I totally missed this topic, and welp, it is also to commemorate the day Black Rock Shooter OVA is released.
so yeah.
I too shall help people get their mikus.
Hmm... I wonder why they made a BRS anime even though there's no Miku anime :3
I know right? Miku was like... begging for an Anime. Danny Choo agrees don't bother him about it.
Yeah, there's a good number of Vocaloids out there besides Miku. It's just that she happens to get the most spotlight out of all of them.
Also, I don't really much care for Vocaloids in general. Hell, up til recently, I didn't even know where the fuck they came from or why the hell they were so popular.
because girls + headphones.
Shinki would look cool with headphones and just so you know I thought Haku looks a lot like Shinki anyway.
Why am I not Miku'd, I am disappoint
I have a mission for you imouto :3c
I'd bulk upload tomorrow tons of Miku avys for everyone but lol fad expire.