Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 314959 times)


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #270 on: June 19, 2011, 10:26:38 PM »
Quick note: For those of you interested, I'm starting to upload DRK over on Fanfiction. I'm trying to give the story a polish as I upload it over there, but it'll probably be a long way behind the version held here.

Anyway! It's been like a month since my last update. Have one!


She hadn?t even stepped into the building yet, and already Koishi liked this better than the last job Nitori had hauled her into.

She was awake at a reasonable hour for a change. She wasn?t hanging around sketchy gamblers who?d be as likely to stab her as they?d be likely to offer her a tip. And perhaps most importantly - she wasn?t wearing an outfit that made her want to die of shame.

Nitori had told her to dress smart, so she?d gone out with Sango the day beforehand to buy herself an outfit that screamed ?temp worker?. She settled for something simple, traditional - a plain white buttoned shirt, and a long grey skirt running just after her knees. She chose to keep to her glasses rather than switching out for contacts - they added a hint of sophistication to an otherwise generic office uniform.

Sango was much harder to find clothes for, for the usual fin-related reasons. There were a variety of dresses and suits she could wear, but none of them would hide her identity as a dolphin from the masses. Even Nitori couldn?t come with anything to help, so Sango had to settle for hanging around outside the building. Knowing that the girl would be bored out of her skull, Koishi picked out a handheld for Sango to buy - something she could play with while waiting for the Sirens to finish their nine-to-five.

Still, she was missing whole days of school for this. When they?d managed to find this guy and get their info on the Red Lily, she?d have to spend the next week or so catching up. That was the part she wasn?t looking forward to quite as much.

The first day of ?work? arrived faster than Koishi had expected. There was no need for any training - temps weren?t expected to do more than pass around coffee or type out reports. She was getting paid the minimum wage for this job, but money was never a factor. She needed to get in close with the editor, try to work a few facts about this Red Lily out of her.

The Bunbunmaru office was further from the city centre than she had expected. She?d been thinking she was about to get a job in a large newspaper, but the building was probably doubling as a house and a printing press. If anything, it looked as if an office block had been lodged on top of an apartment building, with no real concern for whether the two designs worked with one another. The name BUNBUNMARU was written in unmissable letters across the top, half as tall as the building itself.

?It?s...? Koishi paused, trying to come up with some sort of compliment for the beast in front of her. ?...functional??

Sango didn?t waste her time with that sort of talk, sticking her tongue out at the building before taking her spot at the side. She hauled out her little handheld, turned it on and glared at the screen intensely. She had a good set of half a dozen games to work through, so she?d be preoccupied for a few days.

Fighting the urge to be violently ill from the architecture, Koishi made her way up to the front door. There were half a dozen buzzers at its side, every single one of them labeled ?AYA SHAMEIMARU - BUNBUNMARU REPORTER AND EDITOR?. Koishi was unable to resist the urge to press all six buttons at once. Every buzzer made a different noise, and Koishi could hear the cacophony she?d released from outside.

?Yeah, alright. I?m coming.?

A voice grunted through the intercom, sounding like it had just woken up. A set of grouchy footsteps stomped their way across to the front door. Maybe hitting all the buzzers had been a bad idea.

The door opened, revealing a scruffy looking girl in a plain shirt and jeans. She growled beneath her breath, staring at Koishi with something stronger than frustration but weaker than hatred.

?You?re one of the temps, right??

Koishi flinched, her regret growing stronger by the second.

?Y-Yeah, that?s me!? she said, trying too hard to sound energetic. ?You wouldn?t happen to be Shameimaru-san, would you??

The girl took a few seconds to respond, glaring at Koishi all the while.

?...No, as a matter of fact. I?m Momiji, her assistant. I?m the example you part-timers are expected to follow. Now, if you?ll follow me...?

Momiji reached out, nearly tugging Koishi in by the wrist until her business sense convinced her otherwise. She turned on her heels, stamping back into the room, with Koishi following along. It quickly came to light that this really was part-house - she walked past a full-blown kitchen and a living room with all the works. It wasn?t until she was led upstairs that the building started to give the impression of a business - office rooms filled with paperwork, a foreboding printing press that took up two rooms on its own, and finally the editor?s office. The door was again labelled ?AYA SHAMEIMARU - BUNBUNMARU REPORTER AND EDITOR? in obnoxiously large writing.

Momiji knocked on the door, hitting it a little harder than was necessary.

?Boss, one of the temp kids is here.?

?Let them in, Momi,? a voice called out from the other side of the door. Sighing, the long-suffering assistant complied, opening the door and allowing Koishi to step in. She didn?t follow her - in fact, she made a deliberate point of slamming the door after Koishi had made her way through.

Aya Shameimaru was more or less what Nitori had said she would be - a young woman running on one-hundred percent ambition and zero percent business sense. She sat at an ornate desk that felt horribly out of place in the otherwise bland workspace, with a pencil behind her ear and a pile of intimidating legal papers at her side. Koishi saw a pile of dust rising on top of the files, so they?d probably seen no real use. Her shirt and shirt costume was disturbingly similar to Koishi?s.

?So, you?re one of the new hotshots trying to sink her teeth into Gensokyo?s best newspaper?? Aya said, shuffling her chair forward to give Koishi a better look. ?You certainly look the part. Excellent taste in clothes, if you don?t mind me saying.?

Koishi didn?t give an immediate response, looking to the side and scratching at her head. ?Uhh. Yeah, thanks. Koishi Komeiji. It?s a pleasure to meet-?

?So, before I can take you in as an employee, I have a little test you have to go through.?

Koishi froze. A test? No-one had said anything about a test before. Was there a qualification she was supposed to have?

?Don?t worry, Koishi-san. I just have a few questions I need you to answer. I?m not going to ask for a degree or anything.?

Aya leaned backwards into her chair, smirking as she looked into Koishi?s eyes. Koishi squirmed, tugging at the sides of her skirt. Was her lack of experience about to get her fired before she?d even started?

?Question One,? Aya said, holding up one finger. ?What do you think of the Bunbunmaru??

Oh. It was that sort of interview. Well, that was a little less threatening. She knew enough about the paper that she could waffle her way into the job from here.

?Well...I figured you were one of the most trustworthy papers in Gensouto! I mean, you?re right on the pulse with the Morichika underground mob and all that. I love how your paper doesn?t cut any corners and just goes straight in for the truth and all that.?

It sounded wooden, and Koishi could hear how inauthentic her words were. She was ready for Aya to chew her out, but against her expectations the journalist just leaned back and nodded.

?Good. You passed the taste test. I wouldn?t have respected you as a woman of the press if you didn?t appreciate my work as the best Gensouto has to offer.?

Aya smirked, doing her best to look like a true professional. Koishi wondered if there was any real meaning to this question, or if it was just a trick to get candidates to throw a few cheap compliments her way.

?Alright, second question. Why should I put the fate of my paper in your hands?? Aya said, looking a little more critical this time. If the first question had been an excuse, then this one was a lot more serious. She really was looking for credibility this time around, and it wasn?t something that Koishi really had.

?...Uh.? Koishi twiddled her thumbs, racking her brain for something that sounded good. ?I?m...responsible? And efficient. And a good team player.?

?But more important than any of those...? Aya pulled the chair forward again, giving Koishi a glare that almost seemed too stern. ?...can you make a good cup of coffee if I ask for it??


?...Yes?? Koishi replied.

?Excellent!? Aya said, offering Koishi a thumbs up. ?Two down, one to go. You?re doing great, Koishi-san.?

Koishi took back that last statement. Any credibility this ?test? had held before had just gone out the window. She relaxed, her shoulders lowering, her tone shifting into something slightly more authentic.


?Don?t mention it. Now, question three...?

Aya went entirely still, and her voice went totally monotone. A cold air fell in the room, and Koishi shivered in wait of the last question.

?...Do you read the Kakashi News??

Again, silence. Koishi gulped, not sure how she was meant to answer, finally deciding to just go for the truth.

?No. I?ve, uh, never even heard of it.?

Aya didn?t respond immediately, continuing to glare at her with those judging eyes. Now she really was looking for a lie from Koishi, glaring into her skull for some sign of a bluff. This was the one time Koishi had actually told the truth, so for once there was nothing for Aya to find.

Finally, after what must have been ten seconds of silence, Aya burst out into outright emotion. She stood up, puffing up her cheeks and going red in the face.

?Good! I had to make sure, see? That Himekaidou girl has it out for me, I swear she sent one of her own assistants to fake as my temp and spy on me, it?s heartbreaking seeing how other journalists can?t deal with their own shortcomings and just have to sabotage their competitors...?

Koishi wasn?t sure how genuine Aya was with her tirade. She swung her arms around wildly in all directions, letting out her tirade in one run without taking a breath. Whether or not she was genuine, Aya had one hell of a lung capacity.

She ran out of juice a few seconds later, stopping to take a breath. She slumped down into her chair again, picking up a nearby fan and blowing at her face. She whipped it up and down with impressive speed, cooling herself with a strong breeze.

?Hah. Sorry. I get very...emotional when I think about Himekaidou.?

Koishi didn?t respond. Nothing seemed like a safe response at this point, frankly. She gave the journalist a moment to regain her calm and catch her breath.

?...Right,? Aya said. ?Let?s get to business. Since you said you could pull it off, you feel like running downstairs and making me a cup of java? I need my shot before I can start my writing. Just make it black. If you can?t find anything, go ask Momiji.?

Wait. Was that an order? It was. That meant she was in. Koishi needed a moment to actually comprehend the fact, nodding and bowing.

?Y-Yes, ma?am!?

She turned, practically running out of the office back towards the kitchen. The hard part was over with. She?d managed to get into this business, and now she could start working her way into Aya?s trust to find out about the Red Lily.

Good thing she?d pulled off the sophisticated look, Koishi thought to herself. The last thing she wanted was for Aya to realise she was skipping class for this.


It wasn?t difficult to find the coffee, fortunately. When Koishi went down into the kitchen to go scavenging for it, she found an entire cupboard full to the brim with Aki?s Golden Brew. She wondered if Aya?s suggestion that she?d have trouble finding this was a veiled insult.

Koishi started the kettle boiling, pulling out the first jar of coffee she could reach. Now she had to pick out a cup. Again, it was easy enough to find - there was another cupboard with its plates and cutlery perfectly ordered and piled up. She had a strange feeling this wasn?t Aya?s doing - more likely she?d had Momiji sort through the crockery when she had nothing better to do.

Koishi pulled out a mug - with the words AYA SHAMEIMARU, ACE REPORTER written on the side in garish text - and sat it over next to the kettle.

It was a good thing she wasn?t holding it when the buzzers went off, or she?d have been picking up the pieces and paying for damages. Again, six buzzers went off at once throughout the building. Each one could have passed as a fire alarm on its own - in unison, they could have been used to signal the apocalypse. Koishi grabbed at her ears, wincing as whoever was at the door refused to let the buzzers go.

?Jeez, another one?! Are all you temps this rude!??

Momiji yelled across the hallway in Koishi?s direction. Though she couldn?t see her, Koishi imagined the assistant was as irritated by the noise as she was.

?Momi! Get that for me, will you?? Aya called out from upstairs. Somehow, she didn?t seem disturbed by the noise blaring throughout the building. Koishi wondered for a moment if Aya was deaf, and doing a very good job of hiding it.

?YES, AYA.? Momiji yelled just to make sure she could be heard over the buzzers, and stamped her way down towards the front door. The buzzing finally stopped, and Koishi was left to deal with the ringing in her ears. She faintly heard Momiji opening the door and hauling in another eager employee.

She already had a good idea who it was, and she wasn?t about to give her a hero?s welcome.


?C?mon, you pressed all six as well, right?? Mokou said, as she took a sip of her steaming-hot coffee. ?You got curious too. Who wouldn?t??

The pair had told Aya they were going to ?get to know each other? - they weren?t supposed to already have met, so acting like complete strangers when they were first introduced had been awkward.

?Yeah, but I didn?t hold them down as long as you did,? Koishi replied, her coffee cooling on the counter. She couldn?t stand hot drinks. ?If Sakuya-san is as bad as you, my ears might fall off...?

?Nah, you?ll be fine,? Mokou said, rubbing at one of Koishi?s ears to prove the point. ?She won?t do that. She?s the sort who?ll press them one at a time thinking that only one of them works.?

?But you barely know her. What makes you think that??

Mokou grinned widely as she took another hefty shot of coffee. ?Call it a hunch.?

A few minutes later, Mokou was proven right. A single buzzer played its one-note tune through the building, and Koishi could hear the assistant?s sigh of relief as she went to the doorway. A few minutes and another of Aya?s ?interviews? later, the pair were introduced to another ?stranger?.

?I?ll leave you three to get along,? Aya said to them, twirling a pen in her hand and eying the staircase every other word. ?I?ve got a few articles I need to proofread, and I can?t think without a constant flow of caffeine in my system. Also, there?s some old files you guys will need to sort out...?

She walked back to her office, her assistant Momiji trailing behind and looking as melancholy as always. Koishi was suddenly glad that she wasn?t going to be working here for long - she had a feeling it would be the sort of job that wore away at her soul like a grindstone.

?So,? Mokou said as soon as Aya was out of shot, ?can I assume I?ll be the only one taking up the offer of free coffee??

Mokou adjusted the suspenders holding her long beige pants up. Koishi had to wonder what had possessed her into wearing that outfit - it was the sort of apparel she expected from a balding man in his forties, not a teenage girl with a fitness obsession.

Sakuya had opted for the same outfit Koishi had, though she?d gone for a black sweater rather than a white shirt. It looked slightly more casual, and Koishi imagined it was actually a welcome break from her work uniform.

?How long do you expect we?ll be here?? Sakuya said, turning straight to business. ?If anything, I?m surprised the Lily hasn?t already been here to drop off all the juicy details of last week?s trial.?

?Eh, I figure it?s deliberate,? Mokou replied, turning the kettle on. ?These things don?t hit fever pitch right away, y?know. You?ve gotta give it a while, let people get frustrated. Let them raise complaints and have ?em get ignored. After that?s been done, then people start getting angry. It?s kinda like this water, right??

She pointed to the kettle like it was some sort of artifact.

?It starts off cold, and it takes a while to warm up. But the hotter it gets, the more it bobs around, until-?

It was at this exact moment that a droplet popped out of the top of the kettle and landed on Mokou?s palm.


She ran off to the sink to run her hand under cold water. Sakuya chuckled slightly, while Koishi just looked on conflicted. She turned to Sakuya, biting her lip.

?But if the Red Lily keeps quiet for too long, what if people get too angry? We could have protests, riots...?

?Isn?t that exactly what the Lily wants?? Sakuya replied, almost monotone. ?If they wait until emotions are at a peak to release the information, it?ll drive those protestors wild. There?s no way they?ll stand around quietly and keep to holding signs up in front of the district court.?

A chill ran down Koishi?s spine, bringing her to attention. She wasn?t sure she thought so highly of this Red Lily any more. It was good that they were making the truth public, but how far were they willing to go with it?

?Alright, ladies. Coffee break?s over,? Aya yelled from upstairs. ?You three have some work to do, so get up here already.?

Koishi flinched, still tense from her own dark thoughts. She made her way up to the office section again, hoping that this Red Lily arrived sooner rather than later.

?Gimme a minute! I?m in the middle of first aid here!? Mokou yelled from over the sink. ?Damn, that really stings...?


The last few days had been a blur for Eiki.

The authorities must have understood what she was going through, because they left her schedule open for several days afterward. Her cases were handed to other judges, and her daily routine was nothing more than menial paperwork. Maybe they were giving her a chance to recover after the nightmare of a case she?d been through. If she were to be more honest, though, they were probably trying to keep her out of the limelight because they knew she was a hate figure right now.

The complaints in the press had been growing. Claims that the Morichika case was a disgrace to the modern justice system, that the prosecution was horribly organised and the judge unable to see the guilty party right in front of her face. Sumire had taken most of the punishment - there were rumours she was going to be removed from the prosecutor?s office entirely - but Eiki had been the target of several less than polite comments.

She knew looking at them would only hurt her, but she felt like she was expected to take all of this in. As her morning slowly dragged along, she found herself reading through half a dozen tabloids, all of them still fuming about Morichika?s release. After the third article about her supposed secret connection to the mafia, she gave up and just put her head down on the desk.

The door to her office creaked open.

?Mornin?, boss.?

Morning? It was noon by now. Komachi was never on time, but even by her standards this was late. Eiki wished she still had the energy to chastise her assistant for her sloppiness, but all that reading had drained the life out of her.

?Good afternoon, Komachi.?

She lifted her head up, pushing the tabloids off the desk and trying her best to look productive. Komachi didn?t let that one slip, sadly.

?You need to get your head outta the papers, Eiki. It?s all garbage. You know what happened in that courtroom.?

?What does it matter if I know?? Eiki responded, eyeing the empty bottle of brandy on the floor. She?d made it through the hangover, but it was still distressing knowing that a bottle she?d saved for over a decade had been used up in a single night. ?I can?t go out there and tell the public that Ogawa was bribed. What do you think they?ll do if we give them a target to go after? The man has a family, Komachi. They shouldn?t suffer because-?

?And you should?? Komachi leaned over the table, her face only inches from Eiki?s. Her stern expression took up Eiki?s entire view as the country twang dropped out of her voice again. ?You did nothing wrong, and neither did Sumire. Neither of you should be suffering because some guy in forensics buckled to a mob bribe.?

Eiki leaned backwards, pulling her chair a few inches back. ?I could have done better. I could have found another way, another point to press, given Sumire something else to work with-?

?Listen to yourself!? Komachi couldn?t lean forward any further, so she made up for the distance by raising her voice. ?You can?t win them all, Eiki. There was nothing you could?ve done to change it, and yet you?re lazing around here beating yourself up rather than getting out there and doing something.?

She was right. Eiki knew that. She wasn?t going to get anywhere by sitting here and feeling sorry for herself. This was pointless, and it was doing nothing other than making her feel worse.

But at the same time, it felt like she deserved this. Even if she hadn?t been the one to take the bribe, she was the one who was entrusted with delivering the verdict. If she?d found a way to declare Morichika guilty, none of this would have happened. She didn?t care what Komachi had to say - this was her fault.

Eiki didn?t offer a response in words, but Komachi could tell how she felt just from looking into her eyes. There was a weight in her stare, a guilt that hung to her like a ball and chain. Eventually Komachi pulled her head back, giving Eiki a look of disgust.

?...Jeez. Get your head out of your ass, Eiki. It?s not all about you.?

With that, she turned on her heels and made for the door.

?Where do you think you?re going?? Eiki asked, her voice gaining strength at last.

?I have paperwork that needs filed,? Komachi replied without bothering to look back. ?You sure don?t seem to need my help around here.? She slammed the door behind her on the way out, and the sound hung in Eiki?s ears long after Komachi had left.

She?d done it again, hadn?t she? Yet again she?d managed to scare Komachi off with her whining when she could have been out there actually solving the problem. Sometimes Eiki wondered how she?d managed to get into this position in the first place. She stared at the bottle again. Ten years of effort, and it had gone from prime condition to utterly useless in the space of a day. She almost empathised with it, picking it up off the floor.

She nearly dropped the bottle when her phone went off.

A message. Probably more commiserations from her fellow employees. Eiki had half a mind to delete the message without even looking at it.

The sender?s name was enough to change her mind immediately.



The street she?d been told to visit was a wretched mess. The smell made her stomach churn, and the walls had turned a sickly shade of green. It took a lot of self-restraint for Eiki to keep herself from emptying the contents of her stomach onto the floor. She?d have never come here of her own choice, but the offer had been too good to pass up.

Help with Morichika. Two o?clock. District 1, Block 3, House 6. Come alone. Tell no-one.

Even with an address and the wonders of modern GPS, it had taken Eiki some time to find the place. Her final destination was a crummy apartment in a lower class apartment complex. This was the sort of neighbourhood parents told their kids to stay away from, and it wasn?t hard to tell why. The whole place carried a threatening aura, and no matter how many times Eiki looked behind her back she swore she was being watched by something.

Was this a trap? A joke? If this really was the Red Lily calling her out for a meeting, then it made no sense. Why would they choose now of all times to side with the courts? And more disturbingly, how had the Lily managed to get hold of her phone number? She?d brought a gun with her just in case - an old Beretta which she?d never needed to use - but it wasn?t enough to get rid of this heavy atmosphere.

At last, the clock struck two in the distance. Eiki knocked the door politely with two clean hits, waiting for her host to allow her in. After a few seconds the door was opened, and a young woman in a silver jacket beckoned her inside. She seemed foreign, with pure black hair and well-tanned skin. Eiki only had to look her in the eyes for a moment to know that she wasn?t the Red Lily - she had the look of a servant, the expression of a woman who followed orders rather than giving them. Still, there was a dangerous glint in her eyes that stopped Eiki from giving her another look as she stepped into the building.

The apartment was bare, without a hint of wallpaper or furniture. All there was for Eiki to sit on was a barren bed in the corner of the living room. She accepted it - a bad seat was still more comfortable than standing. There was no way this was the Lily?s actual home - it was a go-between, maybe one they?d rented out solely for this meeting.

The woman in the silver jacket walked into a room in the side, presumably to call in her superior. Eventually, Eiki came face to face with the Red Lily.

At first, she couldn?t understand the name. For a Red Lily, the woman seemed to have a taste for black dresses...


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #271 on: June 19, 2011, 10:41:45 PM »
Oh hey I just noticed, your avatar is Jozu, isn't it

Indeed it is. :P
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 10:45:45 PM by Rou You Can »

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #272 on: June 20, 2011, 12:45:19 AM »
I feel that this Red Lily is a fake, I wouldn't be surprised if the organization decided to dispose of Morichika in order to hide their tracks.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 12:53:10 AM by Cystral Dragon »
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #273 on: June 20, 2011, 01:11:47 AM »
Well, I'd complain about how long this update took, but I think it's partially my fault for encouraging Remnants of the Endless Rain. Still just as good as always, though.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #274 on: June 20, 2011, 06:18:26 AM »
I just finished reading all the way up to this update, And I would write a whole damned essay saying how completely awesome this story is if it werent 2AM and my mind being melted with sheer awesome by this story.



  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #275 on: June 20, 2011, 07:59:26 AM »
inb4 mindcoil.

I always feel a rush of excitement when I see this story has been updated and it's always justified.

Also, poor Momiji :3
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #276 on: June 20, 2011, 09:14:11 AM »
Red Lily is clearly Shiro, the nekomata from Fables of the Fabulous Feline Who Is Fortunate and Feliney and Other Words that Start With F


Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #277 on: June 20, 2011, 04:41:37 PM »
Red Lily is clearly Shiro, the nekomata from Fables of the Fabulous Feline Who Is Fortunate and Feliney and Other Words that Start With F

Fantastic, Forthright, Free, Frank, Furtive, Fabled, Faint-furred, Fairminded, Faltering, Famous, Fanciful, Fanged, Fantastic, Far-eastern, Fascinating, Fast-moving, Favored, Fearful, Felicitous, Feminine, (not at all) Feral, Fetching (for some people at least :3), Flexible, Flourishing, Flummoxed, Fortuitous, Fragile, Fresh, Friendly, Frosted (in terms of hair color), and, lastly and most unfortunately, Fictitious.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #278 on: June 20, 2011, 09:27:01 PM »
Ah, the ontological cliffhanger: we're left with just enough information to ultimately have no idea whatsoever what's going on :3


  • Happening Cat of the Middle of Nowhere
  • Welp is not a good nickname
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #279 on: June 21, 2011, 07:07:09 PM »
Holy crap, if this Red Lily is in fact Lily White/Black, I will be awed.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #280 on: June 25, 2011, 05:39:09 PM »
Am I the only one that thinks this is that shark-girl and the (mindcoiling) lady in the black dress that is as of yet anonymous?

I mean, Eiki's mind is probably in a real state after losing that case in such a way and I rather feel like believing that Komachi is the Red Lily (because of those flowers at sanzu) and the next siren.

This is of course just my ramblings though so feel free to ignore them :3
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #281 on: June 25, 2011, 10:00:10 PM »
It takes a little bit of cross-reading to catch it at first glimpse, but yes, that's Jozu and Mindcoil. The 'servant girl' who answered the door was described as wearing exactly that which Jozu typically wears - the silver and white color scheme, at least, with the tanned skin and black hair. You'd have to read across a few of Rou's other works to become instantly familiar with the description, though, but yes, you're right.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 10:02:29 PM by Esifex »


  • Happening Cat of the Middle of Nowhere
  • Welp is not a good nickname
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #282 on: June 26, 2011, 05:43:28 AM »
Wait, then...

Well I guess we know who the next antagonist of the week is.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #283 on: June 26, 2011, 02:36:22 PM »
inb4 Shikieiki pulls her gun on Mindcoil for trying to make out with a Gensotou Circuit Judge.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #284 on: June 26, 2011, 02:44:23 PM »
inb4 Shikieiki pulls her gun on Mindcoil for trying to make out with a Gensotou Circuit Judge.

"Your motion ? is denied."


  • It's okay, we love you even if we have no idea who you are.
  • A vegetarian? I challenge you to a duel!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #285 on: July 03, 2011, 08:51:34 PM »
I think I see Ms. Mindcoil's plan.  Eiki seeks out revenge against Mr. Morichika, and if that gets out, even if Koishi removes the mindcoil (because she has to know that somehow they can remove mindcoils), she's disgraced and can no longer serve as an obstacle.  Sneaky, sneaky.
Possibility of Interminable Reciprocity - A Touhou RP

Join us, or Kisume will cry.


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #286 on: July 08, 2011, 07:27:11 AM »
<comment removed by commenter because I dislike it>
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 08:03:28 PM by Irisu »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #287 on: July 09, 2011, 03:33:03 AM »
Gah! Curse you Rou! I've spent hours reading this!

Anyway, this is awesome. I was going to say that I thought Red Lily was Marisa, (black dresses, sudden introduction of Reimu into the story) but that someone confirmed that the girl who opened the door was Jozu, so there goes that theory.

I'm guessing either Aya or Komachi is the next Siren.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #288 on: July 09, 2011, 06:55:26 AM »
Or Momiji or Sumire or Jozu herself after being un-mindcoiled you never know or ROUKAN IS REALLY THE BLACK CLAW

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #289 on: July 09, 2011, 02:17:57 PM »
Or it's actually Koishi and she doesn't realize she's leading the Black Claw... IN HER SLEEP.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #290 on: July 09, 2011, 09:48:09 PM »
Tyler Durden kills Trinity with Rosebud. In a dream.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #291 on: July 09, 2011, 10:04:18 PM »
The big twist at the end is that there may or may not be a twist.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #292 on: July 09, 2011, 10:24:46 PM »
Nitori is actually Lily White in disguise.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #293 on: July 10, 2011, 03:53:29 AM »
Koishi is actually Satori's imaginary sister that took over Satori's body when the Black Claw murdered her parents. The finale will involve Koishi using her mind walking ability to go into her own mind so she can go into Satori's mind so they both can BWOOOOOOONG

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #294 on: July 10, 2011, 04:00:16 AM »
Nazrin was mindcoiled by the Black Claw, but then Rin ate her, so now Rin is mindcoiled by Nazrin's mindcoil!


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #295 on: July 10, 2011, 12:23:17 PM »
Koishi is Yukari who is Reimu who is really the girl under the hood with the mindcoils and the sloppy make-outs and the whole story is just an allegory for coming to terms with your own demons with the elements of a coming-of-age story mixed in wherein Koishi must deal with the loss of her wizened instructor and mentor Obi-wanitori Kenoshiro while learning the ways of the magical world from her brash and more impulsive new friend Han Sangolo to take on the BWOOOOOONG

I think we're having too much fun with this :3

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #296 on: July 10, 2011, 01:27:50 PM »
Rou is actually Elvis Presley's evil twin, who stole one of William Shakespeare's as-of-yet unknown stories in order to make himself famous, and will go under the guise of Elvis Presley, making millions in royalties, until he eventually settles down with a nice woman who may or may not be cryogenically frozen when Rou flies off into space on a rocket shaped like a Sango, Phwee.

Someone needs to put a stop to this madness.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #297 on: July 11, 2011, 01:26:06 PM »
Guys stop ruining all my great plot twists ;_;


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #298 on: July 27, 2011, 11:50:54 PM »
Hoshiguma?s was not a high-class bar. It had a family area with no families, served three flavours of cheap ale at absurd prices, and won over patrons with promises of karaoke. Thankfully for them, they were too drunk to make out their own warbled notes; Koishi, in comparison, was forced to listen to the group murder at least half a dozen classics while she was on her lunch break.

?This is worse than that one time the boss tried to set me up a cover act as a travelling popstar...?

Sango?s head was lying on the table, one ear pressed into the slightly damp wood. Koishi would have probably joined her if it wouldn?t have made the pair look even more out of place here.

She?d been visiting Hoshiguma?s regularly, as a lunch-break location after her work at the Bunbunmaru - though the more she thought about it, the less it seemed like actual ?work?. It was menial labour at best - typing out articles, making coffee, and all the other chores Aya could find for her to do. Initially she?d thought there wouldn?t be enough to keep both the three Temps and Aya?s assistant Momiji occupied, but she?d underestimated just how many articles Aya had written up that needed proofing.

The articles themselves were pure gossip - X sleeping with Y, X cheating on Y with Z, X?s secret drug addictions, and so on. There were dozens of these, all of them telling different stories - and some of them telling stories that blatantly contradicted each other. Koishi wondered where Aya found the ?evidence? for these stories - the only listed source of information was ?my trusty informant?, which was probably journalist lingo for ?I?m making this up as I go along?.

At one point, Koishi had noticed they were producing far too many articles to fit in one issue of the Bunbunmaru. When she brought the problem up with Aya, the journalist had told with a completely straight face that it was always good to have a backlog in case of a slow news week. Apparently, the Bunbunmaru was not the top source of Gensokyo when it came to news ?as it happens?.

Koishi was beginning to question Shameimaru?s integrity as a whole, frankly.

?How sure are we that the Lily actually does visit this place? Maybe Shameimaru-san made the whole thing up...?

?The boss said the Lily?s information was 100% accurate,? Sango replied, pulling her head off of the table as the karaoke died off in the distance. ?Either Shameimaru?s a really lucky guesser, or the Lily?s passing the message on. Hell, maybe she IS the Lily.?

Koishi blinked, sitting up. She?d never thought of that. The idea of Aya Shameimaru being this secret underground informant had never crossed her mind. She couldn?t quite parse the concept, trying to imagine Shameimaru one of Gensouto?s top dirt-dealers. It wasn?t her, she told herself - Aya never came across as the sort.

There were other reasons, too. ?How would she get the info?? Koishi asked rhetorically. ?This sort of stuff has to come straight from the courts, and I don?t think any bailiff with half a mind would let Shameimaru-san in on a trial.?

?Huh. True.?

Sango sighed. The lull in the singing was coming to an end, and the next drunken rendition of a pop song Koishi was too young to recognise began to clog up the air. Koishi had built a tolerance by now, but Sango?s sensitive ears still couldn?t deal with such broken notes.

Thankfully for both of them, the singing stopped when the television broke to a news report. It was a live feed from the same news programme Koishi had been watching a few days ago, and once again it was taking place outside of the Gensouto court. Like beforehand they were watching the young woman in the checkered skirt, still with the same mad glint in her eyes as she stared into the camera, but this time there was a growing mob behind her that she had to shout to be heard above.

?-We interrupt your scheduled program to bring you this special bulletin, right outside of Gensouto?s district court. The public outcry at the recent trial of Rinnosuke Morichika has reached a fever point, bringing together this protesting mob right here. They?ve been calling for an overturning of the sentence for the last half hour, but there has been no official statement as of this time. The protests are expected to continue well into the evening-?

At that point, the reporter?s voice was drowned out by the slurs of the patrons.

?The hell?s all this about? The bastard did it, plain as day.?

?This country?s law system is a fucking farce, ya hear me? Hell, I could done better than that bitch they had givin? out the verdict!?

