Author Topic: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo  (Read 100791 times)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #150 on: July 06, 2010, 12:42:03 AM »
I think there's a little fun secret I should tell you.

That Vault where you found the yukanako gaurdian with all those items that were mimics.... There's something special about that vault from what I remember someone telling me.

All item in there are suppose to be normal....the things is, you have to keep the Yukanako gaurdian alive! Once the Yukkanako Guardian is killed, a vast majority of the items in the vault turn into mimics!

Not everyone knows that and tend to be tricked by this. But if what I read is true, then you lost out on a good number of items.

But in place you got some good experience from mimic killing.

Either way it's a good run so far so I'm looking forward to how things go from this point onward. And I see Nue's level 18...time for some Sprite editing!
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #151 on: July 06, 2010, 11:11:53 AM »
Ahhhh so that's the thing about those vaults. Yeah I've seen them a few times and endlessly raged at the sheer number of mimics they always contained. Keeping the guardian alive and looting the best of the stuff is entirely reasonable (especially with Apportation, which I recommend we get for eventual Abyss roaming). Only thing we could have wanted from this mimic vault was that acquirement scroll, the rest were expendable with the possible exception of those light dragon armours (but we can find better than that).

Yeah, I could do with a short break while you do sprite editing before you take your turn. Cheers to Nue getting her 2nd pair of wings.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #152 on: July 07, 2010, 05:17:17 PM »
Ok I'm going to update and let you know that I'm going probably write up about my run later today. In the mean time, I've been busy working on more sprites for other creatures. And now I've decided to throw some PC-98 characters into the pot now that I got a better idea what I want to attempt for the later areas (wether we go to them we will decide later). I will report though that this run was more terrifying strangely.. but I'll get the report more on it either later tonight or tomorrow morning.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 05:24:03 PM by Totaku »
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #153 on: July 08, 2010, 03:36:34 PM »
Ok people, it's time for me to continue my story here's the latest on what's happened...

When we began, Nue was back in the hive, I realized she was facing a bit of a complication. Mainly due to her bad mutations.... So I decided to take a gamble with Nue....

Nue went over to the mutation potions and grabbed them and started to comsume them

Now why consume mutation potions? Well, while this is probably not the smartest move to do. It can be worth the risk. Because it can randomly give and take mutations....

And after comsuming a few...

It payed off, Nue was now capable of teleporting at will, had her MP restored to it's standards and was less likely to rot away.

So following after taking the potions, Nue dropped them and went through to sort out her stuff before she decided to continue..

She returned to the dungeon and decided to attempt to tackle that annoying statue Roxanne.
Using the enviroment to her advantage and equiping a  brachire of reaching, Nue was able to stay an arms reach from Roxanne while using her spells to keep herself in check while at the same time retreating to heal herself when needed.

The fight took a while....but eventually Roxanne fell so we got her spell book...Course I recall we had a book that had simalar spells to what Roxanne already had....regardless we added this to the collection...

Afterward Nue decided that she wanted to try to attempt the Shaols once more....

Hopfullly to tackle Reisen and this time defeat her....

However.... I underestimated her big time...

She managed to summon another illusion which was obviously better than the last one and of course thankfully wasn't fire resistance or drain resistant. But with our current setup our clone was still dangerous so I attempted to retreat upstairs.....

But I forgot one things....

Illusions created by Reisen are not player ghosts!
They can travel up stairs too....

FLan decided to aid me, but even that didn't help as the Nue Illusion could even beat up the demons.... so Nue had no choice but to teleport and escape...

Pretty much a potion of healing wounds was waisted in the process just so Nue could live....

Now the big question.....where to go now?

Confronting Reisen's out of the question for now...

There is the Vaults.... Course that may prove to be tough, but it may be worth it as it shouldn't be nearly as threatening..... However Nue decied that perhaps she should explore another floor of the dungeon....

Floor 19!

Right from the get go, this floor showed that it was going to be dangerous.... There turned out to be a giant room filled with eyes....... but worse of all these were eyes of devistation. We already know what they're like.... now imagine there being about 20 of them! That's about as bad as it gets!

But that's not all...

The sounds of "Chin Chin" filled the air as Mischikkuris roamed about! These little yukkuri are nitorious for stealing your food and flying at fast speeds!
Pretty bad stuff....

And there were orb of eyes.... A very nasty creature that's like the eye of devistation on steroids. It'll basiclly attempt to slow you down, paralyze you, and then blast you to bits if your not careful!

Nue picked up a few things here and there but she decided that perhaps the best place to find stuff is to enter the dangerous room with all the eyes of devistation. So she basiclly used her spells to buff herself, swift, repel missles, regenerate. And of course sticky flame the eyes as she came across them then follow up with attack them with either her bradchie or blade hands...

Most of the time things went smoothly.

Course there were another threats too.....

There were eye balls behind glass walls that could state at you and prevent you from moving....there were orb of eyes.....and then to make it even worse.....

Orange brains... mutation resistance on!

Orange brains are basiclly like Omyxium or whatever they're called. Except they don't attack you. They just spend there time either trying to drain your intellegence or mutating you....

They're another good example of kill quickly before something terrible happens to you...

Eventually from all the spellcasting Nue has done, her spellcasting went up to level 11!

But while that was truely rewarding was after dealing will all the nasty eyes, and brains.... I eventually reached the center room....

FUll of wonderful loot!

Nue decided to take a look at what she got....

Probably among the collection of tureasures she got, the ring stood out the most.
FRom what I recall the ring has alot of good skills to it that could allow Nue to boost her armor class. When combined with the other ring, Nue's armor class could be boosted significantly!

And that's not all....

Nue got an awesome mace too!

A mace with speed, can produce RAGE, levitation, makes you resistant to electicity and more AC boost?!

This is a keeper!

I know we may have wanted Nue to use poll arms but seriously we may need to consider maces too...

Espeacilly since all this boost's nue's armor class to 30!!

And it's damage isn't so bad either.

Nue also found a potion shop. Filled with some useful potions, pretty much a bunch of stuff to make up for using them against Nue's illusion. So Nue bought the store clean.

Course she couldn't carry them all so she had to leave some there....sadly... will pick up later...

Then Nue ran into a dragon....obviously problematic since she didn't bring fire protection... so Nue decided to leave it alone for now...
Course before leaving tough, Nue drank one more mutation potion, from dealing with the issues with the organge brains she gained a bad mutation (became more clusmy I think) So she was hoping to counter that...

Not quite what she wanted but it'll work.

With this Nue will no long need to wear the ring of substain abilities. So that means the new ring goes on now!

After that, Nue decided to return to the Hive where she dropped off her supplies once more....

And then tried to head back to get the remaining potions, but decided it was time to take a brake...

This concludes my Run... overall, we now got some good items that Nue can use....
And to top it off, Nue is now rot free and can teleport at will! (Course HP sacrafice is needed so plan carefully!)

For the next player, my advice to you is....

Get those potions back at the shop on floor 19! we need them!

And then afterward.....we should either go to the vaults of continue down to floor 20 or so. (Shoals is out of the question till we have a more effective method to deal with Nue's illusions and Reisen herself)... The choice is yours.

And also here's an update to the Touhou Crawl mod.

Pretty much I've replaced the Hellions, Hidden horror, Executioners and small abominations. That's a rough idea of what's in the mod, who are they now? I'll let you take a guess. ^^

Here you go. Anathe you need to update this as I noticed mediafire did a wipe recently...

And also... turn list is still the same so...


Go have fun Maullar!
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #154 on: July 08, 2010, 04:00:02 PM »
That mace is too good to pass up on and we've already got Lv 10 Mace skill. Oh and the other threat of Orange Brains is that they cast Summon Shadow Creatures instead of the Neqoxec's imp spam. Much more dangerous given you don't meet Orange Brains until later floors. I don't consider mass consumption of mutation potions to be a bad idea - risky yes but well worth it in my experience. That's why I've been meticulously gathering them from corpses.

If we find good body armour, we may want to re-think any shapeshifting other than blade hands and possibly statue form. We're finding too much good loot. I propose we eventually carefully grind in the Abyss (and later, Hell) to train weapon skills up, be it maces or polearms. Given a large part of the AC nerf was on getting enough AC through heavy armour, having high AC now has bypassed most of the issues from that nerf. Ok sure the reduced guaranteed damage reduction still hurts but it's not useless.

As for Reisen, it was good learning I say - now we know Reisen generates new clones and that they travel up the stairs. Worth a potion of heal wounds in the long run.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #155 on: July 10, 2010, 04:32:47 AM »
Hello again from sunny Dungeon:13.  Please enjoy the new furnishings.

"Really ties the room together."

"You already used that one."

"And I'll keep using it till it stops being true, which is never."

Anyway, getting potions is well and good, but with our Necromancy at 10, I have a higher priority right now--

Yes, we can finally read our Necronomicon.  Breathe it in.

"Smells funny."

"And we don't have the spell slots for Selective Amnesia, let alone any of these."

"Plus I hear Necromancy really works your skin over.  I mean, have you -seen- Josephine lately?"

"Hah!  I heard the dead only start walking because it's better than looking at her face!  ...Am I right, guys?"

"Excuse me!  I'm trying to talk to--"


"Geez, this isn't Nethack!  Lay off!"

Continuing down the Dungeon, we meet one of the nastier midgame denizens and the bane of Cheikuya players.  Able to heavily poison and corrode you in one hit (even if you're the one hitting it,) it's pretty much the next worst thing to an acid blob.  Fortunately, it's slow and doesn't resist fire, so we dispatch it and move on.

"I don't think I can ever watch Alien again.  Geez."

"Says the demonspawn toting around an evil book of forbidden magic, bound in human skin."

"Huh.  I thought it was weird that the Foreword said to rub the book with moisturizer daily."

"Hey, watch out for that shaf--"

Just whose idea was it not to carry scrolls of magic mapping?

Anyway, we sprint around the level with Swiftness on, avoiding fights, looking for that portal.  With precious few turns left, we hear it nearby--past the side wall of a long corridor!

And you guys thought we'd never use Dig.

Of note, as Swiftness is hunger-free for us, it's better to always be Swift inside a labyrinth.

"Huh.  People live in this place?"

"Rude, Nue.  You don't see me speaking ill of your home."

"Well, you don't see M.C. Escher getting high and doing my feng shui."

"Oh, good one.  Did you come up with that one yourself, or did you read it on xkcd?"

"How'd you--oh, just die already!"

Spoils aren't that good--scroll of enchant armour, wand of digging, the Handbook of Conjuration and Darkness (Bone Shards, Lightning Bolt, Bolt of Draining), the Disquisition on Enchantment (Corona, Slow, Resist Poison, Silence) and the book of Enchantments (Levitation, Selective Amnesia, See Invisible, Cause Fear, Extension, Deflect Missiles and Haste.)

...Otherwise, this isn't a terribly eventful update.  Current dump can be found here.  See you real soon.

"Next time on Crawl Relay II, more mistimed screenshots, cutesy fourth wall tricks, and dialogue that tries for deadpan but barely manages tepid."

"I... can't really argue with that, actually."

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #156 on: July 10, 2010, 04:33:26 PM »
Ok, so we're in D:20 right now and we've been as far as D:22. We're not stat-rotting but we do have that annoying Dex-2 mutation. My turn starts on 112k, we're close to levelling up and I need to drop off the loot from that Labyrinth. We've found Hell and Panda gates, which should be left for later (with Deflect Missiles). Right now, I see a shadow wraith in front of me, soon killed.

First order of business: inventory maintenance. We have a few restore stat potions laying around so I drink one to recover 3 Str and 1 Dex. I'm going to chart out the Vault now.

Room full of kobolds and centaurs... Hellfire'd. Say is Flan getting bored or is she amused? Drat I forgot the random wand again, I'll have to keep her entertained with the chaos stick.

Because I'm uncomfortable with Blink being only at "Very Good" success chance, I'm going to get 2 ranks of Translocation. First rank obtained, now to train the next.

Oh hey, we got a lava snake. Dropped all my scrolls and engaged it:

Damn that EV boost from spider form is respectable. We got an enchant armour scroll. Oh and we became Flandre's teddy bear. She gives us a ring mail +4. Very respectable but no ego on it. Still better than the +3 Leather Armour we had (and there aren't many draining attacks to worry of right now).

Shop on Vault:2:

Just found another Enchant Weapon I, we got too many so I'm buffing this Reach glaive to +4/+5.

Ding! Flandre loved it too!

Alright we can now memorise Selective Amnesia. I can still go on before I need an inventory dump though. Also, Blade Hands just got SICK with that latest mutation.

Hmm... we want to be casting Haste and Deflect Missiles. To do so reliably with armour on means I should train Enchantment and Air Magic. We also want good summoning magic if we want to use Haunt properly, but we don't have enough spell levels to worry about that for now.

A book of Power. We have one back at the Lair so this is ignored. Needles of Paralysis... we don't use needles either so this too is ignored.

Uh... Flandre just gave us 9 runed sling bullets. Useless. What she did next:

Whee well isn't that some harmless (this time) fun?

Hmm... tried wearing these two amulets I picked up but they don't auto-id. Time to read scrolls: Clarity (Alistair Intoxication time??) and Warding. Oh and Flan is acting again:

A mottled dragon. Good thing I dropped all scrolls before engaging. And uh, Flan gave us a ring of Teleport.

Vault:3, I find a shop with lots of spellbooks, including Cigotuvi's Degeneration, Dragon Form, Delayed Fireball and Summon Butterflies (expensive book though). Uwahhh and we're now back to being a plaything:

Oh she's active today:

One turn later, I see there's a dragon in that mix. Thankfully, a staircase is right next to me. Drop all scrolls and invoke RED UFOs! Victory:

Crypt entrance found. We ain't going there without dispel undead (actually, not strictly necessary but it's nice to have a nuke that trains Necromancy). We're full, time to bring back the loot and do some spell memorisation.

I forget Spider form and Ice form. Ok so we have 7 spell levels since I don't want to forget Amnesia itself. Wearing only a robe, we still have significant difficulty with Haunt (need lots of summoning level), Haste (insufficient Enchantments level) and Deflect Missiles. Statue Form is also too bad to use unless we jack up on Wizardy equipment. Kah... you know how depressing it is to expect some new spells and find you don't have skills for any of the ones you want? Ugh, I'm going to continue roaming the Vault with my remaining turns. I learnt Passwall and Alistair's Intoxication for the time being. Actually tell you what, I'm going to go to Eientei:7 and kill some drunken rabbits.

Warning, Hive:2 just had respawns of bees. Don't be caught off-guard.

Uh, there are no rabbits down here. Oh well I also came for the troll skin. Flandre gave us +1Dex/-1Str. Since there's nothing left to do here, I retrieve the forward stash I put here long ago.

700 turns left, what can I do now that I'm at our Lair:2 stash? I'm going to clear our old illusion made by Reisen. Actually I didn't run into her so I'm going to... just get back to the Vault I guess. I bring some of our stash from Lair:2 to Hive:2 and upgrade this troll vest to +2. I switch Passwall for Ice Armour to further train Enchantments and extra protection.

Blah, Flandre was as bored as I was with my last 2000 or so turns. Gonna go make a fool of myself to entertain her:

Ok, found Hall of Blades and a Dragon. I guess this'll be the last thing I do in my turn. Drop scrolls and...

Sign me up again. Totaku, your choice what to do with Hall of Blades. We really need to go to the Abyss and make up for the sorry state of our magic skills. Keep Flan entertained, she'll be edgy again soon.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 04:39:11 PM by Psieye »


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #157 on: July 11, 2010, 01:43:38 AM »
InChina not much time.

1. Illusions dissapear after a while. (all Mislead stuff return to normal after a while)

2. Necromutation not worth it if we get torment resistance, but Necromutation good for hungerless spellcvasting.

3. clear some spell slots(usingamnesia) to make way for dragonform. the ultra AC boost from rings etc makes you invincible i think.

thats all for me. will return on 26th. (i might try Reisen, but by then you'd defeated her...maybe)
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #158 on: July 11, 2010, 03:55:22 AM »
By then Barasia, I would like to have the run nearly finished if possible. Mainly because to get everything together for 0.7's game (since I'm trying to plan a relay,  for Touhou Dungeon Sprint if possible. [AKA PHANTASM MODE DUNGEON CRAWLING] oh how I could imagine everyone quitting that one including myself!)

Anyways, it's time to tell my story of Crawl with Nue, this time she's gone through some pretty insane stuff....

When we last left off, Nue had travel done several floor in the Vault and had reached the Hall of Blade (AKA Eirin's room of mystical weapons enchanted by lunarian magic)

Before Nue wanted to go play with the weapons, she wanted to explore the remaining area of Floor 4...

Nue confronted a band of Ogres most of them were pretty east to take down. And also that "Blade Hands + Draining touch combo truely works wonders for nue. She can really plow through enemies easily!

Oh, and over there is an Oger mage, a spellcasting oger with some damage spells, they're usually tougher than regular ogers, but not that bad as of this point

This here is a yamanekkuri. It tends to hide under the floor and burst out when you approch it. Usually this yukuri is poisonus.... again though, bladehands + drain powers plow through this thing like paper!

There are times when mimic stick out like a sore thumb and are too easy to tell what they are... and then there are times when a Mimic just disguses itself just right to trick you. This was one of those cases.... I raged.... and slashed it apart.

Nue then put on a new pair of shoes were found and also found a simmering quater staff. Could it be worth it? While she did weild the staff she did decided to put on the shoes.... They were +1 Dwarven boots. Good part about these boots is since they are Dwarven boots... thier crafts dwarfship is of the highest quality, it menaces of spikes of steel, ect....

Well it's +1 so it's better than our old shoes....Plus in terms of slime pits... corrosion should be less of an issue with these boots at least.

And here we have a yukoishi... umm yes, it's one of my new creatures I added in my last mod.

The yukoishi replaced the Unseen horror I think you understand why I chose that yukkuri.

So as of right now Nue was well stocks so she had to leave and drop some of her goods while preparing for the hall of blades....

And that staff, it was cursed.... and an orc slaying staff, with a bunch of positive features to it, including str+3 and resist negative energy.... as for it's attack power....that's unknown....

Mainly Nue picked up various equipment. Mainly because there are all kind of elements here, so she needs the proper protection....

Mainy negative and ice protection rings and armor....

And so we go to the Hall of Blades....

Welcome to the Hall of Whao!!! WHAT THE HELL?! Xuathau's here?!

I would give a proper intro, but with a nasty dragon here, I beg to differ now. Xuathua is a dragon with some nasty fire breath. He is capable of doing nasty damage to you with his breath, he may be weak to ice, but we don't have that and fire magic resistant... so we have no choice but to leave that floor.... We can't fight that thing...... We'll just have to come back later....

It's time to just go deeper in the vault...

Pretty much these floor were mild at best... nothing much happened becayse Nue could plow through alot of things easily....

Course Eirin's Inaba crew seems to be roaming about.... so Nue decided to invite them over for some ZUN's intoxication.:P
What's a matter little bunny, too much beer for you?

Course now Flan's told me she was getting bored.... so she deicded to change Nue up a bit....

Ok we can now see parts of the map we can't see...awesome.....

But we loose are appitite for flesh... looks like we're going to need the goudman amulet again....

And again!

Looks like these mutations are getting to Nue.... she's screaming..... but now she has black scales too!

Nue tried to entertain Nue, but it didn't seem to get much of anywhere. she fell down stairs, and did other things, but Flan didn't change her mind that much...

Course I was either on floor 6 or 7 I forgot specificly, but I decided to go back and unstock once more....

Nue consumed her mutation potions she got from FOE farming....So so far..

She got her HP back up to a normal level, but was becoming more clumsy....

Then Flan messed with us again...

I don't recall why were disoriented, but the rest well we lost are ability to bite... that's it...

Whatever the case maybe, Nue went back to the Hall of blades and took on Xauthua. While wearing her fire resisant ring and robe. While going blade hands on it.

And it payed off so she was able to take out  the dragon and chop it up! And now the dragon left scales...

Not going to pick them up till later...

Anyways, in the hall of blades, Nue would generally fights enchanted weapons that attack on thier own. Being weapons they can withstand magic from most elements.... But one thing they aren't good at is....BLADE HANDS!

Again Blade hands works wonders on the weapons down here. She can't drain them, but she can still do alot of damage to them. So all is good....

But the weapons killling ended rather quick because of an unexpect enemy....


Yuyuko is an extremly dangerous spellcaster that has magic in all different feilds and can obliterate you with ease. I knew the danger I was facing with Yuyuko so Nue decided to hightail it out of there!

Course I did get a taste of one of Yuyuko's spells....

Orb of destruction! This spell is very nasty. Basicllly it's a large danmaku shot that travels in an oddly behaved patten. And when it makes contact with something....


As you can see it can blow up walls and doors with ease...

Can't stay around a place with someone who can fling such deadly spells.

And to make things worse... Yuyuko is undead. So negative energy won't work as well as most elements... so this could be a dangerous battle. And as a word of warning.... Yuyuko is incapable of dying.... once you defeat her, she will disappear and eventually reapper in a different location. So always be prepared when you fight Yuyuko....

Anyways because of this Nue had to leave the Hall of Blades once again.... Nue decided now would be the best chance to take a brake after all of this mess...

And so... my turn ends here...

What can I explain about this turn is....

I used selective amnesia and forgot thorw flame... if there's any spell that we need now with decent damage it's Mystic Blast, we may still be a bit away from it, but if we keep casting spells we should get it soon eventually...

Also I forgot the gourman amulet, so we need to go back and get it. If we want to feed ourselves....
Third.....need to find a way to keep Flan entertained...she not buying the one trick pony act.... she's already decided to mutate the crap out of me, but thnaknfully nothing terrible since I was able to counter some of it.

Now I'll let you all decide where to go from here.

As of this point, I've included Yuyuko for this update, so here's your next Crawl mod....
And of course turn order's the same as before:


So Muallar, grab that file and mod and get CRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWLLLLLIIIIIIIINNNNNN!

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #159 on: July 11, 2010, 08:41:24 AM »

Welcome back to the game!  Thanks to whichever one of you optimized our spell list:

"W-wait!  Where's Spider Form?"

"What about me?"

"Gee guys, I don't know what to tell you."

"Well, y-you know, 'you're a member of the team' or 'you matter' would *sniff* be a good start!"

"I'm a star!  You better treat me like a star, Nue!  You'd be nothing without me!"

"If you strike me down... I shall become stronger than you could possibly imagine!"

"Well now.  Any more complaints?"

"N-not at all.  Thank you."

Continuing in our quest for easy experience experience that we won't have to wrest from executioners and hellions, we run into an ice dragon.

"I told you!  You didn't listen to me, and now you're gonna pay!"

"No!  Nooooooooo--"

"Looks like I gave you the... cold shoulder."


Anyway, our spidey-sense--

"Someone call for me?"

No.  Our Flandre-sense indicates there's a hidden room in here.  Let's break it open like a fortune cookie.

...huh.  We'll need a bigger tool.  I drop Ozocubu's Armour--we're not really going to be building up enough Ice Magic to make it worthwhile--and...

Orange crystal statues can murder us just by existing in an area, inflicting a Divination miscast--most commonly confusion--every turn you're in its line of sight.  It does have one glaring Achilles' heel...

"No fair, I didn't even get any dialogHKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK"

We dispatch the other guards, mostly skeletons, a yaktaur captain, a shifter and a couple stone giants.  The loot is some gold, food and utility items.  Also a disc of storms, which can be evoked to cast random air magic conjurations, much like a Tome of Destruction.  Doesn't work while we're insulated, something to keep in mind.

We also get an artifact scale mail with EV+4 and nothing else from Flandre.

"Oh, sorry, Your Holiness.  Here's your something else."

Well, that's turn 127000.  Here's the dump--see you next time.

"I guess I'm doing the preview again."

"We've got a great show next time, with--"

"Christ, Mokou, what happened to your face?"

"It was those damn ungrateful dogs!  I tell you, I feed them, I clothe them, and the FIRST yahoo with a wand of enslavement--"

"...Anyway.  See you next time when we try to farm the Abyss for experience and get instakilled by a cleansing flame."

"I could actually use a cleansing.  I'm all dusty from that excavation job."

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #160 on: July 11, 2010, 08:42:33 AM »
Woah, Yuyuko as Boris. Definitely not good to see her as early as the Hall of Blades... though there was one time when I lost a character to an out-of-depth Boris in Swamp:4...

Flan needs more entertainment. The random wand is our best bet, but failing that we can learn Polymorph Other and use it on suitable targets (EXP boosting results, like the Slug and Snail).

Edit: WHAT? It's my turn again? Gimme some 12 hours so I can get some work done for RL and I'll get on this.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #161 on: July 11, 2010, 08:50:33 AM »
Just want to point out that Flan's interest and mood are separate, according to CrawlWiki.  Meaning, using the wand of random effects and such doesn't have any bearing on Acts of Flan, other than staving off 'Flandre is getting BORED.'

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #162 on: July 11, 2010, 09:03:06 AM »
Yes, and I'm just worried that we're not entertaining Flan enough. It was only a torment during travel I suffered for getting her bored in my last turn.

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #163 on: July 11, 2010, 11:12:05 PM »
Post instead of Edit to notify people it's the next turn.

Ok so let's see, I start on 127k turns. Vault has been explored down to floor 6, Hall of Blades and Shoals were out of bounds, Abyss is starting to look more attractive.

Finishing D:21, I see there's lava in this place. Drop scrolls, clear out snakes. A spiny worm. Still not screenshot worthy. Oh yeah I forgot we were Flandre's playmate:

I must not sit still. Time to burn down this spiny worm.

An unknown wand. We don't know invis or slow among other wands... In other words, don't test on this here sleeping rock troll.

Why are there potions of mutation/degeneration just lying around the place?

Down to D:22, an undead party greets us:

Knowing this wand is going to be useless or invis, I'll have to find a good situation which Flan will feel is Dangerous but where I can spare a turn.

Got a summon earth elemental stone. Oh and tested out that wand on a Frost Giant zombie:

Great that qualified. Flan is now entertained and won't be bored until the second half of my turn. Engorged on some corpses so now I can take off gourmand if the situation demands it. In fact, to stop Flan getting funny ideas, I put on Clarity for now.

Why hello there Marisa:

A special occasion calls for a special treatment. DECAY POTION!

Dear Marisa, when you're both on flames, poisoned and slowed by foul pestilance, the last thing you should be doing is healing yourself. I hellfire youuuuu.

Oh hey, I didn't know Lee's Rapid Deconstruction could blow stuff up too:

I confiscate a dagger of draining from that kobold party.

A pond. Let's make use of this levitation artifact ring:

I really wish we had Sublimation of Blood. Oh btw we ding'd spellcasting a while ago.

I'm using Dig to save turns as I'm lazy. Oh hey, spellbooks from that Labyrinth a while ago. Since we have Amnesia to remove it later, I learn Corona for now to train enchantments and to make combat a little bit easier.

Onwards to D:23!

Hmm, I really woudl like dispel undead too for that matter. Oh well, a stone giant skeleton can be handled with caution. Uh is this a test of stealth?

Chaffs! How wonderful Flan!

She's happy today:

Time to make use of this invisibility:

Hi power orcs, you got your fancy See Invis and Resist Fire but you don't have rPois!

A shop:

Huh I didn't even realise there was an orc knight in front of me as I turned the corner. Nue is that strong now.

Ding, we hit Lv20. +1 Int.

I have got to try using Lee's Rapid Deconstruction more with other characters of mine.

What? I never saw a hobgoblin before?

Anyway, screw throwing good EXP away. I'm going back to lighten my load and bring the Flandre entertainment wands.

2000 EXP points is just asking to be spent somewhere... Air and Enchantments would be beneficial to us as an aside to transmutation and necromancy. Silence (hi Boris Yuyuko) and Deflect Missile would be very useful.

Return to hive and it's halfway through my turn. I pick up the Enchantment staff (srsly, why cast regen and swift without the power boost?) and polymorph wand.

No I won't be usign the disc of storms or the earth elemental stone. Evocation ain't good enough for reliable use of them and we're starved of EXP to train that up now. I also decide to drop the chaos spear, I have polymorph for entertaining Flan right now.

Oho, a dragon while I'm on my way back. Drop scrolls and say hi to the zealot Tenshi dance. Didn't even need to rage on it. It never got to warm us up though it did land a claw.

Oh hey, Flan lets us fly. Good to get that feeling again.

Oh come ON, is our Evocation so bad that we can't even polymorph a slug? Spoilsport, die you slowpoke.

Hey there Big FOE:

D:24. Frederick:

A strong unique, but not immune to the swiss army knife Evaporate. Like so:

See how badass he is? He's recovered from 2 confusions and even has time to polish his monocle:


I'm impressed, we got caught with our pants down after the Rage and this is how little we cared:

.................. I so did not need that:

Run run, find stairs back up to D:24!

This is a Mystia Yukkuri:

Their corpse is worth a degeneration potion - that's high class. Oh look a little undead cove. The vampire is not allowed to wakeup, I give it a welcoming taste to hell.

Book of Air found.

You think I'll be stopped just because I don't see a path? Dig liberates us! Yeah just a small enclosed space when I got back to D:24.

I wonder what Flan was trying to do:

Oh hi there rabbit knight. Flan does something else: sense surroundings.

Deep trolls usually mean they're in a pack, but this pack spread itself out thin.

PARTY TRICKS BOOK! Butterflies and Apportation learnt!

You know what? I just fought off an orc knight, deep troll, yaktaur and a string of other meaty things without breaking a sweat. After using hellfire once. I'm invading hell. We could do with a forward stash point.


First order of business: ignore him and kill everything around that could interfere with our fight. Damn he woke up. He sure can summon a lot:


Flan approves! With fire!

I WAS WAITING FOR THAT OPENING! Confusion potion go!


Mission accomplished:

Now to clear the aftermath. Drank 1 Heal Wounds potion for security and cast 1 Haste wand, was worth it. Now why didn't I think to use my chaffs earlier?

Well that was brief lived of our teddy bear-ship:

I'll identify that staff later. In combat.

A storm dragon. That's what this awesome mace is for! Two even!

That's right storm dragon, even when I'm tired and slow, I can still pwn you. Oh and that was a cold staff Flandre gave us.

Well that's sorta random to see down here:

Nice job little rabbit, you gave me more EXP to harvest:

.......... Blasted mana problems:

Best not to risk it, I read the Blink scroll. Then swift myself to get out of there. I LIVE ANOTHER HOUR. Hey you bastard storm dragon, let's go for another round:

Right and I save/exit at the entrance to Hell for the next player to do inventory maintenance as they see fit. Sign me up again. Damn Nue has become a fine combatant. Oh and for next game, make China be Geryon's sprite? Or is Meirin already assigned elsewhere?

Here's the save for now, will upload pictures in a sec. Totaku, the gourmand amulet hasn't been on for very long. Wait another 100 turns before eating any meat.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 11:44:31 PM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #164 on: July 12, 2010, 12:18:30 AM »
Man, you guys are jumping in deeper than I anticipated.... already killed Gyeron.... @_@.....

I would of thought we would have tried the going through the Crypt first before jumping into hell...

Gyeron was going to be Yuugi....

And that horn....her horn of course. :P

The Beasts were going to be Parsees.

And if we decide to dance with the lords of hell.... damn, I'm going to have to work overtime with the sprites.... I can't believe were already jumping into this area already. Hell is usually the one place I avoid till I've gone though all the basic areas (minus tomb).

The Chidiren cast need to be set in ASAP. Every key figure was going to be based off of the Chidiren cast members.

Either way, this is an impressive run from what I seen. I'll take my turn later, but don't expect me to post me to post anything for a few days, I got get these sprites ready.... you guys are faster than I anticipated....
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 12:20:35 AM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #165 on: July 12, 2010, 12:32:57 AM »
Oh I wouldn't dream of going into any of the actual branches of Hell early, but the Vestibule itself is an excellent mobile storage shed that can be accessed from multiple floors and Geryon is easy thanks to no resistances whatsoever - hence why I view China to be more appropriate than Yuugi as Geryon's sprite. To be honest I completely forgot the Crypt wasn't touched and my original intent was to find the Abyss gate then decide whether to go through or not. But Nue's badassery at multiple points persuaded me to clear the mobile storage shed early. I say we leave Hell branches for Necromutation fun, except maybe Dis which is relatively calmer (except for the occasional Executioner spawning near you). If it wasn't for Flandre to keep entertained, I'd consider sitting in Dis and EXP grinding carefully on the instant spawns.

On a tangent, this is how to invade the Vestibule in style:

« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 12:42:30 AM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #166 on: July 12, 2010, 07:34:19 PM »
Well I have my run done, but I still have work to do with the mod.... I gotten some of the items I want done, but I'm far from done, and looking at my current pace, I expect I won't have this done till sometime tomorrow. So don't expect me to post a Crawl update till later then.

But as for now.... say hello to your new (Former) Hell Lords

As I said, the Chidenren cast is who I planned to replace each hell lord, but oddly enough they're don't all fit in place with who they replace... but I can't exactly do anything about that.... because all I can do is find them a place where they seem to fit in. And so replacing the hell lords was my closest bet.

But anyways I got more work to do.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #167 on: July 12, 2010, 07:53:38 PM »
Objection: what of the Pandemonium Lords? As far as I'm concerned, Cerebov > Asmodeus and therefore should get Okuu. Satori is best suited for Lom Lobon (The Eye!) and Koishi fits Mnoleg and its army of Neqoxecs. Actually, Orin fits Gloorx Vloq too if keeping the Chireiden cast together is desired. Satori is mistress of the palace in Former Hell, hence Pandemonium fits better I say.

Let me think about who could fit the Hell lords while I walk home from work.


Suwako = Dispater. She is the one Touhou character who actually has Iron to her theme (on top of earth, magma, frogs, water and trees. Mighty is her ability: "Create Earth")

Sikieiki = Ereshkigal. Who else is better suited to sending Komachi after you time and time again while you invade her domain? You've already made her sprite so this should be quick.

Yuugi or Tenshi = Antaeus. I had considered having Iku re-assigned but Antaeus is a tank before a lightning caster. Like I said before, having Yuugi be Geryon is an injustice to her might just for the sake of using her horn to enter Hell branches. China fits the gatekeeper role much better. Both also have the bonus of fitting "fallen due to being arrogant" theme too (except Yuugi would naturally reside there while Tenshi would have been banished to be there).

Mokou = Asmodeus. Because Okuu deserves Cerebov's nuclear storms. Mokou can fill in the Hellfire spam.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 08:31:08 PM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #168 on: July 12, 2010, 08:46:18 PM »
Objection: what of the Pandemonium Lords? As far as I'm concerned, Cerebov > Asmodeus and therefore should get Okuu. Satori is best suited for Lom Lobon (The Eye!) and Koishi fits Mnoleg and its army of Neqoxecs. Actually, Orin fits Gloorx Vloq too if keeping the Chireiden cast together is desired. Satori is mistress of the palace in Former Hell, hence Pandemonium fits better I say.

Let me think about who could fit the Hell lords while I walk home from work.

Well I'll explain the original plan to you then...

Orginally, my plan was to basiclly make Panemonium into something like a "world of lost memories". Mainly centering around the PC-98 Universe and the forgotten charaters of the Touhou universe.

In there I had planned the following:

Cerebov: Shinki: Being that Cerebov was considered by many to be like the grand lord of Pandemonium (due to his difficulty) I thought Shinki would be perfect in his place. Since she's pretty much the goddess of the Pandemonium, and was a great end boss in the last PC-98 game. Plus I could see her weilding a sword. :P

Lom Lobon: YuugenMagan, Eye, being eletrical energy, and so forth, seems fitting

Gloorx Vloq: Mima, the dark ghost, with her deadly magic, I found Gloorx to be a pain in the butt, and so is Mima. So that's where I put the two together.

Mnoleg: Satsuki Rin, weak, pathetic and pretty much forgotten for a Pandemonium lord, Rin falls pretty much in that same category.

I also had ideas for other demons to be changed into PC 98 charaters like "Orange" demons. :P

But anyways, this is just what I had in mind, after talking to others about it. More feedback would be appriciated since I'll need to take care of this ASAP.
Suwako = Dispater. She is the one Touhou character who actually has Iron to her theme (on top of earth, magma, frogs, water and trees. Mighty is her ability: "Create Earth")

Sikieiki = Ereshkigal. Who else is better suited to sending Komachi after you time and time again while you invade her domain? You've already made her sprite so this should be quick.

Yuugi or Tenshi = Antaeus. I had considered having Iku re-assigned but Antaeus is a tank before a lightning caster. Like I said before, having Yuugi be Geryon is an injustice to her might just for the sake of using her horn to enter Hell branches. China fits the gatekeeper role much better. Both also have the bonus of fitting "fallen due to being arrogant" theme too (except Yuugi would naturally reside there while Tenshi would have been banished to be there).

Mokou = Asmodeus. Because Okuu deserves Cerebov's nuclear storms. Mokou can fill in the Hellfire spam.

Ok let's take your ideas for a minute....

Suwako: Oddly enough interesting, and it would be fitting, but then what will become of Prince Ribbit? Prince Pyonta?

Shikieki: This one is understandable and this was also the idea that was used back in last crawl game, Ereshkigal became Shikieki, and I guess it was ok then, so maybe it can do?

Yuugi: Rather have Yuugi for Antaeus, only because of what you mentioned, however I still like the idea of taking Yuugi's horn. XD Tenshi while understandable for obvious reason, I think would be better suited for a different replacement...

The Deva, while angels are Yukkuri Tenshis. :P

Mokou: While this seems convincing, I think Mokou would better fit in...say...Azriel's spot. I get the idea for what your going for, but being all out fire seems better in my book.

If you got another suggestion for Amodeus, I'll make the swtich.

Edit 2: I could consider Flandre in place of Amodeus, only because of distructive nature. And before ask, yes we've had charaters that were gods also apperer ingame too. So I can make an exception. :P
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 09:47:01 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #169 on: July 12, 2010, 10:39:35 PM »
Prince Ribbit can be satisfied with a Suwako Yukkuri. Being a Hell Lord is much more dignified for someone of Suwako's power level.

Flandre... no if anything Cerebov's sword would fit well with Laevatein (which Shinki or Okuu could be wielding in-game). Wouldn't you say Red the Night Castle is hellfire-ish? Remilia of all things Scarlet would be suitable, especially if Meirin was Geryon.

Shinki and Mima are indeed excellent as Cerebov and Gloorx Vloq. YuugenMagan and Satsuki Rin... lukewarm compared to the Komeiji sisters - especially since Lom Lobon is about magic and Satori is ridiculously adept at casting anything she gets knowledge to.

If you relax the constraint "all 4 Chireiden characters must appear together", then Orin and Okuu can be in Tartarus and Gehenna while the satoris are in Pandemonium.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #170 on: July 13, 2010, 02:40:41 AM »
Prince Ribbit can be satisfied with a Suwako Yukkuri. Being a Hell Lord is much more dignified for someone of Suwako's power level.

Flandre... no if anything Cerebov's sword would fit well with Laevatein (which Shinki or Okuu could be wielding in-game). Wouldn't you say Red the Night Castle is hellfire-ish? Remilia of all things Scarlet would be suitable, especially if Meirin was Geryon.

Shinki and Mima are indeed excellent as Cerebov and Gloorx Vloq. YuugenMagan and Satsuki Rin... lukewarm compared to the Komeiji sisters - especially since Lom Lobon is about magic and Satori is ridiculously adept at casting anything she gets knowledge to.

If you relax the constraint "all 4 Chireiden characters must appear together", then Orin and Okuu can be in Tartarus and Gehenna while the satoris are in Pandemonium.


Well you got me convinced with Remilia. Because I have been l have been looking for a spot for her for a while. But all the vampires in the game are numerous and rather.....weak.... And there's no Vampire Unique either... So yeah, not much else to ride on there except use the Scarlet Devil in place of Amodeus, which can fit when you consider....1. Meiling being Geyron and....2. The fact that I know Remillia did use scarlet fire in one of her attacks ( think it was EoSD) so I guess that can do...

So by take this into account it should work like this:

Tarturus: Shikieki
Cocytus: Yuugi
Gehanna: Remillia
Dis: Suwako

And since I rather keep the Chirenden cast together then.....


Cerebov: Utsuho
Gloorx Vloq: Orin
Lom Lobon: Satori
Mnoleg: Koishi

So then what becomes of Mima and Shinki?

Perhaps they can play the second best roles... as Fiends. Because I never decided anything on them till now. I'll have to check the sprites though to see if it'll fit. Because to my view fiends are a mess and just down right cruel....

Guess I'll have to abandon the abomination graphic modding for this section. And Parsee's going to need to find another spot since she won't fit anymore since I think this ideaof yours works better based your suggestions. So ok, Gyeron Hell lords, and Pandemonium lords will be modded in along with a modded blue death and Green death for this update.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 02:46:22 AM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #171 on: July 13, 2010, 06:01:46 AM »
I've been thinking about Boris. Wouldn't you say Mima fits the role better than Yuyuko? Both are ghosts and Mima has the benefit of actually having returned time and time again in PC-98 as well as being a mage at core. Shinki (or rather, "aspect/avatar of Shinki") can be the orbs of fire. This does leave Yuyuko hanging... if anything, she'd be best suited for the shadow fiend (torment AND dispel undead).


Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #172 on: July 13, 2010, 07:14:28 AM »
If Mara != Satori I'll be disappointed. Sure, hard to keep the close-knit Chirenden with that, but I'll think of some alternatives. Expect a full list or two of suggestions by tomorrow; expect Cerebov = Konngara and possibly Lom Lobon = Sariel.  :V

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #173 on: July 13, 2010, 07:16:47 AM »
Mara = Reisen. It was decided quite a while ago. A full list isn't useful at this point as most have been modded in and we're limited in time.


Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #174 on: July 13, 2010, 07:18:29 AM »
Ah, I see. I won't bother then. And Reisen looks good - of course, I'd never remember Reisen, what with her being the most underwhelming character ever, but yes it does fit perfectly.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #175 on: July 13, 2010, 06:21:20 PM »
I've been thinking about Boris. Wouldn't you say Mima fits the role better than Yuyuko? Both are ghosts and Mima has the benefit of actually having returned time and time again in PC-98 as well as being a mage at core. Shinki (or rather, "aspect/avatar of Shinki") can be the orbs of fire. This does leave Yuyuko hanging... if anything, she'd be best suited for the shadow fiend (torment AND dispel undead).

Boris is a bit of a debate there, though being Mima would probably make better sense....maybe...

Shinki being orbs of fire though seems a bit... welll odd... even being avatars, she deserves better.... just don't know of a good canidate other than a fiend like either the regular fiend or pit fiend. At least they're more closer....

Oddly enough I had the opposite idea for Mima to become a Shadow fiend, but I'll think this out a bit...

Anyways, I've cleared all the major jumps I've been wanting to get through...
So here's a preview. And Sorry if it's a mess to see, but I can't get the text  to disappear.

 I still have to see if I can make their dailouge change. I know some use a simalar taunt to that of the imps, but I wonder if I can divert that? Probably not, but for now I'm going to insert descripts, quotes, and then get this thing ready for the update.

And if you haven't already looked at it, here's a topic on the Crawl Development site that brings up the most recent changes. To the tile sets! As well as addition mosters and stuff... I know I'll be working overtime come around once I'm done with modding everything in this.

Anyways, will have Nue's journal ready later toady as well as the save.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 06:23:00 PM by Totaku »
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #176 on: July 14, 2010, 12:42:44 AM »
Here's a separate post for my run so not to confuse anyone.... In this post we continue Nue's Run...

When we last left off....

Nue had conqured the Visitude of Hell and took care of Gyeron (Meiling) and got the horn that allowed her to open the gates to the 4 hells.

But there was a big question.... where to go now? We could travel through hell, but at our level that would be a huge risk. There's the abyss, but I'm unsure of it, there's the Shaols, but there's where to?

The Vault, as we didn't explore one area: The Crypts.... I'll explain more about that later...

Back at floor 24, Nue decided to explore all the unexplored areas of that floor, mainly killing orcs, giants and other things. Pretty much a basic trip for her thanks to her draining hands.

In fact all that killing allowed Nue to level up to 21! Intellegence up!

Now here's something that isn't common in the dungeon, a giant ameboa. These things mainly appear in the slime put. But they're not that threatening to be honest. If you happen to be hungry though put on some poison resistance cause they can make you feel really sick if you eat them without the proper protection....

Course behind the Ameoba was a who load of other critters, so Nue had to continue to hack her way through... now she unarm combat skills are at 14!

However, Flan wanted to have some fun.... and so she called out a bunch of demons to play with Nue.... Normally by now she would take them on....

But 3 smoke demons and a tormenter don't make a good combo... they slaught Nue's health qucikly...Nue was force to take out the little annoying demon to the right and run down stairs....

Floor 25

Nue was greeted by a bunch of orcs ready to take her on! And thanks to Nue's weakened health, she was in a bit of a nasty perdicerment. She had to resort to using her blade hands along with Sticky flames to wither down the more powerful orcs.

During the fight, Flan decided to enchant the orc's weapon and it glew with strange colors. In case you do not know, the weapon is now a "weapon of Chaos". Chaos type weapons do random effects. Ranging from freezing, buring, slowing down, healing, haste, confusion....pretty much anything!

This weapon can be a blessing or a curse. But I rather not take it, we already have enough prolems with Flan, let's not make it worse for the player.....

Overall though she managed to take out the whole orc squad but bearly.... so after this she regenerated and rested for a while....

Nue decided to check out the dexterity ring down south, she tries it on and....

It was pretty promising, I though it was better so I kept it. ( I didn't know we had a +5 Dex ring at the time....)

Nue later found a potion of healing wounds! SO it worth grabbing, but she also ran into FOEs as well....

A good rule to always remember about FOE's are is that they change colors when they touch one another. And depending on the color, they can do random efffects. Reds can burn you, White can freeze you, Blue can shock you, Purple can make you sick, Green can poison you, and brown ones can corrode your equipment. Since the majority of them were brown I decided to play keepaway with them and sticky flamed them till they all fell.....

Flan decided to telport us near an iron troll. Iron trolls are rather vicious creatures as they are extremly resistant to most elements and can deal a load of hurt, but at the same time are really slow....

But that didn't stop Nue from draining the crap out of it! needless to say, Nue plowed through it like it was nothing...

Course one thing that is always bound to startle you is that when your in the middle of fighting with some orcs, you suddenly get a visit by a boring beetle. Certainly it can be unexpected, but regardlss easy kills non the less...

Flan decided to do some changes to Nue....surprisingly not so bad!

Her health is back to normal, she got stronger, and lost her urges to yell. But became stupid in the process....

Nue then later came across a shop which she thought would have something good, so Nue decided to dig in a see what she could get....

Pretty much wands we already had, but they could serve us. So we could consider possibily coming back here....

Tons of casting later, Nue's enchantment went up...sooner or later we might want to learn haste....

Now here we have a shpinx. These creatures can be pretty nasty with thier smiting and attacks, and the annoying habit to heal. But they are still killable thankfully.

And then Flan decided to be a jerk and drain Nue.... looks like it'll be a while longer before she levels up....

Before too long, Nue cleared Floor 25 and the rest of Floor 24....she went back up to the lair and hive to sort out her goods and put on her equipment and then went down to the vaults where she went to.....

The Crypt!

The Crypt pretty much is a place filled with nothing but the dead. So zombies, skeletons of all different types. And there is of course....maybe vampires too! Food is hard to come by and you'd be lucky if you run into a human let along have one drop a corpses in here. So bring food!

Skeleton warroirs, (on the top right) can either be easy or hard. It all depends on the weapon they carry, and generally they travel in groups. A good word of advice is to fighting them one on one in a corridor if possible. But be careful, they can be sneaky!

Then the unexpected happens... Flan decides to mess with us again! And not in a good way...

Now Nue won't gain as much from meat like she use to... and she's starting to twist and deform again....

Floor 1 of the Crypt didn't have much, so Nue went down to floor 2....

Here Nue found something new....a mummy! A mumy gaurdian to be precise. These guys hit harder than your regular mummy, but otherwise, they're still slow...

Despite the risk she knew about them, Nue decided to take them on, and of course she got cursed, but hey Flan though it was funny!

Then later, Nue ran into a room filled with nothing but zombies and drain powered ghosts.... Full Drain resist on!
Nue was able to keep up with enemy. and slice them apart easily with her blade hands. So that went fairly well...

Now down here is a ghoul, pretty much a tougher version of the necrophange. Claws you, can possible rot you, and it'll eat any corpses on the ground too.

But oddly enough they were fairly easy to fight against....

Now here in this pile of the undead there in the black robe is a necromancer. A mage who specialized in the dark arts. He's usually accomnapy by the undead and tend to have draining spells, but can also weild dagger with draining effect or pain too.

Eventually Flan became ammused with Nue's efforts and decided to give Nue something different....

A legendary deck of card!

Something about it seem like it would be useful so Nue decided to take them....

Afterward, Nue decided to take on the rest of the mummies on the floor.....
Most of the time it was mummy guardians.  They mainl cursed Nue with rot, stat drops and drain (but that failed of course)

But there was one danger in the group....

The Mummy preist.

These undead are capable of smiting, summon evil sprits and casting torment upon you! So use caution when dealing with them!

And after killing the preist....
A dark sprits appeared... A Soul Eater

and yes, Flan was amused by this...

This nasty spirit is known for coming along and draining you very quickly, It's nasty demon, but when you have full drain resistance, it's not that much of a threat...

Pretty much Nue turned her focus on the tormenter and smoke demon before taking out the soul eater (oh and those were all summoned by the mummy priest....

Eventually, Nue reached the stairs to the Tomb. A placed filled with mummies and nothing but mummies!

So unless you like being cursed to hell and back, I wouldn't bother going there unless you go summons to use to fight off the mummies....

Course what did Flan find more awesome.... to make toxic gasses pour from Nue's nose.... gee flan.... how amusing....

Nue tried to go to floor 3 but the stairs she took lead to a bunch of skelotons greeting from the front door....guess we can't go down those set of stairs....

We'll have to try another set...

Course now Nue had to take a brake after all that fighting.... so my turn ends here....

Advice for the next player....

Make sure to keep your staff of energy on, and switch to blade hands when going into combat, it'll be useful here and you won't suffer the effects of magic consumption....

Blade hands are your friends here.

Even though we are somewhat vegitarians now, considering the point of the game, it won't matter too much, we got enough honey combs to make up for it!

Try to find another set of stairs to go down that lacks in too many skeletons like the one I went down....

That's anout all the advice I can give here...

Player list is as follows:

Maullar Maullar

Anyone want to sign up, don't be afraid, because it can always be fun!

Anyways here's the next Crawl mod for you all to use. Pretty much I did all the changes you seen from the post above...
It should be alot more fun to have your hell and pandemonium lords as Touhous now....

Anyways Maullar, good luck and happy crawlling!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #177 on: July 14, 2010, 07:47:40 AM »
Being drained isn't necessarily a bad thing - it means more skill training can be done. I've noticed the cost to train skills depends on character level as well as skill level, so there was a time when I tried to get drained every once in a while to keep skills trained. Character level alone doesn't give killing power afterall.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #178 on: July 14, 2010, 01:34:44 PM »
Yeah, but more HP wouldn't hurt. ^^;;

I seem to noticed that I left my save from Nue's game in there.... Well as for now, I guess that means Maullar can use that file since it's already in there. ^^; Though if he does manage to survive and put up a save, I suggest making sure you remove the save in the in game and use what Maullar has...

On some semi related news, I helped the Crawl staff out with some sprite work. Basiclly no one claimed the Kenku enemy sprite that'll be used for a paticular vault. So I made one. ^^

Pretty much they accepted it, they decided to remove the wings and add a shadow to it though. (As well as remove the player Kenku's wings)

Here's a good idea what it should look like when in a later installment of the trunk of 7.0, (just drop the wings out of your mind)

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #179 on: July 15, 2010, 06:27:35 AM »
Welcome back to the show!

"All two of you in the audience."

After optimizing our skills (I've turned on Summonings to get Haunt, and I've turned off Air Magic as it impedes learning Earth Magic, while Air doesn't lead to much but the better Enchantments (which we can just raise directly) and Airstrike) as well as our inventory, I press on with Crypt, being sure to pack a lunch.

"Please, no cereal jokes."

"Come on, Nue.  Why so cereal?"

"I'm forgiving you for that one only because the killing-a-minor-demon joke is getting old."

We meet a hell knight--not the ones from Doom, but probably just as bad, with their strong weapon and bolts of fire.  Worse, a hell knight is usually a sign of--


"Hey, hey, hey, wait just one bullet-grazin' second!  You're not even in Touhou!"

"What're you gonna do about it?"

As it turns out...

...not much.  There's little we can do against curse skulls without Abjuration and Dispel Undead, or overwhelming ranged power.

As we attempt to go around the curse skull, we have an unfortunate run-in with some skeletal warriors...

"Hey, let's move our stash here.  We definitely come here enough."

Fortunately, Swiftness lets us outrun most of the enemies around here...

...and Flandre is helpful as always.

"Didn't your momma ever tell you to eat your vegetables?"

"My mother was a LION, you insuffrable ass!"

"Just for that..."

Just for clarity's sake, yes, we did get instaported when we were just a few steps from the gateway out.

"Y-you conniving, passive-aggressive, namby-pamby little--"

"Just playing.  There you go."

And we're back!  Let's not repeat that little detour if possible.

"Nobody, but nobody sends me to the Abyss."

"Unless it's from Pan, right?"

"Well, yes."

Distortion weapons should be confiscated and disposed of at your nearest appropriately-equipped recycling facility--

"Not very green of you, Nue."

"Oh, go climb up Fedhas's dick."

"Wha--!  I--!  That's extremely offensive!"

"Nice!  Way to show her!"

"Aww shucks, I just can't stay mad at you."

Oh, and we randomly find the +0 robe of the Equator {rElec rC+ Dex+1}.  We'll keep that on for now, as two resists are better than one.  Also, we meet our next unique.

"Oh Kanako, no.  No Mike Myers, please."

Fine.  Anyway, we're not quite strong enough to approach skeletal warriors without a strategy--like stair dancing.

"I never liked Mike Myers anyway."

"Hey, you really helped me out back there.  ...No hard feelings about earlier, right?"

"Not at all."



"Oh, you're not hurt."

Granted, we barely got away from that Daeva, breaking line of sight as much as possible and throwing screens of butterflies in its way until we could beat a hasty, Swiftness-aided retreat.

And at turn 142000, we're done for the night.  Here's the dump.  Please join us next time for...

"An ill-advised run at the Tomb, most likely."

"Or the Hells."

"You're both idiots.  It'll definitely be a Balrug-Executioner tag team in the Abyss."

"Flandre, can't you do something about them?"

"How's a cage match sound?"

"Forget I said anything."
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 06:36:01 AM by Bad Appellant!! »

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