Author Topic: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!  (Read 343281 times)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #120 on: February 10, 2011, 03:58:09 AM »
Question, Capt.

If you wrote something for yourself, with no audience to appeal to, what would you write? What could you write that would make you happy?

If you have an answer to that question, why the hell aren't you writing it?

Can’t think… Flames… burning… Ahahahahaha…Why can’t I die? And why does it make me feel so alive? Come on, burn! Burn to my core! It’s just. So. HILARIOUS! Am I some cosmic joke? Well I’m laughing now. I don’t know why. But the skin melting off my hands is just too funny! Ahaha… AHAHAHA! I must be mad. I don’t care anymore! I give in! I love this pain! I love the universe! It’s all one grand comedy, and I’m the star aren’t I? Ah, burns so bad, I can’t stop laughing! I can’t even feel my lungs, I’m not sure they’re there anymore, but I can’t stop now! Come on world, join me! Join me as I burn!

I found out later that I burned for a good month. Naturally, I’m not all with it after that. I still burn when I use fire, and it is funny. All the little people and youkai running around with their pointless problems, all of them doomed to the same fate. They’re all going to die. Except me. I came out on top against the universe. Still, it seems cruel to let their children be born. It’s better to have never been born than it is to die. And if I’m wrong, then I’m already too far along to turn back. The universe will make fools out of us no longer. Although if I do my charity, I’ll be the only one left I can laugh at.

Let’s start with this village. I was chased out of here before, and they’re in for a lesson. Ah, throwing flames burns so much. This is so much fun! I don’t think my hands are even there anymore! Come on, join in the merriment! Villagers scampering for their futile lives, mothers protecting their children. They can die by my hand, or they can die by nature, but they’re all going to die. Ha! They should be thanking me! This way, they can’t pass death to the future generations! Stop begging you whores, you’re the ones who brought those kids into the world! Though perhaps you don’t know your sin. If you knew, you’d be on my side! The smell of burnt flesh from myself and hundreds of others, it’s so refreshing! Can’t let any of them escape though. That would be cruel to the next generation of these maniacs.


Well, that's the beginning. Shoud I continue?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 05:37:25 AM by capt. h »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #121 on: February 15, 2011, 08:57:40 AM »
A completely bat-fucking-shit insane Mokou?
Yes yes yes a thousand times yes. But as long as you have two or three chapters to WHY she went insane. Tis no fun just jumping straight into the action, no?
Anyways. An idea just hit me for a short/story/shortstory after watching a youtube video.

The day Flandre and Marisa meet was true love at first sight, Right? Well, it was love indeed, it wasn't some sort of love between a husband and wife, It was moreso the love of a child meeting her long lost mother.

So many things reminded Flandre of her long lost (to death) mother, Whom looked almost EXACTLY like Marisa. Remi of course, Knew this as well, but she and Flandre are not directly sisters. They are moreso half sisters, with Flandre being adopted in without even knowing. Whenever Flandre thinks about Marisa as her Mother, She gets quite agitated. Almost enough to "KYUU" the whole damned mansion.

Remi decides enough is enough and kicks Flandre out of the mansion, weaving Flandres fate so that she'd be able to find true peace. After "KYUU"ing half the faeries at the lake and blowing off some steam, She decides to head into the Forest of Magic, meeting Marisa picking mushrooms. Flandre was under the illusion Marisa WAS her mother, But after Marisa convincing her she wasnt, Flandre then starts crying, Moreso the fact she has nowhere to go. Marisa sighs and takes her in, teaching her how to use her magic.

Flandre slowly grows and her ability isnt exactly exploding or "KYUU"ing things, It's moreso that she has a smaller power inside her. She can stop nerve's from signaling eachother, rendering someone unable to move the effected area until a set amount of time has passed. Flandre never thought of this power before, But her "KYUU"ing was actually her enlarging her opponents nerves, forcing magic into them, therefore making them implode. For things without nerves like plates, its really just her forcing magic into it.

Marisa slowly felt a growing attachment to the child, But was also secretly afraid she could die at any second...

How's that, Eh? I cant write stories for shit, but hell I've had this idea for so damned long. But hell, it feels good to get that out.


