Author Topic: Phantoms of the Past (Completed!)  (Read 20207 times)


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Phantoms of the Past (Completed!)
« on: September 18, 2010, 11:33:08 PM »
This is an idea I've had for awhile but never really wrote on until now. I've always loved the Prismrivers and wanted to do some form of backstory to them. I should probably PLAN things before I write stories but oh well. Please feel free to post all the criticism you want because I know that this might not be very good with like 0 planning to it.

   Sunlight began to pour in through the window of the mansion as the morning sun was rising. Outside the window, a bird could be seen perched in a tree. It was whistling a joyful tune as the sun continued to rise. A little girl tucked in her bed slowly began to stir as the bird?s song reached her ears and the sunlight crept over her eyes. She slowly sat up with a big yawn and rubbed her eyes. She ran a hand through her long red hair as she looked around at her room now filled with morning sunlight.

?I wish I could sleep in just a little later??

   She contemplated hiding back under the covers until she realized what day it was. She let out a joyful squee and jumped out of bed, nearly tripping over the long purple nightgown she was wearing. She flung open her bedroom door and raced towards the dining room as if she was in a marathon. The numerous pieces portraits that lined the wall and shelves of art looked like a blur. She finally reached the dining room where she saw her sisters sitting at the table in their own pajamas. That?s funny? where was father?

?It?s today, it?s today! Our family fishing trip is today,? she yelled at the top of her lungs in excitement. When she got no response she looked around curiously at her sisters. ?Aren?t you excited?? Still no response. She look inquisitively at her eldest sister who was wearing a gray nightgown.  Her short blonde hair fell over her head, messy and unkempt. Was she? crying?

?Layla? we? we won?t be going on our fishing trip today??


Layla lied very still in her bed.  The tears kept rolling down but she didn?t want to do anything about them. How could this have happened? She felt like it took the most effort in the world to call out as she heard a knock on the door. ?Co?come in??

?Hiya little sister??

It was Lyrica. Layla still didn?t move from where she was, she didn?t feel like it. She merely lied there silent. ?Are you okay? It?s sad to see my favorite sister so down.? Lyrica walked over and sat down on the bed next to Layla, placing a hand on Layla?s back. ?We?re all very sad? but we still have each other right??

Layla still didn?t move, ?I just? I just want father back??

?We all do? we all miss him dearly? but he wouldn?t want us to grieve ourselves so much and not live life right? Remember what he always said??

Layla sat up and turned around to face Lyrica, ?Don?t waste time being sad when there?s so much happiness out there in the world,? Layla responded, smiling through her tears before giving her big sister a big hug. ?Alright? I?ll try to cheer up? can we? have a picnic outside? I feel like I haven?t been outside in days.?

Lyrica laughed a bit as she returned her little sisters hug, ?That?s because you haven?t! A picnic sounds great. Now get yourself cleaned up and dressed. We?re gonna have your favorite food for this picnic.?

?Chicken! Yay!? Layla exclaimed as she jumped up and ran out of the room.


   Layla smiled as she took a bite out of the baked chicken that Merlin had cooked for them. She stared out at the forest in the distance. In the back of her mind she kept returning to the sadness over her father?s death? but she kept fighting it back. She had her sisters still with her, they would get through this together.

   ?I love your chicken Merlin! I don?t know how you manage to make it so crispy!? Layla exclaimed happily through massive bites of food. ?It?s a secret you aren?t supposed to know! Chef Merlin will never reveal the secret!? Merlin said with a maniacal giggle. Layla smiled at her big sister as she took another big bite of food. ?Lyrica should cook next time!? Lyrica nearly choked on the food in her mouth at that remark. ?I dunno? I?m not a great cook after all?? she said rather hastily. ?Your cooking is fine you just don?t like work,? Lunasa said with a laugh.

   Layla enjoyed this thoroughly. She loved her sisters dearly and it was these kind of memories she would cherish forever. She was about to speak up about how great of a day this was when Lunasa spoke up first, and Layla felt as if her world was starting to fall apart at what was said.

?Next week I will be leaving the mansion??
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 06:03:40 PM by YellowYoshi »


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 11:19:12 PM »
Another day? Layla drug herself out of her bed as morning sunlight poured into her room. Her feet drug behind her as she walked over to her vanity desk. She looked intensely into the reflection of the mirror. Her red hair matted over her head in a tangled mess and her deep green eyes reflected her exhaustion. She took a brush from the desk and began running it through her long hair, wincing every now and then as it got caught in tangles. Her mind wandered back to memories of when father would sit with her and brush her hair.

?Honestly Layla, how does your hair always manage to get so messy??

   Layla smiled at father, ?I don?t do it on purpose! I think Lyrica does it when I?m sleeping, she?s always playing tricks on me!? Count Prismriver laughed heartily as he ran the brush through his daughter?s hair. He sat the brush down and looked down at Layla. Her long red hair fell down over her shoulders and made a large contrast with the purple nightgown she had on. ?You want to know a secret Layla? You just have to promise me you won?t ever tell anyone I told you.? Layla squeaked excitedly, she loved secrets. ?Yes! Yes! I promise father! What is it?? He smiled at his daughter as he stood up and gave her a sly wink. ?You have the most beautiful hair of anyone here. Lyrica likes to play pranks on you because she wishes she had hair that beautiful.?

   Layla laughed excitedly, ?I knew it!? Just then Lunasa walked into the room. She asked curiously, ?You knew what exactly, Layla?? Layla gasped and looked towards Lunasa. Had they been found out? At that moment she realized that father was no longer standing next to her. She looked into the mirror to see that her hair had only been half-brushed. A weary, exhausted girl looked back at her.

   ??Why do you have to leave Lunasa??


  • ⑨ Baka Nine
    • Gem Wings
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 05:07:31 AM »
Ohhh this is interesting. Ghost girl story, is this before or after they became ghosts though?


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 05:24:45 AM »
Layla didn't create the poltergeists 'till after Count Prismriver died and everyone went their own seperate ways. (Yay Wiki!) So this is set before the Prismrivers we all know and love are around.


  • ⑨ Baka Nine
    • Gem Wings
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2010, 06:17:17 AM »
Layla didn't create the poltergeists 'till after Count Prismriver died and everyone went their own seperate ways. (Yay Wiki!) So this is set before the Prismrivers we all know and love are around.

Ehehe. Try not to confine your self to much to the canon okay? Liberties are what makes fanfic fun :)


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 06:39:59 AM »
Well, the basic frame was to write something of a story on what went on during this time rather than "Oh well, he died and they left. Layla was sad. She made poltergeists. The end." So I'm not necessarily taping myself to canon, more of expanding on what's there. Hopefully I'll improve over time since those first few segments seem rather short and spacey. Then again I did want to make this something of a snapshots kind of thing where it's not necessarily a big epic story that goes from start to finish in full detail. Rather, you get short glimpses of what's going on through Layla's perspective.

Like I've said in the first post, all criticism is encouraged. ^_^

Nina-Edit for a new chapter!

       It was quite a windy day today. Layla strolled through the large garden behind the mansion. It was her favorite place to go when she was sad or wanted to think. She approached the entrance of the massive hedge maze she had always loved to explore as a young child. Funny that she referred to herself as a young child? she was only just thirteen now. Layla stepped into the maze and began to wander. She took turns here and there and swirled around in the massive maze as if she was trying to get lost. That wouldn?t happen though? she had been through this place so many times that she knew every twist and turn backwards and forwards.

   ?Little sister where are you? How many times have I told you not to wander around the maze??

   Was that Lunasa? Wait? what day was it today? That?s right! Lunasa was leaving today! Layla had been trying to forget it, she didn?t want her eldest sister to leave. She sighed to herself and looked up at the sky. What was happening to her world now? ?Layla! I?ve wandered in here just to say goodbye to you now where are you?? Maybe if she was quiet and didn?t answer Lunasa would look for her forever and wouldn?t leave. She couldn?t leave without saying goodbye right. Layla nodded to herself as if to think that it was a good idea. She took off without another thought. Running down leafy corridors and taking wild turns every which way. Yet she still knew exactly where she was. It was if the large hedge maze was her kingdom that she could roam forever.

   ?I told you we shouldn?t play hide-and-seek in the maze Lyrica! I can?t find Layla anywhere and she won?t call out to me. Father won?t like this?? Layla giggled to herself. She never won at hide-and-seek but this time she had the best of her sisters. There?s no way they could keep track of the maze. Layla had the advantage at last. She crept silently and quickly through the maze as she avoided her sisters, keeping track of where they were by their voices. She avoided them for what felt like hours and not once did her excitement die down. She would be the winner of the day! Just then she ran right into her eldest sister Lunasa. Whoops, she hadn?t been paying attention for just a bit too long. They both fell to the ground with a thud.

   ?Aw man you found me? I guess you win again Lunasa. Drats!? Layla folded her arms and pouted a bit. She never got to win at hide-and-seek, even with the home field advantage! ?Honestly Layla, what?s been up with you lately? What exactly did I win?? Layla shook her head and realized she had been daydreaming again. Lunasa was staring at her curiously, a suitcase in her hand.

   ?You can?t leave us Lunasa. You just can?t? we?ve been together as sisters forever.? Layla fought back her tears, though it took her every ounce of her strength. ?Father would want us to experience the world and travel. That?s what I?m doing? I?m going to travel out there and see all I can see. I can?t stay cooped up in this mansion anymore.?

   Layla didn?t understand, she didn?t want to understand. She didn?t want her big sister to leave? but she knew that nothing would change things now. She gave her big sister a hug. ?I?ll miss you big sister!? With that, Layla took off into the maze once more as tears streamed down her face.

   ??Bye Layla, be a good little girl you hear me??
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 07:05:47 AM by YellowYoshi »


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2010, 07:35:08 AM »
Dearest sister Layla,

   How are you doing? You?re being a good girl right? I hope all is well with you, Lyrica, and Merlin. I?m writing from Scotland, can you believe it? It?s so beautiful here, I think you would really love it. There?s rolling green fields everywhere and tons of flowers just like we have in our garden. It?s quite breathtaking. I?m going to be here for another few days before I continue my travels. Can you guess where I?m going next? Australia! You remember father teaching us about that place right? I bet you?re jealous that I?ll get to see a kangaroo, aren?t you?

   I?m sorry for leaving you sister, but it?s something I needed to do. I felt as if I was slowly withering away in that mansion. I know father would be proud that I went out to chase my dreams, so please cheer up okay? I?ll still write letters whenever I can. I miss you Layla? and I miss Lyrica and Merlin too. I don?t know if I?ll ever come back to the mansion, but know that I will always love my sisters more than anything in the world.

   I?ll write again soon dearest sister.
      Love, Lunasa

   Layla stared at the letter that was now taped to the side of her mirror. It was the only thing left of her eldest sister other than her memories. Moonlight came in through the window just enough for her to reread those familiar words on the parchment. It had become a nightly ritual to read them before she went to bed. With a sigh, Layla walked over to her bed and jumped in, burying her head face first into a puffy white pillow. Her thoughts always drifted towards when the next letter from Lunasa would arrive. It had been two months since that letter and Layla doubted she would ever get another letter. Layla sobbed into her pillow quietly for what seemed like hours before she finally fell asleep.


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2010, 04:32:06 PM »
I've always loved the Prismrivers' backstory, so massive kudos for fleshing it out a bit~ Loving the story so far; reading Lunasa's letter actually brought a tear to my eye. And I'm loving the snapshot setup, because filling in every little detail would be a massive undertaking.

Also, about that planning thing: Damned be planning! My best ideas come at the spur of the moment!

Curiosity, though; how old were the sisters when the Count died? (I don't think it's in the wiki, else I'd check there)

And a single piece of criticism, which is just me being all nitpicky: You may want to separate the dialogue by paragraphs when a new speaker pops up. It looks a bit nicer and - in my case at least - is a bit easier to read. But, again, that's just some nitpickery. Keep up the good work!


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2010, 07:06:37 PM »
You know the funny thing? I actually thought to myself as I've been writing "don't I usually separate dialogue?" and then shrugged it off. I'll be doing that from now on if it's easier to keep up with. I'm really glad you're enjoying it, I was gonna keep writing it whether anyone did or not but it's nice to know that it's enjoyable.

About the age thing... I haven't really thought about it it's mentioned in the garden chapter that Layla is 13 at the time of the story and she's the youngest.


Layla peeked into the study, barely cracking the door open. Even with father not around anymore she still felt as if she shouldn?t be in there. She slowly pushed the door open with a long creak as the ancient door swung on its hinges. She looked towards the grand desk in the middle of the room, almost expecting her father to be sitting there as always. Despite how long it had been since he had died, she still had these thoughts. Layla shrugged it off and looked around the room. Bookcases that scaled to the ceiling lined two sides of the room, filled with books about countries around the world and ancient customs. The large window in the back gave a spectacular view of the flower gardens.

   ?I almost miss being scolded by father when I snuck in here??

   The room smelled dusty, probably from the disuse. Layla couldn?t recall a time when there was dust in the study, father always insisted on keeping it perfectly clean himself. He didn?t even make the servants clean it, he did it all himself. Layla suddenly got an idea and bolted out of the room. When she returned she had a basket full of cleaning supplies. Her hair was pulled up into a pony tail and she had changed into a maid outfit, a Halloween costume she had from last year.

   ?It?s time to make this study spotless again!?


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2010, 10:44:39 PM »
Yawn! Layla sat up and rubbed her eyes, but to her curiosity it was still dark all around her? and? she wasn?t in her room. She found herself sitting at the desk in the study. She still had her maid?s outfit on and the basket of cleaning supplies on the floor. Oh that?s right? she had just finished cleaning the study and had sat down for a minute to rest. Layla stood up from the chair and walked to the large window in the back. She looked out at the garden illuminated by moonlight. Rainbows of flowers waved in the wind of the night and the hedge maze stood at the back like a massive palace. It was a cloudless night and the moon was very nearly full.

   Now wide awake from falling asleep so long ago, Layla decided to go sit outside in the cool night for awhile. The garden was very beautiful during the day, but she had never realized how much more beautiful it could be at night. She ventured out of the study, through large hallways, and out the backdoor in the kitchen. The cool night air was refreshing as she walked over to a bench near the reflecting pool. She stared at her reflection for a long time, thinking about nothing but thinking about everything at the same time. Despite how relaxing the moonlit garden and midnight air was? Layla couldn?t shake the feeling that something was getting ready to happen.

   Meanwhile? on a distant side of the mansion, a thief was climbing in through an open window on the first floor. Was that Lyrica?s room?


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2010, 11:08:49 PM »
Yay, an update~

Intrigued to see who the thief is (and if this was set in Gensokyo - which it doesn't seem t'be - I'd totally say Maria)...


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2010, 12:44:38 AM »
(Glad to hear you are continuing to enjoy it. Tear Jerker Alert!)

   ??and then I went back in and straight to my room to try and get some sleep.? Layla recounted with tears streaming down her face. The officer nodded sadly then turned to Merlin who was sitting in a dining room chair. Police and investigators were swarming all around the house. ?And you say you were staying in town with someone for the night Ms. Merlin?? She merely nodded and continued to stare outside the window. She was in too much shock to cry right now. Layla didn?t want to believe all of this was happening. First Lunasa was gone then Lyrica?

   ??How did it happen Mr. Duncan?? Merlin suddenly asked the officer.

   He finished scribbling notes onto his notepad before flipping it closed and placing it in a pocket of his uniform. ?There were signs of a big struggle in the room, most likely from Lyrica fighting back at whoever the burglar was. Lyrica was stabbed to death? she has multiple stab wounds in her stomach and? and her throat was cut. The culprit probably managed to pin her down to use such force??

   Layla cried even harder, unable to believe that this had happened to her. She had been the one to find her sister in her room. She had gone up to get her since she was late for breakfast and?

   ?Is there anyway to find the murderer? did he leave any clues behind?? Merlin spoke for the both of them as Layla was simply unable to speak through her tears.

   ?I guess that is the only glimmer of good news there is to find in this situation?? the detective said with a long sigh, ?The murderer was incredibly sloppy, probably wasn?t expecting to have a fight. The murder weapon was left behind and we got clear prints from it. George Finn has been detained and will be held in prison for a lengthy number of years. You two won?t have to worry about this happening again.?

   With that the detective  tipped his hat in a nod and walked off to help the numerous other officers pack up to leave. Layla just sat there as tears continued to run down her face. Time seemed to run around her like a blur.

?Lyrica? rest in peace dear sister? I?ll miss you so much??


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2010, 04:41:51 PM »
... Oh wow. That's... oh wow.

Poor Lyrica...


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2010, 07:18:33 AM »
(That's right, I dropped the bomb! Should I rename this "The Prismriver Depressing-As-Shit Story"?)

Layla gulped audibly as her hand gripped the doorknob. Nobody had been in here since the murder and she was wondering if it was a good idea to go in? but she told herself that she was nervous over nothing. The door creaked open and Layla looked into the room. It was left exactly as it was after Lyrica had been killed. The covers on the bed were haphazard and a vase that had used to sit on the vanity desk was now shattered on the floor. There were small blood specks on the curtain, stained in beyond removal. The floor also had a rather large puddle stain, probably from where Lyrica had been left dead for many, many hours. Tears swelled up in Layla?s eyes as she looked upon the unclean murder scene.

   Just as she thought she couldn?t take it anymore she spotted something on the floor, near the bloodstains. It was a pendant necklace. The chain was a stunning silver and the pendant was of a grand piano.

   ?Was that it Lyrica? Your keepsake was being stolen and you had to protect it at all costs??

   Layla reached around her neck and pulled on a silver chain around her neck, pulling it out from its hiding place underneath her the neckline of the dress. Upon the chain was a silver pendant of a microphone. Suddenly her memories took flight and she was suddenly in the parlor. A Christmas tree was in the corner and all of the sisters were sitting on the grand rug in the center of the room, bouncing up and down in excitement. Father grinned happily as he reached under the tree to grab four small presents, each wrapped in a different color. He handed everyone their presents and they all waited excitedly for the word.

   ?I guess I?ve tortured you long enough. Open them up girls!?

   They each screamed with excitement and wrapping paper began flying everywhere. Lunasa was a hurricane of gold paper, Lyrica was in a sea of red paper, Merlin was gale of pink wrapping, and Layla was a furious storm of purple wrapping. They each got their presents open at almost the same time and they all held up their pendant necklaces. in awe and curiosity. Each one was pure silver, and each had a different pendant. Layla held up a microphone, Lunasa held up a violin, Lyrica held up a grand piano, and Merlin held up a trumpet. Before the girls could start asking any questions, their father put a finger to his lips and hushed them.

   ?Each of those pendants symbolizes something about my beautiful and unique daughters.?

   He walked up to each sister individually to explain their gifts. He started with Layla.

   ?Layla, that microphone symbolizes how outspoken and independent you are. Remember that throughout your life, you must continue to speak up for yourself.?

   ?Lunasa, that violin symbolizes your elegance and precision. Always remember that every situation in life is to be handled precisely if you wish to avoid problems.?

   ?Lyrica, that grand piano symbolizes the fruits of labor. You must remember that good things only come from hard work and dedication, just like a pianist must practice diligently.?

   ?Merlin, that trumpet represents your excitement and enthusiasm for life. Never forget that a happy life comes from doing what you love and that you must always keep that enthusiasm up.?

   Layla?s tears ran down her face as she stared at her sister?s pendant. She wasn?t meant to die like this. She was meant to live on to do great things. This was all wrong.


   She didn?t know how yelling would help, the only thing in the room with her was the signs of her sister?s murder. She finally threw the grand piano pendant back on the floor and ran out of the room. She couldn?t take looking at those things anymore. She ran back to her room and jumped in bed, pulling the covers over her head. She was trying to hide from the world, but she knew her hiding was in vain.

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2010, 02:01:54 PM »
(That's right, I dropped the bomb! Should I rename this "The Prismriver Depressing-As-Shit Story"?)
Why, yes. And how did Lunasa get herself offed?


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2010, 01:49:52 AM »
You should, because now I - and probably anyone else who reads this - am (are?) sad. ._.

And I don't think Lunasa got killed, she just left.

Poor Lyrica, though... It wasn't even a clean death! *weeps*


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2010, 07:40:26 AM »
Another day? what was Layla continuing to get out of bed for anyways? Lunasa was gone, Lyrica and Father were dead? all she had left was Merlin now. That?s right, she still had Merlin. As long as she at least had Merlin in her life? she had reason to continue to greet each day. Thinking this way made Layla feel a tad better and she slid out of bed with a yawn. Just as she did there was a knock on the door and a male servant walked in with a bow.

   ?Miss Layla, Merlin asked me to tell you to get cleaned up and attend lunch in a half hour.?

   Before she could respond he gave another short bow and walked out, probably attending to other duties. What was up, Layla wondered. Merlin never had a servant come fetch her for lunch like that. It was then that she realized she had slept in. Oops. She shrugged and ran to the bathroom, washing up and getting dressed. She felt so good after being cleaned up she actually managed a smile. Today was going to be a good day! Layla cherished the good days, they came much less frequently than they used to. She ran into the dining room where Merlin had set the table. There was someone else there that Layla had never met.

   ?Just in time sister. This is Madame Julie. She?s from a very prestigious cooking school in France.?

   Layla blinked confusedly before remembering her manners. ?Pleased to meet you Madame Julie,? she said cheerfully as she curtsied gracefully. She then took her seat at the table.

   ?Well Madame Julie, there should be no more delay. Let us eat and enjoy each other?s company.?

   They all began to dig in, Layla took care to keep up her best table eating manners in front of the prestigious guest. She ate slowly to be sure she was perfect. They were having Merlin?s specialty, a chicken and turkey chili with homemade rolls. It was one of Layla?s favorites.

   ?This is quite exquisite Miss Prismriver. You certainly have a fine finesse in the art of cooking,? Madame Julie commented as she finished her bowl. Her voice was very sophisticated and had a hint of arrogance in it.

   ?Merlin has always cooked for us. We all love her cooking so much, she?s very talented.? Layla gave a large smile to her sister as she bragged on her.

   ?Yes I can see that. Well Miss Prismriver, I won?t torment you any longer. You are definitely prime material for our school. You are accepted. The first semester begins next month so be sure to start packing your things and find a way to France.?

   Suddenly Layla had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. Merlin wasn?t going right? She wouldn?t leave Layla all alone right?

   ?C?Congrats Merlin??


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2010, 09:02:38 PM »
?I?m not going Layla,? Merlin said gently as she closed the front door. Madame Julie had just left and they had gone to the front door to see her off.

   ?R-Really?? Layla nearly wanted to jump with joy, her excitement filling her with energy. She wouldn?t be left alone! This was? great? As soon as Layla looked at Merlin?s face she knew she couldn?t let this end this way? even if it caused Layla a great deal of pain.

   ?But Merlin? you?ve always dreamed of going to a prestigious cooking school like that. Ever since we were little. You can?t give that up, why would you??

   Merlin sighed and turned around to stare out the small window next to the door. The trees outside were bare and shook in the cold winter wind. She watched Madame Julie?s carriage roll off into the distance.

   ?I can?t leave you here by yourself. Lunasa is already gone and we?ve lost Lyrica. We have to stay together as sisters.?

   Layla started to cry, but she forcefully wiped the tears away. Merlin was always closest to Layla, they had been best friends since they were born. That?s why? that?s why Layla couldn?t bear the guilt she would feel if she was the reason that Merlin didn?t follow her dreams.

   ?Did you forget what father said about your pendant Merlin? Did you forget what that meant and how you should live your life??

   Merlin took grasp of the silver trumpet hanging around her neck with her left hand. She hadn?t forgotten, not once. This was her dream? and father would have wanted her to follow it.

   ?Layla? I??

   ?Not another word Merlin! I? I won?t be able to forgive you or myself if you give up this opportunity! I still have the servants to take care of me here, I?ll be fine! Don?t give up on your dreams for me!?

   Merlin turned around to face Layla, her eyes were filled with tears but she had a huge smile on her face. She walked up and wrapped her little sister in a huge hug.

   ?Thank you Layla? I?ll start packing.?

   Layla returned the hug and watched as Merlin ran upstairs. She knew she had done the right thing? so why didn?t she feel any better?


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2010, 12:03:12 AM »
And I thought it couldn't get any sadder... ;_;


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2010, 11:10:40 PM »
Layla stared idly out of the window as snow gently fell from the sky. She used to love the snow more than anything but with all of her family gone she? just didn?t really care anymore. She wasn?t sad or angry, rather, she just felt emotionally numb. She sighed and decided that she needed to get out of the house anyways. She couldn?t remember the last time she had gotten outside and she might as well get out while it?s this pretty outside.

   Layla pulled on her snow boots and put on her finest jacket over her dress. Mittens and earmuffs were added for extra warmth and comfort and she was ready to go. She walked her way through the mansion and to the backdoor in the kitchen.

   Outside it was beautiful. The fountain was turned off but there was water still in it, frozen solid and giving a clear reflection of the gray, cloudy sky. She smiled a bit as she listened to the constant crunch of snow beneath her boots. Despite all that had happened to her? something as simple as snow still managed to help her mood. She made her way towards her favorite place in the garden, the hedge maze. She decided to do a route different from her usual one, but she still knew the maze by heart. She took twists and turns and wandered around for awhile before she decided she would head back to the house.

   She started making her way back and as she rounded a turn she found that she was in some other part of the maze she had never been to before. This? was new. She continued onward anyways, the strange thing being that their ceased to be any more turns on her way down this new path. She almost felt as if she was being led somewhere. She wandered forward for what felt like a long while before she found herself walking out into a large opening in the maze.

   Ahead she saw an unrealistically large tree. It was a cherry blossom and its massive branches were filled with pink petals. That?s strange, these didn?t thrive in winter. Just as Layla was wondering where she was and how she had found herself here, someone appeared in front of the tree. The woman?s hair was as pink as the blossoms on the tree and she wore a long, elegant blue dress. Upon her head was a blue cap with a white cloth triangle that had a swirly design on it.

   ?Hello Layla, I am Saigyouji Yuyuko.?

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2010, 03:30:15 AM »
Why you do this to Layla ;-;

Other than that, it's still great!


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Phantoms of the Past
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2010, 06:03:11 PM »
(Two for one special for the end of the story. Yes, I wasn't expecting to end it quite this soon but here it is. I hope you've enjoyed the ride.)

Layla was speechless. Who was this otherworldly woman? Where had she come from? How did she know her name?

   ?There?s nothing to be afraid of. You?re here because you desire more than anything? to be reunited with your sisters. Am I right??

   Layla gasped audibly, that was right but? how could that even happen now? Layla didn?t even know where Lunasa was, Merlin had been in France for a month now at school, and Lyrica?

   ?Y?yes Miss Yuyuko? but how can that even happen now??

   Yuyuko smiled and walked towards Layla. Curious? she made no footprints in the snow. She stopped in front of Layla and held out her left hand. An orb of pale blue light appeared, floating gently over her palm. It almost looked like a ghostly flame, and before Layla could stare in awe of it any long it transformed into a scroll of some sort.

   ?Take it. This is a spell of magic. It will direct you on how you may bring your sisters back to you once more. Make sure that nobody knows of it Layla.?

   Layla gently grabbed the scroll and looked at it for a brief moment before she looked back up to smile at the woman? but she was no longer there. Layla glanced around wildly wondering where Yuyuko had gone and realized that she was standing at the entrance of the hedge maze once more. She wondered how long she had been gone since the snow around her was now illuminated by the moon. Grasping the scroll tightly in her hand, she ran quickly and quietly into the mansion and into her room, locking the door behind her.

   Unrolling the scroll she found that it was some kind of ancient magic. It instructed her to draw a rather complex circular design on the floor. She ran over to her closet and found a box of crayons. Pulling out a deep blue color, she began scribbling on the floor. She tried to be precise as she could and it took her a long while but she finally managed to get the symbol drawn. Next it said to get items of significant sentimental value for her sisters. She knew just the things.

   Layla stood up and opened a draw of her desk. Inside were three silver pendants. First was Lunasa?s violin, which she had forgotten to pack and had left in the mansion. Layla had found it in Lunasa?s room and decided to keep it as a memory. Second was Lyrica?s keyboard, which Layla had found at the murder scene. Lastly was Merlin?s trumpet, which she had given Layla as a memento before she left for France. Layla looked at all three of the pendants with tears of sadness and tears of joy. She took them to the spell circle she had drawn and placed them each in circular sections left blank for the items.

   Lastly, the instructions left an incantation. Layla looked up and saw that the sun was starting to rise outside. Oh no, how long had she been at work on that spell circle? The servants would be up to wake her soon, she had to hurry. She began reading the incantation written on the scroll, quickly but precisely.

I call upon memories of loved ones dear to me
I call upon mystical powers of the spiritual realm

   Layla began to feel nauseous and weak, but she forced herself to continue reading. She didn?t notice the spell circle in front her starting to glow with the deep blue hue of the crayon it was drawn in.

I give up my energy and power
I give up my soul
Now come to me o? creations

   Layla fell to her knees in pain. She had to finish this. The spell circle was glowing fiercely now, it illuminated the entire room in a bath of blue light. Layla barely found the strength to speak the final verses of the incantation.

Come o? poltergeists of memories
Come to me, my precious sisters
I summon thee

   That was it. The incantation was complete and the spell circle gave a burst of light as energy sprung up. Layla was laying on the ground now, just able to lift her head up to watch the spell. She could see transparent figures forming.

   ?Lunasa! Lyrica! ?. Mer..lin!?

   Just as she was able to make out her sisters in front of her, the last of her soul left her. The last image she saw was of her three sisters looking down at her before everything went black. Though Layla had given up her very life to perform the spell, one could see a smile on her face.


   ?Do you think that was the right thing to do Yuyuko? You knew from the start she wasn?t strong enough for that magic.?

   ?It is better that she died this way rather than to live on in her life in misery, don?t you think Yukari??

   The blonde haired woman stared at Yuyuko intensely, despite being Yuyuko?s best friend she still didn?t approve of some of her methods. In her heart though, she knew that Yuyuko was right.

   ?Now Yukari, I have a favor to ask of you. Could  you bring those three young poltergeists here for me? I believe I may have something they can do here in Gensokyo.?


   The police couldn?t determine a cause of death. Despite the spell circle drawn on the floor, there were no signs of any injuries on the young girl. Usually when they had a run-in with these cult rituals they would find people that had sacrificed themselves with a knife. This was different though? there were no stab wounds, no signs of forced entry or struggles, no signs of any sort of problem at all. It was if her soul had just left her. They couldn?t find out where Lunasa Prismriver was at to inform her. A letter was sent to the institute that Merlin Prismriver was said to have been at, but they got a reply that she was no longer attending the school. All other family members were dead. Layla was buried out in the backyard garden, in a dead end corner of the hedge maze where a monument was constructed for her.

   Reimu flew ahead at a staggering pace. She wiped a bit of sweat from her brow and slowed down as she neared a giant gate up ahead. She was definitely heading in the right direction now? but how was she going to get through this? Just as she was about to keep going, three girls appeared in front of her. Each one had an instrument floating around them.

   ?So, what the hell are you people? And what is this place anyways?? Reimu yelled out, as tactless as she always was.

   ?We are the Poltergeist Musical Performance Ensemble,? replied the girl in red, a keyboard floating wistfully around her.

   ?There will be a flower-viewing event at the mansion. We have been invited to play,? chimed in the second girl wearing pink, a trumpet floating playfully around her.

   ?You, however, have no instrument,? the last girl said coldly and idly, a violin floating around her idly.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 06:07:46 PM by YellowYoshi »


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Phantoms of the Past (Completed!)
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2010, 06:34:00 PM »
... I love and hate you at the same time. I knew it was going to be sad, but...

Oh god that... .... just... wow...

You have a way with words, good sir. And with those words you effectively hit soul-crushing depressing level, in my book.

G'job, hope to see more from ya.

... Poor Layla.