Author Topic: The Library of MotK 47 ~ Magical Librarian Squad 5-1  (Read 140393 times)


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
... I've felt before that some of this story must be difficult to write for you, Esi, but now that feeling comes home in full force.

There will be more of that feeling a little later on, but don't worry too much. It's rather therapeutic for me. There are, and will be, undertones and things-between-the-lines that are direct parallels to me, in the flesh, that I'm working on coming to terms with.

At the same time, though, this is a story I'm writing for fun, and with the intent to entertain. I'm trying to keep it from going too grimdark/angsty, and I'm really looking forward to writing the climactic fight.


I put that in there specifically for you, because lolololol it's Ruro who said it in-story :getdown:


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Still one of my favorite fics on this forum, keep up the good work!

And I swear one of the lines is from that Bad Apple!! song...


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
And I swear one of the lines is from that Bad Apple!! song...

* Esifex hands a kudos to Solais

So that's one of the songs, there's one more in that excerpt.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Library of MotK 44 ~ What makes a Librarian 23
« Reply #303 on: December 29, 2011, 10:08:25 AM »

The Seraph was massive. Larger up close than it had appeared from afar; Ruro wondered if that was just because of how she'd looked at it earlier while sitting with Habit, or if there was something about the entire place around her that was throwing off her perspective ? or if the Seraph had simply grown as she approached it.

She was stopped a dozen meters short of the raised dias the Seraph's throne was mounted on. Before her, casually reclining across the top of a rocky outcropping, was another Core, coolly regarding Ruro as she strode up.

This Core was nearly Esi's identical; her height, her face, her skin tone, her musculature, her mischievous grin and knowing twinkle in her eye all matched the Esi that wandered the halls of the Library.

The only difference was her clothing and her hair. Rather than all of her long, long hair being woven into a loose braid weighed down by a large ring at the end, it was instead pulled tight to her scalp, micro-braided with each strand capped by a much smaller ring. Every movement sent the rings jingling against each other.

She was wearing a qipao, stylized to look more like a gi than a formal dress. Baggy white trousers hid her legs where they snaked out of the sideslits, stopping just above her shins. Between the trousers and her sandals, each leg had a platinum coil around them, which matched the white coils on her upper arms. The qipao itself was trimmed in white, with a dull gray color to it. The obi was trimmed with platinum scrollwork ? Ruro knew the pattern looked familiar but couldn't place it. Hanging from a clip on the side of the obi was Esi's trademark rope-dart.

The Core nodded at Ruro and sat upright. ?Welcome to the center of the mind. As I look at you, bits and pieces of what's happening comes back to me. I have to admit, your presence is going to cause a lot of instability, being this deep.?

Ruro peered at the Core. ?Are you Esi, properly??

The Core shook her head, and the rings twinkled melodically, rather than chaotically as would be expected. ?No, not entirely so. I'm the Guardian Against Rage. This one, behind me, is ??

?The Alabaster Seraph. The heart of the subconscious, right??

The Guardian nodded. ?When I brought you down here, it wasn't just so I could get some rest and do some thinking, planning. It was to call the reinforcements. I haven't ever done this before, though, so I really have no clue what'll happen.?

?Wait ? done what, exactly? Don't start anything until you tell me everything you have planned. I don't want to be caught by surprise.?

The Guardian took a deep breath, drawing herself up on the balls of her feet for a moment before exhaling nervously. ?I'm going to deliberately wake the Seraph up. I need it ? and all the aspects ? to come with me back up to the layer Sa'kag? is romping around in.?

?Esi ? er, Guardian Against Rage... don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly a telepath myself but I'm pretty sure the subconscious stays where it is for a reason. What's compelling you to try to draw it up??

The Guardian Against Rage sat down on the outcropping she'd been laying on earlier. ?Well, for one thing, consider who and what I, as an aspect of Esi's subconscious, am and do. I've thought long and hard about this. I have to. I look at every angle to make sure nothing can fail catastrophically. To answer your question, I'm hoping to be able to force a full-scale mental unity. How long have you been down here, so far??

Ruro thought for a moment. ?Well, assuming there isn't any weirdness when it comes to the flow of time down here ? the landscape seems to be in a constant state of flux ? about two hours, maybe three.?

?Probably close to one or two heartbeats in the physical world. How many of the other aspects have you met??

?The Cores? I've spoken with three of them, passed about a dozen or so going about their own business.?

The Guardian sighed and she dropped her head, staring morosely at the ground. ?You didn't meet a fraction of them, then. There are four-hundred and eighty-seven aspects in this level. Only about ten percent of them are lucid; the rest only react, and some don't do anything unless the Seraph is awake.?

?You wanted me to meet more of them??

The Guardian Against Rage shook her head, and the rings sounded almost sad. ?I'm not finished. Of that ten percent, about half of them are Guardians, like myself. In some manner or another. Of the passive aspects, or Cores as you've called them, more than two-thirds of them are Guardians, as well.?

Ruro blinked. ?What??

The Guardian absently punched the stone she was perched on, and ground her knuckles against it. ?What were the titles of the Cores you met??

?Habit, Regret, and Vanguard.?

?Vanguard. You met three of them, one was a Guardian. I'm a Guardian. More than half of the parts that make up this level are Guardians. We're discordant ? rather, Esi is discordant. Why does she need so many guardians? Because she thinks we need to be defensive all the time. Why so many different guardians? Because she wants to keep every little thing away from her.?

She threw her hands up in exasperation. ?Everything is meant to keep her isolated. She has the perfect gift for communicating with everyone, to be able to dive into the middle of a community, but she always pulls back, afraid of something, anything. The slightest threat, or possibility of being made unhappy, and she backs completely into her shell. She's too afraid that she's going to offend someone, she never actually reaches out and gets to know someone. It's almost ironic, because like I said, she has the perfect gift for threading herself into social circles, but she won't, because that'd be cheating, an invasion of privacy. She's socially stunted and terrified of herself ? the potential that she has to irritate, annoy, aggravate everyone around her.?

Ruro cocked an eyebrow. ?Despite that she'd narrate peoples actions in their minds, using her telepathy to be able to fill in the blanks in her narration??

The Guardian nodded. ?People think she's intentionally irritating, it won't be so profound if she accidentally pisses someone off.?

?The cynicism is a facade.? Ruro rocked back on her heels, contemplating what the Guardian was telling her. ?That's probably why she only spends so much time at the Library. More time around books, less around people.? She shook her head. ?That last bit is incredibly counterproductive. People would forgive her if they knew her better and she'd ticked 'em off.?

?She doesn't believe that. Did you know that she's incredibly insecure around here??

Ruro held her hand up. ?Wait, how are you so aware of Esi's behavior in the physical world? I thought you were an aspect of the Subconscious??

The Guardian frowned. ?I'm the Guardian Against Rage. Esi's problems with her fury are incredibly potent. I'm one of the most active and cognitive aspects because of this. You said you've met Habit, right? And Esi is always listening to music, to drown out the static that she gets from her telepathy. Habit and I are two of the more informed aspects down here. We keep track of Esi's mental state very carefully ? there isn't much else for us to do down here besides what we're made for. Esi is always battling with her anger, her rage, fury, and confusion. She understands how destructive it can be to let her anger drive her emotions, especially with her empathy. Did you know she could influence the behaviors of at least a dozen-dozen people around her if she let her telepathy go, full-force??

?No, I didn't... but we're getting sidetracked. This is all valuable insight towards Esi, but for the time being, we need to deal with Sa'kag? and get her out of Esi's head. How is pulling everything in the subconscious to the primary planes of thought going to help us??

?Well, for one, sheer numbers. Two, the subconscious is probably the most powerful part of the mind. If Esi could root her telepathy in her subconscious, she'd be nigh unstoppable ? not even an Admin, like yourself, would be able to stop her. Luckily, she both does not know this and wouldn't do it even if she did. I digress; with the Seraph leading the way, Sa'kag? would be hard-pressed for a defense. We would've done this sooner, but Sa'kag? got Esi off-guard and she had to force samadhi on herself as a defense, which locked her in meditation on the cognitive planes.?

?She was mentioning something about samadhi. What is that??

?A state of meditation so deep, she's fully withdrawn into herself, and nothing will affect her until she comes out of it. Unfortunately, it's meditation, which for Esi means 'rest and recovery'. She couldn't work any further on her plan of waking the Seraph.?

So, the Justicia can break samadhi? Odd. Unless it was a combination of me and Sa'kag? wearing on it. ?What could go wrong??

?A lot of things. Probably more than I can think of. But the Seraph really is the most powerful part of Esi's mind; there is no doubt that she'd be able to exorcise Sa'kag?, especially if you were helping us. The Seraph, and an Admin? Especially an Admin backed by the strength of Esi's saindhava??


?Saindhava. Full support. Whatever resource you think you'd need, you'll have it. Esi will provide for you if you will aid her in getting rid of Sa'kag?. The thing is, Sa'kag? is one layer up, and Esi can't manipulate the environment in the subconscious level. She also can't fight down here; instead, it'd just be the Seraph waking up and ejecting Sa'kag? back up to the cognitive. There wouldn't be a proper fight or a true exorcism; that'll just happen over and over again each time Sa'kag? tries to come down here herself, until she fully and completely claims the cognitive layers. At that point, Esi will be no more, and the subconscious ? Seraph and all four-hundred-eighty-seven aspects ? will be no more. It'll start to be populated by Sa'kag?, instead.?

Ruro nodded. ?Quick question. This has nothing to do with your plan.?

?How is it pertinent, then??

?That's exactly why I want to ask.?

?That's rather Zen of you.? The Guardian sighed and nodded her permission.

?Who were you before you became the Guardian Against Rage??

The Guardian blinked in shock, and reached behind her for support, leaning against her original seat. ?You realize, that in the subconscious level, time flows so slowly, that if I were to be brought out to your physical world, I would be several millennia old already? That you're asking me something that dates back for far longer than you've been alive, though paradoxically, at the same time, is still younger than you??

?Are you saying you've forgotten??

The Guardian lowered herself shakily onto the stones. ?No, I haven't forgotten. Just, understand ? your question... it's making me nostalgic. From a very long time ago. Luckily I'm not the Guardian From Nostalgia ? and yes, that is an aspect down here.?

?So you haven't forgotten your own original title, then??

?Original? No. None of us know what our original names are. There's a gap in Esi's memory. Her memory accounts for less time than her body has existed. But immediately after that point, and for a short time afterwards, I was Vishuddhi.? She tapped her obi, indicating the pattern on it. ?It's faded considerably. It used to be countless chakras, wrapped around me. In time, they've been corrupted by the Rage that I Guard Against.?

Ruro held her hand out, offering to help the Guardian Against Rage back to her feet. ?Well, then, Vishuddhi, shall we wake the Seraph, and go tell Sa'kag? she can go ahead and shove all the way off??

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
I look forward to the promised ass-kicking of evil. :3c


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
I wonder what the GAR meant with 'If Esi could root her telepathy in her subconscious, she'd be nigh unstoppable ? not even an Admin, like yourself, would be able to stop her.'  Would Esi be unstoppable inside or outside her mind? I can imagine on the inside, as she'd have absolute control of the realm within her mind, but I can't imagine it on the outside. Does she gain full mind control on everyone around her or something similar? Or do more destructive psychic powers emerge, like telekinesis? Though, that isn't really a part of telepathy.
Also, I'm getting anxious to see the final fight. I hope it'll be here soon~


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
I wonder what the GAR meant with 'If Esi could root her telepathy in her subconscious, she'd be nigh unstoppable ? not even an Admin, like yourself, would be able to stop her.'  Would Esi be unstoppable inside or outside her mind? I can imagine on the inside, as she'd have absolute control of the realm within her mind, but I can't imagine it on the outside. Does she gain full mind control on everyone around her or something similar? Or do more destructive psychic powers emerge, like telekinesis? Though, that isn't really a part of telepathy.

Outside her mind. Because of the font of raw power that the subconscious mind holds, if she were able to use it as the base for her telepathy - including the time dilation effect giving her almost instantaneous reaction times - she'd be able to easily maintain control of countless people, on a complete and total scale. By herself, she can only hold dominion over 'a dozen-dozen minds', and even then, only for a short while.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Outside her mind. Because of the font of raw power that the subconscious mind holds, if she were able to use it as the base for her telepathy - including the time dilation effect giving her almost instantaneous reaction times - she'd be able to easily maintain control of countless people, on a complete and total scale. By herself, she can only hold dominion over 'a dozen-dozen minds', and even then, only for a short while.

That sounds quite frightening. :ohdear: Well, at least GAR said Esi doesn't know how to do that, nor would she want to, so Mangekyou/MotK shouldn't need to worry much.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
That sounds quite frightening. :ohdear: Well, at least GAR said Esi doesn't know how to do that, nor would she want to, so Mangekyou/MotK shouldn't need to worry much.

It's mostly because Esi likes having people around react to her, and to react to. Can't do that if they're all dancing on your puppetstrings.

She's a right big fan of free-will


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Uh oh :ohdear:

WMaL will be put on hold for a while. Not only is my tower completely kaput, but now my laptop seems like it's headed out to pasture as well. I had to boot it up in safe mode to get it to go past the boot-up screen. I may have to reformat the laptop soon, and hopefully I'll be able to snag all my important text documents off it beforehand (not that I can't just pick up right from the forums if I absolutely have to, but I have other things besides MotK stories going)

It's like I'm turning into a wizard - or rather, a sorcerer, since I'm almost 25 - and I'm starting to disrupt technology around me! ohnoes


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Oh noes! D:


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
If you have really good speakers and can afford to crank up the song in this chapter, do it. Or if you have decent headphones.
This song works best in the manner I want it to when you let it go all the way into you, completely past the ear and into your head.

The Seraph Rises

Ruro looked up at the dormant Seraph. ?So, how do we wake her up??

Vishuddhi grinned. ?How else do you call an angel??


The grin vanished slowly. ?Uh. Huh??

Ruro blinked, keeping her face neutral. Esi isn't religious. Duh, how could I forget? ?Um. Nevermind. How??

?Ring a bell. Look at the top of the scale she's resting her hand on.?

Directly beneath the fulcrum of the balance was, in fact, a large bell. It didn't have a tumbler inside, nor did it appear to be hanging from a hinge ? it was fixed in place. Wouldn't that be more like a gong, then? In bell shape?

Vishuddhi unclipped the coiled rope-dart from its place at her side, and spun out the slack. The dart on the end had, somewhere between Vishuddhi's thigh and the ground, turned into a thick orb, roughly half-again the size of Ruro's fist.

?This is gonna take more than me alone, just so you know.? With the ease of habit and the speed of practice, the Guardian Against Rage spun a square knot into the end of the rope and slipped it over her wrist.

?What do you need me to do??

Vishuddhi glanced at Ruro. ?You? Nothing, actually. Maybe just step back a little so you're not in the way of the ritual. Especially once I start spinning the meteor hammer.?

Ruro froze for a moment, and immediately started telling herself to stop trying to figure out how the mental projection of a rope could possibly get tangled up on the mental projection of a samurai librarian in the depths of a mental world that had no real physical mass. Instead, she politely stepped back and gave the Guardian some space.

After a moment, she realized what Vishuddhi had meant. ?So who's going to help you, then??

The Guardian grinned widely at her. ?Everyone. I have no idea what's going to happen afterward, but I know that for the time being, it's going to be glorious.?

?I have an issue with people promising glory after, or during a fight. It comes up a lot in history, and they don't tend to stick around afterward to enjoy all their glory. Don't do anything that'll mess Esi up, alright? If you won't take that advice from a friend, then consider it an order from a superior.?

?You worry too much, Ruro. The mind is an amazing thing ? it's incredibly resilient. Especially Esi's, whatwith how much she beats herself up. She's very skilled at bouncing back, even if it's not for an entirely long amount of time. Once the Seraph joins us, it'll either go one way or the other. We kick Sa'kag? out, or she pulls some fount of power out that she's kept hidden all this time and kills Esi off once and for all. Since the lot of us will be dead ? excluding you, perhaps ? there's no point in worrying about failure. Instead, I'm just going to look forward to the victory.?

?I thought you've never done this before. How are you so sure the Seraph will help??

The Guardian glanced at her for a moment. Before she could say anything, though, Ruro heard the light scuff of someone landing on the rock behind her.

The Guardian beamed. ?There you are! Thanks for coming.?

Ruro turned around and spotted Habit, once again with her headphones hanging around her neck. They nodded to each other cordially.

?You conduct, I'll lead the symphony,? Habit said to Vishuddhi.

Ruro glanced back at the Guardian. While she had been distracted, a pillar of stone had risen up under the Guardian, and had lifted her roughly half the length of the massive scale the Seraph was cupping with her hand. The meteor hammer's rope had been spun into an elaborate harness, terminating with the hammer dangling from Vishuddhi's hands clasped in front of her chest.

Suddenly, Habit was singing.

Her headphones had somehow become large monitors on either side of her, and she held her hands out to each side, palms up. Her shoulders were back just slightly, and she was standing up straight. The stereotypical image of an opera singer. Her voice rang out loud and pure, and once the music started issuing forth from the monitors, another aspect alighted on the ground in front of her.

Initially, even though it was just a single aspect, the abruptness of her arrival startled Ruro. Habit hadn't even gotten through a single breath before this Core landed on the ground in front of them, without even the scuff of her leather shoes on the stone. She locked her eyes on Habit, and began to support the singing aspect.

As soon as the second aspect began to harmonize with Habit, more and more aspects began arriving. Ruro stared at the sky; it looked as though a platoon of archers had loosed their arrows at the Seraph, the sky was streaking with Cores.

They landed behind the first aspect that had arrived, all of them staring at Habit, and as one body ? more like one mind, I suppose ? began to sing out as one massive choir. Vishuddhi said there were four hundred and eighty seven aspects down here. I believe it.

Habit began to sway, first just by shifting her weight slightly, but as the chorus began to sing, she raised her hands above her head, turned her palms down, and started to dance. It stayed simple; all she was truly doing was tossing her head side to side and taking a single step in either direction before returning. The collected aspects were swaying, as well. Once again in unison, they all turned their faces up to Vishuddhi. Ruro glanced up at her.

If Habit was dancing, then Vishuddhi was the inspiration for dance throughout existence. The meteor hammer was whirling through the air, leaving a brilliant blue tracer behind it, always moving. Vishuddhi turned, bowed, curved, and gracefully spun her arms through the air, guiding the rope, winding it reverently one way or the other, hooking it off her arm or tucking her elbow in tight to change the angle of the glowing hammer's orbit, stepping over the cord as it spun smartly around her.

This isn't just a song. This is music, this is singing from the soul. Ruro barely registered that her body was swaying in time with the collected aspects; she was focused on Vishuddhi.

The collected aspects were building up into a crescendo, and the undulations of Habit were nearly frantic in their enthusiasm, and the meteor hammer was no longer simply turning around Vishuddhi but rather flying about with a life of its own. It arced back, away from the Seraph, and Vishuddhi shot a foot out, hooking the rope, causing the meteor to turn abruptly before she pulled her foot back smartly and the hammer flew forward. ?Aria gloris!? Vishuddhi called out.

The bell in the scales rung with such depth that Ruro felt it through her very bones.

The Seraph's head rose, and she sat up straight.

Though her eyes were covered by a veil, Ruro felt a chill, and she knew the Seraph had passed it's gaze over her.

Every Core, including Habit now as she turned to face the Seraph, straightened up. The Alabaster Seraph was awake, and they all waited to take their cues from her.

She rose from her massive throne, and pulled the equally large blade from the ground. As she stood completely upright, a thick wheel faded into existence at her back. Ruro nearly labeled it a shimenawa, but noticed after a moment's inspection that it was actually turning, and had spokes in it.

She turned the broadsword blade-up, into a swordsman salute.

As the blade was let back down, the Seraph turned her gaze skyward. Even though she had lifted her face, Ruro still couldn't make out any detail under the veil that covered the top of her face.

Then, she looked back down at the collected aspects. With just the glance, they immediately began launching themselves away. Their flight seemed to ignore the necessity for acceleration; they simply flung themselves skyward at terminal velocity, trailing plumes of dust from the stone ground in their wakes. Despite the nearly uniform lift-off, it took a solid five seconds for all the aspects ? save Vishuddhi and Habit ? to clear the ground.

?We'll hold the way, Seraph. This one needs your might behind it.? With that, Vishuddhi and Habit finally blasted through the air, angling towards the dark spot in the sky that was all that was visible of the other Cores. A faint light could be seen shining through the collected bodies.

The Seraph watched them go, then turned her gaze back down to Ruro. The chill ran up her spine again, and then the Seraph smiled warmly. The chill vanished.

Ruro smiled in return. ?I'm going to help. I'd like your blessing, but I plan on doing whatever is necessary to help Esi regardless.?

The Seraph's smile somehow found a few more degrees of warmth. The void left by the chill's departure was filled instead with the glow of maternal pride.

And then, the Seraph spoke silence. ?           ?

The message was clear, however.


« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 05:31:09 AM by SHF »


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Imagining the entire awakening scene to the sound of False King sent chills down my spine. The scene depicted fit the song to a T. Absolutely stunning.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
That's whats taking me the longest amount of time when it comes to putting together these updates. The next chapter will be a little easier, but the one after that.... hoboy.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again

Ruro turned her gaze skyward, and the Seraph matched her. Above, through the cloud of aspects, the light was growing brighter.

?                                                                        ?

They hold the way. We shall fly.

The massive wheel behind the Seraph continued to spin lazily, but at four points around its edge, blue flames snapped into being with faint pops and hovered there independent of wheel turning. The Seraph smiled down at Ruro, and she felt another sensation of weight drop onto her back.

Reflexively, she reached behind her to grab the Purgatorio and cast it aside again, but her hand bumped into something else. She twisted around to peer behind her; a matching wheel had appeared, to mirror the Seraph's. Instinctively she knew it would carry her through the air ? an unorthodox set of wings.

The Alabaster Seraph didn't bend at the knees to help push off the ground; she didn't take a running start. She simply lifted off and began to rocket away from her throne, without preamble, the tip of the broadsword drawing contrails through the air. In a trance, Ruro mimicked her, angling through the sky.

Above them, the light flared, and a massive circle blasted the clouds aside. A swirling portal took their place, and two beams of twisting blue light stabbed into it on opposite sides. As she gained altitude and approached the rip, she could make out Vishuddhi and Habit as the source of the beams. Holding the way, just as they promised.

Ruro pushed for more speed from the wheeled wing, and flew through the looking glass.

The other end of the portal was suspended in midair, above the mesa cluster in Esi's Imagination.

Ruro identified the mesa she'd found Esi on by the shards of amber scattered around it, as well as the gouge marks in the stone from Ryuu's kick-off. She angled through the air and touched down gently.

Vishuddhi and Habit landed on either side of her. Habit nodded at her, but Vishuddhi turned to look behind them. ?Any second now.?

Ruro looked back at the portal. It buckled and warped, as though it were being pushed against from the inside.

The Seraph burst through, far larger than she had been in the subconscious, and threw her legs out to catch herself before she passed the mesa. She landed on the ground proper, and still stood above the plateau. She heaved her broadsword up and spun her grip around, then flung the blade down. As it buried itself until the cross-guard was level with the mesa, all of the collected aspects began to shine.

A platinum light peeled off of them, and pooled on the mesa in front of Vishuddhi. The Guardian Against Rage reached out with both hands and traced them upwards through the empty air between her and the glowing orb.

The platinum turned black, and stopped glowing. After scarcely a heartbeat further, it resolved itself into Esi's silhouette.

Esi stepped forward, and the black light melted off of her. Her outfit nearly matched Vishuddhi's, though instead of gray on white, hers was white on gray.

?Alright, Ryuu. Time to raise the anchor, bring 'er on home.? Esi spun out her own rope dart, and with the least amount of concern for grace or technique that Ruro had ever seen from the psyker, hurled the dart skyward.

The rope continued to play out, and the dart itself was lost to sight after only a second. A dozen of the aspects, lead by Habit, took to the air, and fanned out to form a perimeter encompassing four of the mesas. The rest leapt out to the other mesas, foregoing the bridges and simply flying or jumping. As they took up their positions, the rope in Esi's hand snapped taut finally, letting out a tense pop. Far above the mesa, the sky lit up, and the clouds split apart for a bare moment before rushing back in. A distant peal of thunder rolled across the mesa.

Ruro had no way to orient herself in Esi's mindscape; she had no idea which way was any of the given cardinal directions. She had to make due with identifying the direction of the glowing red sky as 'to the left,' and as she turned to face it, Ryuu broke through the cloud cover and came arcing towards them. Clutched in her massive talon, trailing her over-sized wings, was Sa'kag?.

As Ryuu broke the perimeter and passed the hovering aspects, she rolled over, tucking her wings in to her sides and kicking Sa'kag? out in front of her. As Sa'kag?'s wings caught the wind and billowed out, Ryuu lashed forward with both her talons and seized them, one in each claw with Sa'kag? pulled between them.

Vishuddhi and Esi both hopped nimbly back, landing on either side of Ruro and leaving Ryuu plenty of room to land.

With one last pump of her wings, Ryuu killed her forward momentum and dropped heavily onto the mesa, smashing Sa'kag? down. She reared her head up, inhaling deeply, and Ruro could swear it sounded like she was saying ?Nah yal!?

Esi, Vishuddhi, and the other aspects standing with Ruro atop the mesa brought their arms up to shield their faces as one, and Ruro rushed to mimic them.

Ryuu spat a lengthy torrent of fire down at Sa'kag?, obscuring her body behind the scouring light.

?Alright, Ryuu. Enough. Take a break.? Esi's voice was clear, even over the thunderous roar of Ryuu's fire-breath.

The gout of flame ceased as Ryuu snapped her jaws shut, and she twisted her neck around to stare at Esi for a moment. Esi nodded at the drake, who in turn nodded back, then leapt up and off of Sa'kag?'s wings, raking her talons across the wings one last time before she dipped over the edge of the mesa and fell away from sight.

Ruro leaned towards Esi. ?I honestly can't wrap my head around this. How was Ryuu breathing fire in your mind??

Esi didn't look at her as she answered, keeping her eyes trained on Sa'kag? instead. ?That wasn't Ryuu, that was just the embodiment of her free will. And she wasn't trying to simply burn Sa'kag?, she was trying to harm her. The flame is simply an expression of her intent. Don't dwell on it too hard while you're in here; this is my mind, and its rules won't make perfect sense. Don't expect them to and you'll be alright.?

Sa'kag? climbed to her feet, wings torn in places and still smoldering. Her pinstriped fedora was coated in soot to match the rest of her, and was lazily wisping smoke. She glared at Esi and Vishuddhi, standing side by side.

?So, you want to gang up on me? It won't do you any good. You're still just as alone as you were before! And I have friends of my own!? Sa'kag? stabbed her finger at Esi, who stared back passively, hands resting on her hips.

Vishuddhi shook her head in disappointment. ?You don't think of them as your friends. To you, they're just tools.?

?To us, though... they truly are friends.? Esi finally shifted her stance, planting her feet shoulder-width apart, and raised her hand.

She wrapped her fist around the rope that was slowly falling to her feet and heaved on it, taking a massive step forward and leaning into the tug.

The end of the rope dart had decided that being a dart had gone on long enough, and upgraded itself to something the size of an anchor. The anchor in turn decided that smashing into Sa'kag? would be an absolutely excellent idea.

As soon as the plume of dust leapt into the air, four holes were blasted through it. The shadows of Roukan, Chaore, Tyltalis, and Sakana all pounced at Esi in unison.

The psyker tumbled backwards, collapsing onto her back and rolling away from the charge. The Alabaster Seraph's broadsword slammed into the ground in front of her, the wide blade providing cover and blocking the doppelgangers attack.

Vishuddhi's rope-dart hummed as she snapped it out, apparently without bothering to spin up the momentum for an attack. One moment she was standing still, the next, her dart had smashed into the side of Sakana's shadow. Three other aspects came hurtling through the air and had tackled the remaining doppelgangers, pulling them out of the tangled mess they'd fallen into against the Seraph's blade.

Almost as soon as the aspects had grappled their charges and yanked them away from each other, they'd disappeared again, leaping off of the mesa towards the surrounding pillars, where the rest of the Cores waited. The Seraph lifted her blade, and with her free hand, gestured the dust away.

The anchor-sized blade hadn't struck Sa'kag? directly. She'd evidently managed to twist to the side just barely fast enough to keep from being completely crushed under it, but it had still hit the joint of her left wing and dragged her down. When the dust cloud was cleared away, she was still in the process of pulling the blade out of the ground, and upon realizing that she was visible and pinned, decided to just hit the blade with a blast of magic. As the blade toppled over, it was bathed in white light and promptly shifted back into the smaller dart form.

Sa'kag? raised her tattered wings and fanned them out. Her left wing had a tear in it, and a blue ichor was oozing from it. She winced, and tried to convert it into a glare, as she touched her hand to it. The wound sealed.

She's tending to her wounds. They actually have an effect on her in here? I suppose it makes sense, if this is the closest thing she has to a body. Ruro drew Inferno, letting the dull end of the blade scrape against the sheath. She wanted it to be clearly audible that she was arming herself.

?Don't forget about me, Sa'kag?. And unlike your 'friends', I'm the real deal. Have you noticed, by the way? My copycat isn't here anymore. Esi returned it to me. I'm fully charged again.?

Ruro raised Inferno and seized it in a two-handed grip. Behind her, Esi came back up to her feet and muttered to Ruro, ?I've got your back.?

Ruro cast the laws of inertia to the wind, and rushed forward.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again

Ruro covered ground at the speed of thought. Inferno came around smoothly, blade trailing behind her, as she slid past the fallen doppelgangers.

Vishuddhi's simple dart lashed out to her left, lashing around the rising form of the Sakana shadow. Esi's more ornate blade whistled past her right, burying itself in the Chaore shadow's sternum. The ropes attached to each dart pulled taut, and the doppelgangers were whipped out of Ruro's way.

The Librarian didn't perceive any of this. She was focused completely on Sa'kag?, intent on bringing the full force of her swordsmanship to bear on the sentient magic. In the material world, physics put an artificial limit on Ruro. Inertia, momentum, mass, relative speeds ? they kept her from bringing her battle prowess to perfection. However, in Esi's mind, all that mattered was intent.

Ruro fully intended to free Esi from the grips of this intruder.

Sa'kag? brought her arms up in a cross-guard in front of her chest just barely fast enough to block the brunt of Inferno's hilt being smashed into her. The speed Ruro had been traveling at transferred itself to her target, blasting her backwards. Sa'kag?'s wings lashed out, slamming down flat to provide friction as she leaned forward, fighting against the force of the blow to keep from falling back. A fine layer of soot was knocked free from her pinstriped outfit.

Inferno spun around in Ruro's hand, and she lowered the tip to point at Sa'kag?. Even if the cutting edge was on the trailing side of the blade, the point was still plenty effective at piercing.

As Sa'kag? managed to lean completely back upright from the attack, she found nothing but empty space immediately in front of her, and Esi's aspects beyond that.

Behind her, Ruro stabbed forward, piercing Sa'kag?'s wing in the same spot Ryuu had torn through it previously.

Sa'kag? shrieked in pain and pulled her wing forward, attempting to rip Inferno out of Ruro's hands with the drag, but the Head Librarian had already withdrawn the sword. She dropped her opposite wing and spun, trying to catch Ruro with it.

Paradiso came up from its sheath just enough to catch the wing, though the wing was an equal match for the blade. As Sa'kag? turned, Ruro was thrown aside, and Paradiso nearly tumbled completely free from the sheath. ?A pox upon you!?

As Sa'kag?  turned away from her, Esi yanked her blade free from the Chaore shadow, spun it over her shoulder and dropped it down atop the Roukan clone. Rather than pierce the doppelganger, it bounced off her, leaving a pool of amber light spreading out from the impact site.

As the blade rebounded, Esi pulled the slack of her rope-dart through her leading hand and guided the flying dart through an arc, swinging it over her head to build momentum again and bringing it down onto the Sakana shadow. Again, the blade bounced off, causing the colors of the clone's clothing to bleed into hues of amber. As the light spread, the doppelgangers began to stop ? as though they were being petrified.

Sa'kag? let out another infuriated shriek, and leapt into the air with a violent pump of her wings. More of the blue ichor splattered the mesa as it was flung free of her wing. Vishuddhi's rope-dart shot up after her, but simply bounced off; none of Esi's amber-shaded petrification light took hold.

Esi's own dart sought out Chaore's shadow again. The bunny-eared image of Esi nearly managed to dodge the attack, twisting along the mesa, but between one moment and the next, the dart had turned into a winged blade once again. A look of disbelief flashed across the clone's face as the blade clipped her, and she lunged out to snatch the rope. She managed to flatten the blade completely onto the ground, robbing it of its momentum, before the amber light spread throughout her form. The Tyltalis clone took the opportunity to leap into the air and chase after Sa'kag?, pushing to get out of Esi's range.

Ruro watched them go. They must not realize Esi just threw the damn thing clear into the clouds. If they get into the air, it'll be because we're letting them.

Esi's collective mind had no intention of letting them withdraw from the battle. The Seraph swung her broadsword around like a club, smashing Sa'kag?'s uninjured wing flat against the fleeing spell-book. Ruro smirked up at the Seraph. ?Like an over-sized flyswatter. Nice.?

The Tyltalis shadow caught Sa'kag? before she fell from the sky, stabilizing her enough to let her unfold her wings again. Rather than continue to pump them, she simply levitated in the air, wings opened completely.

?I am centuries of sentience! To me, you are nothing! Why won't you just accept that? I have suffered an eternity of an existence with scarce little to experience, only exposed to the world when opened by masters who used me only to hold spells more powerful than they were ? I deserve that body far more than you do! If not for being built with a perfect memory, I would've long since forgotten more magic than you will ever learn. You. Are. Nothing.?

The look of pure disgust on Esi's face took Ruro by surprise. The sarcastic psyker had never shown such utter scorn before, and while her sarcasm often had an almost insulting edge to it, she'd always tempered it with a playful smirk or friendly wink. Ruro nearly expected the intensity of Esi's fury to have manifested, to play out as some form of intent to be inflicted upon Sa'kag?, but nothing of the sort happened. She only intends to prove Sa'kag? how wrong she is? How fiercely she disagrees?

?Oh, I'm nothing. Not anymore, and not yet, at least. Hell, I can't even remember anything from three years ago. Clearly, though, I am not a three year old. So I was something. And I fully intend to make myself into something even greater, no matter what it was. And, you? For all your magical power and years of experience, you can't even kick me out of my own head. You know why? Simple ? you don't deserve my body. You want one, get your own. You don't take someone else. For all your service, for all your power, if you were truly deserving of a body, you would've been given one by one of your all-powerful masters. Instead, all you did was what you were asked of, and nothing more. You never earned your body. I bet you didn't even ask for one. You just wanted, and hoped, but never got off your metaphysical ass and did anything about it until someone pointed you in my direction and said, 'hey, she'll let you into her mind if you push hard enough!' So while I may be nothing compared to your vast and superior experience, I'm at least leagues more determined than you to get what I want for myself, to make a place for myself. I don't let many other into that place, but I carved that niche out by myself, for myself. You can very well do the same goddamn thing, or you can fuck all the way off.?

?What do you know about what I've been through? All I was meant to be was a conduit for powers too dangerous to be channeled through a mortal mind. Every one of those spells would've been torment for a flesh-and-blood mind, and I remember each and ever one. Despite that, I would trade them all for a body, a flesh-and-blood mind of my own.?

?Don't you try to play the goddamn victim card with me. I know you didn't do a damn thing for yourself until you were locked up and your old master had no one to pass you on to. You sat on a shelf and collected dust. You know spells? So do something with them. Conjure up enough mana to make even a temporary body of your own to go looking for a new mage who could craft you a proper body. Talk back to the people who wielded you. You have sentience, you can think for yourself... so why haven't you??

?I have sentience, but no identity. I can't do anything for myself until I have a proper name. 'Book of Shadows'? That's a title, like 'hammer' or 'fulcrum'. A tool. A tool has no will until it is taken up into a hand, and then it reflects the will of the hand that holds it.?

And yet Sa'kag? was able to get into Esi's head and start all this mayhem. If she only reflects the will of the hand that holds her, what does that say about being held in Esi's head?

?That's bullshit and you know it. You're sentient. You've said so yourself, and your actions very goddamn well prove it. Not having a name is a paper-thin excuse to not do anything for yourself.?

Sa'kag? glared back down at Esi. ?You think so? I was crafted by magic, for magic. There are rules. But if you say so ? hell, if you're giving me explicit permission, then... how about I show you some of that magic I know? I am in your mind, pathetic girl. I will channel my spells through you, and scour all traces of you from your body. You will be an empty husk for me to inhabit, and then, I will have... done something, to get a body of my own.?

Sa'kag? lifted a hand above her, and a silhouette of violet light began to trace itself around her.

Slightly shorter update than usual, even for me (in my humble opinion). I am having too much fun job-hunting in North Carolina :3


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
This is starting to get very exciting, Esi. I guess we're close to the end? So far Sa'kag? hasn't shown off any really spectacular attacks, so I'm curious what kind of spell she's going to fling now.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 10:40:07 PM by OkashiiKisei »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
I've gone mad.


The powerful chords of the organ surged through the library halls.

"What is that racket!  And who installed a pipe organ without telling me!" Yelled Sakura-Rurouni as she stomped through the halls towards the source of the disturbance.  This was unacceptable.  Pipe organs just didn't spring up out of nowhere.  It wasn't the sort of thing you just installed in someone's abode without telling them about it.  She had a use for a pipe organ after all!  She didn't know what use yet, but she knew she had one!

As she turned a corner she found her slave assistant Sakana standing in front of a medium sized ballroom.  The half fish was staring into the room with the gaze of one who had seen too much to truly know surprise anymore.  In addition the music seemed to be coming from that room.  "Sakana, what the heck is going on?"

"Iced is trying to get Kerigis to write something," Sakana said.

"How does a pipe organ help with that?"

Sakana sighed and opened the door a little wider.  "See for yourself."  Sure enough on the stage was a massive pipe organ.  Next to the instrument was Kerigis, the Fury, who looked both confused and enraptured by the strange tableau.

In front of the organ, playing with astonishing skill was the Iced Fairy.  Ruro immediately saw the little fairy was completely lost in one of her book reveries.  Or perhaps this time the fairy wasn't using a book.  "The Phantom of the Opera," the musical, was sitting in front of the fairy on the organ's music stand.

"They can't possibly..."  Ruro's denial was belied as Iced began to sing.

"Write once again for me, a strange couplet,
my power over books, grows stronger yet,
And though you turn from me, some food to find,
The Fairy of the Library is there, inside your mind!"

As Iced sang, Kerigis' eyes slowly dulled, Ruro found herself only slightly surprised when the little Fury began to sing as well.

"Those who have read your work, skim through with glee,
I am the pen you use"
"My words they see."

""Your newness and my prose, in one combined,
The Fairy of the Library is there,""
"Inside my mind."

A powerful urge to sing welled up within Ruro, but her iron discipline as a rurouni forced it down.  She was the boss, not a chorus singer anyway!

"In all these fantasies, you always knew,
that power and mystery,"
"Were both in you."
""And in this Library, where lies are life
The Fairy of the Library is there""
"Inside my mind."

"Write, my Fury of Prose!"

"She's there...  the Fairy of the Libraryyyy~"

Ruro shook her head and slammed the doors shut.  Sakana awoke from her daze at the loud crash.  "Waaah!  What happened?"

"Iced must have gotten herself caught in a phantasmagoria.  They'll be fine when they snap out of it."  Ruro turned around as the music stopped.  "That should be the end of the noise.  Make a note to add 'cleaning the pipe organ' to Iced's duties."

"Er, is this really okay though?" Sakana looked back at the room.  "She's kinda mind controlling Kerigis to write for her."

"Oh that?  That's fine, so long as the story comes out good.  Force Iced to proofread it too."  Order restored Ruro headed back to her strawberries.  It was amazing anything got done here without her.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 07:27:14 AM by Iced Fairy »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
We need to drive you mad more often, because I love shorts like this  :]


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again


Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
So I made a walkthrough for a game that doesn't exist.  Yeah.  Lost it.

In the Beginning...

The rather short intro has Sakura-Ruroni entering the library grounds and being assaulted by some of the books.  You're breifly given control to cut them down, then Ruro comments on the library not matching the design plans anymore.  With the threat of a uniform change she busts into the entryway.

The entryway's decor is a mix of sitting rooms, writing rooms and lounges.  Bookshelves are infrequent.  Enemies are nothing to worry about, especially given your equipment.  Follow the rather linear path through up and around until you reach the first save point and boss room.  Save and get ready to fight...


First boss, no problem.  She's got inflated stats to match your equipment, but no attacks to really worry about.  Just dodge the star danmaku and attack.  Sometimes she'll toss out a homing shot, but a bit of footwork will easily avoid it.

After Polaris falls she'll reveal that, once again, the entire library has been mind controlled.  Ruro remarks that they should probably put in some precautions against that.  Erebus floats in and agrees.  Then steals all your stuff.  When Ruro asks why he replies 'because otherwise it'd be too easy,' then floats away.  Wonderful.  You find a stick and pull out your old Rurouni gear.  Fortunately you'll be able to grab a shinai real soon to get your attack back up to something that kills the monsters around here in a single hit.

Polaris retreats to a safe corner of the library and sets up shop.  There's really not much to buy on a first play through, but get some potions and the maps anyway.  Across the way you'll find Solais, who has a weapons shop.  Get some better armor there before continuing on.

As you go on you'll pass a few grates.  Ignore them for now.  Keep going along until you reach the Hall.

The Hall is similar to the entryway, except with more portraits and statues instead of chairs.  The enemies here are also a little tougher.  In particular you'll want to be careful around the colossus guard.  It's slow but it packs a punch at your level.   At the end of the Hall is:

The Church

Ruro remarks that she likes the scenery, even if it wasn't part of the original blueprints.  And the d?cor is nice.  There's a variety of stained glass, statues, and religious icons in among the bookshelves.  Unfortunately the monsters here are more of a pain.  Those doves will slow you down if they hit you, and the shadow monsters are quick and hard to hit.  Fortunately there's a save room right here.  Use it.

Having saved start your Church exploration.  There's a lot more grates, and some iron doors as well.  Remember where they were.  You'll also find your first familiar, Donut.  Donut is a simple familiar.  When your HP is low she'll feed you items to save her own skin.  Equip her and move on.  Work your way up towards the top and find yourself next to a save point and a boss room.  Save and enter and find yourself faced with... nobody.

Of course if you know library canon you won't be surprised when Chaore appears and attacks.  It's on.


Chaore is a bit of a mind screw.  She only appears right before she attacks.  You pretty much have to dodge and counter attack all her techniques.  Her a re her techniques.

Dropping slash ? Chaore appears in the air then drops down.  She won't course correct so don't worry.
Twin kodachi rush ? Chaore appears, then dashes towards you with six slashes.  After the sixth attack counter.
Homing slash ? Chaore will appear and pose, then cut straight towards you.  Reflexes matter here.
Fake out ? If you attack Chaore during her pose she'll do a move very similar to Reisen's split technique from SWR.  Get out of there or she'll deal massive damage when she reforms.

After beating her your health is restored and she apologizes.  She also gives you an item allowing you to phase dash.  Congratulations you can get through those grates!  There's also a teleporter back to the Entryway here, but I suggest looting the fine items to be found in the Church first.  You'll find the ferret familiar Matsy that was as well, giving you your first attack familiar.  It's low damage, but it attacks far more frequently then any other familiar in the game.

Now take the teleporter and head back to the entryway.  Restock, save and move on through the first grate you found.  Soon you'll enter...

The Library Proper

This is pretty much a generic Library space.  Shelves.  Lots of Shelves.  Even the stairs are shelves.  The enemies here aren't too hard, but the papergators will mess you up if they do manage to hit you, and the tomes can sometimes knock you out of a jump.  Kill everything just to be safe.  After a long journey you'll find a save spot, a teleporter and a boss room.  Enter.

Inside you find of all people Kerigis.  She's gnawing on some of the books, so Ruro chews her out.  Kerigis complains, then decides to gnaw on you instead.  Oh well, boss fight time...


Kerigis is tough.  Her flight pattern can often can trick you into jumping, making yourself vulnerable.  In addition if she catches you her gnawing does serious damage.  She also unleashes fire blasts that can ruin your day.  Your best bet is to time your attacks for when she's heading back up again.  You'll eat a few fire blasts that way, but they're survivable.

When Kerigis is defeated she heads off to the entry kitchen in search of food, leaving behind a double jump spell.  Take that and begin exploring again!  You'll quickly notice you have access to the Guest Chambers, and the Labs.  Hit the Guest Chambers first.

Guest Chambers

The Guest Chambers have more tables and beds in among the ubiquitous shelves.  Some of the furniture here is made of books as well.  You can only get through about half of the Guest Chambers before the pool blocks your way.  Weird.  The fairy maids here are tough, but you should get some good weapons here for dealing with them.  In addition in one of the side rooms you can get Trance, the sword familiar.  Heavy damage, but very slow.  Pick your familiar as needed.  Now head back down to the Labs.


Looking like a magician's den, the labs have a lot more mythical creatures running about.  Be especially careful of the small dragons that patrol the area.  They'll mess you up if you get hit by a full fireball spread.

The way is long and tortuous, and there's a number of side paths that'll get you some good swag, but eventually you'll reach the boss, save, port trio.  Do what needs to be done, equip an attack familiar, then step in.

An introduction in German is all the warning you need for this boss.  Esifex's conversation is... rather one sided.  Still in the end the results are the same.  Boss battle go.


A mind reader, and there's no controller two to plug into.  Wonderful.  Esifex will in fact read your inputs and move away appropriately.  In addition she's picked up some grade A psychokinesis, which will be pelting you with random items all through the fight.  You can land a few hits in when she pauses to pick up and toss a table or other heavy object, but most of your damage will come from your familiar.  Sit back, cut down any objects going after you, and let your buddies finish off the psychic.

When Esi falls there'll be another conversation in German.  But this time Esi adds some useful mental translations.  In addition she gives you some glide boots.  Now you can cross long jumps.  And as fate would have it there's exactly one long jump available.  Suit up, save and enter:

The Water Ways

This stage is a pain.  Not the enemies.  The enemies are easy kills.  But the stage itself is a platforming mess.  Grey platforms fall, red ones move, and gold ones flip.  Most of the falls aren't instant kills, but they pack a bigger punch then they should.

When you inevitably die, take the time to marvel over the waterproof books and natural cliff shelving.  Isn't it nice?

After a bit of brutal platforming you'll reach two paths.  One has a jump you can't make even with glide.  Don't even try.  The other leads to the boss trifecta.  Save and enter.  The first thing you'll notice is that you're fighting on platforms over water.  The next thing you'll note is the boss.  Roukan.  Of course.


Walk up and hit her.  Huh that was easy.

Jozu and Sango

Of course it was too easy.  Roukan's OCs appear in a shower of sparks then try to eat you.  I thought she didn't write grimdark?

Sango is the easier one to fight.  She'll bust out of the water under one platform them somersault to the next.  Move to the edge of the platform and hit her as she goes by.  The problem is Jozu lunges at those edges.  She'll also jump over a platform, forcing you to duck or get slammed off.  The attacks are simple, but you get punished a lot if you make a mistake.

Finally they'll fall and return to print form.  From that you get a rambling conversation from Roukan, in which she explains she's not actually that good at swimming.  And the ability to swim yourself.

Don't question it.  Just take the power and head back to the guest area.

Swim through the pool and through a bit more fighting and you'll end up next to an iron door and a wood one.  Take the wood one and you'll end up in:

The Coliseum

Ruro once again wonders how this got here.  The books here are strapped to pillars and shields, and the monsters are werewolves and minotaurs.  Fortunately by now your weapon should be able to handle them, and you've had plenty of experience counterattacking.  Battle your way through this huge area, collect the nice shiny items about, then save and unsummon any familiars you have before entering the boss room.  There you'll see a familiar figure sitting in on a throne....

The Iced Fairy.  She tries to give some Castlevania dialogue, but Ruro refuses to play along.  Annoyed Iced proclaims she's immune to the brainwashing, but is going to beat you up anyway for not letting her have her fun.  Let's see her try!

Iced Fairy

Sadly she's fairly good at it.  She's pretty much Richter, complete with all the subweapons, and worse she has any familiar you do.  Her whip out ranges you and her subweapons can cause serious havoc.  Even the weak dagger poses a threat if you're low on HP.  You'll need either a lot of healing or to catch her when she's vulnerable.  Fortunately she occasionally tosses out a hydro storm.  Since you're immune to it use that to get in some free hits. 

When she finally falls she gives up.  More importantly she returns your iron cutting sword technique, giving you the ability to take out all those iron doors.  Save and go to town.  Then when you're done return to the Guest Rooms.

In the Guest Rooms, cut through the iron door, maneuver your way to the top, then save and enter the new underwater boss room you found.  You'll be greeted by Sakana.  Your trusty fish assistant seems normal at first, but then she lets out a stream of bubbles and transforms...

Were Tuna Sakana

The horrific tuna menace is hard for two reasons.  One you're slowed while in the water, two her tuna half is invincible.

Both halves will mix up charging across the screen, spitting bubble danmaku and dropping mines on you.  Target the main body and attack as much as you can.  Retreat only when they're using bubbles.  Soon Sakana should be KOed.

On reviving your fishy friend apologizes and returns your ability to fly!  Finally.  Now you can explore the rest of the castle.  Work your way back to the Waterways and then....

The Library Depths

Scroll snakes, dread unsung and those damn doves litter this dungeon.  It looks more like an Etrian Oddessy strata then a library.  Clocks of all sizes fill the halls, along with hanging plants and occational tables.  Books lie around, but there are no shelves.  The enemies are placed to be as annoying as possible. Kill everything.

When you make it to the bottom you'll find a strange seal and the boss trifecta.  Ignore the seal, that's new game+ only.  Instead load up and head into the boss room.  And who would be there but Okashii!  The little parasite girl apparently has looted some new useful powers and wants to test them out.  I think you can see where this is going....


Okashii moves a lot like a flea man, which will certainly send you into conniptions.  Add that she heals when she hits you and can freeze time to avoid item attacks and you have a trainwreck waiting to happen if you aren't good with the controls.  In this battle your best bet is to just stock up on healing items, equip a damage aura armor, and start wailing on her.  Her max HP isn't that high, so she'll fall eventually.

Defeated she'll point you towards the power she absorbed, a time stopping device before heading off.  With this in your possession make your way past the Chapel into the Tower.

The Tower

An interesting mix of rooms and styles, the tower is a mash of every other area you've been in, as well as the clock tower of Castlevania and the stairs intro from Kingdom Hearts.  It has all the enemy types here too, all of them mixed for maximum annoyance.  Add in some spikes and you'll learn to  hate the area real fast.  Pack some potions.

When you finally make it to the top, save then enter the final room.  Floating there is Erebus.  You'll engage in the witty banter portion of the fight, then set into it for real.


Erebus has three forms.  The first is very similar to death from Castlevania.  Be aggressive and try to clean out the scythes.  Matsuri is good for this.  Soon he'll transform to stage two.

Stage two is harder.  Erebus ditches the death persona and starts attacking with tentacles.  He has good range, but fortunately he sticks to the ground.  Use your maneuverability to get behind him when he attacks, then start attacking.  After you deal enough damage he'll switch to his final form.

This form is similar to Legion from Castlevania, but Erebus is far more willing to throw the 'corpses' at you.  Keep hacking away to reveal the core, then carefully strike it.  DON'T GET HIT BY THE LASERS.

With Erebus defeated he reveals the true mastermind, Moerin!  Well Castlevanias are nothing if not predictable.  He also unseals the final chamber.

Feel free to explore as you wish.  There's lots of stuff to loot, but in the end you'll enter...

The Throne Room

Paintings, Books, and way too much red velvet await you.  Oh and a horde of monsters, all with boosted health.  Including Kerigis.  Wondrous.  Fortunately it's a short stage.  Soon you'll be climbing the stairs to the final boss room.

Moerin does the throne bit better then a fairy, and the two leaders banter back and forth a bit.  Finally the wine glass is thrown and battle begins.


Moerin starts off with the traditional three fireball teleport plan.  She also throws in some wolf summons and fire rain.  Jump the fireballs, kill the wolves, dodge the rain and keep slashing.

In her second stage she'll draw her won blade and begin fighting normally.  Her attack style in this mode is similar to a combination of Chaore and Esifex.  Defensive fighting and familiar abuse are advised.

Finally she'll enter her third stage, a glowing orb of energy.  It will start out by flying around leaving mines behind, then enter a danmaku pattern before moving to the center of the screen and unleashing lightning across the room.  First focus on cleaning out the mines.  Matsuri is good for that.  If the mines are cleared attack the body.  During the danmaku phase just dodge.  Then during her third form, attack four times before retreating to a safe spot.  Keep this up and victory will be yours.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Awesome. Very, very awesome. Would be amazing to actually see this happening, but eh, wishful thinking. :V

All the bosses sound like loads of fun, and fitting to the characters (I'm incredibly flattered I'm among the roster). The Castlevania homages certainly don't hurt. Ruro has some interesting techniques too. I can imagine all of this with the Touhouvania art style~

Though, what exactly is behind the seal next to my boss room? Or is that a secret? :derp:

And who are you calling little, tiny flutter fairy?  :matsuriscowl:
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:43:35 PM by OkashiiKisei »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Though, what exactly is behind the seal next to my boss room? Or is that a secret? :derp:
It's the extra bonus area that I didn't bother describing because I was at 6 pages already.

And who are you calling little, tiny flutter fairy?  :matsuriscowl:
You!  Midget!  Shorty!  Small person!  :P 

Iced flees from well deserved retribution.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
It's the extra bonus area that I didn't bother describing because I was at 6 pages already.

inb4 Gappy Galamoth as extra boss.

You!  Midget!  Shorty!  Small person!  :P

Iced flees from well deserved retribution.



  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
It could be the Underground Garden, as a homage to the cut area in SotN.
In my original idea, where this idea spawned from, I made myself one of the extra bosses (of course :V), as a similar boss to Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep first extra boss, aka a very fast boss that hits hard, but has very low hp, but good luck hitting it at least once. :V


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
...Sometimes I wonder at what point I became the de facto antagonist for the library.  But who am I to complain, I'm Dracula. 8)
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
inb4 Gappy Galamoth as extra boss.
Actually the extra boss was going to be the combined spirits of every unfinished work in the library.  The extra stage was going to be a cross between a statue garden, catacombs, and library halls with great stairs and causeways hanging over nothingness.

I tried to keep the number of bosses slim because I didn't want people wondering/disappointed that they hadn't been put in.  The librarians are a simple set.  Moerin has somehow become designated antagonist, probably because of Sakana, and Kerigis thus gets in as gatekeeper.  Erebus is pretty much the only dude who can do Death right, and Okashii is well connected with him.  And Yousei forced me to kickstart the idea so he earns the good shopkeeper position.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Moerin has somehow become designated antagonist, probably because of Sakana
Probably partially influenced by the original Ijiyatsu ideas, I always had this view of Ruro and Moerin as friendly rivals, or mutually respectful enemies. Only that in their case the rivalry is on the level of world domination and the library and others are thus easily forced into being part of the resulting chaos. :V

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Probably partially influenced by the original Ijiyatsu ideas, I always had this view of Ruro and Moerin as friendly rivals, or mutually respectful enemies. Only that in their case the rivalry is on the level of world domination and the library and others are thus easily forced into being part of the resulting chaos. :V
Heeeeeeeeeeell yes.


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
I'd play the heck outta something like this, though for some reason I would expect Moerin to shoot ide beams more often than fireballs  :ohdear: