>Detail Spell Cards
> Taboo "Cranberry Trap."
>> You unleash waves of danmaku that are aimed at the target while leaving utterly surronding the target, they need to know what to do 2 or 3 steps ahead in order to survive.
> Taboo "Laevatein."
>> You envolope your beloved toy with pure power and fire and start swinging, with your weapon leaving trails of bullets behind.
> Taboo "Four of a Kind."
>> You multiply become four of your self and unleash waves of danmaku from all of yourselves, but only the real you is affect by enemy danmaku.
> Taboo "Kagome, Kagome."
>> You create a "cage" of danmaku around the battle field, with limited movement space, and then you launch large bullets into the "cage" disrupting it and sending the bullets that make it up everywhere.
> Taboo "Mazo of Love."
>> Unleash a very thick wave of danmaku that has only one noticable gap at a time, and several waves of faster bullets, forcing your opponent to circle around to avoid getting hit.
> Forbidden Barrage "Starbow Break."
>> You unleash a barrage of rainbow colored bullets, first building them up a bit then throwing them at the enemy. The bullets are rather quick, and the gaps are small so the foe must act quickly to dodge.
> Forbidden Barrage "Catadioptric."
>> You unleash a few waves of bullets in multiple directions and even if they first miss, will bounce off of invisable "walls" and head into a new direction, wherever your opponent is! They also leave trails of smaller bullets as they go.
> Forbidden Barrage "Counter-Clock."
>> You create 2 sets of 4 lasers, each forming a large spinning X, and send them flying around the battlefield while launching waves of bullets all over the battlefield.
> Secret Barrage "And Then Will There Be None?"
>> You send "ghostly" aimed trails of danmaku after the enemy, with more and more trails as time goes on. The trails then stop and waves of danmaku come from all around the enemy and are fired in a pattern, with the different waves mixing with each other making a big mess of danmaku.
> Q.E.D. "Ripples of 495 Years."
>> You unleash a wave of danmaku in all directions that bounces of the "walls" like Catadioptric did, and then another and another and another, adding more and more waves until the card ends, a spell break happens or you stop the card.
Describe what the dangerous things are doing as best you can, and all will be well.
>Try to keep back from that orb. Back away and look for gaps in Suika's danmaku.
>What is our own like?
> The orb has stopped moving perfectly inbetween you and Suika and has grown greatly and is know sucking you in even more. She sontinues her barrage and the first bullets are very close to you.
Sorry if my card descriptions are off, I watched a video of the EoSD Extra stage to get a proper idea of each card, but even then I guessed with some, like Catadioptric.