  • Youkai of the River
  • No, not that River
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #122 on: February 15, 2011, 04:10:35 PM »
It's good, actually.  I enjoyed the idea presented and wouldn't mind reading it if you wrote it.

Don't be afraid to try it out; I have no natural writing talent, but continue to do so, anyways.  I find that ideas tend to nag at me for months unless I do something about them; I'm only just now understanding that anything that's worth writing about deserves to be written completely, without letting fear of how it will be read dictate what you want to write.

I'll probably post a full outline for The Other Side later, once I have time to get it fully written out; the problem with having it all in your head is that it takes time to get it out.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #123 on: February 15, 2011, 09:16:29 PM »
You really think I could? Well, I guess I might write it up sooner or later in notepad, butgod knows imma fail at it. >.>


  • Youkai of the River
  • No, not that River
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #124 on: February 15, 2011, 09:29:58 PM »
You won't know until you try!  That's the beauty of writing; very few people are instantly successful at it.  It takes practice to get better at writing, and it helps if people are willing to give feedback on things.

Don't fail to write or post a story because you're afraid of the feedback, either; it's actually the most important aspect of the whole process.  I just posted something over to the weekly challenge thread and someone almost immediately pointed out where I copied a line twice on accident; I seem to have this issue where even after I Ctrl-C on a new paragraph Word fails to copy what I've selected, so I when I paste into the reply window it's a repeat of the previous line.  I missed that happening once, but was informed of it after the fact, which allowed me to fix it.  While I try to keep my facts straight, if inconsistencies begin creeping in, I will always appreciate when someone points them out so I can correct them!

Anyways,while it's ultimately up to you if you want to run with it, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing where you could go with it.


  • Youkai of the River
  • No, not that River
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #125 on: February 25, 2011, 08:50:59 PM »
So I'm finally going to get the Adaptation/Other Side outline written up and posted.  I'll be using the standard spoiler tags in case people don't want to know what I'm going to write about ahead of time (important, because there are far more future details going into this than I might have led on about before).  Next to each line like bullet points is going to be an identifier for if the line involves The Adaptation of Alice, The Other Side, or both, which can be looked at as sync points between the two stories (shared lines of dialogue, scenes that are the same but looked at from a different perspective, etc.).  I'm going to use a color scheme for these... I think I can remember once reading something about using colors and I know that some mods/other entities use alternate colors when editing others' posts to add information/corrections to them... I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this...
Anyways, the following will mark where I'm describing one story or the other:
(AA) - Adaptation of Alice
(OS) - Other Side
(B) - Both
Chapter reference (when there are two of them in the same spoiler section) go in the order of Other Side chapters/Adaptation chapters.
  • (B)
    Chapter 1 - Reimu, Marisa, Mima, and Yuuka enter Makai to stop the influx of youkai and demons to Gensokyo; Alice tries to protect her home, fails, tries again with new powers from the grimoire, fails again, and runs away.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 2 - Alice leaves Makai for the first time, begins wandering the Forest of Magic, then starts to change after a brief fairy encounter; her body begins to transform and age until she appears approximately 14 years old.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 2a - Marisa returns home with Reimu in celebration of another incident resolved, stays the night, and somewhat confesses a feeling she has for her; Reimu shoots her down with a promise and begins to prepare for her next task: creating and implementing the spell card system.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 3 - Alice is taken in by Keine in the village, acclimates to her new environment, and winds up being asked to entertain at the next festival.
  • (B)
    Chapter 2b/4 - Marisa attends the festival only to wind up meeting Alice, whom she starts to fall for almost immediately; they talk, Marisa realizes who she is, then invites her to stay the night.  They become friends quickly, bonding over a nightmare Alice has.
  • (B)
    Chapter 2b/5 - Life goes on for Alice and Marisa, though Marisa is slightly depressed/bored because Reimu locked herself away in the shrine.  Alice coaxes her into a small tour of Gensokyo and they talk about many things.  Weeks later Alice finds a spot in the forest she'd like to live, the Spell Card rules activate globally, then the house appears there; she moves in and starts working on newer, larger dolls to use in spell cards.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 3 - Reimu and Marisa try to uncover where the weird red mist came from; Marisa invites Alice but she declines.  They find the Scarlet Devil Mansion, enter it, and punish Remilia for causing problems.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 6 - Alice ponders the mist, as well as why she heard Reimu's message to youkai about the spell card rules.  She raids Marisa's house while she's out and finds a book that tells her the answer; she needs to complete the process of transforming into a youkai to truly be whole.  She accomplishes this and awaits Marisa's return to learn about the mist; she hears about the SDM, Patchouli's library, and Flandre, and learns all about Marisa's borrowing habit.  First unconscious sign of interest in Marisa shows itself.
That's as far as I've written so far, though I have to rewrite the first two chapters of The Other Side to fit with the newly rewritten The Adaptation of Alice.  From this point on it's future planning for chapters not yet written/rewritten (by this point, Adaptation as largely skewed away from the original, as I've changed much of the dialogue and added additional scenes that weren't originally depicted.  After two more chapters it will be finished being rewritten and anything more will be part of the original story that was only going to be told in The Other Side).
  • (B)
    Chapter 4/7 - Marisa returns to the SDM in order to acquire some books; Flandre is loose and Marisa must fight Patchy and Flandre.  Flandre isn't quite that crazy, but locked away due to fear; Marisa promises to help one day.  Alice visits and gets the whole story, learns about her borrowing, and loses an argument over her right to do so.  Alice meets Rinnosuke and gets to work on her spell cards, practicing against Marisa's new spell cards throughout the summer and fall.
  • (B)
    Chapter 5/8a - Winter seems long, and when it fails to end, Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya head out to figure out why.  Alice wants a rematch with Reimu, loses again, then lets slip that she's a youkai; that makes no difference to any of them.  The three continue and find Yuyuko trying to revive the Saigyou Ayakashi; they stop her.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 6a - Something doesn't feel right with Reimu about Yuyuko gathering the spring like that, so she returns only to run into Yukari; after a minor verbal disagreement Reimu battles her shikigami before administering a punishment to Yukari herself.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 8b - Alice learns of the rest of the incident from Marisa, and Marisa lets slip something about loving her; they both play like nothing was said, but it makes Alice think.
  • (B)
    Chapter 6b/8b - Spring finally warms up and things seem calm; Alice approaches the shrine to get advice from Reimu about Marisa and learns about her own feelings in the process.  Reimu notes that Shrine Maidens are not usually for advice; that's rather the place of a Priest or a Monk, but the Hakurei Shrine has none of those.
  • (B)
    Chapter 7/9 - Immaterial and Missing Power goes here during the summer between PCB and IN, though I'm not sure how I'll go about this; mysterious unnamed stranger from the other side of Youkai Mountain appears in a couple of fights, though.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 8 - Aftermath chapter; Suika gets yelled at, though she obviously can't hear it, and moves into the shrine.  Mysterious stranger shows up, makes a sizable donation, and locks himself in prayer in front of the shrine for several days; when this is over he introduces himself as Sean Tanaka, Shrine Priest from a town beyond the mountain.  He convinces Reimu to allow him to become her shrine's first priest in years.
  • (B)
    Chapter 9/10 - Something is very wrong with the moon, and four youkai convince four humans to help them figure out what's wrong; each pair contributes towards causing the night to be everlasting without realizing the others are trying the same thing, and they all go off without realizing the others are doing the same.  Marisa and Alice wind up saving each others' lives, bringing feelings for each other to the front of their consciousness.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 11 - Things seem to go back to normal quickly enough; Marisa and Alice sort out their feelings to the point where they feel right in being together.  Marisa notices some medicine that Alice aqcuired from Eirin that would help her have better dreams and questions her about her nightmares; she is convinced to return to Makai to confront Shinki and put an end to her uncertainty, with Marisa tagging along for support.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 10 - Intermission chapter where Sean fully explains his origin to Reimu one winter evening.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 11 - What comes with the spring is a large number of flowers that were not seen blooming like that for sixty years, according to a certain ice fairy; along with that information came word of the ruleset associated with it, which Reimu dreads: Phantasmagoria.  It overrides her own Spell Card rules and brings many of her old opponents out of the woodwork, as well as a few new ones that she'd never seen before.
  • (B)
    Chapter 12 - Alice and Marisa return to Gensokyo only to realize they missed something major; Marisa gets a stern lecture from the Yama, as does Alice, though she's at least praised for trying to make Marisa do better.  With a single swing of the Convincement Rod, Marisa's verbal tic goes away! (finally)
  • (OS)
    Chapter 13 - During the summer after the previous incident, Marisa visits the shrine to get advice about her next move with Alice; not completely comfortable talking with Sean, she winds up asking both anyways.  This leads Sean to ask Reimu some personal questions, hinting at his own potential attraction to her.  Reimu is left undecided, though she knows the fate of the Hakurei Barrier may rest on coming to a decision on the issue.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 13 - After one too many visits to Marisa's cluttered house, she finally asks her to go ahead and move in with her; Marisa claims that's a pretty big step and is noncommital about it when she leaves.  Alice is left to question the relationship, but concludes that enough time has passed overall to allow for this sort of thing.  Marisa returns with her answer, and more questions concerning the goings on at the shrine.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 14 - With youkai attacks on the road down, more people have been visiting the Hakurei Shrine, helped by Sean being employed as the priest.  Faith is on the upswing, which is why when a stranger shows up and declares that all of their faith was about to be stolen by the new shrine on Youkai Mountain, Reimu took it as an insult and headed up.  Marisa follows to a point but turns back halfway through, stating that it was up to Reimu alone to stop them from stealing the shrine's faith.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 14 - Marisa returns home from the mountain with stories of the people she met on the way up; she befriended Nitori after the fight and wants Alice to come with her to meet her.  Alice sees no issues with this, and brings along Shanghai.  Once in Nitori's workspace, she marvels at the doll and remarks about making improvements to it; Alice is intrigued, but declines to let her experiment unless it's an emergency.
  • (B)
    Chapter 15 - Marisa returns to the mountain, figuring she missed something, only to be confronted first by Kanako, then by Suwako.  She has some fun with them, then leaves to tell Alice all about it.  Reimu and Sanae discuss business and they divide their faith gathering in Gensokyo by giving the Moriya Shrine Youkai Mountain and the immediately surrounding area, while the Hakurei Shrine takes the village, forest, and other surrounding environs.  Sean warns about the existence of the other town beyond the mountain.
At this point, details are starting to get fuzzy, but there are events I have planned for SA, to go between SA and UFO, and a little beyond...  Of course, the bare facts are nothing compared to actual detailed descriptions of locations, personalities, and all else that accompanies the actual written stories.  Much of what I've let on to here will have bearing on things that go beyond UFO, though I will be on the lookout for future games and if a new full game is released before I get to that point, I'll try to work it in before going off on a complete plot tangent of my own devising.
As you can see, I've really thought this through, though I'm going to need a little help, I think, to integrate IaMP and SWR (though SWR should be slightly easier, since there's a slightly more coherent plot to that, or so I've heard).  For those that don't mind being a little spoiled, please tell me what you think!  I know it seems long winded, but this also helps me have a bit of a reference as I write more into the story; it's certainly better than leaving it in my head and letting the details start to melt and shift. >_>
Edit: So I've managed to give it a little more thought, and of course the announcement of TD throws a wrench in things (at least until a full plot analysis is available).  Once we know fully what's going on in the new game, I'll be able to integrate it properly.  Now, without further hesitance, here should be the rest of the story outline (through the perceived end that I have already thought up).
  • (B)
    Chapter 16 - SWR goes here; still unsure how I'm going to do it.  Sean has trained another priest and is able to join in the festivities, however.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 17 - Time passes comfortably for Alice and Marisa; Marisa visited her parents and got into an argument, causing Alice to come to a decision about something for their future.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 17 - Sanae's arrival in Gensokyo causes confusion in Reimu's heart; she wants to find her own happiness and finds the rival Shrine Maiden attractive, but this would interfere with her duty to eventually be the mother of the next Hakurei Shrine Maiden.  As she is thus torn, Sean talks with Sanae to try to help.
  • (B)
    Chapter 18 - Towards the close of winter a geyser suddenly pops up near the Hakurei Shrine; Marisa promises to go underground using a combination of help from Alice, Patchouli, and Nitori, while Reimu gets help from Yukari, Suika, and Aya to stop the earth spirits that start filtering up through the unnatural formation.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 19 - On a hunch, Marisa goes up the mountain, only to run into Koishi; after a fight, Marisa realizes she is just the kind of help Flandre needs to be allowed to be free of her imprisonment.  Reimu makes her commitments to Sean and Sanae.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 19 - Alice has been busying herself with a project in the basement, which Marisa doesn't even know exists.  She begins borrowing strange books from Kourindou and the SDM library; Marisa, in turn, begins inquiring as to the books Alice originally took from her for reasons she wouldn't specify.
  • (B)
    Chapter 20 - Rumors spread about a mysterious flying treasure ship, of which Sanae convinces Reimu and Marisa to help chase it down.  They eventually meet Byakuren, whose goal is equal rights for youkai; a fight almost broke out until Marisa reveals her own status, then they fight anyways as a friendly challenge.
  • (AA)
    Chapter 21 - Marisa returns home to hear of shocking and wonderful news from Alice; while this changes their situation in many ways, Alice has come to the decision to not let it stop Marisa should an incident occur.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 21 - Sanae was bothered by the fact that the palanquin "treasures" looked like UFOs and sets out to figure it all out; she meets Nue and a fight breaks out.
  • (OS)
    Chapter 22 - Hisoutensoku; again, I have no idea what I'll be doing for this.
  • (B?)
    Chapter 23/22 - TD; we'll see what this brings.
  • (B)
    Chapter 24/23 - Several months pass from the last incident; the calm of Gensokyo is interrupted by the sound of war drums.  The people of the town Sean hails from are on the move to conquer Gensokyo; Reimu, Sanae, Sean, and Marisa set out to meet with and put down the warlike leader.  The final boss will likely occur here.
  • (B)
    Chapter 25/24 - Aftermath.  What, you thought I'd spoil the ending?
And that's it.  We shall see what Touhou Touchdown forces me to add, though I get the feeling it won't be all that bad, really.  For people who didn't see where it was going ahead of time, well let's just chalk that up to vague detail work in the outline, which is good since you don't want to give too much away in the preliminary, plus I reserve the right to write it differently as I get to each place.  For chapters that look like they don't have much content, I'll probably think of something to fill them out (but not needless padding if I can help it).
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 02:46:08 PM by MaxKnight »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #126 on: March 04, 2011, 08:14:35 AM »
Tbh max, That seems great.

Aside from the TD scene. I'd advise sticking away from that, Since, after all, God knows there'll prolly be about a hundred fanfics about TD within the next few months. Why not make a spin-off for that?


  • Youkai of the River
  • No, not that River
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #127 on: March 04, 2011, 04:19:20 PM »
I included every integer game from 5 through 12 up to that point, so I have no qualms with trying to tie in Touhou Touchdown if I can.  Besides, it'll actually be good to give a little space between the events just after UFO and the final events of the story...  I just hope that it's not too long of a time for what season TD will take place in (UFO will be in spring or summer depending on what season TD is supposed to be).  It can't be too long of a time before I initiate the endgame, as I can't have Marisa missing an important event that should be taking place close to the point where she leaves for that last (documented) adventure. >_>

Ah, it's so weird somewhat but not really elaborating on things...

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #128 on: March 28, 2011, 07:30:09 AM »
i'm currently writing my own touhou fanfict after seeing some fanfict in this forum. because this is my first time writing touhou fanfict i thought maybe i could get some help from the more experience writer who is also fan of touhou. the story is mostly centered around flandre,the main character (OC) and the resident of the scarlet devil mansion.

the beginning is like this: the main character suddenly woke up in gensokyo without any memory of his past. when he's trying to figuring out what's happened to him, flandre who was walking nearby thinking the main character is dead strike him with the laevatein in orde to confirm he's still alive. happy that the main character is alive flandre decided to take him to the mansion so she could play with him.

as for the main character name, i'm thinking about something that related with color, i also planning to insert the character that is rarely used in the other fanfict such as koishi or byakuren. anyway, since this just the outline i'm sure the story could be more complicated which is why i need to be very careful not to ruin the story.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 07:33:47 AM by omegastar »


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #129 on: March 28, 2011, 07:53:21 AM »
as for the main character name, i'm thinking about something that related with color, i also planning to insert the character that is rarely used in the other fanfict such as koishi or byakuren. anyway, since this just the outline i'm sure the story could be more complicated which is why i need to be very careful not to ruin the story.

First order of business then is pick some other 'rarely used' characters.
Otherwise, the best advice, is to take your story and start writing it. It won't go anywhere and you won't have anything that can actually be 'helped' in any way if you don't start it, right?
There really isn't a minimum-required seriousness around here, but I would like to point out that using an OC can be dangerous as a writer in an established 'verse.
I'm sure we've discussed the dangers of OCs in this very thread, but by now it's buried pages and pages back. As such, I'm assigning you some homework - a little bit of light reading.
If you want to pursue writing as a hobby and not worry about your serious audience (because, face it, there will always be people trolling you regardless of how well you do) disliking your characters, you may want to bookmark that particular page, and in general.
Another page to consider when it comes to thinking up your characters' name is to avoid this.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #130 on: March 28, 2011, 04:43:13 PM »
hey psl how i do writans

I always end up dropping it after a chapter or so :derp:

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #131 on: March 28, 2011, 04:54:53 PM »
hey psl how i do writans

I always end up dropping it after a chapter or so :derp:
Lawyer up.  Delete Facebook.  Hit the Gym.

Wait sorry.  Wrong advice.

If you're having trouble breaking a chapter try doing something episodic.  Write some connected shorts.  It'll let you get something written, while still leaving space open for a longer continuation if you can keep up the work.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #132 on: March 28, 2011, 06:52:43 PM »
Suggested connected shorts ideas include "_______'s Twitter Feed". I keep meaning to do this, with retweets and @replies and everything, but never get around to it.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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  • if you're better than me
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #133 on: March 28, 2011, 10:56:58 PM »
Okay, so after talking/roleplaying with a friend a while about Kaiju!Gensokyo and coming up with some pretty kickass monster designs for the Touhous, I decided to try and map this out into a story and may actually write it later on once...I figure out a way to keep it going without it dying like SO many other stories I've tried and failed to finish...yeah, let's drop the self-loath for now.

Anyway, as the name would probably tell you, this isn't going to be 'Reimuzilla vs. whateverthefuckkindamonstercomesather', more in the sense of something a little less like what some Kaiju movies or tv shows go for, probably just movies though since alot of them are 'Bigassmonster vs. the world or another bigass monster'. This said, the story itself follows the 'Renko and Maribel finally get to Gensokyo' deal and places the two within an 'alternate' Gensokyo one that's...not exactly the one Maribel's been 'visiting' in her dreams. I'm still trying to figure out what I can use to get Renko and Mari into thise Gensokyo so suggestions would help if you have any.

Anyway, the only problem with actually coming here is the fact that humans are the lowest on the food chain, even more so than they were before. If you want a decent idea of how far down they are, then picture how insects function in the food chain here in our reality. Yeah, it's that low.

The original idea me and my buddy roleplayed was that the Kaiju!Gensokyo Maribel and Renko drop into is all but a barren wasteland filled with ruins of what Gensokyo used to be. The monsters who live here pretty much destroyed everything and the human populace is on the verge of extinction. Renko and Maribel are no different from this factor and effectively get killed off literally minutes after even getting there. The monster that ate them
discovers a spacial anomoly that leads to their world and weasels her way through it which takes her to Renko and Maribel's home towan where she effectively obliterates the city and all living in it. The worst part? The portal Renko and Mari fell through is still open, so this means even more KaijuTouhous can come through at their own voilation and just...wreck shit. However, I figured that this idea wasn't really suited for the story being...well, the main focuses die way too early, which would mean I would have to focus on a monster that literally cannot be destroyed by normal means. This isn't even getting into the fact that the humans of the outside world will be dealing with a variant of
who is as tall (or taller) than the average skyscraper, made of molten rock, is nigh impervious to conventional weaponrary (she took on Rika and a band of humans who were running an immense land battleship. They did not succeed.) and, on top of this, revives even IF she is killed.

... ... ...

So, I decided to change things around and go with this idea instead; The setting isn't as barren and there is some diversity in ecosystems, as opposed to the post apocolyptic wasteland of the previous setting. Renko and Maribel don't die off as quickly after falling into Kaiju!Gensokyo, in fact, the both of them manage to escape their first monster encoutner and find some humans who still live here albeit only a handful. One of them is Reimu who has teamed up with a good chunk of the science crew and Meira to maybe keep the human populace safe. Seeing that they truly do not belong in this world, Renko and Maribel need a way out, but the only way out is to try and replicate a Gap produced by Kaiju!Yukari (whom not even the monsters mess with). The science crew can create this buuut, they need various artifacts from across Gensokyo to recreate the spacial anamoly that closed up on them and maybe grant Renko and Mari another chance to go back home.

I'm still trying to figure things out and how things will go (I know how it's going to start and how it's going to end, I just need to make sure getting from those two points is good enough to make it a decent story). So yeah.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #134 on: March 28, 2011, 11:58:12 PM »
Lawyer up.  Delete Facebook.  Hit the Gym.

Wait sorry.  Wrong advice.

If you're having trouble breaking a chapter try doing something episodic.  Write some connected shorts.  It'll let you get something written, while still leaving space open for a longer continuation if you can keep up the work.
Problem is I'm subconsiously very picky with my own work, and I rebel against myself if what I'm working on is not a blockbuster masterpiece (or filled with fabulous) :derp:

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #135 on: March 29, 2011, 12:34:36 AM »
'Reimuzilla vs. whateverthefuckkindamonstercomesather',
Fund it.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #136 on: March 29, 2011, 12:54:49 AM »
Problem is I'm subconsiously very picky with my own work, and I rebel against myself if what I'm working on is not a blockbuster masterpiece (or filled with fabulous) :derp:
Cowboy Bebop should have killed the idea that episodic can't be epic.

Heck most quality writers and stories have started off with shorts.  The idea that a short is somehow inferior to a 800k word monster is a construct of amateurs.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #137 on: March 29, 2011, 02:08:55 AM »
So, I decided to change things around and go with this idea instead; The setting isn't as barren and there is some diversity in ecosystems, as opposed to the post apocolyptic wasteland of the previous setting. Renko and Maribel don't die off as quickly after falling into Kaiju!Gensokyo, in fact, the both of them manage to escape their first monster encoutner and find some humans who still live here albeit only a handful. One of them is Reimu who has teamed up with a good chunk of the science crew and Meira to maybe keep the human populace safe. Seeing that they truly do not belong in this world, Renko and Maribel need a way out, but the only way out is to try and replicate a Gap produced by Kaiju!Yukari (whom not even the monsters mess with). The science crew can create this buuut, they need various artifacts from across Gensokyo to recreate the spacial anamoly that closed up on them and maybe grant Renko and Mari another chance to go back home.

Personally, I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic scenarios, so I think she could keep that background - the pathos, fear, desperation and hatred that can be drawn from that works perfectly with the rest of your plot here. I think it would help carry the tension during their quest to get all the artifacts they need. So yeah, this is pretty awesome. I look forward to reading this.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #138 on: March 29, 2011, 04:13:32 AM »
so i've read about mary sue and the other stuff at and thanks to that now i know what to do with my OC personality and power and all the storyline started to connect to each other. now the only think i need to figure out is about teh climax of the story and the ending.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 04:17:49 AM by omegastar »

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #139 on: March 31, 2011, 04:36:09 AM »
Well, I got an idea I'd like to post here. (first time posting oh the nervousness :ohdear:) I need lotsa help getting ideas for my chapters.

Here's how it goes: There's a new Incident in Gensokyo that causes everyone who sleeps to experience nightmares of their fears. I'm not going to focus on the solvers of the Incident but also the instigator himself and the making, progression, and end of the Incident.

A youkai is bored and decides to start and Incident just for fun. The instigator targets some of the elder youkai of Gensokyo (Remilia, Satori, Aya) and also some other big names (Marisa, Eirin) to start off his plan; he gives them the "worst" nightmare they could ever experience. It does affect all of them, of course, but only enough to impair their judgement. After Remilia experienced the first nightmare, Patchouli, using her magic, carefully probes Remilia's mind for the memory of the nightmare and finds out that it was an artificial dream. She also probes Marisa's post-nightmare memories, and it doesn't take long for her to realize it was "Incident time."

At that point, the Incident has gone full-scale; in the following hours, every sleeping inhabitant of Gensokyo dreams a nightmare. Cue standard Incident solving protocol: Reimu and Patchouli go around Gensokyo beating any suspect up and eventually stopping the Incident. As the Incident unfolds, poop will hit the fan; the Incident is more than it lets on.

That's the bare bones of the beginning.

Well, yeah. That's it. The rest of the story has already been developed in my head. wow this is pretty long for a first post Help?

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #140 on: March 31, 2011, 07:48:25 AM »
Standard incident solving time, featuring Patchouli? It's typically Reimu and Marisa, as they're the two big-name humans.

That does sound interesting, though - it'd be nice to see a story from the antagonists point of view.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #141 on: March 31, 2011, 10:34:10 AM »
I say fund it. Seems like it could be pretty good, especially with you know Patchy "probing" people teehee


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #142 on: April 11, 2011, 12:43:36 AM »
The Library.
A digital paradise.

I tried to picture stories as they flowed from person to person.

What did they look like? Art? Books? Did the stories have songs?

I kept dreaming of the collection I thought I'd never see...
And then... one day...

I got in.

New PSL Origins story? :derp:

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #143 on: April 13, 2011, 03:09:35 AM »
This is an idea that got into my head while I was playing Strange Journey and WON'T LEAVE

True Resurrection of Eastern Goddess

201X. Humanity has started to lose faith in themselves and no longer believe in theirs future. Because of this, the barriers that separate the world of reality and the world of fantasy have started to break down, causing youkai and beings of folklore to enter our world. Anticipating the threat, scientist Dr. Okazaki developed a system to communicate with them and try to negotiate.

This system is now in the hands of three students; Sanae Kochiya, Maribel Hearn, and Renko Usami. Together with Okazaki, they must cooperate with willing youkai in order to protect humanity. However, their battle will soon bring them to Gensokyo, a world of gods and monsters that will test their strength - and their allegiance.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #144 on: April 13, 2011, 03:29:24 AM »
This is an idea that got into my head while I was playing Strange Journey and WON'T LEAVE

True Resurrection of Eastern Goddess

201X. Humanity has started to lose faith in themselves and no longer believe in theirs future. Because of this, the barriers that separate the world of reality and the world of fantasy have started to break down, causing youkai and beings of folklore to enter our world. Anticipating the threat, scientist Dr. Okazaki developed a system to communicate with them and try to negotiate.

This system is now in the hands of three students; Sanae Kochiya, Maribel Hearn, and Renko Usami. Together with Okazaki, they must cooperate with willing youkai in order to protect humanity. However, their battle will soon bring them to Gensokyo, a world of gods and monsters that will test their strength - and their allegiance.
So then all the Youkai are hostile? What about timid youkai like Kappa or the Satoris?
Other then that, I say fund it.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #145 on: April 13, 2011, 03:44:28 AM »
The only thing that jumps out is that we are (arguably) already in the year 201X.

Something minor that comes to mind is "Why does humanity need protecting?" since humanity is pretty good and war and killing things that aren't humanity. But sometimes questions like that just get in the way of a perfectly interesting story. Like Dolphin Rider Koishi.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 04:19:03 AM by capt. h »

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #146 on: April 13, 2011, 04:22:24 AM »
It has a lot to do with the game Strange Journey.

Kips: Nowhere in Tack's idea does it say that all youkai are hostile, just that Dr. Okazaki needed to develop a system to be able to communicate with youkai. The demons in Strange Journey are both hostile and curious towards mankind.

Cap: In the game, part of the reason why the humans were getting wiped by the demons is because humans can't actually see demons normally, or even at all.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #147 on: April 13, 2011, 04:23:51 AM »
So I can safely assume that Youkai speak a different language/arent seen by the naked eye?
Fund it. TIMES TWO

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #148 on: April 13, 2011, 04:30:17 AM »
Do you mean like in Bleach?

I think I'm misunderstanding a couple things here, having never played Strange Journey. Why are all the youkai invisible?

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #149 on: April 13, 2011, 04:38:24 AM »
You know the phrase "You see to believe"? Gensokyo is based off DISbelief, as in, the things people do not believe in. It makes a bit of sense that every resident is made of disbelief, and only those who believe can see them.

That or they have such a high level of magical power that human eyes cannot comprehend it.