Author Topic: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 78490 times)

Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #180 on: June 27, 2010, 01:38:11 AM »
>Sigh... they really DID get back about that bike

>Read Ace's email

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #181 on: June 27, 2010, 01:51:43 AM »
>Sigh... they really DID get back about that bike

>Read Ace's email

>Maybe you did underestimate the amount of spam. Then again, most spammers won't punch you in the face.
>You read Ace's Email. "Yeah it could be Tenma. He might be the kind to get a black agent on a run after you. But that'd be off paper. Scanned around anyway, got zilch. This brush up's looking like a drek run, unless you got something more. Also get an IM, choob. This is slow as shit."


Rin Kagamine

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Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #182 on: June 27, 2010, 01:57:56 AM »
> Read Chiko's mail

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #183 on: June 27, 2010, 02:07:01 AM »
> Read Chiko's mail

>You open the other email
>"yuugi's got this friend with a 1990 kawasaki gpx 600 to unload. wants 370☼ for it. seen it, looks like shit but runs good. needs work probbly in next 500 miles. you down??"


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #184 on: June 27, 2010, 02:27:16 AM »
>That email can probably sit there for a bit

>Do we have an IM address that we could give to Ace?

>Almost feels like it verges a little on spying at this point, but have a look at Parsee's blog while we're at it

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #185 on: June 27, 2010, 02:41:47 AM »
>That email can probably sit there for a bit

>Do we have an IM address that we could give to Ace?

>Almost feels like it verges a little on spying at this point, but have a look at Parsee's blog while we're at it

>You decide to leave Chiko hanging.
>You have an AIM you never use, and mess around on IRC a bit.
>You decide to check out Parsee's blog again. The article there is still "So There Actually Are Fucking Ghosts.", but it has been expanded from one line to a fairly detailed account of last night's happenings. You do note, though, she really doesn't mention your own situation, save for a line that is "There was something else that happened to which was kinda related to this, but I'm not gonna say much about it right now out of respect of the person's privacy."
>The There's literally a few hundred of them. Browsing through them, you find some people being skeptical, or claiming Parsee betrayed them. Others are genuinely curious and seem to believe her. There is a faction claiming the update was fake and someone got into Parsee's account. Some of them are still asking about you, just a few at first, until about 2/5ths the way through when you see a reply where someone deduces the privacy being protected is yours. This leads to a long-running derail where people badger Parsee about whether or not you two have gotten it together yet, with helpful internet-esque advice such as "JAM IT IN" and "Next time you meet, wear a trenchcoat and only a trenchcoat. Trust me, it'll work."  Peppered through this are other people you assume must be big names, with the amount of support they get, mostly there to tear into Parsee in various ways. Parsee herself has waded into the comments, clarifying little questions, telling people what she does with you isn't their business, and getting into outright flamewars with the big name people.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #186 on: June 27, 2010, 03:02:52 AM »
>Write an email to Ace:
>"I met with Tenma this morning. Seems the house issue was just a paperwork mixup. Could be a cover, I suppose, but he didn't have to overturn the condemnation order with as little protest as he did. Could just be a good liar. I don't know."
>"What's a drek run, anyway? Sorry I don't know the lingo... And no, I don't have anything new on that front. Wish I did. A bunch of dead ends, now. I'm still convinced there's something more here, though. Sorry I'm turning out boring for you. It's frustrating for me, let me tell you. I'll let you know if I find something else you might be able to use. "
>"I do have an AIM account we could use if there's something to talk about later. I won't be around a computer for most of the night, though."
>Append our AIM contact details

>Call Parsee

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #187 on: June 27, 2010, 03:05:26 AM »
>Write an email to Ace:
>"I met with Tenma this morning. Seems the house issue was just a paperwork mixup. Could be a cover, I suppose, but he didn't have to overturn the condemnation order with as little protest as he did. Could just be a good liar. I don't know."
>"What's a drek run, anyway? Sorry I don't know the lingo... And no, I don't have anything new on that front. Wish I did. A bunch of dead ends, now. I'm still convinced there's something more here, though. Sorry I'm turning out boring for you. It's frustrating for me, let me tell you. I'll let you know if I find something else you might be able to use. "
>"I do have an AIM account we could use if there's something to talk about later. I won't be around a computer for most of the night, though."
>Append our AIM contact details

>Call Parsee

>You write off your response to Ace, and call Parsee.
>"Hello?" she answers, after one ring.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #188 on: June 27, 2010, 03:08:02 AM »
>"Hey, there. How's it going?"

>"Thought I might give you a little update. Looks like I'm getting a tour of the research facility pretty shortly now. Nitori convinced an old acquaintance to show me around a bit."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #189 on: June 27, 2010, 03:12:21 AM »
>"Hey, there. How's it going?"

>"Thought I might give you a little update. Looks like I'm getting a tour of the research facility pretty shortly now. Nitori convinced an old acquaintance to show me around a bit."

>"Pretty good, getting some work done on a project. Weeping for the internet."
>"You what!? When are we going?!"


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #190 on: June 27, 2010, 03:16:07 AM »
> "Well, the internet does have people from all over the world, and we already knew the world was wrong, didn't we?"
> "Er, we? Um... I don't know if she's going to want to show both of us around. Of course, we could try and see if she will once we get there."
> Tell Parsee when it is

Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #191 on: June 27, 2010, 03:18:15 AM »
>"Haha. I'm sure there's enough stupidity out there to keep a person crying for the rest of their life, if they cared to."
>"Well, I'm not sure about the 'we' part. I mean, I'd love to have you along, but I'm not sure how that would go over with my guide. She was only expecting me, after all. I played up the 'excited prospective student' angle.  Who knows what the normal visitor criteria are?"
>"Of course, we might be able to wing it, anyway. I don't even know what to expect from her, for that matter. Nitori wanted to strangle her, evidently. Brilliant type who likes to let everyone else know just how brilliant they are, I think."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #192 on: June 27, 2010, 03:28:41 AM »
> "Well, the internet does have people from all over the world, and we already knew the world was wrong, didn't we?"
> "Er, we? Um... I don't know if she's going to want to show both of us around. Of course, we could try and see if she will once we get there."
> Tell Parsee when it is
>"Haha. I'm sure there's enough stupidity out there to keep a person crying for the rest of their life, if they cared to."
>"Well, I'm not sure about the 'we' part. I mean, I'd love to have you along, but I'm not sure how that would go over with my guide. She was only expecting me, after all. I played up the 'excited prospective student' angle.  Who knows what the normal visitor criteria are?"
>"Of course, we might be able to wing it, anyway. I don't even know what to expect from her, for that matter. Nitori wanted to strangle her, evidently. Brilliant type who likes to let everyone else know just how brilliant they are, I think."

>"Yeah, but usually the world isn't wrong on my doorstep..."
>"You didn't ask if I could come, too? Man... Well, I guess we can try to convince her. I am kinda sorta in engineering..."
>You tell her when it is. "Not too long, then. Hmmm..."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #193 on: June 27, 2010, 03:32:59 AM »
>"Kinda sorta? Well, I suppose we can try, anyway."
>"If she doesn't let you tag along, is there anything you've heard about the place that might be helpful to keep an eye out for, other than the usual 'weird stuff is happening there' business?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #194 on: June 27, 2010, 03:44:16 AM »
>"Kinda sorta? Well, I suppose we can try, anyway."
>"If she doesn't let you tag along, is there anything you've heard about the place that might be helpful to keep an eye out for, other than the usual 'weird stuff is happening there' business?"

>"Well, architecture is kinda like the engineering that'd go on there. But anyways, okay, good. You going to pick me up, or should we meet?"
>"Yeah, but it pretty much comes down to the weird stuff is happening there. I've heard stories of fusion experiments, genetic alterations, freak creatures, chemtrail brewing, ionosphere tampering, you name it."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #195 on: June 27, 2010, 03:55:43 AM »
>"I think we can meet up on the way there."
>Suggest a place by the nearest bus stop on the way to the research facility

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #196 on: June 27, 2010, 03:59:31 AM »
>"I think we can meet up on the way there."
>Suggest a place by the nearest bus stop on the way to the research facility

>The bus stop is right at the university gates, which is where you are supposed to meet your guide.  There is also the restaurant Eats just down the way a little, and the bookstore. There were some other shops, but you can't remember what they were. You think there were some clothing stores, though.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #197 on: June 27, 2010, 04:03:02 AM »
>Probably best if we arrive there together, then...
>Is there a bus that swings by Parsee's way and then on to the university? If so, suggest she meet us at the bus stop, when we'll be by there, and then we can cover the rest of the route together

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #198 on: June 27, 2010, 04:10:20 AM »
>Probably best if we arrive there together, then...
>Is there a bus that swings by Parsee's way and then on to the university? If so, suggest she meet us at the bus stop, when we'll be by there, and then we can cover the rest of the route together

>The B Route goes directly from the Skids to the Industrial Park.  This shouldn't be too hard.
>"Okay, I'll meet you at the bus stop," says Parsee.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #199 on: June 27, 2010, 04:12:22 AM »
>"Ok, see ya then!"

>At the appropriate time, leave and catch the bus

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #200 on: June 27, 2010, 04:22:52 AM »
>"Ok, see ya then!"

>At the appropriate time, leave and catch the bus

>You still have a good half hour until you'll need to leave. Would you like to do anything with this time?


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #201 on: June 27, 2010, 04:43:17 AM »
> Quests
> Inventory

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #202 on: June 27, 2010, 04:54:05 AM »
> Quests
> Inventory

>Your Quests are:
>The World is Wrong
>You have an unshakable instinct telling you that something is critically awry with the world, enough to frighten you to the core of your being. You have vowed that you will find what it is. Having encountered something that looked a whole lot like a ghost, you may be onto something.
>You have taken an interest in a recent heist of a local importer at the docks. You've learned the Sheriff is looking into it personally.
>The Research Institute or the Military may hold the key to why the world is wrong. But getting into either of their facilities will be a challenge. You've arranged for a tour of the Research Facility.
>Who's Got The Hook-Up?
>You need the assistance of people with access to high places, so that you can get into these kinds of places yourself.
>The owner of the pharmacy in the Skids wants you to acquire some platypus venom from the biology department of the University, and will pay 1000☼
>You've been followed by Nue Houjuu. She claims the Scarlets paid her to do so, but the Administrative Chief has said otherwise. Who knows who is lying?
>Dark Passengers
>You are being haunted! You've managed to make peace with the Forest Spirit, but there is still a spectral crow on your head.
>Floral Choral
>There seem to be an abnormal number of flowers in the Forest these days...
>Shadow of the Cat
>There is most definitely a ghost cat in an alley near your house. Renko and Maribel intend to see if they can find anything more about it tonight.
>Your Self Appointed Goals are:
>Chase the Dream
>You've vowed you're gonna get accepted into that stupid university! Now, you have to pass the entry exam...
>Parsee Quest
>You've grown rather fond of that Mizuhashi girl.
>Dark Postage
>Miss Hieda is being blackmailed! You've resolved to do something about it.
>Your Inventory contains
>Green Bow (worn as accessory)
>Casual clothes (worn as clothes)
>Notebook with Pen
>Bio Hazard Backpack
>Nuclear Physics (Second Edition) by Irving Kaplan
>Splitting the Atom by Aloysius Alvin Non
>Introductory Nuclear Physics by Kenneth S. Krane.
>Spare notebooks
>Driver's License
>Debit Card
>Bus Pass
>Bag of Birdseed.
>Bag of Sunflower Seeds
>Plastic Bag
>Eye Pendant (Worn as Accessory)
>Box Cars' URL
>Usami Investigations Business Card
>Peace of Mind Charm
>Plumbing Report
>Cell Phone


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #203 on: June 27, 2010, 05:20:42 AM »
> Leave and take the bus

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #204 on: June 27, 2010, 05:28:02 AM »
> Leave and take the bus

>You leave and catch the bus to the Industrial District. The trip there is a quick and boring one, the bus has only a few quiet people on it as it passes between your neighborhood and hers.
>You disembark at the appointed meeting place, still a good thirty minutes ahead of schedule.


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #205 on: June 27, 2010, 05:29:26 AM »
> Wait, and read while doing so

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #206 on: June 27, 2010, 05:44:02 AM »
> Wait, and read while doing so

>You wait, and pull out one of your textbooks to get in a little more study time.
>Perhaps 15 minutes pass. During this time, you can hear some motorcycles in the distance, probably a few blocks away. "Utsuho?" comes the voice of Parsee, distracting you from your attempts not to to be bothered by the bike racing, "Why were you waiting here? My apartment is just down the street. I wouldn't have left so early if I knew you were just down here!"


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #207 on: June 27, 2010, 05:47:07 AM »
> "...You know, I think I completely spaced out on that."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #208 on: June 27, 2010, 05:57:33 AM »
> "...You know, I think I completely spaced out on that."

>She laughs. "Oh well, I guess there's worse things we can do than linger around the University gates. It is how we met, after all."
>"So, did you manage to get your ghost to understand anything?"



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Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #209 on: June 27, 2010, 06:21:48 AM »
> "Not sure on the understaning bit, it's going somewhere, but not much progress, just understanding the emotion behind something. I have come up with something to refer to her as, based on what she was apperently known as, or something. Stargazer. She seems very shy, and untrusting of pretty much everyone except for me, and considers me a 'kindred soul.' I also found out she can become undetectable, even on camera's, she will move to where I am standing, and after a second, not even the camera's that could always see her, could see her anymore, and when she steps back out, it's like she was sleeping or out cold."