memes happen to be true in Gensokyo....even in dreams.)

Then Sakuya snapped her fingers, stopping the time suspension field as the clock disappeared.

"EEK~!" Koakuma screamed.

Koakuma lied on the ground bleeding everywhere with knives on her body, making it look like some ripoff of acupuncture.  No knife didn't puncture Koakuma's eyes as she cringed in pain.

"Uuu..THIS IS MADNESS~!" Koakuma screamed, popping her eyes open, her irises contract shorter.

Sakuya looked at Koakuma with an evil smirk.

(Oh god, look what you have done to her!  And you ain't done yet! OVERKILL!)

Then all of a sudden, Flandre appeared in a flash with her prism wings just east of Sakuya a few feet away.

Sakuya went from angry to startled in a second, immediately bowing to her, taken by surprise.

Flandre walked over to Koakuma(Still on the floor), took out one of Sakuya's knives from her head, and dropped it on her head.

(So much for someone who likes to break toys..)


(Bleh? That's it?)

Koakuma and the knives then flew up in the air, spun around a few times, and soon slowly disappearing to the sun.

(Wait a second? Aren't Remilia and Flandre vampires?)

(This is definitely a weird dream.  They are in direct sunlight!)

"Madness?" Flandre spoke, grabbing my attention to look at her.

Flandre turned to look back at me with a huge deathly toothy grin.

(Geez, that's scary!)

I immediately felt uneasy, as Flandre threateningly stomped towards me.

"THIS...IS....SCARLET~!" She yelled.

Thunder sounded in a distance just as Flandre said that, as she cackled.

(Umm...there's not even any clouds nearby..but)

I had my mouth, trying to not laugh right in front of her.

(What a blatant ripoff of that spartan thing!)

(That doesn't even make sense...then again nothing ever makes sense in..)

I was interrupted in my train of thought when Flandre suddenly kicked me down to the ground.

Then she pounced at me about to land, her arms outstretched with long fingernails sharpened.

(OH Shoot!!!)

"NOW PLAY WITH ME~!" She screamed.

(I do not like the way you say PLAY!)

Then she transformed into a Reimu Yukkuri, a disembodied head of Reimu with her eyes narrow and way up in the forehead with her mouth.



Thunder crackled in the distance, as everything disappeared in black darkness around me.

"Ooo~!" I continued yelling loudly.

I immediately sat up on the bed screaming, waving my arms in the air for no reason.

It was morning as the light streaks in to light up Marisa's room with a few rays, seeing little dust particles fly up in the light.

(Oh my god that was a terrible dream.)

I cracked my neck, hearing a large crack, and a feeling of easiness.

My shoulder felt wet and in pain, a sharp pain raising my eyes, making the morning not as groggy, feeling alerted.

(Why is it wet and painful?)

I looked to my right shoulder and saw a purplish bite mark, with saliva in it.

(A lovebite?? but who could..)

I immediately looked at Marisa, who had her eyes scrunched.

(Doesn't a magician's bite cause very weird dreams?)

She seems to have awaken, as she adjusted herself with her arms outstretched.

I immediately began to feel cold sweat on my head, realizing what I done from screaming.

(Oh great...I woke her up...but she bit me so....haha PAYBACK!)

Marisa yawns loudly with her mouth wide open while her eyes begin to open up.

"Ken...What's wrong...your hair looks funny.." said Marisa, while rubbing her eyes.

(Don't you get bedhead too?)

"I know....I usually get it when i wake up."

Marisa giggles and hugged me with her arms outstretched, making me lay down again with her.

"Please.....don't leave" Marisa stuttered.

I looked at Marisa with a befuddled look.

(What? She doesn't have bedhair.....and why was her part of the hair still braided?)

(Wait why would i care about that at a time like this....Who is she talking about?...unless she's a valley girl.)

Then Marisa lets go, as I sat up again.

"Ken....I had a terrible dream where this lady with the dolls killed you and left me here to...cry, I was getting mushrooms when I heard noises in my home.  You were laying there on the ground lifeless with lances sticking out of your body as some dolls kept stabbing at you.  I was too stunned to react, she....that lady..just left, I'm glad you're alive!" said Marisa.

The imagination of Alice killing me was just too impossible, i almost laughed but i kept quiet, in order not to upset Marisa.

She hugged me again while sitting up and began to cry.

"Don't leave someone in my life who...did" cried Marisa.

(I am really getting confused about WHO this person is.)

She pressed her face into my chest as i hugged her back with my arms around her.

"Don't worry...I'll be here" I said, comforting Marisa.

" are so warm like a mushroom.  I just want to eat you up" said Marisa, instantly cheered up.

(How suggestively bipolar can you get?)

"Thanks?" I said, a hint of sarcasm detected in my tone.

Then Marisa seemed to brush her hand on my chest all morning long to my chest while continuing to hug me.

(Oh that's right....i need her to teach me how to do danmaku..I'm getting tired of just sitting here anyway.)

"Hey Marisa?" I asked.

Marisa looked up to me with a smile, her eyes red.

"Do you can....teach me danmaku?" I popped.

Marisa smiled and giggled as she let go and eagerly gets off the bed, leaving the bed in somewhat of a mess though.

"Of course, ze~! I will meet you outside!" said Marisa.

Marisa quickly maneuvers through the junk and opens the door, then she turns back, and nodded.

I smiled and waved back...

(Jeez how bipolar can you get?)

Marisa blushed while smiling and went downstairs, her steps being audible on the stairs.

I sighed while i got off the bed, feeling a lack of energy.

I looked at the Tsurugi....still in the same place I left it among other junk, slightly leaning against the bed now.

(I have a feeling i am going to need this....)

(I don't want to hurt Marisa....But i am going to need something to protect myself with....)



I quickly grabbed the Tsurugi and mounted it on my shirt supported by the neck, still in its holster.

I quickly hovered over the junk and went downstairs....

"Coming~!" I replied.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2010, 07:47:28 PM »
Chapter 11

Ken's POV

I quickly ran downstairs while the Tsurugi clanged and slid against the wall on my right.  Downstairs, I saw that the door was wide open.

Quickly I flew out of the house with speed, almost hitting a tree while rushing, managing to get enough motor control to stop myself just five feet before the tree.

I began sliding on the ground due to inertia, struggling to control my speed.

After I stopped, I looked around for any sign of Marisa, nowhere in sight.

(Where is she?! If she wanted me out here so quickly in the first place, she should have been here.)

"Ken! Over here~!"

I made a 360 leaping slightly in the air, hearing Marisa behind me, she was leaning against the white wall of her house with her hat tilted forward, and a toothpick in her mouth, curving upwards.

(No...It just doesn't work for Marisa.  Nobody likes a country witch!)

"Oh there~ you are!  That would have been useful five seconds ago" I remarked.

(Maybe i shouldn't have rushed with such speed then, wouldn't she have noticed though?)

Marisa stood up from leaning on her house, spat out the stick straight into the ground, tilted her hat up, and smiled mischievously.

"What a big entrance you made earlier! You are going to get yourself killed if you do that in a danmaku battle, ze~!" said Marisa.


"Yeah my mistake.  Wait a second you threatened to spark me if i don't get down here quick enough.  You made me go through such a rush in the first place!" I claimed.

(And It's all your fault!  Take THAT logic!)

"You could have just jumped through the broken window!" replied Marisa, shaking her head.

I looked up to see one of the windows in Marisa's home broken, then looked down on the ground to see the Holy Grail, rendering me speechless.

(Oh yeah, i forgot about that.)

"Enough talk! Ready to learn, daze?" impatiently said Marisa, tapping the ground with her right foot repeatedly.

Marisa began to grin evilly, giving me shivers down my spine.

"Uhhmmmm,Yeah I am Ready?" I said, making a small gulp.

(She doesn't look very comforting with that smile.)

Marisa braced herself by spreading her legs apart to shoulder length. With a wave of her arm, she let out a fast single circular bullet.

(Ok I can do this, I will learn how to use Danmaku..and make spell cards.  I should probably first know what a bullet feels like.)

I stood there, prepared to take the bullet head on, about to hit my shoulder.

(Time to feel what the bullet feels like.  Note to self: Use pain as cue for motivation and alertness.)

As soon as the bullet made contact with my skin, it dissipated, leaving a small burn mark and a burning feeling for a few seconds.

(Damn that hurts, hurts even more when alcohol was poured on a small wound I had before.
I looked at Marisa who looked bewildered, while narrowing her eyes at me.

"What are you doing?  Are you supposed to be moving?" Marisa asked.

"Feeling what danmaku feels like. Now this time i am dodging, I just needed to know what it felt like" I answered.

Marisa shrugged her shoulders, giving off a smile before, with a wave of her arm, let out the same bullet towards my shoulder.

I quickly dodged to my right as Marisa made another bullet to my current position now.

Then i went to the left, Marisa threw another bullet there, while shaking her head.

(Am I doing something wrong?  I'm pretty sure I'm dodging the bullets.)

As I alternated directions in my dodging, Marisa did the same with her bullets, beginning to tire me out.

I quickly hyperventilated, stopping to put my hands on my knees, letting a bullets graze by my face dangerously when I leaned forward.

Marisa stood there angry and disapproving, while crossing her arms.

"What are you doing?  You are supposed to GRAZE, not waste your energy like that.  Use very little movement as possible to CONSERVE!" Marisa said, irritated.

(I'm sorry! I never was good at super-grazing in the games!)

"Ok Gotcha!  This time it will be different.

Marisa's POV

(Jeez, He's so stubborn, for someone I love.)

(Now hopefully he gets this right!  Mima would have him be whipped for that!)

I waved my hand while focusing on a blue ball in my head, making a bullet come out from thin air, propelling towards Ken at a fast pace.

Ken stood there and moved his head to his left while the bullet grazed his hair.  Ken's eyes cringed for a moment when the bullet passed by.

"Like this?" said Ken.

I gave him a thumbs up, before saying, "Just don't close your eyes when it comes, there's gonna be a whole lot more than just one bullet.

Ken nodded while I waved my hand sideways, making a wave of three-way bullets as they spread outwards.

(This is a simple pattern, all Ken has to do is dodge the bullet that's coming towards him.)

He simply shifted to his right as the bullets passed him.

(And he did it perfectly, time for something harder.)

I snapped my fingers, making a red homing bullet and a wave of 20 blue bullets in random directions but mainly going forward.

Ken opened his eyes wide as he struggled,backing up and managed to maneuver through the random bullets but got hit by the homing one on his elbow.

"Ow~! That's insane!" Ken complained.

"This is why Danmaku battles are fought in the air, ze~!  Plus, if you go up against another person, he won't be as forgiving as me and unleash, maybe 30-50 bullets at a faster pace" I said.

"Well then let's go up. I'll try to focus, but don't go easy on me!" Ken pleaded.

(That's the first time I heard somebody accepting the harsh bullets.  Ken is a bit weird.)

We both flew up into the air while I let out a series of multicolored stars spinning around me as the density increased around me, before I let them out.

In every direction they flew, It was a pattern as the first wave went slightly right, the second and third waves slightly left,
and the last wave slightly right and all were very close to each other as the bullets weaved through each other.

(If Ken could just read the pattern, and just move forward when the opportunity presents himself, he could make it!  Then that's when I can really play!)

Ken hovered in the air for a bit, observing the stars then moved forward, successfully grazing the bullets.

I smiled while Ken readied himself in case of another attack from me, staring at me attentively.

(You don't have to stare at me to dodge!  Wait you aren't that good yet!)

"Don't forget Ken, think about your spell cards. There is no limit of spell cards you can have in a Danmaku battle.

Ken grinned evilly, glancing up with his hand on his chin.

(Ooo~! Looks like I got him started!)

"Now it is your turn to use danmaku, its just like flying...imagine the bullet you want to shoot, and then will it to go forward.  IT'S NATURAL~!"  I yelled.

"That's it?  Just that?" replied Ken.

I nodded my head.

(I hope he doesn't try to pull off something stupid.  Unless he's trying to be flashy, then that's ok!)

Ken's POV

(Let's start simple, I hope this doesn't backfire on me the first time like flying did.)

Digesting Marisa's words in my head one more time, I imagined a small blue ball that's white with blue slightly jagged edges, like a fuzz ball.

I extended my hand out in front of me, a blue ball appeared in front of my hand.

"Shoot!" I yelled.

Then i willed it to go forward with my head.

The ball moved really slow, making Marisa cracking up as she bent her back backwards to dodge it in a playful manner.

(Wow, it didn't backfire on me! It humiliated me.)

A feeling of shame passed through me while I looked down on the ground, feeling my energy be sapped.)

(Then again, this is my first time.)

I immediately gotten enthusiastic, with my vigor rising.

"Make it faster~!  I can even drink sake and dodge this~!" sassed Marisa.

(You can count on that! I got a present for ya!)

I smiled as I imagined 3 large white edged balls that swells to black in the middle able to create homing bullets in its trail.

[A/N:The large white edged balls swelling to black in the middle will be known as Globe bullets.]

(Heh...just like Psi.  Just without the complicated instruction about constructs.)

I did the same motion..and popped up the three balls that I had in my head.

(Now this time, I should seriously make it go faster and make bullets on its own.)

They stood in place in front of me, ready for orders.

"Forward~!" I said.

They moved quickly while Marisa simply floated to her right in between the two globe bullets, grinning while holding a peace sign with her right hand in front of her head.

(That would have been perfect especially if a certain reporter swooped in and took a picture.)

"Good....but..can you really.....uh oh~!"

I grinned when she finally saw the three rows of small balls i made, and she was in between them.

(I didn't think she be fooled that easily.)

I snapped my fingers as they began to home onto her, a sense of doubt passing through me.

She quickly moved up through the rows before they begin to activate from bottom to top, sweat began to run on her forehead.

They started to home in on her from behind.

"hahahahaha..OW~!" I gloated, before exclaiming pain.

Marisa had quickly charged towards me and hit me overhead with her broom, before backflipping in the air high enough to dodge the bullets coming at her from behind.

The homing bullets lost their target as they continued to move forward at me!

I quickly raised my hands and brought them to my head in fear, making them disappear luckily.

(She's so clever she can do flashy moves and use them to make my bullets come at myself.)

Marisa went up close to me as she began to hit me with her broom overhead.

(Oh no you don't!)

I quickly moved backwards, dodging the overhead strike.

(Time to use this sword i have for good use.)

I unsheathed the Tsurugi partly from its holster, stepping forward, I then tried to slice her from the sheath in typical samurai style.

She parried it with her bamboo broom before jumping backwards.

(What the hell!! Melee combat?!)

"Hey~! I thought it was just danmaku.  There's melee now?!" I said, confused.

(If it is allowed, then i get to rip her another one!)

"You can get in close combat if you wanted to~! There's nothing here to stop you from doing anything!" lectured Marisa.

(Hmm, that's true.)

"The spell card rules all simply say it restricts your ability to kill with even the most lethal danmaku and melee.  So you can't kill me by cleaving me with that piece of junk.  But that doesn't mean it can't cause cuts that bleed.  So it's possible to FAINT in the middle of battle" Marisa continued, putting emphasis on the word FAINT.

(Piece of junk my ass~!)

(I almost sliced Marisa with my Tsurugi, but then it can't kill in a battle like in Gensokyo.)

"EVERY HIT YOU TAKE and MAKE ALSO SAPS YOUR ENERGY~!  Remember that!" Marisa said, sharply.

(So basically, It's more like the fighting games i played.)

Marisa began to thrust her Broom forward at hip level, half a second later, it made a large bright star at a quickened pace.

"Radial Strike!" yelled Marisa.

(I wonder if this will work.)

I braced myself, while twisting my body to my left, with my hand tightly gripped on the sword.

(Surprisingly, this sword is pretty light.)

When the bullet came close, I twisted my body in the other direction, trying to slice the bullet with momentum.

Surprisingly, it worked, making it disappear, but it pushed back the sword heavily, making me cringe.

(Ok, so it's not as stable as I thought.)

"Cutting bullets?" said Marisa. " I tried that with my broom, but grazing just takes less energy by alot, ze~!"

(Yeah thanks for the late advice.)

Marisa braced herself as she began to thrust her broom forward again, making me roll my eyes.

"Radial Strike~!"

Then with a wave of her free hand, a dense concentration of large stars appeared around her and started to fly in every direction, along with another dense concentration that did the same thing but have smaller stars.

"Magic Sign MILKY WAY~!" declared Marisa with a bored voice.

I braced myself with my legs spread out then I dodged the Radial Strike matrix style.

Marisa clapped on while the dense concentrations kept firing.

"Ooo~! Neat dodge! But it's needs more flashiness~!" judged Marisa.

(How could it get more flashier than that?)

I quickly leaned back up, feeling a slight pain on my spine, and quickly saw an opening straight to Marisa.

Then I concentrated, waiting for another opportunity as the stars grazed me with every little movement i make.

Then there was another opening, making me grin.


I flew at probably Mach 2 that was enough to make a sonic boom that blew the stars off their course as i extended my leg for a kick.

(Hmmm...this really does feel like Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.)

I nodded as I dangerously closed in towards Marisa as she was preparing for another Radial Strike.

(That half-second is a little too late!)

I managed to connect my foot with the end of her broom, kicking it off and jerking her hand in a random direction.

(Oh yeah I am the....ouch!)

Her hand was influenced by it so much that it affected Marisa's body as she spun around quickly and..

Marisa backhanded me in the face really hard, making her giggle.

(This speed is really dangerous and risky to use...That better not happen again.)

Marisa continued as there is now a red spot on my right cheek.

I kept up a stern face as I imagined my next attack.

(Let's do a surprise attack....Seeker style.  Something that she wouldn't expect!)

(What the....)

Marisa reached in her hat with her hand with a dangerous grin, which could only mean...

(Oh crap.  I knew she was going to throw in the lesson!)

I backed away quickly as I prepared to graze for the inevitable.

Marisa gotten out her signature Hakkero, only used by Marisa for one thing.

"Love Sign! Mas~ter Spark~!" declared Marisa, her Hakkero pointed at me.

A sigil appeared under her feet as her hat began to raise up on its own.

Then a white beam with ring insignias emanating from the Hakkero rushed to meet me in immense size.

I quickly moved to my right until it looked like it was good enough distance from the spark.

(Haha Take tha-uh what!?)

Marisa began to move her spark towards me, making me circle her while she moved her spark.

I flew past my original spot twice while something began to materialize in my hand.

Instinctively, i know what it was and held up it in the sky on a safe distance from Marisa's spark.

"Seeker Sign! AMBUSH~!" I declared, feeling energy swell up in my back.

the card dissipated as four Globe bullets appeared behind me in flanking formation and then lunged towards Marisa.

"Is that it?" Marisa jeered.

Marisa simply moved her spark as she destroyed the two on her right, and cocked her head to her right to dodge the ones on her left..
"Hahaha..I just annihilated and dodged your homing bullets." Marisa said, while laughing at my expense.

(So Straightforward of yourself Marisa, did you realize this?)

I snapped my fingers as the two remaining bullets became white shining disks that changed direction and quickly sped towards Marisa from behind.

Marisa didn't notice over the sound of her own Master Spark when she got hit by the two disks.

"Urk!" grunted Marisa, as the bullets pushed her forward.

The disks canceled Marisa's spell, Marisa clutched her Hakkero as the Master Spark slowly turned smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

She put a hand on her back, panting heavily.
"You interrupted my love spell~! That wasn't fair! Enough learned enough!" said Marisa, discontempt.

Marisa withdrew her hand from her back, grinning at me.

"hehe, you even already have a spell card!" remarked Marisa.  "I knew the mushrooms I put in that one bowl sparked your creative process."

(Woah, Are you saying I'm on a beneficial high?  Like Absinthe?)

I looked at my hand and looked at the design of my card, that reappeared before my eyes.  The design was a person about to get hit from behind with a white disk.

(Seeker Sign Ambush?  Looks like my idea was powerful enough for it to be a spell card.  It does feel like it will eventually become useless though.  Nah, I'll keep it until people notice.)

Marisa giggled while flying down to my level and looked at my spell card.

"You could really surprise someone with this, ze!! I wonder what Reimu will think!" said Marisa.

(Oh that bitch will probably see it coming with her HAX signs and her super armpits of doom.)

"How many spell cards do you have since there's no limit to what we have?" I asked, curious.

Marisa reached in her blouse and pulled out a huge deck of cards.

(Holy Shitsicles!)

"That's a lot" I said, averting my eyes towards the cards.

"Well there's some of them I don't have to declare like Bosky Sweeper and Radial Strike, others like Meteoric Shower i have to declare.

(This danmaku system I am going through is definitely like Scarlet Weather Rhapsody but without all those system cards and weather stuff crap.  Those were useless anyway.  Hold up, why did she declare Radial Strike then?)

"Then how come you declared Radial Strike?" I asked, curious at this controversy.

"I wanted to give you a heads up. You're still a beginner, but you aren't at that elementary kid level anymore" Marisa answered

(Stupid meme....)

I felt another card in my shorts pocket, I took it out and looked at the image where a person seemed to be in the air kicking.

(Mach sign Sonic Kick?  Oh that was the one i knocked out the broom with, the one that made Marisa backhand me.)

Marisa looked at my other card, with great discontempt.

"I don't like that one, it takes out half of my attacks. I use my broom a lot, ze~!" remarked Marisa.

(Well that's good for me then...)

Marisa went through some cards in her deck until she found a certain card.

(Her signature move.)

"This comes so handy because i don't have to declare it! And I can wreak havoc quickly too with long range, daze~! said Marisa. "That! and i don't have to go easy on you no more, ze~!"

(Um...wait.  Did she just say long range?)

(What if she was aiming down at me with her Master Spark...what did she hit?)

"MARISA~!" A scream echoed.

I turned around to the direction of the distinct yet familiar voice, recognizing it as Reimu's.

I looked at the "havoc" Marisa caused and see it made a huge mark on the courtyard.

(Oh Shat!)

Marisa shrunk in colour, twitching her eyes. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it towards the Hakurei Shrine, Marisa blushes before she looks at me questionably.

"I don't wanna die~!" said Marisa, timid of Reimu's possible punishment.

(I would be scared too of that miko, but this is the only way.)

"Let's go apologize to her, you can erase your mark by helping Reimu. And i can tell she misses you a lot" I explained, a hint of sarcasm in the last part.

"...Fine..." Marisa answered.

(Gensokyo is crazy.)


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2010, 12:35:50 AM »
I just read all of this, and honestly, I am loving this! :*

If anything, you may need to work on your grammer, and even then, not much work is needed. "wreak havoc quickly too with long range" being one case of that. with should instead be at. Grammer aside, this is very good, please write more :)

Gensokyo isn't crazy, it's crazy awesome :D


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2010, 03:54:31 AM »
Thank you.  When I was writing this in February, I really didn't give two shits about grammar.  Now I plan on making a proofreading section in my Writing Club back in DS.  So my readers would be able to enjoy it more.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2010, 03:56:29 AM »
Chapter 12

Ken's POV
(Hmmm.....I really don't want a battle to happen between Marisa and Reimu.)

(Sure they are best friends but Reimu may try to provoke combat from me too.  She is a friggin' Youkai exterminator.)

(If that's the case, i wouldn't survive long since its REIMU.  I need a more subtle way)

I shuddered, thinking about getting hit by Reimu's balls.  Marisa recovered her broom from when I kicked it out of her hand earlier, while cracking her hand.

"Ken, ready to go?" asked Marisa.  "I don't like this."

"Wait Marisa, i have a plan" I said.

(At a cost.)

Reimu's POV

I stand awestruck at the huge mark in the courtyard, the grass seared, and part of the courtyard back. Marisa used Master Spark on my courtyard, making it look inauspicious.  I narrowed my eyes towards the faint two people in the sky, appearing to be doing something, while I readied my ofuda in my hand.

(Those damned idiots!)

I screamed Marisa's name, looking with disdain towards the mark on the ground in front of my shrine now.

(If my shrine doesn't look pretty, that means people are going to think my shrine is inauspicious, and if that happens,)

(No donations!)

I look at the grass around my shrine, beginning to fade out around the shrine.  I sighed, reflecting on my life.

(I don't want to live off grass for a long time! The tea is good but it gets boring after a while.  And I need my tea if I don't want to go on a rampage in Gensokyo.)

I fell sullen while I turned my back to the mark, walking towards the shrine storeroom to the back of the shrine and dropping the feathery-like Ofuda on the ground.

I grunted, not willing to go to so much trouble to punish Marisa.

(This will be a pain to sweep.)

I heard a boom when I was close to the storeroom, a large burst of wind went through my clothes as they flop high in the air before returning to my limbs.  I heard four feet clapped the ground, indicating a landing.


I turned around to see a very dirtied Ken with Marisa holding hands. Ken is holding a sword in his hand while Marisa was carrying a broom at her side.

Ken seemed to have tears in his eyes with a very red face, while he let go of Marisa's hand.

Marisa looked horrible, not used to the sudden amount of speed then stopping so suddenly for a few minutes before returning back to normal.

(Impossible!!! This idiot can't have powers like this already....why is he crying...)

Ken looked fine even though some of his clothes were partly singed, his tears dripping down into the ground.

Marisa, having returned to normal, put a reassuring hand on Ken's back and rubbed it up and down.

(Are these two...)

(Just a few days ago, they were angry at each other, and now this happens.  What an unlikely chain of events.)

(Time to let them know how I feel about this HUGE MARK ON MY COURTYARD.)

I cleared my throat, getting their attention.

I said, "Marisa~! What gave you the idea to use the spark on my shrine?! You could of destroyed it, and you KEN! you haven't been punished yet....I will.."

Ken ran towards me, dropping his sword onto the ground, and outstretched his arms.

Before I could raise my arms to repel him, he hugged me, in a tight squeeze.

His tears fell down onto my clothes, while I felt embarrassed and surprised at the same time.

(I'm confused.  What's going on?  Does he miss me?  He's still getting his punishment.)

I felt warmth rush to my cheeks, while Ken still embraced me tightly.  I looked past Ken and saw Marisa narrowing her eyes towards me.

(After how i treated him, he's hugging me now?)

(But, if he's trying to get away from his punishment like this...I...I)

"Ken....wh-what the...." I stuttered.

"I'm sorry, Reimu, for calling you greedy. And for hitting you with your own money. Please accept my apology" Ken whispered into my ears.

I became shocked for hearing those words, rendering me speechless.

(I never really ever get apologies, let alone from this guy)


I struggled for words as the hug was quite sudden and surprising, interrupting my thinking process.

(He apologizes.......and is hugging me.  No one has ever hugged me before.)

I felt sad, since I was the one who made Ken do this in the first place.

(No a brave shrine can....apologize back.  If I know how..)

I started to have tears in my eyes due to Ken's apology, making me grow less angrier of him.

Tears then fell out of my ears landing on his clothes as I wrapped my arms around Ken too, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Ken...I'm sorry too~!" I screamed into his clothes.

Now we were both crying and hugging together, I noticed sudden gasps in my voice while I was crying.

"But i called you mean names" said Ken.

"I almost got you killed" I replied.

We cried for five minutes while we still hugged. I heard footsteps coming towards us, then I felt Ken pulling away from me.

(That....and this...was nice.)

Ken was pulled along with it as Marisa began to drag him towards the spring.

I looked at his face, his face was red with tears in his eyes, he gasps for air while he is being dragged on the floor.

Marisa stopped and looked at me, grinning at me while somewhat twitching her eyes.

"Can we use your spring, Z-ze~?" Marisa asked.  "Ken's a dirty boy"

I nodded, Marisa continued to drag Ken towards the spring pulling him by the neck of his shirt.

(hehe...he apologized to me first...and i got my first hug.)

I smiled and giggled, feeling warmth come into my cheeks again.

(I never felt this warmth before...)

Marisa stopped and looked at me again, narrowing her eyes again at me, along with an angry glare.

"Don't get any funny ideas, ze!" Marisa warned.

Marisa walked towards the shrine after putting Ken next to the spring.

"Huh?" I grunted.

(Now that I think about it, this seems a little fishy.)


Ken's POV

(Wow Reimu can't be that gullible.)

I smiled, my plan fortunately came to fruition surprisingly while Marisa dragged me towards the spring.

(Ah that hurts dragging me by my neck, and my ass is gonna get burned from being dragged like this!)

I held out a thumbs up behind my back while i looked up to Marisa, trying to ignore the pain in my ass.


"Ok, Marisa...My plan is to fool Reimu into not punishing both of us." I said.  "This may not seem likely, but it's better than running away from her and dying" I said, feeling confident.

We were hovering over the forest of magic after our recent danmaku training, getting the fruits of two new cards.

Marisa shook her head at me, gliding towards me now slowly.
"I don't know Ken.....Reimu isn't easily as fooled as the others" said Marisa, doubtful of our plan.

(Because of her DIVINE duties to protect the Shrine and blah blah blah...)

(She's just a nosy miko who nobody really likes because she's practically a Mass-murderer.)

"I am going to try to make her feel apologetic by crying" I said.  "It may not work, but we gotta confront her somehow"

Marisa raised her eyebrows, then rolled her eyes.

(Oh you disrespecting now?)

"She could just see through that" said Marisa, lazily.

"That's why i need you to make it look genuine, slap me" I ordered.

Marisa opened her eyes wide at me, surprised.

"What?! I don't want to hurt you" said Marisa, beginning to blush.

"I don't care! Just do it! I ain't a friggin masochist but i need you slap me a lot so we don't get our asses kicked" I replied ferociously.  "You saw how you backhanded me, making a big red spot on my cheek."

(And it still hurts.  I hope I have the right idea in mind.)

Marisa looked at me with a worried face, glancing at my cheek, still red from the accidental backhand.

"Ok" Marisa conceded.

Marisa raised her hand, then she slapped my cheek really hard while averting her eyes.

"Ow" I grunted, feeling my cheek with my hand.

(That's one slap.  Like something I remember about hitting the sin sack.)

"Tsk Tsk Tsk You told me too, ze!" said Marisa, toyfully.

"I know!  Just keep doing it and don't stop" I said, taken aback by the last word in that statement.

(That sounded really wrong, I hope she gets what I meant.)

I was faced with an onslaughter of slaps, each beginning to hurt more than the other.

(The skin better not erode away to muscle like this.)

Marisa seemed to be increasing in speed, making it hurt more each time, using both of her hands.

(Jeez....must endure pain to make it look realistic...)

I started to tear up, Marisa hesitated for a second but then continued.

After about 2 minutes, my face has a really sharp pain on both of my cheek worse than TWO cold sores in my mouth.  Marisa stopped, looking at her red hands.

My face felt really hot and I was crying, feeling tears sooth my cheeks.

(At least i won't get sealed after all this...)

"So why exactly did you need me to slap you, ze?" Marisa asked.

"Make it more realistic, she won't believe me if i only cried.  Let's go before its not red anymore.

(My cheeks are going to probably be inflamed for a long time though.)

"Ok, ze!" she agreed.

Then I grabbed her hand, making her blush, and flew towards the shrine with a sonic boom behind us.

(Is it me, or do I hear cheeks flapping and someone screaming.  Nah, must be my imagination.)

*Flashback end

I was now lying in the hot spring with only my shorts on. I just finished recollecting about the plan.

(And it still hurts to this day, even dunking my head in the spring didn't help.)

I saw Marisa and Reimu go into the shrine, Reimu having calmed down from the emotional hug I set up.

(Heh, dirty boy I am.)

(Still, Reimu is known for being really nosy. Its a good thing i told Marisa to slap me, but then Reimu's nosiness might still see through it.)

(I also hope Marisa doesn't tell Reimu about our plan....she is that straightforward..)

(If any of that happens, at least we gave it a shot.)

I felt my cheek, a sharp pain coursed through my cheek, making me cringe in pain.

(It still hurts as hell though...ah well time to relax in the the spring.)

I relaxed my muscles while I began to feel good submerging my body in the water leaving only my head exposed.

I closed my eyes and thought about a 101 ways how Obama change the U.S. if he was a Touhou fan.

(hehehe....Yes eye can...I am the Strongest!!!)

An hour passed, my skin thoroughly wrinkled by the water, becoming bored of thinking of any other way about Obama being a Touhou fan.

(There's nothing I can come up with.  I can't get past tanks using Master Spark and soldiers learning how to graze bullets)

All of a sudden, my face felt really cold, feeling definitely weird that I am warm and cold at the same time.

I opened my eyes and saw it was dark, with a red fog clouding my vision.

(Hmm~..Red Fog, my face being cold. Its dark now.  I did notice when my eyes were closed that what I saw from a bright orange to a blackened reddish color.)

I thought about what could have caused all this, then two words struck out in my mind.


Quickly i rushed out of the spring to tell Reimu and Marisa, then I rushed back in, feeling soothed by the warm waters.

(Shit!!! way too cold!!)

(Ok, I got to get to the shrine really fast, if I flew out the hot spring water really fast, the water would spread around and make me feel even colder.)

(I have no choice but to get out of the spring first, then rush to the shrine.)

I hurried and grabbed my shirt on the edge of the spring.


I ran to the shrine as fast as i can while putting on my shirt.

I was just about to reach the door when my shirt got stuck.

(Gah~! I can't see!)

I kept running because I didn't want to die of frostbite, but my vision was hindered in the sense of direction with my shirt over my eyes.

(Damn this really thick cotton.)

Then, I hit a paper wall, It pushed me back with a thud as I fell back with my shirt still stuck.

I groaned, grimacing at the pain on my back.

My legs ended up on the wooden platform as my head was in mid air inches before the ground.

(Hopefully Marisa and Reimu heard that thud....ah my head...)

(Oh crap I'm still outside.....i don't want to die....but now my arms are stuck in the shirt as well.)

The water from the spring on my body hasn't dried, starting to bite back on me by turning cold.

"Brr~" I shivered.

I heard the door slid open, Iheard some giggling, then I felt two warm hands grabbing my legs and pulling me in.

"Ow~!" I grunted.

While they pulled me in, I hit my head against the platform, giving me a headache and hearing more giggling.

After the door was slid close and I was inside, I immediately took off my shirt then put it on properly.

I stood up from the ground, seeing Marisa and Reimu just sitting there with tea in their hands giggling.


(Oh yeah.  I should probably tell them about the messed-up weather outside.)

"Reimu! Marisa! There is a red fog outside!" I yelled.

"Stop making up stupid lies.....i don't see anything" Reimu said.

Then I stood there surprised with my eyes wide open.

(Ehh..she knew i was bluffing?!)

"I saw through your lie when you were at the spring. I didn't want to punish you right then because you didn't cause the mark and the fact Marisa slapped you many times in the face was good enough for me" said Reimu.

(What?! How does she?)

I dangerously glared at Marisa who was sipping her tea then looked at me, shaking her head.

(Did she tell Reimu all about our plan?)

"Anyway, I'm serious~! There really is a red fog out there" I said.  "I would still be in the spring if it didn't happened.

I slid open the door behind me, seeing more red fog, as it was even colder, robbing me of the little warmth the shrine offered.

Then it began to enter the shrine so i quickly closed it, in fear of my warmth being robbed even further.

Both girls were sitting there wide-eyed in silence, especially Reimu.

Then Marisa finished sipping her tea and put the cup aside.

"Reimu, Does this mean...?" Marisa asked.

Then Reimu dramatically put her cup down with no tea left.  I rolled my eyes.

(Too late for that.)

"I see.  This is another........incident" Reimu answered, with a dramatic pause.

(That was a dramatic fail, what hype could you get from the word "incident.")

(Did she just get that from the Touhou Anime Project?)

(Either way it doesn't make a difference right now...)

(This is beginning to turn out like EoSD...if everything else is the same...)

(This may be an easy adventure....I don't know the difficulty though and danmaku takes a whole new perspective in 3D.)

(I guess i will try to assist one of the girls to the SDM and fix this incident i tried to fix for many days on my game, that I failed.)


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2010, 03:57:02 AM »
Chapter 13

Ken's POV


The room was silent when Reimu uttered the word incident, both Reimu and Marisa were surprised by this sudden realization while i stood there contemplating.

(I should probably break the silence right now.  I'm done thinking.)

"Girls,  I think me and Marisa should go and resolve this incident" I said.

(And hope to god I don't die from a vampire.)

Reimu banged the table with her hand aand quickly stood up, while narrowing her eyes towards me.

"You idiot!  Do you think you can go up and fix it?  It's not that simple" protested Reimu.  "You don't even have any experience?"

(Reimu, do you not remember that i play games like this before?  Even if that's not even close to what we are about to do)

I sighed, while Reimu kept up her angry stare at me.

"Okay. Listen, RAYYYYMOOOO~!" I yelled, putting emphasis on the last word.

Reimu twitched, her left eye was going through some sort of seizure.

(Jeez, you're spazzing out with that eye.  I thought that only happens on television.)

"If this is what I think this is, then I can tell Marisa about how to get past whoever I think is going to get in her way" I said.

(My knowledge from video games shall pull me through!)

"I played this in a game before if the situation is correct, a scarlet fog covering much of Gensokyo, it's all too familiar" I said.

Reimu looked defeated, her mouth slightly hanging.

(I think nobody has ever beaten her reasoning before.  It's so damn laid-back here that's why!  Something like from To kill a Mockingbird!)

" are.....You.......amateur" Reimu weakly rebutted, unable to get her words together in a concise sentence.

I frowned at Reimu while I put my hand on her shoulder, Reimu looked up to me now still with her defeated face.

Marisa gave me an angry look before realizing what I was doing, then she nodded.

"Trust me...Reimu...I know what i am doing.  Besides, i can handle myself pretty well.  You can stay, me and Marisa will take care of this for you" I said. "Just relax and drink that tea of yours.  We'll handle this."

Reimu stood there for a second probably digesting my words, then she brushed off my hand and turned her back, crossing her arms.

(I shouldn't have said the last part.)

"Well then, go ahead and kill yourself!" Reimu said.  "Don't come to me if you are having trouble."

Marisa looked at her and began to be concerned.

(It seems that Reimu seems to be right now different than what she said.  Is that what you mean, Marisa?)

I quickly look at Reimu's face without trying to notify her....she seems to be somewhat blushing, her eyes closed with tears about to form.

(I think i will give her some time to think about this.)

It was then that Marisa quickly looked at me and stood up, putting her cup on top of Reimu's.

"Hey, ze!  Since when did i agree to this?" Marisa asked.

(You forgot the main motivator.)

I decided not to let Reimu know about what I was about to tell Marisa when I walked up to her and put my head close to her ear.

I whispered, "Where we are going includes a library full of magical books that can......"

"Ok Ken! Let's go, ze!" sprightly said Marisa.

(That was quick.  Just a mention of such things can get her going.)

Marisa readied her broomstick before she looked at me.

"Why not speed us over there, ze?" asked Marisa.

(I think i do know where it is, but I wanna go through the story again in real life!  I'm not a guide!)

"Because we might get lost and end up too far out?" I said, doubting my reason.

Marisa simply shrugged and put on her witches hat, but not before she put the Hakkero on her head.

"Ok, ze~!! You can improve danmaku against whoever on the way!" said Marisa.

(Ah, back to your straightforward self, now i wonder if she is going to use magic missile or illusion spark)

"In fact, it may be a good time to improve my sparking abilities, ze~!!" cheerfully said Marisa.

(Illusion spark it is!!)

I smiled and put up a thumbs up... then i went ahead and slid open the door leading to the courtyard.

Marisa went outside, mounting broom and patting a spot on it, motioning for me to come.

"Marisa, wait a second." I said.

Marisa nodded, she suddenly began to shiver as the scarlet fog clouded away the sunlight.

"Ooh, c-c-cold~!" stuttered Marisa.

I glanced at Reimu for a second, she hasn't moved nor changed since the last time i looked at her, although tears were falling out of her eyes now, secretly upset.

I ran to the spring to pick up the I-pod and my sword, mounting it on my back.  I quickly ran back to Marisa.

New BGM:

I looked at Marisa, she's shivering while she slowly looked at me, crossing her arms.

"She's going to need time to herself....let's go" I said.

I sat on Marisa's broom hugging her on her waist...she's blushing a little bit while i looked past her.

(This doesn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.)

"O-O-Ok, ze!! Brrrr!!!" stuttered Marisa.

(Wait a sec, it's still cold out here.  We need to hurry on out before we die of frostbite.)

Marisa went and pushed her broom to the air, reducing the scarlet fog's effect on us, as it began to be suddenly a bit more warmer.

"Wait. Hold on" I said.

Marisa paused in the air while she began to look at me.

I observed my surroundings, and then I saw a denser concentration of the scarlet fog in front of me because i couldn't see through it.

(This wasn't in the game....But I'm relying on my hunch.)

"Ok Marisa, do you see that dense concentration of the fog in front of you?" I asked.

She quickly looked around and saw it, then she looked back at me.

"Yeah, ze!!! Why?" asked Marisa.

"It seems to be the right direction...Go into it" I said, suspiciously.

Without warning, Marisa zipped on her broom towards the supposed dense concentration of red fog.

I almost fell back for a second because I got attacked by the G's so suddenly.

(Well, we are covering ground fast, the wind is whipping my face so it should be going fast...Wait what's this?)

I looked around, seeing red bullets coming from all our sides while Marisa continued on forward without giving heed to the bullets.

Marisa doesn't seem to notice until one bullet almost hit her in the face, she grazed it, and then it hit my face.

I rubbed my check as that one really hurt, a warm red spot covered the area.

"Marisa!! dodge the bullets!! I'll shoot" I said.
Marisa pulled out two little stars in a circle, then her and the two options were firing lasers...although a little bit weak looking.

"It takes a while but eventually it gets to full power, ze~!!" Marisa yelled. "Hold on~!"

(At least we don't have to pick up little power or point items, that would be really annoying.)

I randomly shot in the air with random red homing bullets with my right hand while I held on Marisa's broom with my left.  Marisa made many sharp turns and flips in the air while I quickly scrunched up my legs to the broom and held on for dear life.

The red bullets i shot blended in with the fog, and hit many youkai, distinct by their death howls and screams.

"Is That So~?"

I looked around for the source of that strangely childish voice.

(Usually, someone who says that is........RUMIA!!!)

I decided to provoke her into the open.....challenging her into a battle.

(We better not get eaten...)

"Marisa, go high up, we need to see better!" I ordered, like some drill sergeant.

"Ok, ze~!" said Marisa.

My stomach lurched as we changed altitude, we are able to see better out in the distance, but the red scarlet fog is still distinct, but not as dense.

I immediately noticed a black ball of darkness coming out of the fog, then it slowly contracted to reveal someone.

Rumia, she has red eyes, short blond hair, and is wearing a black vest and skirt, and a white blouse.

A small red amulet is tied to the left side of her hair, making it look like a ribbon.

(She seems to be in some weird crucifix form...stretching her arms out like that and her legs so close together.)

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Oh god....She must be as dumb as Cirno i am guessing" I said.

Marisa looked at me, confused.

"Who's they, ze?" Marisa asked.

(Oh yeah, she doesn't know yet)

"Uhmmm~, you will see....but do you see that girl?" I replied.

Marisa nodded her head, confirming that while looking at the girl.

"Whatever you do, do not take her ribbon off of her hair" I said.

Marisa then just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why?" Marisa asked, doubtingly.

(I really don't want to explain anything right now)

"Just don't.....otherwise we will have to waste a lot of energy, and that means no magical books" I said, slyly.

(That should be good enough.)

(I really don't want to see what happens when we fight EX-Rumia right now)

(Jeez, that buster sword....)

"You know, ze! it sorta feels good to be out.....but then only weirdos are around at this time" said Marisa, stretching out her arms towards the sky.

Rumia must have noticed this while still maintaining her crucifix-like pose.

"Hey! Who are you calling a weirdo?!" Rumia hollered.

"Nobody was talking about you" carelessly said Marisa.

(This sounds too familiar.)

"Why are you arms out,ze?" said Marisa.  "Do you want me to think you are a weirdo?"
Rumia narrowed her eyes before saying, "Isn't this something like The saint was crucified on the cross?"

I raised my eyebrows, surprised.

(What the hell? Rumia being Jesus?! Madness!!)

(How did Christianity end up here anyway?!)

"Looks more to me like Man uses the decimal system" said Marisa.

(Wow, you can be mean sometimes Marisa.)


Rumia seems to have taken offense and puts herself in an offensive stance.

"Either way, I'm going to eat you and your friend!" threatened Rumia.

(Like hell you are, who knows what's in your stomach?)

Rumia enraptured herself with darkness again before letting out apparently surprisingly dense bullets.

Then Rumia let out a wave of more bullets, seemingly mercilessly.

(Crap, bullets like these are hard!!!)

Marisa however just easily dodges the bullets, one almost hit me though.

It was a good thing though that Marisa was keeping up her laser while she maneuvered.

Rumia then moved in front of us, while taking out something from her blouse, it appears that she's taking out her spell card.

She held it out in crucifix form again, opening her mouth.

"Moon Sign! MOONLIGHT RAY~!" declared Rumia.

Then two lasers came from her arms while firing small weaving waves of danmaku.

Then she moved the lasers to each side of us, forcing us to be in front of her, limiting our movement.

(Shit, wait a second.  This card is only on hard and lunatic in the games.)

(Marisa is going to need my help too.  Even if she is dodging easily.)

She kept up her lasers while grazing.

(I need to get off of this broom.)

(I'll figure out how to graze it when i get off this broom)

I got off the broom, hovering on my own in the air, now observing the pattern.

(Hmmm...looks easy...lasers aren't moving and its only simple weaving danmaku that's going outwards towards us.)

"Marisa~!" I yelled

Marisa didn't glance at me one bit, trying to graze danmaku.

"Yeah, ze?" answered Marisa.

"Distract her.  I got a surprise for her" I said, while I sported an evil grin.

Marisa nodded, beginning to intensify her power while her beams are starting to glow, making her beam stronger against Rumia.

I waited for a gap in Rumia's danmaku which are pretty easy to spot in this pattern..

(There! Now!)

I raised my feet, unsheathed my Tsurugi and put it in front of me towards Rumia with one hand, and flew at a slow speed to adjust in maneuvering.

(Is that what people in Wuxia flims call wire-fu?  Only there's no ultra thin wires holding my limbs?)

My leg was still bent while my other was fully extended.  It felt like I was in a chinese movie against some humble assassin.

(Hmmm this could be a spell card. I always love the element of surprise, the look on people's faces are priceless.  Let's spice it up with some danmaku.)

I continually flew slowly towards Rumia as she noticed me going in slow speed towards her.

(Ah, so you just noticed.  A bit slow.)

(But she isn't going to notice what i am putting into the sword..)

I smiled as I focused on my sword, the sword gave off a very faint white glow.

i neared forward when all of a sudden she canceled her spell card, lasers and the weaving danmaku disappeared before my eyes.

She then gripped my sword very tightly not noticing the bleeding that is about to take place.

(I know youkai like Rumia are very strong but not like this.....only Yuka could do that, of course easily.)

Rumia glared at me hungrily and licked her lips.

"YUM! HUMEEEEEEESSS~!" Rumia cried, her eyes wide open.

(Did she just turn into an Ork?)

(Either way she's dumber than one of them Ork Boyz)

Then i proceeded to let out the energy that was in my sword...

Now the sword grew really bright for a second then grew dull while Rumia looked at the sword.

"Why is this shiny thing......URK~! uttered Rumia.

A very big danmaku bullet came from the tip of the blade as it hit her straight on in the forehead, knocking her backwards with her bloodied hand flaying on her side.

I took this moment to kick off Rumia back to where Marisa is.  I put my feet on her head and chest, bent them, then created a sonic boom, pushing back Rumia and me towards Marisa.

It knocked Rumia really far into the ground as i ended up where Marisa is. Marisa grinned as she put up a thumbs up.

Rumia quickly got back up into the air and pulled out a spell card, assuming the crucifix pose again.

(I didn't expect her to be that stubborn.)

"WAAAGH~! Night Sign "Night Bird!" Rumia shouted, spraying drool everywhere.

Rumia assailed us with alternating left and right flaps of bullets continually.

(This one is can just usually stay in one place....but it never had that many bullets before....)

I start to observe the pattern as Marisa kept up her fire....her lasers became bigger.

(Hehehe it's like the power icons automatically come to her...SHIT)

I grinned as Marisa concentrated, while grazing a bullet that almost hit my eye then I backed up behind Marisa.

I waited for another gap while Marisa pulled out a spell card from her blouse.

Marisa held it up high in the air.

"Meteoric Shower!" yelled Marisa.

Then she held out both her hands while her card disappeared, then out came many big stars towards Rumia, spreading out easily.

(The stars seem to prorate big time....but who am I to judge Marisa's Raw Destructive power?)

Rumia quickly canceled her spell card to dodge five stars by moving left...then another 10 stars hit her.

Rumia held her head with both hands, her clothes were singed and her skin seared...her bloody hand dying the blond hair.

"Uuu~..Is that so~!" yelled Rumia, in pain.

(That's starting to get really annoying....)

(You could have just stayed still and get hit by less stars)

She reached for another spell card and barely lifted herself to crucifix position.

(Why would you do that again and again?)

"Darkness Sign "Demarcation~!" declared Rumia, exasperated.

(Doesn't Demarcation mean marking off a boundary or something...)

Rumia made circular spread weaving danmaku waves, releasing them for each second.

(Huh this is easy...where's those aimed bullets I remember from the game?)

Then Rumia flapped her arms to and fro as blue cluster bullets were aimed at me and Marisa coming from Rumia's flanks.

(I shouldn't think of stuff like that....)

I barely was able to graze the blue bullets while maneuvering through the weaving danmaku.

Two blue bullets managed to hit my leg, but I ignored it since if i responded to that, I would be hit with a lot more bullets.  I grunted in pain, becoming more alert in this situation.

(Come on Ken....Don't let that distract you)

Marisa on the other hand, made it look very easy with slight movements.

(I can't do this........this is very sad considering it's Rumia!!)

(I gotta end this now...)

When i got past the aimed blue bullets by grazing and seeing a gap in the weaving danmaku.

I rose in altitude as i plan to kick her down to the ground.

Then I rushed forward and used a sonic boom to knock away all the bullets around me.

I extended my leg as i closed in and...


I kicked Rumia in the chest just below her head straight into the fog and possibly a forest, since I heard leaves being rustled and branches being broken.

The demarcation spell card was canceled as Rumia disappeared.

I simply hovered over to Marisa who was grinning and blushed a little bit while I got close to her.

"You did good, ze~!" said Marisa.
"Hehe..Thanks!" I replied.

I then put my face to Marisa's, her face blushing wildly, and pecked her face before drawing away.

When I withdrawn, a very bad feeling swept over me.

(Why do i have this feeling....)


I opened my eyes wide while Marisa looked at the source of the pain, her eyes became wide open as well.

"EEK~!" screamed Marisa, with a shrill voice, making me cover my ears.


Rumia, apparently having survived te kick, was biting down hard on Marisa's Shoulder.

"I wunna wheat you!" said Rumia. "You're tasty."

Anger welled up inside me while Marisa tried to push off Rumia's head, but Rumia bit down even harder, causing Marisa to tear up.

(Why you little PIG!)

I held Rumia by her hair, pulling her up with her blood-soaked hair, making sure she can't bite me.

Rumia continues to snap at me with her mouth trying to reach my arm now.

(You better not have rabies of some kind!)

"Uuu~, But she's deli.."

Then I rushed towards the ground with Rumia going to hit the ground first, an evil smile replaced my frown.

I didn't notice Rumia was scared when she struggled to take my hand off of her hair by banging her fists on it.


Dust kicked up in the air as there is a child-sized crater in the middle of the red fog, making me shiver.

Rumia dropped her arms lifelessly as she began to be unconscious.

(Grr~....Why isn't it that you can't just leave people alone....)

The surroundings around me got brighter as daylight finally broke through the fog, but it's still there.

(Huh...I did remember something about Rumia making day seem like night....oh crap MARISA!!!!)

I quickly rushed up into the sky, seeing Marisa with her hand on her bitemark.

Quickly I got up to her level, and saw the bite mark had a black inflammation instead of red.

(What is this?)

" hurts so much" cried Marisa.

I hugged Marisa as tight as I could, i felt her tears on my cheek as I rubbed her back.

"'s going to be ok...It's going to be ok" I assured.

Marisa kept on crying as she wrapped her arms around me.

After about five minutes, Marisa let go and looked at me with her cheeks blushing, and her eyes still tearing.

She reached into her blouse and pulled out a small mushroom that was red and white.

(Mushrooms.  Of the things you bring, you bring mushrooms.)

She popped it in her mouth and chewed it, albeit slowly.

Then she swallowed, still crying while the mushroom went down her throat.

Then the wound immediately began to get better as the black inflammation lessened, but not by much.

"Uuu~" groaned Marisa, holding her head with her hand.

(We need to solve this incident quickly!!!)

"Marisa...Don't worry....where we are going has a person that could heal that" I said, hesitantly

(I hope Patchy can do that....)

"R-R-Really?" Marisa stuttered.

She appeared to stop crying as hope began to regain.

"Yes....I will MAKE her heal you if I can" I said, with reassurance and false confidence.

(I have a feeling I can't)

"Ken...Let's go, ze!" Marisa said, cheered up now, and no longer making tears.

She immediately began to head in the direction we were going.

I grinned as she got back to her old straightforward self, while I followed her.

After about 20 minutes of traveling Gensokyo on Marisa's broom,

"Hey I see a lake, ze!" Marisa yelled.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2010, 03:57:35 AM »
Chapter 14

Reimu's POV

I stood there while the door was open, letting in the cold air and the scarlet fog.

I didn't care though, even if my entire body is cold.

Tears run down my face as the teardrops fall to the ground while my arms are still crossed.

"Uuu~" I moaned.

(I...I did it again)

(That dumbass Ken, he made me do something like this again....)

I dropped down to the floor on my knees, my limbs weak and shivering

(I am the protector of Gensokyo....and this is what happens...)

(He made me shook off my duties to investigate.)

I tried to wipe the tears off of my face with my sleeves, but I still kept crying.

My heart was beating fast, I felt warmth come to my cheeks, making at least my face warm.

(Ken....He's going to get himself killed....again...but)

(Even if Marisa is with

(M-Marisa is with him....i know she likes him....and they have done things together, from what she told me about him.)

(I...want...I need..)

Then an image of Marisa kissing Ken appeared in my mind, and then me just sitting alone with tea, a plate of another teacup sitting by idly.


An image of of Marisa and Ken walking away, their backs turned towards me, and with their hands entwined, kept appearing in my mind.


Then my hands at my sides turned to fists....

(No....I shouldn''s too risky....unseal)

Ken's POV


(A lake?....that means....)

"Uuu~! It's cold, and I'm not even touching the water, ze!" exclaimed Marisa.


(Oh wait, that means it's cold.  Wasn't the whole point of going up in the first place was to get away from getting cold?)

I forgotten that my body was sweating, trying to get rid of the heat I generated earlier.

(....I take that back...I don't like being stinky anyway.)

I quickly hovered to where Marisa was, trying to extend her foot into the water.

(Ok, we can have a little break.  But we gotta cross it quick before anything happens with that bitemark on Marisa.)

I looked at Marisa, who tried to touch the water with her toe but jumped back and shivered.

(There's no weakness so far, her reaction time is normal, but something can happen.  And we need to hurry soon.)

Then I hovered over to Marisa, who seemed to be shaking violently.

As soon as i got close, she hugged me very tightly.

Marisa was very cold, while she slowly was chilling me to the bone.

(Gah! Stop taking my warmth..)

"Hey Marisa, Let's go higher since the water is really cold" I suggested, attempting to get Marisa off me.

Marisa still held on, stubbornly not listening to me, while she snuggled up to me.

I sighed, shaking my head.

(Well, I guess she doesn't want to do anything, the bitemark probably makes her more lazier)

I simply hovered up in altitude slowly, taking Marisa up too, while for some reason Marisa held out her arm and her broom soon got into her hands.

(But i want telekinesis, that's so cool!)

"Hey you have another card, ze~!" said Marisa, feeling my pocket with her hand.

She reached into my pocket and pulled out a card i didn't recognize, while I felt like I lost my personal space.

"Counter Sign Broken Sword?  It looks very useful, daze~!" said Marisa, excited.

(That last part of the spell card sounds really familiar.)

I let go of Marisa's embrace and held out my hand, expecting her to put it on my hand.

She put the card face up on my head and i see.

Two hands holding a sword while the sword shoots or makes a slice in the air without moving was the picture on the card.

