Author Topic: NekoIncardine's Pointless Shorts  (Read 19845 times)

NekoInc Likes Birds

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NekoIncardine's Pointless Shorts
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:46:58 AM »
So, my previous attempts at epic fanfiction have failed because I lose interest, or time factors get in the way long enough to break my writing combo. (The end of Code Geass R2 killed the last one deader than any amount of college work could have, though, I'll be honest.)

So, instead, I'm just going to try writing shorts on themes people suggest. Anywhere from one paragraph to one to two posts. No guarantees of a consistent universe. High guarantees of generally humorous intentions. No guarantees of actual funny, only a decent attempt.

I might set up for people to formally suggest ideas and write up a queue. Per my usual, though, I'm specializing in 6-9 plus maybe a few Windows characters.

Mystia was angry. Regenerating after being killed usually did that to her.

... Especially given what the reason she needed to be revived the last... What, fifteen times in a row? She hadn't even tried to count, now that she thought about it.

And this time, it had to be on the one night she was set to perform a concert! And the fans cheered for that goddamn ghost, no less!

Mystia fiercely kicked at a tree.

"I swear to god, I'm going to..."

Then, out of nowhere, a grin came to her face.

"... Yes. That would be the perfect vengeance."

She glanced at her cart. "... Yes, indeed. It will not be that difficult."

Eyes burning, she clenched both hands into fists. "First, I will kidnap her. Then, I will slice her up. Then, by god I swear, I, Mystia Lorelei, will EAT YUYUKO SAIGYOUJI!"

She paused, and glanced around for a minute.


Alfred F. Jones

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Re: NekoIncardine's Pointless Shorts
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 07:49:07 PM »
"First, I will kidnap her. Then, I will slice her up. Then, by god I swear, I, Mystia Lorelei, will EAT YUYUKO SAIGYOUJI!"

This will be hilariously bad.

I wish I could write shorts. :-\ I will be keeping an eye on ya, since I always did like reading short, funny pieces. (Plus I like reviewing and reading things that no one else does.) Keep it up.

NekoInc Likes Birds

  • Flying like a bird
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Re: NekoIncardine's Pointless Shorts
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 06:42:56 AM »
So for some reason, knowing I'm going to be visiting Atlus' booth in 14 hours at E3 inspired me to write up a couple paragraphs on Mystia trapping Yuyuko.

"I'm hungry~"


The sparrow flew through the night, scared as she was of the ghost that chased her. Yuyuko didn't even have wings, how was she able to fly?!?!

But then, Mystia suddenly curved down. And now...

She spun around, watching Yuyuko's path curve... And hit a wire.

Which pulled another wire, pulling a pulley, which pulled a few thousand wires around Yuyuko.

Mystia just couldn't help but victory dance.

Sometime Maybe: The end of Mystia's plot! Is Yuyuko doomed? Or is this going to turn out like it usually does for poor Mystia? :(

Re: NekoIncardine's Pointless Shorts
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 03:53:11 PM »
You gonna get Lorelei'd :o