Author Topic: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING SPRING 2020 M3 REQUESTS  (Read 1115927 times)


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 97 REQUESTS
« Reply #1470 on: December 24, 2019, 06:02:47 AM »
Hello. The time of year for another set of requests.

Namie's FGO book, 2日目西れ24a

Wada Arco's FGO book, C97二日目れ-52ab

Modare's LiPPS book, 月曜日(3日目)南 ア-19b

C-Clays' CD 『誰嗄 -たそかれ-』, 4日目 南ナ17

Alstroemeria Records' CD Enclosed Dancehall, Day 4 ナ26ab

DDBY's CD 夜カフェ3, 南4 ニ39-a/DDBY

and 1 old CD,
SOUND HOLIC's CD Metallical Remasters

Let me know how much you estimate or if you need any other info. Thanks again for all your help. :V
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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 97 REQUESTS
« Reply #1471 on: December 25, 2019, 06:18:35 AM »
Ok, I've assembled my request list:

This digital album:
Format: flac
If it comes with any image files, I’d like those sent to me as well over email.


四季咲きの楽園 (1540 yen)

Comiket 97 Order:

Baguettes Ensemble: 火曜日南地区 "ニ " 40b
Toho Jazz Connection Vol.5 (1000 yen)
Toho Jazz Connection Vol.6 (1000 yen)

ESQUARIA: C97-4日二36a/新譜
FRENZY BLOOM (1000 yen)
CRIMSON ZETA (1000 yen)
ESQUARIA VOCAL BEST Vol.002 (1000 yen)
iDolization (1000 yen)

flap+frog: 4日目 南ヌ16b
swim in paper (1000 yen)
cirno out #4 (1000 yen)

ORANGE★JAM: 4日目「南ヌ-14b」
BREAK! (1000 yen)
Motif II (1000 yen)

N+ / 東方事変: 2019年12月31日(火), スペース:南"ニ"05a
解体少女/ロンリーデーズ (500 yen)

狐の工作室: 冬コミ4日目ニ39b
喫茶地霊殿 (1000 yen)

東方バイオリンロック Q-QUALIA- (1000 yen)
ピアノのための東方超絶技巧曲集9 (1000 yen)
東方バイオリンロック 紺-KAN- (1000 yen)
東方四重奏 Holy (1000 yen)
ピアノのための東方幻想曲集 (1000 yen)
東方弦奏オーケストラ3 (1000 yen)
東方バイオリンロック 秘-HI- (1000 yen)

If you want me to include links or any other information for these, let me know. I'll send payment ASAP once I've seen your estimate. Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 08:00:41 PM by dranxis »

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 97 REQUESTS
« Reply #1472 on: December 25, 2019, 07:47:18 PM »
Hi! I'm interested in a few items from comiket.

- またたきの記憶 - アトキンソン (4日目南ヘ17b) (
- 甲羅は空飛ぶ夢を見る - さよなら大人達 (4日目南マ34a) (
- - 凋叶棕 (ナ18a) (
- + their older album (
- ドラスティック・パーティ - ぴずやの独房 (ナ03b) (shop link tba)

- And an older thing on melonbooks : Mayumi keyholder - 閑古鳥茶園 (
Thank you very much! :)

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 97 REQUESTS
« Reply #1473 on: December 27, 2019, 02:42:20 AM »
Update of my request with books info

-M3W ver.17 sideC+M

Silent Sinner in Scarlet

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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 97 REQUESTS
« Reply #1474 on: December 27, 2019, 06:29:14 AM »
I would like to lay my hands on this PC-9801-type music album by ChaiR:

That is all. Thankee!

P.S. Also, do you have Discord? Because I spend more time there than here, especially when discussing PayPal matters. Your Keine Ahnung acquaintance Urotsuki has my Discord tag (same username SilSinn9801 as in this forum), in case you ask. Thankee!


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING SPRING 2020 M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #1475 on: February 19, 2020, 06:46:12 AM »
I'm now taking requests for the next M3. Usual procedure. Deadline for payments is the 24th.

Circle List:

Also, I do have a Discord, just PM me and ask if you would like to know.