They laughed, with blunt cackles that stung Koishi?s ears. She?d been afraid of emotions rising to this point. She rose to her feet again, grabbing Sango and making for the door. Sango didn?t so much as flinch, willingly following her out of the bar. Neither of them had to put their thoughts into words at that point.

If the Red Lily was going to drop the news, it would be today.


By the time Koishi arrived, the news had already reached the Bunbunmaru. Four heads were looming over a small Blackberry resting in the palm of Momiji?s hand. Aya, as usual, refused to play fair and physically nudged the Sirens out of the way.

?Bit of a waste of time, isn?t it?? Mokou said, grunting as she stood on her toes. ?It?s not like they?ve got any solid evidence to work with. I mean, it?s obvious, but-?

?I dunno,? Aya replied with a little wink. ?I figure someone in the know might take this opening to spill the beans.?

Koishi wasn?t really paying attention to either of them at that moment, though. For the first time since her arrival here, her attention was on Momiji. Maybe she?d been seeing things, but that hat she wore - the one she refused to be seen without - Koishi swore she?d seen it twitch for a second there. It was more motion than she saw from the rest of Momiji?s body. She looked at the hat intently to see if it would happen again, but after a few seconds the assistant gave her a death glare for her staring.

?Anyway!? Aya declared, pushing Mokou and Sakuya backwards. ?Komeiji-san, welcome back from your lunch break. Now that the three of you are done, I need you to go into the article archive and get this week?s writing in order. Remember, alphabetical by name first, incident second. I don?t want to see any of you out here until it?s done, or you can all go find jobs at Kakashi News!?

There was a pause for a moment.

?...But don?t get a job at Kakashi News. Himekaidou is an asshole, y?know that? Thinks she can run a paper and be a journalist at the same time. What a bitch.?

Koishi looked at the rest of the Sirens, slightly stunned. Aya had never given an order quite so aggressively, and she?d never threatened to fire them. They all nodded along, running off out of the office to get back to their temp work.

The archive was a room on the other side of the building, as far away from the office as possible. The far wall was lined with filing cabinets, each labelled by week and running back for at least a year. The drawer for this week?s archives hung open, its insides bare; on a table in front of the cabinets, dozens of articles were lying around in no particular order, begging to be sorted.

The Sirens groaned. This was not going to be a fun job, even with three of them working together. They cut the list of names into three and made to collect their own files first.

?So she?s getting us outta the way,? Mokou said. She juggled files on Forlorn Hope and Fornication, trying to remember which came first. ?Guess she doesn?t trust us to meet the Red Lily in person.?

Koishi and Sakuya nodded. Sure enough, a humanoid shadow took a position just outside of the archive and started leaning on the door. It had to be Momiji. They weren?t getting out of here unseen at this rate, so the trio begrudgingly got to work on their filing.

Three buzzers marked the arrival - not just the three bottom buzzers, either. It was a specific set of buzzers, and Koishi figured it was meant to act as some sort of code. For the first time since the Sirens? arrival, Aya actually answered the call herself, not even letting her informant enter the building.

?So in the end, we?re putting our trust in Sango-san, aren?t we?? Sakuya said, clearly unhappy about this fact. Koishi frowned in her direction, but her attention was too focused on communicating with Sango to care.

She looked out the window. Sure enough, there was a hooded figure hunched over her handheld desperately trying to beat the game?s final boss.

Sango-san. That?s the Lily.

The figure flinched, standing upright. The Lily was looming outside the doorway, covered by a long hood that stopped Koishi from making out their face. They handed a small package over to Aya - probably some sort of data file that she?d upload to her computer, full to the brim with judicial secrets.

None of the girls were doing their filing any more. All three were perched besides the window, trying to make out some sort of clue who the Lily was. They couldn?t make out as much as a hint of identification. No more than thirty seconds later the transaction was complete, and the Lily walked off into the distance again.

I?m on it, Koishi-san.

After giving the Lily a small headstart, Sango made to pursue. Koishi watched them for as long as she could, until eventually the pair were lost in the crowd.

Silence hung in the room for a few seconds. Outside, Koishi heard Aya skipping down the hallway yelling about how this was going to be the scoop of the decade.

?So now what?? Mokou said, folding her arms and grumbling. Her eyes moved to the door, where Momiji was still keeping watch.

They widened when the assistant suddenly stood upright and made her way down the corridor, then out of the building entirely.

Koishi looked to Sakuya, who looked to Mokou, who looked back to Koishi again. The same look of confusion passed across all three of their faces.

?...Do we...?? Mokou asked, already stepping towards the door.

?If we?ve been given a chance, we may as well take it.? Sakuya nodded, following along behind. Koishi was last, biting her lip as she made it out of the door and out of the Bunbunmaru.

She had a strange feeling that Aya wouldn?t be wanting them back after she saw how much ?filing? they?d managed to do.


Catching up with Sango took a few minutes, but Koishi eventually managed to reunite with her dolphin companion. The hooded figure hadn?t noticed yet - or at least, didn?t seem to have noticed them. They were starting to break into the alleyways now, and Sakuya nodded towards the Lily as if in understanding.

?I?d like to split up,? she said, muttering, ?but we?re too far behind. We might need to catch up a little.?

The rest of the group nodded, picking up their pace a little. It was hard to keep quiet in these back alleys - there were cans and bottles that would make far too much noise if they were stepped on, so the entire street turned into a minefield. It was probably a deliberate choice on the Lily?s part, now that Koishi thought about it.

There was no attempt at misdirection. No zig-zagging through the alleys, no taking four left turns. The Lily wasn?t trying to lose the pursuers, they were just trying to lead them out of sight. That concerned Koishi, and as another junction emerged in the distance she muttered to the crowd that now was probably a good time to start going their separate ways.

Unfortunately, this was also the time when the Lily stopped right in the centre of the junction, turned on the spot, and pointed a gun at the group. A simple revolver, but being simple didn?t stop it from being deadly.

?Curious lot, ain?t ya??

Her voice - yes, that had to be a woman?s voice - was almost too calm at a time like this. The gun was primed straight for Koishi?s head, and without even thinking about it Sango stood in the way. There was no gunshot, though - the Lily was just trying to pin them down so she could make her exit.

?You girls just hang tight there, ?kay? It?d be a shame if I had to put a bullet in one of you young ?uns.?

She didn?t sound that much older than them, honestly, but now wasn?t the time to make comments about age. The Lily was slowly stepping backwards through the alleyway, well out of following distance. Koishi saw Mokou looking around the alleyway, estimating the distance - there were a good fifteen feet between them and the Lily right now, and there was no way she could run that without the Lily getting a shot at someone. She hung her head, grimacing as their target started to leave.

Just barely, Koishi saw the first signs of a smile on the Lily?s face.

?That?s good. Now, let?s just act like this all never happened, shall we-?

What followed was almost too fast for Koishi to follow. Something leapt out from behind the Lily. There was a whack - the sound of flesh slamming into flesh - and a tiny gasp fell out of the Lily?s throat. Her gun clattered to the floor as she slumped backwards, her attacker quickly grabbing beneath her arms and holding her body up.

What was going on? Koishi didn?t really know right now, but she knew that she needed to talk to the Lily more than anything. Now that no-one was in danger of being shot, the group charged forward towards the Lily?s attacked. Without even thinking about it, Koishi had already closed her hand over her Teardrop, ready for a real fight to break out.

When they were close enough to recognise the attacker, that hand loosened its grip immediately.


Momiji looked as bored as ever, grunting as she held the taller woman upright. Eventually she just gave up on it, resting the Lily on the ground. Her hat fell off of her head as she bent down - and the wig of short brunette hair went with it.


Koishi?s question faded in her throat as Momiji stood upright again. Her hair was pure white, Koishi could see now, but that wasn?t what her attention was on - she was looking at the large, wolf-like ears standing up off the top of her head. Looking to her side, she saw Mokou and Sakuya looking just as surprised. Even Sango seemed taken aback by it.

?Y-You?re a youkai?!? Sango took her stance, ready to charge at Momiji, but the assistant simply sighed to herself.

?Please, Tororetsu, explain why I seem like an enemy given that I just caught your target for you. Jeez, Kawashiro told me you kids were gonna be anxious, but I didn?t realise you?d be this bad.?

She knew Sango?s name. More importantly, she knew Nitori?s. That could only mean...

?So you?re Kawashiro?s man on the inside,? Sakuya said, smiling as she put the pieces together. ?I was wondering how she knew the Lily was in contact with Shameimaru at all.?

Momiji smiled. ?I was posted there for general reconnaissance around the time this all started. It was a lucky break.?

This was apparently not enough of an answer for Sango, who was currently stepping forward and gesturing in every direction her arms would let her. Her mouth bobbed open and shut as she stared at Momiji like she was a ghost.

?B-B-B-But I thought we didn?t have any on-ground operatives! I thought all you surface youkai either went domestic or ran off into the wilds!?

?I convinced Kawashiro not to tell you about me,? Momiji replied, sounding more annoyed by the second, ?because I didn?t want to risk an amateur like you blowing my cover. ?


Now Sango was raring for a fight, back in her ready stance and looking to give Momiji a good brawl. Momiji ignored her entirely, focusing on the unconscious woman on the floor. Sakuya had already picked up the gun, giving it a look from all angles, smiling.

?Smith and Wesson. Our woman has taste, I see.?

The hood still hung over half of the Lily?s face, and Momiji carefully leaned down to pull it away. One of her pigtails had come undone on the way down, leading her dark brown hair to run down one side of her face.

Koishi gasped.

?Hey...isn?t this the assistant Judge Shiki had during last week?s case...??

It had taken a while for Koishi to make the connection. That woman she?d seen on the news report was bored, uncaring, but the Lily had never stopped to slouch even once. It had been an act, she realised - what better way to put Morichika off her scent than to act like she didn?t really give a damn?

?Huh. Well, I?ll be damned.? Mokou muttered to herself, pocketing the bobble that had clattered to the ground beside her. There?d be no harm in giving that back to her - though Koishi saw Sakuya keeping the gun to herself for now.

?There?s a safehouse nearby. Kawashiro hired out a few places in case we needed somewhere to hide.? Momiji leaned down again, wrapping one of the Lily?s arms around her shoulder before looking up sternly at the crowd. ?I don?t suppose any of you are going to help me with this??

That was Sango?s cue to swoop down and take the other shoulder, intent on doing more of the work than Momiji was. The pair glared at one another for a moment before trudging along, doing what they could to make it look like the Lily wasn?t unconscious. The Sirens followed behind, still treading carefully - but this time, it was to avoid the ominous air that had fallen between the two youkai.

?When we?ve got this taken care of, we?re totally having a sparring match! I?ll show you just how much of an amateur I am, you hear me?!?

?Keep telling yourself that, kid. Keep telling yourself that.?

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #299 on: July 28, 2011, 12:09:30 AM »
Dude. Nobody has ever made me like Momiji. Granted, we haven't seen much of her yet, but I do like this portrayal.

So yeah, good job.