Author Topic: I heard you like request threads...  (Read 39742 times)

Mounting Jaggis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #60 on: July 14, 2010, 03:44:59 AM »
Utsuho blows up the Sun

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #61 on: July 14, 2010, 07:34:57 AM »
Utsuho blows up the Sun
In that line
Aided by Lord Tenma!

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #62 on: July 14, 2010, 09:19:35 AM »
Grisly story about how youkai really are. Play with emotions by pretending to befriend and appearing cute and human, and then rips out your entrails and feasts on your warm guts.


Iku's troubled times during the swingin' sixties and seventies, drug addiction, etc.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #63 on: July 14, 2010, 09:59:40 AM »
Iku's troubled times during the swingin' sixties and seventies, drug addiction, etc.

Elvis. Gensokyo. Make it happen.

Alternatively: Freddy Mercury.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #64 on: July 14, 2010, 11:44:04 AM »
Poker Night at the SDM.

Everyone is invited. Except Letty.

This one is absolutely shameless.

"So there we were," says Remilia as she deals the cards. The Scarlet Devil Mansion's main drawing room; decorated in reds, crimsons, and vermilions; is silent, everyone there listening to the vampire's story. All eyes are on her. "Had the Red-White's back to the wall. It was just  We and her. So We pulled out Scarlet Gensokyo. And you know what happened?"

"She whizzed around like a like a bat affected by your maid's power and dodged every last bit of it?" asks Yuyuko, and she takes her cards and glances at them.

"Who's telling this story?" Remilia says, shooting the grinning ghost princess a look. "But yeah, that's what happened. Next thing We knew, needles everywhere! It took us a week to sleep it off!"

"Well, I can sympathize," says Yuyuko as she contemplates her cards, and tosses a green chip into the pile. "I thought I had a marvelous plan, myself. Lure her to the foot of the Saigyou Arayashi, and then force her to deal with a card that she can't even hit me to stop! It was perfect, I thought. But alas, even when she's low on resources, she can still dodge with the best of them."

"Oh quite," says Kaguya, as she discards two cards. "I had a similar plan. But rather than being invincible, I focused more on intricate patterns and a long period of being untouchable. Alas, no luck." She tosses a few green chips into the pile. The rest of the table matches.

"Well, it wasn't very fast," says Yuyuko. "I would like to think I got a lot of mileage out of Resurrection Butterfly's speed."

"Speed works decently," says Kanako, as she rearranges her cards. "But even with that and an intricate and confusing pattern, I've discovered a fatal weakness in what I thought was a practically invincible spellcard."

"She slips through the tiniest gaps?" asks Utsuho, holding her cards in just one hand. With a flip of her thumb, she sends three cards into the discard pile.

"Oh but We hate when she does that!" Remilia says, scowling at her cards, her hand on one. Finally she decides to discard it while the others again.

"Oh yeah?" says Tenshi. "Well I threw a rock at her!"

The table goes silent, as everyone looks at Tenshi with disdain, confusion, or in the case of the largest woman at the table, a trace of pity. Tenshi frowns at the reception. " was a really big rock!"

"See, I thought I had best one," Utsuho says, before Tenshi can dig herself any deeper. "Forget bullets, just straight up mess with the playing field! Made it so no one could move properly, and kept drawing her in! Only way to stay alive was to dart right into the layers of bullets I was pulling toward me! It was genius! But...welp. Here I am. Probably for the better, I guess."

Yuyuko looks toward a grandfather clock along the side wall. "Oh my, the time does fly. Well, this shall be my last hand, I'm afraid. It's nearly time for dinner!"

"We had dinner like an hour ago," Tenshi says, giving Yuyuko a sidelong look.

"I don't believe I mentioned that at all," says Yuyuko, as she tosses a few more chip into the pile.

"I was rather pleased with my own idea," says Byakuren, looming over the table as she frowns at her cards, then places them face down on the table. "Indirect homing, with volume making up for the ease of dodging, just piling on more and more as time passed. But it just wasn't to be."

"At least you didn't a fool made of yourself," says Remilia, frowning at Byakuren. "You got what you wanted, you lucky jerk! Really though, I think we can agree all these ideas were of excellent quality. It's just that the Red White is far too fast, and slender!" A chorus of agreement goes around the table.

"Gee," says Reimu, glancing at the other players,  "Thanks for the well wishes. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Alright, let's get Yuyuko out of here. Show 'em!"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 11:47:56 AM by Purvisen Silver »


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #65 on: July 14, 2010, 03:17:59 PM »
These just keep getting better.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #66 on: July 14, 2010, 07:37:21 PM »
ran, chen and youmu, discussing swordplay while Yuyuko and Yukari are having tea.

by the way, who was the one causing trouble in Yuugi/Suika's story?


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #67 on: July 14, 2010, 07:46:52 PM »
ran, chen and youmu, discussing swordplay while Yuyuko and Yukari are having tea.

by the way, who was the one causing trouble in Yuugi/Suika's story?
I'm pretty sure it was Rumia.  It was a reference to Purvis's last text adventure.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2010, 10:39:54 PM »
"Oh yeah?" says Tenshi. "Well I threw a rock at her!"

The table goes silent, as everyone looks at Tenshi with disdain, confusion, or in the case of the largest woman at the table, a trace of pity. Tenshi frowns at the reception. " was a really big rock!"

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #69 on: July 15, 2010, 08:53:31 AM »

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #70 on: July 15, 2010, 09:32:52 AM »

Yeah, I stole the whole thing pretty shamelessly.

Keine has an epic drinking night.  The next day, EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT (and completely screwed up).

(This one's gonna be a multi-parter)


Keine opens her eyes, and immediately regrets it. She quickly adds the gift of sight and being born to her list of regrets as the headache pounds through her skull. She rolls over, trying to turn from the light, and buries her face in someone's soft shoulder. She considers the situation carefully. On one hand, it's difficult to breathe. On the other hand, if if she could get Mokou to go get her something for this headache, perhaps the world wasn't such an awful place after all.

"Your poking my shoulder, dear," says the owner of the shoulder, whose voice is most certainly not Mokou's. Keine sits up straight, and instantly regrets the action as the sensation of faeries hammering nails inside her skull redoubles, accompanied by a wave of nausea. Still she forces her eyes open, and looks down upon a green-eyed, green-haired woman, wearing nothing but the sleepy smile she beams at Keine. Almost as an afterthought, Keine realized her own state of undress. 

"Yuka?" Keine says in a small voice, has her aching mind tries and refuses to race.

"Mmm," says Yuka. "That was the best anniversary ever. ...Keine, hon? Are you okay? You look terrible."

When one dabbles into history often enough, one comes to recognize certain signs that it have been altered. With such experience, Keine is able to leap past the "What are you doing in my bed!" realization without saying something that might upset Yuka. The mention of an anniversary is terrible unsettling, but she manages to power past it as well. Instead, she settles upon saying: "I...don't even remember which anniversary it was...Oh god, my head."

"You just lay there, baby," says Yuka as she climbs out of bed and gently pats Keine's head. Keine winces at the familiar gesture, then hopes it Yuka will mistake it for aggravating her headache. Yuka doesn't protest, instead saying. "I'll go get you something. Just hang tight."

As the flower Youkai departs, Keine sinks back down into bed and puts her thoughts together as well as she can. Something happened. Was this a hangover? Why the hell did she get drunk? Keine tries to think back. Mokou came over yesterday, they went to town together. And then...and then...

...And then she woke up next to the flower youkai, whom, judging from the smell of the bed, had a been one half of a fling that left one of them very satisfied last night.

Oh hell.

Keine groans. So, apparently, she ended up with Yuka in this timeline. Alright. So far, so good. That's a basis. So maybe she just changed something about Yuka's past, or her own? That shouldn't be too hard to fix. And, at least, she hadn't made an enemy of Yuka. Did she have enemies now? That would be a problem.

"Here you go, kitten," comes Yuka's voice, thankfully muted, as she enters the bedroom. Walking over to Keine, she offers a curious green concoction in a glass.

"What is it?" Keine asks, eying it suspiciously. It helps take her mind off the fact that Yuka had yet to get dressed.

"Just a remedy. Don't worry, it'll take care of that headache no problems."

"Well, okay," says Keine, then takes a tentative drink. The liquid is oddly thick, almost but not quite a paste. Cool, and oddly sweet. Aside from clinging to her teeth, Keine quietly admits it's not all that bad. "Sweet," she says, before taking a drink.

"I always add a little honey for my honey," says Yuka with a grin, as she climbs back into bed.

Keine tries not to think anything of it, and fails spectacularly. "Um," she says. "I know it's not very nice, especially after this, but could you put something on?"

Yuka grins. "Oh, am I getting you all bothered again?"

"Yes," says Keine. "It's making the headache worse."

"Well, you should have thought of that before you tossed my clothes out the window last night," says Yuka, still grinning. "'We won't be needing these anymore', you said. So passionate, too. Got my motor purring like you wouldn't believe, honey. You should do that more often!"

Keine frowns. "Oh." She finishes her drink to avoid having to deal with following that up. Her headache did feel a little bit better now, she had to admit. It didn't hurt to look in the direction of light anymore.

"Feeling better?" Yuka says.

Keine nods. "Yeah, it's working great. Thank you. I'm impressed, really."

"Oh you're always impressed." Yuka shakes her head. "You'd think you'd get used to it after half a decade. You little flatterer, you." She shifts closer to Keine. "Do keep it up..."

"I'm hung over, Yuka," says Keine, doing her best not shift away from the youkai. It's not really Yuka's fault, she thinks everything is supposed to be like this. Not to mention offending Yuka, of all people, might be messy. "At least let me get over that."

