Author Topic: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria  (Read 142736 times)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #690 on: April 09, 2010, 08:12:29 PM »
>"Yeah, I got a lot of things to do today, so I'll probably be pretty scarce."
>"Oh, really? Where are you planning on going?"
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #691 on: April 09, 2010, 08:17:55 PM »
>"Oh, really? Where are you planning on going?"

>"I made some new friends yesterday, we're gonna meet up in the woods, then go do some things. Haven't decided what, yet."
>Replace woods with park or some other vague nearby local landmark that could be mistaken for several things.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #692 on: April 09, 2010, 08:45:37 PM »
>"I made some new friends yesterday, we're gonna meet up in the woods, then go do some things. Haven't decided what, yet."
>Replace woods with park or some other vague nearby local landmark that could be mistaken for several things.
>"Woods" works fine. Plus it's vaguely true!
>"Well, be careful! And just be home by dark. Oh, and by the way, our neighbor left some cookies for you on the kitchen table."
>Hmm. Come to think of it, you did notice a brown paper bag in there. You wonder which neighbor it was, though;  one of them happens to have a cooking ability that would send you to the hospital.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #693 on: April 09, 2010, 08:49:20 PM »
>"Were they from <Bad cooking neighbor>?"


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #694 on: April 09, 2010, 08:55:25 PM »
>"Were they from <Bad cooking neighbor>?"
>This is actually your nickname for them. Without the <>.
>Your mom giggles. "What, do you think I'm trying to kill you?"
>Considering recent events, that's quite a bit less funny then it'd normally be. You give a weak laugh, though.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #695 on: April 09, 2010, 09:00:52 PM »
>Claim cookies.
>"With the possibility of that one's cooking, it's impossible to be too careful."
>Abscond upstairs. If Rinoa's ready, head to Jigenheim. Don't want the ice cream to melt too much



  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #696 on: April 09, 2010, 09:10:15 PM »
>Claim cookies.
>"With the possibility of that one's cooking, it's impossible to be too careful."
>Abscond upstairs. If Rinoa's ready, head to Jigenheim. Don't want the ice cream to melt too much

>You go in the kitchen, and claim the brown paper bag. There's a name written on it; oh, THAT neighbor. The nice old lady.
>Your mother nods solemly, and then both of you burst into giggles.
>You head upstairs with the cookies in your pocket and the ice cream/cake bowl in hand. Rinoa's sitting on the bed with the Goddess Orb, and gives you a wave as you enter. You pick up the orb and motion to the door to indicate you're leaving now, and the two of you head into the closet.
>It seems much the same as last time. The path of land seems to be about 9 feet wide.

>You should learn to control your learned habits!
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #697 on: April 09, 2010, 09:19:45 PM »
It's an addiction.

>Follow the path, keep an eye open for Jigen.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #698 on: April 09, 2010, 09:25:41 PM »
It's an addiction.

>Follow the path, keep an eye open for Jigen.
Well, there's certainly worse things to be addicted to.

>You walk down the path, and notice the occasional sound of crumbling on the trip. It's rather unnerving.
>As you near the end of the path, you see Jigen and the portal in their usual spots. She seems to be sleeping again. Perhaps it conserves faith?
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #699 on: April 09, 2010, 09:28:07 PM »
>Approach her, and say, in a soft friendly tone, "Hey, Jigen, I brought you an offering."


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #700 on: April 09, 2010, 09:33:01 PM »
>Approach her, and say, in a soft friendly tone, "Hey, Jigen, I brought you an offering."
>A moment after you speak, her eyes slowly open. "Thank you, Berkeley." Without moving out of her current position of sitting and hugging her knees, she gestures the ground in front of her with a hand.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #701 on: April 09, 2010, 09:41:52 PM »
>Place the cake as directed, smiling.
>"It's cake from my 16th birthday, so it's extra special."


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #702 on: April 09, 2010, 09:47:50 PM »
>Place the cake as directed, smiling.
>"It's cake from my 16th birthday, so it's extra special."
>She smiles, and it makes you feel fuzzy inside.
>"You're a good person, Berkeley. I hope we'll both live long enough for me to see you grow into your true potential..."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #703 on: April 09, 2010, 09:50:22 PM »
>"Maybe. It's just I can't let my next door neighbor suffer without trying to do something. I hope it was worth waking up for, though. I, uh, kinda don't know how to do the best shopping on things like this."


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #704 on: April 09, 2010, 10:01:25 PM »
>"Maybe. It's just I can't let my next door neighbor suffer without trying to do something. I hope it was worth waking up for, though. I, uh, kinda don't know how to do the best shopping on things like this."
>"Well, what I really miss are the plants. But this isn't any kind of place for a plant to live in, anymore. The light isn't right, and the ground isn't good at all. I do appreciate your offering, though."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #705 on: April 09, 2010, 10:15:44 PM »
>"Maybe I could bring some low light plants in pots? It shouldn't be a problem to come water them every so often."


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #706 on: April 10, 2010, 01:05:44 AM »
>"Maybe I could bring some low light plants in pots? It shouldn't be a problem to come water them every so often."
>For a second she looks hopeful, but then her face falls again. "No; the problem isn't exactly the level of light, it's that the light just isn't right." She points to a spot in the sky.
>You look towards the spot, and notice a black sphere; like the Sun or Moon, except, well, black. You'd never have noticed it, if you didn't know where to look.
>"The light we can see by now wouldn't keep a plant alive; it's an unnatural kind. It might be possible to keep plants alive with magical means, though."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #707 on: April 10, 2010, 01:14:30 AM »
>"Maybe a battery and a sunlamp, then... Hmm, I'll see what I can find for you until we get the problem dealt with.
>"Hey...when you said full potential, what did you mean, exactly?"


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #708 on: April 10, 2010, 01:27:29 AM »
>"Maybe a battery and a sunlamp, then... Hmm, I'll see what I can find for you until we get the problem dealt with.
>"Hey...when you said full potential, what did you mean, exactly?"
>"A wha- oh, that's like the magic of your world, right? Science? I think Estelle mentioned that at some point."
>"Just, you know; grow up, settle into whatever profession, stuff like that."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #709 on: April 10, 2010, 01:33:23 AM »
>"Technology, actually, but science is what developed it. And I see what you mean, now. I'm glad you're planning on hanging around that long! "
>If Jigen seems down, give her a hug. Poor thing needs it. "I need to go deal with the whole Estelle problem now. But I'll try to be back sometime before tomorrow, alright?"


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #710 on: April 10, 2010, 01:39:03 AM »
>"Technology, actually, but science is what developed it. And I see what you mean, now. I'm glad you're planning on hanging around that long! "
>If Jigen seems down, give her a hug. Poor thing needs it. "I need to go deal with the whole Estelle problem now. But I'll try to be back sometime before tomorrow, alright?"
>"Yeah, she said that too! And, I hope I get to hang around that long..."
>She certainly seems depressed. You kneel down to her level and give her a hug. She hugs back, and you can just feel how frail she is; like a skeleton.
>"Okay Berkeley... could you please try to find someone who knows about faith, for me? I... I think there was someone. I can't remember anymore. It's hard to concentrate now."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #711 on: April 10, 2010, 01:43:31 AM »
>"I'm tracking someone who does know. It'll be a bit, though."
>Technically true, once the petrification is dealt with...
>"Hopefully there's been some developments since yesterday. I'll go check on it right away. Until next time."
>Do one of those little respectful bows. It's just right, given who she is. Then move on toward the hamlet if there's nothing else.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #712 on: April 10, 2010, 02:02:44 AM »
>"I'm tracking someone who does know. It'll be a bit, though."
>Technically true, once the petrification is dealt with...
>"Hopefully there's been some developments since yesterday. I'll go check on it right away. Until next time."
>Do one of those little respectful bows. It's just right, given who she is. Then move on toward the hamlet if there's nothing else.
>Well, she said that given enough time, she could cure it. It's a question of whether it'd be soon enough to help, though.
>After you tell her, she smiles and settles back into her knee-hugging position.
>You do a little bow, and head through the portal. Rinoa follows you, and the two of you head towards the Village. By the looks of things, there's some sort of commotion going on there.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #713 on: April 10, 2010, 02:06:14 AM »
>Approach. Prepare self based on whether or not it's a good commotion or bad commotion.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #714 on: April 10, 2010, 02:09:11 AM »
>Approach. Prepare self based on whether or not it's a good commotion or bad commotion.
>As you reach the entrance into the Village, you think you can see a body on a stake. Unless that's Estelle, this is probably bad commotion.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #715 on: April 10, 2010, 02:13:25 AM »
>"Oh hell, what now?"
>Steel stomach, go see.  Don't get too close or too clear a view though, because...yeesh, got enough of this business yesterday.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #716 on: April 10, 2010, 02:20:17 AM »
> Get the Goddess Orb on the ready, in case we need to save the person.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #717 on: April 10, 2010, 03:40:31 PM »
>"Oh hell, what now?"
>Steel stomach, go see.  Don't get too close or too clear a view though, because...yeesh, got enough of this business yesterday.
>You do this promptly. You feel a little more normal afterward.
>Rinoa shakes her head in an unapproving manner about the situation. "This isn't going to be pleasant, that's for sure."
>Through the people, you get a glimpse and; yeah, you don't want to look at it any more. It's not as bad as the body from Wintervale, but it's still in a practically unrecognizable state.
>Stella runs out from the crowd to meet you. "Oh no Berkeley, it's terrible! She... it's Mr.Wellsbottom. The husband in the farmer's family. The wife and son are missing, too..."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #718 on: April 10, 2010, 03:50:21 PM »
> "Well, isn't that just grand, one guy is dead and his family is missing." Use sarcasm for grand.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Berkeley's Phantasmagoria
« Reply #719 on: April 10, 2010, 03:53:11 PM »
> "Well, isn't that just grand, one guy is dead and his family is missing." Use sarcasm for grand.
>"Oh, and there was a note on the body... I woke up first, so I managed to get it before anyone else saw it..."
>Stella hands you a piece of folded paper. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to have any blood on it.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore