Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 315370 times)


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #180 on: April 06, 2011, 07:51:45 PM »
Yeah, so I don't know why she hates Sakuya so much. That's kind of what I've been saying.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #181 on: April 07, 2011, 12:40:09 AM »
We've seen Sakuya be something of a jerk several times prior.

- Besides anything her sarcastic, almost cocky attitude didn't really gel well with Sango.
- General lack of appreciation despite the fact that Koishi/Sango have saved her life on two separate occasions
- Upon finding out about the righteous cause the Pearl is fighting for and the part she plays in it, Sakuya opts instead to use her powers to win money:
?So it wasn?t just luck after all. Good! I was afraid I?d hit a downturn sooner or later.?

Sakuya?s eyes lit up, and she once again wore a pensive look. She started muttering to herself, getting more and more interested in her own ideas with every word.

?Yes, that?s interesting! I should definitely be able to find a way to use it for roulette, and that?s where the real money will be. Yes, that?ll work wonderfully...?
- The aforemented issue with Sakuya and XP. Since I apparently didn't make this clear enough, I'll restate it - short of outright genetic engineering, XP is incurable. Rather than accepting this and doing what she can to entertain the kids, Sakuya is running around bringing trouble on her head by making fortunes in underground gambling only to be duped out of it by fake doctors promising to cure an incurable disorder. Not just that, but she's deluding Flandre into thinking there's a resolution when there isn't, and is generally in complete and utter denial about what's giong on. The worst part is that she's hurting other people because of it - Patchouli nearly took a shot to the face because of Sakuya's frustration, and Flandre has never quite come to terms with XP thanks to Sakuya feeding her sweet nothings. The fact that she's actually doing more harm than good to the family system yet still claims she loves these kids drives Sango up the freaking wall.


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #182 on: April 07, 2011, 02:15:52 AM »
Oh, oh! I betcha I know what's gonna happen in the next update! :3

Sango is gonna pull Sakuya aside and she's gonna tear her a ne(ry

* Ammyfex is shot

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #183 on: April 07, 2011, 03:06:25 AM »
Oh, oh! I betcha I know what's gonna happen in the next update! :3

Sango is gonna pull Sakuya aside and she's gonna tear her a ne(ry

* Ammyfex is shot
Nope~. Dolphin Rider Koishi - Eroge Edition~.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #184 on: April 07, 2011, 03:15:22 AM »
Sakuya isn't trying to hurt anyone, and she doesn't want the money out of greed. There's nothing wrong with trying to help someone. Maybe it is uncurable, but her actions must be considered in the context of what she thinks, and she thinks that if she looks hard enough with enough money, she'll find a way.

But I guess different people see things differently, so whatever.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #185 on: April 07, 2011, 03:55:35 AM »
Sakuya isn't trying to hurt anyone, and she doesn't want the money out of greed. There's nothing wrong with trying to help someone.
She's not trying to hurt Remilia and Flandre, but she is, and out of selfish, prideful reasons. She's also going about it in a half-cocked (participating in dangerous and illegal schemes, going to any doctor that says that they can help her, no matter their dubiousness), jack-assed (giving Flandre false hope, threatening Patchouli when she was telling her exactly why she was wrong) way.

Maybe it is uncurable, but her actions must be considered in the context of what she thinks, and she thinks that if she looks hard enough with enough money, she'll find a way.
From Sango's standpoint, she has considered the context, and has concluded that Sakuya's being incredibly stupid. Sango has different ways of thinking, yes, but her conclusion isn't at all far away from what readers would conclude. Hell, Rou even spelled it out for you why Sango thinks this way.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #186 on: April 07, 2011, 04:42:51 AM »
Yes. I simply don't agree with Sango. That's really all there is to it. Sure, Sakuya may not be doing the smartest thing, but she has the right intentions, and she's trying. That's worth a hell of a lot as far as I'm concerned.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #187 on: April 07, 2011, 11:36:19 PM »
Numbers were never Tewi’s thing.

She wanted to rain an army down on Izayoi right now. Bring in dozens of men, all armed to the teeth, and have them run through the mansion and unload their arsenals on anything that moved. She wanted certainty, she wanted a massacre, she wanted the building’s floors to run awash with blood.

Of course, the woman in the black dress hadn’t been fond of that idea. Too brazen, she’d said, and it would attract too much unwanted attention before they’d even made it into the mansion. She was made to go in with only six of the guards that were available - big, brawly men for that, but they didn’t talk much. In fact, the closest she’d seen to it was one of them bobbing his mouth open and closed as he loaded his gun. Tewi decided not to comment - as long as they shot straight, she didn’t care if these guys were outright illiterate.

And then there was the girl walking alongside Tewi right now. She’d been told several times that she was ‘a specialist’, though Tewi couldn’t figure out what she was supposed to be a specialist at. She looked foreign, from the strong tan on her skin, and her black hair had been neatly cropped up. She wore a baggy silver jacket, with a white stripe running down its centre, and a pair of matching pants. Notably, unlike the rest of the guards sent to accompany Tewi, she didn’t seem to be armed.

Tewi was eager and curious in equal parts. As the van continued its trip to the edge of town, she couldn’t help but ask some questions. Knowing her strengths would help Tewi with strategising, after all.

“So, what exactly is it that you do?”

The woman was silent. Her eyes, dark blue, looked into Tewi’s with a murderous intent. For a moment, they almost flickered in the van’s dim light, turning her entire eye jet-black. If she’d been in a saner state, this would’ve been enough to send Tewi running for her life.

Looking into Tewi’s eyes, though, the specialist saw no shimmer of light. The mindcoil had locked in place neatly, and nothing was going to stop her from getting her payback on Izayoi.

They looked at each other for several seconds before the woman finally offered an answer.

“...Youkai exterminator.”

Tewi pondered the words for a moment, then nodded. When the woman had kissed her, she understood - like a door had been opened, and she’d stepped out of her cage into the real world. Youkai had been around her all along - she just hadn’t known to look.

“Why would there be a youkai here? I thought the mansion didn’t have any pets.”

“The Pearl. Protecting Izayoi.”

Tewi grit her teeth. She’d heard that name before. The Pearl were the group who’d bailed Izayoi out at the casino, as well as wrecking the sting Morichika had set up at the Asakura Clinic. They’d been a thorn in Tewi’s side since the moment she’d met them, and she certainly wouldn’t mind giving those goddamn bunnygirls a little taste of lead as well.

The woman considered the question answered, and turned away from Tewi again. She reached into a jacket pocket, pulling out a small vial. It had been stoppered securely, and it was filled with a thick red liquid. Tewi didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what it was.

“What’re you doing carrying blood around? You a donor or something?”

“Gets me ready.”

Tewi’s brow furrowed. “Ready? Ready for what?”

The woman looked back to Tewi again, and grinned. That grin was enough to give away everything Tewi needed to know about this woman - her teeth were jagged, designed only to rip and tear. She looked Tewi in the eyes with that sadistic smile, licking her lips.

“For the hunt.”

Tewi knew exactly why this woman had been assigned to help her out now. She was looking into the eyes of a cold blooded killer, one who savoured not only the kill but the feast. She would’ve probably shot her right between the eyes in self-defense if the mindcoil wasn’t making her sing to the Black Claw’s tune.

Instead she nodded, mentally planning how she could use this girl’s abilities best.

“Heh. Well, don’t leave too much of a mess.”

The van came to a slow, stuttered stop. Fifty feet in front of them the mansion’s gate stood tall, looking to frighten off any trespassers.

“Alright, everyone! Save your bullets for Izayoi. After we take her out, feel free to shoot whoever the hell you feel like!”

It was a shame, then, that these trespassers either didn’t know fear or had forgotten it. Tewi held her handgun with both hands, treasuring it like a newborn baby.

“Just you wait, Izayoi. Let’s see if you can still laugh with a bullet through your heart.”


The kitchen felt colder as Koishi stepped into it again. She’d felt this aggressive atmosphere earlier in the library, when Patchouli and Sakuya had been having their standoff. The only difference was that this time it was Sango giving Sakuya the death-glare, leaning back on the counter as she kept her arms firmly folded.

Sakuya still hadn’t recovered from the incident at dinner. More than anything she looked tired, ready to collapse at any moment. She stood across from Sango, taking deep breaths in an attempt to recover. Her hand rubbed at her temples as she muttered something to herself beneath her breath.

Sango had kept her thoughts to herself up until now, but she’d reached her limit. She’d had enough.

“...What do you have to say for yourself, Izayoi-san?”

Sakuya’s eyes turned to Sango, furious. She obviously didn’t want to be questioned about this, especially not right now. The answer was slow, thought-out, and had all the smoothness of granite.

“I wanted to help her. Flandre had always hated her disorder. It tore her apart to be locked away in the mansion all the time when other kids her age were frolicking in the sunshine.”

Sakuya’s rubbing at her temples grew harder. She’d been looking uncertain since the incident at dinner, like she was ready to fall over at any moment. Koishi racked her brain for something useful to say, but nothing she could think of seemed right to defuse situation. Everything she could think of saying felt either hollow or too forceful, and there didn’t seem to be a happy medium she could tread.

“What was I supposed to tell her? That there was nothing she could do about it? That she was going to be trapped in this house for the rest of her life, through no fault of her own? Tell me, dolphin, could you look a young sobbing girl in the eye and tell her she’ll just have to accept the fate that’s making her so miserable?”

Even as she threw out the question, Sakuya stepped backwards from her aggressor. She was still looking in every direction other than forward, eyeing the door and weighing up her chances of running. Koishi could see that she wasn’t even confident about her own words anymore, and Sango made the most of that uncertainty.

“If I knew for a fact that was the best she could hope for, then yes. I would. The worst thing I could do to her is give her false hope for something that was never going to happen.”

Sango looked set to explode, every muscle in her body tensed and ready to snap out at Sakuya. Koishi felt the breath catch in her throat - she wasn’t even aware the dolphin could give off this sort of anger. Sakuya was entirely on the defensive now, clutching her head so hard Koishi was afraid she’d crush her own skull.

