Author Topic: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!  (Read 132662 times)


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Lament our lack of communion with our fellow faeries.
>Wonder when Rinnosuke ran off.
>Wait for him to return, buy the book and the wind up toy.

> A crying shame you haven't really conversed with faeries at all...

> Where did that lazy bum go? Not too clever to leave one of a species known for mischief alone in a store...

> You wait for Rinnosuke to get back.

> You wait for quite a while...

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>"I'm about to rob the place!"


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>"I'm about to rob the place!"

> Everything remains silent.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Take the book and the wind-up toy!  Walk out the door!
>Stop. Think of Yukari.
>Go back and count out the proper amount of money and leave it on the counter.
>Back to Eientei! Summon Roger when appropriate.


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Take the book and the wind-up toy!  Walk out the door!
>Stop. Think of Yukari.
>Go back and count out the proper amount of money and leave it on the counter.
>Back to Eientei! Summon Roger when appropriate.

> You prepare to just leave with the items before your conscience kicks in. Deciding to be a good person, you leave the correct amount of money on the table before stepping out.

> You head back to Eientei, letting Roger guide you through once again.
> The place is still empty on the outside, it seems.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Enter! Back to the infirmary.


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Enter! Back to the infirmary.

> You head back to the infirmary, ignoring Reisen.

> Eirin isn't here at the moment. Lily is still asleep.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Find some scrap paper.
>Leave the book, the wind up toy, and the key near Lily. Drag over a table if needs be.
>Write a note: "I came twice, but you weren't awake. I'm really sorry about what happened. I got you some gifts at Kourindou! <3, Aurica"
>Leave them where she'll see them.
>Start to creep off.
>Walk back over to Lily and whisper into her ear: "The floor is made of cookies~ Eat eat eat~"


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Find some scrap paper.
>Leave the book, the wind up toy, and the key near Lily. Drag over a table if needs be.
>Write a note: "I came twice, but you weren't awake. I'm really sorry about what happened. I got you some gifts at Kourindou! <3, Aurica"
>Leave them where she'll see them.
>Start to creep off.
>Walk back over to Lily and whisper into her ear: "The floor is made of cookies~ Eat eat eat~"

> You find some paper and leave a note with the gifts.

> You begin to creep off before deciding to torment Lily some more. She doesn't stir.

> You leave the room.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it

> You have no real quests, unfortunately.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Well, time to go bother our favorite Kappa.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
> Before leaving Eientei, look around for someone, preferably Eirin or Reisen.


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Well, time to go bother our favorite Kappa.
> Before leaving Eientei, look around for someone, preferably Eirin or Reisen.

> You look around for one of the two. You hear some noises in a room in your search. Opening the door, you stumble into a room where a scantily clad rabbit is in the process of slipping a fresh change of clothes on. In moments, you're sitting on your rear outside the room, flustered.

> You stand up and leave Eientei, calling Roger to guide you out of the forest. You immediately depart for Kappatown.

> You have arrived in Kappatown. The place never changes, surprisingly. Kappa running from home to home. Doing their...Kappa things...

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Make way toward Nitori-Hearth. Surely there are cool things happening there.


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Make way toward Nitori-Hearth. Surely there are cool things happening there.

> You walk towards Nitori-Hearth, before an explosion sends a single Kappa out of the hut.
> Panic ensues as various Kappa check the sploded one's pulse. She appears to be dead. In a rather disturbing display, only one person picks up the body after everyone else has just shrugged and left.

> Nitori steps out wearing a noticeably shinier version of her old hat. She cackles maniacally.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>"It is!? That's great! But...that poor kappa over there..."


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>"It is!? That's great! But...that poor kappa over there..."

> "She forgot to wear safety goggles. Her fate was sealed."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>"...Can I have some goggles, please?"


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>"...Can I have some goggles, please?"

> She hands you a pair of goggles.
> "These belonged to the deceased. She won't need them anymore."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Put them on! Put the on and never take them off!
>...Heehee, free gift.
>"What'd you complete?"


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Put them on! Put the on and never take them off!
>...Heehee, free gift.
>"What'd you complete?"

> You slip the goggles on.

> Yes! Be thankful!

> "THIS!"
> She points to her hat.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>Examine hat!


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>Examine hat!

It is identical to almost every other Kappa hat. It just seems shinier with a bit more of a glossy feel.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
>"Oh my stars, would you look at that shine!"


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
> "Woooow, seems a lot more shiny and glossy! Anything else about it I should know about it beyond the fact you made your hat even more awesome?"


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it
>"Oh my stars, would you look at that shine!"

> She stops suddenly.
> "I think I'd rather show you."

> "Woooow, seems a lot more shiny and glossy! Anything else about it I should know about it beyond the fact you made your hat even more awesome?"

> "Follow me."
> She walks into the hut.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
> Follow that Kappa!
> Be ready to be amazed!
> "This is gonna be awesome, isn't it!"


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
  • But I'm an asshole, so you won't get any of it

> You follow Nitori, extremely excited.

> Follow that Kappa!
> Be ready to be amazed!
> "This is gonna be awesome, isn't it!"

> You prepare for AMAZEMENT.

> Her head whips around and looks at you.

> Once she reaches her desk, she pulls a large jackknife off the counter and points it at her own chest.
> She's going to kill herself! Do something!