"We'll be sticking to proper mead from now on, then," says Yuka. "If that sake stuff gets to your head that badly."

"I can't even remember what we did yesterday," Keine says. "Could you remind me?"

"Alright," says Yuka, as she takes Keine's arm into her own. Keine closes her eyes, trying to pretend it doesn't exist. "You sent the kids out early, of course."

"We have kids?!"

Yuka laughs, long and hard. It is practically the perfect cackle. "Oh, but that was perfect, love!" Yuka says, suddenly leaning over and kissing Keine on the cheek. Keine does it best not to wince. "The kids at school! Though...if you really want a few for ourselves, well...I'll think about it, okay?" She winks. Keine wishes, direly, she knew Yuka well enough to know if that is supposed to be a joke. "You let school out earlier, and we went over to see a play at Eientei. I don't think they ever named it. Something about a crazy sailor and a giant animal she wanted to take obsessive revenge on. So much swearing. Then we went to Mystia's restaurant, she even reserved our favorite booth for us! We had dinner, the best steaks she had to serve, and I think you must have hit the sake a little hard. Then we came home, and, well, you tossed our clothes out the window. I don't think we've ever done it three times in a night before. It was magical. If only the moon were full..."

Keine nods as Yuka describes the life of someone else. Three times? Wow... So Mystia as a proper restaurant now. That's going to make things harder. Eientei was still having plays, that's one thing the same. Good, good.  "So...we do have other clothes, right?" says Keine.

"Well, yes, pookie," says Yuka, "But what fun is that?"


Eventually, Keine feels well enough to get out of bed. It is not an easy task with Yuka watching, the smile on her lips revealing her thoughts on Keine's state of undress. Nor is it easy to cope with Yuka's laughter at her blushing. She goes to the bathroom, bushing her hair and cleaning herself off with the basis there. Looking in the mirror, she's placed to note nothing is awry with her appearance. Those were always the worst ones, that means someone's heredity got messed with, and a whole new chain of causality always comes from that sort of thing. And there was the story of the hakutaku who ended up an oni...

She heads to the kitchen, and is pleasantly surprised to find Yuka at the stove, and a stack of pancakes at her seat. She also notices a number of hanging flower baskets have been added to the usual decor. There were a few in the bathroom as well, now that she thinks about it. There could be worse things added around. Glancing out the window, she notes most of the front lawn is now a flower garden. It's a little ostentatious for her tastes, but there is a kind of charm to it.

"I've been thinking," says Yuka, as she sits down at the table with her own stack of pancakes and starts to apply honey to them, "What I said earlier?"

"Hmm?" asks Keine. A lot of things had been said earlier.

"I think I'd actually like to have some kids. That sounds, just so nice, don't you think?"


<PurvisHasLeftThisTimestream> @choose Option K or Option Y
<Keine> PurvisHasLeftThisTimestream: I choose...Option Y! ^_^V
<PurvisHasLeftThisTimestream> *So be it.*

Option K was Kanako.)


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #71 on: July 15, 2010, 09:43:50 AM »
She winks. Keine wishes, direly, she knew Yuka well enough to know if that is supposed to be a joke.

This left me cackling for a solid minute.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #72 on: July 15, 2010, 04:13:10 PM »

"I think I'd actually like to have some kids. That sounds, just so nice, don't you think?"

Homely Yuka? Wow...also, what kind of kids would those two have?


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #73 on: July 15, 2010, 04:15:14 PM »


[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #74 on: July 15, 2010, 04:27:14 PM »

<PurvisHasLeftThisTimestream> @choose Option K or Option Y
<Keine> PurvisHasLeftThisTimestream: I choose...Option Y! ^_^V
<PurvisHasLeftThisTimestream> *So be it.*

Option K was Kanako.)

Ha, and now we know. There's a certain irony in having Keine be the one to make that decision. Personally, I think Yuka was the much more hilarious of the two options, anyway. ^^;

Anyhow, I found the story incredibly amusing and eagerly await the follow-up.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #75 on: July 15, 2010, 05:39:13 PM »
Something about a crazy sailor and a giant animal she wanted to take obsessive revenge on.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #76 on: July 15, 2010, 06:44:18 PM »
Ahahaha yes this is officially the best thread ever. Well done.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #77 on: July 15, 2010, 10:08:20 PM »
Those were always the worst ones, that means someone's heredity got messed with, and a whole new chain of causality always comes from that sort of thing. And there was the story of the hakutaku who ended up an oni...

Is that implying what I think its implying?  :3
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 10:10:24 PM by Doll Warrior.S »

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #78 on: July 16, 2010, 02:58:42 AM »
Stepping outside, Keine has a look around. Hmmm, large wooden building at the edge of the village is new. It'll bear some investigating. The tofu shop seems to be missing. She takes out a notepad and starts to mark these little differences down. Thankfully, the changes are outweighed by the things have have remained the same. Walking along the street, she starts to take note of people.

"What're you loitering about for, Teach?" comes a voice from the left. Looking over, Keine is somewhat surprised to see a small green-haired youkai in a bucket bouncing toward her down the street.

"Oh, hello Kisume," says Keine, "I wa-"

"Thats Lord Mayor Kisume, wench!" shouts the youkai throwing her hands to the air.

Keine starts, then does her best to keep under control "...What?!"

"Ah, I'm just funnin' ya teach," says Kisume. "But I didn't campaign my arse off to beat down Remilia in the run-offs just so people could go around forgettin' my title."

"Sorry...mayor," says Keine, trying to get her mind around the concept. She makes another note, trying not to frown at a major shift in the political system. "Anyways, I'm doing a history inspection. Looking around for little anomalies and such. You never know, after all."

"Oh, I got a good one for you, then," says Kisume. "Seems like your Yuka's dress and underthings are caught up in the tree behind your house."

Keine closes her eyes and counts to three. Why the hell couldn't these kinds of things have happened with Mokou? "Yes, we'll be taking care of those soon."

"Good," says Kisume, "No one likes a braggart. Speaking of that, congratulations on your anniversary."

"Thank you," says Keine, trying not to sound distant. It was getting just a little hard not to feel guilty now. "Hey, um, can you tell me something? It's kind of a story, she and I, right? I'm curious, how much of it has gotten out?"

Kisume gives her a look, raising an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"History inspection," Keine says. She taps her notepad to emphasize her air of officialness.

"Right, right," says Kisume. "Well, I was underground when it happened, y'see. But the way I hear it? You came in after the Shrine Maiden knocked the shit out of her a few years back for some incident or other. Dunno how it worked out. But when I started coming up here, you two were as tight as Oscus' bindle. Took me a little while to work out Yuka was supposed to be flamin' dangerous, actually. Then Mystia gave her some lip and learned how to fly backwards, if you catch my drift."

Keine silently thanks Rumia for being in her classes, for it has given her a lot of practice with keeping a straight face. She draws upon that experience. So, Yuka was still dangerous and just being nice. Lovely. That should make dinner fun. "Let me ask you an off the wall question," she says. "What can you tell me about Mokou?"

"Yakitori girl?" asks Kisume. "Dunno her, really. She comes to town every so often to get supplies. Doesn't cause trouble. Lives out in the bamboo, doesn't she?"

Keine nods. At least that hasn't changed.

"Anyways, I need to get goin',' says Kisume. "I got a thing at the Myouren Shrine. You keep it together, alright?"

"Until next time, Kisume," says Keine.

"Lord Mayor Kisume!" answers the bucket youkai as she bounces off.

Keine frowns in her wake. This is going to take a flowchart to untangle. This whole election business is definitely an anomaly; democracy was just an interesting-sounding word before the Hakurei Maiden proposed spellcards. And even then, the whole thing was such a hassle most people agreed it just wasn't worth the bother to do it anymore. Maybe that had changed? A trip to the shrine is definitely in order.

Sighing, as her hangover headache threatens to return, she makes her way toward the large wooden building she noted from her house. Coming closer, she notes the sign, reading "Mystia's". This doesn't seem too bad, she decides. Mystia must have had some encouragement to move into town at some point, rather that keep to the Forest of Magic. Maybe it was the election of a youkai mayor? It seems a minor enough change. Noticing the sign in the window that reads "Open", she walks into the restaurant.

"Hello, Keine!" says a woman standing behind the counter. Keine pauses, drawing upon every bit of poker face experience her time with Rumia has give her. Standing there is a pink-haired Youkai, wearing a distinctive brown dress with bows over the buttons. Keine has to look up see her eyes, golden and sharp. Her height just exaggerates the slimness of her body, as do the immense brown wings extending from her back, large enough to wrap around her like a cloak. She frowns. "Are you alright, Keine?" asks the hawk youkai.

"Just...hung over..." Keine mumbles. A flowchart will definitely be needed...


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2010, 04:28:49 AM »
'Hawk' youkai? Thought she was a night-sparrow. :o

I'll tag along anyways, this is all clearly justified.

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #80 on: July 16, 2010, 06:20:15 AM »
'Hawk' youkai? Thought she was a night-sparrow. :o

I'll tag along anyways, this is all clearly justified.

Thus the need for a flowchart.

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #81 on: July 16, 2010, 10:26:09 AM »
can't wait to see what has happened at the shrines. Next thing we know Reimu and Sanae are sisters, and Suwako never lost to Kanako.

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #82 on: July 16, 2010, 12:11:42 PM »
Walking out of Mystia's restaurant, munching on a venison skewer, Keine tries to figure out what to do next. Mystia had little to add, just a few minor details about last night. Still, heredity had gone awry. The changes must reach back centuries. She sighs, beginning to wonder if she'll ever untangle this mess. Something happened to Mystia's heritage, so it had to affect reincarnation at one point or another. That kind of change could reach back centuries...

Taking her notepad back in hand, Keine begins to walk toward the busier parts of town. The market is bustling with people, while the stands are selling their wares; foodstuffs and crafts and jewelry, practically any common good a person could need, and a couple of exotics here and there. Merchants shout their wares, people mill about and browse and haggle and it all looks very normal. A few stands are different here and there, Keine notes them down. Then something slams into her back, causing her to stagger forward.

"Watch where you're going!" says a familiar voice.

"I didn't see you coming, Remilia," Keine says, as she turns around. Then she pauses. It is Remilia, all right, but surrounding her is a sphere of darkness similar to the one Rumia favors; thick enough it is hard to make out the vampire within.

"What're you looking at?" asks Remilia.

"Nothing, nothing..." says Keine.

"You're damn right, nothing!" says Remilia, as she walks around Keine and continues on her way. 

Keine frowns, making more notes in her pad. Part of her doesn't want to know what happened there. She looks around, frowning. Then her heart skips a beat. There, at a cloth stand, is a mid-sized woman in red overalls, her hair on the edge of white and violet and tied with bows. Keine closes her eyes, taking a steadying breath. She knows what is going to come, but she has to be sure. "Mokou!" she calls out.

"Huh, what?" says the long-haired woman, looking back. "Oh...hey Miss...uh...Keen, right?"

Keine does her best not to wince. It was like a knife in her heart, hearing Mokou not even remember her name. That was all she needed to know. There wasn't a thing there. "Uh," she says, "It's just, I heard there was a fire in the bamboo forest, and I was wondering if anyone was hurt."

"Naw, no fires," says Mokou, turning back a length of red cloth she was examining.

"Alright, thank you." says Keine, as she turns to walk away. Mokou doesn't reply. Had she never opened up, Keine wonders, does she still force the world away? Then she's still alone and miserable out there, consumed with a thirst for revenge she'll never be able to satisfy. She shakes her head, finding tears forming in her eyes. It was just a change in history! All she has to do is find and change it back! It's silly to get worked up over this!

But it doesn't change that Mokou is like this now, alone and bitter. That Mokou didn't even know her name. Reason doesn't make her hurting go away...

Keine finds the noises of the market have receded. Without really thinking about it, she walked home. That...seemed like a good idea. She didn't feel like exploring anymore. And with luck, Yuka was somewhere else. She had to have things she did during the day.

"Welcome back, pookie!" says Yuka as Keine walks through the side door into the kitchen. The flower youkai stands by the sink with bowl of uncooked rice in hand. "I just just about to get started on lunc-" She stops, her eyes narrowing and her smile faltering. "You've been crying. Who made you cry? Who made you cry!? So help me, they are going to be fertilizer!"

"No, no!" says Keine. She shakes her head. "It''s just bad memories."

"Oh, really?" Says Yuka. "C'more, honey," she says, setting the bowl aside and walking toward Keine. Before Keine can protest, Yuka wraps her in a firm hug. "Don't worry, it's just the past. Let's go sit down, okay?"

"Okay," Keine says.

Part of her feels she shouldn't be doing that. But a much louder part reminds her that she needs a friend right now. And here, Yuka is the closest thing she has. She lets the flower youkai take her by the hand and lead her into the living room room and toward a wicker couch. Keine sits, Yuka behind her, still holding her hand. "It's really bad, isn't it honey? I've never seen you so despondent before. Can you tell me about it?"

"Not really..." Keine says. After a moment she adds, "It's a memory of a time that never happened."

"Oh," says Yuka. "It was a happy memory, wasn't it?"

Keine wonders for a second how Yuka would know that, then stops herself from asking. If they really had five anniversaries together, then of course Yuka would have some idea. She simply nods, as Yuka squeezes her hand. "Well, I can't say anything about that, I guess. But, I'm here for you. I hope it'll be enough."

"Thanks," Keine says. It's so strange, to think this violence-prone youkai really meant those words. Does she really deserve it? Wasn't it someone else that meant so much to Yuka? "You're too good to me," she says after a moment.

"Hardly," says Yuka. "I'd give you the world if the Red White wouldn't put my head on a plate for taking it to begin with."

Keine chuckles a bit, despite herself. "I know, I know."

"I know you're not supposed to tell me about these kinds of things," Yuka says, squeezing Keine's hand with both of hers.  "But, maybe you could just give me a little hint of what made you so sad?"

Keine closes her eyes. Talking about time changing was never a good idea. It tended to cause problems when people knew it could be changed. At worst, it gave people ideas. soon as possible, this world was going to be erased anyways... "Do you know Mokou?" Seeing Yuka shake her head, she continues. "She's a human that lives alone in the Bamboo Forest. She's a very gruff woman, an isolationist kind of person who holds great anger in her heart over a wrong done to her by the princess of Eientei. But, as you can imagine, she can't really fulfill this desire. So she grows more bitter, more angry. She's shut the world from her heart. But, there was a timeline where someone helped her open her heart. It never erased Mokou's need for revenge, unfortunately, but she learned to look beyond it. She learned to enjoy the world and laugh freely. She truly was a good person."

"Now I think I know who you're talking about," says Yuka. "The girl with the pants?" Keine nods. "I admit, I never really thought anything of her. I thought she was just some farmer. I guess she just desperately needs some friends, doesn't she?"

"Yeah," says Keine.

"Then, why don't we drop in on her for supper?" says Yuka.

"...Wait, what?"

"Well why not?" says Yuka. "If it eases the pain you feel for that poor girl, then it's alright. Besides, I wouldn't mind surprising someone like that."

"I didn't think you'd care that much," says Keine. Was this really the fearsome youkai Kisume talked about?

"Well, I suppose it's good to help that sort of person out," says Yuka, "But really, I'm doing it for you. It hurts to see you bothered by it so much."

Keine nods. "Okay, we'll do that..."


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #83 on: July 16, 2010, 03:38:12 PM »
Shikieiki breaking under the intense pressure of her role as the Yama of Paradise. Please make it so   :3
And then a sacked Sakuya told everyone that Flandre was one of her ex-bosses

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #84 on: July 17, 2010, 11:56:37 AM »
Keine makes a few notes as she walks down the forested path.It was much clearer than it normally would be. Unusual. Despite her attempts to be attentive, Keine's thoughts keep slipping to the night ahead. Yuka is already hard at work preparing the meal. With luck, the path through the Bamboo Forest hasn't changed too much, and if it has, then they need only wait for Mokou to show up. In fact, there's a good chance that'd happen anyways...

Closing her eyes for a minute to clear away such thoughts, Keine returns her attention to the road ahead. She can see the distinctive red torii of her destination poking through the trees. Redoubling her pace, she passes through it and onto the grounds of the Hakurei Shrine. Looking around, she is pleased to see it is mostly unchanged. The shrine still stands where it should be, still somewhat rundown. The grounds are a bit more clean that usual, but that's not a particularly significant deviation.

"Oh, hello Keine!" comes a familiar voice from around the back. Keine watches as a silver-haired young woman wearing the distinctive red clothes and detached sleeves of the Shrine Maiden walks into view. Two braids frame her face, while a large red bow draws her hair back into a short ponytail. She smiles and waves to Keine.

"Hello...Sakuya," says Keine, doing her best to force a smile on her face and keep it there. "I just thought I'd drop in, see how you are doing."

"Oh, quite well!" says Sakuya, as she produces a knife, covered with holy writings, and toss it into the air idly, letting it flip twice and catching it. "Suika's finally stopped using the pond to throw up and, which makes Genjii's life so much easier."

"Oh isn't that lovely?" says Keine.

"I hear you and Yuka had a lovely anniversary," Sakuya continues. "I must say, I really envy you two."

"Oh, you shouldn't," says Keine. "I got embarrassingly drunk, and...well, I expect you've heard about the tree outside."

Sakuya giggles. "I did here a little about it, yes. But really, I do owe you a note of thanks. You've really calmed her down a lot, people no longer have to walk on pins and needles around her. My job's that much easier."

"Speaking of your job," says Keine, "Um, how did the last incident go?"

Sakuya raises an eyebrow, catching her dagger without throwing it again. "Wouldn't you know as well as I do?"

"History Inspection," says Keine, waving her notepad.

"Oh, well,' says Sakuya, "Rather sad, to be honest. That Hijiri person sounded like a real nice woman. Shame she didn't seem to be able to survive the shock of the barrier going down. Those Hijiri were so heartbroken; I still don't think they've really gotten over it. I think it was Murasa's idea to name their temple after her, she's done an alright job taking over for them in Hijiri's wake. Sanae didn't take it very well, either. Really, we were all kinda depressed about it."

Keine nods, writing this down. "That's really quite tragic."

"Yeah, I sort of don't like to talk about it," says Sakuya looking away. "I didn't owe her anything, know, she didn't deserve it. Not even stepping out of time could do anything for her. Still, I think Murasa's done some good things since then, don't you? I think some of the youkai are really taking to the whole idea. Doesn't help my donations any, though."

"Well, less trouble is like a donation. By the by, is the Mor-Mountaintop Shrine doing much to hurt you there?"

"Oh, the Yasiya Shrine barely bothers me," Sakuya says. "Only the tengu and the kappa really bother with it. Sunako stopped being insistent about it after a little while."

Keine pauses. No. That was just too much. "...Could you tell me about the Goddesses there?"

"Oh, just Goddess now," says Sakuya, tossing the knife again. "There used to be two of them. But, over time, they lost too much faith to carry on. If I recall correctly, it's partially because people kinda stopped seeing them as different beings. Finally, when they wanted to drag their whole shrine over here, they didn't have enough to pull it off, so the merged together and became one goddess. She really isn't such a bad person when you get to know her. A bit too eager to play danmaku, though. But we all have our faults. "

Keine writes this down, considering what to ask next. A bit of motion from the shrine's direction catches her eye. She looks up to see Suika staggering out the front door, squinting and holding up a hand to guard her eyes. "'Kuya..." she moans, "'S too bright! Imma punch out th' sun real quick..."

"I's best if you leave now," says Sakuya, her previous smile growing chilly.

Keine nods, and takes hurries away. As she does, she can hear Sakuya shout, "Don't you even think it! I will take that gourd of yours and toss it into Sanzu River, and don't think I I won't!"


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #85 on: July 17, 2010, 12:24:46 PM »
Kanako+Suwako? Wonder what she looks like ???


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #86 on: July 17, 2010, 01:17:36 PM »
Kanako+Suwako? Wonder what she looks like ???


Zengar Zombolt

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #87 on: July 17, 2010, 07:09:41 PM »
You killed off Byakuren, you monster ;_;


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #88 on: July 18, 2010, 05:14:02 AM »
You killed off Byakuren
ilu forever Purvis

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #89 on: July 19, 2010, 03:03:33 PM »
"We're lost, aren't we?" says Yuka, as she ducks around a thick stalk of bamboo in the path while carrying a large covered dish in her hands.

"I think so," Keine says, frowning at the ground. The secret to the bamboo forest were the large rocks, the seeds never fell close enough to shift those. But, what the forest could not do, history seems to. The route to Mokou's home was simple; find the trefoil boulder and head north, then the flat stone and head east by northeast, then full east at the burnt rock. But the burnt rock simply isn't there. Not that this was a particular worry, it's well known that-

"Hey," come a voice from the bamboo, "You've walked around my house like three times. Are you even trying to get to Eientei or what?"

"There you are," says Yuka. "I was starting to think you'd never show up!"

Mokou pushes her way through a stand of bamboo, and gives Yuka a questioning look. "We're actually here to visit you," says Keine, putting on her best smile.

"Why?' asks Mokou, narrowing her eyes. Keine remembers this all too well from back in the old days. She's suspicious, but not as angry as she's trying to act.

"We brought dinner," says Yuka, taking the lid off her dish. "Rice Au Gratin."

Mokou considers the dish for a moment. Then she says, "I fuckin' love au gratin. C'mon, it's this way."

Keine quietly indulges in a grin as the immortal turns and waves for them to follow her into the bamboo. This was almost cheating.


Mokou's home is largely unchanged. A significant area around it has been scorched, to keep the bamboo from growing there. Her house is a simple wooden cabin, the roof made of thick bamboo shoots. A small garden, the only land not bearing fire scars. Inside, the front room is dominated by huge bearskin rug, laid out in front of a sizable hearth. They had spent a lot of time wrapped up together in that rug. Aside from that, there is a shelf of old books, Keine needs only a glance to see they haven't changed; some how to books for reference purposes. One thing that is missing are the ships in bottles that Mokou used to make. This isn't terrible surprising, she didn't get into that until after several straight months of badgering to find something to do that wasn't just staring into the hearth. There are few sparse furnishings, all things that Mokou made herself; a table, some chairs, a stand in the corner. On the corner stand, however, is a small statue of the smiling Buddha. What could make someone like Mokou care about any kind of religion?

"Just have a seat," says Mokou, as she disappears into the next room. "I'll get some plates and water."

Keine moves to do so, pausing as Yuka pulls out a seat for her. She chuckles at the apparent randomness of the gesture, though she is certain Yuka probably does it all the time. She sits, while Yuka takes a seat beside her. The flower youkai glances toward the kitchen, then grins back to Keine. "I told you it'd work," she whispers softly.
Mokou returns with dishes in hand a moment later, forestalling Keine from replying. Instead, she simply sets herself to serving up the meal.

The early part of dinner is quiet, as Mokou noisily tears into the food. Keine reflects on the weeks she spent instilling some manners into her; it wasn't her fault she had dined alone much of her life. *She waits patiently, picking at her own meal, and admitting to herself that Yuka did a rather nice job with it. After a few minutes, Mokou slows down. "So," she says, "What brought this on, anyways?"

"Well," says Keine, "Partially because I felt bad about bothering you earlier."

"So you bother me some more?" Mokou says.

"In a sense," Keine continues, having anticipated that. "And I wanted to apologize for suggesting you weren't doing a good job taking care of this forest."

Mokou raises an eyebrow just a little, Keine holds back a grin. It is a gesture she knows well, mild and pleasant surprise. This was cheating, practically. "Don't worry about it," the immortal mumbles. Keine ponders if this is the first time she's even heard anything like that. "Anyhow, food's hella good. I appreciate it."

"Oh, it's no problem," says Yuka. Keine smiles a bit despite herself. Getting Mokou to compliment anything was more of a task than it needed to be. Things were going along swimmingly. "I do wonder, though," Yuka continues, "Just what you do out here."

"All sorts of shit," says Mokou. "Mostly just keep to myself, make sure the forest is good, the rocks stay where they oughta. All that good stuff."

"What about," says Keine, choosing her words carefully. "Before you came to the forest?"

"Well," says Mokou, contemplating the remains of her meal. Recognizing this, Keine scoops a bit more food onto her plate. The immortal smiles. "I could tell you a thing or three..."


"And so then I said, 'You know what, Empress? Do I look like a damn loom to you?' and walked out right there," says Mokou, grinning. Yuka cackles, while Keine simply smiles.  "Didn't even give Emperor Fushimi time to cast me out. Just grabbed my stuff and figured Hokkaido was gonna be good that time of year. Wasn't a big loss, no one liked me as Captain of the Guard anyways. Especially that time."

Keine knows the story well, it's one of Mokou's favorites. She was always fond of telling royals off; sometimes Keine wonders if Mokou might have gone on to start the idea of democratic government, had she not been so reclusive and obsessed with revenge. Still, it was getting late, and there's only so much to be done in a day. And there was a limited to how much one could listen to stories one had head a dozen times before. But there was one other things. "You know," she says, "Given what you said to priest at Ise, it's kind of odd you would have one of those hanging around." Keine gestures toward the buddha statue.

"Oh, that?" says Mokou, glancing toward it. "It's helping me get even, that's all."

"You mean with the moon princess?" Yuka asks.

"Oh, you know the story, huh?" says Mokou, giving Yuka a dark look for a moment. Keine's heart stops for a moment, before Mokou shrugs. "Hell, why not? So, know know about the moon princess. I've got beef with her. Been chasing her well over a thousand years. Thing is, about...50 years ago, was it? Bitch went and achieved nirvana. Left this world and shit. The doctor runs the show up there now. But, she ain't getting away from me that easy. I'll get enough bodhisattva to lift up there one of these days, then I'm putting my foot right up her ass!

"...Huh." says Keine. She really can't find the words to describe how she feels back that. Aside from terribly disturbed. Then again, trust Mokou to take up seeking enlightenment for the sake of revenge.

"Anyway," says Yuka, as she stands up, "It was a most enchanting evening, but we really must be off if we don't want to fall asleep in the middle of the forest."

"Oh, yeah," says Mokou, frowning a little as she stands up. Keine follows suit. "Uh, I'd offer to let you stay. But I've only got the one futon and stuff. And it'd just be rice for breakfast." She looks at the half full dish. "And, you sure it's okay for me to have this?"

"Of course!" says Yuka, smiling. "It warms my heart to see you love my cooking so much."

Mokou shrugs. "It was hella tasty, is all."

"Just be sure to clean out the bowl and bring it back when you're done," says Keine.

"Yeah, sure," says Mokou, as she starts for the door. "Anyhow, I'll show you a pretty quick way out of here." Keine chuckles just a little, low enough that Mokou won't hear. She knows Mokou is aware they know about reading the stones. It's cute she thinks she's being roundabout in asking them to come back any time.


"Pookie, we are so terrible," Yuka says, a few moments after parting with Mokou. Keine tries not to react too strongly when Yuka takes her arm. "Did you see how she kept trying to act like she didn't care?"

"I know," says Keine, chuckling at Yuka's enthusiasm despite her invaded personal space. "I know. That idea with the dish of yours, you should be ashamed of yourself."

"I will not," says Yuka, "That smile in your voice in all I need to justify myself, thank you."

"Are you really doing this just for me, Yuka?" Keine asks, adding in a little pat to her arm after a moment's deliberation.

"Of course," says Yuka, inclining her head upwards a bit. "You know my thoughts on rudeness."

Keine frowns. She always thought that Mokou's coarseness was rather charming, in a direct and honest sort of way.  "Is she really that bad?"

"Well," says Yuka, frowning a bit. "I'll admit her stories were rather fun, especially the part where she told off that puffed up dowager. If there's anything I hate more than rude people, it's people who think too much of themselves. But in the main, pumpkin," she smiles, then leans over and quickly kisses Keine on the cheek, "it was for you and you alone."

Keine tries not to sigh in frustration. Did Yuka always do this without provocation? Did she encourage it in this timeline, or was Yuka just teasing her? "Thank you for putting yourself out for me, then," She says at length. "I really appreciate your help, it makes opening her up so much easier."

"Well," says Yuka, "I suppose everyone deserves a friend. And she does seem to be a nice person, her boorish manners aside. So, when should we expect her back with our dish?"

"Tomorrow night, at the latest," says Keine. "She'll finish all the rest off for lunch, and bring it straight away. Trust me, she'll do it just for the sake of having something different to do."

Yuka grins. "We'll have to prepare something suitable, won't we?"

"You are enjoying this far too much, given you just said she as a boor," Keine says.

Yuka shrugs, still grinning. "And?"