Author Topic: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 79468 times)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #840 on: July 09, 2010, 01:17:26 AM »
> Convey to Stargazer that Nitori may notice her if she doesn't put the screwdriver down.
> "She's doing good.  Why do you ask?"

>You try to whisper to her low enough that Nitori won't hear. Stargazer's moment of pride turns into one of embarrassment as she puts the screwdriver down.
>"Because I'm curious, obviously. I like knowing how my people are doing."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #841 on: July 09, 2010, 01:39:25 AM »
>"Well, we have a lunch date again, today, actually. I think we're pretty comfortable with each other, already, despite the short length of time we've known each other."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #842 on: July 09, 2010, 01:51:46 AM »
>"Well, we have a lunch date again, today, actually. I think we're pretty comfortable with each other, already, despite the short length of time we've known each other."

>"Awesome," says Nitori. "I knew you could sweep her off her feet!"
>Work continues more or less steadily. Nitori soon leaves to take care of some onsite work, having you help load up a couple of units first. Then you are left to yourself in the shop. Stargazer feels comfortable enough to appear slightly, much as she did last night, and takes to marveling at the various broken parts around the store. She vanishes quickly whenever the door opens, which happens several times. A few are customers coming to pick up their refurbished air conditioners, while a couple bring in new ones. While they could ask for onsite service, Nitori gives them a significant break on the price if they bring it in themselves and pick it up.
>Around 12:30, Nitori returns, and dismisses you for lunch.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #843 on: July 09, 2010, 01:54:48 AM »
>Parsee said she wasn't free until after 1, didn't she?
>How long is our lunch break?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #844 on: July 09, 2010, 02:22:46 AM »
>Parsee said she wasn't free until after 1, didn't she?
>How long is our lunch break?

>She said she'd call you if she got out early, so it seems she's not out til one.
>One hour. With a few minutes' allowance usually.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #845 on: July 09, 2010, 02:27:25 AM »
>Well, I guess we have a half hour to kill
>Give Orin a quick call and see how she's doing

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #846 on: July 09, 2010, 02:30:54 AM »
>Well, I guess we have a half hour to kill
>Give Orin a quick call and see how she's doing

>You give Orin a call.
>"Hello?" she asks.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #847 on: July 09, 2010, 02:31:48 AM »
>"Hey, sis. I just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing, now."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #848 on: July 09, 2010, 02:36:36 AM »
>"Hey, sis. I just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing, now."

>"Not too bad. I spent awhile just wandering around the harbor. It seemed as good of a place as any. Nothing unusual going down that I can see. Oh, I checked the museum. Nothing weird with that paid exhibit that I could see. Just a bunch of old pots and tools and stuff. But I don't have anything like Stargazer helping me out. Anything you think I should look into? I'm thinking about visiting the Moriya Shrine."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #849 on: July 09, 2010, 02:44:52 AM »
>Wait, is Nitori still around?
>If so, wave goodbye and head out of work while continuing the conversation, so that nothing unusual sounding is said within earshot
>"Sure, be my guest. I went there the other day, but you never know if you might find something I hadn't. I don't really have a lot of ideas of places to search that I haven't already looked. I might still drop by the museum later. Like you said, Stargazer might be able to pick up on something. Other than that, I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I'm getting together with Parsee for lunch in a little bit, but all 3 of us probably ought to get together later tonight and talk some of this over. There are a couple places I want to look that are kind of... problematic. I can give you the details later."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #850 on: July 09, 2010, 02:57:28 AM »
>Wait, is Nitori still around?
>If so, wave goodbye and head out of work while continuing the conversation, so that nothing unusual sounding is said within earshot
>"Sure, be my guest. I went there the other day, but you never know if you might find something I hadn't. I don't really have a lot of ideas of places to search that I haven't already looked. I might still drop by the museum later. Like you said, Stargazer might be able to pick up on something. Other than that, I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I'm getting together with Parsee for lunch in a little bit, but all 3 of us probably ought to get together later tonight and talk some of this over. There are a couple places I want to look that are kind of... problematic. I can give you the details later."

>She is.
>You wave and head outside.
>"Alright. Well, just give me a time and I'll be there. If you got suggestions on what to do, I'm open to them. I've got little better to do right now."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #851 on: July 09, 2010, 03:05:01 AM »
>"Well, I'll give you another call if something comes to mind. For now, your guess is probably as good as mine, I'm afraid. I'll let you know what time we're getting together when I know it myself. Keep hanging in there. I'll talk to you later."
>The museum is downtown, right? Presumably there's places to eat around there, too.
>If we have time to get there, eat something with Parsee, and get back more or less on time, head there now


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #852 on: July 09, 2010, 03:10:39 AM »
>How long would it take to get downtown?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #853 on: July 09, 2010, 03:20:47 AM »
>"Well, I'll give you another call if something comes to mind. For now, your guess is probably as good as mine, I'm afraid. I'll let you know what time we're getting together when I know it myself. Keep hanging in there. I'll talk to you later."
>The museum is downtown, right? Presumably there's places to eat around there, too.
>If we have time to get there, eat something with Parsee, and get back more or less on time, head there now
>How long would it take to get downtown?

>"Okay," says Orin, "I'll call you if anything comes up."
>It would take you only a few minutes. Unfortunately, if Parsee leaves from the university district, she'd get there with only a few minutes before your lunch break ends.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #854 on: July 09, 2010, 03:22:06 AM »
>Ok, in that case, head towards the university. Must be some place we can eat around there, to save time on our limited break

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #855 on: July 09, 2010, 03:33:22 AM »
>Ok, in that case, head towards the university. Must be some place we can eat around there, to save time on our limited break

>You catch a bus to the University. It doesn't take too long to get there from Uptown, thanks to the freeway.
>It is about 12:50 when you get off at the bus stop. You know of at least one restaurant nearby, as you and Orin ate there a couple days ago. Thankfully, it's not too slow, as you are quite ravenous at the moment. A bowl of cereal this morning didn't really cut it.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #856 on: July 09, 2010, 03:34:58 AM »
>Head towards the university gates, and wait for 1, then give Parsee a call

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #857 on: July 09, 2010, 03:37:23 AM »
>Head towards the university gates, and wait for 1, then give Parsee a call

>You head to the gates and count the minutes til one, then give Parsee a call.
>"Hey," she says, "I was just about to call you. Where're we going?"


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #858 on: July 09, 2010, 03:39:37 AM »
>"Well, there's a place near here that Orin and I ate at the other day. But I'm sure you know the area better than I do. If you have a preference, be my guest. I more or less picked the spot, yesterday."
>If Parsee has a preference, go to that restaurant. Otherwise, go to the one we already know

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #859 on: July 09, 2010, 03:46:23 AM »
>"Well, there's a place near here that Orin and I ate at the other day. But I'm sure you know the area better than I do. If you have a preference, be my guest. I more or less picked the spot, yesterday."
>If Parsee has a preference, go to that restaurant. Otherwise, go to the one we already know

>"Oh, well, there's a sort of general diner right by the bookstore. And there's a place that has some pretty good burgers just west of the dorms. Which do you like?"


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #860 on: July 09, 2010, 03:51:27 AM »
>"I'll take the burger joint if both are just the same to you."
>Head there

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #861 on: July 09, 2010, 03:55:35 AM »
>"I'll take the burger joint if both are just the same to you."
>Head there

>"Meet me by the gates, and I'll show you how to get there. Oh, and how's Orin doing?"


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #862 on: July 09, 2010, 04:00:56 AM »
>"She's doing a little better, I think. Spent the morning wandering around town, like I did the other day. I think it helped, some. She's still off wandering about. I didn't really have anyplace specific to suggest she look into. Oh, she did drop by that supposedly haunted exhibit in the museum, but didn't find anything. But I'll probably have Stargazer take a look at it later, anyway. I said that the three of us ought to get together later today, and discuss our next move. She's in this nearly as deep as I am, now."
>Walk to the gates

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #863 on: July 09, 2010, 04:14:50 AM »
>"She's doing a little better, I think. Spent the morning wandering around town, like I did the other day. I think it helped, some. She's still off wandering about. I didn't really have anyplace specific to suggest she look into. Oh, she did drop by that supposedly haunted exhibit in the museum, but didn't find anything. But I'll probably have Stargazer take a look at it later, anyway. I said that the three of us ought to get together later today, and discuss our next move. She's in this nearly as deep as I am, now."
>Walk to the gates

>You are already there!
>"That's good," says Parsee, "Well, good that she's doing better. And I'll be honest, I forgot you even mentioned the museum thing. That is going to be worth looking into, isn't it? Maybe we should have a look at it ourselves later? Oh, I see you now. Just a moment."
>She hangs up. Looking around, you see Parsee crossing the campus toward you. You can also feel Stargazer peering over the shoulder of some nearby student as she writes something; confused and curious as always. She thinks that the person is engaging in written language, but can't understand why.


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #864 on: July 09, 2010, 04:18:44 AM »
>Assuming there's enough people milling around that a casual remark won't be noticed: "She's trying to preserve memories on paper, so she can read them later."
>Wave to Parsee
>"Hey there!"
>Take her hand
>"Lead the way! I'm starving! ...I seem to be doing a lot of that lately, don't I?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #865 on: July 09, 2010, 04:30:27 AM »
>Assuming there's enough people milling around that a casual remark won't be noticed: "She's trying to preserve memories on paper, so she can read them later."
>Wave to Parsee
>"Hey there!"
>Take her hand
>"Lead the way! I'm starving! ...I seem to be doing a lot of that lately, don't I?"

>Stargazer is stunned by this revelation. She seems to have never even considered this idea before.
>You wave to Parsee and take her hand. She smiles and hugs you with her free hand. "Thanks for the note. I assumed the worst when I didn't see you there this morning."
>She leads you northward, toward the dorms. "Yeah, I really want to know how you can eat so much and have a good figure."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #866 on: July 09, 2010, 04:37:07 AM »
>"Yeah, I'm sorry if I worried you. I just really needed to be with Orin then. I know just what she's going through, and... well, I'd never want anyone to ever have to go through that. It's... well, I'm not even sure I have the words to describe it any better than I already have. But it's profoundly terrifying in a way that you've probably never experienced and hopefully never will."
>We don't typically eat this much, right? I seem to recall that being commented on. If so:
 >"And... well, I don't usually eat nearly this much. I don't know if it's all the stress or all the running around or what."
>Continue onward

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #867 on: July 09, 2010, 04:50:36 AM »
>"Yeah, I'm sorry if I worried you. I just really needed to be with Orin then. I know just what she's going through, and... well, I'd never want anyone to ever have to go through that. It's... well, I'm not even sure I have the words to describe it any better than I already have. But it's profoundly terrifying in a way that you've probably never experienced and hopefully never will."
>We don't typically eat this much, right? I seem to recall that being commented on. If so:
 >"And... well, I don't usually eat nearly this much. I don't know if it's all the stress or all the running around or what."
>Continue onward

>"Yeah, once I saw the note, it all made sense."
>You typically aren't a big eater; you do try to watch your weight and such. But since yesterday, you've been pretty ravenous.
>"Well, I guess it can be forgiven this time," says Parsee.
>You soon reach the place she was walking about. It's not quite a fast food restaurant, you do properly sit down at booths and get served, but a glance at the  menu reveals is pretty limited to various form of burger and appropriate sides. There is a brown-haired girl with a star-shaped clip in her hair waiting on tables.
>You are now left with the decision as to how much you'll be indulging your ravenousness. "So, I've been thinking about the plan," Parsee says, "And it seems the best first step is just to list what each problem is going to be, in order."


Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #868 on: July 09, 2010, 04:55:04 AM »
>"Yeah, I agree. Although I'm not sure this is the best venue to be discussing the details at."
>Look around. Does it seem relatively safe to talk about this at our current location without inviting suspicion?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Subsequently - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #869 on: July 09, 2010, 05:00:50 AM »
>"Yeah, I agree. Although I'm not sure this is the best venue to be discussing the details at."
>Look around. Does it seem relatively safe to talk about this at our current location without inviting suspicion?

>"I've already considered it, no worries," says Parsee.
>You look around. There's only a couple people here, and they look more like students than security or researchers. You doubt they'd overhear you.
