Author Topic: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!  (Read 343207 times)

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #240 on: February 02, 2012, 12:57:03 PM »
Lunasa cuz she has a violin
I'd say go for Yukari - she's supposed to be good at maths, so logic and deduction isn't a huge stretch.

Ibaraki Ibuki

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #241 on: February 08, 2012, 02:19:29 PM »
I did consider writing a Touhou fanfic based on the short stories or the 2009 film; it's nice to see someone who has a similar idea. (Personally, if I were to write my fanfic, I'd set the story in the Meiji or Taisho era, but setting it in the present makes your work a lot easier.)

My suggestions for Holmes -- Watson pairings:
  • Yukari -- Ran/Reimu
  • Yuyuko -- Youmu/Youki
  • Eirin -- Reisen
  • Patchouli -- Koakuma
  • Marisa -- Alice (a more "bohemian" pairing)
  • Sanae -- Reimu or Reimu -- Sanae (the choice for Watson would probably depend on whom you think has more common sense)

My suggestion for the location of "221B Baker Street": Kyoto, though Tokyo or Osaka are better substitutes for London.

I'd also like to suggest including Aya or Hatate as a journalist character. As far as I know, Doyle didn't have Holmes interact with the press very much, so a newspaper reporter would be a nice addition. (And having Aya harass interview the other characters may help prevent writer's block or boost word count a la ninjas invading 221B Baker Street.)

That's all from me, but I'm wondering if you have planned expies of Mycroft, Lestrade, or the Baker Street Irregulars? (Cirno and co. might fill that last role.)
Some of Master's sayings:
Nothing happened, but that's still an extra.
Yesterday was not special; tomorrow will be.
Strange and romantic is the fate.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #242 on: February 09, 2012, 11:11:52 AM »
Mycroft would be Yukari (lazy but more intelligent than the Holmes-expy), and Lestrade would be Marisa (actually good at what she does, but just isn't like the Holmes-expy), but the Baker Street Irregulars would be chosen at my discretion, because I have no idea who they should be. Cirno would be their leader, for sure.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #243 on: February 14, 2012, 09:37:03 AM »
Honestly homes makes me think of Akyu.
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #244 on: February 14, 2012, 09:56:35 AM »
Honestly homes makes me think of Akyu.
Why did I not think of this.  :o Although, Akyu doesn't strike me as someone who would do all sorts of crazy things just to accomplish something. Then again, I'm making an AU of an AU. That could work, too.  :V

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Ibaraki Ibuki

  • The Forum Fool
  • Happy Horned Hermit
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #245 on: February 14, 2012, 02:13:44 PM »
Honestly homes makes me think of Akyu.
I tend to think Akyuu is more Watson than Holmes (since both of them are writers). Though if Akyuu is Holmes, Keine would be an obvious choice for Watson. (But try to surprise me. :))
Some of Master's sayings:
Nothing happened, but that's still an extra.
Yesterday was not special; tomorrow will be.
Strange and romantic is the fate.


Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #246 on: February 14, 2012, 08:50:11 PM »
A good Holmes-Watson pairing I've heard of is Ichirin and Shou;
Shou = Holmes
Ichirin = Watson.
My friend told me about this, and I have to say it's quite an interesting one. I can honestly say I've never seen a kind of pairing like that.

Although, someone told me Nue and Mamizou would also work in that area, whichever way round. Not sure why  :V

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #247 on: February 28, 2012, 11:57:09 AM »
I have this uncanny knack for never getting to start on ideas. I'm going to shelve the whole Touhou x Holmes thing for a while and bring out something new.

Touhou and Paper Mario 1.

Of course, this won't put paper!Mario in the Touhou world. I have in mind Lady Bow, though. Just a simple "I got dumped in another world and I have to find a way out" plot, except for the fact that Bow doesn't actively try to find a way out, nor does she care at all. Will also feature Yuyuko (she's a ghost) and Remilia (same personality?) just to see how well I can contrast their personalities. This will mostly be a series of slice-of-life one-shots.

Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated. BUT I NEED THE COMMENTS OTL

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #248 on: March 01, 2012, 07:53:54 AM »
I'm thinking about doing a TohouxAvantasia crossover, But replacing Lugaid and some other characters with thouhou characters. And of course Avantasia will be replaced by Gensokyo. There are other things that I'll have to explain
like how does a character from current Gensokyo goes to the 17th century Europe and vice-versa.
This will be my first serius attempt at storytelling and I'm not sure of how it's going to turn out :ohdear:

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #249 on: March 02, 2012, 04:02:41 AM »
You know, half those characters were alive in the 17th century, and a number of them were probably in Europe at the time. Remilia and Flandre Scarlet were probably there when it happened.

Gensokyo is also fairly easy to explain if you take liberties with the canon. You are allowed to assume Gensokyo as it is existed in 17th century Europe, and even ignore things from canon that contradict the story you want to tell. Likewise for the Avantasia world/plot (admittedly, I am not particularly familiar with that canon, and only looked it up in response to reading your post). This is because the world you write doesn't have to be exactly the same as the world you're basing the story on.


  • B-but you haven't promoted me yet!
  • Thanks Aoshi for the avvy! :3
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #250 on: March 02, 2012, 05:34:43 PM »
I think I have most of it sorted out.

Patchouli is in the 17th century Europe trying to retrieve a book that the church stole from the one that she borrowed to (She managed to get there after casting a time warping spell she read of in one of her books). She is cougth and then sent to the prision where she is locked until Gabriel (the main character, a dominican novice) is also sent there. The high-ranks of the monastery take the book to the pope, who has a plan to seal the land ilumination (Gensokyo).  After that they escape but its too late to retrieve the book as the book is already in the pope's hands and so she must send Gabriel to Gensokyo. She does that using a spell that separates his mind from his body, and he appears in current Gensokyo with a body that is the projection of his mind (Kind of like Maribel, but he comes from the past and not the future) at the same time that the pope and his companions. There he meets with Marisa and Reimu who explains the situation and ask him to get the book back.

I won't give much more detail because I have just summed up half the story :V

Nat Tea

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #251 on: March 20, 2012, 07:58:57 AM »
A simple request: A good title for this concept.

After running away from their hometown due to plans of it being militarized for the war, the Komeiji sisters take on a simple assignment to harvest Metatron, a highly valued ore with energy emitting properties which sells for a very high price in the market. They embark in their LEVs (manned robots, essentially) and search for the ore when Satori finds something of extreme value buried deep inside the earth: an abandoned Orbital Frame (an advanced version of an LEV that uses the aforementioned Metatron as a power source) codenamed "Janus". Unfortunately, a small squad of authorities soon find them and with the sisters mining without a license, the two are branded as criminals. Of course, the worst crime they decide to commit in front of the police is getting in the Orbital Frame and making a hasty escape with what could probably be top secret technology they were never supposed to have. In their reluctance to become involved in the war, the Komeijis now have the tool that could end the war, but which side would they take, the side of the Earthlings (the ones who decided to stay on Earth, with the Witches of Four led by Byakuren) or the side of the Enders (the ones "at the end of civilization" that decided to leave Earth and go beyond to find new resources, with the Meliorists led by Miko)?

Was going for "Iris Drops: Depths of the Peerless Consciousness" but sounds weird.

okay I'm done rewriting it, it should look a lot better now, help please okay thanks <3

also rdj doesn't have anything to do with it :clapclap:

UPDATE: Never mind, I found a name that works! Disregard this post.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 07:46:15 AM by Nat Tea »
Horie dorie~
Pixiv: / PSO2: Choja (Ship5) / 3DS: 3496-9942-9472 / PSVITA: choja206 (English) / chojahiragawajpn (Japanese) / Cosplays: Koishi Komeiji, Kogasa Tatara
Tumblr contains cooking and cosplay. Twitter contains me retweeting everything.
I draw but I do not use artist title. I also write, but I have been inactive lately. I want to get better at those things and more!


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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #252 on: June 20, 2012, 02:28:50 PM »
A girl who, during her period, becomes a pile of sweetness as opposed to a pile of rage.

A guy admiring an extremely hot black lady, thinking to himself "that's negro sex on legs, right there.".

A Blackanese love interest!

Realistic depictions of xenophobia in various countries.

Awkward moments of a guy who gives blacks special treatment because they're black. "Here, take my seat. Because you're black, and thats awesome." "Hey, don't be a dick to him! He's blacker than you!" "I wish I was black as him."
(I tried this out back in middle school. I got instant respect from everyone XD I lived in a place where creative racial humor is praised)

A sweet girl who admires all skin tones. When she sees an attractive person, she thinks "thats such lovely light/dark skin he/she has". This girl is as quirky as a shoujo manga character :3
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 02:31:42 PM by TERMspeon »

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #253 on: June 25, 2012, 04:51:22 PM »
I need somebody to review this scene, no, the full thing isn't coming out any time soon, but yeah  :derp:

(I take it this is the right place to post it, right?  :ohdear:)


Below the full moon night came the great flower garden, flowers, flowers as far as the eye could conceive, all of them calmly moving the quiet night's wind.

There was a single Youkai, a flower Youkai, whose name was known to anybody with any sort of knowledge in Gensokyo, she was the very reason none dared venture inside the garden - Yuuka Kazami.

Though the Youkai stood proudly in the middle of her garden, open umbrella in hand, tonight, she was restless, not because she wanted to kill - her most favorite hobby - not because she hadn't left her garden in a few days...

"Hello there." Came a voice from behind, the youkai smiled, that was the very reason she felt so restless, the presence of that very person in her garden... No, in Gensokyo made her smile.

She looked back, seeing the very floating form of a woman she had longed to see again, for many, many reasons, the characteristic staff and long green hair... Nobody could ever forget her.

"Long time no see." Yuuka replied, "Mima."

"It's certainly been a while, hasn't it?" The ghost asked, smiling almost sadistically at her old friend, "I can see you still haven't grown bored of Gensokyo."

Reaching for her umbrella, she spoke "Who would?" she asked, closing the umbrella silently, and turning back to her friend. "Gensokyo is such a marvelous place... I doubt anyone could become bored in here."

"True enough I suppose."

Yuuka raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were sealed away?" a small laugh, "Was even the power of the Great Hakurei Maiden not enough to keep you down?"

She sighed, "As much as I hate to admit it, Ai was strong enough that I wouldn't be able to break the seal myself, even if I tried." Mima replied, looking at the moon at the tip of her staff with disappointment, "I had... External help."

"I can even guess who it was." Yuuka laughed, "I knew that man was trouble the moment I saw him."

"Well, I guess you do know about him, so let's cut to the chase, shall we?" the ghost said, turning back to Yuuka, "He let me go, but on a timer, I have only one month to cause as much chaos in Gensokyo as I possibly can." she continued.

"Really, can such a man impose such things on you?" Yuuka frowned, "Unfortunately, yes." Mima replied.

"Though he broke the seal, my physical soul belongs to no world now, in truth, I should fade away, no nirvana, nothing, just fade away." Mima started, "However, through a certain magical stone, that man - or should I say, his friend - managed to give me a one-month timer on this world, and he has proven that he can put me here indefinitely."

"I did not expect him to have the Philosopher's Stone." Yuuka inquired, grinning. "Sometimes, I forget you're as great of a magician as I am." Mima laughed.

"So I come to you, to help me with this little endeavour, I hope Gensokyo has not softened you to the point of leaving your sadistic ways, hm?"

Yuuka smiled, "It will be my pleasure."


Something in this scene doesn't feel quite right to me... Help?


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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #254 on: July 01, 2012, 12:38:16 AM »
Sacchi, it sounds like you might want to grab a beta reader. Maybe PM a friend to see if he wants to take a peek and give some commentary. I'm afraid there's not much I can review from just a single scene, but I can tell that this can become a rather interesting story if you're willing to expand your concept. Considering its open ended nature (Two green-haired sadists doing whatever sadists do :V), I'd suggest stretching it to the most logical extreme. There's good potential for lots of comedic sociopathy here. I'm not too familiar with Touhou in general (new here), but I'd be willing to review your concept if you elaborated on it. Just don't ask me to beta it, I'm not familiar with the community (yet).
As the ancient myth makers knew, we are children equally of the earth and the sky. The sky calls to us. We can enhance life and come to know the universe that made us, or we can squander our 15 billion-year heritage in meaningless self-destruction. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars.

The cosmos is full beyond measure of elegant truths; of exquisite interrelationships; of the awesome machinery of nature. When he found that his long cherished beliefs did not agree with the most precise observations, he accepted the hard truth to his dearest illusions.

Forte Blackadder

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #255 on: July 20, 2012, 02:41:17 PM »
I'll put this one here... TouhouxDiablo 3

Act I:
Sakuya, a Demon Hunter who received an order to travel to Tristram, investigating the horror created by a fallen star. She then met Momiji, a dutiful captain, Alice, a mysterious girl and Yuugi, the infamous Barbarian. After knowing the disappearance of Alice's mother, Eirin, Sakuya and Yuugi decided to help. With the agility of the Demon Hunter and the strength of the Barbarian, they found Eirin quite easily far below the Cathedral. Eirin was grateful and told them the truth that she was only Alice's adopted mom. She also explained the truth behind the fallen star: An angel had come to fulfill the destiny of Earth, where Heavens fight against themselves and the Lords of Hell rise.

Eirin believed that three strongest Evils, Diablo, Mephisto and Baal were trapped inside a jewel. And now the other Lords: Andariel, Duriel, Beliah and Azmodan were moving to reclaim it. The jewel was not only the prison of the three Evils, but also a fusion machine that can mix the Evils together to revive the Dark God: Tathamet. Upon hearing this, Sakuya and Yuugi agreed to help Eirin track the jewel so it can be destroyed once and for all. However the first step they needed was to find the Angel, fallen far under the cathedral. The only way to advance was through the cursed tomb of Princess Toyosatomimi.

Princess Toyosatomimi was a noble, decent prince who adored her country. However, she was so open-minded that she tried to convert all religions into one. This act created a great conflict that ended in her breakdown. Princess Toyosatomimi, after getting bashed from everyone had finally gone mad. She stated that there was no need to argue over theories, people could find their answers upon death. Yes, she killed everyone. The massacre only ended when a powerful monk appeared and defeated the mad princess. She then was sealed exactly below the Tristram Cathedral.

Surpringly enough, the monk was still alive and kicking asses after all those years. Eirin deliberately asked her to come over along with Sakuya, the 'Knight of Nights' and Yuugi, the 'Deva of Strength' to stop this madness. The monk was the 'Lotus Fist', Byakuren.

Following Eirin's instructions, Sakuya, Yuugi and Alice arrived to the Cemetery of the Forsaken. In there, they met Byakuren who was swiftly exorcising the rising dead back to their graves. Though nearly a hundred years old, Byakuren looked young and delicate. She only said that delicious food was the key. After an hours searching the crypts, they found the crown of Toyosatomimi's, and quickly returned to the Cathedral.

The tomb was full with ghosts and the princess' nightmare, but Byakuren's mantra managed to keep the party's sanity when they moved forwards. Not long, they arrived at the chamber. Byakuren placed the crown onto Toyosatomimi's head, then the princess woke up. She revealed that they can descend to the fallen star through a hidden passage, but she'd only open it after Byakuren admits defeat and kills herself. Failing to comprehend, the party beat Toyosatomimi to death and went down the stairs. They later found an unconscious woman laying on the shattered ground.

After being nursed back to health by Eirin, the woman found herself having an amnesia, thus forgot who she was and what her purpose in here. The only memory she had was a broken sword. Momiji then rushed in, announcing that a group of crazy cultists had appeared. They seemed to know the dark arts and occupied of the Fields of Misery. The party took this as a new mission.  When clearing the area, Alice noticed a metal shard glowing from the ground and surrounded by some high-classed looking cultists. Sakuya quickly disposed them and took the shard. When the Angel saw it, she remembered her name was Mokou.

Sakuya recalled the cultists was calling a name of "Beliah" when she finished them off. Eirin explained that name belonged to the Lord of Lies, one of the inferior Hell Lords that were trying to take the Evil Jewel. She also said that this Lord had built a dangerous cult and gave the leadership to a ruthless girl. This girl often resorted to violence than speechcraft, and had a base in Wortham. The party travelled there without rest, and found the village was burning. At the Center, they confronted Suika, the Drunken Fist, rival of Yuugi back in the Barbarian Clan, and also the leader of the Beliah Cult. Suika was indeed drunk and spitting out all nonsense, so Yuugi had to hit her. But that was all a substitute. The real Suika had gone to New Tristram!

When the party returned, They witnessed Mokou's capture. Most they could do was reclaiming the Angel Sword, fixed by Suika herself to kill Eirin.

Alice cried much even after the funeral, but she was a strong girl. They swore to avenge and expel the Evils from this land. They took Suika's challenge and went to the Hall of Agony. The adventure was a tough one with much madder cultists preparing to fight to the death. But at long last, in the Chamber of Suffering they opposed Suika once again.

The match was an one-on-one between two Barbarians, and Yuugi bested the Drunken Fist. Suika's head was put on a spike near Eirin's grave, and Mokou was saved. When she grabbed the sword, the angel showed herself in a radiant light. She regained her memory and knew exactly what the next step was: Beliah in the Borderlands.

Act II:
The Borderlands was a huge desert that existed a country, ruled by the young Queen Tewi. The kid had always been lying, joking, teasing people since birth. Mokou suspected that she could be Beliah in disguise, or at least had some connection. But to meet the Queen is out of question, the party had to gain reputation first and right away they were given a quest from the Chansellor Keine: destroyed the hidden bases of Beliah Cultists lurking in the desert.

On their way, they met a mysterious beauty, who claimed to be a wizard from the East by the name of Yukari. This woman stated that she can lead the team to the cult. Suspicious, Sakuya secretly sent a request on this woman to the HQ. Yukari indeed helped them found the bases and destroyed them easily, but refused to tell them her identity until they defeat all the Evils. Later that night, Sakuya received a telegram saying that there was only one wizard by the name of Yukari from 500 years ago.

The city celebrated the heroines' success, but the Queen didn't come. Alice went to the palace by herself and got captured. Sakuya and Byakuren tried to rescue her and met Tewi, the Queen revealed herself to be another leader of the Beliah Cult, summoning the invisible monsters to attack the girls. They managed to escape to the sewer and saw the Queen again. Before they could attack, Tewi politely surrendered and asked for help, as she was under surveillance of Beliah and couldn't oppose the Lord. She told the party that the only way to defeat the Lords of Hell was using the Evil Jewel. The jewel could capture all evils' soul and mix them together. So as long as the owner didn't use them for the bad, the jewel would stay there and be able to destroy. Tewi knew a woman that understood the mechanic of the Jewel, and asked the team to find her. The name was Mima.

It was easy to find Mima in the Oasis above the end of the sewer. But there was a problem: she was dead. Her ghost boasted proudly that the jewel was hidden by her in her hidden chamber, and only with herself in flesh and bone, the passage would open. On their way, they also found a mysterious woman that claimed to be Eirin's sister, Yuuka. She was a powerful witch and having a conflict with Yukari about breasts and stuffs like that. Yuuka confirmed that she knew a way to revive Mima, as long as they find the body.

Fortunately Mima remembered where she was killed, so she was revived pretty easily after a huge deal with monsters and cultists. The chamber was opened, but turned into a trap. Mima laughed at everyone and said that the jewel was with them all along: the amulet that Alice was wearing. Now she was to get it and suck all the evil power of the Three Lords, becoming invincible and take over the world. Little did she knew the power of the team. So Mima was killed again and everyone went back to the city.

Here, they heard the echos of Beliah, demanding the jewel or the whole city would die. The Lord of Lies indeed lied, as poisonous meteors were falling all over the place killing everyone. Mokou, Yuuka quickly helped people to evacuate when the others advanced to the palace. There, they confronted Tewi yet again. The kid turned into a rabbit monster and gave everyone a hard time until Yukari found an opening to strike with her strongest nuke. Alice quickly took out the amulet and tried to capture the soul of Beliah, and she succeeded.

However, right when the team was about to relax, a shadow rushed in and stole the amulet. Sakuya, Yukari, Yuugi and Byakuren were injured during the fight, so they got beaten down by it. The shadow then, to everyone's surprises, was Eirin. She was Beliah.

Eirin revealed that she and Azmodan wanted to rebel against the Three Superior Evils, and Mephisto, Baal had broken free from the event of the Fallen Star. And now she would have to unite with the inferior Lords to prepare to fight. She also invited the defeated heroines to Mount Arreat, where the Lord of Sins was executing the grand plan. With that, she disappeared.

Act III and IV are here too, but the above is quite long already... not sure if anyone is interested :)

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #256 on: August 09, 2012, 05:51:40 AM »
Do you guys have any suggestions for a how to write danmaku fight scene?

Retsim Reklats

  • Her smile..
  • calms my heart..
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #257 on: August 09, 2012, 10:18:23 AM »
The Dark History of Touhou 1: Yakumo Yukari
- My theory about Yukari's background. I'm writing it now, but not gonna finish yet due to the continuation of Touhoumon, so, if anyone interests, feel free to take this.

The Countess Hearn, wife of the leader of a half-youkai-half-human noble family in UK, gave birth to a beautiful child, named Violetta Hearn.
In the congratulating party, there was the main rival of the Count: Ulick Norman Owen Scarlet, leader of the Vampire, who used the reason of "Finding the Successor of the Brunestud" to gather a great army to wage war with the human.
Violetta revealed her power as "gapping through space" and became a laughing stock of everyone, instantly labelled as a "third class youkai".

In her teen, Violetta went to the youkai school and met Layla Primsriver, who refused to go to Hogwarts for some reason. Layla was a modest, but naughty student, together with Violetta they messed up the school real bad. They became friends and Layla taught Violetta much about how to complicate simple stuffs, which honed Violetta's gapping ability to "beyond imagination".

Because of sickness, Layla passed away not long after they had their 17th birthday party. Mourning over her friend's death, Violetta ignored everything but studying dark magic, in order to bring Layla back. She found the possibility in the East.

At that time, a war broke out, and the Hearn Alliance defeated the Scarlet army with the death of the Count himself, the vampire was being hunted for years after that. Violetta, despite unreasonable fighting and her father's dream of peace, traveled to Japan. She then changed her name to "Yakumo Yukari".

There was a dark time in Japan also, when the youkai beasts were fighting each others to death, and Yukari came exactly at the time of the final battle: Kyuubi against Orochi. Yukari tried to kill both, but failed miserably and almost died. She was saved by a passing girl, who turned out to be the head daughter of a youkai-extermination family, Saigyouji Yuyuko.

Yuyuko had a very strong power, which forced her to be alone of all time, the only one that was with her was Konpaku Youki, a ghost swordmaster.
Together, Yukari and Yuyuko killed Orochi and captured Kyuubi. The nine-tailed fox was then brain-washed and became Yukari's shikigami, named Yamuko Ran.

Yuyuko had to sacrifice herself for the sake of her family, which was not approved by Yukari. A fight broke out in the backyard of the Saigyouji, Yukari killed most of the family, gapped Youki to another dimension but failed to save her friend. This event awakened Yukari's true power, and allowed her to bring the whole land to the Netherworld, where souls can form shape. In there, Yukari united with Yuyuko once again.

One day, while having a moon-viewing, Yukari asked Yuyuko if the moon was beautiful. Yuyuko said yes, and she joked that it'd be nice if Yukari can gift her the Moon. Yukari took it too seriously and gather an army, advanced to the Lunar Capital.

The Wakatsukihime at that time were too young to face a powerful youkai, and their leader was gone to Earth, for the tradition of letting the new-born princess travel around the Great Blue Planet. An urgent message was sent, and the leader had to hide the new-born princess in a bamboo forest, then got back to the Moon.

After a month of war, Yagokoro Eirin outwitted Yakumo Yukari completely and drew the youkai back to Earth. Yukari, too shamed of this defeat, didn't go back to Hakugyoukuro but instead traveled around Japan, finding her aim in life.

At that time, the youkai in Japan was being hunted by human, reminding Yukari of her family and her past, therefore she decided to rescue them all.
Joining force with the Hakurei, Yukari helped creating the Great Hakurei Boundary and isolated a huge land to be home of youkai, named Gensokyo.

Thus, the game began...

Pretty interesting  :3

I also have a theory regarding Yukari's background. But I consider this as a fanfic..  :D

Do you guys know about Lafcadio Hearn? I won't say about who he is. Go google it, the impact will be better.

So, there was a young man named Lafka (fictional character based on Lafcadio Hearn) who came to Matsue, Japan in 1890, five years after the creation of The Great Hakurei Border. This young man had the ability to manipulate boundary. Later he was known as the descendant from the Han Family which is stated in the wikia as one of the clans that can enter Gensokyo.

Upon his arrival in Japan, He accidentally met Suika and Yukari who were still gathering youkai to be invited to Gensokyo. Since he had the ability to manipulate boundaries, he could sense their presence and thus, the fated meeting took place.

At first Yukari and Suika were still uneasy about him so they cast him aside and ran back to Gensokyo. But eventually Lafka's power grown untill the moment he could enter Gensokyo by himself. He encountered Suika again, and was challenged in a game. He won and Suika somehow became his bodyguard due to the shame of losing.
Yukari suddenly became curious about Lafka after hearing that Suika had been defeated by him.

A bit of cliche, that curiosity eventually became love. But their world were different. So Yukari decided to end their relationship, knowing the fact that it would end up as a long life tragedy. Lafka then went back to the outside world, and continued his daily while still longing for Yukari (His story then follows the actual history of Lafcadio Hearn, untill the time when he changed his name to Koizumi Yakumo)

An here we are, it turned out that during their relationship, Yukari and Lafka had already been gifted by a child.
This child was named Maribel Hearn. After their parting, Yukari took care of Maribel.
Maribel was a half Youkai.

Lafka then died in 1904.
The story focused on Yukari and Maribel.
It was when the Great Hakurei Border weakened, for the first time in 1945 because of the WWII in the outside world. Spirits of the dead and the Youkai who were dead because of the nuclear bombing on the outside world caused an instability to the border. Long story short, Yukari sacrificed herself to maintain the border.
She passed on her will to protect Gensokyo to Maribel by dividing her into two different worlds and froze the time in Gensokyo.

After that, there were two worlds existed, one with Gensokyo (Imaginary) and one without (Reality). These two worlds that were created was actually one. The one which was on the verge of destruction because of the border weakening.
The story then went on following the teenage life of Maribel (who didn't remember who she was)
In the reality, she met Rin Satsuki.
In the imaginary she met Renko Usami.
(The story then follows the canon)

Maribel then lived her life untill the time she graduated from the college. Her past memory caught up to her.
She then realized about who she was and traveled back to 1,200 years ago (Both of her, Imaginary and Reality)
There, she met her other self and merge as one. Born as a full fledged Youkai. She also met her mother, Yukari who had been waiting for her. Explaining that it was her plan from the beginning. She had seen the future of Gensokyo and decided to do that. The Sage Youkai were also present there.
She was told that it was the time to merge the two worlds and save the real world.
However, to merge the world she had to sacrifice one of the world as a catalyst. Thus she was given two choices :
1. Save the world and Gensokyo (Sacrifices Rin Satsuki and the reality world)
2. Save only the world (Sacrifices Renko Usami and the imaginary world)

But suddenly Rin Satsuki offered herself to be sacrificed, declaring that she was a being created because of the the border weakening.
So, The choice 1 was chosen and all went back to the state of the world 1,200 years ago.
After that, Yukari vanishes and ascended as a Dragon God, watching over Maribel.

Maribel changed her name, Yukari Yakumo.
Yukari from her mother, and Yakumo from her father.

Then the game starts.

Pretty random, eh?  :V
This is still a scratch... I'm still developing it.
"Gensokyo welcomes all."

Art by : SilentSysteme
Generations, Borders, and Illusion.
A tribute fanfic for Yukari Yakumo and Maribel Hearn

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #258 on: August 11, 2012, 05:07:18 PM »
Do you guys have any suggestions for a how to write danmaku fight scene?
Being able to visualize is key. Watch some videos like this one or this one, and think about how you could describe the movements of the fighters and their danmaku and the environment around them.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #259 on: August 25, 2012, 06:58:40 AM »
Here's a little line of thought that grew into something odd over at another board I frequent. Figured you guys could probably make use of it in some way:

It started out like this:

Hmmm...there's a thought. What if gap-space is common for all Yukaris in every universe? As in, they gap stuff into the same place regardless of which Yukari from which universe goes it. A few may have even bumped into each other at some point...there could be an entire network of Yukari Yakumos out there.

Considering how inconsistent Yukari's attitude and motivations seem to be at times, it may even be plausible that the Yukari Reimu and the gang sees isn't the Yukari that originally came from their Gensokyo. They could very well be popping in and out of each others' Gensokyos for maximum trolling.

The Yukari Yakumo alliance. Dedicated to use their combined power and experience for the sole purpose of finding amusement in Gensokyo...every last Gensokyo.

Just a thought...

Couldn't we use this idea to explain Yukari's inconsistent eye color?

Then this:

Which prompted the mental image of Ran stepping into the dining room from the kitchen during dinner to find five or so Yukaris sitting at the table, all of them holding out bowls asking for refills.

Yukari manipulates the border of "Being Yakumo Yukari".

Which turned into this:
Yakumo Yukari, the Black and White Witch, stepped off her broomstick outside the gate to the Yakumo shrine, where the Shrine Maiden of Paradise, Yakumo Yukari, was taking a much needed break from sweeping the temple grounds to greet her arriving friends.

"So, Yukari," said the Black and White, "Noticed anything... Odd... recently? Anything... Incidenty?"

The Red and white, tapped her lip and hummed. "Hello Yukari. Well, since you're asking I'm assuming there's something. But I can't seem to recall anything."

"Absolutely nothing?" The Black and White insisted, with a slightly manic look in her eyes. "Nothing at all?"

"Hmmm... Well, maybe. Lemme check with Yukari." the Red-White said and turned to shout at the temple porch, where the Tiny Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, the Oni Yakumo Yukari, was resting. "Oi, Yukari! You notice any incidents recently?"

The Oni sat up drunkenly and waved dismissively, before slumping back down on her back.

The Red-white turned back to her friend. "Of course I noticed it! Geeze, what kind of nineball do you think I am?"

"Ah!" The Black White rubbed her head sheepishly. "I guess I was thinking maybe it was worse than it was?"

"Anyway, now that you're here, lets go. I think we both know who's behind this one."

"Right! This time it's Yukari for sure. And the best part is, even if it's not Yukari, it'll still be Yukari!"

"... You feel proud of having come up with that?"

"A little bit, yeah."

And then ended us as:

Obviously this ends up with a Gensokyo composed entirely of Yukari Yakumo taking on the roles of the regular cast.

Touhoukari: Where every stage is a Phantasm-level stage~!

Just imagine the faces on the Watatsuki sisters when they drop down to Eientei for the Moon Viewing Festival to visit Eirin and find everyone turned into Yukari Yakumo.

"I say, sister, have you noticed anything strange about this place?"

"You mean like how everyone is the same person?"


"What so strange about it." Said the elder sister.

"I don't know. I must have been confused for a moment there." said Yakumo Yukari.

"This will become the most awesome self-insert fic ever~"
-Yukari Yakumo, talking about her new story 'Highly Responsive to Yukari Yakumo'

All of which started because of a casual discussion about the likelihood of Maribel Hearn being past!Yukari before she became a youkai.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #260 on: November 07, 2012, 02:25:54 AM »
Am I allowed to post on something 3 months ago...? I did not see any rules on not being able to do this, so here goes...
I am not really a good writer, but writing is my hobby, so...

Please review my story plan...
[Original Story, with a few touches of Touhou, Fate/Stay Night and Card Games]

I used the SpellCard system as the main method of battle here.

魔法の聖戦 - Holy War of Magic

Get ready...

This story takes place in a place called Yakusoku, and it is connected with the real world. Many things that Humans refused to believe in ends up there, like Magic. As many of the denizens/citizens there have Magic, they use it in their daily lives, for convenience, fun, pleasure [for the heck of using it] or to settle anything hostile. Due to many of the
Denizens getting Magic, they devised a SpellCard system for SpellCard duels to constrain power and to settle all hostilities. All SpellCard duels will lock two parties in a bounded field, where a battle takes place with each party trying to kill each other in the bounded field. After which one party is killed, the bounded field closes and everything returns status-quo, with hostilities terminated and conflicts forcefully resolved by the outcome of the battle, with the winner deciding on what is to happen. To avoid barbaric combat, the SpellCard system is also used when fighting, where the two parties cast spells at each other.

The denizens/citizens of Yakusoku mostly age so slowly that nothing really much happens to their age, and Humans, with magic, can render themselves the same state as the denizens of Yakusoku, the Yousei, like how they can avoid eating and drinking and can even keep their aging under control and age at the same rate as the Yousei. Other abilities include being able to fly, etc, etc...

However, in every few decades, a Holy War (Seisen) breaks out to decide the next keeper of the Shrine of the G-o-ds. This is when SpellCard duels become vital to survival, as the losers of one will be killed off for real and the spirits be sent to the Land of the Dead, where they are left to wander forever. The winner, who will have killed off directly or indirectly 999 other competitors of the competition will have to gather the souls of the dead and offer them to the G-o-ds, henceforth becoming the Shrine Keeper and bestowed the power of the G-o-ds, at least until the next Holy War. All Yousei that are above 700 years old MUST take part in this war. They may also find partners from another world, and sign a contract with them, getting an advantage in terms of Magic and also, to incite Humans into participating, be granted 1 wish. Of course, at the end, if one is unable to defeat the previous Shrine Keeper... she shall die, and the souls offered to the g-o-ds to bestow power and recognition once more to the previous Shrine Keeper.

Our hero, a mundane boy by the name of Luluche Grants, age 16, gets a mysterious letter from a supposed boarding University in Japan, supposedly inviting him to the school to study due to his outstanding results and proficiency in Math and Science. He accepts, and on the plane flight there, he finds a elaborately designed card with a blank white space at the front of it when he received his lunch on the plane. Thinking that it was some sort of souvenir, he kept it.

When he reached the school, he was assigned to the dormitories. Feeling the school to be "odd" for being such an elegant structure that seems otherworldly, he attempts to adventure around the school. For some reason, the amount of people in school he saw kept decreasing... and decreasing... day by day... until day 4, where he suspected something was seriously wrong. All the students or teacher's that disappeared were all excused with similar excuses like "He is on Sick-Leave" or that "She has some family matters to attend to".

That night, coincidentally, he remembered his keepsake he got on the plane, and mysteriously enough, words in elegant cursive font appeared on the card: "If you are one who believes in Magic, and are the chosen for the Holy War... Hold onto this card and call your prayers. Henceforth, you shall be bound to the contract that will seal your life and death."

In curiousity, he did as he was told, and the scenery started to change... from gradually fading to black and then static... then to an old-fashioned brown and grey... and the walls started to break apart... and he arrived in a hall, with a circle-like Arena of sorts and the disintegrating walls culminating at the apparent ceiling of the hall in a spiral. Four elegant large windows were fixed into the disintegrating walls, and the grandeur was amazing. It was then he realised the bodies of countless students lying on the floor of the hall, collapsed, weak, and some ceased to be alive...

Well, I wanted it to start this way...

And then, they will find that actually, the "g-o-ds" were actually Humans who found their way into this world via a dimensional rift, and found the potency of the Magic here, and wanted to collect the souls of the living things here to fuel their research on the magic that lies within this souls, and extract it. They also found that Magic in Humans exist as well, thus they set up a so-called campus to select the most intellectually smart to collect their Magic, as Magic can only exist in this world, and they found that only Magic that has matured enough can be concentrated and extracted, and maintain its form, or it will just dissipate when extracted, which is non-recoverable. Also, they found that Magic Powers reached their height during Fights and War, thus they instigated the war.

As they knew that this world ran parallel with the "Real" World, they went to build a Shrine of sorts, then started playing g-o-d and incited them into a war using their newfound power and intellect, promising boundless power to the Shrine Keeper. Of course, this links back into the "real" world as well, when they attempt to merge both in order to be able to use Magic to take over the central government of the world in order to reign absolute, e.g. Dictatorship [The Humans that played god were people that were exiled by the country for committing a serious crime: They commenced the meltdown of a Nuclear Power Plant in order to cover their evidences of embezzlement and other humanitarian crimes, causing a huge part of Singapore to become unlivable for decades. They were ministers of the UN.].

Perhaps it might make a lot more sense if I wrote in the first chapter to both sides.

Chapter 0 [Alternate Reality]: The Prolouge to the Beginning - Ash Like Snow

Winter in Yakusoku was unbearable. The freezing wind bit into the lone girl walking along the now-deserted town square, devoid of the bustling life there once was. As she walked pass the Shrine of the Gods, she snarled. That Shrine is nothing but a figure of authority the gods have put here to control the Yousei, she thought. It was the case. The Shrine was built by a clan of chosen people called the "Shrine Keepers" who were nothing more than people after the power of the gods. When they were chosen, the gods bestowed them immense power and gave them free reign over the Yousei of Yakusoku. Just as she approached the end of the ancient stone-paved road she was walking on, she lifted her head, no more than a gesture of curiosity, to the luminous Moon, that radiant light, hung above in the heavens.

At that moment, the grand bell in the Shrine gave off a hollow, empty ringing sound that resonated through the whole of Yakusoku, from the mighty mountian ranges to the deepest of the Forests of Spirits. She merely so much as twitched as she turned around and saw a Yousei charge at her from behind. With a short chant, the card she held in her hand glimmered in the moonlight.

The radiance of the moon was the last sight the attacker saw.

"It's time. The Seisen has begun again."

The intricate dagger in her hand begun to fade away into nothing more than a glimmer of Stardust as she witnessed her defeated opponent fall limpedly to the hard, solid floor, the thud echoing through the air. The crimson-coloured ground soon faded back to the unforgiving shade of grey as the body of the life the girl had taken started to fade into the darkness. Looking back with so much a shred of remorse, she picked up the card beside the fading body.

"Count it on the misfortune of your birth."

The white snow was the last of the innocence that still existed of the girl, as she walked into the horizon, fading into the white darkness the snow created.

The ash that is snow.

Now, for the {Real World} side of the story:
Chapter 0: [REALITY] The opposite of a Lack Of Common Sense

The bedsheets were carelessly flung to the ground as a person awoke lazily. Reaching for his phone by instinct, the figer slid across the screen, silencing the alarm. Long, silky black hair flowed down said person's back, even lower than his shoulders were. As the hands rubbed the eyes, the vision of the room became clearer. The eyelids fluttered open as said person walked down the stairs. The stone-cold ground stung his feet, however he was used to the stinging sensation. Stumbling around the house, the hands finally found the knob of the washroom. Ambling in, the hands soon turned on the tap. The cool water rushed through his hands and he ran his wet hands over his face and hair.

The cold water is stinging, but at least it keeps me awake...

He did a quick wash-up, and primped himself in the mirror, slowly collecting his hair in his hands and tying them up with a ribbon. Reaching for the closet outside the washrooom, he changed into his perfectly creaseless uniform and affixed the school tie to complete the deed. Finding his student pass, he reached for the keys put conveniently at the side of the basin and walked out of the room. He was used to skipping breakfast and living on his own since his parents were dead in an accident 10 years ago. Glacing briefly at the photograph that was already yellow on the edges, he allowed himself as to so much smirk a little as he eyed his parents in the photograph. With a click, the door opened and he began his long journey to school.

Lefford Institution was the words that appeared on the collar-pin of Issu Ryuusei, as he stood outside the gates of the school. With his trademark smirk, Luluche was more than ready to hit him across the face, though he'd rather not, as it would only dirty his hands.

My my... isn't it my best friend Luluche-hime! Now, come here, my princess...
Shut up.
Why should I? Now, let me check your attire.
You being the student council leader does not make you not have to listen to me.

Luluche swallowed his rage as he bore with his friend fingering with his attire. He knew he was going to mess up his attire to get him in trouble again.

Well, well... no contraband items, no uniform mistakes... Just like a model student!

Allowing himself to twitch so much as in suprise, he replied in a manner with more annoyance than anger.

Now, will you let me pass?

Well, I would have... Issei counted under his breath... 1, 2, 3...Ding! You are late! Sorry, no can do.

Issei shrugged nonchalently, in such a way that Luluche almost wanted to unleash all his bottled-up rage on him right now.

At least three hours of talk was all was required of with the principal before he could regain freedom.

Now, I intend to tie in the two sides somehow, but yeah.
Can someone just give me an idea about how he got sent on a plane to that academy in the first place... I cannot figure...
Also, please help me... I am not sure where, but some parts of my plot does not make sense somehow... I just cannot pinpoint it...

And if you need the character list just gimme a shout. Thanks!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 08:38:43 AM by Ran-Rii »

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #261 on: January 07, 2013, 10:17:44 AM »
Hi everyone, i can see thing in here quite in heat. Anyway, though i'm new here, i'm not new to touhou stuff. So reading through 9 pages is well...silly (pun intended) so i though i post some of my idea here. I have a lot for myself actually, most of them are ongoing and none of them is done, but i say i'm quite proud of it.
This is two of my newest idea, my apologize if it seem familiar or look like any previous post.

I love Ruukoto and i though of a story to explain her absence in the later touhou game: the story go mainly like this:
After a while of living together, Reimu finally has spark a little love for Ruukoto, but thing just ain't go their way, a new incident happen i though it could be an ancient ruin that waking up after some kind of trigger and endangered Gensoukyou. Reimu and corp. now have Ruukoto together solve this incident, in the end, Ruukoto has to sacrifice herself because only her nuclear bomb could clear the entire ruin which is the only way to end this envasion. This story also explain why Reimu become emotionless and her motivation to create the spell card rule. For time line, it best around after mystic square or between DIm.Dream and lotucland story.

My other idea is well, Reimu and Marisa never get out of Makai, after the team successfully seal Makai forever, Yuuka die because of the seal, Mima have to seal the Grimoire of Alice with her Body, and the main couple become the seal themselves . Their body now preserve by the Makai God Shinki but their mind keep dreaming , and they dream about everything from The Red Mist incident to Seireisen.

These two are totally new and only the concept was done, i haven't even start writing anything of it yet.


  • Totally not dead, I swear.
  • I lied. Totally dead.
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #262 on: January 08, 2013, 12:43:43 PM »
All of my time spent doing mind-numbing things at work has given me plenty of time to dream up bits and pieces of different ideas... the execution of said ideas, however, is what kinda holds me back from actually putting them together into something cohesive. For example, I have a whole plotline that I've cobbled together of a Fallout crossover from the POV of a particularly unlucky merc spirited away to Gensokyo. Sure, it might sound a bit :V-inducing, but I swear it doesn't sound too bad in my head.
Steam | NNID: InfernalExuro | 3DS FC: [whoops my 3ds died] | FFXIV: Violet Nolansson [Gilgamesh]

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #263 on: January 22, 2013, 08:11:48 AM »
Hey there everyone. I've been writing fanfics for quite some time. I've decided that I want to write an official touhou fanbook .
Much in the way that Perfect Memento covers the characters themselves and Grimoire of Marisa Covered the spell cards, I want to write something that covers the items and treasures used by the girls. I've committed a lot of research into the subject. I'd like for you guys to take a look at the list. feel free to scrutinize it as hard as possible. I'd like for it to be as accurate as it can be. once the list is finalized, I'll start writing the book
Also, if anyone is simply curious about my new endeavor, feel free to ask whatever you want.

1)    Alice Margatroid-Shanghai
                                      -Goliath Doll
2)    Aya Shameimaru-Tengu Fan


3)    Byakuren Hijiri-Air Scroll of St. Nidou
                                  -Sorcorer's Sutra Scroll


4)    Chiyuri Kitashirakawa-Pistol (not too amazing but to see a pistol in gensokyo is quite rare)


5)    Eirin Yagokoro-Bow (fairly certain it has a name)
6)    Elly-Crooked Scythe
7)    Elis-practice wand


8)    Flandre Scarlet-Leavantein


9)    Hatate Himekaidou-Cell Phone Camera


10)    Iku Nagae-Shawl (fairly certain it has an actual name)
                            -Dress (fairly certain it has an actual name)


11)    Kaguya Houraisan-Dragon's Necklace
                     -Swallow's Cowrie Shell
                     -Hourai Branch
                     -Fire Rat's Robe
                     -Buddha's Stone Bowl
12)    Kasen Ibara- Maybe (her left are seems to hold some external ability to exterminate youkai. further research is nessesary)
13)    Kisume-Bucket (listed for sake of research, highly doubtful she?ll make it into the book at all)
14)    Koishi Komeiji-Thrid Eye
15)    Kanako Yasaka- Shimenawa
16)    Komachi Onozuka-Schyth of the Shinigami
                                           -Nice Boat


17)    Lunasa Prismriver-Viola
18)    Lyrica Prismriver-Keyboard


19)    Marisa Kirisame-Mini Hakkero
                                       -Vine Wand (she seemed to carry in TH2)

20)    Merlin Prismriver-Trumpet
21)    Minamitsu Murasa-Anchor
                                         -Hishaku purification Ladle
22)    Momiji Inubashiri-Sword (pretty sure it had a name)
                                          -Shield (pretty sure it had a name)
23)    Mononobe no Futo-Nice boat
24)     Meira-katana (highly doubt she?ll make the cut. Simply too little info on her)
25)     Mima- lunar septer


26)    Nazrin-Dousing Rods
                     -Dousing Prisms
27)    Nitori Kawashiro-Nionic AAAAAAARM
                      -Hisouten Soku(?)
                      -Optical Camouflage Suit

28)    Nue Houjuu-Seeds of non identification
                                 -Trident (could be the lodgelis spear. more research is required)
                                 -bow of yorimasa genzanmi


29)    Patchouli Knowledge-Grimoures
                                               -Philosopher stone


30)    Reimu Hakurei-Gouhei
                                    -Yin-Yang Orbs
31)    Reisen U. Inaba-Lunar Veil
32)    Remilia Scarlet-Gugnir (?)
33)    Rin Kaenbyou-Wheelbarrow (pretty sure it had a name)
34)    Rike-Magitanks
                 -Evil Eye Sigma

35)    Sakuya Izayoi-Knives
                                  -Luna Dial
36)    Sanae Kochiya-Gouhei
37)    Satori Komeiji-Third Eye
38)    Shikieiki Yamaxanadu-Rod of Remourse
39)    Shou Toramaru-Jeweled Pagoda of Bishotamon
                                      -Giant spear
40)    Suika Ibuki-Oni Binding Chains
                            -Ibuki Gourd
41)    Suwako Moriya-Moriya Iron Ring


42)    Tenshi Hinanawi-Sword of Scarlet Percetion
43)    Toyosatomimi no Miko


44)    Utsuho Reiuji-Yata Mirror 
                                  -Control Rod


45)     Youmu Konpaku-Hakurouken
46)     Yukari Yakumo-Umbrella
47)     Yuuka Kazami-Umbrella
48)     Yuyuko Saigyouji-Fans
49)     Yumeko-Throwing Swords (because knives just arent enough)
50)     Yuugi Hoshigami- Oni Binding Chains
                                          -Sake cup

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #264 on: January 23, 2013, 02:24:51 AM »
Are you including PC-98 characters? Because I'm confused seeing Chiyuri there but no Yumemi.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #265 on: January 23, 2013, 02:47:46 AM »
I don't know really. I I do want to include the 98 characters, but I'm uncertain how much hard research can be done on them. little is know of their personalities or even what Items they wield. I could certainly write about the ship she came in on. but to be honest, I've not been able to dig up too much about her "artificial magic" though it does stand to reason to be created by some scientific gadget or do-dad.
either way she is one who needs be revisited. and to answer your question, yes, I'd like very much to write about the PC98 characters provided enough info can be dug up.


  • Sister-Complex Kingpin of Steel
  • /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #266 on: January 23, 2013, 03:09:40 AM »
Has anyone heard of a "MST" or "spooning" of a fanfic? It's basically making fun of things, like a commentary. I was thinking of making one with some Touhou characters riffing fanfic requests or just fanfics I find. However, the main problem is...

Who are gonna be the main three?
The Fool: Idea, thought, spirituality, that which endeavours to rise above the material

Sagitta luminis

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #267 on: January 23, 2013, 04:44:32 AM »
Has anyone heard of a "MST" or "spooning" of a fanfic? It's basically making fun of things, like a commentary. I was thinking of making one with some Touhou characters riffing fanfic requests or just fanfics I find. However, the main problem is...

Who are gonna be the main three?
There are some pretty good trios that could be used. Some I can think of off the top of my head:
Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae (or Sakuya if you want to go more old school)
Kanako, Suwako, and Sanae
Aya, Hatate, and Momizi
Kaguya, Eirin, and Reisen (or Tewi)
Remi, Patchurry, and Sakuya
Tojiko, Futo, and Miko
Yuyuko, Yukari, and Youmu and/or Ran
Satori, Rin, and Utsuho
Yorihime, Toyohime, and Reisen II

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #268 on: January 23, 2013, 05:53:21 AM »
As far as the completeness of the list goes, does anyone see any holes to fill or additions to make? Things to edit or anything? Id like it to stand a bit of scrutiny before I go ti writing

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #269 on: January 23, 2013, 06:22:23 AM »
Has anyone heard of a "MST" or "spooning" of a fanfic? It's basically making fun of things, like a commentary. I was thinking of making one with some Touhou characters riffing fanfic requests or just fanfics I find. However, the main problem is...

Who are gonna be the main three?
I'm not really familiar with those but based on what you said and what I understood and assumed, I'll throw you the first trio came to me. Satori, Okuu, and Rin/Koishi.
You can use Satori with a running gag where she says what the author was thinking when he/she wrote that certain line you found hilarious, disgusting, etc.
A fanon moron like Okuu sounds nice for kicks like how she doesn't find anything wrong with this or that. Also Boke.
Rin seems like she'd make a good tsukkomi and having a "neutral" might be useful.
You can make Koishi someone who closed her third eye after "reading" too many lazy/ridiculous/weak fanfics.