>"Uh, yeah, I really DID end up in a bat warren down there, actually... Been such a busy day, I almost forget. Sorry."
>Go take a bath
>"As for practical experience, I've flown for a bit, and shot some basic danmaku. Nothing much by anyone here's standards, I'm sure."
>"Or just trying to forget."
>You remove your clothes, which is already uncomfortable even if Reimu's not really watching you, and step into the pond. It's clean water, thankfully, though somewhat cold. The mud on the bottom squishes between your your toes, making cleaning your feet a lost cause. Reimu tosses you a rag.
>"You have to start somewhere. Danmaku's easy stuff, but it's a good place to start. As for barriers, you have to keep in mind what they mean. It's not just a wall keeping something from you. It's about separating things.You have to have a clear concept of what is on one side of the barrier, and what is on the other. The more correct is is that those things are separate, the better your barrier will be. Now, the trick is you define everything in involved in as strong of a difference as you can. Human and god, hot and cold, life and death, and so on. The more strongly you believe it, the easier your barrier will come to you. Got it? Oh, and don't try to be sneaky about it and focus on something minor. The more fully what you're separating is embodied by the terms you're using, the better."