“But...there’s got to be something out there, right? Modern science is getting more and more advanced by the day, and altering DNA can’t be too far off. Yes, all it’ll take is a little funding and-”

“See? This is what I can’t stand about you, Izayoi-san!”

Pushing herself off the counter, Sango walked up to Sakuya without a hint of hesitation. Her arms remained folded, locked away where they couldn’t do any harm. The tension was almost unbearable, and Koishi had half a mind to step in and pull Sango away right now.

But was Sango in the right? If this was the only way to get through to Sakuya, then - no, that couldn’t be it! Good intentions didn’t justify violent means! Sakuya was the perfect example of that! Surely there had to be a better way around this?

Sango definitely didn’t think so. As her tirade continued her hands slowly fell to her sides, clenching into fists.

“Can’t you see what you’ve done to this family?! Your fights with the librarian - how long have they been going on for? How long will it be before you two can’t stand the sight of each other?! You’ve seen firsthand what happened to Flandre-san - she’s still clinging to a hope that’s never going to come true, and it’s because you keep repeating it to her! Your denial’s hurting the very people you’re trying to help!”

Sakuya was pinned against the wall. Sango was inches in front of her face now, and all the guilt and worry she’d built up inside burst out in a single furious rant.

“How dare you!? What right do you have to judge me? Have you ever had to deal with what I’ve gone through? My closest friends, crippled by a disorder neither of them can control? How can you be so critical when you don’t have a clue how it-”

The sound of Sango’s hand slapping into Sakuya’s cheek echoed into the next corridor.


No more. That was as far as Koishi was willing to let this farce go on for. She was shorter than both of the women, but regardless she ran between them and pushed Sango as far away as she could. The dolphin stumbled, but stayed on her feet as she was knocked a few steps back. Immediately, Koishi turned her attention to Sakuya.

“Izayoi-san, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know she’d-”

Sakuya was standing perfectly still, her eyes staring at Sango with wonder. One hand was held over the red mark slowly forming across her cheek, and her mouth was hanging open.

“Sango-san, that was completely uncalled for!” Koishi yelled out behind her back. She glared at the dolphin, clutching Sakuya to support her. Sango seemed more frustrated than disappointed as she explained herself.

“I know, but what else was I supposed to do? Since the moment we came here I’ve seen this girl take apart everything around her without a second thought, all because she can’t come to terms about this goddamn illness! I could only take so much before I...I...”

The revelation of what she’d done hit Sango hard, and her hand reached over her mouth in awe.

“I...I...oh, crap.”

In instants Sango had slumped to her knees, in shock over her own actions. She’d hurt Sakuya. A Siren. The person she was supposed to be protecting. She murmured to herself, looking more and more panicked by the second. Koishi wasn’t sure how to feel about seeing that - it was good to know Sango was guilty, but seeing her so torn up over it was painful nonetheless.

No time for that, though. She had to talk to Sakuya right now. She was still absently rubbing at the mark on her cheek, not really thinking or reacting to anything. Koishi grabbed her by the shoulders, words flowing out from her mouth unplanned.

“Izayoi-san, I’m so sorry about that. Sango-san was completely out of order when she hit you, and there’s no way to say otherwise...but she was right about what she was talking about. You need to let go...I know it’s going to be painful, but you’ve already put yourself through so much pain trying to save these girls. I...I know you had good intentions with it, but you’ve got to understand it’s just making things worse. Please...stop fighting it...”

Sakuya stayed motionless for a few moments, the only sign of life being the glistening of tears in her eyes. Her lips moved, mouthing words that barely made it to Koishi’s ears.

“...They’ll be okay. They’ll be okay. I can make them better...”

There was no anger in Sakuya’s words any more, just desperation. She wanted to believe what she was saying, and repeated the words over and over to try and lock them in place. With every repetition she grew louder, nodding as she convinced herself of her own lies.

“Yes,’s okay...I just need to get the money together, and then-”


Koishi snapped Sakuya out of her trance with a yell, shaking her shoulders back and forth. She gulped - still frightened of coming across as too aggressive - but if they didn’t take this chance, Sakuya would just go back to the self-destructive cycle she’d been putting herself through for years.

“You know you’re lying. Listen to yourself. You’re better than this, Izayoi-san. I know I’ve only known you for a day, but you’re a strong woman. I know I could never keep my cool like you can when you’re playing for such high stakes. You can do this, Izayoi-san. It’s going to hurt, but you’ll pull through.”

Sango had told Koishi earlier that Sakuya was stronger than she thought. It was time to put that claim to the test.

Sakuya looked down at Koishi fearfully. The case had been made, and the last hints of resistance started to fade away. Again, she murmured to herself, trying to force the words out of her mouth with some resistance.

“I...I can’t...”

The tears started to flow, as the horrible revelation struck Sakuya with all its force.

“I can’ them...!”

Then, with no warning, she fell forward into Koishi’s waiting arms and buried her head into Koishi’s soldier. Koishi flinched, but quickly came to her senses and wrapped her arms around the maid.

There were no words. Sakuya made no attempt to explain herself, Sango made no excuses for her actions, and Koishi offered nothing other than her warm embrace. The only sound that could be heard was Sakuya’s muffled sobbing as she cried into Koishi’s shoulder.

It was a few minutes before Sakuya’s voice rose up again, quiet as a whisper.

“...What do I do?”

Koishi pushed Sakuya back a little, holding her upright rather than letting the maid lean on her. She had to stand on her own for this. Again words flew out of Koishi’s mouth, unrehearsed and not even thought over.

“You do the one thing that matters, Izayoi-san. You love them for what they are.”

Sakuya looked ready to burst into tears again, but she dug into some hidden reserve of courage and resisted. She sniffled a little, nodding to herself slowly at first but gaining speed.

“ the end, was it really that simple?”

She was smiling, laughing, like she finally understood the meaning of a joke she’d been hearing for years. She finally let go of Koishi, wiping at her face to clean off the tears.

“I was young when they told us, when they explained how Remilia and Flandre weren’t like other girls our age. It was a lot to take in, but I reacted like any kid would at the time - I thought it was unfair on them. I wanted them to get better, be normal, not feel left out of everything.”

Once or twice Sakuya stopped to break into another bout of laughter. She was laughing at herself, at the sorry state she’d trapped herself in. She was crying as she did so, every bout of laughter followed by a little sniffle. She was starting to come to terms with what she had been doing all this time.

“I fought harder than I ever thought possible for their sakes. Won millions, maybe billions, and squandered it on everyone who promised to have an answer. I didn’t care how many times I was lied to, how many times these so-called doctors stabbed me in the back. I only needed to be right once, and everything would be better.”

She laughed harder, louder, grabbing onto Koishi’s shoulder for support at one point. She was still crying even as she laughed, wiping the tears off her face now and again to try and maintain some sort of dignity.

“God, I’ve been such an idiot, haven’t I? All these years, and I never grew out of a childish belief like that. It...hurts. It hurts so much, knowing that I’m powerless do to anything to help them, and they’ll probably die never seeing what a sunny day looks like to the rest of us. I don’t want to accept it. It’s painful, like nothing I’ve ever had to go through before...”

Sakuya took a deep breath. Something had changed visibly about her, like the tears had let some inner poison leak out of her. Sakuya smiled, earnestly, as she looked Koishi straight in the eyes.

“But I have to. For their sakes as much as mine. I’ve got so much to apologise for, so I’d better get started right now.”

Sakuya wrapped her arms around Koishi, embracing her as tightly as she could. She felt almost warmer to Koishi now, the icy barrier around her heart defrosted.

“I’m sorry, you two. For everything. I’ve been so wrong, all this time...ah, what am I saying? I shouldn’t be apologising to you two, I should be apologising to the girls. And apology’s only going to get me so far, isn’t it...?”

For lack of a better phrase, Sakuya felt more alive now. Up until now, Koishi could have confused her for a doll or a machine from her actions, but everything from her here felt just that little bit more human.

“...I promise. I’m going to do everything I can to make up for what I’ve done. These girls deserve a rich, happy life, and rather than fighting against their disorder I’ll work around it. It’s not much, but it’s all I can do - and after what I’ve done, they deserve every second of it.”

The grip around Koishi grew tighter, filled with conviction. Sakuya had come to an epiphany, and she’d be damned if she didn’t act on it right this minute. The hug broke up a few seconds later, with Sakuya looking refreshed and full of life. Koishi felt a little happier seeing that - not because she’d helped, but just because that smile of hers was contagious. It was a shame she didn’t smile often, actually, because when she did she was actually sort of charming.


Sakuya noticed, with a startle, that something was weighing her fist down. Lifting her hand up as she opened it, her eyes widened as she saw a dark blue jewel lying on her palm. It glistened slightly as the harsh kitchen lighting bounced off of it.

“Ah, this is that Teardrop jewel you were telling me about, wasn’t it?”

Koishi nodded, pulling out her own orange gem for comparison. Besides the colour, the two were almost impossible to tell apart. Sakuya nodded, matter-of-factly examining the two and pondering it.

“Well, in that case...I suppose that makes us teammates.”

“Yeah, I guess it does...”

Placing the Teardrop in a pocket on her dress, Sakuya held out a hand for Koishi to take.

“In that case, I’ll say it’s a pleasure working with you, Komeiji-san.”

“R-Right. Good to have you on the team.”

She felt closer to Sakuya now, forgetting for a moment she’d literally met this woman yesterday. There was a bond - a faint one, but it was definitely there. Perhaps not quite at the level of friendship, but beyond being mere acquaintances.


Some people, though, hadn’t quite warmed up to Sakuya as much.

“...Sango-san. I think you’ve got something to say to Izayoi-san, don’t you?”

Sango was hanging her head, still somewhat ashamed of what she’d done. The collapse and revelation Sakuya had gone through afterwards had also had an effect on Sango, and the sheer anger that she had approached Sakuya with before had turned into begrudging acceptance.

“...Sorry about hitting you like that. You’ve gotta agree with me, though, you were pretty kooky.”

“True. I probably deserved that slap a little, frankly. Anyway, shall we shake on our new partnership?”

Sakuya let go of Koishi’s hand, instead holding it in front of Sango. The dolphin eyed it for a moment, suspicious, before awkwardly accepting it and shaking. She wasn’t particularly familiar with the human concept of hand-shaking, and it showed with the force she shook with, almost yanking Sakuya’s arm out of her socket.

“All those words of yours are nice, but you’d better stick to them. I’m gonna be keeping an eye on you, so I’ll know if you go out there pissing off ganglords again.”

“And I’ll be doing everything I can to make sure your stalking of me is a waste of time.”

“I-It’s not stalking, it’s surveillance! Key difference!”

Sango pouted, with Sakuya smiling almost sadistically in return. They couldn’t call each other friends, and they probably never would, but they’d make good rivals for one another if nothing else.

“Right. First things first - I need to have a chat with Flandre. She’s probably taking a walk around the gardens-

“-kuya-san! Sakuya-san! We’ve got trouble!”

Everyone flinched at once as a voice burst out from inside Sakuya’s dress. Sakuya reached into a pocket with her free hand, pulling out the receiver and rushing out a reply.

“China, what’s going on?”

The voice on the other end didn’t sound tired in the slightest. Then again, from the sight she’d seen, Meiling didn’t have time to sleep.

“T-There’s a mob headed this way! Half a dozen of them, and they’re all armed!”

The colour flushed out of Sakuya’s face. Panic threatened to overtake her, and she very nearly dropped the receiver onto the floor. Within seconds, though, she’d regained her composure, speaking calmly and clearly.

“...Hold them off for as long as you can. I’m on my way.”

With that, Sakuya put the walkie-talkie away, and slowly cracked her knuckles.

“Well, when it comes to cleaning up my own mess, I’d say this is a good way to start.”


-This week-

"I’ve worked here for fifteen years, and I owe it to Val?ry-san that his children stay safe. If you want to get in, you’re going to have to go through me."

-At long last-

“Stupid Remi. She doesn’t understand...huh? Who’re you? Wait, what are you-kyaaah!”

-The thrilling conclusion-

“If you touch one hair on her head, I will end you.”

-To the Sakuya arc-

“Oh, don’t worry. I won’t do a thing to her. The sun, on the other hand...”

-Dolphin Rider Koishi-

“S-Sakuya! Anyone! HELP ME!”

-Arc III: Dancing Beneath The Scarlet Moon-

“Mysterious Jack, versus some fish-food rejects. Place your bets.”


Title page by the thoroughly excellent Shoxxe of Deviantart.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 11:44:22 PM by Rou You Can »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #188 on: April 07, 2011, 11:54:51 PM »
Things are hitting the fan. :ohdear:

Also I liked your preview. :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #189 on: April 08, 2011, 12:18:15 AM »
I approve of the use of Atlantis for that preview. Very nicely done

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #190 on: April 08, 2011, 12:32:27 AM »
:3 Wahaha, this'll be fun, and a nice view of things to come in your non DRK stories. Though, I hope Meiling has awesome kung-fu skills, otherwise she's toast :ohdear:

Also, that picture turned out very nicely!

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #191 on: April 08, 2011, 12:36:42 AM »
I'm reminded once again why I love your works. Not that I ever forgot... But anyways I'm still trying to do a lot of guesswork for the future. At this point I've probably gotten at least someone right... Hopefully.
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #192 on: April 08, 2011, 01:23:21 AM »
Well. That 'youkai exterminator' comment is either a massive twist or a big-time red herring, and at the moment, I'm thinking it's the latter (although part of me thinks it's too obviously a red herring and that we're supposed to write it off as one, but  for now, I think it's a genuine red herring).

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #193 on: April 08, 2011, 01:24:26 AM »
... Or it might be a youkai exterminator. Targeting Sango. Because Sango's a youkai.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #194 on: April 08, 2011, 01:51:38 AM »
Um... I got the idea that the woman is our Black Claw lady. If she's not in charge of the Black Claw, then she's definitely high up in its organization, and, well, which Touhou characters are known as 'youkai exterminators'?

So yeah, that's why I currently think it's a red herring; I can't see any of those people being evil unless their DRK versions are, well, something interesting (it's possible, but unlikely).

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2011, 02:04:17 AM »
Read it again: the exterminator is a different person than Tewi's recruiter. You're probably just getting confused because Tewi refers to both the recruiter and the exterminator as "the woman", but it's pretty clearly stated that the exterminator is someone different.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #196 on: April 08, 2011, 04:04:17 AM »
*Looks closely* eah, I guess they're not the same woman. I doubt the new woman is just a mook, though, so the same logic applies.

De La Witch

  • She is, the most interesting witch in the world.
  • "Keep borrowing my friends."
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #197 on: April 08, 2011, 06:35:17 AM »
At first mention of "Youkai Exterminator," I thought of the two shrine maidens, but neither of them are tanned in the slightest, so.... yeah, drawing a blank.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #198 on: April 08, 2011, 12:27:01 PM »
At first mention of "Youkai Exterminator," I thought of the two shrine maidens, but neither of them are tanned in the slightest, so.... yeah, drawing a blank.

This is because she's a crossover with another of Roukan's stories. Tanned skin, dark blue eyes that turn black when she's feeling violent, silver clothing with a white stripe down the middle, oh so many sharp teeth, uses the taste of blood to get in a killing mood, oh yes. It will be epic, especially since it's their first time up against presumably non-mindcoiled Claw members. Read about her here if you like.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 12:47:25 PM by Eriaku »

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #199 on: April 08, 2011, 12:40:19 PM »
Oh hey the crossover is actually going to happen! Oh boy oh boy oh boy- more awesome sauce to go with story!  Everyone I has have been waiting for this :V :V :V

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #200 on: April 08, 2011, 02:52:02 PM »
*Looks* Oh, hey, it's Jozu. Didn't recognize that description, I guess. Can't say it's surprising to see her here, though. I was expecting her to show up as Sango's counterpart for the Black Claw, so, well, yeah.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #201 on: April 08, 2011, 04:02:31 PM »
Whew, that was quite tense. Nicely handled, Rou.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #202 on: April 09, 2011, 12:05:10 AM »
?Fancy gate.?

Tewi was not an architect, but she knew a gate when she saw one. The fence circled the entire building, running well too high to climb, so it was this or nothing.

Fortunately, this thing probably wouldn?t be difficult to open. A small cubicle stood at the side of the gate, and a woman inside was currently yelling something into a speaker. Tewi was unfazed - she never intended to be stealthy with this operation. If anything, she WANTED Izayoi to know she was here, just so the cheater could beg for her life when Tewi came marching in.

Tewi, of course, had no intention of listening.

The woman in the cubicle finished whatever conversation she?d been having and ran out in front of the gate. She held her hands out as if it would somehow cover up the gate from view.

?Halt! You approach the home of Remilia Scarlet! State your business, or I will ask you to leave!?

Oh, this was rich. One guard, not even armed, asking six armed men and their companions to leave. Tewi couldn?t help but burst into laughter at the sight of that, cackling with a laugh that sounded barely human.

?Jeez, you?re hilarious. You wanna know my business? Bring Izayoi out here now, and nobody has to get hurt.?

This would be a victory in itself. Izayoi would be handed to her on a silver platter by one of her own closest friends. The betrayal would hurt her like no bullet ever could, and only at the lowest point of her despair would Tewi finally put an end to her life. It was beautifully sadistic, and the thought alone filled Tewi to the brim with adrenaline.

The answer the guard offered was not what she had expected - or wanted - to hear.

?I?m sorry, but I refuse to give in to your threats.?

Tewi gasped. That wasn?t how the plan was meant to go. Perhaps a little physical threatening would help. She pulled out her own handgun, pointing it roughly at the woman?s chest.

?You?re kidding, right? I could end you right now, and so could every one of my boys here. I?m being charitable here and giving you a chance to walk away. I mean, if you want me to fill you with lead that?s great, but I figure you?re attached to that heart of yours.?

Where was it? Where was the fear on the woman?s face? How could she stare death in the eye like this without faltering for so much as a second? Anyone sensible would be hauling Izayoi out to her right now before running for the hills, and yet this girl was standing firmly in spite of Tewi?s best efforts.

She motioned to the guards around her, and they pulled out their own guns in unison. Seven weapons were now aimed straight at the guard, and her attention wasn?t focused on any of them. Her eyes looked straight into Tewi?s, with an expression that could be mistaken for confidence.

?Maybe you?re right. Maybe I am an idiot for staying my ground. Maybe it?d be best for me to run and let you do whatever you like to Sakuya-san.?

She took on a fighting stance, slamming one foot into the ground with impressive force. Her body was relaxed, and as she took a deep breath she seemed almost disconnected from the situation she was staring down.

?But I?ve worked here for fifteen years, and I owe it to Val?ry-san that his children stay safe. If you want to get in, you?re going to have to go through me.?

This wasn?t supposed to happen. She was supposed to be cowering, shivering, not staring her down like nothing was wrong. Where was the moment of horror that Tewi had been looking for? How could she savour this victory if her opponent wasn?t afraid of her. Fuelled by sheer anger, she cocked her handgun and made to pull the trigger.


A voice to Tewi?s side interrupted her. The specialist was examining the guard with interest, nodding. She grinned, baring those inhumanly sharp teeth of hers.

?Martial artist. Interesting.?

She made to approach the guard before Tewi?s hand grabbed her by the shoulder.

?Hey, what do you think you?re-?

?Save bullets. Your words. Just following orders.?

She ignored Tewi?s hand on her shoulder, and simply kept walking forward. The guard seemed unfazed by this development, maintaining her stance.

The specialist coughed, and for the first time she spoke in a full sentence.

?...Tell me your name.?

The guard grinned.

?I am Hong Meiling, student of Wing Chun. And who do I have the honour of facing??

The specialist took a stance unfamiliar to Tewi. It didn?t resemble the stance of any martial art she?d ever seen - her hands were held forward with her palms perpendicular to the ground.

?I am Jozu Manou, student of Crashing Wave.?

Meiling?s eyes widened.

?Crashing Wave? I?ve never heard of that style before.?

?Very few people have. Consider yourself fortunate in that regard.?

Those were the only words the pair had the intention of sharing. They bowed to one another as a sign of respect. Tewi, watching from behind, had to resist the urge to just shoot the guard right now. She wasn?t afraid of Jozu in the traditional sense, but she still was a rational thinker. At least, in the sense of ?If I shoot the guard this woman is probably going to eat me alive?.

For a few seconds, they stood frozen in place.


Jozu charged, still holding her hands in tight palms. One hand came swinging at Meiling?s face, but the guard swooped to the side and avoided the attack. Looking to capitalise, she punched at Jozu?s chest while she rose, hoping the lift upwards would give her punch a little extra force. Her opponent batted it away with the back of her other hand, but it had left her trailing in momentum.

Every move Meiling performed was an extention of the one before it. Even when her attacks were dodged there was no true hole in her stance, and Jozu found her swipes being either deflected or outright avoided. Tewi wondered for a moment if this was some sort of choreographed fight that no-one had told her about, because these moves were so fluid and natural that she couldn?t believe they were coming up with their responses as they went along.

There was, however, one difference between the two, and that was endurance. Meiling was a master of her art, but she was still human. Her body could only handle so much exertion, and after a few minutes Jozu could hear her panting. Her moves started to slow down. Her punches lacked in stopping power, and her dodges were almost desperate. Her opponent, on the other hand, had yet to break a sweat, and was still attacking with the same ferocity that she?d started with.

It was time to end this.


Jozu stabbed her right hand forward straight towards Meiling?s head. The guard was too slow to block it, so had to settle for ducking to the left.

Unfortunately this was exactly what her opponent had been expecting, and as she leapt off her feet Meiling had just enough time to realise what was happening. Instants later, Jozu?s spinning left kick collided with the side of her head. A gruesome crack rang out as the guard was practically flung to one side, hitting the ground in a miserable heap.

Rather than celebrating her victory, Jozu frowned as she looked over at her fallen enemy. She was still breathing, but Jozu hadn?t intended to kill her in the first place. Any human who could match her in the field of combat was a worthy foe, and she would reward that by sparing her.

?...If only you were a youkai, and had no need to worry about your petty human limits.?

She sighed to herself, walking into the cubicle Meiling had been guarding. A few seconds later, the gate let off a loud creaking noise as it opened. Tewi started shooing her guards inside, not so much as thanking Jozu as she rejoined the group.

?So what convinced you to start speaking like one of us humans, anyway??

Jozu had returned to her original state of stoicism, muttering out an answer.

?Worth talking to. Worthy challenge.?

?What, so I?m not worthy or something??

Jozu looked back at her with a glare of absolute disinterest.

?Master?s plaything. Serve her beck and call. Not worth respect.?

If it wasn?t for the fact the women in the black dress would kill her for it, Tewi would just shoot this woman in the face right now. As it was, there was a much bigger bounty open to her right now; with the gate open, she and the gang had free roam of the mansion. She was already picturing Izayoi recoiling as the bullets slammed into her body, coughing up blood and dying a measly mass on the floor-

?Wait, who?s that??

There was someone standing in the gardens in front of the mansion. A young girl, it seemed, and very pale. She seemed dressed for some sort of rock concert more than anything else, and was stomping around the gardens in a huff.

This had to be one of the Scarlet children, Tewi thought to herself. From what she?d heard, the girls were supposed to have some sort of screwup in their genes that meant they?d die if they were exposed to sunlight.

An idea formed in her head. Cruel, but brilliant. She could shoot Izayoi right now if she wanted, but it wouldn?t be quite as satisfying. This would give Tewi the victory she craved - she would break Izayoi, and then she would kill her.

?Change of plan, guys. We?re taking the kid!?

Jozu snapped her head back to Tewi, suddenly frustrated.

?Not the plan. Kill Izayoi. Retrieve Teardrop.?

Again with this Teardrop. Apparently it was some sort of jewel that Izayoi was carrying around with her, and the woman in the black dress wanted it when they were done. Frankly Tewi was fine with handing it over - if she got to kill Izayoi, she?d had her fun.

?You got your detour, now gimme mine.?

Jozu frowned, begrudgingly complying. She walked up to the girl in the gardens, approaching her with a steady but determined pace.

?Stupid Remi. She doesn?t understand...huh? Who?re you? Wait, what are you-kyaaah!?


It had been a dash to the door the instant Meiling?s call had ended. They?d taken too long, and Sakuya knew it - her first instinct had been to run to the girls? quarters and see if they were okay. Remilia was in her room, and trying her best not to look afraid Sakuya told her to stay there and go to bed early. Flandre was nowhere to be seen, though, and this fact brought Sakuya?s heart to her throat.

Thanks to being the only one who actually knew the way out, Sakuya made it to the entrance first. The sound of screaming from the gardens horrified her before she?d even opened the door. Anything resembling maid etiquette was firmly out of the window - she kicked the door open, immediately taking in the situation outside.


Someone had grabbed Flandre, and was currently pulling her back towards the entrance. The sickly girl had no chance of fighting off her kidnapper, though she made a damn good attempt of it.

?G-Get off of me, you little...! Do you know what you?re doing?! My sister?s rich, y?know! She?ll hire assassins to kill you and stuff!?

The woman pulling Flandre along didn?t pay attention to a single word she said. She simply kept pulling her away, behind a cohort of armed guards. And behind them was-

?Morning, Izayoi! Boy, I bet this must be a great way to start your day!?

Tewi Inaba was laughing her head off, savouring the look of shock on Sakuya?s face. She was armed as well, but with six guns already pointed in Sakuya?s direction she felt no need to add a seventh. Instead she pointed it somewhere much more useful - straight at Flandre.

Koishi and Sango had caught up by now, stopping in the doorway the instant they saw what they were up against. It wasn?t getting shot that scared them so much as Tewi shooting Flandre, and they were powerless to watch as the woman in the jacket continued to haul Flandre away.

?Dammit, I said let me GO!?

In a desperate attempt to free herself, Flandre grabbed at the woman?s jacket from behind and tugged. The fabric ripped with ease, baring the woman?s back to the group in the doorway.

A large, dark grey fin poked out of her back, revealed now that the jacket covering it had been torn. The woman saw this as merely an annoyance, and walked on regardless.

Sango gasped.

?Koishi-san, be careful! That?s a shark youkai!?

Koishi jerked her head over to the dolphin.

?Shark youkai? You mean the Black Claw?s in on this?!?

Sango nodded hurriedly. Sakuya didn?t pay their conversation any notice - she was staring down Tewi with a venomous rage.

?If you touch one hair on her head, I will end you.?

Tewi smirked. She?d been waiting for Sakuya to say something like that. A trap, so to speak.

?Oh, don?t worry. I won?t do a thing to her. The sun, on the other hand...?

Sakuya?s heart skipped a beat.

? monster!?

?Hah! I?ll take that as a compliment. See, if you?d just been a good girl and played fair last night, we would?ve have had to come to this. You?ve only got yourself to blame, y?know.?

The shark pulled Flandre behind the crowd of guards, and Tewi walked with her back to the still open gate. Flandre had stopped struggling, realising she was getting nowhere. She focused her energy on a different method of trying to save herself.

?S-Sakuya! Anyone! HELP ME!?

That frightened scream would have been enough to spur Sakuya to action if she wasn?t aware that?d just give Tewi a reason to shoot her. They had no choice but to play her game for now as she approached the entrance.

?We?ll be at the docks, if you need us. You?d better be quick, though - sun?s coming up pretty soon, and it?d be terrible if your friend here caught a nasty sunburn.?

She raised one hand into the air, clicking her fingers for the guards.

?Get ?em, boys.?

Koishi and Sango gasped at the same time. Koishi had been able to stop one goon with a gun by taking him by surprise. Stopping six without someone getting shot was beyond her. She dived forward, looking to tackle Sakuya and knock her out of the path of the gunfire.

Six shots were fired at once, all of them in Sakuya?s direction. She didn?t have time to dodge. She didn?t have time to think. She barely had time to press a pair of fingers against the jewel she?d been given earlier, and definitely not enough time to see it glow as she touched it.

The bullets slowed to a crawl in mid-air, before eventually stopping entirely.

Sakuya allowed herself a small grin. So they were telling her the truth after all. Casually, like she was taking a morning stroll, she took a few steps to the side, well out of the bullets? paths. A loud ticking noise began to echo from inside her dress, reaching in, she found something else had appeared alongside the Teardrop - a pure silver pocketwatch telling the completely wrong time. It now claimed there were only fourty-five seconds until midnight, when that time had passed hours ago. Not only that, but it was moving at least twice as quickly as it was supposed to - in other words, it seemed completely useless as a timepiece.

She would worry about that later, she decided. Raising her own hand up, she clicked her fingers once again.

Time restarted, the bullets flying vainly over Koishi?s head and into the stairway behind her. The guards quickly became aware these pathetic human guns had failed them, and in perfect unison all six glared at the firearms before throwing them away. They morphed in front of Sakuya?s eyes, transforming into creatures that were neither man nor fish, but an unholy combination of the two.

?You didn?t tell me you were inviting your cousins, Tororetsu-san.?

?Don?t compare me to these freaks, phwee!?

Sakuya grinned. Sango?s emotions were easy to play with. She had a feeling they would have an...interesting relationship, for lack of a more fitting word.

?Well, Komeiji-san. A quick tutorial on how to use this gem of yours would be nice.?

Koishi had picked herself up off the floor by now, brushing herself off. She didn?t seem irritated by the fact her life-saving attempt had failed - more than anything she was glad that Sakuya had managed to solve the problem herself.

?Just grab it, and say the first thing that comes to mind.?

Sakuya had been hoping for something a little more detailed than that. It?d have to do, though, and she rummaged into her pocket again to pull the gem out and lift it into the air. It hummed as it let off a dark blue light, and words started seeping out of Sakuya?s mouth in a language neither she nor Sango really understood.

?La nuit tombe, et la lumi?re s?l?ne fait plonger le monde dans la folie.?

The jewel exploded in Sakuya?s hand, bursting outwards into a thousand azure shards. They reformed soon afterwards, taking the form of playing cards and surrounding her body. Only her head and arms stood outside the swarm of cards as they wore away at her uniform, all the while protecting her decency.

The cards covering Sakuya?s feet gave way, revealing a pair of finely-polished black shoes. They continued to come apart, moving slowly up her body. They took the form of black pants beneath her waist, while above she had changed into a plain white shirt. The last few cards ran across the chest, solidifying and bursting outwards to reveal a black vest underneath. In its centre, the dark blue Teardrop shone brightly, and the silver pocketwatch from before hung to her neck by a chain.

To finish the transformation, Sakuya reached into a pocket and threw another card in the air. It exploded, like all the others, turning into a fedora that matched her outfit immaculately. She caught it in one hand, tipping it forwards slightly on her head.

?Mysterious Jack against some fish-food rejects. Place your bets.?

As always, there was a beat before Sakuya?s mind came back into control, and she looked down at what she had just become. Koishi had quite understandably freaked out at her outfit, and Mokou had only come off slightly better. Given she?d been warned about it beforehand, however, Sakuya took the transformation with a skip in her step.

?I think it looks rather nice on me, if I do say so myself.?

The fishmen had been dazzled by the lightshow for a few moments, but now they were set to attack. They charged for the doorway, intent on tearing Sakuya to shreds along with her companions.

Unafraid, Sakuya reached into her vest pocket, pulling out a deck of cards.

?Koishi-san, I?ll need you to back me up. Dealers are honourbound to shuffle before play, after all.?

She hadn?t needed to ask how these cards worked - once the Teardrop had been activated, everything came to her like she?d known it all along. These weren?t ordinary playing cards, she knew - they were weapons, ones that could stop any enemy coming within five feet of her if she so desired. The higher the card, the more devastating its effect would be. The only issue was that for these cards to work, they had to be properly shuffled, meaning she had no idea what was coming next. For all she knew, the first four cards who be the twos of every suit.

Regardless, she stepped backwards as she started to shuffle. Koishi stepped forward in her place, lifting her own Teardrop into the air.

"Wherever evil forces be,
On the land or in the sea,
All who sin should cower and flee
From Dolphin Rider Koishi!"

It took every ounce of Sakuya?s self-control not to laugh at Koishi?s incantation. Then she looked up, seeing the girl wearing what was practically a swimsuit, and couldn?t hold it back any longer.

?Heheheheh...looks like someone turned up late to costume handouts.?

?Says the woman who dresses in playing cards?? Sango snapped back before Koishi had time to be embarrassed by the statement. Sakuya grinned wildly in return, shuffling with inhuman speed.

Koishi paid Sakuya?s jibe no mind, wielding her trident with absolute precision. The first of the six fishmen charged her, ready to stab her with claws that had once been fingers. Expertly, she ran the trident through its fingers, catching it in place.

?Iruka Swing!?

It was highly likely Koishi was coming up with these attacks as she went along, but from the way she spun the creature around on the edge of the trident Sakuya wasn?t about to complain to her. The fishman was tugged along, pulled full-circle before Koishi finally let go of her weapon - with the creature still attached. It hurtled down the stairs, slamming into the other five creatures, knocking them into a tumbled heap.

?I?ll take that back, actually. That was rather impressive.?

Koishi was blushing now, nodding quickly and murmuring a nervous thanks. Sakuya?s shuffling finally came to an end, and to signify it the cards began to glow faintly. She drew the first card, giving it a quick glance. The eight of diamonds, about as average as she could get.

Nonetheless, it would do.

?Komeiji-san, did you know that the suits of playing cards used to represent the elements??

Casually, she threw the first card forward onto the stairs. It stopped a few feet above the heads of the fishmen, who looked up at it with apprehension.

?For example, diamonds used to signify earth. Like so.?

She smiled in the direction of the fishmen as the card shone, while Koishi and Sango looked on in confusion. The card exploded, and the creatures braced themselves to receive a barrage from above.

Instead, it came from below - knives bursting out of the ground, impaling the unprepared fish creatures with ease. They burst open, turning back into the assorted fish they?d been formed with, until as before they were spirited away by a portal beneath them.

Sakuya didn?t take the time to celebrate. Now that the enemy here had been defeated there was a much more pressing matter.


No time to be afraid. No time to be brutish. Flandre?s life was on the line, and right now Sakuya needed to stay strong. She took a deep breath to focus herself before thinking over her plan of approach.

The docks, Tewi had said. That was on the other side of the city, and there was no way they were getting there by foot before the sun came up. The only chance they had was the little van Meiling used to drive between here and the bakery, but Meiling was the only one who could drive and-

Wait. Shit!

Meiling. She?d been at the gate. They?d gone through. What had they done to her?!

Sakuya dashed to the gate, quickly finding Meiling?s body lying on the ground. For a few short seconds, Sakuya was afraid she was dead, but the sound of the guard?s shrill breathing put her at ease.

?Meiling. Meiling, wake up...?

Koishi and Sango caught up with Sakuya a few seconds later, and immediately Sango was giving Sakuya a stern look.

?Don?t wake her up. We can?t let people know about this, remember??

Sakuya turned back to Sango, not even trying to hide her frustration.

?Well, if we want to have any chance of saving Flandre before the sun rises, we?re going to need a driver. Unless they taught you how to drive a car at dolphin school??

That did more than enough to silence Sango. Koishi looked over to her with an expression of understanding. She was trying to do her job, but the problem was that she was a little too rigid about it. Too by-the-book, never really thinking outside the box.

Sakuya would have just said she was ?simple?, but Koishi wouldn?t like her saying that.


Meiling stirred, mumbling as she was roused out of unconsciousness. Her hand rubbed at the side of her head, wincing in pain.

?Damn, that girl can kick. And she never got tired, either.?

She was coherent. That was good. She held a finger out, watching Meiling?s eyes follow it perfectly. No sign of a concussion. Great news.

?Meiling, they?ve taken Flandre. We need you to get us to the docks right away.?

Meiling nodded, pulling herself to her feet. She was amazingly calm given everything that was going on, though she was still a little woozy. That was probably why she didn?t so much as raise an eyebrow at Koishi?s outfit.

?Uh, right. Don?t think I?m in a state to fight, though...that Jozu girl beat the crap outta me.?

She walked off into a garage just inside the fence. A few minutes later, there was the sound of an engine chugging to life, and as the garage door opened a little red van spluttered out onto the road. Its exhaust sounded distinctly like it was coughing, ready to give in and die at any moment.

Better than nothing, at least. Sakuya motioned for Sango and Koishi to get in the back while she took the seat next to Meiling.

?Y?know, that?s the first time you?ve called me Meiling in years. Whatever happened to China??

Sakuya smiled, putting a hand on Meiling?s shoulder.

?That?s the strangest thing. I was about to apologise for doing that to you all this time.?

?Well, the sentiment?s appreciated, but we have bigger matters to take care of.?

Meiling revved up the engine, cracking her neck. Sakuya?s disposition suddenly fell, and she looked back to the other two passengers.

?You two may want to put your seatbelts on. Meiling aggressive driver.?

Koishi, getting the message, rushed her seatbelt on as fast as she could. Sango was slower to pick up on it.

?Huh? Do you mean she crashes into other cars or wha-?

Meiling stepped on the gas, and the little van rocketed forward at an ungodly speed.


Sango was pinned to her seat, a look of sheer terror running across her face. Meiling handled the wheel like the horns of a bull, fighting it as much as she was riding it.

Sakuya just grimaced, pressing a palm into her face. She should never have let Meiling read Initial D between shifts.


Special thanks to Tempest for making sure I didn't fall flat on my face with French. :V

In other news, I've got most of the arc written up! I just have the denounement (
this is my new favourite word
) to actually finish writing, but I'll take my time posting it over the next couple of days. Please wait warmly~

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #203 on: April 09, 2011, 12:43:17 AM »
Snazzy outfit, Sakuya. Put on a domino mask and you'll be one of those pulp action heroes like the Spirit or something; hell, you already have your driver/sidekick! In fact, pretty much everything about Sakuya's powers is pretty damned cool and stylish, which kind of sucks since she's kind of a jackass.

Also, calling it here: Meiling was a dragon, and knows everything about what is going on between the Pearl and the Claw. She's just so badass that she decided she didn't need to be a dragon to help out, and just so humble that she's letting Yukari have fun with her little prophecy thing and help out the Sirens instead of kicking everyone's ass all at once.  :munch:


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #204 on: April 09, 2011, 12:47:26 AM »
Seems that Sakuya got the cool outfit and weapon. :3

Keep up the awesomeness!  can't wait to see how this arc ends.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #205 on: April 09, 2011, 01:15:09 AM »
This entire update was full of "FUCK YES" pretty much every paragraph.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #206 on: April 09, 2011, 02:10:05 AM »
Black Claw's ass = kicked. Excellent. Now to see Tewi's ass get kicked. And then again in her mind. So yeah.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #207 on: April 09, 2011, 08:46:16 PM »
i just attempted to read out Sakuya's and Koishi's incantations out loud after each other, I have to commend Sakuya on not laughing until she saw the costume.

Also... seems like Rou is on a Rou-ll with these updates... :colonveeplusalpha:
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #208 on: April 09, 2011, 11:12:00 PM »
Much to the relief of everyone, there was little in the way of traffic at this hour. This translated simply as ‘there was less for Meiling to slam into, killing everyone as a result’.

Koishi suddenly realised this was Sango’s first time in a car. She’d managed to pull her seatbelt on, but given the way she was clasping her hands in prayer she wasn’t enjoying the experience.

“K-Koishi-san, are cars always this bad?!”

Koishi shook her head, insisting that Meiling was just a maniac behind the wheel. Maybe that’d stop Sango from being quite as scared the next time she rode in a car, but it wasn’t helping much now. Sakuya seemed totally unperturbed by the drive, even when the little van quaked after going over a bump. The closest she had to concern was holding her fedora in place.

After a long and agonising half hour, the little red van came to a careful stop just outside the docks. Meiling let out a sigh of relief, exhausted mentally from the death-defying stunt she’d just pulled off.

“Well, that went pretty well. You guys still got all your limbs?”

Sakuya nodded matter-of-factly, like the roller-coaster she’d just ridden on was an every day occurrence. It probably was - this was the van she took to get to work, after all. Koishi nodded as well, though she needed a moment to catch her breath.

Sango was currently clinging to Koishi for support, trembling uncontrollably.

“K-K-Koishi-saaaan...please don’t make me ever ride in one of these again.”

Poor little dolphin, unable to comprehend these frightening human inventions. Koishi patted Sango on the shoulder for a few seconds to put her at ease.

That, though, was all the time they could afford.

“Alright, here’s where we get off. Komeiji-san, Tororetsu-san, you’re with me. Meiling, stay here and get ready for us to make our way out.”

Everyone nodded along in agreement. Sango put her vehicular trauma behind her with impressive speed as she got out the car, reaching into her jacket.

“Izayoi-san, you’d better put this on, just in case. You’re lucky I’ve always got a few spares on me.”

She handed Sakuya a ring, identical to the one she’d given Koishi weeks ago. Giving it a quick look-over, she slipped it on her finger.

“I assume you’re not giving me this to complete the outfit.”

“Put it this way - you’re not gonna have to worry about breathing if you’re wearing that.”

Sakuya seemed puzzled by what Sango was suggesting, but kept the ring on regardless. The trio walked out towards the old docks, with Koishi having dismissed her trident for now. It instead took the form of a pendant on her neck, a trick she’d picked up a few days prior.

They were a few minutes away, so Sango gave Sakuya a quick lowdown about what she needed to know as they hurried along: Tewi and the mindcoil the Black Claw had likely placed on her; the Black Key and how it would give Tewi powerful abilities that rivalled their own; and the Pearl’s rule against killing unless it was absolutely necessary. Sakuya had offered no comment on that part.

The docks, like the rest of town, were more or less abandoned at this time of day. Morichika owned the place, and had enforced heavy docking fees for anyone not in his entourage. Even during their best hours there was little honest trading here - rumours of black market trades and underworld dealings had scared off anyone looking to work proper exports. The police force had been ‘convinced’ to turn a blind eye to the subject, and patrols always seemed to turn away just when they were meant to pass this area.

Two figures were at the edge of the dock. They were specks to start with, but as they approached it became all too clear who they were. One of them stood proudly in a black sleeveless dress covered in white lace, clinging tightly to her body and practically held together by a large white bow on her chest. A pair of large, almost comical white rabbit ears had emerged from the back of her head, reminding Koishi of that old folk tale about the lying rabbit of Inaba.

The irony was almost painful.

At her side, another younger girl was huddled up. She was as pale as the last time Koishi had seen her, but she’d long since stopped calling for help. Flandre’s hands had been tied behind her back, and despite her struggle against the ropes they refused to budge. More disturbingly, something had been attached to her foot - a metallic clasp, linking her to a ball and chain.

Sakuya’s blood curdled. Her face warped into a grimace, glaring straight into Tewi’s eyes with an anger that was barely human.

“Inaba. Get away from her, right now.

Tewi savoured every little drop of anger that slipped onto Sakuya’s face. The tables had turned completely, and they were both well aware of it - now it was Sakuya dancing to Tewi’s tune, and there was little she could do about it.

Except there was, and they both knew it. She could use the watch, freeze time, throw more knives at the woman than her body could hope to endure. She knew that, and Tewi most likely knew that too. So why wasn’t Tewi afraid in the slightest? Why was she still acting as if she was in control? That scared Sakuya slightly - either the rabbit was outright insane, or there was something else going on here.

Koishi and Sango didn’t dare to move - not while Tewi had a hostage. Well aware that she had the upper hand, Tewi took a moment to revel in it, laughing in that almost demonic cackle of hers.

“Oh, no! It’s Little Miss Dealer, here to kill me with papercuts! Y’know, I’m so scared of you I think I’ll just give your girl back to you and act like none of this ever happened.”

Sarcasm dripped from every word. She was trying to get to Sakuya emotionally, play with her, manipulate her. Sakuya knew that. And yet, the urge to kill this woman where she stood grew stronger every time the bitch so much as moved her lips.

“So, Izayoi, how’s it feel? Knowing that for all your cheating, all your lying, all your timeshifting bullshit, you’re still the loser? I’ve got your little girl’s life in the palm of my hand, and I can throw her back in there any time I want - god, you have no idea how great this feels!”

Flandre trembled, looking up towards Sakuya with pleading eyes. She’d already cried out all the tears she had, and her voice barely carried over the dock.

“ me-”

“Quiet, kid! Grown-ups are talking!”

Tewi rewarded the girl’s insolence with a kick to the side. Flandre yelped in pain, bowing her head back down and keeping quiet again.

Sakuya was beginning to lose patience. She knew she was supposed to stay calm, wait for an opening, let Tewi go too far and leave herself open, but she couldn’t just sit and watch this. Tewi was mocking her, ridiculing her. She had the power to end this fight in an instant, and still the rabbit seemed intent on pissing her off. Sango seemed aware of this, putting a hand on Sakuya’s shoulder.

“Izayoi-san, don’t. She’s planning something, and-”

Sakuya glared backwards at the dolphin, murmuring across to her.

“So you’d have me stand here and watch her torture Flandre?”

“No, that’s not what I-”

Sango stopped short when she realised that was what she meant. She was conflicted, biting her lip, still not sure how to advance. Koishi didn’t say anything, but from the look on her face she was sympathising with Sakuya.

Tewi, having been ignored for all of five seconds, decided to regain the party’s attention.


She grabbed at Flandre’s hair, tugging it upwards with a violent yank. She looked smugly into Sakuya’s eyes.

“What was that you said earlier? If I touched one hair on her head, you’d end me?”

Tewi pulled harder, to the point where Flandre was crying out loud in pain. The grin on Tewi’s face twisted from smug to outright insane.

“Well, I’m touching about a thousand hairs right now. What’s that worth?!”

That was it. That was all Sakuya could take. She glared at Tewi with more hatred than she’d ever felt in her life. She wanted this woman dead, right now. If the others complained, she’d say she was ending a life to save a life. And if that explanation didn’t satisfy them?

Well, she’d tell them where they could stick it.

Time froze in place again as Sakuya focused herself. The watch around her neck starting ticking again - faster than a regular watch. There were rules to it, she knew now - there was a limit to how long she could hold time in place. She could do it for one minute at most, and the pocketwatch kept track. When it hit midnight, she was out of time until the moon rose again the next evening.
If she used the watch (or indeed any timepiece) as a focus, she could pass through this time normally. But sometimes that took too long, and she needed to get out right away. If she froze time instantly through sheer focus, though, the time would tick through twice as quickly. The last she’d checked, it was at forty seconds to midnight - in other words, twenty seconds.

That was enough for Sakuya to shuffle the deck, dash down the docks, and leave a card right in front of Tewi’s face. The nine of spades. Wind. It tracked its target until it was knocked away. Not that this’d be a problem considering it was inches from the rabbit’s head.

The clock struck midnight. There was a tiny ringing noise as time suddenly shifted back into phase.

The knives dug straight into Tewi’s forehead. The rabbit’s grip on Flandre’s hair stopped, and for a moment she looked up at the spot where she’d been stabbed. At least two or three, going through her head and coming out the other side. She looked up, wordlessly.


Koishi and Sango starting running in afterwards. There was so much they wanted to say. Sango wanted to reprimand Sakuya for fatally wounding Tewi. Koishi wanted to make sure Flandre was alright more than anything - she’d been through a horrible experience, and it had taken its toll on her.

Neither of them thought to wonder why Tewi’s wounds weren’t bleeding.

“Not so cocky now, are you?!”

Sakuya screamed in Tewi’s ear, digging one of the knives in as she did so. Tewi looked away from the knives, straight towards Sakuya, still stunned.

For a moment, the rabbit’s face shifted into a cruel grin. Then she vanished, disappearing in a puff of smoke as Sakuya’s knives clattered against the floor.

Sakuya froze in place, her blood ice-cold. It was a trap. A decoy. And she’d wasted her trump card on it.

“But if she’s a fake, where’s-”

The question was answered before Sakuya even had the chance to finish it. A dark shadow had been floating beneath the surface of the water at the end of the dock, and only now did it burst up to the surface. To Sakuya, the whole thing happened in slow-motion - Tewi burst out of the water, almost hanging in the air for a moment, grinning at Sakuya like she knew she’d won. She grabbed at the ball attached to Flandre’s foot with both hands, and pulled it along with her as she fell back down again.

Flandre was powerless to stop herself from plunging into the depths right after it.


Without a moment of hesitation, Sakuya leapt forward to dive in after the girl, but Tewi burst back out again. The rabbit caught her with a punch square in the jaw, knocking her backwards onto the dock. Tewi climbed up onto dry land again, the soaked dress clinging to her body.

“I’m gonna enjoy beating you to a pulp, Izayoi.”

Tewi stepped to one side - no, both sides. She multiplied, a second identical clone standing right beside her. They looked at one another for a moment, grinning.

“And so am I.”

The pair charged Sakuya while she was on the ground, looking to kick her while she was down. Only a well-placed sweep from Sakuya saved her, sending the two onto the floor for a few seconds.