(Hmm. It does look useful, It says I can also immediately cancel a spell and switch to this one at will.)

I put it in my pocket, surprised that the I-pod was still in my pocket, unused.

(...What the hell was I doing not listening to music before?)

(Hmmm...Ah well...I'll make sure not to drop it in a lake...)

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something moving towards us.

I immediately dodged to one direction and cracked my head, alerting Marisa as well.  I looked around and see what was coming towards us.

It was a yin-yang ball with four balls orbiting it.

(I don't know if Reimu is out to get me or not....but I did see these in the game before.)

Then it unleashed four knives but only in the direction of the orbiting balls.

I quickly shot at it with a fast blue circle bullet thinking it was going to try to kill me, then it just exploded.

It also let out four bullets in very random directions.

Then a whole horde of them came as they soon were hidden by the mass of knives.

(Well crap.  A religion is gonna try to be funny.)

"Marisa~! Yin Yang Ball Attack~!" I yelled, even if she was already alerted by their presence.

Marisa immediately got on her broom and threw out her options, making white glowing beams, piercing through the yin-yang balls.

I also shot at them, utilizing the globe bullets that can make homing bullets in their trail.

As we killed more of them, it made it seem that five replaced one that exploded.

(This isn't helping. This wouldn't be as stressful if they didn't unleash danmaku when they die.)


One of the knives managed to graze my arm barely, creating a small laceration on my forearm, blood didn't pour out.

Then I was hit in the right leg while it was raised with two straying green bullets, jerking it down.

(Ah...I can't keep up....This is bad.)

(Wait a second....Here's an idea, which would have severely hurt my score if I gone through with this.)

I stopped shooting the globe bullets, and immediately looked over at Marisa, who seemed to have trouble dodging as well.

"Marisa stop shooting~!" I yelled.

The yin yang balls stopped exploding only letting out the knives now as they moved away from us, Marisa's white beams disappeared.

"Why?" Marisa asked, confused.

"If we shoot more, it's a waste of energy right?  There's no point to shoot these balls if they explode with danmaku making us dodge even more.  Thus, it will make us lose our energy." I explained.

"Oh~.  I see why, thanks Ken.  That was smart of you to notice." said Marisa, grinning.

(Well of course I'm smart, see? Notice the severe lack of green bullets to distract us from the knives.)

Me and Marisa now have a much easier time, as the yin-yang balls start to go away.

(Jeez, this is insanely easy.)

(Ha! I knew that tactic from Rin's Stage was solid!!)

Soon there was no more yin-yang balls to impede our progress to the SDM.

(Ok...coast is clear..even if there is no coast...we need to move up fast....)

"Marisa, hold my hand and grip your broom tightly, or get on my back" I ordered.

Marisa blushed a little bit before deciding to jump onto my back, I was encumbered, from the weight Marisa had.

(Dang, Marisa is a lot more heavier than I thought)

(Ok time to speed up to the SDM..)


I quickly made a sonic boom and zoomed through the air with Marisa, but only got through a short distance as i saw a figure up ahead.

(Well can't speed through here...might as well fight....Daiyousei?)

I recognized her by her short green hair with yellow ribbon with the blue dress with white trim and sleeves.

Then i saw her golden wings when I got closer, however, Daiyousei backed up from me when I got closer.

"You...You will not get closer to her!" Daiyousei yelled, her body was shaking while she narrowed her eyes at me.

(Isn't she normally supposed to be scared right now?)

Marisa looked at her closely while she got off my back, making me sigh in relief due to the decreased pressure on my back.

(Gosh this feels really good.)

"I got a good feeling she's easy" snickered Marisa, smirking.

(Yes she is, on normal.)

(I don't have time for this....I'm going to kick her.)

"Marisa....stay he"

I stopped halfway in my sentence since Marisa already begun to use Illusion Spark on Daiyousei.

(Stop ruining my damn plan!)

Daiyousei responded with circle danmaku and homing shards with three bullet lines protruding from her to enclose us in, making it hard for us to dodge.

Little did she notice, she was only shooting at Marisa, I snuck up to her from behind.  I first flew up to the top of the clouds quickly, I moved forward a little bit, and then I slowly descended behind Daiyousei.  I stood there ready to grab her with my hands.

(I do hope Marisa doesn't mind..)

I put my hands inside Daiyousei's dress from the bottom, and then grabbed her armpits and held them in the air.

(So fairies do wear undergarments...what I didn't know is that the skin of a fairy is so soft and supple.)

Daiyousei canceled her danmaku while I grinned evilly.

"Now if you can just stop shooting my friend, I won't take off your clothes and....well you know the story behind that.  My hands are that close to your seemingly small breasts" I threatened.

(God I sound like a serial rapist.)

(But nothing else scares away people like threatening to rape them.)

I heard Daiyousei gulp while she seemed to have stuttered her words.

"I...I..P-Please...CIRNO~!" Daiyousei yelled at the last minute.


Marisa had a surprised and angry look on her face, closing her fist very tightly and holding it up in front of me threateningly.

(Oh crap..)

Then Marisa opened her eyes wide, quickly pointing towards me.
"Ken! Behind you!" screamed Marisa.

I merely turned around with Daiyousei in hostage, while using her as a shield.

(I never thought i would use a fairy like this...)

Then i slowly backed away as Daiyousei continued to be hit with flying white things that look like birds.

"Uuu~" moaned Daiyousei.

I got to the point where Marisa was just laughing out loud, while dodging the bird's path.

(Good thing she was willing to overlook that.)

The suicidal bird attack continued until 5 minutes later, as it slowly died down and nothing else was in our way.

"Cirno....Where's Cirno?" said Daiyousei. "Please let go of me."

(Why do I have her again?)

(Might as well cop a feeling while I'm at it.)

"Ok.  I'll let you go" I said, beginning to loosen my grip on Daiyousei, my hands made it all the way to her hips. "But first..."

I quickly raised my hands again through her bra to grab her breasts.

(Ok, I now know they are small, as expected.)

Daiyousei gasped and went limp on me, her limbs just fell down, and her heartbeat went down.

(Umm, I think Daiyousei is unconscious.)

(Ah well, don't need to use her anymore.)

I simply dropped her in the air, falling towards the lake.

When she was about to hit the lake, A small figure came and took her.  Then she threw her behind her with great strength.

She flew up to meet us on the same altitude.


She had Aqua-colored eyes, hair and icicle-shaped wings. she's wearing a blue ribbon, a light pink blouse and a blue jumper dress.

She kept a distance from us, shaking her fist at us.

"You meanie!! How could you do that to Dai!" Cirno yelled.

(Ummm if you actually saw the battle...Ok maybe you saw the part where I groped her....but that was it!)

"She's the one who attacked me, so don't blame me" I replied.

I said it so nonchalantly that it irritated Cirno, judging by her angry and puffy face.

Marisa was giggling while she simply laid on the broom watching the discussion, supported her head by her hand while she laid an elbow on the broom.


I reached into my pocket as I took only the I-pod out.

(I'm pretty sure i had earbuds, must have left them at Marisa's.)

I began to simply go to a song, a song that would be so familiar.

(Hehehe, I wonder how Cirno will react when she hears her own voice.)

I scrolled and scrolled while Cirno seems to get angrier and angrier.

"HEY DON'T IGNORE ME~!" Cirno screeched, making me twitch a little bit.

(God, shut up.)

Marisa then decide to interfere in the conversation, although she was kinda laughing at the same time.

"Ain't it summer? So why's it so cold?" asked Marisa.

Cirno ignored Marisa, while she still shook her fist at me as I searched for the song.

(Gah!! Where is it!  This is taking forever!)

"You'll never touch land again!" threatened Cirno.

Marisa got ticked off for being ignored, when I glanced at her, she looked irritated with her fist at her side slightly shaking.

"So you were the cold one" continued Marisa.

"I'M GOING TO...Huh? Oh, Better than hot, don't you think?" Said Cirno, stopped halfway in her threat.

"How uninteresting" said Marisa.

"There's something wrong with that"

"It was the best i could do?"

"Ah ha! I found it!" I yelled, jubilant.

Then I clicked on the song and turned it all the way up so the I-pod speaker can blast it to Cirno.


Everyone turned their attention to me as the I-pod began to play Cirno's Perfect Math Class By IOSYS.

After about 23 seconds, the expressions on everyone's face were just priceless.

Marisa was just laughing out loud while Cirno just stood there, wide eyes open, her jaw dropped, and her face flustered.

"Wha..Wha..That's my voice but i don't...uh." stuttered Cirno.

I pointed at Cirno while trying to dance the Cirno dance, getting down to the rhythm of the song.

"Baka Baka! Baka Baka! Baka Baka!" I sung.

(Oh god, I feel like some weird japanese weeabo.)

"Wait no! I'm not an idiot!" said Cirno, who said it at the same exact time as the song.

I could totally hear Marisa coughing because it was just too funny for her.

(I would be laughing too, but the meme got old.)

Cirno's face grew red while she pulled out a spell card from her dress.

"You meanie! Ice sign! Icicle Fall!" declared Cirno.

Then ice shards appear on her flanks as they start to fall from both sides.

(Please be the easy one, please be the easy one.......YES)

There was an ecstatic lack of 5 way spread danmaku yellow balls as I simply moved up and evaded the ice without moving.

I continued to yell "Baka" at her as she keeps getting angrier and angrier.

(I should stop...nah It's funny.)

(She's that dumb to not cancel??? Even Cirno News Network is smarter than that...)

I looked behind me, not at all worried about Cirno to see Marisa dodging, then she looked up at me...

She quickly got to my position when the waves were gone and put her hand in her hat.

She took out her Hakkero, pointing it towards Cirno.

(Hahaha she's going to....oh shit...oh no, we do not want to see that happen here!)

"Marisa Don't!" I warned.

Both Cirno and Marisa looked at me as i yelled, Cirno still hasn't canceled her card yet.

"Remember what I said about ribbons?" I whispered into Marisa's ear.

Marisa grumbled while she put the Hakkero back on her head and under her hat.

"Good" I said. "No more wasting energy for us!"

Then I kicked Cirno who was still surprised at me for somewhat saving her towards the lake.

"No! I'm not done!" said Cirno.

Cirno pulled out another card from her dress and lifted it up high in the sky.

"Freeze Sign! Perfect Freeze!" declared Cirno.

(Oh goody her Signature...)

I pulled back with Marisa to get a good distance from her.

Cirno unleashed a hellish amount of fast multicolored circular bullets in random directions.

Then they just stopped in the air, every one of them turned into white.

It was very cold around the bullets, so cold it's making me feel sluggish and harder for me to move my limbs.

(Ugh. Why is it hard to move!)

Marisa must have thought the same way when she struggled to move faster.

Cirno let out a five way spread danmaku wave that kept getting created until two seconds later, making 5 way columns

I barely grazed them as I still felt sluggish from the earlier white bullets.

Marisa had much better luck since she was naturally faster.

Then the bullets unfreezed as they began to move about in a random fashion.

(Dang...This is harder than I thought.)

I accidentally hit one, giving me a rude awakening, making me more alert and fluid in my motions at the cost of pain.

(Ow...ok aren't cute anymore...die!)

I pulled out a spell card from my pocket.

"Seeker Sign! AMBUSH!!" I declared.
Instead of the two globe bullets on each grew to five now on each side.

They rushed forward towards Cirno at a very fast pace.

Cirno canceled her spell as they almost got her by the head and legs as she moved, managing to graze all of them.

"Hahahahaha! that's it?! You're Weak! BAKA!" jeered Cirno.

Cirno pointed to me while still laughing, she grabbed her stomach while she bent over, laughing.

I smiled and shook my head as she continued to laugh.

"You know Cirno, spell cards are never that easy" I said.

Cirno began to get confused while her laughing grows faint...

"Huh?" Cirno grunted.

The ten globe shots behind transformed into white disks that began to turn around at a fast pace.

Then they hit...Cirno's ass with a bom! bom!

Marisa just kept on laughing and laughing as the white disks pounded, while they spanked Cirno in the ass at the same time.

(She does need her punishment..)

(That's what you get for being a nine.)

I couldn't help but laugh too as Cirno finally stopped getting hit by the small bullets.

Cirno rubbed her ass as she slowly straighten her back

"Uuu~ that hurt" said Cirno.

"HahahahaSomeonehahahahaNeededhahahahaAhahahahaGoodhahahahaSpanking!" I said, laughing during the whole sentence.

Cirno's face grew really red as the song was now back to calling her Cirno Baka Baka.

She stopped and pulled out a spell card from her dress.

"Snow Sign! Diamond Blizzard!" declared Cirno.

Me and Marisa stopped laughing after hearing Cirno declare her spell card.

A massive horde of ice shards flew like diamond dust swept like the wind towards us.

I decided this was the time to finish this as Marisa had an injury on her shoulder.

(Ok now she's just desperate...We can't waste any more time)

"Marisa?" I asked.

Marisa continued to focus on the ice shards as they slowly inch towards us.

"Yeah, ze?" Marisa replied.

(I think i rather risk it...)

(If we end up with an oversized fairy with a big sword, we are getting the hell out of here.)

"Master spark her....but aim LOW!" I warned.

(I really don't want to fight an EX-Cirno now...)

Marisa grinned while she took out her Hakkero once again, a sigil appeared under her feet.

"Love Sign! Master Spark~!" declared Marisa.

The Hakkero began to be float from Marisa's hands, making an ominous yellow aura around it.

The Hakkero spun rapidly as a beam rushed out with ring insignias around it, pushing back Marisa by a lot as she held out her hands.

(Wow! That's raw destruction for you!)

The beam completely annihilated the shards as it was propelled towards Cirno.

Cirno canceled her spell and tried to fly away upwards.

(So now you decide to cancel it when danger is imminent!)

But Marisa simply tilted up her spark hitting Cirno towards the sky.

After the beam stopped and Marisa breathing heavily, I saw a single star gleam before fainting away in Cirno's direction.

(The Nine is Blasted off again!!!)

Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2010, 12:22:31 AM »

Seriously, I saved a copy of the original first three chapters, and honestly... wut? This reminds me of the artistic revamp of "Sonichu" somwhere on deviantArt, except it's by the same person. Par example, before:
Quote from: Old I. Nosebleed
That one section doesn't feel right therefore i am trying to fix it..........until i was interrupted by my phone
It appeared to be a phone call from my friend jonathan
K: Hey Jonathan whats up
J: Dude come to the basketball court at the park near the lake.
K: Ok, Why?
J: There's this cocky ass kid named Jesse with his friend Charlie. They have the fucking nerve to think i sucked and they called me out.
K: Wow seriously? Weren't you the star point guard back in middle school?
J: Yeah exactly. I can't play two people on my own, But two is better against two other people.
K: But i suck at basketball.
J: Dude i just need you to block since you're tall and i'm short.
K: ...........alright I come over there very soon.
J: Ok man. Just watch me, Im going to go kobe on them.
Quote from: New I. Nosebleed
I was intent on trying to master a song called "Bad Apple", a very old fan-made Touhou song.
I was sweating, mindlessly practicing a section of a song, while my fingers started to hurt, my callouses red.
(I haven't practiced this much in a long time. I think the jet lag is getting to me.)
Recently muting a messed-up attempt at the section of the song, I suddenly heard my phone, a Samsung Eternity touchscreen, vibrate on the table.
Picking it up, it appeared to be a phone call from my friend Jonathan.
"Hey Jonathan, what's up?" I asked, curious.
"Dude, come to the basketball court at the park near the lake" replied Jonathan, ignoring my greeting. He sounded hurried, while panting.
"Ok, Why?" I asked.
"There's this cocky ass kid named Jesse with his friend Brenta. They have the fucking nerve to think I sucked at basketball and they called me out. Damn dumbasses, don't they know who I am?" muttered Jonathan.
(Wow, you usually never get angry at people for that, nor would you care if somebody thinks you're bad at basketball. Even if that's completely wrong.)
"Wow seriously? Weren't you the star point guard back in high school?"
"Yeah exactly. I heard they transferred to our school at the beginning of the school year. I can't play two people on my own, But two is better against two other people."
(Are you asking me to play basketball with you? Oh ho, no. I become winded easily, I never worked on the cardiac part of my body, especially since I got hooked into Touhou.)
"But i suck at basketball."
"Dude, come on. I just need you to block since you're tall and I'm short."
(That singled me out from the rest of the Asians, I swear I am as tall as freaking Yao Ming, and I am a good blocker. That's the only useful purpose for me in basketball, overshadowed by my shameful shots.)
"...alright. I will come over there very soon if I can" I said, hesitating at the beginning.
"Ok man. Just watch me, I'm going to go John Wall on them" said Jonathan, before hanging up.
Except with proper spacing.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You know how to describe things. You know how to spell. The spacing and text placement are spot-on -- already more than many fanfic writers can boast. The description and imagery might be a bit awkward, but they're present, and very elaborate, too.

And the story? Before, one simply assumed the characterizations were off, the story was pretty obviously rote, and there was nothing to set it apart from an ordinary Stufic. Now not only is Reimu's characterization much better -- and that was the best part of the original -- the contrast between chapters one and twelve is so sharp and so controlled, I assume instead foreshadowing for Yukari's plotting in the next forty chapters.

Epitoma: If you don't get Best Plot, you definitely get Most Improved. I scarcely believe you're the same author -- before it was MyST bait, now it's something to follow. And the plotline is only getting better from here...
With all due respect,
   ~Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac
       Bounded Field "Border of Rebuke and Praise"

Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2010, 12:28:03 AM »
Yah, I like this story.  :3


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2010, 12:32:57 AM »

Seriously, I saved a copy of the original first three chapters, and honestly... wut? This reminds me of the artistic revamp of "Sonichu" somwhere on deviantArt, except it's by the same person. Par example, before:Except with proper spacing.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You know how to describe things. You know how to spell. The spacing and text placement are spot-on -- already more than many fanfic writers can boast. The description and imagery might be a bit awkward, but they're present, and very elaborate, too.

And the story? Before, one simply assumed the characterizations were off, the story was pretty obviously rote, and there was nothing to set it apart from an ordinary Stufic. Now not only is Reimu's characterization much better -- and that was the best part of the original -- the contrast between chapters one and twelve is so sharp and so controlled, I assume instead foreshadowing for Yukari's plotting in the next forty chapters.

Epitoma: If you don't get Best Plot, you definitely get Most Improved. I scarcely believe you're the same author -- before it was MyST bait, now it's something to follow. And the plotline is only getting better from here...
With all due respect,
   ~Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac
       Bounded Field "Border of Rebuke and Praise"

Haha thank you, I've been trying to look for your story btw.  and MyST bait?


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2010, 03:34:57 AM »
Chapter 15

Ken's POV


(Ok, with them finally out of the way, we need to hurry to the SDM!)

(Although It was kinda fun harassing Daiyousei.)

"Marisa~!" I sung in a low tone, delighted for some reason.

Marisa looked at me in surprise.

"Yeah, ze~?" said Marisa.

"Get on my back, we're going!"

Marisa poofed her broom away in a cloud of smoke while she flew over to me and jumped on my back.

She embraced my neck with her arms while her legs are free and unbound, dangerously hanging free.

(Oh man, she's really heavy!  I need to hurry before i die in the lake.)

Marisa was slowly decreasing my altitude, but I went back up and sped to the SDM.

(What did Lishy from Toujinstyle do to Marisa?)

(Speaking of Toujinstyle, i was doing a story in the Touhou General Chat.)

(I remember people like Zeku and Matsu011 who are loyal readers.)

(God i miss that forum, the community isn't as trollish as others, except for the The Mental Shift part.  The maid on there likes to put pictures of milkshakes on the topic and derail it.)

I sighed, beginning to see an island with a big building in the middle.

"Hey look...I see a big house, ze~!" Marisa shouted with glee.

I squinted, now seeing a big house, a red one.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion, a very fancy European-Style Mansion that clashes heavily with Gensokyo, standing out.  From the back of the building, spewed out the same scarlet fog me and Marisa set out to stop.

I see very few windows in the mansion.

(I figured since there are two vampires living in the mansion.)

I also saw a clock tower, hands indicating that it is 1:32.

(Well, we certainly got here in a short amount of time.)

Then I saw a small wall surrounding the mansion and only one huge gate, there was a courtyard surrounded by the walls in front of the mansion, beholding many colorful flowerbeds neatly organized.

(Guarded by a sleeping dragon i bet........)

I reached the island, seeing the bright golden tiles on the shillings of the roof.

There are many trees that form a forest around the Mansion, no trees are seen in the courtyard.

"Wow....This place looks interesting, ze~!" said Marisa.

(And so begins the stealing spree...)

I looked down and saw some leaves rustling below us in the forest, seeing little holes being formed in the forest.

I stopped and readied myself, Marisa let go and braced herself as well.

Then quickly came knife columns from the forest as the assailants tried to attack us from the ground.

I quickly hovered an inch before stopping, making three knife columns wasted and propelling towards the sky.

(Just like in the game....I think i have an idea....)

(Marisa does have a certain spell card where she goes into the air and rains down a master spark, with adjustable direction.)

"Marisa~!" I yelled.

Marisa was grazing a knife column as it seems to have stopped for now.

Then she looked over to me, while still glancing down attentively.

"Yeah?" said Marisa.

"Do you have a spell card called Dragon Meteor?" I asked.

Marisa grinned while she took out a spell card, holding it out towards me, it had a picture that had a rainbow colored beam pointing downwards towards the ground.

"This one, ze?" asked Marisa.

I hovered close and took it from her grasp, inspecting it.

(Star Sign Dragon Meteor...That's it)

"Yes that's it....I want you to use it on the forest....I will help you maneuver the spark through the forest" I said.

Marisa smiled devilishly while she took out her Hakkero from her hat.

(Doesn't that ever fall out before?)

Then she pointed it at the ground while I took position by putting one of my hands on her hip and the other on her boob.

(She is flat....)

Marisa blushed heavily but readied herself.....

(And to think I am getting away with......SHIT)

I quickly pushed Marisa as I saw knife columns directly below us.

I quickly grazed almost all of the knife columns since I was caught off-guard.

(Crap, they got the element of surprise on us!)

Three knives nipped my left cheek, my shirt sleeve, and my right arm, soon bleeding out lightly.

Marisa quickly glared at me with an angry look while gripping her shoulder, but then stopped glaring when she saw the knives and my injuries.

(I think i did push her on the bitemark.  That's a big no-no.)

Marisa suddenly became flustered for a second before letting go her hand off her shoulder.

Marisa looked at me with a smile, nodding.

"Thanks, ze!!!" said Marisa.

I held a thumbs up before getting to Marisa to help maneuver the spark.

Marisa again got to position then she aimed the Hakkero towards the forest.

I got to Marisa and held in the same position.

Marisa held up her spell card in the air.

"Star Sign Dragon Meteor!" declared Marisa.

Meiling's POV

I was running on a rainbow, giving off rainbow shards with my feet as i ran on it.

I was chasing a man with a black headband, and a mostly black and white karate uniform.

He seems to have Kanji on his back as I chased the red-haired man.

"You will not get away Akuma!" I yelled in pursuit.

I used my Sky Dragon Kick to speed up to him, leaping up in the air and extending my leg.

I held that pose in the air as the energy from my kick was going behind me in a fury.

He couldn't get away as we descended on the slope of the rainbow.

I finally reached him, I kicked his head as we both began to fall down.

I held up my legs, preparing to kick him down with force.

Then i extended my legs, knocking down Akuma faster with a shockwave in the air.

Then he landed on a pot of golden coins before I landed down on Akuma's stomach, making the coins fly everywhere.

"My name is not China or Chun-li.  I am Hong Meiling...Wha?!" I said.

A pile of pink ice cream appears above me before i became bounded by the golden coins, Akuma is nowhere to be found.

I heard cackling in the background as the pile of pink ice cream descended on me.

I was slowly sinking into the pile of gold as i struggled to get myself free, up to my knees.


Right before the ice cream hit me, I was saved.

I woke up....on the stool I was given to when I was first assigned gatekeeper of the SDM.

"Uuu~! I hope Sakuya doesn't find out I've been sleeping on my job again.

An image of Sakuya lecturing me came into my mind, with a knife in my forehead.

(What the....)

I saw the youkai guards that Sakuya hired before to solve my sleeping problem shooting to the air in the forest.

(Jeez....I hope it wasn't those fairies again....because of them Sakuya had to hire those guards......)

(Ah well, i'll let them handle it....whoever is up there isn't fighting back)

"Star Sign Dragon Meteor!"

(What the.....those fairies don't have those kind of spell cards....)

Then i heard a loud whir....then it hit the forest.  A rainbow-colored beam came out of nowhere from above into the forest, seeing the guards run away towards me in fear now evaporated into dust.

I sat with my eyes open and my mouth dropped as the beam neared closer to me.

(Who has this kind of power!!!!)

The beam moved towards me rapidly, I dodged left, lucky that it was the gate that got charred and not me, then the beam stopped before laying waste to the flowers in the courtyard.


The forest had a huge swath cut in a straight line...trees that were there were charred as with a black mark instead covering where the trees had been.

Fires were left in its wake as I flew up, noting the insane amount of flora destroyed.

(Those bastards....I will kill them for this....)

Then i saw two people, floating in the air.

One of them has Golden eyes, blond hair, a braid on only one side of her face, and is carrying a bamboo and straw broom. She's wearing a black witch's hat, and a black and light pink outfit with a white petticoat.

The other one has messy black hair, brown eyes, has a sword fastened to his hack, and he is wearing a yellow shirt with blue baggy shorts.

(Such weird clothing these people wear.)

(hehehehe.....wait where are my spell cards...i only have two....)

I looked at my choices which are Flower Sign Selaginella 9 and Shui Xing Tai Ji Quan.

(I need to run back first.....i gotta get all my spell cards for this....)

(Jeez they are getting closer...guess i have to hold them off for a second...)

I took Selaginella as a choice and held it high in front of me.

"Flower Sign Selaginella 9~!" I declared.

Then i thought of a beautiful flower with its six petals slowly breaking apart little by little, falling through the air.

I projected this image into my danmaku making it look likes its blooming.

(It enraptures the opponent then kills it...Beautiful and Deadly....I like it...)

I smiled as I continued the weaving danmaku waves towards the intruders.

(Wait a second, i don't hear anything dying...and i can't see through my danmaku...)

Then I was struck in the back with 7 unknown bullets, canceling my spell.

(What?! impossible!!!)

I saw a grin on a boy's face putting what seems like a spell card in his pocket.

(....They can do spell cards like that?)

"Grr~!" I growled.

"Hehehe come on Meiling...I know you can do better than that!"

I gasped....with a look of surprise on my face, looking at the boy's evil smile.

(He knows who i am?! and called me by my name?!)

I still hovered there in complete surprise when I noticed the girl held out a spell card.

"Meteoric Debris!" she declared.

Then many star-shaped danmaku came toward me in great speed, spreading out.

(Oh no!!!)

I quickly made circular motions as a large rainbow but translucent circular shield materialized from my motions in front of me.

Then a yellow bulge appeared as I used the shield to absorb the stars to charge my own attack.

As soon as the stars were gone, I unleashed the bulge, making a yellow orb that came forward with a fast pace.

The two dodged in different directions, while I turned tail and ran towards the mansion to get my spell cards i left in there.

"Damn It! Gotta run for now!" I yelled.

"I'll let you go, for now" said the boy.

I ran until I reached the door...hoping all of my other cards are in there.

Ken's POV


She was wearing a chinese outfit with scarlet hair and aqua blue eyes.  Her sideburns were braided as she wore a green beret with a star.

She had turned back and ran in the mansion for some reason, couldn't see her anymore due to the scarlet fog hugging the ground.

(I know she isn't this cowardly...she's too moral for that with what her martial arts and all...)

(I think this would be as close as manly as you can get with a Touhou Character...)

(Oh wait there's Kourin and Unzan......)

(I can't believe i had to use my spell card to get past the FIRST spell card...)

(I think that card was only found in Hard/Lunatic stages though......)

I hovered in the air as I unsheathed my sword and Marisa readies her broom.

"She wears weird clothing, ze!" joked Marisa, pointing out the obvious.

"I think she would think the same about us!" I remarked.

Marisa giggled as she blushed a little bit.

"Well maybe you...but me, I'm just wearing ordinary witch's clothing, ze!"

(Exactly my point about us wearing western style clothing...)

Then i saw China come back from the mansion only her breasts seems to be stuffed more, flying up into the air.

(Maybe China doesn't have natural boobs either! Is everyone in the SDM flat?)

"Ah, thanks back there!" said Meiling.

[A/N: China and Meiling are the same person]

(I remembered the conversation between Marisa and China during the game...I think i'll speak for Marisa)

I looked at Marisa while she was about to talk.

"Marisa, wait" I said.

I held up my hand to signal her to stop.

Marisa then shut her mouth and looked at me curiously.

I then faced China, who was still expecting an answer, crossing her arms.

"It's been a while" I started.

"Hey wait a minute, when did we become acquaintances?" asked Meiling.

"Just now?"

"Then how did you know my name?"

That caught me off guard for a little bit...

"....I seen you grow up..."

"Oh yes, and you're as sneaky as ever Cao Cao."

(What? She thinks i'm Cao Cao? Her tone wasn't sarcastic....I guess I'll play along...)

[A/N: A warlord during the Three Kingdoms era in Ancient China]

" you're in my way..Are you some kind of guard?" I asked.

"And so, I'm in Cao Cao's way" said Meiling, smirking.

I twitched, before letting out a sigh.

(This is kinda getting annoying)

"So you are a guard" I confirmed.

"I'm just a normal person that guards" said Meiling.

"So then, you're a normal person.  I'll punish you here!"

"Hey! What have you been taught?"

I looked over to Marisa who had a mix of confusion and shock.

(She's shocked because I said her lines, and she's confused because Meiling thinks I'm Cao Cao...)

Marisa said, "Uhmmm...Ken...Are you?"

"Marisa, she's being really stupid right now, Let's leave it at that" I said.

Marisa giggled and then smiled at me.

I looked at China, who seems to be dashing towards me.

I gasped then I dodged to the right on my heel while she tried to give me a rainbow-colored fist charge.

Then i pivoted and slashed with my Tsurugi unsheathed while she charged.

It left a laceration on her arm but she was too quick for me to inflict any more damage.

China noticed and tried to grapple me with her palm but I quickly jumped backwards 10 paces.

Then i jumped and put my sword in front of me to ready the counter skill.

I moved forward slowly, going through the motions of the attack.

China stood there and quickly grappled my sword and twisted it.

But it didn't twist my arm as I resisted.

(One mistake there, so called martial artist.)

The sword glowed for a second, then it unleashed a bullet.

I missed as it barely grazed her.

China's face was smiling dangerously as my trap failed.

My face in return smiled too while Marisa in the background prepared her broom.

Then Marisa quickly hovered over to China who was about to draw the blade itself in towards herself, preparing a haymaker with her other hand.

Marisa then did an uppercut with the broom which was propelling itself by the straw as Marisa unleashing beautiful stars from the straw.

(Hehehe, I never did like Miasma Sweep as a move...It was too deadly...)

It hit China in the back of the head as she let go of the sword with her bloodied hand and went up towards the sky.

She quickly regained control and flew away from us ten paces.

(Jeez, everyone has great motor control these days.

Then she pulled out a spell card and extended it in front of her.

"Rainbow Sign! Wind Chime of Colorful Rainbow! declared Meiling.

With that said, many swirls of rainbow danmaku came toward me in a beautiful display.

Then she made another extra swirl to make it impossible for my eyes to detect a gap.

But fortunately, it never had a sense of altitude and as a result, it only swirled in a certain area of height.

I looked over at Marisa who seemed to be preparing a flask in her hands.

(Magical Recycled Bomb?)

Then Marisa caught me looking at her and smiled devilishly, before going back to preparing her flask.

The rainbow danmaku were upon us and I decided to defend Marisa by using my sword and my own danmaku.

Marisa gets in a position you would see a javelin thrower doing.

I quickly got in front of her and thought of Cirno's last spell.

Then i decided to disregard that and went into position with my sword.

I put my palm to the side of the blade just about when the danmaku came in contact.

Each danmaku packed a punch as I was getting pushed back little by little as my hand holding the sword is suffering some burns right now.

(Crap, I can't keep up like this!!!  I need to think of something!!!)

Then i saw a large black flask go flying in the air as Marisa unleashed her own swirl of stars to help counter the rainbow bullets.

Meiling didn't notice the flask going towards her as her eyes were closed.

(Is she insane?)

She took the flask head on as a bright blue explosion came out of the flask.

(Ouch...Magical Recycled Bomb is pretty powerful after all, I could feel the heat from over here.)

Both Marisa and China canceled their danmaku, catching their breaths.

China was panting heavily as she recovered from the explosion.

I saw somewhat of a makeshift rainbow shield like from last time as it unleashed a large yellow orb at us.

I tried to cut it but when I did, it pushed me back heavily, making me spin 5 times.

(Oh god....I don't like this feeling in my throat pushing)

When i stop spinning, i was immediately given a feeling of nausea, then something came up in my throat, then i vomited.

"Eww~!" screamed Marisa.

China just stood there repulsed by what just happen as i vomited on the trees below us.

(With this much in-vertigo I'm feeling right now, wouldn't a certain someone who spins around all the time be vomiting right now?)

Then China took the opportunity to take out another spell card.

"Qi Sign! Star Pulse Shot!" declared Meiling, while I still vomited the ghastly-looking green goo.

She charged up an orb of blue energy that grew to be 1/4 the size of a Spirit Bomb while doing some Hawaiian hand motions.

Then she blew it forward, going in a dangerously fast pace.

I was still vomiting, and as a result i couldn't move.

"Light Sign Luminous Strike!" declared Marisa.

After i heard a pew, I saw a very big yellow glowing star come in contact with the blue orb.

After about a few seconds, the blue ball dissipated as the star still came forward, but now has a very faint glow.

I took this chance to flank China since I was done vomiting and circled her while she focused on the star heading towards her.

I looked at Marisa, she seems to be panting heavily as she just did a spell card one after another.

China dodged to the right as she pulled out another spell card, the star hit the mansion, barely leaving a burnt mark.

"Colorful Sign! Extreme Color Typhoon!" declared Meiling.

Then she let loose many shards of rainbow as they started to get faster towards Marisa.

Then they all curve in different directions, making no pattern like a true hurricane, very unpredictable as soon shards moved straight, and some curved in random directions.

Marisa then braces herself while she focuses, I noticed that she was fatigued a lot.

(Her having trouble against Meiling?  Either Meiling is trying her best or Marisa wasn't strong enough back then..)

Marisa was having trouble maneuvering through the shards as some of her clothes got nipped, scrunching up her eyes every time a shard hit her.

(In this case, being the fastest playable character probably doesn't really help at all though)

I made 30 globes in front of me before unleashing each half on each side of China.

On the left side, all the globes didn't have any luck as they canceled each other out with the many shards.

The right side had better luck as some of them managed to hit Meiling, canceling out her spell.

China looked really tired as the danmaku disappeared, giving Marisa some breathing room, her clothes were heavily tattered.

Marisa smiled as she stopped moving to catch her breath.

Meiling slowly took out a spell card from her breast.

(Wouldn't they be lopsided from the amount of spell cards she used?)

I chuckled as Meiling began to declare her card.

Unknown POV

(Let's see how both will handle their energy being at an all-time high)

I held out both of my hands and each revealed a small flame, then suddenly they turned into a raging inferno, glowing with ferocity.



Ken's POV

"Qi Sign! Fierce Tiger's Inner Strength!" declared China.

Then a beam of light shone down on China as she glowed yellow, her fists turning rainbow-colored.

Soon the beam of light faded away and China had an aura of spiking yellow around her.

(What the hell?  Did she turned Super Saiyan! It's OVER 9000!)

Then she quickly rushed towards Marisa, who was still panting heavily when she looked up.

Marisa quickly held up her broom, but suffered from fatigue, a tattered hole in her clothes revealed her shoulder with the bite mark, as it glowed ultraviolet very intensely.

(What's this? A side-effect?)

Meiling rapidly punched Marisa three times in the gut, a broom fell from the sky.

I stood in shock at what happened, seeing Marisa's defense failing.

Marisa's breath was quickly punched out of her as she struggled to breath, her eyes wide open.

Then Meiling stood in place for one second then quickly gave out a punch to the chest, propelling Marisa back into the forest at a fast speed.

Marisa's eyes were close to closing, while she spat out blood, before she disappeared beneath the trees.

Anger bubbled up inside me.

(Why....China you BITCH!!!)

I made a sonic boom that was very loud that quickly shook all of gensokyo, rushing towards Meiling.

then I held my sword out in front of me and assumed the counter spell stance, but i was too fast to actually do it.

Then Meiling pumped her fist into the air.

"Cao Cao, I killed your precious Zhen Ji, now...."

She had just turned around when i just stabbed through her in the chest, gasping, while the yellow glow died down on her.

"'re not Cao Cao.." realized Meiling.

(Naw, really?!)

"Of course, you BITCH. Now, My name is Ken, you killed my Marisa.  Prepare to die!" I threatened.

(Even if she didn't die)

I took it out of Meiling and then slashed at Meiling immediately.

I missed but it was so fast it made a vacuum that drew Meiling in, spinning her in space.

I quickly withdrew my sword and grabbed Meiling by her sides locking her arms to her hips.

Then i flew up very quickly in the air, until I was at the point I couldn't really breathe.

Meiling tried to struggle, but couldn't get out of my grasp.

"I'm Sorry!" apologized Meiling.

"I DON'T CARE! YOU WENT TOO FAR!" I yelled, expressing my anger.

(You are going to PAY!)

As soon as i was done speaking, i flipped over, seeing clouds below me.

Then i descended down at the fastest speed possible...a sonic boom echoed throughout the land of Gensokyo as I sped towards the ground.


(Now DIE!!)

Meiling couldn't get me off as she tried to kick me with her legs and screamed as loud as she can.

"DROP DEAD!" I yelled.

I didn't know when to stop until Meiling's head hit the ground.

Dust kicked up in the air by a-lot as a shockwave went throughout the whole land, blowing back trees in the vicinity.

She twitched once, then she fell unconscious.

I quickly stood up as i took many breathes of air.

(I couldn't even rip apart her limbs!)

"RAWR~!" I barked.

I got out my Tsurugi and slashed Meiling many times, as she began to bled everywhere, with the new lacerations and slits in her clothes.

I stopped and then kept stabbing Meiling in the stomach like a piston.

I picked up Meiling, as I threw her like a javelin towards the doors of the SDM, blowing open the doors...with blood and cards flying everywhere.

I was about to dash to Meiling again to mutilate her when I stopped.

I looked at my hands and arms as they were red, then it came back to normal.

I then purposefully took a few breathes to calm myself down.

(That didn't help...I need to get rid of this anger!!)

(Ranting helps!)


Then i regained my breath again, feeling more calm and serene but still alarmed.


"MARISA~!" I yelled, becoming more alert.

I searched frantically for Marisa until I found her in a bush in the forest that wasn't touched by the dragon meteor earlier.

Her clothes were very dirty as she hit the ground before and a dirt streak came out from the bush.

(Please be alive.....)

She was laying there peacefully but I wasn't calm enough to figure out if she was breathing or not.


Instead, I merely dropped on my knees, dropping my sword, and almost fell but put my hands on the ground.

Tears came to my eyes as her eyes were close and her mouth was open.

(How could you lose to......)

I punched the ground many times until a hand stayed mine.

I resisted then I stopped....and looked up.

It was Marisa, who was weakly still on the floor while gripping my hand very tightly.

I immediately embraced her while I began to stop crying, comforted.

"...Is she gone, ze~?" asked Marisa.

"She's gone...and she won't harm you again" I replied.

"Ken....I'm alright...i just suffered from some shock..She packed a punch" said Marisa, becoming more happier.

"But what if you died?"

(Thank god you didn't die.)

"My ghost would have told you to kill all the residents of that mansion, ze~!"

(That cheerful voice...i missed it so much...)

I lifted my head up as I saw Marisa smile and blush at the same time.

"hehe, I would have done the same thing, but I know I would have been killed, so I could meet you again"

Marisa giggled then blushed heavily while I twisted her braid around.

Marisa closed her eyes, and opened her mouth, while blushing heavily.

I blushed too as I leaned closer to her.

Then I kissed her deeply, our tongues rolling around each other as we recover from the battle.

Marisa's arms embraced my neck as we continued to kiss a lot more.

We lay side by side as we kiss in the forest of the SDM.

(Who suggested i ranted in the first place?!)

Unknown POV

"Fufufufufu, Ken and that gatekeeper of that brat certainly enjoyed their lifted powers" I said.

"My boy certainly knows how to deal with people in Gensokyo...but how will he fare against the maid and the vampire....if he makes it"

"And then..."

I opened another gap to Reimu...who was still crying but her hands were in fists as she banged the floor.

"Fufufu~, not even her knows that I lifted the boundaries of her anger to extend against my boy greatly"

"Then when my boy comes back to the shrine, He will have to endure the final test before i arrange the events of Gensokyo for him to face me, if I choose to let her be angry still"

"Mistress Yukari, Chen won't take a bath again!" yelled Ran, downstairs.

I sighed, then I yelled, "Coming!"

Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2010, 05:01:34 PM »
This is interesting!! *Thumbs up* XDD
Alice Margatroid

Now writing:
Negative Explosion Chapter 3


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2010, 03:41:06 AM »
Chapter 16

Ken's POV
We laid next to each other, trying to rest ourselves getting ready to break in the mansion.

(I had already broken the door already in my rage with China, so it should be easy to go in.)

(I feel really stiff.)

Marisa looked up in the air pensively, while unusually quiet, holding her shoulder in pain.

My muscles hurt all over, my rage made me somewhat weak at the end, and a lack of vigor.

(That's what i get for missing that one slash that made it turn into some weird Kenshin move.)

(And like that guy,  I don't think I'll able to do that again.)

(Wait a second.....if I did all those moves, aren't they powerful enough to be spell cards?)

(Jeez, this is going to be painful.)

After about a few minutes, I slowly reached in my pocket, my arm winced in pain once.

I felt at least three new cards as i took them out.

The first card that came into view I looked at had me in the same counter stance as my other card but showed wind streaks behind me.

(Death in Ten Paces?  Why does it sound like it's off of a movie?)

(It sounds really versatile, like my other card, i can switch from spell cards to this skill card quickly...)

(And even from the counter card to this one it says, hehe.  I see some surprises in the future.)

I looked at the second card, which shows a black figure holding a yellow Kite shield with a green aura emanating from it.

(Hmm~, Astral Sign Art of Defense??.....looks pretty useful...but then my mobility will be decreased greatly it says.)

(How did I get this card in the first place)

I remembered how I protected Marisa from the danmaku with only my sword when she was preparing a flask.

(So this time, when i declared the spell card and hold the pose....I'll be protected?? Hold the phone, what's this say?)

In the middle of the shield seems to be a sigil with a hole in the middle...and the text says "Upgradable"

(Wait, I can upgrade this card? They never said so on the others, maybe they are powerful enough already?)

(What about the last card?)

I looked at the third card which shows a black figure again kicking up another black figure and sending them down lotus style, then it shows the result being confused with stars above his head.

There was a slash through the picture.

On the other side of the slash, it shows the same thing but then the black figure flies up to him and grabs his wrists that glow red then the figure throws them overhand.

(Cripple Sign: Vital Interference? I don't remember throwing Meiling by the wrist.)

(Wait a second, are these Cabal Online skills i see?)

(So basically, I can either cripple their ability to see or their ability to attack.  You can use your legs but the majority of attacking comes from using the wrist.)

(Wait what's this....)


(Well, that sucks....I guess it will only come in handy in melee...which is usually impossible in danmaku bombardment.)

I thought about the cards i have received, laying them on my chest.

(So i received two offensive melee skills and one upgradable defensive that case, after this incident...I'm going to need to train for endurance...)

Marisa sighed and I looked over, she still looked to the sky when she was reaching for something in her blouse.

It was a vial with strange bubbly yellow liquid that read "CURE-ALL," albeit very crude letters though and a cork at the top.

"Marisa, where did you get that?" I asked, curious.

Marisa gasped for a second, then looked at me then the vial.

"I was in the human village before you even came here and i saw many stalls that were open, there was a delicious ramen stand, ze!" replied Marisa.

(There's Ramen here? I would kill for some right now!)

My stomach growled loudly, making Marisa giggle a little bit.

(I really wish I had some food to eat right now.)

"Then there was this one stand at the looked very poor and there was nothing worth of borrowing" continued Marisa.

(Borrow, Borrow, Borrow!  Is that all you do?)

"Then I saw this shady person who had purple-ish long hair, long rabbit ears, and her eyes were frighteningly red" said Marisa.

"She was wearing some kind of weird clothing, it looked like a black jacket sewed together with buttons and a crescent moon pin to the right side of her jacket."

"Along with a tie at her neck, I think she was just checking her inventory when I saw this vial on the counter."

(Reisen? You swiped from Reisen?)

"Then she noticed me and tried to ask what i wanted, but I was busy studying the vial, she jumped when she saw I had it."

(But why did she jump at that one particular vial...)

"I asked what was it, ze.  Then she said it wasn't for sale, then i decided to borrow it. After all, if it's something she's not selling, it must be really valuable.  I quickly ran away while I thanked her for letting me borrow it."

(It wasn't on sale for a reason you know?)

Marisa giggled at first and shook the vial, making the liquid bubble even more violently.

"What a useless bunny, she would only be good for sex appeal."

I raised my eyebrows when Marisa said that, remembering some familiar words.

(How exactly did you figure that out?)

"I don't know now whether i should take it or not now, it wasn't on sale for a reason you know?" said Marisa.

(Naw really?  Well Reisen's supplier has got to be Eirin, which in turn makes it safe, but then again Eirin likes to do many experiments.)

"Marisa, I believe you should take it" I said.

Marisa stood up, although she quickly winced and held her stomach, she popped the vial open, making it fizz out of the vial.

I quickly stood up too looking at Marisa, who looked scared for a second then became more confident.

(There's no reason you should be afraid of that!  Think about when you ate mushrooms whether they are poisonous or not)

"Think about it, didn't you ever eat poisonous mushrooms and still lived?"  I asked.

Marisa nodded slowly then turned into an ecstatic grin, with a thumbs up in the air.

"You're right! I do love eating death caps with ramen!" said Marisa, optimistically.

(Isn't that fatal?  And you "love it with ramen?"  Marisa, What the hell is up with your body?)

I stood with my eyes open wide, surprised that Marisa's liver or kidney is still kicking.

"Ah what the heck? It can't hurt!" said Marisa.


Marisa then drank it bottoms up, she drained the whole thing in three seconds.

(So much for being cautious)

"Yum! Warm and salty!" exclaimed Marisa.

(Wait a second, doesn't pee taste like that.....I know it's sterile and there is Urine therapy..but)

(Who's pee is that?  What has Eirin done to Reisen...)

"Uuu~, My stomach is gurgling, and it's starting to hurt.." complained Marisa.

(Ummmmm Urine Poisoning?  It comes out of your body for a reason.)

Then Marisa quickly held her shoulder with her hand, and then her stomach.

Marisa screamed really loud, I had to cover my ears since Marisa caused my ears to ring.

"It hurts so bad, so sharp, like something is cutting me!" complained Marisa.

(Shit what do i do!)

(Is her shoulder wound doing ok?)

I quickly pulled back Marisa's clothes to the part where her shoulders are exposed, Marisa blushed a bit while I checked her shoulder wound.

(It seemed to be.......fixing itself?)

The black inflammation that used to be there was gone, and the wound restitched itself until it was fully closed, leaving no scar.

Marisa screamed in pain and embraced me, I felt warmth come into my cheeks.

Then she felt relaxed, as her muscles doesn't feel so tensed up anymore.

"I....feel....GREAT!" exclaimed Marisa.

(Thank you Eirin for using pee as a Cure-All!)

Then quickly Marisa grabbed her head with both hands, convulsing in pain.

"Auu~, Why does my head and Tushie hurt so much!?" yelled Marisa.

Marisa dropped to her knees on the ground beside the dirt streak, holding her head tightly.

"Marisa!" I yelled.

"It's like something wants to come out, help it out Ken!" Marisa ordered.


(Unless a robot is going to come out of your forehead, I don't think there's much I can do.)

I was fazed by what Marisa just said, continuing to stare at her.

(Why would you ask something like that anyway?)

Then all of a sudden, two things came out of Marisa's head and one thing from her ass.

The two things at the top of her head happened to be short big floppy rabbit ears.

Then there was a big cottontail that came out of her ass.

(Marisa....a rabbit....)

Marisa let go of her head with a relieved look on her face, wiping her forehead with her forearm.

"Whew! Glad that's better, hey I can even hear better now.  but now I am feeling this strange urge for carrots and to pound something" said Marisa.

I stood shocked with my jaw dropped and my eyes wide open.

I stammer "The" for a bit as my hand shook, pointing at Marisa's ears.

Marisa looked confused for a second who touched her head, then her eyes became wide open, rigorously feeling her head with her hands.

"EEE~! What is this, zea!" shrieked Marisa.

(Zea?  Is that supposed to be some combination of ze~ and usa~?)

Marisa covered her mouth with a surprised look on her face.

(I think it was Tewi's pee, she looks like her, and she wants to pound something.)

"I think it's rabbit ears" I said.

"You mean I'm a wabbit, zea?!" shouted Marisa.

(Just because you have animal parts on your body don't mean you have to shout so loud~!)

I nodded with a grim smile while I still pointed, now at her bottom.

Marisa patted her ass when she felt her cottontail, squeezing it.

"Uuu~, I am a wabbit, A useless only-good-for-sex-appeal wabbit" said Marisa.

(That's not do look better in a way.  We only know so far is that you got rabbit parts.)

(Aren't rabbits normally....)

"Wait, do you feel....energized?" I asked, hesitating a little bit.

Marisa thought for a moment while putting her finger on her chin, then she smiled and leaped in the air, her arms outstretched towards the sky.

"I do feel energized! I never felt better than ever!" yelled Marisa.

Third POV:
Meanwhile, at the Forest of Magic, A long haired blond tall youkai with a gigantic double-sided buster sword was terrorizing some travelers.

"Hehehehe, fear me as RUMIA!" an unknown voice rang out in the forest, scaring away birds and insects.

Rumia swung her buster sword as her amulet did no good to seal her powers.

The travelers were scared as they hugged each other.

"I'm gonna GIT you...and eat you HUMES~!" threatened Marisa.

Rumia charged with her buster sword ready and blood coming from her mouth toward the travelers.

They hugged each other as their kimonos touched, both seem to be praying for their lives.  One traveler was a black-haired male while the other was another black-haired person but was female.

Then Rumia suddenly dropped her sword onto the ground while she held her head and stood in place.

The travelers look with surprise as they were curious to see what happens next, leaning over with curiosity.

"Uuu~, My source of energy is gone! I don't want to..."

The amulet in her hair glowed yellow, lighting up the area around Rumia.

Rumia shrunk back to her old self as the amulet was still there able to seal her powers, while she fell to her knees.

Quickly, the travelers ran back in the other direction, holding hands together.

Rumia sat in place, about to cry, holding her hands.  The buster sword beside her disappeared, replaced with flattened grass.

"Uuuuuu, I only wanted a meal, I'm going to starve~!" moaned Rumia, beginning to have tears on her eyes.

Rumia cried into the grass, trying to wipe away her tears with her hand.

Then suddenly, an arm extended out in Rumia's sight, it was carrying a lamprey stick.

Rumia's eyes glowed, then quickly grabbed it and ate it.  She begun to have a smile on her face as she looked behind her to see who gave her the stick.

She had grey eyes, pink hair, pointed ears like an owl, light pink bird-like wings with purple highlights. She is in white and brown clothing with a hat and the dress contain numerous bird-shaped ornaments.

She looked very happy as she gave a smile, bending over to Rumia's level.

Then she held out her hand, gesturing to Rumia.

Rumia looked at it for a second, a piece of meat in her lips, before grabbing it with her own hand.

Meanwhile at the SDM where Marisa and Ken prepare to enter the SDM at the courtyard.

Marisa looks on happy besides the side effect that she has bunny ears and a tail while Ken is somewhat fatigued but ready to go on with courage.

Ken's POV
We entered through the gate where Meiling usually stands to guard.

I looked at the flowers, part of it was burned by the danmaku battle and the dragon meteor, as the entire courtyard had many burn marks all around the ground.

(Oh god look at these flowers...Good thing Yuka isn't here, nobody knows the rage she would go through if she found out what happened.)

We looked onward as Marisa happily leaped over the flowerbeds.

"WEE~!" Marisa shouted happily.

(I think this rabbit thing is cute and annoying at the same time.)

(In fact...I haven't gone moe in a long while.)

I stood there with my drunken smile, my eyes narrowing, as my nose readied to bleed.

Then it gushed out, as the blood colors over the black burn marks.

( beautiful how Marisa hops...)

Marisa looked behind and raised her ears, and then giggled, holding her hand beside her lips.

(That did it....)

"HNG~~" I groaned

I fell backwards on the ground as I was happy to have gone to rest....on the flowerbed.

The last thing I saw was Marisa giggling then sitting by me on the flowerbed.

Yukari's POV:

"Ran, prepare to send him my next gift, it appears he doesn't mourn his toilet paper anymore" I ordered.

Ran came in with a Maruchan Chicken Ramen noodles packet, she brought it over to me and bowed, dropping it beside me then leaving.

Then I snapped my fingers while thinking about the noodles.

(I made the border nonfictional between not being restorative and restorative)

A blue spark came out of my finger.

Then it turned into a small fireball as it went away.

(Ken's power will slowly decrease throughout going through the SDM...but he shall not realize this.)

(These Ramen noodles will help him...but only energize him.)

I quickly grabbed a Post-it note i got when this one person cleaned his desk before going to White Castle with an Indian.

(The dangers these friends went through, just for a White Castle burger.)

I quickly wrote "Eat this -Yakumo."

Then I opened a gap and sent it through to Ken, It landed on his chest while he continued to bled unconscious.

(Soon, he will have to train for himself to get as good as his current level...but that will take really long.)

(Hehe that boy...always bleeding when something like that happens..)

"Fufufu, Ran~! Microwave a Bagel Bites for me" I ordered.

"Yes, mistress" replied Ran.

Ran went downstairs, signaling it with steps descending.

"CHEN~! You're good with these...things...make Yukari Bagel Bites!" Ran yelled.

"OK~!" Chen replied.

(Why do i even ask Ran anymore...)

(My boy, if he wants to get better at this, he need to take on some very special adventures.  Some not even in Gensokyo!)

If you noticed, I wasn't thinking back in February when I made this fanfic.  It is weird how I could depict Ken as overpowering Meiling in a sudden emotional burst along with lackluster romance.  As I said before, this fanfiction also represents my development in writing.  Each chapter gets progressively better.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2010, 04:36:18 AM »
Chapter 17 the end of the Prologue...
[I am assuming that Gensokyo uses Yen for currency]
[Considering that Yukari goes out into the outside world often, she knows many things and keeps up with their culture]
[] = author's notes

Ken's POV
(God....Touhou Manzais get really annoying after a while in dreams)

(In fact, it got annoying to the point I want to punch a certain reporter in the face)

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a flowerbed, seeing sunflowers above me, and seeing that it was night already, seeing faint stars in a blue-ish sky.

(Huh? Night?.......Good thing Yuka isn't here)

I sat up and immediately saw the big scarlet mansion in front of me, telling me I was in the same location I fainted.

Then I felt something drop onto my thighs.

I saw it was a Maruchan Ramen Chicken Noodles, with a yellow post-it note on top of it.

(Huh, Ramen noodles?...What does this note say? ....I can barely read these purple words.)

I took off the post-it note and it says "Eat this -Yakumo."

(Yukari? is she helping me or.......?  I'm confused.)

My stomach growls with a sharp pain as i clutched it.

(Well, I am hungry.  Thanks, Yukari.)

I ripped it open and went ahead to eat the raw, dry, and hard ramen noodles.

I chewed off a piece, having a nice and crunchy snack.

(Good thing my friend taught me that eating Raw Ramen Noodles is good for fiber...)

(Hmmmmm. What is actually the flavor of Raw Ramen Noodles?)

I was about halfway done.  My stomach still gave off a sharp pain but it is slowly dulling down.

"Nnn~, I taste blood." I said, putting my tongue up to my palate to taste blood.

(Oh yeah.....Playboy Marisa....She is good for her sex appeal.)

Marisa has recently suffered a case of having rabbit ears and a tail after drinking a vial of strange, fizzy, and yellow liquid.

(Last piece....)

I popped it in my mouth and chewed contently.

(If only I had some water to down these noodles.)

Then I threw back the chicken flavoring found in the bag somewhere in the garden and downed the crumbs from the package.

(Hmm~, that meal was satisfying.  In fact, I feel...energized!)

I was filled with so much energy I jumped up from my sitting position and landed on my feet, feeling really bouncy.

(Oh god, I never had this much energy before ever since I was wired after drinking six Super Dry Nitrous Monsters.  And they say if you drink three monsters, you'll die.)

I noticed that the Tsurugi was sheathed and already was mounted on my back.

(How that get there? I swear i left it in the forest or something..)

(Well anyway, time to solve this incident. Where's Marisa?)

I looked around for any sign of Marisa, then a shadow loomed over me from behind.

The shadow had rabbit ears with long hair, suddenly two arms wrapped around  my neck.

"Ken!" shouted a familiar voice behind me

(Oh there's Marisa.)

I turned my head to see that Marisa still had the rabbit ears while she smiled at me.

"I found that sword and put it on you~" said Marisa, her voice trailing off at the last word she said.

Marisa gave me a really worried look while she took some steps backwards.

"Ken......Why are you fizzling?" asked Marisa.

(Fizzling? Don't be serious..)

I looked at my body just to make sure I wasn't fizzling or anything else, nothing was being given off.

(Nothing was fizzling off of me....I'm perfectly fine..)

"Whatever, it is, It's nothing.  Now let's go fix that incident!

"O-O-Ok" stuttered Marisa.

I jumped up in the air, feeling more jubilant than ever, stretching out my arms.

(There's nothing to worry about...nothing bad can happen!)

Then my shadow quickly became more noticeable as the surroundings became more white in a flash while I looked at my feet, then it turned back to normal.

I quickly turned around and looked at the night was a full moon.

(Eh...It's probably nothing..I must be seeing things..)

Yukari's POV:
I hurried and closed the gap before he turned around.

The camera spat out a picture which shows Ken smoking white and Marisa stricken with bunny body parts.

I opened another gap and dropped the camera in it while keeping the picture in my hand.

(I must thank that tengu someday, but now is not the time.)

(Ken wouldn't be able to face Patchouli at this point, his powers are decreasing at a rate faster than i expected.)

(If this keeps up, even some of his cards will be nullified and be useless, due to his soon to be defunct power to maintain them.)

(He would probably even never be able to fly as fast as he did before.)

(I need to bring that red-white shrine maiden to the SDM quickly so she can finish this, her powers are surprisingly high for a human.)

"RAN~! Notebook paper now!" I demanded loudly, echoing in the room I was in.

"Yes Mistress!" replied Ran.

I heard loud footsteps throughout the house, first hearing paper being ripped, then the footsteps got closer as a nine-tailed figure slid the door open to my room.

Ran quickly gave me a piece of paper and a brush with a dipping pool of ink.

Then she picked up a plate that used to have hot pockets on it since i finished earlier.

"Ran, would you kindly bring me some wine?" I asked, dipping the brush into the ink.

Ran bowed to me before beginning to head out the door.

"Yes mistress" replied Ran.

(Ran seems a bit more robotic than usual, ah well.)

(I think Reimu can only read Kanji, so I will warn her through Kanji.)

I got down to work on a letter that will tell Reimu to come quickly to the SDM and finish up things, taking out the brush that was soaking in the ink.

After about five minutes, I quickly found a small plastic American Eagle bag.

(So ingenuity the outsiders their sense of fashion and saving space.)

I quickly put the letter in there and the picture.

I was about to open a gap before a reminder popped into my head.

(Of course, greediness comes first..)

I got out my small purse and dumped in about 12000 yen in coins into the bag.

[12000 yen equals to about $120 dollars]

(But the humans can't match my space-saving strategy.)

(Bottomless bags are nice to have around to make traveling so comfy.)

I giggled slightly while I opened the gap to the dark Hakurei Shrine, it had lights on inside the shrine.

(Reimu might need a "little persuading" before she goes to do her job.)

Then i snapped my fingers, quickly making a stagnant fire ball in the air in front of me.

It was a cold fireball that was blue, then it slowly turned red, before dying out to a single spark.

(Controlling Reimu's anger is hard, but I made a limit of her anger so Ken may stay at her shrine, no matter the many homicidal thoughts Reimu has.)

(Ken is getting barely anything out of staying at that witch's place.  That witch always takes it too easy, and is giving Ken the wrong idea.)

(That's why i am going to have Reimu teach him how to properly fight in Gensokyo instead of randomly using movie and anime references in spell cards.)

I sighed, shaking my head disapproving of Ken's spell cards.

(No more Lotus or Battosai skills for him, luckily he hasn't thought of that Netnavi crap.)

(......or Death Note..)

I shuddered at the thought of Ken being able to kill off anyone he wanted to at a mere declaration.

Then i giggled, shaking my head at the thought of Ken going that low.

(Gensokyo would've been really boring if that happened.  But still, his emotions may go unstable, and he may think of such things.)

I quickly took out the letter from the bag and quickly added a suggestion.

Then I put it back in and quickly sent it through the gap, then closing it.

(....Everything may not go according to plan....but it's enough seeing as i saw Ken before play those....Touhou games....such good ideas..)

(Now to think about how to convince that ghost to have a nice blossom.  And to rise a greediness level in someone.)

Reimu's POV:
I sat at a table, drinking tea, with lamps in the room on.

I was still anguished after Ken and Marisa left to fix the "incident."

(When they get back, I am going to seal KEN., It's the only way to protect Gensokyo and...)

I blushed a little bit, before turning serious again.


[No, it's not like that at all.  Don't be a pervert.]

Then i was suddenly calmed, all my anger directed towards Ken is gone.

Along with my urge to seal him, instead, I felt more ease at heart.

(What? Why do I not want to seal him anymore? It seems so...unreasonable now.)

I sipped a bit of my tea before setting it down on the table.

(It's so weird, like I don't need to worry about anything now.)

(But, It's probably dangerous where they are going, then I heard those booms.)

I remembered the many booms I heard throughout the day, one managing to rustle the leaves on the tree, Ken popped up in my head once again.

(Those were Ken's booms I predicted, so that would mean things are probably ok now, that or something happened.)

(Wait, Ken is lovesick with Marisa right now, he wouldn't run.  Would he?)

I thought carefully about this when I heard the sound of money dropping into the ground outside.

(Wait a second, That's..)

"Money!" I finished.

I quickly drank all of my tea before grabbing my gohei and running to the door, sliding it open, then running outside.  I became ready to say a prayer to who ever donated.

(Eh? Where did the money come from?)

I saw nobody in the night, as I only saw a full moon.

(Uuu~, My mind must be playing tricks on me again..why would anyone come at this hour anyway? Especially with this damn fog.)

I fell sullen when i slowly was about to go back into the Shrine, when out of the corner of my eye, I see a bag with an eagle on it.


"Is it what i think it is?"  I asked.

I picked up the bag, immediately noticing it was extremely heavy.

(What is in this bag?)

I looked in the bag, .and i have never been happier since.

(So full....of money...almost to the top of the bag.)

I jumped up in the air and...

"WOOHOO MUNEY!" I yelled, overjoyed.

I quickly picked up the bag as my new-found strength allowed me to carry it inside, dragging it against the ground instead of carrying after a few seconds.

I quickly slid the door close and threw my gohei somewhere in the shrine, no longer needing it.

(No one is getting my money!!!)

I then tried to heft up the bag this time with spiritual assistance and managed to dump its contents into the floor after sliding the door close..

(...So many coins...)

Many silver coins fell out the bag and made very distinct money sounds.

Later a very huge pile of money grew on the floor as I was still ecstatic.

(I'm rich I'm Rich!!!...Hey what's this?)

There was a piece of paper with kanji on it and then a picture....

I quickly read the paper, which happened to be a letter, and it said,

"Reimu, You must hurry to the Scarlet Devil Mansion! Ken doesn't have long before he dies...his powers are slowly going away. Get over there and fix the incident.  I want you to take in Ken in refuge so you can train him properly in danmaku may do whatever the hell you want with him as long as he trains before spring...Marisa doesn't really help him at all as their love distracts them from doing so...I have paid you in advance so you will be able to keep Ken in your home....Mushrooms don't really substitute for food that can help him..especially the poisonous ones..Thank you for the time to read this...NOW HURRY...FOLLOW THE MOST DENSEST CONCENTRATION OF THE SCARLET FOG AND IT WILL LEAD YOU TO THE MANSION WHERE KEN AND MARISA ARE.  Also, i suggest you add a rule to the spell card system where you can't instantly end the battle with a death-inducing card,"

(So i got a job to do....with this much money...i don't mind even saving that bastard and training him...even if he's going to do alot of work!)

I grinned as i turned out the lamps in the shrine...and grabbed my ofuda and gohei.

I then slid open the door then closed it...

I immediately look around for any dense concentration of the fog.

Then I saw a part of the fog I can't see through that was in front of me.

(That must be it! I must hurry!)

I quickly rushed in the direction hoping that it isn't too late.

Marisa's POV

(Ken....he's fizzling away.....what does it mean?)

(I don't care...I'm still worried about him..)

Ken and I walked towards the entrance of the SDM that was already busted open.

Ken just stood there...glancing at the entrance like something was supposed to be there.

"Huh? where's her body?  They probably dragged it away" said Ken.

I did indeed see a pool of blood in the entrance, along with the doors draped with blood as well.

(Ken....what did you do..)

I raised my rabbit ears as I stared too into the entrance.

"Ken! come on, ze! Let's go and solve this incident!" I said.

(I'm still worried....I hope he isn't dying..)

"Ok!  You're going to find a lot of things interesting in this mansion" replied Ken.

(Yeah that's the only reason i came...)

"Did you say there were a lot of magical books in here?" I asked.

Ken nodded diligently as he continued to walk inside, careful not to step on blood on the way.

I quickly followed, careful not to step on it by hovering over it.

(Magical books, I'm going to borrow some and maybe come back later.)

We entered the lobby, which was a dark room with a sigil on the floor lighting up the room as we see only doors.

A pungent odor filled the area that smelled like blood.

Then Ken pointed to the left where two very big doors were found.

"Ah this must be the library with the books.  You can "borrow" to your hearts content in there" sung Ken.

I beamed at Ken as I got really excited.

(Library?  I may have to make daily trips!)

(But how is it that we didn't get attacked yet?)

I looked around for any sign of an ambush but decided to focus on the doors as Ken pushed it open.

I dropped my jaw as i stared wide open at the library.

"So...So..Big, ze! I'm really going to like this place, ze!" I said.

Ken laughed as he continued to walk forward to one of the very big bookshelves.

He put his finger on the books as he slid it along the books.

"Dang, everything is here! Wikipedia, Illusion Magic by Zhang Jiao, Gentlemen's Allia..."

He stopped suddenly and immediately stepped back with a disgusted look on his face.

"Ew! I didn't know she liked that stuff...even if the 4komas suggested that" said Ken.

I walked over to where Ken was and looked around in amazement of the big shelves, then I took out a book called the "Necronomicon."

I flipped through the pages as the covers felt really weird and the text looked like it was in blood.

(Uuu~....I can barely contain my excitement.)

I put the book in my blouse, while Ken just looked at me and sighed, shaking his head.

"What? They can borrow it back when I'm dead, ze!" I said.

Ken chuckled a little bit before he looked up and suddenly dodged backwards, and unsheathed his sword.

Ken suddenly could barely lift it up, as his sword made a large thud.

"This sword wasn't that heavy before!" yelled Ken.

I looked up also and saw a girl wearing a black dress with white sleeves.

She has a small pair of black, bat-like wings on the sides of her head along with another pair on her back and long red hair.
I saw danmaku directed towards us as globe bullets came in a fast spiral direction while she made many sigils in the air that gave out many knives.

I immediately threw out my options as they hovered in the air with me shooting illusion laser at this....devil.

Ken had a hard time dodging as he went into the air, but he seems to be having trouble controlling himself, while he was still fizzling.

"Why is flying more harder for me now?!" yelled Ken.

He couldn't dodge some of the knives as he couldn't control his altitude, his clothes and skin were getting more and more nipped.

"Argh~!" Ken grunted.

I continued to be grazing as this devil continued to keep up the offensive.

"I was told this boy might be dangerous, I don't see why, By my mistress's orders, put back that book" demanded the devil.

I grinned at her while I kept grazing.

"She can have it back when I'm dead!" I replied.

Then i focused my options on this devil making it even more powerful, hitting her harder.

Eventually she canceled the spell as she fell down from the air and hit the floor, she was breathing heavily.

I looked over at Ken and was horrified at his sight.

He was bleeding on his arms, legs, and chest as his clothes became stained with blood thanks to little lacerations throughout his entire body.

Ken began to get really angry...his fizzling seems to began emitting even more densely.


He tried to hit the books with his sword, but a yellow barrier emitted on all the books and forced back Ken really hard as he landed next to the devil.

"Please don't try to attack the books" said the devil, meekly.

"I can if i want Koakuma!" replied Ken.

The devil...or Koakuma immediately gasped at this but then fainted with the damage i done to her.

Slowly, Ken got up and dragged his sword with him forward as he walked...

"Where are you going, ze!?" I asked.

Ken quickly turned around and walked back towards me, he left every footstep with blood.

(This fizzling...It's weakening Ken...and now he can barely fight...)

(I hope this doesn't happen to me..)

I ran to Ken and supported him as we wandered through the library, occasionally getting into trouble with the youkai found in it.

We dodged lasers, white and green bullets, and knives as we go.

Ken seemed to lack the energy to dodge everything as he continued to get lacerated.

But luckily, some of the lasers singed him, cauterizing some of the lacerations and helping Ken not die of blood loss.

While we wandered, I stole and stole more books on the way as my blouse began to be really big.

(The next time i come here, I'm going to bring a big bag.)

Ken started to fizzle less and less but it doesn't matter since his strength in battle seems to be leaving him, making him feel more and more lethargic.

He kept cursing in the air whining about his problems.

(What happened to Ken that made him this way?)

We walked to where what seems to be the middle of the library where there was a chair and piles of books sitting on desks...

Then this lady was hovering in the air with her book open.

Her hair and eyes are purple, and has many ribbons tied to her hair and other body parts. She wears pajama-like clothing and a night-cap.

"Who are you? and you look ridiculous in those clothes, ze!" I said.

The lady twitched at that comment, becoming irritated at the comment I made.

"I am Patchouli Knowledge.  Please return the books that you have stolen" said the lady's calm voice.

"Yeah that's Patchy...You' read Yaoi don't you?" said Ken.

(What's Yaoi?)

Patchy twitched at that comment considering only the people in the SDM call her that and know her secret.

"Errr....I do not...Koakuma only does" said Patchy, trying to cover up for herself.

"Now, 'How to passively defeat the person in black in front of you'"

Patchy seems to be reading her book.

(Is that actually written in there?)

"Hmm... My eyes have been getting worse lately" commented Patchy.

(Well, the room is kinda dark...especially considering the fact it's dark outside.)

"Isn't that because the room is so dark?" I answered.

"Perhaps i lack iron."

(That doesn't help your eyesight..)

"You know, I think you mean vitamin A" I said, confused.

"How about you?" said Patchy.

"I have enough. Of a lot of things"

Patchy seemed to have shook her head at this.

"Then maybe I'll help myself" said Patchy, licking her lips.

(Hehehe, What's with her?  Does she want to eat me?)

"I'm really tasty" I said.

Patchy seems to be back at reading her book again.

"Let's see, 'how to easily remove unneeded portions of food'" said Patchy.

Four sigils appeared around Patchy and spun slowly around her as lasers emitted straight from them.

Then four more sigils came and did the same thing but spun in the opposite direction.

I used my options and used my illusion laser on her, immediately piercing through her book at the same time, while I observed the lasers.

(Ooo~, This is a nice spell...I'm going to borrow it!!)

Ken attempted to fly in the air, but had a hard time controlling his altitude, he landed back on the ground as we grazed the lasers.

Five way spreads came at us as we slightly move to not get hit by them.

Then the lasers happened again but there was some danmaku as well that were going to our current position while some only went in one direction.

Ken growled as he got hit by one of them.

"I never did like this spell in the games" said Ken.

(This seems really powerful...I think i will call it...Non-Directional Laser)

I grinned as Patchy canceled her danmaku and declared a spell card.

"Earth Sign! Rage Trilithon High Level!" declared Patchy.

She began to unleash many random bullets, we couldn't see a pattern.

Just as me and Ken saw an opening, They suddenly change directions, ruining our concentration.

We were both hit as I got hit in the arm and Ken dropped to the floor, quickly getting back up as he tried to declared a spell card.

He was exhausted, barely holding it up.

"Astral Sign! Art of Defense!" declared Ken.

A yellow shield appeared in front of Ken as he sat with his sword in blocking position, his arm shaking violently due to his lost strength.

Then the shield slowly flashed off and on as the danmaku made contact with it, and was absorbed.

It then finally flashed away as Ken fell to the floor exhausted, he was breathing heavily.

"Where was all that energy i had?" said Ken, lacking the energy he had before entering the mansion.

Then he muttered something, but i didn't know what it was, as it was inaudible.

"Ken~!" I screamed, seeing bullets heading his way.

I got out my Hakkero and proceeded to prepare for my signature move.

Then I aimed up as the Hakkero spun in the air.

"Love Sign! Master SPARK~!" I declared.

The beam came out from it with ring insignias emanating from it as the rainbow colored spark made its way to Patchy.

All danmaku were canceled while after the spell, Patchy looked black, but her clothes remained the same way as it was before.

Then she made an evil smile.

(What? She can just take it on head-on..)

I stood in shock while Patchy cleared her throat.

I looked over at Ken quickly and saw that he was sleeping, hearing a snoring noise.

(Sleeping? at an exciting time like this?)

Then I noticed he is leaving a blood pool, albeit small though by his chest.

(He's going to bleed to death if this keeps up..)

"Not bad...I should hurry this up since your irate friend will probably die soon" said Patchy.

Then she took out another spell card, extending it out forward.

"Metal & Water Sign! Mercury Poi...MUKYU~!" coughed Patchy.

Patchy seems to be coughing violently, as she covered her neck.

(Who fights people when you're sick!!)

"Stupid anemia" said Patchy.


I noticed all the books have dropped from my blouse, seeing many books on the floor, and feeling surprisingly light.

"How did i not notice that, ze!?" I said in surprise.

I proceeded to pick the books and fit them in my blouse so they wouldn't fall.

Patchy seems to have finally stopped coughing after five minutes.

(Couldn't she have choked to death from coughing that much...)

"Sorry now where were we?  Eh? I dropped my spell card.  Ah well I got another one" lamented Patchy.

(You're kidding me right?!)

Patchy took out another card from her pajamas and declared it.

"Earth & Metal Sign Emerald Mega..."

"Spirit Sign Fantasy Orb!" Rang out a familiar voice in the library, echoing.

All of a sudden, while Patchy uttered her spell, 7 different colored balls homed in on Patchy, interrupted her spell card, and exploded.

Patchy was knocked down to the ground, then a familiar person came out of the smoke.


I saw her with ofuda and gohei in hand as she appeared to have knocked down Patchy, who began coughing again.

"Mukyu! Mukyu!"

(You got a serious problem with your health!  You need more mushrooms!)

Reimu just looked down on her in disgust as she kept coughing, then looked at me and Ken with a worried face, before flying to us.

"Marisa! Hurry and get Ken to my shrine! He doesn't have much longer.......rabbit ears?" said Reimu, confused at the last two words.

(They are still there?)

I patted my head and saw they were still there and I grew really serious but content.

"What about the incident, Raymoo~..oof!" I said, before being hit atop the head with the gohei, leaving a bump.

"What was that for?" I said, not liking her sudden action.

"Go NOW!! I'll fix this incident myself" said Reimu, willing to take over for me.

(Since when was Reimu this time!)

I quickly grabbed Ken who left a larger blood pool.

(Jeez, It's worse than I thought!)

I got on my broom and unleashed a bullet at a nearby window.

The window shattered as I broke through the remaining fragments with my broom and carried Ken out of there, who is now on my back.

(Come on Ken, Please be still alive..)


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2010, 04:36:53 AM »
Rise to Power Chapter 1

Ken's POV
( head....where am I?)

I found myself in....actually nothing.

Everything was white all around me.

I was standing with my clothes that aren't tattered.

I took a step to see what the floor sounded like.

It made no sound and it felt like nothing was there, yet the floor was tangible.

(It's like air but I'm stepping on it.)

I felt a poke on my back, then I pushed forward very fast.


I was basically doing a pelvic thrust through the air with my hip extended outwards.

(This is going to give people big misunderstandings if I do this in public.)

Then i suddenly stopped and landed flat on my face.


"Nng~, wood floor?" I said, feeling something hard and firm on my face.

Then it came before my ears, a mahogany style wood floor appeared before my eyes.

After a minute, I lifted my head to see where i was at, I found myself in a house.

I immediately looked around while I stood up, trying to find out where I am.

I see some picture frames on the wall hanging by a string with golden embroidery on the edges.

(Yukari? Ran? Chen?)

Indeed, I saw Yukari, Ran, and Chen together in somewhat of a family photo.

Then another one has Chen in a Moe pose that could easily make someone faint.

(It's a good thing this is a dream....I think.)

Then right next to that picture is another one showing Ran covering her face with her hand, with blood coming out of her fingers.

(Someone can't get enough of Chen...)

I chuckled while I looked around for anything else,I saw a red wooden door, the ones you would see in the outside world.

I walked over to the door and turned the knob, then moved the door backwards.

I saw through a glass door that it seems I am back in the modern world.

(What?  You kidding me? Am I out of Gensokyo?  Yukari has a house in the outside world?)

I opened the glass door and stepped out, feeling rough pavement beneath my feet.

(Judging by the temperature outside and the sun shining, it has to be summer, it's really hot outside.)

Immediately, the sun burdened down on me with her rays, instantly making me feel hot.

I was on a concrete deck with steps to a sidewalk leading to a driveway, intersected with another sidewalk.

There was the front lawn, that looked like someone just mowed it due to seeing faint lines, with a tree in the middle of the lawn, surrounded by tiles and soil.

(Who in the Yakumo Family actually mows the lawn?)

I thought about it while the image of Chen trying to push the lawnmower popped up in my head, making me chuckle.

(I don't want to imagine a cat with a lawnmower, she already was drawn with a chainsaw!)

(This is turning out to be some weird lucid dream right now.)

(Then again, when i was in Gensokyo, all I been having are lucid dreams.)

Then i let out a sigh of relief, knowing my location.

(I may still be in Gensokyo, just not in here.)

Then i heard the loud whir of a sports car as a Ferrari Enzo, labeled on the trunk, drove up in front of the house.

A door opened from the side of the car as a blond person came out with sunglasses.

She doesn't have a hat with her.

She had long hair with a braid on the left side of her face as she was smiling and a little pink blushing..

She was wearing a black shirt that said in big letters, "I'm a witch, ze" and very short jeans way above her knees.

"Marisa?" I asked, her clothes and hair suggesting it was her.

She took off her sunglasses while she smiled, revealing yellow eyes.

"Hi, Ken..Wanna Play, ze?" said Marisa.

(Honestly, Marisa needs to learn how to use the word play if she keeps saying it like that. But...)

(She's still the same.....even if she's been modernized..still)

I stood shocked, I have never imagined Marisa would dress up like a Prep in some way.

"Umm...Ken?" said Marisa, trying to wave her hand to get my attention.

I got out of my daze, and cleared my throat.

"Yeah?" I said, feeling uncomfortable inside.

(Uh oh, there's the social anxiety kicking in.)

"Are you busy? Because at 5:00 there's going to be a concert!" exclaimed Marisa.

(If i am not surprised, it's the...)

"We are going to see the Prism, I heard they are a decent band and thought we should check it out, ze~! I swiped us some tickets, because I'm going to bring some friends!"

(Yep, if Marisa is in this somewhat modern world, then others have to be in it the Prismriver sisters..)

"Ok? Sure?  By the way, Marisa where did you get that car?" I asked.

Marisa suddenly looked down, she stuttered, while hesitating.

"W-W-Well, uh....."

Flashback THIRD POV:

Marisa still in the same clothes walked down the sidewalk, recently finishing up a Lamprey burger.

[A/N:Lamprey is a type of eel]

Nearby a trashcan, Marisa threw in a small box whose label was a burger and two sticks of eel in the back.

"Yum~, I should borrow another Quarter Lamper later" uttered Marisa, recently swallowing her last bite.

She took out her pink Blackberry and checked the time, which was 2:54 at the time.

She had a smile on her face when she immediately spotted a sports car that was grey.

It was a Ferrari Enzo that just stopped right next to her on a curb.

Marisa simply walked over to the driver's door and opened it, then dragged out the person from it.

"This is a robbery. Stay calm" said Marisa nonchalantly.

The person had middle-length blue hair with a large green ribbon, she had a red tie around her neck then a white shirt with an ice cube on it that says "Eye am the Coolest!"

She was wearing blue Capris that had white embroidery, with a sewed in picture resembling a huge nine in a circle.

"Ah no Bitch~. Nobody messes with me, Cirno! declared Cirno.

Cirno threw a jab at Marisa's face which missed while Marisa quickly drilled her in the stomach, smirking at the same time.

Cirno ran out of air as she clutched her stomach with her hands, vulnerable.  Marisa did a chambered uppercut to Cirno, knocking her down to the street while losing a few teeth.

Then Marisa grinned an evil smile.

She proceeded to curb-stomp Cirno in the head many times with her right foot, stomping a lot.

A person resembling Komachi in a polyester police suit saw the incident, but decided not to interfere considering it's her break right now.

There's blood on the street while Marisa cracked her neck.  She checked Cirno's pockets in her capris by feeling around them.  Marisa felt nothing in her pockets, making her lower her head.

"You could've stayed calm, but no! You wouldn't let me borrow it" sneered Marisa.

Marisa jumped into the car with the car keys already in as Cirno forgot to take them out.

Then Marisa looked around for anyone in the car, there was no one.

Then she beamed when she saw five tickets for the Prism and $596 dollars in the front seat.

Marisa closed the door and sped away as a loud roar reached the sky, and cars stopped considering there was a cadaver in the streets.

End Flashback

Ken's POV

"So you basically carjacked someone" I bluntly summarized.

(She would be a really great carjacker.)

Marisa frowned before getting into the car, and opening the door to the front seat.

"No I just borrowed it, we just had a conflict" corrected Marisa, closing her door.

I rolled my eyes while walking over to the car...

(I wonder if Marisa was already accused of Grand Theft Auto before.)

I got inside the car, put on my seat belt, and closed the door.

(Ah, leather seats.  I miss them.)

Everything you would see in a car would be right here, until I saw a Mokou Bell fountain drink.

(Uh...what? Mokou Bell as in Taco Bell? It's not even that spicy!)

Marisa sipped her drink through a straw before pressing on the gas pedal to make the car go.

"Yum~! Rumi-Ruma~!" said Marisa, cheerfully.

(.....Well Coca-Cola is I could see the resemblance.)

(But it seems brand names are getting replaced by random stuff in Gensokyo, which is weird.  The only thing that isn't changed is the Ferrari Enzo)

"Do you mind if I listen to Nitrous on the radio?" asked Marisa, already changing a knob on the radio.

(Nitrous....Nitori? I did like her arranges)

I smiled before looking out the window, laying my head on the glass.

"No, I don't mind" I said.

Then I heard noise static for a little bit, then I heard some surfer's theme for Nitori's stage.


I got goosebumps and a very cold feeling despite the fact it's really hot in the car, then I recently noticed we were going really fast in the neighborhood.

I looked at Marisa, who didn't even have a seat belt at on.

(Umm~, Safety first Marisa?)

It looked like cookie-cutter housing, the homes you would see in middle-to-high class neighborhoods.

Then we turned into an outlet as Marisa circled around until she stopped at a house that seemed to look very ghetto compared to the other houses.

Then out came a girl with dark red eyes, her black hair was to her shoulders with a big red ribbon on her head.

She had on a red Hollister top with white capris.  The girl continued to shut the screen door behind her before walking towards us.

Marisa rolled down her windows, making me move my head.

"Hey, Reimu! Hurry and get in!" yelled Marisa, right in my ear.


(Wait a sec, Ferrari Enzos only have two seats, unless..)

I look behind my seat as I saw three seats behind us, separated from the front seat by a whole lot of space.

(Huh? That's not possible....what does that tag say...)

The tag found on the ceiling of the Enzo read, "Enhanced by Izayoi Technologies"

(What? Sakuya being CEO of a technology company, I expected Nitori to come up with that.  Then again she can control time AND space.)

"Hey Reimu, crawl in through the trunk" said Marisa.

Marisa pushed a button, then the trunk popped open, hearing the whirring of hydraulic machines pushing it up.

(Crawling in through the trunk, that's a new one, only people who are crossing the border probably do that.)

Reimu walked to the back of the trunk, actually crawling in, then she climbed over the leather seats before plopping herself comfortably in one of them.

(There goes your dignity.)

"Thanks for getting me out of the house" thanked Reimu. "I couldn't find any money for the trip"

(That voice was so you ever have any emotion in your voice at all Reimu?)

(...Damn greedy ghetto people)

I sighed while Marisa grinned with her sunglasses on.

"Ok! Now time to pick up Alice and Nitori! I'll pay for you Reimu" said Marisa.

(Oh goody, I wonder what they are going to look like in the modern world.)

I became extremely curious while I predicted what they are going to look like.

Marisa started the car and immediately gone really fast.

"hehehe...This is exciting, ze!" exclaimed Marisa.  "This is so much better than the Ford Pinto I borrowed earlier.

(You borrowed a Ford Pinto....Those aren't even worth stealing.)

"Slow down, Marisa" said Reimu.

(You didn't even sound worried...sarcastic?)

Marisa quickly drifted a corner out of a neighborhood, then immediately accelerated straight.

"Where the hell do you learn how to drive like that?" I asked.

(Honestly, this is getting out of hand.)

"The DMV branch of Shameimaru Enterprises" answered Marisa.

(Aya...Aya...CEO of a corporation?  Ayayaya~ I thought all she wanted to do was to be a journalist!)

I slumped in my seat really confused in this modernized version of Gensokyo.

(This can't get any crazier..we just turned into Myon Rd...and I just saw a Keine Elementary.)

(Oh it did.)

We just drove into a parking spot in the middle of a parking lot...

and i saw a Retail store that is called, "Kourin-Mart."

(Kourin-Mart? Like Wal-Mart?)

(There must be a lot of things worth selling in Gensokyo now.)

"Stay here, I'm going to get Alice and Nitori, they should be done shopping by now if they ever get anything" said Marisa.

She leaned forward towards me and pecked me on the cheek before getting out of the car.

(.....You left the car running, but you don't really care do you?  It isn't really yours after all.)

I watched Marisa run awkwardly in her flip flops while she made her way towards Kourin-Mart, entering through the automatic doors.

(That's Marisa....too straightforward..)

(Why the hell am i getting a major Deja Vu Moment right now?)

I felt like I lived this moment before, i just don't know it.

"Does she really need to hurry like that?  We got two hours before the concert!" said Reimu, only noticing her voice being slightly louder in that last sentence.

"Maybe it's far?" I suggested.

(All car trips are a mini-van)

"She looks ridiculous, look she almost tripped!" said Reimu, no intonation found while she uttered the words.

(You boring ass ghetto miko.)

"Why are you in that ghetto-ass house?" I asked.

(It feels weird talking normally to a Touhou character.)

"My trading card company ran out of business to this other company" replied Reimu, indifferent so far.

(Trading cards? Why am i not surprised?)

"What's the name of your trading cards and who did it ran out of business to?" I asked, beginning to be interested.

(A trading card company?  It kinda make sense since Reimu does throw those ofuda around a lot)

Reimu sighed, she sounded like she doesn't want to say it but she has to.

"Rei-me-Oh cards.  And we lost business to HinaBlade" answered Reimu.

(Ummm....That sounds like a blatant rip-off to Yu-Gi-Oh and BeyBlade, both a a pastime when I was a kid.)

(Besides, didn't Yu-Gi-Oh withstood the test of time with countless sucky sequels while Beyblade was just a fad with only decorated tops.)

(They were all children's games, wait Reimu as head of a children's company.)

I just laughed at Reimu who kept a straight face, then she punched me in the nose.

"Not funny!" yelled Reimu, finally raising her voice.

I was busy covering my nose hoping it wasn't broken to notice her words.

(Gosh Ghetto people are strong.)

Then I heard footsteps and I saw Marisa running, and two other people running with her.

One had a red headband in her blond hair with golden eyes as she wore an AliPostale top with very very short jeans, and Uggs.

(Who wears Uggs in the summer?)

The other one had a green cap with an N with blue hair and dark blue eyes in a ponytail along with a shirt that says, "Noly Overlord of ToujinStyle" and cargo pants.

(Alice? in an Aeropostale err....Alipostale shirt? and Nitori was actually the Owner of ToujinStyle? MADNESS!!!)

Marisa got in the car and popped open the trunk, while finally putting on her seat belt.

(Because every little bit of your dignity has gotta go when you need fast transportation.)

Both Alice and Nitori got in the car through the trunk while they crawled in, then they had to climb over the leather seats to sit on them.  Alice ended up almost kicking Reimu in the face.

(How exactly are they going to come out if they enter like that?)

The engine let out a huge roar before backing out of the parking spot and speeding towards Myon Rd, then drifting right to the ...Saigyouji Highway.

"Now It's going to take a while to get to Makai, but we'll make it!" said Marisa.

Marisa apparently sped up the Ferrari to about, as it read on the gauge, 320 mph.

(That's really fast for a car.)

"Oh this is so much fun!" exclaimed Marisa.

I looked over at her, and saw that she had her eyes and mouth wide open, while smiling evilly.

(Damn that's fast, luckily we're on a straight road.  Now I got this really uncomfortable feeling where you get pushed back in your seat really far.)

(Time to ask the overlord a few questions)

"Girl in blue hair, Nitori is it?" I asked.

"Uh-huh" she answered in a timid voice.

(I would be scared too since the driver is a kleptomaniac.)

"Are you really the overlord of ToujinStyle?" I asked.


(You better not say that answer again.)

"Well I am also known as DoseBleed.  I am doing a fanfic called Crossing OVER the border.  I'm sure you seen my profile a few times" I said.

"Oh yeah.  You're the guy that Acy doesn't like because you keep making food topics, I also like your fanfiction" said Nitori.

"But was it necessary to spawn two more inspired stories in the Touhou General Chat Thread by Matsu011 and Tagestical?"

"Hey! They were INSPIRED! Don't blame them! If you made a Fanfiction thread then everything would have be A-Ok for us!" I said, yelling at a prestigious owner of a forum.

Suddenly the car lurched downwards for a seconds, then went back up, making me hit my head on the roof.

My head suddenly gained a migraine, feeling a little bit dizzy for a second.

"Sorry, I didn't see the pothole up ahead" apologized Marisa.

(Well, of course you didn't.  Look how fast your car is going!  I'm surprised you didn't ram into one already!)

There was silence for a little bit.

"True..But..." continued Nitori, before...


Marisa immediately braked, fortunately saving the supposed girl.

Inertia being a bitch, my seat belt snapped as I crashed through the windshield.

(Seat belts that snap?  That's really cheap.)

I flied forward in space, feeling air whipping my cheeks.

"FUU~" I yelled.

I looked down to see a blue long-haired red-eyed girl, wearing just jeans and a white tank top, with a hat of peaches.


"GOD DAMN IT!" yelled the girl. "This always happens!"

(When masochistic tendencies go too far...)

I was still soaring through the air, flying like an arrow.

(Damn the car must have been going really fast for me to still be going like a bullet, i think my cheeks are flapping.)

(Oh no no no)

I was going towards a glass office building while I took a quick glimpse of the person looking out the window.

She had black wings, short black hair, a tokin on her head, red eyes, and wearing a business suit with a skirt decorated with leaves.

She had a really scared impression on her face as she backed away from the window with wide eyes.

"AHH~!" I yelled.

I quickly sat up.

(Where am i now?)

I looked around and saw that I am in the Hakurei Shrine in a futon.

(Oh my god, that was the weirdest dream ever.)

I saw a huge pile of money sitting across to me next to a wall.

(I think Reimu was paid to help us.)

(What? Bandages?)

I looked over all me, i didn't have a shirt on, while my body was literally covered in bandages.

(Great....I'm a mummy.)

(Oh yeah I think I got hurt a lot in the library, I think I lost my powers.)



  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2010, 05:43:46 AM »
Chapter 2 Rise to Power

Ken's POV:


(Who did that?!)

I looked around in the shrine to see who slapped my face.  It was Reimu with her hair undone with only a sarashi covering her boobs.  She was sitting down at my level, looking irritated.

(Armpits are not exposed, damn it!)

I looked at Reimu while relaxing, while feeling tinges of dull pain on my body.

Reimu seems to have comforted as well as soon as she saw the huge piles of silver coins in the corner.

(What do you know?  Money does buy happiness!)

"Do you really have to scream that loud in the morning?!" said Reimu, tired.

"Lucky for you, I got paid to take care of you."

(Take care of me? Why not Marisa?)

I raised my eyebrows, glaring at Reimu.

"Uhh~ Why don't I stay at Marisa's?" I asked.

(Especially since I don't want to be around you.)

Reimu sighed while getting up, shaking her head.

"Because i was also paid to train you, I'm not telling you why" replied Reimu.

(Oh, so that's how its like now)

(Reimu training me, wasn't she mad at me before?)

(Hey, was that one incident at the SDM fixed?)

"Hey, what about the incident?" I asked.

I heard a loud splash of water before Reimu came into view with her face dripping and her hair soaked.  I looked past her and saw a barrel with water in it.

"I had to fix the rest and apologized for YOU!" yelled Reimu.

Reimu pointed her finger at me and gave me an angry glare, stomping her foot.

"I had to help them fix that gate Marisa broke!"

She continued to wash her hair with the water barrel.

"Luckily they didn't care about what you did to uhh.....that Chinese girl or whoever"

(Meiling?  Ehhh, of course they didn't care.)

(I don't understand how that works though, she was strong surprisingly.)

I began to remember more about my involvement in the SDM.

(Didn't I had trouble with my powers at the library?)

I immediately got up, despite the fact my body ached all over with the bandages on me.

I ran to the sliding door and slid it open before going outside.

"HEY!" yelled Reimu.

(I gotta check if i still have my powers!)

(Oh hey what do you know? The scarlet fog is gone, now I can actually see some trees and not die of hypothermia in the summer.)

I noticed the immediate scenery around me as I expected to see the fog covering the landscape.

(Too bad about that princess...)

Then an image of Remilla with Sakuya holding an umbrella over her came up in my head, I shook my head.

(Inconvenient but at least she can go outside.)

(Oh yeah.)

Then I got to concentrating all of my mind on flying.


From the porch of the Shrine, I just tried hovering on air by stepping on it...

I managed to do it, hovering in the air, shaking slightly.

(Great, now let's see if I can gain altitude)

I went up in the air very slowly.

(What happened to me!?)

As soon I got as high as the Shrine's roof, Gravity became a bitch and quickly dragged me down.

I landed on my right heel which slipped on the ground before falling on my back.

Then there was an immediate sharp pain on my back.


(Wait a second, this all happened from when I ate those noodles.  Marisa did say i was fizzling,  I should have took more caution.)

(Those noodles were from Yakumo.)

I raised my fist in the air, cursing a certain someone.

"DAMN YOU, YUKARI!" I cursed into the air, shaking my fist.

"Shut up!  You're going to wake everyone up! I can't find my clothes!" yelled Reimu.

(Too much information....)

After the pain grew dull and subsided, I slowly got up having to brace myself with my hands on the shrine's porch as support.

(Well I know I can barely fly, can i still do danmaku?)

I focused on a small blue ball in my head.

I extended my right hand in front of me and aimed at a tree close to the stairs of the entrance to the shrine.

(Let's make it go!)

"GO!" I bellowed.

A small blue bullet came out from my hand and struck the tree at a fast pace, leaving a burnt mark.

(Ok I know I can make one bullet, but that's very easy to graze.)

(Do i still have my spell cards?)

I reached in my pockets and felt a sudden decrease in the number of cards I have.

(What?! Two?!)

I took them out with one hand and held them in view.

(So I only have the ambush card and the Art of Defense card.)

(Why is it that my sword cards and that wind kick card are gone?)

(Come to think about it, where's that Tsurugi?)

I checked my body to see that my sword is not bound to me.

(Meh, I'll find it later...I need to see if I can use my spell cards.)

I put away my Art of defense card in my pocket while I held up my other one while looking at the same tree.

"Seeker Sign! AMBUSH!" I declared, somehow not incurring Reimu's wrath for yelling loudly.

This time, only two globe bullets came out in each flank, and "inched" forward slowly towards the tree.

(You have got to be kidding me.)

After they hit the tree, I felt really winded all of a sudden, while I hyperventilated.

I dropped down to my knees as i held my head.

"Augh~, headaches didn't happen before when i used that spell" I said.

(Maybe i did truly lose effectiveness in all areas essential..)


I took a moment to think as I no longer clutched my head, the headache subsiding.

(I guess with Reimu training me, maybe I will get better..)

(But how was I so good back then, it couldn't be just that mushroom i ate before.)

I shrugged my shoulders with a nonchalant face.

(I guess effects from other worlds don't last as long here.)

"Ken~!" yelled Reimu.

I sighed, getting up from the ground.

(What does she want now?)

She came out with an American Eagle bag, I heard money sounds in it.

(I don't think there is any American Eagle stores in Gensokyo.  Where the hell did you get that?)

She had her other hand behind her back.

(What's that behind your back?)

Reimu had tears in her eyes for some reason, but she still had the same emotionless face.

(Why the hell is she crying...)

She was fully dressed as a shrine maiden now, managing to find her clothes.

I looked down at her feet, feeling somewhat empty.

(I really miss those legs in my dream.)

Reimu cleared her throat indicating I should give my attention to her.

"Yeah?" I said.

Reimu replied, "I'm going shopping in the Human Village...I want you to..."

(Oh no wonder~!  You're going to spend with your one true love~! Typical greedy miko.)

Reimu held out her other hand from her back carrying a broom and the gohei.

"Sweep the shrine, I'm bringing my gohei just in case something happens" said Reimu

(Oh sure Ms. Youkai Exterminator~!)

I took the broom from her hands before she lowered her hands.

"When I come back, we're going to be training.  This courtyard better be clean when I come back, or else~" said Reimu, bringing an ominous feeling in the air.

Then Reimu flew away to do her job in the northeast while she flew high in altitude.

(Jeez, Soon I will be able to do that~!)

(Well, I guess I'm stuck here cleaning right now.)

I started to sweep the courtyard, even if it seems very spotless, I continued to nothing.

(What the hell am I doing?  I'm sweeping nothing!)

After about a few minutes, I noticed that I saw my I-pod beside the stairs to the shrine.

I dropped the broom, hearing a loud clang, and picked up the I-pod.

(What's with this strange urge I have to listen to Captain Murasa with vocals, might as well fulfill it.)

Soon after scrolling through the multitude of songs, I found a song called Sky Pirate.

(Hmm~, Sounds about right, as long as it's related to that UFO theme.)


I put it on speaker since I don't want to use earphones.

(Huh, sounds like that one Pirates of the Caribbean movie right now.)

I put the I-pod down on the Shrine's steps and picked up my broom.

I continued to sweep when the vocals kicked in.

(Now I want to sweep even more than usual, thanks to that voice that I don't actually understand.)

(Usually I am only enthusiastic in games, now it's cleaning?)

(Might as well fulfill that urge,  I should also fulfill the urge to get rid of those urges soon.)

I got a very evil smile on my face while I suddenly tighten my grip on the broom.

(Let's do this!)

Then i swept more vigorously while I literally danced to the song, putting more emphasis where I step at the beat and rhythm.

Dust was everywhere as I swept my broom eagerly, using the intonation of the vocals with how much force I put into the broom, kicking up dust in the air.

(Now I am just making a mess.)

I swept the dust i made into the grass.

(So does that mean the grass tea Reimu drinks is full of dirt?)

I pondered that, almost having vomited, while I swept vigorously.

(I should remember not to drink her tea if its made with dust.)

I swept and swept the dust into the grass as I made my way down to the hill stairs.

As soon as i got there and completed my job, I still had that urge to go above and beyond.

(I still want to clean more.  That's a weird urge, guess I will fulfill it even more.)

I looked all over the Shrine for a supply closet, finding it in the corner.

I slowly slid open the door with one broom in hand.

I looked around for a potential place to put this broom, having getting impatient looking for a proper place, I just threw it somewhere in the closet.  It made a strange metal sound.

(Huh? I thought modern technology doesn't exist in Gensokyo, other than the ones brought here.)

I got into the supply closet, coughing due to the air being really dusty being filled with spores.

(Man....does Reimu ever think about this part of the Shrine?  The spores in here could kill you, like how a Mummy's curse comes true)

I looked everywhere until I found a strange orange cloth and a bucket next to it.

(Looks that orange cloth is strangely identical to that ShamWow dishrag whatever.)

I picked up the "ShamWow" and the bucket and began to leave the room.

(What the? Why is there a person in the supply closet....?)

The person was facing the wall with her back towards me.  She had green hair and wore a french maid outfit.

(Now I don't know much about PC-98 games but isn't that Ruukoto, Reimu's robot maid?)

(Why is she rejected like this? Reimu wouldn't need my help cleaning if she had her...)

Ruukoto somehow immediately bent over, revealing a ominous sign.

It was a Radiation sign, and it said, "Please remember to replace the cold fusion reactor every 365 years."

I immediately backed away after reading that message, then I slowly tip-toed out of the closet before shutting the door quickly.

(I don't care if its Cold Fusion, it makes radiation.  And I do NOT want to die of Cancer where its unheard of in this land.)

(Unless you live underground....maybe that's how Utsuho became a birdbrain...even if she is a hell raven.)

I chuckled at the image of Utsuho getting many tumors and polyps in her head.

(Well, enough of that...time to wipe the floor clean with a possible sham.)

The sound of the vocals got closer while I moved closer to it.

I put the I-pod on the donation box as i began to wipe the Shrine's floor with much enthusiasm!

(circular motion....CIRCULAR MOTION!!)

I wiped robustly as I slid open the door to the shrine....

(Eh? the floor is tatami mats...well no use in having this anymore...)

I poured out the Sham's contents into the grass, and walked to the Supply Closet.

(Hopefully that will make the grass like the bluegrass i see in Good Old Kentucky..)


(God i miss KFC and ALE8.)

I remember the bucket with that happy Colonel's face with the breasts and wings in it that welcomed me, and the green bottle that was engraved "ALE8" tasting like ginger ale while I slid open the door to the Closet.

Then I licked my lips while I just threw in the bucket with the cloth and closed the door.

(But Rotisserie Chicken at Kroger's is better!)

I walked back to the shrine as I sat on the donation box, now just listening to the I-pod.

(Well everything is spotless,  I don't see any reason to clean anymore...even if I still have that urge.)

(I think i should practice flying...after all, that incident caused me to almost lose it in the first place...)

I sighed, getting off the donation box and landing on the clean courtyard with my feet.

(.....Ramen Noodles are very evil this time of year...)

Then I concentrated on flying again, while relaxing my limbs.

(How fast can i go first of all?)

I hovered in the air indicating the first step then moved forward slowly.

(Well this is a-lot harder than Astral Projecting.)

(I can only go that slow? Come on.....)

I concentrated on going faster, which sorta worked as I moved faster, but not noticeably.

Third POV:

Meanwhile at the Youkai Mountain at noon, Aya Shameimaru tried and tried again unsuccessfully to wake up Momiji while close to a waterfall.

Momiji was laying on her back against a rock, an exasperated Aya sat next to her, despite Aya's efforts and the loudness of the waterfall crashing against a river, she doesn't show any sign of waking up.

"Ayayaya~,  Why won't she wake up?" said Aya.

Aya constantly slapped Momiji in the face, which had some effect as Momiji woke up.

She opened her eyes to about a slit for a second then closed them.

"No, Aya....One more hour.." said Momiji.

Aya grinned with an evil smile, a faint lightbulb appearing above her head.

"I'll take all your secret maple syrup and throw it away" Aya threatened.

Momoji suddenly stood up and raced to an unknown position without even noticing Aya.

"YOU AIN'T TOUCHIN MY MAPLE SYRUP, EH!" yelled a valiant Momoji from a distance.

Aya grinned with a smile on her face as she took out her journal and wrote down some stuff.

"Hehehe, now I know where it is!" said Aya.  "Why do I now feel more victorious than ever?  All I did was find a secret supply of maple syrup."

Ken's POV
(Jeez i can barely fly....this sucks..)

I went back to sitting down on the porch of the shrine after failing to go faster and almost tripping over on the stairs.

Then I saw a figure in the distance.

It had a red bowtie on her brownish black hair wearing a red and white miko outfit.

(Well, Reimu's back....I guess it's time to get ready for training.)

I limbered up as much as I can, more than when I used to play In the Groove, while Reimu landed next to the shrine with several bags of food.

(That's a lot of food.)

"Jeez, you didn't have to go that far, but I'm impressed...what are you doing? and why is that noise on?" asked Reimu.

"Getting ready for training...and that noise is what i need for training" I said, slightly irritated.

(Heh Noise my ass.. Have people not heard of music in Gensokyo?!  At all?!)

Reimu replied, "How troublesome" before heading into the shrine for a few minutes, sliding open the door with the food bags, then closing it.

(I hope I don't pull a muscle...I made the same mistake before playing Vertex^2.)

I sat on the ground trying to touch my toes with my hands with my legs stretched.

(Wow i haven't actually exercised in a while, I should prioritize Cardio over everything else in case the attack of the balls comes again.)

(But what's the point of that if I can fly?  Even If I am now very slow.)

I remembered when I was chased out of the shrine by Reimu with the Fantasy Seal when I got her angry.

(Oh memories, they're only at most a week away.)

Then a door slid open and closed again as Reimu appeared while sweating.

"I haven't done much ever since i entered Makai" remarked Reimu.

(So fighting a vampire must not be enough for you, and a time-stopping maid.)

(And here you are admitting you're lazy?!)

"Are you going to help me train?"  I asked impatiently, tapping my foot on the courtyard.

"Yes....I can't really help you learn how to fly but i can teach you danmaku" said Reimu.

(Either way, it's fine.)

She took out ofuda from her outfit and prepared to throw it at me.

"First a simple danmaku duel, no spell cards, I need to evaluate you first" said Reimu.


"Ok then, let's do this!" I exclaimed eagerly.

Reimu immediately threw at me tons of ofuda in a spiral formation with her left hand, while throwing aimed ones with her right hand, hovering in the air.

I quickly hovered in the air too and dodged the ones in the spiral formation and grazing the aimed ones.

(Man, this is hard, especially with the stress she's putting on my body. why do I have a headache?  Is it because I'm still in the air hovering?)

I clutched my head but kept on dodging and grazing. I can still see and detect gaps in her pattern but my head was distracting me.

After a few minutes, I fell to the ground panting and grabbing my head while I got attacked by ofuda.

They latched on to my skin cohesively and made it feel like it's burning my skin off!


I tried desperately to pull it off, but my head was hurting too much.

Reimu canceled the ofuda and walked over to me.  I still felt the tinge of the burning paper on my skin.

(Jeez my head.....)

I looked up and saw Reimu with her typical emotionless face, crossing her arms.

"It looks like we do need to work on flying first, you can barely concentrate on the ofuda because of a headache yes?" analyzed Reimu.

I nodded as I still clutched my head, the pain began to dull, making me relax.

"Well that's because your body is used to flying really fast, and since you can't anymore, your brain is confused" explained Reimu

(I have been thinking random thoughts lately.  But what's really random is that a shrine maiden tells me something science related for the first time))

"So, You have to get used to it" said Reimu, bluntly.


"I can't persevere through that! You didn't have to on the other hand because of your damn latent talent" I assumed.

Reimu twitched then grabbed me by the neck, gripping it tightly.

"You idiot! I didn't have the talent to fly! I was already used to Genji, who is a turtle, go really fast in the air.  I had to go through the same headache like you!" Reimu snapped.

Reimu sighed and let me go, back to crossing her arms while also averting her eyes in another direction.

"It did go away if I was carrying something heavy for a long while" said Reimu.

(Carrying something heavy huh? If i am flying then it would mean i don't have to worry about my toes getting crushed.)

"But the ones I used are long gone, i lost them in Makai" said Reimu.

(I'm for some reason not surprised if Shinki has them for decoration.)

Reimu seemed to brightened up, trying to force a smile.

"There is one place that i know can help you....but you won't be welcome there" warned Reimu.

(Where at? and why?)

"Where at?"

"The Scarlet Devil Mansion."

Now with the possibility of going to the SDM to help him train, do you think the residents of SDM will let him do that after what he did to them?
Tune in tomorrow to find out!!!
Reviews please.

This chapter has been re-edited


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2010, 05:44:38 AM »
Chapter 3 Rise to Power

Ken's POV


(What? Wasn't I just....)

"Uh Reimu, I'm pretty sure they are going to be pretty hostile towards me" I said, confused by Reimu's last statement.

Reimu rolled her eyes and shook her head.

(Did you just diss me?)

(Muthafucking Miko...wait she's not white.)

"I can fly you over to the SDM but you have to find some weights on your own" said Reimu.

(Well that's nice to know, except that really didn't solve the whole hostile thing.)

Reimu stood there with a very vague face while i looked at her reprehensibly.

(That's got to be the most retarded idea I ever heard.)

"So you expect go find some weights on my a very hostile place" I said slowly, making sure Reimu hears every word.

Reimu slowly nodded and stayed calm, while i was boiling in anger.



Reimu now looked at me, astonished at my language.


"I see the boy recovered after a few days...." A childish voice that rang out, interrupting my tirade.

(Whaa? Who said that?)

I immediately looked around and focused on the entrance of the shrine where i see two figures coming with one of them little, the other tall while holding an umbrella.

Both were coming up the stairs, very slowly.

(Eh?! It's not even raining...why would you carry an umbrella? A parasol yeah but an umbrella?)

I stood in confusion as the two figures began to be more and more distinct.

Reimu sighed in discomfort as she looked at the entrance too.

"You two again?  When are you guys going to stop visiting?" complained Reimu. "You two are so troublesome."

"Don't talk that way to a higher social class, you should be lucky I am visiting this dilapidated hovel" replied the unknown voice, scoffing at Reimu.

(Dilapidat...what?  I could definitely tell that was an insult...)

Reimu twitched then crossed her arms, looking down irritated.

(Someone actually beat Reimu in a battle of words without either trying to kill each other.  Wow...)

The two figures walked toward us as they came out of the shadows of the trees.

A feeling of dread swept my body while I began to sweat from the sun and the figures i now recognized.

(Oh....shouldn't i be running away now?)

I gasped as I saw them getting closer while calmly walking.  Timid, I tried to run to the shrine.

(I would have gotten in too if it weren't for that meddling Reimu grabbing my wrist and resisting)

(You know, for a shrine maiden, she's actually pretty strong.)

I continue to struggle for a little bit, then I just sat down, crossed my arms, and looked down in frustration like a bratty kid who shouted, "Je veux le bon bon" whenever he wanted donuts.

The small figure giggled as I raised my head.

(Sakuya and Remilia....i should be ok, they haven't killed me yet.)

Sakuya has dark red eyes, silver hair, has a long braid on each side of her head, and her apron is stuffed to the brim with many knives.

She's wearing a light pink and dark blue french maid's outfit with short sleeves, and a white bonnet on her head.

The other one, Remilia, has red eyes, short light-blue hair, and a pair of black bat-like wings on back.

She's wearing a light red mob cap and dress, with bright red trimming.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you, as much as i want to" comforted Remilia, unnervingly.

(You sound more childish then i expected.)

"We never see the end of Marisa stealing our books, and it's all thanks to YOU.  We had ENOUGH destruction in the mansion!" said Remilia, becoming more enraged.

Remilia pointed at me with her left hand.

(And so I am the reason Marisa began her shopping spree in the library..)

"Especially without China to warn us, and you had to send her to BED, for more than a day!" yelled Remilia.

(Meiling...Youkai are supposed to heal in their sleep in only a day or two at most....China must be staying in for some other reason...)

I began to get more interested in Remilia's tirade while I put my hand up to my chin, scratching it slightly like i am thinking, while Remilia gets even more and more angrier.

Reimu already left to the shrine, seeing as my wrist isn't gripped anymore.

(Jeez, does she really have to leave a red mark on my wrist?)

"Uuu~, poor Patchy,  she's losing her books, and Sakuya has to do extra work every day all because of..."

And I lost interest, I blocked out Remilia's voice as I began to pay attention to Sakuya.

She coldly stared back at me, like a bodyguard does, I noticed something familiarly peculiar on her chest.

(I think Sakuya busts are UNUSUALLY bigger and somehow NOT on the same level. "Oh i wonder why is that?")

(How did people not notice yet?)

I opened my eyes wide on purpose while looking straight at Sakuya, who gave a disgusted yet perplexed look back.

Sakuya peered down at her chest, she panicked quickly, then she tried to calmed down while Remilia was still shouting.

She was trying to give me signs to stop staring, I blinked back at her with my left eye, while as she began to get irritated.

(Oh god this is so much fun teasing Sakuya like that.)

Sakuya was just about to reach in to her apron, when Remilia noticed me gawking at someone else.

"What are you doing?! PAY ATTENTION, YOU IDIOT!" scolded Remilia.

Remilia's face was really red as she was about to explode.

(Now it's time to tell her it was a joke.)

"Eh? What? Oh hey is it true you are related to Vlad Tepes?"  I asked, hoping to take away some of her anger.

(Vlad Tepes, how exactly did he get the name Dracula now?)

I saw Remilia grinning instantly the moment i finished saying Tepes.

(I think the brat takes pride in being a descendant of Dracula, which isn't something to be proud.  At least she isn't related to that one Hungarian countess, that would just be grotesque.  Now hopefully my plan will work with this comic i got it off from.)

"Why yes, boy~.  I am a direct descendant from Te-TE~!"

Remilia tilted her head backwards, taking a deep breath in, Sakuya looked down at her while letting out a sigh of relief.

(Plan is working

I grinned when it came to fruition.

"Tsepesshu!" Remilia sneezed loudly.

I beamed, happy that the plan came true.


I raised my arms and pumped it down like in victory.

Sakuya caught me doing that and giggled, while Remilia recovered from the sneeze, her nose a little red.

"I think....My lady Remilia....has caught a cold" stuttered Sakuya.

I looked at Sakuya, seeing that her nose is bleeding a little bit, with the blood just almost out of her nose.

(Unlike her, I developed my moe barrier against Charisma Breaks, now Yuri and disgustingly adorable pictures are a different story.)

(Oh look, some snot is dripping out of Remilia's nose.)

"Uuu~. As i was saying, i am..."

"Hey Remilia, your nose.." I interrupted, slightly smirking.

I lightly tapped my left nostril a few times to designate where it is.

Remilia checked her right nostril instead.

(I meant MY LEFT.  Don't you have a sense of direction?)

I shook my head when Remilia saw me, and just snorted it up.

Me and Sakuya slightly laughed while the Sakuya's nosebleeding began to quicken.

(You need someone to get that checked out, Sakuya.)

Then I focused my attention on Sakuya as I tapped my nose again.

Sakuya actually caught on and wiped it off with her maid's outfit, leaving a bloodstain on her sleeve while she somewhat blushed and smiled.

Remilia snorted up her nose again but loudly.

(You know, that's more like a jet intake than snorting.)

"As i was saying, I am a direct descendant of Vl...Vlaaa~!"


(Okay that time, I think she couldn't pronounce his name...but that was so funny.)

I immediately laughed out loud while Sakuya tried to abstain herself from laughing, despite her lips quivering.

(So you don't mind whatever you sweep into your grass but you do when it comes to snot? That doesn't even make sense!)

Remilia was getting mad, before stomping her foot a few times on the ground.

"Come on Reimu, I'm sure people won't notice a little snot in the grass"  I remarked.

Then the shrine door immediately slid open, slamming against wood while I turned around and looked.

Reimu glared at me angrily, then quickly turned back to her emotionless stare while carrying a plate with four cups of tea.

Reimu sat it down on the porch while she began to sit on the porch herself.

Then Remilia and Sakuya followed suit and grabbed teacups, sitting next to Reimu.

I sat next to Sakuya, with my teacup.

We all drank at the same time as Remilia immediately spat it out in disgust.

(I wouldn't do that if I were you.)

"Oh no you didn't!" said Reimu, uncharacteristically calm.  She slapped Remilia in the back of her head, making her flinch a little and shook in fear.

"Would you do the same if you were POOR!?" continued Reimu.

(Why do you care?  Weren't you paid before?)

Remilia was about to say something but then stayed quiet and continued shaking.

(Don't mess with grouchy people like that.)

Reimu took a few more sips of tea, before taking in a deep breath.

"Ken, I told Genji to take you over to the SDM when you are ready, He knows where it is since I told him, he should be in the spring nearby" said Reimu.

(Got it....Ask a turtle to fly me quickly to the SDM....oxymoron.)

I noticed Remilia doesn't have her teacup anymore while she looked around for it, she saw Reimu pouring it into her cup.

"Hey~!" Remilia fretted, while reaching her hands out for the teacup, Reimu having it just out of reach.

"If you don't like it, why would you bother keeping it?" said Reimu coldly.

(Logic like that....isn't smart, especially if there's possible backwash in that tea, but it can shut someone up really fast.)

(Now to test and see if the word PADS is truly cursed!)

(..I must be really cocky today..)

"Hey Sakuya" I said, trying to get her attention.

Sakuya looked at me in response, while sipping her tea.

"Yes?" responded Sakuya.

I got closer to Sakuya's ear, making her blush, but not as much.

"I know you wear pads but that doesn't mean I'm that big of a jerk to yell it out loud" I whispered.

I think I felt three knives up already against my stomach, then that threatening feeling was gone when I finished my sentence.

(Yep she's tense about the word PADS.  Who knew Fanon ever gets something right?)

Sakuya became flustered while smiling, quickly putting the knives away in her apron, before leaning in close to my ear.

"Umm....How do you know that?  I never told anyone that before, and if anyone did find out, he would soon forget it forever" replied Sakuya.

(That sounds intimidating, and it's working.)

"Your breasts look kinda out of place" I whispered, trying to not get the attention of Remilia and Reimu, who did not notice so far.

Sakuya quickly looked down at her breasts and saw that one of them seems to be more lopsided than the other.

(Reimu and Remilia are blind, I swear, anyone could see THAT!)

She went and reached in her shirt, fixed it and took it out.  The breasts now seemed more natural

(I really want to squeeze them right now to see how pads feel.)

(But then I would get knifed instantly for being an idiot worse than Cirno.)

Just the thought of Cirno calling me an idiot just took away that perverted thought, it would make anyone ashamed for the rest of their lives.

(It's a good thing Remilia changed Sakuya's fate for Sakuya to be more nicer towards humans.  At least that's what I read in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.)

"See? I even told you your pads needed fixing" I whispered.

Again, I felt a knife up against my stomach for a moment, then it was gone the moment after I finished my sentence.

(Woah, Paranoia at a whole new level.)

Sakuya continued to blush and smile at me, while I winked back.

I began to get an uncomfortable feeling.

"Thank you, you do know that these pads are my secret.  And now that you know about it, please, for your sake, don't disclose it to anyone else" whispered Sakuya in a worried yet threatening tone, before sipping her tea again.

(That's right! I said pads without getting killed, TAKE THAT FANBOYS!)

(Now this feeling I'm getting is giving me a bad vibe, I should go ahead and go.)

I stood up, getting a glance from Sakuya.

"I'm going to go ahead and go to the SDM, hopefully I won't die, since Reimu is sending me on a suicidal mission" I said.


Reimu seemed to laugh while drinking her tea.

(Why you little sadist...)

"Since when did i let you into the mansion?" protested Remilia.

"Ever since the Psycho Miko says i have to, and you can't really argue with her" I replied.

Reimu twitched when I said the first part, then nodded at the second part.  She gave me and Remilia a dangerous glare, unnerving both of us.

"Well Then....WAIT!" said Remilia.

(Why would she want me to wait? I'm pretty sure she wants me out of her sight.)

Remilia took a little note from her dress, then she gave it to me.

"Yell this really loud if you see an intruder, A girl with prism wings in the mansion, Patchy on the ground, or any destruction you see...then we'll be there in an instant!" Remilia explained.

I read the note in my head and it says, "Sakuya-san, Sakuya-san, cleaning stop, ROOM! CLEANING! STOP!"

(What want me to use a meme to call you guys?!  And risk getting hit in the head by Sakuya?)

I gave Remilia a very perplexed look, narrowing my eyes at her.

(You're kidding me right?!)

"Trust me! We can hear that from far away!" confirmed Remilia.

"What does that say, my lady Remilia?" asked Sakuya.

"None of your business, Sakuya" responded Remilia coldly.

"Yes, lady Remilia"

(Jeez, Remilia, why treat her like such a dog?  That was cold.)

"Umm~, thanks? I'll use it when i need it.....bye" I said, trying to retreat as quickly as possible.

"Just don't BREAK anything when you get there! Just like that witch." said Remilia.

(Yadada, I don't care.)

Remilia went back to sitting next to Reimu and glared at me.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of my sight!" exclaimed Remilia.

(Bipolar Bitch......)

I waved back while I walked towards the spring, both Remilia and Reimu didn't even bother to wave back while Sakuya did, and for some reason, was blushing and smiling at me.

(Why is she blushing at me? Oh right her secret, but that doesn't feel like it though.)

I got to the spring where a turtle was floating above it.

(This must be Genji. I never expected him to be that big....maybe some toxic liquid from the outside world mutated him when he was a baby?  Was he raised by a rat and taught Kung Fu as well?)

"Are you Ken?" the turtle asked.

(I didn't expect him to be able to talk either.)

"Yes.  Can you take me to the SDM?" I asked.

As I finished saying that, I put the note Remilia gave to me in my pocket.

Genji observed and looked at me, while floating in the air

"So you want me to take you over there when you are only wearing shorts...sounds pretty dangerous for a human" remarked Genji.

(Reimu probably took my shirt so....)

"It's the only thing i have right now..." I said, trailing off at the end.

"Alright, I will fulfill Reimu's wish and take you to the SDM.  Get on my back." ordered Genji.

I jumped and almost landed in the spring thanks to his slippery shell.

I finally got on it and sat crisscross while Genji began to take me to the SDM by flying up high in the air.

I began to think deeply, a troubling thought occurring to me about what recently happened.

(At the shrine, did i just flirt with Sakuya?)

A long but comparatively short chapter is done, just needed to get some stuff out of the way first before Ken goes there..
I am greedy like Reimu for REVIEWS and COMMENTS!!!
This Chapter has been re-edited


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2010, 05:45:28 AM »
Chapter 4 Rise to Power

Ken's POV


(I hope Sakuya doesn't realize I accidentally flirted with her.)

(I am already in a relationship with Marisa, even if Matsu011 and NameLess said to build a harem and encourage me on to date her too.)

(...Why am I listening to random people over the internet?)

I was thinking pensively while I was on Genji's back on the way to the SDM.

We are almost close to the Misty Lake.

"Is that the Misty Lake over there?" asked Genji

"Yeah, if you keep going straight ahead, we should be at the SDM soon" I replied.

(I hope.)

"Ok! hold on tight!" yelled Genji.

(Why?  You're a damn turtle...)

Suddenly Genji quickly increased in speed while I almost slid off the turtle's shell.

"Cowabunga!" yelled Genji.

I quickly held fast on to the shell's edges while I gripped with all my might.

(What the hell? You're a turtle, turtles are supposed to be slow.)

(This is a major contradiction in reality.)

(Note to self: Trying to use common sense in Gensokyo only hurts your brain.)

If anybody could see me right now, I would be hanging on a turtle while my feet dangled in the air.

"I told you to hang on!" scolded Genji, not even bothering to slow down.

(So that's what Reimu meant....I should listen to her once in a while.)

(Come on, if i can still fly at least.  My fingers are starting to slip off.)

I struggled to just hover onto Genji's back, while my fingers lost their strength.

We were now over the Misty lake while I still was hanging, but in a more secure state.

(Good thing Momentum works both ways...)

I was literally like a piece of string tied to outside of the fan.

I was hanging on Genji's turtle shell with both arms wrapped around the shell with Genji's head in between, while my body was doing the ostrich position in the air.

I was closing my eyes because I didn't want the wind to be whipping my eyes.

(If i even raised my head, it would feel like a bitchslap.  Must keep my head down at all costs.)

(Great. Gensokyo, a land of time-stopping maids and flying turtles, could logic get any worse?)

(Now that i think about Gensokyo, I haven't urinated or excreted ever since in that bush in the Forest of Magic.)

(I am guessing using danmaku relies on the power of your waste products.)

Then I imagined feces as a potential ingredient to a certain elixir.

(Eirin must be really crazy if that was an ingredient.)

(What the?!  How come i don't feel anything on my fingers, wasn't I holding onto Genji's shell?)

I opened my eyes, and I saw that i was hurtling over the ground on my own.

(Wait i can't fly yet, hold up!)

I looked behind me and I saw Genji, who was parked at the shore while he began to be blurry image.

(I take that back, Momentum is a bitch.)

"FUU~!" I yelled.


I hit my head on the mansion's walls, before I fell back.  My head gave off a sharp headache, making me groan.

(Well, my head hurts even more now, that's the result.  Am i bleeding?)

I quickly felt my head, strangely feeling no blood.

(Then again, my head felt something soft. Wait a second!)

I looked up, seeing on the stool a makeshift Meiling doll with pillows, Meiling's clothes, and sticks with a ginger wig and China's hat.

The pillow had drawings on it that resembled a vigilant face with mittens on the ends of two sticks resembling her arms, in a battle ready stance.

(How can you be ready for battle if you're sitting?)

However the head was on the ground due to my impact, along with some broken sticks as they lay on the ground.

The hat then happened to land on the pillow as it covered its makeshift face.

(That's really sad for Sakuya to make something like that.)

(She must really be that injured, I guess it wouldn't hurt to apologize before getting what i need.)

(She most likely knows where some weights could be anyway, and she could tell me where they are.)

(If she doesn't kill me first.  That's when I seriously need to apologize.)

I confirmed that thought with a gulp while I stood up, still holding my head.

In front of me, I saw the gates to the mansion wide open, the ends of the golden iron warped irregularly.

(What the?! The gates are busted open, what's going on?)

Immediately I saw a bright flash coming from some of the mansion's windows on the same level.

After a few minutes, they disappeared as I stopped holding my head, my headache dulling away.

(What is seriously going on?)

I also saw that the Mansion's doors were busted open as well, or rather...

(The doors are missing.)

I heard a voice in the distance behind me.


(Damn Elder Mutant Miko Turtle!  Go fight a ninja or something!)

I sighed, before deciding to walk towards the entrance.

(At least it was my head that was only affected, if it happened to be my legs in front.)

I cringed while I walked.

(I never did have a broken bone, and I don't want to find out how it hurts.)

I walked into the mansion, a still coldness suddenly took to me, robbing me of my warmth and giving me goosebumps.

I see many maids on the ground, seemingly burnt.

(What's going on?! Why are they like this?)

Then all of the sudden, the library doors broke open as Patchouli, came flying out of there, hit the wall the opposite of the doors, and slid down.

(I'm guessing something is happening in the library.)

I looked at Patchy and saw her burnt from the back as I walked closer to her.

(I need to find out where China's room is, even though all she does is stay in the library.)

"Mukyu! Mukyu!" coughed Patchy.

Patchy was shaking violently, faintly opening her eyes.

"Mukyu! Please stop Maris...Mukyu!" coughed Patchy.

(That Mukyu used to be cute, now its just plain annoying.)

(In fact, she's making me think like a lolicon, even if she's older than me by a long shot.  Damn you Patchy!)

[A/N: Lolicon is another term for Pedophile, just sounds more silly and nicer]

I rolled my eyes while i shook Patchy.

"I will in a second! Now please tell me where China's room is!" I begged.

Patchy opened her eyes really wide, then she closed them halfway while she continued to cough.

"Mukyu! I never heard anyone ask that before" said Patchy, surprised.

(Because she's a gatekeeper that is easily passable....even in the game?)

"On the left of you, there is a door.."

Patchy pointed to her right with her hand on the ground, not able to raise her arm, I looked at her direction and saw a red door.

(What exactly could have burnt her like this?  She's at the point where she can't move her limbs.)

"Go up the stairs..Mukyu...and then you will see a hallway.  At the end of the hallway is a door with weird charac...Mukyu-ters that even I cannot read. That will be her room" Patchy explained.

"Now call for help! Quickly! Mukyu!  I hope she isn't out yet.." said Patchy, her voice fainting away.

(Wait, who? Who shouldn't be out yet?)

(Wait a second, Patchy is down, and the maids are down too. There seems to be a lot of destruction considering the smashed vases...uh oh..I don't want to stick around for the other part.)

(No time!)

I quickly ran outside as I took out the note from my pocket.

(Oh god, i have to yell this!? Well, for her sake..)

I quickly took a breath in and read from the note before yelling.

"SAKUYA-SAN! SAKUYA-SAN! CLEANING STOP! ROOM! CLEANING! STOP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Then I quickly looked around me for any sign of a knife.

Third POV

Back at the Hakurei Shrine, the three girls were still drinking tea on the porch.

"Sakuya do you hear something?" asked Remilia, lightly clasping her teacup.

"I believe I do not, my lady Remilia" replied Sakuya.

"I do hope the mansion does not get destroyed" said Remilia. "I gave him something, he could have called for us."

"Don't worry, I don't think our mansion is going through any destruction what so ever!" happily replied Sakuya.

Ken's POV

(What? Remilia said they would come! Where are they?)

I continued to look around but saw nothing, not even in the sky, just blue with clouds.

(Sometimes Remilia, Charisma is a bad thing, don't let it DISTRACT YOU!!)

I facepalmed, exasperated, as I headed back in the mansion.

I looked at Patchy who seemed to be laying peacefully with her hands at her sides.

(Poor Patchy...but I tried.  Now time to get down on the job.)

I quickly went to the door that was pointed out by Patchy earlier and immediately saw a flight of stairs, there was a scarlet rug covering the stairs with golden embroidery at the edges.

(Ok, let's go up then.)

I quickly climbed up, hoping to get to Meiling unscathed by whoever shouldn't be out.

I thought about who it was as I rushed up another flight.

(Ok, Who shouldn't be out in the SDM.....oh no!  For the love of lolis, oh god no!)

(Flandre Scarlet!  Hopefully the intruder, most likely Marisa, will distract her while I get what I need.)

(Hopefully her L?vateinn won't also cause the floor upstairs to crumble down.)

(....Damn Patchy for making me think like a lolicon again.)

I reached the end of the flight of stairs as I came to the beginning of the hallway.

The walls were scarlet as it matched the floor carpet, the only thing that clashes with this are the occasional brown doors on the wall and arches up on the ceiling.

The hallway seemed to be endless as i saw a red fog at the end, indicating it's very long.

(Can't Remilia think of any other color besides scarlet or any other red color.)

(Can't stop right now! I gotta get to Meiling's room before all hell breaks loose!)

I quickly ran through the hallway, making little thumps on the floor.

(I think this means I am over the library, considering how the floor resonates.)

I kept running and running as the fog doesn't seem to be disappearing.

My stamina seemed to have run out as I began panting more heavily and my legs seems to be weakening, with a troublesome pain accompying me.

(Crap....why doesn't my stomach hurt so much?)

(Do i really need a cramp at this point?  I didn't even eat anything!)

I kept running now in fear of collapsing floors, holding my stomach with my hands.

(I do not want my first death to be by a crazy loli!)

I began to see the end, as I saw a door with decorations on it.

"Wahoo! Wanwerry Wrap!" declared an unknown voice, muffled.

(Well, I don't think Cranberry Trap can't destroy floors.)

I began to run at a slower pace to a jog, catching my breath as I got closer to the door.

(Wait a second, Patchy said weird characters, I see pictures of people.)

I rubbed my eyes with my hands as the pictures began to get more and more distinct.

As soon as i got close to the door, I stop and bent down as I saw the end of the scarlet rug, while catching my breath.

(Crap, that took a lot out of me.)

After about two minutes of catching my breath and blood rushing to my face.

I bent back up and looked at the pictures.

(Ok, let's see....Gentlemen's Alliance, Hetalia Axis Powers, School Days...wait a second..)

I quickly opened the door and saw a purple room with a small purple bed with books on it, and books on the floor in a messy state.

(This isn't Meiling's room.  This is Patchy's room!)

(Where does she even get the yaoi...and a failed romance series?)

I facepalmed with a shocked expression as i closed the door.

(Man.....Patchy's an idiot.)

(Wait a second, she said end of the doesn't always mean directly at the end, does that mean....)

I looked to my right and all i saw was a Remilia Scarlet bust in the hallway.

(She really can't get enough of herself can't she?)

Then i looked to my left and saw Cantonese characters on the door, with a sign that says, "WUSHU."

(This has to be Meiling's room, who else in Gensokyo knows what WUSHU is?)

I opened the door and looked inside.

There are pictures of every Martial Arts Movies you would see in the outside world.

(Woah, Iron Monkey, Fearless, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Kung Fu Hustle, and even The Forbidden Kingdom?)

(I think Meiling may be the first person besides Yukari, to ever see a white person.)

I went inside and closed the door, quietly.

In the middle was the bed, with the words, "Qigong" on the blanket with red woodframe.

There was an unusual big hump in the middle of the blanket, and its shaking...


I tiptoed over to the bed, but then noticed the hump was kinda floppy as it seemed it was about to fall.

Then i noticed there were no pillows visible in this room as I looked around.

(...Why would you do something like that?)

"Meiling? Meiling?" I asked aloud.

I checked under the bed, but she wasn't there.

I smirked, as an idea came across my head.

(Well if you won't come out, I'll just have to call you how everyone else calls you.)

"Oh China!" I deliberately yelled.

My stomach doesn't seem to hurt anymore as the cramp is gone, then I heard some noises behind me.

There were two doors together behind me.

(Is she in the closet?)

I opened the doors and immediately i saw clothes.

I saw the same outfit China would wear everyday everywhere in this closet, with her white pants sprawled everywhere in the closet.

And yet, no sign of her.

(Where is she?!)

Then immediately, I was knocked into the closet by a kick on my back as the momentum was fortunately broken by the amount of clothes in this room.

It became really dark in the closet as the doors were shut by an unknown assailant.

I wasted no time and quickly got up and tried to open the doors...but to no avail as someone was blocking me from the outside.

"Who are you?! What are you doing in my Room?!" demanded an unknown yet familiar voice.

(That's Meiling's voice alright...)

"Someone who wants to apologize" I said.

(I still want the element of surprise on my side, if she were to found out directly, I might be locked in here forever.)

I banged on the doors in the dark closet, shaking off one of the white pants on my foot.

"LET ME OUT!" I demanded.

"WHY?!" asked Meiling.


(Wow, she is really getting on my nerves.)

I leaned on the doors still banging but half-heartily.

"WHAT?!" yelled Meiling.

Then the doors opened suddenly as I fell on my back and met Meiling.

She looked really angry with tears while she appeared to be wearing....a green spandex?

(Of all the outfits, this is the weirdest.)

Meiling seemed to have opened her eyes really wide, a startled look on her face.

"Ken?" asked Meiling.

(As much as i want to slap you right now, i really need to stay calm right now.)

She jumped back, she braced herself and glanced bravely as I stood up.

"If you have come here to attack me again, then I will stand my ground!" roared Meiling.

(Okay, you can't possibly be that stupid.)

Anger boiled up in me, my hands were clenched to fists as I relaxed them.


Meiling was still cocky, as she still held her defensive stance.

"AND WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" yelled Meiling.

"I said, ______________________________"

Apparently I think Flandre and Marisa drowned out my voice when i said it.

"Wahoo! Whore wuh ha Hind!" declared Flandre.

"Wuv Bind! Wahherr Hark!" declared Marisa.

I heard the whir of the master spark as Meiling became confused.

"WHAT?!" yelled Meiling.


An angry look appeared on my face as I let out some steam in my yell.


All of a sudden, everything was silent as i said those words, even the battle downstairs was now quiet.  Meiling had a shocked look on her face relaxing but still tense.

"Wha wah hat, eh?!" asked Marisa.

"Hi Ho No! Wahoo He Ho Me He Ho Me!" declared Flandre.

(Good thing that can't break the floor either.)

I breathed in to calm myself down as my anger gone away.

Meiling looked surprised; she began to grow tears as she pointed at herself.


I'm afraid i have to stop here..
What's going to happen next? Tune in tomorrow to find out!!

This chapter has been re-edited.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2010, 05:46:03 AM »
Chapter 5 Rise to power

Meiling's POV

BGM: (A little too fast-paced but it's alright...)

( apologizing to me?)

(I, Hong Meiling, have never heard an apology before, especially towards me.)

(All these days I never have received a "thank you" or a "I'm sorry" from anyone before, they just use me.)

(And here he is, treating me like a human?  Even when I'm not one?)

(Is it a trap?  Why else would he be here?)

"I am sorry, for uhhhh"

(What is he pausing for, please don't tell me he's doubting whether he should apologize or not.)

Ken paused and looked up, like he's trying to think what to say.

I wiped my tears with my hands as I attentively listened to him.

Ken clears his throat, while explosions continued to echo below us.

"I apologize for dishonorably beating you up in a very unfair match and almost mutilating you in spite of anger.  Forgive me!" said Ken in a very loud voice.

Then Ken bowed parallel to the floor, I heard a bone crack, then he put his hands on his knees.

"Ow! That hurts, my back~" grimaced Ken, straightening his hack.

(He's even bowing to me!! and said that so beautifully!)

I began to cry again, but not for sadness, but for joy.

Tears run down my face as I went up to him and embraced him, hearing several more cracks, as a sense of joy and pride came through me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said, my voice breaking up.

(China would be PROUD of this accomplishment!)

"Wha?! Ow! Ow! My back! Can you stop hugging me?  I still have bandages on me" said Ken, his voice faint.

I immediately let go while wiping off my tears, Ken had a surprised look on his face.

"Why are you thanking me? and crying?" asked Ken.

"I never got an apology before, and you're the first one to ever apologize to such a formal way" I said.

"I forgive you.  Just please, control yourself."

"So why were you "sick" for a few days?  I thought youkai heal really fast when they are asleep" said Ken.

(What does he know this?)

(Did Zhen witch tell him?)

I stood there with a surprised look while Ken relaxed and put his hands in his pockets.

"Sakuya and Remilia visited the shrine and told me, surprisingly they did not attack me" said Ken.d

(Oh them....why did you mention them?)

I balled my left hand into a fist and shook it at my side as Ken seemed to notice.

"Are you angry at them?" asked Ken.

(...Of course i am! They are the......)

I relaxed my hand and breathed in slowly then breathed out using one of the many exercises I learned.

"Of course I am, they always disrespect me.  They keep calling me...China" I lamented.

"Well, earn back their respect then, give them a reason to call you Meiling" said Ken.

(What? How can you say such a thing...Cao Cao.....Ken?)

"And how exactly do you think I can do that?" I asked, doubtful in Ken's solution.

"Don't fall asleep on your job" said Ken, bluntly.

(....I do fall asleep many times on my job, but I just can't help it.)

"I can't help it! You would fall asleep too if all you did for a job is watering plants and just sit there on a stool!" I argued.

"Then what do you do that keeps you awake?" said Ken.

"Tending to the plants, Tai Chi, uh....." I stuttered.

(What is he getting at?)

"Then instead of sitting on the stool that causes you to sleep, pay more attention to the flowers and do Tai Chi more often" said Ken.

"I can't pay more attention to the flowers, I am the gatekeeper" I said.  "I'm supposed to focus on defending, not watch flowers."

"Then do Tai Chi when you're about to fall asleep, so you can stay awake and not get a knife to your head" said Ken.

(What? How does he know that Sakuya does that?)

I twitched while he said those words, then I nodded back at him.

(I never really did think of it that way.)

"Is that so~?  But how will I watch for intruders when I am doing Tai Chi" I asked.

"Umm~, okay.  You know how you breath in with your nose and you smell many things right?" asked Ken.

(I do smell many things when I do Tai Chi, but what does that have to do with the problem?)

"Yes" I confirmed, while nodding.

(Where is he going with this?)

"Well, everyone has a particular smell, get used to a lot of smells outside.  If you smell something foreign, stop and see who it is" explained Ken.

(Hmm, I have never thought of it that way.  This sounds really effective.)

"Huh?  The witch does always smell like mushrooms and Sakuya smells kinda fruity" I said

"There you go, turn your breath in Tai Chi into some warning system" said Ken, making a thumbs up.

(So he was willing to help us defeat the Witch when he himself introduced her to the place.  Whose side is he on really?)

"Why are you willing to help us when you showed the SDM to that witch?" I asked, suspicious.

"Harho Hek!" declared Flandre below us, her voice muffled.

"Wuv Bind! On-Birahinal Lacer!" declared a muffled Marisa.

(Ohh, Patchy's attack.  What is that witch doing with that?)

I stood with a confused look while I looked at Ken, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't ask, Marisa does that a-lot.  By the way, Don't you want your respect back?" asked Ken.

(That is true, how is it that I never thought of these things?)

"Also, how come this doesn't get Sakuya and Remilia over here when I say this message that they gave me to warn them?" asked Ken.


He gave me a note and it says, "Sakuya-san Sakuya-san! Cleaning Stop! ROOM! CLEANING! STOP!"

I frowned when I read this, remembering that I yelled this out loud before and I only got a knife in the head as a response.

I slapped Ken in the face, leaving a red mark on his right cheek.

"Hey what was that for?" yelled Ken.

"You do know I was the one who said this in the first place right?" I said, irritated.

"Huh?" said Ken, confused.

"I think Lady Remilia is trying to kill you by irritating Sakuya with this.  Don't forget that she acts below her age!" I warned.

"Ooo~, my bad.  I did see something evil in that charismatic smile" remarked Ken.

He looked down, then he looked back up quickly with a confused look.

"By the way, why are you wearing a green spandex?" asked Ken.

(By my one billion Chinese countrymen, i have never heard of such a thing.)

"What's that? This?" I replied.

I tugged at what I was wearing right now, and Ken nodded, looking fairly disgusted.

It all comes back to the point where Patchy showed me a bowl-cut black haired person who takes great enthusiasm in his training.

(I thought wearing clothes like him will increase my mobility as he was very fast and did something what Ken did called a Lotus.)

(Wait how does Ken know how to do that?  He probably doesn't remember.)

(Still, he managed to do it to me.  But was it his anger that pushed him?)

I observed and looked at Ken, who was heavily bandaged from hip to even his head as his eyes, black hair, and mouth were the only things that weren't covered.

He was wearing only a strange sort of short pants as there was also bandages on his legs and knees, he wasn't wearing a shirt at all.

"Meiling, where's my reason?" asked Ken.

(Oh yes, I have to tell him.)

"Because I believed it would help me get better.  After you have beaten me, I realized that I need to improve if I want to keep out people like you!" I said.

Ken seems to be taken aback by this statement.

"I told Sakuya to get me this if she can, and she did surprisingly bring it to me.  I was about to forget about it, when she threw it at my face" I continued.

"She also threw a knife at my head, she said that she had to go into some other world with the help of Patchy and some weird portal spell."

"Then she had to encounter people with headbands doing weird hand and finger poses where they could have killed her if she couldn't stop time."

"Then she got tired of finding a tailor and found the same black bowl-cut hair guy who put up a big fist fight doing leaf-related attacks and stuff."

"Sakuya almost got killed when that guy grabbed her behind, however, he grabbed her boobs instead.  Perverted people sometimes."

"Then she went mad.  She killed him with knives all over him and literally took off his clothes to give them to me."

"Luckily, a gap opened just in time by Patchy as she jumped in, although very bloodied.  It's not like her to go through such lengths for me.  This is what she told about her adventure."

"No matter, i gotten the final training piece, now i can finally train to get seriously more better for CHINA!"

I smiled and posed like I was basking in sunlight, a very charismatic pose with my hands at my hips, my right leg forward and my head chest stretched.

Ken immediately started laughing for some reason.

I immediately got out of my pose as I grabbed Ken by the neck, his laughter still going strong.

"What's so funny? I'm not laughing" said Meiling.

"God you're tense, you need to stop wearing that spandex.  Your nipples were showing, and that guy sounds really familiar" said Ken.

I looked down as I could see the nipples poking at the spandex, making it easily noticeable.

Then i immediately let go as Ken continued to laugh while i cover myself up with my arms.

(I hope he doesn't know I'm not wearing anything underneath.  Even Sakuya knew it was a bad idea to get this.)

"Oh yes, the real reason that i came here" said Ken, changing the subject.

I immediately became disheartened after hearing those words.

(I wish he would have come here just to apologize to me, but he's still here.)

"Wonter lok!" declared Flandre.

"Bar Hust Reweary!" declared Marisa.

(Those noises are getting distracting.)

I sighed, while Ken cleared his throat.

"Do you have any weights?" asked Ken.

(As a matter of fact, I do have weights in this room, but why?)

"Yes they are in this room" I answered.

Ken immediately began to look around as he peered past me and looked behind, wincing at pain from turning around.

"Where are they?" Ken asked.

He said those words while looking down trying to look for said weights.

"Why?" I asked

Ken stopped while he began to look directly at me, his eyes contacting mine for the first time in this conversation.

"I need them to train, If I need to overcome this headache, then I best get it over with by flying with them on" explained Ken.

(What? He can't fly? What happened?)

"You were able to fly when you fought me, you were also very fast" I remarked, remembering the fight we had.

Ken shook his head as he breathed in deeply.

"I lost them.  Let's just say, Patchy made me lose my powers.

(Even if all that Patchy does is read in her books and not caring about her health, She just prevented one very dangerous human from killing us all.  Is he human?)

"Are you human...or are you youkai?" I asked, curious.

"I am a human, I think if I was a youkai, I wouldn't have these bandages on" said Ken.

(That is true, we Youkai heal quick in our sleep, I thought he was one too, but he has bandages and he lost his powers.)

"If so, are you willing to pay me back if i let you use them?" I asked.

"Anne When Will Where We Non?" declared Flandre.

"Wha Ar Yu, we!" exclaimed Marisa.

Ken stood there for a while as he looked at the ceiling, continuously tapping his foot, and scratching his chin.

"Err~, If I can get your help, we could get them to stop fighting down there?" replied Ken.

I immediately became scared as soon as Ken finished that sentence, however he began to instill confidence in me slowly.

"It may seem like a really bad idea, especially with Flandre out, but I'm sure if she sees you, she will stop this" said Ken.

(And what makes you think you won't be broken by her?)

"Flandre is dangerous! Why would you want to get near her?  And how do you even know her?" I asked aloud in anger.

"Remilia told me, and by as of right now, her spell card should be up soon, therefore she would only have one more left before she's spent" Ken explained.

"BUT!! We have to rush down there as soon as she is done with the last spell card, otherwise Flandre might get the temptation to Break her"

"What about yourself?!  And how am I in this all of a sudden?!" I asked, irritated.

"That's why i need you too, to get her to stop just in case. so that the shrine maiden doesn't come down HARD on us."

( wonder..)

"Well, where are the weights?" I asked.

I walked behind Ken while I opened the doors to the closet.  I hung up my upper body wear and left my pants down on the ground as it grew into a disheveled heap of pants and underwear.

Then in the heap, I shoved off the clothes to reveal a big brown box as i put my knees to the ground.

I lifted the box, not struggling at all from the massive weight it carried, as I stood up and turned around to face Ken and walked over to him.

(Heh, I'm not even breaking a sweat, like I used to when carrying this box.)

Then Ken held out his hands while I dropped the box onto his arm

Ken immediately went down as Ken descended to the ground very quickly, his arms hit the ground first as he struggled to get them out under the weight of the weights.

"AYEE~! What the hell?! Why is it this heavy?" Ken screamed.

I giggled at his girlish scream as he kept struggling until his arms became free.

Ken looked at his arms to make sure everything was okay.

"Hopefully no bones are broken" said Ken.

He opened the box to see what was in there.

He found out that there were black wrist weights, ankle weights, forearm weights, weighted vests, and even weighted leather gloves.

"Do I have to wear the entire set?" asked Ken, timidly.

"You won't be able to overcome your challenges if you don't push yourself" I said while nodding.

I heard Ken mutter something but I couldn't quite follow what he was saying.

"Wait a second!  If you're a youkai, why do you have this if all youkai have such naturally brutish strength?" asked Ken.

"Just because Youkai have brute strength doesn't mean we could move our arms fast and fluidly enough!" I replied fiercely.

(A fast punch deals more damage than a slow one)

Ken immediately went silent after that while he picked up the pieces, but he doesn't seem to know how to put them on, becoming confused.

"Umm~, can I have help in putting this on?" asked Ken, lifting up the pieces with his hand.

I nodded once again and proceeded to help Ken put them on.

He winced from pain many times as the weights pushed against his body.

As soon as we put them on, I took some steps back and giggled as Ken struggled to move.

"I don't think i can move at all" said Ken, struggling to lift his arms above his shoulders, to no avail.

"Deal with it, it's resistance!" I said.

"Can i still fly?" asked Ken.

He appeared to only fly up two feet as he seemed to struggle.

"This....ARGH~!" grunted Ken.

He tried putting his hand to his head, but he couldn't even lift it above his shoulders.

I laughed even more as Ken seemed to not like what he was going through, and gave me an angry glance.

"I'm sorry!! I'm not a damn youkai!" yelled Ken.

"Q.We.Be Wapples of four-hunwred winety-wive W-eirds" declared Flandre.

"Oh I give up, this is too much....What the?!"

It appears that Ken descended with so much force that he broke through the floor, and landed in the library along with some wood, hitting his head.  He made a small crater on the floor with noticeable cracks.

"OWW~! FUCK~!" Ken cursed.

"Who are you?!" demanded Flandre.

"EEK~!" Marisa shrieked.

Luckily it appears they canceled their danmaku, along with their voices clear and concise, as the sudden entrance of Ken surprised them.

I kneel down and cupped my mouth while looking at Ken through the recently made hole.

"Are you okay, Cao!" I asked, getting his name wrong.

"Just peachy!" yelled Ken, while groaning.

"Ken?! What are you doing here?!" asked Marisa.

"You're FAT!" yelled Flandre.

Will Ken be able to endure whatever happens next? Tune in tomorrow to find out!!!

This chapter has been re-edited.


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2010, 05:47:02 AM »
Chapter 6 Rise to Power

Ken's POV
(Augh~, my head.  I don't know what hurts more: the headache or my ass.)

I attempted to rub my ass as much as I can but I could not lift my limbs up due to the weight I garnered.

Some of the wood from the ceiling landed on top of me while I made a crater in the library, putting me in an even more immobile situation.

(I don't think Remilia is going to be happy when she sees this.)

I couldn't even stand up while the black weights and the wood held me down.

(This is way too heavy.)

"Meiling! Do you have any other weights?" I yelled, towards the hole Meiling was peeking in through.

Meiling was  positively shocked, and shook her head.

"No! Sorry!" yelled back Meiling.

"Get down here! I need help! Man down!" I yelled.

Meiling nodded before she lifted her head out of the hole and made noticeable footsteps upstairs.

Meanwhile, I was still stuck in the ground between a devil and a witch.

"You're Fat!" yelled Flandre.

I twitched as soon as I heard that from Flandre.

Flandre has the vampire's scarlet eyes and blond hair. She is wearing a red dress and vest, with a pink shirt underneath. She is also wearing a pink mop hat with red ribbon attached. Her wings appear to be made of iron and prism shards. She is carrying a matching metal wand with her behind her back, which should be the mythical L?vateinn. Arranged from her back to the tip of her wings are her 8 crystals presented as follows: Light Blue, Blue, Purple, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green and Light Blue again.
(Oh I am fat huh? You don't get out much, DO YOU!?)

"I'm not fat, can't you see these things on me?  I am obviously encumbered" I argued.


"Encumb~..what? But you can't move....So you're FAT!" replied Flandre, emphasizing the last word.

(Do you really need to insist on that? She really does need to get out more.)

(God, where is Meiling?  It's not fun being stuck in a crater like this.)

(Agh~, I'll get Marisa, at least she will help me up.)

"Marisa? Can you help me get up?" I asked.

That was when i turned my head and saw Marisa running out immediately with a large brown bag filled to the brim.  Some books fell out on the way...

(What are you doing?!)

"Marisa~!" I yelled.

"Sorry! Get out yourself!  These books come first!" yelled Marisa.

Then she got on her broom and zoomed out of here through the main entrance.


(You really just abandoned me in favor of those books?)

(Marisa, you were lonely.  Now you don't care?!)

(Does it look like i can get out?! And you are leaving me with the devil?!)

(You bitch.)

(You greedy thief!!)

"MARISA~!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

But she did not come back as anger bubbled up inside me, and my hands balled into fists.


I shook my fist at the entrance then banged it on the ground in anger while Meiling made it downstairs and entered the library.

"Ugh~, Help me up.  That Bitch!" I cursed.

"Meiling!" exclaimed Flandre.

Flandre outstretched her arms ignoring my remark, awaiting a hug.

But Meiling ignored her while she continued to run towards me in a green spandex.

(Her boobs are making really noticeable marks.  Why do I even care?)

My anger began to be replaced with anguish, giving me a heartache.

Meiling got to me while she lifted me up effortlessly.

"You're really heavy, but you're still easy to lift up" remarked Meiling while brushing the dust off me.

I stood standing on the ground while Flandre ran towards Meiling and jumped on her, hugging her as Meiling spun her around.

If it weren't for gravity now pulling me down harder thanks to these weights, i would have fallen again thanks to Flandre's wings that whipped me in the back.

Meiling continued to swung the vampire round and round while Flandre laughed.

"I missed you after 495 years! I was really lonely in my room. All my toys are broken" remarked Flandre, lamenting her life.

"Ooo~, and I missed you too Lady Flandre, you're grown up a lot.

Meiling sat her down to the ground and patted her hair while Flandre was beaming, scratching her nose.

"So, who's this fat person?!" asked Flandre. "And why does he look so sad?"

I stood on the ground, my face scrunched up in sorrow.

(Why do you keep calling me fat?  That doesn't matter anymore...)

"His name is Ken, Flanny, and he's not fat.  Don't say that to people!  He's wearing those things that make him really heavy, but then he will be really fast when he takes them off in the future.  And I don't know Flanny, something happened to him" explained Meiling.

"Wow?! Really?" exclaimed Flandre, ignoring the other question that Meiling answered.

I began to walk towards the entrance slowly with a lot of difficulty as the weights made it a lot of trouble for me to move my muscles.

Soon, there was only a tiny bit of anger left in me while depression took over.

I was reduced to a shuffle as I quickly gotten tired.

I had gotten out of the library recently, walking towards the main entrance.

"Where are you going?!" yelled Meiling and Flandre.

(Somewhere to think it feel better...)

"Come back now!!! Or else!! I want to play with you!" said Flandre.

(I don't care...)

"Uuu~, That's it! I'm going to make you!" threatened Flandre.

"No, Flandre!  Don't use your power!  I think, he needs some time to himself for now" said Meiling, stopping Flandre.

"Aww~.  But..."

"Come on Flandre.  Umm~, let's help these people on the ground to their rooms, then I'll help you fix your toys" said Meiling, comforting her.

"Okay Meiling, Yay!" Flandre exclaimed.

"Now let's start with Koakuma laying next to that fallen bookcase with the pool of blood" said Meiling, cheerfully.

(Go ahead....have fun...I'm just going to sit somewhere and just....)

Meiling's POV

Two Hours Later....

(It was so hard for me to send Flandre back to the basement alone again after only so many hours outside.)

(But it's for the better, even if it crushes her heart.)

(Sakuya and Lady Remilia have not returned, did they go to that Shrine again?)

(Where is Ken?)

I changed back to the clothes I usually wore while i am doing my job as I walked outside the mansion, careful not to step on any pools of blood.

"Ken?! Ken!" I yelled, looking for him.

He was nowhere in the garden, no flowers were out of place or crushed.

(Did he already try to go home?  He did fulfill his goal, but for him to go in such a....)

(What was going on between him and that witch?)

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, breathing deeply.

I imagined my energy going out of my head spreading out all around the mansion in a fog, I inhaled.

I checked the area around me for any unusual smells and bumps in the area, remembering the surroundings of the mansion, then I exhaled.

"She's so..."

I opened my eyes and stopped taking in deep breathes, my concentration broken, locating the source of that voice.

(Is he outside the walls?  That's Ken's voice.)

I walked to the gate and looked around, seeing Ken just sitting in a fetal position with his arms wrapped around his legs.

He looked as if he were struggling while he stretched out his legs more to rest his arms on them.

(He's not even bothering to take them off, what's going on?)

I noticed tears streaking from his eyes, damping the bandages on his face and chest.

He seemed like that he was there for a long time, daydreaming and crying at the same time.

"Ken? What's wrong?" asked Meiling.

Ken began to breath in and out fast.

"Marisa...She's so.." said Ken, a sudden sadness in his voice.

He continued breathing in and out while he stopped there.

"What? She's so what?!" I asked.

(Come on...I really want to know!!)

Ken just continued to sit there, not answering me while giving off a very sad mood.

"Okay.  If you want to talk, I'll be right here, you don't have to right now" I said, not trying to burden Ken.

Then I sat down on the stool that Ken was sitting next to.

That was when I noticed some things that were broken.

I saw my hat on a pillow with some broken off sticks with my clothes, mittens, and part of a mop that got broken off.

(So this is where my hat was, Where did all this come from?)

(Ooo~, such a cute face on the pillows!)

I took the hat from the pillow as I put it on my head.

(I feel complete now.)

The star on my hat gleamed from the sunlight.

(Ken, Did you do all this? Or?)

(Well,  didn't they try to replace me with a makeshift gatekeeper?)

(The fact they based it off of me and hadn't even fired me made me even more confused.

I looked at Ken, whose hands were on each others elbows while he continued to stare at the ground, like a lifeless doll.

The only thing that distinguished him from being dead are his tears, now even his bandages are dripping water.

(Ken, I worry for you.  You looked eager with getting your weights, now you don't feel like losing them because of a person.)

I began to sit on the stool, alarmingly looking for anything that could be a threat.

(I'm sorry Ken, but my job goes first.)

It soon became sunset as I saw two very faint figures in the air, one of them is holding an umbrella over a person.

(Ah, Lady Remilia and Sakuya are back.)

I looked over at Ken, who continued looking down at the ground with his back slightly hunched over while his legs were stretched on the floor, continuing to be somewhat lifeless.

"Meiling?" breathed Ken.

(He finally talked, maybe he wants to talk about it now!)

I looked at him while he was looking at me, his eyes were now red as he stopped crying, but his bandages still dripped.  His black hair was more messier than ever.

"Yes Ken?" I replied.

"Can you unwrap my bandages on my face, I don't feel any pain on my face anymore" said Ken.

(Oh, he still doesn't want to talk about it.)

"Of course" I said.

He already had his back hunched so I went ahead and got behind him, he's not even moving but he just hunched his back a little more.

I looked for a place where the bandage had been put to secure it by sweeping my hand on his head.

(Ah ha there it is, one small victory for CHINA!)

It was behind his right ear as I grabbed the ends and pulled them off.

It made a ripping sound as it would have stung anyone, but not Ken, who didn't even respond at all as I ripped off the bandages.

"Thank you" said Ken.

His voice was a bit hoarse while I got back to my stool, still seeing Ken sitting there with his back hunched over, his face exposed was now red all over.

"You know? It's not going to be good for you if you keep hunching over like that" I said.

Ken didn't even listen while he continued to look at the ground, but he did straighten his back a little bit, however his arms still lay lifeless on his legs.

I smiled a little bit, a little bit happy that he is one of the few who listens to me.

Then Sakuya and Remilia touched down on the ground suddenly.

(Oh, them again.)

Sakuya had a very concerned look on her face while she looked at Ken on her right, while Remilia continued to look also but she doesn't show any sign of remorse.

"China, I see you are back to your job, good.  Sakuya, clean this up" ordered Remilia.

All of a sudden, the remnants of my replacement was as good as gone while Sakuya only shifted in her position to the left of Ken.

"Yes, Mistress" said Sakuya.

(You don't have to show off.)

"Why is he still here, and crying too?" asked Sakuya.

(For your sake too, I hope Remilia doesn't get any ideas.)

"Something happened between him and the witch, he really doesn't want to talk about it" I said.

"He doesn't? Well uhh~, if something indeed happen to him, then its not our business" said Sakuya.

I swear I saw Sakuya smile and blush at the same time for a second before reverting back into a cold stare.

(Eh? What's going on?)

"It's doesn't matter right now, he did not call for us when danger presented itself in the mansion.  Or did he?" said Remilia.

"I heard a voice in the distance calling my name two times, but you immediately dismissed it as nonsense" said Sakuya.

"I'm sure it was a voice in the forest and your imagination Sakuya.  If Ken wants to stay here, he may. Make sure he does not break anything" said Remilia.

"Lady Remilia, in his state right now, I don't think he wants to go anywhere at all" said Meiling.

I looked over at Ken who was still wearing his weights but still stared at the ground, dripping away tears.

"Oh? If you know so much about him, then enlighten me about what happened here while I was gone" said Remilia, being cocky.

"He came over here to borrow weights, but then that witch left him with Flandre, making him sad in the crater he left when he crashed through my room's floor with the weights.  If I did not come to his help, he would have been done for.  I think all that witch cared about was the books when I saw some on the floor.  He later just went out and sat in the same spot he is in right now for many hours, he just stared at the ground, crying" I explained.

Sakuya, with a smile upside down with a hint of sadness and blush, immediately got down to his level and put her hand on Ken's shoulder, who didn't respond at all.

"Ken?" asked Sakuya, trying to get his attention.

However Remilia did not looked pleased at all, and balled her right hand into a fist.

"The boy did WHAT?!" raged Remilia.

I immediately became scared at her tone of voice while she looked at me with a very angry face, then glared at Ken, who doesn't seem to be listening at all.

"You broke something in my mansion, breaking the rules in our agreement. Therefore..."

Remilia formed red energy in her hand as dust kicked up before her, then formed a big red spear as she began to lift it up like a javelin towards Ken.

Sakuya looked up and became terrified at her mistress.

"You will pay for the damages with your life.  Sakuya, get out of the way!  Spear the Gung..."

"NO! My lady Remilia! Stop! By what Chin, err..what Meiling said, he has already gone through enough damage.  Can't you see?!" shrieked Sakuya

I instantly smiled at that remark.

(She corrected herself!  I guess I am gaining respect after all.)

However that did not last long, as Ken seems to be in a bad situation.

Remilia still stayed in the threatening pose, spear in hand, her eyes glowed red.

"Sakuya, you dare defy me?! I took you in when you bashed in here in the first place! Now you dare protect someone you don't know over your Mistress!" yelled Remilia, in her rage.

Sakuya stood in the way, making her Mistress even more irritated at her defying her orders.

"My lady Remilia, please.  Think this through" said Sakuya, her voice began to crack.

(I wanna help too!  I can't just stand by and watch the person who helped me in so many ways get killed!)

"Plus Mistress, Flandre was out, but Ken stopped the destruction from the fight between Flandre and the witch!" I said, trying to help Sakuya.

Remilia still stood in the pose, angered and provoked, but then stopped, as she relaxed and the spear dissipated.

"Sakuya, You know I can't kill you, you are my prized maid.  But since you seemed to care for this human so much, you will keep an eye over him.  Understand?!" said Remilia.

Sakuya grew a smile, then she bowed.

(Well, that's rare, she never treats me like that, or openly defied her mistress like that.  Why is Sakuya defending Ken so suddenly like that?)

"Thank you,  Lady Remilia" said Sakuya.

(Wait a second, if Sakuya is over there, who's holding the umbrella over Remilia?)

Then I looked at Remilia, whose hat seemed to be burning.

"Remilia, your hat!" I shrieked.

Remilia felt her hat, her hand began burning too in the sunlight, a small flame grew on top of the hat.

"WAH~! Sakuya!" wailed Remilia, desperately trying to crush the flame on her hat with her hands.

Sakuya already had a nosebleed when I exclaimed Remilia's hat, then she quickly swiped up the umbrella she dropped and held it over Remilia, who is sighing in relief.

"Now then, Sakuya, take me inside and serve me tea.  Clean up the destruction caused by that witch" said Remilia, trying to gain back some of her pride.

"Yes My Lady Remilia" obeyed Sakuya.

They walked into the mansion together as they went into the doorway, not without hearing some slurping noises as Remilia was at the ground just licking up the blood.

(Why am i serving HER again?)

I looked at Ken, who was still in the same position, but he wasn't crying anymore.  He sat up straight but his face was still locked to staring at the ground.

(Ken, look what she did for you.)


I immediately bonked his head with my fist, while he gave no response.

"You may be sad and all, but you can't even thank her? She just saved your life... I..I..I" I yelled, stuttering at the end.

(Your heart may be gone, but can't you find even one piece of it?)

I continued to sit and stay in watch as the gatekeeper, sitting on the stool.

It was night, this was the time to stop my job and for me to turn in.

Ken was back in the fetal position as he grabbed his elbows with his hands again.

"Ken, my job is over for today, shouldn't you come inside?" I asked.

Ken merely just stayed in the same position with no response.

(That witch really did affect you really badly, no wonder you are so jaded right now.)

(I guess if you want to stay out here, it's fine.)

"Meiling, you may go inside and sleep" said a familiar voice right next to my ear.

(Woah! Sakuya?! She came out of nowhere. She doesn't usually come here to tell me that.)

"Sakuya? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Sakuya was still in her maid's outfit, but she took off the aprons so she looks like she's wearing a dress.

"Lady Remilia says i need to check on Ken once in a while, so I am doing so right now before turning in.  You may go now, China" said Sakuya.

(And she still does it!)

I slightly got irritated but relaxed, remembering that it was a habit for her, so I walked to the mansion.

(Why do i get the feeling that Sakuya likes Ken?)

Third POV
Sakuya stood there waiting for Meiling to walk into the mansion until Meiling isn't in sight.

She nodded slowly, knowing everyone would be asleep at this hour, even the nocturnal vampires.

She blushed while she looked at Ken, twiddling her fingers.

"Ken..." said Sakuya quietly.

"Sakuya?" asked Ken.

At this moment, Sakuya instantly paid attention to him, beginning to blush even more.

"Y-Yes?" said Sakuya.

" me a pillow please?" asked Ken, his voice hoarse.

Sakuya began to be worried, knowing Ken's voice was very hoarse.  She wasted no time by stopping time, walked into the mansion, got a pillow from Remilia's room, then came back

Then she started up time again, while Sakuya smiled warmly.

"Here you go" said Sakuya.

Sakuya sat the pillow before Ken.  Ken slowly reached and grabbed it with his hands, his butt reaching off the ground, then he laid on his back

He twisted his side in the same position on the ground right next to Sakuya's feet, who immediately grew pink on her face and stepped back.

He laid his head on the ground while he outstretched his legs and hugged the pillow tightly to his chest..

"T-T-hank you Sa-Kuya" said Ken, shivering.

Sakuya smiled while she still stood there, seeing as Ken smiled meekly before closing his eyes.

"You are welcome. Anything else?" asked Sakuya.

Ken didn't answer, as he already was sleeping on the ground, while hugging the pillow.

Sakuya giggled quietly, she bent down and reached out her hand, about to touch Ken's hair.


Sakuya was flustered, she was holding her breath.

Then she pulled back immediately while she straightened her back.

"He's.....I wish i was..."

She walked back to the mansion, smiling as she made someone happy.

Well this took me a while to spin, but i thought this would be good...
What will happen now? With Ken despondent, and an enigmatic Sakuya doing strange things, what's going to happen? Tune in tomorrow to find OUT!
Also, I might not be able to write a chapter on Sunday, seeing as its my birthday and i would be doing a lot of things.

This Chapter has been re-edited

Now if only I realized that I shouldn't have done a random drama bomb at that back then.