Author Topic: "Good" anime thread  (Read 20756 times)


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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2010, 01:46:06 AM »
Axis Powers Hetalia

Both the anime and manga leave me in stitches.

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2010, 02:41:15 AM »
lol the real thread requirements were this:

Also making you laugh technically counts as emotionally moving. :V

In that case, Cromartie's back at the top of the list!

Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention Battle Angel Alita/Gunm! Now THAT is some high grade sci-fi action manga there. It's incredibly well written and will likely make you forget the time as you read it.

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2010, 08:48:42 AM »
People don't like Sora Kake Girl or popularly known as Flying Cake Girl

I think otherwise, it was actually an emotionally riling anime about getting back into the 'beat' than let automation and electronic devices control one's destiny. (a very subliminal message of today's over reliance on electronics')
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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2010, 01:28:40 PM »
No mention of Super Milk Chan or Great Teacher Onizuka yet? wow. I don't watch nearly enough anime to form a "best of" list, but these two are right at the top anyway.

Kinzo the Astro Curious

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2010, 01:53:17 PM »
No mention of Super Milk Chan or Great Teacher Onizuka yet? wow. I don't watch nearly enough anime to form a "best of" list, but these two are right at the top anyway.

GTO? thats something I didn't expect to be mentioned here as a moves you kinda thing, but it is absolutely fantastic. Its a must watch at least once, though that does take time for its sheer length. (but not one episode is a pile of crap unlike a lot of long animes)

Reddyne pretty much mentioned the first things that came to my mind, Though promised place the plane annoys me with its twin propeller that makes no sense. Sure I know its not about the plane. It just annoys me  :V

I'd recommend spice and wolf to anyone who hasn't seen it. Great change of pace to most stuff, and quite subtle, not in your face at all. Infact, I might think about watching that again soon now I've mentioned it.

Ghost in the shell is kinda meh to me now. I did love it and all of its spin offs when I first saw it, and its what got me into anime in the first place, but what bugs me about it is the words. SO. MANY. WORDS. It just piles on words to the point where it starts to feel very obvious that they are adding conversation in to make it feel clever because you haven't a fucking clue what they're talking about.  :V (or maybe I just didn't get it? "D-4 LOADOUT!") But admittedly, I still enjoy it. the 2nd episode of stand alone complex with the tank is awesome, so are the tachikomas.

HOTD would have been good if it wasnt for all that damn fanservice.  :ohdear: its more like HighschooloftheDAAAYYYM. ( I just mentioned it because I watched it recently and that bloody annoyed me as it would have been awesome without it. )

Oh how about last exile? It was quite the eyecandy to watch and loved the style. Dunno about plot and all that for moving. I don't remember really lol. Just know it was pretty  :V

Dorian Loup

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2010, 04:56:36 PM »
Mushishi, Kino no tabi and Lain are my prefered ones for deep animes. Mushishi should really be reconized as a major artistic work in the animes field.

Also I loved Texhnolyze, which is the best cyberpunk animes so far.

And EF - a tale of memories made me think a lot also, especially one sentence from Yu : "There's only ineluctable, accidents and acts" (probably bad tanslated from french by me ^^' )
French noob!


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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2010, 07:29:52 PM »
Key: The Metal Idol

no one else saw this but me read about me playing league i guess

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2010, 08:09:48 PM »
Soul Eater for me, the anime cuts short as far as the manga is concerned, but I enjoyed watching it none the less.
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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2010, 09:50:50 PM »

Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #39 on: October 11, 2010, 10:24:16 PM »

Bah. The moment I read the OP, that was exactly what I wanted to post. Well, nice to know there's someone out there on the same wavelength at least.

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Dorian Loup

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2010, 12:48:53 PM »
Clannad was good, but it's really After Story that make it epic!
French noob!


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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2010, 01:33:35 PM »
However, to really appreciate After Story you'll have to see the first season's events.


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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2010, 01:59:05 PM »
Go read the VNs if you want to watch a Key sobstory.  Seriously they're infinitely better than the animes.

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2010, 02:10:02 PM »
While stuff like PSG is fun and all, sometimes we want anime that has something more. Something that can really move us either emotionally or spiritually. Something that appears simple on the outside, but is extremely deep at it's core; telling tales of timeless plights encountered almost universally by the human race. This topic is dedicated to such anime, whose themes and characters inspire an entire generation.

But most of all I made this topic because I haven't seen any good anime lately so I looking for suggestions :3c :V :3c

I've heard good things about Baccano, Honey and Clover, Princess Tutu. What other series are awesome beyond compare? Movies are fine too. :3c

Simple and deep....For me, the three seasons Hidamari Sketch have the two attributes, a story that can be very simple, but that can commove you out of nowhere.

Air is not that "simple", but the fact of seeing the problems the girls have to pass through makes me realize how useless I am  :ohdear:
Futakoi Alternative is another not-so-simple anime, however the emphasizing of the importance of day-to-day things makes the beauty of the story.
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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2010, 02:36:30 PM »
Seconding JT's 'fucking d'uh'. :V I will also push Honey and Clover as well, and remind myself that I need to finish that. Also,

I wonder if it's even possible to MST3K Grave of the Fireflies...

If this is possible, then anything is.
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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2010, 03:17:24 PM »
Go read the VNs if you want to watch a Key sobstory.  Seriously they're infinitely better than the animes.

Kanon and Clannad's anime adaptations are still really good. Only Air really loses out from having to be shoehorned into 12 episodes.

I'd suggest the VN too, but this is a "good" anime thread, not a "good" game/VN/story thread.


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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2010, 04:37:24 PM »
Kanon and Clannad's anime adaptations are still really good. Only Air really loses out from having to be shoehorned into 12 episodes.

I'd suggest the VN too, but this is a "good" anime thread, not a "good" game/VN/story thread.

Well yeah, but if you're interested in watching the anime versions you should really read the VNs is what I'm saying.

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2010, 05:43:22 PM »
Well yeah, but if you're interested in watching the anime versions you should really read the VNs is what I'm saying.

I actually intend to check out the VN for Clannad at some point, but I'm short on both time and money, and I need a lot of both in order to check it out. The anime was very well done though, from what I heard they even added a few new music themes/variants, and on top of that the version I watched had remarkable fansubs. I would not tell someone to not watch the series because of the VN it was based off of, in fact, I'd say its easier to coerce somebody into watching the show than into playing the visual novel.

Bloom Nobly~

Kinzo the Astro Curious

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #48 on: October 14, 2010, 02:31:24 AM »
Well yeah, but if you're interested in watching the anime versions you should really read the VNs is what I'm saying.

2nding the VN. So much I'd say if it wasnt for the potential to spo- oh right, spoilertags.

However annoying the blonde dude is, that arc is brofist tastic.

Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2010, 09:08:39 PM »
Movies suggestions would be awesome too.

For instance I hear Satoshi Kon's movies are good (even if he is... :ohdear:)


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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2010, 09:29:41 PM »
In that case, Perfect Blue. And the first Eden of the East movie.

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Re: "Good" anime thread
« Reply #51 on: October 27, 2010, 01:35:27 PM »
The last anime I watched that has invoked strong emotions was Summer Wars. It had a simple story with some very traditional dramatic turns, but the whole thing was pulled off so spectacularly I didn't care. It has amazing animation, a charming cast of characters, a story that everyone can connect to, and awesome direction.