*A few minutes after the squad headed out*
* Sakana sits around and drinks tea as he watches the squad members dash into the darkness
Puh, with everyone working so hard, I guess I can take a break for now, eh?
They won't be back for a while anywa-
*Roukanken, Chaore come back from the dark, covered in scratches and bites from the fanworks, but holding the finished summaries in their handsWha? Wh....what are you doing here? Any questions on your orders?
Huh, you've already finished your works? You've gotta be kidding, show me the.... holy hell, you really did it.
Uh, yeah, good job guys.
What, me? Eh, no, no, I'm not sitting around doing nothing.
I...I was just about to... depart, yeah.
Really, don't look so doubtful, I'm as good as done, yeah.
* Sakana looks at his still unattended list nervously
Oh, fine, I'll go, I'll go.
* Sakana dashes off into the darkness
Alright, I finally managed to get half of my list done, and I also received summaries by Tyltalis.
Updating the list accordingly now, keep up the good work everyone
EDIT: And list updated again, good job Rou.