So yeah, a little late to the post-con party, but I finally made it.
First and foremost, thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the panel. The panel was for you guys, and you guys made it awesome. I have to say, you made this probably the easiest panel for me to do all weekend (out of five).
Shout outs to the other 4 panelists with me: Khoa, Mike, Gpop and TheeShenanigans. You guys were great, and kept things alive. I know you were all nervous being all first timers, but you pulled it off with flying colours. I have to apologize for not being able to use a lot of your ideas (mainly the AV stuff), but hopefully the next time the panel runs, we'll have all the bells and whistles.
Gotta give a shout out to anyone who decided to hype up the panel beforehand. Specifically, I did notice Chibity getting the word out (hurray for Youtube...sometimes), so big thanks to her for making my job easier.
I got to say, the panel was one of the highlights of my con going history (and it's been a while). It was probably one of my personal highlights of this con, followed by finishing 2nd in the TvC tournament and 1CCing LLS twice (using Reimu A and B). That's not to say that meeting a great bunch of people was not memorable (although I'm terrible with names, so apologies if I don't remember you).
I don't know if I'm going to be going back again next year, but if I am, I'll be sure to try and bring the Touhou panel back. Keep your eyes open around January or February if you want to get involved. Feel free to PM me if you want to stay in touch; it's always fun meeting more Touhou fans.