Author Topic: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)  (Read 133984 times)


  • I Have A New Obssession
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Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2010, 05:51:18 PM »
> "Yeah, she was pretty hard on you back there, but she has a tough job keeping these fires going so she might be stressed a lot"

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2010, 06:03:03 PM »
> "Yeah, she was pretty hard on you back there, but she has a tough job keeping these fires going so she might be stressed a lot"
> "She could be a little nicer!  It's not like she'd ever be able to gather the dead!"
> She moves in front of you and points to her ears.  Her...human ears?
> "See these?  These are just normal ears, they hear sounds just like you, but these," she points up to her cat ears, "detect sounds of death.  Y'know, violent rows, knife fights, death rattles, arterial blood gushing, that kind of thing.  That's how I'm so efficient at gathering corpses: I use these and I'm able to pinpoint exactly where is a corpse is.  I can get there quickly and bring them back to the Blaze to feed the fire."
> She resumes pushing the wheelbarrow.  You look around a little.  You seem to be down in a very elaborately overgrown cave.  Off in the distance are some very impressive columns, while stalactites and stalagmites pepper the scenery, slowly seeming to encroach on you.  A path starts to form as the rocks move in closer, though you don't seem to be moving upwards yet.  The lack of light is annoying, as it makes all the formations seem black.
> Orin sighs.



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Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2010, 06:05:38 PM »
> "Yeah I agree, she could be a little bit nicer about it, do you think there is anything we could do?"


  • Good gravy!
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2010, 06:19:34 PM »
>Tilt your sweet hat in a cool way, because that's what sweet hats are for.

>"Also, do you have a flashlight or something? It's kind of dark."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2010, 07:19:30 PM »
>"What would happen if the fires went out, anyways? Because if it's not terrible tragic, maybe you could get a new job?"
>Wish fervently for some water.

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2010, 07:37:11 PM »
> "Yeah I agree, she could be a little bit nicer about it, do you think there is anything we could do?"
> "Honestly, I can't think of anything, but even if I could I'd have my doubts as to its effectiveness.  Those humans put her in her place, but her attitude's been unchanged.  She sees herself as the most important person around, but that really can't be questioned.  She's down here all alone doing completely thankless yet extremely difficult work for the benefit of most of Gensokyo.  I wouldn't even know where to start.  She's fine if she's not angry, but the smallest thing can set her off."

>Tilt your sweet hat in a cool way, because that's what sweet hats are for.
>"Also, do you have a flashlight or something? It's kind of dark."
> You attempt to tilt your hat, but it's lack of a brim makes it seem like you just can't wear it properly.
> "Oh, sorry about that, but I don't.  Cat eyes and all that, I can see just fine.  You can see the trail right?  Just follow that, not much down here besides rocks."
> You look down and finally see that she does indeed have a cat-like tail.  In fact, she has two of them, like Chen.  Having one might be annoying, but two?  And that Ran person had nine, and they were huge!  Wow.

>"What would happen if the fires went out, anyways? Because if it's not terrible tragic, maybe you could get a new job?"
>Wish fervently for some water.
> "Oh, riots.  Like, immediately.  The fires provide power for the Underground and Youkai Mountain, and maybe some other places.  One of the things powered is the oni sake distillery.  Fire dies and the distillery can't run.  Ever seen a sober oni?  It's not pretty, and if there wasn't any sake in the entire village?  I can't even imagine what they would do.  And then there's the Kappa, and the Tengu, and we'd probably even get it from the Shrine.  Above all else, the fires can never go out!"
> "I...can't really leave though, Satori's my master.  She's Okuu's master as well, she's really the only person Okuu is patient with.  I can't leave Satori, and none of her other pets can collect fuel as efficiently as me."
> If only you had a canteen of water from the Kappa Village.  Damn that was some good water.
> ...
> OH WAIT!  You shove your hand in your bag and triumphantly produce your canteen, proceeding to drain nearly the entire thing into you mouth.  Ah, how refreshing.
> Orin chuckles at your spectacle.  "A little thirsty huh?  It is pretty hot down here, especially if you're not used to it."
> You feel the trail finally start to move upwards.  You wonder where exactly you are anyway.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2010, 07:41:56 PM »
>Yay remembering things after being beaten senseless!
>"I suppose that's right out. Have you ever tried shouting back?"


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2010, 07:53:49 PM »
> Add quest 'All Work and no Play': Find a way to make Okuu less witchy (I have a no swearing thing)

> Thank Orin for her help, now lets get out of here

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2010, 08:29:29 PM »
>Yay remembering things after being beaten senseless!
>"I suppose that's right out. Have you ever tried shouting back?"
> Hell yeah!  But you remembered how much you have to do today.  Oy vey.
> "She doesn't really give you a chance to speak, and she'd just get louder.  She's also a lot stronger than me, but she's never tried to attack.  She knows how valuable I am to what she's trying to do, but I'm just not perfect.  I can't be."

> Add quest 'All Work and no Play': Find a way to make Okuu less witchy (I have a no swearing thing)
> Thank Orin for her help, now lets get out of here
> Seriously, how can someone be so stuck up?  Oh well, it's not like you to leave a pretty girl hanging!
> You thank Orin and set off ahead of her.  in short order, you kick a stalagmite and hurt your foot, ouch.
> "I thought you said you couldn't see where you were going?  We've got a long way to go, so just walk with me."
> You fall in back behind Orin and look up the path.  There's a light resembling a doorway quite a ways up, but aside from that it's just black.  You follow the trail as it turns up a switchback, no wonder you missed it.
> "There's quite a lot of these, makes it so I don't lose the cart."



  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2010, 08:34:17 PM »
> Follow Orin

> "So, I was wondering, was she always like that?"

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2010, 08:50:19 PM »
> Follow Orin
> "So, I was wondering, was she always like that?"
> You follow Orin as the two of you continue to climb up the trail.  How much climbing have you done today?  Regardless, you're going to have some MANLY thighs and calves by the time you're done.
> "Actually, not really.  When she first started off we were great friends still and had a blast.  Then she began to get deeper and deeper involved in her work and push for only perfection.  She also started to develop the superiority complex, which just built and built until those humans set her straight.  She's been like this for an incredibly long time though, so long that I wonder if the old Okuu is still there."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2010, 08:58:43 PM »
>"You know... if the fires went out, would you get blamed, or would she?"

Thata no Guykoro

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Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2010, 03:35:50 AM »
>Examine Quests
>Examine Inventory
>Examine Feet


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2010, 07:03:34 AM »
> "Who were does humans and what would they be doing sown here in the first place?"

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2010, 08:04:43 AM »
>"You know... if the fires went out, would you get blamed, or would she?"
> "That's a tricky question.  As far as the oni are concerned, anyone in this house is responsible for creating the power.  So, once they start to riot they're just going to come tearing through here.  Unfortunately, this would put Satori and me as the first line for them to push through.  While we're strong, the oni would eventually push through us.  Even then, they may not find the entrance to the Blaze or even make it to Okuu, and she's stronger than me and Satori combined.  It would almost guarantee death for at least one of us, there's no way we can let the fire go out."

>Examine Quests
>Examine Inventory
>Examine Feet
> Your Quests are:
> A DELIVERATOR MUST DELIVER!  IT IS HIS DESTINY!  You currently have no required packages to deliver.
> Fu you gonna call?
> Nitori made some strings for a ghost, and now you have to find her.
> Your self-designated Quests are:
> All work and no play
> Okuu has been unreasonable with Orin, perhaps you can find a way to calm her down?
> Your Inventory contains:
> GDC uniform
> Standard issue for all Deliverators, fairly utilitarian.
> Sweet Hat
> A rather unique hat from Kourindou, you'd never seen one like it before.
> Courier bag
> One strap is all you need to lug around parcels
> Manifest
> List of the packages you are required to pick up and deliver today.
> Wallet (7,400 yen)
> Made from tape, slightly sticky
> Knife
> Basic folding knife
> Canteen
> Can hold about 2 liters of water
> Hard roll
> Sustenance!
> Bottle of Green Hair Dye
> The text is in a foreign language, but you can tell it's green dye.  Belongs to Sanae
> Chen's puzzle
> Tavern puzzle made by Chen, consists of two interlocking nails, unsolvable.
> Strings for Lunasa
> Nitori asked you to give these to Lunasa for her violin, they appear ordinary.
> Master Grade Gundam?
> White box with "Master Grade Gundam" written on the side
> Momiji's Tokin
> Traditional red Tengu hat, a gift from Momiji
> Mokou's Ribbon
> Resists fire, currently tied around left sleeve
Your feet are currently in your shoes, which are black and made from leather.  It would probably not be a good idea to remove your shoes down here since you wouldn't be able to see anything.  Luckily, they are quite comfortable.  You feel you could walk all day in them!

> "Who were does humans and what would they be doing sown here in the first place?"
> You stumble over your words, but Orin answers anyway.
> "There was a witch and that other shrine maiden, not the one from the mountain.  They also had some youkai with them: the witch had one of the kappa with her, as well as the weak one that's friends with the troll, and one other one that looked human but used puppets; the shrine maiden had an oni, a rather spazzy tengu and, er, that really important youkai.  She's been down here before for dinner.  Yukari-denka or something like that.  They whupped up on Okuu, but she bounced back after only 2 days though."
> The two of you continue your climb.  You judge yourself to be about halfway through when Orin informs you that there's not much more to go.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2010, 08:11:08 AM »
>"I guess Satori can't help even with all her mindreading?"
>"You said there was a time before she got all that power, right? Was she still running the fires back then, or is this a new task?"


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2010, 10:21:52 AM »
> Hey, didn't we deliver the green hair Dye?

> Hmmm, maybe they could beat some sense into her again

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #47 on: July 24, 2010, 03:54:32 PM »
>"I guess Satori can't help even with all her mindreading?"
>"You said there was a time before she got all that power, right? Was she still running the fires back then, or is this a new task?"
> "Help with what exactly?  Okuu usually plays the sweetheart as son as Satori shows up at the Blaze, which isn't often.  I suppose that if she stayed far enough back she might be able to witness something.  What are you thinking?"
> "The fires have been running as long as I can remember, but back then we only had enough to power the distillery, and maybe a little bit extra.  With Okuu discovering the nuclear power, she was able to produce much more, and picked up powering the rest of what we do."

> Hey, didn't we deliver the green hair Dye?
> Hmmm, maybe they could beat some sense into her again
> You did deliver it, and then a gust of wind knocked the box over and a bottle rolled out the door, but Sanae shut the door before you could return it.
> You ponder this, but Orin seems rather apprehensive about anything involving getting physical with Okuu.
> You continue up the trail, the grade having gotten much steeper.  Orin seems to have no trouble pushing the cart even with the steepness.  "Just a little bit left."



  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2010, 04:00:13 PM »
> "Well, I can't think of anything right now that would help you, but maybe I might find something on my deliveries?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2010, 04:04:13 PM »
>"Well, I can't think of anything right now that would help you, but maybe I might find something on my deliveries?"

>Never give up! Never surrender!
>"Well, she's pretty good at catching unconscious thoughts, right? So, just say something when she's around Satori that will get her thinking about things she did. Say you're not doing all that well at supper, maybe?"


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2010, 04:11:34 PM »
(eh, go with Purvises, I don't think I did [whats his name?] justice)

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2010, 04:54:06 PM »
> "Well, I can't think of anything right now that would help you, but maybe I might find something on my deliveries?"
>Never give up! Never surrender!
>"Well, she's pretty good at catching unconscious thoughts, right? So, just say something when she's around Satori that will get her thinking about things she did. Say you're not doing all that well at supper, maybe?"
> You consider throwing in the towel, but remember that you are a MAN!
> "Hm, that might be a possiblity.  We don't eat together very often, and Okuu usually stays down at the Blaze, but she's not one to refuse dinner.  I'll talk to Satori, she should probably be able to get a nice dinner ready for tonight."
> The grade begins to level off, and the light is becoming brighter.  "Almost there, you seem to be doing better.  How do you feel?"



  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #52 on: July 24, 2010, 04:57:25 PM »
> "I'm still a bit sore but I can take it, quite good for someone who should be considered dead huh?" Smile jokingly at her

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2010, 05:13:57 PM »
> "I'm still a bit sore but I can take it, quite good for someone who should be considered dead huh?" Smile jokingly at her
> "Yeah, I guess you could say that, ha.  At least you're doing better."
> You go around a final switchback and see a doorway filled with light ahead.



  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2010, 05:23:30 PM »
> "So, uh, are you sure Koshi is restrained?"

> We definitely need to learn how to Danmaku use spell cards

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2010, 05:56:38 PM »
> "So, uh, are you sure Koshi is restrained?"
> We definitely need to learn how to Danmaku use spell cards
> "No way to know, but probably.  Satori wastes no time in taking care of Koishi, but Koishi doesn't usually act that quickly.  You should be fine."
> Yes, you definitely need more research.  There's still several people you've been told to speak to about it. 
> You're almost at the door now.  Orin pushes onward. 



  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #56 on: July 24, 2010, 06:01:02 PM »
> Hmm, Marisa might be a good choice for a teacher

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #57 on: July 24, 2010, 06:08:46 PM »
>Walk along.
>"Yeah, I think the dinner idea ought to do it."
>"Actually. That might not even be necessary. Is it even possible to lie to Satori?"

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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  • 真っ青な 光 包まれて奇麗
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #58 on: July 24, 2010, 06:13:58 PM »
> Hmm, Marisa might be a good choice for a teacher
> Indeed, she's probably the most knowledgeable after Reimu about the subject.  Although Sanae is supposed to know a lot as well, and you've still got a bottle of her hair dye.  Then there's the maid of the vampires, who's supposedly a human, and you could talk to her about your knife situation.  Or the half-human Netherworld gardener.  Oh, and you still have two more deliveries to make before you're done, and you have to still deliver Lunasa's strings.  And you have some rewards to pick up.
> Luckily, it's not even lunch time, but you could use a little something to eat.  You remember passing a yakitori stand in the Forest of Magic earlier.
> Ugh, so much to do.
> Orin exits the doorway and you follow behind to find yourself in an earthen room, looking remarkably like the Palace of Earth Spirits.  Perhaps you never left?

>Walk along.
>"Yeah, I think the dinner idea ought to do it."
>"Actually. That might not even be necessary. Is it even possible to lie to Satori?"
> You follow Orin as you walk through the room.  The room is empty save for a ramp on the far wall reaching to upper floors.  Orin sets the cart down and stretches her back.
> "I'll talk to her about it, it's been a while since we've had a nice dinner like that, I'm sure Satori would be willing to host it."
> "Hm?  I'm not exactly sure.  She's not a lie detector and she can only read minds.  If you lie to her but think about the truth in order to change it then she'll catch you, but if you talk to her and only think about the lie, then she won't be able to tell with any certainty whether or not it's a lie."
> Orin licks her lips.  "Mind if I have some of that water?"



  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Deliverator: 30 minutes or less! (Restart)
« Reply #59 on: July 24, 2010, 06:21:28 PM »
> "Yeah sure, here you go" Give the canteen to her

> "Thank you for your help, uh, do you know which way is it to the exit?"

> Did we finish that debate with Satori?