Author Topic: How would you react to men in Touhou  (Read 116235 times)


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #330 on: June 06, 2010, 03:33:59 PM »
My theory is that ZUN has no idea how to make someone 'girly' while wearing pants at the same time. If it wasn't obvious by their clothes/hair, everyone'd probably look gender ambiguous. Fucking Shou. :v

Also Mima is Satan.
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How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #331 on: June 06, 2010, 03:49:12 PM »
My theory is people see pants and/or short hair on a female Gensokyan and fall into the played-out trap talk as if on Pavlovian cue.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

DeathShot Catharsis

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #332 on: June 06, 2010, 04:52:25 PM »
But that would break the danmaku rules, resulting in the entirety of Gensokyo ganging up on the fool who broke the rules and kickling the shit out of him with their REAL powers instead of danmaku. It is a VERY stupid thing to break the spellcard rules and/or to kill someone in Gensokyo. You might be strong enough to tear hearts out of people's chest, but that doesn't save you when Yukari makes your head explode as punishment.

Well, my fic is mainly comedy, so nobobdy really did anything, espicailly I take the "Youkai never die" thing Up To Eleven (They literally re-form in seconds), so Reisen just got up and blasted the shit out of him with Danmaku.

And why the hell would the other residents care about some random psychopathic Moon Rabbit breaking the SC rules? I don't think it was ever said that breaking them resulted in everyone hating you.

And Jack would've just sliced Yukari's head off too :V


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #333 on: June 06, 2010, 05:39:16 PM »
Well, my fic is mainly comedy, so nobobdy really did anything, espicailly I take the "Youkai never die" thing Up To Eleven (They literally re-form in seconds), so Reisen just got up and blasted the shit out of him with Danmaku.

And why the hell would the other residents care about some random psychopathic Moon Rabbit breaking the SC rules? I don't think it was ever said that breaking them resulted in everyone hating you.

And Jack would've just sliced Yukari's head off too :V

Everyone hates you if you kill someone or break the law in real life too, so do you really think it is any different in Gensokyo, even if everyone is way more durable? If you break the law you get punished, and in a magical worlds punishments will be very, very horrific.

And Yukari can make your head explode or worse from the other side of Gensokyo. The moment you crush Reisen's heart BOOM goes your head. You wouldn't even notice you're dead. And even if she was in front of you she would erase your sword from existence and THEN make your head explode.

Hello Purvis

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #334 on: June 06, 2010, 05:59:32 PM »
Well, my fic is mainly comedy, so nobobdy really did anything,
And Jack would've just sliced Yukari's head off too :V

Sorta like how My Immortal or whatever's popular these days is a comedy?

Okashii exaggerates a bit, insomuch as retribution wouldn't be instantaneous. But it'd happen. And you'd have to write Yukari being uncharacteristically retarded to have her get beheaded.

Also, Youkai die. It's the faeries that are reborn.


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #335 on: June 06, 2010, 06:23:32 PM »
Sorta like how My Immortal or whatever's popular these days is a comedy?

Okashii exaggerates a bit, insomuch as retribution wouldn't be instantaneous. But it'd happen. And you'd have to write Yukari being uncharacteristically retarded to have her get beheaded.

Also, Youkai die. It's the faeries that are reborn.

Youkai do have some degree of super regeneration. They can survive and heal from being cut in five pieces according to Japanese mythology. They're made of tough stuff, but take down the head and it's game over for youkai. Fairies, celestials and immortals can't be killed in any way. Gods and vampires are borderline cases. Gods can only die when their faith runs out, and Flandre claims that she tried to kill herself in various ways without any success, so vampires might be nigh immortal too.

I guess to perma-kill vampires you need to kill them like the very first vampires (when they were actually badass and hard-to-kill as opposed to modern vampires), which involved having to stake them in the heart, cut of their head, put garlic in their mouth, cut their body to pieces, burn the body and head to ashes and then throw the ashes over holy grounds BEFORE the full moon shines on the ashes. Only THEN will they permanently die. And yes, the full moon will cause the vampire to completely revive without a scratch on him/her/it even if he/she/it is utterly obliterated. The ashes NEED to be thrown on holy grounds like a church to stop the regeneration.

And according Remilia's profile she is capable of splitting up in swarm of countless bats. No matter how many of those bats you kill, as long as there remains ONE bat Remilia can revive. I wouldn't be surprised when it is revealed Remilia has hundreds of those bats hidden in safe places across Gensokyo or even the world to ensure that she doesn't die.

DeathShot Catharsis

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #336 on: June 06, 2010, 06:57:24 PM »
Everyone hates you if you kill someone or break the law in real life too, so do you really think it is any different in Gensokyo, even if everyone is way more durable? If you break the law you get punished, and in a magical worlds punishments will be very, very horrific.

And Yukari can make your head explode or worse from the other side of Gensokyo. The moment you crush Reisen's heart BOOM goes your head. You wouldn't even notice you're dead. And even if she was in front of you she would erase your sword from existence and THEN make your head explode.


Okay, with that idiocy out of the way, I never really took Gensokyo that seriously. Touhou is great in that it's about the only series where you can say "Fuck canon!" and no one will care.

And Jack uses a chainsaw attached to his right arm.

Sorta like how My Immortal or whatever's popular these days is a comedy?

...Why did you just compare my fic to My Immortal


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #337 on: June 06, 2010, 07:11:19 PM »

Without trying to sound offensive, I think Purvis' (Diamond's) comment was based on how the few revelations you have made about your fic in this thread thus far were that you introduce OC(s) who defeat canon characters in ways that seem both out of place in the setting and disgraceful to the canon character in question. Regarding fan fiction, in a case of doubt it is reasonable to assume that a work is bad unless proven otherwise, and these points you brought up are all stuff you would fin on a checklist for how to make bad fanfiction. The comment that your OC would simply decapitate Yukari is pretty much the icing on the cake here, even if it was meant to be a joke.

I have no idea whether or not you handled this stuff in your fic in a way that makes it actually enjoyable to read, but I don't read ff anyways, so I don't really care.
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DeathShot Catharsis

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #338 on: June 06, 2010, 07:22:19 PM »

Without trying to sound offensive, I think Purvis' (Diamond's) comment was based on how the few revelations you have made about your fic in this thread thus far were that you introduce OC(s) who defeat canon characters in ways that seem both out of place in the setting and disgraceful to the canon character in question. Regarding fan fiction, in a case of doubt it is reasonable to assume that a work is bad unless proven otherwise, and these points you brought up are all stuff you would fin on a checklist for how to make bad fanfiction. The comment that your OC would simply decapitate Yukari is pretty much the icing on the cake here, even if it was meant to be a joke.

I have no idea whether or not you handled this stuff in your fic in a way that makes it actually enjoyable to read, but I don't read ff anyways, so I don't really care.

Most of the stuff in my fic is a big joke anyway. And trust me, the Touhou girls could easily kick my OC's asses, since they have the advantage of Danmaku and actual brains when fighting. I actually parody this, with my OC's constantly having the belief that they are some kind of Knight's in Shining Armor to the girls, and therefore stupidly valiantly ride into battle.....and get obliterated because they need the girls to provide cover fire so they can go up and start beating on enemies without getting swarmed.

Trust me, I know how to write.

Hello Purvis

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #339 on: June 06, 2010, 07:23:28 PM »
Youkai do have some degree of super regeneration. They can survive and heal from being cut in five pieces according to Japanese mythology. They're made of tough stuff, but take down the head and it's game over for youkai. Fairies, celestials and immortals can't be killed in any way. Gods and vampires are borderline cases. Gods can only die when their faith runs out, and Flandre claims that she tried to kill herself in various ways without any success, so vampires might be nigh immortal too.

I guess to perma-kill vampires you need to kill them like the very first vampires (when they were actually badass and hard-to-kill as opposed to modern vampires), which involved having to stake them in the heart, cut of their head, put garlic in their mouth, cut their body to pieces, burn the body and head to ashes and then throw the ashes over holy grounds BEFORE the full moon shines on the ashes. Only THEN will they permanently die. And yes, the full moon will cause the vampire to completely revive without a scratch on him/her/it even if he/she/it is utterly obliterated. The ashes NEED to be thrown on holy grounds like a church to stop the regeneration.

And according Remilia's profile she is capable of splitting up in swarm of countless bats. No matter how many of those bats you kill, as long as there remains ONE bat Remilia can revive. I wouldn't be surprised when it is revealed Remilia has hundreds of those bats hidden in safe places across Gensokyo or even the world to ensure that she doesn't die.

Let's see some sources on the vampire thing. That looks like you just mishmashed several separate vampire traditions together and claim they have to all be done at once.

Faeries can die; look at Cirno, she's separated herself from nature.  Immortals, I could think of ways to do it, but they are beyond the scope of Touhou. Gods may be able to die; one of the major themes of Shinto tales is that anything can lose their state of purity and fall down the ladder of being. A disgraced god (such as Susano-O often was) is vulnerable. Whether this applies to Touhou is debatable. Celestials can die; Komachi's path in SWR establishes that.

As for Remilia splitting herself up, I'd argue that's rather like popping out an organ and hiding it. All those bats are her, and she'd need all of them to reform herself correctly. I'd argue destroying even one would mess her up at least a little bit, especially if she doesn't have the capacity to restore them.

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #340 on: June 06, 2010, 07:34:36 PM »
iirc, Gods will "die" if they lose enough Faith, being they sorta disappear or something. Such is the factor that motivates Kanako in alot of things that involve gaining faith...or at least why she's so determined to get alot of it.

Also Mima is Satan.
*cough* what's that? I can't seem to hear you over how wrong you are. You might wanna speak up in a tone that's a bit more correct, so I can hear what you have to say, buddy boy!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 07:40:41 PM by ☠Mudoon☠ Erebus »
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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #341 on: June 06, 2010, 07:40:02 PM »
Indeed. If anyone is Satan, it's Tenshi.

I mean, favored child of heaven, fall from grace, not actually all that bright...


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #342 on: June 06, 2010, 08:04:06 PM »
Let's see some sources on the vampire thing. That looks like you just mishmashed several separate vampire traditions together and claim they have to all be done at once.

Faeries can die; look at Cirno, she's separated herself from nature.  Immortals, I could think of ways to do it, but they are beyond the scope of Touhou. Gods may be able to die; one of the major themes of Shinto tales is that anything can lose their state of purity and fall down the ladder of being. A disgraced god (such as Susano-O often was) is vulnerable. Whether this applies to Touhou is debatable. Celestials can die; Komachi's path in SWR establishes that.

As for Remilia splitting herself up, I'd argue that's rather like popping out an organ and hiding it. All those bats are her, and she'd need all of them to reform herself correctly. I'd argue destroying even one would mess her up at least a little bit, especially if she doesn't have the capacity to restore them.

I read several sources that the original way of killing vampires was doing all that in that EXACT order without blundering. They got pussied up along the way in fiction so people wouldn't be too afraid at night.

The Celestials immortality stems from the fact that they are already dead basically. According to Touhou Wiki the shinigami are in fact trying to get them day-in day-out as if they were normal souls, but Celestials are so ungodly powerful that they can actually kick the shit out of the shinigami and chase them away. Since the shinigami can't get them, they can't die. It is an odd form of immortality, but still immortality.

I thought so too at first, but according to her profile Remilia can regenerate completely fully fine and dandy with all her power intact in mere seconds from only ONE bat, even if you just killed five billion of the things. It even states she can turn into INFINITE bats. So yeah, just check up on the profiles again.


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #343 on: June 06, 2010, 09:25:29 PM »
Vampire traditions notoriously contradict each other, even when separate tales are contemporary. Granted, there are contradictions that happen with time, but you'll also find contradictions from the same age. For the sake of clarity, we cannot speculate on Remilia's strengths and weaknesses; we have just canon material to go by.

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #344 on: June 06, 2010, 10:09:54 PM »

My possiblepowerleveldiscussion senses are tingling.


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #345 on: June 12, 2010, 10:00:13 PM »
Indeed. If anyone is Satan, it's Tenshi.

I mean, favored child of heaven, fall from grace, not actually all that bright...
Wait, since when did she actually fall from grace? the wiki says she is in heaven, so she must have been let off the hook for threatening to destroy gensokyo's land. The latter is perhaps true, though :V
As for the topic, I would be likely  slightly surprised by a man appearing in a future game, but not so much other material. Marisa could be revealed to have a brother in future fiction, but i wouldn't be  surprised by that. A more powerful brother though, and that would make me go lolwut :o


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #346 on: June 12, 2010, 11:18:21 PM »
Tenshi just went to fuck with the Mortals because heaven was boring, she wasn't actualy kicked out, she left on her own.

While Shinki can be seen as the "God" of a hell-like dimension, there is no real Saten/Lucifer-like touhou

Hatate is tottaly Samiel though 8V
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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #347 on: June 12, 2010, 11:38:33 PM »
So about discussing about having men in Touhou and the possible ramifications of such...


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #348 on: June 12, 2010, 11:47:57 PM »
wow...that means who Sariel was in "home" all this time? then, Gensokyo is the Pandemonium? (where all the fallen angels-demons legions live)

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(?y ahora en espa?ol ,yay!) he will be Adequate?

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #349 on: June 13, 2010, 03:48:26 AM »
Bastard... ruining my loli paradise....

I'd kill 'em. know that what I said was one giant lie, right?

Disillusionment with Touhou... fun...


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #350 on: June 13, 2010, 05:58:58 AM »

My possiblepowerleveldiscussion senses are tingling.
You guys need to make the power level thing explicit in the forum rules if the topic is so bad.
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame

Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #351 on: June 13, 2010, 06:34:49 AM »
Most of the stuff in my fic is a big joke anyway.

A bad joke is still bad.

In any case, I will drop in and say that touhou+genderswap is my favorite tag combination in Danbooru (warnings ahoy!). Seriously some of that stuff is delicious (DAT MURASA <3).


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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #352 on: June 13, 2010, 03:56:15 PM »
You guys need to make the power level thing explicit in the forum rules if the topic is so bad.

Honestly? It doesn't come up that often. Most of the user base here realizes by now that power level discussions are utterly pointless and lead only to e-peen my-god-can-beat-up-your-god bickering. It happens so seldomly that normally someone will just step in to say "hey, chill on the power levels" and that's that.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

DeathShot Catharsis

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #353 on: June 13, 2010, 04:46:03 PM »
A bad joke is still bad.

Is trolling me the only enjoyment you get out of your pathetic life? It must be, because you just wont shut the fuck up.

This is getting fucking annoying.


Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #354 on: June 13, 2010, 06:34:49 PM »
Knock if off, guys. SenSageUn, it's one thing to criticize, but doing so simply to antagonize is pretty low. Chagen, please control your temper. Annoying as it may be, there's no reason to not be civil about it.

Regardless, if you both wish to carry on, take it to PMs, since it doesn't belong here.

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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #355 on: June 18, 2010, 06:31:54 AM »
only if said men had a white belt which can shoot seven color rainbows and jump 50 feet high screaming their attack moves.
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Re: How would you react to men in Touhou
« Reply #356 on: June 18, 2010, 07:06:22 AM »
only if said men had a white belt which can shoot seven color rainbows and jump 50 feet high screaming their attack moves.

^ This.

For the topic, I'm not sure how I'd react to men in Touhou. Some of my fan-fics involve a guy(usually a friend, with me being a girl) in Gensokyo, being saved by one of the girls, living with her and such.