Author Topic: The Library of MotK 47 ~ Magical Librarian Squad 5-1  (Read 140399 times)


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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #240 on: July 18, 2011, 02:51:50 PM »
trance why you killsteal ;_;


In all seriousness, I had completely not noticed that Sakana had posted what he had of WEDDING until just now. :ohdear:

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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #241 on: July 18, 2011, 05:28:34 PM »
Bibliotech In-fighting

Her cheek twitched once, twice. She raised a hand to her eye and held pressure to the spasmodic muscle, forcing the eye closed. The remaining eye began to flick back and forth, looking at a dozen different things a second. Her pupil dilated to a pinpoint, and color washed out of everything she looked at physically, leaving all the auras imprinted on the books she'd liberated to color the room.

She released her cheek, and the impeded eye sprung open, pupil diluted as well. So many shades of blue, so much expression throughout even this sparse collection of stories.

But through the archway, shades of white and green were piercing the veil of blue her books were covering her in.

Her cheek twitched again. These are mine. They want to take them. All these different parts from all these different people, they want them back, but they are mine, because they don't need them and I need them
I need them but they don't but they won't share them and they want to keep them but they can keep working without them why can't I keep them why can't I keep them why can't I keep them I can't afford to give them back they took my friend already they won't even let me keep that

“Guns blazing, or do we do the more subtle approach?” Sakana gestured with her harpoon at the archway at the end of the hall.

“Subtle. We'll just go in there and talk to whatever it is that has Esi. If Erebus can tell what it is, maybe we can get this resolved with minimal fighting. I have no issue with sheathing an unbloodied sword – hell, I prefer it.”

In a masculine voice, Erebus chuckled. “You said there was some kind of writing around her head? I'll have to see it to know for sure just exactly what kind of Tome it is, but otherwise just getting me close will do the trick. If it's even Eldritch at all.”

“I'll take point, this time. Ease up, Roukan. Stop draining your mana on flying. Don't want you running out of combo points again.”

“Mana and combo points are two different things, dummy.”

Sakana heaved a sigh as she walked up to the archway, absently stepping over more shattered pieces of patience. As she neared it, she could make out what appeared to be a copy of the check-out desk of the primary Library. Seated behind it – well, above it, really – was Esi, head propped upon a fist, staring at her.

The look in her bloodshot eyes made Sakana stop short, and Chaore ran into her back.

“Tuna-tan? You alright?” Chaore peeked around Sakana's shoulder and glanced up at her, then followed her gaze. “Whoa- holy shit...”

Chaore's voice knocked Sakana out of her trance, and she stepped further into the cavern and stepped aside, letting the other Librarians trail in behind her.

Sakana stood transfixed, watching Esi's eyes twitch and flick back and forth, staring at each Librarian for just a split second as they came in. Her left eye was twitching errantly, and she began to blink rapidly.

Then Erebus stepped into the room.

In a blur of movement, Esi was no longer slouching in the raised chair, but instead scrambling back up against it as best as she could, letting out a blood-curdling shriek.

Erebus smirked at the reaction while Roukan and Chaore slapped their hands to their ears. “Recognize me, do you, Sa'kag??”

It will not approach, it will not leave! I am beyond the cycle! I AM BEYOND THE CYCLE!” Esi lashed out with one hand, with one finger pointed out into a crooked claw at Erebus. “You are banned from this plane!”

A gray beam of light shot through Erebus' body, and he took a single stabilizing step back. A slow field of gray expanded across his chest where he was hit by the beam, and upon spotting it, he glared back up at Esi.

“You think YOU are beyond the cycle? The Librarians will destroy you. They are outside the cycle. Gul'kafh an'shehel iilth vwah, Sa'kag?. Ywaq maq oou.”

As the petrification spread, Erebus glared directly at Esi, letting the expression be the last thing to pass his face before he was completely frozen.

“Whoa! Is Erebus dead?” Roukan blurted out.

“No, just... this is a power of the Administration Grimoire. She – er, he – is completely and totally bound in this plane and locked. It's something we use from the Grimoire to keep the peace – lock down the troublemakers while investigating what's going on. I can undo it, later, when I get the Grimoire back.” Ruro shook her head. “But that was a messy job. Normally it's instantaneous.”

She stared up at Esi, who was slowly relaxing back into a proper sitting position, putting the ring at the end of her braid aside calmly, though still hyperventilating.

“And because it took a few seconds, we got confirmation from Erebus. This is Eldritch, and it has a name. Hello, Sa'kag?.”

“You trespass in my Library, you attack my guardian, and –”

Your Library? What about my Librarian? What about my collection of stories? What about my Grimoire? And especially, what about my goddamn friend? Don't you even dare think you're allowed to take the high ground here. You will release Esi, now.”


Ruro blinked. For having possessed a Librarian, especially one who was talented at communicating across all levels, she didn't expect just a childish denial. “Why not?”

“Look at you! You all have enough of what you need to be who you are. Why can't I take what you don't need? Why can't I keep it? You got this far! You don't need it! Go away and leave it for me!” Sa'kag? leaned forward, gripping the armrests of her chair with a white-knuckled grip, spasm in her cheek all the more noticeable as she jumped her focus all across Ruro's body.

“That's not how it works. It's not like we collect leftover bits of personality and just carry them around – they're all integral to who we are as people.”

“And I'm not allowed to be a person?”

Ruro blinked. Most Eldritch artifacts and creatures want to end life, not continue it... odd.

“I'm not Eldritch. I'm just sentient magic. But I'm sentient! Why can't I be allowed to live? Why should I be stuck in a book, closed for eons, unable to see the light of day, while you lot get to walk around and breathe and see and hear and taste and speak and weave?”

Roukan blinked. “Weave?”

Ruro waved absently at Roukan. “It's what Esi calls her telepathy. Weaving thoughts. Anyways, Sa'kag?, this is a land of raw magic. We can find a way for you to get a body of your own – you don't need to steal Esi's.”

“I can't trust you! You want to take all of this back! My books, with all their colors, and stories, and memories, and you want to take my body, and my personality, and everything that makes me who I am now, and you want to keep it all for yourselves!”

Sakana shook her head. “God dammit. Don't you have Esi's memories? Can't you see that we're telling the truth?”

“I don't need her memories! I can just read your thoughts! And you're lying! You're all lying! If you want your aspects back so badly, why don't you just take them?!” Sa'kag? whipped a hand out while lurching out of the chair, and the air between the Librarians and the psychic exploded.

The Librarians recoiled, each guarding themselves as best they could from the blast of wind and light.

When Tyltalis straightened up and opened her eyes, Sa'kag? was right in front of her, staring intently into her eyes. “From you, we take for ourselves, your endurance, your stoicism.

“Get away from her!” Chaore lunged over, and punched a fist at Sa'kag?, launching a blast of energy at her.

The psyker slid back through the air, twisting around the ball of light and landing where the fake check-out desk used to be.

“Encore,” she said, and snapped her fingers. The air exploded again, but with less force; this time, now that the Librarians were no longer trying to shield themselves from the shockwaves, they looked towards Sa'kag?'s old throne, where Esi's body stood...

...Surrounded by five clones, each wearing attributes of one of the Librarians.

Shadows in the Mind, Gangers in the Flesh.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 01:26:59 PM by Esifex »

Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #242 on: July 18, 2011, 07:09:20 PM »
Ah, I see one of my portmanteaus has caught on. I'm so proud ^_^


  • Still working on the Grimoire
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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #243 on: July 18, 2011, 09:35:25 PM »
Two chapters in one day, oh my!

It's interesting to see that the force that possesses Esi has a deeper personality and motivation than just 'eradicate all life'. Its movements and acts are genuinely disturbing.

Bias Bus

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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #244 on: July 18, 2011, 10:00:08 PM »
Two chapters in one day, oh my!

It's interesting to see that the force that possesses Esi has a deeper personality and motivation than just 'eradicate all life'.
Same for me too. I was expecting something rather menacing and forboding.

Instead I get an interesting surprise of a being that seems jealous of what the Librarians have. Good read all around, and certainly lookinf forward to how this'll all play out.
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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #245 on: July 31, 2011, 06:56:57 PM »
Battle Royale, Begin

Ruro suppressed a shudder. The clone in front of her had Esi's face, and the general shape of her body, and was wearing a copy of Ruro's gi and hakama, but had a third eye in the middle of the forehead, which was staring intently at her while the true eyes remained shut. The false samurai in front of her had both of her katanas strapped to her right side, and the red-tinted guard of her wretched wakizashi, Purgatorio, on her left, but drew none of the blades, instead resting her hands on the ends of the hilts and regarding her coolly.

Chaore lashed out again, this time throwing a blast of energy towards Ruro's doppelganger. The shadow samurai simply stood unflinching as the bolt passed harmlessly through her.

“Well, son of a bitch, we can't hit them?”

Sa'kag? scoffed. “That's not yours, you can't touch it.” She paused for a moment, then threw her head back and swore.

Sakana smirked. “Didn't mean to let that slip, did you? No point in standing around, then, I should think. Let's go!”

The fisherwoman lunged forward at her own doppelganger, brandishing her harpoon like a staff to counter the thrust from the shorter javelin Esikana was wielding. Ruro turned her attention away and focused on her own quandary.

“So. Do you talk, or are you just a puppet?” she asked.

“I talk.” Ruro resisted the urge to recoil from the unnatural voice – the lips didn't move, but it was a physical sound, not mental, like she was used to from Esi.

“Right... so, then, what's your motivation? Why do you fight?”

The shadow took her left hand off of Purgatorio and brought it to the hilt of Inferno, taking Paradiso in her right. “Simple. Survival.”

She drew the swords.

Chaore glanced at her shadow, up and down. Unlike the typical forward-slant to her bunny ears, the shadow's were swept back and went down behind her neck, apparently coming together to have the ring normally at the end of Esi's ponytail braided through them.

She also had vastly muscular forearms, ending in claw-like hands. That's not at all like a rabbit's paw. How outrageous.

Chaore matched her arms, shifting along into clawed hands as well. “So then. Some ground rules? No pink dragons.”

The doppelganger grinned at her. “How about purple?”

A grin spread across Chaore's face as well, becoming a borderline snarl. “Damn, you figured me out.”

After a moments delay, the two lunged towards each other, grappling each others' claws.

“Come on, you little puke! A copy is nothing like the original!”

Roukan peeked out from behind the canvas board she was holding as a shield, trying to ignore the vast quantity of feather quills stuck into it, and blinked at her counterpart. Like the rest of them, the doppelganger had Esi's body, but Roukan's features. A third eye marred her forehead, while the anatomically correct eyes remained closed.

However, the eyebrows were furled in alarm, and she'd turned her head towards Chaore when she shouted. She looked completely distraught.

Roukan didn't hesitate. She leaped forward, holding the canvas ahead of her still, and brandished her Tuna Saber. I just hope this counts as an attack from me, and not Sakana...

Her doppelganger snapped back to attention, just in time to have the tuna smash into her temple.

The taller shadow was bowled over, but didn't completely topple, instead catching herself before she fell off-balance. The third eye spun around to glare at Roukan, and the distraught frown turned to a scowl.

Another array of feather quills faded into existence around Roukanifex, and pointed towards Roukan. She smirked and raised the canvas again, holding strong against the repeated impacts. This should be enlightening.

Tyltalis studied her ganger. It was nearly an exact carbon copy of Esi, just taller, and with a rather disconcerting addition of a third eye.

“So, you're like me, then?” she asked it.

Tyltalesi nodded.

“And we're to fight? I don't think I quite like that idea very much. Do you?”

She shook her head.

“Though the others are fighting. Hmm. And Sa'kag? herself isn't, either. Perhaps we should provide the soundtrack. A musical duel, if you will.”

“To play a song? While the rest are fighting?”

Tyltalis nodded. “It would be our type of fighting, wouldn't it? Unless, you, having been so recently acquired, haven't had the chance to acclimate yourself to my personality.”

Sa'kag? glanced at the two conversing, and glided over. “You are correct. In this regards, then, I shall aid her. We shall have your convoluted duel, then.”

“Alright then. A song we all know – I found Esi's music player in the lounge after all this started happening. The last song it was playing was Jump. I will take a guitar. Decide amongst each other what you will do.”

Her ganger frowned at her. “I, too, will take a lead.”

“Very well." Tyltalis held her hands out, as though she were already holding a guitar. A quick burst of magic, and one was obligingly formed in her grip. "Let's get started, then.”

I'm not very good at these '~'


  • Still working on the Grimoire
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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #247 on: August 01, 2011, 06:45:58 PM »
I giggled at the Sword in the Stone reference~

This is getting more and more interesting!


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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #248 on: August 27, 2011, 01:01:24 PM »
Battle Royale Continues

Ruro shifted her footing twice in the same second, turning in place and leaning over just slightly to let her counterparts' blades pass harmlessly by her.

?Dual-wielding. Even though that's not really what katanas were designed for, if you can control them well enough, you can be a force to be reckoned with.? She stepped back to put herself just out of reach of the chest-high scissors-cut with the blades. ?A very effective technique against multiple opponents at times, provided you can keep moving. I would assume you're drawing on ?? she slipped to the left to avoid a stab, then promptly ducked down to let the follow-up pass over her without obstruction ?? Saiki Kanuma, only instead of the sheath, another blade.?

Her clone stepped back and assumed a defensive stance with her blades. ?Indeed. Yet I can't help but wonder why you haven't drawn your blades yet, and instead insist on wasting your breath talking to me.?

Ruro shrugged. ?Because I get the feeling that even if I defeat you, Sa'kag? isn't going to return you to me. Even though you're supposed to be the self-control aspect of my personality, I still have enough restraint to observe you before I draw my blades. And because I get the feeling that Sa'kag? is losing a fight of her own, with Esi, or else you would've been warned by now.?

To her credit, the clone didn't glance left or right to try to check for any other threats coming towards her, but instead took another half-step back and lowered further into her guard. ?Warned? Of what??

?One of the weaknesses of Saiki Kanuma, and of dual-wielding.?

?And what would that be??

Ruro held her hand up, and tugged her sleeve back. Wrapped around her wrist was a rosary.


Her clone only had enough time to raise an eyebrow over a closed eye before Ruro's Justicia Cross flashed into existence.

Ruro swept the massive Cross through the air, batting both of the katanas pointed at her away, and as she brought the Cross back around, she lunged forward. In mid-dash, the massive Cross morphed in her hands, becoming the Justicia Blade.

Her clone barely managed to duck the blade, throwing herself backwards.

Ruro drew the blade back in a flash, but her doppelganger didn't right herself. Instead, she was frozen in place, twitching and spasming furiously.

Her face was drawn taut, and she was snarling in pain. Ruro didn't immediately figure out what was going on until she realized that the clones' eyes were open.

The ganger glanced towards Ruro. ?That weakness... Justice is one... what's the other??

?Single, strong, two-handed blows. A one-handed grip on a katana can't hold up to a brutal smash.?

?...I see. Thank you. And... you were right. Even upon my defeat, I won't be returned to you. Just back to that... chaos.?

?What?? Ruro straightened up, but before she could inquire further, the ganger collapsed fully onto the ground.

?You'll have to get in to Esi's world to liberate us.?


The question went unanswered. The doppelganger rapidly faded from sight, the eyes disappearing last.

Ruro glanced over to where Esi's body stood, facing Tyltalis. If she can still use telepathy, she isn't right now, or my shadow would've been ready for that sweep. And on top of that, the clone didn't know, herself. I think I see what's going on, here...

Chaore dropped to one knee and almost immediately bounced back up. Her shadow's fist swung harmlessly through the air above her, though it was a feint; her knee jutted forward and nearly caught Chaore's jaw.

She's made of my patience. She's planning and plotting, waiting for me to screw up. So, she's on the defensive, waiting for me to attack.

Chaore lunged forward, claws open as though she were going to choke her doppelganger, but she stopped short. Sure enough, her clone's fist came up from below. Chaore tipped her head aside, narrowly dodging the punch.

Trying to attack instead of deflect. Bad choice. Chaore closed her hand into a fist, and as she did, a field of magic snapped into place around it. Her doppelganger's eye widened, and she flinched forwards.

Chaore punched, and the blast of magic grazed her clones' head, singing the ears dangling behind her.

?Oof!? Chaore doubled over and staggered back; the clone had driven her elbow into Chaore's stomach, driving all the air from her lungs.

The clone drew back and sunk into her defensive stance again.

?Twitchy little sonuvabitch, aren't you??

Pain in the ass that I can't shift any more... everyone else is too distracted with their own fights to help me focus. All I can do right now is etherealize and beamspam...

Chaore grinned. Around her, balls of light began to appear.

?Tell me something, copyright infringement. Can you parry a shotgun blast?? She closed both her claws into fists and lunged forward, the orbs of magic swooping around in front of her to lead the way for her fists.

Her copy skipped backwards, doing her best to stay away from the brilliant orbs, but Chaore simply shot them off in a spray directly in front of her.

The impact of several of the orbs colliding with each other, in addition to the rocky ground, kicked up a fair amount of dust and rubble, but the clone was nowhere to be seen.

That easy? I don't buy it. Chaore glanced left and right, checking the progress of Ruro and Tyltalis' fights, then hesitated a moment.

She straightened up, forcing her shoulders to relax, and waited a beat, then threw herself backwards while etherealizing at the same time.

Sure enough, she passed through her doppelganger, lashing out with a fist to where Chaore's head had just been.

Chaore stepped back into reality and conjured another blast of magic, and shot it directly into her clones' back, not willing to take the time to aim for an accurate headshot. The doppelganger toppled forward, streamers of smoke wisping off of her tunic, and crumpled onto the floor before rolling over.

As she came back up, she spun around and shot a blast of magic of her own back at Chaore, who etherealized again to let it pass through her. She reformed immediately after it was safely behind her and lunged towards her clone again, denying her the opportunity to right herself.

Roukan ducked reflexively as Chaore's shotgun blast let off a concussive wave and a cacophony of noise. Her ganger whipped her head around to see what had happened, then turned her attention back to the shorter Librarian.

Roukan tossed her canvas frame aside and conjured another one, trying not to notice how many quills were sticking out of the old one. It looked more like a field of feathers sticking out of the ground, rather than a canvas with quills in it.

?Aren't you going to try anything? All you've done so far is hop around and huddle behind your shield.?

She smirked. ?Are you forgetting how I beaned you in the head already??

Roukanifex conjured a coil of rope with a weight dangling from it. ?So you got one good hit off on me. That's nothing to brag about.?

?One hit to your none. And what does rope have to do with writing utensils??

?So you're good at hiding from your problems behind a shield. Go you ? that's clearly a vital and important life-skill. Also, this is a chalk line used in drafting and lumber-work.?

Roukan frowned. Is she trying to use the insecurities I've discussed with Esi to unsettle me? Not like they really affect me anymore... It was hard to mope about things around a telepath, but in spite of Esi's cynicism and sarcasm, she didn't tease Roukan about her issues, but rather sat down to talk them out. The two of them discussed a huge range of topics, sharing problems and issues back and forth.

Esi had said recently that Roukan had made tremendous progress compared to when they'd started having their little teacup-philosophy sessions, and the compliment buoyed Rou's outlook.

The frown turned into a grin. Yeah, she'd had problems. But everyone had problems. She could deal with them. She had help, and she had friends. And one of her friends needed her help right now.

Roukanifex fed out some slack, letting the weight at the end of the line drop lower, then she began to spin it around her wrist. You may have Esi's memories, you may have her fighting style, and you may have my experience, but you definitely lack my friends and my friendships. That's your undoing.

With a flick of her wrist, the clone sent the weight flying towards Roukan. If that hits the canvas, I'll just have useless cloth and timber in my hands.

Roukan turned halfway to let the weight whistle past her as her doppelganger lashed out with it, then dispelled the canvas and brandished Sakana's tuna-half.

?You're a pale imitation, abomination! All you are is an echo! But me? I have my friends with me!? Roukan pointed the tuna-half at her clone, who was coiling the rope across her elbow in preparation for another lash. The tuna gaped at the ganger, and the eyes began to glow.



A wash of brilliant blue light blasted out from the tuna's mouth, engulfing the doppelganger. The blast of light continued for a straight five seconds, and the roar of the magic drowned out every other sound in the room ? Sakana's harpoon clashing with Esikana's staff, Tyltalis in a musical duel against Sa'kag? and her clone, and Chaore and her doppelganger ducking and weaving through each others' attacks.

Finally the beam subsided, diminishing in volume until it petered out of existence, leaving drops of water dribbling from the tuna's mouth. Roukan tapped into the flight magic, binding her feet with magic and using it to stand above the ground, and dashed forward.

Her clone was supine on the ground, writhing about with wisps of smoke rising from her tunic.

Roukan raised the tuna above her head. ?I want my friend back, and you're in my way.?

The tuna swung down.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 01:07:52 PM by Esifex »


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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #249 on: August 27, 2011, 01:08:52 PM »

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #250 on: August 27, 2011, 10:00:32 PM »
You always have the best taste in reading music, Esi.


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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #251 on: August 27, 2011, 10:58:05 PM »
You always have the best taste in reading music, Esi.

It literally took me nearly two hours just to pick those two songs to use for this little bit. I'm having such a hard time getting the word count to synch up with the length of the songs.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #252 on: August 27, 2011, 11:10:06 PM »
A tuna gun. Hmmm...

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #253 on: September 01, 2011, 06:42:17 PM »
Seven months since my last story update. I have no excuse. At all. Seriously.
I really apologize to all readers for this, but stuff happened, more stuff happened, and my moods have been all over the place during that time. Writing was the least of my priorities, as much as I like it.

So why am I posting anyway?

Because I'm a tease and want to mention that I'm starting up my writing-engine again. Also because posting this here makes me obligated to really go through with it and not chicken out.

Magical Librarian Squad Episode III - Part 3 - Coming soon~

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ The Outsider | What makes a Librarian 6
« Reply #254 on: September 01, 2011, 10:12:27 PM »
And it's done. Not quite sure if this is en par with the chapters before, but I'm feeling rather good about how it turned out. Seems getting back to writing wasn't as hard as I expected.

Since it's been seven months since the last update, let's recap the situation briefly:

In the library, the Sealed Book "How to be a Magical Girl" has been unlocked and its pages spread throughout the land. As a result, those possessing pages from it have changed according to what's written on the respective page. Moerin abuses the power of the book to gather a group of evil henchwomen around her and abduct Donut, the Princess that keeps the balance of the world. To free Donut, Ruro has made the Librarians into the Magical ★ Librarian Squad. Numerous obstacles await the Librarians on their quest, and soon Ruro has to face her old friend Trancehime in battle. Through liberal use of ferret Ruro wins the battle. Meanwhile, at another place, Polaris and Sana prepare for their own fight....

- Episode 3: Fight, Magical ★ Librarian Squad - Part III

A warm wind blew over the clearing on which the two girls faced each other with serious expressions on their faces.

?Well, that is quite the surprise. I didn?t expect us to meet again like this??

?Yeah??, Polaris answered calmly.

The two stared at each other for another few seconds, then Sana suddenly smiled.

?So, how have you been, sis??

?? fine, I guess??, Polaris responded with hesitation.

?And that outfit??

?I?d rather not talk about it.?

?It looks silly.?

?I know.?


?? and what about you? Why are you working for that crazy tilde-woman??, a reproachful tone swung in Polaris? voice.

Sana looked taken aback, then pulled her hat over her eyes and stared at the ground. Polaris could see she was blushing a bit.

?I?. I?.?

Polaris sighed.

?You got lost, right??

Sana?s body twitched.

?And then ended up in Moerin?s hideout by accident??

An even stronger twitch.

?And then you somehow got one of those pages and got turned into a magical evil henchwoman.?

Sana staggered as if the words had hit her physically.

?You were supposed to buy some stuff for dinner down the street. How could this even happen? You?re supposed to be a role model as an older sister, for crying out loud!?

Sana raised her head forcefully and stared directly at Polaris, tears glimmering in her eyes.

?It?s not my fault, okay? I don?t have this stupid ability because I wanted it!?, she shouted at her younger sister.

Polaris looked unimpressed. This wasn?t the first time something like this had happened, and it would not be the last, she was sure of that. However, up to now those events never had led to them suddenly being enemies in a conflict with the fate of the world at stake.

?So what now??, she asked with a sigh.

Sana took a deep breath before straightening her face and answering with a calm voice.

?We will have to fight. If you want to get rid of my curse, if you want to find Mistress Moerin?s place, you will have to get past me.?

Polaris narrowed her eyes.

?I don?t want to fight you, sis. Can?t you just lead us there??

?Sorry, but that won?t be a possibility. Those magical pages, they won?t allow it. Just as you have to dress up in those clothes and fight for Ruro?s cause, I have to give my best to stop you from getting to the Mistress.?

Within a heartbeat, the atmosphere on the clearing grew tense.

?We haven?t done this in a while, eh??, Sana asked with a grin.


?Don?t disappoint me, okay? I want this to be fun!?

A small fire seemed to burn in Sana?s eyes, and a dark aura had started to form around her.

?The power of the pages is taking over?, Polaris thought to herself.

The two girls looked into each other?s eyes one more time, then, as if someone had given them a signal, they both leaped backwards into the air and started their battle.

?Sisters of Sound?, this was the name Polaris and Sana were known by in this world. Where others used bullets, swords, small mammals or thermonuclear weaponry, those two fought their battles with music.

Polaris took a deep breath, then spread her arms to the side and shouted ?Let?s do this! Magical ★ K-Power!? At once, a song started playing and several colored orbs appeared in the air and started to circle around Polaris as she started reciting the lyrics of the song. With each word she sung, the air vibrated with powerful waves that shot off towards Polaris? opponent.

On the other side of the clearing Sana grimaced as she casually dodged the first few airwaves.

?Oh come on, K-Pop? You are still using that?? she shouted in a snarky voice. ?You should learn to use some good music, like THIS!?

At the final words, a strange box appeared in the air before Sana. It had a number of buttons, similar to a keyboard. Sana cracked her knuckles and wriggled her fingers over the buttons.

?Let?s start off easy. Wouldn?t want to end this too quickly now, would we??, she laughed and waved her arm, causing her own music to start playing.

Polaris stopped her own song for a moment and narrowed her eyes. She had never seen her sister use this style before. They didn?t have practice battles often, but as far as Polaris could remember, Sana had always used an instrument with large, brightly colored spherical buttons.
She tensed her body when she saw Sana?s hands move towards the buttons. In time with the beat of her song, Sana started to push the keys in a seemingly random order.

?Come on, how will you attack??, Polaris thought. Then, without any warning, she felt a sharp pain on her face.

?Ow!?, she shrieked as her hand flew up to her face. She felt something wet and warm flowing down her cheek.

?She hit me? What? how??

Before she could think any further, Polaris felt something graze her hair. Immediately after that something rushed past her leg. Then her waist, after that her shoulder, then her other leg.

Polaris clenched her teeth and flew backwards to get some distance between her and Sana. And then she finally saw it, the true nature of Sana?s attack.

?Air blasts! Every time she hits those keys, she creates a small air blast!?

?This is? when did she??, she gasped.

Sana noticed Polaris? eyes on her and grinned.

?Surprised? Unlike you, I have been practicing all the time, sis. This is only a fraction of my true power, but it seems you are already having trouble, huh??

Polaris? felt anger welling up inside her at those words.

?Concentrate?, she thought to herself.

Taking a deep breath, Polaris resumed her song. Immediately the orbs around her reappeared, hovering in front of the girl like a colorful shield. Small ripples appeared on them every time one of Sana?s air bullets struck them.

?Okay, this should work!?, Polaris encouraged herself.

Polaris started her counter-attack. Dancing through the air as she sung her song, she gracefully dodged the bullets that her shield couldn?t block, all the while shooting her own airwaves towards Sana.

?Tch??, Sana sounded displeased as she struggled to keep up her own barrage of bullets while dodging Polaris? attack at the same time. She had practiced this song a lot, but she had never used it in a real fight. She looked towards Polaris, who was closing in on her quickly.
And then it happened. Sana lost her rhythm for a split second, just as another airwave was about to hit her. There was no sound as the wave reached its target and sent it flying.

All music stopped immediately. Polaris hovered in the air with a grin on her face.

Then, with a small thud, Sana?s hat hit the ground. Its owner was still up in the air, staring down at the hat in disbelief.

?You shot my hat??, she muttered.

?Your hat is your weak point, sis. Everyone knows that?, Polaris declared triumphantly. ?So, are you giving up??

?You shot my hat...?

?I sure did!?

?You. Shot. My. Hat.?, Sana?s voice became louder with every word.

All of a sudden, a feeling of fear rushed through Polaris. The small dark aura around Sana, which she had assumed was mostly for show, grew in size rapidly, stretching out all over the clearing and blocking the sunlight. At the same time, Sana?s eyes glowed bright red.

?YOU SHOT MY HAT!?, the girl screamed and in a bright flash her instrument changed.

At first slowly, then gradually faster, the keyboard-like box grew. As if it was inflated, its size increased until it was so big that each single one of its buttons was bigger than Sana herself.

?How is she going to use something this big???, Polaris wondered.

As if to answer her question, the dark aura around her sister started to change form, wriggling and twisting until it manifested into two giant hands of darkness.

Polaris could do nothing but stare in horror as Sana?s face contorted into an evil grin and she raised her hands in preparation of another song. Following her movement, the black hands raised up into the air as well.

?Jewellery Storm!? Sana shouted, and as the music started her hands flew down and started a mad dance.

With flowing movements at a speed that reduced her hands to a blur she commanded the black hands to play the giant keyboard, each single keystroke resulting in a huge blast of air being shot off towards Polaris.
The Librarian barely managed to shield herself with her orbs when the storm of air blasts reached her. Her defense held for a few seconds only, then the orbs shattered to pieces under the merciless barrage. Countless blasts hit Polaris? body and sent her flying towards the ground.

?Gaaah?, the girl screamed in pain as she smashed into the grass below.

?No? this is insane? how am I supposed to fight something like this??

Even as she was lying on the ground, more hits struck the defenseless girl.

?I can?t? do it? Ruro? everyone?. I?m sorry?.?

Polaris? vision was wavering, she could barely make out Sana up in the air staring down at her. Her consciousness started to fade from the exhaustion and pain.

?Do you want to let it end like this??, a voice suddenly spoke in Polaris? mind.

?What? who??

?Stand up. You can still fight, I will help you.?

?You? who are you??

?A friend.?

?? friend??, Polaris was barely able to think anymore

?Polaris, stand up. I shall grant you new power!?

The girl felt warmth all throughout her body. The sensation of the air blasts hitting her one after another stopped, and with it the pain she had felt. Her mind cleared up again, as did her vision. She felt great, she noticed, better than ever before. Slowly she raised herself from the ground.

Up in the sky, Sana?s face twisted with anger. She didn?t know what was going on down there on the ground, but she was absolutely certain she did not like it. She had broken Polaris? defense and the girl had taken the full force of her attack. She should not be able to move anymore, let alone be conscious at all. And yet, Polaris was standing up. Surrounded by a glowing white light, the girl that had been on the brink of defeat a second ago stood up without any signs of injury or exhaustion.

The miracle did not end there though. The light that shone around Polaris wrapped itself around her body, covering her completely in white, before suddenly bursting off like fireworks. Polaris looked down at herself in surprise. The revealing outfit she had worn before, the one Ruro had forced on her, was gone. In its place she found a long, lime green skirt and a matching top.

?Sing!?, the unknown voice spoke to Polaris.

?Sing? what??

?Sing!?, the voice repeated.

Polaris wanted to protest again, when something flashed through her mind. At once, the girl knew what she had to do. She looked up at Sana, who was preparing to continue her attack once more.
She black hands moved rapidly once more, sending a wall of air bullets down towards the Librarian.

Polaris took a deep breath, then she opened her mouth and sung.

?Was yea ra??

A sphere of light burst out from around Polaris and spread across the clearing, destroying Sana?s bullets as it touched them.

The girl knew neither what the words she sung meant, nor did she know what language they were in. But she knew that this song was more powerful than the K-Pop she had used for so long could ever be. Her sister?s bullets unable to reach her, she floated back up into the air, until she was at the same height as her enemy.

Sana let out a tremendous roar of anger as she saw Polaris in front of her, and her hands started to glow a bright red as they moved even faster. At the same time Polaris? song, which had become calmer after its first outburst, grew more intense as well. Disembodied voices echoed through the air, joining the Polaris? voice like a ghostly choir.

This was it, the last stand between the Sisters of Sound, they both were aware of this.

Blasts of air clashed against waves of light, one after another, growing fiercer and faster with each strike. Both girls strained their bodies and minds to the limit, releasing everything they had in this confrontation.

And finally, as the power of both songs reached its peak, the clearing exploded in a clash of light and darkness?

All she could see was white light.
Then Sana felt someone catch her from her fall.

?Sorry, sis?, Sana could barely hear the voice that said those words.

?It was fun?, she answered, managing a grin before her mind drifted into sleep from exhaustion.

Polaris placed her sister carefully against a tree at the edge of the clearing. Then she walked over and picked up Sana?s hat, dusting it off with her hands before she placed it on its owner?s head, where it belonged.

?See you later, sis?, Polaris said, before jumping into the air and flying off into the direction that her comrades had run off before.


Bonus-info: Stein came up with a nice name for Ex-Sana here: Insana!


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: The Library of MotK 24 ~ What makes a Librarian 6 | Magical Librarians III - 3
« Reply #255 on: September 01, 2011, 10:48:28 PM »
I literally died of laughter once I parsed exactly what Polly was singing.

Stay golden, Tuna, Stay golden.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
The only problem with having so many songs at once is, for those of us who read quickly, we're going to get to the next song well before the one prior is done. :(

Either way, I like the way that was done - now I have to top that for the penultimate fight between Tyltalis, Sa'kag?, and Tyltalesi.


  • Good gravy!
Wow, all the songs I picked don't fit this at all :V


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
The Library of MotK 33 ~ What makes a Librarian 13 | Magical Librarians III - 3
« Reply #258 on: September 02, 2011, 05:08:02 PM »
Not to be outdone by Sakana, here is the next part of What Makes a Librarian!
Featuring Sakana, being a badass. Whoops, guess I went and helped Sakana outdo me.

Seafarer's Shanty

Sakana pulled back, heaving on her harpoon. The blade's serrated edge caught on her shorter clones' staff, and nearly wrenched it out of her grip.

Esikana spun the staff around, unhooking it from the harpoon and twirling it like it were a baton. While it was out of alignment, Sakana turned inwards and swung the opposite end of her harpoon in, ramming it into her clones' chest.

Esi was never good at close-quarters' combat. This shadow is drawing on my harpoon expertise, but is using a simple bo-staff. Being stabbed by the end of it will hurt, but not nearly as much as it would if it were a true harpoon.

Using the recoil from impacting with Esikana's chest, Sakana brought the point back around and slashed. The shadow barely managed to withdraw enough to keep the blade from gouging her neck, and was instead jabbed in the collarbone. The harpoon glanced off the bone and bounced out, but the point was made.

Esikana stepped back, putting some distance between her and the fisherwoman Librarian, putting a hand to the cut on her collar.

Sakana barely failed to suppress a smirk. By stepping back, the doppelganger put herself right at the proper range for a stab from her harpoon ? what it was made for, not for slashing.

She lunged forward, harpoon angling towards the clone's chest again.

With a flourish, the staff spun through the air and knocked the harpoon to the left, and Esikana spun around to the right, bringing the staff around like a baseball bat.

Sakana caught the blow on her forearm, shielding her head, then lashed out with her foot and kicked into the clones' knee.

Esikana let her leg collapse under her than try to resist the kick, and tumbled behind Sakana. The fisherwoman turned and brought the point of her harpoon back around, and tried to pin the clone to the ground with it, but she'd rolled away from Sakana and used her staff as a lever to push herself back upright.

?Backstabbing, loot-nabbing plans behind doors
Running low on the rum, and depleting our stores
Can't tell who's on our side and who's ready to flip
When we hit the next port the whole crew could jump ship,

Sakana sang a shanty as she followed up, pressing the attack. She stabbed with the harpoon, then followed after it, swinging the shaft around and smashing it against the ganger's staff, shoving her off balance and stabbing at her feet with the point.

?With the moods flaring, crew's glaring, cutthroats the lot
With a paranoid captain always smelling a plot
We've worked hard on this journey but there's no end in sight
And before it's all ended there could be a

Sakana feinted, jabbing forward a scant few inches before drawing the harpoon back and whirling it over, slamming the shaft into the over-extended staff that was spinning through empty air to try to deflect the stab. With the clone further off balance, Sakana rammed the butt of the harpoon into the ganger's chest once more, this time stepping fully into the thrust and shoving her target back against the wall.

?My arms' aching, backs' breaking, legs, aching neck
And this whole ruddy ship is a huge creaking wreck.
We've flown ten-thousand miles with this thorn in our sides,
Though the wind's steady strong with no clouds in the skies,

She held the harpoon in place with one hand and stepped forward, and drove her fist into her clones' stomach. As the clone doubled over, gasping out all the air in her lungs, Sakana pulled the harpoon back and spun it around. She stared directly at the twitching Third Eye for a moment, then pulled her fist out of the ganger's stomach and gripped the harpoon, and stabbed forward with all of her youkai strength. The harpoon jerked in her hands when it hit the stone wall behind the clone.

?You're done here, I would think. So why don't you do whatever it is you shadows do and poof away back to your little Sa'kag?, and tell her we're going to be getting Esi back shortly after.? Sakana grabbed the clones wrist and dug a finger into the cluster of nerves at the base of it, innervating the fingers and forcing the hands to open and drop the staff. She let it clatter to the ground, and instead gripped the harpoon with both hands again and leaned into it, pinning Esikana firmly to the wall. Just because it had Esi's smaller frame and features didn't mean it might not have her physical weakness. She didn't feel like risking a shoving match with the clone just because she thought it would be just as much weaker than Sakana as the real Esi was.

The ganger scowled at her, and began to push forward, driving the harpoon further through her stomach.

?No. You're done.? Sakana let the clone get off of the barbs completely, then turned the harpoon, brought her foot up, and kicked her back against the barbs. The ganger winced and a mist of blood sprayed from her mouth as she coughed, but she otherwise continued to squirm against the harpoon.

?Give it up. I'm not letting you out.?

?Give up? Never. All that makes me who I am is your determination. Giving up would be to rebel against my very essence. This isn't over until ??

Abruptly, Paradiso buried itself in the ganger's Third Eye. Sakana shot a glance over; Ruro was next to her, katana held in a two-handed grip. She looked back at the clone.

The Third Eye was closed, squeezed tightly shut, and the human eyes had opened in shock and were staring up at the blade. ?But... you shouldn't be able to hit me...?

The clone began to fade from sight, starting with the streaks of blood left on the harpoon shaft and wall, and ending finally with the eyes.

Ruro pulled the tip of Paradiso free from the wall. ?She was right. I didn't hit her. Went right through her. I think, though, that if you can get them to open their real eyes, something forces them back into Sa'kag?. Fueled by determination or not, it's very surprising to have a sword shoved through your forehead. That's three down; Roukan finished her fight, too. Chaore is still sparring with her clone and Tyltalis is having some kind of musical showdown with Sa'kag? and her own clone. We should be ready to act once they finish their respective fights.?

Sakana smirked and let the harpoon point drop to the ground. ?A full harvest, then. Of course, the Librarians would be able to overcome their copies. It's like Chaore said ? a copy is nothing like the original. Arms aching, back breaking, legs aching neck, and this whole ruddy ship is a huge creaking wreck... Flown ten-thousand miles with this thorn in our sides.?

?Let's pull that thorn out, shall we??

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
The only problem with having so many songs at once is, for those of us who read quickly, we're going to get to the next song well before the one prior is done. :(
Well technically the song were playing at the same time during the fight, so you'd have to just let one run while you start the other to get the proper feeling. However, that likely sounds absolutely grating. One wonders how those two girls can stand fighting like this.

Wow, all the songs I picked don't fit this at all :V
I noticed, but it somehow made it more amusing for me :V

Also more Esi-story :O
13 parts already man. *goes to update the OP again*


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
This one's a wee bit bigger than the normal, but that's mostly because of formatting.

Ever Onward Towards Your Goal

Tyltalis didn't take her eyes off her counterpart. Her fingers glided effortlessly up and down the neck of the guitar she was holding, which obediently stayed where she needed it to without having a strap on it, and though she was playing at a rapid tempo, she didn't use a pick, instead strumming with her thumbnail.

This is strange. Why is Sa'kag? playing a guitar? Esi doesn't know guitar, she plays a violin. And it sounds like she's improvising. Esi should know these songs.

The song they were plowing mercilessly through was nearing its end. The clone is good. She hasn't messed up once, yet. Sa'kag?, on the other hand, is stumbling around. I need to check something...

As she led up to the final chord, she threw her right hand straight out to her side and twisted her fingers around. In her hand, a bow formed, and she folded it into her fist and turned her thumb out so she could use it to hit the last note in unison with her shadow.

?Seven Wicked Reels,? Tyltalis intoned, and pulled her guitar up. In her grip, it shrunk in size, and became a violin. Without hesitation, she wedged it to her shoulder and planted her chin on the guard, dropping the bow to the strings.

She pulled the first verse from the violin while her ganger conjured a violin of her own, staring at Tyltalis through narrowed Third Eye.

That's right. I'm making us play a song on a violin, and I'm not a fiddler. What'll you do? What'll Sa'kag? do?

Tyltalis glanced at Esi's stolen body. Sa'kag? glanced back and forth between the two Tylatlis', trying to figure out what they were doing. In her hands, she still held a guitar.

?We need a bass for this, not a guitar!? The doppelganger lashed out and slapped her hand to Sa'kag?'s instrument, and it morphed at her touch, the neck elongating and two of the strings vanishing.

A headless bass? What the hell? Who's influence is that? Is that a Steinberger?

Tyltalis scowled at her violin. The fingering pattern was completely different from a guitar, though the technique was the same. The lack of frets meant she was likely to play a sharp or flat unintentionally; her clone was just as likely to do the same, though, and both of them knew the song well enough to recognize when the other screwed up.

Can't read their faces when I'm focusing on the violin like this. I'll have to practice violin more often. Why isn't Sa'kag? fiddling? Esi is the violinist between the two of us, the clone should've taken the bass guitar.

She rolled her fingers across the neck, throwing out one last riff in the chorus before shooting a stern glance at her shadow, passing the lead to her.

The ganger failed to produce any notes when she drew her bow across the strings. She stared down at the violin in horror for a moment, and Tyltalis pounced on the opportunity. She reached over and tapped the clones' bow with her own. ?You didn't conjure it with any rosin on the strings. Try again.?

To her credit, the shadow didn't dwell on her mishap, and instead leaped directly into the song.

Tyltalis let her get only one verse in before rejoining the song, playing in tandem. The clone scowled at her.

?This song calls for at least two violins at a time. We can't pass this back and forth like we did the guitars. Deal with it.?

The Third Eye narrowed once again, and in the moment of trepidation, the clone played a sharp note. Tyltalis smirked at her.

Not even as good as I am at fiddling. Either that, or her nerves are getting to her. And Sa'kag? is doing even worse with the bass guitar than she was with the electric. Why isn't she pulling the song from my mind?

On the far side of the chamber, Tylatlis and her clone switched to violins instead of guitars, and the vectors floating around them, originally producing music from instruments neither musicians held, faded. Chaore appreciated the slightly subtler music, but couldn't fully appreciate it as she was busy lunging back and forth, rolling and tumbling while simultaneously flicking in and out of existence.

Her clone remained on the defensive, only moving to attack when Chaore paused or left a feinted opening.

Chaore, however, was rapidly reaching the end of her fuse. Arrogant little bitch. Stop dancing around just bloody fight me!

Her shadow appeared in front of her, out of arms reach, fists raised into a high guard. Chaore reflexively snapped off a bolt of energy at the ganger, aiming directly between the upraised forearms.

The tiny bolt of energy flew fast and hard, exploding in a flash of light and a cloud of burnt robe. The clone staggered back, curling her hands around her chest defensively.

She wasn't looking up at Chaore. You'll regret taking your Eye off me.

The Librarian kicked off, jumping up and taking to flight, throwing herself forward through the air as she etherealized.

She landed directly behind the doppelganger and whirled around, lashing out with her massive clawed fist, aiming squarely at the base of the skull.

Then she returned to reality.

The clone stopped immediately, and her arms dropped to her side. Her entire body weight began to drag on Chaore's fist as she crumpled. Chaore put her foot to the clones' back and pushed, freeing her fist with an almost sickening slurp noise. The back of the shadows' head was missing, having been overwritten by Chaore's punch.

Disgusting. Never again. She opened her fist and flicked her wrist, but the blood that had coated it was already fading rapidly.

?Chaore. Over here.?

Sakana beckoned her over, where Ruro, Roukan, and herself stood near the entrance of the chamber, watching Tyltalis fiddling to counter her clones'.

?You guys are finished already? Huh, seems like I'm the only one who's actually enough of a challenge for myself.?

Roukan snickered. ?That, or we just know our own weaknesses well enough to exploit them quickly.?

Chaore reached out with her still-huge clawed hand and flicked Roukan in the head. ?Twerp.?

Ruro held out a hand, silencing the two, as she stepped towards Tyltalis.

?Tyltalis. It's all you now. Finish this when you're ready.?

The tall Librarian nodded with her entire torso, bowing at the waist and coaxing a measure of music from the violin at the same time.

As she straightened up, a flash of magic washed over her. In her place, a slightly shorter woman stood, with short-cropped black hair and a sleek gray outfit. The fiddling continued uninterrupted throughout the brief change.

Sa'kag? recoiled in surprise. ?Another person?!?

Tyltalis shook her head. ?Another body. Same person. This one is Polaris.?

The doppelganger stopped playing her violin, staring at Polaris, jaw dropped and bow hanging limp in her hand. Polaris stared over her fiddle at the two.

?Oh, please. Get over yourselves.?

Sa'kag? blinked, and reset the guitar in her grip.

As soon as she had it in her hands firmly, Polaris lunged forward and lashed out with the violin, performing a spectacular baseball-bat swing with the fiddle and connecting squarely with Esi's head.

Contact was accompanied by a brief yelp from Sa'kag?, who dropped the bass guitar from her hands and dropped to her knees, clutching her head, bits of shattered violin stuck in Esi's braid. The shadow of Tyltalis stopped fiddling completely and whipped her head around to stare at the fallen Sa'kag?.

Polaris rocked the bow in her hand, and it morphed into a hand-and-a-half sword with a narrow blade. She deftly stepped forward and slid the blade between her ganger's ribs. In her shock and confusion at having seen Sa'kag? bashed in the head by a violin, the clone didn't even notice the blade until Polaris had already buried it four inches into her side.

?Eh? What? No! No!? she dropped her violin and clapped her hands to her ribs, on either side of the blade, and staggered away from Polaris. She touched the handle of the blade, weakly probing at it, and took hold of it and tried to pull the blade out.

Ruro hissed at Polaris. ?Now! Punch her in the Third Eye, Polaris!?

Polaris didn't waste time nodding in acknowledgment or turning to face the Head Librarian. Instead, she just ran forward and lashed out with her fist, leaning into the punch and throwing her weight into it.

The result of the punch went unknown. At that moment, Sa'kag? threw her head back and began shrieking, eyes awash with raw magic power. The chamber quaked, once, throwing everyone off-balance, before everything was blotted out by the light shining from Esi's aura.

The magic field whipped up the air in the chamber, forming a cyclone centered on Sa'kag?. The air spun about the room, whipping up dust and throwing books back and forth on their shelves, then stilled for a moment.

Just when the Librarians had regained their balance, another explosion of light and air pressure blasted out from the center of the room, throwing them back.

Ruro, however, sunk to a low stance, feet far apart for stability, and shielded her eyes with her forearm. You're not keeping Esi. She's mine. I'm coming to get her. Do you hear me, Sa'kag?? Can you still use her telepathy? I'm coming for you!

She pushed forward, shoving against the gale force. One step at a time, she pushed closer to Esi's body.

With each step, the light grew brighter and brighter, eventually forcing her to screw her eyes shut, and a few steps later, even blinded her through closed eyes.

She didn't know how far she'd pushed through the turbulence; abruptly, it ended.

She opened her eyes and lowered her arm, staying in the low stance, and looked around.

The chamber, and the Librarians, were gone, replaced by a gray-skied vista filled with mesas.

Where the hell am I?


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Polaris, you are officially Too Good At This Shit.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Water Temple

Behind her, the cracked earth disappeared under docile waves of water, lazily washing ashore and receding back.

“Only way is forward, I guess.” Ruro looked down at herself. Both Paradiso and Inferno were strapped securely to her side, one above the other, but at the small of her back she felt the weight of another sheath.

She reached behind her and drew the blade out. It was a small tanto blade, but it was a deep crimson in color.

What? Is this Purgatorio? Why isn't it a wakizashi? She turned the blade over in her hands, examining the blade, before finally sighing and dropping it behind her as she walked towards the mesas.

Though the mesas appeared to be less than a mile away, after fifteen minutes of walking, Ruro had only made it halfway. Between her and the stone pillars was a small pond, barely a quarter acre across.

She stopped at the shore of it and drew a katana out, and touched the tip of the blade to the liquid. Looks like water, ripples like water, flows off the blade like water. She sheathed the sword and knelt down next to the waterline.

She glanced over into it, watching the tiny ripples caused by the tip of her blade subside. As the surface of the water smoothed over again, she looked down at her reflection. A scar, on my cheek? Where'd that come from? It's healed over already, so there's no chance it happened in the underground library...

As she studied the fine pink line on her cheek, something moved just barely. She blinked and focused, listening intently for any sounds of motion.

The sensation of motion again – from the water, though. She cast her eyes across the entire surface of the pond, but there weren't enough eddies to cause for the distortion. She looked back at her own reflection.

Someone else was staring back at her, eyes wide. Ruro jumped in surprise, and tumbled back from the shoreline.

The far side of the pond exploded, sending water flying through the air, as a blur of glistening brown launched out from it. Ruro caught the impression of a gray ring at the base of the blur as it took to the sky.

“Esi! Wait! It's me!” she called out.

The blur stopped and resolved itself, becoming a large sheet of wet brown hair, then turned to face Ruro, sending rivulets of water out in a wide spray.

The girl floating beyond the pond had sunken, haunted eyes, with deep rings under them, and the barest of grimaces on her face, as though she were frightened of Ruro.

“No you're not,” she stated simply, then turned again and shot through the air, whistling away with the speed of an arrow.

That wasn't Esi's face... but it was more or less her body. At least, her hair and build... What's going on in here?

Ruro rose to her feet, and felt a weight at the small of her back again. She reached around and felt the tanto's handle in its sheath again, and pulled it out. “Found your way back, did you?” She held it by the tip of the blade and dropped it into pond. The red blade vanished under the water, with one simple gleam before fading.

Ruro watched it sink, a look of disappointment on her face. Then she blinked in surprise.

She touched her collarbone, then pulled her sleeves up alternately, then plunged her hands into her pockets, searching. The Justicia Rosary... it's not on me. Where'd it go, and why does Purgatorio keep coming back?

She shook her head. No point worrying about it right now. She continued on towards the mesas.

It was another fifteen minutes of walking before she finally came to the first mesa. Spiraling around its entirety was a wooden ramp, leading to the top.

Ruro glanced up. A simple bridge spanned the distance between this pillar and the next one in, which was lacking a spiral ramp. “Nothing for it but to start climbing, then.”

As she stepped to the ramp, she glanced behind her. The shoreline that had been behind her when the brilliant light faded had crept up to the mesa. “Well. That's unusual.” She stared at the water for a moment before turning and climbing the ramp.

As she leisurely ascended, the gray skies overhead began to grow darker. It wasn't an abrupt change, nor was it heralded by distant thunder-crashes. It simply started to change from a light gray to a darker gray. In the distance, in every direction, a sheet of rain was visible falling from the faint outlines of the clouds, though none of the clouds above Ruro seemed to be releasing any precipitation.

How odd. The eye of the storm?

As she came around the side of the mesa, she glanced up at the bridge connecting it to its neighbor on a whim. There, in the middle, staring at Ruro, was the girl who'd leaped out of the pond.

Ruro stopped and drew her hands out of their sleeves, and raised one in greeting. The girl dropped to a squat and hugged her knees to her chest, and tears began to flow down her cheeks. Ruro could only wonder what had caused them; the rest of the girls face was passive. She didn't look upset, or sad, or even angry. Instead, she seemed mostly curious.

Ruro dropped her hand and continued up the ramp. On the next circuit, the girl was still there, watching her progress. Finally, Ruro reached the plateau of the mesa, and stood at the end of the bridge. Though there were raised railings on either side of the mooring points for the bridge, the span itself didn't have any handrails. It was a simple, flat surface stretching over the gap between the two mesas, with the oddly crying girl square in the middle.

Ruro stepped onto the bridge and waited to see the girl's reaction. After a moment, she sat down completely, folding her legs in front of her. Beyond her, Ruro saw the wall of rain pulsate, then realized it was being driven towards them by the wind.

As soon as the rain hit the far mesa, the girl rolled her head back and looked to the sky.

Ruro began walking forward, now that the girl had taken her eyes off of the samurai.

The rain swept across the girl, and she brought her head down to lock eyes with Ruro.

In the span of a heartbeat, the girl liquefied, clothes and all, becoming see-through and pouring over the sides of the bridge.

Ruro stumbled in shock and dropped to one knee, hands splayed out to catch either side of the bridge, and watched as the mass of water split into individual droplets of water as it fell through the air. The droplets slowed, then finally stopped, hovering in midair for a moment before rocketing back into the sky. She lost track of the mass of water amongst the rain, still billowing towards her.

As the wall of rain passed her, Ruro braced against the cold water, only to find that she wasn't getting wet. None of the rain actually hit her, and the bridge beneath her feet remained dry and stable enough for her to have solid footing.

Where is this place? What's happening here?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 09:51:32 AM by Esifex »


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Ruro shouldn't have put that suspicious sugar from Purvis on her strawberries...

Also, inb4 Dark Ruro.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Kind of a small update, just to make sure I don't lose steam on this story.

Do Not Enter

The second mesa was deserted, but it had a sunken ring in the center of it. In the middle was a circular door, with a wheel-handle in the middle. Wrapped around the wheel was a thick chain, bound by a padlock and covered in sealing ofudas. Ruro reached out to inspect the padlock, but found something was forcing her arm to curve away from the door.

As she rose to her feet, a dull crash of thunder sounded to her left. Through the rain, she could see some diffused light shining atop another mesa in the distance. May as well. Nothing to do on this plateau.

The next mesa had another recessed door in the center; again, the wheel was secured in place by a sturdy chain, held by a padlock covered in more seals. Ruro stopped to glance at it, but refrained from trying to touch it, instead deciding not to even stop her casual pace.

The glowing mesa was still four pillars away when she found a door without a padlock on it. She strode over and knelt next to it.

As she reached towards the wheel-handle, she broke out into a cold sweat and felt a strong foreboding sensation. I shouldn't open this. This would be like Pandora's Box. Nothing good will come of it.

She froze, staring at the wheel, fingers twitching just a few inches from grasping it, and blinked nervously. Wait a second. That wasn't my voice going through my head just now...

Reassured, she reached forward the rest of the way and spun the handle around. The wheel turned effortlessly and quietly, despite looking like it should've let off a shriek of rusted metal-on-metal grinding. With a heave, she lifted the door and glanced in.

At first, she couldn't make anything out through the darkness inside. As she peered in, dropping down on all fours and nearly poking her head in, she could barely make out walls inside, curving around to match the circular mesa it was embedded in.

Just a big empty tower...?

She was about to stand up and seal the door when she felt a chill run down her spine, and the cold sweat returned. Ruro wanted nothing more now than to slam the door shut and get as far away from the mesa as she could, but she couldn't move.

Something happened inside the tower. The last thing she wanted to do was look, but she couldn't help it; much as someone can't help but look down from a height when told to do the exact opposite, she peered into the tower one more time.

Lining each wall were countless eyes, each one focused intently on her. She could feel a massive weight pushing on her, boring into her very being, coming from each one of the eyes.

She couldn't move. She knew she had to – she had to close the door and seal the silo to keep the eyes from staring into her. She was frozen in place, feeling as though she were more vulnerable than ever – like her swords had been stripped away from her, and she lay naked and exposed before these piercing eyes, with nothing to shield her self from them.

One of the eyes began to quiver and twitch, rolling in its socket spasmodically before whipping back around to stare at her. With tense muscles, Ruro cranked her head around to match its gaze; it was one of the larger orbits lining the walls, and as she made proper eye contact with it, it began to grow bloodshot.

Abruptly, it split in the middle and opened up like a massive mouth and began shrieking at her. Immediately after, the rest of the eyes split open and began screaming and hollering, as well.

The noise startled Ruro, and she was finally able to stumble back from the door. The shrieking continued, and to her horror, it sounded like some of them were coming closer.

She lunged forward and tackled the door, slamming it shut and throwing her weight across the top. As soon as the door sank into its seal, the screaming silenced. It wasn't muffled, as though still coming through the door, but stopped entirely.

Panting heavily and with weak arms, she cranked the wheel, locking the door shut.

What is this place, and where the hell is Esi?

She pulled herself to her feet, and shook her arms out, trying to get feeling back in them. The mesa ahead of her, with the glowing light shining through the thick rain, was waiting.

Wow. Going through and reading this with both the linked songs worked out almost perfectly for me. Lemme know how they turned out for you folks~
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 08:47:57 AM by Esifex »


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
The songs are a perfect fit. They match the atmosphere, and surprisingly enough the second song even fit the flow of events amazingly well. The song slowed down and ended quietly at the exact moment the danger was avoided. Very well done.

It was kinda short though. :T


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
The other bit of the short update. I'd been having the first few sentences out of this one, plus the last update, typed up for nearly a week now, but because of my DANDY NEW JOB I haven't been putting as much time into it as I'd like. Now that I actually HAVE a job, though, I can see myself doing more writing. Yay!

If you'd like, imagine this part and the prior post were all one continuous segment. :P

Seeker's Prize

Three mesas later, Ruro stopped. She could barely make out a group of figures standing around the source of the light, and there was frantic movement. The rain had thickened, and the wind was howling now with how fiercely it blew.

Beneath the mesas, the shore had vanished, and the land was gone beneath rolling seas. Despite the wind-driven rain, Ruro was still dry, and warming up from the unnatural chill she'd suffered when she looked into the mesa filled with screaming eyes. She shuddered at the recollection of their high-pitched screaming.

She pushed the memory aside and focused, staring ahead. There appeared to be some sort of monument in the middle of the plateau ahead of her, and a group of people gathered around some shape on the ground. ?No point in lingering, then.?

She pushed forward, instinctively raising her arm to shield her face from the wind-driven rain, though she was still completely dry.

As soon as she stepped onto the far mesa, however, that changed instantly. The rain began to hit her, drenching her quickly and completely. The figures all appeared to be waterlogged as well, and none were looking up, instead all focusing on the form between them.

She glanced about, getting her bearings and noting everyone?s positions before they noticed her presence.

When she looked at the monument, she gasped.

It was Esi's body ? with her proper face ? frozen in place inside of what looked like a misshapen pillar of amber. She was suspended above the ground, body twisted around gracefully, arms raised and twisting across her torso. Starting from a bind on her right wrist and looping through the crook of her index finger and thumb of her left hand was a fine line of silk-woven chain links, terminating in a spear tip, the end of which was buried in the ground beneath her feet.


The group in front of Ruro finally turned to face her. It was the Librarian doppelgangers, each wearing parts of Esi's appearance mixed with elements of the Librarian they were taken from.

They clustered up side by side, stepping over the prone figure they were hovering over, and blocked Ruro's progress.

Ruro's shadow took another step forward. ?So, you've found your way in. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.? This time, the words were properly vocalized, instead of just sounding off without any lip movement ? appearing more natural.

?Well, then, forgive me if I admit, I am a little surprised myself, and at a loss. Where is this place??

Rurofex bowed her head slightly. ?You're in Esi's mind. I was kind of wondering when you'd make it in here ? I take it shortly after you defeated me, you moved on to Sa'kag???

Ruro cocked an eyebrow at her shadow. ?You're awfully chatty for being aligned against me.?

?I'm made from you. I can't help but be sociable.?

Ruro grinned. ?So. I see the copies of the Librarians. Where's Sa'kag???

?Right behind us. You'll have to forgive us, we won't exactly be letting you through, though, until she comes 'round.?

?Comes around? What happened to her??

?She collapsed. Don't know why.?

Ruro glanced behind the line of clones, trying to inspect the form on the ground. ?Probably has something to do with Polaris ? er, that is, the real Tyltalis ? smashing her in the head while she was distracted.?

The body behind them was collapsed into a heap, as though it were a puppet with its strings cut. Ruro could make out what appeared to be a pinstriped suit, a matching fedora, and what appeared to be lengthy coattails folded under it. She couldn't tell how stocky or short it was, or the gender, with the Librarian shadows obstructing her.

?So, while you're being sociable with me, I don't suppose you'd mind telling me how to break Sa'kag?'s hold on Esi??

Her ganger smirked and shook her head.

?Thought so.?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
I always have liked affable villains. ^_^

But wait... you're the villain, in this case. Or at least, a part of you.

Waaaaaaait a minute....
I figured it out! Ruro is really -

* Esifex is shot


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
3 AM writing session, awwww yeah

Power over Technique

?How about telling me how to reclaim you??

Again, her clone shook her head. ?I honestly don't know. That would probably be up to Sa'kag? or Esi. They're the ones in control of the telepathy.?

Ruro smiled, genuinely pleased. ?You imply that if you did know, you'd tell me.? Her clone bowed her head. ?The lot of us would. While we say that, though, understand that we are also compelled to protect Sa'kag?.?

Her clone stepped forward. ?So, then, how about a rematch? I can't say I know what'll happen if you get yourself hurt in here. You'll have to be extra careful.?

Ruro dropped her hand to the hilts of her katanas. ?Since we don't have anything better to do while we're waiting for Sa'kag? to come to, I suppose we may as well.?

?I remember what you said about Saiki Kanuma. Having had ample time to dwell on it, I suppose I shouldn't've used a technique that focuses on fending off multiple opponents at once against a skilled swordswoman like yourself. Tell me, then, what is the weakness of Justice??

The clone held her hand up, neglecting to draw either of her own blades. Ruro spotted a string of beads form around her wrist.

In a flash, the rosary had turned into the Justicia Blade. The blade didn't have the typical silver glow about it ? instead, it was a flat gray, like regular tempered steel.

Ruro glared at her shadow. ?Blasphemy. That's not the true Justicia Blade. In our hands, it has a silver aura about it, and there is a crucifix hanging from the hilt.?

?What do you mean? You can't see the aura, yourself??

The glare turned to pure fury and rage. ?You would dare conjure a copy of the Justicia?!?

The clone looked offended. ?It is as much a part of me as it is a part of you!?

?The Justicia isn't a part of me! It is its own weapon! It chooses its wielder!?

The rain clouds didn't seem to be showing any signs of letting up, though a halo of light suddenly pierced the clouds above the mesa, shoving the storm clouds aside and revealing the featureless gray sky. A bolt of light flashed down through the gap, and smashed into the top of Esi's amber shroud.

It was the Justicia Cross ? with its proper aura to Ruro's eye ? standing firmly atop the monument, letting out a single resonating tone because of its impact with Esi. Directly under the Justicia's base, cracks were forming in Esi's shroud.

As soon as Ruro dropped her eyes on the Cross, her mind blanked over. She held her hand out to it, and the Cross vanished, a streak of light blurring from where it stood to her hand, reforming as another Justicia Blade ? the real one.

Ruro's body locked eyes with her shadow for a moment, sizing her up, then fixated directly onto the false Justicia Blade.

She stepped forward without bothering to salute the blade, and smashed the Blade into the sword held by her clone. The recoil turned her shadow, who used the momentum to hop out of Ruro's reach. The short dash saved her, the tip of the Justicia Blade chasing shortly behind her, stopped only by Ruro's firm stance and the full reach of her arm.

By the time the other doppelgangers had settled down from the thunderous noise released when the Justicias collided, Ruro had taken two measured steps forward, holding the mighty blade in both hands across her chest in a guard as she paced after her copy. The ganger had settled into her own battle stance at this point, and was able to properly secure the blade in her hands and brace for Ruro's next attack.

Every time the edges met, a loud rending noise could be heard, and the barest of nicks formed in the false Justicia. If the flat of a Blade was used to block the other, the same thunderous crash echoed between the other mesas. The two myrmidons parried, riposted, and pirouetted around each others blades, Ruro never taking her eyes off the shadows Blade. Despite her not watching her clone's body for visual cues as to what style of attack was about to be unleashed on her, she responded flawlessly, as though the Blade were guiding itself to stop the sword and trying to drive itself into the ganger, and Ruro was simply holding the handle and going along for the ride.

The Blade in Ruro's grip never stopped moving; she flowed seamlessly from one attack to the next, interrupting herself only to redirect a well-timed thrust from her opponent. The tip of the Blade traced tight, concise circles through the air, spinning into the next swing without wasting any momentum or over-extending from any one slash. Her clone was just as swift, though couldn't take advantage of any of the transitions between attack styles; bringing her own sword around to the offensive would mean being too far out of line to catch the next slash, at the wrong angle to redirect a quick stab. She brought her second hand off the hilt and used it to brace the far end of the blade, giving extra stability to the center of the Blade, doing her best to catch each of Ruro's attacks in the middle.

Every attack she blocked was instantly withdrawn; the doppelganger couldn't shove against the blade to try to push Ruro off-balance without risking the same fate, and being left wide open.

After staying on the defensive for nearly a full minute, the clone decided to put some space between the two Blades, and coiled up to jump back.

As soon as she did, Ruro turned the Blade in her hand, lowering the point to the ground, and began to slash upwards with it.

The tip of the Blade cleared the plateau, and in mid-swing transformed into the Cross. The bottom shaft of the crucifix was plenty long enough to reach the airborne clone, smashing into her legs and throwing her over backwards. Ruro continued the crescent swing completely, bringing the Cross behind her, where it returned to its Blade form.

She launched forwards, leading hand out in a clawed grasp, lunging for the tumbling clones' neck.

The clone hadn't even hit the ground completely before Ruro pinned her down, and brought the Justicia Blade back over her shoulder and stabbed into the arm holding the False Blade. The width of the Blade nearly clipped the entire forearm off of the clone, but almost as soon as it was thrust, it was withdrawn.

With the clone having released the False Blade, the Blade in Ruro's hand drove directly into the fuller of the gray sword. All the cumulative nicks and gouges that had been bashed into the False Blade finally buckled, and the sword shattered. The pieces cracked apart, and each piece turned into a single bead. The handguard and hilt turned into a tiny cross, with the bottom shaft broken off.

Each piece of the gray rosary sat for a moment, then crumbled into dust and blew away with the rain.

Ruro blinked and exhaled deeply, finally registering that she held the clones neck in her hand, forcing her face-down, and in the other hand, was holding her Justicia Blade. She banished the Blade back into its rosary form, rocking her wrist slightly to be sure that it was in fact in its typical spot around her wrist.

?I imagine I've won this round.? She released some of the pressure she held on the clones neck, giving it the leeway to adjust herself to a less face-plant-esque position.

?Yes, you have. I would suppose that if you retained control of the Administration Grimoire, you could probably reclaim me at this point. As it stands now, you have one more challenge ahead of you.?

The Roukan doppelganger stepped towards them. Ruro glared up at her, free hand lifting up to conjure the Justicia Blade again if she needed to.

Roukanifex shook her head and held her hand up, palm out. ?Not me. Your fight has roused Sa'kag?. She's coming around.?