Wow a waifu thread? haha brings back memories. Well taken or not these are my fave characters
Remilia Scarlet (....duh right?)

Flandre Scarlet (at first by association but there are more legit reasons)

Nue Houjuu (her theme was really dam cool and I love her simple design and wings)

Yuyuko Saigyouji ( her fanart gives me the "perfect body" feel. too bad she's DEAD hehe)

Satori Komeiji ( her abilities to on the fly copy others abilities and she has her own spells, she's like Kirby only she doesn't suck)

Special mention:
Youmu Konpaku ( if I was to be a touhou character, I'd be Youmu, she's a samurai-like serious character. I love samurai and katanas and she's pretty level-headed though inexperienced and naive, but she's still strong in her own right. Self discipline is important)

No matter what Remilia is mine-wait...rather I belong to her haha

Perfecto :blush: