Author Topic: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom  (Read 34152 times)


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2010, 07:38:07 PM »
Maybe later Louise's birthing will be described.

But, as Flandre says, the SDM crew took Louise away right after she was born, hence Flandre could never see her. It means that SDM was aware about Louise's birthing, and maybe they were there during the labor.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2010, 10:29:22 PM »
Sounds like Flandre had to go through labor all by herself. Which to me, is rather jarring. If  I know anything's about Flandre it's that she would be raising enough hell during the initial birth to cause some folks to know about what was going on.

But then again, I'm being much too practical about this...

I guess nobody outside the mansion knew about it, but everyone inside did. After all, Louise was taken away before Flandre could name her, indicating the SDM staff was by her side during the labor and ran off with the kiddo before Flandre could even see her. Either Remilia shushed Flandre or Patchouli cast a silencing spell around the mansion so no-one could hear Flandre's demonic screeches or feel any earthquakes she caused during the birthing process.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2010, 03:09:11 PM »

Owww maaaaaaan... I'll feeling like a ball-nine. I have got to come up with a plan to get Flandre outta here. Maybe we'll have to use some stealth operations to get out SDM.

-Okay. I have an idea. We'll get away stealthly.


-Have you got any better ideas?!


Flandre's idea was quite simple. She just used her absolute destruction power and exploded a wall all the way to outside.

-Onee-sama won't like this, but if it's for my baby, I'll do anything!!

Huh. Easy enough. I'll deal with Remilia when we are finished kicking Eientei's ass. Then... LET'S GO!


I started flying, making sure that Flandre was following me. Once we got out from the SDM, I also made sure nobody seen us. It won't take long until they notice the enormous hole Flan made, but at that time we'll be exploding Eientei away. Yeeeeaaahh... Reimu Hakurei will save the day, once more! I'll be Gensokyo's greatest hero again! Shokun will be so proud of being son of Gensokyo's great heroine!

Good thing that Yukari wasn't around, so I wouldn't need to convince her that cats aren't relatives of dogs. I was leading this time, and Flandre would blow Eientei to the hell! Yeeeaaahhh... I bet Kaguya and her moon gang is going to kneel before me begging for my mercy!

HA! There it is! The Eientei!! I'll just Ascension Kick the door, as I always do. Man, I'm so excited! I'll finally kick some ass!


Some rabbits were there, and they looked to me with a dubious look. Maybe their are frozen because of the fear of being completely destroyed by Flandre! Heheheheh... I'll have no mercy! I'll tell Flandre to blow them up so I can continue barging in Eientei.

-Flandre! Finish those rabbits off!!

I looked back to see Flandre using her absolute destruction powers, but... WHATAHELLUVASHITTTT!!!?? Flandre isn't here!!! OH MY GOD!!! WHERE IS THAT VAMPIRE!!??
Uh oh... This is not good! Flandre betrayed me and got away without my concern!! Now I'm doomed! DOOMED!!

-Why if it isn't Reimu Hakurei! - said Kaguya, coming from a door

-We have to thank you, Mistress Hakurei, for your great suggestion! - said Eirin, who was following Kaguya

-I knew you would come back, but I didn't know you would dare to come alone! - Kaguya grinned

-Stand back! With or without a helper, I'll defeat you all!! - I can't give up

-Give up, Reimu. It's only you against the whole Eientei!

-If I can't defeat you all, I'll just do something smart: BEAT YOU AWAY, KAGUYA!

I know my ofudas didn't work last time, so I'll try something more reliable and stronger! They will suffer a hell of pain! I GUARANTEE!


I got my SpellCard and used it! I could feel my huge power surging inside me... I felt as I could destroy everything! After a little charging, it was about time to release the Fantasy Seal!


Just a single ofuda came out me and fell on the ground like a normal paper... DAMMIT!!! WHATTA IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!

-Hahahahahahahahah!!! - Kaguya laughted - You aren't the Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise, you're the Useless Shrine Maiden of Mannure!

-Shut up!! I just... Didn't focus enough!!

-Eirin, what should we do with this useless enemy?

-I suggest we imprison her and then torture her! Or I can use her as a test subject for my studies for creating an impregnating potion!

-Do as you wish, Eirin!

No no no! They won't get me so easily!!

-Bunnies! Get her!! - Eirin ordered

Suddenly, a hell a lot of bunnies jumped over me. DAMMIT! I can't get free!! LET ME GO!! AAAARGH!!! I could just feel my senses fading away...

When I wake up, please remind me of getting my revenge on Flandre...

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2010, 11:31:59 PM »

Owwwwwwwww... My head! I hurts as hell... Were am I?

Ouch! My arms hurt, too... Why?... Oh, I'm suspended by cuffs connected to the ceiling... Or so it looks like.

It's so dark... But it's getting clearer... What are those things over there?... Looks like... People? Who are they?... I see... Red stains over the ground...

I need to clear my vision... At least it's clearing up bit by bit...

I can see some yellow... Looks like yellow hair. Yeah, it's a blonde hair.

Oh no... Please... Don't...


It can't be...

I can see better now... But I don't believe what I see... It's... Looks like a boy, with blonde hair... Laying on the ground, surrounded by red stains. Is this boy... My Shokun? And... Dead?



-Aaaahhh... AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Screaming?... I can hear screaming... I doesn't come from far. I can recognize the voice... It's Marisa... She screaming on pain... But... BY THE GODS!! What's happening here?!

-HEEEEEEELP!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HEEEEEEEEELP!!! - Marisa continued to scream

Those were such bloody screams... They are torturing Marisa... Why? Why are they doing this?... Oh my god...

-AAAAAAHHHHH!!! - I screamed

I could already feel like I was about to cry.

I heard a rusty door being opened. I tried to look aside to see who was coming, but I felt a huge pain throughout my body.

-So you finally woke up, Reimu!

Looks like it's Eirin voice.

-You missed most of the fun. As you can see, your child is already dead. You should have heard all his screaming...

Oh my god... She is talking like she is having fun... How could she... How the hell could she torture Shokun to death?!

-Y... You... Demon... - I couldn't say it louder because of the pain

-You can hear now your wife screaming, can't you? Can you bet what are we doing to her? Can you?

-Shut... Up...

-We are dismembering her... We started cutting out her fingers, and then her hands, and now we are cutting out her arms. I gave her a medicine that will keep her from dying for some time, despite all her bleeding... Which will give her enough time to scream and beg for our mercy.

I can't be hearing this... I CAN'T! It's not happening... Maybe I'm having a nightmare.... It can't be true...

-You may be asking yourself how the things ended like this. I'll answer you: without your protection, we were able to kidnap your family. I was using your relatives as test subjects for my experiences, but now they are useless. So we are disposing them using the most fun way, the torture.

This oughta be a nightmare... Why can't I wake up??

-You may be thinking this is a nightmare. I'll prove you that you're wrong. This medicine here will do the task nicely.

OUCH! I felt a syringe injecting something in me, stabbing right in my back! This pain looks damn real... Owww man! Please Shingyoku... Tell me this is a nightmare.

-Just the pain this medicine is going to cause you isn't enough. You have to see your dear ones suffering, while you suffer as well. I promise you are going to be the last to die, so you'll be able to feel enough agony.

They... They brought Marisa... And Patchouli... And Alice, too... They couldn't talk but only scream, because of the pain they felt. Looks like they couldn't even see me... Specially Patchouli, who had her eyes stabbed with a fire-heaten knife. I saw it... I heard her screaming, bloody screaming. The medicine was taking over my body, causing a huge pain everywhere. I was shaking, feeling even more pain... It's too much agony for me... I don't want to look my wives dying like this...

-Stop... Stop it...

I couldn't help but begging for they to stop while they tortured my family... Blood was spilling everywhere, making everything look red. I could feel that strong smell of death as my family was dying, one by one. I couldn't look away from their suffering, not even close my eyes...

I need... I need to close... My eyes...


This voice... I know this voice... But I can't recall whose it is...

-Reimu, wake up!

Wake up?... So this... Is this really a nightmare?... Thanks goodness... Please, whoever is helping me, wake me up...

I felt like I could open my eyes... My real eyes... And thats what I did... The first and last thing I saw was a pair of glowing, bloody, red eyes, before I faint. This time... I won't have a nightmare...
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2010, 02:55:55 AM »
O.O Wow... quite the chapter... It reminds of of Higurashi. I am glad it was only a bad dream, a nightmare. Please write more!

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2010, 03:21:19 AM »
I dunno, something didn't feel right about it. This is probably just me, but I'm going to read this through again (and try not to break anything this time around).
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2010, 03:39:57 AM »
I'd agree with Erebus. I've felt something was wrong when I wrote this chapter.

Maybe it's because this story is intended to be a Romantic Comedy, and then a Saw(the film)-like scene pops from nowhere, without a proper climate introduction...

Anyways, this chapter is very important, because it chances Reimu's point of view a lot.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2010, 11:59:35 PM »

I hope... I hope that was nothing but a nightmare...

Man... I can't feel a thing. I can't even feel my body. Did I die? No... It can't possibly be. If I was dead, I would wake up on Komachi's boat. And looks like I'm not there...

I think my mind is clearing...

Hmm... Looks like I can open my eyes now...

Let's see... Man, everything is blurry. I kinda can't move, too. If I could, I'll try to shout to see if anyone is around... But something looks quite familiar here. The colors... It looks like the ceiling is wooden, just like the Shrine's. Am I in the Shrine? I hope so.

I think I have to wait until I can move or talk... Since there's nobody around, it'll be a bit boring. But it can't be helped, anyways.



I still can't move or talk, and I'm losing my patience. At least, looks like there's somebody coming... Finally I'll be able to get away from boredom...


Is it... Patchouli's voice? I'll try to make contact, no matter what it takes!


-Are you awake?

I kinda don't understand the situation... Looks like Patchouli walked away... Oooowww, maaaan... I don't wanna be alone again... I'm kinda in need of some emotional care, since I'm still a bit scared because of that nightmare. Yeah, that's right... I think I could cry just because of those scary memories... Even though everyone is alive...


Marisa's voice. Yeah, it's her. I can feel her hands upon me, as if she wants to hold me. Now I can feel her shaking me... She wants me to wake up, but I'm kinda paralyzed... I can't move...

Or maybe...

-Ma...risa... - it was the most I could say

Hmmm... So good... I can feel her hugging me. Since when that stupid witch would get worried about me?... Maybe I got quite a shock back at Eientei... By the way, what the hell happened there? Why did Flandre disappear?

And... Why am I feeling so good with Marisa's hug? A hug never felt like that before... Not outside my dreams. It was a feeling I think I never felt before. What is it?... It looks like, somehow, something I felt when I saw my family being tortured in that nightmare. That time, I felt I would miss them a lot. Hmmmm... I think I can move a bit... I don't know why, but I hugged Marisa back, while I slowly opened my eyes, seeing everything blurry. I closed my eyes again, feeling that soft heat of Marisa's body.

-She's waking up? Let me take care of it. - it's the voice from before

I know this voice... But I don't remember whose it is... I heard footsteps coming to me, and soon I felt a mystical energy flow through my body. I'm feeling much better now, man! I can move, and my vision is clearing up. I was surprised when I saw the owner of that voice:


-Long time no see, Reimu! - Rin smiled

It's Rin Satsuki, the Kirin that used to be everyone's physician before Eirin!

-I though you were dead!

-But I'm not!

I hugged my old friend. I was relieved, because I though she was dead... If she was dead, it would be my fault. I'm so relieved that I can see and touch her, alas, to see that she isn't angry with me. She didn't even mention about that incident...

-I'll leave you two alone ~ze.

Marisa left, and then Rin giggled.

-You won't believe this for sure. - she said -But Marisa was dead worried about you. She spent most of her free time watching you.

What? Marisa worried about me? ME? She doesn't care about anyone besides herself or Shokun! That's absolutely not like her. Man, what happened to Marisa? Is Rin speaking the truth? If she's not lying, why was Marisa watching me? I felt a bit confused, but then I felt I little conforted about having someone to care about me. I've been alone since I was a child, and I always had to take care of mimself...

-Why do you look so confused? Didn't you get it?

-Well... That's not like Marisa to worry about other people.

-And why is she married with you, then?

-Because she wanted me to help her raise her son.

Rin looked aside, mutely telling me that I was wrong. I took a little to get it. So... Does Marisa like me? No... No way. She's just a freeloader of the Shrine... Or has she been freeloading me just to be with me?... OOOOOWWW MAAAAAAANNN!!! WHAT AM I THINKING? Why am I thinking about Marisa so much? My dear old friend is right in front of me and I'm thinking about that stupid witch...

-Let's talk about you, Rin.

-You want to know how did I escape the Anonymous' Well, I assume.

-Huh... Yep.

-It's a long story. I wouldn't tell everything to someone who just woke up from a shock like that.

Ah... Yes... That nightmare.

-Hey... Was it you who saved me from that nightmare?

-More or less. When I barged in that mansion, Flandre suddenly appeared from nowhere and beat everyone out with a single blow.

So Flandre didn't run away? So... She just used me as a diversion to sneak behind the moon's goons? Maybe she isn't such a filthy traitor I though she was!

-And she tried desperately, then, to wake you up. She just kept saying something about a promise you made her.

Oh well... I recall I promised Flandre that I would make her see her daughter if she helped me with Eientei... I should take care of that soon, before she comes here to reclaim my promise, not before destroying everything she sees.

-I'm still curious to know how you got away from that place. And, why did you appear in such a convient time?

-I got away from the Anonymous' Well just a while ago, and I discovered I was pregnant... Then, I saw that a lot of other girls had gotten mysteirously pregnant like me, so I decided to investigate, just what we would do. I resorted to investigate everything in a stealth position, that's why nobody knew about me.

-Are you pregnant?!

-I'm at the second month.

Suddenly, Rin looked sad.

-What is it?

-Reimu... I think you should know this...

I don't like this face. It's the pressage of bad news. No... Not bad news. AWFUL NEWS.

-Reimu, did you feel weak or something lately?

-Yeah... Kinda so. My powers dwindled as hell lately. I can't even throw a single ofuda. Why?

-I'm so sorry but... That was because you were pregnant. However...


-...However, you got quite a shock back at Eientei so you...

No... Don't tell me...

-I'm sorry, Reimu... I couldn't save the baby...

WHAT??! So I really was pregnant?! And now I just find that out when it's too late?! Now a nameless kid is dead... And it's my fault!! I shouldn't have messed with Eientei, so I wouldn't have that nightmare! That cursed nightmare... It made me ABORT! I'm so irresponsible... And I wanted to believe that I wasn't pregnant! I was out of my mind, just because of my pride as Gensokyo's former heroine! It's my fault now that my... my baby is dead. I'm feeling so HORRIBLE!! I'm such an awful mother!!

-Hnnng... *sob*

I couldn't help but cry. And Rin is such a good friend... She promptly tried to confort me, with caresses and soft words.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2010, 03:23:13 PM »

I wrote two short chapters, and a damn huge amount of spare chapters ( I'm already on Chapter 17). I'll be posting the first two together because they're small and it would be a waste of time delaying one another.

Please, be aware that Chapter 13 is NSFW[/glow]!

Chapter 12

I'll be honest. To mimself.

I can't lie. I didn't love anyone throughout my life, until now. No... That's not exactly what I meant... I mean, I kinda loved Shokun, but it's different. What I meant is that I didn't love my wives, since I got married with them just because of Shokun and Marisa's idea to make the Shrine become a kindregarten, so I could gain some money and don't depend on non-existent donations. Talking about money, the Margatroid Kindregarten ( I still will change it's name, I swear ) pays very well. I finally became able to buy good-quality food more often, not having to live eating grass like a cow.

OW MAAAAAAN! Why am I talking about money?! I didn't want to talk about money, in the first place!

I wanted to talk about what happened to my feelings after that cursed nightmare. Seriously, that shocked me a hell of a lot. I was dead scared at that time, of course, but there was more on it. I felt terribly sad when I saw Shokun dead, and even more with the bloody screams of my wives. I didn't just felt sorry about them, but I really got sad, and completely dismayed, somehow. I would I feel such things, if I feel nothing for them?

I thought about this for a while, and I can just assume that I love them somehow. When I started to suspect that I loved them, it was when it really appeared as love. I mean, I think I really love them, but I didn't know that until now. That's it.

I also thought about what Rin said about Marisa worried about me. I seiously thought that she liked me... Well, I don't know since when she likes me, if she REALLY does, because when she used to hang around the Shrine when we were young, she just didn't stop talking about Alice and Patchouli, clearly showing that she liked them and just regarded me as a friend. Maybe she liked me since that time, because she hanged around the Shrine a lot, maybe because she wanted to have a chance to see me. That's just my suspicions. I didn't ask Marisa anything about this, because I don't want to look stupid.

I don't want to look stupid, but I need to do this. I mean, I need to confess my love to my family. I sincerely want to make them happy, I the first step should be make them know it, make them know how much they mean to me... I never confessed mimself to anyone before... And I'm 34 years old! I'm already getting old and losing my chances to live a love story with someone. I can't let this happen. Not only for my sake, but mainly for my family's!

It took me a while to gather enough courage to confess mimself. I planned everything, expecting everything to go as I want. My plan was to gather everyone on a weekend, when the other kids stay with their mothers and don't come to the Shrine, and show them my feelings. At first try, it didn't work well, because it was hard to make my family stay together at our home on weekend. Marisa always came up with something to do somewhere with her lovers and our son. It took almost two months to convice everybody to gather at the Honden for me to speak.

And the day finally arrived. I was nervous as hell, but I had to it.

-What do you to tell us ~ze? - Marisa asked, looking curious

-Make it quick, and don't say useless bitching, because I don't have precious weekend time to waste with YOU. - Alice said, coldly

I felt a bit bad with Alice's coldness. She was quite a lovey-dovey at Marisa and Shokun, but she always was cold at me. But I can't give up!

-Is it important? - Patchouli

-Y-Yeah... It's... It's very important... - I couldn't hide my nervousism

-Are you alright, daddy? - Oh Shokun, worried about me, how lovely

-You know... I ended up messing with Eientei, and I went there to settle the things up. But I wasn't good for battling... Because I was pregnant, as Rin said... I got outnumbered and Reisen used her hypnosis to... Ugh... Make me have a HORRIBLE nightmare...

-Get to the point! I told you I didn't want to hear useless bitching! - Alice

-...I'm sorry... But... In that nightmare, I saw... People doing... Bad things to you... And that made me felt VERY VERY bad, hence I ended up aborting... I feel really very sad and sorry about my dead baby, but that's not about it I want to tell you...

Marisa made a "I know where you want to get" face.

-After that nightmare... I thought about a lot of things... Specially about you all... And what I want to say is... *sob*

I felt like crying... My eyes were so wet that dozens of tears already creeped down my face.

-Reimu?... - Patchouli looked a bit worried

-I... I love you all! I'M SERIOUS!! *sob* - I weeped my tears - I can't live on without you anymore! I dead want to make you happy, to take care of you... But... *sob*

Alice sighed. I cryed my soul out, so I couldn't see Shokun approaching and then hugging me. I felt so good... I felt like I was loved. Shokun's words were sweet:

-I love you too, daddy ~ze!

I hugged back my precious son, still crying out a river.

-*sob* Oh Shokun!... I love you so much...*sob*

-Is that all? - Alice said

-Wow... You look serious... I... I don't know what to say... - Patchouli was embarassed

I calmed down a bit while I caressed Shokun. I opened my eyes and I saw Marisa right in front of me. She made our son go out along with Alice, and then said:

-You looked stupid as hell, Reimu ~ze! - she grinned

I didn't have anything to say in response to that. My heart was hurting a lot, besides.

She pat my head, like I was a child. I got even more confused and speechless.

-Well... Since you like me that much... Lend me some money ~ze?

I don't know what happened the second after that, but when I got a hold of mimself, we were passionately kissing each other. I could hear Patchouli uttering "Mukyuu~", but I didn't care. It felt good as hell the contact of my lips with Marisa's soft and warm lips, her hands gently creeping around my back... She caressed me so gently and lovely that I could feel that she liked me, too. It felt like we were the only people in the world, and each kiss taken a time that looked like an eternity... Is that how it feels when we love? Man... It's soooo good!!

When we finally stopped kissing, I saw that Patchouli was still around. She didn't look like she was jealous on Marisa, but she do wanted to speak with me.

-Did... Did you finish? - Patchouli was blushing

-Ummmm... Yeah... I think so... - I bet my face was even more blushed

-Ummmm... Well... I'm glad about your feelings, Reimu, but I'm afraid I can feel the same back at you... I'm sorry...

-It's... It's okay.

-Now... Excuse me...

Patchouli walked away. She looked very embarassed, and somehow surprised. Anyways, at least I have Marisa...

-Dammit ~ze! From now on, it'll be more difficult to decide which one to sleep with every night ~ze!

It's IS the Marisa I know!... And love...


Yeeeeeeeeaaaahhh... I really looked stupid at my confession ( I'm still ashamed about that ), but at least I got to score Marisa. We've been dating a lot. We kiss and caress each other hundreds times a day, and we are not ashamed even of dating in front of the kids. I mean... We don't do anything too much intimate in front of them, of course... Heheheheh!

One thing I discovered is that it's very hard to share Marisa with her other lovers. Now I know how Patchouli and Alice have been feeling along all those years of our marriage. It's impossible not to feel a bit jealous, but we deal with our poligamy very well.

One another thing I discovered was how having real sex is good. Since I never dated anyone, I just could help mimself by masturbating. Heh, it reminds me about my Vibrating Cucumber. This thing has a story, and I'll tell it.

When I was young, my hormones were always screaming, and I was so perverted that I got horny easily. I spent most of my days back then masturbating, fiercely wishing to have a boyfriend to relieve my sexual fire. Well... I could keep my pervetedness a secret, because it wouldn't be to a Shrine Maiden like mimself have the fame of perveted. Well, it didn't mean much, since Shrine Maidens are supposed to be pure... But, BAH!, I don't care about these things.

Anyways, I needed something to make my lonely H-Plays more fun. That was when I heard about Nitori unleashing a charity spree, creating strange machine to help everybody. I went to Youkai Montain and met her. She was very helful and generous, and made this Vibrating Cucumber for me to put inside me. Man, it feels good as hell when I use it. However, it's name isn't Vibrating Cucumber... That kappa said it's actual name, but I forgot it, so I call it Vibrating Cucumber because it vibrates when insed me and is cucumber-shaped... Figures why, kappas are cucumber-lunatics. Heheheheh...

The Vibrating Cucumber was a secret just for me until I started dating Marisa. Since then, she has prefered to have sex with me more times. I feel sorry for Alice and Patchouli being kind of dumped, but it can't be helped.

With my active sexual life, part of the pervertedness of my young ages came back. I gotta admit this, but I've got perveted thoughts involving Alice and Patchouli, MAINLY Patchouli. Figures... She has a wonderful body, and such big boobs... I really want to date her, too, but she doesn't share the same feelings as me. I gotta find a way to get her to like me, to seduce her. Thinking about this, I really think about how did Marisa seduced her.

That's why I asked Marisa about it, but I didn't get useful information... She just said that "women are easy" and stuff. Well... If women are really that easy, it shouldn't be too difficult for me to score Patchy...

I'll try starting slow, by just talking to her. Yeeeaaahh... That's what I'll do.

I waited until my turn of watching the kids finished so I could talk with Patchouli, since Alice would watch them for me later.

And there she was, sitting by a white metal table with an umbrella over it, reading a book, accompained by Koakuma, who was serving tea. Man, this reminds me that Koakuma's tea tastes like fart... Anyways, I approached and sit in one chair.



She didn't even look at me: her eyes were glued on the book.

-Maybe I serve you some tea, Reimu? - Koakuma offered

-NO!!!!!!!!!!!! - I DON'TCHA WANNA FART TEA -Ummm... No, thanks.

Koakuma looked sad. Bah, to hell with her ( See Notes ). I want Patchouli. Let's try a simple talk.

-What is this book you're reading about?

-It's about the romance of a girl with an effeminate glowing vampire. It's a book from the Outside World, and Rinnosuke said that it is very famous there.

-Is it good?

-Not at all. I'm just reading because I'm curious to see the ending.

AND THEN! AWKWARD SILENCE!! I hate that with all my soul! I gotta make her get interested on talking with me!

-Say... What does "mukyuu~" means?

-You're trying to have a conversation with me because of that your "love" thing, aren't you?

-Owwwww maaan... Couldn't you be a little kind, at least?

-Look. I already said I don't love you back. And I don't think you could seduce me.

-Hey, that hurts, you know.

-Since you are all lovey-dovey, why don't you get Koakuma? - Koakuma got surprised while Patchouli pointed at her - You know, she's a Succubus. She could have nonstop sex with you for days.

-Hey! I'm married with YOU, so I want to date YOU!

Suddenly, some ideas gathered together in my mind. Why is Patchouli so fond of Koakuma's sex capabilities? I KNOW!!!

-HEY!!! You know that Koakuma is so good at sex because YOU HAD SEX WITH HER?!

Patchouli glared at me, deeply terrifyed. She did that ridiculous thing about riding her face with a book.


-HAH! You cheated our wife! You dirty nerd!

-Please don't tell Marisa!! I will do anything for you not to tell her!!

-Anything?! - I properly emphasized the word, while grinning like a villian

-Ummm.... Well...

-MARISA!!! - I pretended to call Marisa

-NOOOOOOOO!!! I'll do anything!!

-Okay! So I won't tell her about your cheating if you date me!

-Buuuuut... That's not fair... Mukyuuuuuuu...

I grinned again.

-OKAY OKAY!! I'll date you!


-But I still don't love you!

-It doesn't matter! All I want is to date you... AND sleep with you!

-WHAT? We just started dating and you already want sex?! MUKYUU!

-No BUTS! Tonight you're sleeping with me whether you like or not, or I'll...

-OKAY OKAY!!! mukyuu~

I stood up and walked away, on cloud nine. Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh... I'll finally have sex with Patchouli! The first thing I'll do is to suck her huge breasts! I'm so excited I can't wait until tonight! I'll use my best make up and my best clothes for the ocasion!

OOPS! I'm so excited I'm already getting wet. Better I settle down before Shokun come and ask me if I pee'd on my bloomers.

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2010, 10:04:44 PM »
Hmmmm... I think this Fic isn't getting much fame. It may be because of the downfall of the writing quality as for mimself.

Anyways, if you're actually reading this Fic, please leave comments. It's very tough we devote ourselves to make something and people seem to not like.


YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! JACKPOT! Night finally came! The kids already gone back to their mothers... Marisa didn't mind about me sleeping with Patchouli, since she would be able to sleep with Alice... This night's gonna be hot as hell! ( BAD PUN! )

As promised, I wore my best clothes and best make-up. I was wearing a red kimono with white florals, and I wasn't wearing my ribbon, leaving my hair free. Before the meeting, I took care of hiding from Suika a sake bottle for me and Patchy to drink. Well, the sake's gonna be necessary to get her drunken and easier to manipulate, as well for getting mimself more confident and easy-going.

We dealt that we would meet at the Ema ( See Notes ) when everybody at the shrine is already asleep. I took the necessary precautions to check if Shokun was asleep, and he was, since he was sleeping along with Suika on the Honden's ( See Notes ) veranda. If there's Suika around, Shokun gets smoother and calmer... Why does this happens? Maybe they were lovers in past lives...

Anyways, it's not time to talk about Shokun. I have to focus on my toy, Patchouli. I was really lucky as hell to find out her weakness! I'm quite on cloud nine, man... But I kinda don't feel like I want to rape her right away. I am curious to know some more things about her, so I'll try to have a little talk with her before we have fun with my Vibrating Cucumber. Maybe I'm getting a little too romantic, and it may be so because of the few sake sips I took in a while ago.

HAH! There she is! She didn't care about her sex appeal, because she was wearing her your everyday's pajamas and no make-up. I got a little mad, because I had all this trouble to get mimself all well-groomed like this, and she treat our date like something not-precious... Well, I can't blame her... I'm forcing her to date me. Maybe I'm being overboardly selfish... BAAAAAAHHH!!! TO HELL WITH MORALITY!!

-I'm irresistible tonight, ain't I? - I'm proud of my ground-breaking beauty

-Whatever. Let's make this quick.

-Hold on, gal! Let's talk a bit! Come on, sit and relax!


She sit on my side, trying to keep the best distance possible.

-Have some sake. - I alreeady had a sake cup ready for her

-No. I don't drink this kind of beverage.

-Owwwww maaaan... Just relax! Just drink and pronto!


Patchouli had a sip and clearly disliked it. Looks like she isn't a fan of alcoholic drinks. I hope she drinks enough to get more easy-going.

-Say... What does "mukyuu~" means?

-Why do you want to talk if you're dead crazy to **** ( See Notes ) me? Even if you want to break the ice, you can't.


-Shhhhh! Do you want to wake Shokun up?!


The ice is getting colder. I have to butter Patchouli up somehow, and I won't give up! I want her to climax along with me, something I find pretty romantic.

-Say... You like Koakuma's tea?

-Of course. She is the only person in Gensokyo capable of making a tea that is pleasant for the taste of my youkai species.

-Seriously?! For me, that tea tastes like fart! Hahahahahah!

I strongly pat Patchouli's shoulder.

-Are you already drunk?

-Does it matter? Anyways... I believe you cheated Marisa only once! But there's something bugging me! Before you met Marisa... You used to have sex with that fart-tea-making devil?

-I shouldn't tell you this, because it's a very intimate information. But... Since you're drunken, you'll wake up without remembering a thing. So, I'll tell you something very secret about me.


-Unaccordingly with everyone believes, I didn't summon Koakuma for her to serve me... She was born in the Mansion, so she was raised as a maid, and then I asked Mistress Remilia for her to give her to me, to be my servant and assistant. I assume you know that everybody born inside the Mansion must be a maid until they become adult...

-Ya ya, I know... Even Flandre's daughter was a maid! If I was Flandre, I would kill Remi for creating such a stupid rule! Hahahahahah!!

I think I'm drinking too much... I kinda can't think straight... BAH! WHO CARES?!?!?!

-But who are Koakuma's parents, then?! As I know, there aren't demons like her at SDM!

-I hope you don't remember what I'm going to tell... - Patchouli sighed - Koakuma's mother is a demon I actually summoned, but she died right after the labor.

-Hmmm... And who's the father?

-It's me. I am Koakuma's father.

-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! You gotta be sh*tting me!! How can you, A GIRL, make another girl have a child?!?! - Man, this idea looks funny as hell

-I used my magic to create a potion that could impregnate people, so the children resulting would have my blood. Anyways... Koakuma's mother was my first servant, and I ended up getting seduced by her Succubus powers... We fell in love for each other, and we decided to have a child, through the use of my potion.

-OOoooohhh... How romantic!

(See Notes)

-However, she ended dying right after Koakuma's birth. She was a premature baby, so she was very small when she was born. That's why I name her Koakuma. At first place, I didn't want my daughter to live as a maid, but I couldn't argue with the rules imposed by Mistress Remilia. But I didn't argue because if you disobeyed Mistress, I would be a damn thankless daughter...


-Yeah. Mistress Remilia is my mother.

-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? But she's justa little lass! No way she could be your mother!!

-She is my adoptive mother. She told me that she found me abandoned somewhere around Misty Lake when I was a baby, so she adopted me as her daughter. She always said I was a gift from the heavens, because she always wanted to have a child, but she couldn't because she would never become adult.

-And why do nobody know about all this?!

-There are many things about the Mansion that Mistress doesn't want to be public knowledge.

-Waitchaminnit! If Remi is your mommy, why do you call her just like Sakuya does?!

-Didn't I say it was a secret? If I got to call her "mommy", it wouldn't be a secret.

-I sea...

There was brief silence before I realized something BIG!


-Shhhh! Don't shout it loud!

-I'll make shure thatch ya don't lay a finger on Shokun, hear ye!!

-I didn't have sex with Koakuma because I liked it! She even doesn't know I am her father! I just had sex with her to help her to control her Succubus powers!

-Yeap, rightch.

-Reimu, you drank too much...


-And then you keep complaining about Suika...

Hey... I had an idea!! Man, I'm a genius!!

-Pashouli... I wantcha you to impregnate meh two! ( See Notes )


-Eye wantcha a babee, dammit!! R ya deaf?!

-Are really sure?... You're drunken like you drank 20 liters of sake...


-Judging by the way you're speaking... Yes.




(See Notes)



-She slept... *sigh*... At least I got to not to have sex with her.

For Patchouli's shame, Reimu was just sleeping over her legs, like a baby. Because of a misterious motive, Patchouli pat Reimu's head and smiled tenderly.


Ema - A wooden board oftenly located in Shinto Shrines where papers are attached.

Honden - The main building of a Shinto Shrine. It's the place where the shrine's god is enshrined.

"****" - This chapter may be NSFW, but there are limits for NSFWness!

Random (See Notes) in the middle of the text - I don't like to put my personal comments in the middle of the text, so I decided to put them in a Note. Did you notice that Reimu was SO drunken and high that she didn't suspect Patchouli could be behind the Baby Boom, since she made an Impregnating Potion?

"Pashouli" - Did you notice that Reimu is getting more and more drunken?

Other random (See Notes) in the middle of the text - Please notice that, for the time being, the narration isn't Reimu's anymore

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2010, 01:48:47 AM »
Nice story~ The plot's very interesting^^

I hope you keep on writing  :V


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2010, 02:06:49 AM »
Reimu is a walking comedy act... I like it!

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2010, 04:34:13 AM »
moar! MOOAARR!!~~


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2010, 01:22:39 PM »
Short chapter for today.

This one and the next one are one of my favorites. I had a lot of fun writing them, and I hope you have fun, too.

For the time being, I recommend you guys watch an anime series called "Toradora!". It may be necessary to make the next chapter look more funny.


Oooooowwwwwww! My head! I've got a goddamn hangover! How much did I drink last night?! It looks like I drank as much as Suika drinks in one second! Owwwwwww... Damn hangover. I promise I'll never drink on a date again!!

I'm so hangovered that since I woke up, three hours ago, I couldn't get up. I'm sure that the first step I take out this bed I'll get my face on the ground quickly. But... There's something bugging me... I drank so much yesternight, but I don't feel like I need to pee... And I don't remember how did I fall asleep! I just recall mimself talking with Patchy and nothing more then... I don't even know how I got from the Ema to the bedroom.


-Don't scream like that, Suika! Can't you see I'm on hangover?!

Suika was extremely angry!! What happened to her?!

-WHERE'S IS MY SAKE?!?!?!?!?!

-Calm down, dammit!! I don't know where you damn sake is, you ****ing drunkard!

-You're the only person that would put the hands on my sake!!! NOW TELL ME WHERE IT IS OR I'LL BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR ****ING BODY!!!!!!!!

Man, Suika is serious as hell! I didn't know this side of her! She surely is 100% alcohol addicted... How can Shokun be confortable with a stupid horned loli that is always smelling like alcohol?! Anyways, I quite don't know anything about Suika's sake gourd whereabouts, I swear!


Oh no...

SH*********************T!!!!! I'M GODDAMN STUPIIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!!!! THE SAKE BOTTLE I DRANK LAST NIGHT WAS SUIKA'S GOURD!!! That's why I drank so much! I drank an infinite amout of sake! Now I'm a stupid drunkard like Suika! I HAET MIMSELF!!!




Well, I sucessfully dealt with Suika. I got back her sake gourd and suddenly she got happy-go-lucky again, right after she put her hands on that cursed thing. I really wanted to destroy that ****, but if I did that, Suika would destroy me as well.

Anyways, I'm trying to remember what I talked about with Patchouli... I kinda recall she saying something about Koakuma and her... But I can't remember the details. Damn, no matter how much effort I put in, I can't remember. I feel like she said me something big, or very important... Like something I shouldn't miss... Moreover, I fear that I told her something embarassing or secret about me...

Well, it can't be helped if I don't ask Patchouli... Well, that's what I'll do.

And there she is, reading a book in that table of the garden, while drank Koakuma's fart tea.



No response? Man, I'm afraid I screwed up real hard this time...

-Hey!! That's not the way to treat your girlfriend, you know.

-Go away.

I know a niiiiiiiice way to butter this girl up.

-Cut it out, Patchy. Do you want Marisa to know our dirty secret?

-I don't care. You can tell her if you want. Just let me be.


-Heeeeyy... At least tell me what happened last night...

-Do you REALLY want to know?


-First you just kept blurting drunken random nonsense, just like Yukari. And then you pee'd on your bloomers and even tried to rape me. ( See Notes )


-You sure is AWFUL when drunken. Now I get sick just by looking at you.

-OW MAN!!! I'm sorry about yesternight, I ended up drinking from Suika's gourd, that's why I drank too much! I didn't mean to do that!

-Go to hell.


I would get a very bad mood if Rin didn't appear, visiting the Shrine.

-Hey, Reimu!

-Oh! Hi there, Rin!

-Since your friend came, why don't you go talk to her and let me be?

It was a good idea. I don't know why Patchouli is so angry at me, but I'll deal with that later. The top priority now is Rin. She promised me she would tell me everything that happened when she fell on the Anonymous' Well. I really want to know what happened to her, because I kinda had a debt with her because it was my fault that that happened.

Let me explain. Before Remilia covered Gensokyo with that gross red mist, there was another incident. It was long ago, so I don't remember all the details. But the things was quite this: some evil-doer tried to unseal the Well of Anonymous' to make it become a vortex and suck the entire Gensokyo into it. The Well of Anonymous' is an older-than-Yukari sealed warp gate that is said that if someone pass through it, they will be sucked into an eternal, endless and absolute empty void, and they would cease of existing. Come to think about it, this saying is not true, because Rin didn't cease existing.

Continuing... This evil-doer tried to destroy Gensokyo, and I, Marisa and Rin, the great heroines of Gensokyo, went off to defeat him. The battle was deadly and fierce, and he had more SpellCards than that stupid girl from underground that doesn't let us finish our sentences, so he never gave up. The battle seemed that would take forever, and we were running out of Lives and Bombs. I was desperate to save Gensokyo, so I tried to make something foolish: I flew towards that bastard to try to push him into the Well of Anonymous', even if it meant that I should go into there along with him. I would have ended into that thing if Rin didn't intervenied, but she ended sacrificing herself...

I served her some tea as we sit on the veranda of the Honden.

-I'm sorry about that... I shouldn't have been so reckless...

-Don't worry. That was necessary. You were very brave, Reimu, but I didn't want Gensokyo to lose it's strongest heroine.

-You're flattering me...

-I'm serious. These days I heard about all that you and Marisa did while I was out. You never needed me to save Gensokyo.

-Anyways... How is it inside the Well of Anonymous'?

-It's not a void like it is said... The other side of that thing is... Bloody. A bloody Gensokyo...

-Bloody Gensokyo?

-It seems that the other side of the Well of Anonymous' is kind of another world, that isn't the Outside World... People there call that place Gensokyo, just like we call these lands here.

-There are people there?

-You surely isn't going to believe what I'm going to say, but... Hear...

Rin was quite serious.

-That place... That Gensokyo. People there use magic, just like here, but there's no SpellCard Rules there! Because of that, the battles are bloody and people often die there! I was always busy healing people, but I couldn't save them all...

-No SpellCard Rules?!

-But there's something else. When I woke up at that bloody place, a girl helped me... You won't believe this, but that girl's name was... Reimu Hakurei!



What did Reimu do last night? - Patchouli is lying about what happened last night, although the "pee" part isn't a lie.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2010, 03:02:12 AM »
a stupid horned loli that is always smelling like alcohol
It's been like 20 years...she's still that young?  ???

Anyway, nice chapter^^


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2010, 04:48:41 AM »
Once again, a great chapter ^_^

It's been like 20 years...she's still that young?  ???

Isn't Loli just "looks to young to be adult" or something like that?


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2010, 03:17:00 PM »
Reimu calls Suika a loli because she is still a child in an oni's lifespan terms. Suika is just some centuries old, and it will take millenia until she grows enough to look adult like Yuugi. The same occurs with other childlike youkai, like Satori or Cirno. This doesn't occur on Remilia and Flandre, because they are never going to grow up into adults becase they're vampires.

And now... Another chapter!
Did you remember to watch "Toradora!"? If not, too bad because this chapter may not look funny.

Another thing... Did someone guess which book Patchouli was reading on Chapter 13?


-Reimu Hakurei?! With the same kanji?!

-Not, not the same kanji, but the reading was the same. Thus, she really looked like you.

-Are you saying that you found another "me"?

-Kind of! However, she had purple hair and wore real Shrine Maiden clothes, unlike you.

-Well... I just don't wear a Shrine Maiden outfit because it's tradition in my family ( See Notes )... But... Purple hair? It's impossible. Every Hakurei has black hair, and you know that. That girl was a fake.

-That's the same thing she said when I told her about you!

-Intriguing! Tell me more...

-When she found me, she was like "OMFG!!! A KIRIN!! IMA SAVED!!!!" (See Notes), and I was like "Where I am????", and then she was like "Help me! Shingyoku wants to test me, I need healing!!", and then I was like "WHATAHELL??"!

-WHAT? Did you mention... Shingyoku?! The Shrine's guardian?!

-Yeah! She was like "I'm the Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine!"!

-There was a Hakurei Shrine there?! But only two Shrines of Hakurei Clan exist: this one and the one in the Outside World!

-And then, I followed her. She had a fierce battle with Shingyoku, and that was my first glance at how bloody the battles in that place were. I mean, Shingyoku shooted Danmaku, but those were real deadly bullets! I could tell how deadly they were when I treated that Reimu's wounds. When the battle finished, I thought that everything would be fine, but Shingyoku just told that girl to go to Hell!

-Hell? That's nothing. I went there too, and there are just stupid pea-brained animals. Well, it's hot as hell ( BAD PUN AGAIN! ) there, but it was so only because that baka crow.

-The Hell there isn't the same. There were lots of terrible monsters, and the other Reimu could barely defeat them, because her ofudas didn't work on them, so she had to use a giant bouncing Ying-Yang Orb that could hurt them!

-A giant bouncing Ying-Yang Orb? That's ridiculous!

-She almost died many times, and I had to use the maximum of my healing spells to keep her alive. And then, she confronted something BIG!... AND OMINOUS! I'm still scared like a bunny because of that cursed thing. The other Reimu said that that thing was the Angel of Death, and that was her ultimate challenge. And I was like... "WTF!!! SHINGYOUKU WANTS HER TO DIE!!!"!


-I don't know how, but she managed to kill that monster. And I was like... "HOW DID SHE KILL AN ANGEL OF DEATH?!"!

-Looks like she was strong!

Rin took a sip of tea. She was shaking, as I could tell it by the way she was holding the cup.

-And then I, for the second time, thought that everything would be fine. And it looked that everything was really fine and peaceful... Meanwhile, I asked that Reimu to help me to get back to THIS Gensokyo, but she could do nothing about it... So I had to settle down. I thought that I would never come back...

-That was though, for sure.

-And there's something else that other Reimu has and is unlike you... She trained diligently, almost everyday.

-Now I'm even more sure that she's a fake. But... I think she really should train, since she lived in a land without SpellCard Rules.

-I was scared as hell to stay alone, so I always followed her on her trainings. One day, when we were returning from one day of training, the Shrine was overrun by a horde of youkais! And I was like... "REIMU!!! LET'S RUN FOR OUR LIVES!!!", but she just resorted to fight them all, confident because I could heal her... And then, she hopped over a giant flying turtle's back and took off.

-A flying turtle? Couldn't she fly on her own? Or she is just like Marisa, who needs that stinky broom to fly?

-It looked like she couldn't fly by herself.

-She is a fake. PERIOD!

-Anyways... She said we should investigate why all those youkais invaded the Shrine, so we departed on an BLOODY adventure! First, she beat the crap out of a girl that claimed to have created all those youkais, but she wasn't the mastermind... I felt very sorry for her, but the other Reimu insisted that I shouldn't heal the enemy. And then we entered a forest and a crazy bloodthrishty samurai girl tried to kill us... But after the battle, she just ran away like a chicken... And I was like "BWAHAHAHA!!! TAKE THAT, WACKO!!!", and the other Reimu was like "Just shut up and follow me".

-Hah, that phrase surely is like mine.

-And... And then... You won't believe this, but I found out we were in the Forest of Magic... So... Sooooo... We found an enemy I would NEVER EVER fight with!

-What was that?

-MARISA! It was Marisa!!

-WHAAAAT? A fake Marisa, too?! Now I wonder if you found a fake "you"!

-Well, surely that Marisa was a fake. She wore a purple gown, something that our everyday's Marisa would NEVER wear!

-YAY! You are talking about me ~ze! - Marisa appeared from nowhere and sat between me and Rin - Let's talk more about me ~ze!

-We aren't talking about you. Rin is telling me what happened when she fell in the Well of Anonymous'.

-Whatever. I still want to talk about me ~ze!

-Cut it out.

-I'm telling Reimu how I and a fake Reimu defeated a fake you.

-WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! What are you saying?! A fake Reimu and a fake me ~ze?

-Yeah. That fake you wore a purple gown and hat, and she didn't throw stars and Master Sparks at us. And more... She didn't say "~ze" after all sentence like an idiot, unlike you!

-How did that bitch dare to call herself Marisa Kirisame?! DID YOU KILL THAT IMPOSTER ~ZE?!

-Well... I'll continue the story. I warned the fake Reimu that I knew Marisa, but she didn't care and they battled like Kaguya and Mokou... And I was like "WWWAAAAHHHH!!! MY ONLY FRIENDS ARE KILLING EACH OTHER!!!", and the fake Marisa was like "You're just a ****ing weakling, you moron!!", and the fake Reimu was like "Shut up, stupid witch! GO POISON SNOW WHITE!"!

-And the fake me won!! YEAH ~ze! - Marisa didn't let Rin finish her bitching

-No... At the end, it looked like the fake Reimu won. She was like "Who's the weakling, you worthless wimp?!?!?!", and I was like "Let's make peace!", and the fake Marisa was like "You just got lucky! Mima will beat the crap out of you so much, SO MUCH, SO MUCH that you'll only see the grass' roots grow!!"... And then I was like "Who's Mima?", and then the giant flying turtle was like "The witch is right. Mima will kick your ass so hard that you'll pee through your mouth!", and then the fake Reimu was like "Shut up, you two!"!

-Who was that Mima? Was she the mastermind?

-Well, then I and the fake Reimu flew ahead and found an extremely badass-looking ghost woman, and she was like "I'll crush you so hard, SO HARD that you'll have soup made of your teeth!", and the fake Reimu was like "Shut up, greasy old hag!", and then I was "RAYMOO!! I can just heal, not revive!!", and then the fake Reimu was "Shut up, greasy stupid Kirin", and then Mima was like "I'll kill you, and then revive you just to kill you again!!!", and then they fought like Kaguya and Mokou, with a lot of Danmakus 666 DOOM FROM HELL OF EVIL FORCES OF EVIL, and then I was like "I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE", and then!!!...


-And then the fake Reimu won! And then everyone was like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!", and I was like "I'M NOT GONNA DIE I'M NOT GONNA DIE I'M NOT GONNA DIE", and fake Reimu was like "YEEEAAAHHHHH!!! I'M OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!!", and then we went home and there was no youkai.

And then Rin finally took a breath.

-Seriously, Rin. This looks like a story that would only come out from the twisted mind of a stupid and ugly drunkard from Outside World! ( See Notes )

-WAIT! There's more...


(See Notes)


Hakurei Clan's clothing tradition - As said in canon, Reimu's outfit is something like an "uniform" that every Hakurei must wear. See it in Reimu's profile in IaMP.

Random (See Notes) at the end of the chapter - Well, this "ground-breaking"  narration of Rin is supposed to be funny. And, to make it look more funny, imagine Rin narrating all these things with the voice tone of Kushieda Minori ( from the anime/manga/light-novel Toradora! )

"Seriously, Rin. This looks like a story that would only come out from the twisted mind of a stupid and ugly drunkard from Outside World!" - ZUNZUNZUNZUNZUNZUNZUN
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #47 on: July 31, 2010, 08:09:01 AM »
My, My, oh my...

Why, hello there net, Never thought I'd see you around here. You do remember me right? The guy that just loved this fic back from the EL REVOLUTION forums?

Well, this is quite interesting, the story is just getting better, before, I really thought eirin was the mastermind, but then, it changed to patch, but I can only think of one thing now:

"Why the **** would she do that?"

And, would you believe that I almost instantly realized it was an illusion back at the "bloody chapter"? (Lazy to go back and check, chapter 10?)

But... Got some concerns, haven't you forgotten about flandre? I mean, the promise and all. She is the vampire that destroys anything and everything after all >_>''

God dammit, I almost cried at the flandre scene, and when Reimu aborted. Manly tears man, manly tears...

Well, keep up on the good work, you can count on me as a faithful reader.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 08:24:58 AM by Sacchi »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2010, 08:16:21 AM »

you do know there's a spoiler feature for people who haven't read the story, right?

ie. this user

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #49 on: July 31, 2010, 08:27:06 AM »
At first, I thought it wasn't nescessary, since it was right after all of the fic up to the moment, but then, I realized some people might try and scroll down through everythin and get major spoilers. Well, the spoiler tag in this forum is different from what I'm used to, but I think this should do?


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2010, 04:16:49 PM »
Yes, I remember you, Sacchi, although you don't show up at ElRev for a long time. I didn't know you were a Touhou fan.

Anyways, I've got good news for the readers!

I'm illustrating this Fic. I already made a cover for it, but I'm always forgetting to scan the drawings. Thus, it will take some time to Photoshop them to make them look at least a bit decent.

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #51 on: July 31, 2010, 05:39:40 PM »
I'm illustrating this Fic.
Another thing... Did someone guess which book Patchouli was reading on Chapter 13?
Oh crap, Edward Cullen's going to take over Gensoky- *shot*


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #52 on: July 31, 2010, 10:58:54 PM »

-Yep! We were at home, drinking tea, and then the fake Reimu was like "Rin, it's nice and stuff to have you hanging around... BUT WHAT ARE THESE TWO MORONS DOING HERE?!?!?!?!" as she screamed and pointed at the fake Marisa and Mima, who were just sitting and drinking tea with us. And then I was like "They're not enemies anymore!", but the fake Reimu was like "WHO INVITATED YOU TWO HERE?!?!?!", and then the fake Marisa was like "Is it proihibited to visit a Shinto Shrine?", but the fake Reimu was like "GO FREELOAD YOUR DIRTY-DIAPER'ED GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!!"!

-Man, I should have said the same when Suika started freeloading me! - I REALLY SHOULD

-That's so funny ~ze.

-And then, the fake Reimu was like "You're here just because the ruins, right? SO FREELOAD THEM, DAMMIT!!!", because, some days prior to that, strange ruins appeared near the Shrine. And then the fake Marisa was like "Good idea!! There might be treasures there!", and, suddenly, the fake Reimu got like "MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY", and I remembered that even in the fake Gensokyo, the Hakurei Shrine got no donations ever!

I FacePalm'd.

-Seriously, Rin. I'm starting to think that you're inventing all this. All you are doing is to tell useless bitchings!

-But it really happened!!

-I'm getting tired of this story, man! Why don't you just jump to the part where you find a way out of the fake Gensokyo?

-But I want to know if my fake me is going to PWN someone ~ze!

-*sigh*... Could you finish this story later, Rin? I've got more things to do.

-AAaaaawwww... You're being boring just like your fake...

-Don't get me wrong, Rin, but I have some business to deal with.

-Okay... Then.

Rin stood up and pat her butt, maybe she did it to provoke me ( See Notes ). Anyways, maybe she didn't... She is still the same innocent, happy-go-lucky and lovely Rin Satsuki I knew before she ended up in fake Gensokyo ( if all this crap of "fake me", "she was like 'BLAHBLAHBLAH'" and stuff is real )... I couldn't blame her, but I was really getting tired of all this monologic chitchat... No, I'm not being honest. I just wanted Rin to go away, as well as Marisa, for me to stealthly run to the restroom. AND THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING NOW!!!

-Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeergh!! - I threw up all my lunch at the first instant I got in the restroom

I hope nobody saw me running like an idiot, and hope even more nobody heard my puking... I don't know why, but I haven't felt well lately. At least I could completely hide from Rin and Marisa my overwhelming nausea... At least that's what I want to believe.

Anyways, I need to know why I'm not feeling well. Maybe I should go to Eirin's Clinic and get that stupid hag to examine me... Oh no. I just forgot... Eirin started demanding payment for her medical services, because Eientei needs funds to be rebuilt after Flandre destroying it while she beat the crap out of Kaguya and the moon goons.

Or I could just ask Rin to examine me. She is a nurse, after all!... Oh no... I think I can't do it. I bet that if I try to talk with her, she will start blabbing that useless crap again, and I didn't got patience to listen her, and I won't have enough of it for some weeks...

Or I could ask Marisa to make a potion for me!... Oh no... I just remembered the last time I drank a medicine made by Marisa... I just had a headache, but I ended up having cat ears growing on my head until the potion's effect wore down, some weeks later... That happened a very long time ago, before Rin getting into the Well of Anonymous'. Because of that gross incident, Rin nicknamed me "Neko Miko Reimu".

Well... It seems it can't be helped for now. Unless...



-YUKARIIIIIIIIII!!!! - *knock* *knock* *knock* - Open this door or I'll blow your house away!!!

Finally this goddamn door opened. I've been knocking it for minutes!

-Who's there?... Oh! Mistress Reimu! - it was Ran who opened the door

-Hello there, Ran! Is Yukari home?

-Yes, she is. But she is sleeping.

-Well, I'll try to wake her up. Can I come in?

-Of course!

I walked in, and politely refused a cup of tea offered by Ran. I wasted some time answering some Ran's questions about Mitsuko, but that's not big deal.

And there was that useless-brained stupid old hag, sleeping like Letty when it's not winter. This time promised to be more difficult than before, because Yukari seems to be VERY fast asleep. I don't think that just saying some stupid random blabbing like last time will work now. I've to use some different approaches.

-Yukari, I know you're pretending to be sleeping! Now move your seared-like-a-rotten-apple butt and help me!

-Owwwwwww... How did you know?... - Yukari stood up - I was still trying to get a quick nap!

-If I didn't arrive earlier, this nap would take until Shokun get as old as you!

-Why are you being so blunt with your BFF?

-I need your help! And it may be serious thing!

-It ought to be serious, because I'll not forgive you if you hinder me from getting a nap!

-Cut it out!

Yukari crossed her arms, waiting for the news.

-Well... I haven't been feeling well and...


-I haven't been feeling well and...


-I said...

-Does my face looks like a face of a doctor?!

-You didn't let me finish!

-NO! Didn't you cause enough problems for today, Reimu?! I don't need your ideas, I can thing on my own!

Last time Yukari blurted this bullshit, I ended up aborting. I have to interfere before this greasy old hag drag me to somewhere for us to mess with!



My eyes were wet, and Yukari noticed it.

-Oh... I know where you want to get.

-So, will you help?

-Well, I'll help if you help me with another problem...

-What is it?

-Ran is pregnant again.


-Ran is pregnant again!


-I said...

-RAN?! Pregnant AGAIN?! Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!

-I tried, but...

-It's too late for apologies, Yukari! Now we have to solve this incident! But... The question is... How?

-Reimu, you're...

Yukari didn't need to finish her sentence. She didn't need to. I realized by mimself that I was being an asshole just like herself. I hate mimself for doing this! Moreover, Ran doesn't seem to be pregnant... Maybe she is in her early months, just like Rin. That's it.

-Geez. Whatever, what should we do? Looks like the perpretator of the Baby Boom is on the move again!

-Reimu, I have my suspicions about the culprit's identity. But we have to do some little investigation!

-Do you promise we won't mess with anyone again?

-It depends on whether the yellow dogs are going to do cooper or not, Reimu.

DAMMIT! I thought she stopped saying random stupid things! Whatever!

-Where are we headed to?

-To Youkai Mountain!

-Do you suspect that the culprit is there?

-No. I just want to use Moriya's Shrine bathroom. Sanae brought from the Outside World a thing that sprays good smell! ( See Notes )

-DAMMIT Yukari! We can't fool around!!

-Listen to the elderly, Reimu! We are going to Youkai Mountain whether you like it or not!

-It's not like you to be such an assertive jerk... But I'll go.

I've got nothing to lose, anyways. I have a slight suspicion that I'm pregnant again, so I won't screw up everything this time. I'll watch every step and word of mine so I don't mess with anyone. I'll do what I have to do, and pray that Yukari don't do anything stupid... Because the culprit is on the move again, and impregnating people again... They got Rin, me, Ran and maybe someone else! I can't leave this incident unsolved!

However, I'm afraid that I'll regret not staying home today...

Reimu's narration off

Despite it was still daylight, it was pitch dark. Good thing for a vampire like Remilia, who was in her room. She was sitting on her king-sized bed, near the drawer, over of which there was a cup and a bottle of steaming red tea, recently served by Sakuya. She was waiting for someone to come. And she came.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

-Come in! - Remilia said

Patchouli walked in the room, accompained by nobody. Koakuma was in the Hakurei Shrine, awaiting the return of her master. "Good", Remilia thought "I'll have to deal with less people...". Remilia gave out an evil grin, which called her daughter's attention.

-What are you laughting at? - Patchouli

-Oh, nothing, darling.

Remilia pat the empty space on her side, inviting her daughter to sit on the bed with her.

-Why did you call me?

-I was missing you a lot. You know, this Mansion isn't the same without you.

-If that was so, why didn't you come to visit the Shrine instead of making me have the trouble of coming all this way to here? You know I can't move too much, mom...

-I don't want to scare the kids off. They would be thraumatized if they got near the Scarlet Devil.

-You sound like are up to something...

Remilia grinned again, and took another sip of red tea.

-You know how much I love you, Patchouli. You're the embodiment of my deepest desire: to have children. You even gave me two grandchildren: Shokun and Koakuma. You're my daughter, but you aren't my offspring... You don't have my blood!

-Where do you want to get to?

-You know how many times I tried to bite you, so you could become a vampire and have my blood... The noble blood of Vlad Tepes. But I'm such a light drinker, and I can't drink enough to make you a vampire.

Patchouli sensed danger.

-W...What do you want?...

-I want offspring, of course. And you're going to help me.

-You want me to...

Patchouli couldn't finish her sentence, because it was changed to a scared screech. I was so because somebody grappled her from behind, as she saw small shadows approaching her.

-Don't worry, darling. You're going to like it.

Remilia grinned again, happy.

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2010, 05:07:31 PM »
Looks like sakuya will have a lot to clean tonight *Knifed*

Oh well, I just hope koakuma doesn't appear outta nowhere, the sight would traumatize her. *Royal Flare'd*

I wonder about the details... *Gungnir'ed*

Know what I said about koakuma? Nevermind that, If flandre comes in either hell breaks loose, or triple hell breaks loose. *Lavaetainn'ed*

... My dirty mind just produced such a dirty thought... *Ripples of the royally phantasmic gungnir'ed*

Okay, bad jokes aside, pretty interesting chapter, the last time she got pregnant, I almost cried, don't you dare do that again! *Shot*

Anyways keep going, awesome fanfic needs an ending!

...Reading this makes me want to write >_>''


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2010, 12:26:32 AM »
Oh, there's a stray (See Notes) in the final of the prior chapter!

Well, if you see, Yukari wants to go to Moriya Shrine's bathroom just because "a thing that sprays good smell".

It's a joke intended only for brazillians. There was once upon a time an ad of a good-smell spraying device, oftenly used in Brazil to not let the bathrooms get stinky, where a boy says he wants too *oo in his friend's house because of the good-smell spray.


I and Yukari went to Youkai Mountain, and the trip would be completely useless if we didn't discover that Sanae also got pregnant. I had a slight hunch that the culprit chosen their victims by a pattern, but I couldn't tell how it was... But I knew there should be a pattern. We spent some time trying to find out this pattern, and even the two godesses came to help.

The first victims were Marisa, Ran, Kaguya, Mokou, Yuugi, Flandre and Cirno... They gotta have something in common, something that link them. Why would the culprit make them get pregnant? Why them, out of everybody? Sanae theorized that all these people could be linked to someone in particular, but there's nobody all these ones are directly related with... I tried linking the pattern with the ages of the victims, but we didn't get satisfatory results. We tried linking the races, but nothing either.

The second victims are me, Ran, Sanae, Rin and Momiji, who we found out was pregnant, too... And there may be more victims!

I was getting more and more frustated when Suwako came out with something:

-I know! All the victims are somehow related to you, Reimu!


Speaking of which, it does make sense. All those victims unlikely met each other, but I met them all on my quests to save Gensokyo! Moreover, Marisa and Rin are two of the closest people to me, and Ran is servant of my best friend! I does make sense, indeed!

Maybe the culprit, however they is, is someone close to me! Or they want to provoke me, or got a grudge against me! If it's that so, why they would impregnate people? It isn't bad at all to have children around! But the people close to me are also victims, with Yukari as exception. But no way Yukari is the culprit, because she would never involve Ran in her evil-doings...

Anyways, I got satisfied because of the further step we took into the investigation. It was the first step to this incident's conclusion. But there was something strange about Yukari when we were going back home.

We were in the middle of the sky, when Yukari started talking.


She seemed a bit sad. I haven't seen her sad for eras... It may be serious thing!

-What is it?

-Have... Have you ever wondered?...

-Wondered about what?

-If... If you are real?...

-For Shingyoku's sake, Yukari! I thought you were about to tell me something serious and you just blurt more stupid random nonsense?!

Yukari glared at me, and then left out a kinda relieved sigh.

-Imagine a lonely girl, who has only one friend... Imagine that this girl lives in a somewhat dead world, where kids don't smile and the food doesn't come out from the nature...


-Imagine, also, that this girl was very frustated about being born in such a sad world... And, when she sleeps, she dreams that she is here, in Gensokyo, where she can have all the fun and friends she wants...

-Gensokyo isn't really that nice, you know.

-Can you imagine how happy she gets when she can finally sleep, after a sad day?... And how sad she gets when he has to wake up?...

-Where do you want to get?

-How would you feel if you discovered that you aren't real, but simply a mere character of someone's dreams?

-Bah! I would wonder what happens if this girl sleeps while she is here in Gensokyo. That's it!

Yukari let out a little giggle.

-Do I know this girl?

-Which girl?

-The girl you just mentioned, who dreams that she's here and stuff.

-I never said anything about such girl! Are already you getting senile, Reimu?!

I FacePalm'd. Yukari was just toying with me! To hell with that greasy old hag! I'm going back home, and that's now when we part our ways.

-Goodbye, Reimu!


I flew back to the Shrine and was welcomed by my dear son and Mitsuo. He wanted me to play with him, but I had to excuse mimself because I'm tired. Sorry, darling!

I was kinda hungry, so I got into the Honden to prepare a tea and have it with cookies. I just hope Alice didn't give away all the cookies to the children, something she does often. No matter how much times I warn her that the cookies are for the teatimes, she won't listen. I do like Alice, but I'm very sad about she seemingly hating me... Maybe she's jealous at Marisa, since we started dating. I kinda comprehend her: she always had to share her beloved witch with Patchouli, and now she has to share her with me.

Talking about Patchouli, where is she? It's supposed to be her turn of watching the kids now! Is she skipping her job?! How Komachi-ish! Looks like I'll have to talk with Alice and Marisa and decide who's going to fulfill Patchouli's work time for today...

Hmmm... Maybe it won't be necessary! Looks like I already got someone to do Patchy's job! There she is, playing happily with Hikaru and Satoshi.

-Hey Rin! Looks like you like kids!

-Heeyyyy... I'm a child, too!

-Oh yeah, thats right.


-Hey, Rin! Are you staying here until what time?

-Well, I'm staying until night, and I'll go back home ( See Notes ). Why?

-Good! Can you take care of the children for me?

-Of course!


-...I just got out for a second and you're already replacing me? - it's Patchouli voice

-EEEKKK!! Where did you come from?!

Patchouli just appeared from nowhere! Man, I got quite a startle!

-I see how much a sickening person you are, Reimu. Let me make you a better person...

-Eh? - I found it strange as Patchouli approached me

She got really very close, close enough as she would kiss me. She isn't angry with me anymore?...

-REIMU!!! LOOK OUT!!! - Rin screamed


Rin's house - Rin lives in a hut near the Hakurei Shrine

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #55 on: August 04, 2010, 09:57:20 PM »
This is the sketch of the cover for this fic.

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #56 on: August 04, 2010, 11:14:09 PM »
Damn, that pic looks hella cute.

Also, the chapter was great, so remiliaraped*knifed* turned patchouli into a vampire huh?

Well, this is one of these times where you can just say one thing: "And then everything went to hell"


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #57 on: August 05, 2010, 05:25:13 AM »
That picture looks very nice^^

But they don't look that adult-ish... they still look like teen- *shot*  :V


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #58 on: August 05, 2010, 09:06:16 PM »
There's something I need to point out, because it's not going to be told in the story's narration.
Since there's almost-nothing very little known about Rin Satsuki, I had to create some unofficial details about her.

Her family served to an old ancestor of Reimu's, and became very attached to the Hakurei Clan. Rin lived among the Hakurei family since she was born, and she was a good friend of each of it's generation representative. However, the rest of Satsuki family died along with most of Reimu's relatives, in the vampire rampage incident ( which will be explained later ). Since then, Rin started to train herself on offensive magic, to help Reimu and Marisa on their adventures to save Gensokyo. The three heroines fought together against many enemies and solved many incidents that happened before the events of EoSD.

Rin's offensive magic consists on her controlling flowers, make them sharp and throw them like ninja Shuriken. He can also use wind magic to create barrages of Flower Shuriken.

She is around 700 years old, but she's still an early-aged preteen ( something like 9 years old in human terms ) in Kirin's terms. Hence, she still doesn't have horns. Because of her yet-to-finish maturation, her healing powers haven't full awaken, leaving her uncapable of doing advanced healing. Her healing spells can be summarized into the following effects: forcing homeostasys, coagulate and de-coagulate blood, relieving minor pain through magic anestesia and restoring consciousness on people on comatose. Despite her weak healing powers, she has a very wide medical knowledge ( not as big as Eirin's, though ), enough for her to treat sick and wounded people without relying only on her magic.

In personality, she is sweet, innocent and very helpful. She can't stand to see people wounded or sick, that's why she even wanted to heal Rika, despite she being an enemy. Although she is a nurse, she faints when she sees too much blood or gore, while getting nervous when her patient's risk is too big. Always when she can't save someone, she blames herself bitterly, grievely remembering her parents' death.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou - The so-called Baby Boom
« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2010, 11:01:13 PM »
It will take a quite while until I make more illustrations. I got a job and it will take almost all my free time. Anyways, I can still write it at my college time.

So, this Fic will proceed a bit slowlier until November 30th.


The time Rin's voice took until it reach my ears was slow enough for me not to have time to react to Patchouli's attack. But... WHATAHELL IS THIS MUKYUU DOING??!!

She rapidly grabbed my arms so I couldn't react. I tried to fight back... It shouldn't be too hard as it comes to wrestle with an anemic weakling like Patchouli, but somehow I was weaker than her! Maybe it's because I haven't been feeling well lately.

I couldn't help but screaming as the pain of sharp teeth piercing through my neck. Patchouli was bitting me in the neck!! But... Her teeth were unnaturaly sharp... WHATAHELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!?!


-HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!! - Rin is calling for help?...

Patchouli overran and knocked me down, and she laid over me... I looked at her face and saw her eyes... They were glowing a bloody scarlet color. She, then, started to frantically bite me in various places. THAT HURTS AS HELL DAMMIT! I was getting more and more confused and desperate... I tried at my maximum to fight back, but I couldn't do anything but to scream and cry as I felt my blood coming out from me...

-LET GO!!! - Satoshi Hoshiguma's voice

I was lucky to have an oni boy around. Even though he was just a boy, he was damn quite strong. Strong enough to beat Patchouli out, making her stop bitting me. Hikaru tried to help, too, but he didn't have strenght and neither his mother's fire magic... Anyways, with Satoshi's help, I could break free from Patchouli's clutches. She took quite a damage, so she was slightly knocked out, patting her head.

But she quickly recovered, and when she was about to attack again, she got paralized, as if a great amount of invisible lines tied her up.

-What the hell is happening here?!

It was Alice. She used her puppeting lines to tie Patchouli up. She came accompained by Marisa, that screamed when she saw me.


I was quite in a shock, so I didn't notice I was completely smeared with blood. Marisa quickly came to me and tried to stop the bleeding with her hands. She was extremely nervous, just like I got in that nightmare.




-Uh!... Ye... Yeah...

Rin laid me down on the floor. She also looked very nervous, and also shocked. I remembered that she has phobia towards bloodshed. I was completely confused and speechless, and I couldn't even think... I could just hear everyone's desperate voices... Marisa was shouting at Rin, telling her to hurry, and Rin was shouting back, telling she was doing all she could do.

It looks like Patchouli got free from Alice's strings and attacked her. I could hear her screaming, but it didn't look too long, because Patchouli stopped attacking. Maybe it was because Alice's dolls barged in and defended their master... I could her Marisa casting some spell and screaming:


-I'm... I'm dying...

What did Patchouli say?! I'm the one that was hurt, and SHE's dying?!

-I... I need...

-Dammit! - Marisa muttered


Looks like Patchouli attacked again, but I could hear her being hit by a stream of magic stars. It seems Patchy was knocked out for real this time, because she didn't get up again. I was still shocked and speechless, and the pain was killing me. The pain just got worse and worse as Rin tried to heal me, and I tried to warn her about it with the most I could say:


-But I'm using anestesia!!

Somehow, my body started to move on it's own, and the pain jumped from intense to hellish! I couldn't stand to that horrible pain taking over all my body and soul, and I instinctvely started to scream.

-She's having an anaphylactic shock!!!

My body was moving violently on it's own, and I couldn't stop it... As it moved more and more violently, it hurted more and more. All I could do was to scream, but I shouldn't have done that... I just got Rin more nervous. I know her well, and I know she faints in such situations like this... And if she faints, I think Eirin wouldn't be able to arrive before I die...


-I need adrenaline!!!

She strongly imposed her hands over my kidneys, and I could fell her magic flowing through me... But it seemed to not work, because I started to get unable to breathe. I got even more desperate... And everything was getting dark...

-COME ON! COME ON!!! - was Rin talking with my kidneys?



Everything was getting darker and darker... Please save me, Rin... I don't wanna die... I don't wanna die...

I don't want to leave my family... I don't want to leave Shokun... Please, somebody save me...

I don't wanna travel with Komachi... I don't want to be judged by Yamaxanadu...

I don't want my baby to die along with me...
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.