Tana: What? So soon? Ah, we've had no time!
Soldier: Milady, we lack the arms to defend this place. You must return to Castle Frelia.
Tana: I can't! Not yet. We haven?t found Eirika and her companions yet. Eirika is my friend, and she needs my help. I won't abandon her. Oh, I know! Go and ask Father-- I mean King Hayden for more troops.
Soldier: Yes, Your Highness!

Tana: Eirika, please be safe.

Breguet: Hmph. They're tenacious, but they have no hope of stopping our advance.
Soldier: What are your orders, sir?
Breguet: Ha! Orders? You just stand here and watch. I'll crush them myself!
Soldier: As you command, sir.

Oh dear...

Breguet: Ha! That's what happens when you face my lance!
So we get erracated by 1% crits and the FFVI Light of Judgement oh joy...

Tana: Call off your forces and turn back, or you'll have me to deal with!
Breguet: Is that so? And who might you be?
Tana: Who--? I am Tana, Princess of Frelia. I will not permit you to abuse my country any longer.
Breguet: Frelia's royal brat, huh? How convenient...
Tana: Leave this castle immediately. If you harm me, my father and brother will chase you to the earth's end.
Breguet: Yes, I've heard of how King Hayden dotes on his precious little daughter. Let's see how true that is. You?ll make us a fine hostage, my dear. Seize the girl and lock her up!
Soldier: Right away, sir!
Tana: No! Let me go!

Eirika: Seth, look...
Seth: I see it. It seems like Grado's army has already reached Frelia. Princess, this place is perilous. We should bypass Mulan altogether and head straight to the castle.
Eirika: But we can't just ignore this... You were there when Renais was invaded... You saw what I saw. You saw how the people suffered at the hands of Grado's soldiers. Homes were destroyed, possessions stolen, women kidnapped... Anyone who resisted was executed without question, without hesitation.
Seth: ...
Eirika: Please, Seth. I can't allow that to happen here. I don't want to see any more people harmed by Grado's atrocities.
Seth: All right, Princess. I understand. Perhaps we can retake Mulan. But, Princess, you must act with caution. Your people need you, too.
Eirika: Of course, Seth. Come on! Let's go!
Okay first things First lets see how close Erika is to getting more Sword Skill.

Okay she got about half the skill needed for Rank D this means she should get to it at some point this chapter.

I decide to have Seth do Jeigan duty and visit the houses while Erika heads twoard the enemy troops.

Man: It looks like they?ve seized the castle gate, too. Smart work--the gate provides defense and heals wounds to boot. They must be fierce warriors to have taken the gate. Watch yourself.
Yeah typical bosses sit on a gate or throne.

Breguet: Ha ha! It really is my lucky day! Fame and fortune ride to meet me! Move on, you slugs! Bring that girl to me!
The fighter charges Erika but the battle doesn't go to well...


Gilliam: Aye, we have. Her Highness Princess Tana should be inside the castle.
Franz: But look -- the countryside is crawling with Grado soldiers! Where's the castle guard! Has Mulan fallen? Are we too late?
Gilliam: Too tough to say from here. Princess Tana's in no danger if they want her as a bargaining tool. We men of the Eastern Watch will see her to safety.
Franz: Yes...Yes, of course. We mustn't give up. We must move. We must retake the castle. Then, we ride forth to Princess Eirika's aid.
Gilliam: I've stronger armor then you do. I'll take the lead. Watch my back.
Now we get Gilliam the Knight and Franz the Cavalier both of them are good unit's that i've used on multiple playthroughs.
Gilliam is a typical Knight but he isn't ridiculously overpowered like some upon joining and he can get slightly injured by enemies.

Franz is a Cavalier with good Speed, Skill and Strength

I decide to have Gillaim and Franz kill off this soldier because I don't want to risk it killing Erika.

Erika runs to a Fortress and uses a Vulnery while Seth visits another house.

Man: It looked like it could turn aside almost any blade you swing at it. I know my armor, though. I wager a good rapier or armorslayer could get through it.
And upon reciveing advice that Armor slayer slays armored things The enemy Turn begins and the Grado Soldiers decide that Franz and Gilliam make better targets.

Enemy Reinforcemets arrive from the south

I've found them! Stragglers from Renais! Don't let them get away!

This Turn I decided to move Erika away from the enemy reinforcements and I had Franz kill another enemy Fighter

I move Gilliam onto a Fortress to heal and on the enemy turn the other enemy fighter runs up and attacks Franz

It's my Turn now and I decide to have Erika go attack a Fighter to get some Weapon Skill and EXP.

It's a clean KO and if she gets hit Seth can rescue her.

She kills the Fighter and then this happens

Some strength would have been nice.

Franz should be able to kill the other Fighter

And he is.

Now lets have Gilliam take out the last fighter

Thankfully he hits meaning Seth wont have to do any work yet. Lets move him out of the way though

This forest looks fine.
On the enemy turn Franz kills Random Soldier #3 with ease on the counter attacks

On my Turn I decide to have Franz drop by Erika to have a small chat.
(If Franz talk to Eirika)

Franz, you made it through unscathed...
Y-yes, Your Highness! I met up with Sir Gilliam of Frelia and explained the situation in Renais. He told me that Princess Tana was in danger as well, here at Mulan. We rode as swiftly as we could.
Tana is here? Franz, we must hurry!
Afterwords I have Erika move one space above Seth to lure the Soldier into range and kill them.

Which obviously happens and because soldiers suck this is all you really need to see.

So now she gets to use Steel Sword and save the Rapier for later.

Which she does to kill that crappy soldier. Meanwhile Franz also goes and talks to Seth.

Y-yes... and you as well, General. As long as you lead us, sir, the Knights of Renais cannot lose!
Franz, you and I must work together to protect Princess Eirika. I want you to ride with us.
Sir! With honor, sir!
Now all thats left is Breguet who's a knight like Gilliam.

tldr he sucks lets just have Seth Charge because i'm lazy and were actually using him.

Seth missed


On the enemy Turn he just attacks.

And misses

Seth nearly levels off of him

And Erika Seizes the throne

Sir Gilliam... I?m sorry, I never meant to cause you such trouble.
It was no trouble. I live to serve, Princess.

...Eirika?!? Is that really you?
Tana, what are you doing, so far form Castle Frelia?
I heard that Renais had fallen, and I was so worried... But I'm glad to see that you're safe... Wait! Where is Ephraim? Is he well?
I wish I knew.
You haven't heard from him? Oh, I hope he's not been harmed... Come, we must go to Castle Frelia. My lord father may know something.
Eirika: Thank you, Tana.
Now we get to go see the world map

(Screen goes inside Frelia Castle, with Tana and Hayden)

Hayden: You've no idea how I worried when I heard you were under attack at Border Mulan. You are not to leave again without my permission. Do you understand?
Tana: Don't be mad, Father. Look, I come bearing good news. Eirika! Come out now!

Hayden: Ah, Eirika! It does my heart good to see you safe.
Eirika: Thank you. I was able to escape the castle before Renais fell. But I'm not sure if my father...
Hayden: Yes. I... have received word of your father.
Eirika: Your Highness? Please tell me. If my father well?
Hayden: ...My friend King Fado...did not survive the fall of Renais Castle.
Eirika: ...No, it cannot be...
Seth: ......
Hayden: Rest assured, Grado will be punished for its cowardly act. This is Frelia's promise. Eirika, please stay here and rest. I cannot imagine how exhausted you must be.
Eirika: ......
Seth: King Hayden. You know of Prince Ephraim's disappearance, do you not?
Hayden: Yes, we hear the prince and his men hound Grado at every turn. It's said that he's led his forces into the empire itself. Reports suggest he's crossed the border and now fights in Renvall.
Eirika: My brother... He fights on? Even now?
Hayden: Yes. My pegasus knights bought this information at a great price. Even though Renais has fallen, he charges into the enemy's heart. He is truly Fado's son... What a valiant youth. I wish I knew whether he remains unharmed, but I do not.
Eirika: King Hayden, I thank you for your offer, but I cannot stay. I intend to ride to my brother's side with reinforcements.
Hayden: I cannot allow it. I know how you feel, but this plan is suicide. I would be betraying Fado's memory if I allowed any harm to befall you. Stay here. Rest and mourn. Leave this war to the warriors.
Eirika: I know you mean well, Your Majesty. However, I have lost my father, and my twin brother is in peril. My brother, he is a part of me... I cannot rest here in peace while he risks his life.
Hayden: No. Renais has no more army. Grado's forces decimated it. I wish Frelia could provide you with support, with soldiers, but... My son, Innes, is on his way to meet the empire's forces. We cannot spare a single brigade. Your own retinue of knights cannot possibly face Grado alone. Are you so determined to go?
Eirika: Yes. ...With apologies.
Hayden: ...As resolute as your father, eh? What am I to do in the face of such foolhardy determination? Vanessa.

Hayden: Moulder.

Hayden: Gilliam.

Hayden: You are to accompany Princess Eirika of Renais into Grado territory. I expect each of you to provide aid and support for her brother.
Moulder: Hmm. Quite a grave responsibility you've given us.
Vanessa: No matter the obstacles, we will perform our duty.
Gilliam: Our lives are yours.
Hayden: These are some of my most trusted and stalwart vassals. They will, no doubt, prove themselves quite valuable on your journey. Remember, you are venturing behind enemy lines. You will need supplies. I will have a supply convoy readied to carry your weapons and provisions. It will remain at your side, no matter how far afield you venture.
Eirika: King Hayden, I... Thank you.
Hayden: No, save your thanks for your return... with your brother, Prince Ephraim.
Eirika: Yes, Your highness!

Tana: I can't guess how you must feel, but its' just too dangerous. What would happen if you were captured by Grado's men?
Thank you for your concern, Tana. But I have no choice. Don't you see, Tana? I have to go.
Tana: Eirika... Oh, why is this happening? What's gone wrong with the world?
Eirika: Tana...
Tana: Why would Grado invade? Emperor Vigarde is a man of peace. His people adore him. And you and Ephraim are friends with Prince Lyon, are you not? What could be behind this madness? Why is this happening...
Eirika: I have no answers for you, Tana. I don't want to believe it, but the reality is that we are at war. If I do nothing, I may lose my brother as well as my father. This is why I have to fight. It's the only answer I have.

And our next destination the Village of Ide appears on the World Map.