“You two, help Flandre! I’ll hold Inaba off!”

Sango and Koishi didn’t need to be told that. They’d already jumped off the dock, diving into the water to follow Flandre’s descent.

Sakuya pulled herself to her feet at the same time as the Tewi clones. The pair spoke at once, like an demented choir.

“Two on one, Izayoi. We like those odds.”

“Mysterious Jack” adjusted her fedora, unfazed. Being smacked back had knocked it out of place, which was disgraceful on her part. She lowered herself into an amateurish fighting stance. It was time to see if those lessons Meiling had given her were worth anything.

“Well, you know how it goes, Inaba. Everybody loves an underdog.”


The water was murky beneath the surface, and Koishi had enough trouble making out what was a few feet in front of her before she considered how hard it would be to find Flandre. Sango had thrown her jacket off at the surface so it wouldn’t slow her down, and her silvery fin gave her just enough speed to be in front of Koishi. She was rummaging around her pockets again, pulling out another Ring of Breath and giving it over.

“Here. You’ll need to pass this onto her, and fast.”

Koishi took the ring, but there was something not quite right in Sango’s line of thought.

“Right, but...why can’t you do it?”

“Because I need to take care of-GET DOWN!”

Sango darted across the water, pushing Koishi to the side just before a dark grey blur flew past. Were it not for Sango knocking her aside, the creature would have probably torn Koishi apart. It turned around, seeing that it had failed, looking at its prey with dead black eyes.

There was no doubting what was looking at them. It was the wrong climate, the wrong season, the wrong country, but there was still a shark looking hungrily into Koishi’s eyes.

“Koishi-san, get a move on! I can handle this!”

Sango took a stance, ready to fight the beast with her bare hands. Nodding, Koishi started swimming again, gripping the ring she’d been given for dear life. The shark knew exactly what they were planning to do, and it wasn’t having any of it. It charged again, this time intent on chomping down on Koishi and devouring her in however many pieces she needed to be chewed into.

A fist from the side smacking it in the gills was enough to put that idea out of the window.

“Hey, fish-face! You’re my problem now!”

The shark reeled, visibly flinching under the force of Sango’s punch. A few seconds later it had recovered, but rather than maintaining the chase it turned to the dolphin curiously. Sango blinked once, and the shark’s form had been replaced by that of a young woman - the one who had been dragging Flandre away back at the mansion. She’d discarded the torn jacket from earlier, revealing what appeared to be a wetsuit underneath.

“Figured you wouldn’t just disappear like that. Part of Inaba’s trap, right?”

The shark youkai nodded, seeing no reason to lie. Her hand was on her chin, examining Sango’s stance intently, nodding to herself all the while.

“Flowing Tide. I should have expected nothing else from one of the kappa’s lackeys.”

Finding her interest sated, the shark took a stance of her own. She wielded her hands like blades, prepared to swipe at her foe with all the force she could muster.

Sango knew that stance all too well. The two groups had fought one another for centuries in small skirmishes, and they’d developed fighting styles to combat each other: the White Pearl used Flowing Tide, a style designed to redirect the opponent’s force and punish their errors; the Black Claw was trained in Crashing Tide, a more aggressive martial art intended to overwhelm and destroy their foe’s defenses. Each was designed with the intent of being superior to the other, but in the end they were equals. The more experienced practitioner won.

Sango cracked her knuckles. “I haven’t had a fight in the water for years. I might be a little rusty.”

“Your stance is good. You will be an interesting opponent.”

The pair bowed to one another. For a short moment, they weren’t enemies - just two combatants in a one-on-one fight, both playing fairly and honourably.

Both charged the other at once. The fight had begun.


“Mmh! Mmmph!”

Koishi heard Flandre before she saw her. The girl’s muffled grunts were in time with the sound of her shuffling at the chain, but she didn’t sound like she was making any progress. Having tracked down her position, Koishi turned so she was headed straight towards Flandre, and swam with every ounce of strength she had.

By the time Koishi had caught up with her, Flandre was starting to approach her limits. Her cheeks had puffed up, and her feet were kicking wildly in an attempt to haul the metal ball off the ground. It made a lot of noise as the chain bounced around, but the weight refused to budge. When she saw Koishi approaching in the distance, she practically yelled at her through the water.

“Heeegglbp! Heeglp meeeggbbl!”

Koishi didn’t have much time. The first thing she had to do was give Flandre an air supply, and that was what the ring was for. She swam behind the girl, holding her in one place with one hand, trying to slip the ring onto one of her fingers with the other. This was difficult with Flandre still struggling for dear life.

“Flandre-san, please calm down! I can’t help you if you don’t stop panicking!”

Flandre twisted her head around in surprise. Koishi needed a second to realise exactly what it was the girl was shocked by - she’d grown so used to breathing underwater she’d forgotten it wasn’t supposed to be possible. Still, she seemed to understand, and stopped her flailing so that Koishi could slip the ring onto her finger.

“Alright. You can breathe now.”

Understandably, Flandre was a little skeptical about that. She kept holding her breath for as long as her body would let her, while Koishi started on untying her. By the time Koishi had finished untying the ropes, Flandre had hit her limit, letting out whatever air she had left and gasping in what she assumed would be water.


Flandre was equal parts relieved and confused. With her now-free hands she started rubbing at her neck, trying to see if she’d spontaneously grown gills. Koishi’s attention had turned to the clasp around her neck. She wouldn’t be able to take care of this with her hands, but thankfully she had another tool for that. She grabbed at the pendant, and the trident shone as it returned to its full size.

“Hold still, okay?”

Flandre was watching Koishi with...wonder? Respect? Admiration? Koishi couldn’t place the emotion, but it was definitely good. She kept her foot in place while Koishi stabbed at the chain with her trident, cutting it cleanly between two links. Perhaps not the best place to cut, but definitely the fastest.

“Wow...are you, like, some kinda superhero?”

“Um...I guess?”

Koishi blushed a little. No-one had ever called her that before, and it was comforting to hear. Still, now wasn’t the time for her to listen to compliments - there were two fights going on, and she needed to help out somewhere.

“Flandre-san. I want you to hide over there for now. I’ll come back for you when it’s safe to come out, alright?”

Koishi pointed towards a hole in a nearby wall, forming a small indent just large enough for a child to fit into. Flandre pouted.

“What? But you’re so cool! I wanna come watch you fight!”

Koishi put a hand on Flandre’s shoulder, giving her a stern look.

“No, Flandre-san. It’s going to be dangerous. Stay there so you don’t get hurt.”

Flandre frowned, giving Koishi the puppy-dog eyes to guilt-trip her into changing her mind. Koishi didn’t budge an inch. She’d seen Flandre’s sister try this on Sakuya earlier, so she was prepared for it.

“...Fine. But you’d better tell me how awesome it looked!”

Flandre walked across the bottom of the port into the little crevice. Koishi could only make her out because she knew what she was looking for, so Tewi and her shark companion would have no chance. Now it was time to get back to the surface and help Sakuya out with fighting Tewi.

That at least had been the plan, but before she could act the fight ended up coming to her.

Sakuya hit the water hard, reeling from the kick to the chest that had knocked her in. Two assailants dived in afterwards, each of them looking to land the killing blow, and both of them giving Sakuya sinister smiles.

“The house always wins, Izayoi!”

One of the two Tewis took initiative, spinning a full 360 degrees in the water and finishing it with a heel drop to the chest. She hit with inhuman force, sending Sakuya slamming into the ground, only a few feet from where Koishi stood.


Immediately Koishi rushed towards the fallen Siren, but before she could reach her Sakuya was already pulling herself up. She was in pain, but she was definitely conscious, and still in good shape to fight.

“Is...Is Flandre okay?”

In spite of the beating she’d just received, Sakuya’s first thoughts were for Flandre. Koishi smiled, nodding.

“She’s fine. Right now all we have to worry about is these two.”

The Tewi in front tried to finish the deed she’d started, dashing down through the water as if she was flying. A good punch to the chest would inevitably damage something important, and leave Sakuya just about dead.

Koishi waited for the rabbit to come into range, then gave her a solid smack in the face with her trident. There was a satisfying ringing noise as the weapon smacked her in the head, causing the fake to vanish in a puff of smoke.

“Hey, no interferences! This is between me and Izayoi, Flopsy!

The real Tewi had stayed behind, letting her doppelganger do all the dangerous work. A smart move tactically, but it showed she was scared of actually fighting up close. Naturally, Sakuya took advantage of this as she rose to her feet, brushing sand off of her fedora.

“If you want a fair fight, take me by yourself. None of this decoy nonsense you’ve been throwing around.”

Tewi seemed ready to throw up at that idea, deciding instead to divide herself into three. The two clones descended, one going for each of the Sirens.

“Why fight fair when you can fight smart?!”

Koishi blocked the oncoming strike with her trident, but another followed soon afterwards. Clones or not, these things hit like beasts. Sakuya took on the posture Meiling had taught her, and racked her brain to recall what she’d been trained in. Her moves were slow, uncertain, but more or less solid. The clone she’d been put against met her blow for blow, her own stance less formal but making up for it in strength and speed.

Koishi’s main advantage was that she was armed, and with a trident that improved her range considerably. Stepping back, she used it to keep the decoy at a safe distance, waiting for it to overextend itself before-

”Iruka Slash!”

The swing cut clean through Tewi, and Koishi spun the trident around in her hand for flourish. A moment passed before the fake finally started to slide in two, vanishing in a puff like all the others before it.

Sakuya, meanwhile, was getting overwhelmed fast. Fists rained down upon her, and there was only so much she could hope to block. Seeing potential, the clone came in with a brutal right hook, intent on snapping Sakuya’s neck cleanly.

Rather than dodging backwards, Sakuya pushed forwards instead, putting herself inches in front of the clone. She put a hand up, slamming it into the decoy’s face, but with the small distance it travelled there was no force behind the blow.

“Any good gambler leaves a trick up their sleeve, Inaba.”

There was a metallic clicking sound, and Koishi only saw it for an instant. A switchblade, small but sharp, popped out from Sakuya’s wrist, stabbing deep into the clone’s neck. Like every other before it, it collapsed uselessly into a wisp of smoke.

To say Tewi was unhappy with this was an understatement. Her face was red, her expression livid, her entire body tense and ready to detonate.

“You’re cheating again! You never said that you had a weapon like that! That’s not how these fights are supposed to go!”

“Well, if you bring me the rulebook to look over, I’ll surely apologise.”

Tewi made to stamp her foot against the floor, forgetting momentarily she was underwater. Grimacing, she clasped her hands together in focus.

“Fine! If I can’t win in strength, I’ll just have to win in numbers!”

A clone stepped out from where Tewi had stood. Then a second, then a third, a fourth, a fifth, and before Koishi knew what was happening there were a dozen Tewis floating above her. The true Tewi, behind them, let off a tired pant as the last of her clones emerged.

“Hah...damn, that was hard. But there’s no way in hell you guys are taking all of them at once! Get ‘em, girls!”

The twelve clones nodded at once, swarming down with the same speed as before. Each one was as strong as the single clones Koishi and Sakuya had fought earlier, except now they were expected to take six of them at once. Koishi gritted her teeth, pointing her hand into the air and pressing the emblem on the back of her glove.

”Iruka Sho-”

She never had the chance to get the hit off before the mob of Tewis overran her. Sakuya made an attempt to stab at one of them, but even as it dodged the last five grabbed Sakuya and pinned her down as well.

Then they kicked. Brutally, violently, and repeatedly.


Koishi felt their feet slamming into her back, battering her arms and back. She covered up her head to at least protect it from the assault, but it was still too much for her to overcome. With the amount of pain she was going through, it was a challenge just to stay conscious.

Sakuya wasn’t having it any better. She wasn’t making any noise, but that was just stoicism. There was no way she could take a beating like that and not be hurting. The army of Tewis pressed on, relentless.

“Huh...that was hard. But damn, it feels good to see you guys have the shit beaten out of you. Not so tough now, are you, Izayoi?”

Sakuya refused to cry out in pain. She wouldn’t give Tewi the pleasure of victory, even if it meant biting her lip so hard it bled. The clones kept kicking, while their leader idly looked around the seabed.

“Hm. Where’d the twerp go? I was sure she landed somewhere around here...”

At least Flandre was safe, Sakuya thought to herself. They could kill her, but Flandre needed to get home safely. Maybe in that way she’d make up for what she did - giving her life in exchange for Flandre’s. Not the best solution, but the only one that came to mind while she was being beaten to a pulp.


Sakuya gasped. No. No, no, no, no. Don’t let that be her. Don’t let that be Flandre. She was going to look to the side and see no-one there, especially not-


Sakuya didn’t realise how weak she’d become until she tried to speak, the word crawling out of her throat. The barrage of kicks stopped as the army of Tewis looked to the side, seeing a young girl glaring them down with piercing eyes.

“Leave Sakuya alone! If you don’t, I’ll...I’ll punish you!”

All twelve fakes looked at Flandre’s frail body, as did the original. Sakuya and Koishi were too beaten to make the most of the opportunity, unable to get to their feet. Some sniggering started within the crowd, soon overtaken by laughter.

“AHAHAHAHA! You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

“This little runt thinks she can take on us?!”

“Oh god, I can’t feel my sides! I think I’m gonna die laughing!”

Thirteen voices were mocking her at once with cruel, bullying voices. They probably expected Flandre to curl up into a little ball and die of shame. Instead, their insults only made her angrier.

They would come to regret that.

Sakuya thought for a moment that her eyes were deceiving her. A red blotch had appeared on Flandre’s chest, staining her shirt a blood-red hue. It spread downward, running across her skirt, and dripping out into the water in a menacing aura. Her hand clenched up, like it was holding an unseen blade.

With a flash, the hand was clasping to the hilt of a crimson sword, crackling with sheer destructive power. Suddenly, no-one was laughing.

“I said LEAVE!”

Flandre gripped the blade with both hands, pure fury driving her on.


She held it horizontally, pulling it back to make a swipe at the enemy.


The blade cut a scarlet arc in the water, darting forward with an almighty roar. Twelve clones flinched in unison, but the arc tore through them with ease, and in an instant all twelve had been destroyed. Sakuya and Koishi, still lying on the floor, could only watch as the projectile tore past them and made a considerable dent in the metal port behind them. The metal screamed as it crumpled, leaving everyone except Flandre picking their jaws off the floor

“N...No way! This isn’t even funny!”

Tewi was grabbing at her ears now, torn between panic and anger. Flandre looked up at her with scorn, screaming through the water. In unison with her cry, a pair of crystalline wings tore through the back of her shirt, flapping upwards to bring her inches in front of Tewi’s face. Flandre didn’t even try to say anything, simply growling at the rabbit as she slammed the blunt end of the sword into her chest. The impact was enough to send Tewi slamming into the wall, knocking her out cold without so much as a whimper.

Sakuya looked up in awe at the girl she’d risked her life to try and protect. Apparently, the tables had been turned considerably. Flandre looked down for a moment, smiling at Sakuya while the Siren pulled herself to her feet.

“See that, Sakuya? I can look”

Flandre’s eyes drooped, and she fell backwards into the water, her blade fading back into the void it had come from. She’d overexerted herself, and passed out within a matter of moments. Sakuya caught her on the way down, flinching slightly as her arms ached.

“Izayoi-san, get Flandre-san to the car. She needs to get home before the sun rises.”

Koishi had just about recovered from the beating, though she was grabbing at a still-smarting shoulder. Sakuya nodded, carrying the unconscious girl up to the surface, swimming about as well as she could in her injured state.

Koishi’s attention was elsewhere now, stumbling over to where Sango had been. There was still one fight going on, and Sango could need her help...


Sango hadn’t lied. She really hadn’t been in a proper fight beneath the waves for a while. But once you’d learned, you never really forgot.

Her opponent unleashed a merciless barrage of attacks, each one intent on killing her. Sango rerouted, deflected, or simply dodged everything the shark threw, and in the meantime tried to make the most of her opponent’s mishaps to find an opening. She was having no luck - her foe’s movements were crisp, clean, and brutally efficient. There was no flourish, no pizazz, but absolute efficiency.

Sango was vaguely aware of the fight going on behind her. She could make out the sounds of combat going eerily silent, and she’d thought the fight was over until the screaming sound of torn metal pierced her ears. She and her opponent had both been caught off guard by that, but they were back to blows only seconds afterward. Sango continued to parry and punish, and her opponent maintained her constant vigil.

Fighting underwater should have made defense harder. After all, you suddenly had the ability to move in three dimensions, meaning your opponent could be coming at you from any point. Several times Sango had tried to dart under her opponent following an overextended punch, but it always ended with her getting a knee to the forehead. She was practically impenetrable, like no-one she’d ever fought before.

After several minutes of fighting, both sides stopped to catch their breath. They kicked away from one another, mutually, panting.

“Impressive. The Pearl has trained you well.”

Sango’s opponent passed out a quick compliment to her. The dolphin wasn’t taken in, still maintaining her stance.

“Tell me,” Sango said, as she gained distance from the shark. “What’re you doing with a group like the Black Claw?”

The shark, after some huffing and puffing, muttered out an answer. “I was bored. I spent years at the top of the food chain, but there was no challenge any more. No opposition. I needed to meet someone who could match me in combat, remind me what battle truly felt like.”

Sango lowered her pose, allowing herself a proud grin. “So am I that ‘someone’ to you?”

The shark grabbed at the belt she was wearing, pulling off a small vial. Sango’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of its contents.

“We shall have to see, won’t we?”

Slowly, deliberately, she began to remove the stopper. The instant that thing was released, the blood inside would seep into the water. From what Sango knew about sharks, that would be enough to invoke a murderous rage in her opponent, and she’d come down on Sango with more force than ever. She’d been having enough trouble keeping up already, and this would be just too much for her. Still, she could hardly run, so all she could do was maintain her stance as her foe slowly released the stopper-


Sango and her adversary turned their heads at once, seeing Koishi approach to backup the dolphin. The shark looked in Koishi’s direction, then back to Sango, before eventually placing the vial back at her waist.

“It appears we’ve lost here. We’ll settle this another time.”

She started to swim out to sea, where she assumed Sango wouldn’t follow her.


Sango called out to the woman, and she stopped in place.

“Tell me your name. So I can hold you to your promise of a rematch.”

The shark turned around again, her arms folded. She grinned.

“I am Jozu Manou, shark of the tropical seas.”

Sango returned the smile.

“Sango Tororetsu, dolphin of the eastern waters.”

Jozu nodded, taking the name in. She looked eagerly into Sango’s eyes.

“Very well, Sango. We’ll meet again.”

With that, Jozu regained her shark form and swam leisurely into the distance, comfortable in the knowledge that Sango wouldn’t follow. The dolphin stood in place where she was, one arm reaching out towards the open sea. She wondered to herself - if the shark had used that vial of hers, she’d probably have torn Sango and Koishi to shreds. Yet out of respect she’d chosen to stay her hand and finish the fight later.

Perhaps there were was some honour to be found in the ranks of the Black Claw, after all. No morals, admittedly, but honour.

“Sango-san, are you alright?”

Sango wasn’t sure how she felt. She knew this woman was the enemy, and yet it didn’t feel right to chase her down. She felt that because Jozu had given her a fair fight, it was only right for her to do the same.

“Yeah, Koishi-san, I’m fine.”

They would have their rematch, and Sango was already looking forward to it.


Last segment is ready and will be uploaded tomorrow. I have pushed out 30k words in the last week, so expect me to take a break after this arc's wrapped up. x_x
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 09:42:55 AM by Rou You Can »


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #209 on: April 10, 2011, 12:14:39 AM »

I can't even begin. Every scene and movement is so vivid I can see it in front of me as I read. This is great shit. i don't even

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -